
(4)说明在给定利率变化的情况下,修正久期与凸性是怎样用来估计债券价格变动的?第九章本章习题答案1. 在市场利率中,债券价格的敏感性变化对投资者而言显然十分重要。

CA. 购买汽车作为出租车使用B. 农民购买化肥C. 购买商品房自己居住D. 政府出资修筑高速公路2、投资的收益和风险往往()。
AA. 同方向变化B. 反方向变化C. 先同方向变化,后反方向变化D. 先反方向变化,后同方向变化二、判断题1、资本可以有各种表现形态,但必须有价值。
()×三、多项选择题1、以下是投资主体必备条件的有()ABDA.拥有一定量的货币资金 B.对其拥有的货币资金具有支配权C.必须能控制其所投资企业的经营决策 D.能够承担投资的风险2、下列属于真实资本有()ABCA.机器设备 B.房地产 C.黄金 D.股票3、下列属于直接投资的有()ABA.企业设立新工厂 B.某公司收购另一家公司60%的股权C.居民个人购买1000股某公司股票 D.发放长期贷款而不参与被贷款企业的经营活动四、简答题1、直接投资与间接投资第2章市场经济与投资决定习题一、单项选择题1、市场经济制度与计划经济制度的最大区别在于()。
BA. 两种经济制度所属社会制度不一样B. 两种经济制度的基础性资源配置方式不一样C. 两种经济制度的生产方式不一样D. 两种经济制度的生产资料所有制不一样2、市场经济配置资源的主要手段是()。
DA. 分配机制B. 再分配机制C. 生产机制D. 价格机制二、判断题1、在市场经济体制下,自利性是经济活动主体从事经济活动的内在动力。
()×四、简答题1、市场失灵、缺陷第3章证券投资概述习题一、单项选择题1、在下列证券中,投资风险最低的是()AA、国库券B、金融债券C、国际机构债券D、公司债券2、中国某公司在美国发行的以欧元为面值货币的债券称之为()BA.外国债券 B.欧洲债券 C.武士债券 D.扬基债券3、中央银行在证券市场市场买卖证券的目的是()DA、赚取利润B、控制股份C、分散风险D、宏观调控4、资本证券主要包括()。

1. There are ten key assumptions underlying the CAPM:1. Investors evaluate portfolios by analyzing expected returns and standarddeviations over a one-period time horizon.2. Everything else equal, investors prefer portfolios with greater expectedreturns.3. Everything else equal, investors prefer portfolios with lower standarddeviations.4. Assets are infinitely divisible.5. Investors may borrow or lend at a single riskfree interest rate.6. Taxes and transaction costs are immaterial.7. All investors have the same one-period time horizon.8. All investors borrow and lend at the same riskfree rate.9. All investors have immediate and costless access to all relevant information.10. Investors possess homogeneous expectations regarding the expected returnsand risks of securities.3. The separation theorem states that an investor's optimal risky portfolio can bedetermined without reference to the investor's risk-return preferences.Assuming that every investor has the same expectations regarding expected returns and risks for available securities, and assuming that everyone faces the same riskfree rate, then the efficient set must be the same for all investors. This implies that every investor will hold the same risky portfolio. (That risky portfolio is represented by the point of tangency between a ray emanating from the riskfree asset and extending into risk-return space and tangent to the curved Markowitz efficient set.) The only difference in portfolios held by investors will be with respect to the amount of riskfree lending or borrowing undertaken, which will depend on the investors' individual risk-return preferences.6. If investors wish to hold more units of a security than are available, then they willbid up the price of the security, thereby reducing its expected return. The lower expected return will cause investors to reduce their desired holdings of the security.Conversely, if investors wish to hold fewer units of a security than are available, then they will bid down the security's price, thereby increasing its expected return.The higher expected return will cause investors to wish to hold more units of the security.This process will drive the price of the security toward its equilibrium value at which point the number of units investors wish to hold will equal the number of units outstanding. This equilibrating process will produce market clearing prices for all securities. Further, the riskfree rate will move to a level where the total amount of money borrowed will equal the supply of money available for lending.7. Investor does not require any adjustments by an investor in the market portfolio.Every security in the market portfolio is represented in proportion to its marketvalue relative to the market value of all securities. The market value of a secu rity is the units of the security outstanding times the market price of the security. Thus as relative prices of securities change, their relative market values and therefore their proportions of the market portfolio change concomitantly. No adjustment is required on the part of the investor.10. The equation of the Capital Market Line (CML) is:r p = r f + [(r M - r f )/ M ]* pIn this case, the market portfolio is composed of two securities, A and B . Thu s the expected return of the market portfolio is:r M = (X A ⨯ r A ) + (X B ⨯ r B )= (.40 ⨯ 10%) + (.60 ⨯ 15%)= 13.0%The standard deviation of the market portfolio is:[]2/122222B A AB B A B B A A M X X X X σσρσσσ++== {[(.40)² ⨯ (20)²] + [(.60)² ⨯ (28)²]+ [2 ⨯ (.40) ⨯ (.60) ⨯ (.30) ⨯ (20) ⨯ (28)]}½= [64 + 282.2 + 80.6]½ = 20.7%Therefore the equation for the CML is:r p = 5.0% + [(13.0% - 5.0%)/20.7%] ⨯ p= 5.0% + .39p12. The standard deviation of the market portfolio can be shown to equal the squareroot of the weighted average of the covariances of all its component securities with it. In the case of the this four security portfolio: M = [.20 ⨯ 242 + .30 ⨯ 360 + .20 ⨯ 155 + .30 ⨯ 210]½= (250.4)½ = 15.8%14. According to the CAPM, all investors will hold the market portfolio combinedwith riskfree borrowing or lending. Therefore all investors will be concerned with the risk (or standard deviation) of the market portfolio. The standard deviation of the market portfolio can be shown to be a function of the covariances with it of each of the securities that make up the market portfolio. Therefore th e contribution that each security makes to the market portfolio's risk will be directly related to its covariance with the market portfolio. Risk averse investors will demand higher returns from securities exhibiting higher covariances with the market portfolio.15. With respect to risk, the investor ultimately is concerned with the standarddeviation of his or her portfolio. Therefore, in evaluating a well-diversified portfolio, the relevant measure of risk is standard deviation. However, the contribution of an individual security to a portfolio's standard deviation is not the standard deviation of the security. That is, a portfolio's standard deviation is n ot simply the weighted average of the standard deviations of the component securities. The appropriate measure of a security's risk is the contribution that it makes to the standard deviation of a well-diversified portfolio. That contribution is reflected in the security's covariance with the portfolio.18. Oil is incorrect. The CAPM implies that it is possible for a security to have apositive standard deviation and an expected return less than the riskfree rate. Th e CAPM relationship specifies that:r p = r f + (r M - r f ) iM Thus a security with a negative covariance with the market portfolio would havean expected return less than the riskfree rate. In practice, however, few, if any , securities have a negative covariances with surrogates for the market portfolio.19. The beta of a security is calculated as:βσσi iM M =2Therefore:βA ==292151302.βB ==180150802. βC ==225151002.20. The beta of a portfolio is given by:ββp i i i n X ==∑1In Kitty's case:ßp = (.30 ⨯ .90) + (.10 ⨯ 1.30) + (.60 ⨯ 1.05)= 1.0322. a.b. r i = r f + (r M - r f )βi= 6% + (10% - 6%)ßi= 6% + (4%)ßi c. r A = 6% + (4%)(.85)= 9.4% r B= 6% + (4%)(1.20) = 10.8%24. A security that plots above the SML would be considered an attractive investment.The expected return offered by such a security is greater than that required given its risk. Investors should wish to add such a security to their portfolios.26. Market (or systematic) risk is the portion of a security's total risk that is related tomovements in the market portfolio and hence to the beta of the security. By definition, because the market portfolio is perfectly diversified, market risk in a portfolio cannot be reduced through diversification.Nonmarket (or unique or unsystematic) risk is the portion of a security's total riskthat is not related to moves in the market portfolio. Rather, it is related to even ts specific to the security. As a result, unique risk in a portfolio can be reduced through diversification.28. Two relationships are necessary to identify the missing data in the table:(1) r i = r f + (r M - r f )βi61218240.000.50 1.00 1.50 2.00E x p e c t e d R e t u r n (%)BetaR f =(2) ()2222i M p i εσσβσ+= Using these equations, consider security D first: 7.0 = r f + (r M - r f ) ⨯ 0 r f = 7.0% Next consider security B : 19.0 = 7.0 + (r M - 7.0) ⨯ 1.5 r M = 15.0% Next consider security C : 15.0 = 7.0 + (15.0 - 7.0) ßC ßC = 1.0 Further: (12)² = (1.0)² ⨯ σM 2 + 0 σM 2 = 12% Next consider security A : r A = 7.0 + (15.0 - 7.0)(.8) r A = 13.4% Further: A = [(.8)² ⨯ (12)² + 81]½= 13.2% Returning to security B : B = [(1.5)² ⨯ (12)² + 36]½ = 19.0% Finally, consider security E : 16.6 = 7.0 + (15.0 - 7.0) ßE ßE = 1.2 Further: (15)² = (1.2)² ⨯ (12)² + 2i εσ 2i εσ = 17.6。

