Report报表开发设计说明书第一部份:ReportBuilder 的简介Report,报表,就是将数据库的数据合理、清楚、汇总的展现出来。
输入必定条件的参数,获得必定的数据的展现的结果,其实就是一个select 查问的过程。
使用Report从前,你需要的基本能力就是会使用SQL/PLSQL 语句,语法是其次,要点是数据之间的逻辑关系,最少能将左外联接,迪卡尔积等几个名词说的清楚,那么,OK,持续往下看。
第二部份:Report 的基本开发步骤先进行ERP环境下的REPORT的格式属性设定.请采纳手工方式,其实不使用report 使用的精灵来制作报表,将出此刻画面中的module原始文件另存为你的目的地点,并使用你的项目报表名称。
比如:表头,表尾,主要节段三个的属性,请将节段高度和报表高度按比列设置 (如1:10),节段宽度和报表宽度,按比率设置(如1:6),并且三个节段的属性要设置相同..专业.专注.这样做的利处是未来一旦调整报表大小,只需按比率不变的状况下调整 ,框架中每格大小不变,表格也就不会杂乱.在布局模型中拉框架前,选择格式->布局选项->标尺设定,画面中点选,单位->字符单位,网格线间隔->1,对齐点数量->1,字符单位大小不要改动。
1. 添加动画:选择图表,然后在“动画”选项卡中选择合适的动画效果。
2. 数据筛选:利用Excel的数据筛选功能,可以按照一定条件筛选出需要展示的数据。
3. 数据透视表:数据透视表是一种非常有用的数据分析工具,在Excel中可以轻松创建。
使用以下这些表格:手册 3:答辩书向法庭解释自己不应被驱逐的原因/housing/lt1-booklet-3-answer-chinese-simplified.pdf 手册 4:证据开示向房东索要案件准备所需的信息/housing/lt1-booklet-4-discovery-chinese-simplified.pdf 或者使用免费的在线答辩书和证据开示表格:/MADE编写人 Massachusetts Law Reform Institute,马萨诸塞州法律服务办公室提供帮助,可在 在线查阅。
© MLRI.版权所有,保留所有权利。
2022 年 1 月表格填写说明这些说明的字母和数字与表格上的相对应。
动议部分1.如果您不知道必须递交答辩书,请勾选第 1 点下方的方框。
2.如果您随这份动议附上答辩书,只需要勾选第 2 点下方的方框。
3.如果您将附上证据开示申请,请勾选第 3 点下的方框。
REEFS Form Completion GuideRequest for Extension for Fund Annual Return (FAR)(Ref: FXT-162-22)Document version: 1.0Revision History:Contents1Introduction (4)2Form Information (4)3Accessing and Submitting the Form (5)3.1Understanding REEFS Roles and Workflows (5)3.2Roles Required for FXT-162-22 (5)3.3Workflow Used for FXT-162-22 (6)3.4Submitting / Resubmitting (6)3.5Applicable Fees (6)4Completion Instructions (7)5Reusing Previous Submissions (7)6Troubleshooting (8)6.1Common Validation Rules (8)6.2Understanding Other Errors (8)1R egulatory E nhanced E lectronic F orms S ubmission (REEFS), is an online portal for electronic submissionof required financial services information to the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (“the Authority”) as well as providing payments information where applicable.2As per the respective sections of the Mutual Funds and Private Funds Law, regulated funds (inclusive of Regulated Mutual Funds, Private Funds, and Limited Investor Funds) are required to file audited financial statements annually.These accounts are required to file their audited account within six months of their relevant financial year end or may apply for an extension to the filing deadline for their audited accounts. Such extensions are considered on a monthly basis, up to a maximum of three (3) months post the original audit filing deadline.A current core service provider of the regulated fund (on record) with access to the REEFS Portal (i.e. Administrator, Legal Counsel, Registered/Principal Office, etc.) may make an application for or on behalf of the fund. The submitter must submit a scanned copy of a written request (in the format of a duly signed and dated cover letter on official letterhead paper), in addition to the audit extension application.The audit extension application fee(s) is CI$500.00 / US$609.76 and must be filed and paid separately, as each audit extension month incurs its own application fee and bundling multiple months under a single gross fee will not be allowed or accepted. The audit extension application can be paid via Cheque or Escrow. When making an application and the payment via Cheque, the cheque number must be populated within the relevant field and a pdf copy of cheque must be attached to the available dropbox. When making payment via Escrow, the account balance should be updated accordingly. Once there are sufficient monies the payment will automatically be accepted and processed.Regulated umbrella fund structures (with underlying sub-funds) such as segregated portfolio companies and unit trusts are required to submit an audit filing extension request fee (on a month-by-month basis) for each sub-fund which files individual audited financial statements with the Authority. However, if the relevant umbrella fund files consolidated audited financial statements, and it wishes to apply for an audit filing extension, then only one (1) audit filing extension request fee will be required (per applicable month) as the umbrella fund will submit a single audit to the Authority.Submitting a 1st Audit Extension RequestThe 1st Audit Extension Request