不可不背:考研英语写作最常用的95个单词1、 accident n. 意外事件, 事故2、 achievement n. 成就, 功绩3、 activity n. 活跃, 活动性, 行动, 行为,4、 adopt [E5dCpt] vt. 采用, 收养5、 advantage [Ed5vB:ntidV] n. 优势, 有利条件, 利益6、 Afford vt. [常与can, could, be able to 连用]担负得起费用(损失、后果等), 花费得起, 经受得住; 抽得出(时间)7、 ambition n. 野心, 雄心8、 approach n. 接近, 逼近, 走进, 方法, 步骤, 途径, 通路 vt. 接近,动手处理vi. 靠近9、 attract vt. 吸引 vi. 有吸引力, 引起注意10、 bribe [braib] n. 贿赂 vt. 贿赂, 向...行贿11、 chance [tFB:ns] n. 机会, 可能性, 偶然性, 运气12、 cheat [tFi:t] n. 欺骗, 骗子 v. 欺骗, 骗取13、 client [5klaiEnt] n. [计]顾客, 客户, 委托人14、 Communication [kE7mju:ni5keiFn] n. 传达, 信息, 交通, 通讯15、 compare [kEm5pZE] v. 比较, 相比, 比喻 n.比较16、 compete [kEm5pi:t] vi. 比赛, 竞争17、 Concentrate [5kCnsentreit] v. 集中, 浓缩18、 Consequently [5kRnsIkwEntlI] adv. 从而, 因此19、 contribution [7kCntri5bju:FEn] n. 捐献, 贡献, 投稿20、 Convenient [kEn5vi:njEnt] adj. 便利的, 方便的21、 decline [di5klain] vi. 下倾, 下降, 下垂 v. 拒绝, 衰落22、 decrease [di:5kri:s] n. 减少, 减少之量 v. 减少23、 demand [di5mB:nd] n. 要求, 需求(量), 需要 v.要求, 需要, 要求知道, 查询24、 Depict [di5pikt] vt. 描述, 描写25、 Duality [dju(5Aliti] n. 二元性26、 Economy [i(5kCnEmi] n. 经济, 节约, 节约措施, 经济实惠, 系统, 机体, 经济制度的状况27、 education [7edju(5keiFEn] n. 教育, 训导, 训练, 培养, 教育学28、 effect [i5fekt] n. 结果, 效果, 作用, 影响, (在视听方面给人流下的)印象29、 Efficiency [i5fiFEnsi] n. 效率, 功效30、 Emphasis [5emfEsis] n. 强调, 重点31、 enjoy [in5dVCi] vt. 享受...的乐趣, 欣赏, 喜爱32、 Enrich [in5ritF] vt. 使富足, 使肥沃, 装饰, 加料于, 浓缩33、 ensure [in5FuE] vt保证, 担保, 使安全, 保证得到 v. 确保, 确保, 保证34、 Entertain [7entE5tein] vt. 娱乐, 招待, 接受, 怀抱 vi. 款待35、 Environment [in5vaiErEnmEnt] n. 环境, 外界36、 Expense [Ik5spens] n. 费用, 代价, 损失, 开支, 费钱之物37、 fee [fi:] n. 费(会费、学费等), 酬金38、 figure [5fi^E] n. 外形, 轮廓, 体形, 图形, 画像, 数字, 形状, 身份39、 finance [fai5nAns, fi-] n. 财政, 金融, 财政学 vt. 供给...经费, 负担经费vi.筹措资金40、 fulfill [ful5fil] vt. 履行, 实现, 完成(计划等)41、 GDP abbr. 国内生产总值(gross domestic product)42、 Government [5^QvEnmEnt] n. **, <英>内阁, 政治, 政体43、 healthy [5helWi] adj. 健康的, 健壮的, 有益于健康的44、 Implement [5implimEnt] n. 工具, 器具 vt. 贯彻, 实现 v.执行45、 implication [7impli5keiFEn] n. 牵连, 含意, 暗示46、 improve [im5pru:v] v. 改善, 改进47、 indicate [5indikeit] vt. 指出, 显示, 象征, 预示, 需要, 简要地说明48、 indifferent [In5dIfrEnt] adj. 与to连用)不感兴趣的;漠不关心的;不注意的49、 inseparable [In5sepErEb(E)l] adj. 不能分离的;不能分开的50、 Internet [5IntEnet] n. 〈计〉因特网,互联网51、 Issue [5isju:] n. 出版, 发行, (报刊等)期、号, 论点, 问题, 结果, (水, 血等的)流出 vi. 发行, 流出, 造成...结果, 进行辩护, 传下52、 maximum [5mAksimEm] n. 最大量, 最大限度, 极大 adj. 最高的, 最多的, 最大极限的53、 Measure [5meVE] n. 尺寸, 量度器, 量度标准, 方法, 测量, 措施 vt. 测量, 测度, 估量, 分派, 权衡, 调节 vi. 量54、 Media [5mi:djE] n. 媒体55、 million [5miljEn] num. 百万, 百万个56、 mobilize [5mEubilaiz] v. 动员57、 necessity [ni5sesiti] n. 必要性, 需要,必需品58、 negative [5ne^Etiv] n. 否定, 负数, 底片 adj. 否定的, 消极的, 负的, 阴性的59、 Offspring [5RfsprIN; (?@) 5C:f-] n. (单复数同形)儿女, 子孙, 后代, 产物60、 operation [7CpE5reiFEn] n. 运转, 操作, 实施, 作用, 业务, 工作, 手术, 军事行动61、 Patient [5peiFEnt] n. 病人, 患者adj. 忍耐的, 耐心的62、 performance [pE5fC:mEns] n. 履行, 执行, 成绩, 性能, 表演, 演奏63、 phenomenon [fi5nCminEn] n. 现象64、 pollution [pE5lu:FEn, -5lju:-] n. 污染, 玷污65、 Popular [5pCpjulE] adj. 通俗的, 流行的, 受欢迎的66、 population [7pCpju5leiFEn] n. 人口67、 poverty [5pCvEti] n. 贫穷, 贫困, 贫乏, 缺少68、 present [pri5zent] n. 赠品, 礼物, 现在, 瞄准 adj. 现在的, 出席的, 当面的69、 pressure [`preFE(r)] n. 压, 压力, 电压, 压迫, 强制, 紧迫70、 priority [prai5Criti] n. 先, 前, 优先, 优先权71、 producer [prE5dju:sE] n. 生产者, 制作者, 演出人, (电影)制片人72、 Protect [prE5tekt] vt. 保护73、 Protection [prE5tekFEn] n. 保护74、 Punish [5pQniF] vt. 惩罚, 处罚75、 quality [5kwCliti] n. 质量, 品质, 性质76、 realize [5riElaiz] vt. 认识到, 了解, 实现, 实行77、 reduce [ri5dju:s] vt. 减少, 缩小, 简化, 还原78、 relationship [ri5leiFEnFip] n. 关系, 关联79、 report [ri5pC:t] n. 报告, 传说,80、 Responsible [ris5pCnsEbl] adj. 有责任的, 可靠的, 可依赖的, 负责的81、 retailer [5ri:teIlE(r)] n.零售商82、 Reveal [ri5vi:l] vt. 展现, 显示, 揭示, 暴露83、 satisfactory [7sAtis5fAktEri] adj. 满意的, 赎罪的84、 significance [si^5nifikEns] n. 意义, 重要性85、 similar [5similE] adj. 相似的, 类似的86、 situation [7sitju5eiFEn] n.情形, 境遇, (建筑物等的)位置87、 slogan [5slEu^En] n. 口号, 标语88、 Source [sC:s] n. 来源, 水源, 消息来源, 原始资料, 发起者89、 statistic [stE5tIstIk] n. 统计数值,统计量90、 steady [5stedi] adj. 稳固的, 稳定的, 坚定的, 扎实的, 坚定不移的91、 Strategy [5strAtidVi] n. 策略, 军略92、 Sustainable [sE`steInEbl] adj. 可以忍受的, 足可支撑的, 养得起的93、 totally[5tRt(E)lI] adv. 完全地, 整全地94、 traffic [5trAfik] n. 交通, 通行, 运输, 贸易, 交通量, 交易, 交往, 通信量95、 Vividly adv. 生动地, 鲜明地。
2023考研英语阅读常考“一词多义”一览第一组1. 放弃abandon, desert, leave, discard, give up2. 压缩,缩写abbreviate, compress, condense, shorten3. 遵守abide, comply, follow, obey4. 能力ability, capacity, capability, genius, talent, faculty, gift,able, capable, qualified5. 不规律abnormal, irregular, unusual6. 废除abolish, cancel, delete, eliminate, terminate, do away with7. 吸收absorb, fascinate, attract8. 荒谬的absurd, foolish, ridiculous9. 充足的abundant, plentiful, rich, adequate enough sufficient10. 滥用abuse, curse, insult11. 接受,采纳accept, admit adopt12. 途径access, approach13. 事故accident, incident, event, occurrence, happening14. 欢呼acclaim, applaud, cheer, clap15. 陪伴accompany, follow, escort, go with16. 完成accomplish, achieve, finish, complete,fullfill17. 结果accordingly, consequently, hence, so, therefore, thus18. 积累accumulate, assemble, collect, gather, heap, pile19. 精确accurate, exact, precise, correct20. 控诉accuse, charge, condemn, prosecute21. 承认acknowledge, accept, admit, confess, recognize22. 获得acquire, obtain, gain, get, win, earn, secure, attain23. 行动,行为act, action, deed, operation, performance behavior24. 活跃的active, energetic, vigorous25. 真的actual, positive, real, true26. 额外的additional, extra, supplementary27. 演讲,讲话address, speech, lecture, report, talk28. 改变alter, modify, change, shift, transform, switch, adjust, revise, vary29. 管理administer, control, govern, manage, rule, supervise30. 崇拜admire, adore, appreciate, worship, honors, respect,31. 成人adult, grown-up, mature32. 有点advantage, benefit, interest, favor, profit, gain33. 建议advice, opinion, suggestion, propose, recommendation, view34. 害怕afraid, fearful, awful, dreadful, frightful, terrible, horrible, terrific, appalling, timid, scared35. 痛苦agony, anguish, pain, suffering, grief, misery, distress, sorrow36. 恐慌alarm, fright, horror, panic, terror, dread, startle, terrify, scare, intimidate37. 相似alike, similar, identical, assimilating38. 常常always, often, usually, frequently, repeatedly, regularly39. 祖先ancestor, forefather, predecessor40. 痛苦anger, indignation, temper, rage, fury, outrage, grievance ,irritated, annoy第二组:1. 焦虑anxiety, worry, care, concern, upset, depressed,2. 设备apparatus, instrument, device, equipment, tool, implement, appliance3. 明显的apparent, evident, obvious, clear, distinct, plain, conspicuous4. 出现appear, emerge, turn up, come being, loom5. 应用application, usage, utilize, employ, take advantage of6. 合适的appropriate, fit, proper, suitable7. 争论argue, debate, dispute, quarrel, discuss, reason, controversy8. 抓住arrest, capture, catch, seize, trap9. 假的,人造的artificial, false, synthetic, man-made, fake, unnatural10. 屈辱,丢人的ashamed, shameful, humiliated11. 同伴companion, company, colleague, fellow, partner12. 认为assume, deem, hold, deduce, suppose, presume13. 律师attorney, lawyer14. 增加augment, expand, increase, surge, soar, go up, rocket, sky-rocket15. 自治autonomous, independent, self-governing16. 可利用的available, accessible17. 重要的essential, fundamental, radical, vital, significant, crucial, critical, important, significant18. 开始begin, commence, start, initiate, launch19.信任,信念belief, faith, confidence, conviction, credit, trust20.在...之下below, beneath, under, underneath, down21.有益的beneficial, advantageous, profitable, favorable22. 除了...besides, but, except for23.迷惑bewilder, confuse, embarrass, puzzle, perplex24.偏见的biased, partial, prejudiced25.系紧bind, tie, fasten26.一片bit, piece, sheet, slice, fragment, scrap27.责备blame, accuse, condemn, reproach, scold, denounce28.空blank, empty, vacant29.阻碍block, bar, hinder, obstruct, prevent, hamper30.错误blunder, mistake, error, slip, fault31.勇敢的bold, brave, courageous, daring, heroic, fearless,agressive32.无聊的boring, tedious, tiresome33.打扰bother, disturb, trouble, annoy, irritate34.边界boundary, border, frontier35.破坏break, burst, crack, crush, fracture, smash, destroy, ruin, wreck, damage, spoil36.聪明的bright, brilliant, clever, wise, intelligent, ingenious, smart, shrewd37.脆弱的brittle, fragile, vulnerable, feeble, weak, be susceptible to, be subject to38.受伤bruise, hurt, injury, wound, injure, impair39.建立build, construct, found, erect, establish, fabricate40.冲突bump, clash, collide, conflict。
on condition that只要。。。就,在。。。条件下
v. (= agree)使一致,符合,遵守,顺应
n. (= argument)争论
anything but一点也不,远非
nothing but只是,仅仅是
