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I don't know what I may seem to the world, but, as to myself, I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the sea shore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.
In the middle school, Newton was not outstanding. He was curious about nature,especially geometry, Copernicus‘s heliocentric theory etc. He took notes in different subjects and enjoyed doing experiment in his free time。
牛顿的老师巴罗(1630~ 1677) , 曾任剑桥大学第一任“卢卡斯教 授”, 三一学院院长和剑桥大学副校 长 ,是当时顶尖的数学家和科学家, 剑桥大学的首席教授席位就是专门 为他设立的,但他在39岁时就主动 退休了,因为他要将席位让给当时 只有28岁的牛顿,以给牛顿更大的 发展空间。 牛顿在巴罗门下的这段时间,是 他学习的关键时期。巴罗比牛顿大 12岁,精于数学和光学,他对牛顿 的才华极为赞赏,认为牛顿的数学 才超过自己。
What’s the most famous story about Newton?
Newton himself often told the story that he was inspired to formulate his theory of gravitation by watching the fall of an apple from a tree. He felt very strange that why the apple was from the top down rather than from bottom to up? He took it home study,and later discovered that the earth has gravity that can make objects drop to ground. Subsequently,appeared “Newton physical gravity”
牛顿在中学时代学习成绩并不出众,但对自然现象有好奇心,尤其是几何学、哥白尼的日心说 等等。他还分门别类的记读书笔记,喜欢做些小试验。
Later ,his mother asked Newton to leave school and work on their farm to support their family. But Newton would devote himself whenever possible. When his mother told him to learn the work of business, he hided in the bushes in order to read a book. On one occasion, his uncle found that his nephew lying on the grass, concentrating on study of a mathematical problem. his uncle was moved, then he persuaded Newton’s mother to let Newton return school, and encourages Newton to go to university. Newton returned to school to study again
long , under Newton's uncle successful persuasion, his mother finally agreed to let Newton go to Cambridge College.
• 3 Newton was an alchemist . Newton had written plenty of books about gold metallurgy. And he kept it as a secret, because of making gold is a felony at that time.
What made Newton sit under the apple tree
and wonder about gravitation ?
Isaac Newton was born to an English family on Christmas day, 1642, the year of Galileo’s death. Newton’s father died before he was born, and when Isaac was 3 years old, his mother remarried and moved away, leaving him to be raised by his grandmother. Perhaps it was this early isolation that fostered Newton’s introspective [ˌɪntrəʊˌspektɪv]内省的personality and began to develop his capacity [kəˌpæsiti]才能 for intense [inˌtens]热情 concentration.
后来迫于生活,母亲让牛顿停学在家务农,赡养家庭。但牛顿一有机会便埋首书卷,以至 经常忘了干活。每次,母亲叫他熟悉做交易的草地上,正在聚精会神地钻研一个数学问题。牛顿的好学精 神感动了舅父,于是舅父劝服了母亲让牛顿复学,并鼓励牛顿上大学读书。牛顿又重新回 到了学校,如饥似渴地汲取着书本上的营养。
Isaac Newton (1642~1727)
Unknown things about Newton

1 Newton nearly died when he was born We know that Newton is a premature baby Due to the premature, Newton was very weak and skinny. His mother even thought he can't live for a long time. He was so small that even can put into a cup.

2 Newton almost became a farmer . Newton was born in a farming family. When he was 17 years old, her mother insisted on Newton comes home from school to do farm work. Thank goodness, Newton was not good at farm work. Not a
我不知道在别人看来,我是什么样的人;但在我自己看来,我不过就象 是一个在海滨玩耍的小孩,为不时发现比寻常更为光滑的一块卵石或比 寻常更为美丽的一片贝壳而沾沾自喜,而对于展现在我面前的浩瀚的真 理的海洋,却全然没有发现。
If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants 如果我能看的更远的话,那也是因为我站在您这样的巨人的肩上。
Newton’s quiet make him like thinking. At the age of five, Newton was sent to the public school. He worked hard on his work but didn’t get great grades, ranking in poor students, but he liked reading books, especially books that referred to machinery. And he liked to DIY some strange gadgets, such as cars, wooden bell, folding lantern etc..
In short,Newton was that kind of person full of curiosity。 He always think More than others。He worked not for fame or money, but for Wonder。 Therefore, he can discovered the gravitation form the apple。
1、背景: ①哥白尼、伽利略、开普勒等研究成果 ②牛顿思考与实践 宇宙中一切物体之间相互吸引的作用力 2、提出: ①含义: ②意义:成为天文学的基础定律,极大 地推动了天体运动的研究。 3、发展: 1687年,《自然哲学中的数学原理》 ①内容: 确定了解决万有引力问题的物体运动三大定律,阐 明了万有引力的概念并把它应用到天文学中。他在 书中还解释了潮汐现象、地球的圆扁形状等问题。 ②意义: 用数学表达方式,构成一个完整的力学理论体系, 标志经典力学体系建立;居物理学的统治地位达二 百多年;标志近代科学形成。
牛顿的沉默寡言让他更喜欢思考问题,;大约从五岁开始,牛顿被送到公立学校读书。 少年时的牛顿并不是神童,他资质平常,成绩一般,但他喜欢读书,喜欢看一些介绍各 种简单机械模型制作方法的读物,并自己动手制作些奇奇怪怪的小玩意,如风车、木钟、 折叠式提灯等等。
As a teenager, Newton often amused himself by constructing mechanical gadgets and toys. One of these was a lantern-bearing kite that resembled a comet when he flew it at night, to the bewilderment of the local villagers. Another was a working model of a mill for grinding wheat, with a mouse as a source of power. Mechanical tinkering gradually gave way to scientific investigations. Newton was later to recount how his first scientific experiment occurred on his seventeenth birthday, during a storm. He decided to measure the strength of the wind by long jumping. He jumped first in the direction of the wind and then against it. The difference in the distances jumped was his measure of the wind’s strength.