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never come true.
Even if you are not a smart student, you should always try your best. The famous cartoon piglet (小猪) “McDull” is like that. 1 . He's not very clever, but he has a heart of gold.
A. Speak out B. Keep silent C. You’re a great father D. Thank you very much. E. On that day people say something nice to
others. F. Your nice words must come from your heart. G. Do you say anything good to your parents?
others. F. Your nice words must come from your heart. G. Do you say anything good to your parents?
Say Something Good to Others
How nice of you to read this passage. I can see from your eyes that you are a clever child. I love the way you…
Main idea知大意 Choices 看选项 Do the ex. 代答案
Key words关键词 Foretelling预测 Connection关系词
A. he is a lazy and ugly piglet。 B. The limited editions (珍藏版) of "McDull McMug Series" comic books (连环漫画册)will come out in February. C. So she tricks (欺骗) him by taking him to a place in Hong Kong.
运用上下文所重复的关键词推断 利用同义词和近义词关系 利用词的上下义关系 利用反义词关系 理清结构,确定答案。
A. Speak out B. Keep silent C. You’re a great father D. Thank you very much. E. On that day people say something nice to
新题型七选五,暨根据短文内容,从短文后的七个选项中 选出能填入空白处的最佳答案。选项中有两项为多余选项。
1. 先浏览七个选项,根据句子的完整性、标点来判断该 句在文章中的位置。
2. 速读全文,特别是每段首尾句,了解大意知主题。 3. 再读七个选项,理解全篇的逻辑关系,找出关键词,排
your father, “6C3 ” Remember: 6F4 Don’t say anything if you don’t have
anything good to say. 6B5 if you can’t find anything good about
people, or you will do more harm than good.
Say Something Good to Others
How nice of you to read this passage. I can see from your eyes that you are a clever child. I love the way you…
In the USA, January 24th is National Compliment Day. E61 We all feel good when we hear something nice about ourselves. Nice words make us happy.
Good teeth,
good health .
A. good health B. beautiful scenery
七个选项中 注意的三点
与段落中重复或 意思相近的词
注意七个句子的开头词,判断出 可能是首句,还是属于段落中 间的句子或是尾句。
道题的前后句子中找出有重复或相近意 思的词.并判断是否对上句作出解释,
In the USA, January 24th is National Compliment Day. 61 We all feel good when we hear something nice about ourselves. Nice words make us happy.
But do you often say nice words to your friends? 62 Your nice words are important to them. So now tell your friend, “You look good today.” Say to your mother, “You’re a good cook.” Say to your father, “63 ”
2 . Maybe you can read one during the winter vacation! McDull lives in a simple and happy way. 3 . He tries again, but always fails. He will get another dream. He's not perfect (完美的), but he lives his life in a good way. 4 McDull was created in Hong Kong by Alice Mak and Brian Tse. Mcdull’s dreams The piglet wants to visit the Maldives (马尔代夫). But his mother doesn't have enough money for a trip there. 5 . The place has a sign, and it says "Go to the Maldives". It makes McDull very happy. He thinks he is really in the Maldives!
D. his mother was sad for tricking him. E. The pink piglet has a birthmark(胎 记) in his right eye. F. That's why the piglet is so popular!
G. He has a lot of dreams, but they
D. his mother was sad for tricking him. E. The pink piglet has a birthmark(胎 记) in his right eye. F. That's why the piglet is so popular!
G. He has a lot of dreams, but they
never come true.
Even if you are not a smart student, you should always try your best. The famous cartoon piglet (小猪) “McDull” is like that. E 1 . He's not very clever, but he has a heart of gold.
A. he is a lazy and ugly piglet。 B. The limited editions (珍藏版) of "McDull McMug Series" comic books (连环漫画册)will come out in February. C. So she tricks (欺骗) him by taking him to a place in Hong Kong.
A. Speak out B. Keep silent C. You’re a great father D. Thank you very much. E. On that day people say something nice to
others. F. Your nice words must come from your heart. G. Do you say anything good to your parents?
A. Speak out B. Keep silent C. You’re a great father D. Thank you very much. E. On that day people say something nice to
others. F. Your nice words must come from your heart. G. Do you say anything good to your parents?
Remember: 64 Don’t say anything if you don’t have anything good to say. 65 if you can’t find anything good about people, or you will do more harm than good.
But do you often say nice words to your friends? 6G2 Your nice
words are important to them. So now tell your friend, “You look good today.” Say to your mother, “You’re a good cook.” Say to
A. he is a lazy and ugly piglet。 B. The limited editions (珍藏版) of "McDull McMug Series" comic books (连环漫画册)will come out in February C. So she tricks (欺骗) him by taking him to a place in Hong Kong. D. his mother was sad for tricking him. E. The pink piglet has a birthmark(胎记) in his right eye. F. That's why the piglet is so popular! G. He has a lot of dreams, but they never come true.
元谋县物茂中学 文增娅
根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入 空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项是多余。(俗 称七选五)即考纲中理解文章的基本结构。
不论是英语还是汉语,段落篇章不仅讲究内容的 统一性,也讲究段落的连贯性(coherence),讲究段 落内基层意思的彼此相互关联,句与句之间的语义衔 接自然,这样读者能自然地由上文过渡到下文。我们 用形象性的比喻,可把段落连贯看成是一个语义链。 而要做到这一点,每一个句子都要包含一些和上一句 相似或有关的东西。否则,就如同两节链没有可以互 相扣住的地方,就会断开。
A. 郑家杰是靠颜值吃饭的 B. 郑家杰胖并强壮着 C. 郑家杰很喜欢上课东张西望
The taste is great!
Don’t stop me! A. stop B. push C. touch
Baidu Nhomakorabeaow can I have
smooth , soft hair?
A. curly B. black C. smooth
1. 现在很多学生都不吃早餐。___________, 我们会感到倦怠、疲劳、脑力无法集中。
A. 我们应该保持充足的睡眠,早睡早起。 B. 不吃早餐会对学生带来很多危害。 C. 所以应该养成好的生活方式。 D. 一些女生为了保持苗条不吃早餐。
2. _____________,但是他也有很多优点, 他字写得很漂亮,而且非常热爱生活。