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Positive Psychology: The Science of Happiness 积极心理学:幸福的科学
SUCCESS (cause) HAPPINESS (effect) 成功(因) 幸福(果) SUCCESS (effect) HAPPINESS (cause) 成功(果) 幸福(因)
三组间没有显著差异 • 10 months follow-up 10个月随访 : – Relapse medication 药物治疗复发率: 38% – Relapse medication*exercise 联合治疗复发率: 31% – Relapse exercise 锻炼治疗复发率: 9% • Not exercising is like taking depressants 没有锻炼与服用致抑郁药类似
The Permission to be HumaБайду номын сангаас 自我悦纳
Unconditional Acceptance 无条件的接纳
• Paradox: “Ironic Processing” 两难问题 • No resignation 不放弃 • Active acceptance 积极的接纳 “The higher type of man is not a machine.” Confucius (Analects, II, XII) “子曰:“君子不器.”
Exercise Revolution
• Obesity 肥胖 • School performance
• Violence 暴力 • Happiness 幸福感
“In a way, exercise can be thought of as a psychiatrist’s dream treatment. It works on anxiety, on panic disorder, and on stress in general, which has a lot to do with depression. And it generates the release of neurotransmitters—norepinephrine, serotonin, and dopamine—that are very similar to our most important psychiatric medicines. Having a bout of exercise is like taking a little bit of Prozac and a little bit of Ritalin, right where it is supposed to go.” --- John Ratey
Stavros and Torres
“我们能看到的是我们所寻找的,我们常错过很多我们 不曾关注的事物,即使它们就在眼前…我们关于这个 世界的经验很大程度受到我们的注意力的影响。”
“The most common source of mistakes in management decisions is the emphasis on finding the right answer rather than the right question.”
– “Why do these individuals fail?” “为什么这些人会出现这样那样的问题?”
• Positive psychology (1980s-) 积极心理学(1980-)
– “What makes some individuals succeed despite unfavorable circumstances?” “为什么一些人即使在环境不利的情况下,依然能够成功?”
Focusing On What Works 专注积极
“The aim of Positive Psychology is to catalyze a change in psychology from a preoccupation only with repairing the worst things in life to also building the best qualities in life.”
– “What do those who are successful and able to lead a healthy and happy life do? 那些成功的、过着健康而幸福的生活的人们,是如 何做到的?
Simplify! 简单生活
• Do less, not more (quantity affects quality)
Increasing positive emotions leads to: 提升积极情绪可以带来
• •
• • • •
Higher creativity 更高的创造力
Increased engagement and motivation 更高的投入和动机 Higher productivity 更高的生产率 Lower turnover 更低的流失率 Better health 更健康 Improved relationships/teamwork 更好的人际/ 团队合作
• One-pointedness 专注于一点 • Deep breathing 深呼吸 • No good/bad meditation 冥想练习没有好坏之分
The Mind of a Meditator 冥想者的大脑
• Left-to-right ratio in prefrontal cortex 左右前额叶皮层之比
– – – – –
Set future goals 设定未来目标 An optimistic outlook 乐观的展望 Identifiable role models 可学习的榜样 Strength focused 关注优势 Physical exercise 锻炼身体
“We see what we look for and we miss much of what we are not looking for even though it is there... Our experience of the world is heavily influenced by where we place our attention.”
Overcoming Depression (Babyak et al. 2000) 战胜抑郁 (贝比艾克等人,2000)
• Results (16 weeks) 结果(16周):
– All three groups improved (>60%)
– No significant differences among groups
“最严重的错误不是来自错误的答 案。真正危险的,是提了错误的问 题。”
Sample Questions 问题示例
1. What am I grateful for?
2. What progress have I made today? 今天,我取得了哪些进步? 3. What can I appreciate (about other/self/life)? 我感恩他人/自己/生活的是什么?
“从某种角度来说,锻炼是精神病学家最理想的治疗方法。 它对焦虑、惊恐障碍或者与很多抑郁有关的压力都有作 用。它能引起递质释放——去甲肾上腺素、五羟色胺和 多巴胺——这与大多数抗精神病药物的作用机制都类似。 做适当的运动就好像服用了少量的百忧解或者利他林。” --- 约翰· 瑞迪
Mindfulness Meditation 冥想练习
“管理决策中最常见的错误的根源, 在于着重寻找正确的答案,而非提出 正确的问题。”
“The most serious mistakes are not being made as a result of wrong answers. The truly dangerous thing is asking the wrong question.”
