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3.系统采用USB供电,通过内部电路转换为系统提供3.3V的稳压电源,采用JTAG接 口进行仿真调试程序,使用LCDl602液晶显示指纹识别结果。
软件方面: 1.指纹采集实现:根据对MBF200指纹传感器资料中SPI通信时序的研究和分析,通过 软件编程,实现SPI通信,使用读和写命令,对传感器的不同控制寄存器进行读和写 操作,采集到指纹图像。 2.指纹算法改进:通过对指纹现有算法的研究,在VC++上对已有的算法进行编程实 现,并对已有指纹处理算法进行改进。在指纹的增强算法上,采用基于方向场信息的 图像增强,提高了图像的质量:在指纹二值化算法上,采用图像分块的方式,通过求 阈值实现基于分块的二值化;在匹配的算法上,提出了“初匹配”和“全局匹配”的 方式,提高识别效率。实验证明,通过改进算法,使得指纹识别系统在识别的准确率 和效率上都得到了一定的提高。
system 2.As the fingerprint recognition algorithm requires processing a large amount of data,the
takes up 76.8KB space to store a complete fingerprint image collection.But the host controller
With the development of society,the safety requirements of lives of the people have gradually
improved.Fingerprint recognition technology which has the status of security certificate has greatly
本文对目前指纹识别系统研究的现状和发展的状况做了简要分析,结合自身对嵌入式系 统和指纹算法的研究,提出了一种基于STM32的指纹识别系统设计方案,并对该方案进行了 实施。根据系统实用性的要求,对指纹采集和指纹处理算法进行了改进,最终实现了嵌入式 指纹识别系统。主要包括硬件和软件两个方面,具体如下: 硬件方面:
improvement consumption and price.So they need a further research and
to enhance the system’S
application prospect.
This article makes a brief analysis about research and development state of the current
data in the memory space.The main controller sends image data to the computer through
asynchronous serial communication,then displays fingerprint image on PC.
algorithm.The initial match and global similarity method about the matching
experiments show
system that the fingerprint recognition
has been improved in the recognition accuracy and
kernel STM32F一103ZET6 act as main controller,then achieves communication between the
master controller and the sensor to collect image through the SPI interface,thus saves the image
杭州电子科技大学硕士论文 3.上位机通信设计:系统通过实现主控制器STM32和PC机的异步串口通信,将采集
的指纹数据发送到PC机,通过VC++的MSComm控件实现串口编程接收指纹数据, 同时制作人机交互界面显示指纹的灰度图像。 4.指纹算法的移植:在VC开发的算法需要移植到主控制器实现嵌入式的指纹识别,在 移植的过程中,对系统的程序、指纹数据、特征点模板数据的存储进行了分配,通过 对指纹图像的进行了裁剪和采样缩放,达到减少数据量提高执行效率的目的。 关键词:指纹识别,STM32,指纹传感器,指纹采集,指纹算法
commands different control registers are read and write by the
of the sensor to collected
fingerprint images
2.Fingerprint algorithm improvement:Through the study of existing fingerprint algorithms,I take
programming and implement the algorithms in VC抖,and improve fingerprint processing algorithms.I use image enhancement of orientation information based the fingerprint enhancement algorithms to improve image quality;I choose the way of separated from the
by the transform of the internal circuit,then takes simulation and debug with JTAG interface.
There uses LCD 1 602 to display fingerprint recognition results.
stored in SRAM.Procedures and characteristic points of fingerprint algorithm extraction are
stored in internal FLASH of chip.
