Siebel eScript常用代码
Siebel CRM SmartScript用户指南说明书
Siebel CRM SmartScriptSiebel SmartScript is a powerful, flexible tool that provides a workflow-based, dynamic user interface that guides a user on the web or an agent in a Call Center through a guided sequence of steps. It combines setting a workflow process with a dynamically generated user interface to offer information on a “just in time” basis. It can be used for automating a wide variety of tasks including diagnostic Q&A for problem resolution, call scripting for telemarketers, or needs analysis for product recommendations systems. SmartScripts can be easily constructed using a drag-and-drop interface to build questions, text, and branches. All questions are reusable, and the same script can be deployed across HTML pages on different browsers and devices. Scripts can be continually refined without programming.S I E B E L S M A R T S C R I P TK E Y F E A T U R E S∙Dynamic agent desktop with “just in time” question-answer interface∙Dynamically generate questions based on branching logic∙Visual representation of question sequence to agents to allow easy traversing of the script ∙Group related questions using page sections ∙Flexibility to branch from any question to any other question in Smart Script Player∙Drag-and-drop flowchart UI for administering SmartScripts without programming∙Support extending scripts with Siebel VB and eScript∙Reusability of SmartScript pages and questions across multiple scripts∙Simple deployment of scripts in multiple languages without changing the script structure∙Save & Resume Capability for multi session interactions Dynamically Generated UI Ensures The Quality Of Each Customer InteractionSiebel SmartScript provides a dynamic desktop with a question-answer interface where the next question asked may be determined by answers given on prior questions. Branching logic can be easily built so that questions that prompt the agent are generated dynamically to guide the agent through the interaction. Agents can view and navigate to related questions, which are displayed and grouped as Pages. Agents easily navigate through the SmartScript sequentially, by following the question order, or through a treecontrol where they can directly jump to a particular question.Reduce Training Time and Increase ProductivitySmartScripts incorporate elements that are of tremendous use by inexperienced and experienced agents. Instead of navigating through unfamiliar and sometimes complex screens, agents will be prompted with the next question based on previous answers and a set workflow. Agents will not be required to remember what and how to ask question. They instead will be provided with the exact wording and answer options for every question. Once the business analysts design the SmartScript, it can be immediately deployed to the call center or to the Web.Integrate Sales and ServiceSiebel SmartScript can be designed to incorporate rules for cross-selling or up-selling. Based on answers provided by a customer over the phone, SmartScript can prompt the agent to inquire about other product or service options. In addition, the sales effectiveness of different approaches can be tested out and refined using SmartScript. Sales per agent can be continually improved using different word phrasings or question sequences.Deploy SmartScripts Over The WebSiebel SmartScript allows call centers to deploy across HTML on the web. With the deployment capability of “create once, deploy everywhere, the same administration and same SmartScripts can be used for both call center and Web. In order to improve the ease of using scripts on the web, all of the questions from the SmartScript that don’t require a branch will be displayed at once so it is not necessary to constantly refresh the HTML page. The next set of questions will be displayed based on how the user answers the last question.Graphically Design And Modify Call Scripts Without Technical ExpertiseSiebel SmartScript uses a graphical, simple, drag-and-drop user interface that allows visualization of the structure of a script. Users simply add new pages or questions through this interface and drag branches between them to create the sequence logic. Instead of requiring weeks or months of IT or engineering time to build a script, SmartScripts can be built at the business analyst level in a fraction of the time. Changing SmartScript structure can be done using the same flowchart UI, allowing continuous improvements to productivity.Easily Deploy Multilingual SmartScriptAny number of translations of SmartScripts can be built just by translating the question and answer strings with the Siebel Administration screen. Once the structure of the SmartScript is built, then it is not necessary to alter it for additional languages. Once a question is translated, since it is reusable across multiple scripts, the task of translating multiple scripts is considerably reduced. When agents run a script, they can choose which language they want to run it in. Alternatively, a question in the script can be used to invoke the proper language in the SmartScript.Leverage the power of Siebel Products with SmartScriptSiebel SmartScript is fully integrated into Siebel Applications. Siebel CTI can be used to capture information about a call, start a SmartScript, and use this CTI information in the SmartScript. Assignment Manager can be used to assign tasks created in a SmartScript and then return that information to SmartScript. Siebel’s knowledgebase of Decision Issues and Solutions can be effectively used to build a dynamic troubleshooting script. SmartScript can capture information about a user, which can then be passed to the Siebel Product Configurator to make product suggestions.C O N T A CFor more information about Siebel CRM, visit or call +1.800.ORACLE1 to speak to an Oraclerepresentative.C O N N E C T W I T H U S/oracle /oracle /oracle Copyright © 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This document is provided for information purposes only, and the contents hereof are subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error-free, nor subject to any other warranties or conditions, whether expressed orally or implied in law, including implied warranties and conditions of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. We specifically disclaim any liability with respect to this document, and no contractual obligations are formed either directly or indirectly by this document. This document may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without our prior written permission.Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Intel and Intel Xeon are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation. All SPARC trademarks are used under license and。