should be submitted to the Authority prior to the regulated funds’ audit filing deadline to ensure that the fund remains in good standing. Late audit extension requests may be subject to additional review and longer processing periods by the Authority and the regulated funds will be and remain in breach of sections 8(1) and 8(2) of the Mutual Funds Law (as revised) until the Authority receives the necessary audit filings (via the REEFS Portal).If a fund filing deadline has passed and no extension request has been made, the filing row will automatically be locked and unavailable and the auditor will not be able to file the relevant audited accounts.Submitting a 2nd and 3rd Audit Extension RequestAll requests for audit filing extensions beyond the first month (in relation to 2nd and 3rd audit extensions only) must be accompanied by a letter from the regulated mutual fund’s Auditor which comprehensively explains the reason(s) for the audit filing delay. (Please be advised that the Authority expects that the Auditor’s letter relating to a 3rd audit extension request is significantly more detailed than the letter of a 2nd extension request.)33.1UNDERSTANDING REEFS ROLES AND WORKFLOWSIn REEFS, roles must be assigned to allow users to perform certain tasks (assigned in the Workflow). These roles give the users permission to prepare, edit, approve, review and submit etc. based on Workflows. Please refer to the online documentation for guidance on how to create User accounts, Assign Roles and details of Workflows3.2ROLES REQUIRED FOR FXT-162-22The following role is required to access this form:•Preparer3.3WORKFLOW USED FOR FXT-162-22The following Workflow is associated with FXT-162-22. It outlines the steps that must be followed on both the Industry-side and the Authority-side. All steps in the workflow must be complete.Steps taken on Industry-side:1.The ‘Preparer’ prepares and validates the data.a.Once the data has been validated the status of the of the request changes to Ready toSubmit2.Once the Submit option is selected, it then goes to the Payment processera.The status of the request changes to SubmittedSteps taken on Authority-side:1.Once the request has been Submitted to the Authority, an Analyst can then Claim the submissionto begin the review process.a.The status of the request changes to Claimed2.The request is then reviewed and validated by the Analysta.If the request does not meet the requirements, it is returned to industry to be resubmitted,the status of the request reverts back to Ready to Submitb.If the request is refused, the status of the request changes to Refusedc.If the request is accepted, the status of the request changes to Approved3.4SUBMITTING / RESUBMITTINGPending3.5APPLICABLE FEESThere is a fee of KYD $500 associated with FXP-162-2245REUSING PREVIOUS SUBMISSIONSWhat is “XBRL”?XBRL (e X tensible B usiness R eporting L anguage), is a standards-based way to communicate and exchange business information between business systems.Data can be used from a previous reporting period or submission instead of starting from fresh. You must have entered data into at least one form using the online portal and have gone through a successfully validated submission.•Example: Rapidly re-using the Anti-Money Laundering officers application for (MLO-154-99)Process:1.Select “Submitted Requests” to view previously submitted forms and select the one thatcontains the data.2.Click on “Download: XBRL Instance” in the top right corner and save the file to your PCor network drive.3.Close the form.4.Select “New Request” and select the required new/empty form (e.g. MLO-154-99).5.Click on “Upload: XBRL Instance” in the top right corner.6.Click on “Browse…” and navigate to the file that was saved in step 2 above (usually in the"Downloads" folder).7.Click “Upload”.8.The system will then copy each data point from the XBRL file into the fields of the currentform.9.The system displays the message “Import Successful” to indicate that the data was allcopied OK.10.The user can then review and make changes to the data.11.Proceed as usual through the rest of the validation process.These instructions can be used for New Application forms, Change Request forms and Financial Returns.66.1COMMON VALIDATION RULESPending6.2UNDERSTANDING OTHER ERRORSPending。
