

也不 失 为一个 明智 的选 择 。奥斯 丁在 小说 中对 夏洛 特进 行 了不 动声 色 的讥笑 和 嘲讽 , 作 为一 个没 有 但
任何财产 的小姐 , 她对物质生存 的选择在某种程度 上应该得到我们的同情和理解。 个 世 纪 前 的奥 斯 丁认 为经 济 对 于 婚 恋 很 重
要, 一个 世 纪之 后张 爱玲 亦 持此 观 。“ 四” 以后 , 五 追 求 两 性互 爱 、 主张 婚姻 自主 的婚 恋 观 影 响着 中国 人 。 当时 的中 国 , 文 化 、旧 文化 以及 新 旧折 衷 的 新
女性 亦找不 到别 的 出路 。婚姻爱 情 中最 关键 的是财
产 和地位 。表面上 两位作 者写 出 了婚 姻爱情 离不开
恋 现象 和婚 恋观念 也 同时并 存 , 但婚 姻 当事人 仍然
“ 婚恋关 系 作 为社会 生 活 的重要 组成 部 分 , 它
是 无法 摆脱社 会 经济 因素 的制 约的 。因为婚 恋 的任
人 和婚 姻 生活 , 把 自己嫁掉 才是 她 的 目标 。对 于 能
像 她 这 样 受 过 良好 的教物外。想要让恋爱婚姻
她们 出嫁 时的嫁 妆 。奥 斯 丁在《 慢 与偏 见 》 傲 中就 频
收 稿 日期 : 0 8 1— 5 20 — 2 1
作者简介: 虞晓伟(9 3 ) , 17 一,女 浙江晋云人 , 硕士 , 讲师 , 研究方 向:外国文 学。
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47 — —
文化 同时并 存 , 因而 新 的 、旧的 以及 新 旧折衷 的婚
张爱玲与简 奥斯丁女性意识之比较


都是爱看偶 像剧 的 , 爱撇除一些流连于表象 的令人不 舒服
的东西 。张爱玲是一位擅长将悲剧撕碎了呈给人看的女巫 。 她用苍凉 的笔触 ,将 流亡 中的一位无依无靠 的女 子的各 种 境况下的心理刻画得栩栩如生。比较起来 , 伊丽莎 白与 自流 苏, 达西 与范柳原 , 一个是 出身没落家庭 的佳 人 , 一个是钱
关 键 词 :奥 斯 丁 ; 爱玲 ; 姻观 ; 性 意识 张 婚 女
中图分类号 : 0 I 6 2
文献标识码 : A
文章编号 :6 3 2 9 (0 0 0 — 12 0 17 — 5 6 2 1 )2 0 0 — 3
在文学作 品中, 婚姻 和爱情是永恒的主题 。无论 中西 , 婚恋都是能够深刻反映人性 的大题材 。奥斯 丁因为一生 中 创作的 以《 傲慢 与偏见》 为首的 6 部作 品而被认作 是表现婚
恋题材的最杰 出的英 国女作 家。无独有偶 , 在中国文学史上 也有一位擅 长发掘婚恋视角的女作家 , 她就是张爱玲。很多
而 , 处显着算 计 , 处 爱情在 战时显得太过 奢侈 , 以甚至不 所
必把爱情拉来遮住算计的丑。流苏初 见 原的时候 、 柳 打定主
意去香 港的时候 、 至与柳 原在一 起快乐或难过 着的时候 , 甚 她无时不在算计 : 可以嫁给他 , 若 就可 以从此摆脱家庭对她 的嘲笑 , 还可以反戈一击 ; 若得不到柳原 , 则万劫不复 。 柳原 那 边也 是如此 , 他说笑话 给流苏 听的时候 , 忽然半夜打去 电 话倾诉 他的爱和苦恼 的时候 , 舞场上灯光下 的恍惚 的情绪 ,
的 英 国女 作 家 。 独 有偶 。 中 国文 学 史 上也 有一 位 擅 长发 掘婚 恋视 角的 女 作 家— — 张 爱 玲 。 多评 论 家声 称 , 爱玲 的 《 无 在 很 张 倾

1.从《爱玛》解析简·奥斯汀的婚恋观 [J], 李帆
2.简·奥斯汀后期作品中婚恋观变化刍探 [J], 黄福奎
3.张爱玲与简·奥斯汀的婚恋观分析 [J], 邹晓蕾
4.简·奥斯汀《傲慢与偏见》中婚恋伦理观研究 [J], 孟洁;姚文娟;谢芸
5.简·奥斯汀与张爱玲文学作品中女性人物比较 [J], 闫俊玲
简· 奥斯汀与张爱玲婚姻观之差异

简奥斯汀与张爱玲婚姻观之差异王红艳【摘要】简· 奥斯汀和张爱玲这两位杰出的女作家是文坛上不可忽视的存在.长久以来,二者都被认为是女性主义的代表,父权制的挑战者,二者都对婚姻做出了新的阐释.在她们生活的时代,女性不得不在经济上依附于男性,因此她们在婚姻上没有任何话语权.在奥斯汀看来,美满婚姻即理智与情感完美结合的婚姻是女人最终的幸福归宿;而张爱玲则是彻底全面的否定了男权婚姻,在她看来,婚姻是一出绝望而永恒的悲剧.从马克思主义女性主义的角度分析,二者的差异是由她们所处的特殊的社会历史条件决定的.【期刊名称】《辽宁科技学院学报》【年(卷),期】2016(018)001【总页数】3页(P45-47)【关键词】简·奥斯汀;张爱玲;婚姻观【作者】王红艳【作者单位】忻州师范学院外语系,山西忻州034000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】I0-03;I106.2简·奥斯汀是一位英国女作家,她也是最早突破男性写作垄断地位的女作家之一。

尽管人类历史是由女性和男性共同构成, 两者之间本应是相互需要, 相互依存、互补的关系, 但是, 自从进入了父权社会, 人类历史却违背了两性协调发展的关系。
在父权社会里, / 人类文明的整体构架是极不完善的, 它只是一座按照男性的意志而构筑起来的大厦) ) ) 它的顶端永远飘扬着男性的旗帜, 它的钟声永远为男性鸣响, 而女性则在政治上、经济上、法律上和文化习俗上深受男性的全面压抑。
但当历史进入到18 世纪末19 世纪初, 在欧美等国家文学领域诞生了一批向这千百年来似乎不可变更的历史宿命发出挑战的女性作家。
她们以女性独有的视角、暗藏锋芒的笔触悄无声息地对男性霸权进行着抗争, 后人称之为女性意识或女性主义思想也随之滥觞。
欧美国家的女性意识思想在20 世纪的中国女性作家当中得到继承与发展。
简#奥斯汀是早期欧美国家具有女性意识的典型代表, 张爱玲则是20 世纪中国女性主义作家的集大成者。
对她们的作品进行分析, 有利于我们了解早期女性主义作家与20 世纪女性主义作家对于女性意识的因承关系及其发展变化。
一、简#奥斯汀与张爱玲小说的共同旨趣女性意识简#奥斯汀的作品在世界女性文学中是不可忽视的重要存在, 其作品的影响力在她所处的时代也是独一无二的。
正如女权主义作家维吉尼亚#伍尔夫所言: / 在所有伟大作家当中, 简#奥斯汀是最难在伟大的那一瞬间捉住的。
简#奥斯汀一生共创作了6 部作品:5理智与情感6 ( 1811) 、5傲慢与偏见6 ( 1813) 、5曼斯菲尔德庄园6 ( 1814) 、5 爱玛6 ( 1815) 、5诺桑觉寺( 1818) 和5劝导6( 1818) 。
作为处于社会大变革时期的一位观察敏锐, 感情丰富的女性, 奥斯汀对爱情、婚姻及其它各种复杂的两性关系的描写虽然琐碎, 但却从女性的视角尖锐地揭示了当时英国社会男尊女卑的现象, 传递了女性为争取男女平等而抗争的呼声。
然而, 由于历史的局限, 奥斯汀作品中所表现出来的背叛父权社会的先锋意识和她在与传统的道德交锋时所表现出来的妥协, 却又构成了她作品中含蓄、蒙昧的女性主义色彩。

【关键词】:女性意识比较爱情AbstractEileen Chang and Jane Austen is the eastern and western literature history of distinctive female writers, they reflected the distinctive female consciousness in the creation. This paper mainly through the concrete analysis of "the whole city of love "and" pride and prejudice "these two books, it is concluded that two people pursuing independence and equality of women consensus, the pursuit of love is different as well as to the time differences submissive attitude.At the same time, the author analyzes the causes of the similarities and differences between the two writers' female consciousness from the perspective of human nature, and the influence of the family environment, the background of the times and the love experience on their human nature.Keywords: Female consciousness comparison love引言(女性意识的内涵)所谓女性意识就是女性的主体意识,即女性作为主体在客观世界中的地位、作用和价值的体验和觉醒。

性 , 小 说 中创 造 了 一 批 鲜 活 的女 性 形 象 。 爱玲 《 城 之恋 》 在 张 倾