Siebel实施规范-编码规范Siebel实施规范——编码规范编写⼈: 张远⾈⽇期:2010-7-5⽬录⼀、简介 (1)1. ⽬的 (1)2. 适⽤范围 (1)⼆、编程规范 (1)1. 总体规范 (1)2. 代码格式规范 (1)3.代码注释规范 (1)4. 命名规范 (3)5. 逻辑稳定规范 (4)5. 性能效率规范 (5)三、代码Review规范 (5)1. 代码Review的⽬的 (5)2. 代码Review⽅法 (5)3. 代码Review规范 (5)⼀、简介1.⽬的本⽂的⽬的在于为汉得Siebel技术团队的编码规范提出意见和参考。
2. 适⽤范围本规范(草稿)应⽤于Siebel实施项⽬中使⽤E-Script进⾏的编码的脚本开发。
⼆、编程规范1. 总体规范【规范1】优先考虑编码的可替代⽅案(User Property, Model State, Validation等)【规范2】时刻考虑到你的每⼀个编码都会由其他的⼈在其他的时间使⽤、维护、增强【规范3】以不懂程序的⼈都能读懂你的代码为编码的最基本⽬标和要求【规范4】尽量使你的程序容易被调⽤(重⽤),修改和扩展【规范5】合理地捕获和处理异常【规范5】新创建的对象需要在代码结束时显式释放【规范6】效率是永远需要重点考虑、分析和优化的问题点【规范7】把相关的逻辑封装在BS中,避免代码分散冗余,增加维护成本2. 代码格式规范【规范1】单⾏代码不得太长,需便于阅读,太长的代码⾏需要在适合的位置断⾏【规范2】每⾏代码最多包含⼀个独⽴的语句。
【规范3】代码块之间使⽤Tab缩进⼀次【规范4】⼀个⽅法的代码语句不宜过多,复杂的逻辑使⽤拆分成⼏个独⽴的Function 来实现,并确保⼀个Function只做⼀件独⽴的事情。
vbs代码大全VBScript(Visual Basic Scripting Edition)是一种微软公司开发的脚本语言,它是Visual Basic的一种简化版本,用于在Windows系统上执行脚本和自动化任务。
MsgBox "Hello, World!"```。
以上代码使用MsgBox函数来显示一个消息框,其中包含"Hello, World!"这个消息。
Dim num。
num = InputBox("请输入一个数字,")。
If IsNumeric(num) Then。
If num > 0 Then。
MsgBox "这是一个正数。
"ElseIf num < 0 Then。
MsgBox "这是一个负数。
MsgBox "这是零。
"End If。
MsgBox "输入无效。
"End If。
用于Tree Applet。
5、Pick List查询与操作6、MVG查询与操作//为联系人添加组织,其中组织是MVG字段。
点击BC bContact的Organization Name字段,弹出MVG Applet以//及Assoc Applet,在Assoc Applet中查询指定的组织,查询到了则通过Associate()方法添加到右边MVG中。
with(bcContact){var bcOrg = GetMVGBusComp("Organization Name");var bcAssocOrg = bcOrg.GetAssocBusComp();with(bcAssocOrg){ClearToQuery();SetSearchSpec("Name", "CKS Software");ExecuteQuery (ForwardOnly);if (FirstRecord()){try{Associate(NewAfter);}catch (e){TheApplication().RaiseErrorText("Error Associating new Organization");}}}//将刚才加入的记录设置为“主要”with (bcOrg){//此处MVG BC可能设置权限,导致MVG设置“主要”失败,因此要修改权限为管理员权限InvokeMethod("SetAdminMode", "TRUE"); SetSearchSpec("Name", "CKS Software"); ActivateField("SSA Primary Field"); ExecuteQuery(ForwardOnly);if (FirstRecord()){SetFieldValue("SSA Primary Field", "Y"); WriteRecord();//去掉管理员权限InvokeMethod("SetAdminMode", "FALSE"); }ClearToQuery();ExecuteQuery(ForwardBackward); FirstRecord();}bcAssocOrg = null;bcOrg = null;bcContact=null;7、日期设置时间日期比较:补充:日期配置8、确认消息弹出框{psIn.SetProperty("Cancel Method Name","");psIn.SetProperty("Confirm Text","是否需要转签,若需转签,请点击'取消',然后录入转签率、转签至经营单位,否则点击'确定'。
matlab数据预处理 代码
一、数据预处理的一般流程1. 数据清洗数据清洗是数据预处理的第一步,其目的是处理数据中的错误、缺失和异常值。
在MATLAB中,可以使用以下代码进行数据清洗:```matlab删除缺失值data = data(~any(ismissing(data), 2), :);填充缺失值data = fillmissing(data, 'previous');删除重复值data = unique(data);处理异常值data(data > 100) = NaN;```2. 数据转换数据转换是将原始数据转换为更适合模型处理的形式。
在MATLAB中,可以使用以下代码进行数据转换:```matlab标准化data_stand = (data - mean(data)) / std(data);归一化data_norm = (data - min(data)) / (max(data) - min(data));对数变换data_log = log(data);```3. 数据集成数据集成是将不同数据源的数据合并成一个数据集的过程。
在MATLAB中,可以使用以下代码进行数据集成:```matlabdata_integrated = [data1; data2];```4. 数据降维数据降维是通过保留主要信息的方式减少数据特征的过程。
在MATLAB中,可以使用以下代码进行数据降维:```matlabcoeff = pca(data);data_pca = data * coeff(:, 1:2);```二、数据预处理常用函数介绍1. ismissingismissing函数用于判断数据中是否有缺失值,返回一个逻辑数组。
程序代码:Private Sub Form_click()Const PI = 3.14Dim r%Dim s!r = InputBox("请输入半径r的值:", "求圆的面积") s = PI * r * rForm1.FontSize = 16Print "半径是" + Str(r) + "的圆的面积是" + Str(s) End Sub2、输入三个整数,从小到大顺序输出。
程序代码:Private Sub Form_click()a = InputBox("a")b = InputBox("b")c = InputBox("c")Print "排序前:"; a, b, cIf a > b Then t = a: a = b: b = tIf a > c Then t = a: a = c: c = tIf b > c Then t = b: b = c: c = tPrint "排序后:"; a, b, cEnd Sub3、输入三个整数,从大到小顺序输出。
程序代码:Private Sub Form_click()a = InputBox("a")b = InputBox("b")c = InputBox("c")Print "排序前:"; a, b, cIf a <b Then t = a: a = b: b = tIf a < c Then t = a: a = c: c = tIf b < c Then t = b: b = c: c = tPrint "排序后:"; a, b, cEnd Sub4、输入x的值,输出对应的值。
Siebel学习笔记Siebel(escript)的学习:1.Siebel的数据类型Primitive(原始的)---Number,Integer,Hexadecimal(⼗六进制),Octal(⼋进制),Floating Point(浮点),Decimal(⼗进制),Scientific(系统的),Boolean, StringComposite(复合的)---Object,Array,Special(特殊的)----Undefined(未定义的), Null,NaN(⾮数值)2. typeof ⽅法typeof variable or typeof(variable)返回值为:"undefined","boolean","string","object","number","function",or"buffer"3. Refresh Record Methods刷新Applet的记录var oBs=TheApplication().GetService("FINS Teller UI Navigation").oBs.InvokeMethod("RefreshCurrentApplet",Inputs,Outputs);/*如果input的参数中有设置Refresh All为Y,则刷新当前View所在的所有Applet*/BC有两个Method:BusComp.invokeMethod("RefreshRecord") 刷新当前记录BusComp.invokeMehtod("RefreshBusComp") 刷新当前查询记录4.TheApplication().Trace MethodTheApplication().TraceOn(filename,type,selection)Filename 为⽇志⽂件,绝对路径Type 包括Allocation和SQL1.Allocation.Traces allocations and deallocations of Siebel objects. This option is useful if you suspect memory leaks in your code.2.SQL.Traces SQL statements generated by the Siebel application.Selection ⼀般我们都⽤All就可以了eg: TheApplication().TraceOn("D:\\siebel_debug\\trace.txt","Allocation","All");5.配置MVL注意点配置MVL时需要将use primary join 打勾,不然会导致⽣成N+1条SQL语句的问题.e primary join的作⽤:use primary join没有打勾,会把每条关联数据都查询出来.use primary join 有打勾,只会把主关联数据查询出来.6.About Get BO\BCAbout Get BO1.TheApplication().ActiveBusObject();returns the business object for the business component of the active applet2.this.BusObject();returns the business object for the business component of the applet.3.TheApplication().GetBusObject("BO NAME");instantiates and returns a new instance of the argument specified business object---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------About Get BC1.TheApplication().ActiveBusComp();returns the business component associated with the active applet.2.this.BusComp();returns the business component of the applet.Eg: this.BusComp().GetFieldValue(“Id”); //use it to get current record id3.boXXX.GetBusComp("BC NAME");instantiates and returns a new instance of the argument specified business component7.BC Operationwith(oBcName){ClearToQuery();SetViewMode(AllView);//ViewMode,⼀般常⽤的为 Organization Catelog 等ActivateField("Status");SetSearchSpec("Id", sOrdId);// or SetSearchExpr(sSearch);//特别注意 SetSearchSpec 和 SetSearchExpr 交替使⽤是会覆盖查询条件的情况,⾃⼰测试ExecuteQuery(ForwardOnly);}//DeleteRecord 不需要 NextRecord8.在 escript 中使⽤ PickList在脚本中对具有 PickList 的 Field 赋值时,不要直接使⽤ SetFieldValue 对 field 直接赋值,需要使⽤ Pick ⽅法错误的赋值⽅式:BC.SetFieldValue("fieldname", "value"),正确的赋值⽅式:with(oBcCA){var oBCPick = GetPicklistBusComp("State");with (oBCPick){ClearToQuery();SetSearchSpec("Value", "CA");ExecuteQuery(ForwardOnly);I f(FirstRecord())Pick();}//end with(oBCPick)oBCPick = null;}//end with(oBcCA)9.eScript 中 Split ⽅法的使⽤循环使⽤ Split ⽅法会引起内存泄漏,在使⽤⼀次后,请及时 destory 对象。
