政治军事类词汇security checkpointdebatedelayedoriginallytroop 军队throne 王位,宝座conservative 保守的,守旧的fire back 回火,反击prosperity 兴旺,繁荣explosive 爆炸性的poll 投票allied powers 同盟国peace keeping force 维和部队armed intervention 武装干涉multi-party election 多党选举chancellor 长官,大臣authoritative information 官方消息secretary of state 国务卿anniversary 周年纪念日enforcement 实施,执行undermine 暗中破坏holdout (谈判中)不退让undermine 暗中破坏safeguarddissolution 解体Parliament 议会cabinet 内阁lawmakercriticismreign 君主统治step downmonarch 君主政体administration party 执政党suicide attacks 自杀式攻击terrorismweapon inspection 武器检查corruption 腐败cease fire 停火absolute majority bureaucracy 官僚作风pledge 保证sanction 制裁overhaul 彻底检查draft 草案charter 宪章overthrow 推翻regime 政体employee雇员雇工allege 断言宣称辩解wealthy富有的financial财政的account 账户upgrade 提升升级invest投资deposit储蓄存款ceiling price 最高限价depression萧条不景气trade disputes贸易争端bonus share 红股economic recovery 经济恢复。
E0 军事
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目录[隐藏]∙ 1 军事与政治∙ 2 军事分类o 2.1 军事战略o 2.2 军事战术∙ 3 军事理论o 3.1 兵法∙ 4 军事费用∙ 5 文艺作品o 5.1 文学作品o 5.2 影视艺术o 5.3 游戏▪ 5.3.1 电脑游戏▪ 5.3.2 儿童游戏▪ 5.3.3 棋类游戏∙ 6 参见∙7 外部链接[编辑]军事与政治有人认为,军事为政治的一部分,但在中国古代,军、政是分开的。
军事词汇导弹missil es洲际导弹intercontin ental missil e中程导弹mediurn-range missil e巡航导弹cruise mi ssil e核弹头nuclea rwerh ead地对地导弹surface to-surface missil e地对空导弹surface-to-air missil e舰对空导弹ship-to-air missil e空对空导弹air-to-air missil e空对地导弹air-to-surface missil e反幅射导弹anti-radiati on missil e反舰导弹anti-ship missil e反潜导弹anti-submari ne missil e自导鱼雷homing torpad o弹翼missil e wing减速伞drag parach ute制导装置guidan ce device弹体guided missil e doby固体火箭发动机solidpropel lant rocket 尾翼tail fin飞行弹道trajectory发射制导装置launchi ng guidan ce device 发射管launchi ng tube反弹道导弹anti-ballis ti c missil e集束炸弹bomb-cluste r地下井missil e silo移动式井盖slidin g silo door火箭发射场rocket launchi ng site发射塔launchi ng tower勤务塔servic e tower核武器nuclea r weapon s燃料库fuel depot; fuel reserv oir指挥室comman d post通气道air vent; ventil ation shaft多级火箭multis tage rocket再入大气层飞行器re-entryvehicl e原子弹atomic bomb氢弹hydrog en bomb引爆装置ignite r热核燃料fusion ablemateri al蘑菇状烟云mushro om cloud冲击波shock wave; blast wave放射性落下灰尘radioa ctive fallou t核爆炸观测仪nuclea r explosi on observ ation device辐射仪radiati on gauge辐射级仪radiati on leveli ndica tor军事卫星milita ry satell i te侦察卫星reconn aissa nce satell ite预警卫星earlywarnin g satell ite电子侦察卫星electroni creconn ai ssa n ce satell ite导航卫星naviga tionsatell ite测地卫星geodesi c satell ite军用通讯卫星milita ry communi cati ons satell ite军用气象卫星milita ry meteorologi c al satell ite卫星通信车satell i te communi cati ons vehicl e宇宙空间站spacestatio n警戒雷达warnin g radar引导雷达direct or radar制导雷达guidan ce radar目标指示雷达target radar测高雷达height findin g radar三坐标雷达three-dimensi onal radar弹道导弹预警相控阵雷达ballis tic missil e early-warnin g phased-arrayradar导航雷达naviga tionradar机载截击雷达airborne intercept radar炮瞄雷达gun-pointi ng radar对空警戒雷达aircra ft-warnin g radar航海雷达marine radar对海管戒雷达naval warnin g radar侦察雷达reconn aissa nce radar卫星通信天线satell ite communi cati on antena驱逐舰destro yer歼击机fighte r plane; fighte r空速管airspe ed head; pilottube陀螺gyroscope无线电罗盘radiocompas s平视显示机head-up displa y火箭弹射座椅ejecto r seat副翼ailero n襟翼flap燃油箱fuel tank垂直尾翼tail fin; vertical stabil izer阻力伞舱drag parach ute housin g水平尾翼horizo ntal stabil izer液压油箱hydrau li c oil contai ner副油箱auxili ary fuel tank主起落架main landin g gear机翼整体油箱integral wing tank机炮machin e gun; cnnon进气道系统air-inletsystem前起落架frontl andin g gear空气数据计算机air-data comput er迎角传感器angleof attack sensor进气口头锥air-inletnose cone战斗机combat aircra ft截击机interceptor强击机attack er歼击轰炸机fighte r-bomber轻型轰炸机light bomber战略轰炸机strate gic bomber电子战机electroni cfighte r高速侦察机high-speedreconn ai ssa n ce plane空中加油机tanker ai rcra ft运输机transp ort plane; air-freigh ter水上飞机seapla ne; hydroplane反潜巡逻机anti-submari ne patrol aircra ft教练机traine r aircra ft; traine r垂直起落飞机vertic al take-off and landin g无尾飞机taille ss aircra ft隐形轰炸机stealt h bomber可变翼机adjust able wing plane动力滑翔机power glider扫雷直升机mine-sweepi ng helico pter旋翼rotor机身fusela ge抗扭螺旋桨anti-torque tail rotor航空炸弹aerobo mb钢珠弹bomb with steel balls; contai ner bomb unit 化学炸弹chemic al bomb主战坦克capita l tank重型坦克heavytank中型坦克medium tank轻型坦克lighttank水陆两用坦克amphib i ous tank喷火坦克flame-throwi ng tank架桥坦克bridge tank扫雷坦克mine-sweepi ng tank坦克推土机tankdo zer侦察坦克reconn aissa nce tank无炮塔坦克turretless tank坦克牵引车recove ry tank坦克修理后送车repair-servic e tank反坦克障碍物anti-tank obstacl e桩寨pile stocka de鹿寨abatis反坦克断崖anti-tank ditch反坦克崖壁anti-tank precip i ce反坦克三角锥anti-tank pyrami ds炮手gunner坦克兵tank soldie r炮口muzzle炮管barrel清烟器fume extrac tor炮塔turret瞄准镜gun sight发动机散热窗radiat or grille备用油箱reserv e fuel tank主动轮drivin g wheel遮护板shield负重轮loadin g wheel烟幕弹发射筒smokebomb discha rger诱导轮induce r潜望镜periscope鱼雷torped oes电动机鱼雷electri c torped o航空鱼雷aerial torped o火箭助飞鱼雷rocket-assist ed torped o线导鱼雷wire-guided torped o发射机transm i tter自导控制组件self-directi ng unit装药和电子组件charge and electron unit 待发装置actuat or指令控制组件comman d contro l unit陀螺控制组件gyro-contro l unit电源控制组件power-supply contro l unit 燃烧室combustor舵rudder推进器propel ler潜艇submari ne鱼雷舱torped o room鱼雷发射管fi ring tube声纳sonar操纵线contro l wire水雷submari ne mine自航式水雷mobile mine锚雷moorin g mine触发锚雷moored contact mine触角antenna雷索mine-moorin g cable沉底水雷ground mine漂雷floati ng mine深水炸弹depth charge; depthbomb航空母舰aircra ft carrie r核动力航空母舰nuclea r-powere d aircra ft 阻拦装置arrest er飞行甲板flight deck雷达天线radar antenn a导航室island舰桥bridge机库hangar升降机口aircra ft lifts; elevat ors舰载机起飞弹射装置catapul ts油料舱fuel bunker弹药舱ammuni tion store贮存舱storag e hold通信中心室communi cati on center核反应堆nuclea r reacto r生活舱accomm odati on巡洋舰cruise r护卫舰escort vessel; frigat e导弹护卫舰mi ssil e frigat e战列舰battle ship护卫艇corvet te供应舰tender ship; depot ship舰队补给舰fleet depot ship海上补给船sea depot ship运输舰transp ort ship汽油运输船gasoli ne transp o rt ship扫雷舰mine sweepi ng vessel扫雷艇minesweeper鱼雷艇torped o boat导弹快艇missil e speedb oat导弹潜艇guided-missil e submari ne核动力潜艇nuclea r-powere d submari ne 潜艇救护舰submari ne lifegu ard ship猎潜艇submari ne chaser登陆舰landin g ship坞式登陆舰dock landin g ship电子侦察船electroni creconn ai ssa n ce ship情报收集船inform ation-collectingship测量船survey vessel调查船research ship打捞回收船salvag e vessel核动力破冰船nuclea r-powere d icebre aker气垫巡逻船patrol hoverc raftCarpet Bomb 地毯式轰炸: U.S. planes carpet-bombed Talibanfrontlinesnorthof Kabulon Wednes day and attack ed theMuslim militi a's powerb ase of Kandah ar in southe astAfghan istan, hittin g a clinic.Pullba ck 撤军: Palesti nian s said the pullba ck should be carrie d out uncond ition ally, and the United States keptup its pressu re to end the operat ion, whichis Israel'smost intens ive in 13 months of fighti ng.Pound猛烈轰炸: U.S. airstri kespoundA fghan homes.Cybert errori sm 网络恐怖主义:Presid ent formsCybert errori sm panel.Anthra x炭疽: Anthra x in Florid a, whichU S Attorn eyGenera l John Ashcro ft said was beingtreate d "veryseriou sly," amid concer ns over a possib le bioter roris tattack.milita ry buildu p 军事集结: The United States has sent some 1,000 soldie rs to Uzbeki stanas part of its bigges tmilita ry buildu p sincethe 1991 Gulf War.terrori st mastermind恐怖大亨: The country's ruling Taliban militi a declar ed the assaul t a ``terror ist attack'' andsaid allege d terror ist master mindOsamabin LadenandTaliba n leader Mullah Momamm ed Omar had surviv ed.pay a price付出代价: "Now the Taliban will pay a price,"Bush vowed.hit target s 攻击目标:U.S. and British forces hit target s in at leastthreecities.launch strike s 发动进攻:U.S. and Britai n has launch ed Afghan strike s.warpla ne, milita ry aircra ft 军用飞机:Missil es and warpla nes streak ed throug h the Afghan nightand rocked at leastthreecities in a U.S.-Britis hattack on Osamabin Ladenand his Taliba n backer sSunday.Defens e Secret ary Donald H. Rumsfe ld said an initia lgoal of the strike s was to render air defens esineffe ctive and to wipe out the Taliba n's milita ryaircra ft.cruise mi ssil es 巡航导弹:Pentag on offici als said the United States and Britai n launch ed 50 cruise missil es agains ttarget s inside Afghan istan in an attack that alsoinvolv ed the most sophis ticat ed U.S. warpla nes.milita ry capabi litie s 军事能力:Presid ent Bush gave a live televi sed addres s afterthe strike s began, saying U.S.and Britis h forces were taking ``target ed action s''agains t Taliba n milita ry capabi litie s and al-Qaida.hand over 交出:In the days followi ng the strike s at theWorldTradeCenter and Pentag on, the presid ent hadissued a series of demand s for the Taliba n to hand overbin Laden.fortifi cati on 防御工事:The head of an Afghan opposi tiongroupoffice in Iran said more than 200 U.S. and Britis hmissil es hit Afghan istan and ``devast ated'' Taliba n'sfortif icati ons in Kandah ar, Kabuland Mazar-e-Sharif.infidel异教徒:Later, Taliba n Deputy Defense Minister Mullah Noor Ali said ''the people of Afghan istan willresist. They will neveraccept the rule of infide ls.''jihad圣战(伊斯兰教徒对异教徒的战争):The influe ntial and Taliba n-sympat hetic Afghan Defens e Counci l, basedin theeaster n Pakist ani