
2 The passage is the story of a home, the people who lived there, and how life has changed over the years, narrated by the house itself.
3 The passage is written by the owner of a house, and describes how the families who lived there have changed the character of the house.
2 My neighbour is an acquaintance but I only see him from an angle to the side. I’ve never seen him face on, but I do know that strangely, although we’re identical, we’re the exact opposite of each other, with my front door facing east and my neighbour’s facing west, my bedroom in the back over his kitchen, my kitchen under his bedroom in the front. I think I’m the lucky one because each morning, the stone glows in the sunlight.

Book 4 Unit 6 The Pace of Life1) To stimulate consumption, farmers now can buy household appliances with government subsidy.译文:为了刺激消费,农民可以通过政府补贴来购买家用电器。
2)Conventional medicine has concentrated mainly on the treatment of chronic and acute illness, and until recent years the role of preventive(预防性的) medicine has suffered comparative neglect.译文:传统医学一直主要致力于慢性病和急性病的治疗,而且预防医学的作用还一直相对地遭到冷遇,直到近几年这个情况才有所缓解。
3)Cost apart, you should remember that however fancy a fridge is ,it doesn’t kill bacteria (细菌); it only shows down the rate at which they multiply.译文:除去(购买的)费用,你应该记住,不管电冰箱有多别致,它也不能够杀灭死细菌,它只能降低细菌的繁殖速度。
4)The economic planners are seeking to achieve a fairer distribution of wealth throughout society, but it’s easier said than done, I think.译文:经济规划师正设法在全社会实现更为公平的财富分配,但我认为这说起来容易做起来难。
注释:seek to do…意为“设法做…”,相当于try to do…;distribution 意为“分配”5)The town has been producing wool, cloth, and blankets since the 13th century and much of its prosperity today is still founded on those industries.译文:自13 世纪以来,这个城镇一直生产羊毛、布匹和地毯,它今天的许多繁荣兴旺仍然建立在那些工业的基础上。

课程名称:大学英语读写教程教学对象:大学英语本科一年级学生教学课时:2课时教学目标:1. 理解并掌握Unit6的核心词汇和短语,如:controversial, assess, decrease, alter, undermine, compromise等。
2. 通过阅读和讨论,深入理解文章主题,探讨部分时间工作的利弊。
3. 学会分析文章结构,提高阅读理解能力。
4. 练习使用英语进行口头和书面表达,提高英语口语和写作能力。
教学内容:1. 阅读课文,理解文章主旨和段落大意。
2. 学习并掌握Unit6中的核心词汇和短语。
3. 分析文章结构,总结段落特点。
4. 讨论部分时间工作的利弊。
教学过程:第一课时:一、导入1. 通过提问,引导学生思考:大学生是否应该做兼职?2. 让学生分享自己关于兼职的看法和经历。
二、阅读课文1. 让学生快速阅读课文,了解文章大意。
2. 针对课文中的生词和短语进行讲解,如:controversial, assess, decrease, alter, undermine, compromise等。
三、分析文章结构1. 让学生分段阅读课文,分析每个段落的主旨。
2. 讨论文章段落之间的逻辑关系。
四、讨论部分时间工作的利弊1. 让学生就部分时间工作的利弊进行讨论。
2. 引导学生从不同角度分析问题,如:对学业的影响、对个人成长的影响等。
第二课时:一、复习1. 复习上一节课的内容,检查学生对生词和短语的掌握情况。
2. 让学生分享自己对部分时间工作的看法。
二、口语练习1. 分组讨论:如何平衡兼职工作和学业?2. 每组选派代表进行口头表达,其他组员进行点评。
三、写作练习1. 针对Unit6的主题,让学生写一篇短文,表达自己对部分时间工作的看法。
2. 学生互评,教师点评。
四、总结1. 回顾Unit6的学习内容,强调重点词汇和短语。
2. 总结部分时间工作的利弊,引导学生树立正确的兼职观念。
教学评价:1. 课堂参与度:观察学生在课堂上的发言情况,了解他们对课文内容的理解程度。
《实用大学英语 4》Unit6

• Passage 1 • Ⅰ. Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks. • Ⅱ. Listen to the passage again and answer the following questions. • Ⅲ. Oral practice
• Dialogue 1 • Ⅰ. Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions below. • Ⅱ. Listen to the dialogue and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). • Ⅲ . Oral practice
天气 (weather) 是人们在日常交流中最常谈论 (popular) 的话题。 的话题。 • 在谈论天气时可适当加入评论 (comment) 或对别 人观点的认可。 人观点的认可。 • 天气很容易让交谈双方找到可以产生共鸣的东西, 天气很容易让交谈双方找到可以产生共鸣的东西, 从而顺利地开启话题 (starting conversation)。除了天 。 气之外,还有一些受欢迎的话题,如体育运动 如体育运动(sports)、 气之外,还有一些受欢迎的话题 如体育运动 、 食物 (food)、旅行 (traveling)等。 、 等
• • • • • • • • • • • •
A . 合口双元音 / /ai / /ɔi / /au/ /əu/ 合口双元音/ei ɔ 半元音/w j 半元音 w//j/ 合口元音/ei ◆合口元音 / /ai / /ɔi / /au/ /əu/ ɔ /ei/的发音要领: 的发音要领: 的发音要领 口形由/e 向 i 滑动 发音过程中下巴稍向上合拢,舌位也随之稍稍抬高 滑动,发音过程中下巴稍向上合拢 舌位也随之稍稍抬高。 口形由 e/向/i/滑动 发音过程中下巴稍向上合拢 舌位也随之稍稍抬高。 /ai /的发音要领: 的发音要领: 的发音要领 由舌位低、口形大的前元音/a 向舌位高 口形小的/i 滑动 向舌位高、 滑动, 由舌位低、口形大的前元音 a/向舌位高、口形小的 i/滑动,发音时 舌尖要抵住下齿。 舌尖要抵住下齿。 /ɔi /的发音要领: 的发音要领: ɔ 的发音要领 由后、低元音/ɔ 向前 高元音/i 滑动 口形由开圆逐渐变为合扁。 向前、 滑动, 由后、低元音 ɔ/向前、高元音 i/滑动,口形由开圆逐渐变为合扁。 /au/的发音要领: 的发音要领: 的发音要领 由舌位低、口形大的前元音/a 向舌位高 口形小的/u 滑动 向舌位高、 滑动, 由舌位低、口形大的前元音 a/向舌位高、口形小的 u/滑动,结束时 的口形是合圆唇,双唇须稍向前突出。 的口形是合圆唇,双唇须稍向前突出。 /əu/的发音要领 的发音要领; 的发音要领 口形由中元音/ə/向后元音 向后元音/u 滑动 开始时的口形是扁平唇, 滑动, 口形由中元音 向后元音 u/滑动,开始时的口形是扁平唇,结束时的 口形是合圆唇。 口形是合圆唇。
精品课件-新视野大学英语(第三版)Book 4:Unit 6 The Weight Men Carry

How to write an argumentative essay?
What does the author suggest?
Men carry as much burden as women do (but women don’t know the hard life of working-class men).
splinter groups, was dominant in presidential
1850s) under
politics. The Democrats Presidents Andrew
elected only two Presidents
to four terms of office for Jackson, Martin
emancipate alien mediator symmetrical lightweight patriotism sexism destiny gender equality martyr
性别平等 性别歧视 命运 调解者 陌生的 对称的 烈士 轻松地 爱国主义 解放
Questions for group discussion
Questions for discussion
What did the author experience? What puzzled the author? At college, he was told by women that men were guilty of having kept all the joys and privileges of the earth for themselves.
新视野大学英语(第三版)Book 4:Unit 6 The Weight Men

Part Division of the Text
1 2
1~11 12~18
Main Ideas The author gives three reasons why we feel so time-pressed today.
Not every one is time-stressed, and in the case of Americans they have actually gained more free time in the past decade.
Richard Tomkins
Richard Tomkins, consumer industries editor of the Financial Times, where he has been a member of the editorial staff since 1983.
Financial Times includes business and financial news and analysis. To know it better, log on the following website: /hom e/europe
Stress in the Workplace The problem of stress is not likely to go away. As the pace of change continues to increase, the demands upon us will also increase. We will have to make more decisions and make decisions faster; have to learn new skills, adapt to new situations, and cope with new threats. As a result we will find ourselves becoming more tired, making more mistakes, becoming more hostile, more anxious, more depressed, suffering more ill-health, and having more accidents.