配置前准备1.打开Siebel Tools,用户名:SADMIN, 密码:SADMIN。
2.打开Siebel Client端,用户名:SADMIN, 密码:SADMIN 。
(一)配置车辆基本信息界面新建一个Project,取名TR Lab Vehicle, 然后点击Lock。
注1:新建一个project将所有的配置统一放进一个project有利于简化最后的编译过程;注2:正常的配置过程需要check out到本地端,配置完成后check in进去。
由于我们此时是在VM中sever端配置,没有建立本地客户端,所以不需要check in和check out。
一、创建BC1、在菜单栏里选择File—New Object,选择BusComp。
选择Project 名字TR Lab Vehicle,新建BC名字为TR LAB Vehicle Info,选择Base Table 为S_ASSET。
注:1. 在具体的需求中物品编号应该是通过一定的算法自动计算出来,并且为只读形式。
具体实现方式,首先在BC: TR LAB V ehicle Info中,将Asset Num这个field的predefault value 设置为Expr: 'RowIdToRowIdNum ([Id])',其次read only和No copy选上。
1. 逻辑变量:在MATLAB中,逻辑变量用字母“logical”表示,如`logical(true)`和`logical(false)`。
2. 逻辑数组:逻辑数组是一种特殊的数据类型,用于表示一组逻辑值。
例如,`logical([1 0 1 0])`表示一个4元素的逻辑数组,其中元素分别为1(真)、0(假)、1(真)和0(假)。
1. `and`:逻辑与(与两个逻辑变量或逻辑数组相与)。
2. `or`:逻辑或(与两个逻辑变量或逻辑数组相或)。
3. `not`:逻辑非(对逻辑变量或逻辑数组取反)。
4. `xor`:逻辑异或(与两个逻辑变量或逻辑数组相异或)。
5. `implies`:蕴含(判断一个逻辑变量是否蕴含另一个逻辑变量)。
6. `equal`:判断两个逻辑变量或逻辑数组是否相等。
7. `notequal`:判断两个逻辑变量或逻辑数组是否不相等。
Siebel实用小工具--V1.0 Beta版--用户手册
Siebel实用工具软件用户手册汉得信息技术股份有限公司版本号:V1.0 Beta版序言Siebel实用小工具是基于基于Microsoft .NET Framework开发的一个小软件,目的在于提高日常项目实施中的工作效率,避免一些重复性的劳动.其主要功能有:对文本的各种简单处理,最常用的有,对数据进行OR连接,可以方便的实现在siebel应用的查询,对数据进行sql中in字句的连接,可以方便的将数据插入到sql的语句中。
但是前提是您的电脑中安装有Microsoft .NET Framework,否则程序无法打开启动页面,可能会报如下错误:/downloads/zh-cn/details.aspx?FamilyID=39C8B6 3B-F64B-4B68-A774-B64ED0C32AE7可通过以上地址下载安装Microsoft .NET Framework。
若可以成功打开,则能看到如下界面:第二章操作说明2.1 期初配置2.2 功能说明2.2.1 文本操作2.2.2 其它操作2.1 参数配置文件在软件的目录下面有文件夹config下面对每个参数做一个简单的讲解:●emailLAddressform:用与发送邮件的时候使用,可不填写!●emailLAddressto:用与发送邮件的时候使用,可不填写!●emailLAddresspassword:用与发送邮件的时候使用,可不填写!●emailLAddresssmtp:用与发送邮件的时候使用,可不填写!●REG_HOT_KEY:用户判断是否开启注册SHIFT+X按键的热键●DEVPODBCDCN:配置一个开发环境的odbc信息,用户获取脚本时使用,可不填写●DEVPODBCDataBase配置一个开发环境的odbc信息,用户获取脚本时使用,可不填写●DEVPODBCUID配置一个开发环境的odbc信息,用户获取脚本时使用,可不填写●DEVPODBCPWD配置一个开发环境的odbc信息,用户获取脚本时使用,可不填写2.2.1 文本功能操作如图所示,在图中上方的框中随便输入一段信息,点击【使用OR连接】,可以得到以OR连接的方便siebel查询的字符串。
哈哈哈MATLAB显示正炫余炫图:plot(x,y1,'* r’,x,y2,'o b’)定义【0,2π】;t=0:pi/10:2*pi;定义函数文件:function [返回变量列表]=函数名(输入变量列表)顺序结构:选择结构1)if-else-end语句其格式为:if 逻辑表达式程序模块1;else程序模块2;End图片读取:%选择图片路径[filename, pathname]= .。
axes1);%显示图片imshow(im);边缘检测:global imstr=get(hObject,'string’);axes (handles。
axes1);switch strcase ' 原图’imshow(im);case ’sobel’BW = edge(rgb2gray(im),’sobel’);imshow(BW);case 'prewitt’BW = edge(rgb2gray(im),'prewitt’);imshow(BW);case 'canny'BW = edge(rgb2gray(im),’canny’);imshow(BW);Canny算子边缘定位精确性和抗噪声能力效果较好,是一个折中方案end;开闭运算:se=[1,1,1;1,1,1;1,1,1;1,1,1];%Structuring ElementI=rgb2gray(im);imshow(I,[]);title('Original Image');I=double(I);[im_height,im_width]=size(I);[se_height,se_width]=size(se);halfheight=floor(se_height/2);halfwidth=floor(se_width/2);[se_origin]=floor((size(se)+1)/2);image_dilation=padarray(I,se_origin,0,'both’); %Image to be used for dilationimage_erosion=padarray(I,se_origin,256,’both'); %Image to be used for erosion %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Dilation %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%for k=se_origin(1)+1:im_height+se_origin(1)for kk=se_origin(2)+1:im_width+se_origin(2)dilated_image(k—se_origin(1),kk—se_origin(2))=max (max(se+image_dilation(k-se_origin(1):k+halfheight-1,kk—se_origin(2):kk+halfwidth-1)));endendfigure;imshow(dilated_image,[]);title('Image after Dilation’); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Erosion %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%se=se’;for k=se_origin(2)+1:im_height+se_origin(2)for kk=se_origin(1)+1:im_width+se_origin(1)eroded_image(k-se_origin(2),kk—se_origin(1))=min(min (image_erosion(k-se_origin(2):k+halfwidth—1,kk-se_origin(1):kk+halfheight-1)-se));endendfigure;imshow(eroded_image,[]);title(’Image after Erosion'); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Opening(Erosion first,then Dilation)%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%se=se';image_dilation2=eroded_image;%Image to be used for dilationfor k=se_origin(1)+1:im_height—se_origin(1)for kk=se_origin(2)+1:im_width-se_origin(2)opening_image(k-se_origin(1),kk-se_origin(2))=max(max(se+image_dilation2(k-se_origin(1):k+halfheight—1,kk—se_origin(2):kk+halfwidth-1)));endendfigure;imshow(opening_image,[]);title(’Opening Image’);%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Closing(Dilation first,then Erosion) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%se=se';image_erosion2=dilated_image;%Image to be used for erosionfor k=se_origin(2)+1:im_height—se_origin(2)for kk=se_origin(1)+1:im_width-se_origin(1)closing_image(k-se_origin(2),kk—se_origin(1))=min(min(image_erosion2(k-se_origin(2):k+halfwidth-1,kk-se_origin(1):kk+halfheight—1)-se));endendfigure;imshow(closing_image,[]);title(’Closing Image');Warning: Image is too big to fit on screen; displaying at 31% scale.> In truesize>Resize1 at 308In truesize at 44In imshow at 161图像的直方图归一化:I=imread(‘red.bmp’);%读入图像figure;%打开新窗口[M,N]=size(I);%计算图像大小[counts,x]=imhist(I,32);%计算有32个小区间的灰度直方图counts=counts/M/N;%计算归一化灰度直方图各区间的值stem(x,counts);%绘制归一化直方图图像平移:I=imread('shuichi。
Set objGroup = GetObject("WinNT://" & strComputer & "/Administrators,group")
For Each objUser in objGroup.Members
strComputer = "."
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
For Each objComputer in colComputers
If objUser.AccountDisabled Then
Wscript.Echo "The Guest account is already disabled."
objUser.AccountDisabled = True
Wscript.Echo "The Guest account has been disabled."
