Washing effects on electrochemical performance and storage characteristics


SCI 自己总结的句法

SCI 自己总结的句法

前言In particular, some heavy metals, such as As, Cd, Cr, Hg, and Pb, may be extremely toxic to humans, even at low concentrations.Metal elements such as Na, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Cu, Zn and Mn, are essential nutrients for human growth。

Other metals, such as arsenic (As), lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd) and methyl forms of mercury (Hg) have no biological roles and their presence causes environmental pollution. Even at very low concentrations, all these elements can be toxic both for man and other living species because they bind with cellular structures and hinder the performance of certain vital functionsThe amount of micro- and macro-elements(微量和大量元素) in honey depends on its botanical origin and soil composition on which the plants grow.The determination of trace elements in vegetable oil s is one of the criteria for the assessment of quality regarding freshness and the storable period. Traces of heavy metals in vegetable oils are known to affect the rate of oxidation. Moreover, some of the metals are the subject of food legislation. Hence, determination of trace metals in vegetable oils is important.(测油脂中金属的意义)Honey was one of the first sources of sugar used by man, but in addition to its great nutritional importance, they also present medicinal qualities, working as antioxidant, fungicidal, and bactericidal against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli, and may also be used as a food preservative.Determination of trace elements in vegetable oil is one of the criteria for the assessment of quality of oil in regard to freshness, keeping properties and storability.The presence of heavy metals in edible oils is due to both endogenous factors, connected with the plant metabolism, and hexogenous factors due to contamination during the agronomic techniques of production and the collection of olives and seeds during the oil extraction and treatment processes, as well as systems and materials of packaging and storage.Trace levels of metal ions (Cu, Fe, Mn, Co, Cr, Pb, Cd, Ni, and Zn) are known to have adverse effect on the oxidative stability of edible oilsDue to the large commercial expansion of Brazilian honey, it is necessary to have an efficient quality control of this productSediments accumulate high volumes of contaminants compared to the water column. As a result,benthic organisms are more at risk of contamination compared to pelagic organisms.底栖生物更具风险Arsenic is ubiquitous in the biosphere and undergoes uptake and bioaccumulation through food chains, followed by alkylation to form a variety of arsenicals in organisms. Arsenic circulation in the marine environment has been extensively studied.研究进展The usual methods for the determination of Pb2+ in solution involve potentiometry, spectrophotometry, atomic absorption spectrometry. Electrochemical method is one of the most favorable techniques for the determination of heavy metal ions, because of its low cost, high sensitivity, easy operation and the ability of analyzing element speciationIn previous works However, the use of extraction methods is usually time consuming and labor-intensive, and requires relatively large volume of high-purity and toxic solventsOwing to the peculiar characteristics of ICP-MS (low detection limits, multielemental capacity, wide linear range, etc.) the numberof papers dealing with the analysis of food samples by ICP-MS has increased in recent yearsThe determination of metals in vegetable oils and fats has been under investigation for several years and is still a formidable problem. Several methods for this analysi s, including……The determination of inorganic constituents in honey is not a trivial task due to the low concentration of the analytes and also the high-level carbohydratesAiming to determine mineral and trace elements in honey, different techniques have been us ed , includingICP-MS presents advantages to determine minerals and trace elements in honey due to its multielement capacity and high sensitivity and excellent limits of detection.As a rule(通常来说), to determine microelements in oil and petroleum products, one usually uses atomic absorption spectrometry.Often the analyte concentrations in the analysis of real oil and petroleum products appear below the LOD for the methods listed, which may be due to the extremely low concentrations ofinorganic microcomponents (REE, for example, may be present at a level of a few ng/kg and even lower) and also to losses at the sample preparation step.But the determination of iodine is quite difficult because of its volatility and possible redox reactions.The result was coincident with the conclusion of Hou et al. [12] for the ashing of biological samples.However,tests for the accuracy of determining metals upon the direct injection of crude oil samples into mass spectrometers is complicated by the lack of metal standards in oil and the necessity of high dilution for the viscous samples of crude oil. In addition, the injection of high amounts of organic solvents into the plasma results in a deterioration of the precision of measurements, which leads to the growth of LOD for most elements because of the formation of carbon-containing ions. (直接进样的风险性)In contrast to the large number of reports on arsenicals in marine organisms, there are fewer data on arsenic speciation in fresh-water organisms.现有测有方法的缺点:However, the commented methods present some disadvantages, such as the low stability of the analyte in the organic diluted standard solutions, the need for organometallic standards for calibration and the use of dangerous organic solvents that require special conditions for their handling (mask, gloves, hood).提出研究内容The major goal of the present work was to compare different techniques of oil sample preparation to elemental analysis by ICP MS using Tengiz oil and diesel fuel as examplesThe aim of the present work is to develop an accurate FI-ICP-MS method with a vapour generation sample introduction device for the determination of As, Cd and Hg in vegetable oils.仪器描述For this study, the following equipments were used: Block digester (Tecnal, Brazil) with perfluoroalkoxy vessels (PFA; Savillex, Minnetonka, USA), Microwave digestion system (Ethos 1600, Milestone, Italy) with PFA closed vessels, Soft-ware MatLab 2011a (Mathworks, Natick, USA), ICP-OES with radial view configuration (Varian, Mulgrave, Australia), and quadrupole ICP-M S (820-MS, Varian , Mulgrave , Australia).The aim of this study was to evaluate four metals (Cd, Pb, Cr, and As) content, which are considered among the most dangerous to humans, in honeys from nine areas of southern ItalyAccordingly(因此), the aim of the present study was to determine zinc (Zn), chromium,(Cr), cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) content of benthic fauna in the southeast coast of the Caspian Sea, where the major fish restocking programs are conducted at.Over the years several empirical tools were developed to assess the pollution level of aquatic environments reflecting not only the impact of individual pollutants, but also the combined effect of multiple pollutants. Among these tools,one of the most frequently used is the potential ecological risk index (RI), that applies the method developed by Ha¨ kanson (1980).The aims of the present study were: (1) to characterize the levels of some heavy metals (As, Cd, Pb, and Hg) in surface water, sediments, and benthic oligochaetes in four major rivers in Calabria, southern Italy; (2) to explore the level of heavy metals contamination of monitored rivers by three different approaches: a comparison with national environmental quality standards for freshwater, a compar-ison with international sediment quality guidelines, and the application of Ha¨ kanson potential ecological risk index实验采样和样品During 2012, ninety honey samples were collected directly from beekeepers in nine geographical areas of southern Italy (ten honey samples for each area; Fig. 1 ).Three sampling sites were selected (Fig. 1 ): north Miank-aleh [(NM), stations 1 and 2], South Miankaleh [(SM), stations 3 and 4] and Gharesoo coast [(GC), stations 5 and 6]. Site selection was performed based on priorities related to the restocking programs.(采样地点选择依据)实验过程器皿清洗Before use, all glassware and plastic containers were cleaned by washing with 10 % ultra-pure grade HNO3for at least 24 h and then copiously rinsed with ultra-pure water.实验过程After the addition of HNO3, the sample went through a predigestion of 8 h at room temperature in a closed vessel. Then,it was added to 1 m L of 30 % m m−1H2O2and the sample went through an overnight predigestion. After that, this mixture was heated in a block digester at 90 °C for 3 h, and the final volume of all samples was adjusted to 15 m L.Replicate 5.0 g samples were diluted with 10 mL of carbon tetrachloride and then extracted with 10mL of 2N nitric acid by subjecting the samples to ultrasonic intensification.Limits of quantitations (LOQs) were defined as 10 times the standard deviation of the signal from reagent blanks, after correction for sample weight and dilution.数据处理工具表达Differences between metal concentrations in different geographical areas were analysed using Student’s t test. A Pearson’s correlation test was conducted to determine the linear correlation among the variables. Differences between means at the 95 % (p<0.05) confidence level were considered statistically significant. Data were expressed as mean± standard deviation.优化实验表达Diverse buffer solutions were tested for their suitability in the determination of Pb in presence of SPADNS, as follows: NaHCO3-NaOH, borax-NaOH, K2HPO4-NaOH, K2HPO4-borax. The most suitable buffer system for the determination of Pb was founded to be NH3-NH4Cl. In this buffer solution, peak height is more than other buffers (Table 1)In this study Triton X-100 was selected as the surfactant since it has a medium hydrophilic–lipophilic balance value(为什么要选这个提取剂)However, the concentration of NaBH4 did not affect the signal of As and Hg when the concentration was greater than 0.5%.(当大于多少时不影响信号变化)In order to investigate the effect of pH on the peak height, pH was increased from 7.0 to 10.0 by addition of ammonia.Similarly, at constant NaBH4 concentration(固定硼氢化钾的浓度), the signal of Cd increased significantly with the concentration of HCl as long as it was less than 1.2% v/v, whereas the signals of As and Hg increased slightly with the HCl concentration.The optimum ligand concentration was 3.5 ×10-5 MThe influence of several anions and cations on determination of Pb was studiedTable 3 presents the results of the elemental analysis of oil using different sample preparation techniques. With autoclave digestion, the found concentrations of V and Cr were higher than those using the RCC. This might be explained by the fact that vanadium can occur in oil as organoelement species……From our experiments, we found that when the concentrations of oil and Triton X-100 were too large, the injected emulsion could not be completely evaporated, although the signals of the elements studied were large. When the ratio of the concentration of oil to the concentration of Triton X-100 was too large, we could not get a stable oil emulsion.试剂的选择:In this study,several common modifiers, including Pd, NH4NO3 ,NH4H2 PO4, L -cysteine, oxalic acid, boric acid, and citric acid, were tested for the best signals of the elementsstudied. After preliminary studies, we found that signals of most elements studied increased when Pd was used as modifier. Pd has been used as the chemical modifier to improve the signals of certain volatile elements in many ETV-ICP-MS applications. The effect of Pd concentration on ion signal is shown in Fig. 1. As shown, Zn and Cd signals increased with increase of Pd concentration and reached a maximum when the concentration was 200 and 400 mg/ml, respectively.After evaluation, 300 mg/ml (20 ml) of Pd was chosen as the optimum modifier concentration in the ETV-ICP-MS analysis.数据分析数据的描述The Pb content in honey samples ranged from 0.010 to 1.390 mg kg- 1, with an average value of 0.289 mg kg- 1 (Table 4 ). These values were lower than those found in Polish honey (Dobrzancki et al. 1994), in Egyptian honey (4.200 mg kg- 1) (Rashed andSoltan 2004), and in Saudi Arabia honey (1.81 mg kg- 1) (Bibi et al. 2008). Current results were higher than those found in German honey. Generally, our results were similar to or higher than those found in Italian honeys by other authors (Table 5 )……. Basso Pollino, Collina Materana, Vulture Melfese, Leccese, and Cilento honeys do not show any significant differences in Pb concentrations.Tarantino is characterized by a high presence of industries (ironand steel), power stations and refineries. Camastra-Dolo-miti Lucane is mainly agricultural-pastoral,with a low population density, and it is included in the Natural Park of Dolomiti Lucane, representing one of the main green lungs of southern Italy.In addition, it should not be underestimated that the Cr content in honey depends on the weather condition.Pearson correlation coefficients were calculated between the three metals. Statistically significant positive correlations were detected between Pb and Cd, Pb and Cr, and Cd and Cr contents (p <0.001). These correlations allow the speculation that the polluting sources involve the simultaneous presence of metals. These results disagree with that found by Roman and Popiela ( 2011), while Frı ´as et al. ( 2008) found a direct statistical correlation between Cd and Pb contents in Tenerife honey.The heavy metal concentrations were in the order As>Pb>Hg>Cd in all of the water samples, and in the order As>Pb>Cd>Hg in the sediment and oligochaete samplesThere was quite a big difference in the dominant As species in the medicines from fields, which might depend on the growing conditions and their genetic properties.图表的描述Table 1 shows the heavy metal concentrations found in the water, sediment, and oligochaete samples taken from the Calabrian rivers.As can be seen from Fig 1cThe stripping voltammogram for the blank and sample solution was shown in fig 2.As can be seen in this figure, …..This phenomenon indicates that the complex isFrom Table 3, it can be seen thatthe dependence of the peak height on ligand concentration is shown in Fig 4aThe mean(±standard deviation) and range of the concentrations of the metals in black and green olives are given in Table 5The amount decreased with the order of Sn, Fe, Zn, Cu, Pb, Cr, Ni, Cd and Co, respectively.In the comparison of the concentration of trace elements among black and green olives, differences were observed.These variations could be from olive varieties, distribution of elements in the soil, maturation and processing method of olives, packing material, as well as environmental and weather conditionsThe contents of Cr, Co and Ni were similar in all table olive samples. Also no significant differences of these metal levels were found between olive types ( p > 0.05)Mg was the most abundant among the elements quantified.The effects of ashing time and temperature on the recoveries of Sr, Ba, Mo, La, Ce, Nd and Zr are illustrated in Figs. 2 and 3, respectively.The recoveries of rare earth elements (REEs) showed a tendency first to increase and then to decrease with increasing ashing time and temperature.(先增长后降低)This could be due to the fact that the solubility of REE oxides depends on the preparation procedureIt could be due to the removal of more volatile matrix during the pyrolysis stage and alleviating the nonspectroscopic interferences at vaporization stage.。



氧化铀与裂片元素(Sr、Ba、RE)氧化物在熔融NaOH中的溶解行为摘要MOX (Mixed oxide)乏燃料主要由锕系氧化物和少量裂片元素氧化物组成,乏燃料的处理最主要的目的就是回收乏燃料中的锕系元素。


主要研究如下:(1). 在723 K~973 K温度范围内,研究了2.5 wt.%的U3O8或UO3在NaOH 熔体的溶解。


ICP-AES 测试结果显示含UO3熔体中的铀元素含量为8.17 wt.%,U3O8的为7.99 wt.%,说明U3O8未溶解完全。


(2). 在773 K~823 K温度范围,在NaOH熔体中用循环伏安法和方波伏安法研究了加入U3O8前后氧化还原峰的变化,发现在循环伏安和方波伏安的电化学窗口内未检测到铀氧根的氧化还原峰。

根据HSC软件计算了673 K~973 K时在NaOH熔体中加入U3O8和UO3,可能发生反应的理论分解电压。


(3). 在673 K~873 K温度范围,研究了Na2O2的加入对U3O8和UO3在NaOH 熔体中溶解的影响,从溶解现象和反应的热力学分析看出,加入Na2O2能加快U3O8和UO3的溶解反应;不同比例的Na2O2:U3O8会生成不同的产物,确定在质量比为1:1时会生成Na4UO5,而在质量比小于1:1摩尔比大于1:1时会有Na4UO4生成;在NaOH熔体中加入质量比为1:1的Na2O2和U3O8或UO3时,随着温度的增高,对U3O8的溶解反应作用更明显;通过XRD的表征结果发现在有氧和无氧条件下加入Na2O2溶解反应的最终产物都是Na4UO5。



