

2024年考研英语二 完型填空

2024年考研英语二 完型填空

2024年考研英语二完型填空**英文部分:**When it comes to the challenging test of 2024考研英语二完型填空, many students feel overwhelmed. This test, which requires candidates to fill in gaps in a passage based on limited information, can be a daunting task. However, with the right approach and strategies, this seemingly daunting task can be conquered.Firstly, it is essential to have a comprehensive understanding of the passage you are going to complete. Ensure that you read the passage carefully before attempting any questions, paying close attention to context clues and word usage.Secondly, develop a logical and orderly approach to answering the questions. Avoid guesswork and instead, use your knowledge of grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure to make informed decisions. It may also be helpful to use a tickler or highlighter to keep track of information that is relevant to answering the questions.Finally, practice makes perfect. Regularly engaging in practice exercises will help you develop a solid foundation of knowledgeand skills. Online resources such as sample tests and question banks are a great starting point for gaining valuable experience. **中文部分:**面对2024年考研英语二完型填空这一富有挑战性的测试,许多学生感到不知所措。


Early retirement may seem like a worthy individual goal,but it is a socially__3__one,and makes the present public pension system difficult to sustain for long. The__4__reason is that more people are retiring early and living longer. That means more retirees depending on the__5__of those in work for their income. The__6__is worrying. In the next 50 years,low fertility rates and__7__life expectancy in OECD countries will cause this old-age dependency rate to roughly double__8__size. Public pension payments,which afford 30-80% of total retirement incomes in OECD countries,are__9__to rise,on average,by over three percentage points in GDP and by as much as eight percentage points in some countries.__10__is the pressure on pension funds that there is a danger of today‘s workers not getting the pensions they expected or felt they__11__for.









红花词有while,however,subject,on,whereas,because等;绿叶词有about,only if,if only,in that等。







例如2016年真题:A young man can 2 a likely spouse on his own and then ask his parents to 3 the marriage negotiations,2. [A] decide on [B] provide for [C] compete with [D] adapt to 3. [A] close [B] arrange [C] renew [D] postpone这里缺少的是两个作谓语的动词,我们只要找出它们的主语和宾语,让主谓宾一致就可以。







表示转折关系的篇章副词或是具有篇章副词功能的介词短语:however, yet, nevertheless, on the contrary, by contrast, on the other hand, though, instead, rather等。

表示因果关系的篇章副词或是具有篇章副词功能的介词短语:consequently, therefore, thus, hence, accordingly, as a result, as a consequence等。

表示并列关系的篇章副词或是具有篇章副词功能的介词短语:besides, in addition, moreover, furthermore, what’s more, too等。

表示举例关系的篇章副词或是具有篇章副词功能的介词短语:for instance, for example, a case in point, take…as example等。

表示解释关系的篇章副词或是具有篇章副词功能的介词短语:in other words, that is to say, put it another way等。

表示总结关系的篇章副词或是具有篇章副词功能的介词短语:in one word, in brief, all in all等。




考研英语完型填空解题技巧推荐文章英语完型填空的解题技巧 热度: 七年级英语完形填空解题技巧 热度: 中考英语完形填空解题技巧 热度: 职称英语完形填空解题技巧 热度: 考研英语完型填空解题方法 热度:完形填空是考研英语中的一道大题,知道该怎么解答它,我们就能够拿到更多的分。

下面是店铺给大家整理的考研英语完型填空解题技巧,供大家参阅!考研英语完型填空解题技巧目标:6分到7分. 完型4分技巧: 和英语水平无关。

红花绿叶原则,1. 红花词汇(必选的单词) however although yet because2. 绿叶词汇(必不选的单词)① since(家族都不选) even since ,now that,what.② 涉及虚拟语气的词汇(表示与现实相反或不相符的情况) if o nly 但愿. 与过去相反,从句过去完成 与现在相反,一般过去时 与将来情况相反 would/could+v 所以用if only 最少是过去时.一般在文中很少选择,in否则要不然)case(唯恐,万一以免),lest,or else.(③ 表示关于的词 as to,with regard to,about,with︱in reference to,3. 2-5道红花绿叶词汇.概率原则:1. 每篇完形填空中,A,B,C,D作为正确选项的个数在4-6之间。

2. A选项出现的次数最多,蒙一水的A。

3. 没有连续三个答案都一样的情况。

连续两个答案都连在一起的答案0-3.相邻答案都不一样的概率17-20.4. 五组答案中至少要出现3个字母作为正确选项,每组接缝处没有连续两个答案是一样的情况。

5. 阅读理解也有此规律。

,我拼搏我自信,大学毕业生的精神家园!4-7分技巧:同义原则:1. 四个选项中两个或三个实词(名、动、形、副)互为同义时,答案往往在其中。

2. 四个选项中当两个或三个虚词互为同义词是往往都不选,介词,连词,感叹词。

3. 当四个选项有一个共同的意思时,该意思往往不能被选。



考研英语完形填空的技巧方法考研英语完形填空的技巧方法考研英语完形填空的技巧都有哪些?考研英语完形填空要怎么做才能拿高分呢?下面就让我给大家带来考研英语完形填空的技巧,盼望大家喜爱!考研英语完形填空的技巧一、答案分布规律1. ABCD的个数在4-6个之间;2. A、D作为正确选项的个数最多;3. 从未消失连续3个答案一样的状况,连续2个答案都一样的状况为0-3个;4. 在5个一组的答案中,至少消失3个字母作为正确答案。




1. 必需词:特殊简单设置成正确选项的词,但并不是逢见必选。

However、while、although 、but 、because(of)前四个为对立关系2. 陪考词:依据考研英语要求特征,不设置答案的干扰词,见到基本不选。

(1)缘由、时间范畴Since 、ever since 、now(that)既然、until(2)表“关于”的词About 、as to=as for 、with regard to至于、关于、with/in reference to关于(3)虚拟语气系列词条件句中的虚拟(对现在、将来、过去事实的虚拟);表“建议、命令、恳求”等全部相关从句suggest、recommend 、propose建议、准备、require表“以免、以防、万一”等全部相关从句lest、in case that、for fear that、or else(4)不设考点的词which 、what 、that 、as三、词的认知1. 同义词原则当4个选项中有一个共同意义时,该意义往往不能选,要看选项的特别意义;在4个选项中,有两个实词(名、形容词、动词、副词)互为同义词时,答案往往在其中。

















a.看主语是人还是物.主语必须是人的动词:believe,doubt,intend,require,respect,regard, be impressed by,notice,present.主语必须是物的:manifest2.主谓一致原则 (考的比较少了)Too often, careless use of words 43 a meeting of the minds of the speaker and listener.43.[A] encourages [B] prevents [C] destroy [D] offersA.鼓励 D.提供,求婚.单数3.看宾语,注意动宾搭配一致。



