Country 国家Greater China 大中华区Safety Mark: 安全标志: TÜV Rheinland China Mark TÜV莱茵中国标志Procedure Author: 程序作者: Roy Chen (陈宏展)TUV Rheinland (Shanghai) Ltd. 莱茵技术(上海)有限公司Approved 批准Hui Fang Liu(刘慧芳)TUV Rheinland (China) Ltd.莱茵检测认证服务(中国)有限公司Revision date:修订日期:2022-09-201 Purpose 目的本文件阐述了莱茵检测认证服务(中国)有限公司(TRCHN)中国标志认证产品范围内规定的准备、提交、评估和认证程序。
2 Scope 范围本规则适用于显示屏幕(包含显示器、屏幕模组、电视机、家教机、电子白板、PC一体机、ARVR头戴显示设备、平板电脑、投影仪、点读笔、笔记本电脑、LED灯珠显示屏、智能手机、电子书)的软件级低蓝光认证。
3 Type of Approval 认证模式显示屏幕的软件级低蓝光认证模式为:型式试验+初始工厂检查+获证后监督。
认证的基本环节包括:A. 认证的申请B. 产品型式试验C. 初始工厂检查D. 认证结果评价和批准E. 获证后的监督4 The application of Certification 认证申请4.1 Unit partition of the certified products 认证产品单元划分原则上按产品种类申请认证。
4.2 Application documents 申请材料—申请表,—营业执照—TÜV莱茵批准的工厂检查报告(12个月之内)(如果有)—TÜV莱茵测试报告或任何其他的TÜV莱茵指定的符合ISO/IEC 17025要求的实验室出具的型式试验报告(如果有)—产品铭牌—中文或英文用户手册(产品使用说明书)—零部件清单—结构图—屏幕规格书—灯珠规格书—安全报告以及证书—照片文件(如果试验报告中未包含)5 Products testing 型式试验5.1 Sample 样品5.1.1 Send sample 送样原则TRCHN从申请认证单元中抽取代表性样品。
蓝光激光器使用说明书为了更好的使用本产品,使用前请先认真阅读本说明书,并将其妥善保存,以备将来之用地址Add:北京市朝阳区酒仙桥东路1号,电子称科技园M7栋东4层电话Tel:(+86)-010-********一、产品描述1.1产品描述:产品名称为二极管泵浦全固体激光器(DPSSL),波长为445nm,输出功率可根据客户需要自主进行调节,功率输出范围是(0mW-500mW);交流电AC 输入范围是(90V-265V),具体操作可参照手册说明进行操作。
警告:本产品属于4类激光设备,直接的强激光照射可以对人体皮肤产生严重伤害,特别是将使眼睛致盲,调试操作人员必须具备激光安全防护的常识,工作中必须佩戴针对445nm 波长的专用激光防护眼镜。
Table of Contents
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Section 1 - General
1.1 - Description
The ITM-4 turbidity meter has been specifically designed for placement in Dairy, Food and Beverage applications where accurate turbidity measurement is required. The ITM uses a two light/two receiver system that measures the affect that particle presence in a liquid has on the 90 degree reflection and absorption of light across the measurement tube. The meter takes these measurements and calculates the result in NTU (Nephelometric Turbidity Units) or EBC (European Brewing Conference) units. The calculated value is then displayed on the meter along with the creation of an analog output representing the measurement based on an internally selected range. In addition to the display and analog output, the ITM also offers a switched output that can be used to take action on a user assigned set point. The resulting signals may be interfaced with Anderson Digital Indicators, Anderson recording devices or Customer supplied instrumentation including programmable logic controllers. Multiple sizes are available to allow adapting a variety of piping sizes. The ITM-4 is 3-A authorized with all wetted parts constructed of 316L stainless steel, Peek, sapphire glass and EPDM elastomers. 3 Push buttons allow for programming changes that can affect the analog and switched output operation.
B l u e S c o p e B L6800BHandheld multi‐functional, multi‐technology test platform forEthernet, IP, SONET/SDH/PDH, OTN & Fibre ChannelKey BlueScope Benefits:∙Unmatchable market performance▪Test up to 32‐Mulistreams each with customizable traffic profiles.▪Powerful Packet Flooding. Flood nearly any field of a packet including MAC, VLAN, MPLS with Layer 3 & 4 payload options.▪Dual port Packet Capture and Analysis utilizing WireShark engine▪The most compact OTN tester on the market. Supports OTU‐1/2/1E/2E/1F/2F▪Unparalleled physical layer testing on all optical transport methods and line rates.∙Software license controlled features for upgrades or maintaining test standards as they are defined, then certified.▪Instant (DIY) remote/field upgradable; via a software only license key.▪Never lose a test capability/feature due to lost, forgotten, or damaged hardware modules.∙Linux Operating System▪Less susceptibility to viruses and malware. Known in the IT industry for being more stable than alternatives.Linux the OS choice for hand held testers and utilized in the Bluescope!BlueScope Highlights:∙Handheld test set hardware platform that supports both 1/10 GbE Ethernet, SONET/SDH/PDH, Fiber Channel, OTN, VOIP, IPTV, WLAN.∙Rapid Boot‐up∙Eight Hours battery stand time and approximate four hours of battery test time.∙Remote control through VNC and a CLI.∙Dual port operation enables performing two tests simultaneously∙Bluetooth support to easily offload test results or transfer test configurations.∙Customizable platform. Avoids technology obsolescence. Choose your ports, line rates and testing options you require now. Then invest in what you require. Bluescope is upgradeable for your future testing by you and can be fullyconfigured by you, whenever your test requirements, testing demands, financial position changes. Just add ports,features, and software options etc. in the future. Truly “pay as you grow” handheld test platform.Ethernet & IPBlueScope Ethernet Standard Features: ∙ Throughput Test (Single Stream)∙ Packet Filtering∙ IP Tools (Ping, DHCP, Trace Route)∙ In ‐Service Traffic Monitoring (Non ‐Intrusive Mode) ∙ MPLS (stacking up to 3 MPLSs) ∙ VLAN, Q ‐in ‐Q (up to 3 VLANs) ∙ Cable Diagnostics ∙ Remote Control via VNC ∙ Report Generation (PDF, CSV and TXT)BlueScope Ethernet SW Options:∙ (ET ‐1) Single 1GB port (ET ‐2) Dual 1GB port (ET ‐3) Single 10GB port(ET ‐4) Dual 1GB & Single 10GB port∙ (ET ‐5) Loopback Mode (L1‐L4, auto, filtered) ∙ (ET ‐6) Throughput multi ‐streams (4 streams)∙ (ET ‐7) RFC2544 (Network Equipment Benchmarking Test) ∙ (ET ‐8) Packet Capture and Decode via WireShark ∙ (ET ‐9) Throughput 32 multi ‐streams∙ (ET ‐10) Packet Flooding – Mac/VLAN/IP/User Defined Field ∙ (ET ‐11) L1/Unframed BERT (Cable BERT ‐RJ45, Unframed BERT ‐SFP Optic)∙ (ET ‐12) Network Discovery ∙ (ET ‐13) 100 FX/LX (Optic)BlueScope Ethernet SW Options:∙ (ET ‐14) Y.1564(EtherSAM)∙ (ET ‐15) PBB/PBB ‐TE(MAC ‐in ‐MAC) ∙ (ET ‐16) SyncE/1588 ∙ (ET ‐17) IPV6∙ (ET ‐18) EtherOAM Y.1731 (available early 2013) ∙ (ET ‐19) Asymmetric Testing (available early 2013)∙ (ET ‐20) One ‐Way Delay Measurement using 1588 or GPS (available early 2013)∙ (ET ‐21) Web Browser and HTTP Testing ∙ (ET ‐22) CLI Interface ∙ (WA ‐1) 10GbE WAN PHY∙ (WA ‐2) WLAN 802.11 a/b/g testing ∙ (PT ‐1) IPTV Quality Metrics∙ (PT ‐2) IPTV Decode (available early 2013) ∙ (VO ‐1) VoIP Quality Metrics∙ (VO ‐2) VoIP Signaling and Vocoding (available early 2013)Ethernet IP Applications∙Troubleshoots Ethernet/IP networks, captures and analyzes packets, and identifies network problems.∙Tests Carrier Ethernet transport to verify class of service (CoS), Triple‐Play Service, and Ethernet circuit transparency.∙Supports Packet Transport Network (PTN) testing with MPLS‐TP traffic generation and QoS analysis, along with simultaneous verification of OAM Label 13 or 14 operation.∙Confirms higher‐layer Ethernet data applications and services at 10Mbps to 1Gbps rates with Ipv4 and IPv6∙Tests Layer 1‐4 Ethernet/IP SLAs with RFC 2544 for up to 3 VLAN tags, Q‐in‐Q, and MPLS encapsulation.∙Verifies automatically SLA compliance according to Y.1564, including different traffic profiles per service, and KPI compliance for all committed services concurrently.Ethernet IP Testing LifecycleInstallation∙RFC2544, including frame delay variation, asymmetric rates, and concurrent results to reduce overall test time.∙Y.1564 EtherSAM automated SLA validation including bandwidth profiles and KPI compliance for quickly verifying multiple services.∙Carrier Ethernet testing with PBB, MPLS, MPLS‐TP, VLAN and Q‐in‐Q.Troubleshooting∙Line rate packet capture up to 10Gbps.