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一、注意事项 1、基础写作题的评分标准是:句 子结构的准确性(8分);信息内容的 完整性(5分)和连贯性(2分)。 2、加强在常用句型中体现“一句 多译,简单句合成复合句”的训练。
二、写作方法/步骤 (1)通过“拆”或“合”把写作内容 (中文)分成五个句子,确保内容的完整 性。 (2)找出关键词, 对五个句子进行逐一 翻译,翻译时注意选用自己有把握的短语 或句型,把语言准确性放在第一位。 (3)认真分析句子与句子之间的关系, 用适当的连词把句子连成一段话。注意句 子的连贯性。
Writing 2
请用英语为学生英语报写一段人物介绍,介绍游泳运动 员罗雪鹃.内容要点如下: 1. 罗雪鹃,女,23岁,浙江人 2. 从小接受游泳训练,2000年,崭露头角 3. 取得成绩:2003年在巴塞罗那世界锦标赛 中获三枚金牌,2004年雅典奥运会打破纪录, 夺得100米游泳冠军 4. 其他情况:由于身体原因,现宣布退役,将到 北京大学读书
四、Writing 1
请根据下面表格里的提示内容, 写一篇短文. 时间
地点 昨天上午
John, Miss. Green
公共汽车站 1.上课迟到20分钟,向Green小姐道歉,并予以解释 事情经 2.在公共汽车站等车上学时,站在不远的一位老人忽 过 然晕倒在地 3.猜想老人一定是犯了心脏病(heart attack),给附近 的警察局打了电话,让他们帮忙把老人送往医院 结果 Green小姐听后,弄清了情况,夸奖了John
Three years later, she received wide public attention by getting three gold medal at the Barcelona World Championship.
4.2004年雅典奥运会打破纪录,夺得1 00米游泳冠军
At Athens 2004 Olympics, she broke the world record , becoming women’s 100 meters swimming championship.
3). 他环顾四周,注意到一扇门,门后面挂着一幅画。
He looked around and took notice of a door, ____________hung a picture. behind which
4). 在教学楼前面有八个篮球场,我们经常在那打球。
In front of the classroom building lie four where basketball courts, _______we often play basketball.
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
with three windows facing south
3. 由于我的耳机坏了, 我不能做听力练习。
With my earphone broken , I can’t do the listening ___________
1). 有80个国家踢足球,使它成为最受欢迎的运动。 Football is played in 80 countries, which makes it the most popular game. making Football is played in 80 countries,_______ (make) it the most popular game.
2. 从小接受游泳训练,2000年,崭露头角
She went in for swimming at an early age and with her great efforts, she began to show her great talent in 2000.
3.2003年在巴塞罗那世界锦标赛中获三 枚金牌
1.罗雪鹃,女,23岁,浙江人 , 中国女子奥运游 泳冠军.
Born in Zhejiang province, Luo Xuejuan is a 23-year-old Chinese female Olympic swimming champion.
三、常用句型 1、With结构作状语或定语
Read the following sentences and see what they have in common.

1). The children came running toward us, with flowers in their hands. 2). They pretended to be working hard all night with their lights burning. 3). He had to walked home with his bike stolen. 4). Don’t sleep with the light on. 5). He sleeps with the window open. 6). I can’t go with you with so much work to do. 介词短语 现在分词 with + 名词/代词 + 过去分词 副词/形容词 不定式
2). 工厂排出大量废水和废气,严重污染了环境。 The factories poured out large quantities of waste water and polluted gas, which polluted the environment seriously. =The factories poured out large quantities of waste water and polluted gas, polluting ______ (pollute)the environment seriously .
3.猜想老人一定是犯了心脏病,给附近的警 察局打了电话,让他们帮忙把老人送往医院. (With 结构作状语) He thought the old man must have a heart attack. After having called the police station ,he sent the old man to the hospital with the help of the police . 4. Green小姐听后,弄清了情况,夸奖了John (用现在分词表结果) Having heard of these, Miss Green praised John for his good deeds.
3、用非谓语动词转换状语从句,进行一句多译 1). 他完成作业之后,出去散步. After he finished the homework, he went out for a walk. =Having finished _______the homework, he went out for a walk. 2).如果他不邀请我,我就不参加他的婚礼 If he doesn’t invite me , I won’t attend his wedding. =_______, I won’t attend his Unless invited wedding.
1.上课迟到20分钟,向Green小姐道歉,并 予以解释 (用非谓语动词替代状语从句) Being late for school for 20 minutes, John apologized to his teacher, Miss Green, what had happened on his way to school. 2.在公车站等车上学时,站在不远的一位老人 忽然晕倒在地 (用非谓语动词转换状语从句) When waiting at the bus station, he found an old man standing nearby fall down to the ground, senseless.
1. 有这么多人帮助你, 你不必担心。
With so many people helping you _______________________ ,you needn’t worry.
2. 最后我选了一套有三个窗户朝南的公寓。
At last, I chose a flat ____________