考研英语完型填空练习题及答案完型填空练习题Text6Why, you may wonder, should spiders be our friends? Because they destroy so many insects, and insects 1 some of the greatest enemies of the human race. Insects would make 2 impossible for us to live in the world. They would devour (eat up quickly) all our crops and kill our flocks and herds, were it not 3 the protection we get from insect-eating animals. We 4 a lot to the birds and beasts who eat insects but all of them 5 together kill only a fraction of the 6 destroyed by spiders. 7 , unlike some of the insect eaters, spiders never do the least 8 to us or our belongings.Spiders are not insects, 9 many people think, 10 even nearly related to them. One can tell the 11 almost at a glance, 12 a spider always has eight legs but an insect never more than six.How many spiders are 13 in this work on our 14 ? One authority 15 spiders made a 16 of the spiders in a grass field in the south of England, and he estimated that there were more than 2 250 000 in one acre; that is 17 like 6000 000 spiders of different kinds on a football field. Spiders are busy for at least half the year in killing insects. It is 18 to make more than the 19 guess at how many they kill, but they are hungry creature, not 20 with only three meals a day.1. A. include B. involve C. consist D. cover2. A. this B. that C. it D. them3. A. with B. for C. of D. on4. A. devote B. dedicate C. owe D. contribute5. A. gotten B. put C. linked D. associated6. A. number B. amount C. plenty D. proportion7. A. Consequently B. Moreover C. Conversely D. However8. A. damage B. ruin C. good D. harm9. A. as B. which C. because D. though10. A. so B. either C. nor D. none11. A. likeness B. difference C. similarity D. appearance12. A. if B. although C. for D. when13. A. participated B. joined C. enclosed D. involved14. A. honor B. sake C. side D. behalf15. A. on B. in C. about D. with16. A. census B. consensus C. conscience D. consciousness17. A. nothing B. something C. anything D. everything18. A. likely B. useless C. impossible D. probable19. A. broadest B. widest C. bravest D. wildest20. A. concerned B. identified C. patient D. contentText7Cheques have largely replaced money as a mean s of exchange, for they are widely accepted everywhere . Though this isvery 1 for both buyer and seller, it should not be forgotten that cheuqes are not real money: they are quite 2 in themselves. A shop-keeper always runs a certain 3 when he accepts a cheque and he is quite 4 his rights if, 5 ,he refuses to do so. People do not always know this and are shocked if their good faith is called 6 . An old and very wealthfriend of mine told me he had an extremely unpleasant 7 . He went to a famous jewellery shop which keeps a large 8 of precious stones and asked to be shown some pearl necklaces. After examining several trays, he 9 to buy a particularly fine string of pearls and asked if he could pay 10 cheque. The assistant said that this was quite 11 , but the moment my friend signed his name, he was invited into the manager?s office.The manager was very polite, but he explained that someone with 12 the same name had presented them with a 13 cheque not long age. He told my friend that the police would arrive 14 any moment and he had better stay 15 he wanted to get into serious trouble. 16 , the police arrived soon afterwards They apologized to my friend for the 17 and asked him to 18 a note which had been used by the thief in a number of shop .The note 19 :“I have a gun in my pocket. Ask no questions and give me all the money in the safe.”20 , my friend?s handwriting was quite unlike the thief?s.1. A. complicated B. trivial C. bearable D. convenient2. A. valueless B. invaluable C. valuable D. indefinite3. A. danger B. change C. risk D. opportunity4. A. within B. beyond C. without D. out of5. A. in general B. at the least C. on occasion D. in short6. A. in difficulty B. in doubt C. in earnest D. in question7. A. accident B. experience C. event D. incident8. A. amount B. stock C. number D. store9. A. considered B. thought C. conceived D. decided10. A. by B. in C. with D. through11. A. in order B. in need C. in use D. in common12. A. largely B. mostly C. exactly D. extremely13. A. worth B. worthy C. worthwhile D. worthless14. A. for B. at C. until D. during15. A. whether B. if C. otherwise D. unless16. A. Really B. Sure enough C. Certainly D. However17. A. treatment B. manner C. inconvenience D. behavior18. A. write off B. write out C. copy out D. make out19. A. read B. told C. wrote D. informed20. A. Especially B. Fortunately C. Naturally D. BasicallyText 8In October 2002, Goldman Sachs and Deutsche Bank 1 a new electronic market for economic indices that 2 substantial economic risks, such as nonfarm payroll (a measure of job availability) and retail sales. This new market was made possible by a 3 rating technology, developed by Longitude, a New York company providing software for financial markets, 4 the Parimutuel Digital Call Auction. This is “digital” 5 of a digital option: i.e., it pays out only if an underlying index lies in a narrow, discrete range. In effect, Longitude has created a horse race, where each “horse” wins if and 6 the specified index falls in a specified range. By creating horses for every possibl 7 of the index, and allowing people to bet 8 any number ofrunners, the company has produced a liquid integrated electronic market for a wide array options on economic indices.Ten years ago it was 9 impossible to make use of electronic information about home values. Now, mortgage lenders have online automated valuation models that allow them to estimate values and to 10 the risk in theirportfolios. This has led to a proliferation of types of home loan, some of 11 have improved risk-management characteristics. We are also beginning to see new kinds of 12 for homes, which will make it possible to protect the value of 13 , for most people, is the single most important 14 of their wealth. The Yale University-Neighbourhood Reinvestment Corporation programme, 15 last year in the city of Syracuse, in New York state, may be a model for home-equity insurance policies that 16 sophisticated economic indices of house prices to define the 17 of the policy. Electronic futures markets that are based on econometric indices of house prices by city, already begun by City Index and IG Index in Britain and now 18 developed in the United States, will enable home-equity insurers to hedge the risks that they acquire by writing these policies.These examples are not impressive successes yet. But they 19 as early precursors of a technology that should one day help us to deal with the massive risks of inequality that 20 will beset us in coming years.1. A. created B. generated C. initiated D. originated2. A. reproduce B. restore C. represent D. resume3. A. sophisticated B. expensive C. available D. established4. A. made B. called C. asked D. read5. A. in the course B. in the event C. in the light D. in the sense6. A. when B. until C. now that D. only if7. A. extent B. range C. line D. area8. A. for B. in C. on D. up9. A. virtually B. admittedly C. absolutely D. originally10. A. assume B. assess C. dismiss D. erase11. A. them B. which C. that D. whom12. A. management B. insurance C. security D. technology13. A. what B. those C. where D. it14. A. guarantee B. protection C. component D. source15. A. secured B. sponsored C. released D. launched16. A. look to B. set up C. lay down D. rely on17. A. terms B. specifications C. concepts D. consequences18. A. is B. being C. been D. are19. A. emerge B appear C. stand D. arise20. A. somehow B. anyway C. otherwise D. therebyText 9Globalization w ill have a powerful effect on the future of dining. Recipes and meals from the world?s kitchens will be 1 anywhere and anytime. Globalization is the master2that will drive the world of food. Formerly remote 3 and cooking styles are creating a whole new culinary mosaic as they are4and reinterpreted all over the world.For the globe-trotting businessman, food savvy will be an important5of career mastery. Being successful in South America orthe Far East means having insight6another culture, and local7will become an important component of that. People will need8of food and ingredients from different continents and cultures as one aspect of9, cultural exchange, and success. 10, culinary globalism will not be limited to physical travel. Chefs will learn about 11 ingredients, recipes, and techniques without ever leaving their kitchens. Soul food will continue to appeal, even as diners grow more12. Look for collard greens and fried chicken on the menus of upscale restaurants. Fast-casual restaurants--trendy eateries that combine speed and quality--should keep growing in 13 . Ethnic cuisines will14 globally and combine: Look for chifa, a mixture of Japanese and Spanish foods,15 its native Peru. Uzbek dishes, meanwhile, combine Persian, Russian, and Chinese16at bistros in New York and Chicago.Pizza on a griddle? New York chef Mario Batali is among those 17pizza, making it thinner, healthier, and more 18. One size does not fit all: look for designer delis, 19 you can choose from a wide variety of main and 20 dishes to take home and heat up yourself.1 [A]suitable [B]reliable [C]identifiable [D]available2 [A] trend [B] fashion [C] tendency [D] style3 [A] components [B] foods [C] ingredients [D] stuffs4 [A] transported [B] transplanted [C] transferred [D] translated5 [A] part [B] role [C] portion [D] side6 [A] in [B] into [C] to [D] by7 [A] tastes [B] flavors [C] dishes [D] courses8 [A] information [B] knowledge [C] insight [D] experience9 [A] socialization [B] realization [C]standardization [D] localization10 [A] However [B] Somehow [C] Moreover [D] Anyway11 [A] strange [B] new [C] exotic [D] remote12 [A] health-conscious [B] price-conscious [C] taste-conscious [D] diversity-conscious13 [A] population [B] popularity [C] quantity [D] prosperity14 [A] expand [B] extend [C] export [D] exclude15 [A] from [B] by [C] over [D] beyond16 [A] flavors [B] flowers [C] flours [D] flames17 [A] recreating [B] rethinking [C] representing [D] replacing18 [A] portable [B] attractive [C] edible [D] popular19 [A] when [B] why [C] where [D] which20 [A] small [B] side [C] minor [D] secondaryText 10Things in the henhouse changed practically overnight when McDonald?s announced in 1999 that it would no longe r buy eggs from producers who didn?t meet its guidelines for care of chickens. Those guidelines included limiting the 1 of birds that could be kept in one 2 and prohibiting beak removal, 3 trimming just the tips.Once McDonald?s had4the way in issuing animal care guidelines for the company?s suppliers, many other giants of the fast-food industry rapidly followed 5, including Burger King, Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, Wendy?s, A and W and KFC. Now, the American Meat Institute has 6 welfare guidelines and audit 7 for cattle, pigs, and chickens. And the European Union,representing our foreign customers, is also 8 in with, among other things, legislation banning. 9 use of crates to house pregnant sows, 10 in 2013.Questions about animal care 11 with the explosive growth in large-scale livestock farms, 12 spurred customers to complain about animals being treated as “factory parts”. That spurred ARS and the livestock industry to take a proactive approach to addressing animal13issues, making sure that guidelines are based on facts 14 through scientific research. The goal is to share research findings with the retail food industry and others so that the livestock industry can improve its 15 guidelines. Ten years ago, to 16 these concerns, ARS started a research program on livestock behavior and stress. Thescientists involved were tasked with finding out whether modern farming practices were 17 stressing animals. And if so, could scientific methods be developed to measure this stress so that 18 could be evaluated objectively rather than subjectively?A decade later, the 19 answer is “yes” to both questions, Many had expected the answer to be “no” on both counts, but science works independently 20 people?s o pinions.1. A. amount B. number C. figure D. sum2. A. cage B. cave C. case D. cart3. A. but for B. except for C. aside from D. away from4. A. paved B. changed C. led D. opened5. A. suit B. step C. set D. super6. A. adapted B. adopted C. approved D. accepted7. A. booklets B. pamphlets C. brochures D. checklists8. A. measuring B. weighing C. considering D. thinking9. A. prolonged B. proceeded C. programmed D. progressed10. A. efficient B. effective C. effusive D. elective11. A. raised B. rose C. arose D. pose12. A. who B. what C. which D. how13. A. health B. life C. wealth D welfare14. A. decided B. determined C. proved D. tested15. A. voluntary B. revolutionary C. preliminary D. necessary16. A. express B. address C. suppress D. compress17. A. unduly B. unequally C. unfortunately D. unfavorably18. A. performances B. programs C. problems D. practices19. A. sequential B. initial C. essential D. financial20. A. of B. on C. by D. withText 11You probably know that it?s better for both you and the environment if you buy an organic tomato instead of one that?s been doused in pesticides, but there are lots of other things to consider before venturing down the aisle of your local supermarket (or farmer?s market).The explosion in1produce and other foods during the last few years has been an extremely2 development in the foodindustry. However,3still exists about exactly what the organic4means. Do you know the difference between a cereal that?s “organic,” “100% organic,” and“made with organic5?” The USDA has clearly defined standards that6which of those labels can legally