



2.2 铭牌
AC 3PH 380V±15% 50/60Hz
OUTPUT: AC 3PH 0~380V 0~600Hz 17A
变 频 器U、V、W接 线 端 子 或 电 机 接 线 端 子 , 否 则 有 触 电 解 除 !
K V F 6 0 0系 列
★ 若需要进行参数辨识,请注意电机旋转中伤人的危险,否则可能引起事故! ★ 请勿随便更改变频器厂家参数,否则可能造成设备损坏!

★ 若选择再起动功能时,请勿靠近机械设备,否则可能引起人身伤害! ★ 请勿触摸散热风扇及放电电阻以试探温度,否则可能引起灼伤! ★ 非专业技术人员请勿在运行中检测信号,否则可能引起人身伤害或设备
K V F 6 0 0系 列
1.2 注意事项
一、电机绝缘检查 电机在首次使用、长时间旋转后的再使用之前及定期检查时,应做电机绝缘检查,
防止因电机绕组的绝缘失效而损坏变频器。绝缘检查时一定要将电机连线从变频器分 开 , 建 议 采 用5 0 0 V电 压 型 兆 欧 表 , 应 保 证 测 得 绝 缘 电 阻 不 小 于5 MΩ 。 二、电机的热保护
不适合在手册所规定的允许工作电压范围之外使用KVF系列变频器,易造成变频 器 内 器 件 损 坏,如 果 需 要 请 使 用 相 应 的 升 压 或 降 压 装 置 进 行 变 压 处 理 。 八、三相输入改成两相输入


第四章 通用功能 ..................................................... 20
4.1 测控功能 ........................................................ 20 4.2 通信功能 ........................................................ 23 4.3 对时功能 ........................................................ 24 4.4 自检功能 ........................................................ 25 4.5 信息记录功能 .................................................... 25 4.6 录波功能 ........................................................ 26 4.7 定值管理功能 .................................................... 27 4.8 保护出口继电器配置功能 .......................................... 27 4.9 打印功能 ........................................................ 28 4.10 口令管理功能 ................................................... 29 4.11 版本信息功能 ................................................... 29













目录机务部分使用说明一结构布置 (2)二保温处理 (2)三人性化的工作环境 (4)电气部分使用说明一配电装置 (6)二监控系统 (6)三主要技术指标 (14)四使用环境 (14)五保护原理 (14)六实现功能 (15)一结构布置S-600水汽取样装置采用箱体式拼装结构,高温高压、低温低压整合在一个箱体内但分布在不同的功能区域,由原来的高温架和仪表盘各布置在一个房间改为高温架和仪表盘合二为一,占地面积小,节约空间,整个箱体分为降温、恒温、人工取样、仪表电气四大功能区域,功能区域划分明显,全部采用正面操作的方式,在需操作的面上及检修通道入口处均为玻璃移门,可视性与可操作性强,外形美观;其布局示意图如下;图1 布局示意图二保温处理与以往的水汽取样装置相比,要实现高温高压和低温低压共处一室,必须要解决以下几个问题;1.为防止温度过高影响仪表的正常工作,在高温部分必须实现表面温度从600度降到50度以下,解决这一问题,我们采用二次隔热的方式,在高温区(即降温减压区)的样水进口管路进行一次表面降温,在管道外用隔热材料包扎使其温度降至50度左右,常用的隔热方式为硅酸铝纤维绳缠绕、硅酸盐复合抹面膏体涂料,陶瓷管等,其需保温的管路(图2)及保温方式(图3)如下;图2 需保温的部分图3 保温方式(以硅酸绳缠绕为例)2.高温高压与低温低压之间必须留有足够的检修通道,且通道内有适宜操作人员工作的环境。


图4 检修通道入口端在检修通道内部,经过上述的一次降温后,管路表面温度降至50度左右,而在高温高压的内侧,即检修通道内靠近高温高压侧的内壁采用可移动消音隔热层,材质可采用以泡材料或硅酸盐膏体涂料,这就是我们的二次隔热,经过二次隔热保温,使介质温度再次降低,以达到仪表工作温度的要求及操作人员适宜的工作环境,同时起到降低噪声的作用;而采用可移动门的方式,则保证了高温架及恒温装置背面的可检修性,便于维护。



目录机务部分使用说明一结构布置 (2)二保温处理 (2)三人性化的工作环境 (4)电气部分使用说明一配电装置 (6)二监控系统 (6)三主要技术指标 (14)四使用环境 (14)五保护原理 (14)六实现功能 (15)一结构布置S-600水汽取样装置采用箱体式拼装结构,高温高压、低温低压整合在一个箱体内但分布在不同的功能区域,由原来的高温架和仪表盘各布置在一个房间改为高温架和仪表盘合二为一,占地面积小,节约空间,整个箱体分为降温、恒温、人工取样、仪表电气四大功能区域,功能区域划分明显,全部采用正面操作的方式,在需操作的面上及检修通道入口处均为玻璃移门,可视性与可操作性强,外形美观;其布局示意图如下;图1 布局示意图二保温处理与以往的水汽取样装置相比,要实现高温高压和低温低压共处一室,必须要解决以下几个问题;1.为防止温度过高影响仪表的正常工作,在高温部分必须实现表面温度从600度降到50度以下,解决这一问题,我们采用二次隔热的方式,在高温区(即降温减压区)的样水进口管路进行一次表面降温,在管道外用隔热材料包扎使其温度降至50度左右,常用的隔热方式为硅酸铝纤维绳缠绕、硅酸盐复合抹面膏体涂料,陶瓷管等,其需保温的管路(图2)及保温方式(图3)如下;图2 需保温的部分图3 保温方式(以硅酸绳缠绕为例)2.高温高压与低温低压之间必须留有足够的检修通道,且通道内有适宜操作人员工作的环境。


图4 检修通道入口端在检修通道内部,经过上述的一次降温后,管路表面温度降至50度左右,而在高温高压的内侧,即检修通道内靠近高温高压侧的内壁采用可移动消音隔热层,材质可采用以泡材料或硅酸盐膏体涂料,这就是我们的二次隔热,经过二次隔热保温,使介质温度再次降低,以达到仪表工作温度的要求及操作人员适宜的工作环境,同时起到降低噪声的作用;而采用可移动门的方式,则保证了高温架及恒温装置背面的可检修性,便于维护。


采用背插式结构,强弱电完全分开,可大大减少外部电磁干扰在弱电侧的耦合增强装置的抗 干扰能力,提高可靠性和安全性。
所有装置由标准板件组成,插件模块化,各装置之间的板件互换性强,减少了维护量和备品 备件的数量。
采用 CANBUS 现场总线构成通讯网络
NSR600 采用 CAN 现场总线构成通讯网络,传输距离远,无瓶颈,抗干扰能力强,使整个系 统通讯快速可靠。
第四章 NSR631 站用变/接地变保护测控装置 ………………………………………………(26) 4.1 装置概述………………………………………………………………………………………(26) 4.2 装置功能………………………………………………………………………………………(26) 4.3 装置的技术数据………………………………………………………………………………(27) 4.4 装置原理………………………………………………………………………………………(28) 4.5 装置端子及说明………………………………………………………………………………(30) 4.6 面板说明………………………………………………………………………………………(31) 4.7 NSR631 定值清单………………………………………………………………………………(32) 4.8 NSR631 背面端子图……………………………………………………………………………(34)
NSR600 系列保护测控装置具有完整而详实的事件记录,其中包括保护事件记录、遥信事件 记录、装置告警事件记录等等,存放 20 条记录循环刷新。
NSR600 系列保护测控装置具有液晶菜单控制的独特的采样自校功能,能对各通道的电流、 电压、有功功率、无功功率进行采样系数自校正,减轻了装置的调试工作量,提高了交流采样的 精度。

LG KF600 手机 使用说明书

LG KF600 手机 使用说明书

我们应让用户知道, 因手机软件和服务提供商的不同, 本手册中的内容可能与手机中的实际显示有一定出入。

2LG KF600 | 用户手册产品介绍 8安全措施 9关于安全有效使用手机的准则10 KF600 功能 16打开视图显示信息 20屏幕上的图标 21开始 22安装SIM卡和手机电池给电池充电 24断开充电器 25插入外部存储器/取出外部存储 26常规功能 27拨打一个电话调节音量应答电话输入文本 28选择功能和选项 32呼叫中菜单 33呼叫期间多方通话 34功能表 36浏览器 38主页书签 39输入地址历史记录已存网页设置信息 40内容LG KF600 | 用户手册4通话记录 41全部通话未接来电已拨电话已接来电 42通话时间通话计费GPRS信息工具 43闹钟电子词典日程表计算器备忘录 44秒表单位换算器世界时间SIM卡服务SIM卡服务 多媒体 45音乐播放器照相 47摄像 49FM收音机录音 50信息 51新信息收件箱 55电子邮箱草稿箱 56发件箱已发送收听语音邮件小区广播 57模板 58设置 595我的文档 62图像声音视频 63文档 64其它游戏 65 外部存储器情景模式 67启动更改电话本 69查找添加快速拨号 70群组全部复制全部删除启动简拼查找 71设置信息内容LG KF600 | 用户手册6设置 72日期和时间Languages显示连接 73通话设定 77保密设置 79输入法设置 83飞行模式省电模式重设 84内存状态附件 85技术数据 867LG KF600 | 用户手册12产品介绍及基本功能行车安全查阅有关在驾驶时使用手机的本地法律法规。

v 请勿在驾驶时使用手持电话。

v 驾驶时应全神贯注。

v 如有条件,可使用免提装置。

v 如驾驶条件不允许,请将车停在路边或空地旁, 然后再拨打或接听电话。

v 射频能量可能影响车辆内的电子系统,例如立体声音响、安全设备等。

v 驾车时,不要将手机或免提装置放在靠近安全气囊的地方。



WGB-600系列微机保护测控装置选型及设计说明书(ver-1.00)许继集团股份有限公司XJ GROUP CORPORATION CO.,LTD.WGB-600系列微机保护测控装置1装置简介 11.1 功能配置 11.2 主要特点 12技术指标 12.1 额定数据 12.2 功耗 12.3 环境条件 22.4 抗干扰性能 22.5 绝缘性能 22.6 机械性能 22.7 各元件工作范围及误差 32.8 测量精度 33装置硬件 33.1 机箱结构 33.2 主要插件 44保护功能配置 44.1 WGB-611线路保护功能配置 44.2 WGB-631厂用变保护功能配置 54.3 WGB-641电容器保护功能配置 54.4 WGB-650电动机保护功能配置 64.5 WGB-661电压互感器监控功能配置 64.6 WGB-671电源备自投功能配置 64.7 遥测、遥信、遥控及遥脉功能 74.8 录波 74.9 G P S对时 75 装置对外接线 76 贮存及保修 247 供应成套性 248 订货须知241.装置简介1.1.适用范围:WGB-600系列微机保护测控装置实现中低压线路、变压器、电容器、电动机的保护和测控功能以及电压互感器的监控、备用电源自投等,主要用于35kV及以下各级电压等级。



c.采用32位单片机作为保护CPU,配置大容量的RAM和Flash Memory;数据运算、逻辑处理和信息存储能力强,可靠性高,运行速度快。




LCS综自系统介绍 共72页

LCS综自系统介绍 共72页

动作显示及远传 事件记录
4.140 PT断线报警
PT断线告警投入ON Uab<Uset
& Ubc<Uset Ia>Iset
LCS600型微机变电站综合自动化系统 配备CANBUS现场总线和485串行线双网通信 接口,使用屏蔽双绞线进行设备间互连, 连接时通信线不能交叉分支,位于起始节 点和终端节点应接入终端匹配电阻以减少 终端信号反射。
测 Uab = 10.2 KV
= 10.2 KV 500.1A
菜Icm = 500.0A
单P = 5.00 MW
Q = 1.01 MV
cos φ= 0.98
3Uo = 0.05V 零序电流
3Io = 1.00MA
4.1 主菜单意义说明
正常循环 显示状态下 第一次按 “确认”键, 菜单停止循 环显示,便 于用户进行 监视,第二 次“确认” 进入主菜单:
• “取消”:回到上一层菜单或取消定值修改
• 2. 信号灯
• 装置工作正常时,运行灯显示为绿灯; 装置工作异常、出现故障或预告信号时, 运行灯显示为红灯,一般情况下面板液晶 会显示是什么故障或预告信号发生致使 信号灯变成红色,可按照这些指示进行检 查。
3.2 硬件配置
LCS600型微机变电站综合自动化单元装 置由以下模件组成:电源模件、交流模件、 CPU模件、开入开出板模件或操作板模件、 背板模件、液晶显示模件.



LCS-5561C-MA-G备自投装置技术说明书(V2.05)南京磐能电力科技股份有限公司2015年4月目录1概述 (1)1.1适用范围 (1)1.2基本功能 (1)1.3 LCS-5561C-MA-G备自投装置功能一览表 (1)2技术参数 (5)2.1额定参数 (5)2.2装置设备接口 (5)2.3主要技术性能 (6)2.4 抗电气干扰能力 (6)2.5 绝缘性能 (7)2.6 环境条件 (8)3装置工作原理 (8)3.1备自投原理 (8)3.2备自投过载联切 (28)3.3联跳并网线 (28)3.4线路电压异常 (28)3.5母线PT断线告警 (28)3.6开关位置监视 (29)4测控功能 (30)4.1遥信功能 (30)5辅助功能 (31)5.1装置自检功能 (31)6装置参数、定值整定及背板端子图 (31)6.1背板端子图 (31)6.2定值清单 (31)7整定说明 (33)7.1备自投开入参数整定 (33)7.2备自投开出参数整定 (34)7.3跳闸矩阵说明 (35)7.4备自投取消合后位置 (35)7.5备自投动作和运行异常出口 (35)7.6电流两相/三相投退功能 (36)8虚端子说明 (36)8.1 SV输入虚端子表 (36)8.2 GOOSE输入虚端子表 (36)8.3 GOOSE输出虚端子表 (38)9使用说明 (40)9.1实时信息功能说明 (40)9.2保护功能说明 (40)9.3远动功能说明 (41)9.4通信功能说明 (41)9.5口令功能说明 (41)9.6装置接地说明 (42)10调试大纲 (42)10.1调试注意事项 (42)10.2装置通电前检查 (42)10.3绝缘检查 (42)10.4上电检查 (43)10.5采样精度检查 (43)10.6开关量输入检查 (43)10.7继电器接点校验 (43)10.8定值校验 (43)10.9跳合闸电流保持试验 (43)11订货须知 (44)12 储存及保修 (44)12.1存储条件 (44)12.2保修 (44)1概述1.1适用范围LCS-5561C-MA-G备用电源自动投入装置,适用于单母线、单母线分段、内桥接线的进线备自投、主变备自投、分段(内桥)备自投,支持电力行业通讯标准DL/T667-1999(IEC60870-5-103)和新一代变电站通讯标准IEC61850。

Instruction Manual for FrSky Scout VS600 Series说明书

Instruction Manual for FrSky Scout VS600 Series说明书
Series to STK or S.Port AriLink S to the computer and configure parameters with FreeLink(PC).
The interface is below.
Instruction Manual for FrSky Scout VS600 Series
5800 5769
CH5 5785 5809
5820 5806
CH6 5765 5828
5840 5843
CH7 5745 5847
CH8 5866
LED Indication Flash 1 time Flash 2 times Flash 3 times Flash 4 times Flash 5 times Flash 6 times Flash 7 times Flash 8 times
Green Power Pit mode 25mW
/ / / / / /
Red Band
A B C D E F / /
Blue Channel
The Scout VS600 Series has a green LED/red LED/blue LED which indicates the RF power/frequency band/channel. As you press the button key, the LED will flash, indicating the corresponding RF power level/frequency band/channel.
2. Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:



600系列三相电力仪表(版本号:4.00)使用说明书(使用前请详细阅读此说明书)目录1、简述 (1)1.1 600的功能 (1)1.2 600功能描述 (1)1.3 600的特点 (1)2、安装、接线与配置 (2)2.1 尺寸与安装 (2)2.2 接线与配置 (3)3、界面显示说明 (5)3.1 显示模式下按键功能示意图 (5)3.2 编程模式下参数查询及修改按键功能示意图 (5)3.3 显示模式下功能显示灯指示说明 (6)4、操作说明 (6)4.1 循环显示说明 (6)4.2 键盘编程说明 (6)4.3 功能设置 (6)5、运输与贮藏 (7)6、保修期限及订货说明 (7)附表:常见故障排除 (8)1、简述1.1 600系列的功能600系列三相电力仪表是用于低压电力系统的智能化装置,该系列产品包括电流表、电压表、有功功率表、无功功率表、功率因数表、电度表等适合用户不同应用需求的仪表产品,该系列仪表可以完全替各种代指针式电力仪表,且精确度更好、性能更加稳定。


1.2 600系列功能描述1.2.2 通讯功能(扩展功能)600系列产品均可选配RS485通讯接口,通讯协议为MODBUS通讯协议或其它指定通讯协议。



1.2.3 1~4路开关量输入功能(扩展功能)600系列产品均可选配1~4路开关量输入,为无源节点输入。


1.2.4 模拟量输出功能(扩展功能)600系列部分产品可选配1~2路DC4~20mA,通过编程设置可将模拟量(DC 4-20mA)输出设置为与某一被测参数(定货时需指定)成比例的输出。