∙Packet decodes with integrated WireSharkCarrier Ethernet Installation TestingFor years Ethernet/IP has been transported throughout carrier networks encapsulated in other data‐link layer technologies thatevolved into a carrier‐grade technology because of operations, administration, and maintenance (OAM) standards such as ITU‐Ty.1731, IEEE 802.1ag, and 802.3ah. Ethernet now possesses many of the characteristics that made SONET/SDH the transporttechnology of choice; end‐to‐end circuit transparency, redundancy, and full‐featured OAM for circuit‐based performancemanagement and alarming. The BlueScope delivers a much‐needed tool set for provisioning and troubleshooting Ethernet networksthat substantially improves installation and troubleshooting times, thereby granting error‐free operation and a significant reductionin operating expense.RFC2544 TestingThe BlueScope delivers all the Carrier Ethernet testing needed to qualify Ethernet‐based transport networks. RFC2544 is the defacto industry standard for Ethernet circuit installation. In addition to supporting Ethernet throughput or committed information rate (CIR), frame delay (FD) or latency, frame loss (FLR), and back‐to‐back burst testing as called out in the RFC, the BlueScope also tests forpacket jitter or frame delay variation (FDV) to ensure the circuit is ready to transport time‐sensitive services such as IPTV and VoIP.Using a pair of test sets and Asymmetric RFC testing, users can validate Ethernet Virtual Circuits (EVCs) with different upstream and downstream CIRs, or they can test sequentially in both directions to ensure that key performance indicators (KPIs) are met acrossany connection type.ITU‐T Y.1564 EtherSAM Service Activation TestingY.1564 EtherSAM allows for fast and easy verification of SLAs for differentiated services including validation of different bandwidthprofiles like committed information rate (CIR), extended information rate (EIR) and maximum bandwidth. Pass / Fail results for KPIs including CIR, frame delay (FD), frame delay variation (FDV or packet jitter) and frame loss rate (FLR) are provided independently forup to 16 services. Out of sequence frames and available seconds are reported per Y.1564.Verifying CoS with Multiple StreamsMulti‐stream testing generates several streams of traffic at the Ethernet, IP, and TCP/UDP layers (Layers 2‐4) to emulate various types of traffic with the appropriate CoS mappings so that users can assess the impact of traffic prioritization on the overall network architecture while confirming proper network element queuing, policing, and shaping. Up to 32 individually configured streams enable generation and analysis of per stream key parameters such as VLAN ID and priority, TOS/DSCP marking, packet size,source/destination IP and MAC address, and source/destination TCP/UDP ports. Users can configure constant or ramp traffic to simulate near real‐world traffic before actually delivering a service. This level of testing confirms the network design as well as drastically reduces post‐installation troubleshooting.BER and Latency TestingThe BlueScope supports optical Layer 1 (L1) BER testing for stress testing the underlying physical transport link. A standard 2^23 pattern is used to obtain key QoS measurements including bit error rates, pattern sync, latency, line coding, and signal/power levels.Ethernet OAM, VLAN, Q‐inQ, MPLS and PBB Tunneling TechnologiesEthernet tagging and encapsulation is commonly used to improve the scalability of Ethernet networks by isolating customer traffic and, in the case of provider backbone bridging (PBB), minimizing the number of MAC addresses that equipment must learn. Regardless of the encapsulation and tagging used, the BlueScope tests CoS to confirm KPIs such as CIR, FD, FDV, and FLR. Support for virtual local area network (VLAN) tags, Q‐in‐Q VLAN tags, PBB (also known as MAC‐in‐MAC) and multi‐protocol label switching (MPLS), the BlueScope allows testing at any part of the Metro network.Ethernet Timing Synchronization Verification using 1588v2 PTP and G.826x SyncECritical network timing and frequency synchronization testing enables service providers to analyze emerging 1588v2 PTP and Synchronous Ethernet (SyncE) protocols greatly reducing expenses for mobile backhaul and LTE by eliminating the need forTDM/GPS. Wireless backhaul providers can now verify whether Ethernet links can transfer PTP protocols by connecting to a PTP master and measuring critical packet parameters such as PDV with simultaneous network traffic loading. SyncE testing recovers the timing of an incoming Ethernet interface for the tester’s transmitter. Capturing and decoding the 1588v2 PTP and Ethernet Synchronization Messaging Channel (ESMC) messages allows operators to verify and troubleshoot proper configuration and operation of synchronization networks.Carrier Ethernet Fault IsolationIn the ever‐changing Ethernet and IP world providers must quickly, cost‐efficiently, and reliably troubleshoot problems at all layers of the stack. The BlueScope provides powerful line‐rate packet capture at Ethernet speeds up to 1GigE without dropping a single packet. When troubleshooting problems occur intermittently or inconsistently, it supports multiple traffic filters and triggers, including 16‐byte pattern identification, to isolate the exact problem and minimize the amount of information gathered.The BlueScope natively supports WireShark for on‐instrument packet decode. Additionally, users can save the captured traffic in a standard pcap file format and export it via USB or FTP through the management port for further analysis.SONET/SDH/PDHThe BlueScope 6800B performs BER testing on all line interfaces in end‐to‐end or loopback applications, inserts errors and alarms to verify NE conformance and connectivity, and measures BERs from DS1 (1.5M)/E1 (2.048M) rates to OC‐192/STM‐64.MappingsSONET/SDH mappings include all intermediate mappings down to VC‐4/VC‐3 in addition to BERT payload with multiple PRBS choices.SONET/SDH/PDH Overhead Byte Manipulation and AnalysisUsing the overhead byte manipulation and analysis capability, users can modify K1 and K2 bytes to test automatic protection switching (APS) to specify and identify user‐configurable path trace messages and payloads. The path overhead (POH) capture feature facilitates troubleshooting end‐to‐end problems. The Bluescope 6800B supports manual capture, capture on alarm, and capture based on user‐defined triggersPhysical Layer TestingPerform physical layer testing to verify dark fiber and line continuity across all optical transport methods and line rates. Support for unframed STM‐1/4/16/64, Fiber Channel 1x/2x/4x/10x, OTN OTU‐1/2/1E/2E/1F/2F, 1.250G(1GE), 10.313(10GE) and 3.1G (CPRI).Service Disruption measurementsThe Bluescope 6800B measures the protection switch times of SONET/SDH rings and their effects on tributaries. By measuring various error and alarm conditions on the tributaries, providers can verify that their transport network is providing adequate redundancy to guarantee SLAs.Multi‐Channel ViewDrill down to view the path hierarchy in its entirety on one screen with automatic detection of payload type (concatenated or non‐concatenated) for SONET ( 48x STS‐1 and 28x VT 2/1.5) and SDH (48x AU‐3 and 28x TU12/TU11).Line Through ModeConnecting the test unit in‐line provides not only monitoring capabilities but also the possibility of injecting errors. This provides for an effective tool in serice‐disruption testing.SDH/PDH Alarm/Error GenerationGenerate Alarms for:LOS, LOF, OOF,RS‐TIM, MS‐AIS, MS‐RDI, AU‐LOP, AU‐AIS, TU‐LOP, TU‐AIS, HP‐UNEQ, HP‐PLM, HP‐TIM, HP‐RDI,HP‐SRDI, HP‐CRDI, HP‐PRDI, HP‐TC‐UNEQ, HP‐TC‐LOMF, HP‐TC‐AIS, HP‐TC‐RDI, HP‐TC‐ODI, LP‐UNEQ, LP‐PLM, LP‐TIM, LP‐RFI, LP‐RDI, LP‐SRDI, LP‐CRDI, LP‐PRDI, LP‐TC‐UNEQ, LP‐TC‐LOMF, LP‐TC‐AIS, LP‐TC‐RDI, LP‐TC‐ODIGenerate Errors for:FAS, B1, B2,B3, MS‐REI, BIT,HP‐REI, HP‐TC‐IEC, HP‐TC‐REI, HP‐TC‐OEI, LP‐BIP, LP‐REI, LP‐TC‐IEC, LP‐TC‐REI, LP‐TC‐OEIBlueScope SONET/SDH Options:∙(SO‐1) OC‐3/12/48 (STM 1/4/16)(SO‐2) OC‐192 (STM‐64)(SO‐3) OC‐3/12/48/192 (STM 1/4/16/64)∙(SO‐4) Unframed Line Rate (Requires SO‐1,2 or 3)∙(SO‐5) Multi‐Channel View (Requires SO‐1, 2 or 3)∙(SO‐6) Signal Delay emulator (injection of signal delay in unframed line rates; Requires SO‐4)BlueScope PDH Options: ∙(PD‐1)E1/T1 (DS1)(PD‐2)E3/T3 (DS3)(PD‐3)E1/T1, E3/T3OTNOTN is the next generation network designed to combine and accelerate the benefits of SDH/SONET with the bandwidth expandability of DWDM (Dense wavelength division multiplexing).Test end‐to‐end connectivity by transmitting and receiving OTN signals with the ability to insert and analyze errors and alarms in network troubleshooting and equipment verification applications.TCM with Error/Alarm detectionVerify network element interoperability with the TCM bytes; Count, current rate and average rate for each error, SDT (Service disruption Time) measurements and RTD (Round Trip Delay) measurements. Verify OTN alarms and errors with injection capabilities such as loss of frame (LOF), alarm indication signal (AIS), and backward defect indication (BDI).FEC TestingTransmit and analyze correctable and uncorrectable FEC errors to verify a network element’s ability to correct conditions through the use of FEC enabled signals. Correctable and