POLARIS_GifMaker V1.0使用说明书作者:星辰北极星目录POLARIS_GifMaker V1.0使用说明书 (1)1第一部分:星辰-北极星插件介绍:POLARIS_GifMaker (2)1.1功能简介 (2)1.2插件的主要功能和权限 (2)1.3插件更新 (2)1.3.1V1.0版本 (2)1.4插件使用方法: (2)1.4.1运行要求 (2)1.4.2插件界面 (3)1.4.3使用的常见问题 (5)1第一部分:星辰-北极星插件介绍:POLARIS_GifMaker1.1功能简介POLARIS_GifMaker是星辰北极星团队开发的一款Abaqus插件,可在GUI界面中方便快捷的制作GIF格式的动画图片。
实现视角的变换、视图的裁切、背景替换、图像缩放、Logo 标志添加、浮动水印添加等功能,可大大节约使用者的后处理效果图制作时间,为PPT结果展示增色添彩。
1.2插件的主要功能和权限1.3插件更新1.3.1V1.0版本发布时间2020年08月29日1.4插件使用方法:1.4.1运行要求系统要求:Windows XP、Windows7/8/10ABAQUS版本:6.14及以上版本。
1.4.2插件界面工具条中单击按钮将弹出POLARIS_GifMaker界面POLARIS_GifMaker插件界面Video按钮:点击后可以跳转到视频介绍链接,请在联网状态下点击,否则无法观看;Help按钮:点击后,在浏览器中将打开插件的帮助文档;Registor按钮:点击后弹出插件注册界面;More…按钮:点击后弹出更多插件的网络介绍页面,请在联网状态下点击;Pic Frames页面:定义视角变化过程Png From下拉框:选择Png图像来源:1)Mdb:前处理模型,仅设置视角变换和图片数量;2)Odb:后处理模型,可设置视角变换、图片数量以及后处理结果时间帧的切换;视图表格:记录用户定义的视图、图片数量和对应的时间帧;1)Views:视图名称;2)Duration:从上一个视图到当前视图转换所需的视角数量(图片数量);3)Frames:当前视图对应的后处理时间帧,可实现云图随时间的变化。
《办公软件实训教程》Word 第12课 制作课表心飞扬
![《办公软件实训教程》Word 第12课 制作课表心飞扬](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/845c79de71fe910ef12df894.png)
图 1-12-6 右键选择“边框样式”菜单
图 1-12-7 改变表格框线示例
Word 2016
Word提供了多种表格模板,即表格样式,用户可以通过“样式”组来设置整个表格的样式,将指针停留在每个表格的样式上,可以预览表格的外观效果。 1.设置表格样式步骤: ① 将光标置于要设置样式的普通表格中。 ② 单击【表格工具设计】|【表格样式】功能区右下角“其他”按钮,出现如图1-12-8所示的表格样式列表。 ③ 将光标置于某一种样式上,可以看到选中的表格样式的预览效果,单击选中一种样式,所选择的表格即自动排版成选择的样式。案例所示的“课程表”就 是使用了“网格表5 深色-着色1”的样式效果。 2.修改表格样式:在图1-12-8中单击“修改表格样式”菜单,出现如图1-12-9所示的对话框,可以对选定的表格样式的字体样式、边框样式、底纹等进行修改。 3.新建表格样式:在图1-12-8中单击“新建表格样式”菜单,出现如图1-12-10所示的创建表格新样式对话框,可以通过字体样式、边框样式、底纹项目新设置 一种表格样式,单击“确定”按钮后,新设置的样式将出现在表格样式选项中,可以直接调用。
Word 2016
Word 2016
请先根据效果图在上节课学习的基础上绘制一份标准的课 表表格并录入表格内容。
Word 2016
图1-12-2 表格工具设计功能组
Word 2016
图1-12-11 重复标题行效果图示
The Table Tool - 表格工具说明书
![The Table Tool - 表格工具说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/20a19b37178884868762caaedd3383c4ba4cb456.png)
Package‘ttt’October14,2022Type PackageVersion1.0Date2021-05-06Title The Table ToolURL https:///benjaminrich/tttBugReports https:///benjaminrich/ttt/issuesDescription Create structured,formatted HTML tables of in aflexible andconvenient way.License GPL-3Imports stats,Formula,knitr,htmltoolsSuggests rmarkdown,table1,magrittrVignetteBuilder knitrEncoding UTF-8RoxygenNote7.1.1NeedsCompilation noAuthor Benjamin Rich[aut,cre]Maintainer Benjamin Rich<*********************>Repository CRANDate/Publication2021-05-0711:50:02UTCR topics documented:knit_print.ttt (2)print.ttt (2)ttt (3)Index712print.ttt knit_print.ttt Method for printing in a knitr contextDescriptionMethod for printing in a knitr contextUsage##S3method for class tttknit_print(x,...,theme=getOption("ttt.theme"))Argumentsx An object returned by ttt....Further arguments passed on to knitr::knit_print.theme A theme(either"default"or"booktabs").ValueReturns a character string.See knitr::knit_print for how this value is used.print.ttt Print ttt objectDescriptionPrint ttt objectUsage##S3method for class tttprint(x,...,theme=getOption("ttt.theme"))Argumentsx An object returned by ttt....Further arguments passed on to other print methods.theme A theme(either"default"or"booktabs").DetailsIn an interactive context,the rendered table will be displayed in a web browser.Otherwise,the HTML code will be printed as text.ttt3ValueReturns x invisibly.ttt Formatted tables the easy wayDescriptionttt stands for“The Table Tool”(or,if you prefer,“Tables!Tables!Tables!”).It allows you to creates formatted HTML tables of in aflexible and convenient way.Usagettt(x,...)##S3method for class data.framettt(x,formula,...,render,lab,caption,footnote,expand.along=c("rows","columns"),drop=c("both","rows","columns","none"),collapse.cells=TRUE,topclass=NULL,id=NULL,css=NULL,s=TRUE)##S3method for class formulattt(x,data,...,render,lab,caption,footnote,expand.along=c("rows","columns"),drop=c("both","rows","columns","none"),collapse.cells=TRUE,topclass=NULL,4ttt id=NULL,css=NULL)##S3method for class numericttt(x,rowvars,colvars,...,render,lab,caption,footnote,expand.along=c("rows","columns"),drop=c("both","rows","columns","none"),collapse.cells=TRUE,topclass=NULL,id=NULL,css=NULL)##S3method for class