



FIDIC,CLIENT/CONSULTANT MODEL SERVICES AGREEMENT(“White Book”)Third Edition, 1998CONTENTSAGREEMENTGENERAL CONDITIONSDEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATION1. Definitions2. InterpretationOBLIGATIONS OF THE CONSULTANT3. Scope of Services4. Normal, Additional and Exceptional Services5. Duty of Care and Exercise of Authority6. Client's PropertyOBLIGATIONS OF THE CLIENT7. Information8. Decisions9. Assistance10. Equipment and Facilities11. Client's Personnel12. Services of OthersPERSONNEL13. Supply of Personnel14. Representatives15. Changes in PersonnelLIABILITY AND INSURANCE16. Liability between the Parties16.1 Liability of the Consultant16.2 Liability of the Client16.3 Compensation17. Duration of Liability18. Limit of Compensation and Indemnity18.1 Limit of Compensation18.2 Indemnity18.3 Exceptions19. Insurance for Liability and Indemnity20. Insurance of Client's PropertyCOMMENCEMENT, COMPLETION, ALTERATION AND TERMINATION OF THE AGREEMENT21. Agreement Effective22. Commencement and Completion23. Variation24. Further Proposals25. Delays26. Changed Circumstances27. Abandonment, Suspension or Termination27.1 By Notice of the Client27.2 By Notice of the Consultant28. Exceptional Services29. Rights and Liabilities of PartiesPAYMENT30. Payment to the Consultant31. Time for Payment32. Currency of Payment33. Third Party Charges on the Consultant34. Disputed Invoices35. Independent AuditGENERAL PROVISIONS36. Languages and Law37. Changes in Legislation38. Assignment and Sub-Contracts39. Copyright40. Conflict of Interest/Corruption and Fraud41. Notices42. PublicationSETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES43. Amicable Dispute Resolution43.1 Attempt to Resolve43.2 Referral to Mediator43.3 Appointment of Mediator43.4 Agreement of Program43.5 Written Agreement to be Binding43.6 Non-binding Opinion43.7 Costs of Mediation43.8 Failure of Mediation44. ArbitrationPARTICULAR CONDITIONSA. References from Clauses in the General ConditionsB. Additional ClausesAPPENDICESA. Scope of ServicesB. Personnel, Equipment, Facilities and Services of Others to be Provided by the ClientC. Remuneration and PaymentAGREEMENTThis Agreement made the ______________ day of ___________, ____ between__________________________________________________________________of ________________________________________________________________(hereinafter called "the Client") of the one partand _______________________________________________________________of ________________________________________________________________(hereinafter called "the Consultant") of the other part.WHEREAS the Client desires that certain Services should be performed by the Consultant, namely________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________and has accepted a proposal by the Consultant for the performance of such Services.NOW THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH AS FOLLOWS1. In this Agreement words and expressions shall have the same meanings as are respectivelyassigned to them in the Conditions of the Client/Consultant Model Services Agreement hereinafter referred to.2. The following documents shall be deemed to form and be read and construed as part of thisAgreement, namely:(a) The Letter of Acceptance;(b) The Conditions of the Client/Consultant Model Services Agreement (General Conditionsand Particular Conditions)(c) The Appendices, namely:Appendix A - Scope of ServicesAppendix B - Personnel, Equipment, Facilities and Services of Others to be Providedby the ClientAppendix C - Remuneration and Payment3. In consideration of the payments to be made by the Client to the Consultant as hereinaftermentioned the Consultant hereby agrees with the Client to perform the Services in conformity with the provisions of the Agreement.4. The Client hereby agrees to pay the Consultant in consideration of the performance of the Servicessuch amounts as may become payable under the provisions of the Agreement at the times and inthe manner prescribed by the Agreement.In Witness whereof the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first before written in accordance with their respective laws.Authorized signature(s) of Client___________________________________________________________In the presence of:Name: ______________________________________________________ Signature: ____________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________Authorized signature(s) of Consultant___________________________________________________________ In the presence of:Name: ______________________________________________________ Signature: ____________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________CONDITIONS OF THE CLIENT/CONSULTANTMODEL SERVICES AGREEMENTGENERAL CONDITIONSDEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATION1. DEFINITIONSThe following words and expressions shall have the meanings assigned to them except where thecontext otherwise requires:(i) “Project” means the project named in the Particular Conditions for which the Works areto be provided.(ii) “Services” means the services to be performed by the Consultant in accordance with the Agreement and comprise Normal Services, Additional Services and Exceptional Services.(iii) “Works” means the permanent works to be executed (including the goods and equipment to be supplied to the Client) for the achievement of the Project.(iv) “Client” means the party named in the Agreement, who employs the Consultant, and legal successors to the Client and permitted assignees.