A: This picture illustrates a child and an old man enjoy their lives. But a young man has to bear with many burden, such as hard work, little exercise and intaking too much energy. I think it means that the young men have to do too much work for home. What do you think of the reasons for it?B: I think the most important cause of it is aging(老龄化). In another words, a young man need to maintain too many old men. You know, in nowadays, a young man’s parents and grandparents are all lived commonly. That means he has six old man to feed. A: I think more combative situation for children is another reason. Many parents have to send their children to education institutes which will take them much money. Do you have any solutions for it?B: In social part, the most important solution is increasing the economy. Only the development of economy can rise the level of lives. Providing security for old men is another effective measure. It can decrease young men’s pressure.A: That is government’s work. What can ourselves do?B: The only thing we can do is working hard. There is no shortcut to good life. I have an uncle was poor before. He also has many old men to feed. But he worked very hard and his income increased every year. Now he has a comfortable life.A: Yes, ourselves’ effort is key to solve the problem.1、一个男人在深夜还在工作,他看上去非常累2、是呀,他几乎要睡着了,但似乎手头上的工作还没有做完3、这种现象不仅发生在工作党,在我们学生党中更是常见,你说呢?4、是呀,自从来到了同济,我经常熬夜加班,忙学习忙科研,睡眠时间根本不够。
医学博士面试英语口语Medical Doctor Interview: English Language Proficiency.Interviewer: Good morning, Dr. [Candidate's Name]. Thank you for taking the time to join us for this interview.Candidate: Good morning, it's a pleasure to be here.Interviewer: Could you please introduce yourselfbriefly?Candidate: Of course. My name is [Candidate's Name],and I am a medical doctor specializing in [Specialty]. I completed my medical degree at [Medical School] and have since then gained experience in various clinical settings.Interviewer: That sounds impressive. Could you tell us about your experience with international patients?Candidate: Absolutely. During my residency at [HospitalName], I had the opportunity to work with patients from diverse cultures and backgrounds. This experience taught me the importance of clear communication and culturalsensitivity in providing effective medical care.Interviewer: How do you ensure effective communication with patients who may not speak English as their primary language?Candidate: I believe in the power of patient education.I strive to use simple language and provide visual aids, such as charts and diagrams, to ensure that patients understand their condition and treatment plan. Additionally, I collaborate with interpreters and translators to bridge any language barriers.Interviewer: In your opinion, what are the challengesof providing medical care in a multicultural environment?Candidate: One of the main challenges is ensuring that medical information is accurately translated and communicated. Cultural differences can also affect patientcompliance with treatment plans. It's crucial to be aware of these differences and adapt treatment approaches accordingly.Interviewer: How do you stay up to date with the latest medical research and developments?Candidate: I am a firm believer in continuous learning.I regularly attend conferences and seminars, read medical journals, and participate in online forums to stay abreast of the latest medical research and best practices.Interviewer: In the event of a medical emergency, how do you prioritize your actions?Candidate: In a medical emergency, my first priority is always to ensure the safety and well-being of the patient.I quickly assess the situation, implement life-saving measures, and coordinate with other medical professionals to provide the best possible care.Interviewer: How do you handle stress and pressure in ahigh-intensity medical environment?Candidate: I have learned to manage stress effectively through a combination of time management, prioritization, and self-care. I believe in maintaining a healthy work-life balance, which helps me stay focused and energetic during challenging situations.Interviewer: Lastly, why do you want to work for our organization?Candidate: I am attracted to your organization's commitment to patient-centered care and its focus on innovation and research. I believe that my skills and experiences align with your organization's values, and I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to your mission of providing excellent medical care.Interviewer: Thank you, Dr. [Candidate's Name]. We appreciate your time and insights. We will get back to you soon.Candidate: Thank you for the opportunity. It was a pleasure meeting you.This interview exchange highlights the candidate's medical expertise, communication skills, and adaptability in a multicultural environment. The candidate demonstrates a strong commitment to patient care, continuous learning, and stress management, which are crucial for success in the medical field.。
听力理解(Listening Comprehension)1、测试要求:(a)能听懂日常交际场合中的各种英语会话和交谈。
2、测试形式:(a)本部分采用多项选择题形式,分两节:Section A与Section B,共20题。
(b) Section A (Listening Conversations) 由10个对话组成,共10题,题后有10秒间隙。
(c) Section B (Listening Passages) 由3篇短文组成,每篇长度约250单词,共10题,题后有10秒间隙。
同济大学"##%年考博英语真题326"同济大学.554年博士研究生入学考试英语试题$%(7!89:7’*9*;<-=&(’>’*:9-**略+$%(7"?’%@9*;<-=&(’>’*:9-*$%::%;’!N 4/91>/6D4>32C @/?/6397867@23@7?/61F816301927?>7;!/913430861441E<;2>/78876192?;61?721E :7@24G M /?/67441193470/<3?1@C 79A 17<?12C 39AE 1819E 39A2/7?76A 11F2192/92C 161?723/94C 38/:2C 1@/?/62//2C 16@/?/644119430=?2791/=4?;G X 2349/2:3F1E3932461?723/92/2C 1E 361@24230=?=4>C 3@C @61721432G K 92C 1/2C 16C 79E !2C 186/8162314/:4=6:7@142C 72A 35163412/@/?/6E /9/241102/@C 79A 1A 6172?;=9E 167>3E 1576312;/:3??=039723/9@/?/64!=4=7??;*<=29/27?>7;4+?//D39A0=@C !2C 14701397623:3@37??3A C 27439E 7;?3A C 2G Y /2C/:2C 1411::1@2441102/2C 1E =139?76A 187622/2C 101@C 79340/:@/?/67E 782723/9019B 23/91E176?316GH C 192C 11;134:3F1E/97@/?/61E7617!2C 16134793001E 3721617E b =420192/:2C 14194323532;/:2C 11;12/@/?/63979E76/=9E2C 17617531>1E G I C 34617E b =420192E /149/23001E 3721?;7::1@22C 1@/?/64119<=2=4=7??;E /147::1@22C 191F276172/>C 3@C 2C 1A 7S1344C 3:21E G I C 1?/9A 162C 12301/:531>39A !2C 1C 3A C 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!3精析4推断题"原文是节选!在首段的最后有两个词01923/91E176?316表明了前文曾经提及到的内容!即(01@C 79340/:@/?/67E 782723/9"$%::%;’.参考译文很多美国人和欧洲人都认为!人类是在$-世纪开始世界探险的"在他们看来!古时候的水手们没法深入地探求这个世界!他们甚至没有远洋航海所需要的必备技能"但是!持这种观点的人忘记了两个重要的历史事实"第一个事实(早期科学家的一些观点是正确的!但是后来的科学家们并不认可"大约公元前"’#年!一位希腊的科学家曾经认为!地球绕着太阳转"这一点我们现在已坚信无疑"但在其后的$-##年时间里!其他的科学家们却否认这一点!反倒认为应该是太阳绕着地球转"直到$%世纪!人们才又重新揭示了真相"第二个被多数人遗忘的事实(古老并不意味着原始"古埃及人对星星了解甚多!他们利用这方面的知识在海洋上识别确认方向"两千年以前!一位住在埃及的希腊科学家计算了地球的周长"他的计算结果接近我们目前知道的长度"也就是说!古时候的人们具有相当的科学知识!以及当今人类有的技能"$)##年以前!或者再早些!爱尔兰的渔民们就用木头和皮革制造船只!现在爱尔兰的一些渔民们仍然用同样的设计造船"使用的工具和材料与他们祖先的几乎没有什么两样"这是因为!船只在设计上是合理的"有经验的水手可以在不同的天气状况下驾驶这样的船只"显然!$-世纪前的人们已经具备了远洋航海的技术&知识和设备"那些探险家们可等不及到$-世纪再扬帆起程"举例处设问举例处设问同义转换推理判断细节处设问同义转换综合推断综合推断同义转换33I"答案详解,G Q !3精析4细节分析题"文中对安德森的描述除了相貌特征外就是他去酒馆!让新来的手下自己干活"喝酒回来就会检查手下的活!并用自己带有讽刺的幽默指出他的问题"文中的细节提示是在第一段第四句f>32C7?7@/93@C =0/6!C 1E 6/51791>4=<B 1E 32/6C 76E>32C C 34476@740G 选项N 的后半句是对的!但事实是手下工作的时候他并不在场监督"$#G Y !3精析4事实理解题"当安德森离开后!M /?/91?总是很小心!C 1>74@761:=?2/4112C 191>61@6=32>74A 35199/42/6;>C 3@C @/=?E8/443<?;42612@C C 348/>16G 选项中的@7=23/=4是原文@761:=?的同义替换词!A 3517@C 79@12/E 34239A =34CC 3041?:是原文中A 35199/42/6;>C 3@C@/=?E8/443<?;42612@C C 348/>16的同义替换"但这并不表明M /?/91?在阻止我的提拔!选项N 错误"$$G M !3精析4事实理解题"文中对于安德森的描述!他的幽默很刻薄!有时候我都想回学校了"但他从酒馆回来C 344C 7:24/:@6323@340>/=?EC 7517@O =361E7279A/::6319E ?39144G 也就是说!他对我的批评还多少有些留情"在选择的时候!要注意抓住文中作者对安德森工作风格中的C =0/6一词的焦点"$"G M !3精析4推理题"作者在短文后面提到安德森自己曾经的经历!他出版翻译集!但没有得到认可!作为报纸的编辑他就格外严格要求他的手下"选项M 中的他没有实现早期的梦想!是我们对作者表述的分析推理"$)G N !3精析4事实理解题"文中最后作者自己说出了原因C 1:/6147>7230103A C 2@/01>C 199/51?>632B39A>/=?E:73?01G 安德森是为他好!担心他的未来"重点词汇及短语4C 7:21’1,:22).!*非正式用语+嘲笑(嘲讽的评论)讽刺:?7A 67921&:?1%46)922%.!非常的!不能容忍的!恶名昭著的!公然的079O =n 1&0.+D1%2%.!*用在名词后面+愿望落空的!不成功的W 16?7391151)&?192!魏伦5保罗(*$*&&B $*,-+法国象征主义诗人!其作品以优雅的抒情体而出名?7@/93@1?)&D .9%D 2%.!*用词+简洁的!简明的.>39<=691!斯温伯恩!阿杰诺5查尔斯(*$*)’B $,#,+英国诗人及批评家!常写乐体诗或色情诗来抨击维多利亚时代的道德规范I C 1Z 3914!