植物肌理Botany Texture




植物学形态解剖名词:植物学(Botany)植物形态学(Plant morphology)植物解剖学(plant anatomy)原生质体(protoplast)细胞壁(cell wall)显微结构(microscopic structure)亚显微结构(submicroscopic structure)超微结构(ultramicroscopic structure)质体(Plastid)叶绿体(chloroplast)类囊体(thylakoid)基粒(granum)基粒间膜(基质片层,fret)基质(stroma或matrix)有色体(或称杂色体,chromoplast)白色体(leucoplast)造油体(elaioplast)前质体(proplastid)液泡(vacuole)液泡膜(tonoplast)细胞液(cell sap)纹孔(pit)胞间连丝(plasmodesmata)后含物(ergastic substance)淀粉粒(starch grain)淀粉体(amylop1ast)脐点(hilum)拟晶体(crystalloid)糊粉粒(aleuronegrain)糊粉层(aleurone layer)胞质分裂(Cytokinesis)成膜体(phragmoplast)细胞板(cellplate)微管周期(microtubule cycle)细胞分化(cell differentiation)反分化(或脱分化dedifferentiation)组织(tissue)分生组织(meristematic tissue或meristem)顶端分生组织(apical meristem)侧生分生组织(lateral meristem)居间分生组织(intercalarymeristem)形成层(cambium)木栓形成层(cork cambium或phellogen)原分生组织(promeri-stem)初生分生组织(primary meristem)次生分生组织(secondary meristem)保护组织(protective tissue)薄壁组织(parenchyma)机械组织(mechanical tissue)输导组织(conducting tissue)分泌结构(secretory structure)表皮(epidermis)周皮(periderm)气孔(stoma)皮孔(lenticel)保卫细胞(guard cell)吸收组织(absorptive tissue)根毛(root hair)木栓(phellem或cork)栓内层(phelloderm)同化组织(assimilating tissue)储藏组织(storage tissue)储水组织(aqueous tissue)通气组织(aerenchyma)传递细胞(transfer cell)厚角组织(collenchyma)厚壁组织(sclerencnyma)石细胞(sclereid或stone cell)纤维(fiber)木质部(xylem)韧皮部(phloem)管胞(tracheid)导管分子(vesselelement或vesselmember)穿孔(perforation)导管(vessel)筛管分子(sieve-tube element或sieve-tube member)筛管(sieve tube)筛孔(sieve pore)筛孔(sieve pore)筛板(sieve plate)原生质联络索(connecting strand)胼胝质(callose)筛域(sive area)伴胞(companioncell)胼胝体(callus)筛胞(sieve cell)腺表皮(glandular epidermis)腺毛(glandular hair)蜜腺(nectary)排水器(hydathode)吐水(guttation)水孔(waterPore)通水组织(epithem)分泌细胞(secretorycell)分泌腔(secretorycavity)分泌道(secretorycanal)乳汁管(laticifer)无节乳汁管(nonar-ticulatelaticifer)有节乳汁管(arti-culatelaticifer)组织系统(tissue system)皮组织系统(dermal tissue system)维管组织系统(vascular tissue system)基本组织系统(fundamental tissue system或groundtissue system)皮系统(dermal system)维管系统(vascular system)基本系统(fundamental system或ground system)种子(seed)胚(embryo)胚乳(endosperm)种皮(seed coat,testa)外胚乳(perisperm)胚根(radicle)胚芽(plumule)胚轴(hypocotyl)子叶(cotyledon)种脐(hilum)种阜(caruncle)种脊(raphe)有胚乳种子(albuminousseed)无胚乳种子(exalbuminous seed)胚芽鞘(coleoptile)胚根鞘(coleorhi- za)盾片(scutellum)外胚叶(epiblast)种子萌发(seed germination)子叶出土的幼苗(epigaeous seedling)子叶留土的幼苗(hypogaeous seedling)器官(organ)营养器官(vegetative organ)根(root)根系(root system)主根(main root)直根(tap root)初生根(primaryroot)侧根(lateral root)次生根(secondaryroot)不定根(adventitiousroot)定根(normal root)种子根(seminal