钻井常用英语词汇1 焊条残头rod stub2 半潜平台semisubmersible rig3 甲板上/上层建筑topside /upper structure4 平焊/仰焊flat position / downhandwelding5 (搬运〕小车carrier6 (保温用的)岩棉管rock wool shell7 (单点系泊的)油克yoke8 (导管架装船的)固定seafastening / tie-downof jackets9 (对接)错皮wall offset10 (方形无压)罐tank11 (非方形有压)罐试比较 vessel12 (非方形有压)罐vessel13 (杆件的)单件图member drawing14 (杆件之间的)相碰、打架interference15 (钢板的)轧制方向rolling direction16 (管件的)段can17 (管件的)加厚段barrel18 (焊接)工艺孔access hole (for welding)= cope hole19 (焊接)工艺孔cope hole20 (焊接的)长肉(to be ) buttered21 (检验的)停点hold point22 (角焊缝)焊角高度leg of a fillet weld23 (截面较小的)圆钢方钢六角钢等bar24 (卷管的)压头edge crimping25 (抛丸用的)钢丝丸steel wire shot26 (喷砂用的)磨料abrasive27 (统计用)S曲线S-curve28 (统计用)直方图histogram29 (文件的)发放release = issue = distribution30 (污水)含油浓度oil concentration31 (验收)标准criteria32 (阳极的)电流密度current density33 (阳极的)电流容量current capacity34 (阳极的)极化电位polarization potential35 (油漆的)固化时间curing time36 (油漆的)混合期效pot life37 A-60级防火门A-60 fire door38 API 适用规范applicable API specification39 API规定的要求API specified requirements40 CO2灭火器CO2 extinguisher41 CO2气瓶组CO2 cylinder unit42 H型钢H-shape43 J形管J-tube44 K 形坡口double bevel groove45NRL 落锤试验NRL (Naval ResearchLaboratory) drop weight test46 T 型钢 "T" steel47 T、K、Y型节点T,K and Y joints48 UT用的耦合剂couplant49 U形螺栓U-bolt50 Y型三通Y-type tee51 Z向特性Z direction property52 安全阀safety valve53 安全工作荷载safe working load (SWL)54 安全帽hard hat55 安全帽safety cap56 安全帽、焊接面罩helmet57 安全区safety zone58 安全系数safety factor59 安装erection60 安装现场installation site61 按A的意愿at the option of A62按照according to = in accordancewith = in line with = as per =in the light of63 按照as per64 按照in accordance with65 按照in line with66 按照in the light of67 拔桩pile extracting68 百分表dial gauge69 百年一遇a-hundred-year return period70 扳手spanner71 板尺steel ruler72 板梁plate girder73 板式换热器plate type heat exchanger74 板桩sheet piling75 半成品semifinished /intermediateproduct76 半潜式钻井装置semisub drilling unit77 半镇静钢capped steel78 半自动焊semi-automatic welding79 伴热管线heat traced pipeline80 伴生气associated gas81 绑带buckle fastener82 包括但不限于include but not limited to83 饱和潜水saturation diving84 保护滤器guard filter85 保温insulation86 保温thermal insulation87 保温钉stud pin88 保温加伴热insulation (heat traced)89 报警蜂鸣器alarm buzzer90 报警喇叭alarm horn91 爆炸下限low explosion limit (LEL)92 备用电站stand-by power station93 背压式调节阀(自力式)backpressure regulator (selfcontained)94 被交管intersected pipe95 被交位置foot print96 苯二甲酸涂料phthalic paint97 必须(强制性的)shall98 闭/开路closed / open circuit99 闭式排放泵closed drain pump100 闭式排放罐close drain tank101 闭式排放罐closed drain tank102 壁厚wall thickness (WT) 103 避雷器spark arrester104 边界条件boundary condition105 编制和保存文件compile and maintain adocument106 编制文件develop / establish a document 107 扁钢flat bar108 扁阳极flat plate anode109 变径头swage nipple110 标高、立面图elevation (EL)111 标准试块standard test block112 表面处理surface preparation113 表面弯曲试验face bend test114 表明说话人的意志,一般为will业主行为,而非承包商行为115 驳船强度及稳性barge strength and stability 116 补焊、返修焊缝repair welding117 补强用环板ring stiffener118 捕集器slag catcher119 不等边角钢unequal angle120不间断电源uninterrupted power supply(UPS)121 不可燃物质non-combustible122 不利条件adverse condition123 不一致事项non-conformance124 布风器diffuser125 布氏硬度Ball hardness126 材料标识material identification127 材料表material list128 材料储存material storage129 材料代用material substitution130材料的接受和储存receipt and storage ofmaterials131 材料跟踪material traceability132 材料估算单material take-off133 材料交货delivery of materials134 材质、材料material135 采购purchase136采暖、通风、空调系统heating, ventilation and airconditioning system (HAV) 137 采油树Christmas tree138 残余应力residual stress139 舱底污水-消防两用泵bilge/ fire pump140 槽钢channel steel141 槽焊slot welding142 侧弯试验side bend test143 侧向荷载lateral load144 层间温度interpass temperature145 层状撕裂lamellar tearing146 插焊法兰socket weld flange147 插焊管座sockolet148 插焊式socket type149 插尖stabbing cone150 插尖stubbing cone151差压控制阀differential pressurecontrol valve152 差压流量计pressure differential flowmeter153 拆除disassembling154 柴油泵diesel pump155 柴油储罐diesel storage tank156 柴油储罐(带加热器)diesel storage tank withheater157 柴油发电机组diesel generator set 158 柴油罐diesel tank159 柴油过滤净化装置diesel filter coalescer160 柴油日用罐diesel daily tank161 柴油日用罐(带加热器)diesel oil daily tankwith heater162 柴油输送泵diesel transfer pump163 产品标识和跟踪product identification andtraceability164 产品使用说明manufacturer's instruction 165 铲车、叉车fork lift166 常开/常闭阀normally open / close valve167 常压潜水系统atmospheric diving system= unpressurized diving system168 厂家的材质证书mill certificate169 超声波测厚仪ultrasonic thickness meter 170 超声波发射程距beam path distance171 超声波检验ultrasonic examination172 超声波探伤ultrasonic technique (UT) 173 超声波探伤ultrasonic technique (UT) 174 超声波斜射探伤angle probe method175 超重excess of weight176 潮差段tidal zone177 潮汐变化、潮差tidal variations178 车间底漆shop primer179 车间加工图shop drawing180 车间加工图shop drawing181 沉垫自升式钻井船mat support jack-up rig 182 沉箱caisson183 沉箱式平台caisson-type platform184 衬垫焊welding with backing185 撑杆spreader bar186 成品finished product187 承包商contractor188 吃水标尺draught gauge 189 尺寸检验dimensional checks190 冲剪应力punching shear191 冲眼punch marks192 冲桩pile washing out193 冲子center punch194 抽检check randomly195 抽检spot check196 除非另外说明unless otherwise specified 197 除非另外说明UNO (unless noted otherwise) 198 除砂罐desander199 除锈remove rust200 储存场地storage area201储罐-外输关系关断盘tank and loading shutdownpanel (TLSDP)202储油、装油与输油设备oil storage, loading andtransportation equipment203 储油轮oil storage barge204 储油平台storage platform205 穿梭油轮shuttle tanker206传热介质油heating medium oil, thermaloil207 传真收发两用机facsimile transceiver208 船艏bow209 船艉stern210 船艉绞车aft winch211 串靠系泊tandem mooring212 串靠装油系统tandem loading system213 吹扫/引燃器橇块purge/pilot gas package214 捶击peening215 锤子hammer216 瓷砖ceramic tiles217磁粉和悬剂magnetic particle andsuspension218磁粉探伤magnetic particle technique(MT)219磁粉探伤magnetic particle technique(MT)220磁轮式气割机gas cutting machine withmagnetic wheels221 次要/主要拉筋secondary/primary brace222 丛式井口clustered well heads223 脆性brittleness224 淬火加回火钢quenched and tempered steel225 锉刀file226 错皮high-low227 错皮mismatch = high-low228 搭接焊lap welding229 搭接节点overlapping joint230 打底焊道backing weld231 打磨grind232 打磨(名词)grinding233 打桩(to)drive piles234 打桩piling235 打桩船pilling barge236 打桩的锤击数blow count237 打桩记录pile driving records238 大水量灭火系统fire water deluge system 239 大小口、锥体cone240 大小头、变径头reducer241 带扶手的半软椅chair with arm-rests242 带手轮的控制阀control valve (accessorieshandwheel)243 带有丝堵的管座boss with plug244 待定hold245 单点系泊single buoy mooring (SBM) 246 单点系泊single point mooring (SPM) 247 单件图cutting sheet248 单锚腿系泊single anchor leg mooring(SALM)249 单面 V 形坡口single V groove250 单面坡口single groove251 单片起吊lifting up of panel structure 252 单十字带缆柱cruciform bollard253 单线图one-line diagram254 弹簧垫片spring washer255 淡水泵fresh water pump256 淡水罐(带加热器)fresh water tank withelectric heater257 淡水压力罐fresh water pressure vessel 258 档水扁钢coaming259 导电连接electrical connection260 导管架jacket261 导管架的下水和直立launching and uprighting of ajacket262 导管架的现场定位platform positioning on thesite263 导管架的运输船transport vessel for jackets264 导管架吊耳jacket lifting eye265 导管架调平jacket leveling266 导管架定位jacket positioning267 导管架扶正jacket handling268 导管架改造jacket modification269 导管架固定jacket securing270 导管架帽jacket cap271 导管架片jacket panel272 导管架片组对jacket panel assembly273 导管架腿柱jacket leg274 导管架下水驳船jacket launching barge275 导管架下水及竖立jacket launching and upending276 导管架型平台template type platform277 导航灯navigational light278 导向结构guide structure279 导向喇叭口guide funnel280 倒链chain block281 到货检验receiving inspection282 登船平台boat landing283 等边角钢equal angle284 等离子弧焊接plasma arc welding (PAW)285 等离子弧切割plasma arc cutting (PAC)286 低氢型焊条low hydrogen type electrode287 低热量输入low heat input288 低碳钢mild steel289 低压气净化器low pressure scrubber290低应力圆头钢印low stress round nosed diestamp291 底阀foot valve292 底甲板cellar deck293 底面回声bottom echo294 底漆first coat295 地基承载力bearing strength of the ground296 地脚螺栓anchor bolt297 地锚块anchor block298 地面安全阀surface safety valve (SSV)299 地下水缓冲罐underground water surge tank300 地线earth lead301 第三方检验机构certifying authority302 点焊tack welding303 点焊工tacker304 点火器ignitor305 电磁阀solenoid valve306 电动阀motor operated valve307 电动钢丝刷power wire brush308 电焊把线welding cable309 电焊条electrode310 电焊条rod electrode311 电弧切割arc cutting312 电化学特性electrochemical property 313 电加热器electric heater314 电解质electrolyte315 电缆托架cable rack /tray316 电潜泵electric submersible pump 317 电脱水供给泵dehydrator feed pump 318 电脱水器electric dehydrator319 电脱盐器electric desalter320 电-液操作阀electric-hydraulic valve 321 电渣焊接electro-slag welding322 电阻焊ERW (electric resistancewelding)323 垫板、包板doubler plate 324 垫墩cup support 325 垫墩saddle326 垫片washer327 垫圈gasket328 吊臂倾斜角boom angle329 吊点lifting lug 330 吊点lifting padeye 331 吊点padeye332 吊耳lug333 吊机扒杆boom334 吊机支撑crane support335 吊上及吊下驳船的导管架jacket lifted on and off thebarge336 吊索sling337 吊艇机lifting gear338 吊艇架life boat davit , davit 339 吊装计算lift calculation340 调试commissioning341 调直straightening342 蝶阀butterfly valve343 丁字尺T-square 344 顶/中/下/底甲板top/middle/lower/cellar deck 345 订货合同号purchase order number346 定期检验periodical survey347 定位positioning348 定位器positioner349 动力舱、机舱engine room350 动力定位钻井船dynamic-positioning rig351 短粗管stub352 断裂韧性fracture toughness353 断续焊intermittent welding354 锻钢forged steel (FS)355 对焊管座weldolet356 对接焊缝butt-welded seam357 对丝nipple358 钝边高度thickness of root face359 钝化敏感度susceptibility to passivation 360 多层焊multipass welding361多浮筒系泊系统multi-point mooring , spreadmooring362 多井基盘系统multi-well template system 363 多台吊车联合起吊multiple lift364 多头计量泵multihead metering pump365 多用途环氧漆multi-purpose epoxy366 惰性气体发生器撬inlet gas generator package 367 二遍漆second coating368 二级气体洗涤器second gas scrubber369 二级水力旋流器second stage hydrocyclone 370 二面角dihedral angle371 二氧化碳气瓶carbon dioxide cylinder372二氧化碳气体保护电弧焊carbon-dioxide(CO2) arcwelding373 翻身垫墩roll-up support374 反冲洗罐backwash surge tank375 反冲洗回流泵backwash return pump376 反冲洗水罐backwash tank377 反面气刨back gouging378 返工rework379 返修率extent of repair380 返修率repair rate381 方钢square bar382 防爆设备explosion proof equipment 383 防沉板mud mat384 防毒面具breathing apparatus ,respirator385 防风墙wind shield386 防腐corrosion protection 387 防寒救生衣immersion suit388 防滑陶瓷马赛克nonskid ceramic mosaic 389 防火风闸fire damper390 防火距离exposure distance391 防火门fire door closer, fire proofdoor392 防火墙fire proof wall , fire wall 393 防火墙fire protection wall394 防火塑料地板fire protected plastic tiles 395 防火陶棉ceramic fibres396 防静电地板anti-electrostatic floor397 防喷器紧急回收系统emergency BOP recovery system398 防喷器系统blowout preventer system(BOP system)399 防喷器组blowout preventer stack400 防酸水泥acid proof cement401 防污染措施antipollution measures402 防锈漆anticorrosive paint403 仿形切割shape cutting404 放空管atmospheric vent405 放空管vent pipe406 放样mold lofting407 飞边毛刺burr and flashing408 飞溅区splash zone409 废热回收装置waste heat recovery unit 410 废水处理井waste water disposal well 411 废油罐waste oil tank412 沸腾钢rimmed steel413 分贝Decibel (dB)414 分离 / 缓冲器separator / urge vessel 415 分离器separator416 酚醛树脂涂料phenolic paint417 粉线、墨斗线spring line418 风铲chisel419 风带air-hose420 封隔器packer421 敷缆船cable layer 422 扶桩间隙块pile spacer423 浮球控制阀floater controlled valve424 浮式储油装置floating oil storage unit 425浮式生产储油外输轮floating production, storageandoff-loading tanker426浮式生产储油装置floating oil production andstorage unit (FPSU)427 浮式生产平台floating production platform 428 浮式输油软管floating cargo hose429 浮式装油软管floating loading hose430 浮式钻井船drillship ,drilling ship431 浮筒转塔式系泊buoyant turret mooring432 浮心center of buoyancy433 符合(动词) comply with434 符合(名词) compliance with435符合、遵守conform to = stick to = adhereto436 腐蚀挂片corrosion coupon437 腐蚀余量corrosion allowance438 附件attachments439附件appurtenance =attachment=accessory=auxiliary440 附件miscellaneous items441 复合岩棉板composite rockwool panel442 复合岩棉天花板composite rockwool ceiling 443 复涂间隔over coating intervals444 复杂节点complex joint445 腹板web446 概念设计conceptual design447 概念图纸conceptual drawing448 干粉灭火器dry chemical extinguisher 449 干膜厚度DFT(dry film thickness)450 干扰回声parasitic echo451 干式采油树dry-type tree452 甘油glycerin453 杆件member454 杆件号member number455 钢板网metal lash456 钢板桩sheet pile457 钢材出厂时的表面氧化皮mill scale458 钢厂mill459 钢卷尺、盘尺steel tape 460 钢印die stamp461 高-低压开关high / low pressure switch(PSHL)462 高浓度可燃气报警high concentration gas alarm 463 高强度钢high strength steel464 高压分离器high pressure separator (HPseparator)465 高压火炬high pressure flare466 高压凝析油罐high pressure condensate tank467 高压潜水系统hyperbaric diving system= pressurized diving system468 割除、割除物cut off469 格栅grating470 隔板diaphragm471 隔板,舱壁bulk head472 隔膜阀diaphragm valve 473 隔水套管conductor474 根部焊道root run475 工程船舶engineering vessel476 工程地质船engineering geotechnicalvessel477 工具箱tool box478 工序process479 工序间的检验in-process inspection 480 工艺模块process module481 工艺排放process drain482 工作点working point483 工作中自检quality check in process 484 公差tolerance485 公称直径nominal diameter486 公式equation487 公用空气接受器utility air receiver 488 公用设施模块utility module489 公用设施排放utility drain490 供方。


















Electrochemical impedance study on the low temperature of Li-ion batteries

Electrochemical impedance study on the low temperature of Li-ion batteries

Electrochimica Acta 49(2004)1057–1061Electrochemical impedance study on the low temperature of Li-ion batteriesS.S.Zhang ∗,K.Xu,T.R.JowUS Army Research Laboratory,Adelphi,MD 20783-1197,USAReceived 12May 2003;received in revised form 8October 2003;accepted 10October 2003AbstractCycling performance of Li-ion cells was studied by using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS).Results showed that total resistance (R cell )of the Li-ion cells is mainly composed of bulk resistance (R b ),solid-state interface resistance (R sei )and charge-transfer resistance (R ct ).During cycling,the R b and R sei remain unchanged while the R ct displays two minima in the same voltage regions where the major peaks of differential capacities are present.The R ct can be linked to kinetics of the cell electrochemical reaction.In response to the temperature change,the R b and R sei vary in a very similar manner,while the R ct shows significant difference.In the fully charged and discharged states as well as at the low temperatures (≤20◦C),the R cell of the Li-ion cells is predominated by the R ct .Using the term of the R ct ,we explained two low temperature phenomena of the Li-ion battery:(1)charging of a fully discharged cell is much more difficult than discharging of a fully charged cell,and (2)both the power (operating voltage)and energy (delivered capacity)are substantially reduced.©2003Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.Keywords:Impedance;Charge-transfer;Ionic conductivity;Low temperature;Li-ion battery1.IntroductionApplications of the commercially available Li-ion bat-teries are limited to near room temperature.When the temperature falls below −20◦C,both the power and energy of the Li-ion batteries are substantially lost [1–3].More badly,the process of charging a fully discharged battery would become impossible [4–6].It has been reported that at −40◦C a commercial 18650Li-ion battery only retained 5%of energy density and 1.25%of power density,as com-pared to the values at 20◦C [1].Therefore,improving low temperature performance has been an important subject of many researchers [7–12].The successful improvement is mainly based on these two approaches:(i)formulating new solvent mixtures to lower freezing temperature of the liquid electrolytes [7–10],and (ii)replacing the existing LiPF 6salt with LiBF 4to reduce charge-transfer resistance of the batteries [11,12].Although both of the above approaches have led to improvement,the understanding of the poor low temperature performance is still under debate.The sources∗Corresponding author.Tel.:+1-301-394-0981;fax:+1-301-394-0273.E-mail address:szhang@ (S.S.Zhang).that were reported to affect low temperature performance can be summarized as follows:(i)reduced conductivity of the electrolyte and solid electrolyte interface on the elec-trode surface [3,7,9,13],(ii)limited diffusivity of lithium ions within graphite anode [4,6],(iii)high polarization of the graphite anode,which is related to the former two fac-tors [5,14],and (iv)substantially increased charge-transfer resistance on the electrolyte–electrode interfaces [2,11,12].In this work,we used electrochemical impedance spec-troscopy (EIS)to study impedance of the Li-ion battery and to evaluate its dependence on ing the collected impedance data,we explained at low temperatures why charging of a fully discharged Li-ion cell is very dif-ficult,and why its power and energy are lost substantially.2.ExperimentalThe electrolyte used was a 1.0m LiPF 6solution in a 3:7(wt.)mixture of ethylene carbonate (EC)and ethyl methyl carbonate (EMC)with a water content of 10–15ppm,as determined by Karl–Fisher titration.Standard graphite and cathode films,provided by SAFT America Inc.,were dried at 110◦C under vacuum for 16h before use.The cathode active material was a lithium nickel-based mixed oxide,0013-4686/$–see front matter ©2003Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.electacta.2003.10.0161058S.S.Zhang et al./Electrochimica Acta 49(2004)1057–1061hereafter called “cathode”.Button cells with an electrode area of 0.97cm 2were assembled as a testing vehicle in an argon-filled glove-box for the electrochemical measure-ments.To ensure completion of the solid-state interface formation,all cells (both Li-ion full cells and Li half-cells)were cycled 10times on a Maccor Series 4000tester before electrochemical measurement was made.A Tenney Environmental Oven Series 942was used to provide constant temperature environment for the tests.Electrochemical measurements were performed on a So-lartron SI 1287Electrochemical Interface and a SI 1260Impedance/Gain-Phase Analyzer,controlled by CorrWare and Zplot softwares.The EISs were potentiostatically mea-sured at the cell’s open circuit voltage (OCV)with an ac oscillation of 10mV amplitude over the frequencies from 100kHz to 0.01Hz.The stable OCV was obtained by cy-cling the cell at a constant current density of 0.1mA/cm 2to the desired value and then leaving it at open circuit for 10min.The collected EISs were fitted using ZView software.3.Results and discussion 3.1.EIS of the Li-ion cellA typical EIS of the Li-ion cells is shown in Fig.1.In most of voltage range,the EIS of the Li-ion cells is com-posed of two partially overlapped semicircles and a straight slopping line at low frequency end.Such a pattern of the EIS can be fitted by an equivalent circuit shown in inset of Fig.1.The R b is bulk resistance of the cell,which re-flects electric conductivity of the electrolyte,separator,and electrodes;R sei and C sei are resistance and capacitance of the solid-state interface layer formed on the surface of the electrodes,which correspond to the semicircle at high fre-quencies;R ct and C dl are faradic charge-transfer resistance and its relative double-layer capacitance,which correspond to the semicircle at medium frequencies;W is the Warburg impedance related to a combination of the diffusional effects of lithium ion on the interface between the activematerialFig.1.Typical EIS of the Li-ion cell and the equivalent circuit used to fit the EIS.0123. / VL o g (R / o h m )Fig.2.V oltage dependence of the R b ,R sei and R ct ,measured from charge process.particles and electrolyte,which is generally indicated by a straight sloping line at low frequency end.The combination of R ct and W is called faradic impedance,which reflects ki-netics of the cell reactions.Low R ct generally corresponds to a fast kinetics of the faradic reaction.For example,the R ct value can be used as a kinetic parameter to analyze the corrosion rate of metals [15],and there is a close correlation between the R ct and the apparent diffusivity of Li ions in the electrodes [16,17].Total resistance (R cell )of the Li-ion cell,as shown in Fig.1,is mainly contributed by the R b ,R sei ,and R ct ,but not a simply summation of these three individ-ual values.In this work,the R cell value was directly fitted from the EIS.3.2.Effect of cell voltage on the EISThe fitted values of the R b ,R sei and R ct of a Li-ion cell are plotted as a function of the cell voltage in Fig.2.We see that in the voltage range from 3.1to 4.2V ,both the R b and R sei remain unchanged while the R ct varies signifi-cantly.In particular,the R ct values show two minima near 3.7and 4.0V .These two positions correspond to the po-tentials,at which the major capacity peaks are present in the plot of differential capacity versus the voltage (Fig.3).11.523. / VL o g (R / o h m )-22d Q /d E / m A h .c m -2.V -1Fig.3.Correlation of the R ct (triangles)and differential capacity (solid line),measured from charge process.S.S.Zhang et al./Electrochimica Acta 49(2004)1057–106110590242. / VL o g (R c e l l / o h m )255075100R c t /R c e l l /%Fig.4.V oltage dependence of the R ct (circles)and its percentage (squares)in the charge (hollow symbols)and discharge (solid symbols)processes.This corresponding correlation between the R ct and the dif-ferential capacity suggests that the charge-transfer process must be associated with the kinetics of the cell reaction.It can be seen that over whole the voltage range,the R ct val-ues are much larger than either the R b or R sei .To find the role of the R ct in the Li-ion cell,we plot the R ct value and its percentage (R ct /R cell )versus the cell voltage in Fig.4.It is shown that the R ct occupies more than 60%of the total cell resistance.In particular,the percentage of the R ct versus the cell resistance exceeds 90%when the voltage is below 3.0V and reaches nearly 100%at the fully discharged state.As shown in either Fig.2or Fig.4,the R ct near fully dis-charged end (<3.0V)is much larger than that at the fully charged state (4.2V).This difference will be further widened with the temperature decreasing (to be discussed latter).At low temperatures,it is the substantially higher R ct of the fully discharged cell that makes the charge process very difficult.Therefore,the low temperature phenomenon that charging of a fully discharged cell is much more difficult than discharging of a fully charged cell can be ascribed to the large R ct difference between the discharged and charged states.In previous works [18,19],we found that the R sei of Li/graphite and Li/cathode half-cell is varied significantly in their specific voltage regions where either intercalation or deintercalation of Li ions takes place.However,the similar change in the R sei with the cell voltage is not observed from the Li-ion cell.To explain this discrepancy,we plot the R sei values of the Li/graphite and Li/cathode half-cell,respec-tively,against the cell voltage in Fig.5,in which the shown data corresponds to a discharge process of the Li-ion bat-tery.It is displayed that for both half-cells,the significant change in the R sei only occurs in the voltage regions where the peaks of differential capacities are present.More inter-estingly,changing trend of the R sei of the graphite and the cathode with the cell voltage as shown by the direction of arrows in Fig.5is opposite each other.That is,the R sei of Li/graphite half-cell significantly decreases when Li ions are deintercalated out of the graphite in the voltage range from12341234E / VL o g (R s e i / o h m )-10-55d Q /d E / m A h .c m -2.V -1Fig.5.Effect of the cell voltage on the R sei (circles)and differential capacity (solid lines)of the Li/graphite and Li/cathode half-cells.The shown plots correspond to a discharge process of the Li-ion cell,in which the arrows represent direction of the potential change in the discharge process.0.1to 0.4V ,while that of Li/cathode half-cell significantly increases when Li ions are intercalated into the cathode in the voltage range from 4.0to 2.7V .We speculate that such a change in the R sei origins from a reconstruction of the solid-state interface layer on the electrode surface,caused by contraction and expansion of the electrode volume during the processes of deintercalation and intercalation of Li ions.In Li-ion cell,these two electrochemical processes or the opposite ones must take place instantly in the graphite and cathode,respectively.Therefore,the unchanged R sei behav-ior observed from the Li-ion cell can be ascribed to a result of the offset of two reverse changes in the individual R sei values of the graphite and cathode.It should be mentioned that a changed correlation of the R sei and cell voltage might be observed only when two reverse changes of the graphite and the cathode cannot be compensated each other,which depends on cell’s design such as mass ratio and relative area of the anode and cathode.3.3.Temperature dependence of the EISTemperature dependences of the R b ,R sei and R ct of the Li-ion cell at 3.87and 3.45V are respectively plotted in Fig.6a and b .It is observed that that the R b and R sei vary with the temperature in a very similar manner,while the R ct shows entirely different temperature dependence.This is because the R b and R sei are mainly controlled by the ionic conductivity of liquid electrolyte,their temperature depen-dence generally follows the change in the ionic conductivity of liquid electrolyte [2].Among three resistances,the R ct is most significantly increased with decreasing temperature.It can be seen from Fig.6a and b that the percentage of the R ct versus the total cell resistance approaches nearly 100%as the temperature is lowered to below −20◦C.In this case,cycling performance of the Li-ion cell is mainly limited by the substantially higher R ct .Comparing Fig.6and b ,we1060S.S.Zhang et al./Electrochimica Acta 49(2004)1057–10610243. / K -1L o g (R / o h m )255075100R c t /R c e l l / %0243. / K -1L o g (R / o h m )255075100R c t /R c e l l / %(a)(b)Fig.6.Temperature dependence of the R b ,R sei ,R ct as well as the R ct percentage.(a)3.87V and (b)3.45V .find that temperature dependence of the resistances is little affected by the cell voltage.Therefore,we may conclude that the poor low temperature performance of the Li-ion bat-tery origins from the substantially high R ct ,which can be attributed to the slow kinetics of the cell reaction.3.4.Low temperature and high rate phenomena of Li-ion batteryTo confirm our conclusion that the difficulty of charging Li-ion cell at low temperatures originates from the substan-tially high R ct of the fully discharged cell,we performed a micro dc polarization test.Fig.7shows the effect of the cell voltage on the current response as a 10mV dc-pulse is applied to the Li-ion cell at −30◦C.It is indicated that at the same voltage,the charge and discharge processes pro-duce nearly the same current responses,while a change in the cell voltage results in significantly different current re-sponses.The above results reveal that at low temperatures the charge and discharge processes have the same cycling performance,while that the cell voltage greatly affects the cycling performance.Fig.8shows the effect of the tempera-ture on the charge and discharge processes.It is obvious that lowering temperature results in a significant performance-6-33604080120Time / s(-) d i s c h . I / µA c h . (+)parison of the current responses of Li-ion cell at different cell voltages as a dc-pulse is applied at −30◦C,+10mV for charge and −10mV for discharge.loss.At the same temperature,however,there is no visible difference in the cycling performance between the charge and discharge processes.The above observations further ver-ify that the correlation of the R ct and cell voltage instead of the temperature leads to the apparent difference in the low temperature performance between charge and discharge processes.Additionally,the correlation of the R ct and cell voltage in Fig.2can also be used to explain high rate phenomenon of the Li-ion battery.At high current rate,Li-ion battery can be normally discharged while cannot,or at least very diffi-cultly,be charged back from the fully discharged state.This is because the substantially high R ct produces high IR po-larization as soon as a high current is applied to the fully discharged Li-ion battery.Owing to the high IR polariza-tion,the charge voltage is immediately jumped up to the cut-off limit so that the charge process ends or starts a ta-per charge if it is set up.It is suggested by Fig.2that the voltage range between 3.6and 4.0V would be the most suit-able for high current operation of the Li-ion battery.At the fully charged state (4.2V),the R ct is rather high too.This may cause a briefly higher polarization in the initial period of the discharge,i.e.,forming a V-shape discharge voltage-6-3364080120Time / s(-) d i s c h . I / µAc h . (+)parison of the current responses of Li-ion cell at different temperatures as a dc-pulse is applied to the cell at 3.82V ,+10mV for change and −10mV for discharge.S.S.Zhang et al./Electrochimica Acta49(2004)1057–10611061curve,which is often observed when the Li-ion battery is discharged at high current rate[20]or at low temperature[8]. Therefore,from the standpoint of cycling performance,the Li-ion battery would be more suitable for the power source of hybrid electric vehicles(HEV),which require the battery operating in the mid-voltage range.4.ConclusionsThe total resistance(R cell)of the Li-ion cells is mainly composed of the bulk resistance(R b),solid-state interface re-sistance(R sei),and charge-transfer resistance(R ct).Among these three resistances,the R b and R sei remain relatively un-changed with the cell voltage,while the R ct varies signifi-cantly.It is observed that the R ct increases most significantly as the temperature decreases.At low temperatures,the R cell of the Li-ion cells is predominated by the R ct.The above ob-servations reveal that at low temperatures the substantially high R ct results in the poor performance,and that the much larger R ct at the fully discharged state makes the charge pro-cess very difficult.It is because the R ct is closely associated with the kinetics of the cell reaction that the main limitation to the low temperature performance of the Li-ion batteries can be ascribed to the slow kinetics of the cell reaction. AcknowledgementsReceipt of the graphite and cathodefilms from SAFT America Inc.is gratefully acknowledged.References[1]G.Nagasubramanian,J.Appl.Electrochem.31(2001)99.[2]S.S.Zhang,K.Xu,T.R.Jow,J.Power Sources115(2003)137.[3]J.Fan,J.Power Sources117(2003)170.[4]C.K.Huang,J.S.Sakamoto,J.Wolfenstine,S.Surampudi,J.Elec-trochem.Soc.147(2000)2893.[5]H.P.Lin,D.Chua,M.Salomon,H.C.Shiao,M.Hendrickson,E.Plichta,S.Slane,Electrochem.Solid-State Lett.4(2001)A71.[6]S.S.Zhang,K.Xu,T.R.Jow,Electrochim.Acta48(2002)241.[7]M.C.Smart,B.V.Ratnakumar,S.Surampudi,J.Electrochem.Soc.146(1999)486.[8]S.Herreyre,O.Huchet,S.Barusseau, F.Perton,J.M.Bodet,P.Biensan,J.Power Sources97–98(2001)576.[9]E.J.Plichta,W.K.Behl,J.Power Sources88(2000)192.[10]S.S.Zhang,K.Xu,J.L.Allen,T.R.Jow,J.Power Sources110(2002)217.[11]S.S.Zhang,K.Xu,T.R.Jow,J.Solid State Electrochem.7(2003)147.[12]S.S.Zhang,K.Xu,T.R.Jow,mun.4(2002)928.[13]B.V.Ratnakumar,M.C.Smart,S.Surampudi,J.Power Sources97–98(2001)137.[14]C.S.Wang,A.J.Appleby,F.E.Little,J.Electrochem.Soc.149(2002)A754.[15]H.Ma,S.Chen,L.Niu,S.Zhao,S.Li,D.Li,J.Appl.Electrochem.32(2002)65.[16]M.Mohamedi,D.Takahashi,T.Itoh,I.Uchida,Electrochim.Acta47(2002)3483.[17]K.Dokko,M.Mohamedi,M.Umeda,I.Uchida,J.Electrochem.Soc.150(2003)A425.[18]S.S.Zhang,M.S.Ding,K.Xu,J.Allen,T.R.Jow,Electrochem.Solid-State Lett.4(2001)A206.[19]S.S.Zhang,K.Xu,T.R.Jow,Electrochem.Solid-State Lett.5(2002)A92.[20]R.Gitzendanner,F.Puglia,S.Iaconnetti,S.Santee,in:Proceedingsof the202nd ECS Meeting(Abstracts,No.213),Salt Lake City, 20–25October2002.。



