国际贸易实务Chapter7 International payment




III. Explain the followi ng terms1. shipme nt con tractShipme nt con tract is a con tract using an In coterm which in dicates that the delivery happe ns at the time or before the time of shipme nt.2. symbolic deliverySymbolic delivery is a delivery situation in which when the seller delivers the buyer does not physically receive the goods. This kind of delivery is proved by the submissi on of tran sport docume nt by the seller to the buyer.3. arrival con tractArrival con tract means a con tract using an In coterm which in dicates that the delivery happe ns whe n the goods arrive at the desti natio n.4. actual deliveryActual delivery refers to a delivery situation in which when the seller delivers the buyer does physically receive the goods.IV. Short questi ons1. Who pays for loadi ng for shipme nt un der FOB ?The seller.2. Who pays for un loadi ng un der CIF?The buyer.3. Compare and con trast FOB, CFR and CIF?Similarities: a. The seller's risk will be transferred to the buyer when the goods are loaded on board, b. The seller is responsible for export customs formalities while the buyer is responsible for import customs formalities, c. The buyer is resp on sible for uni oadi ng the goods at the port of desti nati on, d. All three terms can only be used for waterway tran sportatio n.Differen ces: a. FOB requires the buyer to arrange and pay for the ocea n tran sportatio n; CFR requires the seller to arrange and pay for the ocean transportation; CIF requires the seller to arrange and pay for the ocean transportati on and in sura nce aga inst the buyer's risk.4. What are the two types of trade terms concerning the tran sfer of risks?Shipme nt con tract terms vs. arrival con tract terms. Un der shipme nt con tract terms the seller's risk will be tran sferred to the buyer before the goods depart from the place/port of shipme nt. Un der arrival con tract terms the seller will bear the risk of the goods un til the goods arrive at the desti nati on.5. What are the differe nces and similarities betwee n CPT and CFR?Major similarities: a. The seller should con tract and pay for the major carriage. b. The seller is not tak ing the risk of loss of or damage to the goods during the transportation.Difference: a. CPT is applicable to any kind of transportation mode while CFR is only used for waterway tran sport,b. Un der CPT the seller's risk will be tran sferred to the buyer whe n the goods are han ded over to the first carriernominated by the seller. Under CFR the seller's risk will be transferred when the goods are loaded on board the vessel.6. What are the differences and similarities between CIP and CIF?Major similarities: a. The seller should con tract and pay for the major carriage. b. The seller is not tak ing the risk of loss of or damage to the goods duri ng the tran sportati on, c. The seller must obta in in sura nce aga inst the buyer's risk.Difference: a. CPT is applicable to any kind of transportation mode while CFR is only used for seaway or inland waterway transport, b. Under CPT the seller's risk will be transferred to the buyer when the goods are handed overto the first carrier nominated by the seller. Under CFR the seller's risk will be transferred when the goods areloaded on board the vessel.7. If you trade with an American, is the sales contract subject to Incoterms without any doubt? What should you do?No. The Revised American Foreign Trade Definitions 1941 is still in use, especially in the North American area. It has different interpretation about some trade terms. The traders should clarify the choice of rules before any further discussion.8. What are the most commonly used trade terms?FOB, CFR & CIF.9. Who is responsible for carrying out customs formalities for exports under an FOB contract?The seller. According to Incoterms 2010, except EXW and DDP these two terms, all the other eleven terms require the seller to handle the export customs formalities, while the buyer the import customs formalities.10. If a Chinese trader signs an FOB Hamburg contract, is he exporting or importing? Importing. FOB should beused with a "named port of shipment", if Hamburg is the port of shipment, from the Chinese trader's perspective, he is importing.V. Case studies1. An FOB contract stipulated "The shipment will be effected in March 2011." When the goods were ready on 10March 201 l, the seller contacted the buyer for shipment details. The buyer faxed "Please send the goods to the port for loading on 21 March. The vessel will depart on 22 March." The seller sent the goods to the port accordingly.However the nominated vessel did not turn up and the goods had to be stored in the warehouse at the port. On the night of 21 March a fire happened in the warehouse area and part of the goods was damaged. When the vessel arrived two days later the seller and the buyer had an argument about the settlement of the loss. The sellerrequired the buyer to bear the loss caused by the fire, but the buyer believed that the vessel arrived within theshipment period and the loss occurred before the seller delivered the goods therefore the seller should bear the loss. Please provide your solution.析:1)首先案例中提到货物发生了损失是由于货物存放在码头仓库期间发生火灾造成的。