city of Lahore, issued a call for"jihad,'' or holy war.air base 空军基地:Shortl y before the U.S. strike s began, the Taliba n had said they had sent thousa nds of troops tothe border with Uzbeki stan, whosepresid ent has allowe dU.S. troops use of an air base for the anti-terror ismcampai gn.strong hold要塞据点:But the Taliba n strong holdof Kandahar - alread y a shabby city of rocket-gouged street s andbullet-scarre d homes.refuel ing stop 补给站:The first was a punishi ng attack onthe airpor t, whichwas builtby the United States as arefuel ing stop betwee n Europe and Indiabefore thelong-haul Boeing 747s were introd uced.on conditi on of anonymi ty 匿名:The assaul t on the southe rn Afghan city came in at leastthreewaves, accord ing toTaliba n source s who spoketo The Associ atedPressbyteleph one on condit ion of anonym ity.armada舰队:FortyU.S. and Britis h warpla nes and an armada of warshi ps and submar inespummel ed strong holds of theal-Qaidanetwor k and the Taliba n regime in Afghan istan.firepo wer 火力:The demonstrati on of Western firepo wer was the firstwave of an anti-terror ism campai gn promis edafterthe Sept. 11 attack s on the United States.cargoplanes运输机:U.S. Air ForceC-17 cargoplanes flying from Ramste in Air Base, German y, were droppi ng food andmedica l suppli es inside Afghan istan as part of Presid entBush 's effort to aid displa ced civili ans.carrie r 航空母舰:A senior defense offici al, speaki ng oncondit ion of anonym ity, said laterthat Navy F/A-18 andF-14 fighte rs flew missio ns off two U.S. carrie rs in theArabia n Sea, and that no land-basedAir Forcestrikeplanes otherthan bomber s were used in the firstroundof attack s.blitz闪电战(尤指空袭):Britai n joined U.S.-led attack s on Afghan istan, usingsubmar inesto launch a cruise missil eblitzagains t Osamabin Ladenand his Taliba nprotec tors.Tomaha wk 战斧式巡航导弹:The naval task forces includ e warsh i pscapabl e of firing Tomaha wk cruise missil es, whichwerelast used in Afghan istan in 1998 agains t bin Ladentraini ng campsin a failed bid to kill the exiledSaudi-born millio naire and his lieute nants.Tomcat美国航母F-14野猫战斗机:Two US Navy airmen were killed whentheirF-14 "Tomcat" aircra ft crashe d the day beforeyester day during a landin g manoeu vre at an air show atWillow GroveUS NavalAir Statio n, an annual eventattend ed by 200,000 people, a Navy spokes woman said.neutra l country中立国:The Taliba n insisted they wouldnot be bullie d into handin g over bin Laden, but said hecouldbe givento a neutra l countr y if Washin gtonprovid ed eviden ce linkin g him to last month's suicid eplaneattack s.air raid 空袭:The air raidshave sparke d an exodus ofpeople from cities -- many headin g toward Pakist an withbelong ingspiledhastil y onto donkey s and camels.stripthe citize nship取消国籍:Kuwait decide d Sunday to stripthe citize nship of the spokes man who appear ed inthe tapes, Sulaim an Abu Ghaith, a former Kuwait iteache r.all-out attack全面进攻:The United States and its partne rs have been urging the opposi tionto avoidlaunch ing anall-out attack on Kabuluntila broad-basedgovern mentcan be formed to replac e the Taliba n.extrem i st 极端分子:On Sunday, thousa nds of Muslim extrem i stsconver ged on the city of Jacoba bad, site of one of twoairfie lds that Pakist ani offici als privat ely say theAmeric ans have been allowe d to use to suppor t thecampai gn, though not to launch attack s on Afghan istan.shrapnel流霰弹:He said a bomb or missil e had explod edn earby and shrapn el landed on his house.comman do 突击队:Taliba n's troops hit as allies plan for comman do raids.军衔中英对照陆军Army一级上将Genera l First上将Genera l中将Lieute nant Genera l少将MajorGenera l大校Senior Colonel上校Colonel中校Lieute nant Colonel少校Major上尉Captai n中尉First Lieute nant少尉Second Lieute nant军事长Master Sergea nt专业军士Special i st Sergea nt上士Sergea nt, First Class中士Sergea nt下士Corporal上等兵Pri vate, First Class列兵Privat e海军Navy一级上将Admiral, First Class上将Admiral中将V ice Admiral少将Rear Admiral大校Senior Captai n上校Captai n中校Comman der少校Lieute nant Comman der上尉Lieute nant中尉Lieute nant, Junior Grade少尉Ensign军事长ChiefPettyOffi ce r专业军士Specia l ist PettyOffice r 上士PettyO ffice r, FirstClass中士PettyO ffice r, Second Class下士PettyO ffice r, ThirdClass上等兵Seaman, FirstClass列兵Seaman, Second Class空军AirForce一级上将Genera l, FirstClass上将Genera l中将Lieute nant Genera l少将MajorGenera l大校Senior Colonel上校Colonel中校Lieute nant Colonel少校Major上尉Captai n中尉First Lieute nant少尉Second Lieute nant军事长Master Sergea nt专业军士Specia l ist Sergea nt上士Techni c al Sergea nt中士Staff Sergea nt下士Corporal上等兵Airman, First Class列兵Airman, Second Class。
中国军事词汇兼军事名词中英文翻译对照表1. 双重领导制度system of dual leadership2. 大生产运动large scale production campaign3. 革命军人委员会revolutionary armymen s committee4. 新式整军运动new type of ideological education movement in the Liberation Army5. 官兵一致unity between officers and men6. 军民一致unity between army and people7. 瓦解敌军disintegration of the enemy forces8. 拥政爱民公约pledge of supporting government and cherishing people9. 党务委员会Party affairs committee10. 军政委员会military and polotical committee11. 连队党支部Party branch of company12. 前敌委员会Party s committee in front of enemy13. 政治指导员political instructor14. 军事法院military court15. 军事检察院military procuratorate16. 中国人民解放军出版社Chinese People's Liberation Army Publishing House 18. 干部下连当兵代职制度system of officers serving as soldiers in company and functioning in an acting capacity19. 战场纪律battlefield discipline20. 《中国人民解放军保密条例》Security Regulations of the CPLA21. 《中华人民共和国惩治军人违反职责罪暂行条例》Provisional Regulations Regarding the Punishment Upon Armymen Committing Crimes of Neglecting Their Duties,the People's Republic of China22. 八一体育工作队August First Physical Culture and Sports Team23. 解放军艺术学院Art Collgge of the Chinese People s LiberationArmy24. 军队文艺创作literary and artistic creation in the Army25. 军乐团Band of the Chinese People's Liberation Army26. 连队俱乐部company club27. 全军体育运动大会army wide sports meet28. 全军文艺会演大会theatrical festival of the whole army29. 文艺工作团art and culturla troupe30. 《中国人民解放军战时立功条例(草案)》CPLA Regulations Relating to Rendering Meritorious Services During Wartime〔draft〕31. 中华人民共和国勋章奖章(decoration and medal awarded by the People's Republic of China32. 中国人民解放军的奖章medal of the Chinese People's Liberation Army33. 革命残废军人revolutionary disabled armymen34. 革命残废军人学校schools of revolutionsry disabled armymen35. 革命烈士revolutionary martyrs36. 革命烈士陵园cemetery of revolutionary martyrs37. 战场宣传鼓动conducting propaganda and agitation in battlefield38. 飞夺泸定桥二十二勇士22 Warriors Who Dashed Through the Luding Bridge39. 十七勇士Seventeen Warriors40. 八女投江Eight Heroines who Drowned Themselves in a River41. 狼牙山五壮士Langya Shan Five Heroic Men42. 刘老庄连Liulaozhuang Company43. 群众工作模范团Model Regiment in Doing Mass Work44. 大练岛连Dalian Island Company45. 钢铁营Steel Battalion46. 济南第一团First Regiment in Liberating Jinan47. 临汾旅Linfen Brigade48. 洛阳营Luoyang Battalion49. 塔山英雄团Tashan Heroic Regiment50. 爱国爱岛天涯哨兵Sentries in the Remotest Corner of the Earth Who Love Their Country and Island51. 洞头先锋女子民兵连Vanguard Militiawoman Company of Dongtou52. 法卡山英雄营Faka Shan Heroic Battalion53. 海上先锋艇Vanguard Sea Vessel54. 航空兵英雄中队Heroic Aviation Squadron55. 红旗民兵团Red Flag Militia Regiment56. 红旗民兵营Red Flag Militia Battalion57. 红色前哨连Red Outpost Company58. 护林灭火英雄班Heroic Squad in Protecting Forests and Putting out Extensive Fire59. 坚守英雄连Heroic Company in Holding Fast to Its Position60. 进藏英雄先遣连〔Heroic Advance Company in Marching into Xizang(Tibet61. 抗洪救灾爱民模范营Model Battalion in Fighting Flood and Providing Disaster Relief62. 南京路上好八连Good Eighth Company on Nanjing Road63. 劈山开路先锋连Vanguard Company Cutting Its Way through the Mountains64. 唐山抗震救灾模范连Model Company in Earthquake Relief Work in Tangshan65. 硬骨头六连Hard boned Sixth Company66. 丈量世界屋脊的英雄测绘大队Heroic Mapping Unit Which Surveyed the Roof of the World67. 支前模范连Model Company in Supporting the Front68. 支前模范民兵连Model Militia Company in Supporting the Front。
解放军是中国人民解放军的简称,也称为PLA(People's Liberation Army)。
•People's Liberation Army (PLA): 中国人民解放军的全称,也是最常见的称呼。
•Army: 军队,指解放军作为中国的国家武装力量。
•Military: 军事,涵盖军队和与其相关的一切事务。
•Soldier: 士兵,指在军队中服役的个体。
•Officer: 军官,指担任军队指挥、管理、教育等职责的军人。
•Special Forces: 特种部队,指具备特殊技能和作战能力的精英部队。
•Military Training: 军事训练,指解放军对士兵进行的体能和战术等方面的训练。
•Defense: 防御,指保卫国家领土、主权和利益的行动和手段。
•National Security: 国家安全,指保障国家政治、经济、军事等各个方面的安全。
•Patriotism: 爱国主义,指对自己的国家和民族有强烈的忠诚和热爱。
•Peacekeeping: 维和,指解放军参与联合国维和行动,维护国际和平与安全。
militia / paramilitary fighters 民兵 night-vision glasses / goggles 夜视镜 paratrooper 伞兵 Patriot missile 爱国者导弹 precision-guided bomb 精确制导导弹 prisoner of war (POW) 战俘 psychological operations 心理战
Fourth Infantry Division第四步兵师;"铁马" 是世界上采用高科技最多的坦克师. V Corps 第五军;陆军唯一的前沿部署部队. 第五军的基地在德国,它的步兵,装甲和 支援部队有42,000名官兵. First Cavalry Division 第一骑兵师;专为快速 行动设计,依靠直升机和坦克.
First Marine Expeditionary Force 第一海军陆 战队远征军;其职责是先开进一个阵地并 夺取立足处,然后开往下一个阵地. Third Infantry Division 第三步兵师;在一战 时作风顽强,现在时一只快速部署的机械 化部队.