Stress is not the problem 压力并不是问题 Lack of recovery is the problem 无法恢复才是问题
Multi-Level Recovery 多水平的恢复
• • • Micro (minutes, hours) 微小的(分钟、小时) Mezzo (nights, days) 中等的(夜、天) Macro (weeks, months) 长的(周、月)
Martin Seligman “积极心理学的目标是促使心理学从只关注于
修复生命中的问题,趋向同时致力于建立生命 中的美好品质。” 马丁 · 塞利格曼
Reframing Questions:
The Case of At-Risk Population 重建问题:高危人群
• Traditional psychology (Post-WWII) 传统心理学(二战后)
4. What are my/their strengths? 我和他人的优势是什么?
6. What questions can I ask to create a better relationship/life/organization? 我提出什么样的问题,可以创立更好的关系/生活/组织?
5. What gives me/them strength? 带给我和他人力量的是什么?
Stress 压力
Reframing Questions:
The Case of Stress
改变提问:压力情境 • Traditional psychology-传统心理学
– “Why are so many people stressed? 为什么那么多人深感压力和焦虑?
• Positive psychology-积极心理学
The Mind-Body Connection 身心合一
Overcoming Depression (Babyak et al. 2000) 战胜抑郁 (贝比艾克等人,2000)
• 156 patients with Major Depressive Disorder 156名重型抑郁患者 • Three groups (exercise, medicine, exercise*medicine) 分为三组(锻炼治疗,药物治疗,锻炼药物联合治疗) • Anti-depressant: Sertraline (Zoloft) 抗抑郁药:舍曲林(佐洛复) • Exercise: Thirty minutes three times/week 锻炼治疗:每周3次,每次30分钟
Do we—in our homes, schools, organizations, and in society as a whole—give people the permission to be human? 我们是否——在我们的家里、学校里、组织里 和整个社会中——都给别人机会,允许他们 可以做“真正的人”?
做得更少,而不是更多 (数量影响质量)
• Reduce multi-tasking (quantity AND quality)
避免同时处理多个任务 (数量和质量)
• Time Affluence (versus Material Affluence)
• Time for play 有娱乐时间 • Time for family and friends
Learning From What Works 从可行中学习
▪ Successful children 成功的孩子 ▪ Resilience 抗挫力(心理弹性) ▪ Superkids? 超级儿童?
▪ Ordinary characteristics, extraordinary results
SUCCESS (cause) HAPPINESS (effect) 成功(因) 幸福(果) SUCCESS (effect) HAPPINESS (cause) 成功(果) 幸福(因)
三组间没有显著差异 • 10 months follow-up 10个月随访 : – Relapse medication 药物治疗复发率: 38% – Relapse medication*exercise 联合治疗复发率: 31% – Relapse exercise 锻炼治疗复发率: 9% • Not exercising is like taking depressants 没有锻炼与服用致抑郁药类似
The Permission to be HumaБайду номын сангаас 自我悦纳
Unconditional Acceptance 无条件的接纳
• Paradox: “Ironic Processing” 两难问题 • No resignation 不放弃 • Active acceptance 积极的接纳 “The higher type of man is not a machine.” Confucius (Analects, II, XII) “子曰:“君子不器.”
Exercise Revolution
• Obesity 肥胖 • School performance
• Violence 暴力 • Happiness 幸福感
“In a way, exercise can be thought of as a psychiatrist’s dream treatment. It works on anxiety, on panic disorder, and on stress in general, which has a lot to do with depression. And it generates the release of neurotransmitters—norepinephrine, serotonin, and dopamine—that are very similar to our most important psychiatric medicines. Having a bout of exercise is like taking a little bit of Prozac and a little bit of Ritalin, right where it is supposed to go.” --- John Ratey
Stavros and Torres
“我们能看到的是我们所寻找的,我们常错过很多我们 不曾关注的事物,即使它们就在眼前…我们关于这个 世界的经验很大程度受到我们的注意力的影响。”
“The most common source of mistakes in management decisions is the emphasis on finding the right answer rather than the right question.”
– “Why do these individuals fail?” “为什么这些人会出现这样那样的问题?”
• Positive psychology (1980s-) 积极心理学(1980-)
– “What makes some individuals succeed despite unfavorable circumstances?” “为什么一些人即使在环境不利的情况下,依然能够成功?”
Focusing On What Works 专注积极
“The aim of Positive Psychology is to catalyze a change in psychology from a preoccupation only with repairing the worst things in life to also building the best qualities in life.”
– “What do those who are successful and able to lead a healthy and happy life do? 那些成功的、过着健康而幸福的生活的人们,是如 何做到的?
