九年级Unit 10单元练习题

九年级Unit 10单元练习题
九年级Unit 10单元练习题

2014/2015学年九年级英语Unit10 单元练习题班级:______姓名: ______得分:_________

( )1.I would drop in on you when I passed your home.

A. drop behind

B. drop by to see

C. take care of

D. go out of

( )2. My mother is angry with me because I did n’t finish the homework.

A. surprised at

B. mad at

C. excited at

( )3.The students ought to wear school uniforms when they’re at school.

A. are supposed to

B. are allowed to

C. would like to

D. love to

( )4. With a little training, she could do very well in the competition.A. few B. a few C. a bit D. a bit of ( )5.To keep safe, drivers aren’t supposed to drink before driving.

A. aren’t willing to

B. shouldn’t

C. aren’t sure to

D. don’t have to

( )6.My aunt often drops by my house on Sunday afternoon because I am free then .

A. comes over

B. drops on

C. drops in

D. comes to

( )7.After getting up , Little John greets his parents every morning .

A. shakes hands

B. bows

C. kisses

D. says hello to

( )8.I have worked all day , now I’m dog-tired . A. not tired B. relaxed C. very tired D. excited ( )9.They go out of their way to help me .

A. give me a ride

B. try their best

C. do something on purpose

D. get dressed

( )10.We’ll have the meeting in the classroom rather than on the playground .

A.just like

B. instead of

C. and

D. or

( )11.We should shake hands with them when we meet our friends from America.

A. have to

B. are able to

C. are allowed to

D. are supposed to

( )12.Learning English is difficult for some of students . But if you work hard at it , you’ll make it.

A. be successful

B. make it easy

C. take it easy

D. give it up

( )13.I don’t like her , because she always makes a mess of things .

A. put things in order

B. makes things in place

C. invents things

D. makes things at sixes and seven ( )14.I look forward to hearing from you .

A. expect to hear from

B. like hearing from

C. refuse to hear from

D. often hear from

( )15.People in colombia n eedn’t make plans to meet their friends .They often just drop by them.

A. give a ride to

B. give up visiting

C. forget to visit

D. come over to

16.You are supposed to___________( arrive) on time .

17.As a student, I know I am _________(suppose) to study hard.

18. He is __________ (not suppose) to smoke here.

19. What _____you_________(suppose) to do when you meet someone for the first time in America?

20. I was _________ (suppose) to arrive at the party at 6: 30 p. m., but I arrived at 7: 30 p.m..

21. I have many difficulties in learning English. Who can give me some_________(suggest)?

22. Is it worth(spend)much time to learn about the customs? —Yes, it is.

23. I expect the group _____________(sing) pop songs.

24. Thank you for your ________________(value) help and practical advice. 25.You’re supposed to shake _______________ (hand) when you meet your friends.

26. He went out of his way ____________(make) me happy.

27.The Browns tried their best to make me__________(fell) at home.

28.They go out of their way _______ (make) me feel at home

29.We expected ________ (have) fun in our school. 30.To his ________ (surprised), they succeed.

31.There are many trees on both ________ (side) of the street.

32.He didn't mind ________ (open) the door as it's hot.33.I make many ________ (plan) for my study.

34.There are many different ________ (manner) in different areas.

35.I find it difficult _______ (remember) French.36.You are _____( expect ) to put your food on the table .

37.Kunming is in the _________( south ) part of Yunnan .

38.Our English teacher has a good friend from an ___________( east ) European country . ( east )

39.Be quick . Don’t keep them _________( wait ) for you so long .

40.The TV program Super Brain(最强大脑)is so fantastic that it is well worth____ ( watch).

41.He went out of his way _______(make) me happy.42.There are four __________( season ) in a year . ( )43.You are _____to type quickly when talking to each other on QQ so the other person doesn't get bored A. suggested B. supported C. taught D. Supposed

( )44.You are supposed to _____smoking, ____ you will get ill. A. go on; so B. give up; or C stop; so ( )45.--May we leave the classroom now?--No, you can’t. You___ to leave until the bell rings.

A. are allowed

B. are supposed

C. aren’t supposed

( )46I _____suppose that she ____come to your party. A. don’t; will B. /; won’t C. do; won’t ( )https://www.360docs.net/doc/9410944524.html,ually people in Japan and Korea _____when they meet for the first time.

A. supposed to bow

B. suppose to kiss

C. are supposed to bow

( )48.The film is worth ____. A.see B.seeing C.seen D.sees

( )49.Sanya is famous _____ its beautiful beaches. A.of B.as C.for D.from

( )50.Students are _____to speak loudly in the reading room. A. told B. supposed C. not supposed ( )51.I enjoy playing computer games, but I can't ____ too much time ___ that.

A. take; doing B.spend; doing C.spend; for doing D.take; to do

( )52.When you want to work for our country in the future, ____, we should have strong body and rich knowledge. A. at first B. first of all C. for the first time D. after all

( )53. Do you think our football team will win the match? Yes, we have better players. so I ___them to win. A. hope B. ask C. help D. expect

( )54. I’ll go to visit my aunt in England ___the summer holidays start.

A.while B.since C. until D. as soon as

( )55-Henry, please call us as soon as you____ Hawaii. -OK. I’ll do that, Mom.

A. arrive in

B. are arriving in

C. will arrive at

( )41.Try your best, Linda, It’s only _____ difficult for you , you can do it well

A .a bit of

B .a bit C. a lot of D. a lot

( )56..—Do you often _____your friends’ homes? — Yes, we do

A. drop by them.

B. drop off

C. drop at

D. drop on

( )57.I always _______ our friends’ homes without ______ plans.

A. drop by; make

B. drop by; making

C. visit; make

D. visit; to make

( )58. —Dasiy , look at your bedroom , what a mess ! —Sorry , I’ll ______ right now.

A. put up it

B. clean up it

C. put it up

D. clean it up

( )59. —I’m sorry, sir.I’ve made a lot of mistakes in the exam. Never mind._____, the exam is a little difficult. A.In all B.First of all C.After all D.Above all

( )60. There has never been such a beautiful village _____ in the world.

A. anywhere

B. everywhere

C. somewhere

D. nowhere

( )61. All of us went to the park ____Bob. He had to look after his sister. A. besides B. with C. Except ( )62.We can ask him for some advice at any time _____during his holidays.

A.except B.except for C.but D.so

( )63 .Our plane is ________ in a few minutes. Please be seated and keep your safe belt fastened.

A.turning off B.putting off C.taking off D.getting off

( )64-You should keep quiet ______ having dinner. -OK, I’ll have it in mind.

A. when you

B. while

C. without

D. to

( )65.Mary is used to ____ a T-shirt and jeans. A. wear B. put on C. wearing D. putting on

( )66.I like gentle music that can make us ____relaxed. A. feels B. felt C. feel D. feeling

( )67.They go out their way to send the granny to h er daughter’s house. A. for B. of C. to D. in ( )68.He ____ live with his friends, but he ___ living alone now.

A. used to; used to

B. is used to; is used to

C. is used to; used to

D. used to; is used to

( )69. All of us find ___ necessary to take exercise every day. A. it B. them C. this D. that

( )70.It's not polite for Chinese ______ anyone with chopsticks at table.

A.to point at B.to point out C.point at D.point to

( )71.It's ____ to make noise while eating noodles in Japan. A.impolite B.rude C.polite D.strange ( )72.Not only I but also Tom and Jack ____ interested in English because it ____ useful.

A. is, is

B. is, are

C. are, is

D. are, are

( )73. I can’t go _____ because I have to go home at once.

A. else anywhere

B. anywhere else

C. else nowhere

D. somewhere else

( )74.It's nice of you ____ me. A.help B.helping C.to help D.helps

( )75. The plane will ____from Beijing Capital Airport and land in London.

A.take on B.take off C.take out D.take away

( )76.___ is really hard ___them to climb such a high mountain.

A.This; to B.It; to C.This; for D.It; for

( )77. Mother said a ngrily, “I ask you to sit ____table, not to sit ____ the table.”

A. at; on

B. in; in

C. at; at

D. on; to

( )78.Do you think ____useful to learn a foreign language ? A. that B. it C. this D. they

( )79.You ______ hit your empty bowl.

A. not supposed

B. aren't supposed

C. not supposed to

D. aren't supposed to

( )80. ______ point at others with chopsticks.

A. That's not polite

B. It's not polite

C. That's impolite to

D. It's impolite to

( )81.You aren't supposed to start _____ first if there are old people _____ the table.

A. eating; at

B. eat; at

C. ate; on

D. eating; on

( )82.It's _____ while you are eating. A. polite talking B. impolite to talk C. polite to talking ( )83.. Don't stick you chopsticks _____ your food. A. to B. in C. into D. with

( )84.If you arrive ____late, I don’t mind. A. little B. a bit of C. a little bit of D. a bit

( )85 All of us went to the park _____ Bob. He had to look after his sister.

A. besides

B. with

C. except

( )86.—Is Jack good at basketball?—Yes. ____ basketball he is also good at table tennis.

A. Except

B. Besides

C. But

D. Beside

( )87. There are many trees on ______ side of the road. A. both B. each C. every D. none

( )88.. He ______ live with his friends, but he ______ living alone now.

A. used to; used to

B. is used to; is used to

C. is used to; used to

D. used to; is used to ( )89. All of us find ______ necessary to take exercise every day. A. it B. them C. this D. that ( )90.It’s very nice ____me with my math .

A. of you to help

B. for you to help

C. for you helping

D. of you helping

( )91--- When ____ you supposed to ____ the meeting yesterday? ---- At nine a.m.

A. were;had

B. was;had

C. were;have

D. was;have

( )92. Mom always tells me that nothing can be learned ____ hard work.A. with B. by C. for D. without ( )93.—Where would you like to go this Mid-Autumn Festival? I’d like to go____.

A. everywhere relaxing

B. somewhere relaxing

C. peaceful anywhere

D. peaceful somewhere

94.When we meet Americans for the first time, we should ___________(握手)with them.

95.He had unique opinions on the ___________________( 西方习俗).

96.You should do what you like in you ______________( 空闲时间).

97.When I return to my hometown, I usually ______________(顺便看望) my old friends. )

98. You should not excuse him for his forgetfulness ,_____________(毕竟),( he is over seventy. )

99.He _________________ (和我握手) when he met me for the first time.

100. I live near the city mall. You can ___________ (顺便来我家拜访) when you go there for shopping. 101.Li Xiaobo, you know you aren’t good at English . Why not _________________( 作出努力;下点功夫) to learn it well ?

102. It rained heavily, so I got to school ______________ (晚了十分钟) this morning.

103.I__________( 伸出,递出)my hand to catch the box.

104. Rick_____________________ (习惯于)reading English for half an hour before going to bed.

105. What do you know about the___________________(餐桌礼仪)in Peru?

106.Emma _________________________________(使我感到宾至如归)when I was at her home last year. 107 When Mike was in trouble last month, his uncle_______________________(特地不怕麻烦地帮助他). 108.Who is always____________________(发出令人不愉快的声音)in the office?

109. Don’t point at others _____________( 用你的手) when you are talking with them . It’s impolite . 110. Please ______the table ________( 擦净) .Dinner is ready .
