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父亲:奥古斯丁· 科波拉August Coppola 旧金山大学比较文学教授【已逝(于2009年10 月27日心脏病突发离世,终年75岁)】 母亲:Joy Vogelsang舞蹈家尼古拉斯· 凯奇 叔父:弗朗西斯· 福特· 科波拉Francis Ford Coppola(代表作《教父系列》《现代启示录 》) 堂妹:索菲亚· 科波拉Sofia Coppola(代表作《迷失东京》《绝代艳后立即搜索》) 祖父:Camine Coppola NBC首席吹笛手【已逝(于1990年病逝,终年80岁)】 妻子:爱丽丝· 金Alice Kim 儿子:威斯顿· 科波拉· 凯奇Weston Coppola Cage /卡尔· 科波拉· 凯奇Kal-Er Coppola Cage
尼古拉斯· 凯奇(Nicolas Cage),原名 尼古拉斯· 金· 科波拉(Nicholas Kim Coppola),1964年1月7日出生于美国加 州长滩。17岁进入电影行业,1992年因 在《我心狂野》中扮演男主角而获第43 届戛纳电影节金棕榈大奖。1996年又凭 借《离开拉斯维加斯》中扮演的酒鬼一 角夺得当年度奥斯卡最佳男主角奖。而 后转型于动作类影片,并且获得成功。 现任妻子爱丽斯· 金是韩裔,曾在洛杉矶 某酒店做过招待员,后于2004年5月在新 西兰附近岛屿闪电结婚。
尼古拉斯.凯奇(原名:尼古拉斯· 金· 科波拉,“ 凯奇”是他喜欢的一本漫画的主角的名字), 1964年1月7日出生在美国加州的一个艺术之家, 他的父亲是前旧金山大学文学院院长奥古斯特· 科波拉,他的叔叔是以《教父》和《现代启示录 》等片闻名于世的大导演弗朗西斯-科波拉。他 的堂妹是以《迷失东京》和《绝代艳后》等片而 终于一跃成为美国最原创、最有前途的年轻女导 演索菲娅· 科波拉(Sofia Coppola)。作为科波拉 家族的一员,他从小就在充满音乐与书籍的环境 中长大,并对演戏、摄影产生了浓厚的兴趣。他 17岁开始进入电影圈,为了不受叔叔名气的影响 ,为纪念他最爱的漫画角色——1个刀枪不入的 黑人佣兵:卢克· 凯奇,而改姓。
Nicolas Cage尼古拉斯凯奇

基本资料中文名:尼古拉斯·凯奇英文名:NicolasCage全名:NicholasKimCoppola性别:男生日:1964年1月7日祖籍:意大利出生地:美国加州长滩星座:摩羯座血型:A型身高:183cm体重:210磅(95.2KG)毕业院校:加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校影剧系职业:导演、演员、电影制片人想合作的导演:昆汀泰伦狄诺(黑色追缉令)想演的角色:教父中的吉米坎JimmyCaan、吸血鬼德拉库拉Dracula 想做的事:自己打造一部车子、开音乐公司、开漫画公司喜欢的收集:漫画书、古典火车喜欢的文学名著:俄国作家杜思妥也夫斯基之《卡拉玛助夫兄弟们》喜欢的文学角色:吸血鬼德拉库拉Dracula欢赏的艺术品:琉璃、意大利车(会移动的雕塑品)生命中最重要的女人:母亲、妻子、前女友(儿子Weston的妈妈)偶像:劳勃狄尼诺RobertDeNiro、马龙白兰度MarlonBrando、克林伊斯威特ClintEastwood人物简介尼古拉斯·凯奇尼古拉斯·凯奇,原名尼古拉斯-科波拉,出生于1964年1月7日,通过美国G.E.D测验念比佛利高中高二即辍学,之后在美国艺术剧院学演戏。


Robert Pattinson
1986年出生于英国伦敦的Robert,母 亲任职于模特经纪公司,父亲则从事 进口美国二手车的生意。Robert曾扮 演《哈利波特》中赫奇帕奇的优等生 塞德里克·迪戈里;2008年Robert凭 借演出《暮色》中的吸血鬼男孩爱德 华·库伦一炮而红,成为耀眼的明日 之星。
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《 逃离拉斯维加斯》(Leaving LasVegas,1995) 《我心狂野》(Wild at Heart,1990) 1988年以《月色撩人》(Moonstruck,1987) 《改编剧本》(Adaptation,2002)
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首届奥斯卡颁奖的项目跟现在不同,只有七项:①最佳影片②最佳男演员③ 最佳女演员④最佳导演⑤最佳编剧⑥最佳摄影⑦最佳美术设计。以及另外两项 特别奖:艺术品质奖及技术效果奖,但这两项只颁了一次,第二届就取消了。 首届的金像奖得主在一九二九年二月十八日产生,于五月十六日在好莱坞罗斯 福大饭店颁奖,出席人数约二百五十位。
• Oscat 奥斯卡 • night gown 晚礼服 • Tuxedo 晚礼服(男士)
10 动画本2 王娜
胡凯莉 张琳萍
The Oscar all-star red carpet shows
Movie star
“奥斯卡金像奖”的正式名称是“电影艺术与科学学院奖[1]”。 1927年设立,每年一次在美国洛杉矶举行。80多年来一 直享有盛誉。它不仅反映美国电影艺术的发展进程和成就,而且 对世界许多国家的电影艺术有着不可忽视的影响。 1927年5月,美国电影界知名人士在好莱坞发起组织一 个“非营利组织”,定名为电影艺术与科学学院(Academy of motion picture Arts and Sciences缩写为A.M.P.A.S.)它的宗旨 是促进电影艺术和技术的进步。学院决定对优秀电影工作者的显 著成就给予表彰立了“电影艺术与科学学院奖”(Academy Award)。 1931年后“学院奖”逐渐被其通俗叫法“奥斯卡金像奖 ”所代替,现在其正式名称已鲜为人知。

Nicholas Cage was born in an art house in California on January 7, 1964 .His uncle is a world-famous director who named Francis Coppola. As a member of Coppola family, he grew up in an atmosphere filled with music and books,and he showed great interest in acting and photography. He entered the filmdom when he was only 17 years old.To avoid the influence of his uncle’s fame,he changed his family name to follow his favorite composer John Cage.In 1980, Nicholas Cage first appeared in the film “Brubaker” He played an ordinary person.In 1984, Cage’s masterpiece "Leaving Las Vegas"《逃离拉斯维加斯》came into being.As the Protagonist, he had a wonderful show of his extraordinary acting ability, attracting people’s attention. Cage's performance in the film was spoken highly of ,and from then on he stepped into success.In 1990 his another successful flim-- "Wild at Heart"《我心狂野》, had a strange style of strong images and surreal atmosphere. In the end of the flim,Cage wore a snakeskin jacket ,standed over rolling traffic , sang Elvis Presley’s song "Love Me Tender" ,which has become a classic scene in film history. The film won the 43rd Cannes Film Festival Award in 1992.This became a turning point in Cage's life.In 1996,the action movie "The Rock"《勇闯夺命岛》made him become the global international box office giant star.He proved his playing road was quite broad, and he was really the Oscar movie King who deserved