ftablettt(x,text=matrix(as.character(x),nrow(x)),lab,caption,footnote,drop=c("both","rows","columns","none"),collapse.cells=TRUE,html.class=NULL,topclass=NULL,id=NULL,css=NULL,...)Argumentsx An object....Additional arguments passed to render.formula A three-part formula of the form v~r1+r2~c1+c2where v specifies a col-umn of values,while r1,r2specify row variables and c1,c2column variablesfor splitting the values.render A function to render the contents of each cell to character data.lab Specify the contents of an extra table cell spanning over all column labels.ttt5caption A character string to be added as a caption to the table.The default is to omit the caption.footnote A character string to be added as a footnote to the table.The default is to omit the footnote.expand.along Specify the direction to expand the table when render returns a(named)vector.drop If TRUE(the default),rows and columns with zero counts will be dropped.collapse.cells If TRUE(the default),row/column header cells will be collapsed(merged)where appropriate.topclass A character string to be used as class attribute for the top-level<table>ele-ment.id A character string to be used as id attribute for the top-level<table>element.css A character string containing CSS code to be added before the top-level<table> element.s If TRUE(the default),row names will be shown in thefirst column of the ta-ble.Set to FALSE to suppress row names.Only applies when displaying wholedata.frame.data A data.frame.rowvars A list of row variables for splitting the data.colvars A list of column variables for splitting the data.text A character matrix containing the textual content of each table cell.html.class A character matrix with the same dimensions as text specifying a class attribute for the corresponding<td>element.ValueA character which contains an HTML table fragment.It has additional class attributes that causeit to be displayed in a browser in an interactive context,and rendered as HTML in a knitr context.Methods(by class)•data.frame:The data.frame method.•formula:The formula method.•numeric:The numeric method.•ftable:The ftable method.Examples#mtcars examplesttt(mtcars)ttt(mtcars,mpg~gear|cyl,lab="Cylinders")ttt(mpg~gear|cyl,data=mtcars,lab="Cylinders")ttt(rownames(mtcars)~gear|cyl,data=mtcars,render=paste,collapse="<br/>",lab="Cylinders")#OrchardSprays examples6ttt ttt(head(OrchardSprays,12))ttt(head(OrchardSprays,12),s=FALSE)ttt(treatment~rowpos|colpos,data=OrchardSprays,lab="colpos")ttt(paste(treatment,decrease,sep="<br/>")~rowpos|colpos,data=OrchardSprays,lab="colpos") rndr.meansd<-function(x)formatC(c(Mean=mean(x),SD=sd(x)),digits=3)ttt(decrease~treatment,data=OrchardSprays,render=rndr.meansd,expand.along="rows")ttt(decrease~treatment,data=OrchardSprays,render=rndr.meansd,expand.along="columns") #ToothGrowth examplesttt(len~dose|supp,data=ToothGrowth,lab="Mean(SD)",render=function(x)sprintf("%0.3g(%0.3g)",mean(x),sd(x)))ttt(len~dose|supp,data=ToothGrowth,lab="Supplement Type",render=rndr.meansd)ttt(len~dose|supp,data=ToothGrowth,lab="Supplement Type",render=rndr.meansd,expand.along="columns")Index∗utilitiesttt,3knit_print.ttt,2print.ttt,2ttt,2,37。
1. 打开Excel并选择想要制作报表的表格范围。
2. 在菜单栏中选择“插入”选项,并点击“数据透视表”。
3. 在弹出窗口中,选择需要分析的数据范围,并选择新工作表作为报表的位置。
4. 在数据透视表字段列表中,选择想要在报表中显示的字段,如销售日期、产品名称和销售额等。
5. 在字段列表中拖动字段到“列标签”、“行标签”和“值”区域以确定报表的布局和数据汇总方式。
6. 可以对数据透视表进行进一步的设置,如添加筛选器、排序、计算项等,以满足特定的分析需求。
7. 完成设置后,报表将根据所选的字段和布局动态地展示数据,并且可以通过更改原始数据来自动更新报表。
1. 选择需要制作图表的数据范围。
2. 在菜单栏中选择“插入”选项,并点击所需的图表类型,如柱状图、折线图、饼图等。
3. 根据对话框中的提示,选择所需的系列、图例和数据范围等选项。
4. 完成设置后,Excel将根据选定的数据和图表类型绘制出对应的图表,并且可以根据数据的变化动态更新图表。
动态表格制作说明书动态表格使用说明书一.动态表格基本介绍:在动态表格中,基本是通过XMLTitle 、XMLContents 、TOT_ID 、SHOWJS四个栏位来实现的。
其中1. XMLTitle栏位:XMLTitle栏位中放的是动态表格的表标题、表格栏位的样式、栏位的宽度、栏位内容的检测以及一些动作按钮。
2. XMLContents栏位:XMLContents栏位是对动态表格的内容进行传值的!当表单提交后,自动将动态表格的内容付给XMLContents,例如将下面动态表格的值传给XMLContents栏位,图(4)XMLContents栏位的内容为:“旺旺三期表单的测试~中~不合格~^动态表格的制作~优~~^”,其中列与列之间的用“~”间隔;行与行之间用“^”间隔;流程走到第二站,在只读状况下动态表格显示为:图(5)3. TOT_ID栏位:TOT_ID栏位是调用XMLTitle栏位的内容!其公式为:"[<DIV ID='HTMLTitle'></DIV>]"4. SHOWJS栏位:SHOWJS栏位控制动态表格的样式以及显示;在第一站,当要对动态表格进行编辑时,内容为:"[<script>"+"varTitleValue=document.all('XMLTitle').value;"+"var XC='XMLContents';"+"var Hid='HTMLTitle';"+"var Radioname='F';"+"var sort=true; "+ "var table_width=750;"+ "var NoChinese='No';"+"SetHTMLTitle('NULL',Hid,TitleValue,XC,Radiona me,sort,table_width,NoChinese); "+" </script>]"当SetHTMLTitle函数的第一个参数为'NULL'时,动态表格为编辑状态,当第一个参数为‘READ’时为编辑状态;’Hid,TitleValue’是调用'HTMLTitle'栏位当中的值;‘XC’是调用'XMLContents'栏位的值;table_width 是动态表格的宽度;NoChinese是判断是否显示序号。