中有苦苦挣扎在上流社会 的自流苏 ,虞 家茵为 了保存 自己的
教 育 。而 简 ・ 斯 丁 虽 然 没 有 进 过正 规 学 校 。 家 庭 的 优 良读 奥 但 书环 境 , 了她 自学 的 条 件 , 养 了 她 写作 的兴 趣 。 她 在 十 三 给 培
们 不 难 发现 两 位 不 同 时代 、不 同国 度 的 女性 代 表 作 家 在 很 多
方 面 有 着 惊 人 的 相 似 :. 们 都 是 受 到 新 式 教 育 的 知 识 女 1她
21 0 0年 5月
湖北经济学院学报 ( 人文社会科学版 )
i iest f c n mis ma ie n S ca ce c f v ri o o o c( Un y E Hu n t sa d, ilS in e i o i
My00 a. 1 2
Vo. . 1 No5 7
创 作 的重 点 。 爱玲 和简 ・ 张 奥斯 丁 以她 们 独 特 的女 性 视 角 栩栩 如 生 地 刻 画 着 并 分 析 思 考 着 她们 所 生 存 的男 权 世 界 。 然 而 细 读 下 来 。我 们 也 能 很 清楚 地 看 到 两 位 创 作 者 的各
的婚姻 , 没有人选 择中途退场 ; 为牧师家庭的一份子 , 也 作 奥 斯 丁 自小就 受 到 父 亲 对 社会 的责 任 感 和 精 神 上根 深 蒂 固的 情
了 。 然 出 生 名 门 , 父母 的过 早 离 异 在 小 张 爱玲 的心 里 埋 下 虽 但


简·爱作为一个独立、自尊、勇敢的女性形象,其女性意识主要体现在以下几个方面:1. 自我认知:简·爱对自己的身份、价值和尊严有着清晰的认识,她不因贫穷和社会地位低下而自卑,也不因他人的评价而动摇自己的信念。
2. 追求平等:简·爱在面对爱情和婚姻时,不接受任何形式的压迫和束缚,她追求的是平等、自由和相互尊重的关系。
3. 自我实现:简·爱在不断成长的过程中,实现了自我价值的最大化,成为了一个独立、自信、有责任感的女性。
以下是《倾城之恋》中女性意识的主要表现:1. 传统与现代的冲突:作品中的女性角色在传统与现代之间挣扎,既受到传统观念的束缚,又渴望追求现代女性的自由与独立。
2. 爱情与婚姻的矛盾:作品中的女性角色在爱情与婚姻之间寻找平衡,她们既希望得到真挚的爱情,又不得不面对婚姻中的种种现实问题。
3. 自我价值的追求:尽管在传统观念的束缚下,女性角色仍努力实现自我价值,争取在社会和家庭中发挥更大的作用。
四、两部作品中女性意识的共性与差异1. 共性:两部作品都展现了女性意识的觉醒和追求,反映了当时社会对女性的认知和期待。

【关键字】精品学号:56哈尔滨师范大学学士学位论文题目简奥斯汀与张爱玲作品中婚恋观的对比学生冯曦颍指导教师苗学华讲师年级2007级10班专业英语教育系别英语教育系学院西语学院GRADUA TION PAPERTITLE: The Comparison of Different Views in Love and Marriage between Jane Austen and Eilleen Zhang’s WorksSTUDENT: FENG XiyingTUTOR: Miao Xuehua(Lecturer)GRADE: Grade 2007MAJOR: English EducationDEPARTMENT: English Education DepartmentCOLLEGE: Faculty of Western Languages and LiteraturesMay, 2011The Comparison of Different Views in Love and Marriage between Jane Austen and EilleenZhang’s WorksFENG XiyingAbstract: Jane Austen and Eilleen Zhang both compose their novels from the perspective of marriages, expressing their deep thoughts on human nature, social ideology, and their points of views about marriage; however, Jane Austen describes the world with more sense while Eileen Zhang shows the world with more sensibility, which leads to their different styles of writing. In Jane Austen’s view, a perfect marriage needs passion, love sense and education backgrounds; in Eileen Zhang’ opinion, love exists out of marriage, which leads to women’s dereism and tragedies. Different times and societies where they live influence their attitudes and tones, but their novels also share some common views on marriage. This thesis will compare and contrast people’s attitudes towards marriage in Jane Austen’s works and Eileen Zhang’s works and differe nt writing styles of these two great writers, aiming to discover the impacts by distinct social backgrounds and periods.Key Words: Jane Austen; Eileen Zhang; MarriageJane Austen and Eilleen Zhang are the two outstanding women writers in writing theme of love and marriage. Their works have a lot of similarities, especially in a fit of marriage, which primarily reflects in economic factors and female subjective factors. Although the two writers grew up in different social background, different historical era, and different cultural backgrounds, they have shown similar qualities in their works. This article will mainly discuss the economic factor’s decisive impact on the marriage relationship and the female subjective main role in marriage.1. The love and marriage reflected in the themes of Jane Austen’s and Eileen Zhang’s Novels1.1 The reflection of love and marriage in the theme of Jane Austen’s novelsThe perfect marriage in Austen’s eyes should base on money but not totally rely on money. Husband and wife should respect and love each other thus they could live a happy life.1.2 The reflection of love and marriage in the theme of Eileen Zhang’s novelsThe women in Zhang’s novels are not the ones living in the old times whose marriages are totally arranged by parents, or the ones who are courageous and stink in modern times. They have special qualities nurtured by the metropolitan city, and . Compared to the women who leave home in modern times, they in cline to stay