



E18 系列ZigBee模块快速操作方法1. E18系列ZigBee模块简介E18 系列模块是成都亿佰特电子科技有限公司设计生产的一款2.4G ZigBee无线模块。


E18 模块根据型号不同,可分为4.5dBm和20dBm最大功率输出。

内置组网固件,其固件采用TI 经典ZigBee协议栈Z-stack2.5.1a,支持串口数据传输。




2. 快速入门•ZigBee自组网模块具有简单易用的特点。


在模式1、2 下还可指定输出为短地址,MAC地址,RSSI等信息。









配置网络参数:(PAN ID为FFFF时为自动PAN ID)网络组建好读取参数:⑤.选择另一个模块,按照相同步骤设置为路由器或者终端(模块出厂默认为终端,可不进行设置,本实验为终端)。

hac-embee-a11n 2.4g 低功耗无线数传模块(zigbee)用户手册说明书

hac-embee-a11n 2.4g 低功耗无线数传模块(zigbee)用户手册说明书

HAC-EmBee-A11D HAC-EmBee-A11N2.4G低功耗无线数传模块(ZigBee)用户手册V 2.02.2 2013/10/25深圳市华奥通通信技术有限公司SHENZHEN HAC TELECOM TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD地址 : 深圳市南山区西丽路4227号大学城创意园2栋6楼电话 : +86-755-23981078传真 : +86-755-23981007邮件:*****************************网址 : HAC EmBee ZigBee Series 深圳市华奥通通信技术有限公司高性能✧20dbm可视距离2.8km✧7dbm可视距离850m 低功耗✧20dbm发射电流145mA,接收电流38mA,休眠电流3uA✧7dbm发射电流42mA,接收电流29mA,休眠电流3uAMESH网络✧自动组网,自动路由,自动愈合✧点对点,点对多点传输✧最多高达16跳传输 使用简单✧AT命令✧API命令✧API远程AT命令✧透明传输符合标准✧Zigbee 2007 Pro✧A11 Profile高可靠性✧DSSS O-QPSK调制方式✧CSMA-CA 自动退避机制✧重发与应答机制高安全性✧网络层AES加密✧应用层AES加密目录1 EmBee模块 (6)1.1 EmBee模块尺寸及管脚顺序 (6)1.2 模块管脚分布 (7)1.3 模块性能参数 (8)1.3.1 HAC-EmBee-A11N参数 (8)1.3.2 HAC-EmBee-A11D参数 (9)2 EmBee模块操作 (10)2.1 UART串口介绍 (10)2.2 通信协议 (10)2.2.1 透明传输模式 (10)2.2.2 API传输模式 (11)2.3 AT命令模式 (11)2.3.1 进入AT命令模式 (12)2.3.2 发送AT命令 (12)2.3.3 AT命令响应 (12)2.3.4 退出AT命令模式 (13)2.4 回环功能 (13)2.4.1 透传模式的回环 (13)2.4.2 API模式的回环 (13)3 API操作 (14)3.1 API帧格式 (14)3.2 API帧 (15)3.2.1 AT命令帧(立即生效) (15)3.2.2 AT命令帧(不立即生效) (16)3.2.3 AT命令响应帧 (17)3.2.4 传输请求帧 (18)3.2.5 应用层可选的传输请求帧 (19)3.2.6 传输状态帧 (21)3.2.1 数据接收指示帧(AO=0) (22)3.2.2 数据接收指示帧(AO=1) (23)3.2.3 I/O接收指示 (24)3.2.4 节点发现指示 (26)3.2.5 模块状态指示帧 (28)3.2.6 远端AT命令请求帧 (29)3.2.7 远端AT命令响应帧 (30)4 AT命令 (32)4.1 地址命令 (32)4.2 网络命令 (34)4.3 射频参数命令 (36)4.4 串口参数命令 (37)4.5 I/O参数命令 (38)4.6 诊断参数命令 (41)4.7 AT命令参数 (42)4.8 休眠命令 (42)4.9 命令执行 (43)5 数字I/O和模拟I/O (45)5.1 本地I/O (45)5.1.1 AT命令模式下读取本地I/O电平值和采样值 (45)5.1.1 AT命令模式下配置本地I/O (46)5.1.2 API模式下配置本地I/O (47)5.2 远端I/O (47)5.2.1 API模式下配置远端I/O (47)6 EmBee ZigBee网络 (48)6.1 协调器 (48)6.2 路由器 (49)6.3 终端设备 (49)6.3.1 子节点与父节点关系 (50)6.3.2 子节点容量 (50)6.4 子节点工作过程 (51)6.5 父节点工作过程 (51)1EmBee模块1.1EmBee模块尺寸及管脚顺序EmBee模块的外形结构如下:管脚顺序从PIN1开始,逆时针依次至PIN20。



无暂存模式 .............................................................................................................................................. 9 暂存模式 .................................................................................................................................................10 模式切换 .................................................................................................................................................10

Jennic 51XX Module AT 命令集 使用手册
版本 1.9
2007 年 11 月
Байду номын сангаас

1. 2. 前言 ........................................................................................................................................................................ 1 简介 ........................................................................................................................................................................ 2 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 3. 架构 ............................................................................................................................................................... 2 名词解释 ....................................................................................................................................................... 3 ZIGBEE 标准相关名词 ................................................................................................................................. 4





















