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3A Chapter 4 练习


Parti. Write the correct sentences. (连词成句,加上标点符号).

1. give/let me/ /to Mum and Dad /the cards.

2. back /they /stick/quickly/the in vitati ons


3. sell /Charlie/thi ngs/wa nts to /the school fair

/at .

4. .are/each/five /dollars/they .

5 .making/a lot of/the school/for/you re/money .

P ~:选择合适的单词完成对话。

When Where What Which Why How much

1. ______ subjects do you like best? I like Chin ese best.

2. ______ do you like Easter best?

Because I like eat ing chocolate eggs.

3. ______ is the school con cert? It 'on the sec ond of May.

4. ______ do you like doing at school? I like play ing tennis.

5. ______ are you? I ' in the playgro und(操场).

6. _____ are_the_cray ons? They are three dollars each.

Part 3. Match the words and write them down.(给单词连线并写到横线上).

1. fire frame

2. moon boat

3. spri ng work

4. ice cake

5. photo festival

6. drag on cream

7. Christmas egg

8. chocolate card


How much How many

pupils are there in your class? There are thirty pupils in our class.

is the wallet?

It 'only fifty dollars.

3. ______________ moon cakes have you got?

I v e got four moon cakes.

4. ______________ cameras do you have?

I have two cameras.

5. ______________ are the key rin gs?

They re ten dollars each.

It '

They re 1.

How much is the photo frame? _____________ eight dollars. 2.

The chocolate eggs are lovely. _____________ six dollars each. 3.

Look at the butterflies. ________________ flying in the sky. 4. How much are the tickets for the fashi on show? a hun dred dollars each.

5. What s the weather like in Guang Zhou now?

______________ cold and sunny.

Part 5 :根据课文part C ,选择正确的单词填空。

money homeless sell come help

Charlie 'school has a school fair. He wants to _________ things at the school fair .He wants to raise ________ for the ____________ .

He asks his grandmother: ” Can you __________ to our school fair? ”

His gran dmother says: ” Sure. I can come and ________ you. ”

选词填空) Part 4. Choose the right an swer to complete the sen ten

ce.( 1.


key rings market each buys a lot of Grandmasees some ________ at the ___________ .She buys twenty key rings. Theyre five dollars________ . At the school fair, Linda thinks the key

rings are lovely . His father ______ three ki ng rings for Linda and

her brother.They re ten dollars each. Gran dma makes ______________ money

for the school.

Part 6. Read the follow ing passage and choose the right an swers. 读短文,回答问题。

Water Polo (水球)

Do you like to watch football? Water polois almost like football. But people play it in a swimming pool. Players do not kick the ball with their feet. Water polo players throw the ball with their han ds. They also swim towards the goal at the same time. Maybe you can try play ing water polo n ext time you go swim ming!

1. Water polo is like _____ .

A. baseball

B. football

C. basketball

D. tennis

2. People play water polo _____ .

A. in a swim ming pool

B. in side their houses

C. at a big park

D. in a dark room

3. Polo players _____ .

A. throw the ball with their feet

B. kick the ball with their feet

C. throw the ball with their hands

D. kick the ball with their hands

4. Polo players kick_the ball with their feet.

A. not

B. do not

C. do

D. does not