go on your raisin bran. You can learn more about them at/doc/2ed70a9f58f5f61fb7366690.html .Organic foods are great, but the jury is still very much out7another new development in the food world:genetically8organisms (GMOs). No one knows for certain the short and9effects of these products of geneengineering,l0there?s a chance they could lead to the11creation of “superweeds” or12with natural plant stocks, for more information on GMOs, we recommend visiting /doc/2ed70a9f58f5f61fb7366690.html .13you?re shopping, don?t forget to consider the companies behind the14names. One cereal company might be an environmental champion,15the other manufactures its corn flakes via l6environmental practices. An easy way to compare two companies is to use17such as www. Responsible /doc/2ed70a9f58f5f61fb7366690.html . They present both the good and bad sides of every company they18, and they grade hundreds of companies on social, ethical and environmental issues.Remember:19conscious shopping is a powerful tool for effecting change. You can make a difference every time you fill your 20cart.1. A. green B. organic C. healthy D. optional2. A. positive B. negative C. active D. passive3. A. controversy B. contribution C. conversion D. confusion4. A. label B. mark C. word D. food5. A. components B. genes C. ingredients D. compositions6. A. determine B. illustrate C. recommend D. demonstrate7. A. in B. to C. for D. on8. A. moved B. modified C. modeled D. motivated9. A. long-run B. long-term C. long-day D. long-distance10. A.while B. and C. but D. or11.A. unconditional B. unexceptional C. unintentional D. uncontroversial12. A. interfere B. intervene C. interact D. intrude13. A. Any time B. Anytime C. Some time D. Sometime14. A. brand B. code C. product D. family15. A. when B. while C. as D. because16. A. constructive B. destructive C. instructive D. obstructive17. A. sights B. addresses C. sites D. webs18. A. profit B. profile C. propose D. protect19. A. socially B. conditionally C. morally D. environmentally20. A. nursery B. grocery C. bakery D. stationeryText12Responsibilities. We all have them; most of us have more than we?d like. That doesn?t change the reality that, sooner or later, we all have to1up to them. But perhaps it does explain our2to add to the ever-growing list. There?s already so much to do in a day, why tack on an3burden?Unfortunately, it?s this kind of defeatist mentality4keeps people from enhancing their lives through proper 5and exercise. Here is the s alient point, though: The health and fitness benefits you?ll derive from6the necessary work are worth whatever sacrifices you must make7the way. I can?t count how many times I?ve heard the same8. Each time, I always give the same response: Yes, I say, working out is work. So is taking the9to eat right.10yourself on the couch or having drinks with friends after work is a lot easier than exercising, and hitting the McDonald?s drive-thru takes a lot less time than cooking a11at home. But channel surfing, margaritas and a Quarter Pounder With Cheese aren?t going to produce some of the things worth having--a low cholesterol level or the12to go shirtless on the beach. Those benefits demand a13effort. I'm not saying you should eschew the14night on the town or gourmet meal at a five-star restaurant. Both have their15and are components of a well-rounded life. I?ve enjoyed my16of revelry and fine17and look forward to those special opportunities to experience more of the good life. But I?ve mana ged to find a balance between those18.pleasures and a permanent19to a regular workout anda healthy diet. Because,20, it is the latter that will have a lasting improvement on the overall quality of my life.1. A. come B. catch C. confront D. face2. A. resistance B. reluctance C. persistence D. existence3. A. exact B. external C. extra D. extensive4. A. that B. which C. what D. who5. A. food B. nutrition C. diet D. recreation6. A. setting in B. putting in C. getting in D. cutting in7. A. along B. by C. on D. in8. A. reasons B. questions C. doubts D. excuses9. A. chance B. effort C. time D. interest10. A. Throwing B. Planting C. Sitting D. Placing11. A. dish B. dinner C. meal D. hamburger12. A. pride B. confidence C. enthusiasm D. inspiration13. A. long-time B. long-range C. long-term D. long-distance14. A. additional B. emotional C. occasional D. sensational15. A. place B. position C. location D. attraction16. A. share B. part C. portion D. section17. A. meal B. diet C. dining D. eating18. A. short-date B. short-lived C. short-legged D. short-tempered19. A. coherence B. experience C. adherence D. remembrance20. A. in a word B. in the end C. in the future D. in a nutshellText13A potful of evidence suggests that the antioxidants and polyphenols in tea help protect you from stroke and heart attack, Alzheimer's disease, arthritis, and cancers of the lung, mouth, breast, pancreas, prostate and skin. The essential oils found in the leaves even aid1by increasing the flow of digestive juices.Now it turns out that tea,2chicken soup or echinacea, is what can give your body an extra3to help it battle infections.Given 20 ounces of tea daily, non-tea drinkers were better able to fight4bacterial diseases, according to a study at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston. The researchers5L-theanine, an6found in black, green, oolong and pekoe teas--but notin7teas, which usually don't contain Camellia sinensis, the one true tea8.When broken down by the liver, L-theanine becomes an antigen called ethylamine,9primes the response of gamma-delta T cells against a10of bacterial, viral, fungal and parasitic11, and possibly tumors. (Ethylamine is also found in other plant-based foods, such as apples, mushrooms and wine.)In the study, blood samples from new tea drinkers were12to E. coli, bacteria13food poisoning and ulcers. The14cells in the tea drinkers produced five times the interferon―an important element of the body's 15system--than they had before teawas16. No change was noted in a17group of coffee drinkers.“I don?tthink there?s a18to [drinking tea],” says co-author Jack F. Bukowski, M.D, of Harvard Medical School. While tea won? t19you or make you immune from illness, “people who do get sick will probably get a milder20,” Bukowski says.1. A. deterioration B. digestion C. destination D. distinction2. A. other than B. rather than C. better than D. more than3. A. kick B. kit C. kite D. kid4. A. off B. against C. with D. for5. A. praise B. acknowledge C. credit D. create6. A. item B. instance C. information D. ingredient7. A. herbal B. credible C. favorable D. fashionable8. A. product B. package C. producer D. plant9. A. which B. that C. who D. where10. A. lot B. number C. variety D. range11. A. diseases B. infections C. illnesses D. deficiencies12. A. exposed B. opposed C. disclosed D. proposed13. A. connected with B. combined with C. referred to D. linked to14. A. immense B. important C. immediate D. immune15. A. defeat B. defense C. decrease D. disease16. A. introduced B. increased C. indulged D. indicated17. A. compare B. control C. contrast D. consent18. A. downside B. upside C. inside D. outside19. A. heal B. treat C. cure D. remedy20. A. illness B. disease C. sickness D. caseText14The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) estimates that, on average, each person in the United States throws out about 328 pounds of edible food each year. Food bought with the best1sits for weeks on end as busy consumers2it in the refrigerator and forget about it. And when it seems time to either eat it or3it, most people4the freshness dates (a.k.a. …use by?, …sell by?, and …best if used by?) printed on the packages.But, these dates don't really.5food safety, nor do they mean6food is always bad. Poultry, seafood, and ground meats such as hamburger, have the shortest7lives. They should be8within two days of9if stored in the refrigerator. They last10six months in the freezer. Steak, beef,11, and other fresh-cut meats last a little longer--three to five days in the refrigerator and six months in the freezer.The date12on milk products is set by the dairy. Most of the dates on dairy products are totally driven by 13--not necessarilyspoilage. In general, milk lasts five to seven days after the14date. Eggs generally have long shelf lives--three to five weeks from the time you take them home. Don't15your eggs just because they're past the expiration date;16one open first. If it still smells and looks good,17.When you cook them, make sure you do so thoroughly. About 18every 10,000 eggs contains salmonella bacteria. Thorough cooking19salmonella. Once cooked, a boiled,20egg will last a week.1. [A] intentions [B] interests [C] explanations [D] purposes2. [A] tick [B] tuck [C] take [D] turn3. [A] test [B] toll [C] tease [D] toss4. [A] decide on [B] rely on [C] comment on [D] press on5. [A] propose [B] prolong C] guarantee [D] guar6. [A] expired [B] exposed [C] exhausted [D] exotic7. [A] fresh [B] expected [C] stored [D] shelf8. [A] contained [B] consumed [C] contaminated [D] continued9. [A] purchase [B] production [C] process [D] provision10. [A] on to [B] next to [C] up to [D] about to11. [A] portion [B] porch [C] port [D] pork12. [A] engraved [B] branded [C] carved [D] stamped13. [A] appearance [B] freshness [C] weight [D] taste14. [A] sell-by [B] sell-after [C] use-on [D] use-after15. [A] throw in [B] throw up [C] throw over [D] throw out16. [A] crash [B] creep [C] crisp [D] crack17. [A] pass away [B] run away [C] fry away [D] go way18. [A] under [B] in [C] on [D] out19. [A] promotes [B] kills [C] grows [D] freezes20. [A] unpeeled [B] unprepared [C] untouched [D] unstrippedText15Managers must become proficient cross-cultural communicators if they wish to succeed in today?s global environment. Culture consists of the values, attitudes, and1in a given group of most of the people most of the time.2communication is communication in a management3to achieve a4result (writing a memo, interviewing an applicant, running a meeting, preparing a presentation). If you are working in a different culture, you may have to reconsider your communication5and evaluate its6.A realistic7in one culture may not be so in another. One way to8what might be realistic is to analyze 9psychologists call the “locus of control.” People in some cultu res10believe in “11control” over destiny--that is, that people can control events themselves. People in other cultures believe in “external control” over destiny--that is, events are12and uncontrollable. What13an appropriate time frame in one culture may not be achievable in another. It all depends on the culture?s14of time. In some cultures, timetables are exact and 15. Examples of such cultures include Germany and Switzerland. Other cultures have more relative and16 attitudes toward time; one may be kept waiting; projects may17more slowly. Examples here are Latin and African countries. An18in Cameroon tells of a meeting scheduled for 9:00a.m. in Yaounde. People began to arrive at 1:00 p.m.19, however, when the last person20at 2:00 p.m., the other Cameroonians admonished him for being later.1. [A] performance [B] achievement [C] behavior [D] progress2. [A] Managerial [B] Manageable [C] Measurable [D] Measuring3. [A] context [B] contest [C] contrast [D] contract4. [A] deserved [B] desired [C] derived [D] distinguished5. [A] relative [B] representative [C] subjective [D] objective6. [A] visibility [B] viability [C] variability [D] validity7. [A] soul [B] goal [C] glory [D] game8. [A] work at [B] get at [C] look at [D] jump at9. [A] how [B] why [C] when [D] what10. [A] tend to [B] intend to [C] extend to [D] contend to11. [A] individual [B] inward [C] internal [D] inner12.[A]unprecedented [B] unexpected [C] preoccupied [D]predetermined13. [A] concerns [B] constructs [C] constitutes [D] consists14. [A] concept [B] conclusion [C] context [D] contribution15. [A] present [B] precise [C] precious [D] perilous16. [A] relaxed [B] reduced [C] related [D] released17. [A] melt [B] multiply [C] move [D] mount18. [A] executor [B] executive [C] officer [D] official19. [A] Surprisingly [B] Surprisedly [C] Accordingly [D] Similarly20. [A] showed off [B] showed up [C] showed around [D]showed throughText16An estimated 11,300 laptop computers, 31,400 handheld computers and 200,000 mobile telephones have been left in taxis around the world during the last six months, according to a survey. Taxi drivers in nine cities also said they had found a1of other items2by passengers, including a harp, 37 milk bottles, dentures and3limbs. One driver said he4found a baby in his taxi.The survey of some 1,000 taxi drivers said that passengers had lost three times more5computers in the second 6of 2004 than in 2001,7the research by security software company Pointsec was first8. Most of the items were9to their owners, cab drivers said. Four out of five mobile phones and 19 out of every 20 computers found their10back, they said. Londoners appear more11than others with their laptops,12 Danes are most likely to forget their mobile phones, the survey found. In Chicago in the United States, passengers often13handheld computers on the back14. The survey's15were extrapolated to reflect the16 number of taxis in each city. One customer, who later.17to be the girlfriend of actor Hugh Grant, left her iPod music player, mobile phone and18When the lady taxi driver was asked to19the items to Grant, she received an20as a thank-you.1. [A] range [B] rank [C] region [D] return2. [A] claimed [B] found [C] left [D] declared3. [A] arbitrary [B] apparent [C] artificial [D] assistant4. [A] even [B] still [C] however [D] somehow5. [A] handmade [B] handheld [C] handcrafted [D] handbound。



