
TEMS使用手册软件简介TEMS Investigation GSM测试软件除了进行语音测试外还可以进行GPRS测试,现在我们主要介绍语音测试.语音测试时我们主要用的功能有:拨打、锁频、强制切换等。
2、测试设备的连接当各连接端口设置好后点击图标或进行测试设备的连接连接注意事项:由于R520的数据线是Y-CABLE的连线,连线时要注意分清楚DATA和TEMS线,要是测GPRS要把DATA线连接到已经装好的CABLE MODEM端口,Y-CABLE的另一端是手机与电脑软件的连线,随便接一串口;然后把所有连线连接好•点击菜单栏的Indentify Equipment按钮检测连接设备,当软件检测到连接到各串口的设备时,菜单中的Connet和Connet all按钮变绿色,我们点击Connet all 按钮连接设备。
当设备连接上后,点击菜单栏的Start Record按钮开始记录文件,由于TEMS软件不会自动记录文件,测试时要注意保存文件.3、测试类型1)、扫频测试:点击CONTROL FREQUENCE SCANNER.2)、锁频测试锁BCCH测试:点击快捷图标设置好后测试。
也可以点击主菜单下的Lock on channel按钮,选取所需的BCCH即可。
锁频段测试:进行锁频段测试时也可以先点击主菜单下的Equipment Properties 按钮,在属性里面有个SET BAND的选项,选取所需的频段.3)、强制切换测试回放:1、运行 TEMS INVESTIGATION,点击LOGFILE→OPEN LOGFILE,选择要回放的LOG文件。
2、选择Presentation→GSM选所要观察的项目3、选Configuration→Cell Definition,打开小区数据文件,格式如下图,为.cel文件,具体可以先用Cell Definition的ADD CELL来定义一个CELL,然后保存文件,再用EXCL打开该文件并照格式把其他基站数据补齐。

智能语音开发与应用技术手册第一章概述 (3)1.1 智能语音发展历程 (3)1.1.1 早期语音识别技术 (3)1.1.2 智能语音的诞生 (4)1.1.3 我国智能语音的发展 (4)1.2 智能语音技术架构 (4)1.2.1 语音识别模块 (4)1.2.2 自然语言处理模块 (4)1.2.3 语音合成模块 (4)1.2.4 对话管理模块 (4)1.2.5 知识库与推理模块 (4)第二章语音识别技术 (5)2.1 语音信号处理 (5)2.1.1 引言 (5)2.1.2 语音信号预处理 (5)2.1.3 特征提取 (5)2.2 声学模型 (5)2.2.1 引言 (6)2.2.2 常用声学模型 (6)2.3 (6)2.3.1 引言 (6)2.3.2 常用 (6)2.4 识别算法优化 (6)2.4.1 引言 (6)2.4.2 识别算法优化方法 (6)第三章语音合成技术 (6)3.1 文本预处理 (7)3.1.1 文本规范化 (7)3.1.2 分词 (7)3.1.3 词性标注 (7)3.1.4 语法分析 (7)3.2 基于拼接的语音合成 (7)3.2.1 语音库构建 (7)3.2.2 语音拼接 (7)3.2.3 语音后处理 (7)3.3 基于深度学习的语音合成 (7)3.3.1 模型训练 (8)3.3.2 文本编码 (8)3.3.3 语音 (8)3.4 语音合成效果评估 (8)3.4.1 自然度 (8)3.4.3 语音质量 (8)3.4.4 功能 (8)第四章语音理解与对话管理 (8)4.1 语义解析 (8)4.2 意图识别 (9)4.3 对话管理策略 (9)4.4 多轮对话优化 (10)第五章语音交互设计 (10)5.1 交互界面设计 (10)5.2 交互流程设计 (10)5.3 交互反馈机制 (11)5.4 用户体验优化 (11)第六章人工智能技术在智能语音中的应用 (12)6.1 自然语言处理 (12)6.1.1 (12)6.1.2 语音识别 (12)6.1.3 语义理解 (12)6.1.4 对话 (12)6.2 机器学习 (12)6.2.1 特征提取 (12)6.2.2 模型训练 (12)6.2.3 模型优化 (12)6.3 深度学习 (13)6.3.1 声学模型 (13)6.3.2 (13)6.3.3 语音合成 (13)6.4 强化学习 (13)6.4.1 对话策略学习 (13)6.4.2 用户意图识别 (13)6.4.3 个性化推荐 (13)第七章智能语音硬件平台 (13)7.1 麦克风阵列 (13)7.2 语音处理器 (14)7.3 输出设备 (14)7.4 硬件集成与调试 (14)第八章智能语音软件平台 (15)8.1 操作系统 (15)8.1.1 Android操作系统 (15)8.1.2 iOS操作系统 (15)8.1.3 Windows操作系统 (15)8.2 应用开发框架 (16)8.2.1 Android开发框架 (16)8.2.2 iOS开发框架 (16)8.3 数据库管理 (16)8.3.1 关系型数据库 (16)8.3.2 NoSQL数据库 (17)8.4 软件集成与调试 (17)8.4.1 集成测试 (17)8.4.2 调试工具 (17)8.4.3 持续集成与持续部署 (17)第九章智能语音测试与评估 (17)9.1 语音识别测试 (18)9.1.1 测试目的与原则 (18)9.1.2 测试内容与方法 (18)9.1.3 测试工具与平台 (18)9.2 语音合成测试 (18)9.2.1 测试目的与原则 (18)9.2.2 测试内容与方法 (18)9.2.3 测试工具与平台 (18)9.3 对话系统测试 (19)9.3.1 测试目的与原则 (19)9.3.2 测试内容与方法 (19)9.3.3 测试工具与平台 (19)9.4 功能评估与优化 (19)9.4.1 功能评估指标 (19)9.4.2 功能优化方法 (19)第十章智能语音市场与产业发展 (19)10.1 市场规模与趋势 (19)10.2 产业链分析 (20)10.3 应用场景拓展 (20)10.4 未来发展展望 (21)第一章概述智能语音作为一种新兴的人机交互方式,正逐渐改变着我们的生活。
支持Symbian UIQ作業系統的Voice Translator v2.0.2 说明书

支持Symbian UIQ作業系統的Voice Translator v2.0.2使用說明書引言安裝軟體與註冊軟體使用辭彙集辭彙集設定指南天氣自Speereo網站下載指南目前的天氣狀況(線上)怎樣註冊引言您想用外語與人交流溝通嗎? 沒什麼比這個更簡單的了!Speereo Translator是一語音翻譯軟體,能幫助您突破一切語言和地域的障礙!藉助Speereo Translator,您可選擇念出七種語言中的一個辭彙(西班牙語、德語、法語、義大利語、俄語、中國話、日語),Speereo Translator就會將辭彙翻譯成另一語言並讀出該辭彙譯語的語音。
Speereo Translator包含各國和許多城市的Columbus旅遊指南,專供在Speereo Translator上使用。
與Speereo Translator 配套的Columbus旅遊指南提供您無論去到何處旅遊都可取得各種有用的資訊,包括當地風光名勝、旅店餐廳等。
安裝軟體與註冊支持Symbian UIQ版本的Voice Translator 可安裝在機型中。
若您下載並安裝試用版Voice Translator,您可於15天試用期間使用免費指南與「旅行」專案中您選定的兩種語言的雙向語音翻譯。
超過試用期後,若您仍想使用本軟體,就需註冊一種或多種語言版本的Voice Translator.安裝及註冊其他語言您可從/download 下載其他語言的(*.sis文件)。

一.运行本程序需要安装Microsoft Speech SDK语音开发工具。
Microsoft Speech SDK可以在微软的官方网站免费获得,需要下载两个自解压文件,一个是开发包的安装文件(speechsdk51.exe),一个是中文的语言包(speechskd51LangPack.exe)。
图1.1 安装文件
图1.2 解压对话框
来进行安装,运行setup.exe会弹出Microsoft Speech SDK5.1的安装向导,如图1.3所示
图1.3 安装向导
带口型的朗读,朗读英文选Microsoft Mike。


4.2.2 标记[m*] –发音人选择
示例文本 [m3]我是晓玲[m3] [m51]我是尹小坚[m3] [m52]我是易小强[m3] [m53]我是田蓓蓓[m3] [m54]我是唐老鸭[m3] [m55]我是小燕子[m3]
合成解释 用发音人“晓玲”的声音合成: “我是晓玲” 用发音人“尹小坚”的声音合成:“我是尹小坚” 用发音人“易小强”的声音合成:“我是易小强” 用发音人“田蓓蓓”的声音合成:“我是田蓓蓓” 用发音人“唐老鸭”的声音合成:“我是唐老鸭” 用发音人“小燕子”的声音合成:“我是小燕子”
4.2.5 标记[r*] –姓氏读音策略
示例文本 [r0]解放涛的妹妹来了,单位的单小虎也来了[d] [r1]解放涛的妹妹来了,单位的单小虎也来了[d] [r2]解放涛的妹妹来了,单位的单小虎也来了[d]
合成解释 自动判断姓名读音 读 作 : 解 (jie3) 放 涛 的 妹 妹 来 了 , 单 (dan1) 位 的 单 (shan4)小虎也来了 强制每句开头字按姓氏读音 读作:解(xie4)放涛的妹妹来了,单(shan4)位的单 (shan4)小虎也来了 仅紧跟的汉字强制姓氏读音 读 作 : 解 (xie4) 放 涛 的 妹 妹 来 了 , 单 (dan1) 位 的 单 (shan4)小虎也来了
3.2 发音效果指标
注:上表中评分参考“中国 863 计划中文信息处理与智能人机接口技术评测组”标准执行得出的,按照 5 分 制给出,5 分为最高分,4 分为普通说话人水平,0 分为最低分。
FactoryTalk EnergyMetrix软件版本2.0用户说明书