(v) “Consultant” means the party named in the Agreement, who is employed as anindependent professional firm by the Client to perform the Services, and legal successorsto the Consultant and permitted assignees.(vi) “party” and “parties” means the Client and the Consultant and “third party” means any other person or entity as the context requires.(vii) “Agreement” means the Conditions comprising t he Conditions of the Client/Consultant Model Services Agreement (General Conditions and Particular Conditions) together withAppendix A (Scope of Services), Appendix B (Personnel, Equipment, Facilities andServices of Others to be Provided by the Client), Appendix C (Remuneration andPayment), Letter of Acceptance and Formal Agreement if completed, or otherwise asspecified in the Particular Conditions.(viii) “day” means the period between any one midnight and the next.(ix) “month” means a period of one month according to the Gregorian calendar commencing with any day of the month.(x) “Local Currency” (LC) means the currency of the country where the Project is located and “Foreign Currency” (FC) means any other currency.(xi) “Agreed compensation” mea ns additional sums as defined in the Particular Conditions which are payable under the Agreement.2. INTERPRETATION(i) The headings in the Agreement shall not be used in its interpretation.(ii) The singular includes the plural, the masculine includes the feminine, and vice-versa where the context requires.(iii) If there is conflict between provisions of the Agreement, the last to be writtenchronologically shall prevail, unless otherwise specified in the Particular Conditions.OBLIGATIONS OF THE CONSULTANT3. SCOPE OF SERVICESThe Consultant shall perform Services relating to the Project. The Scope of the Services is statedin Appendix A.4. NORMAL, ADDITIONAL AND EXCEPTIONAL SERVICES(i) Normal Services are those described as such in Articles A.2 and A.3 of Appendix A.(ii) Additional Services are those described as such in Appendix A or which by written agreement of the parties are otherwise additional to Normal Services.(iii) Exceptional Services are those which are not Normal or Additional Services but which are necessarily performed by the Consultant in accordance with Clause 28.5. DUTY OF CARE AND EXERCISE OF AUTHORITY(i) The Consultant shall exercise reasonable skill, care and diligence in the performance ofhis obligations under the Agreement.(ii) Where the Services include the exercise of powers or performance of duties authorized or required by the terms of a contract between the Client and any third party, the Consultantshall:(a) act in accordance with the contract provided that the details of such powers andduties are acceptable to him where they are not described in Appendix A.(b) if authorized to certify, decide or exercise discretion, do so fairly between theClient and third party not as an arbitrator but as an independent professional actsby his skill and judgment.(c) if so authorized vary the obligations of any third party, subject to obtaining theprior approval of the Client to any variation which can have an important effecton costs or quality or time (except in any emergency when the Consultant shallinform the Client as soon as practicable).6. CLIENT'S PROPERTYAnything supplied by or paid for by the Client for the use of the Consultant shall be the property of the Client and where practicable shall be so marked. When the Services are completed orterminated, the Consultant shall furnish inventories to the Client of what has not been consumed in the performance of the Services and shall deliver it as directed by the Client. Such delivery shallbe regarded as an Additional Service.OBLIGATIONS OF THE CLIENT7. INFORMATIONThe Client shall so as not to delay the Services and within a reasonable time give to the Consultant free of cost all information in his power to obtain which may pertain to the Services.8. DECISIONSOn all matters properly referred to him in writing by the Consultant the Client shall give hisdecision in writing so as not to delay the Services and within a reasonable time.9. ASSISTANCEIn the country of the Project and in respect of the Consultant, his personnel and dependents, as the case may be, the Client shall do all in his power to assist in:(i) the provision of documents necessary for entry, residence, work and exit;(ii) providing unobstructed access wherever it is required for the Services;(iii) import, export and custom clearance of personal effects and of goods required for the Services;(iv) their repatriation in emergencies;(v) the provision of the authorities necessary to permit the import of foreign currency by the Consultant for the Services and by his personnel for their personal use and to permit theexport of money earned in the performance of the Services;(vi) providing access to other organizations for collection of information which is to be obtained by the Consultant.10. EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIESThe Client shall make available, free of cost, to the Consultant for the purpose of the Services the equipment and facilities described in Appendix B.11. CLIENT’S PERSONNELIn consultation with the Consultant, the Client shall at his cost arrange for the selection andprovision of personnel in his employment to the Consultant in accordance with Appendix B. Inconnection with the Services such personnel shall take instructions only from the Consultant. 12. SERVICES OF OTHERSThe Client shall at his cost arrange for the provision of services from others as described inAppendix B, and the Consultant shall co-operate with the suppliers of such services but shall notbe responsible for them or their performance.PERSONNEL13. SUPPLY OF PERSONNELThe personnel who are sent by the Consultant to work in the country of the Project shall have been physically examined and found fit for their assignments, and their qualifications shall be acceptable to the Client.The personnel to be supplied by the Client in accordance with Clause 11 shall be acceptable to the Consultant.If the Client cannot supply Client’s personnel or services of others for which he is responsible and it is agreed to be necessary for the satisfactory performance of the Services, the Consultant shallarrange for its supply as an Additional Service.14. REPRESENTATIVESFor the administration of the Agreement, each party shall designate the official or individual to be his representative.If required by the Client, the Consultant shall designate an individual to liaise with the Client’srepresentative in the country of the Project.15. CHANGES IN PERSONNELIf it is necessary to replace any person, the party responsible for the appointment shall immediately arrange for replacement by a person of comparable competence.The cost of such replacement shall be borne by the party responsible for the appointment exceptthat if the replacement is requested by the other party,(i) such request shall be in writing stating the reason for it, and(ii) the party making the request shall bear the cost of replacement unless misconduct or inability to perform satisfactorily is established as the reason.LIABILITY AND INSURANCE16. LIABILITY BETWEEN THE PARTIES16.1 Liability of the Consultant.The Consultant shall only be liable to pay compensation to the Client arising out of or inconnection with the Agreement if a breach of Article 5.1 is established against him.16.2 Liability of the Client.The Client shall be liable to the Consultant if a breach of his duty to the Consultant is establishedagainst the Client.16.3 Compensation.If it is established that either party is liable to the other, compensation shall be payable only on the following terms:(i) Such compensation shall be limited to the amount of reasonably foreseeable loss anddamage suffered as a result of such breaches, but not otherwise.(ii) In any event, the amount of such compensation will be limited to the amount specified in Clause 18.1.(iii) If either party is considered to be liable jointly with third parties to the other, theproportion of compensation payable by him shall be limited to that proportion of liabilitywhich is attributable to his breach.17. DURATION OF LIABILITYNeither the Client nor the Consultant shall be considered liable for any loss or damage resultingfrom any occurrence unless a claim is formally made on him before the expiry of the relevantperiod stated in the Particular Conditions, or such earlier date as may be prescribed by law.18. LIMIT OF COMPENSATION AND INDEMNITY18.1Limit of Compensation.The maximum amount of compensation payable by either party to the other in respect of liabilityunder Clause 16 is limited to the amount stated in the Particular Conditions. This limit is withoutprejudice to any Agreed Compensation specified under Clause 31(ii) or otherwise imposed by the Agreement.Each party agrees to waive all claims against the other insofar as the aggregate of compensationwhich might otherwise be payable exceeds the maximum amount payable.If either party makes a claim for compensation against the other party and this is not establishedthe claimant shall entirely reimburse the other for his costs incurred as a result of the claim.18.2Indemnity.So far as the applicable law permits, the Client shall indemnify the Consultant against the adverseeffects of all claims including such claims by third parties which arise out of or in connection with the Agreement:(i) except insofar as they are covered by the insurance arranged under the terms of Clause 19.(ii) made after the expiry of the period of liability referred to in Clause 17.18.3 Exceptions.Clauses 18.1 and 18.2 do not apply to claims arising:(i) from deliberate default or reckless misconduct, or(ii) otherwise than in connection with the performance of obligation under the Agreement. 19. INSURANCE FOR LIABILITY AND INDEMNITYThe Client can request in writing that the Consultant(i) insures against his liability under Clause 16.1,(ii) increases his insurance against liability under Clause 16.1 over that for which he was insured at the date of the Client’s first invitation to him for a proposal of the services, (iii) insures against public/third party liability,(iv) increases his insurance against public/third party liability over that for which he was insured at the date of the Client’s first invitation to him for a proposal for the services, (v) effects other insurances.If so requested, the Consultant shall make all reasonable efforts to effect such insurance orincrease in insurance with an insurer and on terms acceptable to the Client.The cost of such insurance or increase in insurance shall be at the expense of the Client.20. INSURAN CE OF CLIENT’S PROPERTYUnless otherwise requested by the Client in writing the Consultant shall make all reasonable efforts to insure on terms acceptable to the Client:(i) against loss or damage to the property of the Client supplied or paid for under Clause 6.