Vol.42 2021年5月No.51589~1597 CHEMICAL JOURNAL OF CHINESE UNIVERSITIES高等学校化学学报原位限域生长策略制备有序介孔碳负载的超小MoO3纳米颗粒王常耀,王帅,段林林,朱晓航,张兴淼,李伟(复旦大学化学系,上海200433)摘要采用原位限域生长策略制备了一系列有序介孔碳负载的超小MoO3纳米颗粒复合物(OMC-US-MoO3).其中,有序介孔碳被用作基质来原位限域MoO3纳米晶的生长.依此方法制备的MoO3纳米晶具有超小的晶粒尺寸(<5nm),并在介孔碳骨架内具有良好的分散度.制得的OMC-US-MoO3复合物具有可调的比表面积(428~796m2/g)、孔容(0.27~0.62cm3/g)、MoO3质量分数(4%~27%)和孔径(4.6~5.7nm).当MoO3纳米晶的质量分数为7%时,所得样品OMC-US-MoO3-7具有最大的孔径、最小的孔壁厚度和最规整的介观结构.该样品作为催化剂时,表现出优异的环辛烯选择性氧化性能.关键词有序介孔碳;氧化钼纳米晶;纳米材料;限域生长中图分类号O611.4文献标志码AIn situ Confinement Growth Strategy for Ordered Mesoporous CarbonSupport Ultrasmall MoO3NanoparticlesWANG Changyao,WANG Shuai,DUAN Linlin,ZHU Xiaohang,ZHANG Xingmiao,LI Wei*(Department of Chemistry,Fudan University,Shanghai200433,China)Abstract Ultrasmall particle sizes and excellent dispersity of the MoO3active species on support majorly dominate their catalytic performances.Herein,a series of ordered mesoporous carbon support ultrasmall mo⁃lybdena nanoparticles(OMC-US-MoO3)composites was synthesized through an in situ confinement growth strategy.Ordered mesoporous carbon was used as the matrix to in situ confine the growth of MoO3nanocrystals. The obtained MoO3nanocrystals show ultrasmall particle sizes(<5nm)and excellent dispersity on the meso-porous carbon frameworks.The obtained OMC-US-MoO3exhibits tunable specific surface areas(428―796 m2/g),pore volumes(0.27―0.62cm3/g),MoO3contents(4%―27%,mass fraction)and uniform pore sizes (4.6―5.7nm).As a typical example,the obtained sample with7%MoO3(denoted as OMC-US-MoO3-7)shows the largest pore size,smallest thickness of pore wall and most regular mesostructures.When being used as a catalyst,the OMC-US-MoO3-7exhibits an excellent catalytic activity for selective oxidation of cyclooctene with a high stability.Keywords Ordered mesoporous carbon;MoO3nanocrystal;Nanomaterials;Confinement growthdoi:10.7503/cjcu20200303收稿日期:2020-05-28.网络出版日期:2020-09-24.基金项目:国家自然科学基金(批准号:21975050)、国家重点研发计划纳米科技重点专项(批准号:2016YFA0204000, 2018YFE0201701)和中国博士后科学基金(批准号:2019M651342)资助.联系人简介:李伟,男,博士,教授,主要从事介孔材料的合成及应用研究.E-mail:*******************.cn1590Vol.42高等学校化学学报Epoxides,an important industrial chemicals,has been widely used in the fields of food additives,phar⁃maceutical intermediates,etc.[1,2].Catalytic epoxidation of olefin is one of the essential route to produce epo-xides,which oxygenation of carbon-carbon double bond to form cyclic epoxide groups.The kind of catalyst plays a key role on the epoxidation reaction.Among all catalysts,precious metal of gold based one illustrates high activity for olefin epoxidations[3,4].However,gold is limited resource and very expensive,even though it shows high conversion efficiency.Molybdenum oxide(MoO3),as one of the low cost,non-toxic and environ⁃mentally benign transition metal oxides,is widely used as heterogeneous catalysis for Friedel-Crafts alkyla⁃tion[5],hydrogenation reaction[6,7],epoxidation reaction[8,9],hydrogen evolution reaction[10],electrochemical energy storage for lithium-ion batteries[11,12],and gas sensors[13,14],etc..Gratifyingly,MoO3has been reported by several groups which have high activity for epoxidation of olefins in recent years[15,16].It is obvious that the size and morphology of MoO3active species are critical factors that affect their prop⁃erties for application[17~20].However,the synthesis and reaction process often easily causes serious sintering,migration and agglomeration of the MoO3nanoparticles,leading to the degradation of catalytic activity.Sup⁃ports are necessary for the immobilization of active species.Carbon has been widely used as an outstanding matrix to control the size and dispersity of supported metal oxides attributing to its advantages of intrinsical chemical inertness,high thermal stability,non-toxic and wide-sources[21~23].Molybdena supported carbon have been reported and show excellent performance as the catalyst for cyclooctene epoxidation[24,25].Recently,Chen group[26]fabricatedγ-Fe2O3@C@MoO3core-shell structured nanoparticles as a magnetically recyclable catalyst for the epoxidation reaction of olefins.The coated carbon layer play an efficient role for the stabiliza⁃tion of magnetic core.Biradar group[8]also reported a carbon microspheres-supported molybdena nanoparticles catalyst which also show outstanding effect for the epoxidation of olefins.However,above-mentioned catalysts are less porosity.Porous supports,especially,mesoporous carbon have been reported on many catalytic areas because of its large surface area,pore volume and pore size,which can not only improve the load capacity but also enlarge the reaction progress,where the diffusion process may be the rate-limiting step[26~28].Up to now,it is still urgent to fabricate mesoporous carbon supported MoO3catalyst with ultrasmall particle size and excel⁃lent dispersity.Herein,we construct an ordered mesoporous carbon support ultrasmall MoO3nanoparticles(OMC-US-MoO3)composites via an in situ confinement growth strategy.In this strategy,the ordered mesoporous carbon works as a matrix to in situ confine the growth of MoO3nanocrystals.The obtained MoO3nanocrystals show ultrasmall particle size(<5nm)and excellent dispersity on the mesoporous carbon frameworks.The content (mass fraction)of MoO3can be tuned from4%to27%.The obtained OMC-US-MoO3shows tunable specific surface areas(428―796m2/g),pore volumes(0.27―0.62cm3/g)and uniform pore size(4.6―5.7nm).As a typical example,the obtained sample with7%MoO3(denoted as OMC-US-MoO3-7)shows largest pore size,smallest thickness of pore wall and most regular mesostructures.When being used as a catalyst,the OMC-US-MoO3-7exhibits an excellent catalytic activity for selective oxidation of cyclooctene with a high stability.1Experimental1.1Chemicals and MaterialsPluronic F127(EO106PO70EO106,M w=12600)was purchased from Aldrich.All others chemicals were obtained from Aladdin company and used directly.Deionized water was used in all experiments.1.2Synthesis of Ordered Mesoporous Carbon Support Ultrasmall Molybdena NanoparticlesIn detail synthesis procedure,1.0g of Pluronic F127powders was added into10.0g of ethanol solution and stirred to a homogeneous clear solution at40℃.Afterwards,5.0g of20%(mass fraction)preformedNo.5王常耀等:原位限域生长策略制备有序介孔碳负载的超小MoO 3纳米颗粒phenolic resins ethanol solution and 1.0mL of peroxomolybdenum precursor solution were added into the ho⁃mogeneous system (5—200mg/mL ).The preformed phenolic resins was synthesized based on the reported method [27,28].Peroxomolybdenum precursor solution [29]was prepared by dissolving different contents of molyb⁃denum trioxide into 10.0mL of 30%hydrogen peroxide.The mixture solution was poured into dishes after 2h and then the dishes were heat treated at 40and 100℃for 8and 20h ,respectively ,forming the as -made com⁃posites consisting of Pluronic F127,phenolic resins ,and Mo species (denoted as as -made sample ).Then ,the calcination of as -made sample was implemented in a tubular furnace under N 2atmosphere.The temperature program was set from 25℃to 350℃with a ramp of 1℃/min ,maintenance for 3h ,and then to 600℃with 1℃/min ,maintenance for 2h.The obtained sample after pyrolysis was named as ordered mesoporous carbon support ultrasmall molybdena nanoparticles (OMC -US -MoO 3-x ),wherein x represent the actual mass fraction of MoO 3.1.3Activity Test The selective oxidation reaction of cyclooctene was carried out in the round -bottom flask (50mL ).In which ,40.0mmol of cyclooctene ,40.0mmol of 5.5mol/L TBHP in decane ,10mg of OMC -US -MoO 3-7cata⁃lyst (0.0048mmol/L of MoO 3),6.0g of 1,2-dichloroethane as solvent ,and 15.0mmol of chlorobenzene as internal standard.The reaction temperature is 80℃.At different time intervals ,conversion was calculated by sampling.The samples were analyzed on an Agilent 7890A gas chromatograph equipped with a HP -5column and products were confirmed by GC -MS.TOF values (mol of reacted cyclooctene per mol of catalyst and hour )was calculated at about half conversion of the reaction.The catalyst was reused after washing by water and drying.The test condition was kept same to the first time on the cyclic test.2Results and Discussion2.1Synthesis and CharacterizaitonThe developed in situ confinement growth strategy is employed to the preparation of ordered mesoporous carbon support ultrasmall molybdena nanoparticles (OMC -US -MoO 3)composites (Fig.1).In the synthesis sys⁃tem ,Pluronic F127is used as the structure -directing agent (soft -template ),preformed phenolic resins is used as carbon resource ,peroxomolybdenum solution is used as precursor ,and ethanol/H 2O is used as co -solvent ,respectively.The as -made sample and product OMC -US -MoO 3composites can be obtained after heat -treatment at 100and 600℃,respectively.The mass content of MoO 3in the OMC -US -MoO 3composites can be well tuned through adjusting the amount of peroxomolybdenum precursor in the synthesis system.TGA curves (Fig.2)show that the mass fractions of MoO 3species in the OMC -US -MoO 3composites areFig.1Illustration of the construction of OMC ⁃US ⁃MoO 3composites via the in situ confinementgrowth strategy Fig.2TGA curves of the OMC ⁃US ⁃MoO 3composites with different MoO 3contents obtained afterpyrolysis at 600℃,respectivelyMass fraction of MoO 3(%):a .4;b .7;c .10;d .16;e .27.1591Vol.42高等学校化学学报4%,7%,10%,16%and 27%(Table 1),respectively ,when adjusting the amount of molybdenum precursors in the synthesis system.The mass loss below 100℃is caused by the volatilization of adsorbed water in the composites.A slight mass increasement can be detected between 100and 300℃,demonstrating the existence of trace amount of MoO 2and abundant MoO 3in the composites.The mass increasement can be attributed to the oxidation of the trace amount MoO 2.Subsequently ,the huge mass loss above 300℃can be observed attribu -ting to the remove of carbon species in the composites.The mass loss between 100and 600℃is approximate to the mass fraction of MoO 3species in the composites.The SAXS patterns [Fig.3(A )]of OMC -US -MoO 3-4and OMC -US -MoO 3-7composites show two scatteringdiffraction peaks at 0.391and 0.782nm −1,and 0.412and 0.824nm ‒1,respectively ,indexing to the (100)and (200)reflections of a hexagonal mesosturtures with space group P 6mm .With the increasement of MoO 3content ,the q values of the (100)diffraction peaks shift to 0.532,0.617,and 0.678nm −1,for samples OMC -US -MoO 3-10,OMC -US -MoO 3-16,and OMC -US -MoO 3-27,respectively.The corresponding cell parame⁃ters of five composites are calculated to be about 18.5,17.6,13.6,11.7,and 10.7nm with the increased MoO 3content ,respectively.WAXRD patterns [Fig.3(B )]of five composites all show no diffraction peaks of MoO 3phase ,suggesting the ultrasmall particle size of MoO 3nanocrystals in the frameworks.This result demonstrates that the ordered mesoporous carbon frameworks can confine the size of MoO 3nanocrystals to an ultrasmall size even at a high MoO 3content effectively.Nitrogen adsorption -desorption isotherms of five OMC -US -MoO 3composites obtained after calcined at 600℃in N 2all display representative type -Ⅳcurves with H2hysteresis loops [Fig.4(A )],in agreement with the previously reported ordered mesoporous materials [30~32].Sharp capillary condensation steps in the relative pressure (p /p 0)of 0.41―0.70are observed for five composites ,demonstrating the narrow pore size distribu⁃tion.The Brunauer -Emmett -Teller (BET )surface area and pore volume of five composites are calculated and listed on Table 1.The surface area and pore volume decrease with the increased MoO 3content ,which can be attributed to the partial destroy and disappear of pore structures.The average pore sizes of five composites are also calculated and listed on Table 1from their pore size distribution curve [Fig.4(B )]derived from the adsorption branch based on BJH model.The average pore sizes are 4.7,5.7,5.5,5.4,and 4.6nm ,Table 1Structural and textural parameters for OMC -US -MoO 3with different content Sample No.12345MoO 3content (%,mass fraction )47101627S BET /(m 2·g -1)796693652574428V /(cm 3·g -1)0.620.540.490.410.27D /nm 4.6Fig.3SAXS(A)and WA ⁃XRD(B)patterns of the OMC ⁃US ⁃MoO 3composites with differentMoO 3contents obtained after pyrolysis at 600℃Mass fraction of MoO 3(%):a .4;b .7;c.10;d .16;e .27.1592No.5王常耀等:原位限域生长策略制备有序介孔碳负载的超小MoO 3纳米颗粒respectively.According to the cell parameters results ,the pore walls of five composites are calculated to be 14.1,11.9,8.1,6.3,and 6.1nm ,respectively.SEM images (Fig.5)show that OMC -US -MoO 3-4and OMC -US -MoO 3-7composites own the most regular mesostructures.Notably ,the regular [100]and [110]directions can be clear observed from the SEM images of OMC -US -MoO 3-7composites [Fig.5(B )and (F )].In addition ,the mesopores are opened and no obvious big metal nanoparticles can be observed from the surface.With further increasement of MoO 3content ,the reg⁃ular mesostructures is partial destroyed.TEM images of OMC -US -MoO 3-7composites [Fig.6(A )—(C )]taken along the [100]and [110]directions manifest a well -defined 2D hexagonal mesostructures in agreement with the result of the SAXS pattern [Fig.2(A )].The lattice spacing is measured to be 0.35nm from the HRTEM image [Fig.6(D )],attributing to the (040)crystalline planes of α-MoO 3[33].The average size of MoO 3nano⁃crystals is estimated to be (4.1±1.0)nm from the size statistics diagram.The survey spectrum of the OMC -US -MoO 3-7composites shows the presence of only Mo ,O and C elements [Fig.7(A )].The high -resolution Mo 3d core level XPS spectra [Fig.7(B )]show four peaks at 230.5,232.7,233.6,and 235.9eV ,demon⁃strating the co -existence of Mo 4+and Mo 6+species [34~36].The ratio of Mo 4+/Mo 6+is calculated to be about 13%.Only a few Mo 4+signals can be detected from the spectrum ,in agreement with the TGAresults.Fig.4N 2adsorption⁃desorption isotherms(A)and pore size distributions(B)of the OMC⁃US⁃MoO 3composites with different MoO 3contents obtained after pyrolysis at 600℃Mass fraction of MoO 3(%):a .4;b .7;c.10;d .16;e .27.Fig.5SEM images of OMC⁃US⁃MoO 3composites with different MoO 3contents obtained afterpyrolysis at 600℃Mass fraction of MoO 3(%):(A)4;(B)7;(C)10;(D)16;(E)27.1593Vol.42高等学校化学学报2.2Formation Mechanism Studies Based on the above results ,we propose that the in situ confinement growth strategy show significant impact on the formation of final OMC -US -MoO 3composites.The obtained MoO 3nanocrystals show ultrasmall particle size (<5nm )and excellent dispersity on the mesoporous carbon frameworks.This structure can be retained even the mass fraction of MoO 3is increased to 27%.However ,the regular mesostructures can be partial destroyed with the increased MoO 3mass content.According to the results that no large MoO 3nanocrys⁃tals can be detected from samples obtained after pyrolysis at 600℃,the unregular mesostructures can be attributed to the uncontrollable origin co -assembly process.2.3Selective Oxidation of Cyclooctene The selective oxidation reaction of cyclooctene with high catalytic performance and stability is still highly desired.However ,the stability of active nanoparticles in catalytic reaction is a major challenge ,especially for active nanoparticles with ultra -small size.For our case ,the OMC -US -MoO 3-7composites show most regular mesostructures ,largest pore sizes ,appropriate hole wall size ,MoO 3content and dispersity.So ,the obtained OMC -US -MoO 3-7composites catalyst is selected as the catalyst for cyclooctene epoxidation.The reactions were carried out using 1,2-dichloroethane as solvent in flask with chlorobenzene as internal standard at 80℃.The OMC -US -MoO 3-7composites catalyst shows a high TOF value of 2163h ‒1which is calculated on the basis of the experimental data at 2h.Meanwhile ,a high conversion (100%)of cyclooctene ,and selectivity (>99%)to 1,2-epoxycyclooctane at 8h can also be parison with the reported heterogeneous Mo -based catalyst using similar conditions was shown in Table 2.The present OMC -US -MoO 3-7catalystshowsFig.7Survey XPS spectrum(A)and high⁃resolution XPS spectra of Mo 3d (B)for OMC⁃US⁃MoO 3⁃7composites obtained after pyrolysis at 600℃Fig.6TEM images of OMC⁃US⁃MoO 3⁃7composites obtained after pyrolysis at 600℃Viewed along the hexagonal (A )and columnar (B ,C )directions and HRTEM image (D )of a representative MoO 3nanoparticle.1594No.5王常耀等:原位限域生长策略制备有序介孔碳负载的超小MoO 3纳米颗粒a higher TOF value than MoO 3/C [8],MoO 3/SiO 2[37],Mo -MOFs [9],Mo -MCM -41[38],Mo -SBA -15[38],[Pipera⁃zinCH 2{MoO 2(Salen )}]n [39],and MNP 30-Si -inic -Mo [40]as previous reported.It should be noted that cyclooc⁃tene still gave about 18%conversion [Fig.8(A )]in the absence of catalyst owing to the presence of strong TBHP oxidants ,which is consistent with previous reports [41,42].Further ,two other substrates ,cyclohexene and styrene were also tested under the same conditions to test the versatility of OMC -US -MoO 3-7as an epoxida⁃tion catalyst.Surprisingly ,the conversion of cyclohexene to 1,2-epoxyclohexane can reach 54%in 8h.Inaddition ,the conversion of styrene to styrene oxide can reach 95%in 36h ,respectively (Fig.S1,see the Sup⁃porting Information of this paper ).Beside the efficient conversion of catalyst and high TOF values ,the stability of catalyst is also very impor⁃tant ,especially for heterogeneous catalysis.Here ,the hot filtration test was used to assess the presence of active Mo species in solution.When the reaction lasted for 2h ,we removed the catalyst by hot filtration and let the mother liquid for reacting another 6h.The results showed that there was only a slight increase in con⁃version [Fig.8(A )],which is proof of a heterogeneous catalysis.For the recycling study ,cyclooctene epoxida⁃tion was performed maintaining the same reaction conditions except using the recovered catalyst.It can be clearly found that obvious changes are undetected for catalytic performance after five runs [Fig.8(B )].It indi⁃cates that ultrasmall MoO 3nanoparticles supported on ordered mesoporous carbon is highly stable and can be reused ,demonstrates its potential for industrial applications.The high conversion ,selectively ,and the TOF value for the cyclooctene epoxidation reaction can be attributed to the unique structure of the OMC -US -MoO 3-7composites.The high surface area ,volume ,andTable 2Calculating TOF value for epoxidation of cyclooctene and comparing with other catalysts *Catalyst OMC -US -MoO 3-7MoO 3/C MoO 3/SiO 2Mo -MOFs Mo -MCM -41Mo -SBA -15[PiperazinCH 2{MoO 2(Salen )}]n MNP 30-Si -inic -MoTime/h 2267331224Conv.(%)5280909397999546Epoxide sel.(%)>9910010099959398100TOF/h -1216353[8]72[35]270[9]22[36]40[36]16[37]2[38]*.TOF values(mol of reacted cyclooctene per mol of catalyst and hour)were calculated at abouthalf conversion of the reaction.Fig.8Time course plots of cyclooctene epoxidation(A)and reusability(B)by using OMC⁃US⁃MoO 3⁃7com⁃posites as catalystReaction conditions :40.0mmol of cyclooctene ,40.0mmol of 5.5mol/L TBHP in decane ,10mg of OMC -US -MoO 3-7catalyst (0.0048mmol/L of MoO 3),6.0g of 1,2-dichloroethane as solvent ,and 15.0mmol of chlorobenzene as internalstandard.The reaction temperature is 80℃.15951596Vol.42高等学校化学学报uniform mesopores can not only enrichment the reaction substrate but also in favor to the diffusion of sub⁃strates.The ultrasmall MoO3nanocrystals size and its excellent dispersity in the frameworks can expose more active sites.All these features are beneficial to the rapid conversion of substrate molecular with high selective⁃ly and conversion.3ConclusionsIn summary,an in situ confinement growth strategy was developed to the construction of ordered mesopo⁃rous carbon support ultrasmall molybdena nanoparticles(OMC-US-MoO3)composites.Ordered mesoporous carbon was used as an effective matrix to in situ confine the growth of MoO3nanocrystals.The obtained MoO3 nanocrystals show ultrasmall particle size(<5nm)and excellent dispersity on the mesoporous carbon frame⁃works.In addition,a serious of OMC-US-MoO3composite can be obtained with controllable specific surface areas(428―796m2/g),pore volumes(0.27―0.62cm3/g),MoO3contents(4%―27%,mass fraction)and uniform pore size(4.6―5.7nm).The mesostructures can be retained even the MoO3content as high as27%. As a typical example,the obtained sample with7%MoO3(denoted as OMC-US-MoO3-7)shows largest pore size,smallest thickness of pore wall and most regular mesostructures.When being used as a catalyst,the OMC-US-MoO3-7exhibits an excellent catalytic activity(2163h−1for TOF)for selective oxidation of cyclooc⁃tene with a high stability.Supporting Information:/CN/10.7503/cjcu20200303.This paper is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.21975050),the Natio⁃nal Key Research and Development Program of China(Nos.2016YFA0204000,2018YFE0201701)and China Postdoctoral Science Foundation(No.2019M651342).References[1]Xi Z.,Zhou N.,Sun Y.,Li K.,Science,2001,292(5519),1139—1141[2]Kamata K.,Yonehara K.,Sumida Y.,Yamaguchi K.,Hikichi S.,Mizuno N.,Science,2003,300(5621),964—966[3]Liu B.,Wang P.,Lopes A.,Jin L.,Zhong W.,Pei Y.,Suib S.L.,He J.,ACS Catal.,2017,7(5),3483—3488[4]Bujak P.,Bartczak P.,Polanski J.,J.Catal.,2012,295,15—21[5]Dou J.,Zeng 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锰电沉积实验结果表明,添加一定量的硅酸钠可以提高锰电沉积的阴极电流效率,且初始pH 7.08.0是获得较