Release NotesFactoryTalk EnergyMetrix Software Version 2.0Catalog Number 9703About This Publication These release notes describe software enhancements and anomalies for theFactoryTalk® EnergyMetrix software version 2.0.Package Contents FactoryTalk EnergyMetrix software is an upgrade and re-branding ofRSEnergyMetrix software.The contents of the software product packaging have changed in several ways:•Only FactoryTalk EnergyMetrix Manager software products include aninstallation DVD. Options such as Real Time (RT), ReportsPlus,ChartsPlus, and FTEMOPC (third-party OPC client) are furnished witha FactoryTalk Activation only. T o install these options, install theiractivations by using FactoryTalk Activation Manager.•The User Manual replaces the Getting Results Guide and is provided onthe installation DVD as an Adobe Acrobat PDF file.•Manager products bundled with Microsoft SQL server are supplied withMicrosoft SQL Server 2008 R2.Upgrading from RSEnergyMetrix Software You may upgrade to FactoryTalk EnergyMetrix from RSEnergyMetrix software. For customers who have purchased software support agreements, these updates are available at no charge. Y ou may download an upgrade from the Rockwell Software updates page or request a DVD from Rockwell Software support. Topic PageAbout This Publication1Package Contents1Upgrading from RSEnergyMetrix Software1Enhancements with Version 2.03Corrected Anomalies with Version 2.03Known Anomalies with Version 2.03Additional Resources4IMPORTANT FactoryTalk EnergyMetrix software supports only FactoryTalk Activations. If you are upgrading from RSEnergyMetrix™ software activated with EvRSI (master disk)activation, please contact your local Rockwell Automation Sales office or TechnicalSupport for information to migrate your activations to FactoryTalk activations.2 FactoryTalk EnergyMetrix Software Version 2.0IMPORTANT If you are upgrading from RSEnergyMetrix software activated with EvRSI (master disk)activation, please contact your local Rockwell Automation Sales office or TechnicalSupport for information to migrate your activations to FactoryTalk activations.An upgrade may be installed from a DVD or a downloaded upgrade file. Thedownloaded file is a full image of the installation DVD and is approximately 1GB in size.During an upgrade, FactoryTalk EnergyMetrix software reads configurationparameters from the existing web.config file and stores them in the database.ATTENTION: If your installation of RSEnergyMetrix software has been customized by asolution provider (Rockwell Automation or a system integrator), contact the solutionprovider before attempting any software update. Updating a customized installationwithout the necessary precautions may disable custom additions to the basic software.Follow these steps to upgrade your RSEnergyMetrix installation toFactoryTalk EnergyMetrix software.Installation from DVD or Downloaded DVD ImageFollow these steps to install the software.1.Back-up the RSEnergyMetrix ‘EMMA’ database.2.Obtain the login username and password of the SQL system administratoraccount used for the initial installation of RSEnergyMetrix software.3.Download the upgrade file from the Rockwell Automation softwareupdates page.•Locate the downloaded file, default is:C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\ApplicationData\RA\FactoryTalk EnergyMetrix\2.00.00-FactoryTalkEnergyMetrix-DVD.•Or, insert the installation DVD into the server's DVD drive.4.Browse to the FactoryTalk EnergyMetrix folder.5.Run the file setup.exe.6.On the dialog box that appears, choose ‘Remove all installed components’.TIP If an error message appears related to the installation script version, exit theinstallation program. Use the Windows Control Panel Add/Remove Programsapplication to remove FactoryTalk EnergyMetrix software. Then re-start the FactoryTalkEnergyMetrix software installer and install the new version.The existing installation of RSEnergyMetrix software is removed. Thedatabase is not removed.7.When the un-installer completes, run setup.exe again.FactoryTalk EnergyMetrix Software Version 2.0 38.When prompted, enter the SQL system administrator account logincredentials.You will see a message that the existing FactoryTalk EnergyMetrix databasehas been found and updated if needed. The installer will copy programoptions from the previous web.config file into the database9.When prompted, click ‘Y es’ to restart the server.Enhancements with Version 2.0The following product enhancements are part of FactorTalk EnergyMetrixsoftware version 2.0.Corrected Anomalies withVersion 2.0The following product changes were included when the product shipped to you.Known Anomalies with Version 2.0The following are the known anomalies for FactoryTalk EnergyMetrix software version 2.0.IMPORTANT The URL for the web site that FactoryTalk EnergyMetrix software runs under is different from that which RSEnergyMetrix software used. The web site name will beFTEnergyMetrix instead of RSEnergyMetrix. Users that had bookmarkedRSEnergyMetrix in their browser will need to change that bookmark.Enhancement DescriptionNew product support FactoryTalk EnergyMetrix software supports the Allen-Bradley PowerMonitor™ 5000 unit. FactoryTalk Live Data FactoryTalk EnergyMetrix software supports data logging from the Factory Talk Live Dataserver.Excel MPR Template A Microsoft Excel template has been added to the Multi-purpose Report in the ReportsPlusoption.Automatic PowerQuality DownloadingFactoryTalk EnergyMetrix software automatically downloads and saves power qualitycaptures like waveforms and transient records into the database and then clears the powermonitor buffers.Corrected Anomalies DescriptionPowerMonitor 1000 RT CORRECTED: PowerMonitor 1000 Load Factor Log column labels were incorrect. PowerMonitor 3000 RT CORRECTED: Removed ‘k’ from PowerMonitor 3000 setpoint type power/energy unitdescriptions.E3 Plus EC5 logging issue CORRECTED: E3 Plus EC5 device was not logging data.Known Anomaly DescriptionRT Device configuration for the PowerMonitor 3000 unit RT Device configuration dialog box for the PowerMonitor 3000 unit may need to be closed and re-openedfollowing an initial upload to enable all the model-related features in the dialog box.Communication loss to PowerMonitor W250 unit FactoryTalk EnergyMetrix software version 2.0 will not detect communication loss to wireless PowerMonitor W250units. In case of communication loss, energy and demand data will not be logged, and voltage and current datawill remain fixed.Manually adding IP addresses of Ethernet network devices You must manually add the IP address of each Ethernet network device to the RSLinx Classic software EthernetDevices driver on the server.Allen-Bradley, Rockwell Software, Rockwell Automation, PowerMonitor, RSLinx, and FactoryTalk are trademarks ofRockwell Automation, Inc.Trademarks not belonging to Rockwell Automation are property of their respective companies.Publication FTALK-RN001A-EN-P - July 2012Copyright © 2012 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.Roc kw ell Otomasyon Ticaret A .Ş., K ar Plaza İş Mer k ezi E B lo k K at:6 34752 İçeren köy, İstanbul, T el: +90 (216) 5698400Additional Resources These documents contain additional information concerning related productsfrom Rockwell Automation.You can view or download publications at /literature/. T o order paper copies oftechnical documentation, contact your local Allen-Bradley distributor orRockwell Automation® sales representative.RSLinx® Classic software user interfaceWhen RSLinx Classic software runs as a Windows service on Windows 2008 Server, its user interface is not available. The RSLinx Classic user interface is available only when RSLinx Classic software runs as an application.Configuring EtherNet/IP devices in RSLinx software and connecting to those devices in FactoryTalk EnergyMetrix softwareAfter configuring EtherNet/IP network devices in RSLinx software, it may be necessary to open RSWho and then browse to and select each device, including Logix processor modules, to enable FactoryTalk EnergyMetrix software to connect to the devices.RT and ChartsPlus options on 64-bit operating systemsThe RT (Real Time) and ChartsPlus options will not run as rich-client applications on a 64-bit operating system. They will run as ClickOnce Framework installationThe .NET Framework must be installed after IIS is installed and running. If IIS is installed after these components, then you must reinstall those components.Creating PowerMonitor unit with unknown rack/group addressIf a PowerMonitor unit on a remote I/O device is created with a rack/group address that does not exist, the RT device viewer may display bogus data.DeviceNet communication to a PowerMonitor II meterFactoryTalk EnergyMetrix RT software does not support DeviceNet communication to the PowerMonitor II meter.SQL server installed on another machineIf FactoryTalk EnergyMetrix software is installed with a connection to an SQL server on another machine, SQL Server 2005 or 2008 Express Edition must be installed on the FactoryTalk EnergyMetrix server.Scheduling auto-run reportsScheduling many auto-run reports to run at the same time may cause excessive server resource demand and cause reports to time out.Viewing reports in web browserReports run automatically in Excel format may not be viewed in the web browser if the client has the Microsoft Office 97 operating system or later installed. The report may still be saved and opened by using Microsoft Excel software.New OPC meter set upWhen setting up a new OPC meter, the first time the OPC Browser is used it may return an error. To work around this, save the meter with a blank access path, edit, and click OPC Browser again.Validate button in MPR script editor page With IIS 7, clicking the Validate button throws a page error and doesn't validate the script. A script with syntax errors may be saved. To correct this, open IIS Manager from Administrative Tools. Drill into Application Pools and change the Managed Pipeline Mode in the default application pool to Classic from Integrated.Known AnomalyDescription ResourceDescription FactoryTalk EnergyMetrix Software Version 2.0 User Manual, publication FTALK-UM001Provides information for using FactoryTalk EnergyMetrix software.Industrial Automation Wiring and Grounding Guidelines, publication 1770-4.1Provides general guidelines for installing a Rockwell Automation industrial system.Product Certifications website, Provides declarations of conformity, certificates, and other certification details.。

CDS培训-VOLTEVolte T EST(含MOS)北京惠捷朗科技有限公司VoLTE测试简介•VoLTE是基于IMS的语音业务。
•VoLTE的测试内容主要包括正常的VoLTE呼叫测试、ESRVCC测试、MOS测试、IMS注册等各种测试内容CDS VOLTE 解决方案•CDS 目前版本为7.1 •CDS 采用前后台合一的模式 •CDS 支持目前国内运营商使用的2/3/4G 网络制式 •CDS 支持室内室外测试 •CDS 支持多种语音及数据业务测试 •CDS 拥有最灵活便捷的操作方式•CDS 运行高效,具备良好数据处理能力•CDS 在中国移动第一批VoLTE 实验网就开始参与VoLTE 测试,是目前业内最成熟的VoLTE 测试工具之一 USB 线 USB 线USB 线 音频线 前台测试 后台处理 MOS 打分MOS 介绍•支持各种标清、高清、VGA 等VOICE call ,以及OTT 、eSRVCC 、多用户等场景测试 •自定义选择对应语料文件、播音衰减值等,可以进行手动MOS 语料录播及打分 •支持48K (POLQA )、16K 、8K 等不同采样速率的MOS 打分、双向MOS 打分,实时显示录音波形及录制通话录音,完整显示MOS 相关指标(抖动、时延、PLR 等) •优势:✓硬件集成度高、拥有独家mos 盒语音播音失真的工艺控制技术,业界话音损失最小✓正版POLQA 算法,MOS 打分稳定,端到端时延统计准确 ✓无需外置电源✓小巧、易携带✓适配各类终端 重量 0.26 kg 供电方式 USB 供电 接口类型 1 x USB Mini-B , 2 x 音频 功耗 2.4 W 外观尺寸 14.3 cm x 6.4 cm x 2.4 cmGPS同步•为了获得准确的RTP端到端时延,因此主被叫两部手机需要保持时间同步,在CDS的测试方案中要求在终端上安装软件使得手机保持在同步的状态。