V10 WorkSpace中使用表格种子更快速地创建手动表格说明书
![V10 WorkSpace中使用表格种子更快速地创建手动表格说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/8603df3826284b73f242336c1eb91a37f1113221.png)
Faster manual sheet creation using a sheet seed from V10 WorkSpaceThere are some definite advantages to using sheet seeds that are currently available in the V10 WorkSpace over creating your own “template model”. Sheet seeds in V10 already have borders and title blocks with sheet numbers that automatically use the model name; you do not need to create a template from scratch –it’s already been done for you. Sheet seeds are available (inside Seed2D – Sheet.dgn) for one-off, manual sheet model creation with title blocks and borders. Combine this with manual reference attachment methods, including clip, move and rotate, to create a PDF-able sheet using either MSCE or ORD.Fewer steps to sheet creation using CONNECT EditionThe comparison table below shows the reduction in steps required for sheet creation, moving from the left to the right, and employing the different tools available in different versions of software. The leftmost column shows the numerous steps that were identified in the pre-2005 version of ODOT’s Contract Plans Development Guide - creating stacked sheet borders in a design-type model. The center column shows a slight advantage in using sheet-type models and named fences which were documented as “Efficient Plan sheet Setup” in 2019. The right most column shows that almost all of the steps can be performed automatically by the CONNECT Edition software.Table 1. Sheet Creation Steps for MicroStation V8 2004, V8i, and CONNECT EditionFaster automatic sheet creation using “From Drawing Boundary”There are even more advantages to be had with sheet creation when using the “Create Drawing” functionality in CONNECT Edition software. Using “From Drawing Boundary” will select a seed with a border, title block, and with a sheet number that automatically uses the model name. When “Create Drawing” is used, it will automatically create the sheet model and make the reference attachments, which are already clipped and rotated for you! “Create Drawing” can also be used to place a two- point named boundary into an already existing sheet model when creating “plan view”detail drawings. Any discipline that requires a profile sheet (Roadway, Hydraulics) will need to use OpenRoads Designer and its civil drawing boundary seeds to create an OPNP file.Multiple and automatic sheet creationWhen it is necessary to create a large number of sheets (>5) along a path or tied to civil alignment stationing, a great amount of time can be saved by having the CONNECT Edition software perform multiple sheet creation automatically. This can only be done with “From Drawing Boundary>Along a Path” with MicroStation CONNECT, or by using the “Civil Plan” or “Civil Profile” drawing boundary seeds in OpenRoads Designer. These tools automatically create tens or hundreds of sheet models in a matter of minutes and automatically attach the references, which are all already clipped and oriented in each sheet for you. When using MSCE, the path element must reside in the active file; when using ORD (Civil Plan), the path element may be selected from a reference.Any discipline that requires a profile sheet will need to get the profile information from an OPNP file (OpenRoads Designer Plans and Profiles). The OPNP file can only be generated by OpenRoads Designer, and ORD can very quickly create alternating plan and profile sheets. Any discipline requiring the display of alignment stationing will need to get the plan view information from an OPNP file as well. The annotation of both plan and profile is automatically generated by OpenRoads Designer.Table 2. Recommended Processes for producing Roadway sheets (multiple and automatic)When using MicroStation