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牛津高中英语模块1~11 词组汇编模块

1. for free 免费

注意 2. pay attention to

应该⋯⋯,应当⋯⋯3. be supposed to

4. do with 处理,处置负责,掌管

5. in charge (灯)熄灭

6.go out

不再,再也不anymore 7.not ⋯对⋯⋯苛刻,对⋯⋯要求严格now that 既然;由于9.

不睡觉,熬夜10. stay up

11. after all 毕竟混淆,弄乱;搅匀,拌和

好像,似乎13. as though

14. insist on 坚持,坚持认为目前,当前

发疯似地,拼命地16. like crazy

17.work out 锻炼

18.go on diets 节食

秘密地in secret 19.

fall out (头发等)脱落20. put on weight 21. 体重增加

连同⋯⋯,随同⋯⋯22. along with

23.in the long term 从长远角度看

事实上24.as a matter of fact

立刻,很快25.in no time

26.back cover (书的)封底

27.trash can (美)垃圾桶

28.Internet café网吧

29.side effect 副作用

模块二step up 1. 加紧,加强,促进由于,因为due to 2.

3. show up 出现,露面根据

4. according to 排除

5. rule out

调查;检查 6. look into

编造,捏造,杜撰7. make up

负责,接管8. take charge of 追,追赶9. run after 8. be hard on

12. mix up 15. at present

平均10. on average 在黑暗中11. in the dark 万一12. in case 颠倒,上下翻

过来upside down 13.

靠近地up close 14.

期望,盼望15. look forward to 启航16.set sail 也,以及17. as well as

立刻,马上18. right away 成功,带来好结果19. pay off

大量,许多20.a great deal of

满月21. full moon

外层空间,太空22. outer space 连环漫画23. comic strip 登山者24. mountain climber

救生衣25. life jacket 缆车26. cable car

旅游点27. tourist spot

模块三看得到,在视野范围之内1. in sight 盼望,企盼 2.wish for

(手)伸出;伸出(手)reach out 3. 抬头凝视4.stare up at 留意,留心,

密切注意5.watch out for 报答;偿还(借款)6.pay back

由于⋯⋯而呆住be frozen with 7.

和⋯⋯相关,和⋯⋯有联系be related to 8.

和⋯⋯有联系,和⋯⋯有关联的be linked to 9.

make sense 10. 有意义;有道理,讲得通充分利用11.

make the most of 12. can't help ( doing)禁不住(做某事),忍不住(做某

事)(使)暖和起来;(使)热身13. warm up

突然,猛地14. all of a sudden (铃声,枪声等)突然响起15. ring out 取得

进步16. make progress

(不小心)撞着某物*bang into 17. 以⋯⋯为食,吃18. feed on 由⋯⋯组

成,由⋯⋯构成19. be made up of

由⋯⋯组成,由⋯⋯构成20. consist of 拿起,捡起21. pick up

拿起,捡起22. lift up 是⋯⋯的成因之一contribute to 23.

控制,取得对⋯⋯的控制take control of 24. 视⋯⋯而定,取决于,依赖于;依靠depend on 25. (在字典或参考书中)查找look up 26.

关注,关心;在意;担心27.care about

和⋯⋯不同,不同于28.differ from

作为整体,总体上29.as a whole (使)变成30. turn into 夺取;接管31. take over

处于良好的状态in good condition 32. 实施,执行,进行33. carry out

在船上(飞机上或火车上);上船(飞机或火车)on board 34. 纪念

35.in memory of

36. 使用中in use 作为回报37. in return

no more 不复存在;不再38.

39. blood pressure 血压

40. great white shark 大白鲨41. water sports 水上运动

母语,本国语42. mother tongue

汉字43. Chinese character

44. burial chamber 墓室

模块四1.be used to 习以为常,习惯于,适应知道,明白,意识到2.be aware of 即使even if 3.

4. fall for 上⋯⋯的当,受⋯⋯的骗,对⋯⋯信以为真欺骗,捉弄

5. play tricks on 处理,对付;对待

6. deal with

自杀7. commit suicide 对⋯⋯感到满意8. be satisfied with 诱使某人做某事9. trick somebody into doing something 反复地10. over and over again 为了,方便11. in order to

(数量,程度等)达到12. up to 对⋯⋯感到厌倦13. be bored with 整天,昼夜day and night


迎合,对⋯⋯有吸引力15. appeal to 对⋯⋯关心(关注或感兴趣)16. be concerned with

传达17. get something across 组织,汇集;组装put something together 18. 参加take part (in) 19.

纪念⋯⋯,向⋯⋯表示敬意20. in honour of 一起,共同;并肩地,并排side by side 21.

打破记录break the record 22.

对⋯⋯做出贡献make contributions to 23.

许多,大量24. plenty of
