

SPARC T8-2 服务器安装指南说明书

SPARC T8-2 服务器安装指南说明书
连接服务器电缆 ................................................................................................... 41 布线要求 ..................................................................................................... 41 识别端口 ..................................................................................................... 42 USB 端口 ............................................................................................ 42 SER MGT 端口 .................................................................................... 43 NET MGT 端口 ................................................................................... 45 千兆位以太网端口 ................................................................................ 46 VGA 端口 ........................................................................................... 47 连接数据电缆和管理电缆 .............................................................................. 48 ▼ 连接 SER MGT 电缆 ....................................................................... 48 ▼ 连接 NET MGT 电缆 ....................................................................... 49 ▼ 连接以太网网络电缆 ....................................................................... 50 ▼ 连接其他数据电缆 .......................................................................... 51 ▼ 将电缆固定到 CMA ................................................................................ 52

Solaris 8 产品说明说明书

Solaris 8 产品说明说明书

Solaris8(Intel平台版本)2/02发行说明Sun Microsystems,Inc.4150Network CircleSanta Clara,CA95054U.S.A.部件号码816-3444-112002年2月Copyright2002Sun Microsystems,Inc.901San Antonio Road,Palo Alto,California94303-4900U.S.A.版权所有。




本产品的某些部分可能是从Berkeley BSD系统衍生出来的,并获得了加利福尼亚大学的许可。

UNIX是由X/Open Company,Ltd.在美国和其它国家独家许可的注册商标。

Sun、Sun Microsystems、Sun标志、、AnswerBook、AnswerBook2、DiskSuite,HotJava,Java,JavaSpaces,JDK,JumpStart, OpenWindows,Solstice AdminSuite,Solstice AutoClient,Solaris Management Console,SunOS,XView,和Solaris是Sun Microsystems, Inc.在美国和其他国家的商标、注册商标或服务标记。

所有SPARC商标均按许可证授权使用,它们是SPARC International,Inc.在美国和其它国家的商标或注册商标。

带有SPARC商标的产品均以Sun Microsystems,Inc.PostScript是Adobe Systems,Incorporated的商标或注册商标,它们可能在某些司法管辖区注册。

solaris10 操作系统安装(sparc)(详细)

solaris10 操作系统安装(sparc)(详细)

北京神州泰岳软件股份有限公司网络管理事业部基础技能-solaris安装(sparc)北京神州泰岳软件股份有限公司2019年8月20日文档属性目录1场景说明 (4)2串口线物理连接 (5)3连接console (8)3.1USB串口驱动程序安装 (8)3.2通过SecureCRT连接Console(方式一) (8)3.3通过Windows的超级终端(方式二) (9)4安装操作系统 (13)1 场景说明本文档截图使用的是sun v210 服务器,具体进入ok模式的方法请参考各型号服务器的说明,本服务器有两块72G硬盘,安装时在第一块硬盘c0t0d0上创建分区,系统安装要求下(此处配置与虚拟机配置稍有不同):现有设备列表:2 串口线物理连接UNIX服务器一般随机没有安装显卡,需要通过串口线连接至服务器的console控制台,sun 服务器随机会附带以个DB9的串口和一根直连网线,用于连接服务器附图1. 随机附带的DB9串口接头(9针)除了使用sun自带的串口头外在大部分服务器上也可使用Cisco设备附带的串口线附图2. Cisco设备串口线可以直接使用上述的串口线(如cisco串口线)的连接至台式PC机后面的9针串口(com1),对于项目现场实施人员使用的是笔记本电脑(无串口),因此还需要准备一根DB9串口转usb接口的线,这种线在电子市场即可买到。

附图3. USB转DB9线附图4. 串口线连接方式附图5. V210服务器背板示意图3 连接console3.1 USB串口驱动程序安装注意:确保已按第二章将SUN小型机与笔记本电脑正确进行了物理连接;DB9转USB串口线会一般会附带驱动程序,笔记本电脑需要安装驱动程序,本次培训中使用公司统一购买的串口线,驱动程序下载路径为:FTP: /07产品培训资料/NMBU基础技能_Unix初级(Solaris)/tools//usbdirver.rar3.2 通过SecureCRT连接Console(方式一)◆打开设备管理器,找到COM设备所对应的端口附图6.◆打开SecuCRT新建连接连接类型选择serial,端口为com4 ,速率为9600附图7.单击“Connect”,进入系统控制台,回车有字符显示。

Unix初级(solaris10) 系统安装(详细)

Unix初级(solaris10) 系统安装(详细)

北京神州泰岳软件股份有限公司网络管理事业部基础技能-UNIX初级(solaris10)北京神州泰岳软件股份有限公司2022年4月26日文档属性属性内容客户名称北京神州泰岳软件股份有限公司网络管理事业部项目名称基础技能培训教材文档主题基础技能-UNIX初级(solaris)文档副标题文档版本 1.0文档日期文档状态草案作者文档变更版本修订日期修订人描述文档送呈姓名目的目录1课程介绍 (6)1.1课程目标 (6)1.2参加培训学员能力要求 (6)1.3学员培训前的准备要求 (7)1.4培训周期与认证 (7)1.5培训资料、介质、常用工具获取 (7)2培训环境与场景介绍 (9)2.1场景设计与说明 (9)2.2培训环境介绍 (9)2.2.1培训的整体场景说明 (9)2.2.2虚拟机环境介绍 (10)2.2.3学员需要准备的操作 (10)3系统安装 (11)3.1创建solaris虚拟机 (11)3.2安装操作系统 (22)3.3更改虚拟网络IP (43)4系统检查 (45)4.1检查操作系统版本 (45)4.2检查内存大小 (46)4.3检查swap大小 (46)4.4检查文件系统 (47)5系统基本配置 (48)5.1允许root远程登录 (48)5.1.1Telnet方式 (48)5.1.2SSH方式 (50)5.2远程登录Solaris的常用方法 (53)5.2.1使用ssh远程登录系统 (53)5.2.2使用telnet远程登录系统 (55)5.3开机与关机操作 (57)5.4查看修改主机名 (57)5.4.1临时更改 (58)5.4.2永久更改 (58)5.5查看修改网络配置(IP与路由) (60)5.5.1临时更改 (60)5.5.2永久更改 (63)5.5.3增加nms别名 (66)6管理进程 (68)6.1进程介绍 (68)6.2查看与终止进程 (68)7配置snmp (71)7.1检查snmp状态 (71)7.2修改SNMP团体名 (71)8配置syslog (74)8.1Syslog介绍 (74)8.2配置syslog (75)9应用软件安装准备(oracle为例) (78)9.1安装软件包 (78)9.1.1检查软件包 (78)9.1.2安装软件包 (78)9.2修改系统内核参数 (80)9.3用户配置 (82)9.3.1创建组和用户 (82)9.3.2切换用户 (83)9.3.3修改用户配置文件 (83)9.4配置相关目录 (85)9.4.1创建相关目录 (85)9.4.2设置目录属主和组 (86)9.5使用FTP上传文件 (86)9.6解压安装介质 (87)9.7使用xmanager连接系统并安装Oracle (88)10其他操作 (92)10.1清理磁盘空间 (92)10.2删除用户和组 (92)10.3删除软件包 (93)10.4日常文件管理 (93)10.5查看系统日志 (95)10.6临时更改环境变量 (95)10.7查看系统时间 (95)10.8查看系统帮助(非常重要) (95)1 课程介绍讲师:闫彬彬部门:网络管理事业部-综合支撑部-优化集成部说明:如教材使用过程中存在问题或描述不清楚的地方,请与闫彬彬(************************.cn)联系;1.1 课程目标完成本课程后,使学员可以独立安装solaris操作系统、进行基本的如网络/SNMP/Syslog配置、并具有为安装Oracle数据库进行相关前期准备的操作能力,具体如下:◆能够安装soalris操作系统◆检查系统基本配置◆正确关闭重启主机◆创建用户和组◆安装系统软件包◆文件及目录及权限管理◆修改、检查系统内核参数◆进程管理◆配置IP地址◆修改主机名◆Unzip解压工具◆修改系统snmp团体名◆配置syslog并启停止相关服务1.2 参加培训学员能力要求无1.3 学员培训前的准备要求◆自带电脑,内存2G或以上,必须有一个硬盘剩余空间30G或以上◆已安装vmware,secucrt,xmanager工具软件1.4 培训周期与认证◆培训周期:1天◆认证方式:✧有实际物理小型机的情况下,以实际物理机进行操作系统安装与各种操作,如物理机不够,以虚拟机进行操作系统安装和各种操作;✧按本课程要求完成3-9章所有操作,并提交如下内容:按第4章操作检查结果的截图(所有操作结果在一张图里)/etc/hosts,/etc/netmasks,/etc/hostname.pcn0,/etc/defaultrouter文件修改后的内容截图(修改为192.168.18网段后的结果)在secuCRT终端,先执行date命令然后执行ifconfig –a命令的输出截图按照7.2章图138操作snmpwalk对团体名更改后测试结果进行截图(团体名为自己的姓名)按照8.2章节图143,使用logger命令手动产生一条带有学员自己姓名的消息时syslogwahtcher的弹出消息截图1.5 培训资料、介质、常用工具获取◆事业部FTP服务器(公网60.247.77.173、内网192.168.106.164、帐号nmbu、密码nmbu):“/07产品培训资料/unix初级”下载◆培训教材:分media、tools、documents三个目录附图1. FTP或光盘内容2 培训环境与场景介绍2.1 场景设计与说明为了使课程的操作性、实用性更强,更贴近项目实际,本教材模拟项目中Ultra-NMS 数据库服务器搭建为背景,依次讲解了操作系统安装、连接系统、系统配置检查、软件包安装、网络配置、内核参数修改、组和用户创建、进程管理、配置SNMP等操作,使大家在这一上机操作过程中掌握并达课程设定的目标与能力要求。