Air attack 空袭 air raid siren 空袭警报 aircraft-carrier battle group 航空母舰战斗群 anti-aircraft fire 防空炮火 anti-tank guided missile 反坦克制导导弹 Apache attack helicopter 阿帕奇攻击直升机 artillery barrage 掩护炮火 artillery fire 炮火 Automatic rifle重型轰炸机 (aircraft) carrier 航空母舰 biological and chemical weapons 生化武器 civilian causalities 平民伤亡 coalition forces 美英联军 combat aircraft 战斗机 command-and-control site 指挥所 commando 突击队
Military vocabulary军种词汇一·The United States Army 美国陆军:Combat Aviation Brigade 战斗航空旅Air assault helicopter Battalion 空中突击直升机营Attack helicopter Battalion 空中突击直升机营Medium transport helicopter Battalion中程运输直升机营Command aviation Battalion 指挥航空营Air cavalry squadron 空中骑兵中队Communication camp 通信营Engineering Battalion 工兵营Air defense artillery battalion 防空炮兵营Military Intelligence Battalion 军事情报营Chemical defense 防化连The military police 军事警察连The division's artillery 师属炮兵部队Field artillery battalion 野战炮兵营Division support command 师支援司令部Forward Support Battalion 前方支援营The main support Battalion 主要支援营Intermediate level aviation repair business 中级航空维修营Air ambulance 空中救护连U S Army Special Forces Groups (Airborne) 美国陆军特种部队(美国陆军特种部队先后成立过16个作战分队,今天依然存在的有7个分队。
)二·Chinese Army中国陆军:Infantry 步兵Artillery 炮兵Surface artillery 面炮兵Antiaircraft artillery 高射炮兵Surface to air missile troops 地空导弹部队Armored forces 装甲兵Tank force 坦克部队Armored infantry 装甲步兵部队Engineering Corps 工程兵The signalman 通信兵Chemical defense 防化兵Infantry Division ( brigade ) 步兵师(旅)Armor ( tanks ) division ( brigade ) 装甲(坦克)师(旅)Border Forces边防部队Artillery Brigade 炮兵旅Air defense brigade 防空旅Helicopter group 直升机大队Corps of Engineers 工兵团Communications Group and avariety of security department ( Division ) team通信团及各种保障部(分)队Field force 野战部队Border army 边防部队Garrison 边防部队Chinese special forces 中国陆军特种部队Air force 空军一·United States Air Force (USAF)美国空军:Air combat command ( ACC ) 空军作战司令部The US Pacific Guam Air Force美国太平洋关岛空军(PACGAF)Air force training and Training Command ( AETC ) 空军培训和训练司令部Air Materiel Command ( AFMC )空军装备司令部The Air Force Reserve Command ( AFRC ) 空军预备役司令部Air Force Space Command( AFSPC ) 空军航天司令部Air Force Special Operations Command ( AFSOC ) 空军特种作战司令部Air Mobility Command ( AMC ) 空军机动司令部The United States Air Force in Europe ( USAFE ) 美国驻欧洲空军The United States Pacific Air Force ( PACAF ) 美国太平洋空军The United States Pacific Guam air force ( PACGAF ) 美国太平洋关岛空军中国人民解放军空军(Air Force of the CPLA)航空兵aviation歼击航空兵Fighter aviation轰炸航空兵bombardment aviation 强击航空兵assault aviation侦察航空兵reconnaissance aircraft运输航空兵transport aviation.地空导弹兵surface-to-air missile troops高射炮兵artillery雷达兵radar空降兵airborne电子对抗electronic warfare气象meteorologica lAmerica Navy 美国海军Office of the Chief of Naval Operations = 海军作战部Bureau of Naval Personnel = 海军人事局Bureau of Medcine and Surgery = 海军军医局Naval Sea Systems Command = 海军海上系统司令部Space & Naval Warfare Systems Command = 空间海军战术系统司令部Naval Air Systems Command = 海军航空系统司令部Strategic Systems Programs = 战略系统项目Naval Facilities Engineering Command = 海军设施工程司令部United States Naval Academy = 美国海军学院Naval Supply Systems Command = 海军供应系统司令部Naval Education and Training Command = 海军教育与训练司令部Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command = 海军气象与海洋科学司令部Naval Legal Service Command = 海军法务司令部Office of Naval Intelligence = 海军情报局United States Naval Observatory = 美国海军天文台Naval Strike & Air Warfare Center = 海军打击与航空战术中心Naval Safety Center = 海军安全中心Naval Security Group Command = 海军安全大队司令部Secretary of the Navy = 海军部长DoN Chief Information Officer = 海军部首席信息官Judge Advocate General of the Navy = 海军军法长Naval Inspector General = 海军督查长= 副海军部长Assistant forAdministration = [海军部长]行政助理Chief of Legislative Affairs = 立法事务处长Asst. Secretary of the Navy (Research, Development and Acquisition) = 助理海军部长 (研发与采办)Chief of Naval Research = 海军研究局长(Installations & Environment) = 助理海军部长 (设施与环境)General Counsel of the Department of the Navy = 海军部法律总顾问Chief of Naval Operations = 海军作战部长Commandant of the Marine Corps = 海军陆战队司令海军作战部组织图Director of Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program (N00N) = 海军核动力项目主任Master Chief Petty Officer (MCPON) = 海军军士长Vice Chief of Naval Operations = 副海军作战部长Director, Naval Staff (DNS) = 海军参谋主任Surgeon General of the Navy (N092) = 海军军医长Chief of Navy Reserve (N095) = 海军预备队司令Chief of Chaplains (N097) = 首席牧师Chief of Naval Education & Training (DCNP) = 海军教育与训练司令DCNO Manpower Personnel Education & Training (N1) = 次海军作战部长主管人力, 人事, 教育训练Director for Material Readiness & Logistics (N4) = 物资战备与后勤局长Directir of Naval Intelligence (N2) = 海军情报局长DCNO Information Plans & Strategy (N3/N5) = 次海军作战部长主管策划与策略DCNO Communication Networks (N6) = 次海军作战部长主管通信网络[既海军部首席信息官]ACNO Information Technology (N098) = 助理海军作战部长主管信息技术DCNO Integration Capabilities & Resources (N8) = 次海军作战部长主管集成能力与资源Fleet Forces Command = 舰队司令部Naval Network Warfare Command = 海军网络战术司令部U.S. Naval Forces Europe = 驻欧洲美国海军Military Sealift Command = 军事海运司令部Naval Reserve Forces = 海军预备队Operational Test & Evaluation Forces = 作战测试评估部队Naval Special Warfare Command = 海军特种作战司令部U.S. Naval Forces Central Command = 美国海军中央司令部Atlantic Fleet includes Fleet Marines = 大西洋舰队[已与舰队司令部合并]包括海军陆战队Pacific Fleet includes Fleet Marines = 太平洋舰队包括海军陆战队Naval Installations = 海军设施Type Commander = 职能司令部司令[指舰队司令部或太平洋舰队内的分司令部, 如航空兵司令部, 潜艇司令部, 水面司令部, 等]中国人民解放军海军(People's Liberation Army Navy ,PLAN)水面舰艇部队Surface forces水面舰艇部队编有战斗舰艇部队combat forces勤务舰船部队service ships forces潜艇部队submarine forces航空兵air force岸防兵coastal defense陆战队marine corps。
01 词语概念
02 术语
军事(Military) ,即军队事务,古称军务,是与一个国家及政权的国防之武装力量有关的学问及事务。 有人认为,军事为政治的一部分,但在中国古代,军、政是分开的。比较正式的说法为,军事是一种政治延续。
【基本解释】[military affairs]与军队或战争有关的事情。 晓畅军事。——孙武《孙子兵法》 军事演习
《史记·律书》:“会高祖厌苦军事,亦有萧张之谋,故偃武一休息,羁縻不备。”唐柳宗元《祭李中丞 文》:“发迹内史,参其军事。” 《东周列国志》第七回:“庄公大犒三军,临别与夷仲年、公子翚刑牲而盟: ‘三国同患相恤。后有军事,各出兵车统,是战争和国防等事项的集中体现,而且与政治、经济、科技、文化、外交 等领域有着密切的联系。因此,军事涉及的问题很多,其中最基本的是军事的要素、军事的特征、军事的任务、 军事的作用等问题。
“军事”概念在中国历史上出现较早,其含义有一个不断丰富和发展的过程。中国古代通常以“兵”“兵事” 表述与军事有关的内容。《周礼・夏官・司兵》中有“以待军事”和“军事,建车之五兵”等语;春秋时期《左 传・宣公十二年》中有“子有军事”之语。这些表述与现代意义的“军事”尚有区别。在现代条件下,用于维护 国家的安全与发展、实现特定政治目的和要求的军事手段逐渐增多,军事的内容和范围也随之扩展。军事的要素 主要包括相互联系的三个方面。战争是人类社会发展到一定历史阶段的特殊的社会历史现象,是政治通过暴力手 段的继续。战争表现为人类社会集团之间为了一定的政治、经济目的,有组织、有计划地使用武力进行的对抗性 活动。在阶级社会,战争是解决阶级和阶级、民族和民族、国家和国家、政治集团和政治集团之间矛盾的最高斗 争形式。人类社会出现过各种类型的战争。按社会形态分,有奴隶社会的战争、封建社会的战争和资本主义社会 的战争;按战争性质分,有正义战争和非正义战争;按使用的兵器分,有冷兵器战争、热兵器战争、机械化战争 和信息化战争;按战争规模分,有世界大战、全面战争和局部战争;按时间顺序分,有古代战争、近代战争、现 代战争;按作战空间分,有陆战、海战、空战和天战。战争指导是对战争全局的总体谋划和组织指挥,包括对战 争形势的判断,战略行动的决策,战略手段的运用,以及对战略各阶段、各方面问题的协调运筹等。
1. 红军红军是指中国共产党领导下的中国工农红军,也是中国人民解放军的前身。
2. 萨塔夫军团萨塔夫军团(Spartan Army)是古希腊斯巴达城邦的军队,以其严格的纪律、严苛的训练和无与伦比的战斗力而闻名于世。
3. 绿营绿营(Green Berets)是美国特种部队的一部分,是美国陆军中最著名的军事力量之一。
4. 罗马军团罗马军团(Roman Legions)是古罗马帝国的主要军事力量。
5. 猛虎师猛虎师(Tiger Division)是印度陆军中的精锐师级部队。
internal war 内战mimic battle 模拟战naval warfare 海战mock battle 假想战land campaign 陆战vanguard action 前卫战aerial warfare 空战war of nerves 神经战shooting war 热战diplomatic warfare 外交战cold war 冷战psychological warfare 心理战fierce battle激战contact battle 遭遇战decisive battle 决战germ warfar 细菌战close battle 近战atomic warfare 原子战street battle 巷战biological warfare 生物战defensive warfare 防御战chemical warfare 化学战offensive warfare 进攻战nucler war 核战争blockhouse warfare 堡垒战Opium War 鸦片战争siege warfare 围攻战world war 世界大战positional warfare 阵地战conventional war 常规战争mobile warfare 运动战modern war 现代战争guerilla war 游击战regular warfare 正规战争ground warfare 地面战thermonuclear war 热核战争tunnel warfare 地道战special war 特种战争mine warfare 地雷战limited war 有限战争jungle warfare 丛林战people's war 人民战争mountain warfare 山地战revolutionary war 革命战争bayonet assault 白刃战peripheral war 边缘战争war of annihilation 歼灭战civil war 国内战争major combat 主力战war of aggression 侵略战争lightning war 闪电战just war 正义战争protracted warfare 持久战unjust war 非正义战争war of attrition 消耗战running fight 海上追击战set battle 对阵战aerial blitz 空中闪击战sea-air naval operation 海空联合作战pitched battle 难分难解的酣战brush-fire war小规模(或局部地区的)战争,灌木林火式战争As Churchill once said, there is no news, but histories you didn’t know.。
xx军区: xx Military Area Command (MAC)xx省军区:xx Provincial Military Commandxx军分区:xx Military Sub-Command预备役部队:the PLA’s reserve force驻港/澳部队:the PLA Hong Kong/ Macao Garrison武警部队:the Armed Police Force⽕箭军:the PLA Rocket Force总参谋部:the General Staff Headquarters of the PLA总政治部:the General Political Department of the PLA总后勤部:the General Logistics Department of the PLA总装备部:The General Armaments Department of the PLA中国⼈民解放军陆军领导机构:the PLA Army general command中国⼈民解放军战略⽀援部队:the PLA Strategic Support Force集团军:army军:corps师:division旅:brigade团:regiment营:battalion连/排/班:company/platoon/squad民兵:militia (总称)/militiaman (个体)空降兵:airborne force陆战师:marine division装甲旅:armored brigade军衔:military titles of the People's Liberation Army陆军、空军(Army and Air Force):上将(General), 中将(Lieutenant General), 少将(Major General), ⼤校(Senior Colonel), 上校(Colonel),中校(Lieutenant Colonel), 少校(Major), 上尉(Captain), 中尉(Lieutenant), 少尉(Second Lieutenant)海军(Navy): 上将(Admiral), 中将(Vice-Admiral), 少将(Rear Admiral), ⼤校(Senior Captain), 上校(Captain),中校(Commander), 少校(Lieutenant Commander), 上尉(Lieutenant), 中尉(Lieutenant Junior Grade), 少尉(Ensign)。