the price.In 1997,his two wonderful films "Con Air"《空中监狱》and "Face Off"《变脸》dominated the summer box office. Nicholas Cage became an overnight star in Hollywood box office .In 1998, the love movie " City of Angels"《天使之城》helped Cage leave a loving angel image into the hearts of people.At the point, Cage's acting career reached the peak.In 2000, the film "Gone in Sixty Seconds"《极速60秒》, in which Cage played the main role of an almighty car- thief ,made 200 million dollars at the box office.Besides Cage’ favorite action movies, he playde in some warm affection films such as " The Family Man"《居家男人》in 2000 and the "Matchstick Men"《火柴人》in 2003, in which he both played a loving father,and the two films were well accepted.On top of that, the famous film " Lord of War"《战争之王》gave a warning to the weapon controling issues in the world. On March 20, 2009, his another horro r action film “Knowing”《先知》was released. The film has not only the general scene of "2012", but also unconventional ups and downs and movingstory drama.It has more qualification than the too entertaining "2012 " to be called a disaster film.Especially, the scene of saying goodbye to his beloved son, has a full show of Cage’s excellent acting skill.In December of 2009, the United Nations Humanitarian Award was presented to Nicolas Cage, in recognition of his appointment as United Nations’ Goodwill Ambassador. He has made outstanding achievements in working against drugs and crime. Cage said, his identity would become a spotlight to illuminate everywhere the justice was needed in the world.。

“在某一种风格里保持安全是很容易的事,那就像呆在一个盒子里, 所有人都习惯了你是在那儿,做着人们认为是正确的事情,可这有 什么意义呢?”
THANK YOU!!来自I like Nicolas Cage because of his charming eyes and superb acting skills. He set strict demands on himself, he does his best to act every movies, he tried to film all types of movies to challenge himself frequently. Although 我喜欢尼古拉斯凯奇是因为他迷人的眼睛和 精湛的演技。他严格要求自己,在自己的表演方 his uncle was a famous director, he 面要求做到最好,他尝试拍各种类型的电影不断 did not rely on his uncle.Depending on 挑战自我。虽然他叔叔是一位有名的导演,但是 his own capability and efforts, he has 他没有依赖他的叔叔,而是凭借自己的实力和努 力,取得了很多荣誉。 achieved many honors.
I am not a demon. I am a lizard, a shark, a heat-seeking panther. I want to be Bob Denver on acid playing the accordion
“我不是魔鬼 我是蜥蜴 是鲨鱼 是热追 踪猎豹 我要像鲍勃· 丹佛嗑了药拉手 风琴一样演戏”
To be a good actor you have to be something like a criminal, to be willing to break the rules to strive for something new.

【译名】《战争之王》尼古拉斯.凯奇经典大片【片名】Lord of War【年代】2005【国家】美国/法国【类别】犯罪/剧情【语言】英语【字幕】中英双字【IMDB评分】(53,648 votes)【文件格式】X264 + AC3【电影整理】3E迅雷电影下载站(com)【片长】2:01:43【导演】安德鲁·尼克尔 Andrew Niccol【主演】尼古拉斯·凯奇 Nicolas Cage .... Yuri Orlov布丽姬·穆娜瀚 Bridget Moynahan .... Ava Fontaine Orlov贾德·莱托 Jared Leto .... Vitaly OrlovShake Tukhmanyan .... Irina Orlov (as ShakeToukhmanian)Jean-Pierre Nshanian .... Anatoly OrlovJared Burke .... Ukrainian MobsterEric Uys .... Ukrainian MobsterDavid Shumbris .... Ukrainian MobsterStewart Morgan .... Ukrainian MobsterJasper Lenz .... GregorStephen Gregor .... Eli KurtzmanKobus Marx .... BorisStephan De Abreu .... LievJeremy Crutchley .... Arms Fair Salesman伊恩·霍姆 Ian Holm .... Simeon WeiszTanya Finch .... IngridLize Jooste .... NatashaYaseen Abdullah .... Lebanese Customer唐纳德·萨瑟兰 Donald Sutherland .... Colonel Oliver Southern (voice)David Harman .... Colonel Oliver Southern【简介】:凯奇扮演的军火商企求一步登天的路上遭到背叛及追杀,令他不得不开始面对自己的道德良知,突然良心发现决心退休,但告别这个充满酒色财气的声色世界并不如想象中那么容易,而他的客人与敌人也不容许他扬长而去……金钱、权力、女人甚至竞争者的诱惑使得他不得不向命运低头。
导演: 大卫·戈登·格林
编剧: 加里·霍金斯/ Larry Brown
主演: 尼古拉斯·凯奇/ 泰伊·谢里丹/ 罗尼·吉恩·贝尔维斯/ 希瑟·卡夫卡/ Sue Rock / Adriene Mishler
类型: 剧情
制片国家/地区: 美国
语言: 英语
上映日期: 2013-08-30(威尼斯电影节) / 2014-04-11(美国)
片长: 117分钟
又名: 乔/ 乔与男孩/ Joe
评分: 豆瓣7.0 / IMDB 7.6

Awards, 53, 10th annual
golden globe awards
best actor hua ding
global best actor award
• 奥斯卡奖影帝 • 第68届奥斯卡金像奖最佳男主角
• 第53届金球奖最佳男演员
• 第10届华鼎奖全球最佳男演员
In 1996 with the leave Las Vegas played a corner drunkard into an Oscar for best actor.