Silicon Labs ETRX 357 ZIGBEE 模块使用说明书

Silicon Labs ETRX 357 ZIGBEE 模块使用说明书

ETRX357 ZIGBEE® MODULESUsing R3xx Firmware in a Home Automation Network Telegesis™ is a trademark of Silicon Laboratories Inc.Table of Contents1INTRODUCTION (3)2FORMAT OF COMMANDS AND DATA IN THIS NOTE (3)3REGISTER SETTINGS AND COMMANDS (3)3.1Typical commands to start a PAN (4)3.2Typical received data (5)Device joins the network (5)Temperature reading received (5)Humidity reading received (6)3.3Send HA commands (6)3.4Intruder Alarm System devices (7)1 IntroductionThe off-the-shelf Telegesis firmware that uses our manufacturer specific profile can also be used in a Home Automation network, but several registers must first be configured in order that it can join or form a network and present incoming data. Further registers can be set if it is necessary to send HA commands and to allow endpoint 2 to properly respond to queries from other devices such as requests for active endpoints. This note presents a minimal list of the register settings and some examples of data received from a temperature/humidity sensor. For more detailed information refer to:R309 AT Command Manual (or the version that relates to your actual firmware) (SiLabs) Application Note on Interoperability (SiLabs)ZigBee Cluster Library Specification (ZigBee Alliance)ZigBee Home Automation Public Application Profile (ZigBee Alliance)Although the AT command set firmware that is normally supplied pre-loaded into the ETRX357 modules can send HA commands, it is necessary to assemble them at the byte level by reference to the ZigBee specifications, and incoming messages have to be handled by a host processor. If it is used as the coordinator in a network that includes Intruder Alarm System devices, the host also needs to supports a zone table. For these reasons it may be better to use the Telegesis HA Combined Interface firmware that has commands tailored to HA operations.2 Format of commands and data in this noteBold text: command to be typed inItalic: example data received3 Register settings and commandsThe default setting of the ETRX357’s serial port is 19200 baud, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit. This can be changed by writing a new value into register S12.The S-register settings only need to be entered once as they are mostly non-volatile. The volatile registers have an associated default setting which is applied when the device is reset. Follow the sequence of operations as given here until you are familiar with the effects of the various commands, because some of the registers must be set before the device starts or joins a network. Some of the commands are optional, such as allowing and blocking joining.3.1 Typical commands to start a PANAT+DASSL Disassociate fromprevious network ifdesiredAT&F Restore to a known stateif desiredATITelegesis ETRX357-LRS R309C000D6F0001B65311Check firmware version. It ought to be R308 or higherAT+N+N=NoPANCheck network statusATS00=6319 Home Automationchannel maskATS0A=0114;password Use predefined Link Key ATS09=5A6967426565416C6C69616E63653039;password Define HA Link KeyAT+EN Establish network ifnecessaryATS0A0=0;password Allow joining (optional,this is the default setting) ATS0A0=1;password Disallow joining when allthe sensors have joined ATSALL:FFFD,0A0=0;password Allow joining via all otherdevices in the PAN ATSALL:FFFD,0A0=1;password Block joining via any otherdevice in the PANATS0F=0104 Allow display of messagesthat arrive on endpoint 2 ATS0EA=1 Suppress display of“SR…” promptsATS0FC=1 Optional with R309. Datais shown in hexadecimalformat instead of rawcharactersRX:4B5C,0104,02,02,0402,08:••)û RX:4B5C,0104,02,02,0405,08:••!ÙRX:4B5C,0104,02,02,0402,08:18180A000029FC08 RX:4B5C,0104,02,02,0405,08:18190A000021B80ERX:4B5C,0104,02,02,0402,08:<18><03><0A><00><00>)<9F><08>RX:4B5C,0104,02,02,0405,08:<18><04><0A><00><00>!W<0F> Presentation of the raw binary characters will depend on the terminal software being used3.2 Typical received dataThese are examples of readings from a temperature and humidity sensor. The actualformat depends on the terminal software you are using, except that bit C of register S0F turns raw characters into hexadecimal format (R309 only). Note that 16-bit data arrives low-byte first.Device joins the network MED:00124B00029ACA1C,21E6 MEDA Mobile End Device has joined the network. Can also be FFD or SED00124B00029ACA1C EUI64 of new device21E6 Network address of new deviceTemperature reading receivedRX:4B5C,0104,02,02,0402,08:<18><3B><0A><00><00><29><DD><08> 4B5C Source network address 0104 HA profile ID02 Destination endpoint 02 Source endpoint0402 Temperature cluster ID 08 Number of payload bytes<18> Frame control <3B> Sequence no<0A> Cmd ID: report attributes <0000> Attribute ID: measured value <29> Type int16s<DD08> 08DD = 2269 = 22.69°Humidity reading receivedRX:4B5C,0104,02,02,0405,08:<18><3C><0A><00><00><21><35><0E>4B5C Source network address0104 HA profile ID02 Destination endpoint02 Source endpoint0405 Relative humidity cluster ID08 Number of payload bytes<18> Frame control<3C> Sequence no<0A> Cmd ID: report attributes<0000> Attribute ID: measured value<21> Type int16s<350E> 0E35 = 3637 = 36.37%3.3 Send HA commandsThese are not needed if data is only to be received. You will need these settings to configure attribute reporting, though. Most sensors that report attributes from more than one cluster seem to use the same reporting interval for all clusters, but this may not always apply especially if you set a reportable change level.ATS40=0202 Current source and destination endpoint ATS41=0202 Default source and destination endpoint ATS42=0402 Current cluster IDATS43=0402 Default cluster IDATS44=0104 Current profile IDATS45=0104 Default profile IDExample: sent 14 bytes to network address 4B5C to configure reporting interval. The actual sequence number is not important. The characters after the ‘>’ indicate the value of each byte, not the format which will depend on the terminal application in use.AT+UCASTB:0D,4B5C>00 03 06 00 00 00 29 00 00 0A 00 FF FF00 Frame control03 Sequence no06 Cmd ID: configure reporting00 Direction0000 Attribute ID29 Type int16s0000 Minimum reporting interval (off)000A Maximum reporting interval (10 secs) FFFF Reportable change (off)This approach is suitable when the endpoint and cluster ID do not change often. The R309 firmware introduces a new set of commands such as AT+SENDUCAST; these commands take the endpoints, profile and cluster ID as parameters so they can be altered with each command. The registers and command in the example above then becomeAT+SENDUCASTB:0D,4B5C,02,02,0104,0402>00 03 06 00 00 00 29 00 00 0A 00 FF FFand there is no longer any need to write new S-register values.3.4 Intruder Alarm System devicesIAS Zone devices are typically encountered as motion sensors, door/window sensors and similar products. They need to be assigned to zones when they join the network and may leave quite quickly if they do not receive suitable responses to their queries. IAS devices must enrol with the Control and Indicating Equipment (CIE) that is implemented with the R3xx firmware, so the latter needs to be configured correctly in order that the IAS device can find it. A typical sequence of operations is:In order that the CIE device can respond automatically to the Match Description Request the user must first set three S-registers:ATS0AB=1;password Allow Endpoint 2 to reply to ZDO endpoint queriesATS48=0104 Set endpoint 2 Profile ID to Home AutomationATS4C=0500 Add IAS Zone cluster to endpoint 2 Output Cluster ListThe user’s application must recognise the Zone Enroll Request (cluster 0x0500, command 0x01, server to client) and reply with a Zone Enroll Response (command 0x00, client to server) with the user’s choice of zone ID. Finally the CIE must write its own EUI64 to the IAS_CIE_address attribute of the IAS Zone device.Silicon Laboratories Inc.400 West Cesar Chavez Austin, TX 78701USASmart.Connected.Energy-FriendlyProducts/productsQuality /qualitySupport and CommunityDisclaimerSilicon Laboratories intends to provide customers with the latest, accurate, and in-depth documentation of all peripherals and modules available for system and software implementers using or intending to use the Silicon Laboratories products. Characterization data, available modules and peripherals, memory sizes and memory addresses refer to each specific device, and "Typical" parameters provided can and do vary in different applications. Application examples described herein are for illustrative purposes only. Silicon Laboratories reserves the right to make changes without further notice and limitation to product information, specifications, and descriptions herein, and does not give warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of the included information. Silicon Laboratories shall have no liability for the consequences of use of the information supplied herein. This document does not imply or express copyright licenses granted hereunder to design or fabricate any integrated circuits. The products are not designed or authorized to be used within any Life Support System without the specific written consent of Silicon Laboratories. A "Life Support System" is any product or system intended to support or sustain life and/or health, which, if it fails, can be reasonably expected to result in significant personal injury or death. Silicon Laboratories products are not designed or authorized for military applications. Silicon Laboratories products shall under no circumstances be used in weapons of mass destruction including (but not limited to) nuclear, biological or chemical weapons, or missiles capable of delivering such weapons.Trademark InformationSilicon Laboratories Inc.® , Silicon Laboratories®, Silicon Labs®, SiLabs® and the Silicon Labs logo®, Bluegiga®, Bluegiga Logo®, Clockbuilder®, CMEMS®, DSPLL®, EFM®, EFM32®, EFR, Ember®, Energy Micro, Energy Micro logo and combinations thereof, "the world’s most energy friendly microcontrollers", Ember®, EZLink®, EZRadio®, EZRadioPRO®, Gecko®, ISOmodem®, Precision32®, ProSLIC®, Simplicity Studio®, SiPHY®, Telegesis, the Telegesis Logo®, USBXpress® and others are trademarks or registered trademarks of Silicon Laborato-ries Inc. ARM, CORTEX, Cortex-M3 and THUMB are trademarks or registered trademarks of ARM Holdings. Keil is a registered trademark of ARM Limited. All other products or brand names mentioned herein are trademarks of their respective holders.。



ZM516X 系列模块用户手册
FastZigbee 组网固件版
1. 产品简介...................................................................................................................1
©2013 Guangzhou ZHIYUAN Electronics Stock Co., Ltd. 1
ZM516X 系列模块用户手册
FastZigbee 组网固件版
1. 产品简介
AW516X 系列 ZigBee 无线模块是广州致远电子股份有限公司基于 NXP JN5168 芯片开 发的低功耗、高性能 ZigBee 模块。工作于标准 ISM 频段(2.4-2.5GHz),完美支持 FastZigBee、 ZLG NET、IEEE802.15.4、JenNet-IP、ZigBee Light Link、ZigBee Smart Energy、RF4CE、 ZigBee-PRO 等协议,可快速应用于工业控制、工业数据采集、农业控制、矿区人员定位、 智能家居,智能遥控器等场合。
Hale Waihona Puke 修订历史版本 V1.00
日期 2016-02-18
ZM516X 系列模块用户手册
FastZigbee 组网固件版
原因 创建文档
©2013 Guangzhou ZHIYUAN Electronics Stock Co., Ltd. i
FastZigBee FastZigBee FastZigBee FastZigBee FastZigBee FastZigBee