by the side of their husbands and suffer from sorrow and pain in the rest of their lifetime.2. The similarities of Jane Austen and Eileen Zhang’s points of views on marriage2.1 The similar fatalism and chanciness of love and marriageIn Eileen Zhang’s novels, she emphasized the fu nction of fatal and chances in marriages. For example, Liusu Bai, a miserable woman at first, in Loving of the Beautiful Woman, made her dream of marriage come true because of the ’s accidental occupation by enemy. After being horrified by the coming death, Liuyuan Fan who survived and exhausted decided to live a normal life like others, thus he married Bai Liusu. “Life, death or separation are big events tut they are notunder our control. Compared with the powers beyond human being’s capabilities, we are so tiny.” Because we are so “tiny”, we succumbed to the fates of ours and pargmatism principle in chanciness. Like Zongzhen Lv in Blockage preliminarily only intended to avoid his nephew on an electric car during the blank off, but changed his seat and moved to a seat next to a teacher named Wu Cuiyuan. It was beyond our imagination that this coincidence gave birth to a love carash between the two.Although Jane Austen persisted to the importance of sense in choice, yet she also attached great importance to coincidence, never separating rational choice and chanciness or making them two different mutually repellent powers. In Pride and Prejudice, fates and chanciness played a leading role and enriched the plot to a large extent, making several happy marriages, which resulted from a series of coincidences. As we can see in Pride and Prejudice, marriages between Jane and Bingly, Elizabeth and Darcy had close relationship with chanciness. Bingly is a happy-go-lucky man whose character determined that accidental factors would influence his choice. At the same time, the marriage between Elizabeth and Darcy was also tied to chanciness which made hear Darcy’s frivolous remarks on her, causing ’s prejudice on Darcy. And in the second half of this novel, routes and calendar of and her uncle had been rescheduled, leading to the unexpected meet between and Darcy and ’s new attitude towards Darcy because she didn’t release the fact to her parents and that it was Wichham who made their elopement. In the end of the novel, they happily got married, having experienced their pure course of mutual understandings, which was beyond their own expectations and efforts. It was coincidence that brought them to their happy marriages.The people at that time believed so much in fates which blocked their way to discoveries and adventures. Writing abut the belief shows the incapacity of human beings in existence. From the novels and the analysis above, we can see the dependence on fatalism and chanciness of Jane Austen and Eileen Zhang are similar.2.2 The reflection of pragmatism love and marriage in their worksAlthough Jane Austen and Eileen Zhang expressed their submission and dependence on people’s traditional minds, yet they were great realists and saw women’s depression and restrictions on them clearly. In the works of Jane Austen and Eileen Z hang, readers do not feel romantic at all, for the two great authors, from the beginning to the end in their novels, put marital problem in complicated economic problems and relations. In fact, the love affairs and marriages were usually issues of economy, life and lust. Moreover, marriages did not exist for the simple results of love but the demands of money, which reflected the real life, inner quality and people-to-people relations in different social backgrounds and times. Women were the appendix of man and their only way to survive is to marry a decent and rich man, making their lives supported by something, no matter during the old times in or in . In , conservative disciplines and authority of husband posed great burdens on women, ethic order ideology and gender ruling ideology the