600系列主机基本功能一、型号说明:600系列主机有以下几个型号:TTX6084、TTX6164、TTX6224、TTX6324,分别为8进4出、16进4出、24进4出,键盘为TTX600VJ (一主机可带4键盘)二、功能说明1、8、16、24、32路视频输入可选,标准为4路视频输出2、C 型控制方式(同轴视控)或D 型控制方式(RS485方式)3、带有视频环通输出4、128路报警输入,带报警联动功能,1个报警继电器输出(50V A )600系列键盘操作说明变速摇杆键盘,支持变速操作一 .键盘基本操作选择一个摄象机、视频序列和监视器1. nn + [CAMERA]:选择nn 号摄象机在当前监视器上进行操作(nn=1—32);2. nn + [SEQUENCE RECALL];选择一个预先编程好的视频序列(nn=1—4);3. 选择监视器:扭动钥匙,键盘显示PR ,再按[CAMERA],可改变监视器号,根据需要选择几号监视器;(或者是按住[CAMERA]保持5S ,然后再按[CAMERA],可改变监视器号,根据需要选择几号监视器)选择预置位4. nn + [PRESET RECALL]:调用一个预先编程好的预置位;(nn=1—16)5. [PRESET RECALL]:瞬时功能6. 操作杆: 控制云台水平、垂直方向功能;7.[LENS FUNCTIONS ]: 光圈开、关,聚焦远、近,视角大、小;8.[HOME]: 使云台回到初始点,即预置位1;[WASH]: 开启喷水器,[AUX2]:使用直流云台时,会使其速度加倍。

开关控制功能键[LENS SLOW]、[AUTO IRIS]、[LAMPS]、[CAMARA ON/OFF]、[WIPE]、[AUX1]分别为镜头慢速,自动光圈,灯光,摄象机开关,雨刮器,辅助功能键(以上各功能要求设备具有相应的功能才能实现)。

