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The finite element analysis of stress strength and vibration of the automotive drive axle housing
As the mainly load-bearing and force-transmitting component of the vehicle,the
Key words:automotive drive axle housing,finite element method,strength analysis,
modal analysis
图3.1本文所研究的非断开式驱动桥……………………………………16 图3.2某重型载货汽车的整体式驱动桥……………………………………….16 图3.3全浮式半轴支承示意图…………………………………………..18 图3-4全浮式半轴支承结构示意图………………………………………………18 图3.5可分式桥壳………………………………………………………………………….19 图3-6 整体式桥壳…………………………………………………………………..19 图3.7 组合式桥壳………………………………………………………………………19 图3.8 桥壳静弯曲应力计算简图………………………………………..21 图3-9 桥壳受冲击载荷作用下的受力示意图……………………………………22 图3.1 0 汽车以最大牵引力行驶时的受力简图……………………………..23 图3.1 1 汽车以最大牵引力行驶时后桥壳的受力简图………………………..24 图3.12 汽车在紧急制动时的受力简图……………………………………….25 图3.13 汽车紧急制动时驱动桥桥壳的受力分析简图………………………..26 图3.14汽车向右侧滑时的受力简图………………………………………….27 图3.15汽车向右侧滑时驱动桥上面车厢的受力平衡图…………………..28 图3.16汽车向右侧滑时桥壳左、右半轴套管的受力分析图………………..29 图3.1 7汽车向右侧滑时驱动桥桥壳的受力分析图和垂向弯矩图……….30 图4.1 驱动桥桥壳的有限元模型………:..………………………………36 图5.1 第一阶模态振型…………………………………………………………………40 图5.2 第二阶模态振型…………………………………………………………………40 图5.3 第三阶模态振型…………………………………………………………….40 图5。4 第四阶模态振型……………………………………………………………….40 图5.5 第五阶模态振型………………………………………………………………一40 图5-6 第六阶模态振型………………………………………………………………一40 图6.1 板簧座处载荷简图化示意图…………………………………………………42 图6.2 车轮轮毂轴承半轴套管处受约束情况的示意图…………………42 图6.3 最大铅垂力工况位移变形云纹图……………………………………….43 图6,4 最大位移处云纹图…………………………………………………43 图6.5 最大铅垂力工况Mises应力分布图……………………………一44 图6-6 内外轴承应力分布图……………………………………………………44 图6.7 不同视角下桥壳后盖附近应力分布图……………………………….44 图6.8 内、外轴承处半轴套管垂向负荷简化示意图………………………45 图6-9 最大铅垂力工况下桥壳的受力分析简图…………………………45 图6.10位移变形云纹图………………………………………………………………46 图6.11 Mises应力分布图…………………j………………………………46 图6.12法兰附近应力分布图…………………………………………………………..47 图6.13内轴承附近应力分布图……………………………………………………….47 图6.14钢板弹簧座附近应力分布图……………………………………………..47 图6.15桥壳本体中部应力分布图……………………………………………….47 图6.16位移交形云纹图…………………………………………………………..48 图6.1 7 Mises应力分布图……………………………………………………………..48 图6.18约束处应力分布图…………“…………………………………………………48
minimum natural frequency calculated by FEM is far bigger than the frequency from road
excitation.The resonance of the axle housing won’t happen when this truek is traveling on
合肥工业大学 硕士学位论文 汽车驱动桥桥壳结构强度与模态的有限元法分析 姓名:王斌 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:固体力学 指导教师:牛忠荣
作为汽车的主要承载件和传力件,驱动桥桥壳支撑着汽车的荷重,并将载荷传给 车轮。作用在驱动车轮上的牵引力、制动力和侧向力,也是经过桥壳传到悬挂及车架 或者车厢上。根据经验和理论研究,引起桥壳破坏的主要原因是作用在桥壳上的、由 路面不平度引起的冲击力和各种复杂工况下的作用力。
road.The anMyzed results tell us that the axle housing is safe and reliable under all kinds of
driving conditions.