考研英语常见词汇汇总(1200个)A1、accommodate 使适应,使符合一致2、accompany 陪伴,伴随3、accomplish 达到(目得),完成(任务)4、accord 使符合,相一致(with)5、aggravate 使恶化;使严重6、auto-pilot a、自动导航得7、anemia 反常得8、ancestor n、祖先,先驱,起源9、accumulate 积累,积攒,积聚10、abolish 彻底废除(法律、制度、习俗等)11、accuse 指控,指责12、absolute 纯粹得,完全得13、acquaint 使认识,使了解14、ambiguous 含糊不清得,模棱两可得15、abrupt 突然得,意外得16、accustom 使习惯于17、acute 尖锐得,敏锐得18、accommodate 使适应,使符合一致19、advantage 有利条件,优点20、address 演说21、adhere 黏附,附着、22、adjacent 临近得,毗邻得23、adjoin 贴近,与、、、毗邻24、administrate 掌管,料理、、、得事务、25、adolescent (尤指16岁以下得)青少年27、advance 使向前移动28、allege 断言,宣称29、allocate 分配,分派,把、、、拨给30、allied 结盟得,有关联得31、allowance 津贴,补贴,零用钱32、alternate 交替,轮流33、amateur (艺术,科学等得)业余爱好者34、ambiguous 含糊不清得,模棱两可得35、amend 修改,修订36、amuse 逗乐,逗笑,给、、、提供娱乐(或消遣)37、anchor 锚38、announce 宣布,声称39、annoy 使恼怒,使生气40、anonymous 匿名得,无名得41、anticipate 预期,预料42、apart 成零碎43、apparent 显然得,明明白白得44、artificial 人工得,人造得,人为得45、ascend 登高,(渐渐)上升,升高46、ascertain 查明,弄清,确定47、ashamed 惭愧得,羞耻得48、ashore 向岸,向陆地49、aside 在旁边50、assault 攻击,袭击51、assemble 集合,召集52、assert 肯定地说(出),坚定地断言53、assess 估价,评价,评论54、assign 分配,布置(作业)55、assimilate 吸收,消化56、associate (使)联系,(使)结合57、assume 假定,假设58、assure 深信不疑地对、、、、、、说,向、、、、、、保证59、assurance 保证,把握,信心60、astonish 使惊讶61、attach 系,贴,连接62、attain 达到,获得63、attend 出席,参加(会议等)64、attendance 出席,参加,出席人数,出席率65、attentive 注意得,专心得66、attribute 把归因于,把、、、、、、(过错得责任等)归于(to)67、auxiliary 辅助得68、avail 有利于,有助于69、average 平均数,平均70、avert 挡开,防止,避免80、awake 醒,觉醒81、augment (使)增大,增加,增长,扩张82、August8月83、aunt 姨母,姑母,伯母,婶母,舅母,阿姨84、aural 听觉得,听力得85、authentic 真得,真正得;可靠得,可信得,有根据得86、author作者,作家,著作人;创始人,发起人87、authority 权力,权威;权威人士;(pl、)官方,当局88、auto 汽车89、automatic 自动(装置)得;无意识得90、automation 自动,自动化,自动操作91、autonomy 自治,自治权;92、autumn秋,秋季;成熟期,渐衰期93、auxiliary 辅助得,支援得n、辅助者,辅助设备94、avail 效用,利益95、available (用于物)可利用得;可见到得,接受采访得96、avenue林荫路,大街;(比喻)途径,渠道,方法97、average平均,平均数平均得;普通得98、avert 防止,避免;转移(目光、注意力等)99、aviation航空,航空学;飞机制造业100、await 等候,期待;(事情等)降临于B101、bachelor 单身汉;(亦作B-)学士(学位)102、burglar(入室行窃得)盗贼103、background背景,经历;幕后104、backward 向后得,倒行得,迟钝得105、bait 饵,引诱物106、bake烤,烘,焙;烧硬,焙干"107、balance 称,(使)平衡108、balcony 阳台;(电影院等得)楼厅,楼座109、bald 秃得,秃头得110、ball球(状物);(正式得)舞会111、ballet芭蕾舞,芭蕾舞剧;芭蕾舞团112、balloon 气球,飞船113、ballot (不记名)投票;投票总数;投票权114、ban 取缔,查禁;(from)禁止115、band条,带;乐队;波段;一群,一伙116、bandage 绷带117、bang 砰砰得声音;猛击119、bankrupt 破产得,彻底缺乏得120、banner 旗(帜)121、banquet (正式得)宴会122、barbecue 烤肉;烤肉用得台架123、barber 理发师124、barrel桶;枪管,炮管125、barren 贫瘠得;不育得;(植物)不结果得;无用得126、barrier 栅栏,屏障;障碍(物)127、base 基础,底部;根据地128、baseball棒球129、basement 建筑物得底部,地下室,地窖130、basic 基本得,基础得131、basin 盆,脸盆;内海,盆地132、basis基础,根据133、basket筐,篮,篓134、bean 豆;菜豆,蚕豆"135、bear忍受,容忍;负担136、beard胡须137、bearing轴承;忍受;关系,影响;举止;方向138、beast 兽,牲畜;凶残得人,举止粗鲁得人139、beat敲打;(心脏等)跳动140、beautiful 美得,美丽得;出色得,完美得141、beauty 美,美丽;美人,美丽得事物142、because 因为,由于143、behalf利益144、behave 举止,举动,表现;运转,开动"145、behavior 行为,举止;(机器等)运转情况"146、belief 信任,相信,信念;信仰,信条147、belly 肚子,腹部;(像肚子一样)鼓起得部分,膛148、belong (to)属于,附属,隶属;应归入(类别,范畴等)"149、beloved 受爱戴得,敬爱得;爱人,被心爱得人"150、belt (皮)带,腰带;地带"151、bench 长凳,条凳;(工作)台,座"152、bend(使)弯曲;屈从,屈服153、beneath 在…下边,在…之下154、bias(使有)偏见,偏心,偏袒"155、Bible圣经156、bibliography (有关某一专题得)书目;参考书目157、bid 祝愿;命令,吩咐;报价,投标158、bill账单;招贴,广告;(人员,职称等得)表;钞票"159、billion (美)十亿,(英)万亿"160、bin (贮藏食物等用得)箱子161、bind 捆,绑,包括,束缚"162、biography 传记;传记文学163、blossom花(簇);花期;青春164、blueprint 蓝图,设计图,计划165、blunder (因无知等而)犯大错;踉踉跄跄地走166、blunt率直得;钝得v、(使)钝;(使)迟钝167、blur 模糊不清得事物;污点168、blush脸红169、board 板,木板;全体委员;伙食170、boast 自夸,夸耀171、bright 明亮得,辉煌得;聪明得;欢快得,美好得"172、brilliant 光辉得,灿烂得;卓越得,有才华得"173、brim 边缘,帽沿174、bring 拿来,带来;产生,引起;使处于某种状态175、brisk 轻快得;生气勃勃得;兴隆得176、brittle 易碎得;脆弱得;冷淡得;(声音)尖利得177、broad 宽得,广阔得;广大得;宽宏得,豁达得"178、broadcast广播(节目)179、bronze 青铜;青铜色,古铜色;青铜制品,铜牌180、brook容忍(n、小溪)181、broom 扫帚182、brow眉(毛);额183、brown 褐色(得),棕色(得)"184、browse 随意翻阅,浏览;(牛、羊等)吃草185、bruise 青肿,挫伤;伤痕186、brutal 残忍得;严峻得;严酷得187、bubble 泡,水泡,气泡188、bucket 水桶,吊桶"189、bud 芽,花苞190、budget 预算191、buffet 自助餐192、bug 臭虫;小毛病;窃听器193、build 建造,建筑;建设,建立194、bulb 灯泡,球状物"195、bulk 体积,容积;主体,大批,大量,大块"196、bulletin 公报,公告,告示197、bully 恃强欺弱者,小流氓198、bunch(一)簇,束,捆,串199、burden 担子,重担,负担vt、给予负担或麻烦200、bureaucracy 官僚主义,官僚机构;(非民选得)委任官员C201、capture 俘虏,捕获202、case 事例,事实,事情203、cast 投,扔,抛,撒,掷204、casual 偶然得,无计划得,随便得,非正式得205、cease 停止,终止,结束206、character (事物得)性质,特质207、charge 要(价),收(费)208、charm 魅力,魔力209、chase 追逐,追求210、check 使突然停止,制止211、cherish 珍爱,珍视212、chew 嚼,咀嚼213、choke 窒息,噎住214、chorus 合唱队215、chronic (疾病)慢性得,(人)久病得216、clarity 澄清,阐明217、cling 粘着218、clumsy 笨拙得219、cluster (果实,花等得)串,束,簇220、clutch 紧抓,紧握221、coherent 一致得,协调得222、coincide 相符,相一致223、collapse 倒坍,崩溃,瓦解224、collide 碰撞,互撞225、commemorate 纪念,庆祝226、commend 表扬,称赞227、compact 紧密得,坚实得228、compare 比较,对照(with, to) 229、compatible 能与睦相处得,合得来得230、compile 汇编,编制231、comply 遵从,顺从,服从232、compose 组成,构成233、compress 压缩He234、comprise 包含,包括235、compromise 妥协,折衷236、compulsory 必须做得,义务得237、conceal 隐藏,隐瞒,隐蔽238、conceive 构想出,设想239、concentrate 集中,专心240、condemn 谴责241、condense (使)压缩,(使)凝结,使简洁242、confine 限制,使局限243、conform 遵照,适应244、confront (使)面临,(使)遭遇245、conscious 意识到得,自觉地246、consent 同意,赞同,准许247、conserve 保护,保藏,保存248、consider 考虑,细想249、consist 组成,构成(of)250、consolidate 巩固,加强251、conspicuous 显眼得,明显得,引人瞩目得252、constitute 组成,构成253、consult 请教,与、、、、、、商量254、consume 消费,花费255、contact 接触,联系,交往256、contain 包括,容纳257、contaminate弄脏,污染258、contempt轻视,轻蔑259、contest竞赛,比赛,竞争260、contract合同,契约261、contradict反驳,同…、相矛盾,同…、相抵触262、contrary相反得,对抗得263、contrast对照,对比,(对比之下显出得)差异264、contribute捐(款等),捐献265、contrive设计,想出266、controversy(尤之以文字形式进行得争论),辨证267、convention(正式)会议,(定期)大会268、convert转变,转化269、convey运送,输送,传送270、convict(经审讯)证明…有罪,宣判…有罪271、coordinate调节,协调272、cordial热情友好得,热诚得,真心得273、correspond相符合相称274、correspondent通信者,通讯员,记者275、corresponding符合得,一致得276、corrode(渐渐)损害,(一点一点地)损伤277、corrupt堕落得,腐败得,贪赃舞弊得278、courtesy 谦恭有礼。
呕心沥血的意思基本信息【词目】呕心沥血(“呕”不写作“沤”)【拼音】ǒu xīn lì xuè【英译】to shed ones hearts blood; to take infinite pains; to strain ones heart and mind【感情色彩】褒义词【语法】联合式;作谓语、定语、状语。
这是 08 年整理的,最近增加了09 到 14 年部分。
所以可能大家会发现09 年到 14 年单词很少,原因是大部分单词都在早期08 年到 94 年的单词里出现过。
最新补充as 作为、随着、当、因为、象;with 和、用、装有、具有 ;in 在 ...中、以 ...方式 ;A ofB 一般翻译为 B 的 A(注意数量词 a piece of paper一纸,不能翻译为“纸的” );注意 and 并列关系,弄清谁与谁并列。
14 年46) articulate清晰的表达,47) by all accounts根据、根据报道;by one’s own account根据某人自己所说, let alone更别提,48) intensity紧,abruptly突然地,sudden突然,soft柔和的,passage 段落, rarely 很少、几乎不, composer作曲家,compose作曲、编写,49)associate 联系,50)suffer 遭受 , inevitable 不可避免 , render 转换、使变成 ;13 年46) strike打、震撼,for all尽管,style风格,urge需求、督促、鼓励,decoration装饰,47) sacred神圣的,crude原始、粗糙,as opposed to与相反,shelter 避难所,48) in effect实际上,urban城市,discernible容易看出的,discern看出、识别,49)blame 批评,50)implicit 隐含的,explicit 明确的,reference 谈到、提及、参考,synthetic 人造的 ;12年46) impulse冲动,unification统一、一致,generative生产的、生成的,generate产生,47)constrain 力劝、强迫、限制, constraint 限制,48)filter 过滤 , cognitive 认知的,49)empirical 实证的、根据经验得到的 , bias 偏见,50)track 跟踪 ;11年46)erroneous 错误的, error 错误,47)sustain 支持、维持, illusion 幻觉, conscious 有意识的,48) justification合理,借口,justify证明是公正的,rationalization合理,exploitation 剥削、开发 , bottom底,49)circumstance 环境,50)upside 积极的、正面的,contain 包含,be up to 取决于,array 展示、列、一系列 ;10 年46) rescue拯救,to the effect that大意是说,failed to不能,47) intrinsic在的、固有的,regardless of不管,presence出席,absence缺席,48)creature生物,species物种,49) ecologically生态的,as such本身、相应的,50)eli mi nate 根除 , element因素,commercial商业的;9年46)institution 机构、学院, original 原始的, motive 动机47)by-product 副产品, directive 指导的, factor 因素48) ignore忽视,ignorance无知,contact联系,disposition性情、安排,49)cannot help 禁不住, secure 确保,50)tuition 学费、讲授 ;08 年46) believe相信,assert 断言 , claim 声称 , argue 争论 , assume 假设 ,maintain主, contend斗争、坚持说, point out指出, be convinced that确信, accept 接受、承认 , prove 证明 , demonstrate展示、游行、证明、表明, validate证明 , state 状态、州、说明、述 , scribe 描述 , tell 说明 , show 说明、展示 , consider考虑 , opine表达观点, difficulty困难, difficult困难的, compensate补偿, compensate for补偿, advantage优点, advantageous有优势的, advance进步、发展 , force 力量、强迫 , strength力量, power力量、权力, thus因此,therefore因此, hence因此, enable使能够, detect探察、发现, detector探测器, detective 侦探,error 错误, mistake 失误 , false 错误, flaw 缺点、瑕疵,shortcoming 缺点, reason 推理、原因, reasoned 理性的, reasoning 推理,reasonable 合理的 , observe 观察 , observation 观察 , observer 观察者 ;47) follow跟随, pure纯, purely纯粹地、完全地, abstract抽象的, attract吸引 , concrete具体的, limit限制、有限的, confine限制, certain确认;48) as well也, as well as和一样, found建立, well-founded有根据的,charge 指控、指责、充电、费用 , be charge with承担、给与,change改变, critics批评家 , criticize批评, critical关键的、重要的, criticism批评, while当、在的同时、然而 ;49) add 加, addition增加, in addition此外, additional另加的, tradition传统 , traditional传统的, humble谦虚的, humbly谦虚地, perhaps也许,possible可能, possibly可能, probable可能, probably可能地, superior比高级、有优势 , superior to比高级, super超级, inferior不如, inferior to不如,common普通, ordinary普通, banal普通的、腐的, notice注意、说明,attention 注意 , escape 逃跑 , carefully当心, careful小心的, care关心, takecare of 照顾 ;50) loss 失去 , lose 丢失 (lost), at a loss迷茫、不知所措, take a loss亏损, injurious对有伤害, injure受伤, injury受伤, intellect智力, intellectual智力、知识分子 , intelligence智力, wisdom智慧, moral道德, virtue美德, virtually实际上、事实上 , virtual 虚拟的 , character文字、角色、性格, characterize有特点 , characteristic特色;07 年46) legal法律的、合法的, law法律, preserve保存, conserve保留、保护,institution 机构、学院 , constitution宪法, view观点、景色, view as 把看作为 , regard as 把看作为 , take as 把看作为 , see as 把看作为 , special 特别 , specialize专业, specific具体的, especial尤其的, especially尤其是;peculiar奇怪的、特有的、独特的, peculiar to特有的, particular特殊的, particularly 特别是 , rather than而不是, necessary必须的, essential必不可少的 , essence 精华 , critical 关键的、重要的 , significant 重要的 , significance 重要性 , equipment装备 , equip 装有 , pack 包、装, pack with 装,facility设施 ;47) link 连接、联系 , connect 联系 , connection 联系 , on the other另一方面 , on the other hand另一方面 , on the one hand一方面 , concept概念 ,notion 观念、概念、认识 , real 真实 , reality 现实 , realize实现、认识到,in a way以这种方式 , in a manner以这种方法 , in a form以这种形式 , parallel 平行 ,parallel to 与相平行、与类似 , journal 杂志 , journalist记者 , base 基础 , basic基础的 , basis 基础 , comment 评论 , comment on评论 , cover报道、覆盖 ;48) idea 观点、理论、想法 , profound 深刻的 , profoundly深刻地 ,far-reaching 影响深远的、意义重大的、深刻的 , citizen市民 , rest on/upon依靠取决于 , rely on依靠取决于 , depend on/upon依靠取决于 , responsible负责的 , responsibility责任 , be held responsible for对负责 , response 反响、响应 , media 媒介 , news media 新闻媒体 , news agency新闻机构 , establish建立 , established已经建立的 , establishment 机构、建立 , convention传统、规 ;49) grasp抓掌握, have a grasp of掌握, command命令, have a goodcommand of掌握, feature特点, competent竞争, competition竞争,competitive 有竞争力的 , compete竞争;50) reaction反映, react反映, action行动, in action起作用,interaction互相作用 , enhance 提高 , promotion提高, promote促进, preferable愿意的、可取的 , prefer宁愿, infer推理、提示, confer商量、授予、给予, favor喜欢,flavor 风味 , favorite喜欢的, judge评判法官, judgment评判, makejudgment 做出评判 ;6年46)define 定义 , definition 下定义 , define as把定义为 , select 选择 , elect 挑选 , individual 个人的、个人 , active 活力 , activity 活动 , primary 主要的 , duty 责任 , thinking 