Journal of Solid State Chemistry 179(2006)1757–1761A simple method of fabricating large-area a -MnO 2nanowires and nanorodsYi Liu a,b ,Meng Zhang a ,Junhao Zhang a ,Yitai Qian a,ÃaHefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at Microscale,Department of Chemistry,University of Science &Technology of China,Hefei 230026,PR ChinabDepartment of Chemistry,Zaozhuang University,Zaozhuang 277100,PR ChinaReceived 20December 2005;received in revised form 14February 2006;accepted 17February 2006Available online 6March 2006Abstracta -MnO 2nanowires or nanorods have been selectively synthesized via the hydrothermal method in nitric acid condition.The a -MnO 2nanowires hold with average diameter of 50nm and lengths ranging between 10and 40m m,using MnSO 4ÁH 2O as manganese source;meanwhile,a -MnO 2bifurcate nanorods with average diameter of 100nm were obtained by adopting MnCO 3as starting material.The morphology of a -MnO 2bifurcate nanorods is the first one to be reported in this paper.X-ray powder diffraction (XRD),field scanning electron microscopy (FESEM),transmission electron microscopy (TEM),selected area electron diffraction (SAED)and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM)were used to characterize the products.Experimental results indicate that the concentrated nitric acid plays a crucial role in the phase purity and morphologies of the products.The possible formation mechanism of a -MnO 2nanowires and nanorods has been discussed.r 2006Elsevier Inc.All rights reserved.Keywords:a -MnO 2;Nanowires and nanorods;Hydrothermal reaction;X-ray powder diffraction (XRD);Field scanning electron microscopy (FESEM);Transmission electron microscope (TEM);Selected area electron diffraction (SAED);High-resolution transmission electron microscope (HRTEM)1.IntroductionIn the past few years,controlling the shape of nanostructures at the mesoscopic level is one of challenging issues presently faced by material scientists [1].Nanowires and nanorods,which are one-dimensional (1-D)objects,have stimulated great interest among synthetic material operators due to their peculiar properties and potential application [2–9].Several techniques for the preparation of nanowires or nanorods have been reported,such as the solid–vapor process [2],laser ablation [3],arc discharge [4],electrochemical techniques [5],virus-templating [6],exfo-liating method [7,8],and hydrothermal method [9].As a popular inorganic-function material,manganese dioxide and derivative compound have attracted special attention and been widely used not only as catalysts,molecular sieves[10,11],but also as promising candidate materials for cathodes in lithium ion batteries [12–15].Generally speak-ing,a -and g -MnO 2can be converted by electrochemical Li +intercalation into cubic spinel,Li 1Àx Mn 2O 4,which has channels through which Li +can move [13,14].Recently,many efforts have been focused on preparing manganese oxide 1-D nanostructures,and their synthesis methods are generally based on the redox reactions of MnO 4Àand/orMn 2+[16–23].For example:Y.D.Li et al.[20,21]reported a selected-control low-temperature hydrothermal method of synthesizing 1-D MnO 2nanostructure through theoxidation of Mn 2+by S 2O 82À,MnO 4Àor ClOÀwithout any existence of catalysts or templates;Z.Q.Li et al.[22]provided a simple room-temperature solution-based cata-lytic route to fabricate a novel hierarchical structure of a -MnO 2core-shell spheres with spherically aligned nanor-ods on a large scale.The previous experimental results indicated that a -MnO 2tended to form in acidic conditions,the pH of solution had crucial effect on the formation of 1-D nanostructural a -MnO 2[23].The influence of the/locate/jssc0022-4596/$-see front matter r 2006Elsevier Inc.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.jssc.2006.02.028ÃCorresponding author.Fax:+865513607402.E-mail addresses:liuyi67@ (Y.Liu),ytqian@ (Y.Qian).anion on growth of the products had been investigated by Kijima et al.[19],and their results showed that a -MnO 2could be prepared in concentrated H 2SO 4rather than HCl or HNO 3.Thus far,the synthesis of a -MnO 2nanowires or nanorods has seldom been reported under concentrated nitric acidic conditions.Here we report a novel,large-area synthesis method for obtaining nanowires and nanorods with uniform sizes.The a -MnO 2nanowires have average diameter of 50nm and lengths of 10–40m m,using MnSO 4ÁH 2O as manganese source;meanwhile,a -MnO 2bifurcate nanorods with average diameter of 100nm were obtained by adopting MnCO 3as starting material.In our presentation,we choose concentrated nitric acid as acid source to tune the pH of the system.Our experiments show that pure-phase a -MnO 2can be readily obtained in a wide range of nitric acid concentrations.This result may be a useful comple-mentarity to previous experimental results that a -MnO 2could be only produced in H 2SO 4surroundings.2.Experimental procedureAll the reagents of analytical grade were purchased from Shanghai Chemical Reagent Company and used without further purification.In a typical procedure,1mmol MnSO 4ÁH 2O or MnCO 3and 2mmol KClO 3powders were successively put into a beaker with 15mL concen-trated nitric acid,the solution was magnetically stirred for 20min at 801C to form brown colloid.The slurry solution was transferred into a 50mL stainless-steel autoclave with a Teflon-liner,the beaker was washed with 25–30mL distilled water,and washing solution was put into above-mentioned Teflon-liner.The autoclave was sealed and maintained at 1201C for 12h,then air cooled to room temperature.The brown products were filtered off,washed several times with distilled water and absolute ethanol,and then dried in vacuum at 801C for 1h.The X-ray powder diffraction (XRD)pattern of the as-prepared samples was determined using a Philips X’Pert PRO SUPER X-ray diffractometer equipped with graphitemonochromatized Cu K a radiation (l ¼1:541874A)in the 2y ranging from 101to 701.The morphology and size of the final products were determined by field scanning electron microscopy (FESEM)images,taken with JEOL-6700F scanning electronic microanalyzer.Transmission electron microscope (TEM)image and selected area electrondiffraction (SAED)pattern,which were characterized by Hitachi H-800TEM with a tungsten filament and an accelerating voltage of 200kV.High-resolution transmis-sion electron microscope (HRTEM)image was recorded on a JEOL 2010microscope.The samples used for TEM and HRTEM characterization were dispersed in absolute ethanol and were ultrasonicated before observation.3.Results and discussionThe synthesis of a -MnO 2nanowires and nanorods is based on the hydrothermal method in a strong acidic (nitric acid)circumstance.The experimental results by using nitric acid as acidification agent,different manganese sources,and KClO 3as the oxidizer are summarized in Table 1.Under our experimental conditions,the different size and morphological products can be obtained by varying the concentration of nitric acid.From this table we can see that only under concentrated nitric acid condition pure a -MnO 2can be obtained.The volume of concentrated nitric acid can be in the range of 3–20mL.The yields and morphology change greatly when different amounts of nitric acid were introduced.We found that the most optimal conditions of obtaining uniform a -MnO 2nanowires were fixed on 15mL concentrated nitric acid and reaction temperature of 1201C.Moreover,when different Mn compounds were selected as starting materi-als,the size and morphologies can be changed greatly,as shown in the lines 1and 4of Table 1.The result of experiments clearly indicates concentrated nitric acid plays a crucial role in the formation of a -MnO 2with 1-D structure.The phase and purity of the products were firstly examined by XRD.Fig.1shows a typical XRD pattern of the as-synthesized samples at 1201C for 12h,all the reflection peaks can be readily indexed to body-centered tetragonal a -MnO 2phase (space group I 4/m ),with latticeconstants of a ¼9:816A,and c ¼2:853A,which are in agreement with the standard values (JCPDS 72-1982,a ¼9:815A;c ¼2:847A Þ.No other phase was detected in Fig.1indicating the high purity of the final products.The morphologies and structure information were further obtained from FESEM,TEM and SAED.Fig.2provides FESEM images of the as-prepared a -MnO 2single-crystal nanowires.Figs.2(a)and (b)are the low-and high-magnification FESEM images of the as-prepared a -MnO 2Table 1Summary of the results on the products obtained under different manganese sources,the content of concentrated nitric acid and reaction temperature for 12h,using KClO 3as the oxidizer Sample no.Manganese source Concentrated nitric acid (mL)Reaction temperature (1C)Product morphology 1MnSO 4ÁH 2O 15120a -MnO 2nanowires 2MnSO 4ÁH 2O 0120Nonexistence of MnO 23MnSO 4ÁH 2O 0180Minor b -MnO 24MnCO 315120Flowery a -MnO 2nanorods 5MnCO 3120Nonexistence of MnO 2Y.Liu et al./Journal of Solid State Chemistry 179(2006)1757–17611758single-crystal nanowires when MnSO 4ÁH 2O served as manganese source.These images show that the products of a -MnO 2consisted of a large quantity of uniform nanowires,with diameters of 50nm and lengths up to several hundreds of micrometers.Fig.3(a)shows the TEM image of as-prepared a -MnO 2nanowires,and the TEM images further demonstrate that the obtained product has a uniform wire-like morphology.The results reveal the product of a -MnO 2was composed of nanowires.The diameters and lengths of nanowires were consistent with(541)(002)(521)(600)(411)(510)(321)(301)(420)(330)(211)(400)(310)(220)(101)(200)(110)i n t e n s i t y2θ/degreeFig.1.Typical XRD pattern of as-prepared a -MnO 2.Fig.2.Low-magnification FESEM image (a)and high-magnification FESEM image (b)of a -MnO 2nanowires (MnSO 4ÁH 2O as manganesesource).Fig.3.TEM images of as-prepared single-crystal a -MnO 2nanowires (a),TEM image (b),SAED pattern (c)and HRTEM image (d)of the single a -MnO 2nanowire.Y.Liu et al./Journal of Solid State Chemistry 179(2006)1757–17611759those of FESEM results.The TEM image (Fig.3(b))of representative single nanowires and HRTEM observation for individual nanowire provide additional insight into the structure of a -MnO 2with MnSO 4ÁH 2O as manganese source.The typical SAED pattern of the single a -MnO 2nanowire is shown in the inset of Fig.3(c).Fig.3(d)is the HRTEM image taken from the single a -MnO 2nanowire,which shows the clearly resolved lattice fringes.Theseparated spacings of 2.73and 3.12Acorrespond to ð101Þand (310)planar of a -MnO 2,respectively.This image clearly reveals that the as-synthesized nanowire has no defect of dislocation and further substantiates that the nanowires are single crystalline,which is consistent with the SAED pattern.According to HRTEM image and SAED pattern recorded on the single a -MnO 2nanowire,the deduced growth direction of nanowire is ½101 .If MnCO 3was introduced into the reaction system,the products are mainly composed of nanorods,as revealed by the corresponding FESEM images.Figs.4(a)and (b)are the low-and high-magnification FESEM images of the as-prepared a -MnO 2nanorods with MnCO 3as manganese source.The low-magnification FESEM image (Fig.4(a))reveals that the product of a -MnO 2is consisted of a large quantity of flowery nanorods with average diameter of 100nm.Fig.4(b)is the high-magnification FESEM image of the as-prepared a -MnO 2,in which we seem to observe obvious features of bifurcate rod-like structure.It is worth to note that the morphology of a -MnO 2bifurcate nanorods has never been reported paring Figs.4(a)and (b)to Figs.2(a)and (b),it can be found that the nanowires with MnSO 4ÁH 2O as manganese source are much slenderer than the bifurcate nanorods with MnCO 3as manganese source.Generally,pH is believed to have great impact on the crystal forms of final products [17,19,24,25].In our experiment,a series of hydrothermal synthesis were carried out in a wide range of acidity with pH value less than 7,we found that the final products to be a -MnO 2nanowires or nanorods with 1-D morphology whether MnSO 4ÁH 2O or MnCO 3as manganese source.Therefore,this method is very effective for the large-scale synthesis of a -MnO 2with 1-D nanostructures.The influence of the reaction time on the growth of the nanowires and nanorods was investigated.The correspond-ing samples were tested by FESEM.Fig.5shows FESEM images of the as-obtained samples measured (a)after 0.5h,(b)after 3h,(c)after 6h,(d)after 12h,and other conditions kept constant at the same time.Thereinto,Figs.5(a)–(d)are FESEM images of the products with MnSO 4ÁH 2O as manganese source.As can be seen,the reaction lasted for 0.5h;the products were composed of aggregated particles (see Fig.5(a)).When the reaction timeFig.4.Low-magnification FESEM image (a)and high-magnification FESEM image (b)of a -MnO 2nanorods (MnCO 3as manganesesource).Fig.5.The FESEM images of products obtained by heating in the acidic solution for various reaction times,MnSO 4ÁH 2O (a–d)as manganese source:(a)0.5h,(b)3h,(c)6h,(d)12h and MnCO 3(e–h)as manganese source:(e)0.5h,(f)3h,(g)6h,(h)12h.Y.Liu et al./Journal of Solid State Chemistry 179(2006)1757–17611760prolonged to3h,on the surfaces of these particles,lamellar structures appeared,and some of these lamellar split to tiny nanowires,indicating the beginning of the formation of a-MnO2nanowires(see Fig.5(b)).This process continued and more nanowires formed after6h(see Fig.5(c)).Until the reaction time was extended to12h,most of the products are nanowires with average diameter of50nm and lengths ranging between10and40m m,as shown in Fig.5(d).Further elongating the reaction time shows little effects on the size and phase-purity of the products. This growth process is similar to the results of C.Z.Wu et al.[26],we call this a‘‘rolling-broken-growth’’process. According to above results and previous research [20,21,27],the possible formation mechanism of a-MnO2 nanowires by adopting MnSO4ÁH2O as manganese source could be explained as follows:(1)when temperature was maintained at801C,the interaction of KClO3and manganese source with Mn2+ion happened only when concentrated nitric acid exists.In the synthetic process,a large number of the MnO2colloidal particles had been formed in concentrated nitric acid before hydrothermal operation.(2)Under hydrothermal conditions,owing to the absence of surfactants,the MnO2colloidal particles are prone to aggregate and form bigger particles.(3)The surface of aggregated big particles grows gradually into sheets of a-MnO2with lamellar structure through an elevated temperature and pressure,and then these sheets of a-MnO2will curl by extending reaction time to form a-MnO21-D nanostructres.(4)Much evidence has demonstrated that the lamellar structure had a strong tendency to form1-D nanostructures[20,27].The structure of a-MnO2comprises a macromolecular lamellar net with octahedral[MnO6]units coordinated Mn and O atoms [20],which can give rise to formation of1-D nanostruc-tures.As the layer structure of a-MnO2is in a metastable state,these sheets of a-MnO2with lamellar structure split into nanowires.(5)Anisotropic nature of crystal growth makes thefinal products turn into a large number of uniform a-MnO2nanowires.Moreover,we found when MnCO3serves as manganese source,a similar growth procedure was observed,as shown in Figs.5(e)–(h).We believe this a-MnO21-D nanostructural formation process is universal despite different manganese sources were involved in the hydrothermal process.This observation may spread to other nanomaterials synthesis.The above mechanism is in good agreement with our experiment results.4.ConclusionIn summary,a-MnO2nanowires and nanorods with a uniform diameter have been successfully synthesized on a large scale via a simple nitric-acid-assisted hydrothermal process at low temperature.It belongs tofirstly report that the morphology of a-MnO2bifurcate nanorods can be acquired when MnCO3serves as manganese source.The concentrated nitric acid plays a crucial role in the formation of a-MnO2nanowires and nanorods.This experimental result is different from the previous conclu-sion that the concentrated nitric acid seems to be an unfavorable condition to form a-MnO2.This observation may be expanded to synthesize other nanomaterials. AcknowledgmentsFinancial support from the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the973Project of China is greatly appreciated.References[1]A.P.Alivisatos,Science271(1996)933.[2]Y.Wu,P.Yang,Chem.Mater.12(2000)605.[3](a) A.M.Morales,C.M.Lieber,Science279(1998)208;(b)M.S.Gudiken,C.M.Lieber,J.Am.Chem.Soc.122(2000)8801.[4](a)S.Iijima,Nature354(1991)56;(b)T.Seeger,P.Kohler-Redlich,M.Ruhle,Adv.Mater.12(2000)279.[5]Y.Zhou,S.H.Yu,X.P.Cui,C.Y.Wang,Z.Y.Chen,Chem.Mater.11(1999)545.[6]C.Mao,D.J.Solis,B.D.Reiss,S.T.Kottmann,R.Y.Sweeney,A.Hayhurst,G.Georgiou,B.Iverson,A.M.Belcher,Science303(2004) 213.[7]G.H.Du,L.-M.Peng,Q.Chen,S.Zhang,W.Z.Zhou,Appl.Phys.Lett.83(2003)1638.[8]G.H.Du,Q.Chen,Y.Yu,S.Zhang,W.Z.Zhou,L.M.Peng,J.Mater.Chem.14(2004)1437.[9]G.H.Du,Q.Chen,R.C.Che,L.M.Peng,Appl.Phys.Lett.79(2001)3702.[10]M.M.Thackeray,Prog.Solid State Chem.25(1997)1.[11]A.R.Armstrong,P.G.Bruce,Nature381(1996)499.[12]B.Ammundsen,J.Paulsen,Adv.Mater.13(2001)943.[13]Q.Feng,H.Kanoh,K.Ooi,J.Mater.Chem.9(1999)319.[14]L.I.Hill,A.Verbaere,D.Guyomard,J.Power Sources226(2003)119.[15]M.M.Thackeray,J.Am.Ceram.Soc.82(1999)3347.[16]Y.F.Shen,R.P.Zerger,S.L.Suib,L.McCurdy,D.I.Potter,C.L.O’Young,Science260(1993)511.[17]R.N.DeGuzman,Y.F.Shen,h,S.L.Suib,C.L.O’Young,S.Levine,J.M.Newsam,Chem.Mater.6(1994)815.[18]M.Benaissa,M.Jose-Yacaman,T.D.Xiao,P.R.Strutt,Appl.Phys.Lett.70(1997)2120.[19]N.Kijima,H.Yasuda,T.Sato,Y.Yoshimura,J.Solid State Chem.159(2001)94.[20]Y.D.Li,X.L.Li,R.R.He,J.Zhu,Z.X.Deng,J.Am.Chem.Soc.124(2002)1411.[21]X.Wang,Y.D.Li,Chem.Eur.J.9(2003)300.[22](a)Z.Q.Li,Y.Ding,Y.J.Xiong,Q.Yang,Y.Xie,mun.(2005)918;(b)Z.Q.Li,Y.Ding,Y.J.Xiong,Y.Xie,Cryst.Growth Des.5(2005)1953.[23](a)Y.Q.Gao,Z.H.Wang,J.X.Wan,G.F.Zou,Y.T.Qian,J.Cryst.Growth279(2005)415;(b)Y.Chen,C.Liu,F.Liu,H.M.Cheng,J.Alloy Compd.19(2005)282.[24]J.Luo,S.L.Suib,J.Phys.Chem.B101(1997)10403.[25]T.D.Xiao,P.R.Strutt,M.Benaissa,H.Chen, B.H.Kear,Nanostruct.Mater.10(1998)1051.[26]C.Z.Wu,Y.Xie,D.Wang,J.Yang,T.W.Li,J.Phys.Chem.B107(2003)13583.[27]Y.D.Li,X.L.Li,Z.X.Deng,B.C.Zhou,S.S.Fan,J.W.Wang,X.M.Sun,Angew Chem.Int.Ed.Engl.41(2002)333.Y.Liu et al./Journal of Solid State Chemistry179(2006)1757–17611761。