皮内斯岛(古巴西南部的加勒比海的一个岛屿"由哥伦布在$&,&年发现!后来成为监禁地和海盗聚集地"古马和美国都曾对其要求领土权!后来通过$,"%年的协约才确定为古巴的领土$%::%;’3参考译文今天!在学校里学习语言多少让人有些困惑"即便很多其他的传统课程都不再能满足学生们的需求!语言还是最传统的学校教育课程"你和那些听这个讲座的人说英语!比任何其他的有文化的人处境都要糟糕"思考语言的起源的那些人通常会得出这样的结论(语言是由咕哝声&嘶嘶声&哭声等逐步发展起来!约定俗成!而在最初这是件极其简单的事"但当我们观察我们认为是原始文化的语言行为时!认为它是相当精细复杂的事"探险家.61:7944/9说#爱斯基摩人为了彼此交流相处!需要知道一万多词汇!比一般说英语的商人需要的常用词汇要多得多"$另外!爱斯基摩语言的曲折变化比其他大家熟知的欧洲语言要多"比如一个简单的名词就可以用几百种不同的形式说或写!而这些不同的形式都有各自精确的含义"动词的形式就更多了"所以!爱斯基摩语言是世界上最难学的语言之一!几乎没有什么商人或探险家尝试着去学习"这样一来!在爱斯基摩人和白人交流中就产生了一种类似于中国的洋泾浜英语的混杂语言"这其中大概有)##到-##个没有曲折变化的词汇!它们中大多数是来自爱斯基摩语!也有的是源自英语&丹麦语&西班牙语&夏威夷语及其他"很多游者把这种混杂语言称作#爱斯基摩语言$"哥本哈根的I C 7?<32S16教授也觉得学爱斯基摩语太困难!他赞同探险家的观点!认为(这种语言是多词合成的"语法的曲折变化形式相当丰富!普通动词的变形有大概)%#种后缀!这和人称代词及动词结尾相等"名词的词形变化有大概$%#种后缀*用来表示双数格&复数&基本格&所有格等+"指示代词有独立的词形变化"在构词和句子结构以及复合词中起作用的词的派生结尾加起来至少有"%#个"尽管有如此复杂的结构特征!其语言的语法系统&综合体系都很简洁而且极具独特的逻辑性"引语处设问转折处设题细节处设题345"的爱斯基摩语的容量肯定比他们本身的语言要少的多"b 76A /9是来自两种语言的人交流时用的混和语言"选项Q 的39142307<?1指#无法估计的!无法估量的$!但文中还是有精确的)##到-##的数字事实"$%G Q !3精析4事实题"短文第二段有这么一句>C 19>1/<416512C 1?79A =7A 1<1C 753/6/:>C 72>161A 76E74863032351@=?2=614!>1:39E f 说明对语言问题的研究是从原始文化的出发点来的"$-G Y !3精析4事实概括题"文章是对原始语言特征的描述!第二段开头用了两个形容词1?7</6721和@/0B8?3@721E "这是选项Y 中@/08?1F 的指代"接下去教授所说的$####词汇足以说明语言词汇的丰富!0=@C ?76A 162C 792C 17@23515/@7<=?76;f "文章的最后强调的是语法和合成体系的逻辑性"概括起来就是?76A 1!@/08?1F 79E?/A 3@7?"重点词汇及短语8/9E 161&8.9E )*6+2L.!沉思!考虑b 76A /91&E $1,A )92).!行话(一个行业&职业或类似的团体中使用的专业的或技术的语83E A 391&8%E $%92).!*在贸易或交往中形成的不同语种的+混杂语言!事务19E /6411%9&E 0,42L.!在*票据+背面签名!签注*文件+!认可!签署9/2>32C 4279E 39A 1#9.2>%/&42e9E %+!B >%5B 2%’.!尽管!还是8/?;4;92C 123@1#8.?%4%9&/12%D 2%.!多式综合的)多词合成的(属于或关于像爱斯基摩语或莫霍克语这类语言的!特征是带大量前后缀的&形态上复杂的长词语!在其他语言中!表示复合的关系和通常作为短语或句子表示综合意思"@/9b =A 723/91#D .9E $*&41%’(92).!某一特定动词的变形E 1@?1943/91E %&D?19’(92).!词尾变化!格变化E 1635723511E %&6%5)2%52%G !派生的!衍生的$%::%;’4参考译文儿童在什么年龄开始分辨对自己及他人的有害行为!这点已经成为目前对儿童道德发展研究的焦点"至此!儿童心理学家仍然支持先驱发展学家皮亚杰的假设"假设认为!七岁以下的儿童由于发展尚未成熟!所以不会考虑他人实施意外或故意伤害时的企图!但却会根据行为所引起的负面后果的大小来划分实施者应受惩罚的程度"根据这一推论!七岁以下是儿童道德发展的第一阶段!特征是道德绝对论*即权威的命令都要遵守+和司法惩治*一旦规则被打破!立即予以惩罚+"在他们成熟之前!儿童的道德判断完全基于结果!而不是犯罪的原因"但最近_1741;研究发现!六岁的儿童不仅能够区分意外和故意伤害!而且能够判断故意伤害是不道德的!当然他们会忽略所产生的伤害"这些研究都表明!儿童在幼年就进入道德发展的第二个阶段!即道德自治!这个年龄比皮亚杰所认为的要更早些"在第二阶段!他们已经能接受社会的规范!但比第一阶段的儿童更认为行为有随意性"_1741;向研究七岁以下儿童的发展心理学家提出两个关键的问题(他们是否理解要为受害行为做辩护)他们是否能够分辨可预防的受害行为和无法预见的受害结果"研究表明!为受害行为的辩护可能包括公共责任!自我防卫!以及挑衅"比如!‘14E 7?1和d =?1认为儿童能够考虑一位攻击者的行为是否能通过公共责任来辩护"五岁的孩子对于#Y /9931破坏了N 99搭的房子$有不同的反应!这要取决于Y /9931破坏它是因为房子会绊倒别人!还是因为Y /9931想让N 99生气"也就是说!一个五岁的孩子开始理解这样的有害行为是可以辩解的!即使有时候是故意的行为"仅仅通过道德绝对论的约束不再能引导他们的判断"心理学家明确这一点!在幼儿园阶段!儿童们学着仔细区别不同的伤害"Q 76?1;发现如果这其中包含无意伤害!那么在六岁才进幼儿园的孩子们无法区分伤害是可预见的!可预防的还是不可预见的!从而作恶者可以免责"但是七个月后!Q 76?1;又发现!同样的这些孩子们已经能够很好的区分了!这表明他们开始有了道德自治"。
同济大学博士生期末考试30篇阅读理解:第一篇They say America is parched by a climate of hatred and they do not know what they are talking about,but they are right anyway.The real hatred in America is the hatred between the desk-diner,who distinctly ordered the cheeseburger with ketchup,not mustard,and the mumbling delivery boy who doesn't give a damn. Or between the man who needs change for a phone call and the merchant who not only refuses but refuses with a deliberation that suggests he has waited years for precisely this opportunity.Ponder the relationship between the man waiting outside a pay phone booth and the man snuggled up inside.The dialogue is silent but savage.If you like gratitude in unexpected spurts,try opening the door of the phone booth when it is yours,smiling at the person waiting and saying"I'll just be another minute."or"This call may take a while.Sorry to make you wait."The impact is as galvanic as if the Vietcong were to wake a sleeping GI patrol and say,"Fellow,we've just got our radio working.Would you like to come over and listen to the superbowl?"Americans used to ask themselves,"How nice can I be without seeming ridiculous?"Now we ask,"How rude can I be and still get away with it?"People don't accept apologies anymore.They simply enjoy the sweet string of hostility. If you want to spread some happiness,try hailing the next off-duty cab driver, whether you want him or not.That Cossack brush-off he waves you does not betoken apology or regret.It is pure thrill.People crave triumph,and if they cannot get it through personal victory,they'll get it through personal viciousness. Most people have never known any triumph higher than looking out the window of an express train as it zips past a local.Now,this actually happened.A furious woman with a nasal whine shrill enough to break glassware banged on the door of the apartment above hers and began one of those yelping threat-laden routines about shower curtains and seeping water and falling plaster and lawsuits and witnesses and full damage and everything.The sleeping man who answered waited until the crescendo peaked,then smiled and said,"How much?"The woman twitched.Her faceretained color--iridescent in fact--and her hands kept flailing,but her audios was completely cut off.The man went to his coat, pull out his checkbook,returned to the door,and repeated,"How much?"The woman went back to her own apartment in defeat.She'd been robbed of her fun. Hereshe had her whole case unassailably built,and the fight was over before shecould land one punch.1.According to Paragraph1,hatred can leave a nation________.Adried out and unproductiveBdisorganizedCwarlikeDsilent but savage沉默,但野蛮2.By enjoying"the sweet sting of hostility,"the author suggests that________.Amost cab drivers approve of CossacksBsometimes personal viciousness can result in personal triumph有时是个人的恶质化可能会导致个人的胜利Cmore and more people are finding it more rewarding to be nasty than to be niceDhostility is a conscious reaction to gratitude3.People don't accept apologies anymore because________.Aacceptance would be a sign of weaknessBthey are ashamed to do soCmost people would rather fight than switchDto reject an apology may give some people a sense of personal triumph以拒绝道歉,可能令一些人有意识的个人胜利4.The tone of the complaining woman(Paragraph8was_______.Aviolent and threateningBbasically forgiving基本上宽容Cself-righteousDone of confusion5.The author's attitude is generally_________.AoptimisticBpessimisticCtongue-in-checkDconstructive建设性parch烤干,parched炎热的,parchment羊皮纸distinct【音标】:[di'stiŋkt]【词典解释】:形容词a.1.与其他不同的,有区别的[(+from]2.明显的,清楚的;确定无误的 3.难得的;cheeseburger【音标】:['tʃi:z,bə:gə]【词典解释】:名词n.1.夹干酪和碎牛肉的三明治;mustard【音标】:['mʌstəd]【词典解释】:名词n.1.芥末;芥子2.芥菜3.芥末色,深黄色4.【俚】(酒等的热辣劲;热情;【例...mumble【音标】:['mʌmbl]【词典解释】:及物动词vt.1.含糊地说,咕哝着说 2.抿着嘴嚼不及物动词vi.1.含糊地说话,咕哝名词delivery【音标】:[di'livəri]【词典解释】:名词n.1.投递,传送2.交付,交货 3.一次投递(或交付的邮件(或货物4.转让;引渡 5....damn【音标】:[dæm]【词典解释】:及物动词vt.1.罚...入地狱2.骂...该死,咒骂 3.指责,骂...一文不值 4.使失败,毁掉名词n.1precisely【音标】:[pri'saisli]【词典解释】:副词ad.1.精确地,准确地2.清晰地,明确地 3.严格地,一丝不苟地 4.刻板地,过分拘泥细节...他们说,美国是一个炎热的气候和仇恨,他们不知道他们在说什么,但无论如何他们是对的。
英语面试问题集锦:1 What is your greatest strength?I feel that my strongest asset is my ability to stick to things to get them done. I feel a real sense of accomplishment when I finish a thing and it turns out just as I’d planned. I’ve set some high goals for myself. For example, I want to graduate with highest distinction. And even though I had a slow start in my freshman year, I made up for it by doing an honor’s thesis. 2 What is your greatest weakness?I'm such a perfectionist that I will not stop until a job is well done. 3 How do you feel about your progress to date?I think I did well in school. In fact, in a number of courses I received the highest exam scores in the class. As an intern for the X Company, I received some of the highest evaluations that had been given in years.4 What has been your greatest accomplishment?My greatest accomplishment is that I was enrolled by China Agricultural University in 2009. 5 Tell me about yourfamily.There are five people in my family, my parents, my older sister and my younger brother. My parents are farmers. They are honest and candid. 6 Describe your experimental skills.During the past three years, under the strict guidance of my supervisor, I have learned systematically the theory of profession and got the basic manipulative skills about the analysis of veterinary drugs. I have successfully finished the subject “Pharmacokinetics and pharmadynamics study of compound amoxicillin intramammary infusion in lactating cows after repeated administrations”and grasped some experimental skills, such as sample extraction, sample clean-up, instrument operation. 