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for fear that/ seeing that/ considering/ given that/
• as a result/ with the result that/ for this reason/
hence/ so that…
• 一般说来,英汉两种语言主要区别在于形合和
and technology as well as enormous material
strength, which have together contributed to the
strong economic complementarity between the two countries.
Key Difference – use of connectives
• Connectives (联系用语) • Relative pronoun (关系代词) • Relative adverb(关系副词) • Coordinator(并列连接词) • Subordinator (从属连接词)
Relative Pronoun (who, whom, which, that, what) (关系代词)
语法上是主句与定语从句关系。 This is what he told us at the meeting.
Relative Adverb (when, where, why, how) (关系副词)
语法上是主句和定语从句关系,相当于“介词 +which”。 This is the reason why he is leaving so soon
• 意合和形合是语言表现法。所谓“形
合”( hypotaxis)是指借助语言形式手段(包 括词汇手段和形态手段)实现词语或句子的连 接;
意和 (Parataxis)
• the so-called parataxis refers to the realization of
the connection of them without the help of the language form but the logical meaning of the words or phrases. The former one focus on the language cohesion in form, the latter focus on the significance of the continuous coherence.
• when/ as/ while/ every time/ as soon as/
directly/ / no sooner……
• Where/ wherever/ where……there……哪里……哪
• Because of/ as a result of/ for the reason that/
意合。英语由于有众多的连接方式,句法结构 上可以叠床架屋,盘根错节,句式显得非常复 杂,冗长但却有非常严格、完整。英语句式在 逻辑次序安排、语义重心布置上都比较自由、 灵活,形态上向一串丰满的葡萄。
形合与意合 ( hypotaxis & parataxis)
形合 ( Hypotaxis)
• Hypotaxis and parataxis are the
performance of the language law. The socalled hypotaxis refers to the realization of the connection of the words or phrases, with the help of language forms (including vocabulary and forms);
grateful to him.
• 天气很好,我们决定举行露天招待会。 • As the weather was fine, we decided to hold the
reception in the open air.
• 坚持变革创新,理想就会变为现实。 • If we persist in our reform, we will be able to turn
• 所谓“意合”(parataxis)是指不借助语言形式手段而
借助词语或句子所含意义的逻辑联系来实现它们之间 的连接。前者注重语言形式上的接应(cohesion),后 者注重意义上的连贯(coherence)。
• 早知如此,我就不来了。 • If I had known it, I would not have come here. • 工作非常不易,我们很感激他。 • Because the work was so hard, we were very
Coordinator (并列连接词)
• and, or, but, both … and …, either …or …,
neither … nor …, not only … but also …, so that, as well as, rather than, etc.
our ideals into reality.
Examples Analysis
• 中国拥有广大的市场和发展需求,日本拥有先进的科
学技术和巨大的物质力量,两国之间有着很强的经济 互补性。
• China holds a huge market and great demand for
development and Japan holds advanced science and technology as well as enormous material force. The
economies of the two countries are therefore highly
complementary with each other.
• China boasts a huge and great demand for
development, while Japan owns advanced science