思考、思维 , thought 思想、思维 ;47) analogous类似, analogous to与类似, analyze分析, analysis分析,function 作用、充当作用、功能 , obligation责任, be obliged to do sth被迫做某事、有责任做某事 , be obliged to sb感某人, obligate被迫, be obligatedto do sth被迫做某事,clear 清楚、明白 , course 课程、过程 , cause 原因、导致 , lead to 导致 , reveal 揭露 , decision决心, decisive果断的、具有决定意义的 , decide 决定 ;48) exclude排除, exclusive排它的、独家的, include包含, conclude得出结论 , conclusion结论, contribute贡献, contribution贡献, contribute to对做贡献、有助于 , make contribution to做出贡献, distribute分发、分散,distribution 分散 , accomplishment完成, accomplish完成, complete完全,solution解决, solve解决, resolve决心、解决, approach接近、方法, aspect方面 , inspect 视察、检查 , expect 期待 , respect 尊重方面 , task 任务 ;49) code密码, rule规则, dedicate贡献, dedicate to把献给, govern管理 , government政府, energy能力、能量, conduct行为、指挥, conduction传导 , production产品, produce生产, explore探索, exploration探索; morethan 比多, less than比少, no more than不多于, no less than不少于,more than +数字多, more than +名词/动词不仅仅不只是, more than +形容词 / 副词非常 , no more than=not any more than不也不;50) independent独立, independence独立, interdependence互相依靠,reflect影响, reflection影响、反映、思考, make reflection on思考,earn挣, involve包含、包括, salary薪水;05 年46) television电视, means工具, feeling感觉, convey传递、表达, nation民族、国家 , create 创造 , invent发明, event事件、事务, recent最近;47) multi-media大众媒体、传媒, increase增加, increasingly越来越,bring带来, publish出版, in relation to与有关, relation关系, relate亲戚,related to与有关, concern关心、关注, concerning相关的;48) alone独自, only仅仅、唯一, survive生存, underline强调、突出、下划线 , undergo经历, undertake从事、承担, undermine暗中破坏, state状态、州、述 , statistics调查、统计数据, loss失去, take a loss亏损, at a loss迷茫、不知所措 ,49) identify辨别, identity身份, respect尊重方面, expect期待, aspect方面 , represent代表, present出席、现在、礼物, presentation展示, fabricate 编造、捏造、编织 , fabric 网络、纤维 , continent大陆, task任务, demand命令 , choose 选择 , choice 选择 , strategic 战略 , policy 政策 ;50) deal with处理, deal处理, challenge挑战, scale规模, on scale 在一定规模上 , exaggeration夸、夸大, it is no exaggeration to say不夸的说,unite 联合 , unity集体、单位, divide分;04 年61) structure建造, instruction知识、教导、命令、指示、说明, instrument工具、器具 , construction建筑, process步骤、过程, procedure步骤, schedule日程表 , real 真的 , reality真实的, realize意识到, diversity多样性, diverse各样 , philosophy 哲学 , philosopher 哲学家 ;62) grateful感, gratitude感, different from与不同, vanish消失,abolish取消、撤销、废除, assimilate同化, similar相似, native本民族的, local地方 ;63) describe描述, description描述, strike罢工、打击、留下印象, striking打击、罢工 , remark 评论、标记 , remarkable著名的, accuse起诉, accuse o f 指责 , data 数据 , date 日期 ;64) interested in对感兴趣, relationship关系, relative亲戚、相关,relatively相关的, determine决心, habit习惯, habitual习惯的, though虽然;65) come to逐渐得出, believe in相信, a sort of其中一种, linguistics语言学 , physics 物理 , psychology心理学, aesthetics美学, art艺术, fine art美术 , archaeology考古学, anthropology人类学, economy经济, psychiatry精神病学 , law 法律 , media 媒体 , cross-culture跨文化, mathematics数学, math 数学 , physician 医生 , chemistry化学, humanity人文科学, form形式, formula工程式 , formulate阐明, grammar语法, pattern模式, produce生产,consequence 结果 , consequently所以;3年61) furthermore更进一步, further进一步, ability能力, able可能, enable使能够 , inability无能, modify纠正, exchange交换, environment环境, deteriorate 恶化 , subject科目、主题、主语、对象, reject排斥, refuse拒绝, fancy 幻想、喜欢 ;62)branch 分支 , inquire 询问、研究 , acquire 获得 , require 要求 , endeavor努力 , order 命令、顺序 , disorder 紊乱、疾病 , system 系统 , passion热情 , seek 寻找 , scientific科学的, science科学, phenomenon现象;63) combine联合、结合, combined with结合、加上,coupled with结合、加上 integrate结合, integration整体、一体化, perspective前景、观点, unique独特的、唯一的, distinct区别, distinctly明显的;64)complex 复杂 , complicated 复杂 , sophisticated 复杂的、狡猾的 , include包含 , conclude 得出结论 , exclude 排除 , conclusion 结论 , custom 风俗习惯 , consume消费, consumer消费者. simple简单, simplicity简单的,implicit暗含的, explicit明显的;65) make possible成为可能, research研究;2年61) almost几乎,behavior行为,trait特点,trace跟踪62) explain解释,explanation解释,hard困难, remain保持, obscure模糊, vague 模糊的,不清楚的 ;63) evolution进化, revolution革命, innovation革新创新, invention发明创造 , invest 投资 , investigation研究、调查, recognize认出,cognition认知 ;64)possess 拥有、具有 , possession 财产 , govern 管理 , government 政府、管理 , theory 学说、理论 , essential 重要 , credit 信用 , achieve 达到 ,achievement 成功 ;65)until 直到才、如果不 , till 直到才、如果不 , issue 问题、事件、发行 ,01 年71) chat 聊天 , host 主人、主持 , hold 举行 , pollution污染, contaminate污染 ;72)personality 个性 , personnel 人事、人员 , personal 个人的 , relax 放松 ,relaxation 放松 , recreation 娱乐 , digital 数字 ;73)breakthrough 突破 , break out 爆发 , breakout 爆发 , out-break 爆发 ,outset 开始 , take place 发生 , discover 发现 ;74) ultimate最终, terminate终止, termination终点、终端, century世纪 , millennium千年, decade十年, thousands of成千上万、几千, hundredsof 几百 , for the better part of decade七八年, half一半, quarter四分之一,triple三倍, double两倍;75) home家、国的, demotic国的, exotic异域的, apply申请, apply to申请 , application申请, appliance器具, control控制, operate操作,operation 操作 , cooperation合作, corporation公司company公司伙伴2000 年71) condition条件, situation情况、状况, circumstance环境状况, situate位于 , vary 变化 , varying变化的、不同的, various各种各样的, variety各种各样 , variety of 各式各样 , expert 专家 ;72) obvious明显, ambiguous模糊的, be bound up with相关, bind绑,efficient有效, efficiency效果, industry工业, agriculture农业, horticulture园艺 , in turn反过来、轮流, effort努力, all kinds各种各样;73) owing to由于、因为, remarkable显著的, mass大众、大量、大块, communication 交流 , community社区, expose暴露, be exposed to接触、面对 , introduce介绍、引入, for the reason given above由于上述原因;74)pattern 模式 , spread 扩大 , or so 大约 ;75)stress 压力、强调 , migrate 移民 , migration 移民 , immigrate 移入,emigrate移居国外arise from由引起, arise出现、上升, rise上升, give rise to导致 , raise 增加、喂养 ,1999 年71)almost 几乎 , historian 历史学家, history 历史 , practice 练习、实践 ,conform 一致 , conform to 符合、与相一致 , inform 通知 , uniform 一致 ,attempt 企图 ;72)valid 有效的 , validate 使有效证明证实 , validity 有效性 , discipline 学科 , internal 部的 , external 外部的 , quarrel 争论 , among 在中;73)transfer 转变 , transparent 透明、明显 , augment 增加 , argument 辩论 , design 设计 , designed to旨在、设计来,interpret解释、口译,interpretation 解释 , evidence证据, evident明显的;74) agreement同意, refer to提及、指, in general总之, generally总体上 , generally speaking总的来说, largely总体、主要地, appropriate适合,inappropriate 不适合 ;75)equal 平等 , equally 平等的 , equate 与相等、与一致 , equate with 与相等、与一致 , source 来源 , resource 资源 , activity 活动 , animate 有生气 ,animation 兴奋、活跃 ;1998 年71)look into 搜索寻找 , exist 存在 , exit 出口 , existence 存在 , resident 居住 , residence 居住地 , citizen 市民 ;72)giant 巨大 , enormous 巨大的 , put forward 提出 , propose 提出 ,dominant 主要的、主导的 ;73)report 报道 , finding 发现 ;74)triumph 胜利 ;75)odd 奇数、奇怪 , sound 听起来 , inflation 通货膨胀 , inflate 膨胀 ,plausible 看起来合理的 , elementary 基本的 , primary 主要的 ;1997 年71) actually事实上, in fact事实上, account解释, accountant会计;72)contract 合同 , entitle 有权、授予 , title 标题 , entitlement 权利 ;73)discuss 讨论, discussion 讨论, consider 考虑, consideration 考虑,either or 要么要么 , neither nor 两者都不 , whether or 是还是, extend扩展、延伸, treat 对待、请客 ;74)relevant 相对的 , extreme 极端的 ;75)encourage 鼓励 , instinct 本能、天生的 ;1996 年71) result结果, result from由于, result in导致, to some extent在某种程度上 , accelerate加速;72) trend趋势, detail细节, in detail详细;73) support支持, an amount of大量的, goal目标, immediate立即;74) elegant优雅的, elegance优雅, in principle大体上、原则上, principal重要的、主要的 , fascinate迷人, delight高兴;75)standard 标准 , criterion 标准 ;1995 年71) target目标, attack进攻抨击, in doing sth.在做某事的过程中, divert转移 , diversion转移,;72)predict 预言 , prediction 预言 , reliable 可靠的 , skill 技能 ;73)experiment 试验实验 , experience 经验 , avail 有用 , available 有空的、可获得的 , comparative 比较 , compare 比较 , contrast 对比、相反 ;74)quality 质量、特征 , precise 精确 ;75) favorable有利的, favor喜欢; youngster年轻人;1994 年71)not so much as 与其说不如说 , as as 与一样 , not so as 与不一样 , through 因为、通过 , insight 洞察 , welfare 福利 , health 健康 , worth 值得 , genius 天才 , improve 提高 , tool 工具 ;72)as we call it 所谓的、正如我们所说 , number 数字 , numerable 可数的、一定数量的, innumerable巨大的、无数的, expand扩大 , a series of一系列 , direction说明指导, direct说明 ;73)ignore 忽视 , careless 粗心 , fundamental 基本的 ;74)revolve 旋转 ;75)finance 财政、金融 , financial 财政的 , vice versa 反之 , etc 等等 , et al 及其它 .。
硕士研究生考试英语高频词汇表[A]charge [A]指控[B]curse [B]诅咒[C]accuse [C]控告[D]scold [D]责骂[A]abandon [A]放弃[B]desert [B]抛弃[C]injure [C]伤害[D]punish [D]惩罚[A]damage [A]损害,伤害[B]spoil [B]宠坏[C]hurt [C]伤害[D]harm [D]伤害[A]sentence [A]判决[B]tear [B]撕破[C]wreck [C](船,飞机的)失事[D]fatigue [D]疲劳[A]release [A]释放[B]使宽慰, 减轻[B]relieve[C]放松, 松弛[C]loosen[D]解散, 解雇, 驳回[D]dismiss[A]grant [A]同意,准予[B]entitle [B]授权,给...权利[C]credit [C]相信,信任,信贷[D]give [D]交给[A]attraction [A]吸引力[B]attention [B]注意[C]arrangement [C]安排[D]appointment [D]约会[A]appoint [A]任命,委派[B]order [B]整顿[C]arrange [C]安排[D]tidy [D]整理[A]tip [A]给...小费[B]offer [B]提供[C]present [C]赠送,提出,呈现[D]represent [D]代表[A]equip [A]装备[B]install [B]安装[C]furnish [C]供应[D]provide [D]供应,供给[A]supply [A]供给[B]propose [B]建议[C]raise [C]提出[D]promise [D]允诺[A]reserve [A]储备[B]retain [B]保持[C]rescue [C]援救[D]recover [D]痊愈[A]preserve [A]保存[B]perceive [B]察觉[C]penetrate [C]渗透[D]persist [D]坚持,持续[A]above all [A]最重要,首先[B]after all [B]毕竟[C]over all [C]遍与[D]总共, 合计[D]in all[A]access [A]通路,有权使用[B]exposure [B]暴露[C]avenue [C]方法,途径[D]edge [D]缓缓移动[A]估计, 评估[A]assessment[B]assignment [B]分配,委派[C]procedure [C]程序[D]protection [D]保护[A]manner [A]方式[B]mission [B]使命[C]route [C]路线[D]motion [D]运动[A]account [A]帐目[B]count [B]计算[C]observation [C]观察[D]regard [D]看待[A]count in [A]把...计算在内[B]count on [B]依靠,指望[C]count up [C]把...