(ii) against liabilities arising out of the use of such property.The cost of such insurance shall be at the expense of the Client.COMMENCEMENT. COMPLETION. ALTERATIONAND TERMINATION OF THE AGREEMENT21. AGREEMENT EFFECTIVEThe Agreemen t is effective as of the date of receipt by the Consultant of the Client’s Letter ofAcceptance of the Consultant’s proposal or of the latest signature necessary to complete theFormal Agreement, if any, whichever is the later.22. COMMENCEMENT AND COMPLETIONThe Services shall be commenced and completed at the times or within the periods stated in theParticular Conditions subject to extensions in accordance with the Agreement.23. VARIATIONSThe Agreement can be varied on application by either party by written agreement of the parties. 24. FURTHER PROPOSALSIf requested by the Client in writing, the Consultant shall submit proposals for altering the Services.The preparation and submission of such proposals shall be an Additional Service.25. DELAYSIf the Services are impeded or delayed by the Client or his contractors so as to increase the amount or duration of the Services:(i) The Consultant shall inform the Client of the circumstances and probable effects.(ii) The increase shall be regarded as Additional Services.(iii) The time for completion of the Services shall be increased accordingly.26. CHANGED CIRCUMSTANCESIf circumstances arise for which the Consultant is not responsible and which make it irresponsible for him to perform in whole or in part the Services in accordance with the Agreement he shallpromptly dispatch a notice to the Client.In these circumstances if certain Services have to be suspended, the time for their completion shall be extended until the circumstances no longer apply plus a reasonable period not exceeding 42days for resumption of them.If the speed of performing certain Services has to be reduced, the time for their completion shall be extended as may be made necessary by the circumstances.27. ABANDONMENT, SUSPENSION OR TERMINATION27.1 By Notice of the Client(i) The Client may suspend all or part of the Services or terminate the Agreement by noticeof at least fifty-six (56) days to the Consultant who shall immediately make arrangementsto stop the Services and minimize expenditure.(ii) If the Client considers that the Consultant is without good reason not discharging his obligations he can inform the Consultant by notice stating the grounds for the notice. If asatisfactory reply is not received within twenty-one days the Client can by a further noticeterminate the Agreement provided that such further notice is given within thirty 35 daysof the Client's former notice.27.2 By Notice of the ConsultantAfter giving at least 14 days’ notice to th e Client, the Consultant can by further notice of at least 42 days terminate the Agreement, or at his discretion without prejudice to the right to terminate cansuspend or continue suspension of performance of the whole or part of the Services.(i) when 28 days after the due date for payment of an invoice he has not received payment ofthat port of it which has not by that time been contested in writing, or(ii) when Services have been suspended under either Clause 26 or Clause 27.1 and the period of suspension has exceeded 182 days.28. EXCEPTIONAL SERVICESUpon the occurrence of circumstances described in Clause 26 or abandonment or suspension orresumption of Services or upon termination of the Agreement otherwise than under the provisions of Clause 27.1(ii) any necessary work or expense by the Consultant extra to the Normal andAdditional Services shall be regarded as Exceptional Services.The performance of Exceptional Services shall entitle the Consultant to extra time necessary fortheir performance and to payment for performing them.29. RIGHTS AND LIABILITIES OF PARTIESTermination of the Agreement shall not prejudice or affect the accrued rights or claims andliabilities of the parties.After termination of the Agreement, the provisions of Article 15 shall remain in force.PAYMENT30. PAYMENT TO THE CONSULTANT(i) The Client shall pay the Consultant for Normal Services in accordance with theConditions and with the details stated in Appendix C, and shall pay for AdditionalServices at rates and prices which are given in or based on those in Appendix C so far asthey are applicable, but otherwise as are agreed in accordance with Clause 23.(ii) Unless otherwise agreed in writing the Client shall pay the Consultant in respect of Exceptional Services:(a) as for Additional Services for extra time spent by the Consultant's personnel inthe performance of the Services,(b) the net cost of all extra expense incurred by the Consultant.31. TIME FOR PAYMENT(i) Amounts due to the Consultant shall be paid promptly.(ii) If the Consultant does not receive payment within the time stated in the Particular Conditions he shall be paid Agreed Compensation at the rate defined in the ParticularConditions compounded monthly on the sum overdue and in its currency reckoned fromthe due date for payment of the invoice. Such Agreed Compensation shall not affect therights of the Consultant stated in Clause 27.232. CURRENCY OF PAYMENT(i) The currency applicable to the Agreement is that stated in Particular Conditions.Where payment is to be made in other currencies it shall be computed at rates ofexchange as defined in the Particular Conditions and paid net without deductions. Unlessotherwise specified in Appendix C, the Client warrants that the Consultant can transferabroad promptly all Local and Foreign Currency amounts in connection with performanceof the Services which are received by him in the Client’s country.(ii) If at the date of the Agreement or during the performance of the Services the conditions in the Client’s country are such as may contrary to the Agreement either(a) prevent or delay the transfer abroad of local or Foreign Currency paymentsreceived by the Consultant in the Client’s country, orb) restrict the availabilit y or use of Foreign Currency in the Client’s country, or(c) impose taxes or differential rates of exchange for the transfer from abroad ofForeign Currency into the Client’s country by the Consultant for Local currencyexpenditure and subsequent retransfer abroad of Local Currency up to the sameamount such as to inhibit the Consultant in the performance of the Services or toresult in financial disadvantage to him,the Client warranty that such shall be deemed circumstances justifying the applicable ofClause 26 if alternative financial arrangements are not made to the satisfaction of theConsultant.33. THIRD PARTY CHARGES ON THE CONSULTANTExcept where specified in the Particular Conditions or Appendix C(i) the Client shall whenever possible arrange that exemption is granted to the Consultant andthose of his personnel who are not normally resident in the country of the Project fromany payments required by the Government or authorized third parties in that countrywhich arise form this Agreement in respect of:(a) their remuneration(b) their imported goods other than food and drink(c) goods imported for the Services(d) documents.(ii) whenever the Client is unsuccessful in arranging such exemption he shall reimburse the Consultant for such payments properly made.(iii) provided that the goods when no longer required for the purpose of the Services and not the property of the Client(a) shall not be disposed of in the country of the Project without the Client’sapproval(b) shall not be exported without payment to the Client of any refund or rebaterecoverable and received from the Government or authorized third parties.34. DISPUTED INVOICESIf any item or part of an item in an invoice submitted by the Consultant is contested by the Client, the Client shall give prompt notice with reasons and shall not delay payment on the remainder ofthe invoice. Sub-clause (ii) of Clause 31 shall apply to all contested amounts which are finallydetermined to have been payable to the Consultant.35. INDEPENDENT AUDITThe Consultant shall maintain up-to-date records which clearly identify relevant time and expense.Except where the Agreement provides for lump sum payments, not later than twelve months afterthe completion or termination of the Services, the Client can at notice of not less than 7 daysrequire that a reputable firm of accountants nominated by him audit any amount claimed by theConsultant by attending during normal working hours at the office where the records aremaintained.GENERAL PROVISIONS36. LANGUAGES AND LAWIn the Particular Conditions there is stated the language or languages of the Agreement, the ruling language and the law to which the Agreement is subject.37. CHANGES IN LEGISLATIONIf after the date of the Agreement the cost or duration of the Services is altered as a result ofchanges in or additions to the regulations in any country in which the Services are to be performed except that of the Consultant's principal place of business stated in the Particular Conditions theagreed remuneration and time for completion shall be adjusted accordingly.38. ASSIGNMENT AND SUB-CONTRACTS(i) The Consultant shall not without the written consent of the Client assign the benefits fromthe Agreement other than money.(ii) Neither the Client nor the Consultant shall assign obligations under the Agreement without the written consent of the other party.(iii) The Consultant shall not without the written consent of the Client initiate or terminate any sub-contract for performance of all or part of the Services.39. COPYRIGHTThe Consultant retains copyright of all documents prepared by him. The Client shall be entitled to use them or copy them only for the Works and the purpose for which they are intended, and neednot obtain the Consultant's permission to copy for such use.40. CONFLICT OF INTEREST/CORRUPTION AND FRAUDNotwithstanding any penalties that may be enforced against the Consultant under the law of thecountry of the project, or of other jurisdictions, the Client will be entitled to terminate theAgreement in accordance with Clause 27.1(ii) and the Consultant shall be deemed to havebreached Clause 5(i), if it is shown that the Consultant is guilty of:(i) offering, giving, receiving or soliciting anything of value with a view to influencing thebehavior or action of anyone, whether a public official or otherwise, directly or indirectlyin the selection process or in the conduct of the Agreement; or(ii) misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a selection process or the execution of a contract to the detriment of the Client, including the use of collusive practices intended tostifle or reduce the benefits of free and open competition.41. NOTICESNotices under the Agreement shall be in writing and will take effect from receipt at the addressesstated in the Particular Conditions. Delivery can be by hand or facsim9ile message against awritten confirmation of receipt or by registered letter or by telex subsequently confirmed by letter.。

















