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A江水利枢纽同时兼有防洪、发电、灌溉、渔业等综合作用,水库正常蓄水位183.25m,设计洪水位186.7m,校核洪水位189.80m,汛前限制水位182m,死水位164m,尾水位103.5m。水库死库容 4.76亿m3,总库容9.6亿m3。





泄水建筑物由两个浅孔和两个中孔组成:浅孔位于两岸,孔口宽8.5m,高8.0m,进口底高程为164m,出口底高程为154m;中孔位于水电站进水口两侧,孔口宽7.5m,高7.5m,进口底高程为135m,出口底高程为130m。在坝身泄水孔的上下游侧分别布置检修闸门和工作闸门,检修闸门采用平板门,工作闸门采用弧形闸门,在每一个工作闸门的上方有启闭机房,浅孔启闭机房高程为173.38m,中孔启闭机房高程为150.82m。泄槽支撑结构采用框架式结构。坎顶高程为119.4m,浅孔反弧半径为35m,中孔反弧半径为50m。泄槽直线段的坡度与孔身底部坡度一致,挑射角θ=20o,导墙厚度为1.0m, 浅孔导墙高度为8.5m,中孔导墙高度为11m。





A jiang is a river which lies in southeast of China.According to drainage area programming,a water power station is planning to built on it . A jiang hydrocomplex plays an important parts in flood control ,waterpower, irrigation,fishery and so on.

The reservoir normal water level is 183.25m,design flood level is 186.7m,maximum flood level is 189.80m,flood control level is 182m,dead water level is 164m, tailwater level of hydropower station is 103.5m.The dead reservoir capacity is 476,000,000m3,and the total reservoir capacity is 960,000,000 m3.

The hydraulic engineering grade is Grade I. The key 、secondary and temporary structures’ grade is Grade I、III and IV.

The key hydroproject is consist of water retaining structure,power house,auxiliary room,sluice structure,raft sluice,and so on.

The water retaining structure is a double curvature arch dam.The length of the axis of crest dam is about 310m.Maximum height of the dam is 100.5m,the thickness of the bottom of the dam is 25.7m,and the width of the top of the dam is 8.5m.

In this design, we use two different methods to calculate the stess of the arch dam in four status.One is using program ,the other is using crown cantilever method to calculate.

The release structure is comprised of 2 mid-level outlet and 2 short-level outlet.The width of the short-level outlet is 8.5m,and the height is 8.0m;the width of the mid-level outlet is 7.5m,and the height is 7.5m.The upstream and the downstream side of every outlet are a bulkhead gate and a operating gate which is a radial gate.There is a room where a gate hoist is put above every service gate.The two rooms which are above the mid-level outlet service gate are at an elevation of 150.82 metres,and the other two rooms are at an elevation of 173.38 metres.The intake of the mid-level outlet is at an elevation of 135 metres,and the intake of the short-level outlet is at an elevation of 164 metres.

The power house lies at the damtoe.The dimensions of the power house and the auxiliary room are 81m×18m and 66m×10m.The generator floor is at an elevation of 114.8m metres,and the bottom of the draft tube is at an