第一步:打开安装盘。所显 示文件为安装程式对应文 件
第二步:寻找 setup.exe安装文件,双击此 文件(或按回车键)即执行软件的安装
如何实现软件安装 (续)
如何实现软件安装 (续)
第二步:按要求设置设备强行闯入的基本参数(3),强行闯入项: “警报有效“打” ∨“表示门非法打开时,产生警报,”时区控制 功能“打” ∨“表示强行闯入警报信号的产生受时区的限制,”自 动重置功能“表警报状态的自动取消功能,其右边的数值表警报自 动重置的时间范围,最大取值为”5959“;控制箱打开项:“警报 有效”打“∨”表控制箱非法打开时产生控制箱被非法打开警报
第三步:系统登陆,在“User ID”中输入系统用户 名,在“Password”中输入系统密码,按 进 行登陆,按 取消登陆
第三步:数据库压缩、加密设置,在“Database compaction setup”中选 择数据库压缩的条件,在“Backup Data setting”中选择数据库压缩的路 径,在“Compact database”进行人工压缩数据库,在“Change database password”中进行数据库操作密码的更改。
第二步:选择要复位的设备进行复 位,在设备复位前,要将界面右边 相应的项目选择好,按 将选 择项进行复位,复位成功后, “∨”符号应消失
SingNet BroadBand 与 mio Voice 服务安装指南说明书

ContentsSTEP 1:Equipment CheckSTEP 2: Setting Up Your BroadBand ConnectionSTEP 3: BroadBand Connection Settings for Fibre (Optional) STEP 4: Logging in to Your SingNet BroadBandSTEP 5: Connecting Wirelessly to SingNet BroadBand (Optional) STEP 6: Setting Up Your mio VoiceTechnical Support Contact Numbers1STEP 1: Equipment CheckDear Customer, this guide has been prepared to help you to install SingNet BroadBand service and mio Voice services.The following items are pre-packaged in your Residential Gateway.Note: Existing Singnet BroadBand, mio Plan or mio Home subscribers should already have these items connected to their Residential Gateway.STEP 2: Setting Up Your BroadBand ConnectionUsing the Telephone Cable (RJ11), connect the Residential Gateway’s “DSL ” Port to the DSL Microfilter’s “DSL ” port.Insert the head of the DSLMicrofilter into your Telephone the wall socket.Note: You can connect your telephone into the DSL Microfilter’s “Phone” port to use your fixed Phoneline.Connect Power Adapter to your Residential Gateway “POWER” port and the mearest electrical outlet. Turn “On” the power at the electrical outlet and theResidential GatewayPlease wait for approximately 5 minutes. The “POWER” and the “BROADBAND” LEDs should now be stable GREEN (not blinking ), except the “ETHERNET” LED, it should be GREEN and blinking. If not, please check connections 2.1 to 2.3. Do NOT proceed to the next section until you have done so.LED Check: an Ethernet Cable (RJ45), connect to any of the available Residential Gateway’s “LOCAL ETHERNET” ports to your PC’s “ETHERNET” port.Verify that the “ETHERNET” and “BROADBAND” LEDs found in front of the Residential Gateway are light up in GREEN .Note: If the LEDs mentioned in 2.5 are not light up, please check your connections again based on 2.1 to 2.4. You may now proceed to Step 3 once the LEDs are light up.Optional: If you have subscribed to mio TV service, please connect the Set Top Box to the Residential Gateway using the blue ethernet cable (RJ45) provided.2.42.5 2.6STEP 3: Connect the Residential Gateway’s “BROADBAND” Port to the ONT “LAN 1” Port highlighted in Yellow using the Ethernet Cable (RJ45).Note: Switch off the ONT power before you do the set up.For mio TV Set Top Box, personal computer or laptop, please connect it to the “LOCAL ETHERNET” Port highlighted in Yellow.For mio Voice service, please connect your phone using a Phone Cable (RJ11) to the Residential Gateway’s “VOICE 1&2” Port. Power Adapter is connected, follow the power up sequence as below.Power up the Optical Network Terminal (ONT). Wait for “POWER” and “PON” LEDs to turn to stable green light.Power on the R esidential Gateway . Wait for the “POWER”, “ETHERNET”, “BROADBAND”, “INTERNET” and “IPTV” (if applicable) to turn to stable green light.Power up you mio TV Set Top Box and your computer.Note: For exStream service, there is no need to key in user ID and password. All service credential will be auto push down to your Residential Gateway.3.4BroadBand Connection Settings for Fibre (Optional)1. 2. 3.5STEP 4: Logging in to Your Singnet BroadBand Please confirm that you have the following item on hand before attempting this step.>> SingNet BroadBand Service Letter - This contains your Username and Password which will be used for setting up the SingNet BroadBand.Open your web-browser (e.g. Internet Explorer). You should now see the following screen on the left. Click on “SET UP NOW”.4.1Type your User ID and Password as stated in your Service Letter in the “Username” and “Password” fields and click the “Connect” button.Note: If you are unable to view the page type the URL The text behind @ maybe different. Please ensure that you have entered the correct one as stated in your service letter before proceeding.Please wait while SingNet verifies your account. If you have entered your “Username” and “Password” correctly, you will be redirected to the “Setup Successful” page.4.24.3LED Check: Array The “POWER”, “BROADBAND”,“ETHERNET” and “INTERNET”LEDs should now be stableGREEN(not blinking), exceptthe “ETHERNET” LED, it shouldbe GREEN and blinking. If not,please re-do STEP 4 and ensurethat you enter your USER ID andPassword correctly.Congratulations! You can now use SingNet BroadBand!Please take note of two numerical codes which are your Network name and Key with this diagram as a guide.You may fill in these details on the box below for future references. Section A: Your Network Name and KeyIMPORTANT!You will need a wireless adapter (wireless PC card or wireless USB adapter) or a wireless-enabled Notebook before you can proceed to the next section. Please refer to your operating system’s instructions: Section B . if you are using Window’s XP Section C . if you are using Windows Vista Section D . if you are using Windows Section E . if you are using another wireless manager other than WindowsNetwork Name (SSID): SINGTEL - ___________Network Key:____________________STEP 5: Note: The default wireless encryption option is Mixed WPA2/WPA-PSK.Write the last 4 numbers of your Network Name here.Write the 10 digit of your Wireless Key here.Connecting Wirelessly to SingNet BroadBand (Optional)Section B: If you are using Windows XPDouble click on the wireless icon on your task bar .You should see the available wireless networks, if you are prompted to use another wireless manager , please refer to section E.Double click the Network Name of your wireless network (e.g. SINGTEL-0110) and wait for the network to be detected. Note: 1. Please refer to section A if you are unsure of your Network Name and try refreshing your Network List if you do not see it.Type the 10-Digit Network Key into the “Network Key” and “Confirm Network Key” fields. Click on the “Connect” button to complete the setup and wait for the network address to be acquired.Note: 1. Please refer to section A if you are unsure of your Network Key.43215You will see the screen on the left if the setup is successful.Section C: If you are using Windows VistaIn Windows Vista, Click on the Start button .1Click on Connect To .2You will see the screen on theleft.3Under Show , select “Wireless”.411Find the Network Name of your wireless network (e.g. SINGTEL-0110).5Note: 1. Please refer to section A ifyou are unsure of your Network Name or try refreshing your Network list if you do not see it.Click on the Connect button.6Please wait while your computer tries to connect to the Residential Gateway.You will now be prompted to enter your Network Key .8Note: You will see this when 1. You are connecting to the Residential Gateway for the first time 2.You have unselected the option to save the Network Key.Type in your Network Key in the “Security keyor passphrase” field.Click on the Connect button.1011Please wait while your computerauthenticate your wirelessnetwork.12Your wireless connection issuccesfully configured when yousee the screen on the left.13Make sure that “Save this network”is selected.Note:This option will save your Network Key.If you do not enable this option, you willalways be prompted to enter the key. 14Ensure that you have “Startthis connection automatically”selected.Note:This option will connect your computerto the Residential Gateway automatically.If you do not enable this option, you willbe required to connect to the wirelessnetwork manually.15You have successfully configuredyour wireless connection onWindows Vista.16Click on “Close” to exit thewindow.13Section D: If you are using WindowsOn the right hand side of the task bar, click on the wireless network icon like the one on the left.You will see a window of the available networks, locate and select your own wireless network e.g. SINGTEL-0110.Input your wireless network key on the “Security Key” field.123Note: Please refer to Section A if you are unsure of your Network Name or try refreshing your network list if you do not see it.Note: Please refer to Section A if you are unsure of your Network Key. You will see this when: (i) You are connecting to the Residential Gateway for the first time (ii) You had unselected the option to save the Network Key4On the Select Network Location click on “Home Network”.Click on the“Close” button to complete the setup and close the window.You will see the wireless icon on the taskbar , like the one on the left, once the wireless is successfullyconnected.5615Section E: For Other Wireless ManagersOpen your default or preferred Wireless Manager.1Configuration of most Wireless Managers requires your Network Name and Key . Follow the steps below or refer to the user manual of your wireless adapter for advanced instructions.Look for your Network Name and double click on it.2Note: Please refer to section A if you are unsure about your Network Name or try refereshing your Network list if you do not see it.Enter your Network Key when prompted.3Note: Please refer to section A if you are unsure about your Network Key.Section F: Welcome to your FREE exPRESS Portal Stay close to the people and memories that matter most to you.Visit and log in with your SingNet email and password. First time users will see a guided tour.Your home screen - Play and discover new possibilitiesOnce logged in, non-Fibre customers will see the screen below. If you are a Fibre customer, you will see a slightly different interface (refer to the “Quick Guide to exStream” leaflet).To start a service, double-click on the services’ icon to open up the widget. Let’s check out Store and Share.1Using WidgetsYou can start using the widget once it’s opened. Store and Share allows you to store, share and retrieve files online, anywhere you are. You can also back up your phone contacts and computer files. If you’ve signed up for the service, you can start using it immediately.When you’re done, click on the “x” button to close the widget. You’ll return to the home screen where you can continue to check out other exciting servicesMore fun servicesCheck out these other interesting widgets to help keep your friends close!Universal InboxPull together your social networks and emails all in one page. Check out your friend’s latest updates and pictures. Update your status or upload your photos to multiple social networks at once. Save pictures you like directly into Store and Share.Video ChatEnjoy high quality video chats, with up to 6 parties for Fibre customers.1STEP 6: Setting Up Your mio VoiceNew subscribers for mio Voice will automatically be configured with the service. The “VOICE“ LED on the Residential Gateway will turn on after 10 minutes upon successful configuration of your BroadBand service. Thereafter, customers may proceed to connect their supported telephones following the steps below.ImportantPlease ensure that ALL analogue devices e.g. telephones and fax machines are disconnected from wall sockets to optimize the performance. If the Voice 1 and Voice 2 LED does not light up after 10 minutes, please power off the Residential Gateway momentarily and turn it back on. It will take approximately 5 to 10 minutes for a successful configuration.Connect your supported telephoneto the telephone port on theResidential Gateway using a PhoneCable Cable (RJ11).6.1Continue with step 6.2 and 6.3 only ifyou have 2 mio Voice subscriptionsPlease insert a FXS Phone Splitterto the Phone Cable (RJ11) beforeinserting the telephone of theResidential Gateway.6.2Congratulations! You have successfully installed mio Voice. 6.3Connect your supportedtelephones to P1 and P2 portsrespectively for both mio voicelines21Important Tips:Ensure that all active telephone extensions are fixed with DSL microfilters for stable and reliable internet experience. The DSL microfilter can be seen in Step 1 - Equipment Check.Remember the Network Name (SSID) and Network Key of the wireless setup. For more information, please refer to Step 5 - Section A - You Network Name and Key. Please note that your Network Name (SSID) and Network Key may not be the same if you have changed your wireless settings.Please place the Residential Gateway on a flat surface and ensure the following: Simple Troubleshooting Steps for SingNet Residential Gateway If you encounter any internet connectivity issue, please try the following:Note that the wireless coverage may vary or fail due to any of the above-mentioned factors which are not within SingNet’s control. SingNet shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising from such interference or failure. Customer shall be solely reponsible for providing all equipments necessary such as repeaters, at his/her own expense to extend the wireless coverage should the need arise.It is not near blockades such as building structure and natural or artificial barriers. It is not kept in an enclosed area that will affect the signal coverage. It is not near any electronic devices such as microwave ovens, bluetooth devices and/or cordless phones so as to reduce interference of the same frequency. It is not near water containing equipment filled with water to optimize wireless signal.*1234Reboot your SingTel Residential Gateway.Wait 5-10 mins until the Internet/ Service LED indicator turns green.Open your web browser to try connecting to the Internet by surfing a web site.If the issue remains unresolved, *******Check if your telephone has dial e a new DSL Microfilter and/or telephone line (RJ11).Connect your SingTel Residential Gateway to another wall socket.✓✓✓5Technical Support Contact Numbers Customer CareCustomer Care Hotline: 1688 Monday to Sunday and Public Holidays: 8:00 AM to 12:00MNFor Business ADSL Customers:1606 then select option 2 (Available at all times)Service Center Address:31 Ubi Road 1 Aztech Building Lobby A Ground FloorSingapore 4086 4Hotline: 65 4 22Email:******************Operating HoursMonday to Friday: :00 AM to 6:15 PM Saturday: :00 AM to 1:00 PM (Except Public Holidays)2325。

