



英语专业大学排名学校名称1 北京外国语大学2 北京大学3 上海外国语大学4 南京大学5 厦门大学6 复旦大学7 南京师范大学8 山东大学9 大连外国语学院10 华东师范大学11 四川外语学院12 西南大学13 湖南师范大学14 北京师范大学15 华中科技大学16 中国政法大学17 北京语言大学18 西南财经大学19 湖南大学20 北京第二外国语学院21 山东大学22 中南财经政法大学23 华南理工大学24 重庆大学25 吉林大学26 广东外语外贸大学27 中南大学28 天津财经大学29 东北财经大学30 宁波大学31 天津大学32 武汉理工大学33 西南政法大学34 大连理工大学盘锦校区35 南京航空航天大学36 北京邮电大学37 中央民族大学38 兰州大学39 湖南师范大学40 山东大学威海分校41 西南交通大学42 汕头大学43 华中农业大学44 华中农业大学45 中国药科大学46 西北工业大学47 华侨大学48 东北大学49 中国民航大学50 华北电力大学保定校区51 郑州大学52 大连海事大学53 河海大学54 华南农业大学55 北京体育大学56 大连理工大学57 江西财经大学58 北京工业大学59 中国矿业大学60 云南大学61 南京农业大学62 武汉科技大学63 中南民族大学64 湖北大学65 中南民族大学66 广西大学67 合肥工业大学68 湘潭大学69 西北农林科技大学70 广州中医药大学71 浙江理工大学72 南方医科大学73 南京邮电大学74 海南大学75 天津外国语大学以上英语专业大学排名,供大家参考。




横断面: transverse elongated
Odourless; taste bitterish, sweetish and astringent.
lenticel-like protrusions:皮孔样凸起
横切面:transverse section 纵切面:longitudinal section
Thin Layer Chromatography
2,3,5,4’tetrahydroxystilbene -2-O-β-D-glucoside
physcione emodin
High Performance Liquid Chromatography
2,3,5,4’-tetrahydroxystilbene -2-O-β-D-glucoside
was the grandson of a man who at age 58 had not been able to father a
child. A monk advised him to eat the herb he gathered on the mountain.
Because of taking the herb constantly, not only did he father several
children as a result, but his hair turned from grey to black and his body became stronger and more youthful. He lived to be 160, still with black hair, and his child lived to be 130. From that time on, this herb has been used to strengthen the body and nourish vital essence.

中国药科大学 专英

中国药科大学 专英
管司 • the Drug Administration Law 药品管理法
日 本
• kampo 汉方 • the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare 日本厚生劳务省 • the Pharmaceutical Affairs Law 药事法
CNS drugs, cold remedies, antipyretics, analgesics, 退热药, 镇痛药
chicken head,鸡头黄精
lion head,狮头党参
chick claw,鸡爪黄连
1 Appearance • willowleaf swallowwort rhizome and root
(Cynanchi Stauntonii Rhizoma et Radix, 白前)
• 萝藦科鹅绒藤属,空似鹅毛管,降气、化痰止咳
美 国
• • • •
Center for safety and applied nutrition 食品安全和实用营养中心(CFSAN) Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act 美国膳食补充剂健康法
美 国
英国药典(BP):(British Pharmacopeia,简称BP)是英国药
品委员会正式出版的英国官方医学标准集、英国制药标准的重要出 处,同时也是药品质量控制、药品生产许可证管理的重要依据。英 国药典囊括了几千篇颇有价值医学专题论文,其中有几百篇是医学 新论。它不仅为读者提供了药用和成药配方标准以及公式配药标准, 而且也向读者展示了所有明确分类并可参照的欧洲药典专著。
PARNUTS, food supplement) 食品



Morphemes:Contra(相反的)Definitions:Indication(适应症)Contraindication(Restriction on use用药限制)active ingredient(有效成分)inactive ingredient(非活性成分)brand name(the trade name of the drug商品名),generic name(international non-proprietary name designated by the World Health Organization通用名)chemical name(indicates the chemical structure of the drug化学名)primary(the original,原发性的)secondary(caused by sth that is original 继发性的)pediatrics(儿科学)Knowledge points:1. different sections in package insertbrand name, chemical name, molecular formula, description, microbiology and clinical pharmacology, indications and usage, contraindications, warnings, precautions, adverse reactions, overdosage, dosage and administration, pregnancy and lactation, interaction with other drugs, pharmacological and toxicological properties, pharmacokinetic properties, storage, package, shelf life.2. The tragedy of sulfanilamideThe diluent for this sulfa preparation was diethylene glycol, a chemical analog of antifreeze. More than 100 people, many of whom were children, died after receiving the drug.3. what is off-label use?药品核准标示外使用4. what is orphaning clause and why do a lot of medicines carry such an orphaningclause?such as, “not to be used in children, since clinical studies have been insufficient to establish recommendations for its use.”5. what is the status of package insert?It is intended as a guide for the physician in prescribing a drugMorphemes:Anti(反)Di(两个)Hydro(水)Mycin(霉菌)Hepat(liver 肝脏)Itis(炎)Para(产,妇)Coccus(球菌)Erythro(红)Cidal(杀)Static(抑)Dia(通过)Definitions:1.broad spectrum and narrow spectrum antibiotics(广谱/窄谱抗生素)A broad-spectrum antibiotic acts against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, in contrast to a narrow-spectrum antibiotic, which is effective against specific families of bacteria.2.prescription drug(处方药)A prescription drug (also prescription medication or prescription medicine) is a pharmaceutical drug that legally requires a medical prescription to be dispensed.3.Bactericidal(杀菌的)a substance that kills bacteria. Bactericides are disinfectants, antiseptics, orantibiotics4.bacteriostatic(细菌抑制的)a biological or chemical agent that stops bacteria from reproducing, while not necessarily harming them otherwise5.super/secondary infection(双重感染,继发感染)by a different microbial agent of exogenous or endogenous origin, that is resistant to the treatment used against the first infection6. natural and acquired resistance天然耐药性(自然界中的病原体,如细菌的某一株也可存在天然耐药性)和获得耐药性(对于抗生素的长期使用价值有很大的限制,如果经常使用不同的新抗生素对付一个问题就不太会出现这种情况)acquired resistance(获得抗性)7.chemotherapy(化疗)Knowledge points:1. What are the disadvantages of antibiotics?not cure-alls.病毒以及很多种类的细菌,真菌,霉菌对于现有的抗生素是天然耐药的。