root)直根系(taprootsystem)须根系(fibrousrootsystem)原始细胞(initialcell)不活动中心(或称静止中心,quiescentcentre)根尖(roottip)根冠(root cap)分生区(meristematiczone)伸长区(elongationzone)成熟区(maturationzone)维管柱(vascular cylinder)皮层(cortex)切向分裂(弦向分裂,tangentialdivision)平周分裂(periclinalkivision)径向分裂(radialdivision)横向分裂(transversedivision)垂周分裂(anticlinaldivision)根毛区(roothairzone)初生生长(primary growth)初生组织(primary tissue)初生结构(primary structure)根被(velamen)外皮层(exodermis)内皮层(endoder-mis)凯氏带(Casparian strip)通道细胞(passage cell)中柱鞘(pericycle)髓(pith)初生木质部(primary xylem)初生韧皮部(primary phloem)外始式(exarch)原生木质部(protoxylem)后生木质部(metaxylem)木质部脊(xylem ridge)二原型(diarch)三原型(triarch)四原型(tetrarch)五原型(pentarch)六原型(hexarch)多原型(polyarch)原生韧皮部(protophloem)后生韧皮部(meta-phloem)根原基(root primordium)内起源(endogenousorigin)形成层环(cambium ring)木射线(xylemray)韧皮射线(phloemray)维管射线(vascularray)木栓形成层(phellogen或cork cambium)栓内层(phelloderm)木栓(phellem或cork)周皮(periderm)共生(symbiosis)根瘤(root nodule)菌根(mycorrhiza)外生菌根(ectotrophic mycorrhiza)内生菌根(endotrophic mycorrhiza)内外生菌根(ectendotrophicmycorrhiza)茎(stem)节(node)节间(internode)枝或枝条(shoot)叶痕(leafscar)维管束痕(bundle scar,简称束痕)芽鳞痕(bud scalescar)芽(bud)枝芽(branch bud)叶芽(leafbud)花芽(floralbud)叶原基(leaf primordium)腋芽原基(axillary bud primordium)侧枝原基(lateral branch primordium)枝原基(branchprimordium)芽轴(bud axis)定芽(normalbud)不定芽(adventitiousbud)顶芽(terminal bud)腋芽(axillary bud)侧芽(lateral bud)副芽(accessory bud)叶柄下芽(subpetiolar bud)裸芽(nakedbud)被芽(protectedbud)鳞片(scale)芽鳞(bud scale)鳞芽(scalybud)混合芽(mixedbud)活动芽(activebud)休眠芽(dormant bud)潜伏芽(latent bud)直立茎(erect stem)缠绕茎(twining stem)攀援茎(climbing stem)匍匐茎(creeping stem)纤匍枝(runner)单轴分枝(monopodial branching)合轴分枝(sympodial branching)假二叉分枝(falsedichotomous branching)二叉分枝(dichotomousbranching)分蘖(tiller)原表皮(protoderm)基本分生组织(ground meristem)原形成层(procambium)生长点(growing point)生长锥(growing tip)茎端(stem apex)根端(root apex)枝端或苗端(shoot apex)茎尖(stemtip)根尖(root tip)组织原学说(histogen theory)表皮原(dermatogen)皮层原(periblem)中柱原(plerome)原套-原体学说(tunica-corpus theory)原套(tunica)原体(corpus)细胞学分区概念(concept of cytologicalzonation)叶原座(leaf buttress)初生组织(primary tissue)初生结构(primary structure)通气组织(aerenchyma)淀粉鞘(starch sheath)无限维管束(open bundle)有限维管束(closed bundle)外韧维管束(collateral bundle)双韧维管束(bicollateral bundle)周韧维管束(amphicribral bundle)周木维管束(amphivasal bundle)同心维管束(concentric bundle)中柱(stele)原生中柱(protostele)管状中柱(siphonostele)中央柱(centralcylinder)维管柱(vascularcylinder)内始式(endarch)环髓带(perimedullaryzone)髓腔(pith cavity)髓射线(pith ray)初生射线(primary ray)树脂道(resin canal)维管束鞘(bundle sheath)下皮(hypodermis)初生加厚分生组织(primary thickening meristem)束中形成层(fascicularcambium)。