考研英语完形填空考点梳理1、 主语从句主语从句在复合句中充当主语,为了避免头重脚轻的情况,平衡句子结构,一般用it作形式主语代替处于从句,把主语从句置于句尾。


例如:It did not matter what was done in the experiment。

(2010)it 作形式主语,关系代词what引导的从句是句子真正的主语。


2、 宾语从句宾语从句在复合句中充当宾语,可以作动词的宾语、介词的宾语。

也可以用于动词+it+that 结构,由it 作形式宾语。

例如:That kind of activity makes it less likely that the court’s decisions will be accepted as impartial judgments. (2012) 在这句话中,it作形式宾语,而真正的宾语是that 引导的宾语从句。



3、 表语从句标语从句放在系动词后,充当复合句中的表语,一般结构是主语+连系动词+表语从句。


可以接表语从句的.连系动词有be, look,remain等。

另外,常用的结构还有the reason…that(不用because)和it is because…例如:Part of the problem is that the justices are not bound by an ethics code. (2012)这句话中,that从句作连系动词is的表语,说明“问题是什么”。


4、 同位语从句同位语从句在完型填空中出现的次数很多,广大考生要引起注意。




考研英语试题真题及答案一、阅读理解(共40分)1. 根据所给文章,选择最佳答案。

A. 选项AB. 选项BC. 选项CD. 选项D【答案】C2. 根据文章内容,判断以下陈述的正确与否。

A. 陈述1:True/FalseB. 陈述2:True/FalseC. 陈述3:True/FalseD. 陈述4:True/False【答案】A. True B. False C. True D. False二、完形填空(共20分)阅读下面短文,从所给的选项中选出最佳选项填入空白处。

[示例]In the first place, we should consider the ___ of the problem.A. scopeB. scaleC. aspectD. nature【答案】D三、翻译(共20分)将下列句子从英语翻译成中文。

1. The rapid development of technology has brought about significant changes in our daily lives.2. It is essential to maintain a balance between work and leisure.【答案】1. 技术的快速发展给我们的日常生活带来了显著的变化。

2. 保持工作与休闲之间的平衡至关重要。


【题目】"The influence of social media on modern society."【范文】Social media has become an integral part of modern society, influencing various aspects of our lives. It has revolutionized the way we communicate, access information, and interact with each other. However, it also brings about certain challenges, such as privacy concerns and the spread of misinformation. It is crucial for individuals to use social media responsibly and critically assess the information they encounter.【答案】略(考生需根据题目要求自行撰写)注意:以上内容仅为示例,实际试题及答案应根据具体考试内容进行编写。



硕士研究生考研英语完型填空题及答案(2024) 2024年考研英语完型填空试题和答案A recent parliamentary report blames the government and the food industry for the growth in obesity. The Department of Transport is blamed for not doing enough to__1__facilities for pedestrians and cyclists while__2__ to pressure from motoring organizations representing car users. The Ministry of Education is__3__of selling off school playing fields and not doing enough to__4__adequate facilities for physical education and games. Young people in Britain have bee crazy about football(soccer and rugby),but too often as__5__“couch potatoes”。

The food industry is blamed for promoting junk food to school children and not doing enough to__6__down on sugar,fats and salt in prepared foods. The industry,__7__by the current popularity of the Atkins low-carbohydrate diet,has begun to __8__,but it is trying to protect a huge market and will need to do__9__more if it is to__10__off increased regulation.Japan seems less__11__so far by the problem of obesity,__12__ as the Japanese diet bees increasingly__13__(burgers and doughnuts)the problem will grow. __14__,Japanese cuisine has bee highly popular in Britain. It is seen as healthy in a different wayfrom the Mediterranean diet__15__its emphasis on tomatoes and olive oil bined with red wine.A fairly small amount of red wine is now__16__as beneficial to the heart,__17__its other encouraging properties. But Britain has to do more to__18__the problems of alcoholism__19__with the binge-drinking culture—including violence and vandalism. Limited consumption of alcohol,as long as it is not__20__with driving,is harmless and possibly beneficial.1. [A] stimulate [B] mend [C] promote [D] elevate2. [A] submitting [B] subjecting [C] subordinating [D] surrendering3. [A] charged [B] denounced [C] scolded [D] accused4. [A] assure [B] ensure [C] secure [D] guard5. [A] speculating [B] spectating [C] specializing [D] sightseeing6. [A] fall [B] get [C] cut [D] bring7. [A] stung [B] bitten [C] chewed [D] licked8. [A] retort [B] refute [C] respond [D] resolve9. [A] abundantly [B] considerably [C] extensively [D] principally10. [A] defend [B] beat [C] hold [D] ward11. [A] upset [B] affected [C] effected [D] impressed12. [A] or [B] for [C] but [D] if13. [A] popularized [B] globalized [C] westernized [D] localized14. [A] Accordingly[B] Interestingly [C] Surprisingly [D] Strikingly15. [A] as [B] on [C] but [D] with16. [A] accepted [B] approved [C] assumed [D] acknowledged17. [A] but for [B] let alone [C] regardless of [D] much less18. [A] cope [B] challenge [C] tackle [D] undertake19. [A] matched [B] related [C] united [D] associated20. [A] bonded [B] bined [C] merged [D] incorporated答案1.C2.A3.D4.B5.B6.C7.A8.C9.B 10.D11.B 12.C 13.C 14.B 15.D 16.A 17. B 18.C 19.D 20.B2024年考研英语完型填空全文对照法解题在做完试题之后一定要将全文快速诵读一遍,这花不了多长的时间,因为我们前面已经将它仔细地看了一遍。







1. 核心词组固定搭配在完型填空的考试中,核心词组的固定搭配是非常关键的。

以下是一些常见的核心词组固定搭配:1.对…产生影响/影响…的…:have an impact on, exert an influence on,affect, influence,这些搭配经常出现在完型填空中,请大家注意掌握。

2.达到一定的标准/要求:meet the standard/requirement, fulfill thestandard/requirement,这些搭配在考试中常作为答案出现。

3.促进/阻碍:promote, facilitate, hinder, impede, constrain,这些词汇在英语中表达事物发展和变化的状态,也常用于完型填空中。

4.好处/坏处:advantage, benefit, drawback, disadvantage,这些词汇在考试中常出现,要注意它们的用法和区别。

2. 时间、空间和数量固定搭配时间、空间和数量的固定搭配同样也是完型填空重要的考点。

以下是一些常见的时间、空间和数量固定搭配:1.时间:in time, on time, at the same time,这些词汇常用于时间相关的空间,例如月份、日子和年份。

2.空间:in a row, in a line, in a row of,这些词汇常用于描述物理空间的距离和位置。

3.数量:a large number of, a great deal of, quite a few,这些词汇在考试中常被用来填空。

3. 常见动词固定搭配以下是一些常见的动词固定搭配:1.需要:be in need of, require, need,这些词汇英语表达。



考研英语完型填空讲义(一)四分原则1、利用“红花绿叶“原则:红花词(必选的词):however、although、yet、because做好的方法是:先选择再检查绿叶词(必不选的词):since、ever since从那时到现在、now that、what;虚拟语气系列词:in case万一、lest、if only(=I wish)、or else;与“关于”意义有关的词:about、as to、with regard to、with/in reference to2、答案分布的规律:⑴、每篇完形填空中A、B、C、D作为正确选项的个数各在4—6个之间;⑵、A作为正确选项的个数最多;⑶、没有连续三个答案都一样的情况(查检),连续两个答案都一样的情况为0—3个;相邻答案彼此都不一样的概率为17-20(即相邻答案几乎不一样).⑷、在五个一组的答案中,最少要出现三个字母作为正确的选项,在每组接缝处没有连续两个答案都一样的情况;Eg.P48 2002年 21、29、31、35P52 2004年22、25、40、P56 2006年 7、18(so跟thus同意,选Cas)P60 大纲样题4、83、完形填空文章特点:⑴、文章字数:240—280之间;⑵、首段首句不出题,是主旨句(2001年除外),除首句外基本每句话都要出题;⑶、总分结构进行到底;⑷、每篇文章都有明确的主题和作者态度;⑸、逻辑关系非常明确:※五大逻辑关系:(按照考核频度排序)①对立关系(包括:转折、让步及其他);②因果关系;③并列关系;④总分关系⑤递进关系。








1. 如何用“同现”的方法来解完型填空题同现是一种词汇的衔接手段。




例如:1995年考研完型试题的43题“Sleep is divided into periods of so-called REM sleep, characterized by rapid eye movements and dreaming, and longer periods of non-REM sleep. (41 Neither kind of sleep is at all well-understood, but REM sleep is 42 to serve some restorative function of the brain. The purpose of non-REM sleep is even more43 .”[A] subtle [B]obvious [C]mysterious [D]doubtful答案:[C] mysterious分析:此篇文章有非常明确的中心主线。

文章首句-Sleep is divided into periods of so-called REM sleep, characterized by rapid eye movements and dreaming, and longer periods of non-REM sleep.(睡眠分为两种:REM sleep和非REM sleep),探讨两种睡眠就是本文的主题。




In recent years, the number of international students in the United States has been steadily increasing. Despite the high cost of tuition, these students are attracted by the qualityof education and the opportunities for personal development that American universities offer.One of the key factors that influence students' choice of university is the reputation of the institution. A university with a strong reputation is more likely to 1 the beststudents and faculty. This, in turn, contributes to the university's overall academic excellence.The United States is also known for its diverse student population. Students from different cultural backgroundsenrich the learning environment and 2 the perspectives of all students. This diversity is particularly important in today's globalized world.However, the high cost of education in the United States canbe a significant barrier for many international students. To3 this issue, many universities offer scholarships andfinancial aid programs to help students cover their expenses. In conclusion, the United States remains a populardestination for international students due to its excellent educational system, diverse student body, and opportunities for personal growth. Despite the financial challenges, the benefits of studying in the U.S. are 4 .1. A) attractB) repelC) maintainD) ignore2. A) narrowB) broadenC) limitD) diminish3. A) addressB) avoidC) ignoreD) exacerbate4. A) negligibleB) apparentC) debatableD) undeniable二、阅读理解(共40分,每篇5题,每题2分)阅读下列四篇短文,然后根据短文内容回答问题。



Review of past real problems
• The article has a wide range of topics: Over the years, the English cloze test for postgraduate entrance exams has covered various fields such as society, culture, technology, education, and economy, requiring candidates to have a wide range of knowledge and cross-cultural communication skills.
• There are various types of hollowing out methods: cloze filling includes fixed combinations, synonym analysis, contextual logical inference, and other types, requiring candidates to have flexible thinking methods and a solid language foundation.
• Improving reading speed: Candidates should improve their reading speed and comprehension ability through extensive reading practice, while also mastering reading skills such as quick browsing and skimming.