[ALL ON]、[ALL OFF]全开和全关功能,例如:[ALL ON] [WIPE]就是将所有的雨刷器都打开。

S-600 Yeti雪机使用说明书

S-600 Yeti雪机使用说明书

S-600 YetiSnow MachineUser Manual© 2022 Antari Lighting and Effects Ltd.English1.Introduction (2)2.Safety Information (2)3.Package Items (5)4.Product Overview (6)5.Technical Label Information (7)6.Snow Fluid (7)7.Setting Up (7)8.Operation (8)9.Machine Status Message (10)10.DMX Connection (11)11.RDM (12)12.Wireless Control Operation (13)13.Wireless DMX Operation (Optional) (14)14.SC-4 Wired Remote Operation (Optional) (15)15.S-600-BH / 5-liter bottle holder (Optional) (16)16.Service and Maintenance (17)17.Technical Specifications (18)18.Machine Dimension (19)19.Exploded diagram (20)中文1.前言 (22)2.安全注意事項 (22)3.包裝內容 (24)4.機器外觀概述 (26)5.技術標籤資訊 (27)6.液體使用 (27)7.機器安裝操作步驟 (27)8.操作說明 (28)9.機器狀態說明 (30)10.DMX說明 (31)11.RDM說明 (32)12.無線模組配對及操作說明 (33)13.無線DMX安裝說明(選配) (34)14.SC-4有線控制器操作說明(選配) (35)15.S-600 BH / 5公升油桶座安裝說明(選配) (37)16.機器維護保養 (38)17.技術規格 (39)18.機器尺寸圖 (40)19.機台爆炸圖 (41)User Manual1. IntroductionPlease read this user manual carefully before operating the machine. Please put this manual in a place where you can refer to it at any time.If you encountered any problems, please contact your local Antari dealer for advice and assistance.2. Safety InformationCAUTION!Please read the following safety information carefully before operating the machine. This information includes important safeguards about installation, usage and maintenance. Pay attention to all warning labels and instructions in this manual and printed on the machine.DANGER!Electrical shockAlways connect the machine to correct voltage. It will lead to electrical shock or burned and may cause serious consequences if connecting to incorrect or impropervoltage.WARNING!Risk of electrocutionAlways connect the machine to a protected circuit and ensure it is properly grounded to avoid risk of electrocution.※ Damage caused by the disregard of this user manual are not subject to warranty. Antari and its dealer will not accept liability for any resulting defects or problems.2.1Installationl Keep this device dry. This machine is not waterproof. Do not expose the machine to water splashes. l Place the machine on a flat surface. Installed in a well ventilated area. Provide at least 50 cm space around the machine.l Make sure there are no flammable materials close to the machine while operating. Never add flammable liquid of any kind to the machine.l Before connecting the machine to power, always check the voltage indicate on the machine matches to your local AC voltage. Do not use the machine if AC power voltage does not match.l If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by a special cord or assembly available from your local Antari dealer for replacement.l No user serviceable and modifiable parts inside. Never try to repair this product, an unauthorized technician may lead the machine to damage or malfunction.l This product is for indoor use only! Do not expose to rain or moisture. If fluid is spilled, disconnect AC power and clean with a damp cloth. If fluid is spilled onto electronic parts, immediately unplug the machine and contact your local Antari dealer for advice.l Pay attention to all warning labels and instructions on the machine before operation.2.2Operationl Do not operate the machine with bundled power cables. It could be a fire hazard.l Do not operate the machine in an area with unstable voltage. This may burn out internal components and cause machine fail to work.l Do not use the machine against human, animal or flame. Make sure there are no flammable materials close to the machine.l For adult use only. The machine is not to be used by persons (including children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge. Never leave themachine running unattended.l Children being supervised not to play with the machine.l If you hear a strange sound or experience machine fails to work, stop use it immediately. Turn off and unplug the machine, and contact your local Antari dealer for service.l Turn off and unplug the machine while it’s not in use.l Make sure the machine is turned off before unplug it.l Do not use the machine upside down or tilt it. It may damage the machine and make it malfunction. l Before transporting the machine, make sure the fluid tank is completely drained.l Snow fluid may present health risks if swallowed. Do not drink snow fluid. Store it securely. In case of eye contact or if fluid is swallowed immediately look for medical advice.l Be sure to unplug the machine before filling snow fluid.l If the machine fails to work, unplug the machine and stop operation immediately. Contact your local Antari dealer for help.2.3Grounding InstructionThis appliance must be grounded in the event of malfunction or breakdown, grounding provides a path of least resistance for electric current to reduce the risk of electric shock. This appliance is equipped with a cord having an equipment-grounding conductor and a grounding plug. The plug must be plugged into an appropriate outlet that is properly installed and grounded in accordance with all local codes and ordinances.DANGER – Improper connection of the equipment-grounding conductor can result in a risk of electric shock. The conductor with insulation having an outer surface that is green with or without yellow stripes is the equipment-grounding conductor. If repair or replacement of the cord or plug is necessary, do not connect the equipment-grounding conductor to a live terminal. Check with a qualified electrician or servicemen if the grounding instructions are not completely understood, or if in doubt as to whether the appliance is properly grounded. Do not modify the plug provided with the appliance. If it will not fit the outlet, have a proper outlet installed by a qualified electrician.This appliance is for use on a nominal 120V circuit and has a grounding plug that looks like the plug illustrated in sketch A in Figure 73.1. A temporary adaptor, which looks like the adaptor illustrated in sketches B and C, may be used to connect this plug to a 2 pole receptacle as shown in sketch B if a properly grounded outlet is not available. The temporary adaptor should be used only until a properly grounded outlet can be installed by a qualified electrician. The green colored rigid ear, lug, and the like, extending from the adaptor must be connected to a permanent ground such as a properly grounded outlet box cover. Whenever the adaptor is used, it must be held in place by the metal screw.3. Package ItemsImmediately upon receiving the machine, carefully unpack the carton, check the content to ensure that all parts are present and have been received in good condition. If any parts appear damaged or mishandled from shipping, notify the shipper immediately and retain the packing material for inspection.3.1Standard Package1 x S-600 Snow Machine1 x PowerCon True 1 Power Cord1 x User Manual or scan QR code on technical label1 x 5M Fluid Tank Feed Tube with Filter1 x W-2 Wireless Transmitter (Receiver has been installed onto the machine)1 x Hanging Bracket3.2Optional AccessoriesItem Code DescriptionWTR-90 W-2 & W-DMX Receiver & W-DMX-PCBSC-4 Cable RemoteS-600-BH 5-Liter Bottle Holder4. Product Overview01. Control Panel 06. Wireless Receiver Antenna02. Fluid Tube Connection 07. SC-4 Remote Connector03. Main Power Switch 08. Output Nozzle04. True 1 PowerCon Connector 09. Hanging Bracket05. XLR 5-Pin DMX Connector 10. Technical Label5. Technical Label InformationRead the information on the technical label before operation. Technical label is attached on one side of control panel.1. Model Name 5. Breaker2. Input V oltage 6. QR CODE for User Manual3. Frequency 7. Serial No.4. Rated Power6. Snow FluidCAUTION!Always disconnect from the mains before filling the machine. Never add flammable liquids. If fluid gets inside the machine, please contact your local Antari dealer for service.Only use Antari SL-N, SL-AN, SL-H, SL-C, SL-UV fluid for the S-600 Snow Machine. The machine is tested and calibrated with this liquid to get the best output performance. Warranty will be void if any other type of liquid is used, improper use of liquid may lead to machine failure and malfunction.7. Setting UpCAUTION!Risk of injury caused by falling objects.Make sure installation location, fastening connecting and rigging hardware can hold at least 10 times the weight of the machine.Make sure that the machine is installed securely and cannot fall down. It will cause severe injuries if the machine falling down.Step 1. Place the machine on a flat surface and in a suitably large area with at least 50 cm open spacearound the machine. Step 2. Connect the 5M fluid tube to S-600 and put the filter into the tank. Please do not bend the fluidtube and fill the fluid tank with Antari snow fluid.5M Fluid Tube with FilterStep 3. Connect the machine to a suitably rated power supply. To determine the power requirement forthe machine, refer to the label on the back of the machine.Step 4. Turn on the machine, press the [VOLUME]/[DOWN] button on the control panel to start makingsnow. To stop making snow, press the [STOP] /[■] buttonStep 5. To turn off the machine, press the [STOP] /[■] button and put the power switch to the OFFposition.