1. AT+CGATT?:检查是否已附着到GPRS服务。

2. AT+CSQ:查询当前信号质量。

3. AT+CREG?:查询当前注册状态。

4. AT+NWPS?:获取设备信息。

5. AT+CMEE=1:设置短消息错误报告模式。

6. AT+CMGF=1:设置短消息格式为TEXT模式。

7. AT+CMGS=短信长度:[短信内容]:发送短消息。

8. AT+CSMP=短信长度,PDU模式,编码方式:[短信内容]:设置短消息参数。

9. AT+CSCA?:查询服务中心地址。

10. AT+CSCB?:查询服务中心广播信息。



M1806 - ME 常用 AT 指令手册说明书

M1806 - ME 常用 AT 指令手册说明书

M1806 - ME 常用AT指令手册目录1.总体介绍 (4)1.1 释义说明 (4)1.2 AT 命令语法结构 (4)1.2.1 AT 命令简介 (4)1.2.2 AT 命令类型 (5)1.2.3命令参数介绍 (5)1.3 命令使用规则 (6)2.配置命令 (6)2.1 ATE-设置回显 (6)2.1.1 语法结构 (6)2.1.2 接口说明 (7)2.1.3 参数说明 (7)2.1.4 属性说明 (7)2.1.5 举例说明 (7)2.2 ATI-查询产品标识信息 (7)2.2.1 语法结构 (7)2.2.2 接口说明 (7)2.2.3 参数说明 (7)2.2.4 属性说明 (7)2.2.5 举例说明 (7)2.3 ATZ-恢复出厂设置 (8)2.3.1 语法结构 (8)2.3.2 接口说明 (8)2.3.3 参数说明 (8)2.3.4 属性说明 (8)2.3.5 举例说明 (8)2.4 AT&F-恢复AT 默认设置 (8)2.4.1 语法结构 (8)2.4.2 接口说明 (8)2.4.3 参数说明 (9)2.4.4 属性说明 (9)2.4.5 举例说明 (9)2.5 AT&W-保存当前设置 (9)2.5.1 语法结构 (9)2.5.2 接口说明 (10)2.5.3 参数说明 (10)2.5.4 属性说明 (10)2.6 AT+CMEE-设置终端报错 (10)2.6.1 语法结构 (10)2.6.2 接口说明 (10)2.6.3 参数说明 (10)2.6.4 属性说明 (11)2.6.5 举例说明 (11)2.7 ATD-发起呼叫 (11)2.7.1 语法结构 (11)2.7.2 接口说明 (11)2.7.3 参数说明 (11)2.7.4 属性说明 (11)2.7.5 举例说明 (12)2.8 ATA-接听命令 (12)2.8.1 语法结构 (12)2.8.2 接口说明 (12)2.8.3 参数说明 (12)2.8.4 属性说明 (12)2.8.5 举例说明 (12)2.9 ATH-挂断连接 (12)2.9.1 语法结构 (12)2.9.2 接口说明 (13)2.9.3 参数说明 (13)2.9.4 属性说明 (13)2.9.5 举例说明 (13)2.10 AT+IPR-设置固定数据速率 (13)2.10.1 语法结构 (13)2.10.2 接口说明 (14)2.10.3 参数说明 (14)2.10.4 属性说明 (14)2.10.5 举例说明 (14)2.11 AT+CSQ-查询信号质量 (15)2.11.1 语法结构 (15)2.11.2 接口说明 (15)2.11.3 参数说明 (15)2.11.4 属性说明 (15)2.11.5 举例说明 (15)2.12 AT+CMGF-设置短消息格式 (16)2.12.1 语法结构 (16)2.12.2 接口说明 (16)2.12.3 参数说明 (16)2.12.4 属性说明 (16)2.12.5 举例说明 (17)2.13 AT+CMGD-删除短消息 (17)2.13.2 接口说明 (17)2.13.3 参数说明 (17)2.13.4 属性说明 (17)2.13.5 举例说明 (17)2.14 AT+CMGR-读短消息(PDU Mode) (18)2.14.1 语法结构 (18)2.14.2 接口说明 (18)2.14.3 参数说明 (18)2.14.4 属性说明 (18)2.14.5 举例说明 (19)2.15 AT+CMGR-读短消息(Text Mode) (19)2.15.1 语法结构 (19)2.15.2 接口说明 (19)2.15.3 参数说明 (20)2.15.4 属性说明 (20)2.15.5 举例说明 (20)2.16 AT+CMGS-发送短消息(PDU Mode) (20)2.16.1 语法结构 (20)2.16.2 接口说明 (20)2.16.3 参数说明 (21)2.16.4 属性说明 (25)2.16.5 举例说明 (26)2.17 AT+CMGS-发送短消息(Text Mode) (26)2.17.1 语法结构 (26)2.17.2 接口说明 (26)2.17.3 参数说明 (27)2.17.4 属性说明 (27)2.17.5 举例说明 (27)2.18 AT^ICCID-查询ICCID (27)2.18.1 语法结构 (27)2.18.2 接口说明 (28)2.18.3 参数说明 (28)2.18.4 属性说明 (28)2.18.5 举例说明 (28)3. 附录 (28)3.1 CME ERROR 列表 (28)3.2 CMS ERROR 列表 (30)3.3 Final Result Code 汇总 (30)1.总体介绍1.1 释义说明在整篇文档中,设备简称为 ME、MS、TA 或者 DCE。




串口线和ZIGBEE连接时对应的点:2口:tx; 3口:rx 5口:GND 继电器Vin1连接12伏电源GND2连接地D+5连接智能终端的RS485的左边D-6连接智能终端的RS485的右边使用智能终端的使用:1) 连接电源:PWR:左黑右红,红为5伏电源,黑为底线2)串口线连接PC,进行配置查询:AT+AA_BASE_ADDRESS=1返回结果,0,硬件地址设置地址:AT+AA_BASE_ADDRESS=0,A1108 注意:1108为自己设定的硬件地址(0——F)查询:AT+R_AA_Z_NODE返回结果AT+AA_Z_NODE=C 注:C为协调器设置信道:AT+AA_Z_CHANNEL=11 注:11为自行设定的信道(值为11-26)设组网地址:AT+AA_Z_PAN_ID=1105 注:1105为自行设定的组网地址自此,智能终端设置完成设置ZIGBEE连接电源连接串口线,设置235,黑的是5,黄的是2,绿的是3通过串口线连接PC,进行设置:查询硬件地址:AT+AZ_BASE_ADDRESS=1返回结果0,Z硬件地址设置硬件地址:AT+AZ_BASE_ADDRESS=0,Z1109 注:1109为自行设定的硬件地址(这个地址必须区别于智能终端的硬件地址)设置工作模式:AT+AZ_BASE_WORKMODE=0,2设置为路由器:AT+AZ_Z_NODE=R设置信道:AT+AZ_Z_CHANNEL=11 注:11为上述设置的信道AT+AZ_Z_PAN_ID=1105 注:1105为上述设置的组网地址设置工作模式:AT+AZ_BASE_WORKMODE=0,2将门磁连上:门磁的两头分别连接ZIGBEE的GND和IN两口关于继电器1)继电器就是一个开关2)一个继电器有四对:第一队:AG,A1,A2,;第二队:10,11,12;第三队:13,14,15;第四对:16,17,18。



ZigBee模块AT指令操作手册Version 1.2.7浙江瑞瀛网络科技有限公司版权声明本文档所包含的所有信息均为浙江瑞瀛网络科技有限公司(以下简称“瑞瀛”或“本公司”)版权所有。



版本更新V1.0.0 2010/06/18 初稿V1.0.1 2010/07/07 增加了AT+UARTRVS=XX,UART反向V1.2.0 2011/06/01 增加了截图说明V1.2.6 2011/09/11 对细节进行了补充说明V1.2.7 2011/12/19 增加AT+SETANT AT+CHOSENCOOAT+MTO指令并对每种类型的模块所支持的AT指令做了明确规定。