军事英语基本用语军事基本用语1. Military Units 军事单位中国人民解放军The People’s Liberation Army总参谋部The Headquarters of General Staff总政治部The General Political Department总后勤部The General Logistic Department总装备部The General Equipment Department南京(济南/广州/成都)军区Nanjing Military Area Command 北海(东海/南海)舰队The North Sea fleet2. Services and Arms of the PLA 军种和兵种陆军army海军navy空军air force第二炮兵the second artillery force步兵infantry炮兵artillery通信兵signal corps装甲兵armoured force工程兵corps of engineers航空兵aviation空降兵airborne forces海军陆战队marine corps潜艇部队submarine troops3. Ranks in the Chinese Army Forces 中国陆军军衔上将general中将lieutenant general少将major general大校senior colonel上校colonel中校lieutenant colonel少校major上尉captain中尉first lieutenant少尉second lieutenant列兵private士官petty officer4. Establishment 编制军army师division旅brigade团regiment营battalion连company排platoon班squad5. Post in the PLA 职务中央军委主席The chairman of the Central Military Commission 军长army commander师长division commander旅长brigade commander团长regiment commander营长battalion commander连长company commander排长platoon leader班长squad leader模拟--- simulated—6. Military Uniform 军装徽章insignia帽徽/领章cap/collar insignia肩章epaulet硬/软肩章hard/soft epaulet饰带aiguillet te /eigwi’let/臂章armband大檐帽peak hat贝雷帽beret /’berei/春秋常服spring/autumn (military service) uniform 夏常服summer (military service) uniform作训服battle dress uniform作训帽battle cap作训鞋battle shoes作战靴combat boot体能训练服physical training dress防弹背心bullet-proof vest旗帜,横幅banner皮带leather belt挎包satchel7. Weapons and Equipment 武器装备航空母舰aircraft carrier步枪rifle机枪machine gun冲锋枪sub-machine gun信号枪signal pistol头盔helmet弹药ammunition手榴弹hand grenade火炮cannon望远镜field glasses坦克tank装甲车armored car舰艇naval vessels飞机aircraft直升机helicopter地雷mine军车military vehicle8. Drill 口令起床Get up.上操attention drill快点儿Be quick.集合fall in.立正attention.稍息/(还原) (stand) at ease. /as you were.向右看齐eyes right./ right dress./ right and face.向左看齐eyes left./ left dress./ left and face.向中看齐eyes centre./ centre dress./ centre and face. 向前看front. / eyes front.以右(左)翼为基准guide right (left).以中间为基准guide centre.以我为基准guide on me.靠拢close.散开extend.报数count off.重报again.现在点名Now, let's call the roll.到Here.报告report .全到all correct ./all present .除……外都到了。
军事英文术语AWOL:Absent WithOut Leave = 擅离职守;无故离队;开小差A:Attacker = 攻击机AA:Anti-Air = 防空AAA:Anti-Air Artillery = 高射炮AAAV:Advanced Amphibious Assault Vehicle = 先进两栖突击车AAM:Air-to-Air Missile = 空对空导弹AAR:Air-to-Air Refueling = 空中加油AAW:Anti-Air Warfare = 防空作战ABL:AirBorne Laser = 机载激光器ABM:Anti-Ballistic Missile = 反弹道导弹ACMS:Air Combat Maneuvering System = 空战机动系统ACV:Armored Combat Vehicle = 装甲战车AFV:Armored Fighting Vehicle = 装甲战车AEM&C:Airborne Early Warning and Control = 空中预警与指挥AEW:Airborne Early Warning = 空中早期预警AFB:Air Force Base = 空军基地AGM:Air-to-Ground Missile = 空对地导弹AGS:Armored Gun System = 装甲火炮系统AGS:Advance Gun System = 先进火炮系统AIM:Air Intercept Missile = 拦射空空导弹ALBM:Air-Launched Ballistic Missile = 空射弹道导弹ALCM:Air-Launched Cruise Missile = 空射巡航导弹AMRAAM:Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile = 先进中程空空导弹APAR:Active Phase-Array Radar = 主动相控阵雷达APC:Armored Personnel Carrier = 装甲人员输送车APFSDS-T:AP Fin-Stab. Discarding Sabot-Tracer = 尾翼稳定脱壳穿甲曳光弹APS:Artillery Pointing System = 火炮指示系统ARM:Anti Radiation Missile = 反辐射导弹ASM:Air-to-Surface Missile = 空对舰导弹ASRAAM:Advanced Short Range Air-to-Air Missile = 先进短程空空导弹ASROC:Anti-Submarine Rocket = 反潜火箭ASuW:Anti-Surface Warfare = 反面作战ASW:Anti-Submarine War = 反潜ASW:Anti-Submarine Warfare = 反潜作战ATC:Air Traffic Control = 空中交通管制ATGM:Anti-Tank Guided Missile = 反坦克导弹ATM:Advanced Turret Module = 先进炮塔模块AUV:Autonomous Underwater Vehicle = 自主式水下航行器AWAC:Airborne Warning And Control = 空中预警和控制AWACS:Airborne Warning and Control System = 空中预警与指挥系统B:Bomber = 轰炸机BB:Battle Ship = 战列舰BC:Battle Cruiser = 战列巡洋舰BDA:Battle Damage Assessment = 战斗损害评估BPI:Boost Phase Intercept = 加速阶段拦截BRAA:Bearing, Range, Altitude and Aspect = 目标飞行情况BVR:Beyond Visual Range = 超视距BVRAAM:Beyond Visual Range Air-to-Air Missile = 超视距空空导弹C:Carrier = 运输机C3:Command, Control and Communication = 指挥控制通信系统CAP:Combat Air Patrol = 战斗空中巡逻CAS:Close Air Support = 近距空中支援CASE:Computer Aided Software Engineering = 电脑辅助软件工程CBU:Clustered Bomb Unit = 集束炸弹CENTCOM:Central Command = 中央司令部CFC:Carbon Fiber Composite = 碳纤维复合材料CC:Cruiser = 巡洋舰CG:Cruiser (Guided-missile) = 导弹巡洋舰CIC:Combat Information Center = 战斗信息中心CIC:Commander in Chief = 最高指挥官CIWS:Close-In Weapon System = 近战武器系统CIWS:Close Intercept Weapon System = 近程防御系统CNO:Chief of Naval Operation = 海军作战部长COMINT:Communication Intelligence = 通信情报COMDAC INS:Command Display and Control Integrated Navigation System = 集成控制导航系统CR:Close Range = 近程C/S:Course and Speed = 航向与速度CV:Carrier Vessel = 常规动力航空母舰CVN:Carrier Vessel (Nuclear-powered) = 核动力航母CVBG:Carrier Battle Group = 航母战斗群DASS:Defensive Aids Sub-System = 防御性辅助子系统DD:Destroyer = 驱逐舰DDG:Destroyer (Guided-missile) = 导弹驱逐舰DU:Depleted Uranium = 贫铀DVI:Direct Voice Input = 直接语音输入技术E:Electronic = 电子战机ECCM:Electronic Counter-Counter Measures = 电子反对抗,反电子战ECM:Electronic Counter Measures = 电子对抗,电子战ELINT:Electronic Intelligence = 电子情报EMCON:Emissions Control = 发射控制EML:ElectricMagnet Launcher = 电磁炮EMP:ElectricMagnet Palse = 电磁脉冲ERAAM:Extended Range Air-to-Air Missile = 延程空空导弹ESM:Electronic Signal Measures = 电子信号警告ESM:Electronic Support Measures = 电子支援ETG:Electro Thermal Gun = 电热炮ETCG:Electro Thermal Chemical Gun = 电热化学炮EW:Early Warning = 预警EW:Electronic Warfare = 电子战EWAC:Early Warning And Control= 预警及控制F:Fighter = 战斗机FAE:Fuel Air Explosive = 油气炸弹FEL:Free Elctron Laser = 自由电子激光器FF:Frigate = 护卫舰FFG:Frigate(Guided-missile) = 导弹护卫舰FLIR:Forward Looking Infra-Red = 前视红外FLOT:Forward Line Of Troops = 前线FMRAAM:Future Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile = 未来中程空空导弹FMTV:Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles = 中型战术车族GEM:Guidance-Enhanced Missile = 制导增强导弹GEO:Geo-Stationary Orbit = 地球同步轨道GPS:Global Positioning System = 全球定位系统GZ:Ground Zero = 核爆炸中心地面投影H:Helicopter = 直升机HE:High Explosive = 高爆炸药HEAT:High-Explosive Anti-Tank = 高爆反坦克炸药(成形炸药) HMD:Helmet Mounted Display = 头盔显示器HPM:High Power Microwave = 高功率微波HQ:Headquarters = 总部HUD:Head-Up Display = 抬头显示器HVU:High Value Unit = 高价值单位IADS:Integrated Air Defense System = 综合防空系统ICBM:Intercontinental Ballistic Missile = 洲际弹道导弹IFF:Identification of Friend or Foe = 敌我识别IFV:nfantry Fighting Vehicle = 步兵战车IPE:Individual Protection Ensemble = 单兵防护装备IRBM:Intermediate-Range Ballistic Missile = 中程弹道导弹IRST:Infra-Red Search and Track = 红外搜索跟踪JDAM:Joint Direct Attack Munitions = 联合直接攻击弹药JHMCS:Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing System = 联合头盔指引系统JSF:Joint Strike Fighter = 联合打击战斗机J-STAR:Joint Surveillance and Target Attack Radar system = 联合侦察和目标打击系统JTIDS:Joint Tactical Info Distribution System = 联合战术信息分发系统K:Kerosene = 加油机KIA:Kill in Action = 阵亡LANTIRN:Low-Alt. Nav.& Targeting Infra-Red for Night = 低空导航与目标指示红外夜视仪LAV:Light Armored Vehicle = 轻型装甲车辆LCA:Light Combat Aircraft = 轻型战斗机LEO:Low Earth Orbit = 近地轨道LD:Laser Designator = 激光导引LGB:Laser Guided Bomb = 激光制导炸弹LORCAP:Long-Range Combat Air Patrol = 长距离战斗空中巡逻LPT:Low Profile Turret = 低矮炮塔LRBM:Long-Range Ballistic Missile = 远程弹道导弹LRIP:Low Rate Initial Production = 低速试产MBT:Main Battle T ank = 主战坦克MC:Marine Corps = 海军陆战队MCA:Medium Combat Aircraft = 中型战斗机MCM:Mine Counter-Measures = 扫雷MFD:Multi-Function Display = 多功能显示器MFR:Multifunction Radar = 多用途雷达MIL-STD:Milliraty Standard = 军事标准MLU:Mid-Life Update = 中期延寿(战机)MOPP:Mission-Oriented Protective Posture = 攻击中的防范状态MOAB:Massive Ordnance Air Blast = 巨型空中炸弹MOAB:Mother Of All Bombs = 炸弹之母MPRF:Medium Pulse Repetition Frequency = 中脉冲重复频率MRLS:Multiple Rocket Launching System = 多管火箭发射系统NAVSSI:Navigation Sensor System Interface = 导航传感器系统界面NCTR:NonCooperative Target Recognition = 非己方目标识别NBC:Nuclear Biological and Chemical = 核、生物、化学OICW:Objective Individual Combat Weapon = 目标单兵战斗武器OOB:Order Of Battle = 战斗序列OPCW:Org. for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons = 禁止化学武器组织OTH:Over the Horizon = 超视距OWS:Overhead Weapon System = 遥控炮塔P:Patrol = 巡逻机PA:Phase Array = 相控阵PAC:Patriot Advanced Capability = 改进型爱国者导弹PGM:Precision-Guided Munitions = 精确制导炸弹PIM:Path of Intended Motion = 预定机动路线PK:Probability of Kill = 杀伤率PLGR:Precision Lightweight GPS Receiver = 精确轻型GPS接收器R:Reconnaissance = 侦察机RATO:Rocket Assisted Take-Off = 火箭辅助起飞RCS:Radar Cross Section = 雷达截面RLG:Retractable Landing Gear = 回收式起落架ROE:Rules of Engagement = 交战规则ROV:Remote Operated Vehicle = 