7 What’s your hobby?In my spare time, I like reading and travel. Reading makes me intelligent and travel broaden my horizens.8为什么想读博,将来愿意从事的方向,读博时的打算?The most important reason for my further study is that I am long for doing scientific research in Veterinary Drugs Residue. It is a pleasure to be with my favorite scientific research for lifetime. In a word, I am looking forward to making a solid foundation for future profession after three years study here.If I have the opportunity to further my study, I will work harder than before and make great achivements in the field scientific research.10 How do you solve the problems that you meet in the experiment?If I meet some difficult problems, I could insult my supervisor and search related professional literatures to solve them. Confidence is very important and we should believe in ourselves.最新博士生英语面试口语的技巧精选1篇1. 自我介绍(self-introduce)Good morning. I am glad to be here for this interview. First let me introduce2.考博原因(reasons for my choice)There are several reasons.I have been deeply impressed by the academic atmosphere when I came here last summer. In my opinion, as one of the most famous xxxxxxin our country, it provide people with enough room to get further enrichment . This is the first reason.The second one is I am long for doing research in xxxxxxthroughout my life. Its a pleasure to be with my favoritexxxxxxfor lifetime. I suppose this is the most important factor in my decision.In a word, I am looking forward to making a solid foundation for future profession after two years study here.3.博士生期间你的(de)计划(plans in the postgraduate study)In a word, I am looking forward to making a solid foundation for future profession after two years study here.4 .介绍你的(de)家乡(about hometown)最新博士生英语面试口语的技巧精选2篇博士生英语面试口语经典问题传统面试问题(Sample Traditional Interview Questions)1、What can you tell me about yourself?(关于你自己,你能告诉我些什么?)这一问题如果面试没有安排自我介绍的时间的话。
TOPICS: (口语考试的选题,大家可以参考一下。
)1.Describe an occasion that you were late for.2.Describe a traffic jam.3. Describe an interesting subject.4. Describe a big decision/an important conversation.5. Describe a festival.6. Describe a good law in your country.7. Describe a foreign culture.8. Describe your favorite room in your flat.9. Describe an old piece of furniture.10. Describe an antique.11. Describe an unhappy shopping experience.12. Describe an open-air market.13. Describe a museum/art gallery.14. Describe a sculpture.15. Describe an educational visit.16. Describe a small business.17. Describe a concert hall.18. Describe a special meal/someone’s cooking skill.19. Describe a party you prepared for others/another person.20. Describe a TV show host.21. Describe a modern building.22. Describe your favorite store.23. Describe a hotel.24. Describe a school/library you studied at before.25. Describe your ideal house.26. Describe an old building.27. Describe how you spent the last weekend.28. Describe an important building.29. Describe a historical building/place.30. Describe a quiet place.31. Describe a city you want to visit.32. Describe an interesting trip.33. Describe a school holiday.34. Describe an organization.35. Describe a workplace.36. Describe a famous person who you admire.37. Describe an artist.38. Describe a family not yours.39. Describe a teacher who helped you before.40. Describe a neighbor.41. Describe a singer.42. Describe a movie star.43. Describe a family number.44. Describe a friend.45. Describe a park/garden.46. Describe a picnic in a park.47. Describe a walk with a friend.48. Describe a place that has been polluted.49. Describe a place that in your city that you know well.50. Describe a photo.51. Describe an animal.52. Describe a piece of interesting news.53. Describe a story from your childhood.54. Describe an outdoor activity.55. Describe a TV program that you like/dislike.56. Describe an advertisement that helped you buying sth.57. Describe a film.58. Describe a book.59. Describe your favorite sport.60. Describe a piece of equipment you use every day.61. Describe a handicraft/something that was made by youself.62. Describe a present you have received.63. Describe a happy event.64. Describe a difficult thing that you have done well.65. Describe an wedding that you have attended.66. Describe a family photo.67. Describe a birthday party.68. Describe an important change in your life.69. Describe an important letter you wrote. an important letter you wrote.。
同济大学管理科学与工程博士英语考试真题全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: Tongji University PhD in Management Science and Engineering English ExamIntroduction:The PhD in Management Science and Engineering at Tongji University is a prestigious program that attracts top scholars and researchers from around the world. To gain admission to this program, candidates must pass a rigorous English exam that tests their language proficiency and academic writing skills. This article will provide a sample of the types of questions that may be included in the exam.Sample Exam Questions:1. Essay Question:Write an essay discussing the impact of technological advancements on the field of management science and engineering. Consider how innovations in artificial intelligence, data analytics, and automation are shaping the future of thisdiscipline. Provide examples of companies or organizations that have successfully implemented these technologies to improve their operations.2. Reading Comprehension:Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:"Supply chain management plays a critical role in the success of modern businesses. By optimizing the flow of goods and services from suppliers to customers, companies can reduce costs, improve efficiency, and enhance customer satisfaction. However, disruptions in the supply chain can have serious consequences, leading to delays, stockouts, and lost revenue."a. What is the importance of supply chain management in modern businesses?b. How can disruptions in the supply chain impact a company's operations?3. Case Study Analysis:Read the following case study and answer the questions that follow:"Company X is a manufacturing firm that produces electronic devices. Due to increased competition and changing consumer preferences, the company is facing declining sales and profitability. As a management consultant, how would you advise Company X to improve its performance and regain its competitive edge?"a. Identify the challenges facing Company X.b. Propose a strategic plan to help Company X overcome these challenges.Conclusion:The English exam for the PhD in Management Science and Engineering at Tongji University is designed to assess candidates' ability to communicate effectively and analyze complex information. By practicing with sample questions like the ones provided in this article, applicants can better prepare themselves for success in the program.篇2Tongji University Management Science and Engineering PhD English ExamInstructions:1. This exam consists of four parts: listening comprehension, reading comprehension, writing, and speaking.2. Total exam time is 4 hours.3. Students are required to bring their own pens, pencils, and erasers. No electronic devices are allowed during the exam.Part 1: Listening Comprehension (30 minutes)1. Listen to the recording and answer the following questions.a) What is the main topic of the conversation?b) Who are the two speakers and what is their relationship?c) What are the three main points discussed in the conversation?Part 2: Reading Comprehension (60 minutes)Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.Passage: In today's highly competitive business world, effective leadership is crucial for the success of any organization. Leaders must possess a combination of skills, including excellent communication, strategic thinking, and the ability to motivateand inspire their team members. Without strong leadership, a company is unlikely to survive in the long run.Questions:1. Why is effective leadership important in business?2. What skills must a leader possess to be successful?3. How can a leader motivate and inspire team members?Part 3: Writing (90 minutes)Choose one of the following topics and write an essay of 500-700 words.1. The impact of technology on modern business2. The importance of diversity in the workplace3. Strategies for improving employee productivityPart 4: Speaking (30 minutes)Students will be given a topic to discuss for 5-10 minutes. The topic will be related to current management issues or trends. The student will be evaluated on their fluency, vocabulary, coherence, and critical thinking skills.Good luck to all students taking the exam! Remember to stay calm and focused, and do your best.篇3Tongji University Doctoral Program in Management Science and EngineeringPhD English Exam Sample QuestionsWelcome to the Tongji University Ph.D. Program in Management Science and Engineering English exam. This exam is designed to assess your English proficiency and readiness for advanced study in the field of management science and engineering. Please read each question carefully and provide detailed responses in English.Section 1: Reading ComprehensionRead the following passage and answer the questions that follow.Passage:Recent studies have shown that companies that prioritize sustainability and social responsibility tend to perform better financially in the long run. This is because consumers are increasingly looking for environmentally friendly and sociallyconscious products and services. Companies that fail to meet these expectations risk losing market share to more responsible competitors. In addition, sustainable practices can also lead to cost savings and efficiency improvements within the organization.Questions:1. What is the relationship between sustainability and financial performance according to recent studies?2. Why do companies that prioritize sustainability have a competitive advantage in the market?3. How can sustainable practices benefit organizations beyond just social responsibility?Section 2: WritingWrite an essay of 500-600 words on the following topic:"In your opinion, what are the key challenges facing businesses in the 21st century in terms of sustainability and social responsibility? How can companies overcome these challenges and achieve long-term success?"Section 3: Oral PresentationPrepare a 10-minute oral presentation on a topic related to management science and engineering. You will be assessed on your ability to communicate clearly and effectively in English.Good luck with your exam! We look forward to welcoming you to the Tongji University Ph.D. Program in Management Science and Engineering.。
2024申请博士申博考博复试面试英文口语模板素材以下是一些可能对你有用的英文申博考博复试面试口语模板素材:1. 自我介绍I am [Your Name], and I am interested in pursuing a in [Field of Interest]. I have a [Bachelor's Degree] in [Field of Study], and I am currently working as a [Current Job Title] at [Current Employer]. I have a strong background in [Relevant Skills or Experience], and I am excited about the opportunity to further develop my research skills and contribute to the field of [Field of Interest].2. 关于研究兴趣和动机My research interest lies in [Specific Area of Interest], and I am particularly interested in [Specific Aspect of the Area]. I chose to pursue a in this field because I am passionate about [Reasons for Pursuing the Degree]. I believe that my background in [Relevant Fields or Skills] will enable me to make unique contributions to the field.3. 关于研究计划My research proposal focuses on [Specific Research Topic]. I chose this topic because [Reason for Choosing the Topic]. I plan to approach the topic from a [Methodological Approach] perspective, and I believe that my previous experience in [Relevant Fields or Skills] will enable me to successfully complete this research.4. 关于导师和学校I am particularly interested in working with [Name of Proposed Mentor] because [Specific Reason for Choice]. I believe that their expertise in [Field of Expertise] will be instrumental in my development as a researcher. Additionally, I am attracted to the program at [Name of School] because of its reputation for producing cutting-edge research in [Field of Interest].5. 关于未来的职业规划Upon completing my , I plan to pursue a career in [Field of Interest], where I can apply my research and skills to address important problems facing society. I am particularly interested in [Specific Type of Position or Work Environment]. With my background and research experience, I believe that I will be well-suited for a successful career in this field.希望这些模板能够为你提供一些帮助,但请记住,这些模板只是提供了一些常见的表达方式和思路,你可以根据自己的实际情况进行修改和调整。
博士英语口语面试HUA system office room 【HUA16H-TTMS2A-HUAS8Q8-HUAH1688】1自我介绍Central University of Finance and EconomicsGood morning dear professors. I am glad to be here for this interview. My name is Niuhua, 25 years old. I come from Handan,the capital of Hehbei Province. I am a third year master major in Management Science and Engineering at Capital University of Economics and Business. Some people will be surprised that why I would choose to statistics, for these two disciplines look rather different from each other. The reason is that I majored in statistics for four years in Heibei University of Economics and Business.Next I will introduce myself for further details in three respects.First on my characterJust like my father, I am open-minded , quick in thought and very fond of history. Frequently I exchange ideas with my family during super. In addition , during my college years, I was once the chairman of the Student Union. These work have urged me develop active and responsible characters.I have a two-sided nature ,In my spare time, I spend most of the time Playing pingpong ,running and swiming, beliveing “Life is movement “ so when I am on the Playground, Relaxing myself thoroughly,my classmate always callme“lively fish”. But when I do my reaserch,I often reading reletive books carefully, analysising of the study logically,my master tutor used to praiseme a practical steady student .Second on my Education backgroundIn 2011, I entered the Capital University of Economics and Business. -- widely considered one of the Beijing’s best Economics schools. During thefollowing two years‘master study, my academic records kept distinguished among the whole department. I was granted second Class Prize last semester, and Involved in my tutor’s two topics ,which cultivate my researchability and academic interest. In2012, July I was selected to participate in the Fifth Management Science and Statistics International Conference Qingdao, I saw the top masters of these two disciplines, and their views give me great inspiration.At the beging of last semester, I won the Early graduation qualification as the one and only candidate in my department, after Comprehensive Evaluation by my university. Presently, I am preparing my graduation thesis and trying for the honor of Excellent Graduation Thesis.Third on my future planFirst of all, I will make full use of the resources of school library, learning statistical theory and application systemly, Secondly, I will try my best to involve in the major’s subject of the teacher to further develop my own research capacity, after three years of precipitation, I hope to write a doctoral article with certain academic level.That’s all about me, thank you for your atten tion.2对北京环境污染的看法Today, pollution has become a serious problem to us. It means that the air, seas, rivers and land are polluted by waste or poisonous things. It does harm not only to human beings but also to animalsWe cannot have fresh air because many factories have the poisonous smoke sent into the air. Beautiful parks are made dirty by plastic tins and bags.Fish die from the polluted water. It is said that strange diseases have appeared in some places because of pollution.Recently, Beijing's air pollution reached dangerous levels ,marking the third consecutive day of severe smog, Many adverse effects that often accompanies with,Due to low visibility, many flights canceled so brought many inconveniences to people's lives, some factories were forced to shut down due to serious pollution, hindering economic progress.Due to difficulty breathing, a lot of outdoor activities have to stop.I hope scientists can find ways to solve the serious problem. We are looking forward to seeing the clear sky, clean rivers and beautiful parks again.北京市环保局大气处处长于建华表示:“北京在周日首次启动了应对严重污染的应急方案。
(3)免修免考规定符合下列条件之一的博士研究生可免修免考博士生英语课程:1)获得全日制英语专业硕士学位;2)在英语国家学习一年以上,并获得硕士学位;3)TOEFL纸考成绩620分或网考105分、机考260分(3年内有效);4)IELTS成绩7.0分(3年内有效);5)WSK(PETS 5)考试合格(3年内有效);6)同济大学博士生英语入学考试成绩85分。
The Two CulturesThe separation between the literary and scientific has been getting deeper; there is now precious little communication between the two cultures, but only different kinds of incomprehension and dislike between them.The traditional culture literary is rapidly declining-standing on its precarious dignity, because the traditional culture is conservative and intolerant, whereas the scientific culture which is not restrictive and confident is expansive.There are a good many scientists indistinguishable from literary persons, and vice versa. Nevertheless, as a first approximation, the scientific culture is real enough, and so is its difference from the traditional culture.The scientists are on the up and up, they have the strength of a social force behind them, both the young scientist and old scientists work in dignity in their universities, concentrating on their research.There is a touch of the frontier qualities about the whole scientific culture, and the climate of personal relations is singularly bracing. Although both the scientists and the cultures are egotisms, the difference between them is that unlike the cultures, the scientists’ egotisms are driven by a common purpose.It is hard to describe the how much the traditional culture gets through literary culture. Although a good many scientists have the tastes of literary persons, the literary culture infiltration is much less.Compared with other forms of arts, such as graphic, poetry and novels, music may be the only one art which is cultivated among scientist.The prestige of the traditional culture is high enough for some of them to make a gallant shot at the younger rank-and-file of scientists for they do not read at all. The novelist’ name to the traditional culture is a token of esotery literary excellence, but most technicians do not think so.The different attitudes toward novelist is a measure of the incommunicability of the two cultures, the tradition culture think the scientists are losing a great deal, but the some of that loss is inevitable.The scientists believe that one can’t comprehend the world unless you know the structure of science; probably it is true, because without any scientific understandingmay miss a whole body of experience.so the intellectual of science is penetrating deeper.The greatest enrichment the scientific culture gives us is a moral one. The scientific culture is almost totally immune from the particular temptation made up of moral vanity, self-indulgence and material benefits. But because the two cultures scarcely touch, the tradition culture lack of those moral.On Self-RespectFrom retrospection that the writer once held an opinion that innocence ends when one is stripped of the delusion that one likes oneself, the writer introspects misplaced self-respect.When the writer was a nineteen-year-old girl, she failed to be elected to Phi Beta Kappa, which she had already predicted, but she still couldn’t stand it when the result came.The writer defines the essence of self-respect, she deems that self-respect has nothing to do with approval of others and reputation, because the people with courage can be self-respect without approval of others and reputation.Doing things without self-respect is just like an unwilling audience to an interminable documentary that details his failings over and over again; while the self-respect one has the courage of their mistakes.Happiness or not depends on whether one respect themselves.It is improper for some people deem that one leads a cozy life must own self-respect, the self-respect has nothing to do with superstition which can offer guard to against danger. Self-respect concerns a separate peace, a private reconciliation.People with self-respect have the courage of their mistakes, they known the price of things, they don’t complain unduly of the unfairness, and they exhibit certain toughness, a kind of moral nerve. So self-respect stems from the willingness to accept responsibility for one’s own life.When our grandparents were young, they had instilled the sense that one lives by doing things one does not particularly want to do, they had to put fears and doubts to one side, and had to weigh immediate interests and long-term interests. Thus, whether or not they had self-respect, they knew all about what is self-respect.Self-respect person can recognize that anything worth having its price. They are always willing to accept the risk and willing to invest something of themselves, they may not play at all, but when they do play, they know the odd.Self-respect can be equalized to a discipline, a habit of mind which can be developed, trained and coaxed forth, but can never be faked out.Self-respect is a kind of ritual, helping us to remember who and what we are. So in order to remember who and what we are, we must have known what self-respect is.People will possess everything such as the ability of discriminating, loving, and to remain indifference if they are armed of the intrinsic worth which constitutes self-respect.If we are alienation from ourselves, we will easily despise others and remain blind to our fatal weaknesses, also, we are peculiarly in thrall to everyone we see. So self-respect frees us from the expectations of others, give us back to ourselves, and enrich our interior abundance.On Self-RespectEvery one of us maybe misunderstand the essence of self-respect, especially in vigorous youth or earlier days. It is normal that feeling of less confident occurred often when the young man suffered light or serious setback. There was about the persevering young man at times a certain strain of tenderness, evoked by experiences, disappointments, and hardships in his own life. We will never be mature and happy if we care much about what people thought in our times.The dismal fact is that self-respect has nothing wo do with both the approvals of others and reputation. Just only we respect ourselves can we no longer lies down the notoriously uncomfortable bed the one we make ourselves. Self-respect has nothing to do with the face of things, but concerns instead a separate peace, a private reconciliation. People with self-respect have the courage of their mistakes. Parents with self-respect can set up a good example for their children especially when they are childish.The kind of self-respect is a discipline, a habit of mind that can never be faked but can be developed, trained, coaxed forth. But, those small disciplines are valuable only insofar as they represent longer ones. To have the sense of one`s intrinsic worthwhich constitutes self-respect is potentially to have everything: the ability to discriminate, and to remain indifferent. To lack self-respect is to be looked within oneself., paradoxically incapable of either love or indifference.Only the man who has self-respect can be freed from the expectations of others and give them to themselves. It is just the power of self-respect.作文模版现象解释型Nowadays, there are more and more…….in……, especially the…….it is estimated that…….why have there so many……?may be the reasons can be listed as follows:The first one is…….besides,…..the third one is…..to sum up, the main cause of …..is due to…….It is high time that something were done upon it. for one thing,…..on the other hand,…..all these measures will certainly reduce the number of…..不同观点列举型There is a widespread concern over the issue that …….but it is well known that the opinion concerning this hot topic varies from person to person. A majority of people think that In their views there are 2 factors contributing to this attitude as follows: in the first place, ___原因一_______.Furthermore, in the second place, ___原因二_____. So it goes without saying that ___观点一_____.People, however, differ in their opinions on this matter. Some people hold the idea that ___观点二_______. In their point of view, on the one hand,___原因一____. On the other hand, __原因二___. Therefore, there is no doubt that ___观点二______. As far as I am concerned, I firmly support the view that __观点一或二______. It is not only because ________, but also because _________. The more _______, the more利弊型的议论文Nowadays, there is a widespread concern over (the issue that)___作文题目______. In fact, there are both advantages and disadvantages in __题目议题_____. Generally speaking, it is widely believed there are several positive aspects asfollows.Firstly, ___优点一______. And secondly ___优点二_____. Just As a popular saying goes, "every coin has two sides", __讨论议题______ is no exception, and in another word, it still has negative aspects. To begin with, ___缺点一______. In addition, ____缺点二______. To sum up, we should try to bring the advantages of __讨论议题____ into full play, and reduce the disadvantages to the minimum at the same time. In that case, we will definitely make a better use of the ____讨论议题___.答题性议论文Currently, there is a widespread concern over (the issue that)__作文题目_______ .It is really an important concern to every one of us. As a result, we must spare no efforts to take some measures to solve this problem. As we know that there are many steps which can be taken to undo this problem. First of all, __途径一______. In addition, another way contributing to success of the solving problem is ___途径二_____. Above all, to solve the problem of _作文题目, we should find a number of various ways. But as far as I am concerned, I would prefer to solve the problem in this way, that is to say,方法谚语警句性议论文It is well known to us that the proverb: " ___谚语_______" has a profound significance and value not only in our job but also in our study. It means ____谚语的含义_______. The saying can be illustrated through a series of examples as follows. ( also theoretically ) A case in point is ___例子一______. Therefore, it is goes without saying that it is of great of importance to practice the proverb ____谚语_____. With the rapid development of science and technology in China, an increasing number of people come to realize that it is also of practical use to stick to the saying: ____谚语_____. The more we are aware of the significance of this famous saying, the more benefits we will get in our daily study and job.图表作文的框架As is shown/indicated/illustrated by the figure/percentage in thetable(graph/picture/pie/chart), ___作文题目的议题_____ has been on rise/ decrease (goesup/increases/drops/decreases),significantly/dramatically/steadilyrising/decreasing from______ in _______ to ______ in _____. From the sharp/marked decline/ rise in the chart, it goes without saying that ________. There are at least two good reasons accounting for ______. On the one hand, ________. On the other hand, _______ is due to the fact that ________. In addition, ________ is responsible for _______. Maybe there are some other reasons to show ________. But it is generally believed that the above mentioned reasons are commonly convincing. As far as I am concerned, I hold the point of view that _______. I am sure my opinion is both sound and well-grounded。
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A: This picture illustrates a child and an old man enjoy their lives. But a young man has to bear with many burden, such as hard work, little exercise and intaking too much energy. I think it means that the young men have to do too much work for home. What do you think of the reasons for it?B: I think the most important cause of it is aging(老龄化). In another words, a young man need to maintain too many old men. You know, in nowadays, a young man’s parents and grandparents are all lived commonly. That means he has six old man to feed.A: I think more combative situation for children is another reason. Many parents have to send their children to education institutes which will take them much money. Do you have any solutions for it?B: In social part, the most important solution is increasing the economy. Only thedevelopment of economy can rise the level of lives.Providing security for old men is another effective measure. It can decrease young men’s pressure.A: That is government’s work. What can ourselves do?B: The only thing we can do is working hard. There is no shortcut to good life. I have an uncle was poor before. He also has many old men to feed. But he worked very hard and his income increased every year. Now he has a comfortable life.A: Yes, ourselves’ effort is key to solve the problem.1、一个男人在深夜还在工作,他看上去非常累2、是呀,他几乎要睡着了,但似乎手头上的工作还没有做完3、这种现象不仅发生在工作党,在我们学生党中更是常见,你说呢?4、是呀,自从来到了同济,我经常熬夜加班,忙学习忙科研,睡眠时间根本不够。
1. A man is still working late at night. He looks very tired.2, yes, he almost fell asleep, but it seems that the work on hand has not yet finished3, this phenomenon not only occurs in the working party, students in our party is more common, you say?4, yes, since I came to Tongji, I often stay up late to work overtime, busy studying research, not enough time to sleep.5, I very much agree with you, because I also like this. Stay up late after second days will feel very tired, things do not have efficiency.6, and the skin will become worse, the mood will be very bad. Especially we girls, to the doctoral stage, not a good rest will accelerate aging, sounds terrible.7, right, I think we should be reasonable arrangements for time, study time to learn, rest time to rest8, yes, this can not only improve our work efficiency, but also beneficial to health.9, we hope that mutual supervision, work and rest, to high quality learning, get a doctorate as soon as possible.看,从图上可以看到,一个小孩跑在最前面,老人跟在后面,他们非常愉快而后面的年轻人,气喘吁吁,看起来压力很大。
1, look, from the picture we can be seen, a child ran in the front, the old man behind, theyare very happy.2, but the young man, panting, looks great pressure.3, yes, young people now eat high energy, less physical activity, busy work, who shoulders have too much pressure and responsibility.4, I think this is our real life. Every day we are busy with learning, lack of exercise, eat unhealthy, leading to physical and mental exhaustion, and life is not happy.5, modern university students have too much pressure, like studying pressure, pressure from parents and society, it is no way to cause this situation.6, I very much agree with you, on the other hand, in this pressure, they eat well, exercise is little, physical condition is getting worse.7, I think in this case we should be reasonable arrangements for time, reasonable arrange life and work.8, for example, Monday to Friday to hard work and on weekends to relax, alternate work with rest.9, such as reading books every week, proper exercise, a healthy diet, have a good body is the most important.10, yes, for life, health and happiness is the most important.11. I can‘t agree with you more.Cannot bear for any timeThis cartoon is very interesting, a young man and his girlfriend are going for a walk and eating something, while they see a dustbin on the side of the road. However, we can see that a lot of rubbish are threw outside the dustbin, so the man also throw his rubbish at will as the same as others do, and there are more and more rubbish heaping surround the dustbin as a result.Why do people drop the rubbish outside the dustbin? For most of them, it is convenient because the entry of the dustbin is too small. Also, they are usually very hurry on the way and think it is a waste of time to carefully drop the refuse. But I think, as the most important reason, the conscious of them to promote the environment is poor.As we know, the environment is polluted by a lot of waste things, for the rubbish is dropped at random as shown in this picture can be an important case. How can we alleviate this problem? In my daily life I will consciously put the rubbish into the dustbin to reduce the contamination. Moreover, the harm of this phenomenon should be informed for all the people and let them clarify their responsibility to protect the environment. If everyone give a little force, our home will become better and we will say in a healthy condition.Describe the pictureDiscuss the topicComment or analyze the exampleSolution to the problemthere is much haze surrounded our city.living a hazing time,haze is a problem which many cities are facing in recent years.the haze is an air mixed erosion phenomenon,危害:making our city looks gray. What’s worse, it brings great harm to human health.That’s it. Haze is a disaster weather, which have great influence on the highway, railway, shipping, the growth of crops.