以下是十个双语例句:1. I enjoy studying botanical illustrations to better understand plant morphology.我喜欢研究植物插图以更好地理解植物形态学。

2. The local garden had a beautiful display of botanical specimens from around the world.这家当地的花园展示了来自世界各地的美丽植物标本。

3. She is pursuing a degree in botanical sciences at the university.她正在大学攻读植物科学的学位。

4. The botanical garden is a great place to learn about different plant species.植物园是了解不同植物物种的好去处。

5. The professor is an expert in botanical taxonomy and can identify any plant species.教授是植物分类学方面的专家,能够辨识任何植物物种。

6. The botanical conference will feature presentations on the latest research in plant genetics.植物学会议将展示植物遗传学的最新研究成果。

7. The botanical society organizes field trips to explore different ecosystems.植物学会组织实地考察,探索不同的生态系统。



肌理制作方法1. 简介肌理(Texture)是指在绘画、设计和计算机图形等领域中用来表示物体表面外观的图案或纹理。




2. 基础肌理制作方法基础肌理制作方法主要包括手绘、拍摄和图案生成等方式。

2.1 手绘肌理手绘肌理是传统的肌理制作方法之一,需要借助绘画工具和纸张来完成。





2.2 拍摄肌理拍摄肌理是通过摄影设备来捕捉真实物体的表面纹理,然后将其转化为肌理图像。






2.3 图案生成肌理图案生成肌理是利用计算机软件生成各种图案或纹理。


具体步骤如下:1.选择一款图案生成软件,如Adobe Photoshop、GIMP等。





3. 高级肌理制作方法除了基础的制作方法外,还有一些高级的肌理制作方法可以用于创作更加复杂和细致的肌理效果。



专业英语整理Part1 生药部分TERMINOLOGY部分要求的词汇中药Traditional Chinese Medicines中药材Chinese Materia Medica (CMM)Traditional Chinese Medicinal MaterialsChinese Crude Drugs中草药Traditional Chinese Medicinal HerbsChinese Herbal Medicines ; (Herbal Medicines:草药)药用植物学Medicinal Plants民间药物Folklore Medicaments (Folk Herbs:草药)Indigenous(本土的)Drugs 中成药Traditional Chinese Patent Medicines中药制剂Chinese Medicinal Preparations药用植物学Pharmaceutical Botany生药学Pharmacognosy(药用植物分类学Pharmaceutical Plant Taxonomy)植物化学Phytochemistry植物化学分类学Plant Chemotaxonomy药用植物志Flora of Medicinal Plants中药药剂学Traditional Chinese Pharmaceutics中药炮制学Science of Processing Chinese Crude Drugs(显微生药学Microscopical Pharmacognosy)本草学herbals药典pharmacopoeiaStrengthening basic researches on Chinese Medicinal Plants and its relations to realizing the modernization of CMM 加强中国药用植物基础研究及其与中药现代化的关系一.词汇记载be recorded来源derived from(卫生事业health care , health undertakings明显的副作用:inciting side-effects疗效reliable therapeutical effectstherapeutic [,θerə'pju:tɪk] adj. 治疗(学)的;疗法的;对身心健康有益的)二.句子(中医药的健康理念和临床医疗模式体现了现代医学的发展趋势。


Abstract: Sacrificial trunk is a hot spot in the creation of bonsai trees, especially pine and cypress. The rational use of sacrificial trunk plays an active role in improving the efficient use of bonsai materials and enhancing the artistic expression of bonsai.The texture form is the core of sacrificial trunk creation. Sacrificial trunks were divided into six types according to the texture form, and the aesthetic characteristics of sacrificial trunk texture were expounded, and the key points and maintenance measures of sacrificial trunk" hand-carved silk carving" processing technique were summarized on the basis of practice.
WU Diwen 1, QI Xiaoyang ", DENG Guanghua3**
(1. College of Landscape Architecture and Art, Jiangxi Agricultural University, Nanchang Jiangxi 330045; 2. Guangzhou Yayue Landscape Engineering Co., LTD., Guangzhou Guangdong 511400; 3. Research institute of Bonsai,Jiangxi Agricultural University, Nanchang Jiangxi 330045)



植物艺术英语植物艺术英语1. Plant2. Botanical3. Flora4. Greenery5. Foliage6. Gardening7. Horticulture8. Landscaping9. Arboretum10. Herbarium植物艺术是关于植物的,因此在谈论植物艺术时,有一些基本植物词汇是必须了解的。




"Greenery"是所有植物的总称, "Foliage"是树叶的代称。






11. Terrarium12. Hydroponics13. Bonsai14. Topiary15. Ikebana16. Floristry17. Garden sculpture18. Garden furniture19. Plantation shutters20. Vertical garden除此之外有一些比较独特的植物艺术。