贸易实务双语课件-unit 7 payment in international trade国际贸易的支付

贸易实务双语课件-unit 7 payment in international trade国际贸易的支付

The payee may be the original payee in the bill, or may be some party to whom the original payee has transferred the instrument, 受款人可以是汇票中的原有受款人,也可以是原有
的指示“付×公司或其指定人”,它意味着汇票可以经受款人 (现在是背书人)而转让给新的受款人(被背书人),这样使之
Sight Cambridge Second 8th April
pay this
First of same tenor and date unpaid Unicam Limited Atomic Absorption, PO Box 207, York Street, Cambridge CB1 2SU “Drawn under Irrevocable Documentary Credit No.LC42198103A of Industrial + Commercial Bank of China, China.” US Dollars Forty one Thousand & Eighty four Dollars .34
c) Sight (or Demand) Bill and Time (or Usance) Bill 即期汇票和远期汇票

According to the time when the bill falls due按付款期限区分
付款期限 即期汇票 Sight Draft 见票即付 举例 At 0 day sight On demand On Oct 1,2002 At 30 days sight



7)Examples of Terms of Payment in Contract Remittance; Collection; Letter of Credit; Combination of Different Modes.
1992年10月,法国某公司(卖方)与中国某公司(买方) 在上海订立了买卖200台电子计算机的合同,每台CIF上海 1000美元,以不可撤销信用证支付,1992年12月马赛港交 货。1992年11月15日,中国银行上海分行(开证行)根据 买方指示,向卖方开出了金额为20万美元的不可撤销信用 证,并委托马赛的一家法国银行通知并议付该信用证。 1992年12月20日,卖方将200台计算机装船并在获得信用 证要求的提单、保险单、发票等单据后,即到该法国议付行 议付。经审查,单证相符,银行即将20万美元支付给卖方。 与此同时,载货船离开马赛港10天后,由于在航行途中遇 上特大暴雨和暗礁,货船及货物全部沉入大海。此时开证行 已收到了议付行寄来的全套单据,买方也已得知所购货物全 部灭失的消息。
2)Content of Bill of Exchange(Draft) Specimen A; Specimen B.
3)The parties to a Bill of Exchange -drawer -drawee -payee Payee
4)Classification of Bill of Exchange a)Commercial Bill and Banker’s Bill b)Clean Bill and Documentary Bill C)Sight(or Demand) Bill and Time(or Usance)Bill d)Commercial Acceptance Bill and Banker’s Acceptance Bill

条款七支付条款 《国际贸易实务》PPT课件

条款七支付条款  《国际贸易实务》PPT课件

the sum of(金额) ________________________________________________
To __________________________
7.3 信用证
3、出口方银行通知信用证 4、出口方银行议付及索汇

1签定合同 5发运货物,取得单据
我方在汇票到期日是否还能收回货款? 说明理由。
2、承兑交单(Documents against Acceptance, D/A) D/A对只出用口于方而远言期,汇承票担的的托风险收由大到小依次为:
D/AD/P after sight D/P at sight
(1)付款提示 (2)承兑提示 3、承兑(Acceptance) 4、付款(Payment) 必须是正当付款
☺汇票一经承兑,付款人 就成为汇票的承兑人
(Acceptor),并成为汇 票的主债务人,而出票人 成为汇票的次债务人。