FIDIC合同的特点FIDIC合同的特点如下:1. 标准化: FIDIC合同提供了一套标准化的条款和条件,方便各方按照相同的框架进行合同起草和解释。

标准化: FIDIC合同提供了一套标准化的条款和条件,方便各方按照相同的框架进行合同起草和解释。

2. 平衡: FIDIC合同着重在各方之间的平衡利益,旨在实现公正和公平的合作关系。

平衡: FIDIC合同着重在各方之间的平衡利益,旨在实现公正和公平的合作关系。

3. 适用性广泛: FIDIC合同适用于各种类型的建筑工程,包括基础设施、建筑物和工程项目等。

适用性广泛: FIDIC合同适用于各种类型的建筑工程,包括基础设施、建筑物和工程项目等。

4. 风险分担: FIDIC合同明确规定了各方在项目实施中承担的风险责任,并提供相应的解决方案。

风险分担: FIDIC合同明确规定了各方在项目实施中承担的风险责任,并提供相应的解决方案。

5. 争议解决: FIDIC合同提供了解决争议的机制,包括友好协商、调解和仲裁等方式。

争议解决: FIDIC合同提供了解决争议的机制,包括友好协商、调解和仲裁等方式。

FIDIC合同的主要条款FIDIC合同包含了许多重要的条款和条件,以下是其中一些主要条款的简要概述:1. 合同文件组成: FIDIC合同由主合同、附录、规范和相关图纸等文件组成,这些文件一起构成了合同的整体。





二、定义与解释1. 业主:指在协议书上签字并享有协议书下述权利和承担协议书下述义务的当事人。

2. 咨询工程师:指在协议书上签字并享有协议书下述权利和承担协议书下述义务的当事人。

3. 服务:指咨询工程师根据本协议书所应承担的服务范围和内容。

4. 报价:指咨询工程师根据其服务范围和内容向业主收取的费用。

5. 附加工作:指协议书未明确约定,但经业主书面同意,由咨询工程师额外提供的服务。

6. 变更:指业主对服务范围和内容的变更。

7. 不可预见:指在签订协议书时不能预见,而在协议书执行过程中可预见的事件。

8. 合同价款:指业主在协议书签订后按协议书约定应支付给咨询工程师的报酬。

9. 基准日期:指本协议书生效的日期。

10. 合同生效日期:指本协议书在双方签字和/或盖章后生效的日期。

11. 现场:指业主的施工现场。

12. 书面同意:指业主或咨询工程师通过信件、电报、电传或传真等书面形式表示的同意。

三、协议书适用范围1. 本协议书适用于咨询工程师受业主委托,在合同执行过程中提供服务的范围和内容。

2. 本协议书中的条款适用于咨询工程师提供所有服务的范围和内容,包括但不限于设计、采购、施工、试运行等阶段的服务。

3. 本协议书中的条款适用于咨询工程师在现场和非现场提供服务的范围和内容。

4. 本协议书中的条款适用于咨询工程师提供附加工作和变更服务的范围和内容。

5. 本协议书中的条款适用于因不可预见事件导致服务范围和内容变更的情况。

6. 本协议书中的条款适用于因不可预见事件导致服务费用变更的情况。

7. 本协议书中的条款适用于因不可预见事件导致服务期限变更的情况。

8. 本协议书中的条款适用于因不可预见事件导致任何一方违约的情况。

9. 本协议书中的条款适用于任何其他未尽事宜的处理。











上述文件中应用较广者有:1. 《土木程施工合同条件》(Conditions of Contract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction,又称红皮书)。

2. 《电气与机械工程合同条件》(Conditions of Contract for Electrical and Mechanical Works ,又称黄皮书,1887年第三版,并于1988年做了修订)。

3. 《业主/咨询程师标准服务协议书》(Client/Consultant Model Services Agreement,又称白皮书)。

4. 《设计一建造与交钥匙合同条件》(Conditions of Contract for Design-Build and Turnkey,又称橙皮书,1995年第一版)。



2023FIDIC白皮书(雇主-咨询工程师服务协议通用条件)中英文2023修订版FIDIC白皮书(2017版雇主-咨询工程师服务协议通用条件)CLENT / CONSULTANT MODEL SERVICES AGREEMENT FIDICFIDIC在2017年发布第五版白皮书(雇主-咨询工程师服务协议),于2022年又发布修订勘误,对原文修订勘误11处,其中完全替换或新增4个条款。