河北省邢台市质检联盟2024-2025学年高二上学期11月期中英语试题一、阅读理解Women Who Changed the Way We See NatureFlorence Augusta Merriam BaileyFlorence Augusta Merriam Bailey was an ornithologist who became one of the earliest advocates for the protection of wildlife. Working in the late 19th and early 20th century, Bailey studied birds in nature, focusing on their behaviors rather than on their colors and feather patterns. Bailey was a writer. At the age of 26, she penned her first book, Birds Through an Opera-Glass, considered one of the first modern field guides for bird-watching since it included both notes on behaviors and illustrations.Rachel CarsonRachel Carson started her career as a marine biologist for the U. S. Bureau of Fisheries. Because of her talent as a writer, she was drafted to create brochures and radio programs in addition to her regular research duties. She eventually rose to oversee a team of writers for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. She also contributed articles to newspapers and magazines. In the 1950s, after the success of her book The Sea Around Us, Carson focused full-time on nature writing.Herma Albertson BaggleyHerma Albertson Baggley grew up in Iowa but studied botany (植物学) in Idaho and spent her professional career in Wyoming’s Yellowstone National Park. When she joined the National Park Service(NPS)in the early 1930s, she was the first full-time female naturalist. Putting her botany knowledge to work, Baggley co-wrote a guide called Plants of Yellowstone National Park. Though it was published in 1936, it was so comprehensive (详尽的) that it is still referencedtoday.Margaret MurieMargaret Murie, known to almost everyone as “Mardy”(the name she often used in her byline), grew up in Fairbanks, Alaska. She is best known for being the driving force behind the effort to create and expand the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. During her life, she worked as a consultant (顾问) for the NPS, the Sierra Club, and a number of similar environmental protection organizations.1.What do Bailey and Carson have in common?A.Growing up in Iowa.B.Writing their own books.C.Designing a tour brochure.D.Working for the Sierra Club.2.Who was the first full-time female naturalist in the NPS?A.Florence Augusta Merriam Bailey.B.Rachel Carson.C.Herma Albertson Baggley.D.Margaret Murie.3.What made Murie famous?A.Her government position.B.Her childhood experiences.C.Her articles on social media.D.Her efforts to develop the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.Anantawan was born without most of his right forearm. The disability was a barrier to music when, in fifth grade, he said his music teacher wanted all the students to learn to play the recorder (竖笛).Instead of giving up, Anantawan and his parents decided to find him a different instrument to explore his musical talent. “My family chose the violin because they thought it was the most beautiful instrument,” Anantawan said. They contacted the Toronto-area hospital near the family, asking them to create an adaptive cast on his arm that would allow the then 10-year-old to hold the bow (琴弓).A group of engineers worked alongside Anantawan to build a special device. With it, Anantawan could use the bow and use his shoulder to make the sound. “From the very first note that I was playing, I was really attracted to the sound and the connection of my body to the instrument and being able to express my imagination,” he said.Although Anantawan is grateful for the technology that allows him and others with disabilities to find access to music, he said the most important part of access is that teachers, supporters and those who encourage young learners or musicians by telling them they can do anything are able to accept diversity.Anantawan is working to provide that space for others. As an associate professor at the Berklee College of Music, Anantawan founded the Music Inclusion Ensemble, a group of students with disabilities that provides accommodations for musicians according to their needs. Anantawan hopes to inspire people without being defined only by the challenges they face as a result of theirdisability.4.Why did Anantawan’s family get in touch with the hospital?A.To find a man-made hand for him.B.To inspire him to learn to play the recorder.C.To add something extra to assist his right arm.D.To put forward suggestions on adapting a violin.5.What does Anantawan think is the key to the disabled’s access to music?A.Inclusive atmosphere.B.Fair competitions.C.Enough resources.D.Lasting cooperation.6.What is the last paragraph mainly about?A.Why Anantawan becomes active.B.Who Anantawan plays music with.C.How Anantawan lives in his free time.D.What Anantawan contributes his time to.7.Which of the following can best describe Anantawan?A.Appreciative and kind.B.Open-minded and sporty.C.Wealthy and humorous.D.Hesitant and lonely.While many animal populations seem to be dwindling, one species that is moving in the opposite direction is America’s native wood stork (林鹳).The wood stork is the only stork that breeds in North America. In 1984, it was declared an endangered species after its population fell to just 5,000 mating pairs. At the time, scientists predicted that the bird would be completely wiped out by 2000.Today, it numbers 10,000 mating pairs, and US Fish and Wildlife Service is proposing a deletion of the wood stork as an endangered species.So how did the population bounce back? The success is in part down to the resourcefulness (智谋) of the wood stork. The wood stork’s native home was in the Everglades in Florida, but it migrated north as the Everglades were being destroyed by development. In 1987, former Savannah National Wildlife Refuge biologist John Robinette noticed stork nests in Georgia as stork populations moved to safer wetlands.According to Stephanie Kurose, a senior policy specialist at the Centre for Biological Diversity, the Endangered Species Act is also the key factor to this recovery. In an email to National Public Radio, she said, “The act saved the wood stork and it helped preserve and rebuild vital habitats throughout the southeast, which has improved water quality and benefited countless other species that call the area home.”The Endangered Species Act has saved many of the species that were on the list since 1973.A hundred types of plants and animals have been delisted (从表上剔除) as their populations become stable again.According to some local environmentalists, if the wood stork is delisted in the future, it will remain protected by other laws and a monitoring plan will be put in place to ensure the population remains stable.8.What does the underlined word “dwindling” in paragraph 1 mean?A.Ageing.B.Dropping.C.Updating.D.Developing. 