【详细】SUN Solaris 10虚拟机安装手册

【详细】SUN Solaris 10虚拟机安装手册

1.新建虚拟机,选择镜像文件,设置基本的信息后,进入系统初始化界面1.表示执行GUI安装,使用图形用户界面安装(下面使用此种安装方式)2.表示执行自动的自定义JumpStart 安装3.表示执行文本安装程序进行安装,会改写缺省的GUI 安装程序并运行文本安装程序。


Solaris 8+oracle 9+VRTSvcs 双机安装手册

Solaris 8+oracle 9+VRTSvcs 双机安装手册

Solaris 8.0 +Oracle 9.2.0 +VRTSvcs 双机安装文档文档类型:技术文档完成日期:09/11/2007作者:马铭鸿目的:Oracle 9i 数据库双机备份1、硬件平台SUN 280 2台(SPARC Ⅲ /1G ROM /36G DISK/QLOGIC HBA)NSTOR Fible 磁阵2、软件平台Solaris 8.0 for 64 bitPatch for Solaris 8.0Oracle 9.2.0 for SPARC SUN EnterpriseVRTS Volume ManagerVRTSvcsVRTSvcs Agent for OraclePatch for Nstor3、安装流程A 安装Solaris 8.0B 安装Solaris 8.0 补丁包C 安装Nstor 补定丁包D 安装Volume ManagerE 安装 Oracle 9.2.0F 安装 VRTSvcsG 安装 VRTSvcs Agent for OracleH 配置 VRTSvcsA安装Solaris 8.0此部分的工作想必不用再说了,在SUN的服务器上安装操作系统。

注意的是,在安装Solaris 8.0时,我选择的是全部安装。


B安装Solaris 8.0 补丁包此步骤是必须的。


使用命令unzip 将此包解压。


可如下操作:#cd cdrom/cdrom0 (进入光盘路径)#cp /tmp (将补丁包复制到/tmp目录下)#unzip (解压包)解压完成后,会在当前目录中形成一个8_recommended目录,进入此目录,进行补丁包的安装。




内容协作平台(TRS WCM)安装手册版本:5.2北京拓尔思(TRS)信息技术有限公司本手册由北京拓尔思(TRS)信息技术有限公司(以下简称TRS公司)出版,版权属TRS公司所有。




是北京拓尔思(TRS)信息技术有限公司的注册商标目录关于本手册 (I)读者对象 (I)用户反馈 (I)联系地址 (II)1系统安装要求 (4)1.1 硬件配置要求 (4)1.2 软件系统要求 (4)1.2.1操作系统要求 (4)1.2.2客户端浏览器要求 (4)1.2.3Java运行环境要求 (5)1.2.4应用服务器要求 (5)1.2.5数据库服务器要求 (5)2系统安装步骤 (5)2.1 安装关系数据库 (5)2.1.1MS SQLServer (5)2.1.2Oracle (10)2.1.3需要强调的注意事项 (10)2.2 安装TRS WCM (11)2.2.1Solaris/Linux/AIX平台安装须知 (11)2.2.2启动安装程序,安装TRS WCM (11) Tomcat5应用服务器设置 (18) Weblogic8应用服务器设置 (20) WebSphere应用服务器设置 (20) 其它应用服务器设置 (25)2.3 注册TRS WCM (33)2.4 启动和停止TRS WCM (33)2.4.1应用服务器为Tomcat5的启动/停止方法 (33)2.4.2应用服务器为Weblogic8的启动/停止方法 (34)2.4.3应用服务器为WebSphere的启动/停止方法 (34)2.4.4其它应用服务器 (35)2.5 访问TRS WCM (35)2.6 卸载TRS WCM (38)2.6.1Windows平台卸载步骤 (38)2.6.2Linux/Unix平台卸载步骤 (38)3常见问题 (39)3.1 安装程序和PC A NYWHERE的冲突问题 (39)3.2 在U NIX类平台下安装不能启动安装程序 (39)关于本手册TRS内容协作平台(简称TRS WCM)是北京拓尔思(TRS)信息技术有限公司发布的一套完全基于Java技术和浏览器技术的网络内容管理软件,能帮助用户解决日益增长的内容信息的创建、维护、管理和应用。



虚拟机网络安装Solaris10 Sparc 系统1.概述在安装Solaris 操作系统时,如果设备光驱故障,又无法从别的设备进行网络安装,通过装有Solaris系统的虚拟机引导安装系统是最方便的办法。