目录第一节AT指令简介 (4)第二节AT指令详细使用说明 (6)2.1串口波特率设置 (6)2.2网络标识符设置 (7)2.3模块通信信道设置 (8)2.4设置模块天线选择指令 (9)2.5设置模块无线发射功率指令 (10)2.6设置模块射频发送模式 (11)2.7读取模块配置信息 (12)2.8模块复位命令 (13)2.9读取模块版本号 (14)2.10读取模块地址信息 (15)2.11恢复模块默认设置 (16)2.12设置时间指令 (17)2.13读取时间指令 (18)2.14设置串口帧间隔指令 (19)2.15无线通道能量检测指令 (20)2.16模块休眠指令 (21)2.17模块唤醒指令 (22)2.18获取节点当前网络中COO地址指令 (23)2.19设置节点默认COO地址指令 (24)2.20重新建立网络指令 (25)第一节AT指令简介一般而言通信模块从串口接收命令或数据,如果识别为命令则执行该命令,否则将接收到的数据通过无线的方式发送到指定的目标地址模块。

Waveshare Core2530 XCore2530 Zigbee 模块用户手册说明书

Waveshare Core2530 XCore2530 Zigbee 模块用户手册说明书

Core2530/XCore2530User Manual1.Introduction (2)2.Zigbee network experiment (4)2.1.Roles in Zigbee network (4)2.2.Bootloader (4)2.3.Firmware downloading (10)working communicaiton (12)3.Working with PC (15)3.1.Introduction (15)3.2.AT commands (15)Appendix (21)11.Core2530/XCore2530 is a Zigbee module developed by Waveshare, which adopts the CC2530 IC of TI as its main control chip. Comparing with Core2530, XCore2530 has a longer transmission distance by enhancing the power amplification function.This module can be used in two primary purposes:●For application (Users only need to concentrate themselves on application development,since this module works as a underlying hardware in this case):The firmware provided with the module should be applied. Under this condition, themodule would serve as a Zigbee wireless serial port. With the simple operations of themodule, as easy as that of the serial port, you do not need to know much about thecomplex Zigbee protocol.●For development (Users should perform a secondary development to the module forimplementing the underlying application):You need to write the Zigbee communication protocol code by yourself. In this case, youshould use the downloader, such as CC Debugger, and learn the Zigbee protocol.Features:●Simple operations, as easy as that of the serial port;●Self-networking (At least a coordinator and a router needed);●Severe as a router in factory default setting (modifiable to a coordinator by downloadingcorresponding coordinator firmware);●Support program download by serial port (the downloader is not required normally, sincethe firmware supports serial Bootloader);●Support parameter configuration by PC software;●RFX2401 power amplifier (XCore2530 only).2Core2530 XCore253032.Zigbee network needs minimum a coordinator and a router. Since the Core2530/XCore2530 module has a built-in Bootloader in default setting, you can download the firmware to the module directly via the serial port.Notes: In the Zigbee network experiment, you may need to apply two pieces of Core2530/XCore2530 modules, and two pieces of ZB502/ZB600 baseboards.2.1.ROLES IN ZIGBEE NETWORK1.Coordinator●Select a communication channel and a PAN ID to build a network;●Allow other routers and end devices to join this network;●Route the data in the network;●Must be kept power supplying, and must not enter the SLEEP mode;●Preserve data for the end devices entered SLEEP mode till them wake up and retrieve thedata.2.Router●Must join a Zigbee network before performing data transmission;●Allow other routers and end devices to join the network, after it joined one;●Route the data in the network upon joining the network;●Must be kept power supplying, and must not enter the SLEEP mode;●Preserve data for the end devices entered the SLEEP mode till them wake up and retrievethe data.3.End Device●Must join a Zigbee network before performing data transmission;●Not allow other devices to join the network;●Transmit and receive data thought parent node, unable to route the data in the network;●Support battery power supply and SLEEP mode.2.2.BOOTLOADER1.IntroductionThe built-in Bootloader enable users to download the program to the module directly via a serial port without using the CC Debugger. However, the CC Debugger is required in the course of programming4the Bootloader into the module. For more detailed information, please refer to the Section How to program Bootloader.There are two different Bootloaders available for this module: bootloader.hex and bootloader_wait.hex.For easier understanding, we call the module with the bootloader.hex as module A, and the module with the bootloader_wait.hex as module B in this document.The module A will execute the valid program immediately, if any, in the Flash memory, after powered up. Otherwise, its LED1 will keep blinking indicating that there is no program in the Flash memory and you can download a new one via the serial port in this case.For module B, its LED1 and LED2 will blink alternately, if there is any valid program stored in the Flash memory, after powered up. Now, if you press the button KEY2, the module B will execute the program immediately; and if you press the button KEY1, the module B will enter the Bootloader mode under which you can download a new program to the module B. In case of no key-press action within 40 seconds after powered up, the module B will execute the program in the Flash memory automatically. When there is no valid program in the Flash memory, its LED1 will keep blinking, and you can download a new one via the serial port in this case.The module A with bootloader.hex is suitable for independent application, since it can run the program directly without any external key-press trigger. However, the module B with the bootloader_wait.hex should work with the baseboard ZB502/ZB600 for relative experiments and studies. By default, the bootloader_wait.hex is programmed to the module. debugger driver installation●Unzip the package CC-Debugger_Drivers.7zto the installation directory;●Double click the software Setup_SmartRF_Drivers-1.2.0.exe for installation;●5●●When finished, connect the CC Debugger to your PC, and open the option Device Managerin Windows. You may find the option CC Debugger if its driver is installed successfully.63.How to program Bootloader●Install the module to the baseboard, and connect the baseboard and the CC Debugger toyour PC with the USB cables;●Power up the baseboard, and press the RESET key on the CC Debugger. Ifthecommunication is built up successfully, the indicator on the CC Debugger will light up and turn to green, indicating that it is ready to download new programs;●Open the SmartRF Studio7the software interface to open another window.7Select the option Program CCxxxx Soc or MSP430 in the pulled-down menu What do you want to program?, and choose the image file you want to program within the Flash imagebox. Here, it isbootloader_wait.hex. And then,click the to start programming.89When finished, there will be a message “Erase, program and verify OK” appears on thebottom of the window, and the LED1 of the baseboard will keep blinking indicating that program downloading is successful.102.3. FIRMWARE DOWNLOADINGIn this section, we will illustrate how to build a Zigbee network by applying two groups of Core2530 + ZB600, one works as a coordinator and the other one works as a router. For easier understanding, we call the coordinator as Group A and the router as Group B.●Connect the Group A and the Group B to your PC with the USB cables, respectively. And get their corresponding serial port numbers after powered up. ● If the firmware has been installed to the Group A or/and the Group B, the LED1 and theLED2 on the Core2530 module(s) will blink alternately after resetting. Pressing the buttonfirmware in the Core2530 module(s), the LED1 will keep blinking after powered up, whichmeans the Core2530 module(s) has entered the Bootloader mode directly and there is no● Start the software SBDemo.exe for firmware downloading.11● Enter the corresponding serial port of the Group A in theCOM Port box, and click theCoordinator.bin in the Image Filebox. Then, click the●For the Group B, select the firmware file Router.bin . The file download method is the same as that of the Group A. ● Start two serial debug assistants, and enter the serial port number of the Group A to one ofthe assistants and the port number of the Group B to the other one. Then, set the Baud rate: 38400, Data bit: 8 and Stop bit: 1;● Reset the Group A, you can see the LED1 and the LED2 on its Core2530 module blinkalternately. Pressing the middle button of the joystick, you will see the message “Device starting ok ” displayed in the window and the LED3 lights up, if the network is built up successfully.● Reset the Group B, you can see the LED1 and the LED2 on its Core2530 module blinkalternately. Pressing the middle button of the joystick, you will see the message ““Device starting ok ” displayed in the window and the LED3 lights up, if the Group B, severing as a router, has joined the network successfully. Now, the Zigbee network is running.(Ifnoexternal antenna is applied to the Group B, it is recommended to place the antenna interface of the Group B close to the antenna interface of the Group A, in order to ensure the wireless network signal is strong enough.)Notes:ZB502.2. The power amplifier (PA) of Xcore2530 has occupied the Pins P1_1 and P1_4. Hence, theLED2 will not blinking after the Xcore2530 module reset, and the LED3 will keep OFF even if the network is built up successfully.WORKING COMMUNICAITONThe operations presented below can be done directly by UART serial communication.Broadcast communication modeDescription: Under this mode, a device can broadcast messages to all the other devices in the Zigbee network.Format: Data to be sentPoint to Point communicationDescription: It is the communication between any two nodes in the same network.12Format: P2P Target address Data to be sentPoint to Multipoint communicationDescription: A node sends data to the specified nodes in the same network.Format: O2M Quantity of target address Target address 1 Target address 2 … Data to be sent13143.3.1.INTRODUCTIONZBSCOMM is the PC software for Core2530/XCore2530 developed by Waveshare. With ZBSCOMM, you can easily configure the module settings and read the current configurations of the module via your PC. Of course, you can control the module by AT command as well, if you do not want to use the PC for configuration.3.2.AT COMMANDSTable 1: Restart the module15Table 2: Restore the factory settingsTable 3: Serial port information configuration16Table 4: Channel settingTable 5: Set the PAN ID17Table 6: Read all the configuration informationTable 7: Read the serial configuration informationTable 8: Read the current communication channel information18Table 9: Read the current PAN ID of the moduleTable 10: Read the short address of the deviceTable 11: Read the short address of the parent node19Table 12: Read the IEEE address of the deviceTable 13: Read the IEEE address of the parent node2021 1. ZB502ZB502 is a baseboard matching to the module Core2530/XCore2530. It contains an on-board battery socket which makes it possible to support different ways of power supply, an on-board CP2102 for customer debugging and program updating, and several LEDs and press-keys for basic operations. ZB502 leads out all its IOs, so users can easily make expansions on it.For more information about ZB502 baseboard, please refer to the links listed below:Chinese datasheet: /shop/ZB502.htmEnglish datasheet: /zb502.htm2.ZB600ZB600 is a baseboard matching to the module Core2530/XCore2530. It contains an on-board battery socket which makes it possible to support different ways of power supply, an on-board CP2102 for customer debugging and program updating, and several LEDs and press-keys for basic operations. ZB600 leads out all its IOs, so users can easily make expansions on it.Comparing with ZB502, ZB600 has some improvements: adding an AD conversion interface, a sensor interface, a LCD interface and a joystick.For more information about ZB600 baseboard, please refer to the links listed below:Chinese datasheet: /shop/ZB600.htmEnglish datasheet: /zb600.htm DebuggerThis product is an enhanced emulator/downloader designed by Waveshare. It is fully compatible with TI CC Debugger, and can provide an excellent hardware protection and human-friendly operation experience for users.CC Debugger can work with the TI SmartRF Flash Programmer for program downloading, and the TI SmartRF Studio for testing and debugging CCxxxx series devices. It can also cooperate with the IAR Embedded Workbench for 8051 to build up the development environment and implement seamless connection.22For more information about the CC Debugger, please refer to the links listed below:Chinese datasheet: /shop/CC-Debugger.htmEnglish datasheet: /cc-debugger.htm23。