第9章 资本资产定价模型一、习题1.如果()()1814P f M E r r E r =%, =6%, =%,那么该资产组合的β值等于多少?答:()()P f P M f E r r E r r β⎡⎤=+⨯−⎣⎦0.18=0.06+p β×(0.14-0.06)解得p β=0.12/0.08=1.5。
如果股票支付某一水平的永久红利,那么,从原始的数据中可以知道,红利必须满足永续年金的现值公式:价格=股利/贴现率即:50=D/0.14,解得,D =50×0.14=7(美元)。
a .β为零的股票提供的期望收益率为零。
b .资本资产定价模型认为投资者对持有高波动性证券要求更高的收益率。
c .你可以通过将75%的资金投资于短期国债,其余的资金投资于市场投资组合的方式来构建一个β为0.75的资产组合。
答:a .错误。
β=0意味着E (r )=r f ,不等于零。
b .错误。
c .错误。
投资组合应当是75%的市场组合和25%的短期国债,此时β为:()()0.7510.2500.75p β=⨯+⨯=4.下表给出两个公司的数据。

A.开盘价B.收盘价C.最高价D.最低价4.在下列K线图中,开盘价等于最高价的有()A.光头光脚的阴线B.光头光脚的阳线C.十字星K线图D.带有上影线的光脚阳线5.在下列K线图中,收盘价等于最高价的有()A.光头光脚的阴线B.光头光脚的阳线C.十字星K线图D.带有上影线的光脚阳线6.K线图中的十字线的出现表明()A.多方力量还是略微比空方力量大点B.空方力量还是略微比多方力量大点C.多空双方的力量不分上下D.行情将继续维持以前的趋势,不存在大势变盘的意义7.黄昏之星通常出现在()A.上升趋势中B.下降趋势中C.横盘整理中D.顶部8.射击之星,一般出现在()A.顶部B.中部C.底部D.任意处9.下列不正确的说法是()A.锤形线出现在下降趋势的末端,而上吊线出现在上升趋势末端B.无论是锤形线还是上吊线其下影线都比实体长的多C.锤形线是熊尽牛来的信号,而上吊线是牛尽熊来的信号D.实体的颜色非常重要10.三白兵走势是:()A.两阴夹一阳B.两阳夹一阴C.三根阳线D.两阳一阴11.三乌鸦是指()A.一段下降趋势后的三根阳线B.一段下降趋势后的三根阴线C.一段上升趋势后的三根阳线D.一段上升趋势后的三根阴线12.光头光脚的长阳线表示当日()A.空方占优B.多方占优C.多、空平衡D.无法判断13.以下说法不正确的是()A.价格低开高收产生阳K线B.价格高开低收产生阴K线C.光头阳K线说明以当日最高价收盘D.今日价格高于前日价格必定是阳K线14.就单枝K线而言,反映多方占据绝对优势的K线形状是( )A.大十字星B.带有较长上影线的阳线C.光头光脚大阴线D.光头光脚大阳线15.不适合短线买进的股票是()A.买卖量都较小,股价轻度下跌B.遇个股利空但放量不跌C.无量大幅急跌D.分红除权后上涨16.下面一般不宜作为趋势分析对象的是()A.长期趋势B.中期趋势C.短期趋势D.中长期趋势17.在上升趋势中,将()连成一条直线,就得到上升趋势线A.两个低点B.两个高点C.一个低点、一个高点D.任意两点18.连接连续下降的高点得到()A.轨道线B.上升趋势线C.支撑线D.下降趋势线19.一般说来,可以根据下列()因素判断趋势线的有效性A.趋势线的斜率越大,有效性越强B.趋势线的斜率越小,有效性越强C.趋势线被触及的次数越少,有效性越被得到确认D.趋势线被触及的次数越多,有效性越被得到确认20.在上升趋势中,如果下一次未创新高,即未突破压力线,往后股价反而向下突破了这个上升趋势的支撑线,通常这意味着()A.上升趋势开始B.上升趋势保持C.上升趋势已经结束D.没有含义21.支撑线和压力线之所以能起支撑和压力作用,两者之间之所以能够相互转化,很大程度是由于()方面的原因A.机构主力争斗的结果B.心理因素C.筹码发布D.持有成本22.趋势线被突破后,这说明()A.股价会上升B.股价走势将反转C.股价会下跌D.股价走势将加速23.在技术分析理论中,不能单独存在的切线是()A.支撑线B.压力线C.轨道线D.趋势线24.下列说法正确的是()A.证券市场里的人分为多头和空头两种B.压力线只存在于上升行情中C.一旦市场趋势确立,市场变动就朝一个方向运动直到趋势改变D.支撑线和压力线是短暂的,可以相互转换25.费波纳奇数列正确的排列是()A.1,3,5,7...B.2,4,6,8...C.2,3,5,8...D.1,2,3,6...26.和黄金分割线有关的一些数字中,有一组最为重要,股价极容易在由这组数字产生的黄金分割线处产生支撑和压力,请找出这一组()A. 0.618、1.618、2.618 B. 0.382、06.18、1.191C. 0.618、1.618、4.236 D. 0.382、0.809、4.23627.依据三次突破原则的方法是()A.速度线B.扇形线C.甘氏线D.百分比线28.在百分比线中,()线最为重要A.1/4B.1/3C.1/2D.2/329.根据技术分析理论,不能独立存在的切线是()A.扇形线B.百分比线C.轨(通)道线D.速度线30.如果希望预测未来较长时期的走势,应当使用()A.K线B.K线组合C.形态理论D.黄金分割线31.下面四个图形中,唯一只被当作中继形态的是()A.旗形B.楔形C.菱形D.直角三角型32.()是最著名和最可靠的反转突破形态A.头肩形态B.双重顶(底)C.圆弧形态D.喇叭形33.头肩顶形态的高度是指()A.头的高度B.左、右肩连线的高度C.头到颈线的距离D.颈线的高度34.属于持续整理形态的有()A.菱形B.钻石形C.旗形D.W形态35.属于持续整理形态的有()A.菱形B.钻石形C.圆弧形D.三角形36.如果股价原有的趋势是向上,进入整理状态时形成上升三角形,那么可以初步判断今后的走势会()A.继续整理B.向下突破C.向上突破D.不能判断37.出现在顶部的看跌的形态是()A.菱形B.旗形C.楔形D.三角形38.下列对圆形底特征描述不正确的是()A.底部成交量极小B.从反转过程来看,不论股价或成交量都呈圆形C.上升行情属于爆发性的,涨得急,结束也快D.上涨初期成交量急速放大39.下列不属于持续形态的是()A.喇叭形B.矩形C.旗形D.三角形40.与头肩顶形态相比,三重形态更容易演变为()A.反转突破形态B.圆弧顶形态C.持续整理形态D.其他各种形态41.下列不正确说法的是()A.V形反转一般事先无征兆B.大都因市场外突发信息引起的C.可以结合支撑线、压力线以及技术指标通过消息面加以研判D.经过多次顶和底的试探42.下面不属于波浪理论主要考虑因素的是()A.成交量B.时间C.比例D.形态43.艾略特波浪理论的数学基础来自()A.周期理论B.黄金分割理论C.时间数列D.斐波那奇数列44.波浪理论认为一个完整的周期分为()A.推动5浪,调整3浪B.推动5浪,调整2浪C.推动3浪,调整3浪D.推动4浪,调整2浪45.下列不正确说法的是()A.每个推动浪又可细分为5浪B.每个调整浪又可细分为3浪C.波浪理论的数浪很容易D.推动第5浪通常有延伸浪46.波浪理论的最核心的内容是以()为基础的A.K线理论B.指标C.切线D.周期二、名词解释1、K线:一根K线记录了证券在一个交易时间段内的价格变动情况,将它们按照时间顺序连接起来就成为了K线图。