国际贸易实务 第七章

国际贸易实务 第七章
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7)拒付和追索 拒付(Dishonor)也称退票,是指持票人提示汇票要 求承兑或付款时遭到拒绝。此外,付款人拒不见票、逃 匿、死亡或宣告破产,以致付款事实上已不可能时,也 可视作拒付。 追索权(Right of Recourse)是指汇票遭到拒付时, 持票人对其前手有请求其偿还汇票金额及费用的权利。 汇票被拒付后,持票人立即产生追索权。持票人行使追 索权时,应当提供被拒绝承兑或者被拒绝付款的证明。 持票人的追索权应在法定期限内行使。
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4)付款期限 汇票的付款期限(Tenor)包括即期付款和远期付款 两种。即汇票填写见票即付(At sight)。远期汇票的 付款日期记载方法主要有: a.某一个定日付款(at a fixed date); b.付款人见票后若干天付款(at„days after sight); c.出票日后若干天付款(at„days after date of draft); d.提单签发日后若干天付款(at„days after date of B/L)。 5)付款地点 付款地点是持票人提示票据请求承兑或付款的地点。 但是,不注明付款地的票据仍然成立,这时付款人后面 的地址就作为付款地。
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⑤代收行汇票、货运单据后,向进口人做付款提示; ⑥进口人验单、付款/承兑和领取货运单据; ⑦代收行通知托收行,款已收妥办理转账业务; ⑧托收行将款项交给出口人。。 3.托收的种类 1)光票托收 光票托收(Clean Collection)是指不附有商业单据的托收。 2)跟单托收 跟单托收(Documentary Collection)是指附有商业单据的 托收。 a.付款交单(Documents against Payment,简称D/P)是指卖 方的交单需以买方的付款为条件,即出口人将汇票连同 货运单据交给银行托收时,指示银行只有在进口人付清 货款时方能将单据交予进口人。

Chapter 7International Payment《外贸英语》PPT课件

Chapter 7International Payment《外贸英语》PPT课件
promissory notes are drawn by bankers and commercial promissory
notes are rarely used. In using the banker
s promissory notes,the
importer first needs to buy the promissory note from a bank,and then
drawer,the drawee and the payee.
➢ (3)The maker is primarily liable on promissory note,while the drawer is
primarily liable if it is a sight bill;and acceptor becomes primarily liable if it is
bank signed by the drawer,requiring the bank to pay a
certain sum of money to or to the order of a payee or to
the bearer at sight. So it is also called “a demand draft
ry Draft
Instruments of payment
7.1.1 Bill of exchange

➢ The usage of a bill of exchange includes such stages:

Instruments of payment
7.1.2 Promissory note

国际贸易实务Chapter 7 payment terms(2)(1)

国际贸易实务Chapter 7 payment terms(2)(1)

3)Documentary collection
(1) Definition: It is a means of ensuring that goods (title documents ) are only handed over to the buyer (by a bank) when the amount shown on a bill of exchange is paid or when the customer accepts the bill as a contract to pay by a specified date
Parties to a credit(2) ( )
Issuing bank: This is the bank that opens the credit at the request of the applicant. Advising bank: This is the bank in the exporter’s location which is requested by the issuing bank to notify the credit to the beneficiary.
(2) Parties to a documentary collection(1) ( )
Principal: This party is also called drawer. It is usually the seller, the creditor of the buyer. Payer: This party is also called drawee. It is usually the buyer, the debtor of the seller.

国际贸易实务双语 国贸双语Chapter 7

国际贸易实务双语  国贸双语Chapter 7

7.1 Letter of Credit

Types 种类 › Irrevocable L/C 不可撤销信用证 › Sight L/C 即期信用证 › Usance L/C 远期信用证 › Transferable L/C 可转让信用证 › Revolving L/C 循环信用证 › Reciprocal L/C 对开信用证 › Back to Back L/C 背对背信用证 › Standby L/C 备用信用证 › Confirmed and Unconfirmed L/C 保兑信用证 和不保兑信用证 › Soft Clause L/C 软条款信用证
Characteristics 特点

Opening bank undertaking the responsibility of the first payer开证行承担第一付款人的责任 An independent instrument 信用证是一种自足