AT指令(中文详解版)二AT指令(中文详解版)二常用 AT 命令手册1、常用操作1.1 AT命令解释:检测 Module 与串口是否连通,能否接收 AT 命令;命令格式:AT<CR>命令返回:OK (与串口通信正常)(无返回,与串口通信未连通)测试结果:ATOK1.2 AT+CSQ命令解释:检查网络信号强度命令格式:AT+CSQ<CR>命令返回:+CSQ: **,##其中**应在 10 到 31 之间,数值越大表明信号质量越好,##为误码率,值在 0 到 99 之间。

否则应检查天线或 SIM 卡是否正确安装测试结果:AT+CSQ<CR>+CSQ: 20,51.3 AT+CPIN?命令解释:检查登入移动设备(ME)的密码.命令格式:AT+CPIN?<CR>命令返回:+CPIN: 状态其中状态值可能是:READY(表示 SIM卡正常,同时不需要登入密码),SIM PIN (表示 ME等待提供 SIM卡的 PIN 码)SIM PUK (表示 ME等待提供 SIM卡的 PUK码)SIM PIN2 (表示 ME等待提供 SIM 卡的 PIN2 码)SIM PUK2 (表示 ME等待提供 SIM卡的 PUK2 码)PH-SIM PIN (表示设备被锁 SIM卡,ME等待提供从手机到 SIM卡的密码)PH-NET PIN (表示设备被锁网络,ME等待提供提供网络个性化密码)ERROR (表示 SIM卡失败或没有插入 SIM卡)测试结果:AT+CPIN?<CR>+CPIN: READY表示SIM卡正常,同时不需要登入密码。

1.4 AT+COPS?命令解释:查询运营商选择状态.命令格式:AT+COPS?<CR>命令返回:+COPS: <mode>,<format>,<operator><mode>的值为0 到 4, 默认值是 0<format>的值为 0 到 2, 默认值是 2<Operator>的值为运营商代码, 中国移动的代码是46000, 联通的代码是 46001测试结果:AT+COPS?<CR> Tech-Link T&E Limited 常用 AT 命令手册- 2 -+COPS: 0, 2, 460001.5 AT+WOPEN=2命令解释:查询模块支持Open AT 的Library 版本及是否有Open AT Application 在模块中.命令格式:AT+ WOPEN=2<CR>命令返回:+WOPEN: 2, “ Open AT Library version”,”Open AT Application version”Open AT Library version 代表的是模块支持 Open AT 的 Library 版本,通常显示的值为” AT v04.1x”或” AT v04.2x”Open AT Application version 代表的是模块支持Open AT 的Library 版本,通常显示的值为” AT v04.1x”或” AT v04.2x”注: “ Open AT Library version”和” Open AT Application version” 两个值必须是一个一致(除最后一位外),否则会导致 Open AT 程序不稳定.如果返回值”Open AT Application version” 中没有数据,仅显示+WOPEN: 2,” AT v04.10” 则表示模块中没有Open AT Application 程序.测试结果:AT+WOPEN=2<CR>+WOPEN: 2,” AT v04.10” ,” AT v04.11”OK1.6 AT+WOPEN=0命令解释:停止 Open AT Application 程序.命令格式:AT+ WOPEN=0<CR>命令返回:OK 或 ERROR测试结果:AT+WOPEN=0<CR>OK1.7 AT+WOPEN=4命令解释:删除 Open AT Application 程序.命令格式:AT+ WOPEN=4<CR>命令返回:OK 或 ERROR测试结果:AT+WOPEN=4<CR>OK注: 删除Open AT Application 程序前,必须先使用AT+WOPEN=0 停止 Open AT 程序.1.8 AT+WOPEN=1命令解释:开启 Open AT Application 程序.命令格式:AT+ WOPEN=1<CR>命令返回:OK 或 ERROR测试结果:AT+WOPEN=1<CR>OK1.9 AT+WIPCFG=3命令解释:查询 WIP 软件版本.命令格式:AT+ WIPCFG=3<CR>命令返回:<revision > 或 ERROR测试结果:AT+WIPCFG=3<CR>WIP Soft v201 on Open AT OS v411OK Tech-Link T&E Limited 常用 AT 命令手册- 3 -注意: 使用 AT+WIPCFG=3 命令前,必须确保 Open AT 程序是开启状态(即 AT+WOPEN=1).WIP Soft v201 代表 WIP 的软件版本是 V201, on Open AT OS v411 代表前面 v201 的WIP 软件是基于 v411的 Opean AT 开发平台上开发的.WIP 软件就是TCP/IP 协议站1.10 AT+CSCS?命令解释:查询终端适配器(TE)的字符集.命令格式:AT+ CSCS?<CR>命令返回:<字符集编码格式>返回值通常是下列中的一项.“ GSM”----- GSM缺省符号集(参考GSM 03.38 第6.2.1 节).“ PCCP437” ---- PC字符集代码页 437.“ CUSTOM” ---- 用户自定义.“ HEX” ---- 十六进制: (取值范围:00 到 FF。