完型填空练习题Text 1Every human being has unique arrangement of skin on his fingers and this arrangement is unchangeable. Scientists and experts have proved the 1 of finger-prints and discovered that no 2 similar pattern is 3 from parents to children, 4 nobody knows why this is the 5 .The ridge 6 on a person’ finger doesn’t change7 growth and is not affected by 8 injuries. Burns, cuts and other damages to the 9 part of the skin will be replaced 10 by a new one which bears the reproduction of the 11 pattern. It is only when the inner skin is injured that the arrangement will be 12 Some criminals make use of this to 13 their own finger-prints 14 this is a dangerous and rare step to 15 .Finger-prints can be made very easily with a printer’s ink. They can be recorded easily. With special method, 16 can be achieved successfully within a short time. 17 the simplicity and economy of this system, finger-print have often been used as a method of solving criminal cases. A 8 man may deny the charge but this may be 19 . His finger-prints can prove who he is even his 20 has been changed by age or accident.C. magnitudeD. uniqueness1. A. uselessness—B. quantity2. A. naturally B. exactly C. especially D. particularlyC. passed outD. passed off3. A. passed on@B. passed away4. A. if B. when C. though D. asC. groundD. case5. A. reason]B. cause6. A. construction B. structure C. location D. position7. A. with%C. untilD. underB. because of8. A. grave B. severe C. substantial D. superficialC. innerD. outer9. A. outside·B. outward10. A. in time B. on time C. at times D. behind timeC. definiteD. customary11. A. original¥B. different12. A. restored B. hurt C. destroyed D. restrictedC. undermineD. remove13. A. diminish/B. dispose14. A. and B. but C. when D. if15. A. make%C. doD. adaptB. take16. A. realization B. detection C. identification D. investigationC. Because ofD. In case of17. A. In spite of;B. Irrespective of18. A. suspected B. doubted C. distrusted D. doubtfulC. at randomD. in question19. A. out of case*B. in vain20. A. look B. expression C. appearance D. sight《~Text 2When television first began to expand, very few of the people who had become famous as radio commentators were equally effective on television. Some of the 1 they experienced when they were trying to 2 themselves to the new medium were technical. When working 3 radio, for example, they had become 4 to seeing on 5 of the listener. This 6 of seeing for others means that the 7 has to be very good at talking. 8 all, he has to be able to 9 a continuous sequence of visual images which 10 meaning to the sounds which the listener hears. In the 11 of television, however, the commentator sees 12 with the viewer. His role, therefore, is 13 different. He is there to make 14 that the viewer does not 15 some points of interest, to help him 16 on particular things, and to 17 the images on the television screen. 18 his radio colleague, he must know the 19 of silence and how to use it at those moments 20 the pictures speaks for themselves.1. A. difficulties B. successes C. sufferings D. incidentsD. modify2. A. turn B. adapt(C. alter3. A. on B. at C. with D. behindD. accustomed4. A. experienced B. determined…C. established5. A. account B. side C. point D. behalf6. A. efficiency B. technology,D. performanceC. art7. A. commentator B. TV viewer C. speaker D. authorD. In8. A. Of B. For#C. Above9. A. inspire B. create C. cause D. perceiveD. reflect10. A. add B. apply!C. affect11. A. occasion B. event C. fact D. caseD. anything12. A. something B. nothing—C. everything13. A. equally B. completely C. initially D. hardly14. A. definite B. possible,D. clearC. sure15. A. lose B. deprive C. relieve D. miss16. A. focus B. attend[D. insistC. follow17. A. exhibit B. demonstrate C. expose D. interpret18. A. Like B. Unlike)D. ForC. As19. A. purpose B. goal C. value D. intention20. A. if B. when |D. asC. which]"Text 3Geography is the study of the relationship between people and the land. Geographers compare and contrast 1 places on earth. But they also 2 beyond the individual places and consider the earth as a 3 . The word Geography 4 from two Greek words, ge, the Greek word for “earth” and graphein, 5 means “ to write”. The English word geography means “to describe the earth”.6 geography books7 on a small area like a town or city. Other deal with a state, a region, a nation, or an8 continent. Many geography books deal with the whole earth. Another9 to divide the study of 10 is to distinguish between physical geography and 11 geography. The former focus on the natural world; the 12 starts with human beings and studies 13 human being and their environment act 14 each other. 15 when geography is considered as a single subject, 16 branch can neglect the other.A geographer might be described 17 one who observes, records, and explains the 18 between places. If places were alike, there would be little need for geographer.We know, 19 ,that no two places are exactly the same. Geography, 20 ,is a point of view, a special way of looking at places.1. A. similar B. distant C. various{D. famous2. A. pass B. go C. reach D. get3. A. whole B. until C. part ]D. total4. A. falls B. results C. removes D. comes5. A. what B. which C. that ·D. it6. A. Some B. Most C. Many D. Few7. A. rely B. rest C. reckon;D. focus8. A. extensive B. overall C. entire D. enormous9. A. way B. means C. habit/D. technique10. A. world B. earth C. geography D. globe11. A. mental B. military C. economic—D. cultural12. A. second B. next C. later D. latter13. A. when B. what C. where>D. how14. A. upon B. as C. for D. to15. A. And B. But C. Therefore…D. For16. A. neither B. one C. either D. each17. A. for B. as C. to—D. by18. A. exceptions B. sameness C. difference D. divisions19. A. moreover B. meanwhile C. however…D. or else20. A. still B. then C. nevertheless D. moreover¥~Text4Smoking may be a pleasure for some people. 1 ,it is a serious source of 2 for their fellows. Now medical authorities express their 3 about the effect of smoking 4 the health not only of those who smoke but also those who do not . 5 ,nonsmokers who must 6 inhale the air polluted by tobacco smoke may 7 more than the smokers themselves.As you are 8 informed, a considerable number of students have 9 in a effort to 10 the university to 11 smoking in the classroom. I believe they are 12 right in their aim. However, I would hope that it is 13 to achieve this by calling 14 the smokers to use good judgment and show concern for other 15 than by regulation.Smoking is 16 by city bylaws in theatres and in halls used for showing films as well as in laboratories where there may be a fire hazard. 17 , it is up to you good 18 .I am therefore asking you to 19 “No smoking” in the auditoriums, classrooms and seminar rooms. This will prove that you have the nonsmoker’s health and well-being 20 ,which is very important to a large number of our students.1. A. Hence B. However、C. AnywayD. Furthermore2. A. joy B. discomfort C. convenience D. relief3. A. consideration B. attention[C. beliefD. concern4. A. against B. for C. in D. on5. A. In consequence B. On the otherhand @C. In factD. After all6. A. instinctively B. instantly C. spontaneously D. reluctantly7. A. suffer B. subject\C. submitD. sustain8. A. certain B. sure C. doubtless D. right9. A. entered B. joined%C. attendedD. involved10. A. reason B. persuade C. argue D. suggest11. A. stop B. object@C. banD. prevent12. A. entirely B. likely C. generally D. possibly13. A. likely B. probable*C. properD. possible14. A. out B. for C. on D. up15. A. rather B. better"C. moreD. other16. A. prohibited B. protected C. reserved D. cleared17. A. Furthermore B. Consequently!C. NeverthelessD. Elsewhere18. A. idea B. duty C. sense D. responsibility19. A. persist B. maintain'C. stickD. adhere20. A. in mind B. in head C. in heart D. in memory }Text5}Having passed what I considered the worst obstacle, our spirits rose. We 1 towards the left of the cliff, where the going was better, 2 rather steeper. Here we found little snow, 3 most of it seemed to have been 4 off the mountain. There was no 5 of the mountain in the distance because the clouds were forming all around us.About 1 o’clock a storm 6 suddenly. We had time to have 7 its approach but we were concentrating on cutting steps, and 8 we had time to do anything, we were blinded by snow. We could not move up or down and had to wait 9 , getting colder and colder. 10 my hood(兜帽), my nose and cheeks were frostbitten and I dared not take a hand out of my glove to warm them. After two hours of this, I realized we would have to do 11 to avoid being frozen to death where we stood. From time to time through the mist I had 12 the outline of a dark buttress(扶壁)just above us, to descend in the wind was 13 question; our only hope was to scramble up to this buttress, and dig out a platform at the foot of it on which we could 14 our tent.We climbed to this place and started to 15 the ice. At first my companion seemed to regard the 16 as hopeless but gradually the wind 17 and he cheered up. 18 we had made a platform big enough to put up the tent, and we did this as 19 we could. We 20 into our sleeping bags and fell asleep, felling that we were lucky to be still alive.1. A. set B. got C. made%D. took2. A even B. though C. so D. if3. A. when B. where C. as,D. so that4. A. fallen B. flown C. split D. blown5. A. view B. vision C. look)D. glimpse6. A. came up B. came out C. came over D. came on7. A. viewed B. noticed C. notified,D. glanced8. A. after B. before C. unless D. until9. A. motionlessly B. constantly C. steadily:D. continually10. A. In spite of B. In relation to C. In case of D. In the event of11. A. anything B. nothing C. something?D. everything12. A. laid out B. made out C. drawn out D. marked out13. A. without B. in C. beyond}D. out of date14. A. wrench B. wedge C. pad D. pinch15. A. cut down B. cut away C. cut out"D. cut off16. A. position B. situation C. occupation D. orientation17. A. died out B. died off C. died back!D. died down18. A. Instead of B. Furthermore C. Indeed D. At last19. A. well B. good C. best#D. better20. A. climbed B. crashed C. crept D. crawled【Text6Why, you may wonder, should spiders be our friends Because they destroy so many insects, and insects 1 some of the greatest enemies of the human race. Insects would make 2 impossible for us to live in the world. They would devour (eat up quickly) all our crops and kill our flocks and herds, were it not 3 the protection we get from insect-eating animals. We 4 a lot to the birds and beasts who eat insects but all of them 5 together kill only a fraction of the 6 destroyed by spiders. 7 , unlike some of the insect eaters, spiders never do the least 8 to us or our belongings.Spiders are not insects, 9 many people think, 10 even nearly related to them. One can tell the 11 almost at a glance, 12 a spider always has eight legs but an insect never more than six.…How many spiders are 13 in this work on our 14 One authority 15 spiders made a 16 of the spiders in a grass field in the south of England, and he estimated that there were more than 2 250 000 in one acre; that is 17 like 6000 000 spiders of different kinds on a football field. Spiders are busy for at least half the year in killing insects. It is 18 to make more than the 19 guess at how many they kill, but they are hungry creature, not 20 with only three meals a day.1. A. include B. involve C. consist D. cover2. A. this B. that ?D. themC. it3. A. with B. for C. of D. on4. A. devote B. dedicate!D. contributeC. owe5. A. gotten B. put C. linked D. associatedD. proportion6. A. number B. amount、C. plenty7. A. Consequently B. Moreover C. Conversely D. HoweverD. harm8. A. damage B. ruin%C. good9. A. as B. which C. because D. thoughD. none10. A. so B. either~C. nor11. A. likeness B. difference C. similarity D. appearance12. A. if B. although) D. whenC. for13. A. participated B. joined C. enclosed D. involvedD. behalf14. A. honor B. sake;C. side15. A. on B. in C. about D. withD. consciousness16. A. census B. consensus{C. conscience17. A. nothing B. something C. anything D. everythingD. probable18. A. likely B. useless(C. impossible19. A. broadest B. widest C. bravest D. wildestD. content20. A. concerned B. identified|C. patient¥Text7Cheques have largely replaced money as a mean s of exchange, for they are widely accepted everywhere . Though this is very 1 for both buyer and seller, it should not be forgotten that cheuqes are not real money: they are quite 2 in themselves. A shop-keeper always runs a certain 3 when he accepts a cheque and he is quite 4 his rights if, 5 ,he refuses to do so.People do not always know this and are shocked if their good faith is called 6 . An old and very wealth friend of mine told me he had an extremely unpleasant 7 . He went to a famous jewellery shop which keeps a large 8 of precious stones and asked to be shown some pearl necklaces. After examining several trays, he 9 to buy a particularly fine string of pearls and asked if he could pay 10 cheque. The assistant said that this was quite 11 , but the moment my friend signed his name, he was invited into the manager’s office.