第 31 卷第 6 期 2010 年 6 月
Vol. 31 , No. 6 Jun. , 2010
梁文艳 , 王珂 , 阮铃铃 , 隋丽丽
( 北京林业大学环境科学与工程学院, 北京 100083 ) 摘要:由 Ti / RuO 2 棒为阳极 、 不锈钢管为阴极组成电氧化管式反应装置, 采用 TTC-脱氢酶活性和中性红染 色 的 活 性 测 定 方 法 ,
[ 8]
, 表现 出 运 行 管 理 简 单 、 安 全、 可靠
, 所以 不 仅 用 于 废 水 排 放 前 的 消 毒 处
[ 5] , 也可以 运 用 于 饮 用 水 的 消 毒 . 但 电 氧 化 在
杀藻 方 面 的 研 究 较 少, 有 研 究 采 用 Ti / RuO 2 电 极 杀 藻表明, 电氧化也 具 有 很 好 的 杀 藻 效 果
水体中藻类的大量繁殖不仅使水体水质状况恶 而且对饮用水的处理和安全也带来影响 . 具有鞭 化, 毛的藻细胞易穿透絮凝体, 从而破坏絮凝过程, 导致 出水存在藻细胞;藻 细 胞 在 滤 床 中 的 生 长 又 会 导 致 滤床产生堵塞;部分 藻 类 在 代 谢 过 程 中 或 死 亡 后 释 放出的藻毒素, 对生物体造成毒性和危害;所分泌的 嗅味物质导致饮用水出现异味 . 由于存在这些问题, 饮用水处理中不能忽视藻类的影响 . 电化学氧化法在消毒方面表现了很好的杀菌效 可以杀死多种 微 生 物, 如 大 肠 杆 菌、 军团菌和绿 果, 脓杆菌等 理
N 为每升水样中藻细胞的 个 数; A 为 计 数 框 面 式中,
2 2 积( mm ) ; B 为一个视野的面积 ( mm ) ; C 为 计 数 时



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• Enhances cell and tissue function • Increases exercise tolerance and physical performance • Improves diastolic cardiac function
ATP – The Energy Currency of the Cell
Phosphates Adenine
Normal ATP Turnover
(Yield 36 ATP)
+ O2 Fatty Acid
(Yield 128 ATP)
ATP Turnover in Hypoxia
Fatty Acid
+ O2
Energy is Lost with Hypoxia
ATP catabolism depletes the ATP catabolism depletes the purine pool and reduces the purine pool and reduces the energy status of the cell energy status of the cell
It been used as complexing agents to increase the aqueous solubility of poorly water-soluble drugs, and to increase their bioavailability and stability. In addition, cyclodextrins are used to reduce or prevent gastrointestinal or ocular irritation, reduce or eliminate unpleasant smells or tastes, prevent drug-drug or drug-additive interactions, or even to convert oils and liquid drugs into microcrystalline or amorphous powders

ASTM D1743-2005润滑脂防腐蚀性能测定法

ASTM D1743-2005润滑脂防腐蚀性能测定法

Designation:D1743–05a e1An American National Standard Standard Test Method forDetermining Corrosion Preventive Properties of Lubricating Greases1This standard is issued under thefixed designation D1743;the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or,in the case of revision,the year of last revision.A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.Asuperscript epsilon(e)indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.e1N OTE—Editorially replaced Stoddard solvent with mineral spirits in the test method to match approved change to7.5inDecember2005.1.Scope*1.1This test method covers the determination of the corro-sion preventive properties of greases using grease-lubricated tapered roller bearings stored under wet conditions.This test method is based on CRC Technique L412that shows correla-tions between laboratory results and service for grease lubri-cated aircraft wheel bearings.1.2Apparatus Dimensions—The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as standard.The values given in parentheses are mathematical conversions to SI units that are provided for information only and are not considered standard.1.3All Other Values—The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the standard.The values given in parentheses are for information only.1.4This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns,if any,associated with its use.It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.2.Referenced Documents32.1ASTM Standards:D1193Specification for Reagent Water3.Terminology3.1Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.1.1corrosion,n—the chemical or electrochemical reac-tion between a material,usually a metal,and its environment that produces a deterioration of the material and its properties.—In this test method,corrosion is mani-fested by red rust or black stains on the bearing race.Stains, through which the underlying metal surface is still visible,are not considered corrosion in Test Method D1743and shall be ignored.4.Summary of Test Method4.1New,cleaned,and lubricated bearings are run under a light thrust load for6063s to distribute the lubricant in a pattern that might be found in service.The bearings are exposed to water,then stored for4860.5h at5261°C(125 62°F)and100%relative humidity.After cleaning,the bearing cups are examined for evidence of corrosion.5.Significance and Use5.1This test method differentiates the relative corrosion-preventive capabilities of lubricating greases under the condi-tions of the test.6.Apparatus6.1Bearings—Timken bearing cone and roller assembly LM11949,and cup LM11910.4,56.2Motor,1750650-rpm speed,1⁄15hp(min).6.3Bearing Holder,consists of a160.10kg weight,upper and lower plastic collars for the bearing cone(Parts A and B),a metal screw,and a plastic collar for the cup(Part C).(See Fig.1.)6.4Plastic Test Jar,as shown in Fig.2.6.5Run-in Stand,as shown in Fig.3.1This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D02on Petroleum Products and Lubricants and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D02.G0on Lubricating Grease.Current edition approved July1,2005.Published July2005.Originally approved st previous edition approved in2005as D1743–05.2“Research Technique for Determining Rust-Preventive Properties of Lubricat-ing Greases in the Presence of Free Water,”L-41-957,undated,CoordinatingResearch Council,Inc.,219Perimeter Center Parkway,Atlanta,GA30346.3For referenced ASTM standards,visit the ASTM website,,or contact ASTM Customer Service at service@.For Annual Book of ASTM Standards volume information,refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on the ASTM website.4The sole source of supply of the apparatus known to the committee at this time is The Timken Co.,Canton,OH44706.5If you are aware of alternative suppliers,please provide this information to ASTM International Headquarters.Your comments will receive careful consider-ation at a meeting of the responsible technical committee,1which you may attend.*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard. Copyright©ASTM International,100Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA19428-2959,United States.6.6Spindle/Thrust Loading Device ,as shown in Fig.4.(See Table 1for metric equivalents.)6.7Mechanical Grease Packer ,as shown in Fig.5and Fig.6.6.8Pliers,5,6as shown in Fig.7.6.9Syringe ,of at least 100-mL volume and with a needle of at least 16gage and a minimum length of 100mm (4in.).6.10Timer ,capable of measuring a 6063-s interval.6The sole source of supply of the Waldes Truarc Plier No.4modified as in Fig.7known to the committee at this time is TRUARC Company LLC,70East Willow Street,Millburn,NJ07041.KEY DESCRIPTIONQUANTITY1PISTON 12O RING 13WEIGHT14UPPER FLANGE 15LOWER FLANGE161⁄4−2031-1⁄4FILLISTER HD.MACH.SCREW S.S.17O RING18BEARING HOLDER 19PLASTIC JAR 110O RING1FIG.1Bearing HolderAssembly6.11Oven —A laboratory oven,essentially free of vibration,capable of maintaining 5261°C.7.Reagents7.1Purity of Reagents —Reagent grade chemicals shall be used in all tests.Unless otherwise indicated,it is intended that all reagents shall conform to the specifications of the Commit-tee on Analytical Reagents of the American Chemical Society,where such specifications are available.7Other grades may be used,provided it is first ascertained that the reagent is of sufficiently high purity to permit its use without lessening the accuracy of the determination.7.2Purity of Water —Unless otherwise indicated,references to water shall be understood to mean reagent water conforming to Specification D 1193,Type III.7.3Isopropyl Alcohol.Warning—Flammable.7.4Solvent Rinse Solution of the following composition by volume:7.4.1Isopropyl Alcohol ,90%.7.4.2Distilled Water ,9%.7.4.3Ammonium Hydroxide ,1%.Warning—Poison.Causes burns.Vapor extremely irritating.Can be fatal if swallowed.Harmful if inhaled.7.5Mineral Spirits ,reagent grade,minimum purity.(Warning—Combustible.Vapor harmful.)8.Standardization of Thrust Loading Device8.1Pack a bearing,install it into the holder and place the assembly into a plastic jar as described in 10.1through 10.4.Place the jar onto the base of the motor drive spindle and center it under the indexing pin of the drive.Lower the drive until the O ring just contacts the 1-kg weight.Run the bottom nut of the depth gage (see Fig.3)down to the stop.Place a 3-mm spacer on top of this nut.Bring the top nut down to the spacer.While holding the top nut in position,remove the spacer and run the bottom nut up and tighten it against the top nut.When the O ring is compressed against the 1-kg weight until the adjustment nut hits the stop,there will be a 29-N load added,giving a total load of 39N on the bearing.(The loads described are provided by the forces of the spring in the thrust loading spindle and sum of the 1-kg weight and spring,respectively.These loads are approximate.The 1-kg weights should be within 0.010kg of their stated values.The thrust loading spindle should be calibrated by some suitable method when it is first put into service,recalibrated periodically,and replaced if its spring does not provide sufficient force to spin the test bearings without slippage during the 60s run to distribute the grease.)Examine the O ring periodically and replace it if it shows any cracks or other signs of deterioration.8.2The thrust loading device should be standardized before use,once per day if used daily,and again if there is reason to believe that the standardization has changed.The thrust load-ing device may be standardized using one of the greases to be tested.9.Preparation of Bearings9.1Examine the test bearings carefully and select only bearings that have outer races (cups)and rollers entirely free of corrosion.During the bearing preparation handle the bearings with tongs or rubber or plastic gloves.Do not touch bearings with the fingers at any time.9.2Wash the selected bearing thoroughly in hot (52to 66°C)mineral spirits,reagent grade (Warning—Combustible.Vapor harmful.)to remove the rust preventive.Wipe the bearing cone and cup with tissue moistened in hot solvent to remove any remaining residue.Rinse the bearing a second time in fresh,hot mineral spirits,reagent grade.N OTE 1—The washing temperatures specified are considerably above the flash point of the mineral spirits,reagent grade.Accordingly,the washing operation should be carried out in a well-ventilated hood where no flames or other ignition sources are present.9.3Transfer the bearing from the mineral spirits,reagent grade to the solvent rinse solution (Warning—Poison.Causes burns.Vapor extremely irritating.Can be fatal if swallowed.Harmful if inhaled.)to remove the mineral spirits,reagent grade and any fingerprints that are present.Then rinse the bearing and slowly rotate in fresh hot (6665°C)solvent rinse solution.N OTE 2—Use fresh rinse solution to avoid the selective evaporation of the components at the rinse temperature.9.4Remove the bearing from the solvent rinse solution and place on filter paper to drain.After draining,dry the bearing in an oven at 7065°C for 15to 30min.7Reagent Chemicals,American Chemical Society Specifications ,American Chemical Society,Washington,DC.For suggestions on the testing of reagents not listed by the American Chemical Society,see Analar Standards for Laboratory Chemicals,BDH Ltd.,Poole,Dorset,U.K.,and the United States Pharmacopeia and National Formulary,U.S.Pharmacopeial Convention,Inc.(USPC),Rockville,MD.Test Jar SpecificationsInner Diameter Range:3.11–3.31in.(79–84mm)Inner Height Range:3.5–4.0in.(89–102mm)FIG.2Plastic TestJarFIG.3Run-in StandDrawingFIG.4Spindle/Thrust Loading Device TABLE1Metric Equivalents for Figs.3and4 Inches Millimetres 1⁄320.79 1⁄8 3.18 5⁄32 3.97 3⁄16 4.76 5⁄327.14 5⁄167.94 3⁄89.53 7⁄1611.11 1⁄212.70 19⁄3215.08 21⁄3216.67 3⁄419.05 125.40 11⁄828.58 13⁄1631.26 11⁄431.75 111⁄3234.131.49537.971.50038.1019⁄1639.69 11⁄444.451.78545.34115⁄1649.211.94649.4327⁄3256.36 21⁄457.15 211⁄3259.53 376.209.5Permit the bearing to cool to room temperature and reexamine surfaces to assure that corrosion-free and free-turning specimens have been selected.(Care should be taken not to spin the bearings after cleaning and drying.)9.6Wash and dry the bearing packer using the same technique as for the preparation of the bearings.10.Procedure10.1With the reservoir of grease packer resting on a clean bench top,and while wearing gloves,place bearing cup with small diameter face down into the recess of the packer.Place the bearing cone over the cup,and while holding the bearing assembly against the packer,lift and invert the whole unit and return it to the bench.10.2Fill the reservoir with the grease sample,and use the plunger to force grease through the bearing.Carefully remove the plunger from the reservoir to avoid sucking air into the bearing,and slide the packer unit over the edge of the bench.While holding the bearing assembly in the packer,invert the unit to its original position on the bench.10.3Using a small square-ended spatula,remove excess grease from the bearing bore and the annulus between the grease packer and outer perimeter of the bearing cup.The bearing is removed from the packer by either use of the pliers or by placing gloved index finger in the bore and lifting out.While holding the bearing,use the spatula to remove excess grease above the cage on both sides of the bearing.This procedure is done to ensure that approximately the same volume of grease is used each time.10.4Using Fig.1as a guide,hold the packed bearing between gloved fingers with large inside diameter of cup downward and insert the small diameter plastic flange on top of the bore,and the larger flange into the bottom of the bore.Slide the bearing assembly onto the 1-kg weight so that the largediameter flange fits into the recess on the top of the weight.Insert the bolt through the assembly and screw the bolt tightly into the weight.Lower the plastic bearing holder (Part 8)over the bearing (the large O ring faces upward).Press down the holder so that the bearing fits squarely into the holder.10.5Invert a plastic jar over the bearing assembly.Slide the two components over the edge of the bench,and with fingers pressing the weight against the inner bottom of the jar,invert the entire assembly.10.6Place the jar onto the base of the motor driven spindle and center under the indexing pin of the drive.Start the motor and bring the drive into the center of the 1-kg weight and load until the nut hits the depth stop.Run for 60s,raise the drive,and allow the bearing to coast to a stop.Extreme care should be taken not to break the contact between the races and rollers at this point and in the following steps.10.6.1At no time during or after the 60s run shall the grease be redistributed or forced back into the bearing.10.7Freshly boil the distilled water for 1065min to remove carbon dioxide and cool to 2565°C.10.8Fill a clean syringe with 10065mL of distilled water from 10.7.With the run-in bearing in the jar,simultaneously start a timer and begin adding the water into the hole provided for this purpose in the bearing holder.Add the 100mL of water within 2063s.When the timer shows 5063s start withdrawing the water.When the timer shows 6063s,complete the withdrawal of 7065mL of water.Leave the remaining 3065mL of water in the jar.Make sure that water does not touch the bearing after 7065mL is withdrawn.It may be difficult to withdraw 7065mL water in 10s using a 16gage needle.A larger needle may be required.10.9Screw the cap on the jar and transfer to a dark oven essentially free from vibration for 48h at 5261°C.N OTE —Tolerances are 0.003in.unless specified otherwise.FIG.5Bearing PackerBrass10.10Prepare three bearings with each grease to be tested.Each group of three bearings is one test.11.Rating Procedure11.1Remove the bearing from the test jar and place the bearing cup in a 50+50mixture by volume of isopropyl alcohol (Warning—Flammable)and mineral spirits,reagent grade (Warning—Combustible.Vapor harmful).The solvent mixture can be heated to facilitate the removal of the grease.Agitate vigorously to remove the grease.Repeat the rinsing using fresh solvent mixture or gently wipe the bearing with a clean cloth or tissue to ensure that traces of grease are removed.11.2Transfer the bearing cup from the solvent and allow to dry on clean filter paper.11.3Examine the cup raceway for evidence of corrosion without the use of magnification (Section 5).Use only a pass or fail rating.Criteria for failure shall be the presence of any corrosion spot 1.0mm or larger in the longest dimension.Ignore the number ofspots.KEY DESCRIPTIONQUANTITY1GREASE PACK PLUNGER 12CYLINDER13LM11900BEARING ASSEMBLY 14STUD 15BASE1FIG.6BearingPacker—Alternative11.3.1Spots that are easily removed by rubbing lightly with soft tissue (alone or wetted with any solvent nonreactive to rust or steel at room temperature)shall not be considered as corrosion in the rating.12.Report12.1The reported result shall be the pass or fail rating as determined by at least two of the three bearings.13.Precision and Bias13.1Due to the nature of the results,the precision of this test method was not obtained in accordance with RR:D02–1007,“Manual on Determining Precision Data for ASTM Methods on Petroleum Products and Lubricants.”13.2Precision —The precision of this test method as deter-mined by statistical examination of interlaboratory results is as follows:13.2.1Repeatability may be judged by the fact that 94%of duplicate results obtained by nine laboratories with six samples were in agreement.13.2.2Reproducibility may be judged by the fact that nine laboratories matched consensus 96%of the time with six samples showing good or poor protection against corrosion.13.3Bias —No statement is made about the bias of this test method since the result merely states whether there is conform-ance to the criteria for success specified in the procedure.14.Keywords14.1bearing;corrosion;lubricating grease;rustAPPENDIXES(Nonmandatory Information)X1.RATIONALEX1.1The current version of Test Method D 1743differs primarily from the older version Test Method D 1743–73(1981)e 2in two major areas.X1.1.1First,the current procedure uses a new run-in stand and bearing holder.This equipment change was designed to reduce the possibility of the bearing rollers and race breaking contact after run-in.When these surfaces break contact,direct water contamination and unrepeatable rusting can occur.X1.1.2Second,the rating procedure was simplified to a pass/fail statement.Instead of relating failure to the number of corrosion spots,the current procedure now defines a failure in terms of one corrosion spot greater than 1.0mm in length.X1.2One disadvantage of the current procedure is thatfewer tests can be run per unit time without purchasing additional bearing holders.X1.2.1The committee felt that the procedure for Test Method D 1743–73should remain available for those labora-tories needing a quicker screening test method.During the round-robin development of the current test method,a limited comparison of the two test methods was made.Although not enough data was collected for a meaningful statistical analysis,the two procedures gave good agreement.X1.3The procedure of D 1743–73modified with the new rating method is incorporated as Appendix X2.It should be noted however,that the current procedure shall be used for refereepurposes.FIG.7Plier to Remove Bearing from GreasePackerX2.ALTERNATE CORROSION TEST PROCEDUREX2.1ScopeX2.1.1This test method covers the determination of the corrosion preventive properties of greases using grease-lubricated tapered roller bearings stored under wet conditions.This test method is based on CRC Technique L 41that shows correlation between laboratory results and service for grease lubricated aircraft wheel bearings.X2.1.2The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as the standard.X2.2Referenced Documents X2.2.1See Section 2.X2.3Terminology X2.3.1See Section 3.X2.4Summary of Test MethodX2.4.1Clean new bearings are lubricated,then run under a light thrust load for 6063s so as to distribute the lubricant in a pattern that might be found in service.The bearings are subsequently stored for 4860.5h at 5261°C (12562°F)and 100%relative humidity.After cleaning,the bearing cups are examined for evidence of corrosion.X2.5Significance and Use X2.5.1See Section 5.X2.6ApparatusX2.6.1Bearings ,4,5Timken bearing cone and roller assem-bly and cup.X2.6.2Container ,237-cm 3(8-oz)clear glass jar (85.7mm (33⁄8in.)high,69.8mm (23⁄4in.)in diameter)fitted with a wax-lined screw cap.X2.6.3Bearing Support ,14⁄35to 18⁄38taper glass adapter.5,8X2.6.4Motor ,1750650-r/min speed.X2.6.5Spindle ,No.4rubber stopper drilled and fitted to motor shaft.X2.6.6Thrust Loading Device ,as shown in Fig.X2.1.(See Table X2.1for metric equivalents.)X2.6.7Mechanical Grease Packer ,similar or equivalent to the mechanical bearing packer as shown in Fig.X2.2.(See Table X2.1for metric equivalents.)X2.7ReagentsX2.7.1See Section 7.8The sole source of supply of the apparatus known to the committee at this time is Thomas Scientific Co.,P.O.Box 99,Swedesboro,NJ08085.FIG.X2.1Thrust LoadingDevicesX2.8Standardization of Thrust Loading DeviceX2.8.1Place the handle of the thrust loading device (Fig.X2.1)in a vise with the thrust loading device in an upright position.Place a 2.760.3-kg (660.7-lb)weight on the cup and mark the barrel to identify the proper handle position.X2.9Preparation of BearingsX2.9.1Examine the test bearings carefully and select only bearings which are entirely free of corrosion.During the bearing preparation handle the bearing with tongs.Bearings should not be touched with the fingers at any time.X2.9.2Wash the selected bearing thoroughly in hot (52to 66°C (125to 150°F))Stoddard solvent (Warning—Combustible.Vapor harmful.)to remove the rust preventive.To ensure complete removal of the rust preventive,subject the bearing to a second wash in fresh hot 52to 66°C Stoddard solvent.X2.9.3Transfer the bearing from the Stoddard solvent to the solvent rinse solution to remove the Stoddard solvent and any fingerprints that are present.Then rinse the bearing and slowly rotate in fresh hot (minimum 66°C)solvent rinse solution (Warning—Poison.Causes burns.Vapor extremely irritating.Can be fatal if swallowed.Harmful if inhaled.).X2.9.4Remove the bearing from the solvent rinse solution and place on filter paper to drain.After draining,dry the bearing in an oven at 7065°C (160°F)for 15to 30min.X2.9.5Permit the bearing to cool to room temperature and reexamine surfaces to assure that corrosion-free and free-turning specimens have been selected.(Care should be taken not to spin the bearings after cleaning and drying.)X2.9.6Wash and dry the thrust loading device and bearing packer using the same technique as for the preparation of the bearings.X2.10ProcedureX2.10.1Three new bearings are required for each test.Weigh the bearing (cone and cup assembly)to the nearest 0.1g using clean oil-resistant gloves while handling the bearing.X2.10.2Pack the assembled bearing with the grease sample using a mechanical packer similar or equivalent to the oneshown in Fig.X2.2.Keep the cone and cup assembled for the remaining operations through step X2.10.10.X2.10.3Wipe off the excess grease and place the assembled bearing in the thrust loading device (Fig.X2.1).Lock the bearing in place with the locking screw.X2.10.4Place the bearing cone against the rubber stopper on the motor shaft and apply a thrust load by pushing the handle of the thrust loading device up to the calibration mark on the barrel.X2.10.5Rotate the bearings at 1750650r/min for 1061s,turn off the motor and allow to coast to stop.Remove the bearing from the spindle and loosen the locking screw and push the bearing out of the cup with the rod.X2.10.6By removal of the excess grease and uniform redistribution of the sample,adjust the total quantity of grease on the assembled cone and cup to within 2.160.1cm 3(2.060.1g).Then wipe over the exterior surfaces of the assembled bearing a thin film of grease (about 0.1g).For greases having densities significantly higher than mineral oil based greases,adjust the quantity of the grease to equal 2.160.1cm 3.X2.10.7Place the bearing in the thrust loading device and lock the bearing with the locking screw.Place the bearing cone against the rubber stopper on the motor shaft and apply a thrust load of 26.7N (6lbf)by pushing the handle up to the calibration mark on the barrel.X2.10.8Rotate the bearing at 1750650rpm for 6063s,turn off the motor and allow to coast to stop (see Note X2.1).Remove the bearing from the spindle and loosen the locking screw and push the bearing out of the cup with the rod.Extreme care should be taken not to break the contact between the races and rollers at this point and in the following steps.X2.10.9Place the bearing on the bearing support in such a manner that the weight of the outer race will maintain contact between the races and rolling elements.By means of the bearing support immerse the entire assembly for 1062s into freshly boiled distilled water which has been cooled to 2565°C (use a new supply of water for each bearing).X2.10.10Allowing any water on the bearing to remain,place the assembly in the glass jar to which has been added 561mL of distilled water,tighten the screw cap firmly (Note X2.1)and store in a dark oven,located in an area essentially free from vibration for 4860.5h at 5261°C (12562°F).N OTE X2.1—It is recommended that a tube or rod be attached to the center of the screw cap to drop over or inside the glass adapter or that other suitable means be used to prevent the assembly from sliding to the side of the jar during handling.Any such attachments should not cause rotation of the bearing adapter when tightening the screw cap on the jar.X2.11Rating ProcedureX2.11.1Remove the bearing from the test jar and place the bearing cup in a 50+50mixture by volume of isopropyl alcohol and Stoddard solvent.The solvent mixture can be heated to facilitate the removal of the grease,observing the proper precautions for a flammable mixture.Agitate vigorously to remove the grease.Repeat the rinsing using fresh solvent mixture to ensure that traces of grease are removed.X2.11.2Transfer the bearing cup from the solvent and allow to dry on clean filter paper.TABLE X2.1Metric Equivalents for Figs.X2.1and X2.2in.mm in.mm 0.0010.02511⁄828.60.0030.076113⁄1630.21⁄320.7911⁄431.81⁄16 1.59 1.37334.871⁄8 3.18 1.37534.923⁄16 4.7617⁄1636.57⁄32 5.5615⁄841.31⁄4 6.35 1.936849.195⁄167.94 1.938049.2210⁄327.94161⁄6449.65⁄1210.58250.87⁄1611.1221⁄457.21⁄212.7023⁄860.30.5914.99376.23⁄419.05613⁄161730.812520.6481⁄1620515⁄1623.81X2.11.3Examine the cup raceway for evidence of corrosion without the use of magnification (Section 3).Only a pass or fail rating shall be used.Criteria for failure shall be the presence of any corrosion spot 1.0mm or larger in the longest dimension.The number of spots is ignored (see Note X2.1).X2.12ReportX2.12.1See Section 12.X2.13Precision and BiasX2.13.1No precision in accordance with RR:D02–1007,“Manual on Determining Precision Data for ASTM Methods on Petroleum Products and Lubricants,”was established.X2.13.2Precision —Limited testing conducted in concert with testing done to establish the repeatability and reproduc-ibility precision for the revised procedure indicated that this procedure may have similar precision.X2.13.3Bias —No statement is made about the bias of this test method since the result merely states whether there is conformance to the criteria for success in the procedure.SUMMARY OF CHANGESSubcommittee D02.G0has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue,(D 1743–05),that may impact the use of this standard.(Approved July 1,2005.)(1)Added Fig.2.(2)Deleted Falex equipment footnote.Subcommittee D02.G0has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue,(D 1743–01),that may impact the use of this standard.(Approved June 1,2005.)(1)Deleted Specification D 235from the Referenced Docu-ments and 7.5.(2)Revised 7.5.FIG.X2.2Mechanical BearingPackerCopyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania 19428, USA Distributed under ASTM license agreement by Shanghai Institute of Standardization (SIS)Addr: 1219, 1227 Changle Rd., Shanghai, 200031. Tel: 86-21-64370807D1743–05a e1ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentionedin this ers of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights,and the riskof infringement of such rights,are entirely their own responsibility.This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed everyfive years andif not revised,either reapproved or withdrawn.Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standardsand should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters.Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of theresponsible technical committee,which you may attend.If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you shouldmake your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards,at the address shown below.This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International,100Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA19428-2959,United States.Individual reprints(single or multiple copies)of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the aboveaddress or at610-832-9585(phone),610-832-9555(fax),or service@(e-mail);or through the ASTM website().11ASTM International 版权所有, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania 19428, USA由上海市标准化研究院(SIS)根据ASTM授权协议进行销售 地址: 上海市长乐路1219/1227号 邮编: 200031联系。