修订版部分章节示例如下:2.1.2 The Client accepts responsibility for and acknowledges that the Consultant will rely on the accuracy, sufficiency and consistency of all the information provided by the Client or by others onbehalf of the Client. The Consultant shall use reasonable endeavours to review all significant information provided to it by the Client or by others on behalf of the Client within a reasonable time of receipt. To the extent achievable using the standard of care in Sub-Clause 3.3.1 [Standard of Care], the Consultant shall review such information with a view to ensuring that such information does not contain any manifest error , omission or ambiguity and shall give Notice to the Client promptly of any adverse findings.第2.1.2条:仅将第六行中的" Standard of Care "改为" standard of care "。




FIDIC施工合同条件 1999年第一版

FIDIC施工合同条件 1999年第一版

(一)FIDIC业主/咨询工程师标准服务协议书条件(白皮书)(二)FIDIC设计-建造与交钥匙工程合同条件(橘皮书)(三)FIDIC电气与机械工程合同条件(黄皮书)(四)FIDIC土木工程施工合同条件(红皮书)(五)FIDIC土木工程施工分包合同条件特别注意:FIDIC合同中有发包商指定分包商的条款,但是这在国内是违法的见法规P32页FIDIC 施工合同条件菲迪克合同条款(1999年第一版)用于业主设计的房屋建筑或工程通用条件专用条件编制指南争端裁决协议书格式投标函、合同协议书格式请勿复印传播。


引言国际咨询工程师联合会(FIDIC)现于1999年出版下列四份新的合同标准格式的第一版: 施工合同条件(Conditions of Contract for Construction)推荐用于由雇主设计的、或由其代表—工程师设计的房屋建筑或工程(building or engineering works)。



 永久设备和设计—建造合同条件(Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build) 推荐用于电力和/或机械设备的提供,以及房屋建筑或工程的设计和实施。


 EPC/交钥匙项目合同条件(Conditions of Contract for EPC/Turnkey Projects)适用于在交钥匙的基础上进行的工厂或其它类似设施的加工或能源设备的提供、或基础设施项目和其它类型的开发项目的实施,这种合同条件所适用的项目(i)对最终价格和施工时间的确定性要求较高,(ii)承包商完全负责项目的设计和施工,雇主基本不参与工作。

fidic合同条件 2017

fidic合同条件 2017

FIDIC合同条件 2017一、FIDIC合同条件概述FIDIC(国际咨询工程师联合会)合同条件是国际工程承包中广泛使用的一种合同范本,由FIDIC编写并发布。




二、FIDIC合同条件 2017主要内容FIDIC合同条件 2017包括以下主要内容:1. 一般规定:包括合同文件的组成、解释顺序、合同文件的通用性、合同语言、货币和计量单位等。

2. 业主:包括业主的权利和义务、业主提供资料和进行工程协调的责任、业主对承包商的付款等。

3. 承包商:包括承包商的权利和义务、承包商的工期和费用估算、承包商的图纸和规范、承包商的施工安全和环境保护等。

4. 工程师:包括工程师的权利和义务、工程师的职责和权力限制、工程师的酬金等。

5. 承包方式:包括总价合同、单价合同、成本加酬金合同等承包方式的定义和适用范围。

6. 合同价格:包括合同价格的定义、计算方法和调整方式,以及付款方式等。

7. 工期:包括工期的时间表、工期的延误和提前、工期的变更和索赔等。

8. 维修期:包括维修期的定义和时间表、维修期内的维修责任和费用等。

9. 风险与保险:包括风险的分配和转移方式、保险的类型和投保方式等。

10. 违约与解约:包括违约的定义和后果、解约的条件和程序等。

11. 争议解决:包括争议的解决方式、仲裁和诉讼的程序等。

三、FIDIC合同条件 2017与之前版本的区别FIDIC合同条件 2017与之前版本相比,主要区别在于以下几个方面:1. 增加了新的术语和定义,以更好地解释合同条款的含义和应用。

2. 对一些条款进行了修订和完善,以更好地反映现代工程承包实践的变化和需求。

3. 对一些条款进行了重新组织和排列,以更好地提高合同文本的阅读和使用体验。














FIDIC白皮书《业主及咨询工程师标准服务协议书》 第三版解读

FIDIC白皮书《业主及咨询工程师标准服务协议书》    第三版解读

FIDIC白皮书《业主/咨询工程师标准服务协议书》(第三版)解读国际咨询工程师联合会(Fédération lnternationale Des lngénieurs Conseils,法文缩写FIDIC),中文音译为“菲迪克”;其英文名称是International Federation of Consulting Engineers;指国际咨询工程师联合会这一独立的国际组织;于1913年由欧洲3国(比利时、法国和瑞士)独立的咨询工程师协会在比利时根特成立。