(The manager was very polite, but he explained that someone with 12 the same name had presented them with a 13 cheque not long age. He told my friend that the police would arrive 14 any moment and he had better stay 15 he wanted to get into serious trouble. 16 , the police arrived soon afterwards They apologized to my friend for the 17 and asked him to 18 a note which had been used by the thief in a number of shop .The note 19 :“I have a gun in my pocket. Ask no questions and give me all the money in the safe.”20 , my friend’s handwriting was quite unlike the thief’s.1. A. complicated B. trivial C. bearable D. convenient2. A. valueless B. invaluable`D. indefiniteC. valuable3. A. danger B. change C. risk D. opportunityD. out of4. A. within B. beyond]C. without5. A. in general B. at the least C. on occasion D. in shortD. in question6. A. in difficulty B. in doubt!C. in earnest7. A. accident B. experience C. event D. incidentD. store8. A. amount B. stock-C. number9. A. considered B. thought C. conceived D. decidedD. through10. A. by B. in^C. with11. A. in order B. in need C. in use D. in common12. A. largely B. mostly<D. extremelyC. exactly13. A. worth B. worthy C. worthwhile D. worthlessD. during14. A. for B. at》C. until15. A. whether B. if C. otherwise D. unlessD. However16. A. Really B. Sure enough 】C. Certainly17. A. treatment B. manner C. inconvenience D. behavior18. A. write off B. write out,D. make outC. copy out19. A. read B. told C. wrote D. informedD. Basically20. A. Especially B. Fortunately¥C. Naturally>Text 8In October 2002, Goldman Sachs and Deutsche Bank 1 a new electronic market for economic indices that 2 substantial economic risks, such as nonfarm payroll (a measure of job availability) and retail sales. This new market was made possible by a 3 rating technology, developed by Longitude, a New York company providing software for financial markets, 4 the Parimutuel Digital Call Auction. This is “digital” 5 of a digital option: ., it pays out only if an underlying index lies in a narrow, discrete range. In effect, Longitude has created a horse race, where each “horse” wins if and 6 the specified index falls in a specified range. By creating horses for every possibl 7 of the index, and allowing people to bet 8 any number of runners, the company has produced a liquidintegrated electronic market for a wide array options on economic indices.Ten years ago it was 9 impossible to make use of electronic information about home values. Now, mortgage lenders have online automated valuation models that allow them to estimate values and to 10 the risk in their portfolios. This has led to a proliferation of types of home loan, some of 11 have improved risk-management characteristics.We are also beginning to see new kinds of 12 for homes, which will make it possible to protect the value of 13 , for most people, is the single most important 14 of their wealth. The Yale University-Neighbourhood Reinvestment Corporation programme, 15 last year in the city of Syracuse, in New York state, may be a model for home-equity insurance policies that 16 sophisticated economic indices of house prices to define the 17 of the policy. Electronic futures markets that are based on econometric indices of house prices by city, already begun by City Index and IG Index in Britain and now 18 developed in the United States, will enable home-equity insurers to hedge the risks that they acquire by writing these policies.These examples are not impressive successes yet. But they 19 as early precursors of a technology that should one day help us to deal with the massive risks of inequality that 20 will beset us in coming years.D. originated1. A. created B. generated(C. initiated2. A. reproduce B. restore C. represent D. resumeD. established3. A. sophisticated B. expensive:C. available4. A. made B. called C. asked D. readD. in the sense5. A. in the course B. in the event}C. in the light6. A. when B. until C. now that D. only if7. A. extent B. range@D. areaC. line8. A. for B. in C. on D. upD. originally9. A. virtually B. admittedly&C. absolutely10. A. assume B. assess C. dismiss D. eraseD. whom11. A. them B. which`C. that12. A. management B. insurance C. security D. technologyD. it13. A. what B. those,C. where14. A. guarantee B. protection C. component D. sourceD. launched15. A. secured B. sponsored*C. released16. A. look to B. set up C. lay down D. rely onD. consequences17. A. terms B. specifications@C. concepts18. A. is B. being C. been D. are19. A. emerge B appear【D. ariseC. stand20. A. somehow B. anyway C. otherwise D. therebyText 9/Globalization will h ave a powerful effect on the future of dining. Recipes and meals from the world’s kitchens will be 1 anywhere and anytime. Globalization is the master2that will drive the world of food. Formerly remote 3 and cooking styles are creating a whole new culinary mosaic as they are4and reinterpreted all over the world.For the globe-trotting businessman, food savvy will be an important5of career mastery. Being successful in South America or the Far East means having insight6another culture, and local7will become an important component of that. People will need8of food and ingredients from different continents and cultures as one aspect of9, cultural exchange, and success.10, culinary globalism will not be limited to physical travel. Chefs will learn about 11 ingredients, recipes, and techniques without ever leaving their kitchens. Soul food will continue to appeal, even as diners grow more12. Look for collard greens and fried chicken on the menus of upscale restaurants. Fast-casual restaurants--trendy eateries that combine speed and quality--should keep growing in 13 . Ethnic cuisines will14 globally and combine: Look for chifa, a mixture of Japanese and Spanish foods,15 its native Peru. Uzbek dishes, meanwhile, combine Persian, Russian, and Chinese16at bistros in New York and Chicago.Pizza on a griddle New York chef Mario Batali is among those 17pizza, making it thinner, healthier, and more 18. One size does not fit all: look for designer delis, 19 you can choose from a wide variety of main and 20 dishes to take home and heat up yourself.1[A]suitable[B]reliable[C]identifiable[D]available2[A] trend—[B] fashion[C] tendency[D] style3[A] components[B] foods[C] ingredients[D] stuffs、4[A] transported[B] transplanted[C] transferred[D] translated5[A] part[B] role>[C] portion[D] side6[A] in[B] into[C] to[D] by7<[A] tastes[B] flavors[C] dishes[D] courses8[A] information[B] knowledge[C] insight([D] experience9[A] socialization[B] realization[C]standardization[D] localization10[A] However;[B] Somehow[C] Moreover[D] Anyway11[A] strange[B] new[C] exotic[D] remote& 12[A] health-conscious[B]price-conscious[C]taste-conscious[D]diversity-conscious13[A] population[B] popularity;[C] quantity[D] prosperity 14[A] expand[B] extend[C] export[D] exclude15|[B] by[C] over[D] beyond[A] from16[A] flavors[B] flowers[C] flours|[D] flames17[A] recreating[B] rethinking[C] representing[D] replacing18[A] portable,[C] edible[D] popular[B] attractive19[A] when[B] why[C] where[D] which[A] small[B] side[C] minor[D] secondary)20\Text 10Things in the henhouse changed practically overnight when McDonald’s announced in 1999 that it would no longer buy eggs from producers who didn’t meet its guidelines for care of chickens. Those guidelines included limiting the 1 of birds that could be kept in one 2 and prohibiting beak removal, 3 trimming just the tips.Once McDon ald’s had4the way in issuing animal care guidelines for the company’s suppliers, many other giants of the fast-food industry rapidly followed 5, including Burger King, Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, Wendy’s, A and W and KFC. Now, the American Meat Institute ha s 6 welfare guidelines and audit 7 for cattle, pigs, and chickens. And the European Union, representing our foreign customers, is also 8 in with, among other things, legislation banning. 9 use of crates to house pregnant sows, 10 in 2013.Questions about animal care 11 with the explosive growth in large-scale livestock farms, 12 spurred customers to complain about animals being treated as “factory parts”. That spurred ARS and the livestock industry to take a proactive approach to addressing animal13issues, making sure that guidelines are based on facts 14 through scientific research. The goal is to share research findings with the retail food industry and others so that the livestock industry can improve its 15 guidelines.Ten years ago, to 16 these concerns, ARS started a research program on livestock behavior and stress. The scientists involved were tasked with finding out whether modern farming practices were 17 stressing animals. And if so, could scientific methods be developed to measure this stress so that 18 could be evaluated objectively rather than subjectively?A decade later, the 19 answer is “yes” to both questions, Many had expected the answer to be “no” on both counts, but science works independently20 pe ople’s opinions.1. A. amount B. number C. figure D. sumC. caseD. cart2. A. cage'B. cave3. A. but for B. except for C. aside from D. away from4. A. paved【C. ledD. openedB. changed5. A. suit B. step C. set D. super6. A. adapted· C. approved D. acceptedB. adopted7. A. booklets B. pamphlets C. brochures D. checklistsC. consideringD. thinking8. A. measuring·B. weighing9. A. prolonged B. proceeded C. programmed D. progressed10. A. efficient(C. effusiveD. electiveB. effective11. A. raised B. rose C. arose D. poseC. whichD. how12. A. who 【B. what13. A. health B. life C. wealth D welfareC. provedD. tested14. A. decided(B. determined15. A. voluntary B. revolutionary C. preliminary D. necessaryC. suppressD. compress16. A. express》B. address17. A. unduly B. unequally C. unfortunately D. unfavorablyC. problemsD. practices18. A. performances$B. programs19. A. sequential B. initial C. essential D. financialC. byD. with20. A. of^B. onText 11,You probably know that it’s better for both you and the environment if you buy an organic tomato instead of one that’s been doused in pesticides, but there are lots of other things to consider before venturing down the aisle of your local superm arket (or farmer’s market).The explosion in1produce and other foods during the last few years has been an extremely 2development in the food industry. However,3still exists about exactly what the organic4 means. Do you know the difference betwee n a cereal that’s “organic,” “100% organic,” and “made with organic5” The USDA has clearly defined standards that6which of those labels can legally go on your raisin bran. You can learn more about them atOrganic foods are great, but the jury is still very much out7another new development in the food world: genetically8organisms (GMOs). No one knows for certain the short and9 effects of these products of gene engineering,l0there’s a chance they could lead to the11 creation of “superweeds” o r12with natural plant stocks, for more information on GMOs, we recommend visiting13you’re shopping, don’t forget to consider the companies behind the14names. One cereal company might be an environmental champion,15the other manufactures its corn flakes via l6environmental practices. An easy way to compare two companies is to use17such as Responsible . They present both the good and bad sides of every company they18, and they grade hundreds of companies on social, ethical and environmental issues.Remember:19conscious shopping is a powerful tool for effecting change. You can make a difference every time you fill your 20cart.1. A. green B. organic C. healthy D. optional2. A. positive B. negative C. active :D. passive3. A. controversy B. contribution C. conversion D. confusion4. A. label B. mark C. word…D. food5. A. components B. genes C. ingredients D. compositions6. A. determine B. illustrate C. recommend <D. demonstrate7. A. in B. to C. for D. on8. A. moved B. modified C. modeled、D. motivated9. A. long-run B. long-term C. long-day D. long-distance10. B. and C. but》D. or. unconditional B. unexceptional C. unintentional D. uncontroversial12. A. interfere B. intervene C. interact…D. intrude13. A. Any time B. Anytime C. Some time D. Sometime14. A. brand B. code C. product \D. family15. A. when B. while C. as D. because16. A. constructive B. destructive C. instructive `D. obstructive17. A. sights B. addresses C. sites D. webs18. A. profit B. profile C. propose ~D. protect19. A. socially B. conditionally C. morally D. environmentally20. A. nursery B. grocery C. bakery *D. stationeryText12Responsibilities. We all have them; most of us have more than we’d like. That doesn’t change the reality that, sooner or later, we all have to1up to them. But perhaps it does explain our2to add to the ever-growing list. There’s already so much to do in a day, why tack on an3burden?Unfortunately, it’s this kind of defeatist mentality4keeps people from enhancing their lives through proper5and exercise. Here is the salient point, though: The health and fitness benefits you’ll derive from6the necessary work are worth whatever sacrifices you must make7the way. I can’t count how many times I’ve heard the same8. Each time, I always give the same response: Yes, I say, working out is work. So is taking the9to eat right.10yourself on the。