但是为了支持诸如男女对话这样的复杂朗读,系统提供了一组标记符号(例如:某段文字Hello, I'm kitty,需要临时用女声朗读,您可以如此标记:<女>Hello, I'm kitty</女>),并在菜单栏提供了标记快捷按钮,使用时先用鼠标拖拉选中需要标记的文字,再点击相应的标记按钮即可。
例如:W: Come along now. Open your mouth. I can’t give you the injection with your mouth closed, can I?M: I…I…I don’t want an injection. I hate needles.Q: Where is the conversation most probably taking place?换为:<女> Come along now. Open your mouth. I can't give you the injection with your mouth closed, can I?</女><男> I…I…I don't want an injection. I hate needles. </男>Question, Where is the conversation most probably taking place?3、编辑真人朗读内容在需要使用已有音频或者是自己录制音频的内容处,选择好内容后按下菜单上的,可以看到这段内容已经被标记为<原声>XXX</原声>。
Mi-T-M 产品操作手册说明书

PagiñaSeguridad (65)Mandos (75)Instalación (76)Operación (80)Localización de fallas (83)Mantenimiento (85)Almacenamiento (89)Especificaciónes (90)Garantia (91)Toda información, ilustraciónes, y especificaciones en este manual sebasa en información lo último que disponible al tiempo de publicación. Sereserva el dercho de efectuar combios sin previo aviso.INSPECCIONES UNIDADAsegúrese que todas tapas, guardias, y escudos son ajustados y en posición.Encuentre todos controles operando y etiguetas de seguridad.Inspeccione cordón eléctrico para daño antes de usando. Hay un riesgo de electrocución de aplastante, cortando, o daño de calor.SERVICIO CON CIUDADO UNIDADApague la unidad, desconéctela de la red eléctrica, y permita que la unidad se enfrié antes de repararla.Preste servicio en un área limpie, seca y planca. Embraque el freno para evitar el movimiento de la unidad.A -- GeneradorB -- BombaC -- Cristal De la Vista Del AceiteD -- ManijaE -- Depósito De GasolinaF -- MotorG -- Guardia del cintúronH -- Válvula de descargardel tanque de aireI -- Indicador de presiónAFBGECIA -- GeneradorB -- BombaC -- Cristal De la Vista Del AceiteD -- ManijaE -- Depósito De GasolinaF -- MotorG -- Guardia del cintúron H -- Válvula de descargar del tanque de aire I -- Indicador de presiónAFBGECHIALTITUD ALTAEn altitud alta, la mezcla de aire/combustible del carburador estandard será demasiado rico. Función disminuirá y consumpción de combustible aumentará. Una mezcla muy rica también ensucia la bujía en los motores de gasolina y puede dificultar el arranque. Operación a una altitud que es diferente de altitud donde el motor fue certificado, para una extensión de mucho tiempo, puede aumentar emissiones. Función de altitud alta puede mejorar de modificaciones especificos al carburador. Si siempre operar su unidad a altitudes más de 5,000 pies (1500 metros), su concesionario haga esta función de modificación a carburador. Este motor, cuando operando a altitud alta con modificaciones a carburador para uso en altitud alta, encontrará cada estandard de emissión en toda vida de uso.Con modificación de carburador, caballo de fuerza de motor disminuirá sobre 3.5% para cada 1,000 pies (300-metros) aumento en altitud. Este efecto de altitud en caballo de fuerza será más grande de este si no haga modificación de carburador.NOTA: Cuando el carburador modificó para operación altitud alta, la mezcla de aire/combustible será demasiadodelgado para uso en altitud abajo. Operación aaltitudes abajo de 5,000 pies (1500 metros) concarburador modificado causaría recalentado de motory resultaría en daño serio de motor.Para uso a altitudes abajos, vuelva carburador aconcesionario de servicio a especificados orginalesde fábrica.OPERACIÓNOperación:1. Leer atentamente las advertencias de seguridad antes de efectuaresta operación.NOTA: Desenchufe todo el equipo de los receptáculos de energía antes de comenzar la unidad.2. Colocar muletilla que estar en la arriba de válvula pilota a posición vertical. Este dar una empezada sin descargar. Este compresor de aire puede descargar y tener una empezada de motor más facil.3. Encender el motor. (Referir a manual de este unito de motor.)4. Despues de 1-2 minutos de funcionando, poner muletilla en posición orginal.5. Ajustar la presión moviendo el regulador de presión en el sentido contrario a las manecillas del reloj para reducir la presión y en el sentido de las manecillas del reloj para aumentaria. (La presión real de entrega pueden variar de un nivel de presión máxima de la bomba).6. Asegúrese que unidad toma a tierra. Vea Instrucciones de Conexión a Tierra.7. Cargas pueden aplicar a unidad ahora.NOTA: Este motor está protegido con un sistema que para el motor cuando el aceite alcanza un nivel muy bajo. Elmotor no volverá a arrancar si no se agrega aceite.En caso de ruidos o vibraciones anómalos, detenerel compresor de aire y consultar la sección "Localizaciónde Averías".Apagamiento:1. Quite todas cargas como desconecten cordones électricos y apagadando aparatos électricos.2. Para parar el compresor de aire mover el boton de motora posición de "OFF". (Referir a manual de motor de este unito.)3. Descargar el aire de los depósitos de aire, por medio de una herramienta conectada o tirando los anillos de la válvula de seguridad.4. Una vez que le presión en el interior de los depósitos de aire es inferior a 10 libras, abrir la válvula de descarga debajo de cada depósito de aire para eliminar la humedad.5. Dejar enfriar el compresor de aire.6. Limpiar el compresor de aire con un paño y colocarlo en un lugar seguro, donde no exista el riesgo de congelación.82 Manual del OperadorManual del Operador83Síntoma Problema Soluciones El motor no encender. Varias problemos de motor. Referir a manual de motor de sucompresor de aire.Funcionamiento ruidoso. Polea de motor o bomba de rueda Apretar polea y/o rueda volado. voldao es suelto.Falta aceite en la bomba. Reponer la cantidad de aceitenecesaria. Controlar que los cojinetesno se hayan dañado.Residuos de carbono en los pistones o Desmontar e inspeccionar la culataen las válvulas. del cilindro. Limpiar y sustituir.Avería del cojinete, pistón o biela. PARAR EL COMPRESOR! Póngaseen contacto con la Asistencia Clientes.Abajo de presión en tanque de Los accesorios no han sido apretados Aretar los accesorios donde se oye aire o abajo de presión bien. que el aire dale. Controlar losrapidamente cuando el compresor accesorios con una solución de agua y de aire está apagado. jabón. No apretar demasiado. La válvula de retención y la válvula Desmontar, limpiar o sustituir. piloto es defectuose. Fugas de aire del depósito de aire. Sustituir el depósito de aire. No intentar reparar el depósito.Presión insuficiente en la Fugas de aire. Localizar las fugas y reparar. herramienta o en los accesorios. Filtro aspiración aire obstruido. Limpiar o sustituir.Los tubos o los empalmes de los Sustituir con tubos o empalmes más tubos son demasiado pequeños grandes.o largos.El compresor de aire no produce la Controlar el requisito de aire delcapacidad de aire requerida. accesorio. Si es superior al CMF o a la presión suministrada or el compresor de aire, es necesario usar uncompresor más grande.El regulador de presión no ha sido Ajustar el regulador de presión al ajustado a una presión suficientemente valor adecuado o sustituir. alta o avería del regulador de presión.Las resbalaban de correa. Haga mas apretado o reemplace. Válvula pilota restrica. Limpie o reemplace.El aire sale de la válvula de La válvula de seguridadActivar la válvula de seguridad seguridad. probablemente es defectuosa. manualmente tirando del anillo. La presión de aire en el depósito Si el aire sigue saliendo, debe ser es excesiva. sustituida. Interruptor motor/presióndefectuoso. Sustituir.84Manual del OperadorSíntoma Problema Soluciones No hay salida de voltaje del Arranque de control de marcha en Coloque control de marcha en vacío. unidad.vacío.Serie de cordon o extensiones Revise capabilidades de series de inadecuados. cordon o extensiones.Fugas de aire en la bomba. Juntas defectuosas. Apriete los pernos en el compresor usando la fuerza de torsión correcta oreemplace las empaquetaduras.Soufflement d'air provenant Soupape (reed) d'admission Sustituir.du filtre d'admission d'air. défectuuese.Condensación en el aire de Condensación en el depósito de aire Opera el compresor de aire por una descarga. debido a una elevada humedad hora para impedir demasiadoatmosférica o el compresor de aire condensión. Vaciar el depósito de aire no ha funcionado por un tiempo después de cada empleo. Vaciar el suficiente. depósito de aire más frecuentemente en climas húmedos y usar un filtro enla línea de aire.Excesivo consumo de aceite en Filtro aspiración aire obstrucido. Limpiar o sustituir.la bomba. Compresor de aire sobre superficie No inclinar el compresor de aire no nivelada. a un ángulo superior a 10° en ninguna dirección mientras estéen marcha.Cárter demasiado lleno de aceite. Vaciar el aceite. Reponer con aceitehasta el nivel apropiado.Viscocidad incorrecto. Elimina el aceite. Llene al nivelcorrecto con SAE-30W aceite sin detergente.Pérdidas de aceite. Apriete los pernos en el cabeza del compresor usando la fuerza de torsióncorrecta o reemplace las empaquetaduras.Anillos del pistón desgastados o Ponerse en contacto con la Asistencia cilindro rayado. Clientes.Respirado de cárter es taparo. Limpiar o sustituir.Condensación en el aire de Condensación en el depósito de aire Opera el compresor de aire por una descarga. debido a una elevada humedad hora para impedir demasiadoatmosférica. condensión. Vaciar el depósito de aire después de cada empleo. Vaciar el depósito de aire más frcuentemente en climas húmedos y usar un filtro en la línea de aire.No hay salida de voltaje del Serie de cordon o extensiones Revise capabilidades de series de unidad. inadecuados. cordon o extensiones en sección de Controles; Tamaño de Cable en este manual. Consultar con unconcesionario de distribuidor.Manual del Operador 8586 Manual del OperadorManual del Operador 87(Fig. 3)88 Manual del OperadorManual del Operador 8990 Manual del OperadorANOTE NÚMERO SERIEEscriba número de modelo, numero serie de máquina (vea etiqueta de número serie (A) en ilustración y fecha de compra en espacios abajo. Su concesario necesita esta información cuando ordenando partes.Num. de modelo _________________________________________Num. serie de máquina ___________________________________ Fecha de compra ________________________________________ (llene de comprador)ARTÍCULOESPECIFICACIÓNESUnit *AG2-PH13-08M1 *AG2-SH13-08M1 **AG2-SH13-30M ***AG2-SH13-B *AG2-PS14-08M1 *AG2-SS14-08M1 **AG2-SR14-30M ***AG2-SS14-B*AG2-PK14-08M1*AG2-SK14-08M1 **AG2-SK14-30M ***AG2-SK14-B*AG2-PM14-08M1 *AG2-SM14-08M1 **AG2-SM14-30M ***AG2-SM14-BMotor Honda Subaru Kohler Mi-T -M Motor HP 13141414Aceite (L)1.09 L1.19 L1.30 L0.94 LVatios con el compresor 3500Vatios sin el compresor 3000Tension nominale (V)120V Frecuencia (Hz)60 Hz Bomba Compresor Bifásico Aceite (L)0.73 LDepósito Aire (L)*30.3 L **113.5 L ***N/APresión máximo (psi)175 PSIARTÍCULO ESPECIFICACIÓNESUnit AG1-PH65-08M1AG1-PR07-08M1AG2-SKD-30MMotor Honda Subaru Kohler Motor HP 6.579.1Aceite (L)0.59 L0.59 L1.41Vatios con el compresor 16002750Vatios sin el compresor 6001800Tension nominale (V)120V Frecuencia (Hz)60 HzBomba Compresor Monofásico Bifásico Aceite (L)0.74 L 0.73 L Depósito Aire (L)30.3 L 113.5 L Presión máximo (psi)125 psi175 psiDECLARACIÓN DE GARANTÍAMi-T-M garantiza que todas las piezas (excepto aquellas a las que se hace referencia abajo), de su nueva generador libres de defectos en materiales y mano de obra durante los periodos siguientes:Por dos (2) años a partir de la fecha original de compra:Bomba de Compresor CañeriasTanqueGeneradordeAsambleaPor seis (6) mes a partir de la fecha original de compra:Interruptor de Presión ReguladoresVàlvula de revisar Válvula de pilotoLinea de cobre/acero inoxidablePor noventa (90) días a partir de la fecha original de compra:Indicadores de presión Válvula de alivio de seguridadVálvulas de desagüeLas piezas defectuosas que no están sujetas a deterioro causado por el uso seránreparadas o reemplazadas a nuestra opción durante el periodo de garantía. En todo caso, el reembolso está limitado al precio de compra pagado.EXCLUSIONES1. El motor está cubierto bajo una garantía separada proporcionada por el fabricante respectivo y estásujeta a los términos en ella establecidos.2. Partes de desgaste normal:Aisladores Filtro de aire3. Esta garantía no cubre las piezas dañadas debido al deterioro normal causado por el uso, mala aplicación,mal uso, operación a velocidades, presiones o temperaturas diferentes a las recomendadas. Las piezasdañadas o gastadas a causa del uso de líquidos cáusticos o por la operación en medios ambientesabrasivos o corrosivos o bajo condiciones que causan cavitación de la bomba no están garantizadas.La falla en seguir los procedimientos recomendados de operación y mantenimiento también cancela lagarantía.4. Cobras de trabajar, peridio o daño resultando de operación mala, mantenimiento (otro de descarga detanque de aire rutina y cambios de aceite si aplica) o reparaciones hace por personas otro de Mi-T-MCentro de servicio autorizado.5. El uso de piezas de repuesto diferentes a las genuinas Mi-T-M cancelará lagarantía. Las piezas devueltas, con franqueo pagado a un Centro de Servicio AutorizadoMi-T-M serán inspeccionadas y reemplazadas, libre de cargos, si se determina que están defectuosas ysujetas a la garantía. No existen garantías que se extiendan más allá de la descripción contenida aquí.Bajo ninguna circunstancia Mi-T-M será responsable por la pérdida de uso de la unidad, pérdida detiempo, inconvenientes, pérdida comercial o daños consecuentes.PARA SERVICIO O CONSIDERACION DE LA GARANTIA CONSULTE CON:Mi-T-M® Corporation/50 Mi-T-M Drive, Box 50/Peosta, IA 52068-0050Telefono: 563-556-7484 / 800-553-9053 / Fax 563-556-1235Lunes - Viernes 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. CSTManual del Operador 9192Manual del Operador Manufactured by Mi-T -M 50 Mi-T -M Drive, Peosta IA 52068563-556-7484/ Fax 563-556-1235。

When a momentary air signal is last applied to Port 2: Port “A”is blocked and Port “O” is connected to Port “B.” When a momentary air signal is last applied to Port “1”: Port “A” is connected to Port “O” and Port “B” is blocked.Because of the area-balanced construction of the stem, either Port “A” or Port “B” may be used as the inlet supply port.Plug exhaust port for 2-way operation.Port Identifications / ConnectionsService ProceduresT o disassemble unit, use the following procedure:T o detach the “pressure actuated head assembly” from the valve body assembly, remove the 4 pan head screws (using a Philips screwdriver). T o remove the stem, stem guide, and seals from the body, unscrew the stem guide retainer using a 1 1/16" hex wrench. Then gently press on the “pin” side of the stem until it slides out of the body. The stem guide may be removed by pulling axially on the radial holes drilled in the stem guide. Be careful not to scratch the sealing surfaces or cut the seals.Thoroughly clean the valve body bore and stem guide, and inspect for possible nicks, scratches and material imperfections.Lightly lubricate the stem seals. (Use a non-detergent hydro-carbon based oil or grease.) Replace any o-rings or other seals if they are damaged.The Assembly procedure is the reverse of the above. Tighten the stem guide retainer at 60-180 in-lbs (6.7 to 20.3 Nm) and apply 15-18 in-lbs (1.7 to 2.0 Nm) of torque to the pan head mounting screws.If you have questions concerning how to service this unit,contact your local authorized dealer or your customer service representative.Application LimitsThese products are intended for use in general purpose compressed air systems only.Operating Pressure Range:psigBar kPa Minimum 000Maximum150101000Operating Temperature Range:0°F to 160°F (-18°C to 71°C)Installation & Operating InstructionsValve should be installed with reasonable accessibility for service whenever possible - repair service kits are available.Keep pipe or tubing lengths to a minimum with inside clean and free of dirt and chips. Pipe joint compound should be used sparingly and applied only to the male pipe - never into the female port. Do not use PTFE tape to seal pipe joints -pieces have a tendency to break off and lodge inside the unit,possibly causing malfunction.Filtered and lubricated air is necessary for maximum valve life and minimum maintenance.Factory Pre-Lubrication - All valves are pre-lubricated at assembly with a petroleum based grease.Valve OperationThese valves will operate mounted in any position.A pilot pressure of 30 psig or more is recommended to operate these valves. It does not need to be increased as line pressure is increased.Series C & CW (wall mounting) valves can be operated either Normally Closed to pressure or Normally Open to pressure.Normally ClosedNormally Open12Installation & Service Instructions V-226DC12 & CW12 Series Valves ISSUED: September, 2000Supersedes: February, 1994ECN# P27805Pneumatic Division North America Richland, Michigan 49083!!WARNINGTo avoid unpredictable system behavior that can cause personal injury and property damage:•Disconnect electrical supply (when necessary) before installation,servicing, or conversion.•Disconnect air supply and depressurize all air lines connected to this product before installation, servicing, or conversion.•Operate within the manufacturer’s specified pressure, temperature,and other conditions listed in these instructions.•Medium must be moisture-free if ambient temperature is below freezing.•Service according to procedures listed in these instructions.•Installation, service, and conversion of these products must be performed by knowledgeable personnel who understand how pneumatic products are to be applied.•After installation, servicing, or conversion, air and electrical supplies (when necessary) should be connected and the product tested for proper function and leakage. If audible leakage is present,or the product does not operate properly, do not put into use.•Warnings and specifications on the product should not be covered by paint, etc. If masking is not possible, contact your local representative for replacement labels.WARNINGFAILURE OR IMPROPER SELECTION OR IMPROPER USE OF THE PRODUCTS AND/OR SYSTEMS DESCRIBED HEREIN OR RELATED ITEMS CAN CAUSE DEATH, PERSONAL INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE.This document and other information from Parker Hannifin Corporation,its subsidiaries and authorized distributors provide product and/or system options for further investigation by users having technical expertise. It is important that you analyze all aspects of your application,including consequences of any failure and review the information concerning the product or systems in the current product catalog. Due to the variety of operating conditions and applications for these products or systems, the user, through its own analysis and testing, is solely responsible for making the final selection of the products and systems and assuring that all performance, safety and warning requirements of the application are met.The products described herein, including without limitation, product features, specifications, designs, availability and pricing, are subject to change by Parker Hannifin Corporation and its subsidiaries at any time without notice.EXTRA COPIES OF THESE INSTRUCTIONS ARE AVAILABLE FOR INCLUSION IN EQUIPMENT / MAINTENANCE MANUALS THA T UTILIZE THESE PRODUCTS. CONTACT YOUR LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE.C12 & CW12 Series Valves V-226D Service Kit and Parts AvailableValve Body Service Kit:(consists of items # 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, & 12)PL505200Valve Body Assemblies:C1225 (1/4" NPTF Ports)PL3265C1237 (3/8" NPTF Ports)PL3266CW1225 (1/4" NPTF Ports)PL3267CW1237 (3/8" NPTF Ports)PL3268 End Plug (1 1/16" Hex)P69919 Pressure Actuated Head Ass’y PL3244Part Identification ListItem #Description1Valve Body Assembly2Valve Body3Stem Retainer Snap Ring4Stem O-ring5Stem6Stem Guide7Stem Guide Gasket8Stem Guide O-ring9Stem Guide Retainer (1 1/16" Hex)10Pressure Actuated Head Assembly11Piston12Piston O-ring13Piston Cap14Pan Head Mounting Screws(6-32 x 5/16 W/Patch Lock)1 10。
TSEtools 包用户指南说明书

