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“H ow to Say it” is derived from corpus VOA
Compiled by Mr. Wu
阴沉丧气的人是Debbie downer, 阳光向上的性格是sunny personality, 及时行乐则是to eat, drink and be merry 旅行攻略是travel tips, 旅游陷阱是tourist trap, 旋风旅行则是whirlwind tour 励志节目是inspirational show, 深受打击是crushed, 形容有人选择错误,有眼无珠,可以说It's their loss
形容一个人能说会道,用silver tongue; 说空话是pay lip service; 说一套,做一套是talk the talk, but not walk the walk 短板是weak point, 或者shortcoming; 扬长避短是stick to your strengths;不合适,不合群是a poor fit 冷幽默是dry humor; 荤段子off-color jokes; 单口相声演员是standup comedian :dry humor, the emphasis is not on funny facial expressions or exaggerated body moves, rather, it's the joke itself that's really humorous. 保质期是shelf life 换位思考叫做put oneself in someone else's shoes; 会吃的食客,老饕,是foodie 闺蜜是best friend forever, 也就是BFF; 因为厌恶或者吃惊而无语,用speechless 摆臭脸是mean mug someone 美容觉叫做beauty sleep 道听途说可以说I heard it through the grapevine; 大众情人叫做lady killer 夜猫子叫做night owl;. 开夜车,通宵学习工作,叫pull an all-nighter; ,开卷考试是open-book test; 管教严厉的母亲,叫tiger mom 崩溃可以用to freak out 如履薄冰是on thin ice. 异地恋是long-distance relationship To make eyes at someone 是冲某人抛媚眼;. pickup line 是和女孩儿搭讪时所说的话;to hit it off 是一见如故。第一:炒作叫 a publicity stunt; 第二,票房叫box office; 第三,形容吹嘘过头,可以用overhyped 抢风头是steal someone's thunder 剧透是a spoiler; 出乎意料的故事情节是a plot twist 大片儿是blockbuster; 众星云集的是star-studded;催人泪下的哭片则是tearjerker 形容一件东西抢手说something sells like hotcakes必备单品叫做:must-have; 第二,买一送一,可以说: buy one get one free; 第三,换季大甩卖,叫做end of season sale. 酒后驾车是drunk driving 团购是group buying 形容某人小心眼,用petty
容衣着暴露,可以用scantily clad, 或者show too much skin You can say this address is showing too much skin 使某人抓狂叫push sb over the edge 第一,脑风暴叫做:brainstorm; 第二,集思广义,可以说: put ones' heads together; 第三,创造性思维,叫think outside the box. 挂羊头卖狗肉是false advertising;第四,忽悠是bamboozle! 形容路痴可以说:Somebody has no sense of direction 跑龙套的/群众演员是extra 或者walk-on. 第二,大腕儿是big shot. 第三,替身是stunt-double 电灯泡叫做:the third wheel;第二,如胶似漆的情侣,可以说love birds;第三,"天生一对"是,a match made in heaven 软柿子可以说push-over,也可以叫cowardly lion. 直觉叫hunch 或gut feeling 形容某人两面派是two-faced 修饰身材叫figure flattering;第二,节食叫go on a diet,地狱式节食是a crash diet;第三,暴饮暴食是binge eating。菜鸟叫newbie拍某人的马屁是suck up to someone;第三:偏心是play favorites. teachers are not supposed to play favorites. That's unfair to other students 小三叫mistress 或者the other woman; 纠结,拿不定主意可以说I'm torn. 或是I'm on the fence; 月光族的生活方式叫live from paycheck to paycheck 放我一马是let someone off the hook;宰人是rip-off, 当动词是rip someone off 拗口的东西则是 a tongue twister,火爆脾气是have a short fuse;第二,口头教训别人是give someone a piece of my mind, 或者tell someone off 第三,别往心里去是Don't take it personally抠门可以说tightfisted, 小气鬼则是cheapskate来电可以用chemistry 或者sparks对某人产生好感,to develop a crush on someone;第二:女孩子的真命天子,Mr. Right; 第三:灵魂伴侣,soul mate。闲聊八卦,或者传流言蜚语,都可以用gossip 第二,八卦媒体是tabloid 第三,狗仔队,是复数名词paparazzi! 派对上的不速之客是party crasher 第二,白吃白喝的人是freeloader 第三,凑和睡一晚,可以说crash here for the night 让人扫兴的人或事是a wet blanket, 或者a party pooper潜规则”在美语里叫"unspoken rules";甄选,海选”在美语里叫"open audition";第二,过关,被选上了,是make the cut;第三,被刷下去了,就是get eliminated. 第一,说人或事很牛,用形容词awesome或ballin 看热闹的人叫rubberneck;,"人脉"在美语里就是connection;第二,形容"人脉广"用well-connected;第三,社交技巧,是networking skills! 不同寻常则叫stand out from the crowd to become famous overnight,一夜成名;第二,to be an instant hit, 火速窜红;第三: