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Contemporary Medicine


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(湖南师范大学 教育科学学院,湖南 长沙410081)

[摘 要] 积极心理治疗是一种整合的治疗模式,它着眼于心理冲突和疾病的积极方面,从文化和历史的观点来评估心理


[关键字] 积极心理治疗 积极 冲突 想象 直觉

Analysis of Positive Psychology

LIU Zhao-wen

(Educational Science College of Hunan normal university,Changsha 410081,China )

[Abstract] Positive psychotherapy is a model of multi-theory's integration with a view to mental conflits and disease, which evaluates mental matter from the angle of cuture and history .Positive psychotherapy focuses on people's factual and potential abilities,and it point out the importance of social factors.Positive helps patients to exert their fancy and intuition,with the supple-mentary method of oriental story telling,to make them have benn the therapeutist of their ambience and incompatible chaps.positive psychotherapy is an criticism ,contercharge,intheritance and transcendency of traditional psychotherapy,which breaks a new of psychotherapy ,enriching psychology theory.

[Key word] positive psychotherapy,positive,conflits ,fancy,intuition

一 积极心理治疗的主要内容20世纪末,诺斯拉特.佩塞施基安在临床实践的基础