a base for an argument
take this practice as a guide
Classifying propositions according to their grounds is important because people very often base their judgment of propositions according to their popularity, usefulness, source of authority as well as to their personal taste. They do not always accept beliefs because they are true. Often they accept them because their beliefs serve their immediate purpose, or because they sound nice, or because it is easier or safer to accept them.
• Other than: usually mean ‘except’, but here it means ‘apart from’. This usage is not considered standard by many people.
• Groundless Beliefs
• ground: (usu. pl.) the foundation / underlying condition for an argument, a belief, or an action; a cause or good reason for sth.
外研社,新编大学英语综合教程4,Unit6 Risk,Quiz

外研社,新编大学英语综合教程4Unit6RiskQuiz1. Choose the one word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the original sentence ifit is substituted for the underlined word or phrase.1. The first span of the bridge is one hundred meters long.A. prefaceB. sectionC. blockD. phase2. Statistics indicate that there are more boys than girls attending school.A. NumbersB. AccountC. SchoolmasterD. Calculations3. Lampreys (七鳃鳗) and hagfish (盲鳗) have slimy, scaleless bodies shaped somewhat like thebodies of eels.A. in some casesB. at some timesC. to some degreeD. for some reasons4. De Vaca did the only wise thing by asking the Indians for food and shelter in their village.A. sensitiveB. sensibleC. sentimentalD. sensational5. The United States was a divided nation in 1850—half slave and half free.A. alliedB. combinedC. separatedD. united6. Virtually all species of animals communicate either through sounds or through a large repertory ofsoundless codes.A. SimultaneouslyB. AbsolutelyC. BasicallyD. Almost7. A baby's blood has slightly more hemoglobin (血红素) than that of an adult.A. noB. a littleC. evenD. very much8. In a 1983 newspaper poll, Ann Landers, an advice columnist, was listed among the twenty-fivemost influential women in the United States.A. surveyB. articleC. headlineD. conference9. A fundamental premise (前提) of a free-enterprise economic system is that all small business facedifficult competition.A. confrontB. takeC. loseD. appreciate10. A cup of whole milk provides roughly one hundred and sixty-six calories (热量) of energy.A. barelyB. coarselyC. onlyD. approximately11. Tanagers (唐纳雀) are usually found in the forests, where they feed on insects, fruits, and flowers.A. huntB. eatC. keepD. see12. Probability is the mathematical study of the likelihood of an event's occurrence.A. predictabilityB. possibilityC. feasibilityD. undeniability2. Choose appropriate words to complete the following passage.Where do pesticides (杀虫剂) fit into the picture of environmental disease? We have seen thatthey now soil, water, and food, and that they have the to make our streams fishless and our gardens and woodlands silent and birdless. Man, (15)he may like to pretend the contrary, is part of nature. Can he escape a pollutionthat is now so thoroughly throughout our world?We know that even single exposures these chemicals, if the amount is (18)sudden illness or death of farmers, farm workers, and others sufficient quantities of pesticides is very sad and should not occur. For the population as a whole, we must bemore with the delayed effects of absorbing small amounts of pesticides thatpollute our world.Responsible public health officials have that the biological (23)of chemicals are cumulative (累积的) over long periods of time, and that the danger tothe individual may the sum of the exposures received throughout his or her lifetime. For these very reasons the danger is easily ignored. It is human nature to shake off (摆脱,避开) may seem to us a threat of future disaster. "Men are naturally most impressed bydiseases which have obviousof their worst enemies slowlyYour answer Correct answer(13) pollute pollute(14) power power(15) however much however much(16) distributed distributed(17) toto(18) large enough large enough (19) exposed to exposed to (20) concerned concerned (21) invisibly invisibly (22) pointed out pointed out (23) effects effects (24) depend on depend on (25) what what (26) signs signs (27)approachapproach3. Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese into English.28.If you are aware of what behavior is being rewarded in a given situation,你便可以随之改变你的行为). (accordingly)Your answerSuggested answeryou can change your behavior accordinglyyou can change your behavior accordingly29.收入减少大约56%) uponretirement among a sample of about 2,000 people. (approximately, reduction)Your answerSuggested answeran approximately 56 percent reduction in incomean approximately 56 percent reduction in income30.Plastic bags are useful for holding many kinds of food,因为它们的干净、有韧性和低成本).(by virtue of, toughness)Your answerSuggested answerby virtue of their cleanness, toughness, and low costby virtue of their cleanness, toughness, and low cost31.The military fathers often believe that if they seek help for a problem, they may冒着使他们处于非常不利境地的风险) and thus ruin their career. (risk the danger of)Your answer Suggested answerrisk the danger of putting themselves in very unfavorable conditionsrisk the danger of putting themselves in very unfavorable conditions32.要成为一名合格的医生),you have to study a long time andpass exams. (qualify)Your answerSuggested answerTo be qualified as a doctorTo be qualified as a doctor 33. 人造丝绸看起来和摸起来很像天然丝绸),but people still prefer that latter.Your answer Suggested answerArtificial silk looks and feels much likenatural oneArtificial silk looks and feels much like natural one34.应我需要一名合格秘书的要求). (in response to)Your answerSuggested answerin response to my request for aqualified secretaryin response to my request for a qualified secretary35. 艺术不仅反映一个民族的政治价值观),but also religious beliefs, emotions, and psychology. (reflect)Your answer Suggested answerArt reflects not only the political values of a people Art reflects not only the political values of a people36.In many businesses, 计算机已在很大程度上替代了日常的文书工作), because they are fast, flexible, and reliable. (replace)Your answer Suggested answercomputers have largely replacedpaperworkcomputers have largely replacedpaperwork37.Usually, the more difficult a shrub (灌木) is to grow, 它的价格越高).Your answer Suggested answerthe higher its price the higher its price (is)。
大学英语(四)听说unit 6讲稿

That night, Soliman came up with a name for his new business: College Hunks Hauling Junk. He distributed flyers the next day, and within hours, his phone was ringing. He asked his friend Nick Friedman to help out. They made $220 inthree hours cleaning out a woman’s garage.
At first they had trouble finding a bank willing to lend them money as they didn’t have much of a credit rating. After five turndowns, one bank decided to gamble $50,000 on their idea. They put together another $60,000 from their parents and their own savings. They bought a truck, hired a graphic artist to design a logo, ran newspaper and radio ads and recruited haulers on campuses. Wearing bright orange hats and green polos and khakis, these college “hunks” will haul away everything from construction materials to old couches. To cut down the cost of unloading at landfills, they have learned to recycle metals and electronics and donate to charities over 60 percent of what they collect. They also give away a portion of their earnings from each job to local college scholarship programs.