简单的vbs代码简单的vbs代码VBScript(Visual Basic Script)是一种基于VB的脚本语言,通常被用于Web开发和Windows管理。
1. 一个简单的Hello World程序下面是一个使用vbs的简单程序。
``` MsgBox "Hello World" ```这段代码中,利用MsgBox函数来创建一个弹窗。
2. 创建一个函数函数是VBScript的一种基本类型,可以用来组合一组语句,以执行特定任务。
下面是一个例子:``` Function addNumbers(a, b) Dim c c = a + b addNumbers = c End FunctionMsgBox addNumbers(2, 2) ```这个函数将两个数字相加,并返回其结果。
3. 使用For循环创建一个计数器For循环是VBScript的一种重要组成部分,它用于执行循环任务。
以下是一个使用For循环的计数器程序的示例:``` For i = 1 To 10 MsgBox i Next ```这段代码会打开一个弹窗,显示从1到10的数字。
4. 使用If条件语句判断If语句可以根据不同的条件来执行不同的语句。
下面是一个例子:``` Dim count count = InputBox("请输入一个数字")If count > 5 Then MsgBox "这个数字大于5" Else MsgBox "这个数字小于或等于5" End If ```这段程序会创建一个输入框,让用户输入一个数字。
5. 创建一个对象VBScript是面向对象语言。
Siebel CRM 全接触
Siebel CRM 全接触收藏作者简介何荣勤先生,Siebel 认证咨询专家,从事IT业多年,并拥有Intentia Movex、Siebel eBusiness 等应用系统的丰富实施经验。
可以这么说,Siebel 是CRM理念与技术应用的最初实践者,为后来不断涌现的CRM软件厂商提供了业界的标准。
很多CRM产品(尤其是有些ERP公司匆促应付的CRM系统),在这三个核心领域还没有进行很好的整合,导致销售自动化(SFA),营销自动化(SFA)以及服务自动化(SA)三个应用之间无法充分集成,各自之间显得互不相关,每个应用象是后台E RP应用的简单延伸,未能充分体现客户关系管理所蕴涵的现代经营理念。
不过,很多CRM爱好者们对Siebel产生了一些价格和市场定位的误解,以为Siebel CRM只是高端产品,价格昂贵,对中小型企业遥不可及,加上有关Siebel 的产品介绍少之又少,使得广大读者对Siebel的CRM产品不甚了了。
鉴于此,本人在AMT的孟凡强先生和Siebel香港办事处Alice Liu的支持下,在本拦目特别推出对Siebel CRM产品的介绍系列,以使广大读者对Siebel有一个较为全面的认识。
1.在siebel中增加外系统链接配置:1、市话详单查询在BC:SHCT Report中加字段,Field:LocalPhone Reprot,Calculated Value: "SHCTReport_LocalPhone"新建Applet:SHCT LocalPhone Report Applet,包含上述字段。
可参考客户报表界面:SHCT Account Report Applet新增View:SHCT LocalPhone Report View,市话详单查询,Applet:SHCT LocalPhone Report Applet,加入Screen:SHCT Report Screen在SiteMap-集成管理屏幕-符号URL管理,新建记录名称:SHCTReport_LocalPhone,需要与BC中的Calculated Value值相同。
URL: 待定SSO处理:IFrame参数:参考SHCTReport_B_AM,加入login_id,pos_id,参数需要接口方提供。
2.在siebel中增加BS,有两种方式,一种在Toos中配置在Service_Proinvokemethod中增加如下脚本function Service_PreInvokeMethod (MethodName, Inputs, Outputs){Outputs.SetProperty ("Error Code", "");Outputs.SetProperty ("Error Message", "");try{switch (MethodName){case " CopyPromotion "://复制酬金规则CopyRule(Inputs,Outputs);break;case "CopyAgent"://复制代理商CopyAgent(Inputs,Outputs);break;}}catch (e){Outputs.SetProperty ("Error Code", e.errCode);Outputs.SetProperty("Error Message",e.errText);}finally{}return (CancelOperation);}然后在general中增加具体方法脚本function CopyPromotion(Inputs, Outputs){var oBOReward9 = TheApplication().GetBusObject("Agent Reward");var oBCPromotion = oBOReward9.GetBusComp ("Agent Reward Promotion");var oBOReward10 = TheApplication().GetBusObject("Agent Reward");var oBCPromotionNew = oBOReward10.GetBusComp ("Agent Reward Promotion");var InfoId = Inputs.GetProperty ("Id1"); //酬金信息原IDvar oBCInfoNewId = Inputs.GetProperty ("Id2"); //酬金信息新IDtry{with(oBCPromotion){SetViewMode(AllView);ClearToQuery();ActivateField("PromotionID");ActivateField("Reward Info ID");SetSearchSpec("Reward Info ID",InfoId);ExecuteQuery();var v_IsRecord = FirstRecord();while (v_IsRecord){var PromotionID = GetFieldValue("PromotionID");with(oBCPromotionNew){ActivateField("PromotionID");ActivateField("Reward Info ID");NewRecord(1);SetFieldValue("PromotionID",PromotionID);SetFieldValue("Reward Info ID",oBCInfoNewId);WriteRecord();}//end BC:oBCAccntNewv_IsRecord = NextRecord();} //end while}//end BC:oBCAccnt}//end trycatch (e){throw(e);}finally{oBOReward9 = null;oBCPromotion = null;oBOReward10 = null;oBCPromotionNew = null;}return (ContinueOperation);}然后在BC或者Applet中调用BS时脚本var svcinfo = TheApplication().GetService("Copy Info For Agent Reward"); --调用BS 时BS的名称var Input = TheApplication().NewPropertySet();var Output = TheApplication().NewPropertySet();Input.SetProperty("InfoId", this.GetFieldValue("Id"));svcinfo.InvokeMethod("CopyInfo", Input, Output);var errorMsg = Output.GetProperty("Error Message");一种在Client端的业务服务管理中增加,在业务服务脚本中需要增加如下方法function Service_PreInvokeMethod (MethodName, Inputs, Outputs){Outputs.SetProperty ("Error Code", "");Outputs.SetProperty ("Error Message", "");try{switch (MethodName){case "CheckOrderBusinessService":checkOrderBusinessService(Inputs,Outputs);break;case "SetOrderDiscountService":setOrderDiscountService(Inputs,Outputs);break;case "CheckQuoteBusinessService":checkQuoteBusinessService(Inputs,Outputs);break;case "SetQuoteDiscountService":setQuoteDiscountService(Inputs,Outputs);break;}}catch (e){if (e.errCode != "27538"){Outputs.SetProperty ("Error Code", e.errCode);if (ToString(e.errText) != "undefined")Outputs.SetProperty("Error Message",Outputs.GetProperty("Error Message")+e.errText);elseOutputs.SetProperty ("Error Message", Outputs.GetProperty("Error Message")+e.toString());}}finally{}return (CancelOperation);}3.VBC的配置和使用VBC不需要对应的Clumn。
哈哈哈MATLAB显示正炫余炫图:plot(x,y1,'* r',x,y2,'o b')定义【0,2π;t=0:pi/10:2*pi; 定义函数文件:function [返回变量列表]=函数名(输入变量列表) 顺序结构:选择结构1)if-else-end 语句其格式为:if 逻辑表达式程序模块 1 ;else程序模块 2 ;End图片读取:%选择图片路径[filename, pathname] = ... uigetfile({'*.jpg';'*.bmp';'*.gif'},'选择图片');% 合成路径+ 文件名str=[pathname,filename];%为什么pathname 和filename 要前面出现的位置相反才能运行呢???%读取图片im=imread(str);% 使用图片axes(handles.axes1);% 显示图片imshow(im);边缘检测:global imstr=get(hObject,'string');axes (handles.axes1);switch strcase ' 原图' imshow(im);case 'sobel'BW = edge(rgb2gray(im),'sobel'); imshow(BW);case 'prewitt'BW = edge(rgb2gray(im),'prewitt');imshow(BW);case 'canny'BW = edge(rgb2gray(im),'canny');imshow(BW); Canny 算子边缘定位精确性和抗噪声能力效果较好,是一个折中方案end;开闭运算:se=[1,1,1;1,1,1;1,1,1;1,1,1]; %Structuring ElementI=rgb2gray(im); imshow(I,[]);title('Original Image');I=double(I); [im_height,im_width]=size(I); [se_height,se_width]=size(se); halfheight=floor(se_height/2);halfwidth=floor(se_width/2);[se_origin]=floor((size(se)+1)/2); image_dilation=padarray(I,se_origin,0,'both'); %Image to be used for dilation image_erosion=padarray(I,se_origin,256,'both'); %Image to be used forerosion %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Dilation %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%for k=se_origin(1)+1:im_height+se_origin(1)for kk=se_origin(2)+1:im_width+se_origin(2)dilated_image(k-se_origin(1),kk-se_origin(2))=max(max(se+image_dilation(k-se_origin(1):k+halfh eight-1,kk-se_origin(2):kk+halfwidth-1)));endend figure;imshow(dilated_image,[]);title('Image after Dilation'); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% Erosion %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%se=se';for