FIDIC白皮书(第三版)解读之一FIDIC白皮书《业主/咨询工程师标准服务协议书》(CLIENT/CONSULTANT MODEL SERVICES AGREEMENT)是用于业主与咨询工程师(单位)签订服务协议的标准文本。


本文主要聊一聊咨询工程师的服务范围(Scopce of Services)。



咨询工程师要提供三种服务,即正常服务(Normal Services)、附加服务(Additional Services)和额外服务(Exceptional Services)。

那么如何来界定或区分上述三种服务呢?●正常服务是指双方通过谈判最终达成一致后在本协议附件A(Appendix A)中载明的服务;●附加服务是附加于正常服务(additional to Normal Services)的服务。



FIDIC合同条件的主要类型引言FIDIC(国际工程类合同联合会,International Federation of Consulting Engineers)是一个国际工程类合同的标准化组织,为全球的工程类项目提供了一系列的合同模板。






1. 黄皮书合同黄皮书合同是FIDIC合同中最常见的类型,适用于设计施工合同。



黄皮书合同的主要特点包括: - 合同双方的责任和义务明确; - 承包商需承担设计和施工责任; - 项目变更需经双方协商决定; - 总价与工程进度挂钩。

2. 银皮书合同银皮书合同适用于设计施工、供应、安装类合同,是黄皮书合同的一个变种。


银皮书合同的主要特点包括: - 增加了供应和安装等责任和义务; - 着重考虑材料和设备的供应和安装问题; - 增加了关于供应和安装进度管理的规定。

3. 红皮书合同红皮书合同适用于项目管理承包商合同,即由项目管理承包商负责统筹和协调整个项目的设计、工程建设和设备采购等工作。


红皮书合同的主要特点包括: - 强调了项目管理承包商的角色和责任; - 明确了项目目标和成功的定义; - 强调了项目的质量管理和控制。





































f i d i c合同条件体系及应用-CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIANFIDIC合同条件体系及应用FIDIC合同条件体系及应用一、FIDIC合同主要文件构成FIDIC专业委员会编制了一系列规范性合同条件,构成了FIDIC合同条件体系,包括:(红皮书) FIDIC土木工程施工合同条件Conditions of Contract for Work Of Civil Engineering Construction(新红皮书) FIDIC程施工合同条件(1999年新增)Condition of Contract for Construction注:《施工合同条件》(新红皮书)的全称是:由业主设计的房屋和工程施工合同条件(Conditions of Contract for Construction for Building and Engineering Works Designed by the Employer);(黄皮书) FIDIC电气与机械工程合同条件Conditions of Contract for Electrical and Mechanical Works(新黄皮书) FIDIC永久设备和设计—建造合同条件(1999年新增)Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design—Build注:《设备与设计-建造合同》(新黄皮书)的全称是:由承包商设计的电气和机械设备安装与民用和工程合同条件(Conditions of Contract for Plant and Designed-Build for Electrlcal and Mechanical Plant and Building and Engineering Works Designed by the Contractor)。

(橘皮书)FIDIC设计-建造与交钥匙工程合同条件Conditions of Contract for Design— Build and Turnkey(银皮书)FIDIC设计采购施工(EPC)/交钥匙工程合同条件Conditions of Contract for EPC Turnkey Projects(白皮书)FIDIC业主咨询工程师标准服务协议书条件(1998年第三版)Conditions of Contract for EPC/Turnkey Projects(绿皮书)合同的简短格式Short Form of Contract二、FIDIC主要合同文件的适用性国际承包工程涉及到的FIDIC合同主要有四种:常见的是土木工程施工方面的,正式名称为《土木工程施工合同条件》(Conditions of Contract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction),由于封皮是红色的,海外通常叫做“红皮书”;还有黄色封皮的,是机电工程方面的,正式名称为《机电工程合同条件》(Conditions of Contract for Electrical and Mechanical Works),常叫“黄皮书”;再有就是白色封皮的,是设计咨询方面的,正式名称为《业主与咨询工程师服务协议模式》(Client/Consultant Model Service Agreement),也叫“白皮书”,其付费标准是按“人—日”、“人—周”或“人一月”计算;交钥匙项目专有一个“橙皮书”,正式名称为《设计、施工及交钥匙合同条件》(Conditions of Contract for Design-Build and Turnkey, 1995),其主要特点就是参考“黄皮书”做些变通,规定从设计至施工完毕,所有责任全都集中到承包商身上——当然另一方面这也给承包商提供了更大的活动余地。

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