2.4G无线模块WLT2408NZ产品数据手册编号:DSWLT01003 更新日期:2012/04/26 版本:V1.03产品概述WLT2408NZ模块是广州晓网电子出品的WLT系列ZigBee数据传输模块,具备最大8dBm 输出功率,视距传输距离可达500米(@5dbi天线),工作频段2.380GHz~2.500Ghz,除标准ZigBee的16个通道外,还有9个扩展频段,可以有效避开WIFI、蓝牙等其他2.4G信号干扰。


基本参数产品图片输出功率:供电电压:天线接口:数字接口:视距传输距离:功耗:休眠电流工作温度:存储温度:尺寸:-50~+8dBm1.9~3.3VSMA,U.FLUART,GPIO,AD500米@5dbi天线发送峰值电流46.3mA,接收时36.4mA <1uA-40℃至+85℃-40℃至+105℃16×23mm公司简介广州晓网电子科技有限公司是一家专门从事无线通讯方案设计、生产及服务的公司,公司拥有一流的设计团队,运用先进的工作方法,集合无线设计经验,公司拥有业界实用的各种模块,也为客户提供客制化服务。

订货信息WLT2408NZ-S SMA形式天线接头WLT2408NZ-U U.FL形式天线接头WLT2408NZ SDK 无线模块评估板套件,包含两个评估板,搭载的模块为WLT2408NZ-S。


产品命名规则图1-1 产品命名规则例如:WLT2408NZ-S表示晓网电子模块类的产品,频段为2.4GHz,理论输出功率为﹢8dBm(实际输出为﹢7.7dBm),超小封装,调制方式为ZigBee,外置SMA头的模块。




1. AT:检测模组是否工作正常,如果返回OK,则表示模组正常工作。

2. AT+CPIN:查询SIM卡的PIN码状态。

3. AT+CSQ:查询信号强度,返回值为0-31,越大表示信号强度越好。

4. AT+CREG:查询网络注册状态。

5. AT+CGATT:查询GPRS附着状态。


7. AT+CIPSEND:发送数据。


9. AT+CNMI:设置新短消息的接收模式。

10. AT+CMGS:发送短消息。





Bluetooth modules AT Command ManualCommand 1:Test command2Command 2:Set /Inquire baud rate2Command 3:Set /Inquire if be authorized2Command 4:Set authorized password2Command 5:Set /Inquire about device name3Command 6:Set /Inquire about device type3Command 7:Set /Inquire about device part3Command 8:Clear up memorized address3Command 9:Set /Inquire about Sniff saving mode3Command 10:renew default setting4Command 11:Set /Inquire about the parameter Inquiry Scan and connecting Scan4Command 12:Set /Inquire if be bound4Command 13:Set process edition No.5Command 14:Set /Inquire indicator light5Command 15:Set /Inquire about bluetooth address 6Command 16:Inquire about natie bluetooth address 6Command 17:Software restart 6Command 18:Set /Inquire about serial communication mode 6Command 19:Inquire about remote bluetooth device 7Command 20:Cancel remote bluetooth device 7Command 21:Set / Inquire about low power mode7Command 22:Set / Inquire about Data processing mode in the condition of disconnecting 7 Command 23:Set /Inquire about flow control mode7Notice:Only when the Bluetooth modules work in the condition of Parameter Setting ( turn theswitch of Cmd Data to the Cmd side), the parameter setting command will be allowed. Afterupdate parameter setting, turn back the switch of Cmd Data to the Data side.)Command1:Test commandCommand Response Parameter AT OK NoCommand 2:Set/ inquire about baud rateCommand Response ParameterAT+BAUD=< Para1> OKAT+BAUD?OK+BAUD:<Para1> Para1:Baud rate(1200、2400、4800、9600、19200、38400、57600、115200、230400、460800、921600、1382400)Default:9600Notice :After update baud rate, if it is not default 9600, you also have to set 9600 baud rate in future parameter setting. Use what you set baud during the time of data communicating.Command 3:Set/ inquire if be authorizedCommand Response ParameterAT+AUTH=< Para1> OKAT+AUTH?OK+AUTH:<Para1> Para1:0 No need to authorize, or else need to authorizeAuthorization:Bluetooth modules provide the function of security certification. You Can not communicate other than user get across the authorization. If it is paired module, this process will be completed automatically.(Default password :1234)Command 4:Set authorized passwordCommand Response ParameterAT+PASSWORD=< Para1> OK Para1:PasswordDefault:1234AT+PASSWORD? OK+PASSWORD: < Para1>Command 5:Set/ inquire about nameCommand Response ParameterAT+NAME=< Para1> OKAT+NAME?OK+NAME:<Para1> Para1:Device name Default:JINOU3264Command 6:Set/ inquire about device typeCommand Response ParameterAT+CLASS=< Para1> OKAT+CLASS?OK+CLASS:<Para1> Para1:device type( length must be limited d in 6 bytes)Default:000000Command 7:Set /Inquire about device partCommand Response ParameterAT+ROLE=< Para1> OKAT+ROLE?OK+ROLE:<Para1> Para1:0 is slave, or else it is master.Default:SlaveCommand 8:Clear up memorized addressCommand Response ParameterAT+CLEARADDR OK NoMemorize address: After the pair between the two modules is successful, master will memorize the other module Bluetooth address.Command 9:Set/ inquire about Sniff saving power modeCommand Response ParameterAT+SNIFF=<Para1>,<Para2>, <Para3>,<Para4> OK Para1:maximal timePara2:minimal timeAT+SNIFF?OK+SNIFF:<Para1>,<Para2>,<Para3>,<Para4> Para3:tentative timePara4:overtimeDefault:0,0,0,0(decimalist)Command 10:Renew default setCommand Response ParameterAT+RESET OK 无Command 11:Set /Inquire about the Parameter of inquiry Scan and connecting ScanCommand Response ParameterAT+SCANTIME=<Para1>,<Para2>,<Para3>,<Para4>OKAT+SCANTIME?OK+SCAN:<Para1>,<Para2>,<Para3>,<Para4> Para1:Connect distant timePara2:Connect sustaining timePara3:Inquire about distant timePara4:Inquire about distant timeDefault:2048,18,2048,18( Decimalist )This parameter affects system power.Command 12:Set/ inquire if be boundCommand Response ParameterAT+BIND=< Para1> OKAT+BIND?OK+BIND:<Para1> Para1:0 be absent to bind address,or else bind address.Default:Not bind addressBind address:For slave, If memorized address, disallow to be inquired or paired, only can be connected by device which be memorized. For master, If memorized address, try to connect the device which be memorized all through. When the address is bound, therefore, once the device memorized address, the connection only can be happened between the device and the other which be memorized, however it will not be able to connect with others. If you want to connect with other devices, you must erase memorized address.Not bind address:Slave can be inquired and paired ; After encounters failed connecting with memorized device for several times, master erases memorized address automatically, and restarts to inquire and pair new device.If you hope to connect with fixed device, you’d better bind address.Command 13:Inquire about program version No.Command Response ParameterAT+VERSION? OK+VERSION:<Para1>Para1:Program version No. Command 14:Set/ Inquire about Indicator lightCommand Response ParameterAT+LED=<Para1>,<Para2> OKAT+LED? OK+LED:<Para1>,<Para2>Para1:”Connect indicator” PIO Default is PIO 0 (yellow light) Para2:”Power indicator” PIO,Default is PIO 1(Red light)There are eight IO on Bluetooth chip :PIO0~PIO7,Embedded modules can elicit four IO:PIO0,PIO1,PIO2,PIO3。