3.The system USes USB to supply power,and then provides the stable voltage 3.3V for the system
fingerprint recognition system.Combined with my own knowledge of the embedded system and the
system fingerprint algorithm,I put forward a plan of fingerprint recognition design
embedded fingerprint identification system.The design mainly includes two aspects of hardware
and software,specific as follows:
1.The system USes MBF200 fingerprint SenSOr to collect fingerprints,and uses ARM cortex·M3
1.Fingerprint collect and implement:the SPI communication is realized by the timing of MBF200
communication.Then fingerprint sensor data sheet based the research and analysis SPI
efficiency by improving the algorithm,. 3.PC communication design:System implements serial communication between the master
杭州电子科技大学 硕士学位论文
基于STM32的指纹识别系统设计 姓名:杨磊
申请学位级别:硕士 专业:电路与系统 指导教师:张文超
随着社会的发展,人们对生活的安全性要求逐渐提高,其中具有身份安全认证功能的指 纹识别技术在人们的关注和需求下,得到了长足的发展,出现了各种不同的指纹识别系统, 然而大多数指纹识别系统是基于PC机的,在可移动性和便捷性的要求上还存在很多不足, 目前基于嵌入式的指纹识别渐渐成为人们研究的方向,并且取得了一些成果,但这些系统在 实时性、功耗以及性价比上还存在很多不足,需要进一步的研究和改进,以期提高系统的应 用前景。
fingerprint image into some same small block,there calculating the threshold of every block
implement fingerprint image binary.In order to enhance efficiency,I put forward the way of
demand. developed under the people’S attention and
Nowadays, a variety of fingerprint
identification systems have emerged in 01.11"lives.However,most fingerprint identification system is based on the PC machine.These systems still have many problems in the demand of mobility and convenience.People take more attention to research the embedded fingerprint identification,and make some achievements at present.But there are still many deficiencies in real time,power
SRAM STM32 internal RAM is only 64KB.The system makes expand external
processing for
algorithms microprocessor.The intermediate data of collection fingerprint and of processing
1.系统采用MBF200指纹传感器采集指纹,ARM cortex.M3内核的STM32F.103ZET6 作为主控制器,通过SPI接口实现主控制器与传感器的通信采集指纹图像,并保存数 据在内存空间,主控制器与上位机通过异步串口通信将指纹数据发送至PC机显示指 纹图像。
2.由于指纹识别算法需要处理的数据量较大,系统采集一幅完整指纹图像需要大Biblioteka Baidu 76.8KB的空间,而STM32主控制器的内部RAM只有64KB,系统通过扩展外部SRAM 补其不足,在SRAM中保存指纹采集和算法处理的中间数据,程序和指纹算法提取 的特征点存放在芯片内部的FLASH当中。
based on
STM32 chip,and make the design implement.According to the practical demand of the system,
implement fingerprint collection and processing algorithm have been improved.Final we
软件方面: 1.指纹采集实现:根据对MBF200指纹传感器资料中SPI通信时序的研究和分析,通过 软件编程,实现SPI通信,使用读和写命令,对传感器的不同控制寄存器进行读和写 操作,采集到指纹图像。 2.指纹算法改进:通过对指纹现有算法的研究,在VC++上对已有的算法进行编程实 现,并对已有指纹处理算法进行改进。在指纹的增强算法上,采用基于方向场信息的 图像增强,提高了图像的质量:在指纹二值化算法上,采用图像分块的方式,通过求 阈值实现基于分块的二值化;在匹配的算法上,提出了“初匹配”和“全局匹配”的 方式,提高识别效率。实验证明,通过改进算法,使得指纹识别系统在识别的准确率 和效率上都得到了一定的提高。
system 2.As the fingerprint recognition algorithm requires processing a large amount of data,the
takes up 76.8KB space to store a complete fingerprint image collection.But the host controller
With the development of society,the safety requirements of lives of the people have gradually
improved.Fingerprint recognition technology which has the status of security certificate has greatly
本文对目前指纹识别系统研究的现状和发展的状况做了简要分析,结合自身对嵌入式系 统和指纹算法的研究,提出了一种基于STM32的指纹识别系统设计方案,并对该方案进行了 实施。根据系统实用性的要求,对指纹采集和指纹处理算法进行了改进,最终实现了嵌入式 指纹识别系统。主要包括硬件和软件两个方面,具体如下: 硬件方面:
improvement consumption and price.So they need a further research and
to enhance the system’S
application prospect.