尼古拉斯.凯奇(原名:尼古拉斯· 金· 科波拉, “凯奇”是他喜欢的一本漫画的主角的名字), 1964年1月7日出生在美国加州的一个艺术之家, 他的父亲是前旧金山大学文学院院长奥古斯 特· 科波拉,他的叔叔是以《教父》和《现代启 示录》等片闻名于世的大导演弗朗西斯-科波拉。
His cousin is”Lost in translation“And”Marie Antoinette.And the finally become America's most original, the most promising young female directorSophia coppola(Sofia Coppola).As a member of the coppola family, he grew up in grew up in the environment of full of music and books, and onactingDeveloped and photographyInterest.
尼古拉斯· 凯奇
Personal profile Personal achievement The main work

英文电影赏析教案【篇一:英文电影赏析教案】第一课时《歌舞青春》电影赏析授课时间:授课地点:英语语音室授课教师:赵丽娜老师课程内容:歌舞青春 high school musical 课程目的:通过电影,让同学们学习英语的过程更加轻松,有趣;增进同学们对英语国家文化的了解;课外拓展同学们的词汇量与语法知识。
课程任务:背景知识介绍,电影欣赏,俚语. 词汇讲解。
教学进程:一、课程介绍让学生对英语电影赏析这一课程有一个大致的了解(见“课程目的”与“课程任务”)二、赏析电影 1、介绍主演,引入新词dominant roles(主演) zac troybolton----basketball genius vanessa gabriellamontez----freaky genius girl 怪怪的天才女孩 ashley sharpayevans----一向都是学校音乐剧主角 lucas grabeel(卢卡斯格拉比) ryanevans----一向都是学校音乐剧主角corbin bleu chad----troy’sbest friend, member wildcats(野猫队队员)monique(莫尼克) scholasticclub(学术社社长) rulin(鲁林) kelsinielsen----composer playmaker 2、plot outline(故事梗概) 多张图片展示,介绍故事内容,同时设下悬念引入新词:new year’s eve(除夕夜), count down(倒数计时), call back(第二次试镜) 3、movie time 让学生带着小问题欣赏电影片段,同时要求他们记下生词。
part [00:00~07:40]questions: what gabbydoing before she went teenparty? singer?keys: she sheisn’t. she once sang churchchoir.教堂的唱诗班 part [07:40~13:30]questions: why teacherwant detention?留堂why does gabby go easthigh schoo l? keys: because cellphone class.because her mother’s job transferred.***先用英文念题目,再用中文解释问题的意思。

著名明星英语简介作文Tom Cruise is a well-known Hollywood actor. He has starred in many blockbuster films and is known for his action-packed roles. He is also famous for his good looks and charming personality.Angelina Jolie is a popular actress and humanitarian. She has appeared in numerous successful movies and is admired for her beauty and talent. In addition to her acting career, she is also known for her philanthropic work around the world.Leonardo DiCaprio is a highly acclaimed actor who has received numerous awards for his performances. He is known for his versatility and has starred in a wide range of films, from romantic dramas to intense thrillers. He is also an environmental activist and is passionate about raising awareness for climate change.Jennifer Aniston is a beloved actress who gained famefor her role in the hit TV show "Friends." She has since starred in many successful films and is known for her comedic timing and relatable characters. She continues to be a popular and influential figure in Hollywood.Brad Pitt is a well-respected actor and producer who has been in the industry for decades. He has starred in a wide variety of films and is known for his talent and charisma. In addition to his acting career, he is also involved in various humanitarian efforts and is dedicated to making a positive impact in the world.These are just a few examples of the many talented and influential celebrities in the entertainment industry. Their work continues to inspire and entertain audiences around the world.。

尼古拉斯凯奇生涯15部精彩电影作品回顾尼古拉斯·凯奇(Nicolas Cage)近年来被冠上「烂片之神」的封号,只要他主演的电影一定以「难看」、「无聊」作收,但也不得不承认从2006年开始的《恶灵线索》、《恶灵战警》、《关键下一秒》、《无声火》、《末日预言》、《魔女神兵》、《怒火狂飙》、《非法入侵》、《私法正义》(开始每部片越来越像了…)、《盗数计时》、《恶灵战警:复仇时刻》(居然还有续集!)…都惨不忍睹,不是片型雷同就是故事诡异,评价票房都惨不忍睹,但凯奇却一部接一部,好像上了瘾一样…但我们是否都忘了凯奇哥曾经是那么棒的演员?他主演过暑假卖座强片、各种类型的动作片、有深度的类型片以及拿下奥斯卡影帝的作品,就让我们来回顾凯吉哥历年来15部精彩的电影作品:【忧郁时期】凯奇的眼神有一中说不出来的「忧郁」,这种眼神(或是表演)会给观众一种非常有故事性的延伸,仿佛角色不用说太多、导演不用刻画太多,依旧可以了解角色的来历…。
15. 《八厘米》(8mm)1999年的《八厘米》不是什么顶尖作品,但其实整部片的气氛营造依旧相当不错,除了故事让人非常不舒服之外,导演舒马克也确实呈现了底层社会的情色世界是那么的不堪;卡司还包括了瓦昆菲尼克斯(Joaquin Phoenix)以及已故演员詹姆斯甘多费尼(James Gandolfini)。
14. 《穿梭鬼门关》(Bringing Out the Dead)由马丁史考西斯执导的《穿梭鬼门关》是一部颇具实验性的电影,凯奇饰演一名救护车的驾驶,穿梭在都市之间看着生死无常的社会,和《八厘米》同年上映,那阵子凯吉诠释这类具有故事、压抑以及忧郁个性的角色算是非常受到欢迎。
13. 《我心狂野》(Wild at Heart)由大卫林区(David Lynch)执导、荣获1990年坎城影展最佳影片殊荣的《我心狂野》(Wild at Heart)是怎样一部优秀的电影不用再去赘述,片中一贯林区迷幻的风格也非常适合凯奇疯癫的形象。
参与影片:《同房两家亲Time Share 》(2008) ...《同房两家亲Time Share 》(2008) ...producer《国家宝藏2:秘密之书National Treasure: Book of Secrets 》(2007) ...Ben Gates 《惊魂下一秒/预见未来Next 》(2007) ...producer《惊魂下一秒/预见未来Next 》(2007) ...Cris Johnson《鬼面骑士/恶灵战警/恶灵骑士/幽灵骑士Ghost Rider 》(2007) ...Johnny Blaze/Ghost Rider《刑房Grindhouse 》(2007) ...Fu Manchu (segment "Werewolf Women of the SS") 《Bangkok Dangerous 》(2007) ...《Bangkok Dangerous 》(2007) ...producer《"The Dresden Files" 》(2007) ...executive producer (13 episodes, 2007)《异教徒The Wicker Man 》(2006) ...Edward Malus《异教徒The Wicker Man 》(2006) ...producer《世贸中心World Trade Center 》(2006) ...John McLoughlin《别惹蚂蚁/蚂蚁欺负者The Ant Bully 》(2006) ...Zoc (voice)《The Curse of Superman 》(2006) ...Himself (archive footage) (uncredited)《Too Tough to Die: A Tribute to Johnny Ramone 》(2006) ...Himself《The Dresden Files 》(2006) ...executive producer《Premio Donostia a Matt Dillon 》(2006) ...Smokey (archive footage) (uncredited) 《VH1 News Presents: Hollywood Secrets Revealed - Scenes They Don't Want You to See 》(2006) ...Himself (archive footage)《San Sebastián 2006: Crónica de Carlos Boyero 》(2006) ...John McLoughlin (archive footage)《天气预报员The Weather Man 》(2005) ...David Spritz《战争之王Lord of War 》(2005) ...producer《战争之王Lord of War 》(2005) ...Yuri Orlov《Tsunami Aid: A Concert of Hope 》(2005) ...Himself《国家财宝/惊天夺宝National Treasure 》(2004) ...Ben Gates《第76届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼The 76th Annual Academy Awards 》(2004) ...Himself - Presenter: 'Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World' Film Clip《Tricks of the Trade: Making 'Matchstick Men' 》(2004) ...Himself - 'Roy'《John Travolta: The Inside Story 》(2004) ...Himself《101 Biggest Celebrity Oops 》(2004) ...#28 Francis Ford Coppola casts Sofia in Godfather 3 (archive footage)《命运之土Land of Destiny 》(2004) ...《火柴男人Matchstick Men 》(2003) ...Roy Waller《大卫·戈尔的一生/命悬一线The Life of David Gale 》(2003) ...producer《第75届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼The 75th Annual Academy Awards 》(2003) ...Himself - Nominee: Best Actor in a Leading Role/Past winner《End of the Century 》(2003) ...thanks《"Intimate Portrait" Vanessa Marcil 》(2003) ...Himself《The Code Talkers: A Secret Code of Honor 》(2003) ...Himself《"E! True Hollywood Story" Lisa Marie Presley 》(2003) ...Himself (archive footage) 《"Biography" John Travolta 》(2003) ...Himself《桑尼/宝贝Sonny 》(2002) ...Acid Y ellow《桑尼/宝贝Sonny 》(2002) ...producer《桑尼/宝贝Sonny 》(2002) ...《改编剧本/兰花窃贼Adaptation. 》(2002) ...Charlie Kaufman/Donald Kaufman《追风战士Windtalkers 》(2002) ...Sergeant Joe Enders《2002 MTV Movie Awards 》(2002) ...Himself《Hollywood Salutes Nicolas Cage: An American Cinematheque Tribute 》(2002) ...Himself《柯莱利上尉的曼陀林Captain Corelli's Mandolin 》(2001) ...Captain Corelli《第73届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼The 73rd Annual Academy Awards 》(2001) ...Himself - Presenter: Best Actress in a Supporting Role (uncredited)《Christmas Carol: The Movie 》(2001) ...Jacob Marley (voice)《Italian Soldiers 》(2001) ...Himself《2001 ABC World Stunt Awards 》(2001) ...Himself - Host《吸血惊情/我和僵尸有份合约Shadow of the Vampire 》(2000) ...producer《居家男人/住家男人The Family Man 》(2000) ...Jack Campbell《急速60秒/惊天动地60秒Gone in Sixty Seconds 》(2000) ...Randall 'Memphis' Raines 《Welcome to Hollywood 》(2000) ...Himself《2000年MTV电影颁奖典礼2000 MTV Movie Awards 》(2000) ...Himself《2000 Blockbuster Entertainment Awards 》(2000) ...Himself《Twentieth Century Fox: The Blockbuster Years 》(2000) ...H.I. McDunnough (archive footage)《替代情人/穿梭鬼门关/穿梭阴阳界/午夜速杀Bringing Out the Dead 》(1999) ...Frank Pierce《八厘米8MM 》(1999) ...Tom Welles《第71届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼The 71st Annual Academy Awards 》(1999) ...Himself - Presenter: Irving G. Thalberg Award to Norman Jewison《Intimate Portrait: Laura Dern 》(1999) ...Himself《蛇眼Snake Eyes 》(1998) ...Rick Santoro《天使之城City of Angels 》(1998) ...Seth《Junket Whore 》(1998) ...Himself《变脸/夺面双雄Face/Off 》(1997) ...Castor Troy/Sean Archer《空中监狱/惊天动地/罪犯的空中之旅/空中囚犯Con Air 》(1997) ...Cameron Poe《第69届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼69th Annual Academy Awards, The 》(1997) ...Himself - Presenter: Best Actress《American Film Institute Salute to Clint Eastwood, The 》(1996) ...Himself《勇闯夺命岛/绝地任务/石破天惊Rock, The 》(1996) ...Dr. Stanley Goodspeed《死亡之吻/致命布局Kiss of Death 》(1995) ...Little Junior Brown《远离赌城/两颗绝望的心/离开拉斯维加斯Leaving Las Vegas 》(1995) ...Ben Sanderson《倾城佳话/爱在纽约/你也可能碰上的事It Could Happen to You 》(1994) ...Charlie Lang 《第一夫人的保镖/斗气保镖/保护泰丝Guarding Tess 》(1994) ...Doug Chesnic《天堂有难Trapped in Paradise 》(1994) ...Bill Firpo《世纪电影Century of Cinema, A 》(1994) ...Himself《超级赌徒/连环计中计Deadfall 》(1993) ...Eddie《黑白追缉令Amos & Andrew 》(1993) ...Amos Odell《西部红石镇/乌龙杀手/红岩西区Red Rock West 》(1992) ...Michael Williams《拉斯维加斯的蜜月旅行/今夜你寂寞吗?/拉斯韦加斯蜜月Honeymoon in Vegas 》(1992) ...Jack Singer《情挑野玫瑰/禁忌情缘Zandalee 》(1991) ...Johnny《火鸟出击Fire Birds 》(1990) ...Jake Preston《我心狂野Wild at Heart 》(1990) ...Sailor《Tempo di uccidere 》(1990) ...Enrico Silvestri《Industrial Symphony No. 1: The Dream of the Broken Hearted 》(1990) ...Heartbreaking Man《吸血鬼之吻/衰鬼爱人/吸血热吻Vampire's Kiss 》(1989) ...Peter Loew《Never on Tuesday 》(1988) ...Man in Red Sports Car (uncredited)《月色撩人/发晕Moonstruck 》(1987) ...Ronny Cammareri《抚养亚历桑那/宝贝梦惊魂Raising Arizona 》(1987) ...H.I. McDonnough《Boy in Blue, The 》(1986) ...Ned Hanlan《佩姬苏要出嫁/时光倒流未嫁时/帕姬·苏结婚了Peggy Sue Got Married 》(1986) ...Charlie Bodell《爱的召集令/情场新丁Racing with the Moon 》(1984) ...Nicky/Bud《棉花俱乐部Cotton Club, The 》(1984) ...Vincent Dwyer《鸟人Birdy 》(1984) ...Sergeant Al Columbato《斗鱼/雷鸣小子Rumble Fish 》(1983) ...Smokey《山谷女孩Valley Girl 》(1983) ...Randy《开放的美国学府/雷吉蒙特高中的夏令时/油脂妹Fast Times at Ridgemont High 》(1982) ...Brad's Bud000000曼谷杀手》《Bangkok Dangerous(2008)《预见未来》/《关键下一秒》(2007)《恶灵骑士》(2007)国家宝藏2 (2007)天气预报员The Weather Man (2005)战争之王Lord of War (2005)Tsunami Aid: A Concert of Hope (2005)国家宝藏/惊天夺宝National Treasure (2004)Tricks of the Trade: Making 'Matchstick Men' (2004)命运之土Land of Destiny (2004)第76届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼The 76th Annual Academy Awards (2004) John Travolta: The Inside Story (2004)101 Biggest Celebrity Oops (2004)火柴男人Matchstick Men (2003)大卫·戈尔的一生/命悬一线The Life of David Gale (2003)Intimate Portrait: Vanessa Marcil (2003)Lisa Marie Presley: The E! True Hollywood Story (2003)A&E Biography: John Travolta (2003)The Code T alkers: A Secret Code of Honor (2003)End of the Century (2003)第75届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼The 75th Annual Academy Awards (2003)桑尼/宝贝Sonny (2002)改编剧本/兰花窃贼Adaptation. (2002)追风战士Windtalkers (2002)Hollywood Salutes Nicolas Cage: An American Cinematheque Tribute (2002) 2002 MTV Movie Awards (2002)柯莱利上尉的曼陀林Captain Corelli's Mandolin (2001)Italian Soldiers (2001)2001 ABC World Stunt Awards (2001)Christmas Carol: The Movie (2001)第73届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼The 73rd Annual Academy Awards (2001)吸血惊情/我和僵尸有份合约Shadow of the Vampire (2000)居家男人/住家男人The Family Man (2000)急速60秒/惊天动地60秒Gone in Sixty Seconds (2000)Welcome to Hollywood (2000)2000 Blockbuster Entertainment Awards (2000)2000年MTV电影颁奖典礼2000 MTV Movie Awards (2000)替代情人/穿梭鬼门关/穿梭阴阳界/午夜速杀Bringing Out the Dead (1999) 八厘米8MM (1999)第71届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼The 71st Annual Academy Awards (1999) Intimate Portrait: Laura Dern (1999)蛇眼Snake Eyes (1998)天使之城City of Angels (1998)Junket Whore (1998)变脸/夺面双雄Face/Off (1997)空中监狱/惊天动地/罪犯的空中之旅/空中囚犯Con Air (1997)第69届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼69th Annual Academy Awards, The (1997)勇闯夺命岛/绝地任务/石破天惊Rock, The (1996)American Film Institute Salute to Clint Eastwood, The (1996)死亡之吻/致命布局Kiss of Death (1995)远离赌城/两颗绝望的心/离开拉斯维加斯Leav ing Las Vegas (1995)世纪电影Century of Cinema, A (1994)第一夫人的保镖/斗气保镖/保护泰丝Guarding Tess (1994)倾城佳话/爱在纽约/你也可能碰上的事It Could Happen to You (1994)天堂有难Trapped in Paradise (1994)黑白追缉令Amos & Andrew (1993)超级赌徒/连环计中计Deadfall (1993)拉斯维加斯的蜜月旅行/今夜你寂寞吗?/拉斯韦加斯蜜月Honeymoon in Vegas (1992)西部红石镇/乌龙杀手/红岩西区Red Rock West (1992)情挑野玫瑰/禁忌情缘Zandalee (1991)火鸟出击Fire Birds (1990)Industrial Symphony No. 1: The Dream of the Broken Hearted (1990)Tempo di uccidere (1990)我心狂野Wild at Heart (1990)吸血鬼之吻/衰鬼爱人/吸血热吻Vampire's Kiss (1989)Never on Tuesday (1988)月色撩人/发晕Moonstruck (1987)抚养亚历桑那/宝贝梦惊魂Raising Arizona (1987)Boy in Blue, The (1986)佩姬苏要出嫁/时光倒流未嫁时/帕姬·苏结婚了Peggy Sue Got Married (1986)鸟人Birdy (1984)棉花俱乐部Cotton Club, The (1984)爱的召集令/情场新丁Racing with the Moon (1984)斗鱼/雷鸣小子Rumble Fish (1983)山谷女孩Valley Girl (1983)开放的美国学府/雷吉蒙特高中的夏令时/油脂妹Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982)0 0000The Dresden Files (2006)Time Share (2006)Untitled Oliver Stone/September 11 Project (2006)The Wicker Man (2006)天气预报员The Weather Man (2005)战争之王Lord of War (2005)Tsunami Aid: A Concert of Hope (2005)国家财宝/惊天夺宝National Treasure (2004)Tricks of the Trade: Making 'Matchstick Men' (2004)命运之土Land of Destiny (2004)John Travolta: The Inside Story (2004)101 Biggest Celebrity Oops (2004)火柴男人Matchstick Men (2003)大卫·戈尔的一生/命悬一线The Life of David Gale (2003)ntimate Portrait: Vanessa Marcil (2003)Lisa Marie Presley: The E! True Hollywood Story (2003)A&E Biography: John Travolta (2003)The Code Talkers: A Secret Code of Honor (2003)End of the Century (2003)Academy Awards (2003)桑尼/宝贝Sonny (2002)改编剧本/兰花窃贼Adaptation. (2002)追风战士Windtalkers (2002)Hollywood Salutes Nicolas Cage: An American Cinematheque Tribute (2002) 2002 MTV Movie Awards (2002)柯莱利上尉的曼陀林Captain Corelli's Mandolin (2001)Italian Soldiers (2001)2001 ABC World Stunt Awards (2001)Christmas Carol: The Movie (2001)Academy Awards (2001)吸血惊情/我和僵尸有份合约Shadow of the Vampire (2000)居家男人/住家男人The Family Man (2000)急速60秒/惊天动地60秒Gone in Sixty Seconds (2000)Welcome to Hollywood (2000)2000 Blockbuster Entertainment Awards (2000)(2000)替代情人/穿梭鬼门关/穿梭阴阳界/午夜速杀Bringing Out the Dead (1999)八厘米8MM (1999)Academy Awards (1999)Intimate Portrait: Laura Dern (1999)蛇眼Snake Eyes (1998)天使之城City of Angels (1998)Junket Whore (1998)变脸/夺面双雄Face/Off (1997)空中监狱/惊天动地/罪犯的空中之旅/空中囚犯Con Air (1997)Awards, The (1997)勇闯夺命岛/绝地任务/石破天惊Rock, The (1996)American Film Institute Salute to Clint Eastwood, The (1996)死亡之吻/致命布局Kiss of Death (1995)远离赌城/两颗绝望的心/离开拉斯维加斯Leaving Las Vegas (1995)世纪电影Century of Cinema, A (1994)第一夫人的保镖/斗气保镖/保护泰丝Guarding Tess (1994)倾城佳话/爱在纽约/你也可能碰上的事It Could Happen to You (1994)天堂有难Trapped in Paradise (1994)黑白追缉令Amos & Andrew (1993)超级赌徒/连环计中计Deadfall (1993)拉斯维加斯的蜜月旅行/今夜你寂寞吗?/拉斯韦加斯蜜月Honeymoon in Vegas (1992)西部红石镇/乌龙杀手/红岩西区Red Rock West (1992)情挑野玫瑰/禁忌情缘Zandalee (1991)火鸟出击Fire Birds (1990)Industrial Symphony No. 1: The Dream of the Broken Hearted (1990)Tempo di uccidere (1990)我心狂野Wild at Heart (1990)吸血鬼之吻/衰鬼爱人/吸血热吻Vampire's Kiss (1989)Never on Tuesday (1988)月色撩人/发晕Moonstruck (1987)抚养亚历桑那/宝贝梦惊魂Raising Arizona (1987)Boy in Blue, The (1986)佩姬苏要出嫁/时光倒流未嫁时/帕姬·苏结婚了Peggy Sue Got Married (1986)鸟人Birdy (1984)棉花俱乐部Cotton Club, The (1984)爱的召集令/情场新丁Racing with the Moon (1984)斗鱼/雷鸣小子Rumble Fish (1983)山谷女孩Valley Girl (1983)开放的美国学府/雷吉蒙特高中的夏令时/油脂妹Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982)0 00002004 - National Treasure 国家宝藏- 2003 - Matchstick Men 火柴人- 2002 - Adaptation .... Charlie and Donald Kaufman- 2002 - Windtalkers 风语者- 2001 - Captain Corelli's Mandolin - 战地情人又名:科雷利上尉的曼陀林- 2001 - Christmas Carol: The Movie (配音)- 2001 - Windtalkers 追风战士- 2000 - Family Man - 居家男人- 2000 - Gone in Sixty Seconds - 致命60秒- 1999 - Bringing Out The Dead - 急诊室的春天- 1999 - 8 mm - 8毫米- 1998 - Snake Eyes - 蛇眼- 1998 - City of Angels - 天使之城- 1997 - Face Off - 夺面双雄- 1997 - Con Air - 空中监狱- 1996 - The Rock - 石破天惊- 1995 - Kiss of Death - 死亡之吻(致命布局)- 1995 - Leaving Las Vegas - 远离赌城六十八届奥斯卡最佳男主角奖- 1995 - Trapped In Paradise - 天堂有难- 1994 - Century of Cinema, A- 1994 - Guarding Tess- 1994 - It Could Happen To You - 倾城佳话- 1993 - The Presidio - 第一夫人的保镖- 1993 - Deadfall- 1993 - Amos & Andrew- 1992 - Honeymoon in Vegas - 拉斯维加斯蜜月之旅- 1992 - Red Rock West - 西部红石镇- 1991 - Zandalee- 1990 - Fire Birds- 1990 - Tempo di uccidere- 1990 - Wild At Heart - 我心狂野- 1988 - Never on Tuesday- 1988 - Vampire's Kiss - 吸血鬼之吻- 1987 - 上升的亚历桑那洲- 1987 - Moonstruck - 月色撩人- 1986 - 佩姬苏要出嫁- 1984 - Birely- 鸟人- 1983 - 斗鱼- 1982 -开放的美国学府Fast Times at Ridgemont High 000000 0。
尼古拉斯凯奇英文介绍(Nicholas Cage)

Nicholas CageBorn on: January 7, 1964Born in: Long Beach, CaliforniaNationality: AmericanCareer: Actor, Producer, DirectorNicolas Cage is a very well-known and extremely acclaimed American actor, who has an Academy Award to his credit. He also owns a production company -Saturn Films, and has been involved in production for quite sometime. Apart from that, he can also be seen working as a director, making him a multi-talented personality. Till date, Nicholas Cage has been most known for his method acting and is also considered a prototype for the same. He made his debut in the year 1981 and since then, has constantly been moving on the path of success.ChildhoodNicolas Cage was born as ‘Nicolas Kim Coppola’ on 7th January 1964, in Long Beach, California. His father, August Coppola, is a professor of literature, while Cage's mother, Joy Vogelsang, is a dancer and choreographer. Nicholas’ parents got divorced in 1976, when he was only 12 years old. Through his father, Cage is the nephew of director Francis Ford Coppola and actress Talia Shire. His mother is of German descent, while his father is an Italian AmericanCage is also the cousin of director Sofia Coppola and actors, Robert Carmine and Jason Schwartzman. He has two brothers, Christopher Coppola - a director, and Marc "The Cope" Coppola - a New York radio personality. He was raised as a Roman Catholic and continues to be one till date. He went to Beverly Hills High School, but dropped out before graduation. Thereafter, he started pursuing the career of an actor.CareerNicholas Cage made his debut in the year 1981, with the movie ‘The Best of Times’. He changed his name to ‘Nicholas Cage’, from ‘Nicolas Kim Coppola’, early in his career. The reason was that he wanted to avoid being charged wit h the tag of ‘being favored’ as the nephew of Francis Ford Coppola. His ‘feature film debut’ came with ‘Fast Times at Ridgemont High’, in which he had a one-minute role opposite Sean Penn. Since then, Cage has done numerous movies till date, some huge successes, while some major flops.The irony with Cage has been that some of his critically acclaimed films have failed to generate major revenues, while the ones that were rejected by