主要讲述Oracle VM VirtualBox虚拟机引导安装Solaris Sparc 平台操作系统。

2.安装准备1.下载Oracle VM VirtualBox虚拟机软件;2.下载Solaris10 X86和Sparc平台ISO文件;3.安装3.1.1.安装Oracle VM VirtualBox虚拟机Oracle VM VirtualBox虚拟机软件的安装不做详细说明,一直【下一步】即可;3.1.2.安装Solaris_X86虚拟机Solaris虚拟机的安装我们也不做详细说明,可参考《VirtualBox虚拟机安装Solaris10 X86系统》;3.1.3.Solaris配置和安装3.1.3.1.设置虚拟机:【网络】设置:连接到物理网卡(物理PC上配置上网IP为10.233.23.142的网卡)【存储】设置:光盘加载Solaris 10 sparc的ISO文件,显示如下:点击【启动】启动Solaris x86系统查看光盘文件:系统启动后,可以看到已经挂在的Solaris 10 for sparc的系统盘;检查个人电脑和网络个人电脑ip地址的配置需要跟虚拟机Solaris系统在同一网段,并且保证通信;虚拟机ip地址:个人电脑地址:连通性:注意:只有个人电脑网卡UP的时候,虚拟机才能ping通个人电脑IP地址;确定Blade2500安装网口和MAC地址个人电脑网口与Sun Blade 2500网口直连或在同一VLAN;ok show-nets //查看系统网卡列表a) /pci@1e,600000/pci@4/network@3b) /pci@1e,600000/pci@4/network@2c) /pci@1e,600000/pci@4/network@1d) /pci@1e,600000/pci@4/network@0e) /pci@1c,600000/network@3q) NO SELECTIONEnter Selection, q to quit: qok select /pci@1e,600000/pci@4/network@0/pci@1e,600000/pci@4/network@0: 1000 Mbps full duplex link up//用select 或watch-net-all查看Sun Blade 2500 UP状态的网卡ok watch-net-all/pci@1e,600000/pci@4/network@3/pci@1e,600000/pci@4/network@3: link down/pci@1e,600000/pci@4/network@2/pci@1e,600000/pci@4/network@2: link down/pci@1e,600000/pci@4/network@1/pci@1e,600000/pci@4/network@1: link down/pci@1e,600000/pci@4/network@0/pci@1e,600000/pci@4/network@0: 1000 Mbps full duplex link upWatch ethernet packets'.' is a good packet and 'X' is a bad packetPress any key to stop...../pci@1c,600000/network@31000 Mbps FDX Link upLooking for Ethernet Packets.'.' is a Good Packet. 'X' is a Bad Packet.Type any key to stop.okok选择Sun Blade 2500 安装网口并确认MAC地址;这里我们选择用PCI网卡板上的第一个网口(即/pci@1e,600000/pci@4/network@0)安装,确定该网卡MAC地址(00:14:4f:69:8e:00)ok cd /pci@1e,600000/pci@4/network@0 //进入网卡路径ok .properties //查看.properties文件确认该网卡MACmac-address 00 14 4f 69 8e 00link-clock autoduplex autospeed autoassigned-addresses 82020010 00000000 03200000 00000000 0020000082020030 00000000 03100000 00000000 00100000d-fru-len 00000000d-fru-off 0000e800d-fru-dev eeproms-fru-len 00000800s-fru-off 0000e000s-fru-dev eepromcompatible pci100b,35.30pci100b,35pciclass,020000pciclass,0200pci108e,abbareg 00020000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0000000002020010 00000000 00000000 00000000 0020000002020030 00000000 00000000 00000000 00100000address-bits 00000030max-frame-size 00004000network-interface-type ethernetdevice_type networkname networklocal-mac-address 00 14 4f 69 8e 00version Sun Quad Gigaswift PCI-X adapter FCode 2.13 04/11/09phy-type mifboard-model 501-6738model SUNW,pci-x-qgeok3.1.3.4.配置Server服务器◆在虚拟机创建存放镜像文件的共享目录bash-3.2# mkdir –p /quan/iso◆进入光盘系统目录,安装Server启动程序bash-3.2# cd /cdrom/Sol_10_113_sparc/Solaris_10/Tools/bash-3.2# lsBoot add_install_client rm_install_clientInstallers dial setup_install_serverbash-3.2# ./setup_install_server /quan/iso/Verifying target directory...Calculating the required disk space for the Solaris_10 productCalculating space required for the installation boot imageCopying the CD image to disk...Copying Install Boot Image hierarchy...Copying /boot netboot hierarchy...Install Server setup completebash-3.2#cd /quan/isobash-3.2# du -sh * //查看文件及大小4K Copyright2K Offer_to_Provide_Source_Code.txt1.9G Solaris_10226M boot1K installer10K platformbash-3.2#◆共享安装文件存放的目录bash-3.2# share -F nfs -o ro,anon=0 -d "install server directory" /quan/iso //临时共享/quan/iso也可把上命令添加到/etc/dfs/dfstab中运行shareall永久共享bash-3.2# share //查看共享文件- /quan/iso ro,anon=0 " install server directory "bash-3.2#bash-3.2# showmount -e localhostlocalhost 的导出列表:/quan/iso (每一个)bash-3.2#◆启动tftp服务bash-3.2# vi /etc/inet/inetd.conf## Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.# Use is subject to license terms.##ident "@(#)inetd.conf 1.56 04/10/21 SMI"## Legacy configuration file for inetd(1M). See inetd.conf(4).## This file is no longer directly used to configure inetd.# The Solaris services which were formerly configured using this file# are now configured in the Service Management Facility (see smf(5))# using inetadm(1M).## Any records remaining in this file after installation or upgrade,# or later created by installing additional software, must be converted# to smf(5) services and imported into the smf repository using# inetconv(1M), otherwise the service will not be available. Once# a service has been converted using inetconv, further changes made to# its entry here are not reflected in the service.### CacheFS daemon. Provided only as a basis for conversion by inetconv(1M).#100235/1 tli rpc/ticotsord wait root /usr/lib/fs/cachefs/cachefsd cachefsd# TFTPD - tftp server (primarily used for booting)tftp dgram udp6 wait root /usr/sbin/in.tftpd in.tftpd -s /tftpboot bash-3.2# //删除最后一行前面的#注释bash-3.2# svcadm enable svc:/network/tftp/udp6:defaultsvcadm: 模式 'svc:/network/tftp/udp6:default' 与所有实例都不匹配//开启tftp服务报错bash-3.2# inetconv -i /etc/inet/inetd.conf 1>/dev/null 2>&1//将 /etc/inet/inetd.conf 项转换为 SMF 服务清单bash-3.2# svcadm enable svc:/network/tftp/udp6:default//重新开启tftp服务bash-3.2# svcs -a|grep tftp //查看tftp服务状态online 11:08:51 svc:/network/tftp/udp6:defaultbash-3.2# netstat -a | grep tftp*.tftp Idle*.tftp Idle bash-3.2#bash-3.2#添加客户端配置信息◆修改/etc/hosts 文件添加Sun Blade 2500系统的IP地址和主机名bash-3.2# vi /etc/hosts## Internet host table#::1 localhost127.0.0.1 localhost10.233.23.159 Solaris10-test loghost10.233.23.144 quan-test02bash-3.2#注意:网络引导的Server和Client的IP地址必须在同一网段;◆修改/etc/ether,添加网口MAC地址和主机名bash-3.2# vi /etc/ethers00:14:4f:69:8e:00 quan-test02bash-3.2#生成客户端启动文件bash-3.2# cd /quan/isobash-3.2# lsCopyright Solaris_10 installerOffer_to_Provide_Source_Code.txt boot platformbash-3.2# cd ./Solaris_10/Tools/bash-3.2# lsBoot add_install_client rm_install_clientInstallers dial setup_install_serverbash-3.2# ./add_install_client -e 00:14:4f:69:8e:00 quan-test02 sun4usaving original /etc/dfs/dfstab in /etc/dfs/dfstab.origAdding "share -F nfs -o ro,anon=0 /quan/iso" to /etc/dfs/dfstabmaking /tftpbootenabling network/rarp serviceenabling network/rpc/bootparams serviceupdating /etc/bootparamscopying boot file to /tftpboot/inetboot.SUN4U.Solaris_10-1bash-3.2# //生成客户端启动文件bash-3.2#bash-3.2#bash-3.2# more /etc/bootparams //查看生成的配置文件信息quan-test01 root=Solaris10-test:/quan/iso/Solaris_10/Tools/Boot install=Solaris10-test:/quan/iso boottype=:in rootopts=:rsize=8192bash-3.2# pwd/quan/iso/Solaris_10/Toolsbash-3.2# ls /tftpboot/0AE9178F 0AE91791.SUN4U rm. 0AE91792 rm. 0AE91792.SUN4U rm. inetboot.SUN4U.Solaris_10-1 tftpboot0AE91791 rm.注意: IP和MAC对应的主机名必须唯一一致,否则可能安装失败;安装操作系统okok boot /pci@1e,600000/pci@4/network@0Sun Blade 2500, No KeyboardCopyright 1998-2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.OpenBoot 4.9.7, 4096 MB memory installed, Serial #60984762.Ethernet address 0:3:ba:a2:8d:ba, Host ID: 83a28dba.Rebooting with command: boot /pci@1e,600000/pci@4/network@0Boot device: /pci@1e,600000/pci@4/network@0 File and args:/pci@1e,600000/pci@4/network@0: 1000 Mbps full duplex link upTimeout waiting for ARP/RARP packetTimeout waiting for ARP/RARP packetTimeout waiting for ARP/RARP packetTimeout waiting for ARP/RARP packetTimeout waiting for ARP/RARP packet3a000 /pci@1e,600000/pci@4/network@0: 1000 Mbps full duplex link upRequesting Internet address for 0:14:4f:69:8e:0SunOS Release 5.10 Version Generic_147147-26 64-bitCopyright (c) 1983, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Configuring devices.Using RPC Bootparams for network configuration information.Attempting to configure interface bge0...Skipped interface bge0Attempting to configure interface ce3...Skipped interface ce3Attempting to configure interface ce2...Skipped interface ce2Attempting to configure interface ce1...Skipped interface ce1Attempting to configure interface ce0...Configured interface ce0svc:/system/filesystem/local:default: WARNING: /usr/sbin/zfs mount -a failed: one or more file systems failed to mountSetting up Java. Please wait...Serial console, reverting to text installBeginning system identification...Searching for configuration file(s)...Search complete.Discovering additional network configuration...注意:上面黄色部分会出现网口闪断,属于正常状态;Select a Language0. English1. Brazilian Portuguese2. French3. German4. Italian5. Japanese6. Korean7. Simplified Chinese8. Spanish9. Swedish10. Traditional ChinesePlease make a choice (0 - 10), or press h or ? for help: 0What type of terminal are you using?1) ANSI Standard CRT2) DEC VT523) DEC VT1004) Heathkit 195) Lear Siegler ADM316) PC Console7) Sun Command Tool8) Sun Workstation9) Televideo 91010) Televideo 92511) Wyse Model 5012) X Terminal Emulator (xterms)13) CDE Terminal Emulator (dtterm)14) OtherType the number of your choice and press Return: 3- The Oracle Solaris Installation Program --------------------------------------The Solaris installation program is divided into a series of short sectionswhere you'll be prompted to provide information for the installation. Atthe end of each section, you'll be able to change the selections you'vemade before continuing.About navigation...- The mouse cannot be used- If your keyboard does not have function keys, or they do notrespond, press ESC; the legend at the bottom of the screenwill change to show the ESC keys to use for navigation.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- F2_Continue F6_Help- Identify This System ---------------------------------------------------------On the next screens, you must identify this system as networked ornon-networked, and set the default time zone and date/time.If this system is networked, the software will try to find the informationit needs to identify your system; you will be prompted to supply anyinformation it cannot find.> To begin identifying this system, press F2.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- F2_Continue F6_Help- Configure Multiple Network Interfaces ----------------------------------------Multiple network interfaces have been detected on this system. Specify allof the network interfaces you want to configure.Note: You must choose at least one interface to configure.Network interfaces------------------[X] bge0[ ] ce0[ ] ce1[ ] ce2[ ] ce3-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- F2_Continue F6_Help- Subnet for bge0 --------------------------------------------------------------On this screen you must specify whether this system is part of a subnet. If you specify incorrectly, the system will have problems communicating on thenetwork after you reboot.> To make a selection, use the arrow keys to highlight the option andpress Return to mark it [X].System part of a subnet-----------------------[X] Yes[ ] No-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- F2_Continue F6_Help- Netmask for bge0 -------------------------------------------------------------On this screen you must specify the netmask of your subnet. A defaultnetmask is shown; do not accept the default unless you are sure it iscorrect for your subnet. A netmask must contain four sets of numbersseparated by periods (for example for bge0 F2_Continue F6_Help- IPv6 for bge0 ----------------------------------------------------------------Specify whether or not you want to enable IPv6, the next generation Internet Protocol, on this network interface. Enabling IPv6 will have no effect ifthis machine is not on a network that provides IPv6 service. IPv4 servicewill not be affected if IPv6 is enabled.> To make a selection, use the arrow keys to highlight the option andpress Return to mark it [X].Enable IPv6 for bge0--------------------[ ] Yes[X] No-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- F2_Continue F6_Help- IPv6 for bge0 ----------------------------------------------------------------Specify whether or not you want to enable IPv6, the next generation Internet Protocol, on this network interface. Enabling IPv6 will have no effect ifthis machine is not on a network that provides IPv6 service. IPv4 servicewill not be affected if IPv6 is enabled.> To make a selection, use the arrow keys to highlight the option andpress Return to mark it [X].Enable IPv6 for bge0--------------------[ ] Yes[X] NoPlease wait...-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- F2_Continue F6_Help- Set the Default Route for bge0 -----------------------------------------------To specify the default route, you can let the software try to detect oneupon reboot, you can specify the IP address of the router, or you can choose None. Choose None if you do not have a router on your subnet.