9.How did the scientists find wood stork’s situation in 1984?A.Amazing.B.Satisfying.C.Worrying.D.Boring.10.How many reasons for the increase of wood stork are mentioned in the text?A.One.B.Two.C.Three.D.Four.11.What can we know about the Endangered Species Act?A.It is harmful.B.It is costly.C.It is original.D.It is effective.Two of the biggest challenges faced by new and potential electric vehicle (EV) drivers are range anxiety and the speed of charging. However, these shouldn’t have to be challenges at all. That is according to a study by Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, and the University of Delaware, USA.Researchers discovered that a change in refuelling mindset (观念模式), rather than improving the size or performance of the battery, could be the answer to these concerns.Researchers have now identified three different types of behaviour around refuelling a car. The first model is the monitoring fuel gauge (测量仪器) model — the driver refuels when the fuel is running out. The second model is the planning a trip model — the driver plans when and where they will stop to refuel their vehicle along a journey. The third model is the event-triggered model — the driver automatically plugs in (接通电源) as soon as arriving home or work. The first modelrepresents how most people refuel a petrol car, and the third model is the best for EV usage.Experienced EV users have chosen an event or location to trigger their plug-in; for example, they will automatically plug in when they come home or get to work, so it becomes part of their morning or evening routine, which makes it less of a chore to think about charging. There is a lot of emphasis on the time it takes to charge an EV, but if you do it overnight, it is just the time it takes to plug it in.In conclusion, for most people’s everyday driving, the new study shows that you don’t have to think too much about charging at all. In terms of cost, it is also a lot cheaper to charge slowly overnight or at work than fast charging on the go, and it is better for the health of the battery. 12.In which part of a newspaper can you most likely to read the text?A.Culture.B.Technology.C.Fashion.D.Health.13.What does the text advise EV drivers to do?A.Monitor fuel gauge occasionally.B.Think about the speed of charging.C.Charge EVs at night or during work.D.Plan their trips according to their cars. 14.What can be inferred from the text?A.A bigger battery is the best solution to range anxiety.B.It’s difficult for drivers to remember to charge EVs.C.Fast charging is much cheaper than slow charging.D.Charging is not a concern for those wanting to buy EVs.15.What may be the best title for the text?A.Choosing a better EV B.Petrol cars or electric cars?C.Slow charging or fast charging?D.Changing your refuelling mindsetFor the most part, anxiety is a condition that comes and goes. But for some, anxiety never goes away completely. 16 . The good one is that you can manage the symptoms (症状), so they don’t manage you. Here are some things you can do on any given day to get on the right side of calm.Find an object to focus onA simple grounding exercise is to simply find an object and put all your attention towards studying it for a few minutes. Once you pick an object, start thinking about its look: color, shape, and texture. Who made it? How does it feel when you touch it? 17 . 18If you’re prone (易于遭受) to anxiety, keep a diary where you can write what you’re afraid of, your beliefs and thoughts about the fear. Writing will help you focus your thoughts, and reading your entry later can help you handle your anxiety better.Challenge and replace unrealistic thoughts19 . Identify your anxiety-producing unrealistic thoughts and replace them with thoughts that are either happy and peaceful, or more realistic. If you respond better to positivity, try replacing those fears with a happy thought — like how excited you are to go on a trip with your friends, and how fun it’s going to be!Talk to someone about your anxietyIf you’re in the struggles of anxiety and can’t seem to get out, call a friend, a family member or a mental health professional for help. Have them distract you from your panic and talk through your fear so you can overcome the stress. 20 .A.That’s the bad newsB.Put your feelings downC.Control your inner dialogueD.Best of all, you can get things doneE.Remind yourself that your thoughts are not factsF.This exercise helps ground you in reality and pushes aside any stressesG.Knowing who to ask for help is an important step in avoiding serious problems later二、完形填空This happened to me a few years ago, and is still making me tear up when I’m thinking about it.My husband was in the navy (海军). Due to his duty, he 21 the birth of our son, and would not celebrate Christmas with his 22 . We were upset about this. It was Thanksgiving week, and my husband had duty. He had to 23 the night on the ship. We had very little 24 , but I really wanted to 25 the house for Christmas and get a tiny tree.I had only $40 for both a Christmas tree and decorations. Therefore, I went to a home improvement chain store. 26 , they started selling their real trees on Black Friday, but myhusband would have 27 by then. I found a worker, 28 my situation and asked if they could possibly 29 me one earlier. The worker 30 her manager for a minute, then led me outside to the locked tree area. I asked her which one was the 31 . Then she told me to have any tree I wanted for FREE!Because of their 32 I was able to give my husband an 33 Christmas with our firstborn in advance. And when he walked in and saw everything, he was absolutely 34 . I will never 35 those kind people.21.A.observed B.recorded C.admitted D.missed 22.A.family B.neighbor C.officer D.colleague 23.A.predict B.shift C.spend D.reveal 24.A.space B.money C.time D.anger 25.A.witness B.estimate C.decorate D.purchase 26.A.Unfortunately B.Gradually C.Secretly D.Immediately 27.A.failed B.left C.hidden D.wandered 28.A.ignored B.approved C.explained D.suspected 29.A.throw B.show C.lend D.sell 30.A.turned down B.talked to C.searched for D.stared at 31.A.cheapest B.tallest C.brightest D.best 32.A.requirement B.courage C.kindness D.honesty 33.A.amazing B.ordinary C.anxious D.identical 34.A.frightened B.ashamed C.distant D.pleased 35.A.distinguish B.forget C.annoy D.perceive三、语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。


