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文章编号:025827106 (2010) 0120101212





(中国地质科学院矿产资源研究所国土资源部成矿作用与资源评价重点实验室, 北京100037)摘要拜仁达坝和维拉斯托是近年来在内蒙古东部地区发现的2 个大型银多金属矿床,文章对其开展了硫和铅同位素研究。结果表明,拜仁达坝矿床矿石中硫化物的δ34 S 值为- 410 ‰~+ 116 ‰,维拉斯托矿床矿石中硫化物的δ34 S 值为- 018 ‰~+ 210 ‰,与岩浆热液型矿床的硫同位素值接近,表明这2 个矿床中的硫主要来自岩浆。拜仁达坝矿区43 件金属硫化物的206 Pb/ 204 Pb 值为181333~181515 ,207 Pb/ 204 Pb 值为151532~151656 ,208 Pb/ 204 Pb 值为381057~381610 ;维拉斯托矿区20 件金属硫化物的206 Pb/ 204 Pb 值为181304~181377 ,207 Pb/ 204 Pb 值为151520~151610 ,208 Pb/ 204 Pb 值为381112~381435 。拜仁达坝东矿区矿石中的铅同位素组成与维拉斯托矿区相似,变化范围小,相对贫放射性铅同位素,并且均为混合铅。矿石中的铅可能来自围岩地层及深源岩浆。


中图分类号: P618 . 52 文献标志码:A

Sulf ur an d lea d isotopic composit i ons of B a iren d a b a an d Weila s ituo

silver2pol y metall ic deposits , Inner Mongol ia

J IAN G Si Ho n g , N I E FengJ un , L IU Y i F ei and YU N Fei

( M L R K ey L a boratory of Metallogeney and Mineral Assessment , Instit u te of Mineral Resources , CA GS , Bei j ing 100037 ,China)


The Bairendaba and Weilasit uo o r e depo s it s are t w o silver2polymetallic depo s it s discovered in easter n Inner Mo ngolia in recent years. Researches o n t he sulf ur and lead isotopes of t he sulfides f ro m t hese t wo depo sit s are repo rted in t his paper . It is show n t hat t heδ34 S values of t he sulfides f ro m t he Bairendaba and t he Weilasit uo de2 po sit vary f ro m - 4 . 0 ‰to + 1 . 6 ‰and f ro m - 0 . 8 ‰to + 2 . 0 ‰, respectively , clo se to t he sulf ur isotopic co mpo sitio n of t he magmatic hydrot her mal fluid , suggesting t hat t he sulf ur in bot h t he Bairendaba and t he Wei2 lasit uo depo s it were mainly derived f ro m t he magma .L e ad isotope st u dies of 43 sulfide separates f ro m t he Bairendaba depo sit and 20 sulfide separates f ro m t he Weilasit uo depo sit demo nst rate t hat t he lead isotopic co mpo2 sitio n of sulfides f ro m o res in t hese t wo depo sit s is characterized by low radiogenic values and narrow ranges of ratio s , wit h 206 Pb/ 204 Pb ranging f ro m 18 . 333 to 18 . 515 and f ro m 18 . 304 to 18 . 377 res pectively , 207 Pb/ 204 Pb f ro m 15 . 532 to 15 . 656 and f ro m 15 . 520 to 15 . 610 res pectively , and 208 Pb/ 204 Pb f ro m38 . 057 to 38 . 610 and f ro m 38 . 112 to 38 . 435 respectively. It is t hus inferred t hat t he lead in o res f ro m t hese t wo depo sit s might have mainly co m e f ro m t he wall rocks of gneiss and deep magma .

Ξ 本文得到中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项资金( 编号: K0704) 、全国危机矿山项目( 编号: 20089948) 和地质大调查项目( 编号:1212010911029) 的联合资助

第一作者简介江思宏, 男, 1968 年4 月生, 博士, 研究员, 主要从事金属矿床成矿规律研究。Email : jiangsiho n g1 @163 . co m

收稿日期2009206204 ; 改回日期2009207224 。许德焕编辑。