A kind of transaction of documents 信用证业务
7.1 Letter of Credit

Nature and Characteristics信用证方式的性质和
› Nature性质 › Characteristics特点
› Forms of Opening Letter of Credit信用证的形式
Nature 性质

Reverse Remittance逆汇法 Bank Credit银行信用
Forms of Opening Letter of Credit 信用证的形式
Open by Airmail信开本 Open by Cable电开本 SWIFT 信用证
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• Remittance
Contract payer
Funds flow Payment instruction Payee/ beneficiary
Importer’s bank Payment instruction Exporter’s bank
4. Funds
Paying Bank (in exporter’s country)
3.Payment order by airmail
The procedure of T/T 电汇流程图
Remitter (Importer) Contract payee (Exporter)
1.Written Application Remitting Bank (in importer’s country)
(2) The amount and currency.
– The amount the drawee should pay and the currency used should be stated out clearly in the bill of exchange. – In the international trade, generally say, the amount and currency should be strictly accordance with that of sales contract and letter of credit, otherwise the drawee could have the right to reject.
• Classification
– Mail Transfer, M/T
– Telegraphic Transfer, T/T
– Remittance by Banker’s Demand Draft,D/D
• The Usage of the Remittance -- Open account
-- Payment in Advance
1) D/D application 3)bank demand draft 4)Presenting
2)Bank demand draft
Remitting bank
6)Reimbursement claim
Paying bank
Comparison of the M/T, T/T and D/D
Chapter Seven
International Payment
Learning objectives

• • •
Master the instruments of international payment. Familiar with the stages involved in remittance, collection, and letter of credit. Know the variations of documentary credit. Master the nature and classification of the tree basic methods of payment.
(4) Place of payment and issue.
– The place of issue is always same as the place where the drawer exists and place of payment is same as the drawees.
(5) Drawer’s name and signature.
D/P after sight
• After the shipment, the seller draws a time draft and makes presentation of it with the full set of shipment documents to the buyer through the banks, and the buyer accepts the bill after confirming it and makes the payment on the mature date; then the bank releases the documents to the buyer.
Collection • Conception of Collection – Definition Collection is an arrangement whereby the seller draws a draft on the buyer and authorizes its bank to collect.
– Nature of Collection
Collection is a kind of commercial credit.
• The Involved Parties – Principal – Remitting Bank – Collecting Bank – Payer • Types – Documents against Payment: D/P --Classification D/P at sight D/P after sight – Documents against Acceptance,D/A
Procedure of remittance and parties involved
• First, the remitter (the importer) applies for a remittance. To do so the importer needs to have sufficient funds in his account in the bank. • The remitting bank issues a remittance instruction to one of its overseas branches or correspondent banks in the exporter’s country. • When the overseas branch or correspondent bank receives the remittance instruction, it becomes the paying bank and will credit the payee’s (the exporter’s) account with the relevant amount accordingly.
(3) The time of payment.
– It should be stated out clearly in the bill of export, such as “at sight”, “after 30 days”. – The bill of exchange without payment time is not acceptable.
• Draft, Bill)
1.2 The Content of Bill of Exchange
(1) The parties of bill of exchange.
① Drawer. • The person who writes the order and gives directions to the person to make a specific payment of money. ② Drawee. • The person to whom the order is addressed and who is to pay the money. ③ Payee. • The person (individual, firm, corporation, or bank) to whom the payment is ordered to be made. • The drawer and payee may often be the same person.
D/P at sight
• After the shipment, the seller draws a sight draft and makes presentation of it with the full set of shipment documents to the buyer through the banks, and the buyer makes the payment at sight of the bill; the bank releases the documents to the buyer on receipt of the full payment from the buyer.
Time of transfer Security
ChargeΒιβλιοθήκη High2.2 Collection 2.2. Collection
• • • • • • Conception of Collection The Involved Parties Types Procedure of Documentary Collection Advantages and Disadvantages Remarks for Collection
Methods of transfer
Mail or carried by remitter Slow Stop-payment is time consuming Lowest
Cable/Telex/SWI Airmail FT Fastest Quite safe Slow Reliable, but may be lost in post Low