Simplify! 简单生活
• Do less, not more (quantity affects quality)
Increasing positive emotions leads to: 提升积极情绪可以带来
• •
• • • •
Higher creativity 更高的创造力
Increased engagement and motivation 更高的投入和动机 Higher productivity 更高的生产率 Lower turnover 更低的流失率 Better health 更健康 Improved relationships/teamwork 更好的人际/ 团队合作
• One-pointedness 专注于一点 • Deep breathing 深呼吸 • No good/bad meditation 冥想练习没有好坏之分
The Mind of a Meditator 冥想者的大脑
• Left-to-right ratio in prefrontal cortex 左右前额叶皮层之比
– – – – –
Set future goals 设定未来目标 An optimistic outlook 乐观的展望 Identifiable role models 可学习的榜样 Strength focused 关注优势 Physical exercise 锻炼身体
“We see what we look for and we miss much of what we are not looking for even though it is there... Our experience of the world is heavily influenced by where we place our attention.”
Overcoming Depression (Babyak et al. 2000) 战胜抑郁 (贝比艾克等人,2000)
• Results (16 weeks) 结果(16周):
– All three groups improved (>60%)
– No significant differences among groups
“最严重的错误不是来自错误的答 案。真正危险的,是提了错误的问 题。”
Sample Questions 问题示例
1. What am I grateful for?
2. What progress have I made today? 今天,我取得了哪些进步? 3. What can I appreciate (about other/self/life)? 我感恩他人/自己/生活的是什么?
“从某种角度来说,锻炼是精神病学家最理想的治疗方法。 它对焦虑、惊恐障碍或者与很多抑郁有关的压力都有作 用。它能引起递质释放——去甲肾上腺素、五羟色胺和 多巴胺——这与大多数抗精神病药物的作用机制都类似。 做适当的运动就好像服用了少量的百忧解或者利他林。” --- 约翰· 瑞迪
Mindfulness Meditation 冥想练习
“管理决策中最常见的错误的根源, 在于着重寻找正确的答案,而非提出 正确的问题。”
“The most serious mistakes are not being made as a result of wrong answers. The truly dangerous thing is asking the wrong question.”
Stress is not the problem 压力并不是问题 Lack of recovery is the problem 无法恢复才是问题
Multi-Level Recovery 多水平的恢复
• • • Micro (minutes, hours) 微小的(分钟、小时) Mezzo (nights, days) 中等的(夜、天) Macro (weeks, months) 长的(周、月)
Martin Seligman “积极心理学的目标是促使心理学从只关注于
修复生命中的问题,趋向同时致力于建立生命 中的美好品质。” 马丁 · 塞利格曼
Reframing Questions:
The Case of At-Risk Population 重建问题:高危人群
• Traditional psychology (Post-WWII) 传统心理学(二战后)
4. What are my/their strengths? 我和他人的优势是什么?
6. What questions can I ask to create a better relationship/life/organization? 我提出什么样的问题,可以创立更好的关系/生活/组织?
5. What gives me/them strength? 带给我和他人力量的是什么?
Stress 压力
Reframing Questions:
The Case of Stress
改变提问:压力情境 • Traditional psychology-传统心理学
– “Why are so many people stressed? 为什么那么多人深感压力和焦虑?
• Positive psychology-积极心理学
The Mind-Body Connection 身心合一
Overcoming Depression (Babyak et al. 2000) 战胜抑郁 (贝比艾克等人,2000)
• 156 patients with Major Depressive Disorder 156名重型抑郁患者 • Three groups (exercise, medicine, exercise*medicine) 分为三组(锻炼治疗,药物治疗,锻炼药物联合治疗) • Anti-depressant: Sertraline (Zoloft) 抗抑郁药:舍曲林(佐洛复) • Exercise: Thirty minutes three times/week 锻炼治疗:每周3次,每次30分钟
Do we—in our homes, schools, organizations, and in society as a whole—give people the permission to be human? 我们是否——在我们的家里、学校里、组织里 和整个社会中——都给别人机会,允许他们 可以做“真正的人”?
做得更少,而不是更多 (数量影响质量)
• Reduce multi-tasking (quantity AND quality)
避免同时处理多个任务 (数量和质量)
• Time Affluence (versus Material Affluence)
• Time for play 有娱乐时间 • Time for family and friends
Learning From What Works 从可行中学习
▪ Successful children 成功的孩子 ▪ Resilience 抗挫力(心理弹性) ▪ Superkids? 超级儿童?
▪ Ordinary characteristics, extraordinary results