解决方案:government should make the rules and increase the law enforcement.Close the severe pollution enterprises, eliminate backward technology and equipment, do less exhaust gas, promote the use of clean energy.For example, We should select more public transport rather than private cars. We should keep a habit of saving energy especially for electric and gas.the cartoon reflects a social phenomenon. Oldman miss their sons but their sons do not care about their life. In other words, it reflects a problem of filial piety.原因:filial piety is one of the traditional virtues.the selfish is the main reason for causing the problem.Selfish make people put their benefit first. In other words, they only care about themselves. Their parents become their burden.解决方案:the society should encourage filial piety, people who are not piety should be criticized by public opinion.when they become old , they may face the same problem. We should be kind to our parents.From this picture we can see that a woman walking the dog is abusing a cleaner in foulest languages, saying that the cleaner’s life is not worth the dog.I know something about the news. Three women are walking their dogs in the area, a cleaner passes by and persuades them to clean up the dog-poop. But the three women don’t listen to the advice, even abuse the cleaner in scrannel words that “Your life is not worth the dog.”Cleaners work hard and clean our city、resident areas、streetsand many other public areas, create a good and comfortable environment for our daily life. However, there are still many people don’t respect them.For example, we always can see many uncivilized behaviors, the most common is throw peel debris, some gathered in knots chatting, leaving one of the shell seeds when they disperse.Some people even say “Without crab, what is the use of cleaners” when they are persuad ed by the cleaners. Some people think they are the “God” since they have paid for the residential property management fees, cleaning fees.Working people should be well paid for their time and effort to obtain universal respect. People who trample on the environment should be severely punished. Everyone should condemn those who do not care for the environment, do not respect the results of others labor.Respecting others is respecting ourselves. There is no distinction between people, as long as they work, they are worth everyone respect.名利:fameandgain假学术:falseacademic假成果:falseresult多产的:productive研究院:researchinstituteInsomeresearchinstitute,afewresearchersmakeuseofthefalseacademicandfalseresulttoget the fruits of fameandgain.The phenomenareflectsthefactthatsomepeoplepursuitthefameandmoney, but don’t careaboutthetruemeaningofbeingaresearcher.As far as I’m concerned, honest is the primary principle of being a human,and it’s also a principle of the researcher. Only we respect the science, can we get the fruit of success.Filial PietyAs is described in the picture, a young mother helped a little boy wash feet with a smiling face. Aftermanyyears, the boy grew up and the mother became old. Then the boyin turn to help the old mother wash her feet. Obviously, the scene looks very harmonious. Throughout history, being filial and respectful to the elders has been a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. Thereisanoldsaying“Charity begins at home”.Nowfilialpietyhasbecomeahottopicamongpeople,andthewholesocietyshouldpay more attentiontotheproblemoffilialpiety.Ontheonehand,somepeoplethinksupportingtheorderlyisc hildren’sresponsib ility.Thereasonsforthisareasfollow,firstly,theparentsgaveuslifeandthemo stselflesslove.Secondly,parentscreatedtheconditionsoflifeandlearningforus. Of course, i t’snecessaryforusto be with filialpiety.Ontheotherhand,somepeoplethinksupportingtheel derlyisthegovernment’srespon sibly.Thereasonsforthisareasfollow.Firstly,astheresultofbirthcontrolandimprovementofmedicalcare,supportingtheoldhasbeco meanissue in Chinatoday. And thegovernmentshould take aseriesofmeasurestosolvetheproblemandalsopayalotofmoneyfortheoldeveryyearinorderto makethemlivebetter.Secondly, the elderly belong to the social vulnerable groups, and thegovernmenthastheresponsibilitytosupporttheoldman.Inmyopinion,it’snecessarytosupporttheoldman.InChina,becauseofitstradition,theoldm an is mostlysupportedbytheirchildren. In addition, ourgovernmentshouldtakemeasurestosupporttheold.Webelievethepensionsystemofourco untrywouldbeperfectoneday.1.In this picture, we can see so much dirty water and fog is discharged from the factory.2.Yes, there is also a man, he is gathering the money falling from the fog.3.I think this picture is main about the economy development and environment pollution.4.I agree with you. This picture shows that some people get money by destroying the environment.5.In china , there are so many factories which discharge a lot of polluted water and fog into environment.6.These factories are destroying our home every day , maybe we should do something about it.7.Not only us, but the government and the owner of the factories also need to make changes.8.Yee, the government should supervise the factories more strictly.9.And the owner of the factories should consider more about the environment except the money.10.What could we do about the pollution?11.Maybe if we find some factories are polluted, we can offer the information to the government.12.That is a good idea. If everyone makes a little change, the environment will be better.1.In this picture, we can see a women seating in the front of a computer.There are six kinds of deceptions in this in this picture.2.In my opinion, this picture is about the network fraud.3.I can’t agree more. There are more and more frauds in the network.4.Yes, the internet is much more dangerous than before, I am so afraid of it.5.Don’t be so worry about it. Even if there are so many frauds, but if you are careful about it, you can be safe.6.Really, what could I do?7.You should make your password of your account complex.8.Yes, that is necessary, and is there other suggestion?9.Don’t believe others in the internet, especially when you are talking about money.10.I will be more careful about the money in the internet.11.What’s more, do you know our government is taking steps to deal with the network fraud.12.Really? I so happy to hear that, I hope the internet can safer in the future.13.I hope so, and I believe it will be safer.关键词:全球变暖:global warming温室效应:greenhouse effect冰川融化:glaciers melting栖息地:habitat企鹅:penguin无奈和喷怒:helpless angry渡渡鸟: Raphus cucullatus概要:As we can see in this caricature, a list of penguins stand in the bottom of the sea holding boards with the slogan “please don’t let the earth become hotter”. Obviously, they are helpless and angry, because the glaciers in which they live have melted in the effect of global warming.As we all known, in recent years, people have cut down a lot of trees in order to get more wood and more land, many forests have disappeared. Lack of photosynthesis in plants makes carbon dioxide in the air difficult to be absorbed and transformed by plants.What’s more, the excessive use of fossil fuels Release a large amount of waste gas. All this leads to global warming. 