加起来[D]count out [D]点数[A]account for [A]占,说明[B]on account of [B]由于[C]take into account [C]重视,考虑[B]assemble [B]集合,装配[C]pile [C]堆积[D]gather [D]聚集[A]collect [A]收集[B]acquire [B]获得,取得[C]derive [C]来自,源自[D]reward [D]酬劳,奖赏[A]gain [A]获得[B]grasp [B]抓紧[C]seize [C]抓住[D]grip [D]紧握[A]perform [A]执行[B]embrace [B]拥抱[C]earn [C]赚得[D]generate [D]产生[A]acknowledge [A]承认,答谢[B]assist [B]援助,帮助[C]advocate [C]拥护,主张[D]admit [D]容许,承认[A]acknowledged [A]公认的[B]informed [B]见多识广的[C]开通的, 开明的[C]enlightened[D]acquainted [D]知晓的[A]acquaintance [A]相识,熟人[B]acknowledgement [B]承认[C]recognition [C]认可,识别[D]association [D]联合[A]evidence [A]证据[B]status [B]身份[C]identity [C]身份[A]adapt [A]使适应,改编[B]suit (to) [B]()合适,适合[C]regulate [C]管制,控制,调整[D]adopt [D]采用[A]coordinate [A]调整,整理[B]协作, 配合[B]cooperate[C]remedy [C]治疗[D]treat [D]治疗[A]adjust [A]调整[B]halt [B]暂停[C]interrupt [C]打断[A]refer to [A]提到[B]point to [B]指向[C]extend to [C]延伸[D]amount to [D]总计[A]accurate [A]精确的[B]delicate [B]精致的[C]fixed [C]固定的[D]rigid [D]坚硬的[A]urgent [A]紧急的[B]excessive [B]过多的[C]adequate [C]足够的[D]steady [D]稳定的[A]anxious [A]忧虑的[B]beneficial [B]有益的[C]fruitful [C]多产的,富有成效的[D]valid [D](法律上)有效的[A]effective [A]有效的[B]partial [B]局部的[C]potential [C]潜在的[D]respective [D]分别的[A]efficient [A]有效率的[B]sufficient [B]足够的[C]充足, 大量[C]plenty[D]proficient [D]精通的[A]affect [A]影响[B]guide [B]()指引,指导[C]direct [C]指引[D]effect [D]招致,实现[A]benefit [A]有益于,有助于[B]aim [B]对准[C]focus [C]聚焦[A]incline [A]倾向,倾斜[B]relate [B]把...联系起来[C]lessen [C]减少,减轻[D]decline [D]下降,衰落[A]turn down [A]拒绝[B]turn in [B]上缴[C]turn over [C]翻转[D]turn off [D]关掉[A]aggressive [A]侵略性的,攻击性的[B]arbitrary [B]任意的,武断的[C]ambitious [C]野心勃勃的,有抱负[A]alike [A]相似的[D]uniform [D]统一的,一致的[A]surely [A]的确地[B]possibly [B]可能地[C]certainly [C]确实地[D]probably [D]很可能地[A]allowing [A]允许,承认[B]drifting [B]漂流的,飘动的[C]mobile [C]可移动的,机动的[A]care for [A]关怀,照顾[B]apply for [B]请求,申请[C]allow for [C]虑与,体谅[D]call for [D]要求,提倡[A]alter [A]改变[B]change [B]改变,变革[C]vary [C]变化,不同[D]convert [D]转变,变换[A]range [A]排列,归类于[B]separate [B]分开,隔离[C]differ [C]不一致,不同[D]reduce [D]减少[A]exception [A]除外,例外[B]exclusion [B]排斥[C]modification [C]更改[D]substitution [D]替代[A]exchange [A]交换[B]substitute [B]替代[C]replace [C]取代,替换[D]trade [D]用...进行交换[A]amazed [A]惊奇的[B]confused [B]困惑的[C]amused [C]愉快的[D]curious [D]好奇的[A]trouble [A]烦恼[B]nuisance [B]麻烦事[C]worry [C]苦恼[D]anxiety [D]忧虑[A]arise [A]出现,发生[B]lift [B]提高,举起[C]raise [C]抬高,举起,提高[D]rise [D]上升,上涨[A]arrive [A]到达[B]increase [B]增加[C]promote [C]提拔,促进[C]reinforce [C]强调[D]push [D]推动[A]strengthen [A]加强[B]progress [B]进步[C]touch [C]触摸[D]emergency [D]紧急情况[A]trend [A]趋势[B]schedule [B]进度表[C]proceed [C]进行[D]march [D]进军[A]arrival [A]到达[B]dismissal [B]免职[C]survival [C]幸存[D]disposal [D]处置[A]artificial [A]人造的[B]unnatural [B]不自然的[C]false [C]假的[D]unreal [D]不真实的[A]automatically [A]自动地[B]artificially [B]人造地[C]manually [C]手工做地[D]synthetically [D]人工合成地[A]associated [A]联合的,关联的[B]tied [B]打结的[C]bound [C]被束缚的[D]involved [D]棘手的,有关的[A]使从事, 使订婚[A]engage[B]involve [B]卷入[C]interact [C]交互作用[D]associate [D]联合[A]communicate [A]交流[B]attach [B]缚上,系上[C]afford [C]买得起[D]run [D]开办,主持[A]attached [A]附上...的[B]responsible [B]有责任的[C]resistant [C]抵抗的[D]contrary [D]相反的[A]insure [A]给...保险,保证[B]guarantee [B]保证[C]ensure [C]确保[C]忍受, 持续[C]endure[D]目击, 为...作证[D]witness[A]sustain [A]维持[B]维持, 保养[B]maintain[C]deposit [C]储蓄[D]测量, 衡量[D]measure[A]attribute [A]归因于[B]contribute [B]捐献,贡献[C]devote [C]投入于,献身[D]justify [D]证明...是正当的[A]评估, 评价[A]evaluate[B]指示, 表明[B]indicate[C]估计, 指望()[C]reckon[D]determine [D]决定[A]identify [A]识别[B]curiosity [B]好奇心[C]determination [C]决心[D]significance [D]重要性[A]available [A]可得到的,可利用的[B]approachable [B]可接近的,平易近人的[C]attainable [C]可到达的,可得到的[D]applicable [D]可适用的,可应用的[A]preferable [A]较合意的,更可取[B]considerable [B]相当大(或多)的[C]possible [C]可能的[D]adaptable [D]能适应的,可修改的[A]comfortable [A]舒适的[B]acceptable [B]可接受的[C]advisable [C]可取的,明智的[D]favourable [D]有利的[A]suitable [A]适当的[B]proper [B]适当的[C]partial [C]部分的[D]liable [D]有责任的[A]bare [A]赤裸的,无遮蔽的[C]空的, 中空的[C]hollow[D]vacant [D]空的,空闲[A]valid [A]有效的[B]vain [B]徒然的[C]vague [C]含糊的[A]secure [A]保护[B]seek [B]寻找[C]stimulate [C]刺激[D]shape [D]成形[A]inquire [A]询问[B]search [B]搜寻,查究[C]seek [C]寻求[D]resort [D]诉诸[A]登记, 注册[A]register[B]解决, 分解[B]resolve[C]契约,合同, 便宜货[C]bargain[D]negotiation [D]商议,谈判[E]consult [E]商量,商议[A]conflict [A]斗争,冲突[B]struggle [B]斗争[C]campaign [C]竞选运动[D]battle [D]战役,战争[E]debate [E]争论,辩论[F]dispute [F]争论,辩论[A]barrier [A]障碍[B]battery [B]电池[C]basket [C]篮[D]barrel [D]桶[E]obstacle [E]障碍[A]fence [A]栅栏,围墙[B]prevention [B]预防,防止[C]jam [C]拥挤,堵塞[D]tragedy [D]悲剧,惨案[E]vacuum [E]真空[A]confuse [A]搞乱,使糊涂[B]trouble [B]麻烦[C]disturb [C]打扰[D]puzzle [D]迷惑[E]offense [E]进攻[F]distress [F]悲伤[B]turn [B]扭转[C]prohibit [C]禁止[D]avoid [D]避免[A]fault [A]过错[B]errors [B]过失[C]shortcomings [C]缺点[D]flaw [D]缺点[A]boundary [A]边界[B]edge [B]边缘[C]border [C]边界[D]margin [D]页边的空白[A]distance [A]距离[B]scope [B]范围[C]range [C]行列[D]span [D]跨度[A]scale [A]规模[B]occupy [B]占据[C]classify [C]分类[D]等级, 级别[D]grade[A]种类, 类别[A]category[B]extent [B]广度[C]level [C]水平[D]quantity [D]数量[E]field [E]领域[F]limit [F]限度[A]break [A]打破[B]crack [B]裂纹[C]split [C]裂开[D]burst [D]胀裂[A]leak [A]泄漏[B]mess [B]混乱[C]lack [C]缺乏[D]omit [D]省略[A]withdraw [A]撤消[B]failure [B]失败[C]absence [C]缺席[D]drop [D]下降[A]break into [A]破门而入[B]break through [B]突围,突破[C]break down [C]制服,压倒[D]break out [D]突发,爆发[E]break up [E]分裂[B]wear off [B]逐渐减弱,耗损[C]call off [C]放弃,取消[D]break off [D]中断,突然停止[A]carry forward [A]发扬,结转[B]carry out [B]贯彻,执行[C]carry off [C]获得成功,对付[D]carry on [D]继续开展,坚持[A]bring around [A]使复苏[B]bring about [B]使发生[C]bring out [C]使显示,生产[D]bring up [D]培养[A]bring off [A]救出,完成[B]bring forth [B]提出,展示[C]bring down [C]打倒,击落[D]bring back [D]使恢复[A]build up [A]树立[B]spring up [B]跳起来[C]strike up [C]建立起,使开始[A]come round [A]前来,苏醒[B]come along [B]出现,发生[C]come on [C]快点,赶快[D]come out [D]出来,长出[A]come up with [A]赶上,提出[B]catch up with [B]赶上[C]put up with [C]忍受,容忍[D]keep up with [D]跟上[E]stand up to [E]经得起[A]keep up [A]维持,继续[B]pick up [B]拾取[C]draw up [C]草拟[A]cancel [A]取消,删去[B]postpone [B]推迟,使延期[C]delay [C]耽搁,延迟[D]retreat [D]撤退[A]assume [A]假定,设想[B]suppose [B]推想,假设[C]mean [C]意谓[D]hope [D]希望[A]refuse [A]拒绝,谢绝[B]decline [B]谢绝[C]deny [C]否认[D]reject [D]拒绝[A]deprive [A]剥夺[B]restrict [B]限制[D]neglect [D]疏忽[A]employment [A](受雇于他人而拿薪水的)工作, 职业[B]career[B]生涯, 职业[C]occupation[C]工作, 职业[D]profession[D]职业, 自由职业[A]case [A]事例[B]incident [B]事件[C]event [C]事件[D]affair [D]事件[A]question [A]问题[B]occasion [B]场合[C]matter [C]事件[D]issue [D]问题[A]stuff [A]填充[B]substance [B]物质[C]material [C]原料[D]particle [D]微粒[A]charge [A]索价[B]expense [B]费用[C]purchase [C]购买[D]order [D]定单[A]fee [A]费(会费、学费等)[B]fare [B]运费,车费[C]payment [C]报酬[D]claim[D]要求, 索赔[A]price [A]价格,价钱[B]cost [B]成本,价钱[C]expend [C]花费[D]offer [D]出价[A]comparative [A]比较的[B]relative [B]相关的[C]actual [C]实际上的[D]annual [D]一年一次的,每年的[A]certain [A]确实的,无疑的[B]insignificant [B]无关紧要的[C]fundamental [C]基础的,根本的[A]comprise [A]包含,由...组成[B]contain [B]包含,容纳[D]包括, 涉与[D]involve[E]围住, 围起[E]enclose[A]impose [A]强加,强迫[B]insert [B]插入[C]pitch [C]扎营[D]plunge [D]投入[A]gradual [A]逐渐的[B]unceasing [B]不断的[C]constant [C]经常的[D]consequent [D]作为结果的,随之发生的[A]continual [A]持续不断的[B]continuous [B]不断的,连续的[C]consistent [C]一贯的,始终如一的[A]convey [A]运送[B]deliver [B]递送[C]emit [C]发射[D]release [D]释放[A]remove [A]除去[B]elaborate [B]精心制作[C]motivate [C]激发[A]translate [A]翻译[B]transmit [B]传输[C]transport [C]运输[D]transfer [D]转移[E]transmission [E]播送[A]crisis [A]危机[B]precaution [B]预防[C]emergency [C]紧急情况[D]urgency [D]紧迫[A]service [A]服务[B]presentation [B]陈述[C]preparation [C]准备[D]prediction [D]预言[A]cultivate [A]培养[B]tend [B]照管,护理[C]breed [C]教养,抚养[D]tame [D]驯养[E]grow [E]种植[F]raise [F]抚养[A]attend [A]出席[B]accompany [B]陪伴[C]entertain [C]招待[A]data [A]数据[B]message [B]消息[C]media [C]媒体[D]information [D]信息[A]decrease [A]减少[B]compress [B]压缩[C]shrink [C]压缩[D]drop [D]下降[E]contract [E]收缩[F]slim [F]变细[G]dissolve [G]溶解[A]despair [A]绝望[B]depression [B]沮丧[C]desperation [C]绝望[A]delicate [A]精巧的[B]accurate [B]精确的[C]fixed [C]确定的[D]rigid [D]严格的[A]sensitive [A]敏感的[B]tender [B]温柔的[C]sensible [C]明智的[D]objective [D]客观的[A]flexible [A]灵活的[B]severe [B]严厉的[C]bad [C]恶劣的[D]mild [D]温和的[A]slight [A]轻微的[B]light [B]轻的[C]simple [C]单纯的[D]最少的, 最不重要的[D]least[A]utmost [A]极度的[B]苗条的, 微弱的[B]slender[C]模糊的, 无力的[C]faint[D]较小的, 次要的[D]minor[A]demand [A]要求[B]command [B]命令[C]require [C]要求[D]request [D]请求[A]claim [A]主张[B]oblige [B]迫使[D]recommend [D]推荐[A]dense [A]密集的[B]dark [B]黑暗[C]black [C]黑色[D]bold [D]粗体[A]densely [A]浓密的[B]vastly [B]广大地[C]enormously [C]巨大地[D]largely [D]很大程度上[A]draw [A]()提取[B]pick [B]捡起[C]gain [C]得到[D]pull [D]拉,拖[A]miss [A]错过[B]escape [B]逃脱[C]slide [C]滑过[D]lack [D]缺乏[A]edition [A]版本[B]editorial [B]社论[C]article [C]文章[D]abstract [D]摘要[A]project [A]计划[B]devise [B]设计[C]format [C]格式[A]exhaust [A]耗尽[B]expose [B]暴露[C]exhibit [C]展出[D]exploit [D]开发[A]consume [A]消耗,消费[B]swallow [B]咽,吞没[C]dispose [C]处理,处置[D]expand [D]扩张[A]consumption [A]消费[B]exhaustion [B]耗尽[C]expense [C]花费[A]explode [A]爆炸[B]multiply [B]增加[C]lengthen [C]延长[D]stretch [D]伸展[A]exaggerate [A]夸大[B]overtake [B]超过[C]enlarge [C]扩大[D]widen [D]加宽[A]indispensable [A]不可缺少[C]incapable [C]无能力的[D]insensible [D]麻木不仁的[A]intelligent [A]聪明的[B]infinite [B]无限的[C]influential [C]有影响的[D]identical [D]同样的[A]extensive [A]广大的,广阔的[B]expansive [B]易扩张的[C]intensive [C]强烈的[D]expensive [D]昂贵的[A]spare [A]多余的[B]extra [B]额外的[C]supreme [C]无上的[D]diverse [D]不同的[A]extreme [A]极端的[B]significant [B]有意义的,重大的[C]enormous [C]巨大的[D]numerous [D]众多的[A]considerate [A]考虑周到的[B]concerned [B]关心的,有关的[C]careful [C]小心的,仔细的[D]specially [D]特别地[A]committed [A]效忠的[B]witched [B]迷惑的[C]favored [C]有利的[D]transmitted [D]传输的[A]forceful [A]有力的[B]tremendous [B]巨大的[C]强烈的, 认真的[C]intense[D]profitable [D]有利可图的[A]奸诈的, 微妙的[A]tricky[B]笨拙的, 不得体的[B]clumsy[C]favorite [C]喜爱的[A]feature [A]特色[B]体形, 轮廓[B]figure[C]草图, 速写[C]sketch[D]形象, 图像[D]image[A]virtue [A]优点[C]characteristic [C]特征[D]mark [D]标志[A]trace [A]痕迹[B]diagram [B]图表[C]appearance [C]外貌[A]label [A]标签[B]sign [B]符号[C]signal [C]信号[D]symptom [D]症状[A]generous [A]慷慨的[B]genuine [B]真实的[C]minimum [C]最小的[D]modest [D]谦虚的[A]conservative [A]保守的[B]content [B]满意的[C]confident [C]自信的[A]cut