※ Notice :The motor of S-600 continues running for about 5 seconds after [STOP] /[■] button is pressed. Please turn off the main power after motor stops running.8. OperationS-600 Yeti snow machine can be operated in the following modes. The machine can accept 1 kind ofsignal at 1 time. When using different control modes at the same time, the machine will work according to built-in control priority.l Manual: operation via control panel l Timer: operation via control panell DMX 512l SC-4 Wired Remote (Optional) l Wireless DMX (Optional) l W-2 Wireless TransmitterPriority: Wireless DMX (Optional) > DMX512 > W-2 Wireless Transmitter > SC-4 Wired Remote (Optional) > ManualPlease see the following pages for instructions on your choice of operation.8.1 Control Panel OperationThe machine can be operated in manual or timer modes with the onboard digital control interfaceButtonFunction[MENU]Scroll through setting menu▲[UP]/[TIMER] Increase setting value/Activate Timer function ▼[DOWN]/[VOLUME] Decrease setting value/Activate V olume function ■[STOP]Deactivate Timer/V olume function Confirm/Leave Setting Menu8.2 Control MenuMenuItemDescriptionDMXDMX512 Add: XXXDMX-512 Address: 1-510(S-600 occupies 3 control channels.) LinkMode Wired Link Mode :Wired / Wireless W-DMX Unlink?W-DMX Linking :Linking cancelledReady To SnowManualIntervalXXX minSet interval time at timer mode from 5 to 240 minutes DurationXXX minSet duration time at timer mode from 5 to 240 minutesV olumeOut XXX%Set output volume at volume mode from 0 to 100%BlowerXXX%Set blower output from 0 to 100% to adjust snowflake size. Thesmaller output, the bigger snowflake.Fan SpeedXXX%Set fan speed from 0 to 100%InfoW-DMX--- W-DMX okW-DMX Transmitter assigned, DMX signalreceived.No DMX W-DMX transmitter assigned, No DMX signal TX Lost W-DMX link lost or linking to transmitter Unassign W-DMX Transmitter not assignedUID 1ED806020001Product UID CodeRun Time0000000HAccumulated Snowing time:0 - 9999999 hourSetting W.RemotePairWireless Transmitter:Pair / Unpair Run LastSet OffRun the last setting:On / Off KeySoundSet OnKeypad Sound:On / OffBackliteAlwaysOnScreen Backlite: On /Off / AlwaysOn DefaultProceed?Reset to factory settings9. Machine Status MessageScreen DescriptionS-600v1.0Software VersionAC InputAC-XXXInput V oltageReadyTo SnowMachine is ready to make snow.Remote Out XXX% SC-4 wired remote operating (only shows when SC-4 is connected) V olume Out XXX% Running at volume modeInterval XXX min Running at timer mode, Interval time Duration XXX min Running at timer mode, Duration time DMX-512 Add: XXX Current DMX 512 channel Priming 100% Activate pump at maximum output Wrong V oltage! Wrong input voltage10. DMX Connection10.1 DMX Connector Pin AssignmentThe machine provides a 5-pin XLR connector for DMX connection. The diagram below indicates pin assignment information.1 Ground2 Data-3 Data+ 4N/A 5N/A10.2 DMX Channel FunctionChannelModeDMX Value Function Channel 1 Snow Output V olume 0-5 Snow off6-255 Snow Output 0-100% Channel 2Blower Output0-5 Blower off6-255Blower Output 0-100%Channel 3 Fan Output 0-5 Fan Off6-255 Fan Output 0-100%11. RDMThe S-600 snow machine Yeti is RDM enabled, allowing control system to configure, monitor and manage. See below table for supported RDM parameters.GET Allowed SET Allowed Category RDM Parameter ID’s (Slot 21-22) Value RequiredNetwork Management DISC_UNIQUE_BRANCH 0x0001 O DISC_MUTE 0x0002 O DISC_UN_MUTE 0x0003 OORDM Information QUEUED_MESSAGE 0x0020O SUPPORTED_PARAMETERS 0x0050 O O PARAMETER_DESCRIPTION 0x0051 OOProduct Information DEVICE_INFO 0x0060 OO PRODUCT_DETAIL_ID_LIST 0x0070O DEVICE_MODEL_DESCRIPTION 0x0080O MANUFACTURER_LABEL 0x0081O O DEVICE_LABEL 0x0082O SOFTWARE_VERSION_LABEL 0x00C0 OO ODMX512 Setup DMX_PERSONALITY 0x00E0O DMX_PERSONALITY_DESCRIPTION 0x00E1O O DMX_START_ADDRESS 0x00F0 O O SLOT_INFO (0x0120)O SLOT_DESCRIPTION (0x0121)O DEFAULT_SLOT_VALUE (0x0122)OSensors SENSOR_DEFINITION 0x0200O O SENSOR_VALUE 0x0201O DEVICE_HOURS 0x0400 O O O Control IDENTIFY_DEVICE 0x1000 O12. Wireless Control OperationS-600 is equipped with W-2 wireless control function as a standard. Receiver attached onto S-600 before shipped from factory.12.1 W-2 Wireless Transmitterl Battery :27A 12Vl Effective distance :In a free open space, the effective distance is about 50 meters, actual usage depends on obstacle level; the effective distance varies.l W-2 Wireless remote control system equipped with 4 buttonsto activate, deactivate, adjust snow, motor and fan output level. Button Function[A] Press Once :activate outputKeep pressing for 2 seconds :turn off S-600[B] Adjust snow output level Range: 0/20/40/60/80/100% [C] Adjust motor output level Range: 0/20/40/60/80/100% [D]Adjust fan output levelRange: 0/20/40/60/80/100%W-2 Wireless TransmitterW-2 Wireless Receiver (attached onto machine as astandard)12.2 W-2 Wireless ReceiverS-600 is equipped with W-2 wireless control function as a standard. Transmitter is included in package. Receiver attached onto S-600 before shipped from factory.12.3 Registering a Transmitterl Transmitter can be paired or deleted from the receiver. l Each receiver can pair up to 5 transmitters. l Follow below steps to pair or delete transmitter.Step 1.Press [MENU] button and select [Setting]. Screw the menu until [W.Remote] shows on display.UP: PairDOWN:UnpairStep 2A. Press [UP / ▲] button to select [Pair] to pair a new transmitter. Press [STOP / ■] button, and press any button on the W-2 transmitter to finish pairing.Step 2B. Press [DOWN / ▼] button to select [Unpair] to delete an existing transmitter.13. Wireless DMX Operation (Optional)13.1WTR-90 (Optional)WTR-90 includes a 2 in 1 (W-DMX & W-2) receiver and a W-DMX-PCB.2 in 1 receiver (W-DMXW2R) & W-DMX-PCB13.2Installation StepsStep 1.Release unscrew the receiver, and replace it by the 2 in 1 receiver (W-DMXW2R). Connect it to the cable shown as below photo and then screw it the panel.Step 2. Connect the receiver’s cable with W-DMX-PCB and then install the W-DMX-PCB onto the mainPCB circled in red below.※ Please make sure the W-DMX-PCB pins are firmly installed attached with S-600 main PCB.14. SC-4 Wired Remote Operation (Optional)Wired remote control SC-4 enables to control the machine from a remote location. With three push buttons and 3 rotary knobs to activate/deactivate, priming and snow, motor and fan output level adjustment.Button/Knob Function [SNOW VOLUME] Knob Adjust snow output level 0-100%[BLOWER SPEED] Knob Adjust motor output level 0-100% to adjust snowflake size. [FAN SPEED] Knob Adjust fan output level 0-100%[TIMER] Button Activate Timer SettingInterval and duration time is set on control panel. Output level is controlled by rotary knob on SC-4. [POWER] Button Turn On/Off SC-4 remote[MANUAL] ButtonMax snow, motor and fan output level.※IMPORTANT NOTE:1.Press [POWER] button to activate SC-4 remote.2.With first time operation, a new tank of fluid or refill the fluid may not pump properly due to airlockin the pipeline, use [MANUAL] button to activate pump, motor and fan at maximum output to push the air out of the pipeline.SC-4 Connector SC-4 Wired Remote15. S-600-BH / 5-liter bottle holder (Optional)Optional S-600-BH / 5-liter bottle holder is available to meet the needs of different occasions. Follow below steps to install the bottle holder.Step 1.Release the T shaped handle on S-600.Step 2. Install S-600-BH to the machine.Step 3. Screw the T shaped handle back to S-600 tightly to complete the installation.16. Service and MaintenanceDANGER!Disconnect from mains before starting maintenance operation!lDo not allow the machine to become contaminated.l Remove dust from air vents with air compressor, vacuum or a soft brush. l Only use a damp cloth to clean the casing.lIt is recommended to run the machine on a monthly basis in order to achieve best performance and output condition.l Excessive dust, liquid and dirt built up will degrade performance and cause overheating.l Before storing away after operation, pump pure water through the system for at least 1 to 2 minutes.This will help clean out the remaining snow fluid and prevent pump from malfunction on next usage.17. Technical SpecificationsS-600Input voltage US model : AC 100-120V, 50/60Hz 10A EU model : AC 220-240V, 50/60Hz 5ARated power 1200W Fluid consumption 400 ml/minCompatible fluid Antari SL-N Snow Foam FluidAntari SL-AN Premium Snow Foam Fluid Antari SL-H Super Dry Snow Foam Fluid Antari SL-C Anti-Freezing Snow Foam Fluid Antari SL-UV UV Snow Foam FluidAmbient temp/ range 5°C – 40°C (41°F – 104°F)Control Manual, Timer,DMX 512, Wireless Wireless DMX (Optional)DMX channels 3 channelsConnection Neutrik Powercon (Power) XLR 5-pin (DMX)Included accessories W-2 Wireless Radio Transmitter 5-Meter Fluid Tube with Filter Hanging BracketOptional accessories WTR-90 Wireless DMXSC-4 Cable RemoteS-600-BH Bottle Holder (For 5-Liter Bottle. Bottle is not included)Dimension L 461.2 W 596 H 629.6 mm (L 18.16 W 23.47 H 24.79 inch)Weight 24 kg (52.9 lbs)18. Machine Dimension19. Exploded diagram19.1AC-120VSPARE PARTS OF S-6001 S-600-M Air blower 11 S-600-PCBC Control P.C board2 C040039B0 Rocker switch / Power 12 S-600-PCB Main P.C board3 C04312621 Power socket (Inlet) 13 C01007010 Socket head cap screw4 S-600-PCBD5 P.C board DMX 5Pin 14 C02025000 Handle5 W-2RA Wireless Receiver 15 S-600-PC Power cord & Plug6 C045E2900 Control inlet socket 16 W-2A Wireless transmitter7 C00013610 Fluid tube connector 17 FT-P-6-4A-5M Fluid tube with filter / 5M8 S-600-P Pump (Group) 18 SC-4 Wired remote controller (Optional)9 S6******* Steel 19 S-600-BH Bottle holder (Optional)10 C02000700 Acrylic19.2AC-230VSPARE PARTS OF S-6001 S-600E-M Air blower 11 S-600-PCBC Control P.C board2 C040039A0 Rocker switch / Power 12 S-600-PCB Main P.C board3 C04312621 Power socket (Inlet) 13 C01007010 Socket head cap screw4 S-600-PCBD5 P.C board DMX 5Pin 14 C02025000 Handle5 W-2RE Wireless Receiver 15 S-600-PC Power cord & Plug6 C045E2900 Control inlet socket 16 W-2E Wireless transmitter7 C00013610 Fluid tube connector 17 FT-P-6-4A-5M Fluid tube with filter / 5M8 S-600-P Pump (Group) 18 SC-4 Wired remote controller (Optional)9 S6******* Steel 19 S-600-BH Bottle holder (Optional)10 C02000700 Acrylic中文使用說明書1. 前言使用本產品之前,請務必詳加閱讀此說明書後正確使用。


