> To make a selection, use the arrow keys to select your choice and pressReturn to mark it [X].Default Route for bge0--------------------------[ ] Detect one upon reboot[X] Specify one[ ] None-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- F2_Continue F6_Help- Default Route IP Address for bge0 --------------------------------------------Enter the IP address of the default route. This entry will be placed in the/etc/defaultrouter file and will be the default route after you reboot(example IP Address for bge0 F2_Continue F6_Help- Confirm Information for bge0 -------------------------------------------------> Confirm the following information. If it is correct, press F2;to change any information, press F4.System part of a subnet: YesNetmask: IPv6: NoDefault Route: Specify oneRouter IP Address: F2_Continue F4_Change F6_Help- Configure Security Policy: --------------------------------------------------- Specify Yes if the system will use the Kerberos security mechanism.Specify No if this system will use standard UNIX security.Configure Kerberos Security---------------------------[ ] Yes[X] No-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- F2_Continue F6_Help- Confirm Information ----------------------------------------------------------> Confirm the following information. If it is correct, press F2;to change any information, press F4.Configure Kerberos Security: No-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- F2_Continue F4_Change F6_Help- Name Service -----------------------------------------------------------------On this screen you must provide name service information. Select the nameservice that will be used by this system, or None if your system will either not use a name service at all, or if it will use a name service not listedhere.> To make a selection, use the arrow keys to highlight the optionand press Return to mark it [X].Name service------------[ ] NIS+[ ] NIS[ ] DNS[ ] LDAP[X] None-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- F2_Continue F6_Help- Confirm Information ----------------------------------------------------------> Confirm the following information. If it is correct, press F2;to change any information, press F4.Name service: None-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- F2_Continue F4_Change F6_Help- NFSv4 Domain Name ------------------------------------------------------------NFS version 4 uses a domain name that is automatically derived from thesystem's naming services. The derived domain name is sufficient for mostconfigurations. In a few cases, mounts that cross domain boundaries mightcause files to appear to be owned by "nobody" due to the lack of a commondomain name.The current NFSv4 default domain is: ""NFSv4 Domain Configuration----------------------------------------------[X] Use the NFSv4 domain derived by the system[ ] Specify a different NFSv4 domain-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- F2_Continue F6_Help- Confirm Information for NFSv4 Domain -----------------------------------------> Confirm the following information. If it is correct, press F2;to change any information, press F4.NFSv4 Domain Name: << Value to be derived dynamically >>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- F2_Continue F4_Change F6_Help- Time Zone --------------------------------------------------------------------On this screen you must specify your default time zone. You can specify atime zone in three ways: select one of the continents or oceans from thelist, select other - offset from GMT, or other - specify time zone file.> To make a selection, use the arrow keys to highlight the option andpress Return to mark it [X].Continents and Oceans----------------------------------- [ ] Africa| [ ] Americas| [ ] Antarctica| [ ] Arctic Ocean| [X] Asia| [ ] Atlantic Ocean| [ ] Australia| [ ] Europev [ ] Indian Ocean-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- F2_Continue F6_Help- Country or Region ------------------------------------------------------------> To make a selection, use the arrow keys to highlight the option andpress Return to mark it [X].Countries and Regions------------------------- [ ] Afghanistan| [ ] Armenia| [ ] Azerbaijan| [ ] Bahrain| [ ] Bangladesh| [ ] Bhutan| [ ] Brunei| [ ] Cambodia| [X] China| [ ] Cyprus| [ ] East Timor| [ ] Georgiav [ ] Hong Kong-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- F2_Continue F6_Help- Date and Time ----------------------------------------------------------------> Accept the default date and time or enternew values.Date and time: 2014-11-12 15:21Year (4 digits) : 2014Month (1-12) : 11Day (1-31) : 12Hour (0-23) : 15Minute (0-59) : 21-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- F2_Continue F6_Help- Confirm Information ----------------------------------------------------------> Confirm the following information. If it is correct, press F2;to change any information, press F4.Time zone: PRCDate and time: 2014-11-12 15:21:00-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- F2_Continue F4_Change F6_Help- Root Password ---------------------------------------------------------------- Please enter the root password for this system.The root password may contain alphanumeric and special characters. Forsecurity, the password will not be displayed on the screen as you type it.> If you do not want a root password, leave both entries blank.Root password: *******Root password: *******-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- F2_Continue F6_Help- Enabling remote services ----------------------------------------------------- Would you like to enable network services for use by remote clients?Selecting "No" provides a more secure configuration inwhich Secure Shell is the only network service provided toremote clients. Selecting "Yes" enables a larger set ofservices as in previous Solaris releases. If in doubt, it issafe to select "No" as any services can be individually enabledafter installation.Note: This choice only affects initial installs. It doesn't affect upgrades.Remote services enabled-----------------------[X] Yes[ ] No-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- F2_Continue F6_Help- Provide Oracle Configuration Manager Registration Information ----------------To improve products and services, Oracle Solaris communicates configurationdata to Oracle after rebooting.You can register your version of Oracle Solaris to capture this data foryour use, or the data is sent anonymously.For information about what configuration data is communicated and how tocontrol this facility, see the Release Notes or/goto/solarisautoreg> Use the arrow keys to select the option and press Return tomark it [X].-----------------------------------------------------------------[X] I would like to register using My Oracle Support information.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- F2_Continue F6_Help- Provide Oracle Configuration Manager Registration Information ----------------To register, complete the following fields:- Confirm your existing My Oracle Support information.- If using a proxy server, provide the proxy settings.Provide your email address to be informed of security issues, install andinitiate Oracle Configuration Manager. Easier for you if you use your MyOracle Support Email Address/User Name.For information about what configuration data is communicated and how tocontrol this facility, see the Release Notes or/goto/solarisautoregProvide your My Oracle Support password to receive security updates via your My Oracle Support account.User Name/Email: My Oracle Support Password:Proxy Server Host Name:Proxy Server Port Number:HTTP Proxy User Name:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- F2_Continue F6_HelpSystem identification is completed.System identification complete.Starting Solaris installation program...Executing JumpStart preinstall phase...Searching for SolStart directory...Checking rules.ok file...Using begin script: install_beginUsing finish script: patch_finishExecuting SolStart preinstall phase...Executing begin script "install_begin"...Begin script install_begin execution completed.- Solaris Interactive Installation ---------------------------------------------On the following screens, you can accept the defaults or you can customizehow Solaris software will be installed by:- Selecting the type of Solaris software to install- Selecting disks to hold software you've selected- Selecting unbundled products to be installed with Solaris- Specifying how file systems are laid out on the disksAfter completing these tasks, a summary of your selections (called aprofile) will be displayed.There are two ways to install your Solaris software:- "Standard" installs your system from a standard Solaris Distribution.Selecting "Standard" allows you to choose between initial installand upgrade, if your system is upgradable.- "Flash" installs your system from one or more Flash Archives.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- F2_Standard F4_Flash F5_Exit F6_Help- iSCSI Installation ----------------------------------------------------------- Do you want to install Oracle Solaris 10 on an iSCSI target?NOTE: You must have created the iSCSI target before beginning the OSinstallation and the target system should be running Oracle Solaris 11 orSolaris 10 U5 or greater.If you choose to install the OS on a non-iSCSI target, you will be takendirectly to the Oracle Solaris 10 installation screens.[X] Install on non-iSCSI target[ ] Install on iSCSI target-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- F2_Continue F3_Go Back F5_Exit- Eject a CD/DVD Automatically? ------------------------------------------------During the installation of Solaris software, you may be using one or moreCDs/DVDs. You can choose to have the system eject each CD/DVD automaticallyafter it is installed or you can choose to manually eject each CD/DVD.[X] Automatically eject CD/DVD[ ] Manually eject CD/DVD-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- F2_Continue F3_Go Back F5_Exit- Reboot After Installation? ---------------------------------------------------After Solaris software is installed, the system must be rebooted. You canchoose to have the system automatically reboot, or you can choose tomanually reboot the system if you want to run scripts or do othercustomizations before the reboot. You can manually reboot a system by using the reboot(1M) command.[X] Auto Reboot[ ] Manual Reboot-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- F2_Continue F3_Go Back F5_Exit- Choose Media -----------------------------------------------------------------Please specify the media from which you will install the Solaris OperatingSystem.Media:[ ] CD/DVD[X] Network File System-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- F2_Continue F3_Go Back F5_Exit- Specify Network File System Path ---------------------------------------------Please specify the path to the network file system from which you willinstall the Solaris Operating System. Example:NFS Location: server:/path_to_Solaris_image============================================================================NFS Location: F2_Continue F3_Go Back- Solaris Interactive Installation ---------------------------------------------This system is upgradable, so there are two ways to install the Solarissoftware.The Upgrade option updates the Solaris software to the new release, savingas many modifications to the previous version of Solaris software aspossible. Back up the system before using the Upgrade option.The Initial option overwrites the system disks with the new version ofSolaris software. This option allows you to preserve any existing filesystems. Back up any modifications made to the previous version of Solarissoftware before starting the Initial option.After you select an option and complete the tasks that follow, a summary ofyour actions will be displayed.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- F2_Upgrade F3_Go Back F4_Initial F5_Exit F6_Help由于硬盘中有原来的操作系统,选择初始化安装。