投资学课后作业 第八章 指数模型3. 其他条件保持不变,公司特定风险越大,积极组合所占的比重越小,投资者会偏向于投资指数组合。
5.a.估计60个期望值、60个方差、C 602=1770个协方差b.单指数模型公式R i =αi +βi ∗R M +e i σ2=βi 2σM 2+σ2(e i ) 需要估计60个期望值、60个βi 、60个σ2(e i )、1个βi 2σM 2、1个R M6.a. σi2=βi 2σM 2+σ2(e i ),带入数值,解得σA=34.78%,σB=47.93%b.E r p =0.3∗E r A +0.45∗E r B +0.25∗r f ,代入数值,得E r p =14% β=0.3∗βA +0.45∗βB+0.25∗βf ,带入数值,得β=0.78σ2=βi 2σM2+σ2 e ,其中,βi 2σM2=0.782∗0.222=0.0294,σ2 e =0.32∗σ2 e A +0.452∗σ2 e B ,带入数值,得σ2 e =0.0405, σ2=0.0699,σ=26.44%7.从图中我们可以看到A 的回归线比较平缓,散点离回归线比较远,说明A 的特定风险大;B 的回归线比较陡峭,说明B 的系统风险大,散点比较接近回归线,模拟的比较好,。
a. A 的特定风险大b. B 的系统风险大c. Bd. Ae. B 8. a. A b. A c. A d.-0.2% 9. σi2=βi 2σM2+σ2e i =βi 2σM2R2, 带入数值,得σA =31.3%,σB=69.28%10. βA 2σM2=0.72∗0.22=1.96%,σ2 e A =9.797%−1.96%=7.837%,同理,得βB 2σM2=5.76% σ2 e B =4.22%11.Cov R A ,R B =βA βB σM2, 代入数值,得Cov R A ,R B =3.36%,ρ=Cov R A,R B,带入数值,得ρ=0.155σAσB12. Cov R A,R M=βAβMσM2, 代入数值,得Cov R A,R M=2.8%,同理,得Cov R M,R B=4.8%13.组合P的方差σp2=0.62∗σA2+0.42∗σB2+0.6∗0.4∗σAσB,带入数值,得σp2=0.1282 σP=35.8%βP=0.6∗0.7+0.4∗1.2=0.9, βP2σM2=3.24%,σ2e P=9.58%, Cov R P,R M=0.3614.基本思想与13题一样,这里就不再列出式子而直接写答案了:标准差为21.55%,与市场的协方差为0.3,非系统风险2.40%,系统风险19.15%16.αA=0.11−0.06−0.8∗0.12−0.06=0.02αB=0.14−0.06−1.5∗0.12−0.06=−0.01,通过比较,我会选择α大的股票17.a.b.α=-(0.61*1.6%+1.13*4.4%+1.69*3.4%+1.7*4.0%)=-16.9% β=2.08最优组合是指数组合的权重为1.047c.夏普比率为0.3662,积极组合的贡献为0.0184d.投资于短期国债的比例为0.5685,投资于股票组合的比例为(1-0.5685)第九章 资本资产定价模型8. 贴现率i=r f +β(r M −r f ),带入数值,得i=22.4% NPV= (CI −CO )t (1+i)t100,带入数值,得NPV=18.09美元,当NPV<=0时,i<=0.3573, 则β最大为3.47 9.a.各为2和0.3b.期望收益率各为18%和9%c.整体经济的证券市场线的斜率为1,纵坐标截距为6%d.每只股票的截距分别为-0.06和0.003e.8.7%10.不可能,因为A 的β比B 的要大,但是A 的收益却比B 的要小,这样的组合是无效的。

投资学:现代⾦融理财技术理论(后附:答案)第九章现代⾦融理财技术理论练习题:⼀、名词解释:1、预期收益2、期望收益率3、⽅差4、投资者共同偏好规则5、协⽅差6、相关系数7、结合线8、有效组合9、有效边缘10、资产组合效⽤11、效⽤⽆差异曲线12、最优资产组合13、市场组合14、资本市场线15、阿尔法系数 16、证券市场线17、证券特征线18、套利19、单指数模型20、多指数模型⼆、判断题:1、组合资产的收益率是各种资产收益率的加权平均。


投资学练习答案导论2.A3.ABCDE4.正确第一至第四章习题1.公司剩余盈利2.固定、累积3.C4.D5.C6.C7.正确8.错误9.A 11.C 12.C 13.D14.AD 15.B 16A 17.B 18.D 20.C 21.B22.A 23.D 24.B 26.A 29.C 30.C 31.A32.C 33.错误 34.正确 35.正确 36.错误 37.C38.A 39.B 40.B第五章习题1.D2.AC3.AB4.BCD5.正确6.正确7.ABCD8.正确9.E 10.D 11.B 12.E13.D 14.C 17.C第六章练习8.D 10.B 12.B 13.A 14.C第七章练习1.B2.C3.C4.C5.D 8.C 9.B12.B 13.D 14.C 15.B 17.E 18.B 19.B 22.C 23.B 24.B 25E26.A 27.B 28.A 33错误 34.A 35.A第八章练习2.B3.A4.B5.D6.D7.C8.A9.B12.C 13.C 14.D 16.C 17.C 18.D19.B 23.B 25.D 27.C投资学第九章习题答案1.不做2.不做3.C4.不做5.不做6.3%7.不做8.B9. C 10.D 11. D 12.C 13.D 14.C 15.A 16.C 17.(答案为0.75) 18.D 19.C 20.B21.不做投资学第十章至第十一章习题答案1.相关系数为02. B3. B4. C5.错6.错7. B8. E9. A10.对11.D投资学第十二章至第十三章习题答案1.不做2.高于票面值因为10%大于8%3.具体看课本公式(老师只是讲公式没有给出确切得答案)4.贴现贴现率5.反方向6.C7.C8.对9.对10.不做11.折价平价溢价12.不做13.不做14.不做15.A16.C17.C18.具体看书本323页19.具体看课本325页20.看课本319至32021.不做22.不做第十四章至十五章习题答案1.先行同步滞后2.不做3.开拓拓展成熟衰落4.资产负责表损益表现金流量表5. C6.宏观分析行业分析公司分析7. A8. B9. A10.D11.D12.A13.A14.对15.对十七章注意事项: 注意技术分析得三大假设假设1. 市场行为涵盖一切信息假设2.价格沿趋势运动假设3.历史会重演。

投资学第9章习题及答案篇一:投资学第九版课后习题答案--第10、11章第10章5、因为投资组合F的β=0,所以其预期收益等于无风险利率对于投资组合A,风险溢价与β的比率为(12-6)/1.2=5 对于投资组合E,风险溢价与β的比率为(8-6)/0.6=3.33对比表明,这里有套现机会存在。
例如,我们能创建一个投资组合G,其包含投资组合A和投资组合F,并且两者有相等的权重,使它满足β等于0.6;这样投资组合F的期望收益和β为:E(rG ) = (0.5 × 12%) + (0.5 × 6%) = 9%βG = (0.5 × 1.2) + (0.5 × 0%) = 0.6对比投资组合G和投资组合E,投资组合G跟E具有相同的β值,但具有更高的期望收益。
这种套现利润:rG �C rE =[9% + (0.6 × F)] ? [8% + (0.6 × F)] = 1%6、设无风险利率为rf,风险溢价因素RP,则:12% = rf + (1.2 × RP)9% = rf + (0.8 × RP)解之得: rf=3%,RP=7.5%7、a、由题目知,买进100万美元等权重的正α值的股票并同时卖出100万美元的等权重的负α值的股票;假定市场风险为0;则预期收益为:$1,000,000*0.02-$1,000,000*(-0.02)=$40,000b、对于分析师分析的20只股票,每只股票持有时都分别为$100,000,市场风险为0,公司持有的收益标准差为30%,所以20只股票的方差为20 × [($100,000 × 0.30)* ($100,000 × 0.30)] = $18,000,000,000故标准差为$134,164a、如果分析师分析的是50只股票,那么每只股票持有时都分别为$40,000,计算收益方差:50 × [(40,000 × 0.30)* (40,000 × 0.30)] = 7,200,000,000故标准差为$84,853;由于总投入资金不变,α值不变,故其期望收益也不变,为$40,0008、2a、?2??2?2M??(e)2?A?(0.82?202)?252?881222?2B?(1.0?20)?10?5002?C?(1.22?202)?202?976b、如果资产种类很多,并且具有相同的收益特征,每一个种类的充分分散投资组合将存在唯一的系统风险,因为非系统性风险随着n的无穷大会趋近于0,因此充分分散的投资组合的超额收益方差的均值为:2 ?A?2562?B?400?C2?576C、市场中不存在套现机会第11章9、答案:C。
《证券投资学》课后练习题9 大题答案

1. K线:K线图最早是日本德川幕府时代大阪的米商用来记录当时一天、一周或一月中米价涨跌行情的图示法,后被引入股市。
2. 开盘价:目前我国股票市场采用集合竞价的方式产生开盘价。
3. 收盘价:是多空双方经过一段时间的争斗后最终达到的共识,是供需双方最后的暂时平衡点,具有指明价格的功能。
4. 最高价:是交易过程中出现的最高的价格。
5. 最低价:是交易过程中出现的最低的价格。
6. 阳线:收盘价高于开盘价时用空(或红)实体表示,称为阳线。
7. 阴线:开盘价高于收盘价时用黑(或蓝)实体表示,称为阴线。
8. 影线:影线表示高价和低价。

E ( Ri ) R f [ E ( Rm ) R f ]i (1) E ( RA ) R f [ E ( Rm ) R f ] A R f [ E ( Rm ) R f ]*0.8 (2) E ( RB ) R f [ E ( Rm ) R f ] B 19% R f [ E ( Rm ) R f ]*1.5 (3) E ( RC ) R f [ E ( Rm ) R f ]C 15% R f [ E ( Rm ) R f ]C (4) E ( RD ) R f [ E ( Rm ) R f ] D 7% R f [ E ( Rm ) R f ]*0 (5) E ( RE ) R f [ E ( Rm ) R f ] E 16.6% R f [ E ( Rm ) R f ]*1.2
证券 A B C
贝塔值 0.9 1.3 1.05
权重 0.3 0.1 0.6
p X ii 0.9*0.3 1.3*0.1 1.05*0.6 1.03
i 1
10、请根据CAPM中收益与风险的关系补充下表中 缺失的数据: i E ( Ri ) i i 2 证券名称
0.5*(16 8.25) 2 0.3*(2.5 8.25) 2 0.2*(2.5 8.25) 2 7.94
4、项目A的收益为4%,标准差为7.5%,项目B的收益为10 %,标准差为9% ,投资哪个项目?
方法I :变异系数(取小:B) CV 7.5% 1.88; CV 9% 0.9 A B

元。该股票预计来年派发红利3美元。投资者预期 可以以41美元卖出。股票风险的=-0.5,该股票是 高估还是低估了?
• a. 因为市场组合的β定义为1,它的预期收益率为 12%。
• 如果股票支付某一水平的永久红利,则我们可以从红利D的原始数据 知道必须满足永久债券的等式:价格=红利/折现率
5 0 =D/ 0 . 1 4
D= 5 0×0 . 1 4 = 7 . 0 0美元
• 在新的折现率2 2%的条件下,股票价值为7美元/ 0 . 2 2 = 3 1 . 8 2美 元。股票风险的增加使得它的价值降低了3 6 . 3 6%。
• 为股票的β 等于1,它的预期收益率应该等 于市场收益率,即6 + 1 . 2 ( 1 6-6) =18%。
E(r) = (D1+P1-P0) /P0
0. 1 8 = ( 6 +P1-5 0 ) / 5 0
= 5 3美元
• 4、投资者购入一企业,其预期的永久现金 流为1 000美元,但因有风险而不确定。如 果投资者认为企业的贝塔值是0 . 5,当贝塔 值实际为1时,投资者愿意支付的金额比该 企业实际价值高多少?
散的或市场风险)的风险溢价。全部波动包 括不可分散的风险。
• c. 错。你的资产组合的75%应投资于市场, 25%投资于国库券。因此,
• β=0.75×1+ 0.25×0=0.75
如果简单的C A P M模型是有效的,下列各题中哪 些情形是有可能的,试说明之。每种情况单独考虑。
投资学 课后习题及答案

(填空)2 ____是投资者为实现投资目标所遵循的基本方针和基本准则。
(单选) A证券投资政策 B证券投资分析 C证券投组合 D评估证券投资组合的业绩3 一般来说,证券投资与投机的区别主要可以从________等不同角度进行分析。
(多选) A 动机 B对证券所作的分析方法 C投资期限 D投资对象 E风险倾向4在证券市场中,难免出现投机行为,有投资就必然有投机。
(填空)2 累积优先股是一种常见的、发行很广泛的优先股股票。
其特点是股息率______,而且可以 ________计算。
(单选)A约定股息率 B股票可由公司赎回 C具有表决权 D优先分派股息和清偿剩余资产。
4 股份有限公司最初发行的大多是_____,通过这类股票所筹集的资金通常是股份有限公司股本的基础。
(单选)A特别股 B优先股 CB股 D普通股5 当公司前景和股市行情看好、盈利增加时,可转换优先股股东的最佳策略是_______ 。
(单选)A转换成参与优先股 B转换成公司债券 C转换成普通股 D转换成累积优先股6 下列外资股中,不属于境外上市外资股的是________。
(单选)A H股 BN股 CB股 DS股7 股份制就是以股份公司为核心,以股票发行为基础,以股票交易为依托。
(判断) 8 可赎回优先股是指允许拥有该股票的股东在一个合理的价格范围内将资金赎回。
(判断) 9________是指在管理层和股东之间发生冲突的可能性,它是由管理层在利益回报方面的控制以及管理人员的低效业绩所产生的问题。