CONNECT – the active DGN file for sheet creation will typically be a “PL”, “PF”, “PP”, or “DT” file.When using OpenRoads Designer – the active DGN file for sheet creation will typically be an “OPNP” file.The “Create Drawing” dialog in both products, allows drawing- and sheet-type models to be created in a different file. An example case for creating drawings in a different file could be to use named boundaries that were placed by Roadway to create erosion control plan sheets that have the same stationing showing on the sheets.For the correct and automatic display of custom line style scales in the final sheet models and to be able to control the level display in all models from the Default model – use drawing boundary seeds that create drawing-type models. When you use the “SheetOnly” non-civil drawing boundary seeds, you will need to manually edit two reference attachment settings in each sheet: the LineStyle Scale toggle and the Synchronize View attachment setting. All of the drawing boundary seeds, except the ones named “SheetOnly” will honor the attachment settings so that custom linestyles appear correctly in the sheet and will synchronize the level display in the sheets from the level display settings in the Default model.。
二、设置数据表格1. 打开Excel表格并选择其中的一个单元格。
2. 确保您的数据表格中包含列标题。
三、创建动态报表1. 选择数据表格中的一个单元格,并点击“插入”选项卡上的“数据透视表”按钮。
2. 在数据透视表字段列表中,将需要分析的数据字段拖动到“行”、“列”或“值”区域。
3. 在数据透视表字段列表中,将需要进行数据汇总的字段拖动到“值”区域。
4. 根据您的需求对数据透视表进行进一步设置。
5. 当您更新原始数据后,只需刷新数据透视表即可自动更新报表内容。
例如:1. 使用图表:选择适当的图表类型来可视化数据,并将其嵌入到报表中。
This reference guide is intended to help filers prepare their Form 13F Information table in order to submit it electronically via EDGAR. T hese instructions are provided as general guidance and should not be relied upon as definitive or a substitute for the information provided in the EDGAR Filer Manual. Instructions for filing Form 13F are contained in the EDGAR Filer Manual (Volume II).Step I. Prepare the Information Table in ExcelThe information table should have exactly 12 columns with corresponding column headers as depicted above in Figure 1. Errors made when inputting the data will cause subsequent schema validation errors once the table is exported to the XML file. The Filer Technical Support team has assembled the following guidance for filers when preparing the information table in Excel:•No blank rows above or below the table.•Header information must be on one row (for example, Name of Issuer, Title of Class,Investment Discretion, etc.).•CUSIP Number cannot exceed 9 characters.•Automatically rounded values.o Make sure columns with numerical values do not have decimals. Scroll throughother columns to ensure that there are no stored decimal values in the table.o Excel rounds any decimals to the nearest whole number. When the cell is selected the formula bar will display the decimal value at the top of the spread sheet; seescreenshot below. If the formula bar is showing decimal values, the validation will failin EDGAR. To correct this, delete the value and manually type the rounded value.•There are only two acceptable values in the Shares/Principal column which are SH or PRN and the acronym must be capitalized.•The Put/Call column can be left blank if there is no value. If entering a value, the only acceptable values are Put and Call and the first letter must be capitalized.o Sometimes cells in Excel contain a value even though the cells appear empty. This could result in errors if the contents of the cell are not cleared. To prevent this from occurring,be sure to clear the contents of any blank cell by right clicking on the empty cell andselecting “Clear Contents.” This will ensure that no data is being captured.o The only acceptable values in the Investment Discretion column are SOLE, DFND, and OTR. All letters of the acronym must be capitalized.•The Other Managers column can be left blank if there is no value. If entering more than one number, use commas to separate the values (e.g. 1,10,23).