relationship of economy, sex and powers decided their weak role in which women’s fates were mastered by men and almost lost their initiative rights while seeking their dependable husbands. This phenomenon blocked women’s way to develop their characters and personalities, which led to their difficulties in finding their free libido and their own relationships with the society. In consequence, it was rather hard for women at that particular time to be perfect persons of complete flesh, anima and spirit. The in 18th century was called “a rational time” when sense ruled everything. That is also one of the reasons why Jane Austen looks on marriage with sense.We can see from Austen’s novels that heritages were only allowed to be inherited by male children in that family, indicating that women had no social status and their only guarantee was the limited dowers. Therefore, in order to ensure their life comfortable in marriages, women should base on the practical factors, seeking their rich husbands, when they were usually warned by their parents that seeking a rich husband was better than enjoying a unforgettable romance.The marriages described by Eileen Zhang were similar to Jane Austen. In Loving of Beautiful Woman,, the character Liusu Bai, a divorced woman living with her parents and brothers, showed us her horror under economic stress and inconsistent psychological status between a husband and a stable income. Liusu Bai bet her rest of life and her dignity on a stable marriage. In order to achieve that, Liusu Bai tried everything she could do to get rid of the title of “fancy woman” and then marry Liuyuan Fan justifiably. Actually the secret lying in this intention was to ensure her in a safer state. Qi Qiao, in A Gold Lock, suffered form pains physically and psychologically. She made a golden lock on the price of a life time, losing normal humanity. The characters in Eileen Zhang’s novels relied too much on money and it doomed that the women would be lock in marriage.Austen and Zhang wrote their familiar things with a delicate mind and acute observations. Zhi Qingxia thought, “Eileen Zhang mastered a quite subtle relations among people stably” and “th e characters in Legend are real Chinese, sometimes too native that they became horrible; therefore they are real human beings, sometimes too real.” Scott commented on Austen, “This young lady has actual talents in describing daily life, feelings and other complicated trivia. And it’s valuable and I’ have never seen before; but I cannot show the people in such another complicated trivia. And it’s valuable and I’ve never seen before; but I cannot show people in such an active way.’ These comments show Jane Austen’s mature technique of pragmatism.Although their works lack romantic technique, the exhibition of pragmatism and shocks in heart are no worse than any other master in pragmatism.3. The different points of Jane Austen and Eileen Zhang’s points of views on love and marriageAlthough either in Jane Austen’s or Eileen Zhang’s novels, most of the characters bent over pragmatism and fatalism, yet they differ from the other in the side of the attitudes and actions they make to express their dissatisfactions. Eileen Zhang gives us a sense of psychological heaviness for sorrows and pains fill in her novels, while Jane Austen poses us a sense of resilience and joviality for her novel are usually comedies.3.1 Jane Austen: Women’s Persistence on Equality and DignityJane Austen’s view of marriage was not consistent with the popular perspective of marriage at that period of time when wives never went the other way from their husband; however, Jane Austen didn’t think the blind obedience was a necessary virtue. She believed that marriage should base on the integration of mutual respect. In Persuasion which was the last novel of Jane Austen, clear views had been presented. That was also the fruit from her mature thoughts on marital relationships. In