uncorrectable FEC error positions are accumulated and monitored through a graphical hierarchy window which allows users to easily recognize the position of the FEC error.Features programmable FEC error generation functions that allows the user to define a detailed position for correctable FEC errors and un‐correctable FEC errors.Line Through ModeConnecting the test unit in‐line provides not only monitoring capabilities but also the possibility of injecting errors. This provides for an effective tool in service‐disruption testing.BlueScope OTN Options:∙(OT‐1)OTU‐1 (2.66G/STM‐16)Requires SO‐1(OT‐2)OTU‐2 (10.7G/STM‐64)Requires SO‐2(OT‐3)OTU‐3 (2.66G & 10.7G / STM‐16 & STM‐64) Requires SO‐3(OT‐4)OTU‐4 (10G Ethernet over OTU‐2 [OUT‐1e/2e] available early 2013)Fibre ChannelThe BlueScope B6800B tests 1x, 2x, 4x and 10x Gbps Fibre Channel (FC). Users can manipulate various fields of the FC frames to emulate end customer traffic and perform BER measurements on L1 and L2 circuits. The BlueScope supports buffer crediting capability, which lets providers verify the effect of delay on the link throughput and test the ability of the link to obtain the optimum buffer credit values. The BlueScope also allows users to turn up storage area networks (SANs), producing reliable throughput, packet loss, RTD, and burstability results with consistent test methodology.BlueScope Fiber Channel Options:∙(FC‐1) Fiber Channel 1x/2x(FC‐2) Fiber Channel 4x(FC‐3)Fiber Channel 1x/2x/4x(FC‐4)Fiber Channel 10x (Available 2013)(FC‐5)Fiber Channel 1x/2x/4x/10x (10x Available 2013)Hardware Specifications:∙Ports:▪(2) SFPs (1000BASE‐SX/LX/ZX, 100‐FX/LX/SX)▪(2) 10/100/1000Base‐T (RJ45)▪(1) XFP▪(1) BNC connectors (Tx/Rx) 34‐45M▪(1) Bantam(Tx/Rx) : 1.5M ‐ 2M▪(1) SMA(Tx) : Tx Reference Clock Out▪(1) SMA: External clock input 1.544 ‐2.048 Mbps / 1.544m, 2.048 m, 10M / Any clock speed▪(1) GPS Signal input▪(1) HDMI output▪(1) 3.5mm headset audio jack and mic support.∙Port Configuration:▪BL6800‐01 (1Gb‐Single Port), BL6800‐02 (1Gb‐Dual Port), BL6800‐12 (10Gb‐Single Port, 1Gb‐Dual Port)▪BL6800‐01P (including PDH), BL6800‐02P (including PDH), BL6800‐12P (including PDH) ∙Dimensions:▪Size: 172.5 (W) x 227 (H) x 58.5 (D) mm▪Weight: 1.3 kg with Battery, Battery (0.3 kg)∙Operating Temp: 0Ԩ~40Ԩ∙Storage Temp: ‐20Ԩ~ +70Ԩ∙Display: 5.7 Color TFT‐LCD Touch Screen∙User Interface: Touch Screen & Keypad∙Humidity: 10% ~ 90%∙Power:▪AC adaptor: 100V~240 V(50Hz/60Hz)▪Removable/Rechargeable lithium ‐Ion Battery▪Battery life: 3 hours typical, 8 hour in standby mode▪Charging time: 1 ~ 2 hours∙Memory:▪16GByte internal Flash memory includedContact Information:Web: US & Canada:Support: ************************Tel: +1 408 841 9689Sales: **********************Fax: +1 408 841 9607。
PCE-LED 20 白光光源光照梯度计说明书
![PCE-LED 20 白光光源光照梯度计说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/725e4a5b6d85ec3a87c24028915f804d2b168797.png)
PCE-LED 20PCE Americas Inc.711 Commerce WaySuite 8JupiterFL-33458USAFrom outside US: +1Tel: (561) 320-9162Fax: (561) 320-9176*********************/englishPCE Instruments UK Ltd.Unit 11Southpoint Business Park Ensign way Hampshire / Southampton United Kingdom, SO31 4RF From outside UK: +44Tel: (0) 2380 98703 0Fax: (0) 2380 98703 9 info@pce-instrument s.co .uk.....c:;:::::::==::::;•111• -U·i!Mdlii&#%JIMi·l'fü•1.DescriptionMeasures light from visible luminaries equipped with white light LED, fluorescent,metal halide, high-pressure sodium and incandescent sources.2.Safety Precaution&•Da not operate the meter under the environment with explosive gas (material),combustible gas (material) steam or filled with dust.•In order to avoid reading incorrect data , please replace the battery immediatelywhen the symbol "l(ill1 "appears an the LCD.•In order to avoid the damage caused by contamination or static electricity, danot tauch the circuit board before you take any adequate action .•Operating Environment: lndoors use, This instrument has been designed forbeing used in an environment of pollution degree 2.•Operation Altitude : Up to 2000 M.•Operating Temperature & Humidity: 5°C-40°C,0%-70%RH.•Storage Temperature & Humidity :-10 • C-60 • C,0%-70%RH.•EMC:EN61326-1 (2006) . IEC61000-4-2(2006).IEC61000-4-3(2006) +(2007).3.PrefaceThe flux of light received in a unit area of a certain side b eing s hown is popularlyknown as illumination . The measuring unit in both United Kingdom and Americais known as footcandles light ,but in Europe it is also known as meter candlelight.One foot-candles light is the illumination of light that falls an one side which isone foot away from a one foot-candlelight and exactly intersecting with the light .lts abbreviated form is written as 1 Fe= 1 Lm/ft, similarly, one-meter candlelightis the illumination of light that falls an a side which is one meter away from a onemeter candlelight and exactly intersecting the light. lt is also called Lux i, e. theflux of light being received in each sq. meter is called the i llumination of one lumen.1FC=10.764 LUX, 1LUX= 0.09290 FC,-.....c:;:::::::==::::;•111• -U·i!Mdlii&#%JIMi·l'fü•5.SpecificationsDisplay 4000 count, maximum display 3999Sensor Silicon photodiode with filterMeasuring Range 40, 400, 4000,40000, 400000 Lux40, 400, 4000, 40000 FootcandlesAccuracy ±3% (Calibrated to standard lncandescentlamp 2856°K and Corrected LED day whilelight Spectrum)6% other visible light sourceAngle deviation from cosine 30 ° ±2%characteristics 60 ° ±6%80 ° ±25%Power SupplyBattery lifeDimensionsWeightAccessoriesLength of wring for light sensor : Approx. 1.5M6.Operation1.Press the "8" button to turn power on or off.2. Remove sensor cap and place the sensor perpendicular to the light.3. Select LUX or FC.4. lf you want to keep th e reading value on the LCD screen permanently alter te sting,Press the "0" button.5. When done testing, replace the sensor cover to protect the filter and sensor.•Data HoldFreezes the reading present on the LCD screen at th e moment the button is pressed•ZEROPress the" e " button for the zero adjustment tt any digits appear on the LCDscreen, when the light sensor cap is not attached "GAP" will be shown on the。
设计计算说明书(参考)1废水基本情况某医药中间体生产厂废水各相关参数如下表3-1所示:表3-1 某医药中间体废水各相关参数表项目pH SS BOD5 COD NH3-N T-P进水 5.5 ≤30004000~7000 20000~30000 25~35 20~30排放标准6~9 70 20 100 15 0.5 设计水量:200t/d=8.33m3/h每天工艺的运行时间为16小时,则每小时处理水量为12.5m3/h。
2格栅(1)参数选取一般城市污水格栅设计依据:表3-2 格栅设计参数表重要参数的取值依据取值安装倾角一般取60º~70ºθ=60º栅前水深一般取0.3~0.5m h=0.3m 栅条间距宽:粗:>40mm中:15~25mm细:4~10mm b=5mm水流过栅流速一般取0.6~1.0m/s v=0.6m/s格栅受污染物阻塞时水头增大的倍数一般采用3 k=3栅前渠道超高一般采用0.3m h2=0.3m栅渣量(m3/103m3污水)取0.1~0.01 W=0.1进水渠道渐宽部分的展开角度一般为20ºK f=1.5 栅条断面形状阻力系数计算公式形状系数栅条尺寸(mm)迎水背水面均为锐边矩形=β(s/b) 4/3 =2.42 长=50,宽S=10根据上表所示计算依据,代入本设计参数得到格栅的栅条数为:取栅前水深h =0.3m ,过栅流速v =0.6m/s ,格栅倾角α=60°,栅条间隙宽度为5mm ,则栅条数: 33.8sin max =⨯⨯⨯︒⨯==bhv Q n α (3-1)采用城市污水格栅设计依据计算出的栅条数只有不足3根,不符合实际生产中的要求,并且城市污水的水量一般较大,与本设计中的实际情况相差甚远,所以,本设计中的格栅可适当做出调整。
调整结果如下:栅前渠道:宽0.5m ,有效水深为0.1m ,渠道长1.0m 。
Agilent InGaN LED灯光源数据手册说明书
![Agilent InGaN LED灯光源数据手册说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/0103af6c366baf1ffc4ffe4733687e21ae45ff75.png)
HLMP-CB36-QT000HLMP-CB11-TW000Agilent HLMP-CxxxT-13/4 (5mm) Extra Bright Precision Optical Performance InGaN LED Lamps Data SheetDescriptionThese high intensity blue, green, and cyan LEDs are based on the most efficient and cost effective InGaN material technology. The 470 nm typical dominant wave–length for blue and 525 nm typical wavelength for green is well suited to color mixing in full color signs. The 505 nm typical dominant wavelength for cyan is suitable for traffic signal application.These LED lamps are untinted, non-diffused, T-13/4 packagesFeatures•Well defined spatial radiationpattern•High luminous output•Available in blue, green, and cyancolor•Viewing angle: 15°, 23°and 30°•Standoff or non-standoff leads•Superior resistance to moistureApplications•Traffic signals•Commercial outdoor advertising•Front panel backlighting•Front panel indicator incorporating second generationoptics which produce well-definedspatial radiation patterns atspecific viewing cone angles.These lamps are made with anadvanced optical grade epoxy,offering superior temperatureand moisture resistance inoutdoor signal and signapplications. The high maximumLED junction temperature limitof +110°C enables hightemperature operation in brightsunlight conditions.HLMP-CB11, HLMP-CB12, HLMP-CM11, HLMP-CM12, HLMP-CE11,HLMP-CE12, HLMP-CB26, HLMP-CB27, HLMP-CM26, HLMP-CM27,HLMP-CE26, HLMP-CE27, HLMP-CB36, HLMP-CB37, HLMP-CM36,HLMP-CM37, HLMP-CE36, HLMP-CE37CAUTION: Devices are Class I ESD sensitive. Please observe appropriate precautions during handling and processing. Refer to Application Note AN-1142 for additional details.Package DimensionsPackage APackage B5.80 ± 0.20(0.228 ±∅ CATHODEFLATMIN.SQ. TYP.NOTES:1. MEASURED JUST ABOVE FLANGE.2. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETERS (INCHES).3. EPOXY MENISCUS MAY EXTEND ABOUT 1 mm (0.040") DOWN THE LEADS.4. IF HEAT SINKING APPLICATION IS REQUIRED, THE TERMINAL FOR HEAT SINK IS ANODE.Device Selection GuideTypicalViewing Angle,Intensity (cd) at 20 mA PackagePart Number Color2q1/2 (Degree)Min.Max.Standoff Dimension Lens HLMP-CB11-TW0xx Blue15 2.57.2No A Clear HLMP-CB11-UVAxx Blue15 3.2 5.5No A Clear HLMP-CB12-TW0xx Blue15 2.57.2Yes B Clear HLMP-CM11-Y20xx Green159.327.0No A Clear HLMP-CM11-Z1Cxx Green1512.021.0No A Clear HLMP-CM12-Y20xx Green159.327.0Yes B Clear HLMP-CE11-X10xx Cyan157.221.0No A Clear HLMP-CE12-X10xx Cyan157.221.0Yes B Clear HLMP-CB26-SV0xx Blue23 1.9 5.5No A Clear HLMP-CB26-TUDxx Blue23 2.5 4.2No A Clear HLMP-CB27-SV0xx Blue23 1.9 5.5Yes B Clear HLMP-CM26-X10xx Green237.221.0No A Clear HLMP-CM26-YZCxx Green239.316.0No A Clear HLMP-CM27-X10xx Green237.221.0Yes B Clear HLMP-CE26-WZ0xx Cyan23 5.516.0No A Clear HLMP-CE27-WZ0xx Cyan23 5.516.0Yes B Clear HLMP-CB36-QT0xx Blue30 1.15 3.2No A Clear HLMP-CB36-RSAxx Blue30 1.5 2.5No A Clear HLMP-CB36-RSBxx Blue30 1.5 2.5No A Clear HLMP-CB37-RU0xx Blue30 1.5 4.2Yes B Clear HLMP-CB37-RSDxx Blue30 1.5 2.5Yes B Clear HLMP-CM36-X10xx Green307.221.0No A Clear HLMP-CM36-XYCxx Green307.212.0No A Clear HLMP-CM37-X10xx Green307.221.0Yes B Clear HLMP-CM37-XYCxx Green307.212.0Yes B Clear HLMP-CM37-XYDxx Green307.212.0Yes B Clear HLMP-CE36-WZ0xx Cyan30 5.516.0No A Clear HLMP-CE37-WZ0xx Cyan30 5.516.0Yes B ClearNotes:1.Tolerance for luminous intensity measurement is ±15%.2.The luminous intensity is measured on the mechanical axis of the lamp package.3.The optical axis is closely aligned with the package mechanical axis.4.LED light output is bright enough to cause injuries to the eyes. Precautions must be taken to prevent looking directly at the LED without propersafety equipment.5. 2q1/2 is the off-axis angle where the luminous intensity is 1/2 the on-axis intensity.Part Numbering SystemHLMP-x x xx-x x x xxMechanical Options00: BulkDD: Ammo PackColor Bin Options0: Full Color Bin DistributionA: Color Bin 1 and 2B: Color Bin 2 and 3C: Color Bin 3 and 4D: Color Bin 4 and 5Maximum Intensity Bin0: No Maximum Intensity Bin LimitationOthers: Refer to Device Selection GuideMinimum Intensity BinRefer to Device Selection GuideViewing Intensity Bin11: 15° Without Standoff12: 15°With Standoff26: 23°Without Standoff27: 23°With Standoff36: 30°Without standoff37: 30°With StandoffColorB: Blue 470 nmM: Green 525 nmE: Cyan 505 nmPackageC: T-13/4 (5 mm) Round LampAbsolute Maximum Rating at T A = 25°CParameters Value UnitDC Forward Current [1]30mAPeak Pulsed Forward Current[3]100mAPower Dissipation116mWLED Junction Temperature130°COperating Temperature Range–40 to +85°CStorage Temperature Range–40 to +100°CWave Soldering Temperature[2]250 for 3 secs°CSolder Dipping Temperature[2]260 for 5 secs°CNotes:1.Derate linearly as shown in Figure2.2.1.59 mm (0.060 inch) below body.3.Duty factor 10%, frequency 1 KHz.Electrical/Optical CharacteristicsT A = 25o CBlue Green CyanParameters Symbol Min.Typ.Max.Min.Typ.Max.Min.Typ.Max.Units Test Condition Forward Voltage V F 3.2 3.85 3.3 3.85 3.2 3.85V I F = 20 mA Reverse Voltage[1]V R 5.0 5.0 5.0V I R = 10 µA Thermal Resistance R q J-PIN240240240o C/W LED Junction toAnode Lead Dominant l d460470480520525540490505508nm I F = 20 mA Wavelength[2]Peak Wavelength l PEAK464516501nm Peak of Wavelengthof Spectral Distribu-tion at I F = 20 mA Spectral Half Width Dl1/2233230nm Wavelength Widthat Spectral Distribu-tion Power Pointat I F = 20 mA Luminous Efficacy[3]h v74484319lm/W Emitted LuminousPower/EmittedRadiant Power Notes:1.The reverse voltage of the product is equivalent to the forward voltage of the protective chip at I R = 10 µA.2.The dominant wavelength, l d, is derived from the Chromaticity Diagram and represents the color of the lamp.3.The radiant intensity, Ie in watts/steradian, may be found from the equation Ie = Iv/h v, where Iv is the luminous intensity in candelas and h v is theluminous efficacy in lumens/watt.Figure 5. Relative intensity vs. DC forward current.Figure 4. Relative dominant wavelength vs. DC forward current.Figure 1. Relative intensity vs. wavelength.Figure 3. Forward current vs. forward voltage.Figure 2. Forward current vs. ambient temperature.WAVELENGTH – nmR E L A T I V E I N T E N S I T Y1. F M A X . – M A X I M U M F O R W A R D C U R R E N T – m AT A – AMBIENT TEMPERATURE – °C03510503.030252015 2.01.0F O R W A R D C U R R E N T – m AFORWARD VOLTAGE – V 4.0DC FORWARD CURRENT – mAR E L A T I V E D O M I N A N TW A V E L E N G T H1.0351.0251.0300.9901.0151.0201.0101.0051.0000.99501.60.2R E L A T I V E L U M I N O U S I N T E N S I T Y (N O R M A L I Z E D A T 20 m A )DC FORWARD CURRENT – mA515301.21025201. 6. Spatial radiation pattern for Cx11 and Cx12.Figure 7. Spatial radiation pattern for Cx26 and Cx27.Figure 8. Spatial radiation pattern for Cx36 and Cx37.N O R M A L I Z E D I N T E N S I T Y10ANGULAR DISPLACEMENT – DEGREES0.5-90-600-30306090N O R M A L I Z E D I N T E N S I T Y10ANGULAR DISPLACEMENT – DEGREES0.5-90-600-30306090N O R M A L I Z E D I N T E N S I T Y10ANGULAR DISPLACEMENT – DEGREES0.5-90-600-30306090Intensity Bin Limit TableIntensity (mcd) at 20 mA Bin Min MaxN680880P8801150Q11501500R15001900S1*******T25003200U32004200V42005500W55007200X72009300Y930012000Z1200016000 11600021000 Tolerance for each bin limit is ±15%.Blue Color Bin TableBin Min Dom Max Dom Xmin Ymin Xmax Ymax 1460.0464.00.14400.02970.17660.09660.18180.09040.13740.0374 2464.0468.00.13740.03740.16990.10620.17660.09660.12910.0495 3468.0472.00.12910.04950.16160.12090.16990.10620.11870.0671 4472.0476.00.11870.06710.15170.14230.16160.12090.10630.0945 5476.0480.00.10630.09450.13970.17280.15170.14230.09130.1327 Tolerance for each bin limit is ±0.5 nm.Cyan Color Bin TableBin Min Dom Max Dom Xmin Ymin Xmax Ymax 1490.0495.00.04540.29450.11640.38890.13180.3060.02350.4127 2495.0500.00.03450.41270.10570.47690.11640.38890.00820.5384 3500.0505.00.00820.53840.10270.55840.10570.47690.00390.6548 4505.0510.00.00390.65480.10970.62510.10270.55840.01390.7502 7498.0503.00.01320.48820.10280.52730.10920.44170.00400.6104 8503.0508.00.00400.61040.10560.60070.10280.52730.00800.7153 Tolerance for each bin limit is ±0.5 nm.Green Color Bin TableBin Min Dom Max Dom Xmin Ymin Xmax Ymax 1520.0524.00.07430.83380.18560.65560.16500.65860.10600.8292 2524.0528.00.10600.82920.20680.64630.18560.65560.13870.8148 3528.0532.00.13870.81480.22730.63440.20680.64630.17020.7965 4532.0536.00.17020.79650.24690.62130.22730.63440.20030.7764 5536.0540.00.20030.77640.26590.60700.24690.62130.22960.7543 Tolerance for each bin limit is ±0.5 nm./semiconductors For product information and a complete list of distributors, please go to our web site.For technical assistance call:Americas/Canada: +1 (800) 235-0312 or (916) 788-6763Europe: +49 (0) 6441 92460China: 10800 650 0017Hong Kong: (+65) 6756 2394India, Australia, New Zealand: (+65) 6755 1939 Japan: (+81 3) 3335-8152(Domestic/Interna-tional), or 0120-61-1280(Domestic Only) Korea: (+65) 6755 1989Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia: (+65) 6755 2044 Taiwan: (+65) 6755 1843Data subject to change.Copyright © 2005 Agilent Technologies, Inc. Obsoletes 5989-1022ENJune 15, 20055989-3337ENHLMP-CB36-QT000HLMP-CB11-TW000。
2:软件提供最多的数学函数,分别为: sin(D)、cos(D)、tan(D)、ctg(D)、sec(D) Cosec(D)、arcsin(D)、arccos(D)、arctan(D)、arcctg(D)、sinh(D)、cosh(D) tanh(D)、coth(D)、sech(D)、abs(B)、exp(B)、ln(B)、sqrt(B) 、Power(x,y)、B^2、A^0.5、PI等等。
光度测量积分球- 精确和灵活的总光谱和前光谱通量测量说明书
![光度测量积分球- 精确和灵活的总光谱和前光谱通量测量说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/01ef4b2ab94ae45c3b3567ec102de2bd9705de6f.png)