CHAPTER 9: THE CAPITAL ASSET PRICING MODELPROBLEM SETS1.2. If the security’s correlation coefficient with the market portfolio doubles (with all othervariables such as variances unchanged), then beta, and therefore the risk premium, will also double. The current risk premium is: 14% – 6% = 8%The new risk premium would be 16%, and the new discount rate for the security would be: 16% + 6% = 22%If the stock pays a constant perpetual dividend, then we know from the original data that the dividend (D) must satisfy the equation for the present value of a perpetuity:Price = Dividend/Discount rate50 = D /0.14 ⇒ D = 50 ⨯ 0.14 = $7.00At the new discount rate of 22%, the stock would be worth: $7/0.22 = $31.82The increase in stock risk has lowered its value by 36.36%.3. a.False. β = 0 implies E (r ) = r f , not zero.b. False. Investors require a risk premium only for bearing systematic (undiversifiable or market) risk. Total volatility, as measured by the standard deviation, includes diversifiable risk.c. False. Your portfolio should be invested 75% in the market portfolio and 25% in T-bills. Then:β(0.751)(0.250)0.75P =⨯+⨯=4. The expected return is the return predicted by the CAPM for a given level of systematicrisk.$1$5()β[()]().04 1.5(.10.04).13,or 13%().04 1.0(.10.04).10,or 10%i f i M f Discount Everything E r r E r r E r E r =+⨯-=+⨯-==+⨯-=()β[()].12.18.06β[.14.06]β 1.5.08P f P M f P P E r r E r r =+⨯-=+⨯-→==5. According to the CAPM, $1 Discount Stores requires a return of 13% based on itssystematic risk level of β = 1.5. However, the forecasted return is only 12%. Therefore, the security is currently overvalued.Everything $5 requires a return of 10% based on its systematic risk level of β = 1.0.However, the forecasted return is 11%. Therefore, the security is currently undervalued. 6. Correct answer is choice a. The expected return of a stock with a β = 1.0 must, onaverage, be the same as the expected return of the market which also has a β = 1.0.7. Correct answer is choice a. Beta is a measure of systematic risk. Since only systematic risk is rewarded, it is safe to conclude that the expected return will be higher for Kaskin’s stock than for Quinn’s stock.8.The appropriate discount rate for the project is:r f + β × [E (r M ) – r f ] = .08 + [1.8 ⨯ (.16 – .08)] = .224, or 22.4% Using this discount rate:101$15NPV $40$40[$151.224t t ==-+=-+⨯∑Annuity factor (22.4%, 10 years)] = $18.09 The internal rate of return (IRR) for the project is 35.73%. Recall from your introductory finance class that NPV is positive if IRR > discount rate (or, equivalently, hurdle rate). The highest value that beta can take before the hurdle rate exceeds the IRR is determined by:.3573 = .08 + β × (.16 – .08) ⇒ β = .2773/.08 = 3.479. a. Call the aggressive stock A and the defensive stock D. Beta is the sensitivity of thestock’s return to the market return, i.e., the change in the stock return per unitchange in the market return. Therefore, we compute each stock’s beta bycalculating the difference in its return across the two scenarios divided by the difference in the market return:.β 2.00β0. D ---====--b.With the two scenarios equally likely, the expected return is an average of the twopossible outcomes:E(r A) = 0.5 ⨯ (–.02 + .38) = .18 = 18%E(r D) = 0.5 ⨯ (.06 + .12) = .09 = 9%c.The SML is determined by the market expected return of [0.5 × (.25 + .05)] =15%, with βM= 1, and r f = 6% (which has βf=0). See the following graph:The equation for the security market line is:E(r) = .06 + β × (.15 – .06)d. Based on its risk, the aggressive stock has a required expected return of:E(r A ) = .06 + 2.0 × (.15 – .06) = .24 = 24%The analyst’s forecast of expected return is only 18%. Thus the stock’s alpha is:αA = actually expected return – required return (given risk)= 18% – 24% = –6%Similarly, the required return for the defensive stock is:E(r D) = .06 + 0.3 × (.15 – .06) = 8.7%The analyst’s forecast of expected return for D is 9%, and hence, the stock has a positive alpha:αD = Actually expected return – Required return (given risk)= .09 – .087 = +0.003 = +0.3%The points for each stock plot on the graph as indicated above. e. The hurdle rate is determined by the project beta (0.3), not the firm’s beta . Thecorrect discount rate is 8.7%, the fair rate of return for stock D.10. Not possible. Portfolio A has a higher beta than Portfolio B, but the expected return forPortfolio A is lower than the expected return for Portfolio B. Thus, these two portfolios cannot exist in equilibrium.11. Possible. If the CAPM is valid, the expected rate of return compensates only forsystematic (market) risk, represented by beta, rather than for the standard deviation,which includes nonsystematic risk. Thus, Portfolio A’s lower rate of return can be paired with a higher standard deviation, as long as A’s beta is less than B’s.12. Not possible. The reward-to-variability ratio for Portfolio A is better than that of themarket. This scenario is impossible according to the CAPM because the CAPM predicts that the market is the most efficient portfolio. Using the numbers supplied:. M S S --==== Portfolio A provides a better risk-reward trade-off than the market portfolio.13. Not possible. Portfolio A clearly dominates the market portfolio. Portfolio A has both alower standard deviation and a higher expected return.14. Not possible. The SML for this scenario is: E(r ) = 10 + β × (18 – 10)Portfolios with beta equal to 1.5 have an expected return equal to:E (r ) = 10 + [1.5 × (18 – 10)] = 22%The expected return for Portfolio A is 16%; that is, Portfolio A plots below the SML (α A = –6%) and, hence, is an overpriced portfolio. This is inconsistent with the CAPM.15. Not possible. The SML is the same as in Problem 14. Here, Portfolio A’s required returnis: .10 + (.9 × .08) = 17.2%This is greater than 16%. Portfolio A is overpriced with a negative alpha:α A = –1.2%16. Possible. The CML is the same as in Problem 12. Portfolio A plots below the CML, asany asset is expected to. This scenario is not inconsistent with the CAPM.17. Since the stock’s beta is equal to 1.2, its expected rate of return is:.06 + [1.2 ⨯ (.16 – .06)] = 18%110110$50$6()0.18$53$50D P P PE r P P -+-+=→=→=18. The series of $1,000 payments is a perpetuity. If beta is 0.5, the cash flow should bediscounted at the rate:.06 + [0.5 × (.16 – .06)] = .11 = 11%PV = $1,000/0.11 = $9,090.91If, however, beta is equal to 1, then the investment should yield 16%, and the price paid for the firm should be:PV = $1,000/0.16 = $6,250The difference, $2,840.91, is the amount you will overpay if you erroneously assume that beta is 0.5 rather than 1.19. Using the SML: .04 = .06 + β × (.16 – .06) ⇒ β = –.02/.10 = –0.220. r 1 = 19%; r 2 = 16%; β1 = 1.5; β2 = 1a. To determine which investor was a better selector of individual stocks we look atabnormal return, which is the ex-post alpha; that is, the abnormal return is thedifference between the actual return and that predicted by the SML. Withoutinformation about the parameters of this equation (risk-free rate and market rate ofreturn) we cannot determine which investor was more accurate.b.If r f = 6% and r M = 14%, then (using the notation alpha for the abnormal return):α1 = .19 – [.06 + 1.5 × (.14 – .06)] = .19 – .18 = 1%α 2 = .16 – [.06 + 1 × (.14 – .06)] = .16 – .14 = 2%Here, the second investor has the larger abnormal return and thus appears to be the superior stock selector. By making better predictions, the secondinvestor appears to have tilted his portfolio toward underpriced stocks.c. If r f = 3% and r M = 15%, then:α1 = .19 – [.03 + 1.5 × (.15 – .03)] = .19 – .21 = –2%α2 = .16 – [.03+ 1 × (.15 – .03)] = .16 – .15 = 1%Here, not only does the second investor appear to be the superior stock selector,but the first investor’s predictions appear valueless (or worse).21. a. Since the market portfolio, by definition, has a beta of 1, its expected rate of returnis 12%.b. β = 0 means no systematic risk. Hence, the sto ck’s expected rate of return inmarket equilibrium is the risk-free rate, 5%.c.Using the SML, the fair expected rate of return for a stock with β = –0.5 is:()0.05[(0.5)(0.120.05)] 1.5%E r =+-⨯-= The actually expected rate of return, using the expected price and dividend for next year is:$41$3()10.1010%$40E r +=-== Because the actually expected return exceeds the fair return, the stock isunderpriced.22. In the zero-beta CAPM the zero-beta portfolio replaces the risk-free rate, and thus:E (r ) = 8 + 0.6(17 – 8) = 13.4%23. a. E (r P ) = r f + βP × [E (r M ) – r f ] = 5% + 0.8 (15% − 5%) = 13%α = 14% - 13% = 1%You should invest in this fund because alpha is positive.b. The passive portfolio with the same beta as the fund should be invested 80% in themarket-index portfolio and 20% in the money market account. For this portfolio:E (r P ) = (0.8 × 15%) + (0.2 × 5%) = 13%14% − 13% = 1% = α24. a. We would incorporate liquidity into the CCAPM in a manner analogous to the wayin which liquidity is incorporated into the conventional CAPM. In the latter case, inaddition to the market risk premium, expected return is also dependent on theexpected cost of illiquidity and three liquidity-related betas which measure thesensitivity of: (1) the security’s illiquidity to market illiquidity; (2) the security’sreturn to market illiquidity; and, (3) the security’s illiquidity to the market return. Asimilar approach can be used for the CCAPM, except that the liquidity betas wouldbe measured relative to consumption growth rather than the usual market index.b. As in part (a), nontraded assets would be incorporated into the CCAPM in afashion similar to part (a). Replace the market portfolio with consumption growth.The issue of liquidity is more acute with nontraded assets such as privately heldbusinesses and labor income.While ownership of a privately held business is analogous to ownership of an illiquidstock, expect a greater degree of illiquidity for the typical private business. If theowner of a privately held business is satisfied with the dividends paid out from thebusiness, then the lack of liquidity is not an issue. If the owner seeks to realizeincome greater than the business can pay out, then selling ownership, in full or part,typically entails a substantial liquidity discount. The illiquidity correction should betreated as suggested in part (a).The same general considerations apply to labor income, although it is probable thatthe lack of liquidity for labor income has an even greater impact on security marketequilibrium values. Labor income has a major impact on portfolio decisions. While itis possible to borrow against labor income to some degree, and some of the riskassociated with labor income can be ameliorated with insurance, it is plausible thatthe liquidity betas of consumption streams are quite significant, as the need toborrow against labor income is likely cyclical.CFA PROBLEMS1. a. Agree; Regan’s conclusion is correct. By definition, the market portfolio lies on thecapital market line (CML). Under the assumptions of capital market theory, allportfolios on the CML dominate, in a risk-return sense, portfolios that lie on theMarkowitz efficient frontier because, given that leverage is allowed, the CML creates aportfolio possibility line that is higher than all points on the efficient frontier except for themarket portfolio, which is Rainbow’s portfolio. Because Eagle’s portfolio lies on theMarkowitz efficient frontier at a point other than the market portfolio, Rainbow’sportfolio dominates Eagle’s portfolio.b. Nonsystematic risk is the unique risk of individual stocks in a portfolio that is diversifiedaway by holding a well-diversified portfolio. Total risk is composed of systematic(market) risk and nonsystematic (firm-specific) risk.Disagree; Wilson’s remark is incorrect. Because both portfolios lie on the Markowitzefficient frontier, neither Eagle nor Rainbow has any nonsystematic risk. Therefore,nonsystematic risk does not explain the different expected returns. The determiningfactor is that Rainbow lies on the (straight) line (the CML) connecting the risk-free assetand the market portfolio (Rainbow), at the point of tangency to the Markowitz efficientfrontier having the highest return per unit of risk. Wilson’s remark is also countered bythe fact that, since nonsystematic risk can be eliminated by diversification, the expectedreturn for bearing nonsystematic risk is zero. This is a result of the fact that well-diversified investors bid up the price of every asset to the point where only systematicrisk earns a positive return (nonsystematic risk earns no return).2. E(r) = r f + β × [E(r M) − r f]Furhman Labs: E(r) = .05 + 1.5 × [.115 − .05] = 14.75%Garten Testing: E(r) = .05 + 0.8 × [.115 − .05] = 10.20%If the forecast rate of return is less than (greater than) the required rate of return, then thesecurity is overvalued (undervalued).Furhman Labs: Forecast return –Required return = 13.25% − 14.75% = −1.50%Garten Testing: Forecast return –Required return = 11.25% − 10.20% = 1.05%Therefore, Furhman Labs is overvalued and Garten Testing is undervalued.3. a.4. d. From CAPM, the fair expected return = 8 + 1.25 × (15 - 8) = 16.75%Actually expected return = 17%α = 17 - 16.75 = 0.25%5. d.6. c.7. d.8. d. [You need to know the risk-free rate]9. d. [You need to know the risk-free rate]10.Under the CAPM, the only risk that investors are compensated for bearing is the risk thatcannot be diversified away (systematic risk). Because systematic risk (measured by beta) is equal to 1.0 for both portfolios, an investor would expect the same rate of return from both portfolios A and B. Moreover, since both portfolios are well diversified, it doesn’t matter if the specific risk of the individual securities is high or low. The firm-specific risk has been diversified away for both portfolios.11. a. McKay should borrow funds and invest those funds proportionately in Murray’sexisting portfolio (i.e., buy more risky assets on margin). In addition to increasedexpected return, the alternative portfolio on the capital market line will also haveincreased risk, which is caused by the higher proportion of risky assets in the totalportfolio.b. McKay should substitute low-beta stocks for high-beta stocks in order to reducethe overall beta of Y ork’s portfolio. By reducing the overall portfolio beta, McKaywill reduce the systematic risk of the portfolio and, therefore, reduce its volatilityrelative to the market. The security market line (SML) suggests such action (i.e.,moving down the SML), even though reducing beta may result in a slight loss ofportfolio efficiency unless full diversification is maintained. York’s primary objective,however, is not to maintain efficiency but to reduce risk exposure; reducing portfoliobeta meets that objective. Because York does not want to engage in borrowing orlending, McKay cannot reduce risk by selling equities and using the proceeds to buyrisk-free assets (i.e., lending part of the portfolio).12. a.Expected Return AlphaStock X 5% + 0.8 × (14% - 5%) = 12.2% 14.0% - 12.2% = 1.8%Stock Y 5% + 1.5 × (14% - 5%) = 18.5% 17.0% - 18.5% = -1.5%b.i. Kay should recommend Stock X because of its positive alpha, compared toStock Y, which has a negative alpha. In graphical terms, the expected return/riskprofile for Stock X plots above the security market line (SML), while the profile forStock Y plots below the SML. Also, depending on the individual risk preferencesof Kay’s clients, the lower beta for Stock X may have a beneficial effect on overallportfolio risk.ii. Kay should recommend Stock Y because it has higher forecasted return andlower standard deviation than Stock X. The respective Sharpe ratios for Stocks Xand Y and the market index are:Stock X: (14% - 5%)/36% = 0.25Stock Y: (17% - 5%)/25% = 0.48Market index: (14% - 5%)/15% = 0.60The market index has an even more attractive Sharpe ratio than either of the individual stocks, but, given the choice between Stock X and Stock Y, Stock Y is the superior alternative.When a stock is held as a single stock portfolio, standard deviation is the relevant risk measure. For such a portfolio, beta as a risk measure is irrelevant. Although holding a single asset is not a typically recommended investment strategy, some investors may hold what is essentially a single-asset portfolio when they hold the stock of their employer company. For such investors, the relevance of standard deviation versus beta is an important issue.。