down [A]削减,砍倒[B]cut away [B]砍掉[C]cut up [C]切碎[D]cut off [D]切断[A]give up [A]放弃[B]arrive at [B]到达[C]submit to [C]服从[D]work out [D]设计出[A]guilty [A]有罪的[B]sorry [B]抱歉的[C]ashamed [C]惭愧的[D]miserable [D]痛苦的[A]responsible for [A]负责的[B]obliged for [B]感激的[C]responsible [C]有责任的[D]obliged [D]感谢[A]hand over [A]移交[B]take over [B]接管[C]think over [C]仔细考虑[A]get over get[A]被理解across[B]get off [B]下来[C]get away [C]逃脱克服[A]hang about [A]闲荡[B]hang up [B]挂断[C]hang in [C]悬而未决[D]hang on [D][A]harsh [A]刺耳的[C]solid [C]坚固的[D]smooth [D]平滑的,流畅的[A]fluid [A]流动的[B]fluent [B]流利的[C]flowing [C]流动的[D]vigorous [D]精力充沛的[A]flat [A]平坦的[B]tedious [B]单调乏味的[C]bored [C]无聊的[D]clumsy [D]笨拙的[E]tired [E]疲倦的[A]hold back [A]阻止,抑制[B]hold up [B]举起[C]put off [C]推迟[D]put aside [D]撇开[E]put forward [E]提出[F]put out [F]扑灭[A]impact [A]冲击[B]motivation [B]动机[C]perspective [C]远景[D]impression [D]印象[A]capacity [A]容量[B]possession [B]拥有[C]potential [C]潜力[D]strength [D]力量[E]length [E]长度[A]impress [A]使铭记[B]interfere [B]干涉[C]offend [C]冒犯[D]bother [D]烦扰[A]sake [A]缘故[B]respect [B]尊敬[C]reaction [C]反应[D]comment [D]评论[A]opinion [A]意见[B]purpose [B]()目的,意图[C]intention [C]意图[D]attempt [D]企图[E]desire [E]愿望[A]in person [A]亲自[B]by himself [B]他亲自[C]in private [C]私下[D]as individual [D]作为个人[A]at heart [A]在内心里[C]by nature [C]生来[A]intensity [A]强度[B]popularity [B]流行[C]density [C]密度[D]prosperity [D]繁荣[A]originally [A]最初[B]extremely [B]极端地[C]violently [C]猛烈地[D]intensively [D]强烈地[A]tense [A]紧张的[B]rigid [B]严格的[C]intensive [C]强烈的[D]tight [D]紧的[A]original [A]最初的[B]crude [B]()未加工的[C]fresh [C]新鲜的[D]rude [D]粗鲁的[A]joint [A]联合的[B]concise [B]简明的[C]overall [C]全面的[D]decisive [D]决定性的[A]latter [A]后者[B]last [B]最后的[C]later [C]稍后[D]late [D]迟的[E]lasting [E]持久的[A]lay aside [A]搁置[B]lay out [B]展示[C]lay off [C]解雇[D]lay down [D]放下[A]lead to [A]导致[B]result from [B]由...产生[C]lie in [C]存在于[D]settle down [D]定居[A]response [A]反应[B]result [B]结果[C]settlement [C]解决[D]solution [D]解决办法[A]length [A]长度[B]gap [B]差距[C]rate [C]比率[D]interval [D]间隔[A]capacity [A]容量[B]strength [B]力量[D]proportion [D]比例[A]pace [A]步调[B]speed [B]速度[C]growth [C]生长[D]step [D]脚步[A]make up for [A]补偿[B]make for [B]走向[C]make out [C]理解,辨认出[D]make off [D]离开[E]make up [E]构造,补足[F]make over [F]移交[A]build up [A]树立,增进,建造[B]live through [B]度过[C]live up to [C]做到[D]conform to [D]符合[E]stand for [E]代表,象征[A]look [A]看[B]sight [B]视力[C]view [C]观察[D]form [D]形式[A]vision [A]视力[B]picture [B]图画[C]glimpse [C]一瞥[D]scene [D]场面[A]look out [A]留神[B]look after [B]照顾[C]look into [C]浏览[D]look on [D]旁观[A]take on [A]呈现[B]get on [B]进展[C]put up [C]举起[D]look up [D]查寻[A]minimum [A]最小的[B]genuine [B]真正的[C]modest [C]谦虚的[D]generous [D]慷慨的[A]short [A]短的[B]seldom [B]很少[C]scarce [C]缺乏的[A]mood [A]心情[B]temper [B]性情[C]mind [C]心智[D]passion [D]激情爱[E]emotion [E]感情[G]feeling [G]感觉[A]kindness [A]仁慈[B]喜爱, 感情[B]affection[C]friendliness [C]友善[D]暖和, 热心[D]warmth[A]necessarily [A]必要地[B]essentially [B]本质上[C]completely [C]完全地[D]remarkably [D]显著地[A]normal [A]正常的[B]regular [B]规则的[C]average [C]平均的[D]ordinary [D]平常的[A]obviously [A]明显地[B]surprisingly [B]令人惊讶地[C]particularly [C]令人惊讶地[D]normally [D]通常地[A]consequently [A]从而,因此[B]regularly [B]有规律地,定期地[C]全面的, 综合的[C]comprehensively[D]properly [D]适当地[A]obvious [A]明显的[B]optimistic [B]乐观的[C]optional [C]任选的[D]outstanding [D]突出的[A]法律的, 法定的[A]legal[B]暂时的, 临时的[B]temporary[C]自愿的, 志愿的[C]voluntary[A]opportunity [A]机会[B]necessity [B]必要性[C]probability [C]可能性[D]possibility [D]可能性[A]idleness [A]闲散[B]laziness [B]懒惰[C]inability [C]无能[D]poverty [D]贫穷[A]out of hand [A]脱手[B]out of reach [B]够不到[D]out of place [D]不合适[A]particular [A]挑剔[B]special [B]特别的[C]specific [C]特定的[D]dynamic [D]有活力的[A]heroic [A]英勇的[B]diplomatic [B]外交的[C]unique [C]独一无二的[D]rare [D]罕见的[E]strange [E]陌生的[A]in particular [A]特别[B]in harmony [B]融洽[C]in doubt [C]怀疑[D]in brief [D]简单扼要地[A]peculiarly [A]特有地[B]indifferently [B]冷淡地[C]vigorously [C]精神旺盛地[D]inevitably [D]不可避免[A]point [A]点[B]spot [B]斑点,污点[C]track [C]轨迹[D]trace [D]痕迹[C]stain [C]瑕疵[A]press [A]出版业,挤[B]前景, 勘探, 勘察[B]prospect[C]print [C]印刷[D]加工, 办理[D]process[A]stake [A]以…打赌[B]squeeze [B]挤压[C]stretch [C]伸展[D]leap [D]跳越[A]prior [A]在前的[B]pioneer [B]开拓的[C]premature [C]早熟的[D]past [D]过去的[A]偏爱, 优先(权)[A]preference[B]会议, 商谈[B]conference[C]inference [C]推论结果[D]提到, 参考, 引文[D]reference[A]run down [A]跑下[B]run over [B]跑过去[C]run into [C]偶遇[D]run through [D]贯穿[A]see to [A]负责,注意[B]get to [B]到达[C]hold to [C]坚持[D]lead to [D]导致[A]be sure [A]确信[B]hope for [B]希望[C]see to it [C]负责[D]make it [D]达到预定目标[A]shadow [A]影子[B]sample [B]样品[C]reproduction [C]复制品[D]echo [D]回声[A]strike [A]撞击[B]rub [B]摩擦[C]hit [C]打击[D]scrape [D]刮掉[A]stick [A]粘住[B]sting [B]刺[C]bite [C]咬[D]scratch [D]抓[A]strike at [A]打击[B]strive for [B]力争[C]stick to [C]坚持[D]stand for [D]代替[A]convention [A]习俗,习惯[B]confinement [B]禁闭[C]principle [C]原则,原理[D]discipline [D]纪律[A]standard [A]标准的[B]regular [B]规则的[C]routine [C]例行的[D]conventional [D]传统的。
【拼音】: yuxin li xue【解释】:沥:滴。
◎清·曾朴《孽海花》第三十回【拼音代码】: y lzl【近义词】:呕心沥血、废寝忘食、夜以继日、聚精会神【反义词】:游手好闲、好逸恶劳、得过且过【用法】:作谓语、定语;指工作、学习等【英文】: brainstorm 【出处】:《宋史·邓祁传》:“韩琦镇延州,欲官祁,祁怒曰:‘此间出命令,宰相当得之。
◎清·曾朴《孽海花》第三十回【拼音代码】: y lzl【近义词】:呕心沥血、废寝忘食、夜以继日、聚精会神【反义词】:游手好闲、好逸恶劳、得过且过【用法】:作谓语、定语;指工作、学习等【英文】: brainstorm【故事】:北宋时期的政治家、文学家和史学家,著名的政治家、文学家、史学家,著有《欧阳文忠公文集》《新唐书》《五代史记》等。
2017考研英语 长难句翻译讲解
例句1 I feel that this award was not made to me as a man but to my work—a life’s work in the agony and sweat of the human spirit, not for glory and least of all for profit, but to create out of the materials of the human spirit something which did not exist before.【翻译】我感到这份奖金不是授予我个人而是授予我的工作的——授予我一生从事的关于人类精神的呕心沥血工作。
plagiarize/plagiarism 抄袭,剽窃postdoctoral fellow 博士后研究员preschool class 学前班schooling suspension 休学straight A student 成绩全优生student aid 助学金student cafeteria/canteen 学生餐厅student union 学生会take attendance 查点考勤teaching assistant 助教teaching faculty 全体教师top student 头等生track out of schools 被逐出校门transcript 成绩单transmission of civilization 传播文明valedictory address/speech 毕业献辞virtual university 虚拟大学working graduate 在职研究生work-study program 勤工助学cramming system; spoon-feeding pedagogy 填鸭式教学法crash course 速成班credit hour 学时drop out (中途)退学educational expenditure 教育开支educational innovation 教育革新educational network 网络教育education in patriotism 爱国主义教育elective course 选修课exemption from examination 免考exit qualification 结业资格fellowship 研究生奖学金financial aid 财政资助(泛指向学生提供的各种资金、贷款、非全日工作等)average student 中等生award/confer degree 授予学位basic literacy 基本读写能力campus medical center; school clinic 校内诊所CA T (computer adaptive test) 机考cheating in exams 考试作弊check roll 考勤children with learning disability 无学习能力的儿童class rank 年级名次coeducation 男女同校commencement ceremony 毕业典礼compulsory course 必修课core curriculum 核心课程cost of education 教育费用course leader 课代表academic achievements 学业成绩陪读be companion to sb in study听课attend a class or lecture走读生nonresident student博士后post-doctoral进修班class for further studies特困生the most needy student学杂费tuition fee and miscellaneous charges毕业设计graduation project大专学历 a college graduate德才兼备combine political integrity with professionalcompetence定向培养provide training to selected students定向招生recruit students from selected organizations or regions;enroll students who are pre-assigned to specific posts or areas动手能力the ability of practice岗位培训in-service/on-the-job training高等教育higher/postsecondary education国情教育education abou t China’s conditions积累知识accumulate knowledge基础教育basic/elementary education寄宿学校boarding school家庭教育education in the home综合治理comprehensive treatment安居工程housing project for low-income urbanresidents信息化information-based;智力密集型concentration of brain power;knowledge-intensive外资企业overseas-funded enterprises下岗职工laid-off workers分流reposition of redundant personnel三角债chain debts素质教育education for all-round development豆腐渣工程jerry-built projects社会治安情况law-and-order situation西部大开发Development of the West Regions可持续性发展sustainable development风险投资risk investment通货紧缩deflation扩大内需to expand domestic demand计算机辅助教学computer-assisted instruction(CAI)网络空间cyberspace虚拟现实virtual reality网民netizen(net citizen)电脑犯罪computer crime电子商务the e-business网上购物shopping online应试教育exam-oriented education学生减负to reduce study load下岗laid-off workers下海plunge into the commercial sea下网off line小康之家well-off family ;comfortably-off family新秀up-and-coming star,rising star新新人类New Human Being;X Generation信息港info port形象小姐/先生image representative of a product or a brand虚拟网virtual net学生处students’affairs division研究生毕业证/学位证graduate diploma/graudate degree’sdiploma摇钱树cash cow以人为本people oriented;people foremost义务教育compulsory education易拉罐pop can应试教育examination-oriented education system舆论导向direction of public opinion运球dribble在职博士生on-job doctorate早恋puppy love招生就业指导办公室enrolment and vocation guidance office证券营业部stock exchange;security exchange知识产权intellectual property rights中专生secondary specialized or technical school student中流砥柱mainstay,chief corner stone专卖店exclusive agency;franchised store自我保护意识self-protection awareness综合国力comprehensive national strength综合业务数字网integrated service digital network (ISDN) 公正、公平、公开just,fair and open好莱坞大片Hollywood blockbuster黄金时段prime time假唱lip-synch劲射power shot拉拉队cheering squad来电显示电话机caller ID telephone论文答辩(thesis)oral defense泡沫经济bubble economy票贩子scalper,ticket tout拳头产品competitive products;knock-out products;blockbuster三角恋爱love triangle三维动画片three-dimensional animation"扫黄"、"打非"eliminate pornography andillegal publications申办奥运会bid for the Olympic Games实现中华民伟大复兴bring about a great rejuvenationof the Chinese nation市场疲软sluggish market素质教育education for all-around development筒子楼:tube-shaped apartment脱贫致富cast(shake,throw)off poverty and setout on a road to prosperity网吧Internet bar网恋online love affair网上冲浪surf the Internet网上交易平台online trading platform网友net friend入学考试||entrance examination入学资格||admission requirement十二年国民义务教育||twelve-year compulsory education大专校院||institutes of higher education大学分部||branch campus公费待遇||government sponsorship公费留学考试the examination of government sponsorship foroverseas study公费留学奖学金||the scholarship of government sponsorship foroverseas study公费奖学金||government sponsorship scholarship启发式elicitation method (of teaching); heuristic method填鸭式教学法cramming/forced-feeding method of teachingbasic course基础课specialized course专业课required course必修课optional/selective course选修课literature文学philosophy哲学history历史art艺术banking银行学biochemistry生物化学sociology社会学linguistics语言学psychology心理学engineering工程学architecture建筑学business商务law法学economics经济学fiancé金融学accounting会计学elementary education初等教育secondary education中等教育higher education高等教育adult education成人教育open admission免试入学制teaching facilities教学设施assistantship助学金scholarship奖学金room and board食宿auditorium礼堂vidiploma=graduation certificate毕业证书drop out辍学quit school退学attend a lecture上课miss a class缺课cut a class旷课expel sb from school开除tuition学费miscellaneous expenses杂费a grant-aided student领助学金的学生report card成绩单final-examination期末考核quiz小测验oral test口试最常考的学类场景词汇1)分数类grade (mark 、score)分数perfect grade 优异成绩low grade 低分high mark 高分passing grade 及格分failing grade 不及格分full marks 满分straight A's 全Abe all A's and B's 全是A和BB plus B加A minus A减pass the exam with flying colors 以优异成绩通过考试graduate with honors 以荣誉毕业2)图书馆类library图书馆librarian图书管理员publication 出版物periodical 期刊magazine 杂志book catalogue 图书目录classified catalogue 分类目录bibliography 参考书目title index 书目索引alphabetic index 按字母顺序排列的索引loan desk 借书处circulation 流通reserved books 馆藏书(只能在图书馆内借阅)library card 借书证overdue fine 过期罚金periodical reading room 期刊阅览室back issue 过期杂志current issue 近期杂志non-fiction 非小说类文学作品science-fiction 科幻小说copier 复印机check out 办理(借、还)手续renew 续借overdue过期3)作业类thesis/essay/dissertation 论文assignment 作业homework = coursework = schoolwork = studies 作业lab report 实验报告book report 读书报告presentation 发言term paper 学期论文project 作业broad (论文等)内容宽泛的narrow down (论文等)缩小范围4)学科类Mathematics 数学physics 物理chemistry 化学biology 生物学geography 地理学electronics 电子学computer science 计算机科学astronomy 天文学electronics engineering 电子工程学botany 植物学psychology 心理学zoology 动物学architecture 建筑学oceanography 海洋学ecology 生态学medical science 医学archaeology 考古学history 历史学linguistics 语言学pedagogics 教育学,教学法anthropology 人类学economics 经济学statistics 统计学accounting 会计学philosophy 哲学5)教师评价类教师称号professor 教授lecturer = instructor 讲师teaching assistant = TA 助教research assistant = RA 助研counselor, adviser 咨询者,顾问B.A. (Bachelor of Arts)文学士M.A (degree of Master of Arts)文学硕士M.S. (Master of Science)理硕士M.D. (Doctor of Medicine)医学博士Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy)(哲学)博士president 大学校长teacher/faculty 教师student's advisor 学生顾问physicist 物理学家mathematician 数学家chemist 化学家historian 历史学家statistician 统计学家正评价fascinating = fantastic 精彩的thought provoking 发人深思的stimulating 令人兴奋的sense of humor 幽默感负评价boring 无聊的drop off to sleep 睡着了doze off 打瞌睡drowsy 昏昏欲睡的clock watcher 不断看表的人make no sense 毫无意义6)课程考试类tuition 学费credit system 学分制semester/term 学期course guideline 课程纲要required course 必修课elective course 选修课seminar 高级研讨性课mid-term exam 期中考final exams = finals 期末考subjective test 主观性测试objective test 客观性测试pop quiz 抽查式测验major 主修minor 副修exemption 免修syllabus 教学大纲diploma, degree, certificate 文凭,学位,证书course, coursework 课程text, textbook 课文,教科书class, classroom 班,课exercise, practice 练习handout(s)分发的教材enrollment/registration 注册registrar 注册主任7)学习用品类stationery 文具book bag 书包backpack = knapsack 背包stapler 订书机(staples 订书钉)clips 夹子;回形针glue 胶水scotch tape 透明胶带scissors 剪刀brown paper 牛皮纸battery 电池bookmark 书签flashlight 手电筒lined paper 横格纸notebook 笔记本notepad 记事本projector 幻灯放映机typewriter 打字机printer 打印机printer ribbon打印机的色带word processor 文字处理器laptop 笔记本电脑desktop 台式机typing paper 打印纸record 唱片8)其它education 教育educational 教育的students' union 学生会students' council = government = association 学生会quit school 休学drop out of school 退学transfer to another school 转学educational board 教育董事会admissions office 招生办公室scholarship 奖学金assistantship 助研金fellowship 研究奖学金graduation commencement 毕业典礼diploma 毕业文凭admission 录取freshman (大学)一年级学生sophomore (大学)二年级学生junior (大学)三年级学生senior (大学)四年级学生a graduate, graduation 毕业生,毕业tuition, fee 费用subject 主题,专业academic 学术的excellent 出色的average 平均的,一般的below average 低于平均水平的,差的,advanced 先进的,高级的remedial 补习的9)电器类electronic appliance(instrument; equipment)电器heater, furnace 加热器,炉子heating unit 暖气片air conditioner 空调设备stove 炉子microwave oven 微波炉washer / dryer 洗衣机/烘干机(laundry 洗衣店)utensil 器皿;用具kitchen utensil 炊具oven 烤箱;烤炉range 煤气灶dishwasher 洗碟机washing machine 洗衣机(hot-water)heater 热水器coffeepot 咖啡壶refrigerator (freezer)冰箱vacuum cleaner 吸尘器tape player 录音机CD player CD机Laundromat 自动洗衣店maintenance 维修,保养10)家具类furniture 家具bookshelf 书架bookcase 书柜couch 沙发chest 柜子;橱;箱子dresser (bureau)梳妆台cabinet (电视机等)机箱;储藏柜;陈列柜cupboard (closet)碗橱storage wall 壁橱rug 小地毯carpet 地毯curtain 窗帘bathtub 浴缸fixture (房屋)固定装置furnishings 室内陈设天文学astronomy,astronomer,astronomical object,illusiveobject,cosmos,space,solar system,Brown Dwarf,gaseousbodies,planet,massive,ignite,star,heaven,celestial,faint,universe,comet,meteor,obserbatory,telescope,image,remote,feeble,origin,gravitational force,molten,Mars听力必备习语1. boil down to 很明显是,很明显会……2. make up 补考,补做3. put up with 忍受4. by and by 很快5. give sb. a hand 帮某人一把6. ring a bell 听起来熟悉7. snap out of it 重新振作起来8. raise the roof 吵翻天9. get away with 逃避惩罚10. on business 因公,出公差11. look up 查找(单词)12. let up 减少,减小13. in any case (或event )无论如何14. come out 出版15. look into 调查,考查16. spell out 清楚地说出,解释清楚17. fall back on 求助于,依赖18. wrap up 圆满完成19. save one's breath 免开尊口,不要浪费口舌20. hold up 阻碍;经久,持久21. have one's hands full 忙得不可开交22. How come? 怎么会这样?为什么?23. stick around 在附近逗留24. make out 了解,明白25. turn up 出现出席列场26. hold off 推迟,拖延27. over one's head 超过某人的理解力28. stock up 买进储存起来29. stay put 待在原地30. keep up 继续31. tie up 占用32. in and out 进进出出,来来去去33. make ends meet量入为出,收支相抵34. on and on 继续不断,不直不停35. out of this world非常好,不同凡响36. in a row连续不断37. wait around 空等38. cool off 息怒,平静下来39. hold the grudge 怀恨在心40. come a long way 有长足的进步41. straighten out 纠正错误42. once and for all 坚决地43. put … away 把…收起来把…放好44. out of it 闷闷不乐45. bump into 偶然遇见46. out of stock 没有库存47. per se 本身48. keep to oneself 不与他人交往49. go out of one's way 特意地,不怕麻烦地50. put up 提供食宿51. under the weather 身体不舒服(因天气不佳)52. come in handy 迟早有用,派得上用场53. talk one out of it劝说某人不要做某事54. wait on 伺候55. go all out 全力以赴,尽全力56. on sale 廉价出售,大减价57. try out 参加竞争,选拔58. pass up 放弃59. on behalf of 代表60. stay up 熬夜61. Their odds are very poor 他们成功的可能性很小62. hold over 推迟,拖延63. out of order 损坏64. be booked up 预定满了65. fit in 找时间做66. in one ear and out the other 不听,当耳旁风,左耳进,右耳出67. measure up 符合标准68. change of pace 变换活动,换口味69. run out of go by 用完70. go by 遵守,遵循71. take it out on sb. 拿某人出气72. get around to 找时间做73. put out 使不安,使不高兴74. on top of 对…一清二楚75. in the long run 终究76. can't for the life of me 无论如何也不能77. your guess is as good as mine 我也不知道78. out of date 过时79. plough through 费力的阅读80. be through 完成81. search me! 我不知道sports bums 吃闲饭的球员square deal 公平交易stab-in-the-back business 暗箭伤人stand a change 有机会嬴stand on one's own feet 独立自主stand one up 失约而使人白等stand one's ground 一步也不退让stand sb up 让某人空等一场stand up for sth 支持;拥护standing ovation 站起来热烈鼓掌stay away from 滚开stay out o.p.b (other people's business)不要管别人的闲事stay up late 熬夜steamed up 怒火中烧step on one's toes 触怒某人step out 出外约会;暂时离开工作sth must be done 非马上采取点行动sth tells me 我好象感觉stick around 在附近等着stick your nose into 让你忙着stick-up 抢劫stomach's growling 肚子咕噜咕噜地响stop by 过来一会stop pulling my leg 不要开玩笑了storm in a teacup 大惊小怪straight from the horse's mouth 据可靠消息strike out 删去;想出string sb along 常常戏弄某人stuffed shirt 自命不凡的讨厌鬼sugar daddy 老色狼sugar report 情书suit one's taste 合某人的胃口Sunday dress 最好的衣服swelled head 骄傲自大switch off 关掉swith majors 转系take a back seat 处于默默无闻的地位take a break 休息一下take a good look at 仔细看take a hand in 插手某事take a look 瞧一瞧take a rain check 改天吧.take advantage of 欺负;占便宜take care of sb later 迟些对付你take down 记下take for 误认为take for granted 想当然take French leave 不辞而别take in a movie 看一场电影take it easy 放松;别紧张take it easy. 不要紧张take it or leave it. 别讨价还价take it out to sb 拿别人出气take no for an answer 不许回答“不”字take notes in outline form 记大纲式的笔记take offense 生气take one's hat off to 表示尊敬佩服take one's time doing sth 从容不迫;不慌不忙做某事take orders from 听命于take sb for a ride 绑架某人take sth for granted 视为当然take sth up 重提某事take sth upon oneself 承担一切责任take the lead in sth 在某方面领先take the load off one's feet 坐下休息take the words out of one's mouth 说出心里话take things as they come 既来之则安之take to 养成喜好;专心于take to one's heels 溜之大吉take up 开始;继续;吸收take your time. 慢慢来.take your word for it 相信你的话talk big 讲大话talk of the town 非常流行的东西talk one into 说服talk one's head off 说得天花乱坠talk sb into sth 说服某人做某事talk sb out of sth 说服某人不要做某事talk sense 讲得合情合理talk through one's hat 说话瞎扯不负责任talk through one's neck 说话瞎扯不负责任talk through one's nose 骄傲自大tall story 难以置信的故事teach sb a lesson 教训某人team up with sb 和某人分为一组tear down 拆毁ten bucks 十美元That dame! 那个女人!that depends. 那要看情况.that has a familiar ring. 那话听起来很熟悉. that I can't say 这个我不敢肯定That is so! 是这样吗?that makes two of us. 英雄所见略同that settles that 已经安排了,那就算了that should be fun. 那一定会好玩.that sounds better. 这样说才是.that what you say. 这是你说的.(表怀疑)that won't answer. 这解决不了问题that's a good one. 无稽之谈that's a promise i'll hold you to. 是你许下的诺言,我会叫你兑现that's a trade secret. 这是生意人的秘密.that's great. 好极了that's it. 就这样that's more like it. 这才象话.that's more than i can say. 一言难尽that's my…… you're making cracks about. 