Package‘TSEtools’June20,2023Type PackageTitle Manage Data from Stock Exchange MarketsVersion0.2.2Author Ali SaebMaintainer Ali Saeb<******************>Description Tools to perform some descriptive data analysis for assets.Manage the portfolio and capi-tal of assets.It also downloads and organizes data from the Tehran Stock Exchange(TSE). License BSD_2_clause+file LICENSEEncoding UTF-8Imports xts,quantmod,quadprogNeedsCompilation noRepository CRANDate/Publication2023-06-2007:10:02UTCR topics documented:capm (1)getTSE (3)mcPrt (4)prtf (5)Index7 capm Capital assets pricing model including a risk-free asset.DescriptionCompute the capital assets pricing model including a risk-free asset.12capmUsagecapm(x,Rf=0.2/270,sh=FALSE,eRtn=NULL)Argumentsx a numeric matrix of random returns per unit of price within some holding period.Rf the return of the risk free,i.e.has variance0.sh a logical indicating whether shortsales on the risky securities are allowed.De-fault is FALSE.eRtn a value of expected returen of portofilo.The mean of whole data defualt.DetailsLetξ1,...,ξn be random asset returns and w1,...,w n the portfolio weights.The expected returns are r m=Eξm,m=1,...,n.In addition to these risky investments,there is a risk-free asset(a bond or bank account)available,which has return r0.Denoting the weights of w0for the risk-free asset.The return of portfolio given byR p=w t rwhere,r=(r1,...,r n)t.Risk is measure by a deviation functionalΣ.It is a variance-covariance of asset returns.The risk-free component w0ignore in the objective.So,the standard deviation of portfolio is given by σp=w tΣw.To obtain the optimum value of w i,i=1,...,n,we solve the following model:min w tΣw,s.t:w t r+w0r0>µandw i+w0=1Note that,the portfolio weights may be negative(selling short is allowed).Market portfolio is named MP where,the risk free weight w_0is zero(see,the function of prtf()).For any portfolio p,E(R p)=r0+β(p)(r MP−r0)where,r MP is return of market portfolio andβ(p)is the beta coefficient of the portfolio p.It is given byβ(p)=Cov(r MP,r p)/SD(r MP).ValuewCAPM weight of CAPM assetswrF weight of risk free assetssd.capm volatility of CAPM portfoliortn.capm return of CAPM portfoliobeta beta coefficient of portfolioReferencesPflug and Romisch(2007,ISBN:9789812707406)getTSE3 Examples##Not run:x<-rnorm(500,0.05,0.02)y<-rnorm(500,0.01,0.03)z<-cbind(x,y)colnames(z)<-c("prt1","prt2")capm(z,sh=FALSE,Rf=0.2/270,eRtn=0.02)##End(Not run)getTSE Download Historical Dataset from Tehran Stock Exchange(TSE)DescriptiongetTSE function is an easy way to download and organize the historical dataset from websites of TSE and .Since,the raw data are not recorded in a standard format,we provide the function for organize the data in user friendly way.Daily data updated after13:30UTC.The market is closed on Friday and Wensday and national holidays.UsagegetTSE(file,symbols=NA)Argumentsfile the path and name of externalfile which include the name of symbol and com-pany and a specific code.symbols a vector of character given the name of assets to download.The name of assets has to be included in thefirst column of file.The default value is NA whichconsider all assets at sourcefile to download.DetailsThe list of symbols or assets can be named,and the list names will be used as names for the ponent data is an array with xts time series object.The name for dimensions are: Open,High,Low,Close,V olume,Last.The value of symbols are appear in Global Environment. ValueThe output is an object of the“assets”name which get all the name of assets list to download.4mcPrtExamples##Not run:fpath<-system.file("extdata","sample.dat",package="TSEtools")getTSE(fpath)##End(Not run)mcPrt Matrix Conversion in PortfolioDescriptionmcPrt function compound the vector of assets in matrix form to using the multivariate data analysis.The assets must be included the items of Open,Close,High,Low and Volumn.The function also calculate the rate of return and Sharpe ratio for portfolio selection.UsagemcPrt(asset,sub="::",pstvRtn=FALSE,pr="daily",Rf=0.0)Argumentsasset a character vector of symbols.sub The character string in the form of"start date::end date".The date format is "%Y-%M-%D".Since,the data is time series format,the rules of xts satisfied.pstvRtn logicalflag to determine,if the symbols with mean of return(see,details)should be positive/negative.Missing value is taken as false.By setting pstvRtn=TRUE,only a check the symbols that the mean of return is not negative and symbolswith negative returns will be vanished from the list of calculation.pr a character specifying the desired period time of return.Default value is daily.The values get"daily","weekly"and"monthly".Rf an integer value to give risk free.DetailsThe values of function contain Sharpe ratio and rate of return.Sharpe ratio is defined as:SR=¯R−Rf σRwhere¯R is the mean asset return,R f is the risk free rate of return andσR is the standard deviation (volatility)of the asset.Let X t is the closing price of the asset at time t and its value after a period of length∆t,say X t+∆t. The return over that period is defined as:R t=X t+∆tX t−1prtf5 Note that the return equation is equivalent to log return asset when the ratio value of the asset is close to1(see,Carmona2003).To check the goodness offit test on return value,maximum and minimum of prices,suggested to use the package of gnFit.ValueThe values of function involve close,return,max and min as a matrix and xts format.The columns are a value of assets which is ordered by date.The mean return,volatility and Sharpe ratio are assigned in the out.The plot of return vs volatility and also the graph of Sharpe ratio are outputs of function.ReferencesCarmona(2003,ISBN:0387202862)Examples##Not run:fpath<-system.file("extdata","sample.dat",package="TSEtools")getTSE(fpath)rtn<-mcPrt(asset0,sub="2016::",pstvRtn=TRUE,pr="weekly")$return##End(Not run)prtf Design the Portfolio of assetsDescriptionCompute the efficient frontier function for some selected risk functionals in a portfolio optimization setting.Usageprtf(x,Rf=0.0,sh=FALSE,eRtn=NULL)Argumentsx a numeric matrix of random returns per unit of price within some holding period.sh a logical indicating whether shortsales on the risky securities are allowed.De-fault is FALSE.Rf the return of the risk free,i.e.has variance0.eRtn a value of expected returen of portofilo.The mean of whole data defualt.6prtfDetailsLetξ1,...,ξn be random asset returns and w1,...,w n the portfolio weights.The expected returns are r m=Eξm,m=1,...,n.In addition to these risky investments,there is a risk-free asset(a bond or bank account)available,which has return r0.Denoting the weights of w0for the risk-free asset.The return of portfolio given byR p=w t rwhere,r=(r1,...,r n)t.Risk is measure by a deviation functionalΣ.It is a variance-covariance of asset returns.The risk-free component w0ignore in the objective.So,the standard deviation of portfolio is given by σp=w tΣw.To obtain the optimum value of w i,i=1,...,n,we solve the following model:min w tΣw s.t:w t r>µandw i=1.where,µis a constant value.Note that,the portfolio weights may be negative(selling short is allowed).ValueThe minimum weights show with MIN which is the portfolio with the minimum volatility.Market portfolio is given by MP where,the risk free weight w_0is zero.MP is the tangency point between the market line and efficient frountier curve.A list containing the following components:prt list the name of assests in the portfolioobs.p return and volatiliy of overall portfoliovol volatility of portfoliortn return of portfoliow weigths of portfolioReferencesPflug and Romisch(2007,ISBN:9789812707406)See Alsoportfolio.optimization,portfolio.optimExamples##Not run:x<-rnorm(500,0.05,0.02)y<-rnorm(500,0.01,0.03)z<-cbind(x,y)colnames(z)<-c("prt1","prt2")prtf(z,sh=FALSE)##End(Not run)Indexcapm,1getTSE,3mcPrt,4prtf,57。

魔智互动电话Version3.0版(Interactive Voice Call Master)用户手册文档内容是针对目前所发布的软件。
摩智世纪信息技术(北京)有限公司保留未来修改手册的权力Nokia © 是诺基亚公司的注册商标Copyright © 2005-2010, 摩智世纪信息技术(北京)有限公司保留所有解释权。
2010年8月目录一、功能简介 (3)1、软件最新版本 (5)2、试用手机屏幕 (5)3、适用手机机型 (5)二、功能详细介绍 (6)1、通话管理 (6)2、互动语音 (11)3、通话录音 (17)4、私密保护 (20)5、名单管理 (21)5、名单管理 (22)6、定时调度 (23)7、通话日志 (25)8、系统设置 (26)9、我的魔智 (28)10、来电归属地 (29)一、功能简介魔智互动电话是世界上第一款支持IVR(互动语音)系统的全功能手机通话管理软件,软件囊括了精心设计的:语音通话管理、互动语音应答、无“哔”声一键录音、私密通话保护、虚拟数码录音笔、号码归属地自动查询等众多强大而实用功能,满足您对手机通话的各种需求。
软件中独具特色的 “IVR互动语音系统”,可将您的手机打造成私人集团电话处理系统,让来电方拨打您的手机,就象拨打公司总机一样,可进行来电过滤、语音接通拒接、呼叫转接、通话录音、短信回复等众多功能选择。