遥控车辆、飞机RPG:Rocket Propelled Grenade = 火箭助推榴弹RTB:Return T o Base = 返回基地RTO:Ready to Take-Off = 起飞准备就绪RWR:Radar Warning Receiver = 雷达告警器SAM:Surface to Air Missile = 防空导弹SAR:Search and Rescue = 搜索救援SAR:Synthetic Aperture Radar = 合成孔径雷达SATCOM:Satellite Communication = 卫星通信SDV:Swimmer Delivery Vehicle = 潜水员输送载具SEAD:Suppression of Enemy Air Defense = 压制敌方防空任务SLBM:Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missile = 潜射弹道导弹SLGR:Small Lightweight GPS Receiver = 小型轻便GPS接收器SOP:Standard Operation Procedure = 标准操作程序SRBM:Short-Range Ballistic Missile = 近程弹道导弹SSBN:Ballistic-missile Nuclear-powered Strategic Sub. = 战略导弹核潜艇SSL:Solid State Lasers = 固态激光器SSM:Surface-to-Surface Missile = 面对面导弹SSN:Strike Submarine (Nuclear-powered) = 攻击型核潜艇SSNDS:SSN Direct Support = 直接支援核潜艇SSPK:Single-Shot Probability of Kill = 单发杀伤率START:Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty = 战略武器削减条约STK:Strike = 袭击STN:Satellite Tracking Network = 卫星跟踪网STOL:Short Take Off and Landing = 短距起降STOP:Simultaneous Time on Top = 同时到达SURTASS:SURface Towed Array Sonar System = 水面拖曳阵列声纳系统TASM:Tomahawk Anti-Ship Missile = 战斧反舰导弹TEL:Transporter/Erector/Launcher = 运输/起竖/发射车THAAD:Theater High Altitude Area Defense = 战区高空区域防空TLAM:T omahawk Land Attack Missile = 战斧对地攻击导弹TMA:Target Motion Analysis = 目标运动分析TOW:Tube-launched Optic-tracked Wire-guided = 光学有线制导管内发射反坦克导弹(陶式导弹)TVC:Thrust Vector Converter = 矢量推力UAV:Unmanned Air Vehicle = 无人驾驶飞行器UCAV:Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle = 无人驾驶战斗机UFCP:Up Front Control Panel =(战机座舱)前部控制屏UUV:Unmanned Underwater Vehicle = 无人水下航行器VL:Verticle Landing = 垂直起降VLS:Vertical Launch System = 垂直发射系统VTOL:Vertical Take Off and Landing = 垂直起降WECDIS:Warship Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems = 海图显示和信息系统WRM:War Reserve Materials = 战争物资储备W/S:Weapon System = 武器系统WYPT:Waypoint = 路径点A,是空中(机载),I是对空,M是导弹,AIM就是空对空导弹了。
军事类英语词汇101st Airborne Division 第一零一空降师173rd Airborne Regiment 第一七三空降团1st Marines Expeditionary Force 海军陆战队第一远征军2nd Brigade of the 3rd Infantry Division 第三步兵师第二装甲旅2nd Brigade 第二旅3rd Infantry Division 第三步兵师50-caliber machine guns .50口径机枪/12.7mm 机枪(自动步枪是automatic rifle或auto rifle。
)50-caliber machine guns 五十口径自动步枪70th Armoned Division 第七十装甲师7th Armoned Brigade, or the Desert Rats 第七装甲旅, 又称沙漠之鼠军事类英语词汇:a开头a revolutionary left 革命派左翼分子a team of deminers 扫雷小组A-10 Thunderbolt planes (Warthog) A-10 "雷霆"对地攻击机(昵称疣猪)Abrams tank M1 "艾布拉姆斯"坦克Abrams tank 艾布兰坦克Abu Ghurayb Palace 阿布古拉卜宫advance 推进aerial bombardment 空袭aerial bombs 航弹/航空炸弹aerial bombs 空投炸弹aid workers 救援人员air assault/attack/barrage/raid/strike 空袭air attack alarm/air-raid siren 空袭警号air base 空军基地air defense system 防空系统Air Force 空军Airborne Brigade 空降旅Airborne Division 空降师Airborne Division’s Aviation Brigade 空降师空中旅air-defense unit 防空部队airfield 军用机场air-to-air missile (AAM) 空空导弹air-to-ground attack 空对地袭击air-to-ground missile (AGM) 空地导弹Al Jazeera Broadcast 半岛电视台 (卡塔尔)Al Kut 库特Al-Azimiyah Palace 阿宰米耶宫Albanian leader Hashim Thaci 阿族领袖特哈契Ali Hassan al-Majid 亚里马基德Al-Jazeera Satellite Channel 卡塔尔半岛电视台卫星频道allegiance 效忠allied troops / Coalition troops/forces 联军al-Qaeda leaders "基地"组织领袖al-Qaeda leaders 亚盖达领袖ambush 埋伏Amman 安曼ammunitions 弹药amphibious assault vehicle 两栖突击车amphibious light tank 两栖作战轻型坦克amphibious. assault vehicle 两栖战车an axis of evil 邪恶轴心anarchy 无政府状态anti-aircraft artillery/ fire 防空高射炮anti-chemical suit 防生化战衣anti-tank missiles 反坦克飞弹anti-U.S. sentiment 反美情绪Apache Attack Helicopter 阿帕奇攻击型直升机Apache Longbow "长弓"阿帕奇直升机Apache Longbow (Advanced Attack Helicopter) 阿帕奇长弓先进攻击型直升机Arab guerilla fighter 阿拉伯游击队员armed blockades 武装封锁线armor 装甲armored column 装甲队伍Armored Division 装甲师armored forces 装甲部队armored Humvee all-terrain vehicles 悍马多用途装甲运输车armored personnel carrier 装甲运兵车armored vehicle 装甲车arms control 武器管制artillery fire 炮火artillery rockets 火箭炮artillery shell 大炮的炮弹artillery 大炮assault rifle 突击步枪attack jet 战斗机authoritarianism and extremism 极权主义和极端主义军事类英语词汇:b开头B-1 bomber B-1轰炸机B-52 bomber B-52轰炸机Ba’ath Party 社会复兴党Baghdad 巴格达ballistic missile 弹道导弹barrack 军营Basra 巴士拉 (伊拉克首都巴格达以南第二大城市) battalion 营beacon 烽火besiege 包围besieged cities 被攻占的城市biochemical suit /biohazard suit 防毒衣biological and chemical weapons 生物武器Black Hawk helicopter 黑鹰直升机Bomb Impact Assessment 轰炸评估bombardment 轰炸Bradley armored vehicle 布雷德利装甲车Bradley Fighting Vehicles = M2“布雷德利”步兵战车Bradley Fighting Vehicles 布雷德利战车British 3rd Battalion Parachute Regiment 英军伞兵团第三营British 7th Cavalry 英军第七装甲旅British army's Royal Logistic Corps 英军皇家后勤军团British Royal Marines 英国皇家海军陆战队British Special Air Service 英国皇家特种空勤队bunker/ underground bunkers 地堡bunker-buster bomb 地堡炸弹。
Common Orders
起床! 集合! 出(上)操! 立正! 稍息! 向右看-齐! 向左看-齐! 向前-看! 报数! 点名! 到! 立定! 靠拢!
Get up! Fall in! Attend drill! Attention! At ease! Right-dress! Left-dress! Eyes-front! Count off! Call the roll! Roll call! Here! Halt! Close!
Ranks In The Navy
上尉--------Lieutenant 中尉--------Lieutenant, Junior Grade 少尉--------Ensign 军事长------Chief Petty Officer 专业军士----Specialist Petty Officer 上士--------Petty Officer, First Class 中士--------Petty Officer, Second Class 下士--------Petty Officer, Third Class 上等兵------Seaman, First Class 列兵--------Seaman, Second Class
Common Orders
取(拿)枪! Take arms! 肩枪! Shoulder arms! 枪放下! Order arms! 卧倒! Down! 装子弹! Load! 退子弹! Unload! 射击! Fire! 起立! Get up (Stand up)! 解散! Dismiss!
军事术语(英汉)abort 中断absolute dud 哑核弹absolute height 绝对高度absorbed dose 吸收剂量accidental attack 偶发性袭击(攻击)accompanying supplies 随伴补给品accuracy of fire 射击精度accuracy of information 情报资料的准确性acoustical surveillance 测音监听;音响监听acoustic intelligence 测音情报;音响情报acoustic mine 音响水雷acoustic minehunting 音响探雷acoustic warfare 音响战acquire 探测;截获acquisition 获取action agent 执行人员action deferred 推迟行动action information center 战斗情报中心activation 加入现役active defense 积极防御active duty 现役active duty for training 现役训练Active Guard and Reserve 國M警卫队和后备役部队现役成员active homing guidance 主动寻的制导active mine 主动水雷active sealift forces 现役海运部队active status 现役状况adjust 进行试射adjust fire 试射adjustment of fire 射击修正administrative control 行政控制administrative escort 行政护航舰船administrative landing 非战斗登陆administrative loading 非战斗装载administrative movement 非战斗行军advance 提前advance force (amphibious) 先遣部队(两栖)advanced base 前进基地advanced guard 前卫advanced logistic support site 前进后勤支援站advanced operations base 前进作战基地advance force 先遣部队advance guard 前卫advance guard support 前队advance to contact 接敌运动;接敌前进adverse weather 恶劣天候Aegis “宙斯盾”舰空导弹系统aerial picket 空中预警飞机aerial port航空港;航空站aerial port control center 航空港控制中心aerial port squadron 航空港勤务中队aerodynamic missile 飞航式导弹aeromedical evacuation 航空医疗后送;伤病员空运后送aeronautical chart 航空图aeronautical plotting chart 标图作业航图aerospace 航空航天空间aerospace control operations 制空制天作战aerospace defense 航空航天防御affiliation training 协同训练afloat pre-positioning force 海上预置部队afloat pre-positioning operation 海上预置行动afloat support 海上支援;海上补给agency 情报机构;情报人员agent 谍报员,特工agent authentication 提供假证明agent net 谍报网aggressor forces 侵略军;假设敌air 空炸air alert 空中待战air apportionment 空中兵力配置air assault 空中突击air attack 空中攻击airborne 空降的;空运的;机载的;升空的airborne assault weapon 空降突击武器airborne battlefield command and control center 空中战场指挥与控制中心airborne command post 空中指挥所airborne early warning 空中预警airborne early warning and control 空中预警与控制airborne force 空降部队airborne interception equipment 机载截击装备airborne mission commander 空中任务指挥官airborne operation 空降作战airborne order 起飞命令airborne troops 空降兵air-breathing missile 空气喷气式导弹airburst 空中爆炸air cargo 空运物资air control operations 制空作战air corridors 空中走廊aircraft 飞机aircraft arresting barrier 飞机(着陆)拦阻装置aircraft arresting system 飞机拦阻系统aircraft carrier 航空母舰aircraft commander 机长aircraft control and warning system 飞机控制与警报系统aircraft cross-servicing 飞机交叉服务aircraft loading table 飞机装载表aircraft mission equipment 飞机任务装备aircraft monitoring and control 机载监控设备aircraft scrambling 飞机紧急起飞air cushion vehicle 气垫运载工具,气垫船,气垫车air defense 防空,对空防御air defense action area 防空行动区air defense area 防空区air defense artillery 高射炮,防空炮兵air defense battle zone 防空战斗区域air defense command 防空指挥权air defense commander 防空司令air defense control center 防空控制中心air defense direction center 防空指挥(引导)中心air defense division 防空小分区air defense early warning 防空预警air defense emergency 防空紧急状态air defense ground environment 防空地面设施系统air defense identification zone 防空识别区air defense operations area 防空作战区air defense operations center 防空作战中心air defense operations team 防空作战组air defense readiness 防空战备状态air defense region 防空分区air defense sector 防空小分区air defense suppression 压制敌防空系统air defense warning conditions 防空警报等级air delivery 空中投送air delivery equipment 空投设备air division 空军师air drop 空投air employment/allocation plan 空中力量使用/分配计划air evacuation 空中后送air expeditionary force 空中远征部队air expeditionary wing 空中远征联队air facility 航空设施airfield 飞机场air fire plan 航空火力计划Air Force base 空军基地Air Force Component Headquarters 联合部队中的空军部队司令部Air Force special operations base 空军特种作战基地Air Force special operations component 空军特种作战组成部队Air Force special operations detachment 空军特种作战分遣队Air Force special operations element 空军特种作战小队Air Force special operations forces 空军特种作战部队air ground operations system 空地作战协同系统airframe 飞机机体;飞艇艇体;导弹弹体airhead 空降场air interception 空中截击air interdiction 空中遮断;空中阻滞air intercept zone 空中截击区air landed 机降的air landed operation 机降活动air-launched ballistic missile 空射弹道导弹air liaison officer 空军联络官airlift capability 空运能力airlift coordination cell 空运协调室airlift mission commander 空运任务指挥官airlift service 空运勤务air logistic support 空中后勤支援air mission 空勤任务air mission intelligence report 空勤任务情报报告airmobile forces 空中机动部队airmobile operation 空中机动作战airmobility 空中机动能力Air Mobility Command 空中机动司令部air mobility division 空中机动处air mobility element 空中机动分队air movement 空中输送air movement column 空中输送纵队air movement column 空中输送纵队air movement table 空中输送计划表air observation 这中观察air observation post 空中观察哨air observer 空中观察员air observer adjustment 空中观察校射air offensive 空中进攻air operations center 空中作战指挥中心air photographic reconnaissance 航空照相侦察air picket 空中预警飞机air plot 空情图标air portable 可空运的airport surface detection equipment 机场地面雷达;机场地面探测设备airport surveillance radar 机场监视雷达air raid reporting control ship 空袭报知控制舰air reconnaissance 航空(空中)侦察air reconnaissance liaison officer 航空(空中)侦察联络官air request net 空中支援申请网air sovereignty 空域主权airspace control 空域控制airspace control area 空域控制区airspace control authority 空域控制当局airspace control in the combat zone 作战区空域控制airspace control order 空域控制命令airspace control sector 空域控制分区airspace coordination area 空域协调区air space warning area 空域警戒区air spot 空中观察air strike 空中打击air strike coordinator 空中打击协调官air strip 简易机场air superiority 空中优势air supply 空中补给air support 空中支援air support operations center 空中支援作战中心air support request 空中支援申请air supremacy 最高级空中优势air surface zone 海空禁区air surveillance 对空监视air surveillance officer 对空监视军官air target chart 空中目标图Air Target Materials Program 空中目标资料计划air tasking order 空中任务命令air-to-air guided missile 空对空导弹air-to-air missile 空空导弹air-to-surface guided missile 空对地(舰)导弹air-to-surface missile 空地(舰)导弹air traffic control and landing system 空中交通管制和降落系统air traffic control center 空中交通管制中心air traffic control service 空中交通管制勤务air transportable unit 可空运的部队air transported force 空运的部队air transported operations 作战空运活动air transport group 空运大队air transport liaison officer 空运联络军官air weapons controller 航空武器控制员alert 戒备;警报;战备值班;警戒先例;预先警报;紧急警报;戒备待飞alert force 戒备(战备值班)部队alerting service 报警勤务alert order 戒备命令,制定危机行动计划的指令all appropriate action 正当自卫行动all available 全体射击alliance 联盟allied staff 盟军参谋部allocation 拨(分)配allotment 拨配all-purpose hand-held weapon 通用手持式武器all-source intelligence 全源情报all-weather air defense fighter 全天候防空战斗机alternate command authority 预备指挥人员alternate command post 预备指挥所alternate headquarters 预备司令部ammunition 彈藥ammunition controlled supply rate 彈藥控制补给率ammunition lot 彈藥批次ammunition supply point 彈藥补给站amphibious assault 两栖突击amphibious aviation assault ship 两栖攻击舰amphibious chart 两栖作战海图amphibious command ship 两栖指挥舰;登陆指挥舰amphibious construction battalion 两栖修建营amphibious control group 两栖作战指挥组amphibious demonstration 两栖佯攻amphibious force 两栖部队;两栖舰种指挥部amphibious operation 两栖作战amphibious squadron 两栖中队amphibious tractor 两栖履带式车辆amphibious transport dock 两栖船坞登陆舰angle of safety 最小射角angle T 观目夹角annual screening 年度甄别antenna mine 触须式水雷antiaircraft operations center 防空作战中心antiarmor helicopter 反装甲直升机antiair warfare 反空袭战antiamphibious minefield (land mine warfare) 抗登陆布雷场anticountermining device 感应雷防爆器antimateriel operation 摧毁物资行动antipersonnel mine (land mine warfare) 防步兵地雷(地雷战)antiradiation missile 反辐射导弹antirecovery device 防起雷装置antisubmarine-- 反潜antisubmarine action 反潜作战行动antisubmarine air close support 反潜近距离空中支援antisubmarine operation 反潜作战antisubmarine warfare 反潜战antisurface air operation 空中反舰作战antisweep device 反扫雷器antitank helicopter 反坦克直升机antitank mine 反坦克地雷antiterrorism 反恐怖Z義,反恐antiterrorism awareness 反恐意识applicable materiel assets 适用的军用物资资产apportionment 兵力分配approach control 进场控制台approach march 接敌行进approach schedule 接敌时间表,登陆时间表area air defense commander 地区防空指挥官area bombing 面积轰炸area command 地区部队;地区司令部area of intelligence responsibility 情报责任区area of interest 关心地域area of limitation 限制区域area of operations 作战地域;责任区area operations 海域作战area oriented 针对特定区域的area search 地域搜索area target 面目标armament delivery recording 武器投放记录armed forces 武装部队;武装力量armed forces censorship 武装部队通信保密检查armed forces courier 武装部队信使Armed Forces of the United States 美国武装部队armed helicopter 武装直升机armed mine 待发雷armed reconnaissance 武装侦察armed sweep 加强扫雷arming 解除保险;成待发状态arming delay device 延期装置;解除保险延迟装置aiming pin 保险销arming system 解除保险系统aiming wire 保险丝armistice 停战;休战armistice demarcation line 停战分界线armored personnel carrier 装甲人员输送车arms control 军备控制arms control agreement 军备控制协定army 集团军;陆军;军队Army Air Defense Command Post 陆军防空指挥所army air-ground system 陆军空地协调系统army base 陆军基地army corps 军army service area 集团军勤务地域army special operations component 陆军特种作战组成部队army special operations forces 陆军特种作战部队artillery fire plan table 炮兵火力计划表artillery preparation 炮火准备artillery survey control point 炮兵测地控制点aspect angle 目标进入角assault 冲击,突击assault aircraft 机降突击运输机assault area 突击登陆地区assault craft 突击登陆艇(车)assault echelon 突击梯队(空运)assault fire 突击火力assault follow-on echelon 突击后续梯队assault phase 突击阶段assault shipping 突击登陆船舶assembly anchorage 集结锚地assembly area 集结地域;装配区assessment 评估assign 编入建制;委派assigned forces 所属部队assisted recovery 受援回撤assumed azimuth 假定方位assumed grid 假定坐标网asymmetrical sweep 非对称扫雷at my command 听我命令,待令放atomic air burst 空中原子爆炸atomic defense 原子防御atomic demolition munition 原子爆破彈藥; 原子爆破装置;原子地雷atomic warfare 原子战争atomic weapon 原子武器at priority call 优先响应呼唤attach 配属;派遣attack aircraft carrier 攻击航空母舰attack assessment 攻击评估attack assessment 两栖货船,登陆物资运输舰attack group 突击群,攻击大队attack heading 攻击航向attack helicopter 攻击直升机attack position 进攻位置attack size 袭击(攻击)规模attack timing 袭击(进攻)时间attrition minefield 消耗性雷场attrition sweeping 消耗性扫雷augmentation forces 增援部队automatic resupply 自动再补给automatic search jammer 自动搜索干扰机Automatic Secure Voice Communications Network 自动保密话音通信网automatic supply 自动补给autonomous operation 独立作战availability date 待发日available-to load date 可装载日avenue of approach 接敌途径aviation combat element 航空战斗分队avoidance 规避axial route 纵向道路axis of advance 进攻轴线azimuth 方位azimuth angle 方位角azimuth resolution 方位分辨力backfill 再召力量back-haul airlift 返程空运backshore 背岸back tell 向下报知;情报下送balisage 暗光路标ballistic missile 弹道导弹ballistic missile early warning system 弹道导弹预警系统ballistics 弹道学ballistic trajectory 弹道轨迹ballistic wind 弹道风balloon reflector 气球反射器bar 浅滩bare base 简易基地barrage 弹幕;气球阻塞;阻塞式干扰barrage fire 拦阻射击;弹幕射击barrage jamming 阻塞式干扰;全波段干扰barricade 阻拦网,障碍物barrier 障碍barrier combat air patrol 空中阻拦战斗巡逻barrier forces 阻拦部队base 基地base cluster commander 基地群指挥官base cluster operations center 基地群作战中心base command 基地区;基地司令部base ejection shell 弹底喷射炮弹base element 基准分队base line 基线baseline environmental survey 基线环境勘察base map 基本情况要图;底图;基本(地)图base of operations 作战基地base section 后勤地带基地区base unit 基准单位baseline costs 基线开支basic intelligence 基本情报basic load 基本携行量basic military route network 基本军用道路网basic tactical organization 基本战术编组basic undertakings 基本措施basic of issue 拨发基数battalion landing team 营登陆队battery 炮兵连;兵器群battery center 炮兵连阵地中心battery (troop) left (right) 全连火炮自左(右)依次射击battle casualty 战斗减员;战斗伤亡battle damage assessment 战斗损毁评估battle damage repair 战斗损坏修复battlefield coordination detachment 战场协调分遣队battlefield illumination 战场照明battlefield surveillance 战场监视battle force 作战部队(海军)battle group 作战大队(海军)battle map 作战地图battle reserves 战斗预备补给品battlespace 作战空间beach 海滩(滩头);登陆海滩beach group 海岸勤务队beachhead 滩头堡;登陆场beach landing site 滩头登陆点beachmaster 海滩勤务队队长beach organization 海滩勤务编组beach reserves 海滩备用补给品beacon 信标beam attack 侧向攻击beam rider 波束制导导弹bearing 方位(方位角)beaten zone 命中界;被弹区beleaguered 被困besieged被困billet 营房;设营;职位;职务binary chemical munition 二元化学彈藥biographical intelligence 人物情报biological agent 生物战剂biological defense 生物防御biological operations 生物作战biological warfare 生物战biological weapon 生物武器black 隐藏的black list 黑名单blast 爆炸;爆炸气浪;冲击波blast effect 爆炸效果;爆炸气浪作用;冲击波效应blast wave 爆炸气浪;冲击波blocking position 拦阻阵地blow 暴露boat wave 艇波bomb damage assessment 轰炸效果判定bomb disposal unit 未爆弹处理分队bomber 轰炸机bomb impact plot 炸彈弹着点标示图bombing angle 轰炸(投弹)角bombing errors 轰炸偏差bombing run 轰炸航路bomb release ling 投弹线bomb release point 投弹点bomb sighting systems 轰炸瞄准系统booster 传爆药;助推器booster phase 助推阶段bore safe fuze 膛内保险引信bound 跃进;跃进距离boundary 分界线bouquet mine 集束水雷bracketing 夹叉射击branch 部门(处、科);分支机构;兵种;分支计划breakaway阵面脱离;脱离目标break off 停止攻击bridgehead 桥头堡briefing 下达简令brigade 旅buffer zone 缓冲区bug qie听器;安装qie听器bugged 装有qie听器的buildup 逐步增加burn-through range 烧穿距离;雷达作用距离call fire 呼唤火力call for fire 火力呼唤call sign 呼号camouflage 伪装camp 营地campaign 战役campaign planning 制定战役计划canalize 诱逼cannot observe 无法观察capsule 密封座舱;弹射舱captive firing 系留点火试验,试验台点火试验cardinal point effect 方位基点效应caretaker status 看管状态cargo classification (combat loading ) 物资分类(战斗装载)carpet bombing 地毯式轰炸carrier air wing队航空母舰载机联队carrier battle group航空母舰作战大carrier striking force 航空母舰突击部队casual 待命士兵casual 伤亡人员casualty category 伤亡类别casualty evacuation 伤员后送casualty status 伤亡状况catapult 弹射器caveat 警示标志CEASE BUZZER 终止电子攻击cease fire 停止射击cease fire line 停火线celestial guidance 天文制导cell 特工小组center of burst 爆心central control officer 中心控制军官centralized control 集中控制chaff 箔条;干扰物chain of command 指挥系统,指挥链change 查询charge 装药charged demolition target 装药待炸目标chart location of the battery 炮兵连图上位置check firing 暂停射击checkout 检测check point 检查点;检查站;弹着中心;爆炸中心chemical agent 化学战剂chemical ammunition 化学彈藥chemical defense 化学防御,防化学chemical operation 化学作战chemical survey 化学侦察chemical warfare 化学战chemical weapon 化学武器chief of staff 参谋长CINC’S required date 总司令要求日CINC’S strategic concept 总司令战略概念civil defense 民防civil engineering (军事)土木工程civilian internee 被拘留的平民civil-military cooperation 军民合作civil-military operations 民事军事行动classes of supply 补给品分类classification 确定保密等级clearance rate 扫雷率clearing operation 扫雷活动,清扫行动close air support 近距离空中支援close-controlled air interception 精确引导空中截击closed area 禁区;封锁区close support 近距离支援火力closure 结束,部队抵达closure minefield 封锁性布雷区cluster bomb unit 子母弹;炸彈组合;集束炸彈装置clutter 杂乱回波coarse mine 低感应水雷coastal frontier 海岸防区code 代码;密码cold war 冷战collection(acquisition) 搜集(获取)情报collection asset 情报搜集资源,情报搜集手段collection operations management 情报搜集活动管理collection planning 制定情报搜集计划collection point 收容(收集)点collective call sign 集体呼号collocation 共同驻扎column formation 纵队队形column gap 纵队间隔column length 行军长径(行军长度)combat air patrol 空中战斗巡逻combat airspace control 战斗空域控制combatant command 作战司令部combatant command (command authority) 作战指挥(指挥权限)combatant commander 作战(司令部)司令combat area 作战地域combat assessment 作战评估combat camera 战斗照相combat cargo officer 战斗运输军官combat chart 作战海图combat engineering 战斗工程(任务)combat forces 战斗部队combat intelligence 战斗情报combat loading 战斗装载combat power 战斗力combat readiness 战备状态combat ready 作好战斗准备combat search and rescue 战斗搜索与求援combat search and rescue task force 战斗搜索与求援特遣部队combat service support 战斗勤务支援combat service support element 战斗勤务支援分队combat support 战斗支援combat surveillance 战场监视combat survival 战斗救生措施combating terrorism 抗击恐怖Z義combat trail 战斗纵队combat troops 战斗部队combat vehicle 战斗车辆combat zone 作战地幅combination influence mine 复式感应雷combined 联军的;联合的combined arms team 诸兵种全盛战斗队,联合兵种小队combined force 联军combined operation 联军作战combined staff 联军参谋部combustor 燃烧装置command 指挥,指挥权;命令,口令;部队,司令部,管辖区command and control 指挥与控制command and control system 指挥与控制系统command and control warfare 指挥与控制战command axis 指挥轴线command center 指挥中心command channel 指挥渠道,指挥系统command, control, communications and computer systems 指挥、控制、通信与计算机系统command destruct signal 自毁指令信号command detonated mine 遥控起爆雷command element 指挥分队commander, amphibious task force 两栖特遣部队司令commander’s concept 指挥官的作战方案commander’s estimate of the situation 指挥官的情况判断command guidance 指令制导command information 部队信息commanding officer of troops 部队指挥官command net 指挥通信网command post 指挥所command relationships 指挥关系commission 编入现役;军官委任状;军官委任commit 投入截击common infrastructure 共用基础设施common operational picture 公共作战图像common servicing 军种间勤务common-user logistics 共用后勤common-user military land transportation 共用地面军事运输communicate 通信communication deception 通信欺骗communications center 通信中心communications intelligence 通信情报communications mark 通信标志communications satellite 通信卫星communications security 通信保密communications terminal 通信终端communications zone 后勤(补给)地幅community relations 当地军民关系compartmentation 隔离;遮蔽complete round 整装弹;全弹;全备弹complex contingency operations 综合应急行动component 组成部队,部分;部件,元件composite warfare commander 合成作战指挥官composite wing 混合联队compromise 暴露;泄密concealment 隐蔽concentrated fire 集中射击;集火射击;集中火力concentration area 集中地区;集中射击区concept of logistic support 后勤支援方针concept of operations 作战方案;作战方针conflict 冲突confusion reflector 干扰反射器console 操纵台,控制台consolidation 合并;联合consolidation so position 巩固阵地constitute 赋予番号consumer logistics 消费后勤contact 发现目标;接触传染病contact lost 失去接触contact report 发现敌情报告contact mine 触发雷contact point 联络点contact reconnaissance 联络性侦察contact report 发现敌情报告contain 牵制,钳制,围困contingency 紧急情况contingency operation 应急行动contingent zone of fire 应急射击地带continuous fire 连续射击continuous illumination fire 不间断照明射击contour flight 沿地形飞行,地形回避飞行control 控制(指挥);控制点;控制力;控制标记control and area 控制区controlled airspace 管制空域controlled firing area 射击控制区controlled forces 有控制的部队controlled information 受控情报controlled shipping 管制航运control point 调整哨;导航控制点;图根点conventional forces 常规部队conventional weapon 常规武器converge 集火converged sheaf 集火射convergence 集中火力射击convoy 船队(护航运输队);车队convoy escort 船队护航队;车队护送队convoy loading 船队装载cooperative logistics 合作后勤coordinated attack 协同进攻coordinated fire line 协调射击线coordinated illumination fire 协同照明射击coordinates 坐标coordinating authority 协调官;协调权coordinating review authority 协调审核单位corner reflector 角反射器corps support command 军支援司令部corps troops 军直属部队counterair 夺取空中优势counterattack 反击,反冲击,反突击counterbattery fire 反炮兵火力counterdrug operations 反毒品行动counterfire 反击,反火力counterforce 打击军事力量counterguerrilla warfare 反游击战counterinsurgency 反叛乱counterintelligence 反情报countermeasures 干扰;对抗;对抗措施(反措施)countermobility operations 反机动行动countercffensive 反攻counterpreparation fire 火力反准备counterreconnaissance 反侦察countersign 联络暗号,口令countersubversion 反颠覆counterterrorism 反恐怖Z義coup de main 突击,奇袭cover 掩护;保护;守听;掩蔽物(防护物);照片(影像);监视coverage 覆盖范围;掩护(保护);侦察程度;监视范围covering fire 掩护火力covering force 掩护部队covert operation 隐蔽活动coxswain 艇长crater 弹坑creeping barrage 徐进弹幕射击creeping mine 游动水雷crested 被遮蔽,有障碍critical intelligence 紧急情报critical speed 临界速度crossing area 渡河地域cruising missile 巡航导弹cruising level 巡航高度culminating point 顶点,极点current force 现有部队current intelligence 现实情报cutoff attack 切半径攻击damage assessment 毁伤判定;损失估计damage radius 毁伤半径danger close 非常危险danger space 命中界;必中界data 数据;诸元datum 基准datum point 基准点D-day 预定进攻日deadline 停止使用dead space 盲区;静区;死界;死角decentralized control 分散控制deception 欺骗deception means 欺骗手段deception objective 欺骗目的decision height 决断点。
军事英语词汇整理1.一般用语air cover 空中掩护air superiority 空中优势air—borne 空降的,机载的alert 警惕的,警戒状态ambush 伏击.annihilate 歼灭armistice 停战array 使……排列成阵势asymmetrical war 不对称战争bail out 从机上跳伞batter 炮击battle 战斗beleaguer 围攻besiege 包围blast 爆炸blitzkrieg 闪电战blitz 闪电战blow up 爆炸blow 打击board (为攻击等而强行)靠拢(船),强行登(船) .bombed—out 空袭时被炸毁的,(人)因住房被炸毁而无家可归breach 裂口,缺口,正军]突破,突破口breach 突破,突破口.breakthrough 突破bring down 击落broadside 舷炮齐射brush 小战斗bush—fire war 灌木林式战争buzz 低空掠过,骚扰capitulate (有条件的)停止抵抗,投降capitulationism 投降主义capitulationist 投降主义者capitulation (有条件的)停止抵抗,投降carpet bombing 地毯式轰炸ceasefire 停火charge 冲锋close range fighting 近战combat readiness 战备状态combat 战斗command 指挥commission 编人现役concrete bomb 混凝土炸弹contain 牵制conventional war 常规战争conventional weapon 常规武器cordon 用警卫线围住corner 使……走投无路cover 掩护cross fire 交叉火力crumble 崩溃,瓦解,灭亡D day battle of Normandy ("Operation Overlord") 1944年6月6日盟军诺曼底登陆(代号“霸王行动”)D Day 大规模进攻开始日death toll 死亡人数decimate 大批杀死defection 逃跑,开小差defector 背叛者,逃兵defect 逃跑,开小差defensive 防御的,防务的demilitarized zone 非军事区demining 排雷demolition 爆破detail 选派,分遣dig in 挖壕固守disciplinary 纪律的,惩戒的discipline 纪律,风纪,惩戒disengage 使脱离接触dislodge 把……驱逐出去displaced person 由于战争(或迫害)而逃离原住地(或本国)的人dogfight 空中混战draft 应征入伍drill 演习drive 长驱直人duel 决战(斗)emplace 使炮兵进入阵地encirclement 包围圈encircle 包围engagement 交战,(打)仗engage 与……交战enlist 征募,使服兵役entrench 进入壕沟eviction 驱逐evictor 驱逐者evict 驱逐exchange 交火extricate 使……解除困境fan out 部队成扇形展开ferret 侦察field 把……投人战场fire 开火flush out 驱赶出来foray 突然袭击frustrate 挫败go up 爆炸hail of gun fire 一阵枪击hand—to—hand combat 肉搏,白刃战helicopter—borne 直升机载的hit and run 打了就跑的战术home—made 自制的house—to—house fighting 巷战hunt down 穷追猛打identification of friend or foe (飞机)敌我识别incursion 进入,侵人,袭击infiltrate 渗透infiltration 渗透infiltrator 渗透者.inflict 击退intensify 加强,加剧interceptor 拦截导弹interdict 阻断通路intermittent war 打打停停的战斗•intruder 入侵者intrude 入侵intrusion 入侵kill—intercept 导弹摧毁拦截landing 登陆leap—frog 交替前进liquidate 消灭live ammunition 实弹live weapon firing 实弹射击lock 难分难解(be locked in a fighting打得难分难解) logistic 后勤的maimed 残废的,受重伤的maimer 残害者maim 残害,使重伤(残)manoeuver 机动,(复)对抗演习martial law 军事管制martial 军事的mass 聚集大量部队于……meet 与……会战military alert level Delta 美军戒备状态military review 阅兵moonlight 夜战mop up(mopping up) 肃清残敌,扫荡morale 士气,信念moral 道德上的mount 发动攻势mow down 扫杀,摧毁multilayered shield 导弹多层防护盾multi—national force 多国部队neutralize 压制(火力)nuclear deterrent 核威慑nuclear proliferation核扩散nuclear umbrella 核保护伞nuclear