VMWARE 安装Solaris 8

VMWARE 安装Solaris 8
VMWARE 安装Solaris 8
生产环境中有Sun OS5.8的系统,所以考虑用VMWARE架设一台Solaris8的虚拟机供测试和练习使用。
Solairs 8for x86安装镜像(第三方下载源),解压缩得到ISO镜像包。
VmwareWorkstation 10.0.2,
7、几次F2后来到设置屏显的界面。按方向键和空格键选中“ChangeVideo Device/Monior”选项。



泛微协同办公平台Ecology8安装部署⼿册Windows-SQLServer泛微协同办公平台Ecology 8安装部署⼿册_W indow s_SQL Serve r⽬录1.服务器配置要求 (2)2.系统安装和卸载 (2)2.1.安装前准备 (2)2.2.系统安装 (11)2.3.系统卸载 (18)3.系统备份 (19)3.1.备份程序⽂件 (19)3.2.备份⽂档、图⽚⽂件 (19)3.3.备份数据库⽂件 (19)4.系统升级 (27)4.1.停⽌RESIN 服务 (27)4.2.备份程序⽂件夹 (27)4.3.备份数据库⽂件夹 (27)4.4.使⽤系统升级⽂件包 (27)4.5.启动resin 服务 (27)4.6.升级失败后,系统恢复的⽅法 (28)5.系统重装 (28)5.1.拷贝备份的程序、⽂档图⽚⽂件夹 (28)5.2.安装resin 服务 (28)5.3.修改配置⽂件 (29)6.安装后相关调整 (29)6.1.JDK 的更换 (29)6.2.调整内存 (30)6.3.调整端⼝ (30)6.4.安装⽂件出现乱码的处理 (31)1.系统配置要求服务器(64 位操作系统):Windows Server 2003/2008/2012、Linux、SUN Solaris、IBM AIX数据库:SQL Server 2005/2008/2012、Oracle 9i/10g/11g最低配置:Xeon 双核 CPU 2.2GHz 以上8G 内存500G 硬盘建议配置:Xeon 四核 CPU*2 3.1GHz 以上16G 内存1T 硬盘客户端操作系统:Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10浏览器:IE8/9/10/11、Chrome、Firefox、Safari注意:操作系统要保证为简体中⽂操作系统,在特殊情况下如果为⾮简体中⽂操作系统,也要安装上简体中⽂语⾔包。

2.系统安装和卸载2.1.安装前准备在安装 ecology 前,需要先安装好数据库。


执行如下命令,安装下载的 Recommended Patch Cluster: cd /tmp unzip -qq * cd *_Recommended ./install_cluster -q
2.2.2. Solaris 2.6 以及以前版本
从 ftp:///pub/patches/ 下 载 最 新 的 Recommended Patch Cluster,保存到/tmp 目录;
Mail1(smtp,pop3) www、ftp
DB Oracle
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rpc.rexd Ufsd Gssd kcms.server Fs cachefsd kerbd In.lpd rpc.cmsd rpc.ttdbserver
2.4.2. 禁用 rc2 和 rc3 启动的不必要服务
*) echo "usage: /etc/init.d/sshd {start|stop}" ;;
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Solaris 安全配置规范
prngd 自动启动脚本(/etc/init.d/prngd)
#! /bin/sh # # start/stop the pseudo random generator daemon
文件系统挂载选项的设置通过/etc/vfstab 文件,下面是一个/etc/vfstab 的示例:
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Solaris 安全配置规范
/dev/dsk/c0t3d0s0 /dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s0 / ufs 1 no /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s4 /dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s4 /usr ufs 1 no ro /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s5 /dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s5 /var ufs 1 no nosuid /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s6 /dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s6 /opt ufs 2 yes nosuid,ro



SUN操作系统安装说明一、安装solaris 8基本操作系统(SUN Blade 100)注:需要Solaris 8 software光盘两张准备:将Solaris 8操作系统software 1/2光盘放入光驱,在OK提示符下(可按stop+A出现),键入boot cdrom。

1、在“Select a Language”窗口下,选择0 : English2、在“Select a Locals”窗口下: 选择0 : English3、在“The Solaris Installation Program”窗口下,选择Continue4、在“Identify This System”窗口下,选择Continue5、在“Network Connectivity”窗口下,选择yes Continue6、在“DHCP”窗口下,选择no Continue7、在“Host name”窗口下,输入节点名,如:gtxmain1 选择Continue8、在“Ip Address”窗口下,输入IP地址,如192.9.200.101 选择Continue9、在“Subnets”窗口下,选择yes Continue10、在“Netmask”窗口下,输入掩码地址, 选择Continue11、在“Ipv6”窗口下,选择no Continue12、在“Comfirm Information”窗口下,选择Continue13、在“Configure Security Policy”窗口下,选择No Continue14、在“Comfirm Information”窗口下,选择Continue15、在“Name Service”窗口下,选择None Continue16、在“Confirm Information”窗口下,选择Continue17、在“Time zone”窗口下,选择Geographic region set….18、在“Geographic Region”窗口下,选择Regions栏: Asia,EastenTime zone栏:HongKong Continue19、在“Date and Time”窗口下,输入Year,Month,Day,Hour,Minute选择Continue20、在“Confirm Information”窗口下,选择Continue21、在“Solaris Interactive Installation”窗口下,选择Initial Contince22、在“Select Geographic Region”窗口下,选择Asia Continue23、在“Select Software”窗口下,选择Entire Distribution plus OEM support Continue 24、在“Select Disks”窗口下,选择Select Boot Disk Continue25、在“Preserve Data”窗口下,选择Continue26、在“Automatically Layout File System”窗口下,选择Manual Layout27、在“File System and Disk Layout”窗口下,选择Customize28、在“Customize Disks”窗口下手动分区,指定各区空间大小,单位MB 例:0 / 5121 swap 512 (内存的2倍)2overlap5 /opt 10246 /usr 15367/export/home 剩余空间大小选择OK29、在“File System and Disk Layout”窗口下,选择Continue30、在“Mount Remote File Systems”窗口下,选择Continue31、在“Profile”窗口下,选择Begin Installation若出现“Warning: unused disk space (c0t0d0) , 选择OK32、选择Auto Reboot33、安装完后,设置root用户口令34、在“Sepecify Media”窗口下,选择CD Next35、在“Insert CD”窗口下,放入Solaris 8 Software 2/2 光盘, 选择OK36、在“Installation Summary”窗口下,选择Next37、在“Sepecify Media”窗口下,选择Skip38、在“Reboot”窗口下,选择Reboot Now二、安装workshop5.0开发系统1、在root用户下,将workshop5.0光盘放入光驱2、“File Manager”窗口中,双击workshop_install选择OK选择Y3、“Workshop Install”窗口下Software栏选择:FLEXLm License Manager Software and UtilitiesWS compiler C/C++/SPARC 5.0WS AnswerBook2 Document Collections 5.04、选择Install;开始安装,直至“Installation Complete ”窗口出现,按OK5、选择Install Licenses“License Installation Tool”窗口下选择“Loaded From an Email Message Sared to File”选择“Load File”指定Licenses文件为/tmp/lic.dat (lic.dat文件内容见《六、C语言license安装补充说明》)选择“Install”选择“Exit”6、选择Exit三、SUN操作系统加nari用户及组1、root用户下,输入admintool2、“Adminitool:Users”窗口下“Browse”菜单选择Groups“Edit”菜单选择add3、“Admintool : Add Group”窗口下输入Group Name: narigrpGroup ID: 200选择OK4、“Browse”菜单选择User“Edit”菜单选择add5、“Admintool : Add User”窗口下,选择或输入以下栏目:User name:nariUser ID : 268Primary Group : 200Secondary Group : rootLogin shell : cshPassword : Normal Passord,输入两次口令:选择OKPath : /export/home/nariOK6、“File”菜单选择exit四、自启动配置文件1、~/.login文件内容为:./.start2、~/.start文件内容为:if [ -f /export/home/nari/NARI ]then/usr/bin/rm –f /export/home/nari/NARI/usr/openwin/bin/openwinfi改变文件属性chmod +x .start3、~/.xinitrc文件内容为:cpu=`hostname | sed -e 's/\..*//'`if [ -z $DISPLAY ]; thenDISPLAY=$cpu:0fi/usr/dt/bin/dtwm &cd /export/home/nari/exe./startmain > /dev/null 2>&1xterm -g 80x25+1500+1200 -sb -C4.~/.dt/dtwmrc, ~/Dtwm, ~/.cshrc, ~/.Xdefaults在ss3:/data3/sun/config/下。



