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First, the ground is excavated. Then, the concrete foundations are constructed. Later, the column base plates are fixed. Finally, the steel columns are erected.
a)This cannot be put in place until the upper floor steel columns have been erected. 这个不能到位,知道楼上树立好钢柱。
b)Before fixing these, the workmen erect the corner units. 在解决这些之前,工人们建造角落单位。
Phase 1
Ground is excavated
Concrete foundations are constructed
Column base plates are fixed 柱形基础板固定
Steel columns are erected 树立钢柱
Vertical cladding panels are fixed 固定垂直覆盖层板
Suspended ceilings are fixed 固定吊顶
Partitions are erected 划分区域
Services are installed in the ceiling void 在吊顶空间安装服务
首先,挖掘地基。然后,搭建混凝土基础构造。之后,确定柱形基础板。最后, 树立钢柱。
Now look at the drawings of the next three stages and make statements about
the sequence of events in phases 2, 3 and 4. 现在看看接下来三个阶段的图纸和在2,3,4部分关于项目顺序的说明。
Phase 2
Roof decking is put in place 屋顶装饰
Upper floor steel columns are erected 楼上树立钢柱
Concrete floor slabs are put in place 浇制混凝土楼板
Beams and bracing are fixed 固定梁和支撑结构
e)The electric wiring is installed during this phase. 在这个阶段安装电线。
f)When the balustrade fixing plates have fixed, the workmen can start laying this. 在栏杆固定杆固定后,工人们开始铺设。
Phase 3 Phase 4
Weatherproof roof membrane is laid 铺设防风雨的屋顶防水层
Balustrade fixing plates are fixed 固定栏杆固定板
Comer units are erected 树立边角构件
Horizontal cladding panels are fixed 固定水平电镀板
Floor finishes are laid 铺设地板
Building is decorated 建筑装饰
3.Identify the part of the building or the phase of assembly sequence described in these sentences:
The agent is important because he acts for the contractor and has the authority
of the contractor on the site. 代理很重要,因为他对承包商的行为具有对网站的权威。
The navy is important because he, with perhaps hundreds of other navies, does
8.carpenters木匠-----------------------fixing of floor joists, roof timbers, doors,windows
9.roofing contractor屋面承包方-----laying roof covering铺设屋面覆盖层
Part 2 Controlled
1.Look at this time schedule of a building project: 看一个建筑项目的时间表:
bourers劳工------------------------doing manual work做体力劳动
6.plumbers水管工---------------------installation of pipework and sanitary fittings
7.joiners连接工------------------------manufacture of doors, windows, screens 制作门,窗,屏幕等
3.machine drivers机械工人----------excavating ground挖掘土地
4.steel erectors钢结构安装工-------erecting steelwork安装钢结构
5.bricklayers砖瓦匠-------------------building brickwork砌筑砖墙
13.glaziers装玻璃工人----------------putting in glazing安装玻璃 14.decorators室内装潢师-------------decorating building建筑装潢
Manager经理 Project manager项目经理
Resident construction manager 驻工地总代表
c)During this phase the beams and bracing are fixed. 在这个阶段,梁和支撑是固定的。
d)The workmen fix these after constructing the concrete foundations. 工人们将在之后浇筑混凝土基础。
Heating furnace 加热炉
Reactor 反应器
Mixer 搅拌器
Centrifuge 离心机
Belt-conveyer 皮带输送机
Cooler 冷凝器
Condenser 冷凝器
Separator 分离器
Boiler 锅炉
Generator 发生器
Scrubber 洗涤器
Stripper 汽提器
Between the agent and the navy there are many other men who organize the work, help it to go smoothly, see to the arrival of the essential materials, check their quality and help to get the contract finished on time. 代理和工人之间有许多其他的人安排工作来帮助它顺利进行,等到材料到来, 检查它们的质量并且帮助按时完成合同。
Mechanic机械工 Electrician电工 Pipelayer管工 Welder焊工 Carpenter木工 Turner车工 Blacksmith铁工 Builder建筑工人 Erector安装工人 Riveter铆工 Rigger起重工 Concrete worker混凝土工 Engine-driver司机 Repair worker维修工
most of the work. 工人的工作很重要是因为他们也许要作大部分的工作。
Compared with these two, although no civil engineer will happily admit it, the
resident engineer comes third, for without him the work would be completed in
10.cladding fixers包层调停者-------fixing cladding固定维修包层
11.heating contractor加热承包商----installation of heating equipment
12.electricians电工---------------------installation of electrical equipment电气设备安装
Construction superintendent工 地主任
Controller staff member管理员 ,职员
Engineer工程师 Technician技术员 Economist经济员 Supervisor检查员 Foreman工长 Worker工人
Civil engineering土建工程 Chemical engineering化工工程 Process工艺 Mechanical equipment机械设备 Electrical电气 Instrumentation仪表 Piping管道 Welding焊接 Furnace筑炉 Building建筑 Corrosion prevention防腐 Thermal-insulation保温 Heating-ventilation采暖通风 Quality control质量管理
主讲人: 徐西雨 关清源 孟康 杜文旺
Part 1 Warm-up ivties
1. Assembly sequence of a prefabricated building.
The sequence is divided into four stages or phases:
time, though perhaps badly and at high cost to the client.

Most of the civil engineering design has been done by the time the contract has been signed, and the contractor is bound by to follow the design as it is laid down in the drawings, though normally no contract is left without the supervision of a resident engineer or at least of a clerk of the works or a civil engineering inspector. 最重要的土木工程设计已完成,合同已经签订,和承包商势必按照设计图纸, 规定虽然通常没有合同没有监管的驻地工程师但是至少有名文员工程或土建工 程督察。
Heat exchanger 热交换器
Installing 安装
Checking 检查
Aligning 找正
Leveling 找平
Purging 清洗
Part 5 Extensive Reading
Site labor(网站劳动)
The two most important men on a construction site are the contractor’s agent and the navy. 在建筑工地最重要的两个人物是承包者代理人和工人。
Civil engineering 土建工程
Mechanical erection 机械安装 Piping配管 Electrical电气 Instrumentation仪表
Painting and insulation
work 油漆和保温绝缘工作
Cracker 裂解器
Cracking furnace 裂解炉