1981 ~ 1990 global average temperature increased by 0.48 degrees C compared with 100 years ago. Elevated temperatures melt Antarctic glaciers. Penguins Living no these glaciers for generations bear the brunt first. Such birds are evolved to suit the glaciers’ environment, so once they lost their habit, they face the risk to disappear from the earth. Animals and humans live together on this planet, many species are extinct because of our human, such as the Raphus cucullatus. It is no different with murder.If no other living things, we humans will become very lonely, the last species that disappear from earth is our human. So we should pay close attention to the environment problems. We can use the new technology to find the new energy and develop environment friendly products. We should return farmland to forest properly. Take some researches and measures to give back penguins a home and a more happier future for ourselves and our kids.On the bus, a thief is stealing a girl’s bag. A little boy sees the scene and tells his father maybe wishing his father to stop the thief to commit a crime. But his father says:” SHH, you have seen nothing!”Maybe the father is afraid of being revenged (报复) or maybe he just thinks it’s better to save trouble(多一事不如少一事)Silence is connivance [kə'naɪv(ə)ns] (纵容)They can call 110 for helpThey can give the little girl some intimation(暗示) such as a meaningful glance.关键词:假钞counterfeit money 假酒adulterated wine对话:A: This pictures shows a man wants to buy two bottles of wine and gives the saleswoman one hundred yuan. He suspects that there are adulterated wine, while the saleswoman suspects the paper currency is counterfeit money.B: It seems very ridiculous that they don’t trust each other. However, this kind of story is performed everywhere. It is believed and shared among the public that not only counterfeit products are countless but also defraud has become a common phenomenon. A: With the change of people’s ideology, people take it for granted that we make a fortune. Driven by the pursuit of profit, some manufacturers go to extremes to make money by providing the customers with fake or inferior products. A case in point is “Sanlu milk powder”, which is confirmed to contain a poisonous chemical. As a result, numerous innocent infants become the victims of the milk food. In the long run, such illegal acts not only damage the dairy industry, but the credibility of the social mechanism.B: To my mind, it is high time we took effective measures to prevent such crime from happening again. It is advisable to pass related laws to punish whoever produces poisonous food. Only in this way can we establish a harmonious society where manufactures take up more social responsibility and credibility and people enjoy healthy food. To my mind, it is high time we took effective measures to prevent such crime from happening again. It is advisable to pass related laws to punish whoever produces poisonous food. Only in this way can we establish a harmonious society where manufactures take up more social responsibility and credibility and people enjoy healthy life.1、From the picture we can see this is a family dinner.But every young man is playing with their mobile phone2、So the elder is angry with this phenomenon and he says:”go to live with your mobile phones!”3、Mobile phones have indeed made communication convenient and quick, but they have also brought about negative consequences.4、For example some adults become estranged from relatives and friends because of their obsession with mobile phones5、Mobile phone influences our life deeply, everyone owns it.While cell phone brings many dangers6、First, mobile phone contains radiation which hurts people’s body as long we use it.7、Second, mobile phone distracts our attention about discovering the beauty oflife.People count on it by reading news and making friends, being less going out8、But it is not to say that mobile phones alone are to blame for the sorry state of affairs9、when people do visit their parents, many of them cause discomfort to their parents by playing with their mobile phones all the time10、they forget that filial piety requires children to take care for their parents and have more heart-to-heart talks with them11、It's time people realized that they have to free themselves of their dependence on mobile phones to bridge the psychological gap with the elderly12、The distance between the young and the aged will increase if the youth don't respect and support senior citizens and have more heart-to-heart talks with them.13、And grown-up should make every effort to fulfill their filial duty.From the picture we can see that a hecker is stealing money through the computer and internet. And the stolen man is very confusedThe network has brought us convenience, but it also brings risksInternet fraud has become rampant in recent years. Many computer users are leaving themselves open to online fraud.Fraud information often occurs in chat room, message boards ,web sites and your E-mails. Inexperienced people are easily cheated.So How to avoid network fraud? For the individual, we should improve safety awareness and identify online false information .When your friends or relatives ask you for money on the Internet , You must call and confirm with them.When you pay on the Internet, you must make sure that the site is secure.The government departments must remove information pertaining to cyber fraud off the Internet and crack down on the leaking and trading of personal information. Besides, network police need to hunt down the fraudsters.A: Hello, let me see, the picture is very interesting and impressive.B: yes, it is very impressive. being filial and respectful to the elders has been a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation.A: yes, I think so. When we were young, our parents did more things for us, and now they become older, we have the responsibility to take care of them.B: yes, the parents gave us life and the most selfless love, and created the conditions of life and learning for us.A: However, nowadays, due to the busy work, many people have no time to see their elder parents even once a week.B: Yes, but I think busy work should not be a reason for that. When we were young, our parents also were busy, but they sacrifice rest time to take care of us.A: Yes, I agree with you. The whole society should pay close attention to the problem of filial piety.B: Yes. And I think the government should take more responsibly for elder people, you know, the results of birth control make the old no children.A: Yes. Supporting the old has become an issue of China today, the government should takes a series of measures to solve the problem and also pays a lot of money for the old every year in order to make them live better. What is your opinion?B: The old man is a social vulnerable groups, and the government has theresponsibility to support the old man.A: I believe the system of our country to support the old would be perfect one day.Fromthe picture we can see that there aretwo people running who are afraid of the bomb from the internet rumor. The bombs are pulled out by a big speaking man on thecomputer.The internet rumor can make people abnormal. Internet rumor like some talks about the end of the world disturb people’s lives.There’s no science in the internet rumor, but people are easy to believe it, and it’s very convenient to spread and follow.For example, during SARS virus times, there’s a internet rumor what makes people believe that salt can heal SARS, so many people began to buy salt, which leads to decrease of country’s salt an d many people cannot eat salt.So, we should think more about to the internet rumor, not to follow them at all.It’s all fictitious and unreal. It’s all surfed on the internet and spread by bad people.We should avoid seeing this and be far away from them.简介:In this picture, the men and women are on a blind date. On the one hand, the woman wants to find a rich handsome husband with luxury house and expensive car; on the other hand, the man wants to find a beautiful young wife with nice figure. Yes, it is indeed perfect life to everyoneMarriage concept观点:关键词:true love Pursuit of material life High divorce rate Correct valuesThis phenomenon is very common in society. Now the concept of marriage has beena great change in society.There are many blind date parties and blind date TV programs in society, like "If you are the one"(非诚勿扰)。