Derive from起源、取得
Volcanic eruption火山爆发
Formation地层、形ar eclipse日蚀
Soilar corona日冕
Solar system太阳系
Axial tilt轴倾斜度
Come into existence
Ring of fire encircling the pacific ocean环太平洋火山带































农业英语词汇一、植物分类种子植物seed plant常绿植物:evergreen plant; 落叶植物:deciduous plant.草本植物:herbaceous plant; 木本植物:ligneous/woody plant=xylophyta [ligni-=xylo-: 表“木”义]被子植物:angiosperm; 裸子植物:gymnosperm [sperm:精液/子]阔叶植物:broadleaved plant; 针叶植物:conifer.旱生植物:xerophilous plant=xeromorph; 水生植物:water/aquatic plant; hydrophyte阳性植物:light-demanding plant; 阴性植物:shade-demanding plant.优势植物:dominant plant指示植物:indicator先锋植物:pioneer森林植物:forestry plant观赏植物:decorative plant; 盆栽植物:potted plant; 药用植物:medical plants无叶植物:aphyllous plant种seed=strain=breed品种variety矮杆品种short-stalked(茎杆)variety=short-straw(稻草,麦杆) variety二、物种名称1、植物物种水稻paddy (rice)=rice水葫芦water hyacinth包心菜cabbage2、动物物种植物寄生虫 a garden pest种牛bull kept for covering;种马stud;种蓄breeding stock=stud stock水牛(water) buffalo昆虫insect有害物pest螨acarid;红蜘蛛 a red mite *mite: 微小的东西。




农业英语词汇一、植物分类种子植物seed plant常绿植物:evergreen plant; 落叶植物:deciduous plant.草本植物:herbaceous plant; 木本植物:ligneous/woody plant=xylophyta [ligni-=xylo-: 表“木”义]被子植物:angiosperm; 裸子植物:gymnosperm [sperm:精液/子]阔叶植物:broadleaved plant; 针叶植物:conifer.旱生植物:xerophilous plant=xeromorph; 水生植物:water/aquatic plant; hydrophyte阳性植物:light-demanding plant; 阴性植物:shade-demanding plant.优势植物:dominant plant指示植物:indicator先锋植物:pioneer森林植物:forestry plant观赏植物:decorative plant; 盆栽植物:potted plant; 药用植物:medical plants无叶植物:aphyllous plant种seed=strain=breed品种variety矮杆品种short-stalked(茎杆)variety=short-straw(稻草,麦杆) variety二、物种名称1、植物物种水稻paddy (rice)=rice水葫芦water hyacinth包心菜cabbage2、动物物种植物寄生虫a garden pest种牛bull kept for covering;种马stud;种蓄breeding stock=stud stock水牛(water) buffalo昆虫insect有害物pest螨acarid;红蜘蛛 a red mite *mite: 微小的东西。






%Bamboo fabric is an important factor and the basic form to show the expression of forest product design,which cannot be ignored as an important aesthetic feature.In bamboo products design,bamboo texture expression forms include bamboo knot with the natural rhythm,smooth cool skin,fine vertical profile,graceful and rugged simplicity of the cross-section,soft and rich woven texture,etc.【期刊名称】《世界竹藤通讯》【年(卷),期】2011(000)005【总页数】5页(P12-16)【关键词】竹产品;肌理;设计;表现力【作者】张宗登【作者单位】湖南工业大学,湖南株洲412007【正文语种】中文【中图分类】S781.9所谓肌理,在词典上解释为皮肤的纹理。






