Nessus的部署和使⽤前⾔ Nessus号称是世界上最流⾏的漏洞扫描程序,全世界有超过75000个组织在使⽤它。







执⾏命令如下所⽰:(使⽤此命令前需要⽤yum -y install dpkg)dpkg -i Nessus-8.2.3-debian6_i386.deb2看到以上类似的输出信息,表⽰Nessus软件包安装成功。


执⾏命令如下所⽰:[root@meimeng ~]# /etc/init.d/nessusd startStarting Nessus : .从输出的信息中可以看到Nessus服务已经启动。


执⾏命令如下所⽰:root@meimeng:~# /opt/nessus/bin/nessus-fetch --register 9CC8-19A0-01A7-D4C1- 4521通过以上步骤的详细介绍,Nessus就配置好了,现在就可以使⽤Nessus扫描各种的漏洞。


COGNOS 8在各操作系统的安装配置

COGNOS 8在各操作系统的安装配置



电影《阿甘正传》有一句话:Nothing just happens, it’s all part of a plan. 如果你手上还没有一个属于自己的环境,现在就开始吧。


Cognos 产品众多,目前业界及市面上还是以7及8的版本为主;IBM也在2010年10月25日发布有关IBM Cognos10的相关信息。

Cognos 7主要会安装Access Manager , PowerPlay Transformer , Sun One Directory , PPES等;Cognos 8 则会安装BI Server , BI Model , BI Metric server , BI sample 等;具体搭配还是会依照公司实际需要而有所调整。

现在也越来越多企业使用64位元的机器,在‘Cognos_64-bit_Jan2009.pdf‘此份资料所述,IBM Cognos 8.4之前的版本(不包含Cognos Controller 与Cognos Planning)支援以下64位元作业系统核心但必须配之于32位元的运行时库。

IBM AIXHP-UX Itanium(32位元本机模式)HP-UX PA-RISCMicrosoft Windows 64位元AMDRed Hat Linux企业版(Power与AMD)SUSE Linux AMD企业版Sun Solaris SPARC详细资料可参考/supported/en/support/products/unsupported_policy.html系统支援简表以下以Cognos 8 BI 8.4.1版本为例,如有需要可参考IBM Cognos 8 BI 软件环境/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27014432作业系统IBM AIXHP-UXMicrosoft WindowsNovell SUSE Linux EnterpriseRed Hat Enterprise LinuxJava Run TimeIBM JavaSun JREHP JRE应用服务器IBM WebSphereOracle WebLogicSAP NetWeaverJBossBEA WebLogicOracle Application Server关联性数据库IBM DB2Informix IDSMicrosoft SQL ServerOracleSybase Adaptive Server Enterprise安装前需要考虑的事‘凡事预则立,不预则废’ ,‘谋定而后动’ 。



SOLARIS_10_安装步骤Solaris 10 是美国甲骨文公司开发的一种类Unix操作系统,本文将介绍在计算机上安装Solaris 10 的详细步骤。

以下是Solaris 10 安装的步骤:步骤一:准备工作1. 确定计算机配置和系统要求:首先,确保计算机满足Solaris 10 的最低硬件要求。




2. 确保计算机的BIOS已设置为从光盘或USB设备启动。



步骤三:选择安装模式1. 在计算机启动时,将会弹出Solaris 10 的安装程序界面。




步骤四:对安装组件进行配置1. 在常规安装模式下,选择“整个磁盘”或“仅限一个分区”来确定Solaris 10 的安装位置。





可以选择ZFS、UFS 或者一种组合。







4. 设置 root 密码:设置 root 用户的密码。



jÉêÅìêó=nì~äáíó=`ÉåíÉêqj安装指南UKO=版Mercury Quality Center 安装指南,8.2 版本手册及附带的软件和其他文档受美国和国际版权法保护,并且只能依据附带的许可协议使用。

软件及Mercury Interactive Corporation 其他产品和服务的功能包含于下列一项或多项专利中:美国专利号5,701,139、5,657,438、5,511,185、5,870,559、5,958,008、5,974,572、6,138,157、6,144,962、6,205,122、6,237,006、6,341,310、6,360,332、6,449,739、6,470,383、6,477,483、6,549,944、6,560,564、6,564,342、6,587,969、6,631,408、6,631,411、6,633,912、6,694,288、6,738,813、6,738,933 和 6,754,701,以及待批准的其他专利。


Mercury、Mercury Interactive、Mercury Interactive 徽标、LoadRunner、LoadRunner TestCenter、Mercury Business Process Testing、Mercury Quality Center、Quality Center、QuickTest Professional、SiteScope、SiteSeer、TestDirector、Topaz 和 WinRunner 是 Mercury Interactive Corporation 或其子公司在美国和/或其他国家(地区)的商标或注册商标。