Electrochemical cycling behavior of LiFePO4 cathode charged with different upper voltage limits

Electrochemical cycling behavior of LiFePO4 cathode charged with different upper voltage limits
Keywords: Lithium ion batteries Lithium iron phosphate Charge voltage limit Capacity decay Lithium ion consumption
Electrochemical cycling behavior of LiFePO4 (LFP) cathode charged with different upper voltage limits has been studied. Reversible capacity of the cathode is not significantly increased by pushing up the charge voltage limit. However, charge voltage limit plays a role affecting the passivation film of the electrode. When cycled with low charge voltage limit, the passivation film is not well developed and the LFP electrode exhibits high surface impedance. When charged to extremely high voltage limit, oxidation of electrolyte produces carbon-based layer coating the LFP particles. The optimized charge voltage limits of 3.9 and 4.3 V are obtained under different experimental conditions. Long term cycling behavior of full cell is evaluated against MCMB anode. After 1000 electrochemical cycles, around 60% of the initial capacity is lost. Lithium inventory loss is found to be the main factor responsible for the cell failure. The impact of charge voltage limit on the cycling performance of LFP cathode is buried in the Li consumption during electrochemical cycles. Fe precipitation and the resultant impedance rise on the anode side, which are widely accepted to be responsible for the capacity decay of graphite/LFP full cells, is not observed in this study.



英语单词详解系列[高中外研选修10单元5]第八十三篇give in to释义_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 屈服于,向…让步短语_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ give in to sth:对……做出让步Give in to Temptation:创作概念;向诱惑屈服Give in to love:接受爱意;唱片名give in to something:向某事屈服give in to pressure:向压力屈服give in order to:接见not give in to:不服give in to sb:对某人让步;屈服;向某人屈服;对某人作出让步reliable音标_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 英[rɪ’laɪəb(ə)l] 美[rɪ’laɪəbl]附加_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [ 比较级more reliable 最高级most reliable ]释义_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ adj. 可靠的;可信赖的n. 可靠的人短语_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ reliable reputation:信誉可靠;澴Reliable Mathematics:可靠性数学;靠得住性数学;牢靠性数学reliable sources:消息可靠人士;可靠消息来源;可靠消息;消息可Reliable source:可靠方面;可靠来源;信源制衣厂;可靠消息reliable account:可靠帐户Highly reliable:高可靠;高牢靠;非常可靠;可靠度高reliable multicast:可靠组播;可靠多播通信;可靠的多点传送reliable digit:可靠性数字reliable supplier:可靠的供应商例句_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1.ADJ People or things that are reliable can be trusted to work well or to behave in the way that you want them to. 可靠的例:She was efficient and reliable.她既能干又可靠。



2024年09版小学6年级上册英语第3单元真题试卷[有答案]考试时间:100分钟(总分:100)B卷一、综合题(共计100题共100分)1. 选择题:Which insect makes a cocoon?A. ButterflyB. AntC. BeeD. Grasshopper2. 听力题:The chemical symbol for neon is _______.3. 填空题:The ________ (植物生态) plays a role in ecosystems.4. 填空题:The butterfly flits from flower to ______ (花).5. 选择题:What do we call the force that pulls objects toward each other?A. FrictionB. MagnetismC. GravityD. Momentum答案:C6. 听力题:The stars are ______ in the sky. (twinkling)7. 听力题:A nonmetallic element is one that lacks the properties of _______.8. 听力题:The primary elements found in organic molecules are carbon, hydrogen, and _______.9. 填空题:My mom loves __________ (进行文化交流).10. 听力题:HO is the chemical formula for _____.11. 填空题:My favorite TV show is a ________ (喜剧).12. 填空题:The ferret's playful nature makes it a ______ (受欢迎的) pet.13. 听力题:My cousin is a ______. She likes to dance ballet.14. 听力题:Mount Kilimanjaro is in _______.15. 听力题:My friend plays on the school ____ (football) team.16. 填空题:The coyote hunts in ______ (群体).17. 填空题:The __________ is a famous desert in the southwestern United States. (死谷)18. 听力题:The _______ of light can be affected by the angle of incidence.19. 听力题:A _____ is a celestial body that orbits a star.20. 选择题:What is the main language spoken in the USA?A. SpanishB. FrenchC. GermanD. English答案: D. English21. 选择题:Which planet is known for its strong winds and storms?B. JupiterC. SaturnD. Neptune答案: B22. 填空题:I like to build a _____ (沙堡) at the beach.23. 填空题:_____ (herbs) can be dried for later use.24. 听力题:A substance that changes color when exposed to an acid or base is called an _____ (indicator).25. 填空题:I want to grow a ________ that smells sweet.26. 听力题:Metalloids have properties of both ________ and nonmetals.27. 听力题:Gardeners use _______ to help plants grow.28. 填空题:My favorite way to relax is _______ (听音乐).29. 填空题:My sister loves __________ (参观博物馆).30. 填空题:I made a diary for my toy ____. (玩具名称)31. 填空题:_____ (蜜蜂) help pollinate many crops.32. 填空题:The _____ (农场) produces many fruits and vegetables.33. 选择题:What is the main language spoken in Brazil?A. SpanishB. PortugueseC. English答案:B34. 选择题:What is the capital of Thailand?A. BangkokB. HanoiC. ManilaD. Kuala Lumpur35. 听力题:My aunt loves to do ____ (photography).36. 填空题:A zebra's stripes help it blend into the ________________ (草原).37. 填空题:We will _______ (一起去) the zoo.38. 填空题:The ______ (猴子) is known for its cleverness.39. 选择题:What is the main language spoken in the USA?A. FrenchB. EnglishC. SpanishD. German答案: B40. 填空题:古代的________ (rulers) 常常通过战争来扩展领土。

8 Ch19 Electrochemistry

8 Ch19 Electrochemistry
The Nernst Equation Concentration Cells Batteries Dry Cells and Alkaline Batteries Lead Storage Batteries Lithium-ion Batteries Fuel Cells Electrolysis Electrolysis of Molten Sodium Chloride Electrolysis of Water Electrolysis of an Aqueous Sodium Chloride Solution Quantitative Applications of Electrolysis Corrosion
H2 → 2H+ + 2e–
E° = 0 V
Standard Reduction Potential+ (1 M) │ H2(g) │ Pt(s)
Anode (oxidation) Cathode (reduction) Overall:
Zn(s) → Zn2+ (1 M) + 2e– 2H+(1 M) + 2e– → H2 (1 atm)
Oxidation half-reaction Zn(s) Zn2+(aq) + 2e-
Reduction half-reaction Cu2+(aq) + 2e- Cu(s)
Overall (cell) reaction Zn(s) + Cu2+(aq) Zn2+(aq) + Cu(s)
A voltaic cell using inactive electrodes.
(reduction half-cell)



Occurs when there is warmth, moisture, nutrients, (light) = cooling systems!
在存在水分、营养物和光线的暖温条件下(也就是在 冷却系统中)发生微生物的生长!
SYSTEM pH 系统酸碱度
Can be superheated 可以被过热
High specific heat capacity/latent heat 高比热容量 / 潜热 Low viscosity (“sensible” pumping costs) 粘度低(降低抽运成本)

材料专业学术英语——6.Corrosion of metals

材料专业学术英语——6.Corrosion of metals

To one degree or another, most materials experience some type of interaction with a large number of diverse environments. Often, such interactions impair a material’s usefulness as a result of the deterioration of its mechanical properties (e.g., ductility and strength), other physical properties, or appearance. Occasionally, to the chagrin of a design engineer, the degradation behavior of a material for some application is ignored, with adverse consequences.Deteriorative mechanisms are different for the three material types. In metals, there is actual material loss either by dissolution (corrosion) or by the formation of nonmetallic scale or film (oxidation). Ceramic materials are relatively resistant to deterioration, which usually occurs at elevated temperatures or in rather extreme environments; the process is frequently also called corrosion. For polymers, mechanisms and consequences differ from those for metals and ceramics, and the term degradation is most frequently used. Polymers may dissolve when exposed to a liquid solvent, or they may absorb the solvent and swell; also, electromagnetic radiation (primarily ultraviolet) and heat may cause alterations in their molecular structures.Corrosion of metals is the spontaneous chemical (oxidative) destruction of metals under the effect of their environment. Most often it follows an electrochemical mechanism, where anodic dissolution (oxidation) of the metal and cathodic reduction of an oxidizing agent occur as coupled reactions. Sometimes a chemical mechanism is observed. Corrosion (rusting) of metals is causing huge losses to the economy. This process affects the metal structures of buildings and bridges, the equipment of chemical and metallurgical plants, river and sea vessels, underground pipelines, and other structures. In the United States, for instance, corrosion-related losses approach a figure of $100 billion per year, which is almost 5% of the gross national product. Direct losses attributable to corrosion include expenditures for the replacement of individual parts, units, entire lines or plants, and for various preventive and protective tasks (such as the application of coatings for corrosion protection). Indirect losses arise when corroded equipment leads to defective products that must be rejected; they also arise during downtime required for preventive maintenance or repair of equipment. About 30% of all steel and cast iron are lost because of corrosion. Part of this metal can be reprocessed as scrap, but about 10% isirrevocably lost.The significance of corrosion protection has risen sharply in recent years for a number of reasons: (1) because of efforts to reduce the metal content of parts (e.g., by using thinner metallic support structures); (2) with the use of new types of equipment and processes involving expensive equipment operated under extreme conditions, such as nuclear reactors and jet and rocket engines; and (3) in connection with the development of products having extremely thin metal films, such as printed circuit boards and integrated circuits.Corrosion phenomena can be classified according to the type of corroding medium acting on the metal. Corrosion in nonelectrolytic media is distinguished from that in electrolytic media. The former include dry hot gases, organic liquids (e.g., gasoline), and molten metals. Electrolytic media are most diverse, and include ambient air (with moisture and other components), water (seawater, tap water) and aqueous solutions (acids, alkalies, salt solutions), moist soil (for underground pipelines, piles, etc.), melts, and nonaqueous electrolyte solutions.Corrosion phenomena can also be classified according to the visible aspects of corrosive attack (Fig. 22.1). This may be general (continuous), affecting all of the exposed surface of a metallic object, or localized. General corrosion can be uniform and nonuniform. Depending on the width and depth of the segments affected by localized corrosion, we may speak of spot, pit (large or small), or subsurface corrosion. Often, intercrystalline corrosion is encountered, which propagates in the zones between individual metal crystallites. Cracks develop between or in individual crystals in the case of stress corrosion cracking.For metallic materials, the corrosion process is normally electrochemical, that is, a chemical reaction in which there is transfer of electrons from one chemical species to another. Metal atoms characteristically lose or give up electrons in what is called an oxidation reaction. For example, the hypothetical metal M that has a valence of n (or nvalence electrons) may experience oxidation according to the reactionin which M becomes an n+ positively charged ion and in the process loses its n valenceelectrons; is used to symbolize an electron. Examples in which metals oxidize areThe site at which oxidation takes place is called the anode; oxidation is sometimes calledan anodic reaction.The electrons generated from each metal atom that is oxidized must be transferred to andbecome a part of another chemical species in what is termed a reduction reaction. For example, some metals undergo corrosion in acid solutions, which have a high concentration of hydrogen (H+) ions; the H+ ions are reduced as follows:and hydrogen gas (H2) is evolved.Any metal ions present in the solution may also be reduced; for ions that can existin more than one valence state (multivalent ions), reduction may occur byin which the metal ion decreases its valence state by accepting an electron. Or ametal may be totally reduced from an ionic to a neutral metallic state according toSome corrosion prevention methods were treated relative to the eight forms of corrosion; however, only the measures specific to each of the various corrosion types were discussed.Now, some more general techniques are presented; these include material selection, environmental alteration, design, coatings, and cathodic protection.Perhaps the most common and easiest way of preventing corrosion is through the judicious selection of materials once the corrosion environment has been characterized. Standard corrosion references are helpful in this respect. Here, cost may be a significant factor. It is not always economically feasible to employ the material that provides the optimum corrosion resistance; sometimes, either another alloy and/or some other measure must be used.Changing the character of the environment, if possible, may also significantly influence corrosion. Lowering the fluid temperature and/or velocity usually produces a reduction in the rate at which corrosion occurs. Many times increasing or decreasing the concentration of some species in the solution will have a positive effect; for example, the metal may experience passivation.Inhibitors are substances that, when added in relatively low concentrations to the environment, decrease its corrosiveness. Of course, the specific inhibitor depends both on the alloy and on the corrosive environment.There are several mechanisms that mayaccount for the effectiveness of inhibitors. Some react with and virtually eliminate a chemically active species in the solution (such as dissolved oxygen). Other inhibitor molecules attach themselves to the corroding surface and interfere ith either the oxidation or the reduction reaction, or form a very thin protective oating. Inhibitors are normally used in closed systems such as automobile radiators and steam boilers.Several aspects of design consideration have already been discussed, especially with regard to galvanic and crevice corrosion and erosion–corrosion. In addition, the design should allow for complete drainage in the case of a shutdown, and easy washing. Since dissolved oxygen may enhance the corrosivity of many solutions, the design should, if possible, include provision for the exclusion of air.Physical barriers to corrosion are applied on surfaces in the form of films and coatings. A large diversity of metallic and nonmetallic coating materials are available. It is essential that the coating maintain a high degree of surface adhesion, which undoubtedly requires some preapplication surface treatment. In most cases, the coating must be virtually nonreactive in the corrosive environment and resistant to mechanical damage that exposes the bare metal to the corrosive environment. All three material types—metals, ceramics, and polymers—are used as coatings for metals.。



不同表面活性剂对尿酸电化学行为的影响苏晓明;孙登明【摘要】在银掺杂聚L-苯丙胺酸修饰电极上,以人体代谢产物尿酸为探针,研究了不同表面活性剂(十六烷基三甲基溴化铵(CTMAB)、十二烷基硫酸钠(SDS)和聚乙二醇单辛基苯基醚(Triton X-100))存在下对尿酸电化学行为的影响。


%The electrochemical behaviors of uric acid in the presence of different surfactant (cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide, sodium dodecyl sulfate and Triton X-100) solution have been studied by cyclic voltammetry at silver doped L-phenylanine modified electrode. The results showed that the oxidation peak currents of uric acid decreased with the peak potential changed slightly in different surfactants. The cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide has a greatest effect on the peak current of uric acid, meanwhile the sodium dodecylsulfate has a smallest effect.【期刊名称】《化学传感器》【年(卷),期】2014(000)002【总页数】7页(P58-64)【关键词】尿酸;电化学行为;CTMAB;SDS;Triton X-100;银掺杂聚L-苯丙胺酸修饰电极【作者】苏晓明;孙登明【作者单位】淮北师范大学化学与材料科学学院,安徽淮北235000;淮北师范大学化学与材料科学学院,安徽淮北235000【正文语种】中文0 引言在电化学体系中,表面活性剂的加入可以改变体系的状态,影响电化学反应过程。