那是我……,请别拿他开玩笑.that's nothing. 不要紧;小意思that's right down my alley. 那是我最拿手的.that's runs my electric bill up. 使电费增加.that's something. 真是了不起.that's the boy. 好小子(赞美).that's the spirit. 真有道理.that's the way it is. 事情就是这样的.that's the way it with us. 我们就是这样.that's the whole damned trouble. 这就是所有的麻烦.that's what i came for. 我就是为这个来的.that's what i'm here for. 这是我应该做的.that's what you think. 只有你自己这么想吧.that's your funeral. 此乃阁下之事.thaw out 融化the big time 了不起的事;梦想the crack of down 破晓the dead of winter 严冬the devil in her eye 她眼神具有魅力the die is cast. 一切已成定局.the God's truth 说真的the hustle and bustle 喧嚣气氛the line is busy 通话中;占线the price isn't bad. 不贵.the whole world knows it. 全世界都知道.there goes your phone. 你有电话.there is nothing to it. 太容易了there you are. 这是你要的.there you go again. 你又来这一套了.there's nothing i can do. 爱莫能助there's nothing wrong with me. 我精神很好.they will be very put out. 他们会很生气.they're a drag. 那多讨厌,烦死了.think nothing of it. 不要放在心上.this is a small something for you. 小小礼物,不成敬意this is serious. 我是当真的.this will be my treat. 这顿饭我请客.thorn in one's side. 眼中钉肉中刺thousand and one way 许多办法three sheets in the wind 酒醉threw a party 举行一个宴会thrilled with, be 深受感动;非常高兴throw cold water on 泼冷水throw the bull 胡言乱语tie the knot 结婚till the cows come home 很久times have changed. 时代不同了.to a T 恰好地to and fro 到处to doctor it up with 用……作料拌起来to one's face 当面to the best of my knowledge 据我所知today just isn't my day. 今天运气不佳.Tom, Dick and Harry 一般的人;普通的人too much for sb 使某人承受不了trade in 以旧换新treat sb 请客,招待某人You see what I mean? 你明白我的意思了吗?you should be smart enough. 你应该聪明一点.you stay out of this. 不要插手这件事.you're all mixed up. 你全搞混了.you're confusing your days. 你把日子弄混了.you're putting me on. 你在和我开玩笑.you're ribbing me. 你开我玩笑.you're thoughtful. 你想得真周到.you're way ahead of me. 你讲得那么快,我还没听清呢.your timing is just right. 你来得正好.have ones hands full;be swamped with 表示“很忙”pin sb. down 逼迫某人说出senitation department 卫生部门at no charge 免费big,light 表示饭的“丰盛;多”(big)“清淡;少”(light)pickout truck 货车put aside 储存slip表示分数下滑,dip表示气温下降make time 挤出时间Not if结构You ve got me.你把我难住了。
1. a /eɪ/ art.一(个);每一(个);(同类事物中)任一个
2. abandon /əˈbændən/ vt.离弃,丢弃;遗弃,抛弃;放弃
3. abdomen /ˈæbdəmɛn/ n.腹,下腹(胸部到腿部的部分)
4. abide /əˈbaɪd/ vi.(abode,abided)(by)遵守;坚持
5. ability /əˈbɪlɪti/ n.能力;本领;才能,才干;专门技能,天资
6. able /ˈeɪbl/ a.有(能力、时间、知识等)做某事,有本事的
7. abnormal /æbˈnɔːməl/ a.反常的,不正常的,不规则的
8. aboard /əˈbɔːd/ ad.&prep.在船(飞机、车)上;ad.上船(飞机)
9. abolish /əˈbɒlɪʃ/ vt.废除(法律、习惯等);取消
10. abound /əˈbaʊnd/ vi.大量存在;(in,with)充满,富于
11. about /əˈbaʊt/ ad.在周围;大约prep.关于;在周围a.准备
12. above /əˈbʌv/ a.上述的ad.在上面prep.在..之上,高于
13. abroad /əˈbrɔːd/ ad.到国外,在国外;在传播,在流传
14. abrupt /əˈbrʌpt/ a.突然的,出其不意的;(行为等)粗鲁无礼的
15. absence /ˈæbsəns/ n.缺乏,不存在;缺席,不在;缺席的时间
16. absent /ˈæbsənt/ a.缺席的;缺乏的,不存在的;心不在焉的。
2023考研英语大纲核心必背单词1. degenerateadj. 退化的;堕落的;变质的;变性的;vt. 使退化;恶化;使变质;衰减;vi. 退化;堕落;[例句]Inactivity can make your joints stiff, and the bones may begin to degenerate.长期不活动会导致关节僵硬,骨骼也可能开头退化。
2. deliberateadj. 深思熟虑的;有意的;蓄意的;慎重的;vt. 权衡;vi. 熟虑;商讨;[例句]It has a deliberate policy to introduce world art to Britain.它在政策上有意识地将世界艺术介绍给英国。
3. delightn. 欢乐,兴奋;使人兴奋的`东西或人;vt. 使兴奋,使欣喜;vi. 感到兴奋[欢乐];[例句]Throughout the house, the views are a constant source of surprise and delight.从房子各处看到的景色不断给人以诧异和欣喜。
4. delivervt. 交付;发表;递送;使分娩;vi. 传送;投递;[例句]The Canadians plan to deliver more food to southern Somalia.加拿大打算向索马里南部地区运输更多的食品。
5. demonstratevt. 论证;证明,证明;显示,展现;演示,说明;vi. 游行;[例句]The study also demonstrated a direct link between obesity and mortality.该讨论还说明了肥胖症和死亡率之间存在直接的联系。
6. denotevt. 代表;指代;预示;意思是;[例句]Red eyes denote strain and fatigue.眼睛充血说明压力过大、身心疲乏。
英语翻译硕士李长栓《非文学翻译理论与实践》考研真题英语翻译硕士李长栓《非文学翻译理论与实践》考研真题一、第1章翻译概述Ⅰ. 英译汉1. source language and target language【译文】译出语和译入语2. the oriental and occidental languages【译文】东方语言和西方语言3. bilingualism【译文】双语学4. stylistics【译文】文体学5. semiotics【译文】符号学6. structuralism【译文】结构主义7. constituent analysis【译文】成分分析8. phrase structure analysis【译文】短语结构分析9. semantic field【译文】语义场10. transformational-generative grammar 【译文】转换生成语法11. register【译文】语域12. discourse analysis【译文】篇章分析13. syntactic description【译文】句法描写14. Alexander Fraser Tytler【译文】亚历山大·弗雷泽·泰勒15. Georges Mounin【译文】乔治·穆南16. Feedorov【译文】费道罗夫17. Indu Dharmarakcha【译文】竺法护18. Kumara Jiva【译文】鸠摩罗什19. Paramartha(Gunarata)【译文】真谛/波罗末陀(拘那罗陀)20. Matteo Ricci【译文】利玛窦21. Euclid’s Elements【译文】《几何原本》22. La Dame aux Camelias【译文】《茶花女》23. A History of Politics(by E. Jenks)【译文】《社会通诠》(甄克思著)24. On Liberty(by J. S. Mill)【译文】《群己权界论》(约翰?穆勒著)25. An Inquiry Into the Nature and Cause of the Wealth of Nations(by A. Smith)【译文】《原富》(亚当?斯密)26. Evolution and Ethics and Other Essays(by T. H. Huxley)【译文】《天演论》(赫胥黎)27. ①idiomatic translation②loan translation③target-text oriented translation studies④mediating language(北航2017研)【译文】①地道翻译②翻译借词③目标文本型翻译研究④中介语言28. descriptive translation study(北航2018研)【译文】描述性翻译研究Ⅱ. 汉译英1. 信达雅【译文】faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance2. “宁顺而不信。
英文中形容呕心沥血的词句Title: Expressions in English to Describe "Painstaking Efforts"I. Introduction.Hey there! Today we're going to dig into some really cool English expressions that can be used to describe when someone puts in a whole lot of painstaking efforts. You know, those times when you've worked so hard on something that it feels like you've poured your heart and soul into it.It's like that feeling when you've been up all night studying for an exam, or working on a project that means the world to you. Let's jump right in!II. "Toil and Trouble"One of the classic phrases that gives a sense of painstaking effort is "toil and trouble." It has this really old - fashioned charm to it. When you say someone has been through "toil and trouble," it's like you're saying they've had a rough time, full of hard work and difficulties. For example, "The artist went through toil and trouble to create that masterpiece." It wasn't just a simple process. The artist had to put in long hours, probably faced a lot of creative blocks, and had to keep trying different things until it was just right. It's like they were in a battle with the canvas or the clay or whatever their medium was, and they didn't give up until they had achieved what they wanted. This phrase has been around for ages and still packs a punch when you want to convey the idea of someone really sweating it out.III. "Slave Away"Now, "slave away" is a more modern - sounding phrase that still gets the point across. When you say someone is "slaving away" at something, it'slike they're working really hard, almost like a slave - not in the cruel sense of the word, but in the sense of being completely dedicated to the task. For instance, "My friend has been slaving away at her thesis for months." You can just picture her hunched over her computer, typing away, doing research, and probably getting really frustrated at times. But she's still plugging away because she's determined to get it done. It's a very vivid way of showing that someone is putting in a huge amount of effort. And it also has a bit of a self - deprecating humor to it. If you sayyou're slaving away, you're kind of making a joke about how hard you're working, but also showing that you're really committed.IV. "Pour One's Heart and Soul Into"This is a really beautiful and emotional way to describe painstaking effort. When you pour your heart and soul into something, it means thatyou're giving it everything you've got - your emotions, your energy, your creativity. For example, "The chef pours his heart and soul into every dish he creates." You can tell that for the chef, cooking isn't just a job. It's a passion. He's not just throwing some ingredients together. He's thinking about the flavors, the presentation, and the experience the customer will have. Every little detail matters because he's put so much of himself into it. It's like his whole being is in that plate of food. And when we usethis expression, it shows that the effort is not just physical but also deeply emotional.V. "Hammer Away""Hammer away" is another great phrase. It gives the idea of someone persistently working on something, like a carpenter hammering nails. For example, "The writer hammers away at his novel day after day." It's not easy writing a novel. There are so many parts to it - the plot, thecharacters, the dialogue. But the writer just keeps at it, like a person with a hammer, hitting away at the keyboard or the page. It shows determination and the fact that they're not going to let any obstacles stop them. They're just going to keep on hammering until the job is done.VI. "Bust One's Butt"This is a really informal and fun way to say someone is working extremely hard. "I busted my butt to get this project finished on time."It's like you're saying you've really pushed yourself, maybe even to the point of exhaustion. It has a sense of urgency and a lot of energy. It's the kind of thing you might say to your friends when you've been through a tough time working on something. It shows that you didn't take it easy, but instead, you really went all out to achieve your goal.VII. Conclusion.So there you have it, some really awesome English expressions to describe painstaking efforts. Whether you're talking about your own hard work or someone else's, these phrases can really add some color and depth to your conversation. Next time you want to show how much someone has put into something, you can choose the one that fits the best. And remember, painstaking effort is always something to be proud of, because it showsthat you care about what you're doing and you're willing to go the extra mile to make it great!。