AT指令大全详解完整版一、一般命令1、AT+CGMI 给出模块厂商的标识。

2、AT+CGMM 获得模块标识。

这个命令用来得到支持的频带(GSM 900,DCS 1800 或PCS 1900)。


3、AT+CGMR 获得改订的软件版本。

4、AT+CGSN 获得GSM模块的IMEI(国际移动设备标识)序列号。

5、AT+CSCS 选择TE特征设定。




6、AT+WPCS 设定电话簿状态。







8、AT+CCID 获得SIM卡的标识。


9、AT+GCAP 获得能力表。

(支持的功能)10、A/ 重复上次命令。



11、AT+CPOF 关机。



12、AT+CFUN 设定电话机能。


13、AT+CPAS 返回移动设备的活动状态。

14、AT+CMEE 报告移动设备的错误。

这个命令决定允许或不允许用结果码“+CMEERROR:”或者“+CMS ERROR:”代替简单的“ERROR”。

15、AT+CKPD 小键盘控制。


16、AT+CCLK 时钟管理。


17、AT+CALA 警报管理。


air780eg at指令

air780eg at指令

air780eg at指令


如果返回+CGATT: 1,表示模块已成功附着到网络;如果返回+CGATT: 0,表示模块未附着到网络。














以下是AT指令的中文手册:第一章:基本概念1.1 AT指令简介1.2 AT指令的应用领域1.3 AT指令的基本语法1.4 AT指令的执行机制第二章:常用功能指令2.1 拨号指令2.1.1 ATD:拨号命令2.1.2 ATA:接听命令2.1.3 ATH:挂机命令2.2 短信指令2.2.1 AT+CMGS:发送短信命令2.2.2 AT+CMGR:读取短信命令2.2.3 AT+CMGL:列出短信命令2.2.4 AT+CMGD:删除短信命令2.3 语音通话指令2.3.1 ATD:呼叫命令2.3.2 ATA:接听命令2.3.3 ATH:挂机命令2.3.4 AT+CLCC:查询通话状态命令2.4 数据传输指令2.4.1 AT+CGDCONT:设置PDP上下文命令2.4.2 AT+CGACT:激活或去活PDP上下文命令2.4.3 AT+CIPSTART:建立网络连接命令2.4.4 AT+CIPSEND:发送数据命令2.4.5 AT+CIPCLOSE:关闭网络连接命令第三章:参数配置指令3.1 基本配置指令3.1.1 ATV:设置AT指令回显命令3.1.2 AT+IPR:设置串口波特率命令3.1.3 AT+CMEE:设置错误报告模式命令3.2 短信配置指令3.2.1 AT+CNMI:设置新消息指示命令3.2.2 AT+CSMP:短消息参数命令3.3 语音通话配置指令3.3.1 AT+CLIP:来电显示命令3.3.2 AT+VTS:DTMF信号发送命令3.4 数据传输配置指令3.4.1 AT+CIPMODE:数据传输模式命令3.4.2 AT+CIPMUX:多连接模式命令3.4.3 AT+CSTT:设置GPRS接入点命令第四章:网络管理指令4.1 网络状态查询指令4.1.1 AT+CIMI:查询国际移动用户识别码命令4.1.2 AT+CSQ:查询信号强度命令4.1.3 AT+CREG:查询网络注册状态命令4.1.4 AT+CGREG:查询GPRS网络注册状态命令4.2 注册网络指令4.2.1 AT+COPS:手动选择运营商命令4.3 功率管理指令4.3.1 AT+CBC:查询电池电量命令4.3.2 AT+CSCLK:设置电源管理命令第五章:系统模式指令5.1 AT+CFUN:设置终端功能命令5.2 AT+CPIN:PIN码操作命令5.3 AT+CGSN:查询IMEI命令第六章:扩展指令6.1 AT+CSIM:SIM卡应用工具包命令6.2 AT+CMUX:多路复用命令6.3 AT+CCID:查询SIM卡信息命令第七章:错误码解析7.1 AT指令错误码列表7.2 错误码含义解析第八章:附录8.1 AT指令规范8.2 AT指令的应用案例以上是移远AT指令的中文手册,涵盖了基本概念、常用功能指令、参数配置指令、网络管理指令、系统模式指令等内容。