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The MBC600 Series of open frame power supplies feature a wide universal AC input range of 90 – 277 VAC, offering 600 W of output power in a compact footprint.The MBC Series is designed and approved to the latest medical standards (EN/IEC 60601-1), providing 2 x MOPP isolation for Class I & Class II applications.These power supplies are ideal for medical, telecom, datacom, industrial equipment and other applications.•600 W standard, 420 W convection cooled•Size: 5.0” x 8.0” x 1.6” (127.0 x 203.2 x 40.6 mm)•High efficiency up to 94.0%•Universal input voltage range: 90-277 VAC•Active power factor correction (PFC)•Less than 5 W dissipation at standby mode•Parallel operation with active current sharing•Digital control for circuit loop and power management•Fully protected (OTP, OCP, OVP, SCP)•Power Management Bus for control, programming and monitoring •Designed to meet Class B per CISPR 22 and EN 55022•CE marked LVD•Diagnostic Equipment •Drug Pump •Dialysis •Ultrasound •Surgical Device •Home Health Care •Monitoring Devices •Imaging Equipment •Hospital Beds •Therapy DevicesMBC600-1012G 12 V 35.0 A 50.0 A 0 A 1% ± 2%MBC600-1024G 24 V 17.5 A 25.0 A 0 A 1% ± 2%MBC600-1048G 48 V 8.8 A 12.5 A 0 A 1% ± 2%V fan (all models) 12 V 1.0 A 1.0 A 0 A 1% ± 20%V sb (all models) 5 V 1.0 A 1.0 A 0 A 2% ± 2% NOTES:1.Peak current rating on V1 (main output) is 120% of max, lasting 3 seconds with max of 10% duty cycle.bined output power of V1 plus fan supply and standby supply should not exceed max power rating.3.+/-20% tolerance of V fan includes the factors of set point accuracy, line and load regulation.4.Air flow over long edge (either direction) required for air flow rating. See mechanical drawing.5.More than 800K hours MTBF is to be calculated according to Bellcore TR-332 standard current edition at 25 ºC.The MBC600 SERIES AC-DC/DC-DC power supply can operate using AC or DC input. It is a highly efficient front-end power supply.The PFC stage adopts an analog controller in continuous conduction mode to achieve high power factor and high efficiency. The DC/DC stage is fully DSP controlled and employs soft switching resonant techniques in conjunction with synchronous rectification for high efficiency and better thermal control. With a wide input operational voltage range and minimal linear derating of output power with temperature, the MBC600 SERIES maximizes power availability in demanding server, network, and other high availability applications. The supply is convection cooled or fan cooled and ideally suited for integration with a matching airflow path. An active OR-ing MOSFET on the output ensures no reverse current and renders the supply ideally suited for operation in redundant power systems. The always-on standby output V sb (5 Volts) provides power to external power distribution and management controllers. It is protected with an active OR-ing diode for maximum reliability. In addition, the Power Management Bus allows full monitoring of the supply, including input and output voltage, current, power, and internal temperatures. Current share signal (V1_I share) is used for current sharing, and the difference between two units is within 2.5 A if system load is more than 25% of full load. The current share signal (V1_I share) voltage shall be a linear function Vcs = 8 x I out/I max for a single power supply. Example: for MBC600-1012G, VCS is 8 V at 50A loading; I max is 50 A of MBC600-1012G.Figure 1. MBC600 Series Block Diagram**********************Asia-Pacific +86 755 298 85888Europe, Middle East+353 61 225 977North America +1 408 785 5200 © 2019 Bel Power Solutions & ProtectionBCD.00496_ACGeneral Condition: T amb = -25 to 70°C unless otherwise noted.V in Input Voltage Ranges Universal Input90 100-250277 VAC 120 240 VDC I in max Max Input Current V in = 90 VAC / 60 Hz, Full load 9 Arms I inrush Inrush Current Limitation V i min to V i max , 20 Apk Fi Input Frequency47 50/60 63 Hz PFPower FactorV in nom , 50 Hz, > 50% full load.0.95 0.99 1η Efficiency without Fan V in = 230 VAC, 20% of Full load, T amb = 25°C91.0 %V in = 230 VAC, 50% of Full load, T amb = 25°C 94.0 V in = 230 VAC, 100% of Full load, T amb = 25°C93.0 P min Min Power at no Load V in = 120 VAC, T amb= 25°C, if diable V15W I leakageLeakage Current V in= 277 VAC, T amb = 25°C, Input to Earth250 300 µAT hold Hold-up TimeV in = 230 VAC, Full load, V sb within regulation, stay within 90%*V 1nom from AC zero point16msGeneral Condition: Tamb = -25 to 70°C unless otherwise noted.Main Output V 1 V 1 set Output Set Point Accuracy 0.5 ∙I 1 nom , T amb = 25°C-0.5 +0.5 % V 1 nom V 1 nom Nominal Output Voltage Refer to ordering information table as aboveVDC V 1 total reg Total Regulation V in min to V in max , 0 to 100% I 1 nom , T amb min to T amb max-2 +2 % V 1 nom V adj Voltage Adjustment V 1 output voltage could be adjusted with the potentiometer or I2C protocol +/-10 % V 1 nom v 1 pp Output Ripple Voltage V 1 nom , I 1 nom , 20 MHz BW #1 1 % V 1 nom V 1 Load reg Load Regulation Vi = V i nom , 0…100% I1 nom 2 % V 1 nom V 1 Line reg Line RegulationV i =V i min …V i max1 % V 1 nomI share Current Sharingabs (I1-I2), between any two units in parallel)when Bus load ≥ 25% of full load 2.5 A when Bus load <25% of full load #2 3.5 A V 1 dyn Dynamic Load Regulation 50 to 100% of load change, 50 Hz, 50% duty cycle, 1 A/us -5 +5 % V 1 nom T v1 rec Recovery Time 0.5 5 ms V 1OvershootV1 overshoot at turn-on1 % C v1 LoadCapacitive LoadingT amb = 25°C, C Load = 220 uF/A*I 1normμFStandby Output V sb V sb nom Nominal Output Voltage5 VDC V sb total reg Total Regulation V sb min to V sb max , 0 to 100% I sb nom , T amb min to T amb max -2 +2 % V sb P sb nom Nominal Output Power V sb = 5 VDC5 W V sb ppOutput Ripple VoltageV sb nom , I sb nom , 20 MHz BW100mVV sb Load reg Load Regulation V sb = V sb nom, 0…100% I sb nom 2 % V sb V sb Line reg Line Regulation V sb =V sb min…V sb max 2 % V sb I sb max Current Limitation Constant current limit then hiccup 120 150 % I sbV sb dyn Dynamic Load Regulation 50 to 100% of load change, 50 Hz, 50%duty cycle, 1 A/us -5 +5 % V sbT sb rec Recovery Time 0.5 5 ms C sb Load Capacitive Loading T amb = 25°C 220 μF Fan Output V fanV fan nom Nominal Output Voltage 12 VDCV fan total reg Total Regulation V fan min to V fan max, 0 to 100% I1 nom,T amb min to T amb max-20 +20 % V fan nomP fan nom Nominal Output Power V fan = 12 VDC, Power darating linearly to50% at 70°C, refer to figure 212 WV fan pp Output Ripple Voltage V fan nom, I fan nom, 20 MHz BW 2 % V fan nom I fan max Current Limitation T amb = 25°C 270 % I fan nomVf an dyn Dynamic Load Regulation 50 to 100% of load change, 50 Hz, 50%duty cycle, 1 A/us -5 +5 % V fan nomT fan rec Recovery Time 0.5 5 msC fan Load Capacitive Loading T amb = 25°C 220 μF NOTES:1.The output noise and ripple measurement was made with 20 MHz bandwidth using a 6 inch twisted pair, terminated with a 10 uFtantalum capacitor in parallel with a 0.1 uF ceramic capacitor.2.For MBC600-1048G, the current share abs (I1-I2) should be less than 3 A at light load (< 25% of full load)Figure 2. Output Power vs. TemperatureNOTE: Power darating linearly to 50% at 70ºC for the output including main output V1, Vfan.**********************Asia-Pacific +86 755 298 85888Europe, Middle East+353 61 225 977North America +1 408 785 5200 © 2019 Bel Power Solutions & ProtectionBCD.00496_ACF Input Fuses (L+N) Not user accessible, slow-acting (F)10A V in ovInput Over Voltage Limit 285VAC/245VDC / 295VAC/255VDC V Recovery280VAC/240VDC / 290VAC/250VDC V V in uv Input Under Voltage Limit 75VAC/105VDC / 85VAC/115VDC V Recovery80VAC/110VDC/ 90VAC/120VDCV V 1 ov OV Threshold V 1 V1 will be latched until reset by AC input or INHIBIT signal.110 132 %V 1 norm V sb ov OV Threshold V sb V sb will be latched until reset by AC input or INHIBIT signal.110120%V sb normI 1 lim Current Limit V 1 Over current limit meets below curve, Figure 3I sb lim Current Limit V sb Standby output will be entered into CC mode if output current is above 1.2 A 1.22 A I fan lim Current Limit V fan T amb = 25°C2.7AT SD Over Temperature on Heat SinksNo damage, Automatic shut-down and recovers.The Output is protected against an overload or a Short Circuit for indefinite duration. The unit shall meet this requirement when in general operating conditions. Over current limit should meet below curve within +/-1.5 A tolerance, and the unit is allowed to hiccup under over current conditions.Figure 3. Over Current ModeBel Power Solutions provides with its “Bel Power Solutions I2C Utility” a Windows® XP/Vista/Win7 compatible graphical user interface allowing the programming and monitoring of the ABC600 Series Front-End. The utility can be downloaded on and supports both the PSMI and Power Management Bus protocols.The GUI allows automatic discovery of the units connected to the communication bus and will show them in the navigation tree. In the monitoring view the power supply can be controlled and monitored. Reference Documents:▪ BCA.00029_AA_ABC600 Series Power Management Bus Communication Manual.pdf ▪ Power Management Bus Specification Part I Revision 1.1 ▪ Power Management Bus Specification Part II Revision 1.1 ▪ System Management Bus (SMBus) Specification Revision 2.0Figure 4. I2C Bus to DSPThe sensor commands shall meet the following accuracy requirements:READ_IIN < 0.5 A +/-20% It is for corresponding to max input currentREAD_IOUT +/-5% +/-2.5 A It is for corresponding to max output currentREAD_VIN +/-3% +/-2.5 V It is for corresponding to max input voltageREAD_VOUT +/-2% +/-2%READ_PIN - - - +/-20% It is for corresponding to max input powerREAD_POUT +/-5 % +/-5% It is for corresponding to max output power**********************Asia-Pacific +86 755 298 85888Europe, Middle East+353 61 225 977North America +1 408 785 5200 © 2019 Bel Power Solutions & ProtectionBCD.00496_ACUnless defined otherwise, all control signals shall be TTL compatible with respect to the output return and shall be isolated from the primary circuit and be SELV rated. All input signals shall be driven from an open collector with the pull-up resistor located in the power supply and shall be capable of sourcing up to 4 mA. Unless otherwise specified, signal levels for parameters listed in thetable below are general LVTTL signals.A0, A1 Power Management Bus selected address Pin.SDA, SCL SDA is serial data signal and SCL is serial clock signal (I 2C).SMB_ALERT_L Output alert signal. It shall be an open collector with the pull-up resistor located at the receiving end. This signal will be asserted due to fault or warning events. High = Normal, Low = Alert, Refer to Figure 5.V 1_I shareCurrent share signal. The PSU can operate at redundant mode by connecting V1_Ishare signal of each power supply together.V 1_VS_SENSE,V 1_VS_SENSE_RTN Remote Sense signal for V1, V1_VS_SENSE is positive sense, V1_VS_SENSE_RTN is negative sense. V sb , SGND V sb is standby output, and SGND is secondary ground.+VP Source voltage located at receiving end. Provide a voltage for power good signal. Refer to Figure 6.PW_OK_HOutput power good signal. It is isolated from the output. Goes high/low when output is within regulation. Refer to Figure 6 (two methods for Power Good connection).INHIBIT_L, INHIBIT_L_RTN Power up signal. It is isolated from the output. Apply a DC voltage between INHIBIT_ L and INHIBIT_L_RTN can power up the unit. Refer to Figure 6.V fan , SGND V fan is fan output to provide energy for user, and SGND is secondary ground.Figure 5. SMB_ALERT_L ConnectionsFigure 6. Isolated Signal Output Connections**********************Output High Voltage V oh 2.4 3.6 V Output Low Voltage V ol 0 0.4 V Input High Voltage V ih 2.0 3.6 V Input Low Voltage V il 0 0.8 V Sink current(PW_OK_H)I sink 4 mA Operate voltage (between INHIBIT_L and INHIBIT_L_RTN) V ope 2.0 10 V Max operate current (SMB_ALERT_L)I ope30mATable 1. Low-Voltage TTL (LVTTL) Voltage LevelsT1 (Tvout _rise) Output voltage rise time from each output0.5 100 ms T2 (TVAC on _v sbon ) Delay from AC being applied to V sb being within regulation 2500 ms T3 (TVAC on _v 1on ) Delay from AC being applied to V1 being within regulation 3000 ms T4 (Tv1_holdup) Time V1 stay within 90% normal output after loss of AC 16 ms T5 (T pwok _holdup) Delay from loss of AC to de-assertion of PW_OK_H10 ms T6 (TinhibitL_v 1on ) Delay INHIBIT_L active to V1 output voltages within regulation 1000 ms T7 (TinhibitL_pwok) Delay from INHIBIT_L de-active to PW_OK_H being de-asserted 50 ms T9 (Tv 1on _pwok) Delay from V1 within regulation to PW_OK_H asserted at turn on100 1000 ms T10 (Tpwok off _V1) Delay from PW_OK_H de-asserted to V1 dropping out of regulation at 60% loading of full load1 ms T11 (Tpwok off _V sb ) Delay from PW_OK_H de-asserted to V sb dropping out of regulation 20 ms T12 (Tv sb _v1)Delay from V sb being in regulation to V1 being in regulation at AC turn on501000msAsia-Pacific +86 755 298 85888Europe, Middle East+353 61 225 977North America +1 408 785 5200 © 2019 Bel Power Solutions & ProtectionBCD.00496_ACOperating Temperature See derating charts above Figure 2, T amb min =-25°C, T amb max = 70°C -25 to 70°C Storage Temperature-40 to 85°C Relative Humidity Operating humidity:Non-operating humidity, non-condensing 5%-90% 5%-95% Altitude Operating:Non-operating:10,000 ft. 40,000 ft. CE MarkComplies with LVD DirectiveConducted Emissions: EN55022-B, CISPR22-B, FCC PART15-B Criterion B Static Discharge EN61000-4-2, Level-3 Criterion A RF Field Susceptibility EN61000-4-3, Level-3 Criterion A Fast Transients/Bursts EN61000-4-4, Level-3Criterion B Radiated Emissions EN55022-B, CISPR22-B, FCC PART15-B Criterion B Surge Susceptibility EN61000-4-5, Level-3 Criterion B RF Immunity EN61000-4-6, Level-3 Criterion A Magnetic Fields EN61000-4-8, Level-4 Criterion A Voltage Interruptions EN61000-4-11 Criterion B Harmonic CurrentEN61000-3-2, Level A Criterion A Voltage Fluctuations / Flicker EN61000-3-3VibrationOperating: Random vibration; 5 to 500 Hz (10 minutes, each axis). Max. 2.4Grms Non-Operating: Random vibration; 5 to 500 Hz (10 minutes, each axis). Max. 6Grms ShockOperating: half-sine, 11 ± 3 ms 3-axis.Max. 15G Non-Operating: half-sine, 11 ± 3 ms 3-axis.Max. 40GMaximum electric strength testing is performed according to IEC/EN 60601, ES/CSA60601-1. Input-to-output electric strength tests should not be repeated in the field. Bel Power Solutions will not honor any warranty claims resulting from electric strength field tests.Agency ApprovalsApproved to the latest edition of the following standards: CSA/UL60601-1, EN60601-1 and IEC60601-1.ANSI/AAMI ES60601-1, 2 X MOPP Approved by independent body (see CE Declaration) Isolation Strength Input (L/N) to case (PE) Input (L/N) to output Output to case (PE)BasicReinforced FunctionalCreepage / Clearance Primary (L/N) to protective earth (PE) Primary to secondary Min 4.0/2.5 mm Min 8/5 mmElectrical Strength Test Input to case Input to outputOutput and Signals to case1781/2519 VAC/VDC 4607/6516 VAC/VDC 500 VDC**********************J101J101-1 = Live J101-2 = LiveJ101-3 = not fitted J101-4 = Neutral J101-5 = Neutral Molex 09-50-3051 or equivalent Molex 08-50-0105 or equivalentAWG#18~16J102J102-1: A0 J102-2: A1 J102-3: SDA J102-4: SCLJ102-5: SMB_ALERT_L J102-6: V1_I shareJ102-7: V1_VS_SENSEJ102-8: V1_VS_SENSE_RTNJ102-9: SGND J102-10: VsbJ102-11: +VPJ102-12: PW_OK_HJ102-13: INHIBIT_LJ102-14: INHIBIT_L_RTN J102-15: V fan J102-16: SGND JST PHDR-16VS or equivalentJST SPHD-001T-P0.5 or equivalentAWG#22~26J103J103: EARTH NA Molex 19002-0024 or equivalentAWG#16 Output terminal J106/J107 J107 = V1_VS_RTN J106 = V1_VSNAMolex 0190670067 or equivalentAWG#6Dimensions (L x W x H)203.2 x 127 x 40.64 mmMounting(Location/Hardware); Dimensions Drawing Figure 7Input Connector type: Molex 26-62-4056 or equivalent; (J101); Figure 7OutputConnector type: M4 screw terminal; (J106/107); Figure 7 SignalConnector type: AMTEK 2211MS-208GW-U; (J102); Figure 7 Outline Drawing Pins/Functions See Mechanical Drawing/ Figure 7Weight0.9 kgMounting distanceDistance from top of the components (component side) to the customer's metal chassis – Naturalcooling: 101.6 mmDistance from top of the components (component side) to the customer's metal chassis – Force cooling: 5 mm 115 mm is not required if there is insulator between PSU and customer chassis.I 2C UtilityWindows XP/Vista/7 compatible GUI to program, control and monitor PET Front-Ends (and other I 2C units)N/A /power-solutionsMBC600 Series11Asia-Pacific +86 755 298 85888Europe, Middle East+353 61 225 977North America +1 408 785 5200 © 2019 Bel Power Solutions & ProtectionBCD.00496_ACLabelJ101-1J101-5J101J103J102J106J107M3X0.5P Thread Holefor customer system mounting;Mounting screw insert into PSU chasis 5.0mm Max.(2 holes on each side)Customer sidemounting screw insert into PSU chasis 5.0mm max.M3X0.5P Thread Holefor customer system mounting;(6 holes on bottom side)9.6188.541.653.91935.1790.567.11137AAA-ANote: A 3D step file of powersupply casing is available on questAirflow DirectionAirflow Directionor19.05 (2x )157.5 6.35127.2±0.5203.2±0.56.35190.540.6±0.519.05 (2x )Figure 7. Mechanical DrawingsNUCLEAR AND MEDICAL APPLICATIONS - Products are not designed or intended for use as critical components in life support systems, equipment used in hazardous environments, or nuclear control systems.TECHNICAL REVISIONS - The appearance of products, including safety agency certifications pictured on labels, may change depending on the date manufactured. Specifications are subject to change without notice.。