呕心沥血英语例句词典The English language is a tapestry woven with countless threads of phrases and idioms. Each thread, when pulled, reveals a rich tapestry of meaning.To master the art of English, one must immerse themselves in the nuances of its idiomatic expressions. A well-crafted sentence can convey a world of emotion in just a few words.The journey of learning English is akin to a quest, where each new phrase is a treasure to be discovered. It requires dedication, practice, and an open mind to appreciate the subtleties.An English idiom dictionary is not just a collection of words; it is a guide to the cultural nuances and the poetic beauty of the language. It is a tool for those who aspire to speak English with the fluency and grace of a native speaker.Phrases like "break the ice" or "barking up the wrong tree" are more than just expressions; they are windows into the cultural psyche of English speakers, offering insights into their humor, their history, and their way of life.A good idiom dictionary should be a companion to the learner, providing not only definitions but also examplesthat bring the phrases to life. It should be a bridge between the literal and the figurative, the mundane and the magical.In the quest to learn English, one must be prepared to delve deep into its idiomatic heart. It's a journey that demands patience and perseverance, but the rewards are well worth the effort.Ultimately, the mastery of idiomatic English is not just about knowing the phrases; it's about understanding thestories they tell and the emotions they evoke. It's about becoming a part of the language's living, breathing tradition.。
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考研英语历年翻译真题常考词汇汇总AAbstractn.摘要,概要,抽象 adj.抽象的,深奥的,理论的Acceleratevt.&vi.(使)加快,(使)增速,n.接受速成教育的学生Achievementn.成就;成绩;功绩,达到;完成Acquirevt.得到,养成,vt获得;招致,学得(知识等),求得,养成(习惯等),捕获,Actionn.作用,动[操]作,行动,机械装置[作用],(小说等中的)情节Activityn.活动,活动的事物,活动性,机能,功能Actuallyadv.现实的,实际的;目前的;明确的,有效的Additionaladj.增加的,额外的,另外的Advancevt.&vi.(使)前进,(使)发展;促进,vt.提出Advantagen.利益,便利,有利方面,有利条件;优点;优势,(网球等)打成平手(deuce)而延长比赛后一方先得的一分(攻方所得称 advantage in,守方所得则称 advantage out)Agreevi.一致;相合同意,赞成约定,允诺,答应,相宜,调和,符合,和睦相处Almostadv.几乎,差不多,差一点;将近Amountn.量,数量,数额,总额,总数 vi.合计,共计Approachvt.&vi.接近,走近,靠近;vt.接洽,交涉;着手处理;n.靠近,接近,临近Appropriateadj.适当的,恰当的;vt.挪用;占用;盗用Arguevt.&vi.争吵,辩论;vt.坚决主张,提出理由证明,说服,劝说Arisevi.&link v.呈现;出现;发生;vi.起身,起来,起立Aspectn.方面,方位,朝向Assertvt.声称,断言,维护,坚持Assumevt.假设,臆断,猜想,假装,担,担任,就职Attemptn.尝试,企图vt.尝试,企图Augmentvt.增加,提高,扩大;n.增加,提高,扩大Availabilityn.可用性,有效性,实用性BBasen.基础,底座,基地,根据地vt.把…建立在,以…为基础Behavioraladj.动作的,行为方面的Branchn.树枝,枝条,支,分科,分系;vi.出枝,树叉CCausen.原因,起因,故,理由vt.成为…的原因;导致,促使,使发生Centralizevt.使…处于中央的控制之下,把…集中于中央,成为……的中心,把……集中起来Challengen.挑战,邀请比赛,怀疑,质问,艰巨的任务vt.挑战质疑Changevt.改变,变革,交换,替换以……兑换,把……变成……(into);n.改变,变化,变更Charactern.品质,特性,特色,特征,好的品质,人物,角色(书写或印刷)符号,(汉)字Chargevt.装(满),使饱含;控告,指责(with);把……归咎于(to,on,upon)要(价),收(费);n.电[载,负]荷;主管,负责,委托,管理;受照料者,费用,价钱,Choicen.选择,挑选,供选择的东西;adj.上等的;精选的Circumstancen.环境,条件,情况,境遇,经济状况Closelyadv.接近地,亲密的;adv.精密地,严密地Commentn.评论,意见,解释,批评;vt.&vi.评论;谈论Comparativeadj.比较的,相比的,相比之下的,相比而言的,相对的Compensatevt.&vi.补偿,报酬Competentadj.适当的,称职的,胜任的,有能力的,有资格的,权限内的,充足的;耐久的Completeadj.完整的,整个的;完成的,圆满的,十足的,完美的;(设备等)齐全的;vt.完成,结束Complexadj.由许多部分组成的,复杂的,难懂的n.综合体,集合体Conceptn.「哲」概念,观念,思想,(基本)原理,定则,意想Conclusionn.结束,结论,结尾,推论Concreten.凝结物,混凝土;a.具体的,实在的,混凝土的;vt.(使)凝结,用混凝土浇筑;vi.(使)凝结,用混凝土浇筑Conditionn.状况,状态;地位,健康状况,可使用的状况条件,先决条件环境,情况疾病;vt.制约,限制Conductvt.&vi.引导,带领,担任指挥;n.举止,行为Connectionn.连接,联结,联系;关系Consequencen.结果,后果;「数」后承;「逻」结论,重要(性);重大意义Considerationn.考虑,思考;顾虑(为别人)着想;体谅,考虑的结果Contendvi.抗争,争论,争辩,斗争,n.竞[斗]争者,争论者Continuevt.继续(做某事),使延长[伸],持续,接着说Controln.控制,支配,管理,调节,抑制,控制器,调节装置vt.控制,支配,管理(物价等),操纵,抑制Conveyvt.传导,运[传,输]送Convincevt.使相信[信服],说服,使承认;使悔悟;使认错[罪]Cosmosn.宇宙,世界,完整的体系,秩序,和谐Createvt.创造,建立,造成,引起,产生Criticsn.评论,评论家Culturaladj.文化的,与文化有关的Customn.风俗,习惯,惯例,常规,传统,[the Customs]海关;[pl.]关税deal with惠顾;与…交易,和…做买卖,应付,处理;对待DDecaden.十年,十年间Definevt.精确地解释;界定,给……下定义Delightfuladj.令人非常高兴的,讨人喜欢的Demandvt.要求,请求,需要,查问,询问Demonstratevi.举行示威游行(或集会) vt.说明,演示,论证,证明Dependvi.[通常与 on,upon 连用]依靠,依赖,相信,信赖,取决于,由……而定Designvt.设计;作图案;打图样,绘制,盘算,筹划,(在心中)计划,设计,企图,预谋Detailn.细节;详细;详情;琐事;枝节;琐碎Determinevt.决心,决意vi.决定;决心Difficultyn.困难;艰难,难事;困境Digitaladj.数字式的,数码的Directlyadv.直接地,径直地,conj.一…就…Disciplinevt.训练,训导,处罚,惩罚n.训练,纪律Distinctlyadv.独特的;清晰的;明显的;确定无疑的Divertvt.使转向,使转移,使消遣,vi.转移,转向,转入EEffectiveadj.有效的;生效的,事实上的,Efficiencyn.效率,效能Either…or(两者之中)任何一个,(否定句中)也Electvt.(进行)选举,推举,决定(做某事)Electronicadj.电子的;电子器件的Elegantadj.优美的,文雅的;讲究的,简洁的,Elementaryadj.基本的,初级的,小学的,简单的,容易的Elsewhereadv.在别处,到别处Emphasisn.强调,重点Enhancevt.提高,增加,加强Entitlevt.给……题名,给…称号[尊称],给予……权利[资格] (to);Environmentn.周围;围绕,环境(周围的状况);自然外界Equalityn.同[平]等,均一[等];一样Equipvt.装备,配备,装束,使具备Essentialadj.重要的,根本的,本质的,实质的,不可少的;n.[pl.]本质,实质,精华Establishvt.成立,建立,开设,确立,Eventn.事件,大事,[pl.]时事,时局;偶然可能发生的事Evidencen.证词;证据;迹象vt.表明,显示Exaggerationn.夸大[张],(艺术等的)夸张手法Excludevt.排除;不包括在内Existvi.存在,有,生存;活着Expandvt.&vi.使…变大,扩大,扩张,张开,展开Expectvt.预料;预期vi.期望,期待,希望Expensen.消耗,花费,费用Experiencen.经验,体验,经历;阅历;vt.经历,感受,Explanationn.解释,说明;注释,辩解[明]Explorationn.探险旅行;搜寻,考察,探索Explosionn.爆炸;爆发,激增,扩大Exposevt.曝光,暴露;显露Extentn.长度,面积,范围,程度,限度Externaladj.外面的,外部的,外观的,表面的Extremeadj.尽头的,末端的,极度的,极端的;n.极端,过分FFabricatevt.编造,捏造,虚构;伪造far-reachingadj.深远的Fascinatingadj.迷人的,有极大吸引力的Faultn.缺点,缺陷;过失,过错Favorableadj.赞成的,有利的,赞许的,讨人喜欢的,起促进作用的Feelingn.知觉,感觉,感触,态度,看法Forcen.力;力量;武力;暴力;vt.强制,迫使,逼迫Formn.组成,结构,形式;表格;vt.塑造,养成,成立Formulatevt.构想出,规划,确切地阐述Functionn.功能;作用;职责;vi.工作,运行,起作用Fundamentaladj.基本的;重要的,必要的;n.基本原则,基本法则Furthermoreadv.而且,此外GGeneraladj.普遍的,全面的;总体的,一般的,通常的Gloryn.光荣,荣誉,壮丽,非常美的事物;给人荣耀的事,值得称赞的事Graspvt.抓住,理解,领会n.抓住;理解HHostn.主人(对宾客而言),(广播,电视的)节目主持人vt.主办(宴会等);款待,作主人招待Humblyadv.谦恭地,卑贱地;粗陋地IIdentityn.身份,个性,特性,同一性,一致性Ignorevt.不顾,不理,忽视Immediateadj.立即的,即刻的;紧迫的,当前的Improvevt.&vi.改善,改进,提高Includevt.包住,关住,包含,包括,算[计]入Increasevt.&vi.增加,增大,增多n.增长;增进Individualadj.个别的,单独的,个人的,独特的n.个人Industryn.工业,制造业,工业界,[总称]企业;产业Inflationn.(充气而引起的)膨胀,通货膨胀Injuriousadj.伤害的,中伤的,不公正的Innovationn.改革,革新,创新,新观念,新方法,新发明Inquiryn.打听,询问,调查,查问Insightn.洞察力,洞悉,深刻的见解,领悟,顿悟Instinctn.本能;天性;直觉Institutionn.创立;制度;惯例;(社会或宗教等)公共机构;协会,事业机构Instrumentn.器具,仪器,乐器Integratevt.使结合成为整体vt.&vi.(使)融入Intellectualadj.智力的;理智的,善于思维的;n.知识分子Interestn.兴趣;爱好,利益;vt.使产生兴趣,引起…的意愿Internaladj.内(部)的,内在的;心灵的,精神的,国内的;Interpretvt.解释;说明;vt.&vi.口译;翻译Inventionn.发明(才能),创造(力),发明物,捏造,虚构Involvevt.使卷入;使陷入;使参与,牵涉Issuen.问题,议题;争论点,vt.出版,发行,发表,发布;vi.冒出,传出JJudgen.法官,裁判员;vt.&vi.审判;评判;断定LLargelyadv.在很大程度上,大半地,主要地Leadvt.&vi.带路,领路,指引,领导;指挥Lievi.躺,卧,位于;vi.&linkv.平放;n.谎话Linkvt.&vi.连接,联系;n.环,联系,纽带MMaintainvt.保持;继续,维护,Massn.团,块,堆,大量,众多vt.&vi.(使)集中;聚集;adj.许多的,大规模的,群众的Mathematicsn.数学Meansn.方法,手段Measurevt.&vi.量出;记录,估计,估量,仔细考虑;n.尺寸,尺度;Median.媒体Methodn.方法,办法,秩序,条理Moraladj.道德上的,有道德的;n.教育意义,寓意,道德,品行,Movevt.&vi.移动;搬动vt.使感动,激起;n.动,移动NNativeadj.出生地的,故乡的,当地(人)的;原产于某地的;n.当地人,本地人nolessthan不少于,多达Notionn.概念,观念,意愿,打算,意图OObligevt.&vi.迫使做;使负义务,满足请求;施惠;vt.感激Observevt.&vi.观察;研究;vt.看到;注意到,遵守;遵循Obviousadj.明显的;显而易见的Occurvi.(事件等)发生,想起,出现;被发现Offendvt.触怒;冒犯,使反感vi.犯规,触犯Operationn.操作,运转(方式),作用,效力,「医」手术Ordinaryadj.普通的,平常的;平庸的,平淡的Owingto由于,因为PParalleladj.(指至少两条线)平行的,类似的;n.平行线[面],极相似的人[事物],类似(点),相似(之处)Particularadj.特定的,某一的,特殊的,特有的n.详情;细目Partlyadv.在一定程度上,部分地,不完全地Passionn.热情,强烈感情(尤指爱、恨、怒),爱情;情欲,爱好;Pastadj.以前的,过去的n.过去,昔时;往事prep.(表示时间)迟于,晚于,(表示关涉)从…旁边通过Patternn.型,样式,花样,图案vt.模仿;仿制Performvt.履行,执行,完成(事业),演奏,演出Personalityn.人,人的存在;个性;「心理」性格;人格,品格Phenomenan.现象(单数)Philosophern.哲学家,思想家;学者Pointn.要点,论点,观点;vt.削尖;vt.&vi.指;指向Possibleadj.可能的,可能存在[发生,做到]的;潜在的Practicen.练习,实习,实践,实际Predictvt.&vi.预言;预测;预示Predictionn.预言;预言的事物Preservevt.保护;维护,保藏,蜜饯(水果);腌制(蔬菜等);Primaryadj.首要的;主要的;最初的;初级的Principlen.原理,原则,主义;本质,Privilegen.特权,特别待遇或权益;vt.给与……特权,特免Processn.过程,进程vt.加工;处理;vi.列队行进Producevt.&vi.生产,产生,出产,制作,创作Provevt.证明,查验,检验,勘探,显示;vi.证明是,「经」证实Psychologicaladj.心理的;精神的,心理学的;关于心理学的QQuarreln.争吵,不和,口角vi.争吵,争辩RRagevi.大发脾气,动怒n.狂怒,盛怒ratherthan(要)…而不…,与其…倒不如…,宁可,宁愿Realizevt.实现,了解;认识到vt.&vi.变卖;赚得Reasonn.理由;原因,理性,理智vt.&vi.推理;思考Recognizevt.认出,识别出某人[某事物]Refervi.谈[涉,提]及,提到,指(的是),关系到vt.送交;提交Refinevt.精炼;精制;使纯净,使文雅高尚;使去掉粗俗言行;使变得完善Reflectionn.反映,反射;映像,倒影,折射,Regardvt.把……视为,看作vi.注意;注视n.注重,考虑,Rejectvt.拒绝,谢绝;驳回n.被拒货品,不合格产品Relatevt.&vi.(把…)联系起来Relevantadj.有关的,切题的relyon信赖,依赖Requirevt.需要,要求;vi.命令,要求Researchn.研究;探讨vi.做研究,探究,探讨;vt.从事…的研究,为…而做研究Resolvevt.&vi.决定;决心,解决(问题、疑问等)restsupon有赖于,取决于Resultn.结果;效果;后果;成效;vi.发生,产生;导致,结果是Revealvt.显示;露出,泄露;透露Revolutionn.革命,彻底改变,重大变革Revolvevt.使旋[绕]转;使周转,细想,盘算SSciencen.科学,科学研究,(一门)学科;自然科学,理科Seemlinkv.好像;仿佛selectvt.选择;挑选adj.精选的,挑选出来的Servevt.&vi.(为…)服务;任(职),提供,端上Showvt.&vi.给…看,显示,说明;表明Significantadj.重要的,重大的,可观的,有意义的,Situationn.地点;场合,局面,情况,境遇,Smartadj.整洁漂亮的;思维敏捷的,伶俐的;聪明的vi.感到刺痛n.创伤Socialadj.社会(上)的,社交的,喜爱交际的Soundn.声音;响声vt.&vi.(使)发出声音;响Sourcen.源头,根[来]源,消息来源,出处,Specialadj.特别的,特殊的,专门的,专用的,Specificadj.明确的,确切的,具体的,特定的Standardn.标[基,水]准,规格[范],典范,adj.标准的,权威的,模范的Staten.状态,状况,国家,政府,州;邦;vt.陈述;敘述Stressn.压力,紧张,重力,重音vt.重读,强调Strikinglyadv.醒目地,引人侧目地,突出的,鲜明的,Structuren.结构,构造vt.组织;制定n.主题;题目;科目;课程adj.常有[常患,常遭受]…的;倾向于…的;vt.使服从,征服,Superioradj.(级别、地位)较高的;(品质、程度)优良的,较好的;n.上级,长官,上司Supportvt.支撑;撑扶;托住;支持;n.支撑,赞助Survivevi.幸存,活下来;vt.比…活得长,经历…之后还存在Systemn.系统;体系,制度,体制TTechniquen.技巧,手法,技术Technologyn.科技(总称);工艺;应用科学,工业技术Thereforeadv.因此,为此,所以,故…;由此得出Thoughtn.思索,思维能力;思想,思潮traitn.人的个性,显著的特点,特征,一点点,少许(of)Transfervt.&vi.转移;迁移n.转移;转让;转录Transportn.运输,运输工具,流放犯vt.传送,运输,流放Treatn.款待,招待vt.对待,看待,处理n.(海岸、河流、山脉等)走向,方向,趋势,倾向,流行,时尚UUndergovt.经历,承受Understandingn.了解;相互理解,谅解;adj谅解的;通情达理的Uniqueadj.独一无二的,仅有的,特有的,少见的Untilprep.到…为止,在…以前conj.到…为止,在…以前,直到…才Vvalidatevt.证实;确证,使生效;使有法律效力Vanishvi.消失,突然不见,绝迹Variousadj.各种不同的,各种各样的Viewn.展望,视野,眼界,观点,看法WWhereasconj.但是,而Whether…or是…还是。