新编⼤学基础英语综合教程4教案unit6Lesson 1 DedicationLearning Objectives:1. Describing people and identifying common factors.2. Defining words and discussing the connotations.3. Reading a text about a man with an obsession.4. Discussing body transformations.Speaking1. Work in pairs. Look at the photos and discuss these questions.1) What does each picture show2) How would you describe the people in the pictures3) What do you think they might have in common4) Do you think you are like any of these people If so, in what wayVocabulary : Talking about people1. Look at these definitions. Can you guess the words In what way are the words different Do they have positive or negative connotations2. Can you think of any other similar examplestraditional — old-fashioned — conventional3. Look at the following words, which are all synonyms of determined. Do the words have positive or negative connotations Divide them into two groups, using a dictionary to help you.4. Work in small groups and compare your one of the words to describe someone youknow.My 11-year-old daughter is really obstinate — nothing I say can persuade her to read a book, she just watches rubbish on TV all the time.5. Read the short profiles below and decide which word in Exercise 3 best describes the person. More than one word may be appropriate.1) A politician who always gives her full support to her party leader, even when she does not agree with all the party’s policies unwaveringThe three words mean unmarried.Single is used to describe men or women and has a neutral connotation.Bachelor is used to describe a man and has a fairly neutralSpinster is used to describe a woman and is an old-fashioned (oftendisapproving) term with the implication that the woman will never marry.Its connotation is negative.Traditional:in accordance with tradition, beliefs and customs; it can have a positive or negative connotation. Compare It is traditional to give chocolate eggs as Easter presents in the UK with He was a very traditional father and they often had arguments. Old-fashioned:not modern, a person who believes in out-dated ideas and customs; it has a negative connotation.Conventional: following conventions or norms; it can have a negative connotation: He holds very conventional views on politics. It may also have a neutral connotation, . My new car is a very conventional design.Positive: resolute, unwavering, dedicatedNegative: stubborn, wilful, obstinate, dogged( single-minded, strong-willed and persistent are dependent on context.)2) An employee who works day and night to get a promotion, even though it will probablybe given to someone else. dogged/determined/persistent3) A woman who has recovered from cancer three times strong-willed/resolute4) A man who has failed his driving test ten times and is to take his test againnext month.determined/persistent5) A child who refuses to wear blue trousers today. stubborn/wilful6) A president defending his club, which refuses membership to women. obstinate7) A girl who devotes all her free time to tennis practice and has no social lifeas a result. single-minded8) A single-parent father working, studying and bringing up two children. resolute/determinedSpeaking & Reading: Lexical preparation(1) go by sth.: to be guided by sth.; to form an opinion from sth.. That’s a good rule to go by.2) lose count (of sth.): to forget the total of sth. before you have finishedcounting it. She had lost count of the number of times she’d told him to becareful.Speaking & Reading1. Work in pairs. Make a list of the different ways that people typically chooseto change their bodies.2. You are going to read an article about a man called Stalking Cat. What changesdo you think he has made to his body3. Read the article and check your ideas.4. Read the text again and decide if these statements are true (T) of false (F).If false, explain why.(1) Plastic surgery is still relatively unusual. FIt is now commonplace2) Dennis Avner can’t remember how many changes have been made to his body. T3) It is thought that a psychological illness may be the cause of Stalking Cat’s behaviour. T4) Because of the changes to his body, Cat is in constant pain. FT he procedures hurt at the time but there is no ongoing pain.5) The procedures Cat has undergone have been carried out illegally. FHe has to have the surgery carried out by a body modification artist because it would be illegal for a medical professional to alter appearance to this extent.6) Cat does not suffer any pain during the operations. FHe cannot have anaesthetic because only qualified doctors can administer it, so the operations are very painful.7) He does not particularly enjoy making the changes to his body. T8) He will probably not make any more changes to his body. FHis goal is to become a perfect cross between a cat and a human, so it is likely he will continue.5. Look again at the adjectives in Vocabulary, Exercise 3. Which would you use to describe Stalking Cat6. Work in pairs. Discuss these questions.1) Think of someone you know who has made changes to his / her body. Was he / she happy with the results Why / Why not2) In what circumstances would you consider making changes to your body3) If you could transform yourself into a perfect cross between a human and an animal, which animal would you choose Why7. Translate the following sentences into English.1)如果可以依据以往的经验,这个航班会晚点的。

Unit 6 Challenging Yourself Ⅲ话题词汇1.poetry n.诗歌2.poet n.诗人3.rhyme n.韵脚;押韵4.transform v.转化;改造5.appropriate adj.适当的;正当的6.bepopularwith受……欢迎7.takeone’sadvice接受某人的建议8.bemadeupof由……构成9.givesb.adeepimpression给某人一个深刻的印象10.translate...into...把……翻译成……话题佳作Wendy是你的美国笔友,非常喜欢中国文化,故给你(张伟)写信想了解唐诗。
就字数来看基本上有五言和七言两种;2.题材广泛:反映社会状况,描绘风景等;3.著名诗人:……佳作欣赏DearWendy,I’msogladtoreceiveyourletter.And itisreallyacoincidencethatyouaskedmeaboutt heTangpoems,andIjusthavelearntsomethingaboutthem.TheTangpoemsarevariousinformsandsubjects.Generallyspeaking,theycanbedividedintotwogroups—classicalpoemsandmodernpoems.Notonly thelengthofa line butalso thelengthofapoem islimitedto acertainnumberofwords.Thereareoftenfouror eightortwelvelineswithfiveorsevenwordsineachline.Poetswrotepoemsfordifferentpurp oses,forexample,exposingthedarknessofthesocietyanddescribingthebeautifulscenes.ThereweremanyfamouspoetsduringtheTangDynasty,suchas LiBai,DuFuandBaiJuyi.Ifyouwanttoreadmore,thebook300TangPoemsisagoodchoice,whichincludespoemsofmanywellknownpoets.Afterreadingthem,youwillhaveabetterunderstandingoftheTangpoems.Yourssincerely,ZhangWei 名师点睛本文符合题目要求,条理清楚,增加的细节恰到好处,句子结构把握准确,较好地运用了各种句式,如主语从句、状语从句、定语从句等,generallyspeaking,notonly...butalso...,belimitedto,suchas等关联词组和高级词汇的运用使文章表达更加流畅。
大学英语综合教程4 Unit 6 The Pace of Life - 课件电子教案

state; make sth. complicated easier to deal with - untangle the problem / a cable /the traffic jam (解开缠结的电缆/整顿交通堵塞)
Part one (paras 1-11)
• What are the three reasons why we feel so time-pressed today?
Part I (Paras 1-11)
• eat into (Line 6): use up (profits, resources,
or time), especially when they are intended for other purposes; gradually reduce the amount of (sth. valuable); dam现方式做保护处理对用户上传分享的文档内容本身不做任何修改或编辑并不能对任何下载内容负责
大学英语综合教程4 Unit 6 The Pace of Life - 课件
The students will be able to:
1. Learn the main idea and structure of the
体验商务综合英语4 Unit 6 Risk

教 学 基 本 内 容
II Teaching procedure
Step 1 Starting up:(20minutes)
1)Students are asked to figure out the meaning of the quotation:”The world is much riskier today," "Because everything is much more interconnected.”
Step 2 Vocabulary:describing risk(30 minutes)
a。No Risk,No Reward
You’ll meet people and organizations that are still prepared to gamble —— intelligently, shrewdly,selectively -- even in a period of insecurity and instability. Their stories offer lessons in strategy, marketing,leadership,R&D, and innovation。
They also remind us that the good moves we don't make can be as consequential as the bad moves we do make —— that playing it safe isn't always playing it smart。
Venture capitalist:who put money into such businesses spread their risk so that the payback from one or two successful ventures will hopefully more than compensate for the money lost in the failures.风险资本家