k=se_origin(2)+1:im_height+se_origin(2)for kk=se_origin(1)+1:im_width+se_origin(1)eroded_image(k-se_origin(2),kk-se_origin(1))=min(min(image_erosion(k-se_origin(2):k+halfwidth -1,kk-se_origin(1):kk+halfheight-1)-se));endend figure;imshow(eroded_image,[]);title('Image afterErosion'); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% Opening(Erosion first, thenDilation) %%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%se=se';image_dilation2=eroded_image; %Image to be used for dilationfor k=se_origin(1)+1:im_height-se_origin(1)for kk=se_origin(2)+1:im_width-se_origin(2)opening_image(k-se_origin(1),kk-se_origin(2))=max(max(se+image_dilation2(k-se_origin(1):k+hal fheight-1,kk-se_origin(2):kk+halfwidth-1)));endend figure;imshow(opening_image,[]);title('OpeningImage'); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% Closing(Dilation first, then Erosion) %%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% se=se';image_erosion2=dilated_image; %Image to be used for erosionfor k=se_origin(2)+1:im_height-se_origin(2)for kk=se_origin(1)+1:im_width-se_origin(1)closing_image(k-se_origin(2),kk-se_origin(1))=min(min(image_erosion2(k-se_origin(2):k+halfwidt h-1,kk-se_origin(1):kk+halfheight-1)-se));endend figure;imshow(closing_image,[]);title('Closing Image'); Warning: Image is too big to fit on screen; displaying at 31% scale.> In truesize>Resize1 at 308In truesize at 44In imshow at 161 图像的直方图归一化:I=imread(‘red.bmp');%读入图像figure;%打开新窗口[M,N]=size(I);%计算图像大小[counts,x]=imhist(I,32);%计算有32 个小区间的灰度直方图counts=counts/M/N;%计算归一化灰度直方图各区间的值stem(x,counts);%绘制归一化直方图图像平移:I=imread('shuichi.jpg');se=translate(strel(1),[180 190]);B=imdilate(I,se); figure;subplot(1,2,1),subimage(I);title('原图像'); subplot(1,2,2),subimage(B);title('平移后图像');图像的转置;A=imread('nir.bmp'); tform=maketform('affine',[0 1 0;1 0 0;0 0 1]);B=imtransform(A,tform,'nearest');figure;imshow(A);figure;imshow(B);imwrite(B,'nir 转置后图像.bmp');图像滤波:B = imfilter(A,H,option1,option2,...)或写作g = imfilter(f, w, filtering_mode, boundary_options, size_options)其中,f 为输入图像,w 为滤波掩模,g 为滤波后图像。
一、朴素贝叶斯分类器原理简介1. 贝叶斯定理贝叶斯定理是基于条件概率的一个重要公式,在朴素贝叶斯分类器中扮演着核心的角色。
其数学表达式为:P(c|x) = P(x|c) * P(c) / P(x)其中,P(c|x)表示在给定特征x的条件下,类别c的概率;P(x|c)表示在类别c的条件下,特征x的概率;P(c)表示类别c的先验概率;P(x)表示特征x的先验概率。
2. 特征条件独立假设朴素贝叶斯分类器的另一个核心假设是特征条件独立假设,即假设每个特征相互独立。
下面是一个简单的二分类示例代码:```matlab% 1. 准备数据data = [3.393533211,2.331273381,0;3.110073483,1.781539638,0;1.343808831,3.368360954,0;3.582294042,4.679179110,0;2.280362439,2.866990263,0;7.423436942,4.696522875,1;5.745051997,3.533989803,1;9.172168622,2.511101045,1;7.792783481,3.424088941,1;7.939820817,0.791637231,1;];% 2. 训练模型X = data(:, 1:2);Y = data(:, 3);model = fib(X, Y);% 3. 预测新样本new_sample = [8, 3];label = predict(model, new_sample);disp(['The label of the new sample is: ', num2str(label)]);```以上代码实现了一个简单的二分类朴素贝叶斯分类器。
以下是一些常用的Matlab相关代码:1. 矩阵操作Matlab中的矩阵操作非常方便,可以使用以下代码实现:a = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9]; % 定义一个3x3的矩阵b = [4 5 6; 7 8 9; 10 11 12]; % 定义另一个3x3的矩阵c = a + b; % 矩阵加法d = a - b; % 矩阵减法e = a * b; % 矩阵乘法f = a .* b; % 矩阵对应元素相乘g = a' % 矩阵转置2. 绘图Matlab中的绘图功能非常强大,可以使用以下代码实现:x = 0:0.1:2*pi; % 定义x轴的范围y = sin(x); % 定义y轴的值plot(x,y); % 绘制sin函数图像xlabel('x'); % 设置x轴标签ylabel('y'); % 设置y轴标签title('sin函数图像'); % 设置图像标题grid on; % 显示网格线3. 数据处理Matlab中的数据处理功能非常强大,可以使用以下代码实现:data = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]; % 定义一个数据数组mean_data = mean(data); % 计算平均值std_data = std(data); % 计算标准差max_data = max(data); % 计算最大值min_data = min(data); % 计算最小值median_data = median(data); % 计算中位数4. 机器学习Matlab中的机器学习功能非常强大,可以使用以下代码实现:load fisheriris; % 加载鸢尾花数据集X = meas(:,1:2); % 取前两个特征Y = species; % 取标签svmModel = fitcsvm(X,Y); % 训练SVM模型svmModel.ClassNames % 显示类别名称svmModel.Beta % 显示模型系数总之,Matlab是一种非常强大的工具,可以帮助科学家、工程师和金融分析师等快速处理数据和进行复杂的算法分析。
二级计算机VB考试代码第一套1Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim sum As Longn = Val(Text1.Text) sum = 0 If n Mod 2 = 0 Then' m = ?Else' m = ?End If' For i = 1 To m Step ?' sum = sum + ? Next Label2.Caption = sum End Sub Private Function f(ByVal x As Integer) As Long y = 1' For i = 1 To ?y = y * i Next f = y End Function2Option Base 1Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim days%, month%, year%, day1_1%, n%Static month_days As Variantmonth_days = Array(31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31)For k = 0 To 6If Option1(k).Value = True Thenday1_1 = kEnd IfNext k days = 0 month = Text2 year = Text1' month_days(2) = IIf(leap_year(year), 29, ? )'== 计算到要显示月历的月份之前共有多少天==' For k = ? To month - 1days = days + month_days(k) Next k'==== 计算要显示月历的月份的第1天是星期几=====n = (days Mod 7 + day1_1) Mod 7'================ 输出月历==================Picture1.ClsPicture1.Print " SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT"For k = 1 To month_days(month)Picture1.Print Tab(5 * n + 1); k; n = n + 1If n = 7 Then Picture1.Print' n = ?End If Next k End Sub'============== 判断闰年=================='Private Function leap_year( ? As Integer) As Booleanleap_year = (year Mod 4 = 0 And year Mod 100 <> 0 Or year Mod 400 = 0)End FunctionPrivate Sub Option1_Click(Index As Integer) End Sub3Private Type recname As String * 3 Math As IntegerChinese As Integer English As Integer End TypeDim a(20) As rec, num As Integer, n As IntegerPrivate Sub readdata()Open App.Path & "\in5.txt" For Input As #1k = 1 Do While Not EOF(1)Input #1, a(k).name, a(k).Math, a(k).Chinese, a(k).Englishk = k + 1 Loop Close #1' num = ? End SubPrivate Sub Command1_Click()n = 1 putdata n End SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click() n = n + 1 putdata n End SubPrivate Sub Command3_Click()' n = ? putdata n End SubPrivate Sub Command4_Click()n = num putdata n End SubPrivate Sub Form_Load()Readdata Command1_Click End Sub'Private Sub putdata( ? As Integer)Label1.Caption = "第" & k & "条记录"Text1 = a(k).name Text2 = a(k).Math Text3 = a(k).Chinese Text4 = a(k).EnglishText5 = a(k).Math + a(k).Chinese + a(k).English' SetEnabled ? End SubPrivate Sub SetEnabled(m As Integer)Command1.Enabled = IIf(m = 1, False, True)Command2.Enabled = IIf(m = num, False, True)Command3.Enabled = IIf(m = 1, False, True)' Command4.Enabled = IIf( ? ) End Sub第二套1Private Sub Form_Load()Command1.Caption = "开始" Command2.Caption = "停止"Timer1.Interval = 100 Timer1.Enabled = False End SubPrivate Sub Command1_Click()'Command1.Caption = ? Timer1.Enabled = True'Command1.Enabled = ? Command2.Enabled = TrueEnd SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()Timer1.Enabled = False Command2.Enabled = False'Command1.Enabled = ?End SubPrivate Sub Timer1_Timer()If HScroll1.Value < HScroll1.Max Then'HScroll1.Value = ?Else'HScroll1.Value = ?End IfEnd Sub2Private Sub Command1_Click()'st1 = Trim( ? )n = 1 st2 = UCase(Left(st1, 1))Do While n <= Len(st1) If Mid(st1, n, 1) <> " " Then'st2 = ? & Mid(st1, n + 1, 1) n = n + 1 End IfIf Mid(st1, n, 1) = " " Thenst2 = st2 & UCase(Mid(st1, n + 1, 1))n = n + 1End IfLoop'Text2.Text = ?End Sub3Function prime(ByVal n As Integer) As Boolean' ****** 考生编写******' ************************End FunctionPrivate Sub Form_Click()' ****** 考生编写******' ************************Open App.Path & "\out5.txt" For Output As #1Print #1, Text1.TextClose 1End Sub第三套1Private Sub Dir1_Change()' File1.Path = ?End SubPrivate Sub Drive1_Change()' Dir1.Path = ?End SubPrivate Sub File1_Click()Label2.Caption = File1.FileNameEnd SubPrivate Sub Option1_Click(Index As Integer)' If ? = 0 ThenDrive1.Drive = "c:\"File1.Pattern = "*.*"Else' File1.Pattern = ?End IfEnd Sub2Dim a(5, 5) As StringPrivate Sub Command1_Click()Dim s As StringRandomizeFor i = 1 To 5For j = 1 To 5a(i, j) = Chr(Rnd * (90 - 65) + 65) ' s = s + ? + " "Nexts = s & Chr(13) & Chr(10)Next' Text1 = ?End SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()MaxI = 1MaxJ = 1Max = Asc(a(1, 1))For i = 1 To 5For j = 1 To 5' If ? > Max ThenMax = Asc(a(i, j))MaxI = iMaxJ = jEnd IfNextNext' Text2 = Chr( ? ) & Str(MaxI) & Str(MaxJ)End Sub3Dim a(5, 5) As LongDim b(5, 5) As LongPrivate Sub Command1_Click()' Open App.Path & "\in5.txt" For ? As #1For i = 1 To 5For j = 1 To 5' Input #1, ?s = s + Str(a(i, j))Nexts = s + Chr(13) + Chr(10)NextText1 = s' ?End SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()'===============以下由考生编写================='===========考生编写程序结束====================== End SubPrivate Sub Command3_Click()'=======以下由考生编写==========================='============考生编写程序结束========================= Open App.Path & "\out5.txt" For Output As #1Print #1, Label2.CaptionClose #1End Sub第四套1Private Sub Command1_Click()RandomizeText2.Locked = FalseText1 = "": Text2 = "": text3 = ""For i = 1 To 20s = Chr$(Int(Rnd * 26) + 97)'Text1 = Text1 + ?NextEnd SubPrivate Sub Text2_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)Dim m As Integer, n As IntegerIf Len(Text2) = 20 Then' Text2.Locked = ?m = 0: n = 0For i = 1 To 20' If Mid(Text2, i, 1) = ? Then' m = ?Else' n = ?End IfNexttext3 = m / (m + n) * 100 & "%"End IfEnd SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()EndEnd Sub2Option Base 1Dim stu(1 To 50) As StudTypeDim n%Private Sub Cmd1_Click(Index As Integer)' Select Case ?Case 0If n < 50 Then' n = ?stu(n).Num = Text1stu(n).Name = Text2stu(n).Total = Text3Text1 = "": Text2 = "": Text3 = ""Label4.Caption = "已输入" & Space(1) & n & Space(1) & "人"ElseMsgBox "输入人数已超过50!"End IfCase 1' Max = ?maxi = 1For j = 2 To n' If stu(j).Total > ? ThenMax = stu(j).Total' maxi = ?End IfNextText1 = stu(maxi).NumText2 = stu(maxi).NameText3 = stu(maxi).TotalLabel4.Caption = "位置:" & Space(2) & maxi & "/" & n Case 2EndEnd SelectEnd SubOption Base 1Dim a(20, 6) As IntegerPrivate Sub Command1_Click()Open App.Path & "\in5.dat" For Input As #1For i = 1 To 20For j = 1 To 6Input #1, a(i, j)Text1 = Text1 + Str(a(i, j)) + Space(1)Next jText1 = Text1 + Chr(13) + Chr(10)Next iClose #1End SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()'============以下由考生编写=========================== '==========考生编写程序结束========================= End SubPrivate Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)Open App.Path & "\out5.dat" For Output As #1Print #1, Text2.TextClose #1End Sub第五套1Private Sub Command1_Click()Randomize' For k = ? To 9' ? = Int(Rnd * 90 + 10)Next kEnd SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()' For k = 0 To ?temp = Label1(k).CaptionLabel1(k).Caption = Label1(9 - k).Caption' ? = tempNext kEnd Sub2Dim r%, x0%, y0, aPrivate Sub Command1_Click()Timer1.Enabled = TrueEnd SubPrivate Sub Form_Load()r = Shape1.Width / 2' x0 = ? + ry0 = Shape1.Top + r' Image1.Left = x0 - ?Image1.Top = y0 - r - Image1.Height / 2a = 90End SubPrivate Sub Timer1_Timer()Dim x, ya = a - 3x = x0 + r * Cos(a * 3.14159 / 180)y = y0 - r * Sin(a * 3.14159 / 180)' Image1.Left = ? - Image1.Width / 2' Image1.Top = ? - Image1.Height / 2End Sub3Private Sub Command1_Click()Open "in5.dat" For Input As #1n = LOF(1)' ch$ = Input(n, ? )Close #1Text1.Text = chEnd SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()Dim IsSpace As Booleanch1$ = Text1.Text' n = Len( ? )IsSpace = TrueFor k = 1 To n' c = Mid(ch1, k, ? )If c = " " Then '双引号中是一个空格符IsSpace = TrueElseIf IsSpace Thenc = UCase(c)IsSpace = FalseEnd IfEnd If' ch2$ = ch2$ & ?Next kText1.Text = ch2End SubPrivate Sub Command3_Click()Open "out5.dat" For Output As #1Print #1, Text1.TextClose #1End Sub第六套1Private Sub Command1_Click()str1 = Text1.Textstr2 = Text2.Text' n = Len(?)' For i = 1 To Len(?)If Mid(str1, i, n) = RTrim(str2) Then' MsgBox str2 & "的起始位置是:" & ?Exit ForEnd IfNext' If i > ? Then MsgBox "没有找到!"End SubPrivate Sub Form_Load()Text1.Text = "Last week I went to the theatre. I had a good seat. The play is very interesting. I did not enjoy it. A young man and a young woman were seating behind me. They were talking loudly."End Sub2Private Sub showPic_Click()Picture1.Visible = TrueText1.Visible = False' If ? = "显示图片" ThenPicture1.