2023年考研英语(一)真题及参考答案一、完形填空Use of EnglishCaravanserais were roadside inns that were built along the Silk Road in areas includingChina,North Africa and the Middle East.They were typically__1__outside the walls of a city or village and were usually funded by governments of__2__.This word“Caravanserais”is a__3__of the Persian word“karvan”, which means a group of travellers or a caravan,and seray,a palace or enclosed building.The Perm caravan was used to__4__groups of people who travelled together across the ancient network for safety reasons, __5__merchants,travellers or pilgrims.From the10th century onwards,as merchant and travel routes become more developed,the__6__of the Caravanserais increased and they served as a safe place for people to rest at night.Travellers on the Silk Road __7__possibility of being attacked by thieves or being__8__to extreme conditions.For this reason,Caravanserais were strategically placed __9__they could be reached in a day’s travel time.Caravanserais served as an informal__10__point for the various people who travelled the Silk Road.__11__,those structures became important centers for culture__12__and interaction,with travelers sharing their cultures,ideas and beliefs,__13__talking knowledge with them,greatly__14__the development of several civilizations.Caravanserais were also an important marketplace for commodities and __15__in the trade of goods along the Silk Road.__16__,it was frequently the first stop merchants looking to sell their wares and__17__supplies for their own journeys.It is__18__that around120000to15000 caravanserais were built along the Silk Road,__19__only about3000are known to remain today,many of which are in__20__.1.第1题答案是A.displayedB.occupiedC.locatedD.equpped [答案]C2.第2题答案是A.privatelyB.regularlyC.respectivelyD.permanently [答案]A第3题答案是_A.definitionB.transitionC.substitutionbination [答案]B第4题答案是_A.cassifyB.recordC.describeD.connect[答案]C第5题答案是A.apart fromB.instead ofD.along with [答案]C第6题答案是A.constructionB.restorationC.impressionD.evaluation [答案]A第7题答案是_A.doubtedB.facedC.aceptedD.reduced[答案]B第8题答案是A.assignedB.subjectedC.accustomedD.opposed[答案]B第9题答案是A.so thatC.now thatD.in case[答案]A第10题答案是_A.tlkingB.startingC.breakingD.meeting[答案]D第11题答案是A.By the wayB.On occasionC.In comparisonD.As a result [答案]D第12题答案是A.heritageB.revivalC.exchangeD.status[答案]C第13题答案是A.with regard toB in spite ofC.as well asD.in line with [答案]C第14题答案是pletingB.influencingC.resumingD.pioneering [答案]B第15题答案是A.aidedB.investedC.ailepeted[答案]A第16题答案是_A.RatherB.IndeedC.OtherwiseD.However[答案]B第17题答案是A.go in forB.stand up forC.close in onD.stock up on [答案]D第18题答案是_A.believedB.predictedC.recalledD.implied [答案]A第19题答案是A.untilB.becauseC.unlessD.although [答案]D第20题答案是A.ruinsB.debtC.fashionD.series[答案]A二、阅读理解Text1The weather in Texas may have cooled since the recent extreme heat, but the temperature will be high at the State Board of Education meeting in Austin this month as officials debate how climate change is taught in Texas schools.Pat Hardy,who sympathized with views of the energy sector,is resisting the proposed change to science standards for pre-teen pupils. These would emphasise the primacy of human activity in recent climate change and encourage discussion of mitigation measures.Most scientists and experts sharply dispute Hardy’s views.“They casually dismiss the career work of scholars and scientists as just another misguided opinion.”says Dan Quinn,senior communications strategist at the Texas Freedom Network,a non-profit group that monitors public education,“What millions of Texas kids learn in their public schools is determined too often by the political ideology of partisan board members,rather than facts and sound scholarship.”Such debate reflects fierce discussion discussions across the US and around the world,as researchers,policymakers,teachers and students step up demands for a greater focus on teaching about the facts of climate change in schools.A study last year by the National Center for Science Education,a non-profit group of scientists and teachers,looking at how state public schools across the country address climate change in science classes,gave barely half of US states a grade B+or higher.Among the10worst performers were some of the most populous states,including Texas,which was given the lowest grade(F)and has a disproportionate influence because its textbooks are widely sold elsewhere.Glenn Branch,the centre’s deputy director,cautions that setting state-level science standards is only one limited benchmark in a country that decentralises decisions to local school boards.Even if a state is considered a high performer in its science standards,“that does not mean it will be taught”,he says.Another issue is that while climate change is well integrated into some subjects and at some ages—such as earth and space sciences in highschools—it is not as well represented in curricula for younger children and in subjects that are more widely taught,such as biology and chemistry. It is also less prominent in many social studies courses.Branch points out that,even if a growing number of official guidelines and textbooks reflect scientific consensus on climate change, unofficial educational materials that convey more slanted perspectives are being distributed to teachers.They include materials sponsored by libertarian think-tanks and energy industry associations.21.In paragraph1,the weather in Texas is mentioned toA.forecast a policy shift in Texas schools.B.stress the consequences of climate changeC.indicate the atmosphere at the board meetingD.draw the public's attention to energy shortages.[答案]C22.What does Quinn think of Hardy?A.she exaggerates the existing panicB.she denies the value of scientific workC.she shows no concern for pre-teens.D.she expresses self-contradictory views.[答案]B23.The study mentioned in Paragraph_A.climate education is insufficient at state public schools.B policy makers have lttle drive for science education.C.Texas is reluctant to rewrite its science textbooks.D.environmental teaching in some states lacks supervision.[答案]A24.According to Branch,state-level science standards in the US_A.call for regular revisionB.require urgent applicationC.have limited influenceD.cater to local needs[答案]C25.Itis implied in the last paragraph that climate change teaching in some schools_A.agree to major public demandsB.reflects teachers'personal biasC.may misrepresent the energy sectorD.can be swayed by external forces[答案]DText2Communities throughout the region have been attempting to regulate short-term rentals since sites like Airbnb took off in the2010s.Now, with record-high home prices and historically low inventory,there’s an increased urgency in such regulation,particularly among those who worry that developers will come in and buy up swaths of housing to flip for a fortune on the short-term rental market.In New Hampshire,where the rental vacancy rate has dropped below1 percent,housing advocates fear unchecked short-term rentals will put further pressure on an already strained market.The state Legislature recently voted against a bill that would’ve made it illegal for towns to create legislation restricting short-term rentals.“We are at a crisis level on the supply of rental housing,so anytime you’re taking the tool out of the toolkit for communities to address this, you’re potentially taking supply off the market that’s already incredibly stressed,’’said Nick Taylor,executive director of the Workforce Housing Coalition of the Greater Seacoast.Without enough affordable housing insouthern New Hampshire towns,“employers are having a hard time attracting employees,and workers are having a hard time finding a place to live,’’Taylor said.However,short-term rentals also provide housing for tourists,a crucial part of the economies in places like Nantucket,Cape Cod,or the towns that make up New Hampshire’s Seacoast and Lakes Region,pointed out Ryan Castle,CEO of the Cape Cod&Islands Association of Realtors.“A lot of workers are servicing the tourist industry,and the tourism industry is serviced by those people coming in short term,’’Castle said,“and so it’s a cyclical effect.’’Short-term rentals themselves are not the crux of the issue,said Keren Horn,an affordable housing policy expert at the University of Massachusetts Boston.“I think individuals being able to rent out their second home is a good thing.If it’s their vacation home anyway,and it’s just empty,why can’t you make money off it?’’Horn said.Issues arise, however,when developers attempt to create large-scale short-term rental facilities—de facto hotels—to bypass taxes and regulations.“I think the question is,shouldn’t a developer who’s really building a hotel,but disguising it as not a hotel,be treated and taxed and regulated like a hotel?’’Horn said.At the end of2018,Governor Charlie Baker signed a bill to rein in those potential investor-buyers.“The bill requires every rental host to register with the state,mandates they carry insurance,and opens the potential for local taxes on top of a new state levy,’’the Globe reported. Boston took things even further,limiting who is authorized to rent out their home,and requiring renters to register with the city’s Inspectional Services Department.Horn said similar registration requirements could benefit other struggling cities and towns.The only way to solve the issue,however, is by creating more housing.“If we want to make a change in the housing market,the main one is we have to build a lot more.’’26.Which of the following is true of New England?A.Its housing supply is at a very low level.B.Its communities are in need of funding.C.Its rental vacancy rate is going up slowlyD.Its home prices are under strict control.[答案]A27.The bill mentioned in Pargaph2was intended toA.cutb sortem enta speculation.B.ensure the supply of cheap housing.C.punish ilgal dealings in housing.D.allow a free short-term rental market.[答案]Dpared with Castle,Taylor is more likely to supportA.further investment in local tourism.B.an increase in affordable housing.C.strict management of real estate agents.D.a favorable policy for short-term workers.[答案]B29.What does Horn emphasize in Paragraph?A.The urgency to upgrade short-term rental facilities.B.The efficient operation of the local housing market.C.The necessty to stop developers from evading taxes.D.The proper procedures for renting out spare houses. [答案]C30.Horn holds that imposing registration requirements1SA.an irrational decision.B.an unfeasible proposalC.an unnecessary measure.D.an inadequate solution.[答案]DText3If you’re heading for your nearest branch of Waterstones in search of the Duchess of Sussex’s new children’s book The Bench,you might have to be prepared to hunt around a bit;the same may be true of The President's Daughter,the new thriller by Bill Clinton and James Patterson.Both of these books are published next week by Penguin Random House,a company currently involved in a stand-off with Waterstones.The problem began late last year,when Penguin Random House confirmed that it had introduced a credit limit with Waterstones“at a very significant level”.The trade magazine The Bookseller reported that Waterstones branch managers were being told to remove PRH books from prominent areas such as tables,display spaces and windows,and were “quietly retiring them to their relevant sections”.PRH declined to comment on the issue,but a spokesperson for Waterstones told me:“Waterstones are currently operating with reduced credit terms from PRH,the only publisher in the UK to place any limitations on our ability to trade.We are not boycotting PRH titles but we are doing our utmost to ensure that availability for customers remains good despite the lower overall levels of stock.We do this generally by giving their titles less prominent positioning within our bookshops.“We are hopeful with our shops now open again that normality will return and that we will be allowed to buy appropriately.Certainly,our shops are exceptionally busy and book sales are very strong.The sales for our May Books of the Month surpassed any month since2018.”In the meantime,PRH authors have been the losers-as have customers, who might expect the new titles from the country’s biggest publisher to be prominently displayed by its biggest book retailer.Big-name PRH authors may suffer a bit,but it’s those mid-list authors,who normally rely on Waterstones staff’s passion for promoting books by lesser-known writers,who will be praying for an end to the dispute.It comes at a time when authors are already worried about the consequences of the proposed merger between PRH and another big publisher, Simon&Schuster-the reduction in the number of unaligned UK publishers is likely to lead to fewer bidding wars,lower advances,and more conformity in terms of what is published.And one wonders if PRH would have been confident enough to deal with Waterstones in the way it has ifit weren’t quite such a big company(it was formed with the merger of Penguin and Random House in2013)and likely to get bigger.“This is all part of a wider change towards concentration of power and cartels.Literary agencies are getting bigger to have the clout to negotiate better terms with publishers,publishers consolidating to deal with Amazon,”says Lownie.“The publishing industry talks about diversity in terms of authors and staff but it also needs a plurality of ways of delivering intellectual contact,choice and different voices. After all,many of the most interesting books in recent years have come from small publishers.”We shall see whether that plurality is a casualty of the current need among publishers to be big enough to take on all-comers.31.The author mentions two books in Paragraph1to presentA.an ongoing conflict.B.an intellectual concept.C.a prevailing sentiment.D.a literary phenomenon.[答案]A32.Why did Waterstones shops retire PRH books to their relevant sections?A.To make them easily noticeable.B.To comply with PRH's requirement.C.To respond to PRH's business move.D.To arrange them in a systematic way.[答案]C33.What message does the spokesperson for Waterstones seem to convey?A.Their customers remain loyal.B.The credit limit will be removed.C.Their stock is underestimated.D.The book market is rather slack.[答案]B34.What can be one consequence of the current dispute?A.Sales of books by mid-list PRH writers fall off considerably.B.Lesser-known PRH writers become the target of criticism.C.Waterstones staff hesitate to promote big-name authors'books.D.Waterstones branches suffer a severe reduction in revenue.[答案]A35.Which of the following statements best represents Lownie's view?A.Small publishers ought to stick together.B.Big publishers will lose their dominance.C.The publishing industry is having a hard time.D.The merger of publishers is a worrying trend.[答案]CText4Scientific papers are the recordkeepers of progress in research.Each year researchers publish millions of papers in more than30,000journals. The scientific community measures the quality of those papers in a number of ways,including the perceived quality of the journal(as reflected by the title’s impact factor)and the number of citations a specific paper accumulates.The careers of scientists and the reputation of their institutions depend on the number and prestige of the papers they produce, but even more so on the citations attracted by these papers.In recent years,there have been several episodes of scientific fraud, including completely made-up data,massaged or doctored figures,multiple publications of the same data,theft of complete articles,plagiarism oftext,and self-plagiarism.And some scientists have come up with another way to artificially boost the number of citations to their work.Citation cartels,where journals,authors,and institutions conspire to inflate citation numbers,have existed for a long time.In2016, researchers developed an algorithm to recognize suspicious citation patterns,including groups of authors that disproportionately cite one another and groups of journals that cite each other frequently to increase the impact factors of their publications.Recently,I came across yet another expression of this predatory behavior:so-called support service consultancies that provide language and other editorial support to individual authors and to journals sometimes advise contributors to add a number of citations to their articles and the articles of colleagues. Some of these consultancies are also active in organizing conferences and can advise that citations be added to conference proceedings.In this manner,a single editor can drive hundreds of citations in the direction of his own articles or those of colleagues that may be in his circle.How insidious is this type of citation manipulation?In one example, an individual—acting as author,editor,and consultant—was able to use at least15journals as citation providers to articles published by five scientists at three universities.The problem is rampant in Scopus,which includes a high number of the new“international”journals.In fact, a listing in Scopus seems to be a criterion to be targeted in this type of citation manipulation.36.According to Paragraph1.the careers of scientists can be determined by_A how many citations their works containB how many times their papers are citedC.the prestige of the people they work withD.the status they have in scientific circles[答案]B37.The support service consultancies tend toA.recommend journals to their clients.B.list citation patterns their clients.C.ask authors to include extra citationsD.advise contributors to cite each other[答案]C38.The Function of the“milk cow"journals is toA.boost citation counts for certain authorsB.help scholars publish articles at low costC.instruct F irst-time contributors in citationD.increase the readership of new journals.[答案]A39.What can be learned about Scopus From the last two paragraphs?A.It Fosters competition among citation providersB.It has the capability to identify suspicious citationsC.It hinders the growth of"international"journalsD.It established to prevent citation manipulation[答案]B40.What should an author do to deal with citation manipulators?A.Take legal actionB.Demand an apologyC.Seek professional adviceD.Reveal their misconduct[答案]D三、阅读理解Part B下列每小题的四个选项中,只有-项是最符合题意的正确答案,多选、错选或不选均不得分。