A 法国B 美国C 德国D 英国2.被誉为国际直接投资理论先驱的是()。
A 纳克斯B 海默C 邓宁D 小岛清3.最保守的观点认为,在()个国家或地区以上拥有从事生产和经营的分支机构才算是跨国公司。
A 2个B 3个C 4个D 6个4.职能一体化战略最高级的形式是()。
A 独立子公司战略B 多国战略C 简单一体化战略D 复合一体化战略5.下面不属于对冲基金特点的是()。
A 私募B 受严格管制C 高杠杠性D 分配机制更灵活和更富激励性6.以下对美国纳斯达克市场特点的描述不正确的是()。
A 扬基债券B 欧洲债券C 武士债券D 龙债券8.以下不属于国际投资环境特点的是()。
A综合性 B稳定性 C先在行 D差异性9.以下关于国际直接投资对东道国资本形成直接效应的描述不正确的是()。


CHAPTER 9: THE CAPITAL ASSET PRICING MODELPROBLEM SETS1.2.If the security’s correlation coefficient with the market portfolio doubles (with all other variables such as variances unchanged), then beta, and therefore the risk premium, will also double. The current risk premium is: 14% – 6% = 8%The new risk premium would be 16%, and the new discount rate for the security would be: 16% + 6% = 22%If the stock pays a constant perpetual dividend, then we know from the original data that the dividend (D) must satisfy the equation for the present value of a perpetuity:Price = Dividend/Discount rate50 = D /0.14 ⇒ D = 50 ⨯ 0.14 = $7.00At the new discount rate of 22%, the stock would be worth: $7/0.22 = $31.82The increase in stock risk has lowered its value by 36.36%.3. a.False. β = 0 implies E (r ) = r f , not zero.b.False. Investors require a risk premium only for bearing systematic(undiversifiable or market) risk. Total volatility, as measured by the standarddeviation, includes diversifiable risk.c.False. Your portfolio should be invested 75% in the market portfolio and 25% in T-bills. Then:β(0.751)(0.250)0.75P =⨯+⨯=4.The expected return is the return predicted by the CAPM for a given level ofsystematic risk.$1$5()β[()]().04 1.5(.10.04).13,or 13%().04 1.0(.10.04).10,or 10%i f i M f Discount Everything E r r E r r E r E r =+⨯-=+⨯-==+⨯-=()β[()].12.18.06β[.14.06]β 1.5.08P f P M f P P E r r E r r =+⨯-=+⨯-→==5.According to the CAPM, $1 Discount Stores requires a return of 13% based on its systematic risk level of β = 1.5. However, the forecasted return is only 12%. Therefore, the security is currently overvalued.Everything $5 requires a return of 10% based on its systematic risk level of β = 1.0. However, the forecasted return is 11%. Therefore, the security is currently undervalued.6.Correct answer is choice a. The expected return of a stock with a β = 1.0 must, onaverage, be the same as the expected return of the market which also has a β = 1.0.7.Correct answer is choice a. Beta is a measure of systematic risk. Since onlysystematic risk is rewarded, it is safe to conclude that the expected return will be higher for Kaskin’s stock than for Quinn’s stock.8.The appropriate discount rate for the project is:r f + β × [E (r M ) – r f ] = .08 + [1.8 ⨯ (.16 – .08)] = .224, or 22.4%Using this discount rate:Annuity factor (22.4%, 10 years)] = $18.09101$15NPV $40$40[$151.224t t ==-+=-+⨯∑The internal rate of return (IRR) for the project is 35.73%. Recall from your introductory finance class that NPV is positive if IRR > discount rate (or, equivalently, hurdle rate). The highest value that beta can take before the hurdle rate exceeds the IRR is determined by:.3573 = .08 + β × (.16 – .08) ⇒ β = .2773/.08 = 3.479. a.Call the aggressive stock A and the defensive stock D. Beta is the sensitivityof the stock’s return to the market return, i.e., the change in the stock returnper unit change in the market return. Therefore, we compute each stock’s betaby calculating the difference in its return across the two scenarios divided by the difference in the market return:.β 2.00β0. D ---====--b.With the two scenarios equally likely, the expected return is an average of thetwo possible outcomes:E (r A ) = 0.5 ⨯ (–.02 + .38) = .18 = 18%E (r D ) = 0.5 ⨯ (.06 + .12) = .09 = 9%c.The SML is determined by the market expected return of [0.5 × (.25 + .05)] = 15%, with βM = 1, and r f = 6% (which has βf =0). See the following graph:The equation for the security market line is:E (r ) = .06 + β × (.15 – .06)d.Based on its risk, the aggressive stock has a required expected return of:E (r A ) = .06 + 2.0 × (.15 – .06) = .24 = 24%The analyst’s forecast of expected return is only 18%. Thus the stock’s alpha is:αA = actually expected return – required return (given risk)= 18% – 24% = –6%Similarly, the required return for the defensive stock is:E (r D ) = .06 + 0.3 × (.15 – .06) = 8.7%The analyst’s forecast of expected return for D is 9%, and hence, the stock has a positive alpha:αD = Actually expected return – Required return (given risk)= .09 – .087 = +0.003 = +0.3%The points for each stock plot on the graph as indicated above.e.The hurdle rate is determined by the project beta (0.3), not the firm’s beta. The correct discount rate is 8.7%, the fair rate of return for stock D.10.Not possible. Portfolio A has a higher beta than Portfolio B, but the expected returnfor Portfolio A is lower than the expected return for Portfolio B. Thus, these two portfolios cannot exist in equilibrium.11.Possible. If the CAPM is valid, the expected rate of return compensates only for systematic (market) risk, represented by beta, rather than for the standard deviation, which includes nonsystematic risk. Thus, Portfolio A’s lower rate of return can be paired with a higher standard deviation, as long as A’s beta is less than B’s.12.Not possible. The reward-to-variability ratio for Portfolio A is better than that of the market. This scenario is impossible according to the CAPM because the CAPM predicts that the market is the most efficient portfolio. Using the numbers supplied:. M S S --====Portfolio A provides a better risk-reward trade-off than the market portfolio.13.Not possible. Portfolio A clearly dominates the market portfolio. Portfolio A hasboth a lower standard deviation and a higher expected return.14.Not possible. The SML for this scenario is: E(r ) = 10 + β × (18 – 10)Portfolios with beta equal to 1.5 have an expected return equal to:E (r ) = 10 + [1.5 × (18 – 10)] = 22%The expected return for Portfolio A is 16%; that is, Portfolio A plots below the SML (α A = –6%) and, hence, is an overpriced portfolio. This is inconsistent with the CAPM.15.Not possible. The SML is the same as in Problem 14. Here, Portfolio A’s required return is: .10 + (.9 × .08) = 17.2%This is greater than 16%. Portfolio A is overpriced with a negative alpha:α A = –1.2%16.Possible. The CML is the same as in Problem 12. Portfolio A plots below the CML, as any asset is expected to. This scenario is not inconsistent with the CAPM.17.Since the stock’s beta is equal to 1.2, its expected rate of return is:.06 + [1.2 ⨯ (.16 – .06)] = 18%110110$50$6()0.18$53$50D P P PE r P P -+-+=→=→=18.The series of $1,000 payments is a perpetuity. If beta is 0.5, the cash flow should be discounted at the rate:.06 + [0.5 × (.16 – .06)] = .11 = 11%PV = $1,000/0.11 = $9,090.91If, however, beta is equal to 1, then the investment should yield 16%, and the price paid for the firm should be:PV = $1,000/0.16 = $6,250The difference, $2,840.91, is the amount you will overpay if you erroneously assume that beta is 0.5 rather than 1.ing the SML: .04 = .06 + β × (.16 – .06) ⇒ β = –.02/.10 = –0.220.r 1 = 19%; r 2 = 16%; β1 = 1.5; β2 = 1a.To determine which investor was a better selector of individual stocks we look at abnormal return, which is the ex-post alpha; that is, the abnormal return is the difference between the actual return and that predicted by the SML. Without information about the parameters of this equation (risk-free rate and market rate of return) we cannot determine which investor was more accurate.b.If r f = 6% and r M = 14%, then (using the notation alpha for the abnormal return):α1 = .19 – [.06 + 1.5 × (.14 – .06)] = .19 – .18 = 1%α 2 = .16 – [.06 + 1 × (.14 – .06)] = .16 – .14 = 2%Here, the second investor has the larger abnormal return and thus appears to be the superior stock selector. By making better predictions, the secondinvestor appears to have tilted his portfolio toward underpriced stocks.c.If r f = 3% and r M = 15%, then:α1 = .19 – [.03 + 1.5 × (.15 – .03)] = .19 – .21 = –2%α2 = .16 – [.03+ 1 × (.15 – .03)] = .16 – .15 = 1%Here, not only does the second investor appear to be the superior stock selector, but the first investor’s predictions appear valueless (or worse).21. a.Since the market portfolio, by definition, has a beta of 1, its expected rate of return is 12%.b.