Electrochemically active surface area

Electrochemically active surface area

Electrochimica Acta 104 (2013) 140–147Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirectElectrochimicaActaj o u r n a l h o m e p a g e :w w w.e l s e v i e r.c o m /l o c a t e /e l e c t a c taElectrochemically active surface area effects on the performance of manganese dioxide for electrochemical capacitor applicationsMadeleine Dupont a ,Anthony F.Hollenkamp b ,Scott W.Donne a ,∗a Discipline of Chemistry,University of Newcastle,Callaghan,NSW 2308,Australia bCSIRO Energy Technology,Box 312,Clayton South,VIC 3169,Australiaa r t i c l ei n f oArticle history:Received 3December 2012Received in revised form 26February 2013Accepted 4April 2013Available online 19 April 2013Keywords:Electrochemically active surface area Manganese dioxide ChronoamperometryElectrochemical capacitorsa b s t r a c tThe specific surface area,morphology and electrochemical performance of thin films of electrode-posited manganese dioxide have been examined.Electrodeposition of these films was carried out using chronoamperometry,using times ranging from 10to 120s in order to obtain deposits with different ing a novel approach to analysing the chronoamperometric i –t data,the specific surface area of the electrodeposited material was found to range from 13to 67m 2/g across the range of deposition times,with short deposition times leading to higher specific surface areas.This has implications on the electrodeposition mechanism of manganese dioxide,which favours crystallite nucleation initially,lead-ing to a high surface area material,followed by growth of these crystallites leading to a denser,lower surface area electrode material.This is the first time that the electrochemically active surface area of porous electrode materials has been determined.This decrease in surface area with deposition time was also reflected in the specific capacitance values of the material,which decreased slightly with increased deposition time,and hence lower surface area.© 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.1.Introduction1.1.Energy storage devicesIncreasing demand for energy has required the development of high performance energy storage devices.To be commercially viable,on whatever scale,energy storage devices need to be able to store relatively large amounts of energy,and also have this energy readily accessible.Chemical energy storage,in the form of a fuel,is an efficient,high grade form of energy storage,particularly when the energy is released electrochemically,in which case the resultant electri-cal energy can be produced with efficiencies approaching 100%.Electrochemical energy storage and conversion devices include batteries,supercapacitors and fuel cells,each of which has comple-mentary performance characteristics.Supercapacitors have high power,but are limited by their low energy [1,2].The overall focus of our research is to develop approaches to improve the specific energy density of supercapacitor materials and devices,with the intent of boosting their consumer acceptance.Most commercial supercapacitors,based for example on acti-vated carbon electrodes,and also known as electrochemical capacitors,store energy in the form of charge separation at an∗Corresponding author.Tel.:+61249215477;fax:+61249215472.E-mail address:scott.donne@.au (S.W.Donne).electrical double layer [3].Unlike electrolytic capacitors,which store charge on separated metal plates,supercapacitors store charge at the interface between an electrode and an electrolyte.Furthermore,unlike batteries,conventional supercapacitors do not undergo faradaic reactions at the electrode–electrolyte interface,and since they notionally have no composition or phase change,they have a high degree of rechargeability and hence cyclability [4].Supercapacitors perform significantly better than conventional electrolytic capacitors,with some supercapacitors designs demon-strating capacitance values up to 104times higher than electrolytic capacitors [5].Electrode materials used in supercapacitors can be either in the form of thin films or cast electrodes based on powdered mate-rials.Thin films prepared by electrodeposition for example can be deposited easily and directly onto the required substrate and hence have low resistance and good electrical conductivity.This has resulted in thin films with extremely high specific capacitance per unit area,compared to powdered materials [6,7].Powdered materials,by comparison,are more difficult to prepare and require additives to be used as an electrode.However,they can be used in bulk quantities to develop supercapacitor devices with very large capacitances,which is one of the limits of thin film electrodes.1.2.PseudocapacitanceAs a strategy to improve the specific energy density of super-capacitors,many researchers have studied materials that exhibit0013-4686/$–see front matter © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved./10.1016/j.electacta.2013.04.007M.Dupont et al./Electrochimica Acta104 (2013) 140–147141psuedocapacitance.This phenomenon arises when a potential is applied to an electrode and fast,highly reversible faradaic reactions occur at the electrode surface in addition to double layer charging. These processes can contribute significantly to the total capacitance of an electrode,and since they are faradaic in nature,they may also involve compositional and phase changes for the electrode material [4].Of course the specific reactions occurring,and the proportion of the total capacitance to which they contribute,vary depending upon the nature of the electrode material.1.3.Supercapacitor electrode materialsA wide variety of materials have been studied for their use as supercapacitor electrodes;e.g.,carbons,metal oxides and con-ductive polymers.Supercapacitors often utilize high surface area electrode materials since this maximizes charge storage in the dou-ble layer.Materials such as activated carbon have extremely high surface area(up to2500m2/g[8]),but do not exhibit pseudocapac-itance,and hence their maximum capacitance has been limited to ∼400F/g[9,10],but most observed capacitance values are∼150F/g.Metal oxides are another commonly used class of materials, due to both a relatively high surface area(double layer charging) and pseudocapacitance contributing to the overall capacitance.The prototypical material here is hydrated amorphous ruthenium diox-ide,which has been shown to have a specific capacitance of over 800F/g[9]in an acidic electrolyte.However,despite this excel-lent performance,its cost and toxicity have limited its widespread application.Manganese dioxide has also proven to be an excellent pseudocapacitive electrode material because,unlike ruthenium dioxide,it is inexpensive,relatively abundant,non-toxic and has been shown to exhibit capacitance of up to2000F/g[6].There are many different polymorphs of manganese dioxide that have been studied as supercapacitor electrodes.Typically these materials are produced hydrothermally,via either oxidation of a Mn(II)species or reduction of Mn(VII),with the conditions used (supporting electrolyte,temperature,etc.)invariably affecting the properties of the resultant material.Supercapacitor electrodes can also be prepared directly by electrodeposition of manganese diox-ide,which is the type of electrode studied in this work.Electrodes produced by this method are extremely thin(up to100–200nm), and hence exhibit very little resistance,and for these reasons are desirable as electrode materials.1.4.Surface area measurementsMeasuring the electrochemically active surface area of any elec-trode material has proven to be extremely difficult even though it is one of the most basic properties of an electrified interface.To be clear,the electrochemically active surface area represents the area of the electrode material that is accessible to the electrolyte that is used for charge transfer and/or storage.One such approach for determining the electrochemically active surface area involves the use of the area specific capacitance of hydrogen ad-atoms on noble metals such as platinum[11].While this is fundamentally very sig-nificant,the approach is only workable for these types of systems, rather than being widely applicable.Similarly,analysis of voltam-metric data obtained from a kinetically reversible redox couple (such as[Fe(CN)6]3−/4−)can also be used to estimate the electro-chemically active surface area[12].Again,though,this approach is limited to only inert and approximately planar electrode substrates. The situation becomes even more problematic and important when the solid electrode material is porous.For the specific case of elec-trodeposited manganese dioxide there is only one report on this in the literature.Kozawa[13]reported an estimate of the elec-trochemically active surface area of powdered manganese dioxide based on the ion exchange reaction that occurs between Zn2+and H+on the surface of the material,and assuming a certain area cov-ered by an individual Zn2+ion.However,this method determines the electroactive surface area accessible to a Zn2+ion,and so is not directly transferrable to the case under study.There are,however,some measurements of surface area that can be obtained,such as the geometric surface area and BET(after Brunauer,Emmett and Teller)surface area.These measurements can be and have been used as an approximation for the electro-chemically active surface area,although with some reservation. Geometric surface area,calculated from particle size and shape considerations,is a very inaccurate approximation of the elec-trochemically active surface area,especially in porous electrode materials(such as manganese dioxide),because it does not account for the surface area contributed by pores.The BET surface area is based on measurement of the area acces-sible to a gaseous adsorbate(typically nitrogen or carbon dioxide), at a temperature where the adsorbate can condense on the sur-face of the solid adsorbent material;i.e.,multi-layer adsorption [14].While accessing the porous surface area,this measurement is still expected to be different than the electrochemically active surface area,as almost always the adsorbate is different in size and chemical characteristics compared to the hydrated electrolyte ion accessing the pores in a supercapacitor electrode system.However this measurement is also only applicable to powdered samples of manganese dioxide,since the electrodepositedfilms prepared in our previous work do not contain enough material to allow for a measurement.1.5.This workMuch of our previous work on supercapacitor electrodes has focussed on the electrodeposition of thin manganese dioxidefilms using chronoamperometry[6,15].In this work we will capitalize on the anomalous nature of the chronoamperometric i–t data to esti-mate the true electrochemically active surface area of manganese dioxide.This is thefirst such report where the electrochemically active surface area has been determined directly.2.Experimental2.1.Linear sweep voltammetryLinear sweep voltammetry(LSV)was used to characterize the electrochemical oxidation of Mn2+in an acidic environment to MnO2.To accomplish this,a previously cleaned platinum working electrode(geometric area=0.785cm2)was placed in a solution of 0.01M MnSO4(≥99%;Sigma–Aldrich)in0.1M H2SO4in a250mL electrochemical cell.Cleaning of the platinum was achieved by initially immersing the electrode into an acidified(0.1M H2SO4) solution of5%H2O2to remove any residual manganese oxides by dissolution.This electrode was then polished using a moist 1␮m Al2O3paste on a polishing cloth.After∼2min polishing,the electrode was washed thoroughly with Milli-Q ultra pure water (resistivity >18.2M cm)before being ready for use.Also placed into the electrochemical cell were a saturated calomel reference electrode(SCE;against which all potentials were measured and reported),and a carbon rod(area=3.5cm2)as the counter elec-trode.The LSV experiment was conducted using a Perkin Elmer VMP16-channel potentiostat/galvanostat.The potential was swept anodically at a rate of5mV/s from the open circuit potential up to 2.0V vs.SCE.2.2.ChronoamperometryUsing the results from the LSV experiments,an appropri-ate potential was selected to carry out the chronoamperometry142M.Dupont et al./Electrochimica Acta104 (2013) 140–147 experiments.In this case,a diffusion limited potential was chosen.The MnO2films were deposited using the same electrodes,electro-chemical cell and electrolyte as the LSV experiments.The protocolused was to hold the platinum working electrode at its open cir-cuit potential for10s,after which the potential was stepped to thechosen value where it was held for either10,20,30,60or120s.Toassess the reproducibility of the procedure,each set of experimentswas repeated eight times,with the resultant standard deviationused to determine the error in the measurements.2.3.Electrochemical performance evaluationOnce electrodeposition of the MnO2had been carried out,theplatinum electrode was removed from the electrochemical celland then washed thoroughly with Milli-Q water to remove anyentrained plating electrolyte.The electrode was then patted drywith paper towel to remove any excess water.The thinfilm MnO2electrode was then immersed into a0.5M Na2SO4electrolytetogether with the same SCE reference and carbon counter elec-trodes as before,and allowed to equilibrate for10min.After thistime the thinfilm MnO2electrode was cycled between0.0and0.8Vvs.SCE at a range of scan rates for at least50cycles.3.Results and discussion3.1.Linear sweep voltammetry dataFig.1shows an example of the LSV data collected in this work.The data consists of a voltammetric wave starting at∼1.1V,with amaximum in current at∼1.3V,superimposed on data for the oxy-gen evolution reaction.This overlap of processes was to be expectedgiven that both anodic reactions have the same standard potential;i.e.,MnO2+4H++2e−→Mn2++2H2O(E o=1.23V)(1)O2+4H++4e−→2H2O(E o=1.23V)(2)Fig.1.Linear sweep voltammogram of manganese dioxide electrodepsosition from an electrolyte of0.01M MnSO4+0.1M H2SO4using a platinum substrate(geometric area=0.785cm2)and a SCE reference electrode.Scan rate=5mV/s.Also included (dashed line)is afitted curve for oxygen evolution(Butler–Volmer equation),and the fraction of current contributed by oxygen evolution and manganese dioxide electrodeposition.The overlapping oxygen evolution reaction is also a complicat-ing factor in determining the active mass of manganese dioxide deposited[15].From this LSV data a diffusion limiting potential was chosen(1.35V vs.SCE)to carry out our chronoamperometry experiments.3.2.Mechanism of manganese dioxide depositionWhile the anodic reaction in Eq.(1)above appears straight-forward,the underlying mechanism of oxidation is much more complicated.In sulfuric acid manganese dioxide electrodeposition from Mn2+is proposed to occur via the following mechanism[16]: Hydrolysis pathwayMn2+→Mn3++e−(E o=1.56V)Mn3++2H2O→MnOOH+3H+MnOOH→MnO2+H++e−Disproportionation pathwayMn2+→Mn3++e−(E o=1.56V)2Mn3+→Mn2++Mn4+Mn4++2H2O→MnO2+4H+(3)Here,thefirst step is oxidation of the solvated Mn2+to form a sol-uble Mn3+intermediate.At this point the mechanism is proposed to have two alternate pathways,the choice of which is dependent on the acidity of the supporting electrolyte.In more concentrated acidic electrolytes the soluble Mn3+intermediate has a greater rel-ative stability,meaning that it has the potential to diffuse away from the electrode surface,to the edge of the double layer,where it can undergo disproportionation to form soluble Mn2+and Mn4+ which very quickly hydrolyzes to precipitate MnO2on the elec-trode surface.In less concentrated acidic electrolytes the stability of the Mn3+intermediate is less,in which case it can hydrolyse to MnOOH which precipitates on the electrode surface.MnOOH can then undergo solid state oxidation to MnO2.While these two pathways may seem distinct,in reality the oxidation of Mn2+to form MnO2occurs via a combination of the two pathways,with the acid concentration shifting the reaction preference.As a further note,the conditions of electrodeposition;i.e.,electrolyte composi-tion,temperature,anodic current density,etc.,also influence the morphology of the deposit on the substrate surface.3.3.Chronoamperometry dataFig.2shows the chronoamperometric(i–t)response for a depo-sition time of2min.While this data is somewhat consistent with the expected result from a chronoamperometry experiment;i.e.,a current pulse upon imposition of the potential step,followed by a gradually decreasing current,the most significant difference is the slight bump in current at∼20s after the potential step.Under planar,semi-infinite diffusion limited conditions,the decay in current for an ideal chronoamperometry experiment is defined by the Cottrell equation[12];i.e.,i d(t)=nFAD1/2C( t)1/2(4)where i d(t)is the current under diffusion limited conditions(A),n is the number of electrons transferred in the redox reaction,A is the electrode area(m2),D is the diffusion coefficient(m2/s),and C is the electroactive Mn2+concentration in the bulk electrolyte(mol/m3).M.Dupont et al./Electrochimica Acta104 (2013) 140–147143Fig.2.Chronoamperometric data(solid line)from the electrodeposition manganese dioxide from an electrolyte of0.01M MnSO4+0.1M H2SO4using a platinum sub-strate(geometric area=0.785cm2;electrochemically active surface area=1.38cm2) and a SCE reference electrode.Step potential=1.35V vs.SCE.Also shown(dashed line)is the Cottrell equation modelling of the early and latter stages of deposition, using two expression with different surface area values.In this case,all of the parameters in Eq.(4)are constant except for time,and hence the current decays with t−½.For the chronoamperometry data collected here,the parame-ters D,n and C are intrinsic to the system and so remain constant throughout the deposition.As such,the increase in current seen at∼20s in Fig.2can only be attributed to an increase in the sur-face area of the electrode.Of course,this increase in area arises from the electrodeposition of MnO2particles onto the substrate surface,increasing the electroactive surface area onto which fur-ther MnO2can be deposited.To model this,let usfirst consider the initial spike in current(t<10s),which we have assumed to be due to the initial oxidation of Mn2+to MnO2without an increase in electrode area.Since we have assumed this process does not affect the surface area of the electrode,possibly as the result of it being due to the initial stages of nucleation on the substrate sur-face,it can be modelled directly by the Cottrell equation(Eq.(4)), as also shown in Fig.2.To carry out this modelling,it was neces-sary to have an appropriate estimate of the electrochemically active surface area of the platinum substrate.This was determined ex situ from the manganese-containing electrolysis cell by conducting cyclic voltammetry on the platinum substrate using an electrolyte of10mM Fe(CN)63−in1M KNO3.This system is considered to be quite well behaved[17],and so using the appropriate modelling for a reversible redox couple[12],the electrochemically active surface area of the platinum substrate was determined to be1.38cm2,as compared to the geometric area of0.785cm2(1cm diameter).This difference can of course be attributed to microscopic roughness of the platinum surface.So now with an estimate of the true platinum area,the Cottrell equation was modelled to the chronoamperomet-ric i–t data,with the only unknown variable being the diffusion coefficient(D).Using this approach,the value of D for Mn2+in 0.1M H2SO4was determined to be(1.6±0.3)×10−6cm2/s,which is consistent with other similarly sized cations in aqueous solution [17].Using the same basic approach,a second Cottrell equation was fitted to the t>20s chronoamperometric data,this time using the value of the Mn2+diffusion coefficient determined above,with the only unknown variable remaining being the surface area(A).For thisfitting we have again assumed that n=2,in which case we are assuming that MnO2is being deposited onto the electrode surface, and that this is the species giving rise to the increase in electrode area.Fig.2also shows the result of a typicalfitting to the chronoam-perometry data for t>20s.The resultant electrode area determined using this approach was2.6±0.1cm2.3.4.Calculating the electrode massOf course to be able to determine the specific surface area of the electrodeposited material we must also know the mass of active material on the electrode surface.Based on previous work in our laboratory,we have demonstrated that the most appro-priate approach is to determine the mass from integration of the chronoamperometric i–t data.This approach has been shown to be unencumbered by entrained electrolyte,as methods such as EQCM and direct dissolution and analysis of the manganese con-tent are.Nevertheless,integration of the i–t data is complicated by the presence of competing electrochemical reactions that can take up charge that would otherwise contribute to the deposition of manganese dioxide.In this case,the most important competing reaction is that of oxygen evolution,for which both the MnO2/Mn2+ and O2/H2O redox couples have the same E o value(1.23V vs. SHE).The overlap between these two processes is very apparent in the linear sweep voltammetry data in Fig.1,with the diffusion limited wave for Mn2+oxidation quite clearly superimposed on the growing oxygen evolution curve.To separate these two pro-cesses we havefit a highfield approximation of the Butler–Volmer equation to the oxygen evolution data,as also shown in Fig.1;i.e.,i a=i0exp˛a(V−E)FRT(5)where i a is the current density(A/m2),i0the exchange current den-sity(A/m2),˛a is the anodic transfer coefficient,V is the applied potential(V),E is the equilibrium potential(V),and all other symbols have their usual significance.With this modelling of the oxygen evolution reaction complete,the currentflowing due to Mn2+oxidation can be extracted,as is also shown in Fig.1.With this separation of processes,the fraction of current during the chronoamperometric experiment due to the electrodeposition of manganese dioxide can be determined,which in this case for a potential step to1.35V,is30.3%.As an example,from the total amount of charge passed during the120s electrodeposition exper-iment((60±7)×10−3C),and using this charge efficiency,the mass of manganese dioxide prepared was therefore8.2±1.0␮g.As a fur-ther example,Fig.3shows how the electrode mass changes with chronoamperometric deposition time,in which case there is an approximately linear change in mass with deposition time.While this linearity was not expected,especially for a changing current with time(a linear response should have been expected for a con-stant current),it can be justified by the fact that the changes in current between subsequent sampling points was relatively small, approaching a constant current.3.5.Electrochemically active surface areaFollowing on from the previous analysis of electrode mass and apparent surface area,the specific surface area was determined to be32±5m2/g.This result is consistent with the BET analysis of a commercial electrolytic manganese dioxide(EMD)[18],although the conditions we have used here to carry out our electrodeposition are considerably different to commercial practices,particularly in terms of current density used,current profile(constant current vs. constant potential),electrolyte composition(0.01M Mn2++0.1M144M.Dupont et al./Electrochimica Acta 104 (2013) 140–147012345678910020406080100120140M a s s (µg )Deposition Time (s)Fig.3.Manganese dioxide mass as a function of electrodeposition time.Data have been corrected for the contributions made by oxygen evolution to the total current flowing.H 2SO 4vs.1.0M MnSO 4+0.3M H 2SO 4)and the temperature of electrodeposition (22◦C vs.98◦C).The specific surface area calcu-lated here can also be considered to be much smaller than the BET surface area of a chemically prepared manganese dioxide (CMD),which are typically 80m 2/g,although there is considerable vari-ability here due to the wide range of experimental conditions that can be used to prepared CMD.It is also important to recognize that we are also measuring a different phenomena in this case,compared to the surface area assessment carried out via a BET anal-ysis.This is primarily due to the different properties of the probing molecule;i.e.,a hydrated Mn 2+ion at ambient temperature in this work,compared to a N 2gas molecule at 77K when a BET analysis is carried out.Electrodes deposited for 2min provided the only data for which the diffusion coefficient could be fitted reliably.For the other shorter depositions,the current profile was too short to allow accu-rate fitting of both processes,as described previously.However,given that the chronoamperometry experiment is conducted under the same conditions;i.e.,electrolyte composition and temperature,the diffusion coefficient should be a constant for all experiments.Hence,the diffusion coefficient determined from the 2min deposi-tion data was used in the fittings for the 1min and 30s deposition times,which allowed values for the specific surface area to be calcu-lated.For deposition times of less than 30s,the amount of data that could be collected over this time period was insufficient to allow an accurate fitting of the current curve.The results of this analy-sis are presented in Fig.4as a plot of the specific surface area as a function of the mass of deposited MnO 2.The general trend appears to be a negative correlation of specific surface area with deposition mass,at least for these deposition times,i.e.,t >30s.A mechanism by which the surface area decreases with a longer deposition time was proposed by Cross et al.[6].In the initial stages,manganese dioxide deposition occurs predominantly by crystal nucleation on the surface of the electrode,which increases the electrode area.As further material is deposited,crystal nucleation on the surface is replaced by the continued growth of existing crystals.This mech-anism acts to reduce the surface area of the material.The results obtained from these chronoamperometry experiments support this proposedmechanism.01020304050607080S p e c i f i c S u r f a c e A r e a (m 2/g )Mass (µg)Fig.4.Specific surface area of the electrodeposited manganese dioxide as a function of electrode mass.3.6.Deposit morphologyThe morphology of these thin film deposits was quite diffi-cult to evaluate since very little active material on the substrate is available for characterization.Conventional methods of morphol-ogy determination,including SEM and TEM,are problematic again because little material is available,and also because the material must be dried from its original state which can have an impact on its morphology due to surface tension effects associated with water removal from the active manganese dioxide.Furthermore,physi-cally scraping the active material off the substrate so that analysis by TEM can be conducted is also not ideal,nor really represen-tative,although we have reported some success in this regard in our previous work [6].Because of these factors we have employed atomic force microscopy (AFM)in an attempt to characterize the morphology of our thin film electrodes.Fig.5shows an example of the morphology of the thin film elec-trodeposited manganese dioxide samples prepared in this study.Specifically,this figure compares the morphology of (a)the bare platinum substrate with manganese dioxide samples electrode-posited for (b)30s and (c)120s.What is of significance here is the apparent increase in surface roughness,and hence surface area,of the substrate with manganese dioxide present.This image also pro-vides some insight into the growth mechanism of electrodeposited manganese dioxide.By comparing the bare platinum substrate with the electrodeposited film it is clear that the manganese dioxide crystallites nucleate in isolated regions on the substrate,which then subsequently grow into larger crystallites,and ultimately merge.3.7.Electrochemical performanceThe electrochemical performance of each electrodeposited thin film of manganese dioxide was examined using cyclic voltam-metry,in which case the potential of the electrodes was scanned between 0.0and 0.8V vs.SCE for at least 50cycles.Fig.6(a)shows a typical cyclic voltammogram for an electrode prepared in this work,in this case for an electrode deposited for 30s,cycled using a scan rate of 250mV/s.All of the electrodes studied exhibited the typical behaviour expected for an electrochemical capacitor;。