Persuasion, A nne saw the Crofts’ ways of dealing with daily trivia from the matter that the Crofts drove a carriage together. From the description we can see that Mrs. Croft didn’t succumb to her husband without thoughts while she corrected his mistakes, encouraging hi s passions. In Pride and Prejudice, Elizabeth, a bright and brilliant girl, was facing a dilemma that Mr. Collins who she hated proposed to her, but if she didn’t find a husband in a short period of time, she was facing the danger of becoming an old virgin; however, she still refused him after thepretentious words he addressed to her and said “I am very sensible of the honor of your proposals, but it is impossible for me to do otherwise than decline them.” On seeing this, we will cheer for Elizabeth who was always on the active stage showed her confidence and strived for her dignity.Therefore we can see that the marital relationships in Austen’s novels didn’t conclude issues about dependence or ruling but were the ones about quality and common cooperation, which reflected the impact of culture break on villages ,i.e., the rural noble youngsters ideas began to go along with the vicissitudes of society and culture and the main stream of social life.3.2 Eileen Zhang: Women’s ServilityAlthough the background in Eileen Zhang’s novels enjoyed a combination of Chinese traditional and foreign new cultures and people’s daily life were impacted by capitalism and related business culture, yet feudal conventions still took the neck of people’s spiritual life. Since Chinese society was dominated by man, Chinese women have been circled in a small range of space, devoting themselves to giving birth to babies and taking care of their husbands. Day by day, their living space became smaller and smaller where they had lost their contact with outside world wcen their own characters. This led to women’s dependence on men in whatever factors, like economy, views, life and etc. Eileen Zhang concluded this phenomenon to a miserable status “women always think about men, talk about men and complaint about man”. Marriage was the chip for women to survive. Marriage is like a mortgage bill and what we hock is love. Likewise, women in Eileen Zhang’s novels regarded love as the only adventure and considered marriage as the only enterprise in their lives. The only meaning for marriage was to earn a material base for life.Apparently, economic factors play as the exterior reasons which lead to women’s tragedies in common marriages, but the distinct interior factors are ineradicable servility lying deep Chinese women’s hearts. Through psychological analysis, in a large number of Eileen Zhang’s novels, I pay my attention on the impact on marriages by the awareness of servility caused by depressed mood of women in old times. It is obvious that in materialized marriages, women were on the passive status, which made women unable to keep the track of happiness and vulnerable to the frustrations in life. Chinese women in old times were slaves to the feudalism deluding them into thinking that they, as married women, should serve their husbands throughout their lives and were accustomed to working like slaves for their husbands although they have struggled and cried, poor women eventually initiated to serve. No matter she was acquainted or not; no matter she was in love or not, she was took on the neck by feudalism, succumbed to men’s manipulation. from men had never been in their minds. Sometimes they were even longing for the control from the male world; therefore, it was domed that they were female slave at home.Since there was no love in marriages,” women never think twice when they choose their life-long companions, less carefully than when they pick a hat”, said by Eileen Zhang. In Joss Stick’s Old Ash-the First Stick, Mrs. Liang married a rich businessman reaching his sixties, “wanting for his death”. Qiqiao Cao, a woman in A Gold Lock, got