Unit 6 The Pace of LifeTest A Old Father Becomes A TerrorObjectives:Students will be able to:1.V ocabulary in language focus. Be sure that students memorize them and know how to utilizethem.2.Learn how to construct an argumentation.3.Learn how to employ writing skills such as exemplications, quotations, figures, compare andcontrast, cause and effect, etc. to make an argumentative paper persuasive.4.Lead students to understand causes of the feeling of time famine, the solutions to it andeventually how to put them into practice in our daily life.First periodPreview assignment:1.Preview the new words and expressions in the text.2.Grasp the main idea and structure of the text; pay attention to the topic sentences in each partand make a note of the transitional devices.3.Try to underline the reasons/causes to the feelings of time famine, the reactions to time famineand the crux(症结)of the problem and its remedy proposed by the author in the text.4.Before class collect phenomena of the modern life (the students are expected to report them inclass.)I.Listening practice 15minsListen to the passage and then answer questions:Harvard University: Established in 1636 by vote of the Great and General Court of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, Harvard was named after its first benefactor, John Harvard, of Charlestown, Massachusetts. Upon his death in 1638, the young minister left his library and half his estate to the new College. In 1639, in recognition of John Harvard's bequest, the Great and General Court ordered "that the colledge agreed upon formerly to be built at Cambridg shalbee called Harvard Colledge." Founded 16 years after the arrival of the Pilgrims at Plymouth, the College has grown from 9 students with a single Master into a University with an enrollment of more than 18,000 degree candidates.1. When did Harvard University established? (Answer: 1639)2. How did the University get its name? (Answer: Harvard was named after its first benefactor, John Harvard, of Charlestown, Massachusetts.)3. How many candidates now in University?(Answer: an enrollment of more than 18,000 degree candidates.)II.Cultural Notes:15mins1.Richard Tomkins (see reference book page 56)2.Technology (see reference book page 57)3.Stress in the workplace (see reference book page 57&58)4.Henley Centre: founded in 1974 by academics associated with the Henley Management Collegein Oxfordshire, notably the economist James Morrell. It was originally known as The Henley Centre for Forecasting, with a focus on business forecasting. It was initially run as a non-profit organisation in partnership with the management college, before becoming privately owned in the early 1980s. It was acquired by WPP in the 1990s and now sits within the Kantar Group,WPP’s information, insight and consultancy division.5.McDonald’s is the world's leading food service retailer with more than 30,000 restaurants in 118countries serving 46 million customers each day. It also serves the world some of its favorite foods---world famous French Fries(炸薯条) Big Mae(巨无霸)Chicken McNugges(麦乐鸡块)and Egg McMuffin(猪柳蛋汉堡包)II. Check the preview work (ask several students to tell the phenomena they collected of the modern life) 30minsSuggested answer:First, all people nowadays seems to be too much in a rush to spare enough time for one another. The pace of life is so high in this society that we have no time and energy to enjoy the sunshine every day. We are busy doing important businesses and working or buying houses. Time always seems to be limited and not sufficient at all. As a result almost all people feel the pressure of time. It seems that all the things in life is necessary and important for us to do that we can’t spare even half an hour to enjoy the warm sunshine outside. Second, science and technology plays a rather important part in our life, which on the one hand makes our life comfortable and convenient, but on the other hand makes our human beings develop a kind of abnormal dependence on modern scientific products. For example, we carry mobile phones to keep in touch with others, without it we may feel isolated and helpless. Third, more and more people complain that they are under a large amount of stress from work, study or simply from life. According to surveys many people feel exhausted, frustrated and even depressed.Teacher may sums up and leads into the Text by saying:True as the pace of our life is quickening ever faster, we all seem to be so busy, we seem forever on the go. Many people would ask: how are we to cope with so many things in so little time? But have you ever reflected on the reasons why we become so? Why we become so time pressed? What's the crux and is there any solution to prevent "old father Time becomes a terror"? Now, in the following periods we will see our author Richard Tomkins’ explanation. To begin with, we’ll see the organization of his writing.III. Analysis of the text structure 25minsIn many ways we can see that this piece is a rather persuasive argumentative paper, which much probably can be found in the editorial or comment section where journalists and others contribute regular or occasional columns reflecting on topical issues. Here in the initial part (paragraph 1-11), first by pointing out that we were wrongly estimated we would have more spare time with the help of technology, the writer proposes the problem of the pressure of time and present three reasons why we feel so time-pressed nowadays. Then in the second part (paragraph 12-18), the author goes on to concede that not everybody is affected to the same extent, that is, an exception: not everyone is time-stressed, and in the case of Americans they have actually gained more free time in the past decade. Next comes to the third part (paragraph 19-23), in which our author percepts a variety of reactions triggered by the time-famine. Finally in the last part (paragraph 24-28) the author pins down the crux of the problem and puts forwards a remedy for the stress we feel.(Note: in another way, our teacher can take the following form---ask student to fill the blanksIV1. Read part one carefully after class, and then find out the reasons why people feel time-pressedtoday.2. Summarize how the author lists facts to convince us of the unfavorable effects technology hashad on our lives.3. Read part three and underline the reactions provoked by time-famine.4. Try to list all writing skills employed in the text, such as quotations, figures, etc.Second periodExercise 15minsDictation:As the pace of life continues to increase, we are fast losing the art of relaxation. Relaxation is essential for a healthy mind and body, but stress is a natural part of everyday life and there is no way to avoid it. In fact, it is not the bad thing it is often supposed to be. A certain amount of stress is vital to provide motivation and give purpose to life. It is only when the stress gets out of control that it can lead to poor performance and ill health.Detailed Text Analysis: 70minsI. Part One 35minsStudents scan part I and then answer the following questions:1. What are the reasons that cause people feel time pressed today?Answer: 1) technology (paragraph 2 " But instead of liberating us, technology has enslaved us.")2) Information exploration (paragraph 7 "Technology apart, the Internet points the way toa second reason why we feel so time-pressed: the information exploration."3) Rising prosperity (paragraph 11 "There is another reason for our increasing time stresslevels, too: rising prosperity.")2. According to the author, has technology made our lives easier or more burdensome? Howmany facts does the author list in order to convince his readers?Answer: According to the author, technology has made our lives more burdensome. Apart from cramming work into our leisure time, it has also provided us with new burden such as spending hours in fixing software glitches on computers and filling our heads with useless information from the Internet.Facts are valuable as evidence that enhances the persuasive force of an argumentative paper. In the text, the author lists a number of facts to try to convince the readers of the unfavorable effects technology has had on our lives.Supporting facts in part one:1) The motorcar brings more traffic problems than it promises to solve.2) The air craft creates a high demand for time-consuming journeys that we neverdreamed of.3) The washing machine, contrary to our expectations, multiplies the hours spent on washingand ironing.4) Instead of making our lives easier, technology goes so far as to cram extra work into ourleisure time.5) Technology produces the new burden of dealing with faxes, e-mails and voicemails.6) Technology eats further into our time by forcing us to handle software glitches oncomputers and filling our heads with useless information from the Internet.3. What writing skills are used to enhance the persuasive force of the author's arguments in partone?Answer: i. Compare and contrast:para 1 & 2---technology, not liberated us but has enslaved us.para 8 & 9and10---through figures, we see the contrast between old days and new time,that is, why we say the information exploded.ii. Facts and examples to illustrate one's view:eg. In part one, there are a number of facts were listed to illustrate the unfavorable effects technology has had on our lives.