BODYConstruction/materials Fully boxed steel frame under-cab, and C-channel aft-of-cab made from high-strength steel, aluminum cab Body style Body-on-frame Trim levelsXL and XLTFinal assembly locationOhio Assembly Plant, Avon Lake, OhioDRIVETRAINStandard layout Front engine, rear driveOptional layoutFront engine, 4x4 (electronic shift-on-the-fly transfer case)ELECTRICAL7.3-liter XL/XLT6.7-liter XL/XLTAlternator 240-amp standard, 240-amp standard, 332-amp or 397-amp optional Battery group12-volt, 750-CCA/78-amp-hrDual 12-volt, 750-CCA/78-amp-hrENGINES7.3-liter V86.7-liter Power Stroke® V8 dieselConfiguration 90-degree V8, single in-block cam 90-degree V8 diesel, single turbocharger, in-block cam and overhead valves Block/head material Cast iron block, aluminum heads Compacted graphite iron block, aluminum headsDisplacement 7.3 liters (445 cubic inches) 6.7 liters (406 cubic inches)Bore x stroke 4.22 inches x 3.98 inches 3.9 inches x 4.25 inches Compression ratio 10.5:115:8:1ValvetrainPushrod and rocker arms, two valves per cylinder Pushrod and rocker arms, four valves per cylinder Recommended fuel 87 octaneUltra-low sulfur diesel/B20Fuel deliverySequential multi-port electronic High-pressure common rail Engine control system ElectronicElectronicIntake manifoldNaturally aspirated, tuned intake Variable geometry turbocharger with charge air cooler Dyno certified horsepower 350 @ 3,900 rpm 330 @ 2,600 rpm Dyno certified torque 468 lb.-ft. @ 3,900 rpm 825 lb.-ft. @ 2,000 rpm Oil life monitorIntelligent oil life monitor®Intelligent oil life monitor®2021 FORD F-600TRANSMISSIONTorqShift® 10-speed heavy-duty automatic transmission with SelectShift™Configuration Aluminum 10-speed, live-drive access on driver side Aluminum 10-speed, live-drive access on driver sideEngine 7.3-liter V86.7-liter Power Stroke diesel V8Gear ratios:First 4.615:1 4.615:1Second 2.919:1 2.919:1Third 2.132:12.132:1Fourth 1.773:11.773:1Fifth 1.519:1 1.519:1Sixth 1.277:1 1.277:1Seventh 1:11:1Eighth 0.851:10.851:1Ninth 0.687:10.687:110th 0.632:10.632:1Reverse-4.695:1-4.695:1WHEELSType Steel or aluminum Size19.5-inch x 6.75-inch Number of studs 10Bolt circle diameter8.86-inchSTEERINGAssistPower hydraulicPASSENGER AND FUEL CAPACITIESSeating capacity (maximum)Three Midship fuel tank capacity 26.5 gallons Aft-of-axle fuel tank capacity 40 gallons Fuel capacity DRW, dual diesel tanks66.5 gallonsBRAKESTypeFour-wheel vented-disc, ABS (standard)Front (rotor diameter)15.39-inch (391-millimeter)Rear (rotor diameter)15.75-inch (400-millimeter)EXTERIOR DIMENSIONS (INCHES UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED)Regular CabINTERIOR DIMENSIONS (INCHES UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED)Regular Cab 4x2/4x4PAYLOAD (LBS.)145.3-inch wheelbase;60 inches, cab-to-axle 169.3-inch wheelbase;84 inches, cab-to-axle193.3-inch wheelbase;108 inches, cab-to-axle205.3-inch wheelbase;120 inches, cab-to-axle7.3-liter 4x215,09015,02014,84014,790 7.3-liter 4x414,78014,69014,54014,470 6.7-liter 4x214,34014,28014,11014,030 6.7-liter 4x414,03013,95013,79013,720MAXIMUM CONVENTIONAL TOWING (LBS.)MAXIMUM GOOSENECK TOWING (LBS.)WARRANTYBumper to bumper:Three years/36,000 miles Powertrain:Five years/60,000 miles Safety restraint system:Five years/60,000 miles Corrosion (perforation only): Five years/unlimited miles Roadside assistance program: Five years/60,000 miles。