Strengthening basic researches on Chinese Medicinal Plants and its relations to realizing the modernization of CMM加强中国药用植物基础研究及其与中药现代化的关系Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) 中药Chinese traditional medicinal herbs 中草药the modernization of Chinese Materia Medica (CMM) 中药现代化Ethnobotany 人类植物学Ethnopharmacology民族药理学Ethno- 民族,种族semi-colonial and semi-feudal nation/半殖民半封建的国家multidisciplinary:多学科special projects专项调查pharmacological experiments 药理实验clinical applications临床适应性monographs 各论、专论therapeutical efficacy疗效黄花蒿( Artemisia annua),青蒿( Artemisia apiacea) chloroquine resistant malaria/抗氯喹宁疟疾Pernicious(有害的)malaria/恶性疟疾cerebral (大脑的,脑的)malaria/脑疟疾harringtonine 三尖杉酯碱homoharringtonine 高三尖杉酯碱extracted from 提取leukemia 白血病malignant lymphoma 恶性淋巴瘤ginkgetin 银杏黄酮ommon-used Chinese materia medica常用中药材品种整理和质量研究traditional Chinese patent medicines and preparations 中成药和中药制剂marketing 流通①Identification of species / 品种鉴定益胃生津,滋阴清热benefit the stomach, promote the production of body fluid and remove the excessive heat②Quality control and evaluation/质量的控制和评价intensive 加强的,透彻的remedy: n. 药物,治疗法,赔偿,modern scientific methodologies 现代科学方法①Strengthen the study of medicinal plant resources 加强药用植物基源研究re-producting resources 可持续性利用资源conservation of germplasm of the rare and endangered medicinal plants 珍稀濒危药用植物的种质资源保护②Carry out the researches on specific biology of medicinal plants③Map out GAP (Good Agriculturing Practice) in medicinal cultivation processing rules and regulations 加工方法及规范④Established standards of quality control and renew methodology⑤Apply modern comprehensive multidisciplinary studies on Chinese medicinal plants ⑥Establish information systems in modern research of Chinese medicinal herbs constraint and devastation/ 压迫与毁坏the inheritance and development of Ch inese troditional medicine ……/继承和发扬何首乌A perennial twining herb. The end of the root in a irregular plump mass.Stem somewhat woody at the base and much branched at the upperpart,herbaceous.Leave alternate,with a long periole;blade cordate,4-9cm long.2.5-5cm broad ,entire,glabrous;Flowers numerous,in terminal or axillary panicles,small;perianth 5-parted,white,the parts unequal in size.Achene elliptical,3-ridged,covered by the persisting winged perianth.多年生缠绕草本;根末端肥大呈不整齐块状,红褐色。



第三节 药理作用
• Mean peak serum concentrations of tobramycin occur between 30 and about 60 minutes after intramuscular administration.
• 肌注后约30~60分钟之间妥布毒素的平均血药浓度达到高峰。
第三节 药理作用
• 如果药品的一种抗生素,可能出现:
Biological Action 生物活性 Microbiology 微生物学
第三节 药理作用
• 这一项目中涉及的词汇范围包括药理学、生理学、化学、毒理学、微生物学及医学等学科, 专业词汇多,是较难阅读的一部分内容,阅读时可参阅《英汉医学词汇》、《英汉微生物学 词汇》及《英汉化学化工词汇》等工具书。另外,还会遇到许多缩写词,如:CNS(中枢神 经系统)、EEG(脑电图)、LD50(半数致死剂量)、ECG(心电图)等,这些缩写词可在 英汉医学缩略语词典中查到。
• crystalline 结晶的 tablets 片剂 liquid 液体 solid 固体 powder 粉末
第二节 性状 tasteless 无味的
第三节 药理作用
• 有些说明书较详细地介绍药品的药理作用(Pharmacological Actions)。其内容主要包括 • 药理作用、临床药理(Clinical Pharmacology)、 • 体外试验(in vitro experiments)、 • 药物代谢(Metabolism)、 • 药效(Potency) • 毒性(Toxicity)
第二节 性状
• 二、本项中常用的词汇: • 1、表示组成、制备的词及短语,如:



基础写作(二) 任俊强 B403
综合英语(四) 龚月冬 B402
英语听力(四) 陆燚枫 经328
英语听力(二) 龚静 经321
毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论 B102
视听说(指选) 任俊强 B308
英语口语(二) Daniel B401
英语听力(二) 龚静 经321
国际金融 (指选) B102
△ 双周计算机 △ 单周计算机 △ 单周计算机 △ 单周计算机 △ 单周计算机
英美文学(二) 刘建国 B109
高级英语(二) 魏新俊 B410
高级英语(二) 郑康 经321
综合英语(四) 龚月冬(双) C301
综合英语(四) 综合英语(四) 柯可(双) C302 万中艳(双) D104
综合英语(二) 周雅君 B403
综合英语(二) 焦静霞 B402
综合英语(二) 李白 B401
英语阅读(二) 汪佩 B209 英语语法 龚静 D104
综合英语(二) 李白 B401
12 上午
12 上午
综合英语(二) 周雅君(双) B403
综合英语(二) 焦静霞(双) B402
高级英语(二) 魏新俊 B410
英美文学(二) 刘建国 B109
高级英语(二) 郑康 经321
高级英语(二) 综合英语(四) 张国申 B209 龚月冬(双) C301



UV:The visible region corresponds to 800 to 400 nm,and the ultraviolet region to400nm to 200nm.The wavelength at which absorption is a maximum is referred to as the λmax of the sample.The absorbance A of a sample is proportional to its concentration in solution and the path length through which the beam of ultraviolet radiation passes.To correct for concention and path length ,absorbance is convered to molar absorptivity e by dividing it by the concentration c in moles per liter and the path length l in centimeters.红外①While NMR spectroscopy is,in general,more revealing of the structure of an unkown compound,IR still remains an important place in the chemist’s inventory of spectroscopic methods because of its usefulness in identifying the presence of certain functional groups within a molecule.②wave numbers are reciprocal centimeters,so the region 2.5 to 16 corresponds to 4000 to 625cm .an advantang using wave numbers is that they are directly proporthus,tional to energy while wavelengths are inversely proportional to energy. Thus 4000cm is the high-energy end of the scale and 625 cm is the low-energy end. Almost all organic compounds exhibit a peak or peaks near 3000 cm because it is in this region that absorption due to carbon-hydrogen stretching vibrations occurs.The peaks at 1460 ,1380,and725cm-1 are due to various bending vibrations.③In using infrared spectroscopy for structure determination,peaks in the range 1600to 4000cm-1 are usually emphasized because this is the region in which the vibrations characteristic of particular functional groups are found .the region 1300 to 625cm-1 is known as the fingerprint region.It is here that the pattern of peaks varies most from compound to compound.质谱① It does not depend on the selective absorption of particular frequencies of electromagnetic radiation but rather examines what happens to a molecule,when itis bombarded with high-energy electrons.②The molecular ion has the same mass(less the negligible mass of a single electron)as the molecule from which it is formed.③Scanning all m/z values gives the distribution of positive ions ,called amass spectrum,characteristic of a particular compound.氢谱①The orientation of the spectrum on the chart is adjusted electronically so that the TMS peak coincides with the zero grid line.②A 60-MHZ nmr spectrometer separates the energy of nuclear spin states only 60 percent as much as does a 100-MHZ spectrometer.③By reporting chemical shifts in parts per million,this effect fo field strength is taken into account:thus irrespective of magnetic field strength.The signal due to the protonof chloroform appears at 7.28 ppm.总论①The number of signals in a H nmr molecule;the integrated areas tell us their relative ratios;their chemical shifts indicate the kind of environment surrounding the proton:and the splitting pattern is related to the number of protons on adjacent carbons.②By using special techniques for signal enhancement,high-quality C13 nmr spectra may be obtained and these provide a useful complement to proton spectra.③In many substances a separate signal is observed for each carbon atom; and the chemical shifts are characteristic of particular structural types.Carbon signals are normally presented as singlets,but through a technique known as off-resonance decoupling they appear as multiplets in which the number of peaks is one more than the number of directly bonded hydrogens.③It is useful for determining the presence of certain functional groups based ontheir characteristic absorption frequencies.⑤By examining the fragments and by knowing how classes of molecules dissociateon electron impact,one can deduce the structure of a compound.Mass spectuometryis quite sensitive:as little as 10-9 g of compound is sufficient.生物碱Ground,air-dired,stem bark of O.glaberrima was extracted with CH2CL2/MEOH(1:1)at room temperature. The extract was concentrated under reduced pressure and its anti-microbial activities against a range -organisms were evaluated in vitro, using the agar diffusion test .Following bioassay-directed chromotographic fractionation ,two new alkaloid, oriciacridone A(1) and oriciacridoneB(2),were isolated , together with the known lichexanthone(3)Oriciacridone A (1) was obtained as yellow crystals and reacted positively with FeCl3, thereby indicating the presence of a phenolic hydroxyl group.何首乌理化鉴别Boil about 0.1g of the powder in 10ml of 10% sodium hydroxide solution for 3 min,cool and filter.Acidify the filtrate with hydrochloric acid,extract with equal quantity of ether, the layershows a yellow colour .To 4ml of ether solution add2ml ammonia TS,shake,the ammonia layer shows a red color.Heat under reflux about 0.2g of the powder in 5ml of ethanol for 5min,filter while hot,and allow to cool.Evaporate 2 drops of the filtrate to dryness in a porcelaindish ,add a drop of saturated solution of antimony trichlodide in chloroform ,a red-brown to violet-red colour is produced.(1)取粉末约0.1g,加10%氢氧化钠溶液10ml,煮沸3分钟,冷后滤过。


It is usually grown wild in sunny calcareous grasslands and along the sandy riverbanks, and now also cultivated. Distributed in Northeast China, North China and Northwest China.
oxalate; sieve tube tissue often pressed to be collapsed. Fascicular cambium distinct. Xylem rays 3~5 cells wide; vessels frequent up
to 160 μm in diameter; xylem fibres in boundless, surrounded by
Since ancient times in China, it has been called the National Venerable Master (国老) because it has the merit of harmonizing and mollifying drugs in a prescription and eliminating various toxicities.
Legume:荚果 prickly: 多刺的 calcareous glasslands:钙质草原
Collection and Preparation
The drug is collected in spring and autumn, removed from stems and rootlets, cut into sections (about 1m long), sunned to be 60~70% dried, the roots and the rhizomes being bundled into bales, and then preserved in a ventilated dry place until dried completely. Some of liquorice roots are deprived of the cork. It is called starchy liquorice(粉甘草).



中国药科大学毕业英语考试题目1、_____ is not known yet. [单选题] *A. Although he is serious about itB. No matter how we will do the taskC. Whether we will go outing or not(正确答案)D. Unless they come to see us2、Every means _____ but it's not so effective. [单选题] *A. have been triedB. has been tried(正确答案)C. have triedD. has tried3、What he said sounds _______. [单选题] *A. pleasantlyB. nicelyC. friendly(正确答案)D. wonderfully4、9.There will be a lot of activities at English Festival nest month. Which one would you like to ________? [单选题] *A.take part in (正确答案)B.joinC.attendD.go5、We need some green paint badly, but there' s _____ at hand. [单选题] *A. notB. nothingC. little(正确答案)D. none6、—Is this ______ football, boy? —No, it is not ______.()[单选题] *A. yours; myB. your; mine(正确答案)C. your; meD. yours; mine7、His understanding made a deep impression_____the young girl. [单选题] *A.on(正确答案)B.inC.forD.with8、--Which is Tom?--He is _______ of the two boys. [单选题] *A. tallB. tallerC. the taller(正确答案)D. the tallest9、A lot of students in our school were born _______ March, 1 [单选题] *A. in(正确答案)B. atC. onD. since10、Nowadays schools should care for the full _______ of a student’s talents. [单选题] *A. satisfactionB. development(正确答案)C. communicationD. preparation11、He went to America last Friday. Alice came to the airport to _______ him _______. [单选题] *A. take; offB. see; off(正确答案)C. send; upD. put; away12、I can’t hear you _______. Please speak a little louder. [单选题] *A. clearly(正确答案)B. lovelyC. widelyD. carelessly13、—These shoes look cool. ______ are they?—They are on sale, only $()[单选题] *A. How much(正确答案)B. How longC. How manyD. How soon14、My father and I often go ______ on weekends so I can ______ very well. ()[单选题] *A. swim; swimmingB. swims; swimC. swimming; swimmingD. swimming; swim(正确答案)15、She found her wallet()she lost it. [单选题] *A. where(正确答案)B. whenC. in whichD.that16、80.Thousands of ________ from other countries visit the village every year. [单选题] * A.robotsB.postcardsC.tourists(正确答案)D.bridges17、I gave John a present but he gave me nothing_____. [单选题] * return(正确答案) turn18、Mary, together with her children ,_____ some video show when I went into the sitting room. [单选题] *A. were watchingB. was watching(正确答案)C. is watchingD. are watching19、In 2019 we moved to Boston,()my grandparents are living. [单选题] *A. whoB. whenC. where(正确答案)D. for which20、5 He wants to answer the ________ because it is an interesting one. [单选题] *A.problemB.question(正确答案)C.doorD.plan21、Just use this room for the time being ,and we’ll offer you a larger one _______it becomes available [单选题] *A. as soon as(正确答案)B unless .C as far asD until22、The Chinese team are working hard _______ honors in the Olympic Games. [单选题] *A. to win(正确答案)B. winC. winningD. won23、He used to get up at six in the morning,()? [单选题] *A. used heB. did heC. didnt he (正确答案)D. should he24、Our campus is _____ big that we need a bike to make it. [单选题] *A. veryB. so(正确答案)C. suchD. much25、Grandpa pointed to the hospital and said, “That’s _______ I was born?”[单选题] *A. whenB. howC. whyD. where(正确答案)26、The man lost his camera and he ______ it now.()[单选题] *A. foundB. is findingC. is looking forD. looks for(正确答案)27、My English teacher has given us some _______ on how to study English well. [单选题] *A. storiesB. suggestions(正确答案)C. messagesD. practice28、Many people prefer the bowls made of steel to the _____ made of plastic. [单选题] *A. itB. ones(正确答案)C. oneD. them29、I’m still unable to make myself_____in the discussion, which worries me a lot. [单选题]*A.understandB.understood(正确答案) be understood30、Medicines are to be taken according to the doctor’s advice. [单选题] *A. 发放B. 提取C. 配方D. 服用(正确答案)。



同一样品,制备相同浓度的6份样品(样品取样量减半, 以1:1比例加入对照品。 同一样品,制备3个浓度的供试品,每个浓度分别制备3份供 试液,共9份,对照品的加入方式有3种:
A: 取相同量样品9份(一般为样品取样量的一半),设计3
个浓度,按不同比例加入对照品。0.5:1、1:1、1.5:1 B:取3个不同量的样品各3份,每个取样量分别按1:1比例 加入对照品,中间浓度应选定在正常测定浓度。 C: 按标示量计算的组分,可参照化学药品测定方法,取9 份样品,按 0.8:1、1:1、1.2:1的比例加入对照品(样 品取样量减半) recovery% 95-105% RSD%<3%(HPLC)
应在规定的范围内测定线性关系。可用一贮备液经精密稀释, 或分别精密称样,制备一系列供试品的方法进行测定,至少制 备5个浓度的供试品。以测得的响应信号作为被测物浓度的函 数作图,观察是否呈线性,再用最小二乘法进行线性回归。
the range the slope
范围 斜率
removed from thick stem, cut into section, and dried. (注:中国药典2010年版一部英文版药用部位采用名词单 数,如stem, leaf, fibrous root, rootlet等).
Description 性 状
starchy 粉性的 cambium 形成层
Accuracy 准确度
• 可用已知纯度的对照品做加样回收测定,即于已知被测成 分含量的供试品中再精密加入一定量的已知纯度的被测成 分对照品。
• 用实测值与供试品中含有量之差,除以加入对照品量计算 回收率。

课表9 英语专业课程表征求意见稿(二稿)

课表9 英语专业课程表征求意见稿(二稿)

午 34
文学史 刘建国 B109
高级听力(二) 刘中荣 B208
药剂学 E301


药事法规 B412
笔译(一) 赵娜
经管文楼 328(北)
英美概况 综合英语(三) 基础写作(一) 综合英语(三)
张宇辉 经管文楼 321(南)
万中艳 C501
龚月冬 C301
江娜 C502
柯可 C302
经管文楼 321(南)
英语语音 戴磊(17) B209
综合英语(三) 英语口语(一) 英语语音 综合英语(一) 万中艳 C501 Ben B403 孙杨杨 E407 焦静霞 B402
综合英语(一) 李白 B401
英美文学选读(一) 英美文学选读(一) 刘建国(双) B109 刘建国(单) B109
笔译(一) 赵娜 B209
药学英语 基础写作(三) 英语口语(三)
张宇辉 D104 李白 B401
Tom B402
英美概况 基础写作(一) 英语听力(三) 万中艳 C501 江娜 C502 刘中荣 B208
英语听力(一) 龚静
经管文楼 321(南)
英语听力(一) 孙杨杨(双) 经管文楼 328(北)
英语听力(一) 孙杨杨(单)
经管文楼 328(北)
第二外语(二) 日语:袁静文 E301 & 法语:张庭芳 E201 【必修课—语言文学方向;选修课—药学方向】
综合英语(一) 周雅君 B403
英语口语(一) 英语阅读(一)
Tom B401
汪佩 D104



❖ 天然产物方面的投稿要求:要求5个或以上新化合物,且要有活性 ❖ 需要附上化合物的NMR图谱,如有单晶衍射,还需附上CIF文件 ❖ 需要自己推荐5个审稿人及联系方式 ❖ JNP的审稿较严格 ❖ 网上投稿 ❖ 投稿网址:https:///acs
公元常以 A.D.(拉丁文Anno Domini 的缩写,意为“主的生年”)表示,公元前则以 B.C.(英文 Before Christ 的缩写,意为“基督以前”)表示。
“B.C.E.” Before the Common Era 公元前 “C.E.” Common Era 公元
phytochemical 植物化学的 Phytochemistry 植物化学
2、Chinese Medicinal Materials 中药材
中 药/ Chinese Medicines 中药材/ Chinese Medicinal Materials 中药、中医药 /Traditional Chinese Medicines (TCM) 中药学 /Chinese Materia Medica 草 药/Herbal Medic2ines 中草药 /Traditional Chinese Medicinal Herbs 民间药 /Folklore Medicaments 中成药/ Traditional Chinese Patent Medicines
❖ 该杂志最近几年收载的文章越来越趋向生化、分子生物学的方向,对于分析、植生类的文章收载也比前 几年多,反倒是植化方面的文章收的越来越少,当然其主要还是基于天然产物的研究向其他学科的渗透。
Journal of Natural Products (JNP ) 天然产物杂志









专业名称:药学科学(Pharmaceutical Science )授予学位:药学硕士(Master of Science in Pharmaceutical Science)授课语言:全英文授课(除汉语)招生对象:英语国家的留学生(主要由留学基金委分配)一、研究方向1.药物化学2.药剂学3.生药学4.药物分析学5.微生物与生化药学6.药理学7.生物化学8.分析化学9.中西医结合基础10.制药工程学11.天然药物化学12.社会与管理药学13.药物生物信息学14.海洋药物学15.临床药学16.药物代谢动力学17.中药化学18.中药生物技术学19.中药药理学20.中药制剂学21.中药鉴定学22.中药分析学23.中药炮制学24.中药资源学25.药学信息学26.生物化学与分子生物学27.企业管理28.社会科学29.药物经济学二、培养方式及年限培养方式:第一年专业基础课采取集体授课形式,第二、三年采取由导师负责进行培养。





高级英语(二) 魏新俊 B410
高级英语(二) 魏新俊 B410
高级英语(二) 郑康 经321
口译(二) 王大维 经328
口译(二) 王大维 经328
高级英语(二) 郑康 经321
口译(二) 史志祥 B306
高级英语(二) 张国申 B209
生理药理【必修课—药学方向】E301 外贸函电 (指选) 江娜 B102
综合英语(四) 龚月冬(双) C301
综合英语(四) 综合英语(四) 柯可(双) C302 万中艳(双) C501
综合英语(二) 周雅君(双) B403
综合英语(二) 焦静霞(双) B402
高级英语(二) 魏新俊 B410
英美文学(二) 刘建国 B109
高级英语(二) 郑康 经321
高级英语(二) 综合英语(四) 张国申 B209 龚月冬(双) C301
高级英语(二) 郑康 经321
高级听力(一) 刘中荣 B208
高级听力(一) 刘中荣 B208
高级英语(二) 张国申 B209
课表9— 中国药科大学 2013/2014学年第二学期英语专业课程表(定稿)
英语阅读(四) 陆萍 D104
英语听力(四) 陆燚枫 经328
12 上午
语言文学方向01 语言文学方向02

口译(二) 孙杨杨 B409
高级英语(二) 魏新俊 B410
高级英语(二) 魏新俊 B410



提纲2Passage OneThe journey two divers made some time ago to the very deepest point on the earth makes us realize how much of the world still remains to be studied. The two men went down seven miles to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean inside a small steel ball to find out if there are any ocean currents or signs of life.It was necessary to set out early, so that the ball would come to the surface in daylight, and so be easily found by the mother ship which would be waiting for it. The divers began preparations early in the morning and soon afterwards, when all was ready, the steel ball disappeared under the surface of the water.The divers felt as if they were going down steps as they passed through warm and cold layers of water. In time, the temperature dropped to freezing point. They kept in touch with the mother ship by telephone telling how they felt. Then, at a depth of 3, 000 feet, the telephone stopped working and they were quite cut off from the outside world. All went well until some four hours later at 30, 000 feet, the men were frightened by a loud, cracking noise: even the smallest hole in the ball would have meant instant death. Luckily, though, it was only one of the outer windows that had broken. Soon afterwards, the ball touched the soft ocean floor raising a big cloud of “dust” made up of small dead sea-creatures. Here, powerful lights lit up the dark water and the men were surprised to see fish swimming just above them quite untroubled by the great water-pressure. But they did not dare to leave the lights on for long, as the heat from them made the water boil. Quite unexpectedly, the telephone began working again and the faint but clear voices of the divers were heard on the mother ship seven miles away. After a stay of thirty minutes the men began their journey up arriving three hours later, cold and wet through, but none the worse for their experience.1.The purpose of the divers’ journey to the deepest point on the earth was to find __________.A.if there are water currents and life in the great depthsB.if people can stand the severe cold in the great depthsC.if there are steps in the great depthsD.if the telephone works well in the great depths2.The divers set out early in the morning so that __________.A.they could return to the surface during the dayB.they could see at the bottom of the oceanC.they could avoid the cold at nightD.they could stay long at the bottom3.Which of the statements is true?A.The ocean water temperature decreases steadily with the depth.B.There are steps on the way to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.C.There are steps between the water layers of different temperatures.D.The water layers of different temperatures made the divers feel as if they were goingdown steps.4.As the divers went down to the ocean floor, the telephone __________.A.kept working all the timeB.stopped working at a depth of 3, 000 feet and began working again after they reachedthe bottomC.stopped working at a depth of 3, 000 feet and began working again at 30, 000 feetD.stopped working at a depth of 3, 000 feet and began working again when they returned tthe same depth5.On the ocean floor, the divers found that __________.A.there was no life but some small dead were swimming as freely as they do near the were not swimming freely in the dark were not swimming freely under the high water-pressurePassage TwoThere are two kinds of memory: short-term and long-term. Information in long-term memory can be recalled at a later time when it is needed. The information may be kept for days or weeks. In contrast, information in short-term memory is kept for only a few seconds, usually by repeating the information over and over. The following experiment shows how short-term memory has been studied.Henning studied how students who are leaning English as a second language remembervocabulary. The subjects in his experiment were 75 college students. They represented all levels of ability in English: beginning, intermediate, advanced, and native-speaking students.To begin, the subjects listened to a recording of a native speaker reading a paragraph in English. Following the recording, the subjects took a 15-question test to see which words they remembered. Each question had four choices. The subjects had to circle the word they had heard in the recording. Some of the questions had four choices that sound alike. For example, weather, whether, wither, and wetter are four words that sound a like. Some of the questions had four choices that have the same meaning. Method, way, manner, and system would be four words with the same meaning. Finally the subjects took a language proficiency test.Henning found that students with a lower proficiency in English made more of their mistakes on words that sound alike; students with a higher proficiency made more of their mistakes on words that have the same meaning. Henning’s results suggest that beginning students hold the sound of words in their short-term memory, and advanced students hold the meaning of words in their short-term memory.6.Henning made the experiment in order to study students remember English vocabulary by short-term students learn English to develop students’ ability in long information in short-term memory is kept7.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?rmation in short-term memory is different from that in long-term memory.B.Long-term memory can be achieved only by training.C.It is easier to test short-term memory than long-term memory.D.Henning gave a separate test on vocabulary to his subjects.8.From Henning’s results we can see that _________.A.beginners have difficulty distinguishing the pronunciation of wordsB.advanced students remember words by their is difficult to remember words that sound is difficult to remember words that have the same meaning9.The word “subject” in the passage means __________.A.the college course the students takeB.the theme of the listening materialC. a branch of knowledge studiedD.the student experimented on10.The passage centres on __________.A.memoryB.two kinds of memoryC.short-term experiment on studentsPassage ThreeEaster is probably the most important Christian holiday on the calendar because it commemorates Christ’s resurrection from the dead. Like many other religious holidays, though, Easter has incorporated many traditions from pagan beliefs and pre-Christian rites of seasonal regeneration.The word Easter has Indo-European roots and means “dawn”. This is a direct reference to the pagan goddess of dawn and new life. The egg, a symbol of Easter, is a sign of fertility which reflects ancient spring renewal rites and beliefs that have been absorbed into the Christian tradition. Even the Easter bunny who brings the eggs was the escort of the Germanic goddess Ostara, who had a holiday named after her that fell on the vernal equinox. This serves to underscore the pagan elements that still remain a part of this quintessential Christian holy day.In the United States, Easter is celebrated in several ways. On Easter morning children usually begin their day by looking for Easter eggs that the Easter bunny has hidden for them. Of course, most children know that the eggs were hidden by their parents, not the Easter bunny. In fact, many children help their parents color the Easter eggs, knowing that soon they will be eating them as a snack on Easter day. Some cities have Easter egg hunts at the local parks.Since Easter is always celebrated on Sunday, many people attend “Sunrise services” at their local church. In fact, more people go to church on Easter Sunday than at any other time of the year. Sunrise services begin very early in the morning, usually right about the same time as when the sun begins to rise, and last until almost noon. After church families gather and have a big holiday feast.Easter also marks the coming of spring. People are usually happy that winter is over, so parks are usually full of people who want to get outside and enjoy the fresh air.11.Which of the following best defines Easter?A.It is partially religious.B.It is a Christian holiday.C.It is purely a religious tradition.D.It is the most important Christian holiday.12.The Easter egg represents lifeC.productivityD.Easter13.What is the main point of the third paragraph?A.Children like eating eggs on Easter.B.Children help their parents on Easter.C.People participate in many activities on Easter.D. A lot of people go to church on Easter.14.The celebration of Easter does not include __________.A.eating Easter eggsB.hunting Easter eggsC.buying gifts for childrenD.having religious ceremonies15.Why do people go to parks on Easter?A.Because spring is coming.B.Because it is part of the celebration.C.Because the air is fresh on that day.D.Because they feel free on that day.Passage FourOne of Britain’s few distinctive contributions to the world culture may be doomed, according to a survey that suggests holiday postcards are being emailed and texted extinction. More than half of the 1000 holiday-makers interviewed said they had decided to send fewer cards, turning instead to their electronic rivals. A quarter of the respondents dismissed postcards as old-fashioned and slow to arrive. A further 14% admitted that thinking of something to fill the space was too challenging, compared with a call home. Although officially invented by a Hungarian, Emanuel Herrmann, 1869, the idea of illustrated cards was taken up with most enthusiasm in Victorian Britain, joining Gothic architecture and landscape gardening as fields in which the country excelled. “If the British postcard did become extinct we would lose for ever something of great importance to the nation,”said Chris Mottershead of Thomson Holiday, which commissioned the poll Marie Angelou of Sussex University, who has investigated the importance of sending and receiving postcards, backed him. “Postcards are nothing like phone calls, instant texting and direct photo shots via mobile,” she said. “All these are useful, practical devices, but postcards offer something else, something additional that is not mundane and simply functional, but imaginative and personal. They can evoke the real atmosphere of our holiday in a way that nothing else can do. They’re also for more than a moment – with some people adding them to collections built up over years and years.” Postcard-collecting, or deltiology, is third only to coins and stamps in Britain’s allied tradition of collecting things. The country’s uniquely postcard-related achievements include the invention in 1902 of the “divided back”. With the address taking up half of the writing area, brief postcard scribes became the precursor to today’s cryptic text messages.16.Based on the survey, the conclusion is that postcards were not popular among those interviewedB.half of the British are thinking of quitting postcards may have a gloomy futureD. a quarter of the interviewed threw away their postcards17.Which of the following is not a reason why people refuse to send cards?A.Sending cards is not fashionable.B.Sending cards is slow.C.It is difficult to think of something to write on the cards.D.It’s difficult to find a suitable card to send.18.According to the text, the significance of postcard is that it is one of those that _________.A.were invented by foreignersB.postcard has a long historyC.were Britain’s own creationD.Britain used to be proud of19.According to Marie Angelou, _________.A.postcards are totally different from phone calls, instant texting, etc.B.postcards don’t function as well as phone calls, instant texting, etc.C.postcards function better than phone calls, instant texting and the likeD.there is more to postcards than its practical functions20.What is not a reason why some people support cards?A.They can evoke the atmosphere of holiday.B.They are convenient.C.They can be collected.D.They are imaginative and personal.。



A summary of available chiral technology for obtaining single-isomers is listed below. Some of these, such as fermentation and crystallisation, have long been available to chemists but their successful application required specialist expertise (for example, microbiology for the former, physical chemistry for the latter). Their use has also been patchy, as experience indicated that they could only address some chiral problems.
1. If a drug is chiral, then in biological terms the enantiomers invariably differ in activity. One may specifically interact with a cell receptor to produce the desired outcome while the other might have no useful application or might have an unwanted effect through some other interaction.
虽然过去的许多已开发的合成药物并不是手性的,但那些来自天然产 物的药物则几乎总是手性的(例如,青霉素类)。很显然,单一异构 体药物比相应的外消旋体具有更特效的作用模式。
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UV:The visible region corresponds to 800 to 400 nm,and the ultraviolet region to400nm to 200nm.The wavelength at which absorption is a maximum is referred to as the λmax of the sample.The absorbance A of a sample is proportional to its concentration in solution and the path length through which the beam of ultraviolet radiation passes.To correct for concention and path length ,absorbance is convered to molar absorptivity e by dividing it by the concentration c in moles per liter and the path length l in centimeters.红外①While NMR spectroscopy is,in general,more revealing of the structure of an unkown compound,IR still remains an important place in the chemist’s inventory of spectroscopic methods because of its usefulness in identifying the presence of certain functional groups within a molecule.②wave numbers are reciprocal centimeters,so the region 2.5 to 16 corresponds to 4000 to 625cm .an advantang using wave numbers is that they are directly proporthus,tional to energy while wavelengths are inversely proportional to energy. Thus 4000cm is the high-energy end of the scale and 625 cm is the low-energy end. Almost all organic compounds exhibit a peak or peaks near 3000 cm because it is in this region that absorption due to carbon-hydrogen stretching vibrations occurs.The peaks at 1460 ,1380,and725cm-1 are due to various bending vibrations.③In using infrared spectroscopy for structure determination,peaks in the range 1600to 4000cm-1 are usually emphasized because this is the region in which the vibrations characteristic of particular functional groups are found .the region 1300 to 625cm-1 is known as the fingerprint region.It is here that the pattern of peaks varies most from compound to compound.质谱① It does not depend on the selective absorption of particular frequencies of electromagnetic radiation but rather examines what happens to a molecule,when itis bombarded with high-energy electrons.②The molecular ion has the same mass(less the negligible mass of a single electron)as the molecule from which it is formed.③Scanning all m/z values gives the distribution of positive ions ,called amass spectrum,characteristic of a particular compound.氢谱①The orientation of the spectrum on the chart is adjusted electronically so that the TMS peak coincides with the zero grid line.②A 60-MHZ nmr spectrometer separates the energy of nuclear spin states only 60 percent as much as does a 100-MHZ spectrometer.③By reporting chemical shifts in parts per million,this effect fo field strength is taken into account:thus irrespective of magnetic field strength.The signal due to the protonof chloroform appears at 7.28 ppm.总论①The number of signals in a H nmr molecule;the integrated areas tell us their relative ratios;their chemical shifts indicate the kind of environment surrounding the proton:and the splitting pattern is related to the number of protons on adjacent carbons.②By using special techniques for signal enhancement,high-quality C13 nmr spectra may be obtained and these provide a useful complement to proton spectra.③In many substances a separate signal is observed for each carbon atom; and the chemical shifts are characteristic of particular structural types.Carbon signals are normally presented as singlets,but through a technique known as off-resonance decoupling they appear as multiplets in which the number of peaks is one more than the number of directly bonded hydrogens.③It is useful for determining the presence of certain functional groups based ontheir characteristic absorption frequencies.⑤By examining the fragments and by knowing how classes of molecules dissociateon electron impact,one can deduce the structure of a compound.Mass spectuometryis quite sensitive:as little as 10-9 g of compound is sufficient.生物碱Ground,air-dired,stem bark of O.glaberrima was extracted with CH2CL2/MEOH(1:1)at room temperature. The extract was concentrated under reduced pressure and its anti-microbial activities against a range -organisms were evaluated in vitro, using the agar diffusion test .Following bioassay-directed chromotographic fractionation ,two new alkaloid, oriciacridone A(1) and oriciacridoneB(2),were isolated , together with the known lichexanthone(3)Oriciacridone A (1) was obtained as yellow crystals and reacted positively with FeCl3, thereby indicating the presence of a phenolic hydroxyl group.何首乌理化鉴别Boil about 0.1g of the powder in 10ml of 10% sodium hydroxide solution for 3 min,cool and filter.Acidify the filtrate with hydrochloric acid,extract with equal quantity of ether, the layershows a yellow colour .To 4ml of ether solution add2ml ammonia TS,shake,the ammonia layer shows a red color.Heat under reflux about 0.2g of the powder in 5ml of ethanol for 5min,filter while hot,and allow to cool.Evaporate 2 drops of the filtrate to dryness in a porcelaindish ,add a drop of saturated solution of antimony trichlodide in chloroform ,a red-brown to violet-red colour is produced.(1)取粉末约0.1g,加10%氢氧化钠溶液10ml,煮沸3分钟,冷后滤过。