β = 0 means no systematic risk. Hence, the stock’s expected rate of return in market equilibrium is the risk-free rate, 5%ing the SML, the fair expected rate of return for a stock with β = –0.5 is:()0.05[(0.5)(0.120.05)] 1.5%E r =+-⨯-=The actually expected rate of return, using the expected price and dividend for next year is:$41$3()10.1010%$40E r +=-==Because the actually expected return exceeds the fair return, the stock is underpriced.22.In the zero-beta CAPM the zero-beta portfolio replaces the risk-free rate, and thus:E (r ) = 8 + 0.6(17 – 8) = 13.4%23. a.E (r P ) = r f + βP × [E (r M ) – r f ] = 5% + 0.8 (15% − 5%) = 13%α = 14% - 13% = 1%You should invest in this fund because alpha is positive.b.The passive portfolio with the same beta as the fund should be invested 80% in the market-index portfolio and 20% in the money market account. For this portfolio:E (r P ) = (0.8 × 15%) + (0.2 × 5%) = 13%14% − 13% = 1% = α24. a.We would incorporate liquidity into the CCAPM in a manner analogous to theway in which liquidity is incorporated into the conventional CAPM. In thelatter case, in addition to the market risk premium, expected return is alsodependent on the expected cost of illiquidity and three liquidity-related betaswhich measure the sensitivity of: (1) the security’s illiquidity to marketilliquidity; (2) the security’s return to market illiquidity; and, (3) the security’silliquidity to the market return. A similar approach can be used for theCCAPM, except that the liquidity betas would be measured relative toconsumption growth rather than the usual market index.b.As in part (a), nontraded assets would be incorporated into the CCAPM in afashion similar to part (a). Replace the market portfolio with consumptiongrowth. The issue of liquidity is more acute with nontraded assets such asprivately held businesses and labor income.While ownership of a privately held business is analogous to ownership of anilliquid stock, expect a greater degree of illiquidity for the typical privatebusiness. If the owner of a privately held business is satisfied with thedividends paid out from the business, then the lack of liquidity is not an issue.If the owner seeks to realize income greater than the business can pay out,then selling ownership, in full or part, typically entails a substantial liquiditydiscount. The illiquidity correction should be treated as suggested in part (a).The same general considerations apply to labor income, although it is probablethat the lack of liquidity for labor income has an even greater impact onsecurity market equilibrium values. Labor income has a major impact onportfolio decisions. While it is possible to borrow against labor income tosome degree, and some of the risk associated with labor income can beameliorated with insurance, it is plausible that the liquidity betas ofconsumption streams are quite significant, as the need to borrow against laborincome is likely cyclical.CFA PROBLEMS1. a.Agree; Regan’s conclusion is correct. By definition, the market portfolio lies onthe capital market line (CML). Under the assumptions of capital market theory, allportfolios on the CML dominate, in a risk-return sense, portfolios that lie on theMarkowitz efficient frontier because, given that leverage is allowed, the CMLcreates a portfolio possibility line that is higher than all points on the efficientfrontier except for the market portfolio, which is Rainbow’s portfolio. BecauseEagle’s portfolio lies on the Markowitz efficient frontier at a point other than themarket portfolio, Rainbow’s portfolio dominates Eagle’s portfolio.b.Nonsystematic risk is the unique risk of individual stocks in a portfolio that isdiversified away by holding a well-diversified portfolio. Total risk is composed ofsystematic (market) risk and nonsystematic (firm-specific) risk.Disagree; Wilson’s remark is incorrect. Because both portfolios lie on theMarkowitz efficient frontier, neither Eagle nor Rainbow has any nonsystematicrisk. Therefore, nonsystematic risk does not explain the different expected returns.The determining factor is that Rainbow lies on the (straight) line (the CML)connecting the risk-free asset and the market portfolio (Rainbow), at the point oftangency to the Markowitz efficient frontier having the highest return per unit ofrisk. Wilson’s remark is also countered by the fact that, since nonsystematic riskcan be eliminated by diversification, the expected return for bearingnonsystematic risk is zero. This is a result of the fact that well-diversifiedinvestors bid up the price of every asset to the point where only systematic riskearns a positive return (nonsystematic risk earns no return).2.E(r) = r f + β × [E(r M) −r f]Furhman Labs: E(r) = .05 + 1.5 × [.115 − .05] = 14.75%Garten Testing: E(r) = .05 + 0.8 × [.115 − .05] = 10.20%If the forecast rate of return is less than (greater than) the required rate of return,then the security is overvalued (undervalued).Furhman Labs: Forecast return – Required return = 13.25% − 14.75% = −1.50%Garten Testing: Forecast return – Required return = 11.25% − 10.20% = 1.05%Therefore, Furhman Labs is overvalued and Garten Testing is undervalued.3. a.4. d.From CAPM, the fair expected return = 8 + 1.25 × (15 - 8) = 16.75%Actually expected return = 17%α = 17 - 16.75 = 0.25%5. d.6. c.7. d.8. d.[You need to know the risk-free rate]9. d.[You need to know the risk-free rate]10.Under the CAPM, the only risk that investors are compensated for bearing is therisk that cannot be diversified away (systematic risk). Because systematic risk(measured by beta) is equal to 1.0 for both portfolios, an investor would expect the same rate of return from both portfolios A and B. Moreover, since both portfolios are well diversified, it doesn’t matter if the specific risk of the individual securities is high or low. The firm-specific risk has been diversified away for both portfolios.11. a.McKay should borrow funds and invest those funds proportionately inMurray’s existing portfolio (i.e., buy more risky assets on margin). In additionto increased expected return, the alternative portfolio on the capital marketline will also have increased risk, which is caused by the higher proportion ofrisky assets in the total portfolio.b.McKay should substitute low-beta stocks for high-beta stocks in order toreduce the overall beta of York’s portfolio. By reducing the overall portfoliobeta, McKay will reduce the systematic risk of the portfolio and, therefore,reduce its volatility relative to the market. The security market line (SML)suggests such action (i.e., moving down the SML), even though reducing betamay result in a slight loss of portfolio efficiency unless full diversification ismaintained. York’s primary objective, however, is not to maintain efficiencybut to reduce risk exposure; reducing portfolio beta meets that objective.Because York does not want to engage in borrowing or lending, McKaycannot reduce risk by selling equities and using the proceeds to buy risk-freeassets (i.e., lending part of the portfolio).12. a.Expected Return AlphaStock X5% + 0.8 × (14% - 5%) = 12.2%14.0% - 12.2% = 1.8%Stock Y5% + 1.5 × (14% - 5%) = 18.5%17.0% - 18.5% = -1.5%b.i. Kay should recommend Stock X because of its positive alpha, compared toStock Y, which has a negative alpha. In graphical terms, the expectedreturn/risk profile for Stock X plots above the security market line (SML),while the profile for Stock Y plots below the SML. Also, depending on theindividual risk preferences of Kay’s clients, the lower beta for Stock X mayhave a beneficial effect on overall portfolio risk.ii. Kay should recommend Stock Y because it has higher forecasted return andlower standard deviation than Stock X. The respective Sharpe ratios for StocksX and Y and the market index are:Stock X:(14% - 5%)/36% = 0.25Stock Y:(17% - 5%)/25% = 0.48Market index:(14% - 5%)/15% = 0.60The market index has an even more attractive Sharpe ratio than either of the individual stocks, but, given the choice between Stock X and Stock Y, Stock Y is the superior alternative.When a stock is held as a single stock portfolio, standard deviation is the relevant risk measure. For such a portfolio, beta as a risk measure is irrelevant. Although holding a single asset is not a typically recommended investment strategy, some investors may hold what is essentially a single-asset portfolio when they hold the stock of their employer company. For such investors, the relevance of standard deviation versus beta is an important issue.。

