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Unit 4 Lesson 2 It’s warm in spring.教案




1.能听懂、会说单词warm hot cool cold wear T-shirt。

2.学生能听懂、会说“Its….in……. We often wear……”句型。


通过小组之间的交流,通过创造真实的语境,使学生能够运用“What season is it ?”句型来询问季节,用“It’s…..in…… I often wear……”来描述四季的气候特征及所穿的衣服,从而提高学生英语表达能力,真正做到学以致用。






1. 学生能听懂、会说单词warm hot cool cold wear T-shirt。

2.学生能灵活运用句型“Its….in……. We often wear…….”。


结合实际在真实的语境中运用“ What season is it ? It’s………..It’s….in……. We often wear……句型。


Step 1:Warming up

T:Good morning,boys and girls,how are you today?I’m fine ,too,thank you .Last class,we learnt u

nit 4 Seasons lesson 1,how many seasons in a year?yes ,we have four seasons in a year,what are they? They are spring,summer ,autumn and winter.(设计意图:自由交谈,复习上节课所学知识,同时引出季节视频)

You have a good memory,so I’ll show you a video about seasons,let’s watch it together,OK?(Lo ok,what season is it?spring is warm with flowers,what season is it?it’s summer,summer is hot a nd we can go swimming in summer,what season is it?it’s autumn,do you like autumn?autumn is cool,what season is it?yes,it’s winter,it’s cold,people wear coats in winter and we can go skatin g in winter)so every season is beautiful,we should enjoy them,(设计意图:通过观看视频,陪着音乐,解说不同季节带来的不同感受,进行情感教育)so now let’s enjoy a chant together,OK? Show me your hands.(设计意图:学生们喜欢韵句,在欢乐的氛围中,复习旧知,为新知做铺垫)Great,now I want to know what season do you like?(询问几个学生)Do you like spring?Me.too.Because it’s warm in spring.(引出课题)

Step 2:New lesson

Today,we’re going to learn Lesson2 It’s warm in spring.we know spring is warm,what about su mmer,autumn,and winter,let’s listen and find out the answers(学习hot,cool,cold)can you read them?Great,so I’ll share another chant with you,can you read it?let’s try it together.( 设计意图:1听,分听,学习季节气候词)Great,In different seasons we should wear different clothes,do you know wear?(学习wear) now,lt’s listen to the text again,and find out what do you often wear in winter?yes ,we oft en wear coats in winter,coat is a kind of clothes,what other kinds of clothes have you learned?to day,I’ll teach you another two,T-shirt,and jacket(学习单词)Now we know so many kinds of clothes,and we know we often wear coats in winter,please r ead the text and find out what do you often wear in different seasons and match it.Have you fini shed,let’s check the answers,you should use this sentense patten.we often wear__in __.(设计意

图,二听,学习不同季节应该穿的衣服,同时学习新单词)Great,now let’s watch the video again,this time,listen and repeat.Now please read the text in yo ur groups,then show it ,OK?(小组展示,3组即可,然后齐读)All of you did a good job.

Step 3:Practice

Now I have a picture for you,look,what season is it? Can you say something about it?I have oth er three pictures,please work in your groups and talk about them,let’s see which group is the bes t.(2组,看时间进行)(设计意图:通过练习课文中的第二部分,强化本节课内容,同时小组内活动,体现优生带动后进生)

Step 4:Summary and homework

OK,please sit straight,let’s see what have you learnt today?根据图片复述课文,today ,all of you did very well,and at last I’ll share a poem with you ,is it beautiful?next class,le t’s learn it together,homework for today…

That’s all for this class,thank you ,everybody,goodbye.

Unit 4 Lesson 2 It’s warm in spring.课后反思


Lesson 2 It’s warm in spring.是鲁科版小学英语第三册第四单元第二课的内容。本课要求学生能听懂、会说并认读下列单词:warm, hot, cool, cold, warm, T-shirt. 能听懂、会说并认读句子:It’s… in…, We often wear…并能在正确的语境中使用It’s… in…, We often wear…描述四季的特点。