This article makes a brief analysis about research and development state of the current
data in the memory space.The main controller sends image data to the computer through
asynchronous serial communication,then displays fingerprint image on PC.
algorithm.The initial match and global similarity method about the matching
experiments show
system that the fingerprint recognition
has been improved in the recognition accuracy and
kernel STM32F一103ZET6 act as main controller,then achieves communication between the
master controller and the sensor to collect image through the SPI interface,thus saves the image
杭州电子科技大学硕士论文 3.上位机通信设计:系统通过实现主控制器STM32和PC机的异步串口通信,将采集
的指纹数据发送到PC机,通过VC++的MSComm控件实现串口编程接收指纹数据, 同时制作人机交互界面显示指纹的灰度图像。 4.指纹算法的移植:在VC开发的算法需要移植到主控制器实现嵌入式的指纹识别,在 移植的过程中,对系统的程序、指纹数据、特征点模板数据的存储进行了分配,通过 对指纹图像的进行了裁剪和采样缩放,达到减少数据量提高执行效率的目的。 关键词:指纹识别,STM32,指纹传感器,指纹采集,指纹算法
commands different control registers are read and write by the
of the sensor to collected
fingerprint images
2.Fingerprint algorithm improvement:Through the study of existing fingerprint algorithms,I take
programming and implement the algorithms in VC抖,and improve fingerprint processing algorithms.I use image enhancement of orientation information based the fingerprint enhancement algorithms to improve image quality;I choose the way of separated from the
by the transform of the internal circuit,then takes simulation and debug with JTAG interface.
There uses LCD 1 602 to display fingerprint recognition results.
stored in SRAM.Procedures and characteristic points of fingerprint algorithm extraction are
stored in internal FLASH of chip.
3.The system USes USB to supply power,and then provides the stable voltage 3.3V for the system
fingerprint recognition system.Combined with my own knowledge of the embedded system and the
system fingerprint algorithm,I put forward a plan of fingerprint recognition design
embedded fingerprint identification system.The design mainly includes two aspects of hardware
and software,specific as follows:
1.The system USes MBF200 fingerprint SenSOr to collect fingerprints,and uses ARM cortex·M3
1.Fingerprint collect and implement:the SPI communication is realized by the timing of MBF200
communication.Then fingerprint sensor data sheet based the research and analysis SPI
efficiency by improving the algorithm,. 3.PC communication design:System implements serial communication between the master
杭州电子科技大学 硕士学位论文
基于STM32的指纹识别系统设计 姓名:杨磊
申请学位级别:硕士 专业:电路与系统 指导教师:张文超
随着社会的发展,人们对生活的安全性要求逐渐提高,其中具有身份安全认证功能的指 纹识别技术在人们的关注和需求下,得到了长足的发展,出现了各种不同的指纹识别系统, 然而大多数指纹识别系统是基于PC机的,在可移动性和便捷性的要求上还存在很多不足, 目前基于嵌入式的指纹识别渐渐成为人们研究的方向,并且取得了一些成果,但这些系统在 实时性、功耗以及性价比上还存在很多不足,需要进一步的研究和改进,以期提高系统的应 用前景。
fingerprint image into some same small block,there calculating the threshold of every block
implement fingerprint image binary.In order to enhance efficiency,I put forward the way of
demand. developed under the people’S attention and
Nowadays, a variety of fingerprint
identification systems have emerged in 01.11"lives.However,most fingerprint identification system is based on the PC machine.These systems still have many problems in the demand of mobility and convenience.People take more attention to research the embedded fingerprint identification,and make some achievements at present.But there are still many deficiencies in real time,power
SRAM STM32 internal RAM is only 64KB.The system makes expand external
processing for
algorithms microprocessor.The intermediate data of collection fingerprint and of processing
1.系统采用MBF200指纹传感器采集指纹,ARM cortex.M3内核的STM32F.103ZET6 作为主控制器,通过SPI接口实现主控制器与传感器的通信采集指纹图像,并保存数 据在内存空间,主控制器与上位机通过异步串口通信将指纹数据发送至PC机显示指 纹图像。
2.由于指纹识别算法需要处理的数据量较大,系统采集一幅完整指纹图像需要大Biblioteka Baidu 76.8KB的空间,而STM32主控制器的内部RAM只有64KB,系统通过扩展外部SRAM 补其不足,在SRAM中保存指纹采集和算法处理的中间数据,程序和指纹算法提取 的特征点存放在芯片内部的FLASH当中。
based on
STM32 chip,and make the design implement.According to the practical demand of the system,
implement fingerprint collection and processing algorithm have been improved.Final we