1. 粗糙肌理:可以使用植物的结构丰富、有纹理的树干和树叶,以及表面凸起的花瓣等来营造出空间的质感。

2. 光滑肌理:可以使用表面光滑、光泽的树干和树叶,叶片较厚且无毛茸茸的植物,以及细长硬质的花瓣来增强空间的干净感。

3. 毛茸茸肌理:可以使用具有茸毛的植物,如细长的花茎、毛茸茸的花瓣和叶子等来增强空间的温馨感。

4. 刺状肌理:可以使用具有刺状结构的植物,如仙人掌等,以配合干爽而又不失生命力的氛围。

5. 细滑肌理:可以使用表面细滑而强韧的叶片和花瓣来营造流畅而又优美的感觉。

6. 柔软肌理:可以使用柔软有韧性的植物,如草地和球茎植物等来增添空间的轻盈感。

7. 硬质肌理:可以使用结构粗壮,树皮有皱纹,叶片较坚硬的植物,如梧桐、菩提树等,以增加空间的力量感。

三、景观设计中植物肌理的应用1. 植物肌理在空间的分割中的应用:利用植物肌理不同的特点,可以将空间分为不同的区域,营造出不同的氛围,增加空间的层次感。

2. 植物肌理在空间的填充中的应用:利用不同植物肌理来填充空间,可以增强空间的质感,增加空间的舒适感和艺术美感。

3. 植物肌理在视觉效果上的应用:通过植物肌理的选择和使用,可以创造出不同的空间视觉效果,如增加空间深度、缩短距离和增强立体感等。












1. 形态:植物肌理的形态各异,叶片密布毛发的植物,表面看起来毛茸茸的;光滑的叶片则几乎没有毛发;气孔的密度和大小也是植物肌理形态的一部分。


2. 结构:植物肌理的结构主要表现为细胞形态、组织排列和器官连接等方面。


3. 生理功能:植物肌理的生理功能包括保护、呼吸、蒸腾和气体交换等。



1. 保护:植物肌理可以起到保护作用,阻挡病原体和有害物质侵入植物体内,减少水分蒸发,减轻气候和环境变化的影响。

2. 呼吸:植物肌理可以参与气体的交换,保证植物细胞内的气体浓度和压力平衡,维持正常的生理代谢和功能。

3. 蒸腾:植物肌理中的气孔和毛发可以调节蒸腾作用,控制水分蒸发,减少水分流失,保持正常的生长状态。



向日葵研学之旅作文英文回答:Sunflower Study Tour.Last summer, I had the opportunity to go on a sunflower study tour. It was an incredible experience that I will never forget. As soon as I arrived at the sunflower field, I was mesmerized by the vibrant colors and the sheer beauty of the flowers. The sight was simply breathtaking.During the tour, we learned about the life cycle of sunflowers, from seed to blooming flower. We also learned about the different varieties of sunflowers and their uses. It was fascinating to see how sunflowers are not only beautiful, but also have practical applications in industries such as oil production and birdseed manufacturing.One of the highlights of the tour was the chance tointeract with the sunflowers up close. We were able to touch the petals and feel the velvety texture. The tour guide also taught us how to properly care for sunflowers and how to harvest their seeds. It was a hands-on experience that made the learning process much more engaging.In addition to the educational aspect, the tour also provided plenty of opportunities for fun and relaxation. We had a picnic among the sunflowers, enjoying the warm sunshine and the sweet scent of the flowers. We also played games and took lots of photos to capture the memories.Overall, the sunflower study tour was a wonderful blend of education and enjoyment. It allowed me to appreciate the beauty of nature while learning about the fascinating world of sunflowers. I highly recommend this tour to anyone interested in botany or simply looking for a unique and memorable experience.中文回答:向日葵研学之旅。