war 核战争nuclear weapon 核武器offensive 进攻的on and off 打打停停on the run 逃跑outgun 在枪炮数量上超过outnumber 在数量上超过pause 暂停picket (军)戒哨;派……担任警戒哨警pelt 连续地打击,开火perch (狙击手等)位于高处pierce 突破pincer movement 钳形攻势pincers 钳形攻势pitched battle 对阵战,激战poise 使做好准备pound 炮击preemptive 先发制人的protracted war 持久战pullback 撤回pullout 撤出purge 清除pursue 追击pursuit 追击push 推进rage (战斗)激战rain down 弹如雨下reconnaissance 侦察reinforcement 增援,支援,加强reinforce 增援,支援,加强rendezvous (军队或舰队的)指定集合地点,宇宙飞船(或其它飞行器)的会合repulse 击退requisition 征用retaliate 反击,报复retaliation 反击,报复retaliative 反击的,报复的retaliatory 报复性的reviewing stand 检阅台rout 击溃salvo 齐射scenario 情况,想定scorched earth policy 焦土政策scramble 紧急起飞scrap 炸碎scuffle 混战seal off 把……封锁起来set off 爆炸shadow 尾随shell 炮击skirmish 小战斗slam 猛击slip 溜走slug 相互猛击snipe 狙击,打冷枪sporadic 零星的spot 从空中侦察敌人目标spray 扫射stampede 大溃退state of alert戒备状态stiff resistance 强有力的抵抗storm 猛攻,直捣strafe 扫射street fighting 巷战surgical operation 外科手术式的作战surgical strike (attack) 外科手术式的打击surrender 投降sweep 扫射,扫雷taps 熄灯号The fallen 阵亡者,战死者touch off 爆炸tough fighting 激烈战斗trade 交火triumph 胜利,凯旋truce 休战,停战,休战协议turn the table 转败为胜two pronged offensive 钳形攻势unknown soldier=[美]unknown worrier 无名战士vigilante (美)治安维持会成员vulnerable 脆弱wage 作战war game 实地演习war of attrition 消耗战war reparation 战争赔款war—ravaged 遭战争蹂躏的war—scarred 被战争弄得疮痍满目的war—torn 饱受战争之苦的war—worn 由于战争而筋疲力尽的wipe out 歼灭2.建制与职衔admiral上将aide—de—camp 副官air—force 空军air—man 飞行员air—wing 空军联队armada 舰队,机群army 军,陆军battalion 营battery 炮兵连,兵器群blue helmet forces (联合国维持和平的)蓝盔部队brigade 旅brigadier 准将cadet 军校学员captain 上尉cavalry (总称)骑兵,高度机动的部队chairman of the joint chiefs of staff (美)三军参谋长联席会议主席colonel 上校column 纵队combatant 战士commandant 军校校长commander 司令员commander—in—chief 总司令commando 突击队company 连comrade—in—arms 战友conscript 新兵constabulary 保安队contingent 先遣队corporal 下士corps 军团,兵种,队,团court—martial 军事法庭commodore 海军准将decommission 使……退役,解除军职demote (美)降级demotion (美)降级detail 分遣队division 师draftee (美)应征入伍者echelon 梯队elite force 精锐部队fire—squad 行刑队flank 侧翼flanker 侧卫部队fleet 舰队formation 队形,编队,兵团gendarmerie 宪兵gendarmerie (法)宪兵队general 将军Green Berets 特种部队guerrilla 游击队headquarters 司令部headquarters of the general staff 总参谋部infantry 步兵insignia 勋章,国徽,正军]识别符号,徽章invalid 有病的,伤残的,病人,伤病军人Kamikaze (日)神风突击队队员lieutenant 中尉lieutenant colonel 中校lieutenant general 中将line—crosser (战争中越过战线)自愿投诚者listed man 应征人伍的人major 少校major genera[ 少将marine 海军陆战队marshal 元帅mercenary 雇佣军militia 民兵navigator 驾驶员,领航员navy 海军officer 军官outfit (指班、组、队等)有组织的团体,单位(尤指部队) para—troops 伞兵部队parachute troops 伞兵部队platoon 排private 二等兵ranger 别动队队员rank 军衔recruit 新兵regiment 团regular army 正规军,常备军reserves 预备役,预备役军人reservist 预备役军人scout 侦察员second lieutenant 少尉Self-Defence Forces (日)自卫队sentry 卫兵sergeant 军士service 军种,勤务部队sharp—shooter 特等射手skeleton team 骨干队伍sniper 狙击手,打冷枪者spear—head 先头部队squad 班squadron 中队staff 参谋人员,参谋部standing army 常备军suicide squad 敢死队task force 特遣部队the chief of general staff 总参谋长troops 部队van 先头部队vanguard 先头部队.vestige 残余volunteer 志愿兵,义勇兵way—footing 战时编制warrant officer 准尉3.装备Aegis destroyer [美]“宙斯盾牌”驱逐舰agent orange 橙剂(美军侵越期间用的一种化学剂) agent orange 橙剂(美军在越战期间使用的化学毒物) Agni ballistic missile (印度)“火神”弹道导弹aircraft carrier 航空母舰AK—47 (assault) rifle AK—47式冲锋枪ammunition 弹药amphibious 水陆两用的Apache attack helicopter “阿帕奇”攻击直升机armored convoy 装甲运兵车arsenal 军火库,兵工厂artillery 火炮back—fire bomber (俄)逆火式轰炸机barbed wire entanglement 带刺铁丝网battle group (航空母舰的)战斗群bayonet assault 白刃格斗bayonet 刺刀Black Hawk 黑鹰直升机blank 空包弹block buster 巨型炸弹Bockscar 第二次世界大战中在长崎投下原子弹的飞机名字bombard 轰炸,炮轰bomber 轰炸机bombing 轰炸bomb 炸弹,轰炸booby—mine 诱发雷bullet 子弹bullet—proof vest 防弹背心buster 炸弹buttock 枪托butt 枪托calibre 口径camouflage 伪装camouflage—clad 穿伪装服的canister 霰弹筒cannon 火炮chopper [美俚]直升机cluster—bomb 集束炸弹Cobra “眼镜蛇”式直升机commando vessel(ship) 登陆艇concussive grenade 振荡手榴弹copter 直升机cruise missile 巡航导弹cruiser 巡洋舰cutter 缉私用的巡逻用的快艇decon=decontaminate(decontami—nation) 清除毒气,去除污染decoy 诱饵decoy 诱饵,假目标defoliant 落叶剂(尤指战争中使用的化学毒物) .defoliate 使落叶defuse 去掉引信depleted uranium bomb 贫铀弹destroyer 驱逐舰detonate 引爆drone 无人驾驶飞机,飞行靶机dummy warhead 试验弹头,练习弹dummy 假的dynamite 甘油炸药Enola gay(B—29 Bomber) 第二次世界大战中,1945年8月6日在广岛下第一颗原子弹的美国轰炸机ensign 军旗Evocet “飞鱼式”导弹explosive 炸药Fat Man 第二次世界大战中投在长崎的原子弹的名字fatigues 士兵劳动时穿的工作服fire bomb 燃烧弹fire power 火力fix—wing air craft 固定机翼飞机flare 照明弹flotilla 小舰队frigate 护卫舰garb 制服gas mask 防毒面具GBU—28 [美]激光制导的巨型炸弹graphite bomb 石墨炸弹grenade 手榴弹gun ship 武装直升机hangar 飞机库Harrier (英美)“鹞”式飞机Hawk missile “隼”式防空导弹helicopter 直升机(C-130) Hercules (C—130型)大力神式巨型运输机(赫尔克里士式运输机)hit-to-kill 直接命中捣毁HMMWV(High Mobility Multi—purpose Wheeled Vehicle) (美)高机动性多用途轮式车辆howitzer 榴弹炮ill-equipped 装备不良的impact area weapon 区域作用武器incendiary 燃烧弹Jaguar jet “美洲虎式”超音速轻型攻击机JDAM(Joint Directed Attack Missile) (全球卫星定位系统制导)联合制导攻击导弹(2001年10月首次在阿富汗使用)jump—jet 垂直起降的喷气式飞机Kalashnikov (俄)卡拉斯尼科夫式冲锋枪Katusha (俄)卡秋莎大炮.1and mine 地雷lethal 杀伤性的machine gun 机关枪main battle tank 主战坦克mechanized forces 机械化部队Mig jet fighter (俄)“米格”喷气式战斗机Minuteman intercontinental ballistic missile (美)“民兵”式洲际弹道导弹Mirage “幻影式”战斗机missile 火箭,导弹mock warhead 模拟弹头Molotov cocktail 燃烧瓶mortar 迫击炮musketeer 步枪手musketry 步枪musket 旧式步枪MV22 Osprey (美)鱼鹰式飞机(起落时像直升机,飞行时像普通飞机) napalm bomb 凝固汽油弹neutron bomb 中子弹night—vision goggles 夜视镜nonlethal 非杀伤性的nuclear—capable 具有核能力的parapet 胸墙Patriot missile(Patriot missile—killing Rocket) “爱国者式”导弹pontoon 浮桥practice bomb 教练弹projectile 射弹ricochet 跳弹sarin 沙林(一种神经毒气,学名为“甲氟磷酸丙脂”) Scud missile “飞毛腿式”导弹Sea King helicopter “海王”式直升机shell 炮弹shoulder—mounted rocket (missile) 肩扛火箭(导弹) shrapnel 弹片side arm 佩剑(刀),随身携带的武器Side—winder “响尾蛇”导弹silencer—equipped pistol 无声手枪silkworm missile “蚕式”导弹soft bomb 软炸弹sortie (飞机出动的)架次stash 隐藏处,藏匿处;贮藏物,藏匿物stealthy bomber 隐形轰炸机Stingle “毒刺”地对空导弹stray bullet 流弹stun grenade 震荡手榴弹submarine 潜水艇sub—machine gun 冲锋枪tanker 空中加油飞机thermal nuclear weapon 热核武器Tomahawk cruise missile “战斧式”巡航导弹Topoi—M (俄)白杨—M型洲际弹道导弹Tornado (英)“旋风式”多用途的后掠式轰炸机torpedo 鱼雷TOW missile (Tube-launched Optically-tracked Wire-guided anti-tank missile) “陶”式反坦克导弹(有线制导、光学跟踪、管式发射的反坦克导弹)toxic gas 毒气toxicant 毒剂tracer bullet(shell) 曳光弹Trident 三叉戟飞机,三叉戟潜艇tunic 紧身短上衣twin—barrel rocket launcher 双管火箭发射器U—boat 德国潜水艇Viper “毒蛇”导弹warhead 弹头4.场所air exclusive zone 禁飞区airstrip 简易机场ambulance 救护车,野战医院armoury 军械库,(美)兵工厂barracks 军营base 基地bastion 阵地工事,堡垒beachhead 滩头阵地blue line 停火分界线bomb—proof shelter 防空洞,防弹掩体bridge—head 桥头堡buffer zone 缓冲区bunker 钢筋混凝土工事concealment 隐蔽corridor 走廊,狭长地带,空中走廊demilitarized zone 非军事区depot 仓库,兵站detention camp 拘留营dump 堆放处electrical fence 电子篱笆emplacement 炮位,炮兵阵地encampment 营地exclusive zone 禁区foothold 据点fort 要塞,边塞fortress 要塞front line 前线garrison 要塞green line 军事分界线hardened silo 防原子地下发射井laager (用货车或装甲车等围成的)临时防御阵地,车阵no—fly exclusive zone 禁飞区no—fly zone 禁飞区outpost 前哨,前哨基地,警戒部队parados 背墙perimeter 环形防线pocket (被包围的)小地区position 阵地prisoner camp 战俘营range 靶场rear 后方sack 粗麻袋(包)safe zone 安全区springboard 跳板trestle 栈桥Vandenberg Air Force Base (美加利福尼亚)范登堡空军基地vantage ground 有利地形5.其他Force 17 巴勒斯坦的特殊保安部队M6 英国的军事情报处。
军事(中英对照)defense white paper 防卫白皮书Air defense identification zone 防空识别区border standoff 边界对峙chemical weapons 化学武器comfort women 慰安妇military intervention 军事干预military action 军事行动targeted killings 定点清除major ally 主要盟友joint-operations capability 联合作战能力live-fire drill 实兵演习Military drill 军事演习joint military exercise/drill 联合军事演习joint naval drill 海上联合军事演习destroyer 驱逐舰frigate 护卫舰cruiser 巡洋舰supply ship 补给舰submarine 潜艇anti-submarine ship 反潜舰landing ship 登陆舰warship 军舰Aircraft carrier 航空母舰rotary-wing aircraft 直升机航母the Beihai Fleet 北海舰队combined corps 集团军The Central Military Commission (CMC) 中央军委Military Command Area 军区division 师brigade 旅regiment 团battalion 营company 连platoon 排Second Artillery Force 二炮Arms sale 军售arms race 军备竞赛arms embargo 武器禁运fighter jets 战斗机ground attack aircraft 强击机bombers 轰炸机attack helicopters 武装直升机spy plane 侦察机large scout 大型侦察机early warning aircraft 预警机unarmed surveillance drones / spy drone 无人侦查机。
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1. 双重领导制度system of dual leadership
2. 大生产运动large scale production campaign
3. 革命军人委员会revolutionary armymen s committee
4. 新式整军运动new type of ideological education movement in the Liberation Army
5. 官兵一致unity between officers and men
6. 军民一致unity between army and people
7. 瓦解敌军disintegration of the enemy forces
8. 拥政爱民公约pledge of supporting government and cherishing people
9. 党务委员会Party affairs committee
10. 军政委员会military and polotical committee
11. 连队党支部Party branch of company
12. 前敌委员会Party s committee in front of enemy
13. 政治指导员political instructor
14. 军事法院military court
15. 军事检察院military procuratorate
16. 中国人民解放军出版社Chinese People's Liberation Army Publishing House
18. 干部下连当兵代职制度system of officers serving as soldiers in company and functioning in an acting capacity
19. 战场纪律battlefield discipline
20. 《中国人民解放军保密条例》Security Regulations of the CPLA。