a gold lock on the price of a whole life time. Jiaorui, a woman in Red Rose and White Rose, had a flat-like heart where anyone can live in.4.Styles reflected the different views of love and marriage4.1 General stylesIf we read through Eileen Zhang’s novels, we will find that fine things never had a place to live in her novels. Youth, enthusiasm, imagination and hope are like soapbubbles which disappear in a few seconds, leaving only tragedies. Although Eileen Zhang is good at making out theatrical stories, yet her stories lack logical arrangements with clear cause and effect. When the plot is about to come to the summit, Zhang never lets the story come to the familiar scene that the readers are eagerly longing for, but turns to another scene, making the summit delay and indicating the quick turning of hero’s or heroin’s fate. For example, in Loving of the Beautiful Woman, Liusu gets the guarantee of marriage, but she is still in bad mood for Liuyuan Fan leaves the flirting words to other women, making the hard-won live vulnerable. Another example lies in the end of Engraved Flower. The good weather wakes weak Chuanchang who gets up and tries the pair of shoe leather her mother brings her, saying, “This kind of leather seems firm and can endure three years’wearing”; however she dies in three weeks. This kind of tone implies challenges and oppositions to orderly lives. In Baoyuan Yin Song. Hualouhui, it seems to be an ordinary love affair between a teacher and a student, but at the end of the story, the heroin says she will never marry the nuts guy, which makes the romantic love story appear flimflam in face of common customs and empty. It is all these delicate details, visional topics, elegant material, desolated spiritual world and the finishing point in Zhang style that composes the irony effect in her novels.However, when we look at Austen’s novels, they are giving us the sense of happy and bright. On reading the comedic scenarios and happy endings, we feel as if we were chatting with close friends on a cup of tea surrounded by verdant trees and blue sky. While reading Zhang’s stories, we feel as if we stayed in a small room with dim light and moist air, recalling the nightmare we just had in bed. Moreover, the property is not the only major thing Austen mentions in her novels. True love survives, and more importantly, whatever frustrations they encounter, their affair ends with marriage. In Persuasion, Anne and Captain Wentworth reunited as husband and wife after a separation; Emma in Emma,married Mr. Knightly; in Sense and Sensibility, Elion and Mariana find their husbands eventually; in Pride and Prejudice, Jane and her sister Elizabeth married men with large property and noble status. We can see that Jane Austen is an optimist although she stays single.4.2 Language StylesZhang composes her novels with poet-like magnificent words which are chosen for great contrast in order to show people in modern time go mad or breathless. The contrasts in her works are dense and lead to the weird impression in readers’ minds. For example in A Golden Lock, the description of Shifang’s visit to Qiqiao is filled with dramatic tense but static; however, the colorful words and distinct contrast seem to make us feel that in these peaceful words some unidentified monster will crash and burn, creating a thrilling atmosphere. ZhiqingXia concluded that we can see meaningful irony on one side and on the other side, we feel depression and sorrow. The two sides combine altogether, composing a bleak environment. Marriage descriptions in Great Happiness seem lifeless and lack of excitement and happiness. Everyone tells a lie. Two old virgins talk with acerb words. “No one asks sister Tangqian or Liqian for dance, but Tangqian keeps smiling as if she cannot close her mouth for there is a big piece of white china.”In Carved China, Mr. Zheng is “aposthumous child, who never accepts the new age, thus has