critics have been amongst his highest grosser flicks. For example, in 2005, he starred in two offbeat, non-mainstream films - ‘Lord of War’ and ‘The Weather Man’. Though both of them received good reviews from the critics, they failed to garner significant audience. On the other hand, ‘Ghost Rider’ (2007), was reduced to shreds by critics, but was a major hit worldwide.Nicholas has received success, in the form of high collections at the box-office, mainly from his forays into the action-adventure genre. Be it ‘National Treasure’, his second highest grossing film to date, or ‘The Rock’, in which he plays a young FBI chemical weapons expert, adventure has always suited him. His other successful films, belonging to the same genre, have been‘Face/Off’, ‘World Trade Center’, ‘Grindhouse’, etc. His most recent films (2007) were ‘G host Rider’, ‘Grindhouse’, ‘Next’ and ‘National Treasure: Book of Secrets’.Till date, Nicholas Cage has received two Academy Award nominations, one for his role as a suicidal alcoholic in ‘Leaving Las Vegas’ and other for playing real-life screenwriter Charlie Kaufman in ‘Adaptation’. Amongst his most successful films are ‘It Could Happen to You’,‘Leaving Las Vegas’, ‘The Rock’, ‘Con Air’, ‘Face/Off’, ‘City of Angels’, ‘Gone in Sixty Seconds’, ‘National Treasure 9’, ‘Ghost Rider’, ‘National Treasure: Book of Secrets’, etc.Direction and ProductionNicholas Cage made his directorial debut with ‘Sonny’, a low-budget drama that starred James Franco as a male prostitute. The film did not receive good reviews and had a short run in a limited number of theat res. His production debut was with the movie ‘Shadow of the Vampire’, which got nominated for an Academy Award. He was also the producer of ‘The Life of David Gale’, a death penalty-themed thriller that had Kevin Spacey and Kate Winslet. Cage is presently serving as the executive producer of ‘The Dresden Files’, on the Sci-Fi Channel.Personal LifeNicholas Cage dated actress Elizabeth Daily in his early 20s and the affair lasted only two years. Thereafter, he started dating Uma Thurman. The year 1988 saw him going around with Christina Fulton, with whom he now shares the joint custody of their son, Weston Coppola Cage. Cage has been married three times. His first marriage was with Patricia Arquette, with whom he tied the knot in April 1995. The union came to an end six years later, in May 2001. Later he met Lisa Marie Presley, the daughter of Elvis Presley, and married her in August 2002.The couple separated hardly four months after marriage i.e. in December 2002, and got divorced in 2004. Nicholas Cage met Alice Kim, a waitress at the Los Angeles restaurant Kabuki, while visiting a Korean Nightclub, Le Privé. The couple fell in love and soon had a son, Kal-El (born October 3, 2005). They got married in an island, situated off the coast of New Zealand. A lice also had a minor role in ‘Next’, a movie produced by Cage in 2007. Presently, the couple is living together.。

变脸 尼古拉斯凯奇

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"Face" -- Johnwoo's ultimate say ", because" face "is by far the most successful of Johnwoo in Hollywood, but also play a decisive role in most of the works.The film either art or have reached the unprecedented and unrepeatable, box office success.Fifteen years later, review this classic still sigh.The mention of Johnwoo, we can't talk about his "aesthetics of violence".So far, though I could not find the "aesthetics of violence" is clearly explained, violence and beauty, seemingly two have no relevance thing, let Johnwoo put them to play to the extreme.In his movies, violence accounted for a significant amount of the play, but is precisely this one or adventure, or tenderness, or touching scene, let us get full visual enjoyment!A killing Cage have be of no great importance, whether can change their face is weak.We in the film, see more of the complexity of human nature, and beautiful.Cage seems a behave in a vicious and unrestrained way of the devil, but usually be cynical him watching his only relatives from high-altitude crashed, my eyes are wet.After all he is human, perhaps most of the time, he is involuntarily working.The truth is always in the gun be inopportune or inappropriate in the surge, as "Infernal" Chen Yongren saw the yellow police officers had died, they are not painful?Maybe the next second, this emotion will drown in that seems to be decreed by fate of involuntarily.Cage in the face, as "wife" prepared a candlelight dinner, it is a lovely thing ah, we