一、智语播音通设备使用说明1.设备上的标识智语播音通硬件设备上的标识主要包括端口标识和指示灯标识,具体主要有如下一些标识:Audio :音频线接口,使用3.5转双莲花的音频线,从设备接向功放。
Mic :麦克风接口,播音通系统中无需使用。
Power :电源指示灯,指示灯亮起,则表示设备供电正常。
Mini USB :USB接口,连接电脑和设备。
Work :设备工作指示灯。

SMART-PTT调度台使用手册深圳卓智达科技有限公司目录概述 (2)一、界面说明 (3)二、使用方法 (4)2.1 登录设置 (4)2.2 工具栏 (5)2.3 状态栏 (6)2.4 群组操作 (6)2.5 用户显示区 (6)2.6用户模式功能 (7)2.7地图模式功能 (9)2.8发送消息 (13)概述SMART-PTT调度台,是基于SMART-PTT系统的多功能的可视化调度系统,具有组呼,单呼,看定位,查轨迹,查呼叫记录等丰富的功能,能够给企业提供快速的调度功能。
一、界面说明用户成功登录调度台后,系统会自动显示调度台操作的主界面:图1-1 调度台主界面如上图所示,调度台的主控界面由以下几个部分组成:工具栏:提供“退出”、“刷新”、“组呼”、“呼叫记录”、“联系人”等功能,可帮助用户快速查看与调度;状态栏:显示调度台的网络状态、所在群组、调度台的名字以及讲话人等信息 群组列表:位于主控界面的左侧,显示该账号加入的所有群组以及群组信息; 用户显示区:位于群组目录的右侧,显示所选群组成员用户的信息与状态;辅助显示区:位于用户显示区的右侧,主要辅助调度台一些功能的显示,比如修改密码,查看联系人,查看录音记录等;未接呼叫列表:位于群组列表的下侧,显示其他用户单呼调度台时,由于调度台正在进行会话,无法接听的呼叫。
IdemoBits 产品说明书

IdemoBits are developed and maintained by IdemoLab, DELTA. They were developed as a tool to aid IdemoLab in the Electronic Sketching process () to make it easier and faster to build simple interactive models of new ideas and con-cepts for evaluation. IdemoBits can now be used by everyone who want to build quick and easy electronic circuits, and learn how various sensors and actuators work.Advanced instructionsAll the IdemoBits is shipped with one functionality, so they is ready for use. Some of them can be reprogrammed using Arduino, to give them extended or alternative functionality. For instructions on how to reprogram your IdemoBits see .Intended use & users (application)IdemoBits are a development and educational tool for use by designers, engineers and students who want to make fast and customizable electronic circuits. IdemoBits is not a toy and should not be used by children under the age of 10 or without proper supervision by a trained professional in electronics.Safety & Risks·IdemoBits are powered by a AAA 1.5V battery or by a USB-supply.·IdemoBits can only be used with a USB capable device or UWRRN[ VJCV KU %' EGTVKƂGF·IdemoBits contain exposed electronic circuits. They have been designed in such a way as to minimize the risk of getting hurt, but for safety reasons the IdemoBits should always be used by people with proper training in electronics or under supervision of people with proper training in electronics.·IdemoBits contain sharp and pointy edges, and should be handled carefully.·IdemoBits should not be put in the mouth.·IdemoBits should not be used or placed on metal or other conductive surfaces.·Idemobits should not be touched on open contacts and surfac-es of electronic components.·Idemobits should not be placed on top of each other when powererd due to risk of short circuits.·IdemoBits should not be used in moist or damp surroundings, and should not be exposed to water.·IdemoBits should not be connected to anything else than approved IdemoBits.·IdemoBits should not be used in any other ways than what is described in this manual.·Before each use, IdemoBits should be visually checked for defects and dirt that can cause IdemoBits to malfunction. ·For each connected set of IdemoBits, only one power supply can be used. A power supply is the PowerBit, the Programming-Bit or any other IdemoBits that supply power.Environmental concernsIdemoBits contain an AAA battery, which should be disposed of properly according to the local regulations after use.IdemoBits should not be thrown out, but disposed off according to local regulations.ConformityThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with theinstructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communi-cations. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures·Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.·Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. ·Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.·Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.This product meets the EMC requirements of EU directive 2004/108/EC.ContactFor any inquiries please contact IdemoLab:IdemoBitsIdemoBits are a kit of electronic building blocks, that can be combined in endless ways to make interactive electronics easily.IdemoBits overviewDescription of IdemoBits functionalityWe help ideas meet the real world / PowerBitThis Bit is the power source. It needs an AAA battery to run, and make sure to observe the right polarity before inserting the battery. There is an on/off switch next to the battery and a LED to indicate when it is turned on. Remember to turn it off after use so the battery is not drained. You need one of these every time you want to make something with IdemoBits.IN-5 ReedBitThis Bit contains a magnet swith. If a magnet is held close to the Bit, the input signal will be passed on to the next Bit, otherwise it will block the output signal.IN-3 ButtonBitThis Bit contains a simple push button. If there is a signal to the input it will act as a “gate” allowing that signal to pass when the button is pressed. If there is no input signal, the Bit will generate one when pressed.IN-7 AccelerometerBitThis Bit contains an accelerometer. This is similar to what is inside a phone to detect which way it is turned. The accelerometer can detect movement in 3 directions, as marked on the Bit, and selected with the small switches. If all switches are turned on at the same time, the Bit turns into a “Shake-O-Meter” – the more you shake it, the higher a signal it will generate.IN-1 ThresholdBitThis Bit contains a potentiometer. When it gets an input signal it compares it to the level set by thepotentiometer. If the input level is lower than the level set with the potentiometer the output signal is turned off. If the input level is higher the output is turned on.IN-2 LatchBitThis bit contains a latch function, that works as an on/off switch. When the input signal reaches the threshold set with the potentiometer the output signal will be turned on. The output will stay on until the input signal reaches the threshold again after having been lowered under the threshold.IN-4 PlusBitThis Bit contains a potentiometer. When the potentio-meter is turned up and down, the output signal will get bigger or smaller accordingly.IN-6 MinusBitThis Bit contains a potentiometer similar to the PlusBit, but it works in reverse. When the potentio-meter is turned up the electrical input signal is reduced accordingly, and sent to the output. The MinusBit doesn’t generate a signal, so it only works when it gets an input signal.IN-8 TouchBitThis Bit contains a touch sensor. If you touch the big icon on the Bit the input signal is passed on, or else the output signal is blocked. You can use it to make hidden buttons under a piece of paper. It also works if you touch it on the backside.IN-9 PressureBitThis Bit contains a pressure sensor. When you press on the circular tab, the signal is turned up and down depending on to how hard you press.IN-1 BluetoothBitThis Bit has connections for a Bluetooth radio that can connect to your computer or smartphone. When it is connected to an input Bit it will convert the electrical input signal to a value between 0 - 255 and send it to any connected devices. You have to supply the Bluetooth module yourself.IN-2 VibratorBitThis Bit contains a vibrating motor similar to the one in a phone. When the Bit gets a signal the motor vibrates. The higher the signal, the more powerful the vibration will be.IN-3 BuzzerBitThis Bit contains a piezo buzzer which is like a small loudspeaker. When the Bit gets a signal the buzzer will make a sound. The magnitude of the signal controls the pitch of the sound.IN-4 LEDBitThis Bit contains a simple LED which is like a small lamp. When the Bit gets a signal the LED will light up. The magnitude of the signal controls the luminosity of the LED.IN-5 BargraphBitThis Bit contains a row of LEDs. When the electrical input signal is increased more of the LEDs will light up and vice versa.ProtoBitThis Bit is a signal inverter, i.e. if the input signal is high, the output signal will be low. Besides that, this Bit is a bare playground for you to do whatever you want, but it requires knowledge and training in electroncis and programming. As an example you can use it to connect a small DC motor to your IdemoBits and control the speed with the PlusBit. You can use the ProgrammingBit to reprogram it after you have attached your own sensor or actuator.ProgrammingBitUsed for reprogramming the Bits. See for details.MagnetTo be used with the ReedBit.BatteryAAA battery.EmptyCan hold a Bluetooth module for the BluetoothBit.SensorsSensors Sensors ActuatorsActuators@IdemoLab IdemoLab IdemoLabFriends of IdemoLabIdemoBits overviewShort introduction to the various IdemoBitsSensor and actuator Bits There are two overall kinds of IdemoBits - sensor (red) and actuator DNWG 6JG UGPUQT $KVU TGCF CP GZVGTPCN UQWTEG GI [QWT ƂPIGT CPF translate it into an electrical signal. This signal is mixed with the input signal to the Bit (if there is any) and then the combined signal is the output. The actuator Bits get a signal from a sensor Bit and use that to create an action (eg. a LED lighting up). They also pass on the input signal to the output without changing it. In this way you can have many actuator Bits connected and all reacting to the same input.Example of useTo help you get started you can try to make this combination ofIdemoBits. The PlusBit will react to how much you turn the knob and send the signal to the ButtonBit which allows you to pass on the signal to the ActuatorBits when the button is pressed. The LEDBit will light up depending on the signal, and the BuzzerBit will change its sound accordingly. Try to experiment with different combinations of Bits, to learn what they do.Pin it together To make something with the IdemoBits you should always start with the PowerBit. After that you need a sensor Bit to generate a signal and then an actuator Bit to react to the signal. You can only use one PowerBit for each connected set of IdemoBits, but you can use as many sensor and actuator Bits as you want. You can use the overview at the bottom of this page or the detailed description on the opposite side to see which Bits do what, and you can use the pictures and the numbers (e.g. IN-1 or OUT-3) on the Bits to tell them apart.Current and signal pathsWhen you connect the IdemoBits, it’s important to do it in the right order. There are two things to keep in mind here; power and signal. The power from the PowerBit travels in both directions, and thus it doesn’t matter where in the chain the powerBit is placed. The signal is different as it only travels in one direction; from the input to the output on a bit. This means that if you want to light up the LEDBit when you press the ButtonBit you should make sure that the output of the ButtonBit is connected to the input of the LEDBit.How to use the IdemoBitsFollow these steps to get started with IdemoBitsActuator BitProgrammingBitUsed for reprogramming the Bits. See for details.MagnetTo be used with the ReedBit.BatteryAAA battery.EmptyCan hold a Bluetooth module for the BluetoothBit.Input Output Input OutputActuatorSensorPowerBit Provides power for the other Bits. IN-4 PlusBit Increases the signal.IN-1 ThresholdBit Turns a variable signal into an on/off signal.IN-5 ReedBit Reacts to magnets.IN-2 LatchBitCan hold the signal on or off for you.IN-6 MinusBit Decreases the signal.IN-3 ButtonBit Push it.IN-7 AccelerometerBit Move it.OUT-1 BluetoothBit Send/receive a signal wirelessly.OUT-2 VibratorBit Vibrates.IN-9 PressureBit Pressure sensitive.IN-8 TouchBit Touch it.OUT-5 BargraphBitLights up more.ProtoBitSignal inverter or build your own IdemoBit.OUT-4 LEDBitLights up.OUT-3 BuzzerBitBuzzes.Sensor Bit 1423Power SignalWe help ideas meet the real world / 1934.1.14。
信息技术与人工智能基础 项目十一 智能语音