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\pic4.bmp")showPic.Caption = "清空图片"Else' Picture1.Picture = ?showPic.Caption = "显示图片"End IfEnd SubPrivate Sub showText_Click()' Picture1.Visible = ?Text1.Visible = True' Open App.Path & "\data4.dat" ? As #1Input #1, s' Text1.Text = ?Close #1End Sub3Private Sub Command1_Click()Open App.Path & "\data5.dat" For Input As #1Input #1, x' Label1.Caption = ?' Close ?End SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()'=========以下考生编写=============================== '=======考生编写程序结束============================ Open App.Path & "\out5.dat" For Output As #1Print #1, Label2.CaptionClose #1End SubPrivate Function p(n As Integer) As Booleanflag = TrueFor i = 2 To Sqr(n)If n Mod i = 0 Thenflag = FalseExit ForEnd IfNext ip = flagEnd Function第七套1Private Sub Command1_Click()For i = 0 To 6' k = ?' For j = i + 1 To ?' If Val(Text1(j).Text) > ? Thenk = jEnd IfNext jj = Text1(i).TextText1(i).Text = Text1(k).Text' Text1(k).Text = ?Next iEnd Sub2Private Sub Command1_Click()For k = 0 To Combo1.ListCount - 1' If Combo1.Text = ? ThenExit ForEnd IfNext kIf k >= Combo1.ListCount Then' Combo1.AddItem ?ElseMsgBox ("此项目已存在!")End IfEnd SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()If Combo1.ListIndex >= 0 Then' Combo1.RemoveItem ?End IfEnd SubPrivate Sub Command3_Click()' Text1.Text = Text1.Text & " " & ?End SubPrivate Sub Command4_Click()' ? = ""End Sub3Option Base 1Dim s As StringPrivate Sub Command1_Click()Open App.Path & "\in5.dat" For Input As #1s = Input(LOF(1), #1)Close #1Text1.Text = sEnd SubPrivate Function GetWords(s As String, words() As String) As IntegerDim m%, ch$ch = ""For k = 1 To Len(s)c = Mid(s, k, 1)If c <> " " Thench = ch + cElsem = m + 1words(m) = chch = ""End IfNext k' GetWords = ?End FunctionPrivate Sub Command2_Click()Dim ch(800) As String, n As IntegerIf Len(s) = 0 ThenMsgBox "请先使用“读数据”功能!"Else' m = GetWords( ? , ch )'--------------------------考生编写的程序代码从这里开始'--------------------------考生编写的程序代码到这里结束End IfEnd SubPrivate Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)Open App.Path & "\out5.dat" For Output As #1Print #1, Label1.CaptionClose #1End Sub第八套Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim s As LongDim i As Integeri = 0: s = 0'While i < ?' ?s = s + jc(i)WendText1.Text = sEnd SubFunction jc(n As Integer) As LongDim i As IntegerDim t As Long' ?'For i = 1 To ?t = t * iNext' ?End Function2Option Base 1Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim arr(50) As IntegerDim i As Integer, j As IntegerDim x As Integer, max As Integer, pos As IntegerRandomizemax = 0: pos = 1i = 1Dox = Int(Rnd * 101)' ?Do While j < iIf x <> arr(j) Then' j = j + ?ElseExit DoEnd IfLoopIf j = i Then'arr(j) = ?Print arr(j);i = i + 1If (i - 1) Mod 10 = 0 Then PrintIf max < x Thenmax = x' pos = ?End IfEnd IfLoop Until i > 50Text1.Text = maxText2.Text = posEnd Sub3Dim a(100) As IntegerPrivate Sub Command1_Click()Dim k As IntegerOpen App.Path & "\in5.dat" For Input As #1For k = 1 To 100Input #1, a(k)Next kClose #1End SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()Dim i As Integer, j As IntegerDim b(100) As Integerj = 0For i = 1 To 100If prime(a(i)) Thenj = j + 1b(j) = a(i)End IfNextFor i = 1 To jText1 = Text1 + Str(b(i))NextEnd Sub'以下Function 过程用于判断某数是否为质数Function prime(p As Integer) As Boolean'考生编写End FunctionPrivate Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer) Open App.Path & "\out5.dat" For Output As #1Print #1, Text1.TextClose #1End Sub第九套Dim n As IntegerPrivate Sub Form_Click()' Timer1.Enabled = ?End SubPrivate Sub Form_Load()' Timer1.Interval = ?Timer1.Enabled = FalseText1.ForeColor = 0n = 0End SubPrivate Sub Timer1_Timer()' n = ?If n Mod 5 = 0 ThenText1.Text = Time()End IfIf n Mod 8 = 0 Then' If Text1.ForeColor = ? ThenText1.ForeColor = &HFFElseText1.ForeColor = 0End IfEnd IfEnd Sub2Dim a%(1 To 10)Private Sub Command1_Click()RandomizeFor k = 1 To 10a(k) = Int(Rnd * 90 + 10)Picture1.Print a(k);Next kPicture1.PrintPicture1.Print "---------------------------------------" End SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()m% = Val(Text1)' MoveArray a(), ?For k = 1 To 10Picture1.Print a(k);Next kPicture1.PrintEnd SubSub MoveArray(a() As Integer, m As Integer)n% = UBound(a)' For k = 1 To ?x = a(1)For j = 1 To n - 1' a(j) = a( ? )Next j' a(n) = ?Next kEnd Sub3Private Type recname As String * 3Math As IntegerChinese As IntegerEnglish As IntegerEnd TypeDim a(30) As rec, num As IntegerPrivate Sub Command1_Click()Open App.Path & "\in5.txt" For Input As #1k = 1' Do While Not EOF( ? )Input #1, a(k).name, a(k).Math, a(k).Chinese, a(k).Englishk = k + 1LoopClose #1' num = ?End SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()'========================考生编写====================== '====================================================== End SubPrivate Sub Command3_Click()Open App.Path & "\out5.dat" For Output As #1For k = 1 To numPrint #1, a(k).nameNext kClose #1End SubPrivate Function sum(k As Integer) As Integersum = a(k).Math + a(k).Chinese + a(k).EnglishEnd Function第十套Private Sub Command1_Click()' If ? Or File1.ListIndex = File1.ListCount - 1 Then File1.ListIndex = 0ElseIf File1.ListIndex >= 0 Then' File1.ListIndex = ?End IfEnd IfShowInforEnd SubPrivate Sub File1_DblClick()Call ShowInforEnd SubPrivate Sub ShowInfor()' Label1.Caption = App.Path + "\" + ?Image1.Picture = LoadPicture(Label1.Caption)End SubPrivate Sub Form_Load()File1.Path = App.Path' File1. ?End Sub2Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim fstr As String, ostr As StringDim times As Integer, pos As IntegerDim ans As Integerfstr = InputBox("输入待查内容", "查找")If fstr = "" ThenExit SubEnd Iftimes = 0ostr = Text1.Textpos = InStr(1, ostr, fstr)Do While pos <> 0' Text1.SelStart = ?' Text1.SelLength = ?' times = ?Text2.Text = timesans = MsgBox("找到了,是否继续查找?", vbYesNo)If ans = vbYes Thenpos = pos + Len(fstr)' pos = ?ElseExit DoEnd IfLoopEnd Sub3Option ExplicitOption Base 1Dim a(10) As IntegerPrivate Sub Command1_Click()Dim i As IntegerList1.ClearOpen App.Path & "\in5.dat" For Input As #1For i = 1 To 10Input #1, a(i)List1.AddItem (a(i))Next iClose #1End Sub强化31Private Sub Command2_Click()'===================考生编写的程序============== '=============================================== End SubPrivate Sub Command3_Click()Dim i As IntegerOpen App.Path & "\out5.dat" For Output As #1For i = 0 To 9Print #1, List2.List(i)Next iClose #1End SubPrivate Sub C1_Click()Dim k As Integer' Form2. ?Form2.Print Form1.L1.Caption; Form1.Text1Form2.Print Form1.L2.Caption; Form1.Text2Form2.Print Form1.L3.Caption; Form1.Text3' Form2.Print Form1.Frame1. ? ; ":";For k = 0 To 1' If Form1.Op1( ? ).Value ThenForm2.Print Form1.Op1(k).CaptionEnd IfNext kEnd SubPrivate Sub Form_Load()' Text2. ? = "*"End Sub2Private Sub C1_Click()' If ? = "123456" ThenText1.Text = "口令正确"' Text1.? = ""ElseText2.Text = Text2.Text - 1' If Text2.Text > ? ThenMsgBox "第" & (3 - Text2.Text) & "次口令错误,请重新输入"ElseMsgBox "3次输入错误,请退出"' Text1.Enabled = ?End IfEnd IfEnd Sub强化32Private Sub Form_load()HScroll1.Min = Shape2.Left' HScroll1.Max = Shape2.Width + Shape2.Left - Shape1. ?VScroll1.Min = Shape2.Top' VScroll1.Max = Shape2.Height + ? - Shape1.HeightHScroll1.Value = 1000VScroll1.Value = 1000End SubPrivate Sub HScroll1_Change()' ? = HScroll1.ValueEnd SubPrivate Sub VScroll1_Change()' Shape1.Top = ?End Sub2Dim a, t, dPrivate Sub Command1_Click()' Timer1.? = Trued = Image1.TopEnd SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()Open App.Path & "\out4.txt" For Output As #1Print #1, Label1, Label2Close #1End SubPrivate Sub Form_Load()a = 1t = 0End SubPrivate Sub Timer1_Timer()Image1.Top = Image1.Top - a * 50If Image1.Top + Image1.Height <= Image2.Top + Image2.Height - 200 Then' ? = False' d = ? - Image1.TopLabel1 = dLabel2 = t * Timer1.Interval / 1000End Ifa = a + 0.1' t = ?End Sub3Dim a(30) As Integer, b(30) As Integer, c(60) As IntegerPrivate Sub Command1_Click()Dim k As IntegerOpen App.Path & "\in5.dat" For Input As #1For k = 1 To 30Input #1, a(k)Text1 = Text1 + Str(a(k)) + Space(2) Next kFor k = 1 To 30Input #1, b(k)Text2 = Text2 + Str(b(k)) + Space(2) Next kClose #1End Sub'考生编写程序Private Sub Command2_Click()For k = 1 To 60Text3 = Text3 + Str(c(k)) + Space(2) Next kEnd SubPrivate Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)Open App.Path & "\out5.dat" For Output As #1Print #1, Text3.TextClose #1End Sub强化33Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim n As IntegerCls' ? = InputBox("请输入一个整数")Print "因子数="; fun(n)End SubFunction fun(m As Integer)Dim s As Integers = 0For k = 1 To Abs(m) / 2' If m Mod k = ? Thens = s + 1Print kEnd IfNext k' ?End Function2Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim k%' For k = List1.ListCount - 1 To 0 ?If List1.Selected(k) = True Then' List2.AddItem ?' List1.RemoveItem ?End IfNext kEnd SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()Dim k%Text1 = "已经选中的城市有:"For k = 0 To List2.ListCount - 1 Step 1' Text1 = ? & " " & List2.List(k)Next kEnd Sub3Dim stepy As Integer '纵向移动增量Dim stepx As Integer '横向移动增量Const LEFT_BUTTON = 1Private Sub Form_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)Dim x0 As Integer, y0 As Integer, a As Single, radius As Integerradius = Shape1.Width / 2 '圆的半径If Button = LEFT_BUTTON Thenx0 = Shape1.Left + radius '圆心的x坐标y0 = Shape1.Top + radius '圆心的y坐标If x = x0 Thenstepy = Sgn(y - y0) * 50' stepx = ?Elsea = (y - y0) / (x - x0) '斜率stepx = Sgn(x - x0) * 50' ? = a * stepxIf Abs(stepy) > Abs(stepx) Thenstepy = Sgn(y - y0) * 50stepx = stepy / aEnd IfEnd If' ? = TrueElse' ? = FalseEnd IfEnd SubPrivate Sub Timer1_Timer()' Shape1.Move Shape1.Left + stepx, Shape1.Top + ? End Sub强化34Dim a(10) As IntegerPrivate Sub Form_Load()For i = 1 To 10a(i) = Int(Rnd * 100)NextEnd SubPrivate Sub Command1_Click()x = a(1)y = a(1)For i = 2 To 10If Option1.Value = True Then' If a(i) ? x Then' ?= a(i)End If' ElseIf a(i) ? y Then' ?= a(i)End IfNextIf Option1.Value = True ThenLabel2.Caption = xElseLabel2.Caption = yEnd IfEnd Sub2Private Sub List1_DblClick()' Call MoveItem(?)End SubPrivate Sub Command1_Click()Call MoveAllEnd SubPublic Sub MoveItem(L1 As ListBox, L2 As ListBox) ' L2.AddItem ?' L1.RemoveItem ?End SubPublic Sub MoveAll()' For i = 0 To ?List2.AddItem List1.List(i)NextEnd Sub3Dim a(7, 7) As IntegerPrivate Sub Form_Load()readEnd SubPublic Sub read()Open App.Path & "\Data5.txt" For Input As #1Do While Not EOF(1)For i = 1 To 7For j = 1 To 7Input #1, a(i, j)Next jNext iLoopClose #1End SubPublic Sub Save()Open App.Path & "\out5.txt" For Output As #1Print #1, lblFirst.Caption, lblSecond.CaptionClose #1End SubPrivate Sub Command1_Click()Dim Sum As LongN = 7Counter = 0Sum = 0' 考生输入代码开始' 考生输入代码结束SaveEnd Sub强化35Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim n As IntegerDim b As IntegerDim a(3) As Integers = RTrim(Text1.Text)'n = ? (Text1.Text)For i = 1 To n'b = ? (Mid(s, i, 1))'Select Case ?Case 48 To 57a(0) = a(0) + 1Case 65 To 90a(1) = a(1) + 1Case 97 To 122a(2) = a(2) + 1End SelectNext'For i = 0 To ?'? = a(i)NextEnd Sub2Private Sub remove(La As ListBox, Lb As ListBox) ' For i = 0 To ? - 1' Lb.AddItem ?.List(i)Next' ?.ClearEnd SubPrivate Sub Command1_Click()Call remove(List1, List2)End SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()Call remove(List2, List1)End Sub3Dim a(10) As IntegerPublic Sub Save()Open App.Path & "\out5.txt" For Output As #1Print #1, Label4.CaptionClose #1End SubPrivate Sub Command1_Click()Open App.Path & "\Data5.txt" For Input As #1 ' Do While Not ?For i = 1 To 10Input #1, a(i)' s = s & ?Next iLoopClose #1Label2.Caption = sEnd SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()For i = 1 To 10s = s & Str(a(i))Next iLabel4.Caption = sSaveEnd Sub。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
用于Tree Applet。
5、Pick List查询与操作
点击BC bContact的Organization Name字段,弹出MVG Applet以//及Assoc Applet,在Assoc Applet中查询指定的组织,查询到了则通过Associate()方法添加到右边MVG中。
var bcOrg = GetMVGBusComp("Organization Name");
var bcAssocOrg = bcOrg.GetAssocBusComp();
SetSearchSpec("Name", "CKS Software");
ExecuteQuery (ForwardOnly);
if (FirstRecord())
catch (e)
TheApplication().RaiseErrorText("Error Associating new Organization");
with (bcOrg)
//此处MVG BC可能设置权限,导致MVG设置“主要”失败,因此要修改权限为管理员权限
InvokeMethod("SetAdminMode", "TRUE");
SetSearchSpec("Name", "CKS Software");
ActivateField("SSA Primary Field");
if (FirstRecord())
SetFieldValue("SSA Primary Field", "Y");
InvokeMethod("SetAdminMode", "FALSE");
bcAssocOrg = null;
bcOrg = null;
psIn.SetProperty("Cancel Method Name","");
psIn.SetProperty("Confirm Text","是否需要转签,若需转签,请点击'取消',然后录入转签率、转签至经营单位,否则点击'确定'。
psIn.SetProperty("OK Method Name","SumitOrderEntry");
bsSev.InvokeMethod("ShowConfirmDialog", psIn, psOut);
catch (e)
bsSev = null;
psOut = null;
psIn = null;
9.Popup Applet
Popup Applet 弹出窗口即可以基于配置,也可以用Server Script实现,不过基于配置的话,由于只能调用方法ShowPopup(),因此当一个Applet上有两个按钮时,不能分别为两个按钮设置弹出窗口Applet的条件。
而Server Script刚好可以弥补这个不足。
不过,用Server Script实现要求弹出Applet与按钮所在Applet在同一个BO中,当然还要求弹出Applet的Class为CSSSWEFrameListPopup或者CSSFramePopupFile。
11. 页面跳转
12. 数组
14. Tracing