(see Question 2 above)4. Language study in this part:on the go, cope with, set about sth./doing sth.(no passive), a large quantity of, free from, eat into, in reality, pour in, a handful of, amount to, stress (on), prosperity, oblige, oblige(sb.)(with sth./by doing sth.) abundance, in abundance, abundance of, confusion.II. Part Two15minIn this part the author displays his familiarity with the complexity of the problem, so he makes a concession, pointing out the exception: Not everyone is time-pressed, and Americans have actually gained more free time in the past decade. The following questions are for students to know this part better.1. What is "stress envy"? What do you think are the possible sociological motivations behind it? Answer: "If you're not stressed, you're not succeeding. Everyone wants to have a little bit of this stress to show they're an important person." (Paragraph 14) / In other words, feeling time stressed can bring a kind of sense of importance of oneself. This has its sociological motivations; maybe it is because people think only person of importance will have many things to deal with, and therefore will feel time starved. Or, generally only the people have nothing to do or achieve nothing will not be bothered by time famine. So people have a sense of "stress envy".2. What writing skills are used to enhance the persuasive force in this part?Answer: contrasts and quotations.Take quotation for example:In this part, our author seeks support from the use of quotations from a number of different people, not ordinary one but the well-known ones or experts. These quotations are provided together with the name of the person and background information on them. These details add human interest and support the argument by reference to the utterances of someone who would appear to be in a position to know. Another thing to be notice is, as the quotations record spoken rather than written English, the tone of language is often colloquial, which is rather different from a more purely academic essay.3. Language points in this part:confusion, volunteer, perception, appliance, distribution,III. Part Three 10minsQuestions for students:1. What are the reactions triggered by time famine?Answer: 1) “An attempt to gain the largest possible amount of satisfaction from the smallest possible investment of time.”(para 19)2) “People are also trying to buy time.”(para 21)3) “A third reaction to time famine has been the growth of the work-life debate.”(para 22) 2. What writing skills are used to enhance the persuasive force in this part?Answer: Cause and effect; quotationsTake cause and effect for example: In this text, the pressure of time felt by people is the cause, which arouses a variety of reactions among them. And quotation in this part (para 19&20) was used to prove that people value “quality time” and they become upset when time is wasted.3. Language points in this part:provoke, a variety of, domestic, spring up, futile, divertIV. Part Four 10minsQuestions for students:1. What is the crux of the problem? What about its remedy and the key solution?Answer: The author in the last part (in paragraph 24) pins down the crux of the problem as “the stress we feel arises not from a shortage of time, but from the surfeit of things we try to cram into it.” A successful remedy lies in understanding the problem rather than evading it---the global village is a world of limitless possibilities, and we should not expect to know everything in this world. The key solution is we human beings should have fewer desires. “W e need to set boundaries for ourselves, or be doomed to mounting despair.”2. Language points:a shortage of, switch off, be doomed toV. Homework: 5mins1. Review words and expressions of this Unit2. Prepare a class report on the topic of stress (about 130 words).3. Finish exercises after text A4. Previewing task:1) Read through the text and analyze the text structure;2) Have an after-class discussion on how much pressure we have to stand for in our daily lives.3) Have an optional writing entitled "The Ways We Cope with Time Pressure".Third periodI.Class report (two or three students is ok.)15minsSuggestion: Teacher asks students to rewrite their class report into an essay within 150 words. Suggested passage for teachers:Title: On StressIn our society, almost all people are under various kinds of stress. It is no wonder that stress has been shown to be one of the leading causes of health problems and under high stress conditions for an extended period of time stress can result in serious health problems and even premature death in an individual.While a certain amount of stress is good for a person and builds character, extended stress not only causes health problems but reduced work performance in an individual. Stress is a natural part of everyday life and there is no way to avoid it. In fact, it is not the bad thing as it is often supposedto be. A certain amount of stress is vital to provide motivations and give purpose to life. It is only when the stress gets out of control that it can lead to poor performance and ill health.If we are to survive in an ever-accelerating world, it is imperative that we learn to cope with the increasing pressure of change. If we do not, it is more than probable that we will find ourselves sucked into a downward spiral, desperately trying to manage in an increasing unmanageable world. II.Check of homework, including words and expressions, and our teacher should provide necessary explanation when going through the exercises after Text A 30minsText B Life in the Fast LaneFor Teachers’ leading words for this Text:As the pace of life in today's world grows ever faster, we seem forever on the go. With so much to do and so little time to do it in how can we struggle to save time? And does it make any sense? This text talks about untangling the problem and comes up with the answer.III.Check Ss' previewing work by asking them the following questions :( 10 minutes)---- How does the author state out his topic?---- How does the author challenge the traditional and widely accepted concept of timesaving? Suggested summing up words for Ts:In para1--11, the author states out his topic by listing a large number of facts.In para12-13, the author asks several questions and provides the answers to them, through the questions, the author's viewpoint gets quite persuasive.IV. Then, T asks Ss form groups to discuss the topic-- timesaving :( 25 minutes) In class, Ss can form groups of three or four to discuss and report how they save time in their daily lives. T lists those methods on the blackboard and reminds Ss to keep these methods in mind when they study the text, and see how many of them are mentioned in the text. (25 minutes) Suggested answers:1. Have their breakfast in classroom;2. Listen to the radio while doing their homework;3. Buy some fast or instant food instead of dining in the dining hall;4. Read books on their way to some places by bus. etc.From the methods we adopt in our daily lives, can we achieve such a conclusion: in order to save time, we always try to finish several tasks at the same time, which is also called multitask.Vlead Ss to focus on some topic sentences; therefore, they may grasp the main ideas of each para, which is helpful to the text division and idea grasping.Fourth periodI. Detailed Text Analysis :( 35 minutes)i. Part one: The topic is figured out by listing some phenomena of the fast pace of modern life.1. The author skillfully includes in the first paragraph his feeling on the modern life. Our teachers can first present the following questions to Ss:1) What does the author mean by saying "We are in a rush. We are making haste. A compression of time characterizes many of our lives"?He inclines to say that our lives today are in the fast lane, and everyone has to be quick.2) Why does the author list a large number of facts in para2-11?They are supportive details, which are used to illustrate author's point in para1.Then, T summarizes those details’ importance in the illustration of the topic.2. Important words and phrases of Part One:haste n. quickness of movement; hurry 急忙;匆忙e.g. Make haste!(= hurry!) 赶快。