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39. 判断企业进入稳定状态的主要标志包括具有稳定的销售增长率和具有稳定的投资回报率。
40. 运用不同相对定价模型会得出一致的估值结果。
参考答案1-5 6-10: 11-15: 16-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40:二、单选题(30)1.下列关于现时市场价格与公平市场价格的表述中,错误的是()。
A 所谓公平市场价格是指在完善的市场上(如法制健全、信息完全、投资者理性等),具有理性预期的双方,自愿进行资产交换或债务清偿的金额B 所谓现时市场价格是指当前股票市场股票买卖的成交价格C 进行股票价格分析的最为重要的目的就是将现时市场价格与公平市场价格对比D 通常情况下,股票的现时市场价格和公平市场价格是一致的2.关于相对定价模型的优点,下列说法中错误的有()。
A 与现金流贴现方法比较起来,少了很多假设约束,并且计算方便B 与现金流贴现方法比较,相对估价法更容易被客户理解C 市盈率模型中的每股盈余相比现金流量更加不容易被操纵D 一些公司,比如高科技公司,用现金流贴现方法可能无法估计其市场价值,但相对定价模型可以避免这一不足3.以下属于绝对估价模型的有()A 市盈率模型B 股利贴现模型C 市净率模型D 乘数模型4.与绝对定价模型相比,相对定价模型()A 更为简单实用B 建立在现金流贴现的基本思想上C 充分考虑了未来可能出现的变化D 主观性更强5.在利用股利贴现模型进行绝对估价时,不需要进行预测的参数有()A 股利增长率B 股权投资成本C 当期股利D 不稳定增长期数6. 某公司上年每股股利1元,股利增长率为2%,预计本年的每股收益为5.10元。
A.8.97B.19.90C.8.79D.19.517. 已知甲公司的股利支付率为40%,股利增长率固定为5%,股票的β系数为1.5,无风险报酬率为4%,股票市场平均的风险报酬率为10%,则甲公司的预测为()。
A.5.25B.5C.4D.1.58. 下列关于股票定价分析的说法不正确的是()。
A.相对定价模型的局限性在于,它们提供的只是关于待评估公司相对于其他可比公司的价值的信息B相对定价模型分析过程是基于真实公司的实际价格,而非基于对未来现金流量的可能不切实际的预测C.相对定价模型没有考虑公司间的重要差异D.公司价值的真正动因是其为投资者创造的现金流量,折现现金流法很可能比使用相对定价模型更准确9. 下面()不属于运用相对定价模型进行股票价格分析的基本步骤A 选择支配公司股票市场价格的关键变量B 选择可比公司C 计算市价与关键变量的比值,并在可比公司间取平均,用其为目标公司估价D 估计目标公司的股权投资成本10. 与相对定价模型相比,绝对定价模型具有以下优点()。
A 理论上的严密逻辑性B 简单方便C 假设条件相对较少D 可以评估高科技公司的价值11. 下列不属于相对定价模型优点的是()。
12. 下列()情况下不适宜用股利贴现模型。
A.公司发放股利B.公司的股利发放同公司盈利情况有稳定的关系C.投资者投资股票的目的是为了获利D.投资者投资股票的目的是为了控制公司13. 已知公司今年每股发放股利4元,预期以后每年都保持这个股利水平,投资者要求的回报率为20%,则该股票的价格为()A 20元B 21元C 22元D 22.6元14. 利用可比企业的市净率进行股票价格分析应该满足的条件为()。
A 适合连续盈利,并且β值接近于1的企业B 适合市净率大于1,净资产与净利润变动比率趋于一致的企业C 适用于销售成本率较低的服务类企业或销售成本趋同的传统行业的企业D 适用于需要拥有大量资产、净资产为正值的企业15. 当股息增长率()时,将无法根据不变增长的股息贴现模型得出有限的股票内在价值。
A.高于历史平均水平B.高于资本化率C.低于历史平均水平D.低于资本化率16. 在理论上,为了使股票价值最大化,如果公司坚信(),就会尽可能多地支付股息。
A.投资者对获得投资回报的形式没有偏好B.公司的未来成长率将低于它的历史平均水平C.公司有确定的未来现金流流入D.公司未来的股东权益收益率将低于资本化率17. 假如你将持有一支普通股1年,你期望获得1.50美元/股的股息并能在期末以26美元/股的价格卖出。
A.22.61美元B.23.91美元C.24.50美元D.27.50美元18. 下列会计科目中,属于经营流动负债的有()。
A 短期借款B 应付账款C 长期应付款D 长期借款19. 下列会计科目中,属于经营流动资产的有()。
A 应收账款B 固定资产C 无形资产D 长期股权投资20. 下列哪个因素不影响贴现率()。
A.无风险资产收益率B.股票的风险溢价C.资产收益率D.预期通货膨胀率21. 不变增长的股息贴现模型最适用于分析下列哪种公司的股票价值()。
A.若干年内把所有盈利都用于追加投资的公司B.高成长的公司C.处于成熟期的中速增长的公司D.拥有雄厚资产但尚未盈利的潜力型公司22. ()将股价与公司盈利直接联系起来,有着简单实用的特点。
A 市盈率模型B 市净率模型C 股利贴现模型D 股权现金流量模型23 利用市净率模型估价,在考虑可比企业时,应考虑的因素要比市盈率模型多考虑一个因素是()。
A 净资产收益率B 销售净利率C 股利增长率D 股权资本成本24. 亏损的企业不可以用()进行定价分析。
A 市盈率模型B 市净率模型C 收入乘数模型D 股利贴现模型25. 下列关于股利贴现模型的表述中,错误的是()。
A 零增长模型假设公司每年发放相同数量的股利B 在运用戈登模型进行估值时,需要解决的一个问题就是股利增长率的估算C 对于处于快速成长期的企业,常数增长模型可以比较好的估计其股票价格D 股利贴现模型受企业的股利政策的影响,而企业股利政策较难预测26. 下面说法中,正确的有()A 会计价值等于市场价值B 证券交易所市场交易形成的股价代表的是少数股权市场价格C 企业价值就是股权价值D 股票市场的现时成交价格一定是公平市场价格27. 已知公司今年每股发放股利1元,预期以后每年都保持这个股利水平,投资者要求的回报率为10%,股票当前市场价格为9.5元,请问应该如何操作。
()A 买入B 卖出C 不操作D 无法做出决策28. 下列对优先股的表述正确的是()A 普通股持有者和优先股持有者的权限相同。
B 普通股和优先股的估值方法相同。
C 公司只有在偿付债券利息后才支付优先股股利。
D 投资者对优先股要求的回报率要低于对债券的预期收益率。