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Financial Risk

MaterialSource:EssentialofFinancialRiskManagement Author:KarenA.H o r c h e r : Although

financialriskhasincreasedsignificantlyinrecentyears,riskandriskmanagementarenotcontemporary issues.Theresult ofincreasingly global marketsisthatriskmayoriginatewitheventsthousands of miles away that have nothing rmationisavailableinstantaneously,whichmeansthatchange,andsubsequ entmarketreactions,occurveryquickly.

Theeconomicclimateandmarketscan beaffected very quickly by changes inexchangerates,interestrates,andcommodityprices.Asaresult,it is importanttoensurefinancial risksareidentifiedandmanagedappropriately. Preparationis a keycomponentoffinancial riskmanagement.

Riskprovides thebasis for opportunity. The terms risk and exposure havesubtle differences in their meaning. Risk refers to the probability of loss, whileexposure is the possibility of loss, although they are often used interchangeably.Riskarisesasaresultofexposure.

Exposure to financial markets affects most organizations, either directly orindirectly.Whenanorganizationhasfinancialmarketexposure,thereisa possibilityof l oss bu t a l so a n opp ortu n i ty for g a in orprofit.

R i sk i s the l ik el i ho od o f l osse s re su l ti ng from e v ents su c h a s cha ng e s in m a rketprices.Eventswitha lowprobability ofoccurring,butthatmay resultina highloss,areparticularly troublesomebecausetheyareoftennotanticipated.

Since it is not always possible or desirable to eliminate financial risk,understandingitis an important step in determining how to manage it.Identifyingexposuresandrisksformsthebasis for an appropriate financial risk managementstrategy.

Financial risk arises through countless transactions of a financial nature,including sales and purchases, investments and loans, and various other businessactivities,

Whenpriceschangedramatically,itcanincreasecosts,reducerevenues,orotherwise adversely impact the profitability of an organization. Financialfluctuationsmay make itmoredifficulttoplanandbudgetprice goodsandservices,andallocatecapital.

Therearethreemainsourcesoffinancialrisk:first,financialrisks arisingfrom an organizati on’s exposuretochanges in marketprices,such as interestrates,exchange rates, and commodity prices, second, financial risk arising from theactions of , and transaction with, other organizations such as vendors,customers,andcounterpartiesinderivativestransactions,third,financialrisksresultingfrominter nalactions or failures of the organization, particularly people, processes, andsystems.

Financialriskmanagementis aprocess to deal with theuncertaintiesresultingfrom financial markets. It involves assessing the financial risks facing anorganization and developing management strategies consistent with internalpriorities and policies. Addressing financial risks proactively may provide anorganization with a competitive advantage. It also ensures that management,operational staff, stakeholder, and the board of directorsare in agreementon keyissuesofrisk.

Managing financial risk necessitates making organizational decisions aboutrisksthatareacceptable versus thosethatarenot.Thepassive strategy oftakingnoactionistheacceptanceofallrisksbydefault.


financialriskusingavarietyofstrategies.Itisimportanttounderstandhowthesestrategiesworktoreduceriskwi thinthecontextof theorganiza tion’s risktoleranceandobjectives.

The ability to estimate the likelihood ofa financial loss is highly desirable.However, standard theories of probability often fail in the analysis of financialmarkets.Risks usually do not exist in isolation, and the interactions of severalexposures may have to be considered in developing an understanding of howfinancialriskarises.Sometimes,theseinteractions are difficult to forecast, sincetheyultimately dependonhumanbehavior.

Theprocessoffinancialriskmanagementis anongoingone.Strategiesneedtobeimplementedand refinedas the marketand requirements change. R efinementsmay reflect changing expectations about market rates, changes to the businessenvironment,orchanginginternationalpoliticalconditions,forexample.Ingeneral,theprocessca nbe summarizedasfollows: first,identify andprioritizekey financial