21世纪大学英语读写教程第四册Unit6 Unit 6Text APre-reading ActivitiesFirst ListeningBefore listening to the tape, have a quick look at the following words.sock短袜EQ情商empathy同情Second ListeningListen to the tape again. They choose the best answer to each of the following questions.1. The listening passage says that Einstein was a genius in terms of _______.A) Emotional Intelligence or "EQ"B) Intellectual Intelligence or "IQ"C) both EQ and IQD) neither EQ nor IQ2. Which of the following is NOT an example of EmotionalIntelligence?A) Understanding your own feelings.B) Understanding the feelings of others.C) Being able to handle emotions effectively.D) Being smarter than others in your class.3. Which of the following statements best describes the relationship between EQ and IQ?A) People tend to have more of one than the other.B) People tend to have the same amount of each.C) They work together to make you successful.D) They depend on such factors as social class and how lucky you are.4. What is the main purpose of this passage?A) To introduce a new concept, EQ, and explain its significance.B) To explain why EQ is more important in life than IQ.C) To discuss different definitions of success.D) To criticize traditional notions of intelligence.The EQ FactorNancy GibbsIt turns out that a scientist can see the future by watching four-year-olds interact with a marshmallow. The researcher invites the children, one by one, into a plain room and begins the gentle torment. You can have this marshmallow right now, he says. But if you wait while Irun an errand, you can have two marshmallows when I get back. And then he leaves.Some children grab for the treat the minute he's out the door. Some last a few minutes before they give in. But others are determined to wait. They cover their eyes; they put their heads down; they sing to themselves; they try to play games or even fall asleep. When the researcher returns, he gives these children their hard-earned marshmallows. And then, science waits for them to grow up.By the time the children reach high school, something remarkable has happened. A survey of the children's parents and teachers found that those who as four-year-olds had enough self-control to hold out for the second marshmallow generally grew up to be better adjusted, more popular, adventurous, confident and dependable teenagers. The children who gave in to temptation early on were more likely to be lonely, easily frustrated and stubborn. They could not endure stress and shied away from challenges. And when some of the students in the two groups took the Scholastic Aptitude Test, the kids who had held out longer scored an average of 210 points higher.When we think of brilliance we see Einstein, deep-eyed, woolly haired, a thinking machine with skin and mismatched socks. High achievers, we imagine, were wired for greatness from birth. But then you have to wonder why, over time, natural talent seems to ignite in some people anddim in others. This is where the marshmallows come in. It seems that the ability to delay gratification is a master skill, a triumph of the reasoning brain over the impulsive one. It is a sign, in short, of emotional intelligence. And it doesn't show up on an IQ test.For most of this century, scientists have worshipped the hardware of the brain and the software of the mind; the messy powers of the heart were left to the poets. But cognitive theory could simply not explain the questions we wonder about most: why some people just seem to have a gift for living well; why the smartest kid in the class will probably not end up the richest; why we like some people virtually on sight and distrust others; why some people remain upbeat in the face of troubles that would sink a less resilient soul. What qualities of the mind or spirit, in short, determine who succeeds?The phrase "emotional intelligence" was coined by Yale psychologist Peter Salovey and the University of New Hampshire's John Mayer five years ago to describe qualities like understanding one's own feelings, empathy for the feelings of others and "the regulation of emotion in a way that enhances living." Their notion is about to bound into the national conversation, handily shortened to EQ, thanks to a new book, Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman. Goleman, a Harvard psychology Ph.D. and a New York Times science writer with a gift for making even the most difficult scientific theories digestible to lay readers,has brought together a decade's worth of behavioral research into how the mind processes feelings. His goal, he announces on the cover, is to redefine what it means to be smart. His thesis: when it comes to predicting people's success, brainpower as measured by IQ and standardized achievement tests may actually matter less than the qualities of mind once thought of as "character" before the word began to sound old-fashioned.At first glance, there would seem to be little that's new here to any close reader of fortune cookies. There may be no less original idea than the notion that our hearts hold dominion over our heads."I was so angry," we say,"I couldn't think straight." Neither is it surprising that "people skills" are useful, which amounts to saying, it's good to be nice."It's so true it's trivial," says Dr. Paul McHugh, director of psychiatry at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. But if it were that simple, the book would not be quite so interesting or its implications so controversial.This is no abstract investigation. Goleman is looking for antidotes to restore "civility to our streets and caring to our communal life." He sees practical applications everywhere for how companies should decide whom to hire, how couples can increase the odds that their marriages will last, how parents should raise their children and how schools should teach them. When street gangs substitute for families and schoolyard insults end in stabbings, when more than half of marriages end in divorce,when the majority of the children murdered in this country are killed by parents and stepparents, many of whom say they were trying to discipline the child for behavior like blocking the TV or crying too much, it suggests a demand for remedial emotional education.And it is here the arguments will break out. Goleman's highly popularized conclusions, says McHugh,"will chill any veteran scholar of psychotherapy and any neuroscientist who worries about how his research may come to be applied." While many researchers in this relatively new field are glad to see emotional issues finally taken seriously, they fear that a notion as handy as EQ invites misuse. Goleman admits the danger of suggesting that you can assign a numerical value to a person's character as well as his intellect; Goleman never even uses the phrase EQ in his book. But he did somewhat reluctantly approve an "unscientific" EQ test in USA Today with choices like "I am aware of even subtle feelings as I have them," and "I can sense the pulse of a group or relationship and state unspoken feelings.""You don't want to take an average of your emotional skill," argues Harvard psychology professor Jerome Kagan, a pioneer in child-development research."That's what's wrong with the concept of intelligence for mental skills too. Some people handle anger well but can't handle fear. Some people can't take joy. So each emotion has to be viewed differently." EQ is not the opposite of IQ. Some people are blessedwith a lot of both, some with little of either. What researchers have been trying to understand is how they complement each other; how one's ability to handle stress, for instance, affects the ability to concentrate and put intelligence to use. Among the ingredients for success, researchers now generally agree that IQ counts for about 20%; the rest depends on everything from class to luck to the neural pathways that have developed in the brain over millions of years of human evolution.(1 047 words)New WordsEQ(abbr.)emotional quotient 情商interactvi.(with) act or have an effect on each other 相互作用;相互影响marshmallown. soft sweet made from sugar and gelatine 果汁软糖tormentn. severe physical or mental suffering (肉体或精神上的)折磨,痛苦vt. cause severe suffering to 折磨;使痛苦errandn. small job that requires a short journey, usu. for sb. else (短程的)差事,差使hard-earneda. gained with great difficulty or effort 辛苦挣来的surveyn. investigation 调查adventurousa. eager for or fond of adventure 渴望冒险的,喜欢冒险的dependablea. that may be depended on 可信赖的,可靠的scholastica. of schools and education 学校的;的;学业的aptituden. natural ability or skill 天生的才能或技巧;天资brilliancen. the quality of being brilliant 光辉,辉煌;壮丽;(卓越的)才华,才智woollya.羊毛(制)的;产羊毛的;像羊毛的mismatchvt. match (people or things) wrongly or unsuitably 使错配,配合不当sockn. short stocking covering the ankle and lower part of the leg 短袜ignitev.(cause to) catch fire, burn (使)着火,燃烧;发光dimv.(cause to) become dim (使)变暗淡;(使)变模糊;(使)失去光泽impulsivea.(of people and their behavior) marked by sudden action that is undertaken without careful thought (指人或人的行为)凭冲动的;易冲动的messya. in a state of disorder; dirty: causing dirt or disorder 凌乱的;脏的;搞乱的;搞脏的upbeata. optimistic or cheerful 乐观的;快乐的resilienta. 1.有弹性的,有回弹力的;能复原的2.有复原力的;富有活力的;适应性强的empathyn. ability to imagine and share another person's feelings, experience, etc.同情;同感;共鸣handilyad.灵巧地,熟练地;轻易地;近便地digestiblea. that can be digested; relatively easy to understand 可消化的;可吸收的;较易理解的behaviorala. of behavior 行为的thesisn. 1. statement or theory put forward and supported by argument 论题,命题;论点2. long written essay submitted by a candidate for a university degree; dissertation 毕业论文;学位standardizevt. make(sth.)conform to a fixed standard, shape, quality, type, etc.使(某事物)标准化;使合乎标准(或规格)fortunen. 1. large amount of money; wealth 大笔的钱;财2. chance; luck 机会;运气3. person's destiny or future; fate 命运;前途cookien. biscuit 饼干fortune cookie(U.S.)thin biscuit, folded to hold a printed message (e.g.a proverb, prophecy or joke) served in Chinese restaurants (美)签语饼(中国餐馆的折叠形小饼,内有纸条,上写预测运气的格言或幽默套语)dominionn.(over) rule; powerful authority; effective control 统治;管辖;支配;控制straightad. clearly, logically 清晰地;有条理地controversiala. causing or likely to cause argument or disagreement 引起争论的;有争议的abstracta. existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or practical existence 抽象的antidoten.解毒药;(喻)矫正方法,对抗手段civilityn. fact or act of showing politeness; act of being civilized 礼貌,客气,谦恭communala. 1. of or referring to a commune or a community 公共的;社区的,集体的2. for the use of all; shared 公用的;共有的oddsn.(pl.) probability or chance 可能性;机会schoolyardn.校园;操场stabvt. pierce(sth.) or wound (sb.) with a pointed tool or weapon; push (a knife, etc.) into sb./sth.戳(某物);刺(某人);用(刀等)刺(或戳、捅)某人(或某物)stabbingn. instance of stabbing or being stabbed 用利器伤人stepparentn.继父,后父;继母,后母remedyn.药品;治疗(法);补救办法;纠正办法vt.医治;治疗;补救;纠正remediala.补救的;纠正的;补习的popularizevt. 1. make (sth.) generally liked 使(某事物)被大家喜欢,使受大家欢迎2. make (sth.) known or available to the general public, esp. by presenting it in an easily understandable form 使(某事物)众所周知;使普及chillvt. 1. make cold 使变冷;使冷却;使感到冷2. discourage 使沮丧;使扫兴n.寒冷;风寒;冷淡;沮丧;扫兴scholarn. person who studies an academic subject deeply 学者psychotherapyn. treatment of mental disorders by psychological methods 精神疗法;心理疗法neuroscientistn.神经系统家handya.(of an object, tool, machine, etc.) easy to use; useful for some purpose 便于使用的;有用的numericala. of, expressed in or representing numbers 数字的;用数字表示的;代表数字的approvevt. 1. have a positive opinion of 赞成;称许2. accept, permit or officially agree to 批准;允许;对…表示认可neurala. the nerves 神经的pathwayn. way or track made for or by people walking 小路,小径(= path)Phrases and Expressionsone by oneseparately; individually in order 一个一个地;依次地right nowimmediately; at this moment 立即;此刻run an errandcarry messages or perform similar minor tasks 跑腿,办事(如送信、买东西等)hold outrefuse to give in 坚持;坚定不移;不屈服early onsoon after the start of a past event 在初期;早先shy away fromavoid or move away from out of shyness, fear, etc.(由于羞怯或恐惧等)躲开,避开;回避over timeas time goes by 随着时间过去come inhave a part to play in sth.在某事中起作用show up1. become visible; become increasingly vivid or obvious 显现出来;变得更鲜明;变得更醒目2. appear; arrive; be present; turn up 出现;来到;出席;露面at/on sightas soon as sb./sth. is seen 一见就in the face of1. in spite of 不顾2. confronted by 面对;在…面前when it comes to1. when the subject is; on the subject of 谈到;涉及2. when dealing with 在处理…时amount to1. add up to; reach the total of 合计;共计2. be equal to; be the equivalent of 等于;相当于substitute forserve as a substitute for, replace 代替end inhave as a result or conclusion 以…为结果;以…告终break outstart suddenly 突然发生;爆发put...to useuse...for a particular purpose 使用count forbe worth 值;(在数量、比例方面)占Proper NamesNancy Gibbs南希·吉布斯Scholastic Aptitude T est(U.S.) a test prepared and supervised by the College Entrance Examination Board to test the general intelligence and academic aptitude of a prospective applicant to a college (美)学习能力倾向测验Peter Salovey彼得·萨洛韦John Mayer约翰·迈耶Daniel Goleman丹尼尔·戈尔曼Paul McHugh保罗·麦克休Johns Hopkins University约翰斯·霍普金斯大学USA Today《今日美国》(美国报纸名)Jerome Kagan杰罗姆·卡根。