•The Sole, Shared, and None columns must have values for each entry. If there is no value, enter a zero (0).Note: If uncertain of the values for certain fields, please consult the13F Frequently Asked Questions document if further clarity is needed on certain fields. This FAQ is available on the public site or consult the SEC Division ofInvestment Management Chief Counsel’s Office at 202-551-6865.Step II. Save the Schema FilesThe schema files are contained in a zip file on the SEC website.1.Navigate to the EDGAR Form 13F Technical Specification:EDGAR Form 13F XML Technical Specification2.Select the link to the compressed folder at the bottom of the page to download and save the13F XML Technical Specification file.3.Click on Save and select the folder destination for the file. Select Save.4.Open the folder, right click on the file and select Extract All.5.Browse to locate the saved schema file in the Extract Compressed (Zipped) Folders window andselect Extract.6. A folder will be created that contains the 13F XML Technical Specification PDF, schema files withthe .xsd file extension and sample documents with the .xml extension as displayed below:Note: The method for extracting the files to a folder varies depending on the zip software.Step III. Enable the Developer Tab in ExcelIn order to map the table to XML, the developer tab in Excel has to be enabled.Excel 20101.Select File > Options2.Select Customize Ribbon3.The Main Tabs option should be selected under the drop down listed under Customize Ribbon4.Select Developer to enable the tab; see screenshot below.5.Click OKExcel 20071.Select the Office button from the upper-left corner in Excel2.Select Excel Options located at the bottom of the menu3.Select Popular, as shown below4.Select Show Developer tab in the Ribbon5.Click OKStep IV. Mapping the Excel FileThe following instructions and corresponding images display the options in Excel 2010. Please consult internal resources if you have another version of Excel not covered in Step III.1.Select Developer from the main menu and select Source.2.Select XML Maps, located at the bottom of the XML Source window.3.The XML Maps window will appear. Click the Add button.4.Locate the extracted files and select the eis_13FDocument file. Select Open.5.Click OK in the XML Maps window.6.The XML Source window will populate with the XML map data. Select ns1:informationTable tohighlight the map.7.Select the highlighted XML map by clicking the parent cell, ns1:informationTable, hold the mousedown to drag the highlighted map to the A1 cell (Name of Issuer). The information table will be highlighted; see example below.8.The following window may appear stating that the map contains formatting that is incompatiblewith the format specified in the worksheet; select Match Element Data Type.Step V. Export the Information Table to an XML File1. Select Developer from the main menu and select Export2.Save the XML file to the desktop or desired location. (Address bar on the top displays where theXML document will be exported. XML files can be saved in different locations by clicking different folders on the left-hand side).File names cannot exceed 32 characters, including the file extension. Valid characters arelowercase letters, digits 0-9, up to one underscore, up to one hyphen and up to one period. The first character must be a letter, spaces are not allowed and the file name must have a file type extension of .xml.Step VI. Upload and Validate the XML file in the Electronic Form 13F1. Log in to the EDGAR Filing website2.Select File Form 13F under Online Forms3. Select the form type from the Type of Filing list and select the Next button.The Continue with Saved Form option is applicable if the file has been saved from the electronic 13F form on the EDGAR filing website.The saved online form will be saved to the Downloads folder and will have an .eis file extension (e.g. 13F_Filer.eis).plete the Filer Information, Cover, Signature and Summary pages.5.In the Documents section, select Add Document >Choose Attachments and select the XMLinformation table.6.Click the box next to the File Name and choose Validate Document.7.If your document has errors, click the red number to view errors that need to be corrected.8.If you would like to save the form, select the Save button. You will be able to save theform to your computer in order to use the “Continue with a Saved Form” option within the Type of Filing selection.9.If your document has no errors and you are ready to submit your filing, click the Submitbutton.10.Record the accession number for future reference to retrieve the submission status at theEDGAR Filing Website.If you have any technical difficulties, please contact the Filer Technical Support Team at202-551-8900 Option 3.。