Spectraflect Reflectance Coating规格型号:LMS-025LMS-050LMS-100LMS-165LMS-195LMS-300 4π 料号:AA-30000-025 AA-30000-050 AA-30000-100 AA-30000-165 AA-30000-195 AA-30000-300 积分球尺寸: 25 cm50 cm100 cm 165 cm 195 cm 300 cm 积分球涂层: Spectraflect Spectraflect Spectraflect Spectraflect Spectraflect Spectraflect 最大待测灯长度: 13 cm 25 cm 61 cm 86 cm 132 cm 285 cm 最大待测灯瓦数: 100 W400 W1500 W 4000 W 5000 W 10000 W 最大待测灯光通量*: 0.003 lumens 0.012 lumens 0.04 lumens 0.13 lumens 0.18 lumens 0.41 lumens 积分球配件框架: Bench-top Bench-top On casters On casters On casters On casters 最大高度:(cm) 39.0576.2179.07204.47229.87342.90占地面积:闭合 (cm)45.9 x 30.2 74.1 x 50.4 128 x 98.1 185 x 165 213.2 x 187 431.8 x 571.5 x 39.1x 74x 166.7x 200x 226 打开 (cm)64.2 x 46.8 103.7 x 89.9 174.4 x 165.9 269.3 x 271.8 310 x 307.4 431.8 x 571.5x 39.1 x 74 x 166.7 x 200 x 226 重量:4 kg 20 kg 92 kg 300 kg 347 kg 462 kg 积分球打开方式: 合页式合页式合页式合页式合页式合页式 积分球配件: Spun Aluminum Spun Aluminum Spun Aluminum Spun Aluminum Spun Aluminum Fiberglass框架样式: Extruded Aluminum Extruded Aluminum Extruded Aluminum Extruded Aluminum Extruded Aluminum Extruded Aluminum 积分球涂层:Spectraflect Spectraflect Spectraflect Spectraflect Spectraflect Spectraflect Spectraflect 漫反射涂层 > 97% (nominal) > 97% (nominal) > 97% (nominal) > 97% (nominal) > 97% (nominal) > 97% (nominal) 反射率:总的开口数量: 666666探测器开口尺寸: 1.25 cm 1.25 cm 1.25 cm 1.25 cm 1.25 cm 1.25 cm 探测器开口数量: 122222温度探针开口: 2.5 cm 2.5 cm 2.5 cm2.5 cm2.5 cm2.5 cm待测灯最大推荐 2.5 cm<7 cm dia, <14 cm dia, <23 cm dia, <27 cm dia, <50 cm dia, 尺寸: (LM-79) 33 cm long 67 cm long 110 cm long 130 cm long 202 cm long 4π 几何结构 光源可测最大 13 cm 250 cm 2200 cm 2545 cm 2760 cm 25600 cm 2内表面面积: (2% 规格)(cm 2)积分球涂层最高耐温:100°C100°C 100°C 100°C 100°C 100°C 最大开口或待测物面积: (2π) 5.08 cm dia.; 15 cm dia.; 33 cm dia.; 53 cm dia.; 63 cm dia.; Optional 20 cm 2 71 cm 2337 cm 2879 cm 21246 cm 2开口法兰缩孔器: n/a 15 - 2.5 cm 33 cm - 15 cm; 53 cm - 15 cm; 63 cm - 15 cm; N/A15 cm - 2.5 cm 15 cm - 2.5 cm 15 cm - 2.5 cm 最大可测线性 15 cm33 cm 66 cm 110 cm130 cm待测物尺寸:(占2/3 直径的积分球)* Based on Cool White LED and 2600 Spectrometer特征 • 光密封性好 • 具有向上或向下安装灯座 • 灯杆安装底座牢固 • 荧光灯架可调 • 中心灯杆高度可调 • 可切换挡板 • 温度传感器安装开口 • 2π开口 • 标准灯开口 • 标准灯挡板LMS-025 光测量积分球蓝菲光学(Labsphere)的LMS-025光测量积分球直径为25cm,用于测量微型和超小型,最大灯功率为100W的灯和高亮度led灯。
蓝光工程量计算稿说明书 -标准化文件发布号:(9456-EUATWK-MWUB-WUNN-INNUL-DDQTY-KII蓝光工程量计算稿使用手册目录前言第一章软件的安装、卸载1.1软件的运行环境1.2软件的安装1.3软件的卸载第二章软件购买与注册2.1软件购买2.2软件注册2.3定额库注册第三章软件入门操作3.1文件操作3.2编辑操作3.3表达式录入详解3.4软件常用工具使用3.5工程变量明细3.6自定义变量3.7定额数据维护3.8系统设置第四章软件高级操作技巧4.1符号栏使用4.2软件内置函数4.3自定义常用函数4.4变量求和规则4.5汇总求和详细应用4.6综合技巧4.7构件算量4.8在线升级4.9常用快捷键第五章软件更新记录前言蓝光工程量计算主要用于辅助建筑概预结算人员完成项目工程量的计算。
2:软件提供最多的数学函数,分别为: sin(D)、cos(D)、tan(D)、ctg(D)、sec(D)Cosec(D)、arcsin(D)、arccos(D)、arctan(D)、arcctg(D)、sinh(D)、cosh(D) tanh(D)、coth(D)、sech(D)、abs(B)、exp(B)、ln(B)、sqrt(B) 、Power(x,y)、B^2、A^、PI等等。
![OSRAM OSLON WL-T7DS 蓝色LED光源说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/f792b831f11dc281e53a580216fc700abb6852fa.png)
Dimensions: [mm]15detail AScale - 2:1157119B12701Schematic:157119B12701157119B12701157119B12701157119B12701157119B12701157119B12701T e m p e r a t u r eT T T 157119B12701Cautions and Warnings:The following conditions apply to all goods within the product series of Optoelectronic Components of Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG:General:•This optoelectronic component is designed and manufactured for use in general electronic equipment.•Würth Elektronik must be asked for written approval (following the PPAP procedure) before incorporating the components into any equipment in fields such as military, aerospace, aviation, nuclear control, submarine, transportation (automotive control, train control, ship control), transportation signal, disaster prevention, medical, public information network, etc. where higher safety and reliability are especially required and/or if there is the possibility of direct damage or human injury.•Optoelectronic components that will be used in safety-critical or high-reliability applications, should be pre-evaluated by the customer. •The optoelectronic component is designed and manufactured to be used within the datasheet specified values. If the usage and operation conditions specified in the datasheet are not met, the wire insulation may be damaged or dissolved.•Do not drop or impact the components, the component may be damaged•Würth Elektronik products are qualified according to international standards, which are listed in each product reliability report. Würth Elektronik does not warrant any customer qualified product characteristics beyond Würth Elektroniks’ specifications, for its validity and sustainability over time.•The responsibility for the applicability of the customer specific products and use in a particular customer design is always within the authority of the customer. All technical specifications for standard products also apply to customer specific products.Product specific:Soldering:•The solder profile must comply with the technical product specifications. All other profiles will void the warranty.•All other soldering methods are at the customers’ own risk.Cleaning and Washing:•Washing agents used during the production to clean the customer application might damage or change the characteristics of the optoelectronic component body, marking or plating. Washing agents may have a negative effect on the long-term functionality of the product.•Using a brush during the cleaning process may break the optoelectronic component body. Therefore, we do not recommend using a brush during the PCB cleaning process.Potting:•If the product is potted in the customer application, the potting material might shrink or expand during and after hardening. Shrinking could lead to an incomplete seal, allowing contaminants into the optoelectronic component body, pins or termination. Expansion could damage the components. We recommend a manual inspection after potting to avoid these effects.Storage Conditions:• A storage of Würth Elektronik products for longer than 12 months is not recommended. Within other effects, the terminals may suffer degradation, resulting in bad solderability. Therefore, all products shall be used within the period of 12 months based on the day of shipment.•Do not expose the optoelectronic component to direct sunlight.•The storage conditions in the original packaging are defined according to DIN EN 61760-2.•For a moisture sensitive component, the storage condition in the original packaging is defined according to IPC/JEDEC-J-STD-033. It is also recommended to return the optoelectronic component to the original moisture proof bag and reseal the moisture proof bag again. •The storage conditions stated in the original packaging apply to the storage time and not to the transportation time of the components. Packaging:•The packaging specifications apply only to purchase orders comprising whole packaging units. If the ordered quantity exceeds or is lower than the specified packaging unit, packaging in accordance with the packaging specifications cannot be ensured. Handling:•Violation of the technical product specifications such as exceeding the nominal rated current, will void the warranty.•The product design may influence the automatic optical inspection.•Certain optoelectronic component surfaces consist of soft material. Pressure on the top surface has to be handled carefully to prevent negative influence to the function and reliability of the optoelectronic components.•ESD prevention methods need to be applied for manual handling and processing by machinery.•Resistors for protection are obligatory.•Luminaires in operation may harm human vision or skin on a photo-biological level. Therefore direct light impact shall be avoided. All products are additionally certified as risk groups 0 to 2 according to DIN EN 62471:2008.•In addition to optoelectronic components testing, products incorporating these devices have to comply with the safety precautions given in IEC 60825-1, IEC 62471 and IEC 62778•Please be aware that Products provided in bulk packaging may get bent and might lead to derivations from the mechanical manufacturing tolerances mentioned in our datasheet, which is not considered to be a material defect.Technical specification:•The typical and/or calculated values and graphics of technical parameters can only reflect statistical figures. The actual parameters of each single product, may differ from the typical and/or calculated values or the typical characteristic line.•On each reel, only one bin is sorted and taped. The bin is defined on intensity, chromaticity coordinate or wavelength and forwardWürth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KGEMC & Inductive SolutionsMax-Eyth-Str. 174638 WaldenburgGermanyCHECKED REVISION DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)GENERAL TOLERANCE PROJECTIONMETHODPLD001.0012023-05-27DIN ISO 2768-1mDESCRIPTIONWL-T7DS 7 Segments Display THTSingle Digit ORDER CODE157119B12701SIZE/TYPE BUSINESS UNIT STATUS PAGEvoltage.•In order to ensure highest availability, the reel binning of standard deliveries can vary. A single bin cannot be ordered. Please contact us in advance, if you need a particular bin sorting before placing your order.•Test conditions are measured at the typical current with pulse duration < 30ms. •Wavelength tolerance under measurement conditions ± 2nm. •Optical intensity tolerance under measurement conditions ±15%. •Forward voltage tolerance under measurement conditions ± 0.2V.These cautions and warnings comply with the state of the scientific and technical knowledge and are believed to be accurate and reliable.However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies or incompleteness.Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG EMC & Inductive Solutions Max-Eyth-Str. 174638 Waldenburg GermanyCHECKED REVISION DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)GENERAL TOLERANCEPROJECTION METHODPLD001.0012023-05-27DIN ISO 2768-1mDESCRIPTIONWL-T7DS 7 Segments Display THT Single DigitORDER CODE157119B12701SIZE/TYPEBUSINESS UNITSTATUSPAGEImportant NotesThe following conditions apply to all goods within the product range of Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG:1. General Customer ResponsibilitySome goods within the product range of Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG contain statements regarding general suitability for certain application areas. These statements about suitability are based on our knowledge and experience of typical requirements concerning the areas, serve as general guidance and cannot be estimated as binding statements about the suitability for a customer application. The responsibility for the applicability and use in a particular customer design is always solely within the authority of the customer. Due to this fact it is up to the customer to evaluate, where appropriate to investigate and decide whether the device with the specific product characteristics described in the product specification is valid and suitable for the respective customer application or not.2. Customer Responsibility related to Specific, in particular Safety-Relevant ApplicationsIt has to be clearly pointed out that the possibility of a malfunction of electronic components or failure before the end of the usual lifetime cannot be completely eliminated in the current state of the art, even if the products are operated within the range of the specifications.In certain customer applications requiring a very high level of safety and especially in customer applications in which the malfunction or failure of an electronic component could endanger human life or health it must be ensured by most advanced technological aid of suitable design of the customer application that no injury or damage is caused to third parties in the event of malfunction or failure of an electronic component. Therefore, customer is cautioned to verify that data sheets are current before placing orders. The current data sheets can be downloaded at .3. Best Care and AttentionAny product-specific notes, cautions and warnings must be strictly observed. Any disregard will result in the loss of warranty.4. Customer Support for Product SpecificationsSome products within the product range may contain substances which are subject to restrictions in certain jurisdictions in order to serve specific technical requirements. Necessary information is available on request. In this case the field sales engineer or the internal sales person in charge should be contacted who will be happy to support in this matter.5. Product R&DDue to constant product improvement product specifications may change from time to time. As a standard reporting procedure of the Product Change Notification (PCN) according to the JEDEC-Standard inform about minor and major changes. In case of further queries regarding the PCN, the field sales engineer or the internal sales person in charge should be contacted. The basic responsibility of the customer as per Section 1 and 2 remains unaffected.6. Product Life CycleDue to technical progress and economical evaluation we also reserve the right to discontinue production and delivery of products. As a standard reporting procedure of the Product Termination Notification (PTN) according to the JEDEC-Standard we will inform at an early stage about inevitable product discontinuance. According to this we cannot guarantee that all products within our product range will always be available. Therefore it needs to be verified with the field sales engineer or the internal sales person in charge about the current product availability expectancy before or when the product for application design-in disposal is considered. The approach named above does not apply in the case of individual agreements deviating from the foregoing for customer-specific products.7. Property RightsAll the rights for contractual products produced by Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG on the basis of ideas, development contracts as well as models or templates that are subject to copyright, patent or commercial protection supplied to the customer will remain with Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG. Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG does not warrant or represent that any license, either expressed or implied, is granted under any patent right, copyright, mask work right, or other intellectual property right relating to any combination, application, or process in which Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG components or services are used.8. General Terms and ConditionsUnless otherwise agreed in individual contracts, all orders are subject to the current version of the “General Terms and Conditions of Würth Elektronik eiSos Group”, last version available at .Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KGEMC & Inductive SolutionsMax-Eyth-Str. 174638 WaldenburgGermanyTel. +49 (0) 79 42 945 - 0*******************CHECKED REVISION DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)GENERAL TOLERANCE PROJECTIONMETHODPLD001.0012023-05-27DIN ISO 2768-1mDESCRIPTIONWL-T7DS 7 Segments Display THTSingle Digit ORDER CODE157119B12701SIZE/TYPE BUSINESS UNIT STATUS PAGE0.39"eiPal PCN11/11This electronic component has been designed and developed for usage in general electronic equipment only. This product is not authorized for use in equipment where a higher safety standard and reliability standard is especially required or where a failure of the product is reasonably expected to cause severe personal injury or death, unless the parties have executed an agreement specifically governing such use. Moreover Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co KG products are neither designed nor intended for use in areas such as military, aerospace, aviation, nuclear control, submarine, transportation, transportation signal, disaster prevention, medical, public information network etc.. Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co KG must be informed about the intent of such usage before the design-in stage. In addition, sufficient reliability evaluation checks for safety must be performed on every electronic component which is used in electrical circuits that require high safety and reliability functions or performance.。
TrademarksAll trademarks mentioned in this manual are registered property of Joinwit.ExplanationThe content of this manual is subject to Joinwit’s explanation.目录1、概述--------------------------------------------------12、技术指标----------------------------------------------23、标准配置----------------------------------------------34、功能说明----------------------------------------------45、使用说明----------------------------------------------66、维护及保养--------------------------------------------97、质量保证----------------------------------------------101、概述双通道台式光功率计是嘉慧公司开发设计的高精度、宽量程光功率检测设备。
智能化微处理器控制,具有量程自动切换,对光探测器PIN 管在整个量程范围内,进行了分8段的线性化处理,消除了PIN管在同一波长、不同功率下,对光功率的非线性响应带来的误差,极大地提高了设备检测的准确性和可靠性。
2:软件提供最多的数学函数,分别为: sin(D)、cos(D)、tan(D)、ctg(D)、sec(D) Cosec(D)、arcsin(D)、arccos(D)、arctan(D)、arcctg(D)、sinh(D)、cosh(D) tanh(D)、coth(D)、sech(D)、abs(B)、exp(B)、ln(B)、sqrt(B) 、Power(x,y)、B^2、A^0.5、PI等等。
BenQ 蓝光激光投影仪说明书
![BenQ 蓝光激光投影仪说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/6eb5586203020740be1e650e52ea551810a6c9ab.png)
Because it matters • BenQ.caBenQ is a registered trademark of BenQ Corp. All rights reserved. Product names, logos, brands and other trademarks featured or referred to in this material are the property of their respective trademark holders. Specifications subject to change without notice. 180516Why BenQ?• Laser light source delivers 20,000 hours of projection and long lasting brightness and color without the need to ever change a lamp • Digital Light Processing (DLP ®) delivers exceptional color performance and images which are accurate, crisp and long lasting • Interactive capability delivers a driver free collaborative learning experience• Optional interactive capability delivers a driver-free collaborative learning experienceUnbeatable ReliabilityBenQ’s Blue Core laser technology deliversexceptional reliability in even the most demanding educational applications. Laser technology eliminates the need for lamp replacement, one of the most costly and time intensive aspects of projector maintenance. Additionally, the LU950 and LU951ST provide an operating life of 20,000 hours making the total cost of ownership (TCO) industry leading.Incredible Image PerformanceImage performance is critical in classrooms and BenQ delivers. Featuring a choice of WXGA (1280 x 800) and 1080p (1920 x 1080)resolutions, and a 100,000:1 contrast ratio, the LU950 and LU951ST projectors deliver images that are accurate, crisp and long lasting. Dual color wheel technology enhances color accuracy and delivers a superior viewing experience.Ease of InstallationClassrooms can be a challenging spot for an installation but the LU950 and LU951ST come equipped with features to make installation as easy as possible. Ultra-short throw performance allows the projector to be mounted as little as 3 inches from the screen and still deliver an image large enough for the whole class to learn. An intuitively designed wall mount with three way adjustment knobs allows for tool-free, quick screen alignmen and image positioning. Keystone correction and corner fit allow off-centermounting. Modular interactive capability allows functionality to be easily added over time.Key Features• Laser light source• 5000 ANSI Lumens High Brightness • Big zoom & 2D Lens Shift or Vertical or Horizontal Lens shift • HDMI-out port • HDBaseT• Digital shrink and shift• Custom pairing remote/projector settings • Customized color with Vivid ModeBenQ Lowers T otal Cost of Ownership• 20,000 hours of operating life without the need for replacement lamps• Energy efficient power usage keeps energy costs low• IPX5 certified sealed engine and filter freedesign eliminates cleaning and replacement costsThe BenQ LU950 and LU951ST are innovative laser projectors which offerunprecedented flexibility and unrivaled value for K-12 classrooms. The projectorsare equipped with BenQ’s innovative laser technology which provides over 20,000 hoursof illumination without the need to ever change a lamp. Additionally, the reliability and the long lasting brightness and color capability deliver the dependability demanded by today’s budget conscious schools. Installation is simplified by a variety of features including ultra-short throw performance, a robust wall mount, keystone adjustment and corner fit.Laser Projector* The Contrast is measured by Full On Full Off standard.* LightSource life results will vary depending on environmental conditions and usage. Actual product’s features and specifications are subject to change without notice.* Storage: T emperature: -20~60°C; Humidity: 10~90%RH (without condensation)Because it mattersBenQ America BenQ is a registered trademark of BenQ Corp. All rights reserved. Product names, logos, brands, and other trademarks featured or referred to in this material are the property of their respective trademark holders. Specifications subject to change without notice.1 Wired Remote In2 RS232 In (D-sub 9pin, male)3 USB T ypeB (Service)4 USB T ypeA (5V/2A power) 11 RCA Audio in- L/R 12 PC In13 Monitor out (D-sub 15pin,Female)LU950LU951ST。
1.管网布置形式 给水管网的布置应满足以下要求: ① 按照城市规划平面图布置管网, 布置时应考虑给水系统分期建设的可能, 并留有充分的发展余地; ② 管网布置必须保证供水安全可靠,当局部管网发生事故时,断水范围应 减到最小; ③ 管线遍布在整个给水区,保证用户有足够的水量和水压; ④ 力求以最短距离敷设管线,以降低管网造价和供水能量费用。 综合以上各项考虑,采用环状网布置。在环状网中,管线连接成环形,当其 中任一管段损坏时,可以关闭附近阀门使和其余管线断开,然后进行检修,水还 可以从另外的管线供应用户,断水的区可以缩小,从而供水可靠性增加,同时还 可以大大减轻因水锤作用产生的危害。
f. 输配水管路线的选择应考虑近远期结合个分期实施的可能。 g. 城市供水应采用管道或暗渠输送原水。当采用明渠时,应采取保护水质 和防止水量流失的措施。 h. 输配水管渠的走向与布置应考虑与城市现状及规划的地下铁道、地下通 道、人防工程等地下隐蔽性工程的协调与配合。 i. 当地形起伏较大时, 采用压力输水的输水管线的竖向高程布置, 一般要求 在不同工况输水条件下,位于输水水力坡降以下。 j. 在输配水管渠线路选择时,应尽量利用现有管道,减少工程投资,充分发 挥现有设施作用。
3、城市总体规划概况 该区为国家级工业园区。现有工矿企业 1000 多家,主要以 IT 电子制造、机 械制造、 食品加工等为该市主要工业部门。有大专院校及科研设计单位和国际教 育园区。其中设计的某区资料如下: 表 2-1 项目 设计人口 人均用水量标准 (最高日) 最大日时变化系数 工厂 A(m3/d) 工厂 B(万 m3/d) 工厂 C(万 m3/d) 工厂 D(万 m3/d) 一般工业用水 占生活用水% 第三产业用水 占生活用水% 90 100 190 180 近期 120000 240 1.2 5440 1.0 0.6 2.0 远期 160000 240 1.2 6000 1.2 0.8 1.8
二、加密锁检测不到蓝光工程的问题分析1. 问题描述在某些情况下,加密锁可能无法检测到蓝光设备,导致无法正常使用加密锁进行数据传输和存储。
2. 问题原因加密锁检测不到蓝光工程的问题可能是由以下原因造成:- 蓝光设备驱动程序不兼容- 系统或软件出现错误- 加密锁硬件故障3. 问题影响加密锁检测不到蓝光工程的问题将直接影响到数据传输和存储的安全性和稳定性,降低信息系统的可靠性和稳定性。
三、解决方案针对加密锁检测不到蓝光工程的问题,我们可以采取以下解决方案:1. 更新蓝光设备驱动程序,保证其与加密锁的兼容性2. 对系统和软件进行全面的检测,及时修复错误3. 定期对加密锁进行硬件检测,确保其正常工作四、工程量计算在解决加密锁检测不到蓝光工程的问题时,我们需要进行工程量的计算,以保证所需资源的合理配置和预算的科学编制。
1. 人力资源在解决加密锁检测不到蓝光工程的过程中,需要投入一定的人力资源。
2. 物力资源解决加密锁检测不到蓝光工程可能需要购物或更新软硬件设备,需要对所需的物力资源进行合理的估算和预算。
3. 财力资源对解决加密锁检测不到蓝光工程的费用进行详细的预算,包括人力资源的费用、物力资源的购置费用以及其他可能产生的费用。
Skyworks Solutions,Inc.•Phone [781]376-3000•Fax [781]376-3100••20027120071Chip On Board Mixer QuadsDATA SHEETFeaturesGHigh-volume automatic assemblyG For microwave MIC assembly and automated high-volume manufacturingG Mechanically rugged design G 100%DC testedG Three barrier heights for customized mixer performance G Available lead (Pb)-free,RoHS-compliant,andGreenDescriptionSkyworks ceramic Chip on Board (COB)mixer quads are designed for high-performance RF and microwave receiver applications.These devices utilize Skyworks advanced silicon beamless Schottky technology,combined with precision ceramic COB assembly techniques,to achieve a high degree of device reliability in commercial applications.CharacteristicValue Maximum current (I MAX )50mA Power dissipation (P D )CW 75mW/junction Storage temperature (T ST )-65°C to +175°C Operating temperature (T OP )-65°C to +150°CElectrostatic Discharge (ESD)Class 0Human Body Model (HBM)Absolute Maximum RatingsPerformance is guaranteed only under the conditions listed in the specifications table and is not guaranteed under the full range(s)described by the Absolute Maximum specifications.Exceeding any of the absolute maximum/minimum specifications may result in permanent damage to the device and will void the warranty.CAUTION:Although this device is designed to be as robust aspossible,ESD (Electrostatic Discharge)can damage this device.This device must be protected at all times from ESD.Static charges may easily produce poten-tials of several kilovolts on the human body or equipment,which can dischargewithout detection.Industry-standard ESD precautions must be employed at all times.Skyworks Green products are lead (Pb)-free,RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances)-compliant,conform to the EIA/EICTA/JEITA Joint Industry Guide (JIG)Level A guidelines,and are free from antimony trioxide and brominated flame retardants.Skyworks Solutions,Inc.