Unit 6 Home Sweet HomeI. Teaching AimsBy learning this unit, the student should be able to describe home and house in English fluently. In this unit, students will be able to:1. Listen for the main idea and the key information of every passage;2. Grasp the language points and grammatical structures ;3. Learn to talk about home, houses and apartments;4. Arouse Ss interests for the topic of this unit and participate actively.II. Teaching important points1. Lesson A Speaking, Communication2. Topic understanding and content understanding of each passage3. Improving the students' listening and speaking abilityIII. Teaching difficult points1. Lesson B Video Course2.Speaking with logical thinking3. vocabulary about home, houses and apartments.IV. Teaching Methods1. Task-based teaching in while-listening procedure2. Listening and practicing3. Speaking and communication4. Media instruction5. Communicative Methods: answering, discussion, presentation, team work...V. Teaching hours10 class periodsVI. Teaching Procedures1.Lead-in / Warming upTry to describe your sweet home like the examples.f a■V * f. *7 3呻.gBuT +he living room is old . Tfr has no sofa or TV .The bedroom is old. It has no toys_2. Less on A : VocabularyLink 1. Direct Ss' attention to the pictures. Present the vocabulary. Have them read the senten ces and nu mber the pictures. Match each word with a place in the apartme nt. Check answers. 2. Have Ss work in pairs. If there is one student left, ask him or her to join a pair to make a group. Imag ine that you have your own apartme nt or house. Describe it to your partner. Have Ss create more conversations. Invite one or two pairs to give adem on strati on to theclass.For rentHan work ImagHKs that yuu yuur UWM apartment DI H OUSEDescnbe it to your partner.There are 4 people in Brother Bear*s family * Father Bear^ Mother Bear, Sister B E 口rand Brother Bear. They are happy.X 111^ ou the? becaud fluoi uf mi txpurivnQYii buiidiria. In my apartment there arcsevrn rooms There is a living raant, a bath^aom^ a klsckon, a dinins room, and thr«bodrooms. I in lite beliiuam.T livr on Th r 7Th floor of nr apm-r^^ntTn myapartment. there xc c ...3. Less on A : Liste ning(1) . Apartme nt hun ti ngFamiliarize Ss with the new words. Have them read the new words aloud after you. Explain the task. Play the recording. Check answers.Tell Ss to listen again and mark their answers. Play the recording. Check answers.Introduce the topic that The man talks about three apartments. Number the apartments 1 to 3 as you listen. Have Ss listen and fill in the blanks with words they hear. Play the record ing. Check an swers. Have Ss read through the questi ons and possible answers. Tell Ss to listen again and check the correct boxes. Play the recordi ng. Check an swers.(2) . A hous ing problemIntroduce the topic :Listen to Graciela talk to an adviser at her school. Then answer the questions. Then tell them to listen and number the steps in order. Play the recordi ng. Check an swers.Tell Ss to listen again and answer the questions. Play the recording. Check answers.Activity 2 A housin口problem NotesListen to Graciela talk to an adviser at her school.Proper namesThen answer the questions, x Mr. Jenner 弋Graciela1. How!s Graciela doing in her classes?Hhhj; d<2iin.呂well in h己t C I HEE亡m •2.Whaf s Griciela' s problem?Sh亡a hous迪茗典obi呼一3,7 s v/ith her housing?She likes th亡hems亡md the host family i £'宅ni亡亡to h^r 一But it is too from th亡school - It takts het45 minutes to come tc schoolbv bus everv da.v .4. What is she offered?There is a room in th亡dormitory on campus = but she has to share it with anotheT student .□——一口----------------------------------------- □(3). The Davis family wants a new home.Tell Ss they are going to listen to the program “ Places for rent.” . Direct Ss' atte nti on to the picture and ask them to read the questi ons. Tell Ss to liste n and an swer the questi ons. Play the record ing. Check an swers.Tell Ss to listen again and fill in the blanks with the words in the box. Play the recordi ng. Check an swers.(4) . Make yourself at home!Introduce the topic. Tell Ss they are going to listen to a passage. Tell Ss to listen carefully and write short an swers to the questi ons. Play the record in g.Check answers.Have Ss look at the pictures carefully. Tell them to listen to the recording and number the pictures to match them with the explanations. Play the recording. Check an swers.Tell Ss to listen again and fill in the blanks with the words they hear. Play the recordi ng. Check an swers.(5) . Object-shaped housesDirect Ss' attention to the title. What will they hear? Present the new words and have Ss read aloud after you. An swer any questi ons about vocabulary.With the class, go over the list of questions. Tell Ss to listen and number the questi ons in the order they are asked duri ng the in terview. Play the record ing. Check an swers.Have Ss read the statements. Explain that all these statements are false. Tell Ss to liste n aga in and correct the stateme nts. Play the record ing. Check an swers.Tell Ss to listen again and write answers to the questions. Play the recording. Check an swers."Activity 吕□ bi met •客I IM ped houses啊Fayen^ille 壮Georgia 佐治亚州〔美国少H名)弋Elvis L. Carden弋HcllamPennsylvania 宾夕袪尼亚州〔英国州窖)X-Mahlon N. Haines4. Less on A :Pronun ciatio n1. Remi ndstude nts risi ng inton atio n to showsurprise. Play the record ing. Have Ss work in pairs to practice the conv ersati ons.2. Have Ss liste n and read the sen ten ces. Play the record ing. Ask Ss to work in pairs to read the senten ces. Check their pronun ciati on..Rising intonation to show surprise❻Pair work. Listen to the conversations Pay attention to the rising [x] and falling [ intonations Then practice the conversations with a partnerA: How manv rooms are there in. vour apartment?B;Ten [、]A: Ten^^JB: Yeah.A: Wow: you have a hr呂亡apartment fA: Is there a garage?B:No.[ \ ]A:間[/ ]B: No, but there1 s a yard5. Less on A : Speak ing and com muni cati onActivity One1. Introduce the situation. How many rooms are there? Ask Ss to listen and fill in the bla nks with the words they hear. Play the recordi ng.Check an swers.2. Put Ss in groups of three. Prese nt the conv ersatio ns aga in. Ask Ss to liste n and read along in their groups. Play the recording again. Ask Ss to practice the conv ersati ons in groups. Remind Ss to keep eye con tact with their group members while speak ing.3. Ask Ss to work in groups of three. Ask Ss to read the model conversation. Answer any questions about vocabulary. If necessary,play the recording. Elicit or explain to Ss who the famous celebrities are.4. Have Ss work in groups of three. Each student should role-play a famous pers on. Have Ss work in their groups to create and practice a new con versati on where they in troduce each other. Whe n all groupsActivity Two1. Have Ss work in dividually to write three sen ten cesabout themselves, and another three senten ces about themselves.2. Collect and redistribute the papers.Pair work: Introduce the topic. Look at the pictures of this famous house. Use three adjectives to describe the house. Share your ideas with the class.Have Ss read the in formatio n. Ask Ss to discuss the eve nts in pairs.士2 Winchester 财¥5也『¥ H OUSE❻ F ail work. Listen again Then answer the questions with a partner< uTUl QL is this house strange? Choose one example from the talk.2^ Some people think the house is haunted. Do you know a haunted house?Tell your pa xtner about it.6. Less on B: Video Course Stude nt hous ingGlobal Viewpoi nts Where I live1. Say the list of vocabulary items aloud as Ss repeat for pronunciation practice. If n ecessary, expla in the meaning of the words. Have Ss complete the senten ces using the correct words from the New words. Check an swers.2. Explain to Ss that they are going to watch several people talking about student hous ing. Before view ing, have Ss read the stateme nts so they know what to watch and listen for. Ask Ss to watch and circle True if the statement is completely correct. If itis False, they must listen for information to correct for it. Play the video. Check an swers.3. Tell Ss they will watch the in terviews. Ask Ss to fill in the missi ng words as they watch the video. Play the video. Check an swers.7. Less on B: City Living Mike n eeds a cha ngeIn troduce the mai n and minor characters to Ss.1. Introduce the situation. In this video, we learn how Mike and Takeshi became roommates.2. Have Ss use the in formatio n from the pictures and captio ns to complete the senten ces. Check an swers.c. Takeshic. Ta.ra. and Takashic. Tara8. Lesson B: City Living Mike needs a change While You Watch ”1. Before view ing, have Ss read the senten cesso they know what to watch and liste n for. Ask Ss to watch and the n match the sentence parts to make true sen ten ces. Play the video. Check an swers.2. Give Ss time to study the pictures and sentences.Tell Ss: What ' s the story? Watch the video. Choose the correct words to complete the senten ces.Play the video and allow time for Ss to answer. Check answers.3. Give Ss time to study the pictures and questions. Ask Ss to pay attention to what people say in the video. Play the first episode of the video. Check an swers.4. Give Ss time to study the pictures and questions. Ask Ss to pay attention to what ❽ Look at the pictures Then answer the quesbons. Choose a r b, or cMike amvei inNe^- York Citv. ^likt iplact to Eve andTara ha& an idea. Tail gets some information frcmTakish.1. Who is new to New York City^」一a. Tarab. Mike2. Who lives in New York City? ----- ----a. Tara and Mikeb. Mike andTakesE 3. XMic needs i roommate? 込a. Takeshib. Mikepeople say in the video. Play the sec ond episode of the video and allow time for Ss to fill in the bla nks. Check an swers.Class work: Show the script of the second episode of the video on the screen. Explain that some of the words are missing. Play the 2 episode and ask Ss to act out the lines of the script as a class. Check an swers.5. Give Ss time to study the pictures and script. Play the third episode of the video and allow time for Ss to fill in the blanks. Check answers.6. Give Ss time to study the question. Play the whole video once again and allow time for Ss to an swer. Check an swers.While You WatchHere are some words emd phrases you will hear in the video Read them aloud9. Less on B: City Living Mike n eeds a cha nge After You Watch ”1. Read the useful expressi ons dialogues aloud, emphasiz ing the expressi ons in blue. En courage stude nts to think of how the phrases were used in the video before match ing the expressi ons to the defi niti ons. The teacher checks the an swers.2. Read the examples given from the video. Have Ss fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. Check an swers.3. Ask Ss to write a short summery of the City Living story.After You Watch© Pair work Would you prefer to live with a host family or in a dormrtory? Discuss your preferences with your partnerUsefuI ExpressionsExpressing preference1 prefer to live alone rhan sharing a room with som亡body-7 y rath&r live in a. d&rm.I yvori Y think<7fLi\r ing 芈ilh a hose family, 厂珂rather more a h ost family.It's bsTteriQ Live \virh o±er students aioundmy age.VII. Assig nments1. Review: Oral practice: to describe home and house (pair work)2. Lear n the key words and expressi ons by heart.3. Role-play some conv ersati ons.4. Write a short summary of the City Living story.5. Talk about home, houses and apartme nts.。