ZigBee HA CICIE AT命令设置使用场景说明书

ZigBee HA CICIE AT命令设置使用场景说明书

AN1002: ZigBee ® HA CICIE AT Command Set Usage ScenariosThe Combined Interface with Control Indicating Equipment (CICIE) firmware provides a series of AT commands which allow developers to build a ZigBee ® HA compliant Com-bined Interface or Control Indicating Equipment without the need for any in-depth knowl-edge of the ZigBee PRO stack. To assist the user in working with the CICIE AT com-mand set, this document provides step-by-step guidance for some typical usage scenar-ios. The user can follow the suggested sequence to input AT commands using a serial port communication tool (such as HyperTerminal, Telegesis ™ Terminal etc) and run some tests.This application note briefly introduces several basic and advanced usage scenarios.However, it is recommended that the user check AN1003: TG-PM-0523-CICIE R3xx CICIE AT Command Set for Combined Interface & Control Indicating Equipment for in-formation on the full command set and command syntax.Current Firmware CICIE R311, Hardware ETRX358USB1. IntroductionThe Combined Interface with Control Indicating Equipment (CICIE) firmware provides a series of AT commands which allow developers to build a ZigBee HA compliant Combined Interface or Control Indicating Equipment without the need for any in-depth knowledge of the ZigBee PRO stack. To assist the user in working with the CICIE AT command set, this document provides step-by-step guidance for some typical usage scenarios. The user can follow the suggested sequence to input AT commands using a serial port communication tool (such as HyperTerminal, Telegesis Terminal etc) and run some tests.This application note briefly introduces several basic and advanced usage scenarios. However, it is recommended that the user check AN1003: TG-PM-0523-CICIE R3xx CICIE AT Command Set for Combined Interface & Control Indicating Equipment for information on the full command set and command syntax.Note: Telegesis Terminal provides a pre-configured panel, as shown in the figure below. The user can edit the panel by adding buttons. Once added, clicking the buttons will trigger commands.Figure 1.1. Telegesis Terminal for CICIEWhen conducting the tests in 2. Basic Usage Scenarios, the user should check that the serial port has been properly connected and the ZigBee module can communicate via serial port communication tool. The user can input “ATI” command and check the response. If the user gets the message, “ERROR:Invalid Parameter Length”, check whether the ZigBee module has been equipped with a valid li-cense (input H to access help manual).Table 1.1. Check Proper Serial Port Connection2. Basic Usage ScenariosThis section introduces several basic user cases of CICIE.2.1 Form a HA Network and Commission a HA Device to JoinThe CICIE firmware can act as a HA network coordinator (COO) namely it can form a HA network and allow other HA compliant device to join. With assumption that the user is using a CICIE dongle that has not previously formed or joined a network, the user can follow:Table 2.1. Forming and Joining a HA Network2.2 Commission an On/off Output Device and How to Work with ItThis section introduces the procedure to commission an on/off output device to CICIE’s network and send commands to control on/off. The on/off output device can be a ZigBee light (e.g. Aurora HA bulb) or smart plug (4Noks smart plug).Note: It is assumed that there are only two devices in this test, CICIE and the joining on/off output device. The two devices are within communication range to each other.Table 2.2. Commissioning an On/off Output Device2.3 Commission a Level-controllable Device and How to Work with ItThis section introduces the procedure to commission and control a level-controllable output device on CICIE’s network. The level con-trollable output device can be a ZigBee dimmable light.Note: It is assumed that there are only two devices in this test: CICIE and the joining device. The two devices are within communication range to each other.Table 2.3. Commissioning a Level-controllable Device2.4 Commission a Sensing Device and Configure ReportThis section introduces the procedure to commission a sensing device to CICIE’s network and configure it to report its measurement periodically. The sensing device can be a ZigBee temperature sensor, illuminance sensor and other similar types of low-power sensors. Note: it is assumed that there are only two devices in this test, CICIE and the joining device. The two devices are within communication range to each other.Sensing devices usually are sleep end devices, therefore it is recommended that the configuration command should be issued in a short period after the device joins to CICIE to avoid the sensing device going to sleep mode and stops responding to the CICIE.Table 2.4. Commissioning a Sensing DeviceNotes:Attribute report command is usually sent via binding. Some sleepy end-device type based sensing devices do binding automatically when they join the network. If REPORTATTR prompt is not shown after step 5 (in above table), the user may need to manually set up a binding on the sleepy end device when the sleepy end device is awake (the user may need to wake up the sleepy end device with some manufacturer specified means e.g. pressing a button). Here is an example command:AT+BIND:ACC2,3,0000000000000001,0A,0402,0000000000000002,01The user shall replace the parameters ACC2 and 0A to be the sensing device’s node ID and endpoint. In addition, the user shall re-place the parameter 0000000000000001 to be the sensing device’s EUI (this information can be found in step 3). The parameter 0000000000000002 shall be replaced with the CICIE’s EUI (please see ATI response).After issuing the AT+BIND command, the user shall expect a BIND prompt, for example: Bind:ACC2,00. If the status (the second pa-rameter of the BIND prompt), it means that binding has been successfully set up then the user should expect periodic report as shown in step 6.2.5 Commission an IAS Zone DeviceThe CICIE firmware supports CIE device type on endpoint 0x02. It can commission a zone device (e.g. a door contact) to join it and allow enrollment. After the device is enrolled, the zone device should report its zone status periodically or upon status change.When joining the CICIE’s network, some zone devices will automatically discover CIE device’s EUI and request to enroll. By default, the CICIE will accept the enrollment request and assign a zone ID to the zone device. The CICIE will show “ZONESTATUS” prompt when the zone device sends a command indicating a status change.Some zone devices require the CIE to set the EUI information to trigger an “enroll” request. The following procedure lists the steps to enroll such a device with the assumption that the user is aware of the requirement of setting CIE’s EUI to trigger “enroll”.Table 2.5. Commissioning an IAS Zone Device3. Advanced Usage ScenariosThe last section introduced some basic usage scenarios to help users understand some of the AT commands and how to test simple interactions between devices (for example, how to turn a light on and off). This section will introduce more complex scenarios.3.1 Find a Target HA Device in the NetworkIn this section, it is assumed that some HA lights have joined the CICIE’s network. The user intends to identify the light and find a target light to turn on. The command sequence is:Table 3.1. Finding a Target HA Device3.2 Find More Information about a Remote Device in the NetworkThis section introduce a scenario when the user intends to use CICIE to discover more information from a node on CICIE’s network. It is assumed that the user is sending commands to a non-sleepy device. If the user intends to discover information of a sleepy end de-vice, it is suggested that the user shall make sure the sleepy device is awake to receive the following commands.Table 3.2. Finding More Information about a Remote Device in the NetworkConclusion 4. ConclusionThere may be more complex usage scenarios when the user uses CICIE to develop a control or monitoring device. This document provides some basic scenarios to use the AT commands. It is recommended that the user check AN1003: TG-PM-0523-CICIE R3xx CICIE AT Command Set for Combined Interface & Control Indicating Equipment, as well as the ZigBee Cluster Library and ZigBee HA profile specifications for more detailed information.Silicon Laboratories Inc.400 West Cesar Chavez Austin, TX 78701USASimplicity StudioOne-click access to MCU and wireless tools, documentation, software, source code libraries & more. Available for Windows, Mac and Linux!IoT Portfolio /IoTSW/HW/simplicityQuality /qualitySupport and CommunityDisclaimerSilicon Laboratories intends to provide customers with the latest, accurate, and in-depth documentation of all peripherals and modules available for system and software implementers using or intending to use the Silicon Laboratories products. Characterization data, available modules and peripherals, memory sizes and memory addresses refer to each specific device, and "Typical" parameters provided can and do vary in different applications. Application examples described herein are for illustrative purposes only. Silicon Laboratories reserves the right to make changes without further notice and limitation to product information, specifications, and descriptions herein, and does not give warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of the included information. Silicon Laboratories shall have no liability for the consequences of use of the information supplied herein. This document does not imply or express copyright licenses granted hereunder to design or fabricate any integrated circuits. The products are not designed or authorized to be used within any Life Support System without the specific written consent of Silicon Laboratories. A "Life Support System" is any product or system intended to support or sustain life and/or health, which, if it fails, can be reasonably expected to result in significant personal injury or death. Silicon Laboratories products are not designed or authorized for military applications. 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ZigBee模块AT指令操作手册Version 1.2.7浙江瑞瀛网络科技有限公司版权声明本文档所包含的所有信息均为浙江瑞瀛网络科技有限公司(以下简称“瑞瀛”或“本公司”)版权所有。



版本更新V1.0.0 2010/06/18 初稿V1.0.1 2010/07/07 增加了AT+UARTRVS=XX,UART反向V1.2.0 2011/06/01 增加了截图说明V1.2.6 2011/09/11 对细节进行了补充说明V1.2.7 2011/12/19 增加AT+SETANT AT+CHOSENCOOAT+MTO指令并对每种类型的模块所支持的AT指令做了明确规定。

目录第一节AT指令简介 (4)第二节AT指令详细使用说明 (6)2.1串口波特率设置 (6)2.2网络标识符设置 (7)2.3模块通信信道设置 (8)2.4设置模块天线选择指令 (9)2.5设置模块无线发射功率指令 (10)2.6设置模块射频发送模式 (11)2.7读取模块配置信息 (12)2.8模块复位命令 (13)2.9读取模块版本号 (14)2.10读取模块地址信息 (15)2.11恢复模块默认设置 (16)2.12设置时间指令 (17)2.13读取时间指令 (18)2.14设置串口帧间隔指令 (19)2.15无线通道能量检测指令 (20)2.16模块休眠指令 (21)2.17模块唤醒指令 (22)2.18获取节点当前网络中COO地址指令 (23)2.19设置节点默认COO地址指令 (24)2.20重新建立网络指令 (25)第一节AT指令简介一般而言通信模块从串口接收命令或数据,如果识别为命令则执行该命令,否则将接收到的数据通过无线的方式发送到指定的目标地址模块。




每种类型的节点所支持AT命令如下表所示:第二节 AT 指令详细使用说明2.1串口波特率设置指令:AT+SETUART=xx-P功能:设置UART 波特率和校验位。

说明:xx 为波特率,16进制数,取值见表一;P 为校验位,其取值见表二。


我公司模块在出厂前的默认配置COO :115200 8 N 1;Router :9600 8 N 1;HHU :115200 8 N 1;ZED :9600 8 N 1。


表一:串口波特率设置 表二:串口校验位设置2.2网络标识符设置指令:AT+SETPID=xxxxxxxx功能:设置模块所在网络的标识符PANID。



通信模块支持16个通信信道,取值为0x0B ~0x1A,对应通信频率为2405MHz ~2480MHz,每个信道占用5MHz频率带宽。











发送模式的定义如下Bit0:=0 普通发送模式=1 Boost发送模式。


Bit1:=0 双向收发模式,一般不使用外部功放情况下采用此模式(1mW模块使用此模式)=1 交叉收发模式,一般在使用外部功放情况下采用此模式(100mW模块使用此模式)注意根据模块的类型来设置功率模式,标准型模块设置为0000,增强型模块设置为00022.7读取模块配置信息指令:AT+GETINFO功能:获取模块当前的重要配置信息,包括PANID、通信通道、发送功率、功率模式、模块唯一标识,UART口配置等信息。





















对于我公司固件若在3.30版本以下(不包含3.30版本),如果发送此命令到COO或者Router节点,会使丢失路由结构,因而造成数据的丢失,因此不建议用户向COO 和Router节点发送此命令。







说明:此命令只对非COO节点有效,当此节点还未加入到任何COO节点的网络中时,其默认的COO 地址为0x00000000(省略地址高4字节),当其它节点加入到COO节点网络中后,可以获取当前节点找到的COO地址。




当网络中不存在默认设置的COO地址节点时,且存在其它COO地址的节点,此COO节点在上电之后建立网络时,其他节点会将默认的COO 地址更新为新的COO地址。



COO收到此命令之后将在1S内发起一次广播,其作用是让COO 节点发起一次全网广播,重新建立网络的路由结构,因此在此命令的执行后的3—5S内,无线数据会很繁重,因此不建议用户在此时间之内进行数据的收发,以免造成数据的丢失。