李泰加强型生成和形aire机 LCS 600-1200说明书

李泰加强型生成和形aire机 LCS 600-1200说明书

The Generating andProfile Gear Grinding Machines LCS 600 –1200X1B1Z1V1A1C1C5B3Z4Z5C3A1 - Swivel movement toolB1 - Rotation movement toolB3 - Rotation movement dressing toolC1 - Rotation movement workpieceC3 - Rotary motion ring loaderC5 - Swivel movement dressing toolV1 - Tangential movement toolX1 - Radial movement columnZ1 - Axial movement toolZ4 - Vertical travel tailstock armZ5 - Vertical travel ringloader2342455871618456134100ᕤᕣᕡᕥᕨᕩᕦᕧᕢ1 Operating panel2 Control cabinet3 Coolant filtration system LCS 60070010001200Workpiece diameter mm 600700 1.000 1.200Max. workpiece speedmin -1350350250250Max. module (generating grinding)mm 10101010Max. module/profile hight (profile grinding)mm 20/5020/5020/5020/50Max. axial travel mm 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000Min. position above table mm 200200200200Max. position above table mm 1.200 1.200 1.200 1.200Drive capacity grinding spindle kW 35353535Max. tool speedmin -112.00012.00012.00012.000Tool dia. (generating grinding)mm 320320320320Tool dia. (profile grinding)mm 320320320320Max. CBN-tool dia. (generating grinding)mm 170170170170Max. CBN-tool dia. (profile grinding)mm 220220220220Max. tool length mm 230230230230Max. tangential travel mm 320320320320Grinding head swivel angle Grad ± 35° (45°)± 35° (45°)± 35° (45°)± 35° (45°)Axial speed mm/min 10.00010.00010.00010.000Radial speed mm/min 8.0008.0008.0008.000Tangential speedmm/min 10.00010.00010.00010.000Weight of machine with steady column ca. kg 25.00025.00028.00028.000Total connected loadca. kVA60606060Liebherr-Verzahntechnik GmbH Werk Ettlingen Gear cutting tools Hertzstraße 9-1576275 Ettlingen, Germany +49 (0)7243 708-0Fax +49 (0)7243 708-685**********************Liebherr-Utensili S.r.l.Gear cutting tools Via Nazioni Unite 1810093 Collegno TO, Italy +39 (0)114 248711Fax +39 (0)114 559964*********************Liebherr-Gear Technology Inc.Machine toolsLiebherr Automation Systems Co.Automation systems 1465 Woodland DriveSaline, MI 48176-1259, USA +1 7344 297225Fax +1 7344 292294*********************Liebherr-Machine Tools India Pvt. Ltd Machine tools353/354, 4th Main, 9th Cross, 4th Phase Peenya Industrial AreaBangalore - 560 058, India +91 (0)80 41 273033Fax +91 (0)80 41 272625*********************With around sixty years of experience in the field, Liebherr is one of the world‘s leading manufacturers of CNC gear cutting machines, gear cutting tools and automation systems. These innovative products are the result of advanced ideas, highly qualified employees and the latest manufacturing systems at each of their locations. They are characterised by economy, ease of use, quality and reliability in combination with a high degree of flexibility.Liebherr employs approximately 1,200 people in the field of machine tools and automation technology and has production facilities in Kempten and Ettlingen (Germany), Collegno (Italy), Saline (Michigan, USA) and Bangalore (India). They are supported by expert and reliable marketing and service specialists at a large number of locations worldwide.Machine Tools andAutomation Systems by LiebherrHigh-QualityGear Cutting ToolsLiebherr manufactures high-quality precision tools for the soft and hard machining of gears and all Liebherr gear cutting machines are fitted with these tools. The range also includes Lorenz stock tools and products customised for specific applications.Automation Systems for a Wide Range of ApplicationsLiebherr has a wide range of products for linear portals, pallet-handling systems, conveyor systems and robot integration for projects in all areas of production and can provide above-average availability of systems.System Solutions for Gear Cutting MachinesThe Liebherr range in the field of gear cutting machines includes gear hobbing machines, gear shaping machines and hobbing and profile grinding machines, all noted for their high degree of stability and availability. Liebherr can supply all technologies required for the manufacture of high-quality gears and is continuously developing these technologies. Particular importance is attached to the energy efficiency of the machines.Gear cutting machines from Liebherr are supplied to renowned manufacturers of gears and gearboxes as well as large-scale slewing rings worldwide. They are in demand primarily from the automotive and construction machin-ery industries and also increasingly from the windpower industry for the manufacture of gears for wind turbines.Liebherr-Verzahntechnik GmbH Machine tools, automation systemsKaufbeurer Straße 141, 87437 Kempten, Germany +49 (0)831 786-0, Fax +49 (0)831 ,e-mail:*********************Subject to change without prior notice.Printed in Germany by Typodruck BK 04.15。

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Copyright©2009-2011山东鲁能智能技术有限公司 版权所有,保留一切权利。
3.9 方式9:主变备自投方式1(1#变备用,2#变运行)
3.10 方式10:主变备自投方式10(2#变备用,1#变运行)
图2 主变备投基本接线图
3.1 方式1:Ⅱ母暗备用分段备自投
3.6 方式6:2#进线明备用备自投,
图4 Ⅰ母暗备用分段备自投动作逻辑图
说明: Tset为备自投动作延时,Ix1为1#进线过载联切电流定值,Tset21和Tset22分别为过载联切1时限、2时限延时。
图5 1#进线明备用动作逻辑图
说明: Tset为备自投动作延时,Ix1为1#进线过载联切电流定值,Tset21和Tset22分别为过载联切1时限、2时限延时。
图10 2#进线明备用备自投,3DL偷跳动作逻辑图
说明: Tset为备自投动作延时,Ix2为2#进线过载联切电流定值,Tset21和Tset22分别为过载联切1时限、2时限延时。
图11 主变备自投方式1动作逻辑图
说明: Tset为备自投动作延时。
图12 主变备自投方式1动作逻辑图
说明: Tset为备自投动作延时。
2.3 测量系统及遥信精度
图8 2#进线明备用备自投,3DL偷跳动作逻辑图
说明: Tset为备自投动作延时,Ix2为2#进线过载联切电流定值Tset21和Tset22分别为过载联切1时限、2时限延时。
图9 1#进线明备用备自投,无母线PT,进线PT电压直接接入装置动作逻辑图
说明: Tset为备自投动作延时,Ix1为1#进线过载联切电流定值, Tset21和Tset22分别为过载联切1时限、2时限延时。
第二章 技术参数
3.8 方式8:2#进线明备用备自投,
3.2 方式2:Ⅰ母暗备用分段备自投
备投方式6是备投方式5的一种特例情况,其充放电条件与备投方式5是一致的,充电完成以后,满足:3DL偷跳时 母有压,,II母无压,Ux2有压,3DL跳位,且无手分3DL信号,则备投方式6经延时合上2DL-2。动作逻辑框图如图8所示。
3.7 方式7:1#进线明备用备自投,无母线PT,进线PT电压直接接入装置
图1 备自投基本主接线图
1.3 LCS
图3 Ⅱ母暗备用分段备自投动作逻辑图