Solaris 8操作环境介绍说明书

Solaris 8操作环境介绍说明书

The Solaris TM 8 Operating Environment delivers end-to-end security for business-critical enterprise applications and robust workgroup computing. Easily configured, flexible, and independently certified, security in the Solaris Operating Environment protects your systems and network from unauthorized access and other threats, helping keep your organization open for business.THE SOLARIS OPERATING ENVIRONMENTThe Solaris8Operating Environment is the established OS leader for availability, scalability, and security in the Internet age. In Solaris 8 software,Sun delivers a trustworthy,universal platform to meet the needs of dot-com businesses -- from small startups to large Fortune 1000 enterprises.It’s no surprise that the Solaris Operating Environment is the leading UNIX® environment today. Solaris software was originally designed with the Internet in mind. TCP/IP, the central Internet protocol, has been at the core of Solaris networking for more than 15 years. Through its time-tested design--a small,stable kernel,modular and extensible components, and well-defined interfaces -- Solaris soft-ware delivers rock-solid stability and predictability for business-criti-cal applications. And the Solaris 8 Operating Environment provides complete compatibility with prior versions, so you can be confident that your current applications will continue to run.F IREWALLSFirewalls control the data flow between two networks, according to security policy rules. The Solaris 8 Operating Environment offers built-in firewall functionality,with both the lite-and full-product ver-sions.•SunScreen™ Secure Net 3.1 is a full-featured firewall product that can be deployed throughout an organization to implement a secure business network including extranets, secure intranets,and remote access. It offers affordability, strong cryptography, centralized management, and high availability for screening and encryption.•SunScreen™ 3.1 Lite is a firewall product designed to protect individual servers or very small workgroups. It is built from the same code as the full SunScreen Secure Net3.1product,provides high-speed, dynamic stateful packet-filtering, and includes a subset of the features offered with the full version.V IRTUAL P RIVATE N ETWORKS(VPN S)VPNs represent a cost-effective means of using the Internet to com-municate securely between two or more points. By encrypting and decrypting all traffic between VPN nodes, businesses can send pri-vate information securely over the Internet -- unwanted users are unable to read or modify data. The Solaris Operating Environment supports both the Internet protocol security(IPSec),and Simple Key-Management for Internet Protocols (SKIP) technology for imple-menting and deploying VPNs.IPS ECA key feature of the Solaris 8 Operating Environment security is the IPSec architecture. IPSec is an initiative to add security services to the IP protocol.It secures communication channels and ensures that only authorized parties can communicate on them.Sun’s implementation of IPSec in the Solaris 8 Operating Environ-ment supports shared-secret encryption. 128-bit MD5 and SHA-1 algorithms are available for datagram authentication and integrity; 56-bit DES and168-bit Triple DES algorithms are available for payload encryption. In addition, the Solaris platform also supports ‘manual keying’ today, and there are plans to support IKE functionality, which features automatic certificate exchanges and compatibilityS ECURITY I N THE S OLARIS TM O PERATING E NVIRONMENT•IPSec suite of communication channel security protocols•Shared-secret and public-key encryption;56-bit,128-bit algorithms•APIs that enable application-level specification of IPSec policies •Pluggable authentication modules•Smart card support•Kerberos support for single sign-on•Role-based access control•Access control lists•Interoperable with a broad range of server andprocessor offerings•Advanced services offer enhanced integrity andsecuritywith Public Key Infrastructure(PKI)products,in a future release.IPSec is implemented following Internet Engi-neering Task Force(IETF)specifications,ensuring that servers running the Solaris Operating Envi-ronment will operate seamlessly with systems from other vendors adhering to IETF standards. And because the Solaris Operating Environment runs on both Sun SPARC™ processors and Intel Architecture-based platforms, you have the free-dom to choose the platform that best suits your needs.Solaris software includes APIs that enable appli-cation-level specification of IPSec policies, enabling your application developers to dictate security policies independently of system admin-istrators. In addition, because IPSec operates at the Internet protocol (IP) level, you can use it to restrict access to applications that are not com-pletely secure.With these powerful capabilities, you can imple-ment many security approaches in the Solaris 8 Operating Environment, such as:•Restricting ISP Internet services so that only specific services are accessible to users.•Securing communications between the tiers of multitier enterprise applications, so that even those with physical network access cannot view data they are not authorized to see.•Establishing VPNs to enable remote offices and users to communicate securely over the Internet to the home office. An advantage of IPSec is that security arrangements can be handled without requiring changes to individual computers.IPSEC AND SECURE SOCKETS LAYER (SSL) To some extent IPSec and SSL are two approaches to the same problem of end-to-end authentication and encryption. However, the basic approaches are different.•SSL implements its functionality above the kernel, and does not require any changes to the operating system. SSL operates on top of the TCP layer. Applications that want to use SSL must be rewritten to use this functionality. Virtually all leading Web browsers available today offer built-in SSL functionality.•IPSec was designed to operate without requiring changes to an application or its APIs.IPSec operates below the TCP layer, and is transparent to the applications and their APIs.IPSec is a very strong, network-level protocol. It can protect against a variety of threats, such as sniffing, spoofing, flooding, and hijacking. How-ever, it blocks hosts that don’t support it or oth-erwise have a security association with the initiating host. For Web traffic, where the major-ity of traffic does not require security of any kind, IPSec may need too much overhead.IPSec is well suited for VPNs and extranets.SSL is well accepted and widely used on the Web. SSL offers better control over which security mea-sures are used, and can automatically apply encryption and integrity protection to the data it carries.SKIPSKIP secures the network at the IP packet level --any networked application gains the benefits of encryption, without requiring modification. SKIP is unique in that it offers“on-the-fly”encryption. An Internet host can send an encrypted packet to another host without requiring a prior message exchange to set up a secure channel. Some of the advantages of SKIP include:•No connection setup overhead.•High-availability;encryption gateways that fail can reboot and resume decrypting packets instantly, without having to renegotiate existing connections.•Allows unidirectional IP (for example, IP broadcast via satellite or cable).•Scalable multicast key distribution.•Gateways can be configured in parallel to perform instant failover.STRONG USER AUTHENTICATIONIn a business-critical environment, you need to ensure that only authorized users can access spe-cific systems and services. Solaris 8 software pro-vides a flexible set of facilities for strong user authentication that can be used out of the box or can be integrated into applications as service-specific security features.S UN E NTERPRISE A UTHENTICATION M ECHANISM™1.0S OFTWARESun Enterprise Authentication Mechanism soft-ware provides a distributed, enterprise-wide authentication mechanism for single sign-onthat reduces the number of times each user must go through a login sequence.Sun Enterprise Authentication Mechanism soft-ware allows one computer to prove its identity to another across an insecure network through an exchange of encrypted messages. Once identity is verified, Sun Enterprise Authentication Mecha-nism software provides the two computers with encryption keys for a secure communication ses-sion.Note that Kerberos clients are bundled with the Solaris 8 Operating Environment, and the Ker-beros server is freely downloadable as part of the Solaris Admin Pack. Sun Enterprise Authentica-tion Mechanism software may be purchased sep-arately, for users of previous versions of the Solaris Operating Environment.P LUGGABLE A UTHENTICATION M ODULES(PAM S) PAMs provide a uniform means for third-party applications, as well as the Solaris Operating Environment itself,to access user authentication facilities. You can easily construct PAMs to sup-port your site-specific authentication require-ments (for example, an interface with a bio-metric scanning device such as a palm scanner for user identification).As current authentication mechanisms evolve, and as new authentication mechanisms are introduced, system entry services such as login, rlogin, and telnet must continually be custom-ized to incorporate these changes.However,with PAM framework, multiple authentication tech-nologies can be added without changing any of the login services, thereby preserving existing system environments. PAM can be used to inte-grate login services with systems based on differ-ent authentication technologies, such as RSA, DCE, Kerberos, S/Key, or smart cards. Thus, PAM enables networked machines to seamlessly inter-act in an environment where multiple security mechanisms are in place.P UBLIC K EY I NFRASTRUCTURE(PKI)PKI is an authentication mechanism that is used for verifying the identities of parties in Internet transactions. It can also be used for nonrepudia-tion purposes so that users can protect them-selves in online transactions.With a PKI,businesses can use an insecure public network, such as the Internet, to securely and privately exchange data.This is enabled through the use of a public and a private cryptographic pair that is obtained and shared through a trusted authority, commonly called certificate authority. The public key infrastructure provides for both a digital certificate that can identify indi-viduals or organizations, and directory services that can store or revoke certificates.S MART C ARD S UPPORTSmart cards can offer a tremendous enhance-ment to your security architecture. Smart card functionality,including authentication,personal information storage, and Java™ applet manage-ment enable you to implement smart card solu-tions to your applications and business environ-ment. The Solaris Operating Environment smart card feature implements the OCF 1.1 standard, and supports out-of-the-box support for smart card authentication at login.Smart cards provide basic public key infrastructure to manage user access; users are authenticated at login (using CDE), and when challenged by applications. The Solaris 8 Operating Environment supports three smart card features: Schlumberger Cyberflex Access Card, Dallas Semiconductor iButton (Java technology-based), and Schlumberger Micro Payflex.A CCESS C ONTROLBesides UNIX permission mechanisms, the Solaris Operating Environment enhances access control through access control lists (ACLs) and role-based access control (RBAC).A CCESS C ONTROL L ISTS(ACL S)ACLs provide a listing of users and their associ-ated access rights, providing fine-grain access control for every file. File access can be con-trolled not only on a group basis, but also on a per-user basis. ACLs are implemented for both the Solaris User File System (UFS) and the Net-work File System (NFS), and adhere to the POSIX 1003.6 specification.R OLE-B ASED A CCESS C ONTROL(RBAC)RBAC helps protect against vulnerabilities caused by human error. RBAC is an alternative to the tra-ditional superuser model of root access to UNIX systems,with its“all-or-nothing”approach.RBAC lets you assign rights to individual,trusted users and delegate what specific operations they canperform. This may include access to such resources as serial port, file, log, printer management, user login control, system shutdown,and the right to execute certain programs. Users are authenticated before any role is assumed so that all privileged activities can be logged and associated with a person. With RBAC, superuser func-tions are divided into multiple roles—root password access does not provide unlim-ited access to the system.A UDITINGAuditing helps system administrators track security-related events, including many dif-ferent types of access attempts. If a viola-tion occurs, an audit log can help deter-mine the cause and source of problems. The Solaris platform includes two methods for auditing: UNIX system logs, and Con-trolled Access Protection Profile (CAPP) at Evaluation Assurance Level 4 (EAL4) audit-ing.•UNIX system logs (syslog) keep track of login events, resource usage, quotas, and more. Many system facilities use syslogs to record or alert the system administrator to important events. Shell scripts or wrappers can also be written to syslog databases to cover specific situations.•CAPP EAL4auditing–previously called C2 auditing– can produce detailed audit reports by user, event, and class. In addition,with CAPP EAL4it is possible to log any event that a system adminis-trator deems security relevant. In the Solaris platform, CAPP EAL4 auditing includes the Basic Security Mode (BSM) functionality, which enables event logging down to the system call level. Should a security infraction occur, the Solaris Operating Environment auditing capabilities ensure system administrators a detailed account of relevant activity.S OLARIS F INGERPRINT D ATABASEThis SunSolve SM service enables you to ver-ify the integrity of files distributed with theSolaris Operating Environment,such as the/bin/su executable file, Solaris softwarepatches, and unbundled products such asSPARC compilers.Solaris Fingerprint Database ensures thatyou are using a true file in an official binarydistribution, and not an altered versionthat can compromise system security. Ifyou suspect someone has changed yoursystem without your authorization, youcan use the Solaris Fingerprint Database tocheck files for alteration or damage.S UN E NTERPRISE™N ETWORK S ECURITYS ERVICESun Enterprise Network Security Service isa flexible Java technology-based securitysolution that permits organizations toaudit and secure their systems and net-works in a modern, heterogeneous, corpo-rate intranet. The software provides youwith a network service daemon that shouldbe installed on each host in your network;these daemons can then be linked togetherin a hierarchy of trust. This hierarchy maybe used for the distribution and executionof digitally-signed packets containing Java,script, or binary code, which may be usedto proactively check and fix host securityissues in a bulk, batch-oriented manner.Execution requests are also digitallysigned, replay attacks are prevented, andnetwork communications are secured byACLs, PAMs, and security modules.S UN B LUE P RINTS™P ROGRAMDue to the general nature of the SolarisOperating Environment, changes may berequired in some environments in order toprovide additional security against unau-thorized access and modification.Sun Blue-Prints books are available that discuss theSolaris Operating Environment subsystemsand related security issues.Systems running Solaris software are alsoshipped with a wide variety of network ser-vices, most of which are activated bydefault. For security reasons, it is in thebest interest of each system(and its owner)to have all nonessential services deacti-vated. Properly deactivated network ser-vices eliminate any current or future threatof system penetration,control,or disablingvia the network service. The Solaris plat-form has a simple procedure to identify anddisable a service determined to be unnec-essary. For details, refer to the followingSun BluePrints books:•Solaris Operating EnvironmentMinimization for Security: A Simple,Reproducible, and Secure ApplicationInstallation Methodology•Solaris Operating Environment Security•Solaris Operating Environment NetworkSettings for SecurityINTEGRATED, END-TO-END SECURITYIn today’s Internet age, “anytime, any-where” access to information, electroniccommerce, Web-based applications, andother mission-critical solutions creates newchallenges for the data center when itcomes to ensuring privacy and limiting theenterprise’s exposure to business risks.TheSolaris 8 Operating Environment providesintegrated features that deliver the end-to-end security you need in order to safelydeploy these powerful new solutions inyour complex enterprise computing envi-ronment -- whether you need the agility ofa dot-com startup, the predictability of abusiness-critical application, or both.FOR MORE INFORMATIONTo learn more about security and theSolaris Operating Environment,please visitour Web site at /security.©2001Sun Microsystems,Inc.All rights reserved.Sun,Sun Microsystems,the Sun logo,Java,Solaris,SunScreen,Sun BluePrints,Sun Enterprise,Sun Enterprise Authentication Mechanism,and We’re the dot in .com are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, the United States and other countries.All SPARC trademarks are used under license and are trademarks or registered trademarks of SPARC International, the United States and other countries.Products bearing SPARC trademarks are based upon an architecture developed by Sun Microsystems,scape is a trademark or registered trademark of Netscape Communications Corporation.UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries,exclusively licensed through X/Open Company,rmation subject to change without notice.。