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Use of English
一、完形填空文章的特点甚至文章的中心思想1.文章首句一般不留空,而且首句中往往含有主题词(主题明确单一) 2.中心主线,中心主线贯穿全文文章具有明确的focus)
短文通常包含三部分基本结构3. 1)主题呈现文首直接点题①用引子(如与主题相关的背景,与论点相似或相对立的观点等)引出主题,主题句在文中或文末出现②
①提出问题或表述观点后,要对其进行分析、论证,即展开主题②主题展开方式,主要体现在短文段落的划分(论述的层次)及各段主题的安排(分论点)上 3)作结①下结论提建议②
: 完形填空考查内容四、多义;词汇搭配;一词1.词汇知识:形近词及近义词的(动词短语、介词短语)辨析;上下文语法搭配2.逻辑关系语法知识: 句子基本结构;:转折、让步、因果、并列、总分、递进①六大逻辑关系
/ 1
/ 2

逻辑关系定位法1. )无关词排除法(紧扣主题2. 3.同现结构法(倾向相同)



5.总分结构对照法,则本填空需要应用总分结构对照法,进一步分析后面的分述信,且该句为段落主题句当空所在句子为①.段落首句息定位答案.②such as结构对应成分分析法
,表明前后文之间为转折逻辑关系,可以用对应成分分析but①.由于本句与前句之间存在着明显的逻辑关系线索词法定位答案选择与已知单词词性对等且词义相近的答②.连接并列成分,可用对应成分分析法或..but …also 复现结构法not only 案填空所在句子与其他某个句子是平行对应的关系,则可以用对应成分分析法定位答案.③
关联结构法7. 8.时间、数字线索法
10. 11.
1.however , for example , for instance, though , nevertheless , it turn out若在句首或句中后面都加逗号still
2.though,但可以用but引导从句时,主句前不可以用although 、和yet6
/ 5
3.because是连词,同义词是in that后面跟句子,because of 是介词后面跟名词
/ 6。
