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设计总说明 ........................................................... I Introduction ......................................................... III 1 绪论 (1)
1.1课题背景及研究意义 (1)
1.2主要研究内容及结构安排 (1)
2 燃气泄漏检测仪系统构成框图 (3)
2.1系统构成框图 (3)
2.1.1 系统构成方案及论证 (3)
2.1.2 系统构成框图 (4)
3 燃气泄漏检测仪硬件设计 (5)
3.1MCU核心模块设计 (5)
3.1.1 MSP430系列单片机发展历程 (5)
3.1.2 MSP430系列单片机的应用领域 (5)
3.1.3 单片机最小系统介绍 (6)
3.1.4 单片机的选型 (9)
3.1.5 单片机外围电路设计 (11)
3.2采集模块硬件设计 (11)
3.3串口模块硬件设计 (13)
3.4双电源供电模块硬件设计 (15)
3.4.1 双12V稳压电源设计 (15)
3.4.2 3.3V电源设计 (16)
3.5LCD液晶显示模块设计 (18)
3.6本章小结 (21)
4 燃气泄漏检测仪软件设计与实现 (22)
4.1总程序流程图 (22)
4.2显示模块软件设计 (22)
4.3显示模块软件调试 (28)
4.4本章小结 (29)
5 硬件的安装与调试 (30)
5.1PCB版的设计 (30)
5.2PCB板的调试 (32)
5.3PCB板的焊接 (33)
6 结论 (35)
参考文献 (36)
附录 (37)
致谢 (38)
在一些发达国家中都大力推广甚至强制安装燃气报警器,如日本东京和大阪、韩国汉城、德国汉堡等城市,目前有80%以上的居民家庭安装各类基于单片机的燃气泄漏检测仪。同样,在国内一些城市,如北京、成都、哈尔滨等城市,针对燃气中毒事故接二连三地发生,果断采取措施。据1998年资料显示,每年与液化石油气有关的事故仅发生75起,而城市燃气管道用户发生事故率更低,家用燃气报警器在日本发展30年来, 日本政府和生产企业大力推广报警器的使用,使燃气泄漏和爆炸等事故的事故率远远低于欧美等发达国家,基于单片机的燃气泄漏检测仪已成为家庭生活的必需品。
Design of detection instrument based on MCU gas leakage
Gas has become the people essential to life energy, liquefied petroleum gas, natural gas as a clean energy, such as in business and is widely used in urban residents users. But as the gas is widely used, due to gas leakage caused by explosion, fire and poisoning accidents also happen from time to tome, this to some extent increase the unsafe and unstable factors of the city. Gas using the units and residents the user to select a suitable gas alarm system become necessary. Gas leakage detector based on single-chip microcomputer, is a kind of suitable for family use small gas security products. Can effectively avoid explosion caused by gas leaks, fire, poisoning and other malignant accidents, has most of the countries and regions are widely used all over the world. Gas leakage detector based on single-chip microcomputer is the security guards of the gas field, in case of gas leakage, it can timely remind consumer to avoid all kinds of lead poisoning accident. In some developed countries are heavily promoted even mandatory gas alarm, such as Tokyo and Osaka, Seoul, South Korea, Hamburg, Germany and other cities, there are more than 80% of the households to install all kinds of gas leakage detector based on single-chip microcomputer. Also, in some domestic cities such as Beijing, chengdu, Harbin and other cities, according to gas poisoning accidents occurred one after another, take decisive measures, in a couple of years ago, will be installed gas leakage alarm set forth in the form of local legislation, and the results of gas accidents declined dramatically. According to 1998 data show that every year only accident associated with liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) since 75, the city gas users happen accident rate is lower, and household gas alarm system development for 30 years in Japan, the Japanese government and enterprises to vigorously promote the use of alarm, leakage and explosion accidents of gas accident rate is far lower than Europe and the United States and other developed countries, gas leakage detector based on single-chip microcomputer has become the necessities of family life.
This topic design a gas leakage detector, monitor if there is a leak phenomenon kitchen burning gas, gas leak flow and according to the size, when the gas leakage value exceed safety standards, alarm system, gas according to whether there is abnormal phenomenon, and