not grown older since the first day in Republic of China. Though he knows alcohol, women and opium, his heart remains naïve. He is a child corpse dipped in alcohol jar.” Zhang’s language has strong tune of Chinese literature which contains plain colloquial words but composes dedicate and talented comparison, always magnificent and subtle.The devices Austen uses is typical English humor and irony whose humor is like a mirror in life which reflects the foolishness and absurd qualities of human beings for readers. Jane Austen never criticizes with obvious words. It is the travesty and irony that she uses skillfully in her novels. In Sense and Sensibility, sister Mariana decided early that Captain Brandon is old and weak and not qualified for marriage; however, it is her who becomes Mrs. Brandon at last. Another woman Lucy who looks down upon Robert Ferras, and considers him an absolute playboy, nevertheless, she became his wife dramatically. In Jane Austen’s novels, reality always plays joke on us, sneering at human’s judgment, wish and actions. Austen’s irony is not so cold, sad or cynical but acrid but acrid and well-meaning. That is the real humor.5. The reason for the foundation of different views on love and marriage5.1 About Jane AustenBefore Austen’s major works were published,her Vindication of the Rights of Woman published in1792 which concluded the ideas about feminism over nearly a century. At that time, women were encouraged in the women’s movement in the Enlightenment and they wanted to play a role in social life and professions Jane Austen lived at the time when the first feminism wave emerged, We can obviously see qualities which were influenced by feminism in women images in her novels, though ‘the terms feminism and feminist are modern, not being recorded in any of their present—day meanings until the nineteenth century’ (Mary Astell, Preface to The Travels of an English Lady in Europe, Asia and Africa, 1724). Austen’s view shown in her novels is from the feminist view at that time when was in the reign of GeorgeⅢand some important changes took place. The economy developed and a large extent; therefore; women’s economy status had been improved, too. They became more informed and tended to think more for themselves. These social and historical elements show that Austen was a product of that age and she was starting to insist on women’s equal rights, letting out the idea of sex differences.5.2 About Eileen ZhangWhen we read Eileen Zhang’s novels, we are often surprised by Zhang; a young lady’s writing skill to master and depict the living’s bleak nature and chilling minds. How can Zhang analyze and show us the deep soul lying in women’s life? Apart from her talent and sense, life itself is the major source of her inspiration. Hang lived in gap between modern and tradition where living seemed a doubled burden. She was the descendant of an aristocratic family who were greatly influenced by conservational culture and at the same time accepted and also appreciated the modern Western-style civilization. Living in suck an environment where oriental tradition and accidental civilization existed, she was nurtured by both.At that time, feminism, i.e.: emancipation of women became the symbol of the emancipation of the age. It was the equal rights between men and women andwomen’s education r ights that became the hot issue in the literary field, however, at certain corner, there still lived many people who struggled in the old surroundings, declined gradually and at last were abandoned by the time. Women living in this sort of environment were unable to change their fates. What they desired is only a small room to survive and to appear like a woman. Such living status had been suffered by Eileen Zhang who was longing for the so-called “stable”.The poor women in her novels who survived in the sad society had been tortured furiously, nevertheless, the women who had gone left with