西安24年小学5年级英语第6单元自测题[含答案]考试时间:80分钟(总分:110)A卷考试人:_________题号一二三四五总分得分一、综合题(共计100题)1、What do you call a baby alligator?A. HatchlingB. PupC. CalfD. Kit答案: A2、填空题:The parrot can _______ (说话) like humans.3、听力题:A planet's surface can be rocky, gaseous, or ______.4、填空题:My friend is a skilled __________ (艺术家) with a unique style.5、听力题:We like to go to the ___. (library)6、填空题:I love reading stories about ________ (海盗). They search for ________ (宝藏).7、填空题:My _______ (仓鼠) runs on a wheel.8、填空题:My mom is a great __________ (社会活动家).9、填空题:I like to watch ________ (体育赛事) on TV.10、What is the capital of Australia?A. SydneyB. MelbourneC. CanberraD. Brisbane答案:C11、听力题:The ______ runs the local store.12、听力题:I paint with _____ (油漆).13、听力题:She drinks orange ___. (juice)14、听力题:The ancient Egyptians buried their pharaohs in ________.15、听力题:A chemical formula shows the elements present in a ______.16、听力题:She is _____ (studying/learn) for her test.17、听力题:Acids tend to turn blue litmus paper _____.18、听力题:The _______ of an object can be calculated by measuring its volume.19、填空题:The first human to orbit the Earth was ______ (尤里·加加林).20、听力题:The _______ has a unique texture.21、填空题:I like to make ______ for my classmates.22、填空题:I can ______ (学习) from my peers.23、填空题:I feel _______ when I dance.A _______ can help to measure the energy output of a wind turbine.25、What do you call a collection of written works?A. LiteratureB. AnthologyC. CompilationD. All of the above答案:D26、What is the name of the famous tower in Paris?A. Eiffel TowerB. Leaning Tower of PisaC. Big BenD. CN Tower答案:A27、听力题:The __________ helps to circulate blood in the body.28、听力题:The Earth's layers include the crust, mantle, outer core, and ______ core.29、填空题:The __________ (历史的传承途径) shape cultural continuity.30、What do you call the process of plants making their own food?A. DigestionB. PhotosynthesisC. RespirationD. Germination答案:B31、听力题:The chemical formula for calcium carbonate is __________.32、What do you call a person who serves food in a restaurant?A. ChefB. WaiterC. CustomerD. Manager答案: B33、填空题:The ______ (植物的生长周期) can vary greatly.An indicator changes color depending on the ______ of a solution.35、What is the name of the galaxy we live in?A. AndromedaB. Milky WayC. WhirlpoolD. Sombrero答案:B36、填空题:The ancient civilizations of the Americas are known for their ________.37、填空题:__________ (分子式) represents the ratio of elements in a compound.38、选择题:What do you call the act of taking care of pets?A. VeterinaryB. Animal CareC. Pet SittingD. Animal Husbandry39、听力题:A __________ is formed through the movement of tectonic plates.40、填空题:The ancient Greeks valued _____ and education.41、 (Ming) Dynasty is known for its trade and exploration. 填空题:The ____42、听力题:The ocean supports diverse ______ of life.43、What is the name of the famous ancient city in Greece?A. RomeB. AthensC. CairoD. Istanbul答案: B44、听力题:A chemical reaction occurs when bonds between ______ break and form.A ______ is a symbol of freedom.46、What is the capital of Finland?A. OsloB. StockholmC. HelsinkiD. Copenhagen答案: C47、填空题:The cat likes to play with a _______ (猫喜欢玩_______).48、What fruit is yellow and curved?A. AppleB. BananaC. GrapeD. Orange49、 Pyramid of Giza was built for Pharaoh ______ (胡夫). 填空题:The Grea50、填空题:The _____ (生态系统) relies on plants for food.51、填空题:I saw a _______ (小猪) in the farmyard.52、Which insect is known for making silk?A. AntB. ButterflyC. SilkwormD. Beetle答案:C53、What is the name of the famous author of "Harry Potter"?A. J.R.R. TolkienB. J.K. RowlingC. C.S. LewisD. Stephen King答案: B54、What do you call a person who studies the stars?A. AstronomerB. GeologistC. ChemistD. Physicist答案:A55、填空题:The first successful kidney transplant was performed in ________.56、填空题:I enjoy ______ (与同学互动).57、填空题:The ________ is very helpful.58、填空题:The _______ (The Civil Rights Act) aimed to protect individuals from discrimination.59、听力题:The process of extracting metals from ores is called _______.60、填空题:Many flowers bloom in ______ (春天) and attract pollinators.61、填空题:My favorite drink is _______ and refreshing.62、听力题:The dog is _______ (digging) a hole.63、听力题:Fossils are often found in __________ rocks.64、填空题:A peacock shows off its beautiful ______ (羽毛).65、听力题:The process of adding heat to a solid to melt it is called ______.66、填空题:A parakeet is a small _______ that loves to chirp.67、mation was a movement against the ________ (教会). 填空题:The Reig68、听力题:The snow is ___ (falling).We have a ______ (大) celebration for our achievements.70、听力题:The chemical formula for sodium chloride is ______.71、听力题:The ice cream is ______ (cold).72、选择题:What is the name of the fairy in Peter Pan?A. CinderellaB. TinkerbellC. Snow WhiteD. Belle73、听力题:I want to _____ (visit) different countries.74、听力题:A ______ is a mixture of two or more substances that can be easily separated.75、What is the capital of Germany?A. MunichB. BerlinC. FrankfurtD. Hamburg76、听力题:Chemical changes involve the breaking and forming of ______.77、填空题:The _____ (香草) smells wonderful.78、听力题:The antelope gracefully moves through the grasslands, a testament to speed and ____.79、听力题:The __________ is a region known for its coral reefs.80、What is the main ingredient in tea?A. CoffeeB. WaterC. LeavesD. Sugar答案: CWhat do you call the science of studying animals?A. ZoologyB. BotanyC. EcologyD. Anthropology82、What is the name of the famous clock in London?A. Big BenB. Tower of LondonC. London EyeD. Buckingham Palace答案:A83、听力题:The _____ (computer/tablet) is useful.84、听力题:His favorite food is ________.85、听力题:The chemical formula for iron(III) chloride is _______.86、听力填空题:I believe that travel broadens our __________.87、听力题:The __________ is known for its beautiful landscapes.88、听力题:The fish is _____ (swimming/flying).89、What is the main topic of a story called?A. CharacterB. SettingC. PlotD. Theme答案:D90、听力题:I can ___ (paint) a sunset.91、听力题:My friend is a ______. He loves to write stories.The ______ keeps planets in orbit.93、听力填空题:I think everyone should try meditation to help with __________.94、填空题:_____ (春天) is when many plants start to bloom.95、听力题:Liquid metals, such as mercury, are exceptions to the ________.96、What is the capital of Russia?A. MoscowB. St. PetersburgC. VladivostokD. Novosibirsk97、How many legs does a bee have?A. 4B. 6C. 8D. 10答案:B98、听力题:She has a ___ (happy/sad) look.99、What is the capital of France?A. RomeB. ParisC. LondonD. Berlin答案:B100、填空题:A ______ (植物的生态保护) plan can ensure survival.。



苔藓面料肌理知识点总结1. 苔藓面料的材质和加工工艺苔藓面料通常采用天然的苔藓纤维与合成纤维混纺而成。



2. 苔藓面料的纹理效果苔藓面料可以通过不同的加工工艺产生出多种纹理效果,常见的有平纹、斜纹、提花、珠光等效果。


3. 苔藓面料的手感特点苔藓面料的手感柔软细腻,具有一定的弹性和吸湿性,能够为穿着者带来舒适的触感和舒适的穿着体验。



4. 苔藓面料的色彩效果苔藓面料在染色过程中,能够产生出丰富绚丽的色彩效果。



5. 苔藓面料的环保性能苔藓面料采用天然的苔藓纤维与合成纤维混纺而成,具有良好的环保性能。



6. 苔藓面料的产品应用苔藓面料广泛应用于时装设计、家居装饰和手工艺品制作等领域。


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