imagine, Cage knows what is home?He longed for, but fate can give him this opportunity, also will not allow him to have this opportunity, poor man, finally in a quiet night, and his beloved wife, together enter sweet dreams... For young Adam, this should be the sunshine rainbow childhood is merciless violence obliterated.A at the same time, step forward bravely, hugged Adam, rushed out, at that moment, they are beyond the human diaphragm, a father over FBI bullets... In fact, the movie is a character, twinkling light of humanity, and go through thick and thin together moral.And this is precisely the current society has not.Perhaps it is for this film, so many people remember Cage melancholy eyes, remember Adam's lovely smile, remember that the most beautiful things in the world!

Hummel has been protesting the government's refusal to pay benefits to families of war veterans who died during covert military operations.
General Hummel has stolen some VX gas warheads and has announced that he will launch them onto San Francisco unless his demands are met.指环王Kar来自 Urban(高级特工)
Headquarters of CIA
1. Hummel has been protesting the government's refusal to pay benefits to families of war veterans who died during covert military operations. 2. Hummel has stolen some VX gas warheads and has announced that he will launch them onto San Francisco unless his demands are met 3. Goodspeed had moments of panic while he knew his object. 4. Mason was craving freedom.
Frank Moses
Joe Matheson
Marvin Boggs
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Nicholas Cage was born in an art house in California on January 7, 1964 .His uncle is a world-famous director who named Francis Coppola. As a member of Coppola family, he grew up in an atmosphere filled with music and books,and he showed great interest in acting and photography. He entered the filmdom when he was only 17 years old.To avoid the influence of his uncle’s fame,he changed his family name to follow his favorite composer John Cage.
In 1980, Nicholas Cage first appeared in the film “Brubaker” He played an ordinary person.
In 1984, Cage’s masterpiece "Leaving Las Vegas"《逃离拉斯维加斯》came into being.As the Protagonist, he had a wonderful show of his extraordinary acting ability, attracting people’s attention. Cage's performance in the film was spoken highly of ,and from then on he stepped into success.
In 1990 his another successful flim-- "Wild at Heart"《我心狂野》, had a strange style of strong images and surreal atmosphere. In the end of the flim,Cage wore a snakeskin jacket ,standed over rolling traffic , sang Elvis Presley’s song "Love Me Tender" ,which has become a classic scene in film history. The film won the 43rd Cannes Film Festival Award in 1992.This became a turning point in Cage's life.
In 1996,the action movie "The Rock"《勇闯夺命岛》made him become the global international box office giant star.He proved his playing road was quite broad, and he was really the Oscar movie King who deserved the price.
In 1997,his two wonderful films "Con Air"《空中监狱》and "Face Off"《变脸》dominated the summer box office. Nicholas Cage became an overnight star in Hollywood box office .
In 1998, the love movie " City of Angels"《天使之城》helped Cage leave a loving angel image into the hearts of people.At the point, Cage's acting career reached the peak.
In 2000, the film "Gone in Sixty Seconds"《极速60秒》, in which Cage played the main role of an almighty car- thief ,made 200 million dollars at the box office.
Besides Cage’ favorite action movies, he playde in some warm affection films such as " The Family Man"《居家男人》in 2000 and the "Matchstick Men"《火柴人》in 2003, in which he both played a loving father,and the two films were well accepted.
On top of that, the famous film " Lord of War"《战争之王》gave a warning to the weapon controling issues in the world. On March 20, 2009, his another horro r action film “Knowing”《先知》was released. The film has not only the general scene of "2012", but also unconventional ups and downs and moving
story drama.It has more qualification than the too entertaining "2012 " to be called a disaster film.Especially, the scene of saying goodbye to his beloved son, has a full show of Cage’s excellent acting skill.
In December of 2009, the United Nations Humanitarian Award was presented to Nicolas Cage, in recognition of his appointment as United Nations’ Goodwill Ambassador. He has made outstanding achievements in working against drugs and crime. Cage said, his identity would become a spotlight to illuminate everywhere the justice was needed in the world.。