#### 教学目标1. 知识目标:- 掌握Unit 6中的生词和短语。
- 理解并分析文章的主题和结构。
- 学会分析作者的观点和论据。
2. 技能目标:- 提高阅读理解能力,包括主旨大意、细节理解、推理判断等。
- 培养学生的批判性思维能力,对文章的观点进行评估。
- 提升学生的写作能力,特别是议论文的写作。
3. 情感目标:- 增强学生对社会问题的关注,特别是性别平等问题。
- 培养学生的社会责任感和道德观念。
#### 教学重点与难点1. 教学重点:- 文章的主题和结构。
- 作者的观点和论据。
- 关键词和短语的掌握。
2. 教学难点:- 对复杂社会问题的理解。
- 对作者观点的批判性分析。
- 论证技巧的应用。
#### 教学方法- 讲授法- 讨论法- 案例分析法- 角色扮演法#### 教学步骤一、导入(10分钟)1. 热身活动:通过提问,让学生回顾上一单元所学内容,激活他们的学习兴趣。
2. 引入话题:通过多媒体展示一些与性别平等相关的新闻或案例,激发学生对本单元主题的兴趣。
二、阅读理解(25分钟)1. 快速阅读:让学生快速浏览文章,把握文章大意。
2. 精读分析:- 分析文章结构,包括引言、主体和结论。
- 分析作者的观点和论据。
- 识别并解释关键词和短语。
三、讨论与反思(20分钟)1. 小组讨论:将学生分成小组,讨论以下问题:- 文章中提到的性别平等问题有哪些?- 你认为这些问题的原因是什么?- 你认为应该如何解决这些问题?2. 全班分享:每个小组派代表分享讨论结果,引导全班进行更深入的讨论。
四、写作练习(20分钟)1. 写作指导:介绍议论文的写作技巧,包括引言、论点、论据和结论。
2. 学生写作:学生根据讨论内容,写一篇关于性别平等的短文。
五、总结与反馈(5分钟)1. 总结:回顾本节课的重点内容,强调性别平等的重要性。
2. 反馈:收集学生对本节课的反馈意见,以便改进教学方法。
#### 教学资源- 《新视野大学英语4读写教程》教材- 多媒体课件- 新闻案例#### 教学反思本节课旨在帮助学生提高阅读理解能力、批判性思维能力和写作能力,同时增强他们对社会问题的关注。
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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The passage focuses on a social phenomenon in business——bribery.
Answer the following questions:
1.Why do business students study professional ethics?
Purpose: Arouse the students’ interest of study. Bring in new subject:Bribery and Business Ethics
Method: Use the CAI, PPT software and talk in groups; Use task-based language teaching method,communicative approach,audio-visual methodand audio-lingual method.
3. Why do some members of the ICC probably feel the code of conduct should not be legally enforceable?
Some members of the ICC feel that it is not the business of the ICC to enforce the code of conduct. They believe that government should make and impose it, and the job of the ICC is only to state what is right and what is wrong in conducting business.
Part IV (Para. 9~11): the effort to ban bribery and the result.(To ban bribery, a code of conduct is favored by ICC, and even a council was proposed to manage it. But, its members are of different opinions. Anyway, bribery seems inevitable.)
Bribery has become a global disease that plagues every government. Now pleasework in group to discuss questions as follows:
1)What do you think is the core of business ethnics?
2) stay loyal to sb. and support them, esp. when they are in trouble支持;忠于
* Translation:感谢你帮助我对付毒瘾问题。
* Key:Thank you for standing by me while I tried to deal with my drug problem.
* Translation:如果我们想准时的话就最好加快速度。
* Key:We’d better speed up if we want to be on time.
* Translation:这项新协议将加快和平进程。
* Key:The new agreement will speed up the peace process.
* Key:After two months' silence, I was informed that the ministers stood by their decision.
* Translation:他说华盛顿方面信守其承诺,在经济上支持欧洲国家二战后的重建工作。
* Key:Washington, he said, stood by its commitment to financially support European countries in their reconstruction after World War
Intensive learning:
Words and phrases:
1.pay up:pay all the money that you owe, often unwillingly付清欠款;还钱
* Translation:最后他们终于还清了债务。
*Key:Eventually they paid up the debt..
Part II (Para. 5~8):three main categories of bribery.(payments made for political purposes or to secure major contracts; to obtain quicker official approval; and made to people who help with the passage of a business deal.)
(3) Interactive practice (60 min)
(4) Go-over (15 min)
(5)Sum-up and assign homework(5 min)
Warm up and lead in:
Talk and Share:
Picture Show & Discussion
Show the Ss some pictures and let them talk to each other about the topic on the screen.
People feel that bribery is increasing throughout the world. One day, business students will grow into managers of all ranks and in all fields. If they should offer or take bribes in their positions, corruption and unfair competition would result. In that case, normal economic order would be ruined, and people in business circles would have no commonly agreed principles to follow. To prevent this, business students are now required to study professional ethics as part of their course.
2. Why do the people in the motor industry have to give bribes or extra discounts?
People in the motor industry argue that the market is very competitive. If they don’t give bribes to make the customers happy, one of their rivals will. And, as a result, they are likely to lose their share of market, which is unacceptable to both the salespeople and the company.
(4) Structured Writing:todevelop acomposition with a general statement supported by details.
(1)Warm up and lead in (10 min)
(2)Intensive learning(185 min)
* Translation:你的理论与事实不符。
* Key:Your theory doesn’t square with the facts.
5.stand by1) remain faithful to a promise, etc.; keep to遵守;履行
* Translation:经过两个月的沉默,我被告知大臣们仍坚持他们的决定。
* Translation:你的包裹如遗失或受损,可能会根据所付的费用来支付赔偿。
*Key:If your parcel is lost or damaged, compensation may be paid up according to the fee paid.
2.speed up:make something happen or move more quickly
(1) Section A:Bribery and Business Ethics
(2) Section B: The Biggest Threat to the Role of Police Officers
(3) Reading Skills:ReadingBetween the Lines
2)Can you name a few famous companies whose collapse resulted from violating business ethnics?
3)As far as students are concerned, what do you think you should do to show your academic ethnics?