•Phone [781]376-3000•Fax [781]376-3100•*********************•2007200271DATA SHEET •CHIP-ON-BOARD MIXER QUADS2V F @1mA (∆) V F @ 1 mA 1C J @ 0 V (∆) C T @ 0 V 2R T @ 10 mAOutline Part Number Barrier(mV)(mV)(pF)(pF)(Ω)DrawingMin.Max.Max.Min.Max.Max.Max.Ring Quad (to 6 GHz)DMF3926-101Low 200260150.30.50.078101DME3927-101Medium 300400150.30.50.078101DMJ3928-101High 525625150.30.50.078101Crossover Ring Quad (to 6 GHz)DMF3926-100Low 200260150.30.50.078100DME3927-100Medium 300400150.30.50.078100DMJ3928-100High 525625150.30.50.078100Back-to-Back Crossover Quad (to 6 GHz)DMF3945-103Low 200260150.30.50.078103DME3946-103Medium 300400150.30.50.078103DMJ3947-103High525625150.30.50.078103V F @ 1 mA (∆) V F @ C J @ 0 V (∆) C T @ 0 V 2R T @ 10 mAV B @ 10 µAOutline Part Number Barrier(mV) 1 mA 1 (mV)(pF)(pF)(Ω)(V)DrawingMin.Max.Max.Min.Max.Max.Max.Min.Bridge Quad (to 6 GHz)DMF3929-102Low 200260150.30.50.0782102DME3930-102Medium 300400150.30.50.0783102DMJ3931-102High525625150.30.50.0784102Electrical Specifications at 25 °C1. Forward voltage difference between package electrodes.2. Capacitance difference between package electrodes.DATA SHEET • CHIP-ON-BOARD MIXER QUADSSkyworksSolutions,Inc.•Phone[781]376-3000•Fax[781]376-3100•*********************•3100, 101, 102103Shown For ClarityInk Dot 0.010 (0.25 mm) Dia. Min. 0.005 (0.13 mm)Max.± 0.002 (0.05 mm)Bottom side is free of metalization.The minimum specified area of the contact pads (0.017 x 0.022) shall be free of epoxy.Ceramic Substrate0.050(1.27 mm)Max.0.020 (0.51 mm) ± 0.002 (0.05 mm)0.130 (3.30 mm)± 0.003 (0.08 mm)0.140 (3.56 mm)± 0.003 (0.08 mm)Orientation SchematicDATA SHEET • CHIP-ON-BOARD MIXER QUADSCopyright © 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, Skyworks Solutions, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Information in this document is provided in connection with Skyworks Solutions, Inc. (“Skyworks”) products or services. These materials, including the information contained herein, are provided by Skyworks as a service to its customers and may be used for informational purposes only by the customer. Skyworks assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in these materials or the information contained herein. Skyworks may change its documentation, products, services, specifications or product descriptions at any time, without notice. Skyworks makes no commitment to update the materials or information and shall have no responsibility whatsoever for conflicts, incompatibilities, or other difficulties arising from any future changes.No license, whether express, implied, by estoppel or otherwise, is granted to any intellectual property rights by this document. Skyworks assumes no liability for any materials, products or information provided hereunder, including the sale, distribution, reproduction or use of Skyworks products, information or materials, except as may be provided in Skyworks Terms and Conditions of Sale.THE MATERIALS, PRODUCTS AND INFORMATION ARE PROVIDED “AS IS” WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY, OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR USE, MERCHANTABILITY, PERFORMANCE, QUALITY OR NON-INFRINGEMENT OF ANY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT; ALL SUCH WARRANTIES ARE HEREBY EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED. SKYWORKS DOES NOT WARRANT THE ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS OF THE INFORMATION, TEXT, GRAPHICS OR OTHER ITEMS CONTAINED WITHIN THESE MATERIALS. SKYWORKS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, STATUTORY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOST REVENUES OR LOST PROFITS THAT MAY RESULT FROM THE USE OF THE MATERIALS OR INFORMATION, WHETHER OR NOT THE RECIPIENT OF MATERIALS HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.Skyworks products are not intended for use in medical, lifesaving or life-sustaining applications, or other equipment in which the failure of the Skyworks products could lead to personal injury, death, physical or environmental damage. Skyworks customers using or selling Skyworks products for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Skyworks for any damages resulting from such improper use or sale.Customers are responsible for their products and applications using Skyworks products, which may deviate from published specifications as a result of design defects, errors, or operation of products outside of published parameters or design specifications. Customers should include design and operating safeguards to minimize these and other risks. Skyworks assumes no liability for applications assistance, customer product design, or damage to any equipment resulting from the use of Skyworks products outside of stated published specifications or parameters. Skyworks, the Skyworks symbol, and “Breakthrough Simplicity” are trademarks or registered trademarks of Skyworks Solutions, Inc., in the United States and other countries. Third-party brands and names are for identification purposes only, and are the property of their respective owners. Additional information, including relevant terms and conditions, posted at , are incorporated by reference.SkyworksSolutions,Inc.•Phone[781]376-3000•Fax[781]376-3100•*********************•4。
本手册中所提到的某些产品名称仅作识别之用,这些名称可能属于其它公司的注册商标或版权!2目 录使用手册阅读导航 (4)第一章 产品介绍 (5)1、产品说明 (5)2、产品规格 (5)3、产品特色 (6)4、系统需求 (7)5、硬件安装 (7)6、安装流程图 (8)第二章 在单机或网络中的第一台计算机上进行安装 (9)1、在本机已经安装操作系统情况下的安装步骤 (11)2、在本机无操作系统或需要安装多操作系统时的安装 (11)3、在操作系统中安装驱动程序 (16)4、系统的优化 (18)第三章 网络安装与网络拷贝 (19)1、进入网络拷贝 (20)2、进入接收端 (21)3、设置占位机 (21)4、分组 (22)5、发送数据、命令和修改IP (23)5、断点续传 (28)第四章 设 置 (29)1、密码设定 (30)2、参数设定 (31)3、分区信息 (34)4、网络拷贝 (34)5、重新分区 (35)36、版本升级 (35)7、移除 (36)8、关于 (37)9.计费扩展 (38)第五章 变量拷贝 (39)1、首先根据需要在一台机器上进行操作 (40)2、进入发射端 (40)3、部分变量和全部变量 (41)4、变量拷贝 (42)附录一、LINUX 安装指南 (42)附录二、常见问题解答 (46)使用手册阅读导航欢迎使用中科蓝光产品,在使用产品之前,请首先阅读本使用手册。
目录第一章工程概况 (1)1.1 工程概况 (1)第二章施工说明 (2)2.1施工说明 (2)2.1.1.一般规定 (2)2.1.2风道 (2)2.1.3水管道 (3)2.1.4油漆、保温 (4)第三章编制说明 (6)第四章工程量计算 (7)4.1水管工程量计算 (7)4.2 风管工程量计算 (7)4.3设备阀门部件统计 (10)4.4管道保温计算 (11)第五章工程预算表 (13)第六章主材费 (18)第七章措施项目费 (20)第八章工程造价计算 (21)参考资料 (22)第一章工程概况1.1 工程概况该项目为一办公组团,由11栋建筑围合而成。
2.1.2风道2.1.2.1管材、制作、安装:空调送回风管、新风管采用玻纤复合消声风管(外表面为SGI88进口超强防潮防腐金属化聚丙烯贴面,内表面贴玻纤毡,防火性能A级不燃),厚度25mm,密度75kg/m3 ,导热系数应不大于0.033W/(M·K),降噪系数0.75。
复合风管的连接采用承插式连接,并采用12mm外扒钉进行固定和专用进口UL181认证的压敏或热敏胶带粘接密封.风管与风管附件的连接采用承插式连接,风管附件采用承插式连接方式. 地下室通风、排烟的风管采用氯氧镁无机玻璃钢制作,厚度按有关标准确定. 其他通风管、排气管均采用镀锌钢板制作,风管配件、钢板厚度和允许漏风量等均应符合规范的规定。
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2:软件提供最多的数学函数,分别为: sin(D)、cos(D)、tan(D)、ctg(D)、sec(D) Cosec(D)、arcsin(D)、arccos(D)、arctan(D)、arcctg(D)、sinh(D)、cosh(D) tanh(D)、coth(D)、sech(D)、abs(B)、exp(B)、ln(B)、sqrt(B) 、Power(x,y)、B^2、A^0.5、PI等等。
第一章软件的安装、卸载1.1软件的运行环境A:硬件环境中央处理器(CPU):奔腾II 333以上内存:64M硬盘空间:3MB:软件环境操作系统:Microsoft Windows 95/98/Me/2000/XP/Win2003/Vista 均可。
3.2 编辑操作点击“编辑”菜单,将弹出如下图最近使用的工程文件列表,点击开打开文件剪切:剪切选中的单元格文本复制:复制选中的单元格文本粘贴:粘贴文本到选中的单元格添加行:在表格最后添加一行插入行:在当前选中行前面插入一行(如果你选中三行,再点击插入行,即插入三行)删除行:删除当前选中的行编辑单元格:即使单元格处于编辑状态清除:清除当前选中单元格文本刷新:对全表进行所有计算式进行重算。
在此输入工程名称、建设单位在此设置工程量小数位在此设置列是否显示和打印3.3 表达式录入详解在此列输入计算公式SUM(a1:3)为求和函数在此列输入当前行对应的变量在定额编号中输入”*”号,当前行颜色会变浅,表示“章节号”如果在“定额编号”中输入如:2-1,且定额库已打开,软件将自动套定额到当前行。
如:在名称中输入:“挖基槽土方”,变量:C1 计算公式:(6.9-1.3)*(2.7-0.6)*(0.25+0.3*2)*2,软件将自动计算结果为:19.99…………求和:项目名称:挖基槽土方合计计算公式:SUM(c)//对所有以C打头的变量进行求和更多求和方式,详细软件汇总求和详解3.4 软件常用工具使用点击“工具”菜单,将弹出如下图定额库:打开和关闭定额显示窗构件算量:打开构件算量窗口,详见构件算量讲解。
文档检查:检查该工程在计算过程中是否有输入错误(感应公式输入错误)分类汇总:对所有的表格式进行分类汇总:1:按项目名称汇总 2:按部位汇总3:按定额编号汇总变量汇总:桌面快捷方式:软件自动发送桌面快捷方式到桌面。
3.5 软件常用工具使用点击:门窗表,菜单后,将弹出如下窗口用户可以在此输入常用的门窗表信息,并可以调用到计算稿中点击土方计算点击“打桩计算”弹出如下图:点击“五金手册”菜单后,弹出用户可以在此窗口查询各种钢材的理论重量等信息。
土石方体积折算:3.6 工程变量明细3.7自定义变量定义软件没有,而你需要的变量3.8定额数据维护点击“数据”菜单下的“定额库维护”软件将弹出以下窗口:用户可以修改定额库,或者自已编辑定额库。
在定额编号中输入#:表示定额库的名称 *:表示章 **:表示节用户可以从EXCEL 中复制定额库的内容粘贴到此处,即可完成定额库的制作。
# 表示定额库名称 * 表示章 ** 表示节新 建打 开 保 存删除行添加行插入行3.9自定义快捷键根据个人喜好可以设置你习惯的快捷键3.10系统设置点击“数据”菜单下的“选项”,将弹出以下窗口同时可以在表在打印选项卡中设置打印时,你需要的打印要求启动时显示“符号栏”即工具栏中的符号栏是否自动显示:保存或打印时自动计算公式:即在点击保存或打印时,软件将自动计算所有的求和函数或公式。
----------表格颜色-------------变量列、数量列:可以改变变量列和数量列的颜色编号*编号!:即当定额编号为*或为!时的颜色SUB求和:即SUB求和行的颜色SUJ求和:即SUJ求和行的颜色第四章软件高级操作技巧4.1 符号栏使用():在当前单元格中输入一个(),并将光标置于括号中间,快捷键F5 (:在当前单元格中输入一个(,并将光标置于括号后面,快捷键F3 ):在当前单元格中输入一个),并将光标置于括号后面,快捷键F4 []:在当前单元格中输入一个[],并将光标置于括号中间,快捷键F6 如果表格处入编辑状态,按F6键可以将当前选中的计算式用()括起来按F6后如果表格处入编辑状态,选中需要注释的文字,按F8可以用[]括起来+、-、×、÷:在当前单元格中输入一个输入加、减,乘、除.M:在当前单元格中输入一个输入m, 快捷键F10M2:在当前单元格中输入一个输入m2, 快捷键F11M3:在当前单元格中输入一个输入m3, 快捷键F12Kg: 在当前单元格中输入一个输入Kg, 快捷键CTRL+F11T: 在当前单元格中输入一个输入T, 快捷键CTRL+F124.2 软件内置函数软件支持以下23种函数:4.3自定义常用函数在计算公式单元格中按“=”号,软件将自动弹出“智能感知”功能,如下图用户可以自定义一些常用公式,以后直接按=号后,调用你自定义的公式。
自定义公式的方法(只有加密锁用户才能自定义公式)A:点击“数据”菜单中的“自定义变量”将弹出如下窗口:用户可以自动输入常用的公式,变量名,以及说明,然后点击保存,以后即可直接按=后调用自已的公式4.4 变量求和规则表格中“计算公式”列可输入计算式,“变量”列可输入表示这项计算结果的变量名, 运算结果放在最右边的“数量”列,计算式中可以运用加减乘除括号等四则运算,括号只能用小括号,可以多层套用;变量名也可用于计算式中,变量名只能以字母开头,可含有字母与数字,变量名是区分大小写;同一计算稿中可以出现多个相同的变量,如果出现多个相同变量时,计算式中的变量取其最靠近的(除SUM(X5)求和可以识别相同变量)。