基于matlab的电力系统潮流计算 (1)

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2014 年 5 月






Power system power flow calculation is the most basic, the most commonly used computing.According to the system of a given operation conditions, network and component parameters, through the power system flow calculation on each busbar voltage can be determined (amplitude and phase Angle), released in the network power and power loss, etc.The result of the power system flow calculation is the basis of the calculation and fault analysis of power system stability.So the power flow calculation in power system planning and design, production, scheduling management and has a wide application in scientific research.

Because of the power system is a highly nonlinear complex system, when the power flow calculation involves a lot of vector and matrix calculation, manual calculation has been unable to meet this need, and therefore need a language with efficient processing matrix operations.The main purpose of this design is to use one of the most important component of MATLAB in the Simlink power component library (SimPowerSystens) power system simulation model was constructed.For power system simulation, using the powerful calculation function of MATLAB, write M language, set a variable parameters, it is concluded that the calculation results and analysis, and conclusion.Results show that using the MATLAB to complex trend analysis and simulation, power system accurately visually inspect the static characteristics of electric power system steady state, the powerful functions of MATLAB in power system simulation is verified.

Key words: power system flow calculation;MATLAB;The simulation


第一章绪论 (1)

1.1电力系统概述 (1)

1.1.1电力系统的定义及功能 (1)

1.1.2 电力系统的发展简况 (1)

1.1.3电力系统的模型 (2)

1.2任务的提出与方案论证 (2)

1.3主要关键技术、工艺参数和理论依据 (3)

1.4 基于MATLAB潮流计算的发展前景 (3)

1.5 设计(论文)的创新之处 (4)

第二章潮流计算基本原理 (5)

2.1电力网络的数学模型 (5)

2.1.1 电力网络的基本方程式 (5)

2.1.2自导纳和互导纳的确定方法 (5)

2.1.3 节点导纳矩阵的性质及意义 (7)

2.1.4非标准变比变压器等值电路 (8)

2.2潮流计算的数学模型 (10)

2.2.1节点类型的确定 (10)

2.2.2潮流计算的约束条件 (11)

2.3潮流计算的步骤 (12)

第三章潮流计算的方法 (13)

3.1高斯—赛德尔法潮流计算 (13)

3.1.1高斯—赛德尔法潮流计算原理 (13)

3.1.2高斯-塞德尔法计算潮流过程 (13)

3.2 牛顿——拉夫逊法潮流计算 (14)

3.2.1牛顿——拉夫逊法潮流计算原理 (14)

3.2.2 牛顿法在两种坐标系下的区别 (15)

3.2.3牛顿法的步骤 (16)

3.3 PQ分解法 (18)

3.3.1 PQ分解法潮流计算原理 (18)

3.3.2 PQ分解法的特点: (19)

第四章基于MATLAB的实例仿真与分析 (20)

4.1仿真实例 (20)

4.2用MATPOWER计算潮流 (20)

4.2.1运行程序及说明 (20)

4.2.2运行结果 (25)

4.3潮流计算仿真模型 (26)

4.3.1电力系统元件的模型选择 (26)

4.3.2参数计算及设置 (27)

4.3.3结果分析 (30)

参考文献 (32)

谢辞 (33)