• 语音合成的概述
语音合成技术是通过机械的、电子的方法来模仿人类的语音的技术。 它能将你输入的句子实时转化为标准语音流畅的朗读出来,整个过程 如同人类边看文本内容变朗读出来的过程。它主要如何让机器像人一 样开口说话,涉及的技术包括声学、语言学、数字信号处理、计算机 科学等多个学科技术。
• 项目展望
目前的智能语音已经应用于各种场景,产生了很多可落地的成熟产品。 当前基于深度学习的语音识别和语音合成技术已经可以做很好了,满足了 市场上绝大部分需求。当前的主要问题在于不同场景的具体需求的实现, 如数字在不同场景的读法,不同环境需要用哪种语气和情绪更适合等。智 能语音的普遍应用,正在深刻的改变人们的日常生活方式,改善人们的生 活水平。基于人工智能的“听”、“说”等感知智能在部分领域已经达到 甚至超越了人类的水准。
• 语音合成的历史
18-19 世纪
今天 20xx
• 语音合成相关技术与面临的挑战
• 如何处理远场复杂环境的挑战 • 如何让语义理解更智能 • 如何满足在不同场景下人们的个性化需求。
信息技术与人工智能基础 项目11 智能语音
01 项 目 背 景 02 思 维 导 图 03 思 政 聚 焦 04 项 目 相 关 知 识 05 项 目 任 务 06 项 目 小 结 与 展 望
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注意:音效控制仅对 16K 模型有效,且需多增加 20K 内存
(*=0/1/2/3/4/5/6) 0 – 关闭 1 – 忽近忽远 2 – 回声 3 – 机器人 4 – 合唱 5 – 水下 6 – 混响
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备注: 所有的控制标识均为半角字符。 控制标记作为文本进行合成。 不符合以上可识别的“控制标识”的或者格式不对的,一律按普通的字符和数字处理 控制标识为全局控制标识的,也就是只要用了一次,在不对软件进行重启、或使用[d]恢复默认设置的条
件下,其后发送给软件的所有文本都会处于它的控制之下。注意:选择发音人[m*]不受[d]控制,要恢复 默认发音人,必须用[m3]恢复。 当软件重启后,原来的设置过的标识会失去作用,软件将恢复到所有的默认值。 控制标记中的数字超过范围的,均按默认值处理 [r001]是有效控制命令,等价于[r1];其他的类似。
4.2.5 标记[r*] –姓氏读音策略
示例文本 [r0]解放涛的妹妹来了,单位的单小虎也来了[d] [r1]解放涛的妹妹来了,单位的单小虎也来了[d] [r2]解放涛的妹妹来了,单位的单小虎也来了[d]
合成解释 自动判断姓名读音 读 作 : 解 (jie3) 放 涛 的 妹 妹 来 了 , 单 (dan1) 位 的 单 (shan4)小虎也来了 强制每句开头字按姓氏读音 读作:解(xie4)放涛的妹妹来了,单(shan4)位的单 (shan4)小虎也来了 仅紧跟的汉字强制姓氏读音 读 作 : 解 (xie4) 放 涛 的 妹 妹 来 了 , 单 (dan1) 位 的 单 (shan4)小虎也来了
考虑到嵌入式环境下宝贵的资源空间,emTTS在系统架构、代码实现、资源结构等方面进行了大量的优化 工作,在运算资源和存储资源的需求方面,都较传统的合成系统有了极大的降低,即便是一些低端的平台, emTTS也能从容运行。
emTTS提供8K、16KHz两种输出采样率,供用户灵活选择,满足各种播音设备,适应不同平台和广大客户 需求。
4.2 文本控制标记使用示例
4.2.1 标记[i*] –识别汉语拼音
示例文本 [i0]欢迎 shi3yong4 我 gong1si1de5 系统[d] [i1]欢迎 shi3yong4 我 gong1si1de5 系统[d]
合成解释 不识别汉语拼音,按汉字和字母和数字逐个发音 读作:欢迎shi三yong四我gong一si一de五系统 识别汉语拼音,读作:欢迎使用我公司的系统
合成解释 自动判断。 读作:拨打六二九八六六零零。有一百二十三公斤重 强制按照号码的方式合成数字串。 读作:拨打六二九八六六零零。有一二三公斤重 强制按照数值的方式合成数字串。 读作:拨打六千二百九十八万六千六百。有一百二十 三公斤重
4.2.4 标记[p*] –静音一段时间
欢迎使用宇音天下[p1000]研发的嵌入式[p2000]语音 播放“欢迎使用宇音天下”,静音1秒,再播放“研发
第 6 页 / 共 15 页
4.2.3 标记[n*] –数字处理策略
示例文本 [n0]拨打62986600。有123公斤重。[d] [n1]拨打62986600。有123公斤重。[d]
软件内集成了 77 首声音提示音,可用于不同行业不同场合的信息提醒、报警等功能。 软件内集成了 14 首和弦音乐,可用作和弦短信提示音或者和弦铃声。
1)拼音模式为:1至6位字母 + 1位数字
2) 声调用1位数字表示(1:阴平 2:阳平 3:上声 4:去声 5:轻声) 3)连续出现时以第一个为准。 (*=0/1)
0 - 一字一顿
1 - 平铺直叙
(*=0/1) 0 – 不读标点符号 1 – 读标点符号
控制 标识 [i*]
[n*] [p*] [r*] [s*] [t*]
默认 设置 [i0]
[r0] [s5] [t5]
(*=0/1) 0 - 不识别汉语拼音 1 - 识别汉语拼音 说明: 1)拼音模式为:1至6位字母 + 1位数字 2) 声调用1位数字表示(1:阴平 2:阳平 3:上声 4:去声 5:轻声) (*= 3, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55) 3 - 晓玲 (女声) 51 - 尹小坚 (男声) 52 - 易小强 (男声) 53 - 田蓓蓓 (女声) 54 - 唐老鸭 (效果器) 55 - 小燕子 (女童声) (*=0/1/2) 0 - 自动判断 1 - 数字作号码处理 2 - 数字作数值处理 (*=无符号整数) * - 插入静音的时间长度,单位:毫秒(ms) (*=0/1/2) 0 - 自动判断姓名读音 1 - 强制以后的每句开头字均按姓氏读音 2 - 强制紧跟句的开头字按姓氏读音 (*=0~10) * - 语速值(0至10) 说明:语速值越小,语速越慢
4.2.6 标记[s*] –语速调节
[s5]欢迎使用[s8]宇音天下研发的[s2]嵌入式语音合 按5级语速播放“欢迎使用”,按8级语速播放“宇音
第 7 页 / 共 15 页
4.2.7 标记[t*] –语调调节
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ 支持多种文本控制标记
软件支持多种文本控制标记。可通过发送“合成命令”发送文本控制标记,调节语速、语调、音量。 还可以使用控制标记提升文本处理的正确率,如:设置句子的韵律、设置数字读法、设置姓氏读音策略、 设置号码中“1”的读法等。
emTTS有着优良的兼容性,内核完全与平台无关。任何平台只需配置、编译,即可完成移植。emTTS能适 用绝大部分平台,例如 Windows CE、Linux、MTK系列、Android、Windows Mobile、Windows Mobile 2003 等。
第 4 页 / 共 15 页
设置音量 设置提示音处理策略 设置号码中"1"的读法 设置韵律标注处理策略
设置发音风格 设置标点符号朗读
[v*] [x*] [y*] [z*]
[f*] [b*]
[v5] [x1] [y0] [z0]
[f1] [b0]
* - 语调值(0至10)
主频 栈内存 堆内存 资源空间
最小配置 (模型采用率为 8K) 80MHz 4.5K 44K
(模型采用率为 16K) 160MHz 4K
2.1M 2.8M
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4 附录
4.1 文本控制标记
作用 设置识别汉语拼音
设置数字处理策略 静音一段时间 设置姓名读音策略 设置语速 设置语调
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软件还支持客户增加自己的提示音,满足客户对特定文本合成或特定提示音的需求。客户可根据需要删 除和增加提示音。
提供两男、两女、一个效果器和一个女童声共6个中文发音人,可以通过使用特殊标记[m?]来切换软件的 发音人。[m3] :女声“晓玲”; [m51]:男声“尹小坚”; [m52]:男声“易小强”; [m53]:女声“田蓓 蓓”; [m54]:效果器“唐老鸭”;[m55]:女童声“小燕子”。
4.2.2 标记[m*] –发音人选择
示例文本 [m3]我是晓玲[m3] [m51]我是尹小坚[m3] [m52]我是易小强[m3] [m53]我是田蓓蓓[m3] [m54]我是唐老鸭[m3] [m55]我是小燕子[m3]
合成解释 用发音人“晓玲”的声音合成: “我是晓玲” 用发音人“尹小坚”的声音合成:“我是尹小坚” 用发音人“易小强”的声音合成:“我是易小强” 用发音人“田蓓蓓”的声音合成:“我是田蓓蓓” 用发音人“唐老鸭”的声音合成:“我是唐老鸭” 用发音人“小燕子”的声音合成:“我是小燕子”
说明: 语调值越小,基频值越低 (*=0~10) * - 音量值(0至10) 说明: 音量的调节范围为静音到音频设备支持的最大值 (*=0/1) 0 - 不使用提示音 1 - 自动使用提示音 (*=0/1) 0 - 合成号码时"1"读成"幺" 1 - 合成号码时"1"读成"一" (*=0/1) 0 - 不处理韵律标注 1 - 处理韵律标注 说明:韵律标注中 使用“#”标出韵律短语划分位置。 使用“*”标出韵律词划分位置。 (*=拼音) * - 为前一个汉字强制设定的拼音 说明:
中文多发音人 (女生:晓玲,田蓓蓓;男生:尹小坚,易小强;其它:唐老鸭,小燕子) PCM signed 16bit 8K/16K 可选 支持 支持 支持 支持 支持 支持阿拉伯数字、英文字母、常用符号的全/半角形式 默认根据上下文智能判断;可指定按号码或数值处理; 根据上下文智能判断; 支持普通多音字和姓名多音字的智能处理 支持 不小于 72 小时
[t5]欢迎使用[t8]宇音天下研发的[t2]嵌入式语音合 按5级语调播放“欢迎使用”,按8级语调播放“宇音