调试环境:主机型号:V440(主)+F280R(备)+SE3510 FC软件版本:Solaris 8.0 (7/03),RoseHA5.05,Oracle8.1.6V440:hostname:V440IP: (ce0)公网地址:ce0:私网地址:ce1: (心跳1)ce2: (心跳2)F280R:hostname:f280IP:公网地址:qfe0:私网地址:qfe1: (心跳1)qfe2: (心跳2)1. 安装前的准备工作a)确定主机、磁盘阵列的型号。









2.安装调试SE3510 FC阵列a)先通过串口线与SE3510 FC阵列连接,将其做成RIAD5+HotSpare(具体过程略,请参考SE3510安装操作手册,下载地址:/products-n-solutions/hardware/docs/Network_Storage_Solutions/Workgroup/3510/in dex.html),将光纤线连接好后,先给阵列加电,再给主机加电。

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Solaris8操作系统安装说明:安装Solaris8前请确认:(1) 确认服务器的光驱可用。

(2) 确定工作站主机名(hostname):工作站的主机名是一个字符串,例如:ZZNODE-TEST等,这个名字在安装过程中要用到。

(3) 获得工作站的IP地址和子网掩码:确认服务器所在网段是否属于一个子网,并获得当前服务器的IP地址和子网掩码。



1. 打开Sun工作站电源开关,把Solaris 8安装光盘Software 1 of 2放进光驱内,出现开机画面时,按下<Stop+A>组合键(即按住<Stop>键的同时再按<A>键,<Stop>键位于Sun键盘的左上方),出现“OK”提示符后,输入“boot cdrom”并回车,系统将从光驱启动进行Solaris8操作系统的安装。

2. 首先出现安装程序的语言选项:Select a Language0. English1. French2. German3. Italian4. Japanese5. Korean6. Simplified Chinese7. Spanish8. Swedish9. Traditional ChinesePlease make a choice (0-9) , or press h or ? for help:选择 6 Simplified Chinese。

3. 然后出现Select a Locale的选项:Select a Locale0. Simplified Chinese EUC1. Simplified Chinese GBK2. Simplified Chinese UTF-83. Go Back to Previous ScreenPlease make a choice (0-3) , or press h or ? for help:选择0 Simplified Chinese EUC。

4.出现“Solaris安装控制台”对话框,提示“The system is coming up. Please wait.”出现“Solaris安装程序”对话框,提示“Solaris安装程序被化为一系列小段,各段都将提示您提供有关的安装信息。


5. 出现“识别此系统”提示,单击<继续>按钮。









6. 出现“配置安全性策略”对话框,对“配置 Kerberos安全性”选项选择“否”,单击<继续>按钮。


7. 出现“名称服务”对话框,对“命名服务”选项选择“None”,单击<继续>按钮。


8. 出现“时区”对话框,对“指定时区由“选项选择“地理区域”,单击<设置…>按钮。





9. 出现“Solaris交互式安装程序”对话框。



10. 出现“选择地理区域”对话框,亚洲应为部分选择状态(黑色三角形),单击<继续>按钮。

11. 出现“选择软件”对话框,对“软件组”选项选择“完整的OEM制造支持及配销”,并选择下面的“通过选择来包括solaris64位支持”(按钮点黑即可)。


12. 出现“选择磁盘”对话框,如果“可用的磁盘”中有两块硬盘注意把第二块添加到“已选的磁盘”中(点击“>”),单击<继续>按钮。





这里仅SUN FIRE 280R(2X72G,4G MEM)最常见的硬盘配置为例,安装Oracle 和Sybase数据库。

磁盘分区文件系统容量大小说明c0t0d0 c0t0d0s0 / 22000 根分区尽量的大些c0t0d0s1 swap 8000 交换区的大小约等于内存的两倍c0t0d0s2 Overlap 69994 每个硬盘的第二个分区代表整个硬盘c0t0d0s3 /opt 40000 应用软件一般都安装在/opt目录下,所以/opt,目录也应该尽量大些c0t1d0 c0t1d0s1 /export/home 69994 安装oracle,sybase数据库返回“文件系统和磁盘格式”对话框,检查分区是否符合要求,如果分区正确单击<继续>按钮,否则单击“用户化…”重新分区。

13. 出现“装配远程分布文件系统吗?”对话框,单击<继续>按钮。

14. 出现“简要表”,检查无误后单击<开始安装>按钮。



此过程需要较长时间(SUN FIRE 280R 服务器约需30分钟),请耐心等待。

15. 系统自动重启,提示设置超级用户(root)的口令:Root password:输入两次密码。


16. 出现“指定媒体”对话框,对“媒体”选项选择“CD”,单击<下一步>按钮。

光驱自动弹出,并出现“插入CD”对话框,提示“请插入Solaris 8(SPARC)Software 2。

”把Solaris 8安装光盘Software 2 of 2放进光驱内,单击<确定>按钮。

开始安装第二张光盘内容(SUN FIRE 280R 服务器约需20分钟)。


17. 光驱自动弹出,并出现“指定媒体”对话框,对“媒体”选项选择“CD”,单击<下一步>按钮。

(如果不希望安装Solaris8语言盘单击<跳过>按钮)出现“插入CD”对话框,提示“请插入Solaris 8Languages (SPARC Platform Edition)。

”把Solaris 8安装光盘Software Language 放进光驱内,单击<确定>按钮。

出现“安装程序:Solaris8 Languages CD”对话框。



开始安装Solaris8 Languages光盘(SUN FIRE 280R 服务器约需10分钟)。



18. 出现“重新引导”对话框,单击<重新引导>按钮。



登录后进入CDE桌面环境,Solaris 8操作系统安装完毕。

19. 在安装完操作系统后,还要打上Solaris 8的Recommended补丁。





以root用户登录后,首先把补丁光盘上的补丁文件 (路径:/cdrom/cdrom0/8/复制到/tmp目录下,然后用unzip解压缩: #cd /cdrom/cdrom0/8#cp /tmp#cd /tmp#unzip 8_reco~1.zip解压缩后会生成8_Recommended目录,进入该目录后安装补丁:# cd 8_Recommended# ./install_cluster -nosave系统提示:Are you ready to continue with install? [y/n]: (输入y)在打补丁过程中,系统可能提示有一些patch failed,但没关系。


具体执行到哪里,执行了多少,可通过查看当前提示信息:例如,Installing 107650-08...再查看patch_order,看该patch排在哪里,说明执行了大概多少。


安装补丁的日志信息可以在以下文件中找到:/var/sadm/install_data/Solaris_8_Recommended_log如果可以访问internet,可以到下载最新的Solaris8 Recommended补丁来进行安装。