designed for the probe, a feature of considerable assistance in most cases where the impedance at a point in the device attached to the slotted sec tion is to be determined. A friction clutch on the micrometer head fur ther permits the reading to be ad justed to any convenient reading at any point in its travel.
planes or slabs. These served as the outer conductor and gave the section very high mechanical rigid ity. In waveguide equipment, the -hp- 4-18 kmc sections2 were designed so that a single probe carriage could accommodate a num ber of guide sizes, thereby making one pre cision probe carriage useful for four or five
cycle slotted section1 achieved supe rior perform ance through
Fig. 1. -hp- Model 805 A 500-4,000 tne use o* tw° me coaxial slotted section. parallel metal
第 I 栏发明名称:名称应当简短、明确。
第 II 栏姓名(或名称)和地址:姓(拼音文字最好用大写字母)应当写在名的前面。
如果已提供申请人的电子邮件地址(第II栏)、代表的电子邮件地址(第IV栏)和/或送达电子邮件地址(第V栏),关于电子邮件通信的地址问题,参见第V 栏的说明。
1. 准备数据: 首先,将需要制作动态表的数据整理成一张表格,确保每列都有统一的列标题。
2. 创建数据透视表: 选中数据区域,然后点击Excel菜单栏中的“插入”选项卡,找到“数据透视表”命令。
3. 设定字段: 在数据透视表的字段列表中,将数据字段拖拽到“值”区域,将行或列标签字段拖拽到相应的区域即可。
4. 动态设置: 在数据透视表的设置窗口中,可以根据需要对字段的排序、汇总方式和数据显示格式进行设置。
5. 更新数据: 如果源数据发生变化,只需点击数据透视表上方的“刷新”按钮,数据透视表会自动更新为最新的数据。
1. 选择数据区域: 首先,选中需要进行条件格式设置的数据区域。
2. 打开条件格式设置窗口: 在Excel菜单栏中找到“开始”选项卡,在“样式”区域下拉菜单中选择“条件格式”,然后选择“新建规则”。
3. 设置条件格式: 在条件格式设置窗口中,根据需要选择条件类型,并设定相应的值和格式。
4. 应用到其他单元格: 如果需要将条件格式应用到其他单元格,只需选中已经设置好条件格式的单元格,然后以相同的方式复制到其他单元格中。
二、建立数据表1. 在Excel中创建一个新的工作表,将所需的数据按照明确的格式进行排列。
2. Excel将自动为我们生成一个简单的图表,但现在它还不是一个动态图表。
基于SSRS服务的报表使用及开发说明书SSRS(SQL Server Reporting Services)是微软公司提供的一款强大的报表服务,它可以帮助用户通过创建、发布和管理多种类型的报表来满足各种不同的业务需求。
一、SSRS报表使用说明1. 安装和配置SSRS服务:首先,需要安装SSRS服务并配置好相关的设置,包括数据库连接、权限等。
可以在SQL Server 安装程序中选择安装Reporting Services,然后按照向导的指引完成安装和配置过程。
2. 创建报表项目:在SQL Server数据工具(SQL Server Data Tools)中创建一个新的报表项目。
3. 设计报表:在报表项目中创建一个新的报表,然后使用报表设计器来设计报表的布局和样式。
4. 数据源和数据集:在报表设计器中,需要配置报表的数据源和数据集。
5. 参数和过滤器:报表可以包含参数和过滤器,可以根据用户的选择来筛选和显示特定的数据。
6. 布局和样式:通过报表设计器提供的布局工具和样式设置,可以对表格、图表、字体、颜色等进行自定义的调整和美化。
7. 发布和管理报表:将报表项目发布到报表服务器上,可以通过报表管理器来管理报表的访问权限、调度任务、订阅等。
二、SSRS报表开发说明1. 数据源和数据集:在报表开发过程中,需要先确定报表使用的数据源和数据集。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
在动态表格中, 基本是经过XMLTitle 、XMLContents 、TOT_ID 、 SHOWJS四个栏位来实现的。
1. XMLTitle栏位:
例如: ”
员工转正自我考核表”中, XMLTitle栏位的内容为:
"工作内容( 按重要性顺序排列) ,绩效,绩效评为中差的原因分析,^TEXT,RADIO,TEXT,^250,200,200,^y,y,n^,优|良|中|差|,,^不能为空请检查|必须是日期型数据|必须是数字型数据|输入了非法字符|^新增&y|删除&y|修改&y|插入&y|确定&y|取消&y|选择"
以”^”为界限, XMLTitle栏位的内容能够分为如下几个参数: 第一参数: 表格标题, 如: ”工作内容( 按重要性顺序排列) ,绩效,绩效评为中差的原因分析”。
第二参数: 栏位类型, 类型的详细说明见后面。
第三参数: 表格栏位宽度。
如: ”250,200,200,”
第四个参数: 是否为空检测。
当为”y”时检测, ”n”时不检测。
如: ”y,y,n”
第五个参数: 辅助参数, 根据第二个参数不同有不同的用法, 详见类型使用说明
第六个参数: 提示说明( 能够不考虑) 。
如: ”不能为空请检查|必须是日期型数据|必须是数字型数据|输入了非法字符”是对内容进行检测后的提示说明。
第七个参数: 按钮上的文字定义( 能够不考虑) 。
如: ”新增&y|删除&y|修改&y|插入&y|确定&y|取消&y|选择”是一些相关按钮上的文字定义。
2. XMLContents栏位:
XMLContents栏位是对动态表格的内容进行传值的! 当表单提交后, 自动将动态表格的内容付给XMLContents, 例如将下面动态表格的值传给XMLContents栏位,
图( 4)
XMLContents栏位的内容为: ”旺旺三期表单的测试~中~不合格~^动态表格的制作~优~~^”, 其中列与列之间的用”~”间隔; 行与行之间用”^”间隔;
流程走到第二站, 在只读状况下动态表格显示为:
图( 5)
3. TOT_ID栏位:
TOT_ID栏位是调用XMLTitle栏位的内容! 其公式为: "[<DIV ID='HTMLTitle'></DIV>]"
4. SHOWJS栏位:
在第一站, 当要对动态表格进行编辑时, 内容为:
+"var TitleValue=document.all('XMLTitle').value;"
+"var XC='XMLContents';"
+"var Hid='HTMLTitle';"
+"var Radioname='F';"
+"var sort=true; "
+ "var table_width=750;"
+ "var NoChinese='No';"
SetHTMLTitle('NULL',Hid,TitleValue,XC,Radioname,sort,table_width,No Chinese); "
+" </script>]"
当SetHTMLTitle函数的第一个参数为'NULL'时, 动态表格为编辑状态, 当第一个参数为‘READ’时为编辑状态; ’Hid,TitleValue’是调用'HTMLTitle'栏位当中的值; ‘XC’是调用'XMLContents'栏位的值; table_width 是动态表格的宽度; NoChinese是判断是否显示序号。
1. 动态表格栏位的格式有: ( 第二参数)
( 1) . TEXT…………………….. …文本格式
( 2) . RADIO……………………….单选按钮
( 3) . COMBOBOX………………..下拉列表框
( 4) . POPWINDOW……………….弹出Windows窗口
( 5) . DATE………………………...日期格式
( 6) . N………………………………数字格式
( 7) .R ..…………………………….文本格式, 但不能够编辑( 不带值)
( 8) . P1……………………………. 文本格式, 但不能够编辑