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重要知识点复习(Book 1)


( ) 1. —When did the terrible earthquake happen in Ya’an, Sichuan?

— It happened 8:02 the morning of April 20th, 2013.


A. on; in

B. at; on

C. at; in

D. on; on


在具体某一天或某天的上午、下午、晚上前用介词on,如on March 10th, on Monday morning;表示在某年、某月前用介词in,如in June, in 2014;在具体某一时刻前用介词at,如at 7:00。


( ) 2. — Jenny, I need some milk.

— OK, Mum. do you need?


A. How much

B. How many

C. How often

D. How long


how many意为“多少”,用来询问数量,后面接可数名词的复数形式;how much可用来询问数量,后接不可数名词。how much还用来提问物品的价格,意为“多少钱”,相当于“What’s the price of …?”。


( ) 3. — What a beautiful dress you are wearing today!

—. It’s nice of you to say so.


A. Not at all

B. Never mind

C. Oh, no

D. Thanks


回答别人的赞扬时多用Thank you或Thanks (a lot),对于生日祝福也是一样。对其他节日祝福的答语一般是:You, too / The same to you或用同样的祝福语。另外,Thanks for …表示“为……而感谢”,for是介词,后面跟名词或V-ing形式。


( ) 4. —, please. Could you tell me which BRT I can take to get to Jinan Railway Station?

— Take the No.15 bus and transfer to the No B1 BRT.


A. Excuse me

B. Yes

C. Sure

D. Hello


Excuse me客套语,常用于以下几种情况:①引起陌生人注意;②客气地请人让路;③因打扰别人或失礼表示歉意;④婉转地表示不赞成;⑤婉转地要求离开或要与另外的人讲话;⑥因挤着别人或做错了事表示歉意等。


( ) 5. —?

—I have a headache and I don’t feel like eating anything.


A. How are you

B. What can I do for you

C. What’s the matter with you

D. How do you like it


What’s the matter with …?意为“……怎么了?”,常用来询问别人遇到的麻烦、问题或疾病等。同义表达有:What’s wrong with …? /

What’s the trouble with …? / What happened to …?等。


( ) 6. Could you please us an interesting story?


A. speak

B. tell

C. say


say指说的内容,一般可直接带宾语,但表示“和……说话”时后加介词to;speak强调说话的能力,“speak+表示语言的名词”表示说某种语言;talk多指和某人说话和谈论什么事情, 常用结构talk to/with sb., talk about sth.;tell多指告诉某人某事,常用结构tell sb. sth.或tell sth. to sb.。


( ) 7. — Does Heze have airport?

— No, but we can take bus to Jinan or Zhengzhou.


A . an; the B. an; a

C. the; a

D. a; a


表达“使用某种交通工具”常用“by+交通工具”,注意此时交通工具前不加任何冠词。有时这种表达也可以和其他表达互换,如:take a train/plane/bus to … = go to … by train/plane/bus, ride a bike to … = go to … by bike / on the bike。


( ) 8. — Would you like some milk?

—. (2013安徽)

A. Yes, please

B. The same to you

C. Help yourself

D. My pleasure


Would you like sth. / to do sth.?用于有礼貌地提出邀请或进行询问,答语若表示同意常用Yes, please或Yes, I’d like/love to等。若表示不同意常用No, thanks或Sorry, I’m afraid not等。


1-5 BADAC 6-8 BBA