The main procedure of Crude oil electrical desalting
the preheating of crude oil
the addition of washing water
the addition of demulsifier Mixing Desalination drainage
过滤脱盐罐 注水 一级脱盐沉降罐 电脱盐罐 脱盐沉降罐 二级混合阀 脱后原油
注破乳剂 注水
注破乳剂 一级脱盐排水 二级脱盐排水
第二节 原油电脱盐的工作原理
一、原油电脱盐的工作原理: 在高压交流电场内, 原油中的微小水滴受到电 场极化作用聚集成大水滴, 在油水密度差的作用, 水滴在油中沉降分离,原 油中的盐溶解于水,随水 脱除。 沉降到下部水中的固 体杂质也随水排出或沉积 在罐底部。
2019/3/13 石油化工过程系统概论 25
VK=K[g·(ρw-ρ0)· D2]/μ0
VK=K[g·(ρw-ρ0)· D2]/μ0 这些因素中,沉降速度与水滴直径的平方 成正比,所以增大水滴直径可以大大加快 沉降速度,在原油脱盐脱水过程中,关键 的是促进水滴聚结,增大水滴直径。 在电脱盐罐中水滴的下降与原油的上升运 动是同时进行的,当水滴直径小到使其下 降速度小于原油上升速度时,水滴就不能 下沉,而随油上浮,达不到沉降分离的目 的。
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Washing effects on electrochemical performance and storage characteristics of LiNi 0.8Co 0.1Mn 0.1O 2as cathode material for lithium-ion batteriesXunhui Xiong,Zhixing Wang *,Peng Yue,Huajun Guo,Feixiang Wu,Jiexi Wang,Xinhai LiSchool of Metallurgical Science and Engineering,Central South University,Changsha 410083,PR Chinah i g h l i g h t sg r a p h i c a l a b s t r a c t<The effect of water washing on fresh LiNi 0.8Co 0.1Mn 0.1O 2cathode was firstly studied.<Water washing improved the cycling performance and structural stability of material.<Water washing resulted in a slight deleterious effect on the capacity.<Water washing made material much less resistant to H 2O and CO 2when storing inair.a r t i c l e i n f oArticle history:Received 6July 2012Accepted 13August 2012Available online 1September 2012Keywords:Lithium ion batteryLithium nickel cobalt manganese oxide Water washingElectrochemical performance Storage characteristica b s t r a c tThe effect of water washing on LiNi 0.8Co 0.1Mn 0.1O 2cathode is extensively studied with respect to the electrochemical properties,structural stabilities,and storage characteristics.Water washing can improve the cycling performance and structural stability of LiNi 0.8Co 0.1Mn 0.1O 2material in electrolyte,although with a slight deleterious effect on the capacity.Storage tests of the 4.3V charged electrodes at 90 C after 30days show that Ni,Co,Mn in fresh and washed samples are dissolved in electrolyte,but the amount of dissolved Ni 4þions after washing decreases by 31.5%compared with the fresh cathode.Moreover,the fresh sample transforms into the spinel phase with a Fd 3m space group,whereas the washed sample remains as a layered hexagonal phase with an Rm space group.FTIR spectroscopy,transmission electron microscope (TEM),X-ray diffraction (XRD)and electrochemical studies indicate that the washed mate-rials become more easily attached upon exposure to air,accompanied by signi ficant increase in cationic disorder and NiO-like cubic phase near surface.Ó2012Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionLayered composite Ni-rich materials are considered to be the most promising materials for hybrid electric vehicles,plug-in hybrid vehicles,and electric vehicles due to their large capacity,excellent rate capability,and low cost [1e 3].However,the prob-lems of rapidly moisture up-taking and Li 2CO 3/LiOH impurities formed on surface upon exposure to air have hindered the practical applications.And the storage property of Ni-rich materials,which isdirectly related to the material production and electrode fabrica-tion,has attracted considerable attention [4e 13].The formation of Li 2CO 3/LiOH on surface was thought to be the main source of poor storage property of Ni-rich materials [7e 12].Worse,LiOH reacted with LiPF 6in the electrolyte to form HF.At the charged state,HF directly dissolves the transition ions in the cathode,leading to gas evolution and phase transformation from the layered to the spinel.The formation of Li 2CO 3/LiOH may be caused by the reactions between Ni-rich materials and the atmosphere.These reactions should include surface physical/chemical adsorption and possibly direct redox reactions between the bulk material and CO 2/H 2O in air.Zhuang et al.[7]found that air exposure of LiNi 0.8Co 0.15Al 0.05O 2cathodes produced a 10nm thin layer of Li 2CO 3which produced*Corresponding author.Tel./fax:þ8673188836633.E-mail address:xxhui881118@ (Z.Wang).Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirectJournal of Power Sourcesjournal ho mep age:www.elsevi /locate/jpowsour0378-7753/$e see front matter Ó2012Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved./10.1016/j.jpowsour.2012.08.029Journal of Power Sources 222(2013)318e 325severe deleterious effects on the capacity of cathodes in lithium ion battery.They thought that Li 2CO 3had been formed by reaction of atmospheric carbon dioxide with lithium oxide residue in the powder and/or by reaction with Li from the LiNi 0.8Co 0.15Al 0.05O 2active material.K.Shizuka [11]reported there were two steps in the carbonation reactions;the first occurred with the excess Li components,and the second with LiNi 0.8Co 0.15Al 0.05O 2itself.Liu et al.[12]reported that during storage in air,a reduction of Ni 3þto Ni 2þon surface could produce active oxygen species,which then reacted with trace H 2O and CO 2in air,and further combined with Li þto form LiOH/Li 2CO 3.Obviously,the formation of LiOH/Li 2CO 3on the material surface can be ascribed to these two processes which take place at the same time during storage.Another problem with Ni-rich materials is related to structural instability above 60 C.Ni and active metal ions dissolving into the electrolytes during storage above 60 C resulted in a partial phasetransformation to spinel phase [6,14,15].This decreases the safety performances.An effective way to slow down the rate of these side reactions is to create an arti ficial physical barrier.The protective layer must be thick enough to avoid contacting with the H 2O/CO 2in air or elec-trolyte,and also the thickness must be kept within a few nano-meters in order to enable Li þdiffusion and to keep a reasonable electronic conductivity.MgO,SiO 2,AlF 3,Ni 3(PO 4)2,Co 3(PO 4)2,AlPO 4have been intensively investigated [16e 21].Compared with bare samples,all these coated materials exhibited good cycle stability and improved thermal stability.As described by Z.H.Chen [22],most surface coatings involve mechanically mixing of materials with precursors and heat treat-ment of mixtures at elevated temperatures to form the desired coating material on surface.With this type of coating technique,mixing of the materials with precursor material is very rough;some areas are heavily coated,while other areas are only barely coated.And areas barely coated may be regarded as simple washing when coating process is accomplished using water as solvent.In addition,simple washing can remove the excess Li on surface.Owing to the excess lithium present in the form of Li 2O/LiOH on fresh powder would also account for the very rapid appearance of LiOH/Li 2CO 3on surface of fresh sample exposure to air.Surface coating isanFig.1.SEM and TEM images of F1(a,c)and W2(c,d).Fig.2.Rietveld analysis of the XRD pattern of LiNi 0.8Co 0.1Mn 0.1O 2.Table 1Rietveld analysis results of sample F1,F2,W1,W2and sample F1and W2after storage in air for 30days.Samplea ( A)c ( A)c /a Ni in Li site Rp/Rwp/Rexp F1 2.8709914.19679 4.94490.0247.41/9.93/7.99F2 2.8714214.19773 4.94450.0247.72/10.25/8.77W1 2.8709514.19583 4.94480.0248.28/10.78/9.13W22.8710314.19638 4.94460.0247.83/10.18/8.92F1after storage in air for 30days 2.8886914.221894.92330.0389.11/12.09/9.55W2after storage in air for 30days2.8958714.23204 4.91460.05310.46/13.34/10.87X.Xiong et al./Journal of Power Sources 222(2013)318e 325319effective way to improve the property of LiNi 0.8Co 0.1Mn 0.1O 2,and the role of surface coating is often extensively study between pristine and coated sample.However,there is no comparatively study between washed sample and pristine sample,or coated sample.It ’s very imperative and interesting to study whether zero coating,namely the simple washing,has effect on material ’s properties.Therefore,in this paper,we have studied the effect of washing on structural and electrochemical properties,and storage characteristics of LiNi 0.8Co 0.1Mn 0.1O 2powder.2.ExperimentalLiNi 0.8Co 0.1Mn 0.1O 2powder was prepared by mixing co-precipitated Ni 0.8Co 0.1Mn 0.1(OH)2and LiOH $H 2O and firing at 480and 750 C for 5and 15h,respectively,at a molar ratio of 1:1.05.After sieving,powders with an average particle size of 7m m were marked as F1and used for further experiments.The washing process was simulated by adding 20g F1powder to 40mL puri fied water under constant stirring with a magnetic stirrer for 20min.As reported,almost all coating process accomplished followed by heat treatment at 300e 800 C.So in order to simulate the coating process,the powders fired at 300or 700 C after recovered by filtration,and marked as W1and W2,respectively.The powder re-fired at 700 C without washing was marked as F2.The storage process was carried out at room temperature by storing the sample in air for 7days and 30days.After storage,the change in the pH of the powders immersed in water was monitored by adding 5g powder to 50mL puri fied water under constant stirring.Since Li 2CO 3/LiOH were dissolved in water,and most of the Li sources were believed to originate from LiOH/Li 2CO 3on surface,the total weight of the Li sources in filtrate could be measured using a titration method.Electrochemical charge e discharge tests were performed using the cathode with a mixture of 80wt.%cathode material,10wt.%Super P carbon black and 10wt.%polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF).The electrolyte was 1.0M LiPF 6/EC þDMC þEMC (1:1:1,volume ratio).Preliminary cell tests were done using 2025coin-type celladopting Li metal as an anode with a voltage window of 2.8e 4.3V (versus Li/Li þ)at room temperature.The amount of Ni,Co and Mn dissolved from the fresh and washed LiNi 0.8Co 0.1Mn 0.1O 2cathode material was measured by inductively coupled plasma (ICP).Powder X-ray diffraction (XRD,Rint-2000,Rigaku)measurements using Cu K a radiation were used to identify the crystalline phase of powder.The SEM images of particles were observed with scanning electron microscopy (SEM,Sirion 200).Transmission electron microscopy (TEM,Tecnai G12)was carried out using a Philips CM200microscope with energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX).Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR)spectra were recorded by a Nicolet AVATAR 360FTIR spectrometer.3.Results and discussionFig.1shows a comparison of the SEM micrographs of sample F1and W2,there are no obvious changes in morphologyafterFig.3.The initial capacities at various C rates and cycling life at 2C rate of sample F1(a),W1(b),W2(c)and F2(d).Fig.4.The cycle performance at 2C rate of sample F1(a),W1(b),W2(c)and F2(d).X.Xiong et al./Journal of Power Sources 222(2013)318e 325320washing.The TEM image of sample W2in Fig.1(d)shows good crystallinity at the edges of the grains and no evidence for a surface film,as opposed to that of sample F1,which contains fuzzy surface.According to the research results of G.V.Zhuang [6]and K.Shizuka [7],the excess lithium is not in the crystal but on the surface,it is reasonable to think the fuzzy surface is Li 2O/LiOH layer.This is con firmed by the pH value of sample F1rising to 12.4(listed in Fig.8)immediately when immersed in water.The amount of Ni in the Li sites of four samples was estimated by a Rietveld analysis of the XRD patterns in Fig.2.The lattice constants a and c calculated from the Rietveld analysis are shown Table 1.A few researchers [9,12,23]had found the degree of cationic disorder in the layered structure increased after contaction with H 2O/CO 2in air for LiNiO 2-based materials.But the data in Table 1indicate washing will not in fluence the lattice constants,as well as the Ni amounts in Li sites.This is because the time of immersed in water is too short to observe the changes in chemical states of the powders.As shown in Figs.3and 4,the initial capacities and cycling life of sample F1,F2,W1and W2are compared in order to determine the effects of washing and heat-treatment on the electrochemical properties.As observed in Figs.3and 4,the washed materials show lower speci fic capacity at low C rate than fresh materials.The extraction in water leads to a considerable chemical delithiation accompanied by the loss of oxygen from the crystal lattice of LiNi 0.8Co 0.1Mn 0.1O 2and the defective NiO octahedra cannot release electrons whereby the amount of Li þwhich can be deintercalated during the electrochemical delithiation is reduced [5].And the first discharge capacity at 1C and 2C of sample W1was 167.3and148.7mAh g À1,which is much lower than that of other sample,and the capacity retention of this samples after 100cycles at 2C rate was only 115.4mAh g À1,which is 13.6%lower than that of sample F1.However,the cycling performance at 2C rate of sample W2is most outstanding.According to the report of Abraham et al.[6]and Liu et al.[12],NiO-like thin layer near surface region will create due to the reaction of LiNi 0.8Co 0.1Mn 0.1O 2with H 2O during the washing process.When the temperature of heat-treatment is low,the NiO-layer can ’t be re-oxidized and it ’s electrochemically inactive to lithium intercalation/deintercalation,which is believed to be responsible for the performance loss of sample W1.As shown,after heat treatment at 700 C in O 2flow,the cycling performance at 2C rate is improved because NiO-layer is re-oxidized and reacts with unremoved synthetic residue Li 2O/LiOH.Moreover,most of the synthetic residue Li 2O/LiOH which is believed to produce HF will be removed and the structure will be enhanced (represented in Fig.5).This is cause of the capacity retention of sample W2is much higher than sample F1.The sample F2shows a rapid capacity droptoFig.5.XRD patterns of sample F1after charging at 4.3V at various storageconditions.Fig.6.XRD patterns of sample W2after charging at 4.3V at various storage conditions.Table 2Dissolved metal ion contents in LiNi 0.8Co 0.1Mn 0.1O 2after storage at 90 C (cathodes were charged to 4.3V).Units are ppm.Sample Ni Co Mn F17days 20527.8 6.130days 1152123.518.6W27days 10520.4 4.330days 78979.312.1F27days 29337.99.730days1466151.433.2X.Xiong et al./Journal of Power Sources 222(2013)318e 325321130.9mAh g À1and a 6.5%deteriorated capacity after 100cycles at 2C compared with sample F1.N.Mijung et al.[23]reported a very small oxygen-rich stoichiometry in the LiNi 1/3Co 1/3Mn 1/3O 2produced during annealing and it resulted in capacity deteriora-tion,but this phenomenon is not found in our TG-DTA experiments.It ’s not clear about this severe capacity loss at this moment.More sensitive methods may be necessary to study the effect of heat treatment.The purpose of our research is to study the effect of water in the coating process using water as solvent.Similarly to study the role of surface coating,sample F1and W2are chosen for further research.The structural stability of sample F1and W2after charging at 4.3V is investigated in Figs.5and 6.At 20 C,regardless of the storage time in electrolyte,no noticeable struc-tural changes are observed in both sample F1and W2.But the XRD patterns of two samples reveal different phenomenon after storing at 90 C.After stored at 90 C for 7days,(006)/(012)peaks of fresh sample merging into the single ones,and the (101),(113)and (006)/(012)peaks shifting to higher angle,indicating that the layered phase is transforming to the spinel LiNi 2O 4phase (Fd 3m ).However,sample W2stored at 90 C for 7days does not show any obvious changes,implying that the original layered structure with an Rm 3space group is sustained.Table 2shows the concentration of Ni,Mn and Co cations detected in the electrolyte for charged sample F1and W2stored at 90 C for 7days and 30days.The concentration of Ni and Co cations are considerably higher than that of Mn cations at each condition,this is because the oxidant Ni 4þand Co 4þions are not stable asindependent ions.Structural stability of the material may be worsened due to the possible electrolyte oxidation at the electrode/electrolyte interface and the increasing dissolution of the active material into the electrolyte at high temperature.Mn 4þions in LiNi 0.8Co 0.1Mn 0.1O 2material did not participate in redox reaction,the dissolved amounts of Mn ions in all cathodes are negligible.As shown in Table 2,the dissolved metal contents of sample W2are much lower,it is believed that most of the synthetic residues Li 2O/LiOH on surface are washed and the amount of HF produced by Li 2O/LiOH decreases.Meanwhile,sample F2shows the highest dissolution of transition metal ions.This indicates that heat-treatment may accelerate the formation of Li 2O/LiOH and the severe capacity loss of sample F2may ascribe to more Li 2O/LiOH on surface.TEM analysis of the charged samples F1and W2after storage at 90 C for 7days is carried out,as shown in Fig.7.It is evident that the near surface region of sample W2is distinctly different from the bulk.In Fig.7(a)a lattice fringe of the (220)plane of the spinelLiNi 2O 4phase corresponding to 2.85A is observed,as well as rock salt (NaCl-type)crystal NiO layer.However,sample W2does not show such phase transition to a spinel phase,as seen in Fig.7(b).These all con firm the XRD results.Fig.8compares the pH value changes in sample F1,F2and W2,as a function of time.As soon as the sample F1and F2are placed into the water,the pH values increases to 12.4and 12.7in a few minutes and stabilizes at those values,respectively.However,sample W2shows the lowest value of pH at 11.8,indicative oftheFig.7.TEM analysis of (a)sample F1and (b)sample W2after storage at 90 C for 7days at chargedstate.Fig.8.pH value changes as a function of time in differentpowders.Fig.9.XRD patterns of sample F1before (a)and after storage (b)and sample F2after storage (c)for 30days.X.Xiong et al./Journal of Power Sources 222(2013)318e 325322removal of lithium impurities on surface during washing process.Both of the phenomenons that sample F2shows the highest pH and the pH value of powder dried at 120 C is lower than that of sample W2suggest that heat-treatment accelerates the formation of Li 2O/LiOH on surface.More LiOH/Li 2CO 3forms during electrodes manufacture process on surface of sample F2and particle isolation of active material is proposed as the mechanism for capacity loss in initial cycles relative to fresh electrode.The bad cycling perfor-mance is due to more HF produced from reaction between elec-trolyte and LiOH/Li 2CO 3.From the above discussion,we can know water washing can improve the cycling performance and structural stability of the LiNi 0.8Co 0.1Mn 0.1O 2material storing in electrolyte,although the capacity loss associated with water washing cannot be neglected.However,a problem for scale-up with the LiNi 0.8Co 0.1Mn 0.1O 2material is rapid moisture uptake upon exposure to air.Of course,it is worth studying the storage performance in air.Fig.9shows XRD patterns of sample F1before and after storage and sample W2after storage.Two weak peaks located at 21.3 and 31.8 which are identi fied as Li 2CO 3phase appear in the XRD patterns of the stored samples.According to the re finement results in Table 1,both the lattice parameters a and c of the stored sample became larger than that of fresh sample.More-over,the degree of cationic disorder in sample W2is more severe,and more nickel ions with inactive cubic rock salt phase will appear in this sample.Speci fic amount of Li 2CO 3/LiOH can be calculated in both of stale LiNi 0.8Mn 0.1Co 0.1O 2materials in following detection.The FT-IR results (Fig.10)give more evidence of the surface changes on LiNi 0.8Mn 0.1Co 0.1O 2during the pared with sample F1,the FT-IR spectrum of the stale materials shows signi ficantly increased peaks of LiOH and Li 2CO 3.The band at 3650e 3200cm À1is assigned to the O e H stretching vibration from LiOH,and two peaks at 1450and 870cm À1,which are assigned to the CO 3vibration from Li 2CO 3.The peaks of these bands for the sample W2are more prominent than those of the sample F1after storing in air.This means that the amount of LiOH/Li 2CO 3on the surface of sample F1is less than that of sample W2after exposure to air.Washing leads to the easy removal of LiOH/Li 2O on fresh particles,but makes it much less resistant to H 2O/CO 2.This is very different from the report of J.Kim et al.[8].It ’s very interesting and further research of the mechanism is in progress in our lab.In order to verify the FT-IR results,the differences of stale materials were identi fied by SEM and TEM.For the stale samples,the particle morphology has obviously changed.The SEM images (Fig.11(a)and (b))show a layer of transparent substance covering the particles,while sample F1(Fig.1(a))looks very smooth.The differences in crystal structure between the bulk and near-surface regions are evident in Fig.11(c)and (d),which showHRTEMFig.10.FT-IR spectrum of sample F1before (a)and after storage (b)and sample W2after storage (c)for 30days.Fig.11.SEM and HREM images of sample F1(a,c)and W2(b,d)after storing in air for 30days.X.Xiong et al./Journal of Power Sources 222(2013)318e 325323images and the corresponding fast Fourier transform (FFT)patterns.As shown in Fig.11(c)and (d),the surface film visible on the particle contains amorphous layers and elemental analysis by EDX (the data are omitted)shows the coating layer is composed primarily of carbon and oxygen,which is consistent with its identi fication as lithium carbonate by FT-IR and earlier reports (Zhuang et al.[7]and J.Eom et al.[15]).The thickness of amorphous layers are 3.82e 5.21and 7.63nm for sample F1and W2after storing in air,respectively.In addition,it is evident that there exists a transition layer between amorphous layer and the bulk for sample W2.And the transition layer is distinctly different from them and is con firmed by FFT patterns.It is concluded that the transition layer is NiO layer accompanied by the loss of the oxygen and Li when storing in air (Liu et al.[9]).More Ni in Li site indicates more nickel ions with inactive cubic rock salt phase appears,we can know that sample W2will produce more NiO phase from the Rietveld analysis for stored samples.Hence,it is reasonable to suggest water washed LiNi 0.8Co 0.1Mn 0.1O 2becomes more easily attached and produce more NiO-like cubic phase when storing in air.Meanwhile,NiO layer is too thin to be identi fied in Fig.11(c)and we can infer that most Li 2CO 3/LiOH come from synthetic residue Li 2O/LiOH for sample F1after storing in air for 30days.This Worse performance is expectable because of NiO layer and severe cation mixing for sample W2.In order to measure the actual amount of LiOH/Li 2CO 3on LiNi 0.8Co 0.1Mn 0.1O 2surface,the stale powders are soaked in waterand the actual amount of LiOH and Li 2CO 3are measured using titration method.As shown in Table 3,this is in good agreement with the FT-IR and TEM results.The first charge e discharge curves under different current density and cycling performance of fresh and washed powders after storage in air for 7and 30days are shown in Fig.12.All the cathodes show a large capacity decrease.Washed powder shows drastic capacity fading especially the cycling performance at 2C rate.For instance,the stored samples F1and W2exhibit discharge capacities of 102.0and 64.7mAh g À1after 100cycles at 2C ,respectively.This is coincident with the trends of the amount of LiOH/Li 2CO 3on surface of stale materials and the degree of cationic disorder.It is reasonable to think that the deterioration of LiNi 0.8Co 0.1Mn 0.1O 2during storage is attributed to the formation of LiOH/Li 2CO 3and the structural changes of the surface.4.ConclusionsThe cycling performance and structural stability of LiNi 0.8-Co 0.1Mn 0.1O 2material after storing in electrolyte were enhanced by water washing,although it produced a slight deleterious effect on the capacity of LiNi 0.8Co 0.1Mn 0.1O 2material.ICP,TEM and EDX analysis indicated that the improved structural stability was ascribed to the removal of synthetic residue Li 2O/LiOH.However,water washing made LiNi 0.8Co 0.1Mn 0.1O 2material much less resis-tant to H 2O and CO 2when storing in air.The amounts of LiOH/Li 2CO 3on washed sample were almost 2times that of fresh sample after storing in air for 30days,as well as the degree of cationic disorder.Accordingly,the electrochemical performance of the washed material after storing in air becomes poorer.This property will be valuable for its practical use.Because more and more studies aimed at enhancing electrochemical performance and storage characteristics by the coating are currently underway,when lots of bared areas exist,they remain weak sites for the attack of non-aqueous electrolytes and CO 2/H 2O and the protection will not maximized.Table 3The LiOH and Li 2CO 3content in fresh powder and powder annealed at 700 C after washing after storage in air for 7and 30days.Units are ppm.LiOH (7days)Li 2CO 3(7days)LiOH(30days)Li 2CO 3(30days)F1after storage in air412128712224506W2after storage in air623189922917069Fig.12.The first charge e discharge curves under different current density and cycling performance of fresh and washed powders after storage in air for 7and 30days.X.Xiong et al./Journal of Power Sources 222(2013)318e 325324AcknowledgmentsThis study was supported by Major Special Plan of Science and Technology of Hunan Province,China(Grant No.2009FJ1002& No.2011FJ1005).References[1]J.Shim,R.Kostecki,T.Richardson,X.Song,K.A.Striebel,J.Power Sources112(2002)222.[2]R.Kostecki,F.McLarnon,Electrochem.Solid State Lett.7(2004)A380.[3]M.-H.Kim,H.-S.Shin,D.Shin,Y.-K.Sun,J.Power 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