hope and peace. Zhang created this kind of women image which were common then and they were not willing to be trapped and controlled by Chinese old tradition for they were influenced or educated by modern thoughts.Moreover, Zhang had enjoyed little mother love during her childhood which was bitter and suffering. This kind of experience endowed her with an inborn skill to create bleak art scene and tone. Zhang not only shaped a cruel mother who had a miserable and destroyed her children’s happy life in A Golden Lock. Also in Withered Flower, Chuanchang was ill but her parents watched her dying instead of treating her. All those are the double influences by social and family backgrounds.6. ConclusionThough Jane Austen and Eileen Zhang are writers belonging to different times and countries; yet they are excellent observer of women’s psychology and social problems and their novels reflect their marital views of people at that time.Both Jane Austen’s and Eileen Zhang’s points of view about marriage focus on pragmatism,fatalism and chanciness. Under the influence of the social environment, Austen is not for marriage without love, though she knows that in a successful marriage, money plays a significant role; however, the perfect marriage not only contains money and love but also the equal status of husband and wife. In Austen’s eyes, women should gain their dignity and equality before they consider their marriages as happy one s. Reading through Austen’s novels, we feel light and happy. On the contrary, we become depressed and pessimistic after reading Zhang’s novels where women lead miserable lives without equality and dignity.On making this marriage comparison, I would like to show the different views on marriage in different time and space let the readers understand that the social and family background’s important role in marital idea s and values.Bibliography:1. Zhou, Q.(2002).On Jane Austen’s view of marriage in Northange r abbey.Unpublished Master’s thesis. Suzhou University, Suzhou.2. Eliot, T.(1992).Family Evolution. Press of Remain University of China, Vol.10, p.38.3. Wang, J. G.(2005). On woman’s problems in Austen’s works and her matrimonial value orientation. Unp ublished Master’s thesis. Jiling University,Jiling.4. Cecil,D.(1935).Jane Austen. Cambridge University Press.5. Gard,R.(1992).Jane Austen’s novels:the art of clarity.New Haven Yale University Press.6. Keith Wrightson, English Society 1580-1680[M]. Rutrers Univereity, 1982:80.7. HeShenYing, A Perfect Marriage Wants True love as well as Money. Yuxi: Journal of YuXi Teacher Collage.20018. Rubinstein Annette, 1967 Great Tradition in English Literature from Shakespeare to Austen, Monthly Review Press9.BU.Ya-Yun, Irony In Pride and prejudice. HuZhou: Journal of HuZhou Teachers Collage. 2001.10. Sampson George, the Concise Cambridge History of English Literature, Cambridge University 198811. Grey, J. David, The Jane Austin Companion [M].New York: Macmillan Publishing Company 1986.中文摘要摘要:简奥斯汀与张爱玲创作时都采用了婚恋的视角,表达了她们对人性、社会意识及婚姻观等问题的深刻思考。
人同此心 心同此理--浅析张爱玲与简·奥斯丁小说的异同

1.人同此心,心同此理——中国文学《三毛流浪记》、西班牙文学《小癞子》中流浪汉小说元素共性阐释 [J], 韦倩;
2.人同此心,心同此理——高中生同理心培养主题活动 [J], 杨兵;
3.浅析简·奥斯丁与张爱玲作品中的女性意识之异同 [J], 李丽程
4.简析简·奥斯丁和张爱玲作品异同的原因 [J], 范丽娜
5.不同的时代一样的叹息——简·奥斯丁与王海鸰小说异同浅析 [J], 曾艳

作者: 闫俊玲[1]
作者机构: [1]赤峰学院外国语学院,内蒙古赤峰024000
出版物刊名: 赤峰学院学报:汉文哲学社会科学版
页码: 102-104页
年卷期: 2010年 第2期
主题词: 奥斯丁;张爱玲;婚姻观;女性意识

[中图分类号]:I06 [文献标识码]:A[文章编号]:1002-2139(2014)-20-0-02一、引言婚姻与爱情是文学作品中的永恒主题。

” 凭着对女性的爱情婚姻心理的深切把握和透彻理解,张爱玲与简·奥斯丁用手中的笔刻画出一个个血肉丰富的艺术形象,通过这些形象演绎出的故事将自己对爱情和婚姻的深刻认识生动地表现给广大读者。
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关键词:张爱玲简·奥斯丁女性婚姻观物质原因中图分类号:i106 文献标识码:a张爱玲和简·奥斯丁是中西方重量级的女作家,二者都涉笔成趣,刻画的女性人物都极具典型性。
一相同点1 物质原因对婚恋的重要作用马克思认为经济基础决定上层建筑。
2 张扬女性的主体性在婚恋中的价值《十八春》的女主人公曼桢,是一个自尊自强的女性,她自由地选择自己的工作以及自己的对象。
3 讽刺人性的残缺奥斯丁和张爱玲作为伟大的文学家,都能够把表面上的生动活泼、栩栩如生弃而不顾,有一种对于人类价值的精微细致的鉴别能力,为我们提供了一种解释人性残缺的平台。
1 张爱玲重在解构爱情,奥斯丁重在重构爱情张爱玲小说具有很深切的人生悲剧感。
2 张爱玲重在抵抗虚无,奥斯丁重在审美愉悦张爱玲是一位具有虚无意识的作家。