According to the stress distribution and deformation character of the axle housing,
6-l 9 钢板弹簧座附近应力分布图………………………………………48 6-2 O 板簧座处垂向力、切向力载荷施加示意图……………………….49 6-2 l 板簧座处转矩简化示意图………………………………………….50 6-2 2 最大牵引力工况位移变形云纹图…………………………………………..5l 6 -23 最大变形处位移分布图……………………………………...……………5l 6 I2 4 最大牵引力工况Mises应力分布图………………………………51 6 .2 5 内、外轴承处应力分布图……………………………………………………51 6 .2 6 钢板弹簧座附近应力分布图………………………………………51 6 - 2 7 月牙口附近应力分布图……………………………………………………51 6-2 8 最大制动力工况位移变形云纹图…………………………………….53 6-2 9 最大变形处位移云纹图……………..…………………………………….53 6-3 O 最大制动力工况Mises应力分布图…………………………………….53 6。 3 l 内轴承附近应力分布图………………………………:…………~53 6-32 桥壳本体中部应力分布图…………………………………………一53 6. 3 3 钢板弹簧座处应力分布图…………………………………………….53 6I3 4 最大侧向力工况下桥壳的受力分析简图…………………………..….54 6-3 5 最大侧向力工况位移变形云纹图…………………………………………55
automotive drive axle housing bears the weight of vehicle and transfers the force to the
wheel.By the drive axle housing,the traction force,braking force and lateral force acted on
对某样车后桥壳的有限元分析结果显示,桥壳内的最大Mises应力小于许用应力 值,该桥壳满足强度要求;桥壳的每米轮距最大变形量小于国标规定的1.5rnm/m,满 足刚度要求;计算得到的最低阶固有频率远大于路面激励频率,路面行驶不会引起桥 壳共振。计算结果表明,在汽车各种行驶条件下该桥壳是安全可靠。
针对桥壳的应力分布和变形特点,建议该桥壳适当地减小局部尺寸,以提高材料 的利用率,达到轻量化要求。
dynamic performance of the drive axle housing affect the operation safety of the vehicle。
The reasonable design of the drive housing is one of the importance ways to improve the
of one medium duty truck is analyzed by the FEM software MSC.Patran/Nastran in this
paper.Firstly,the 3-D model of axle housing is established in MSC.Patran.Then,the model is analyzed by MSC.Nastran.The stress distribution and deformation in four typical
braking force and the
பைடு நூலகம்
maximum lateral force.The first twelve natural frequencies and modes under the free
constraint are obtained in the modal analysis.
dymnic ride comfort.Thus,it is necessary to analyze the strength,rigidity and
performance of the drive axle housing.
Based on the static and dynamic theory of the finite element method,the axle housing
由于汽车的行驶工况比较复杂,驱动桥桥壳的强度和动态性能直接影响汽车运行 安全,合理地设计桥壳也是提高汽车平顺性和舒适性的重要措施之一。因此,必须对 桥壳强度、刚度和动态特性进行力学分析。
本文以有限元法静、动态分析理论为基础,使用有限元软件MSC.Patran/Nastran, 对某中型货车的驱动桥壳进行力学性能分析。完成了从三维几何建模到有限元分析的 整个过程,得出桥壳在最大铅垂力工况、最大牵引力工况、最大制动力工况和最大侧 向力工况四种典型工况下的应力分布和变形结果以及在自由状态下的前12阶固有频 率和振型。
maximum strength requirement.The
deformation per meter of the wheel-center—distance is
less than 1,5mm/m,which meets the stiffness requirements in national standards.The
maximum The analysis results of the finite element method show that the
Mises stress
of the axle housing is less than the allowable stress value.So the axle housing meets the
some weight of the axle housing could be reduced properly to improve the utilization of the materials and meet the requiremem of the tight-weight design.
the wheel are transferred to the suspension system,frame or carriage.According to the
experience and the vibration theory,the crash of the axle housing is induced by the pulse of
loading cases are evaluated in the static analysis,in which the drive axle housing bears the
maximum maximum vertical force,the maximum traction force,the
the road surface roughness and the complex forces from the different hard work condition.
Because the driving condition of the vehicle is very complex,the strength and
The finite element analysis of stress strength and vibration of the automotive drive axle housing
As the mainly load-bearing and force-transmitting component of the vehicle,the
Key words:automotive drive axle housing,finite element method,strength analysis,
modal analysis
图3.1本文所研究的非断开式驱动桥……………………………………16 图3.2某重型载货汽车的整体式驱动桥……………………………………….16 图3.3全浮式半轴支承示意图…………………………………………..18 图3-4全浮式半轴支承结构示意图………………………………………………18 图3.5可分式桥壳………………………………………………………………………….19 图3-6 整体式桥壳…………………………………………………………………..19 图3.7 组合式桥壳………………………………………………………………………19 图3.8 桥壳静弯曲应力计算简图………………………………………..21 图3-9 桥壳受冲击载荷作用下的受力示意图……………………………………22 图3.1 0 汽车以最大牵引力行驶时的受力简图……………………………..23 图3.1 1 汽车以最大牵引力行驶时后桥壳的受力简图………………………..24 图3.12 汽车在紧急制动时的受力简图……………………………………….25 图3.13 汽车紧急制动时驱动桥桥壳的受力分析简图………………………..26 图3.14汽车向右侧滑时的受力简图………………………………………….27 图3.15汽车向右侧滑时驱动桥上面车厢的受力平衡图…………………..28 图3.16汽车向右侧滑时桥壳左、右半轴套管的受力分析图………………..29 图3.1 7汽车向右侧滑时驱动桥桥壳的受力分析图和垂向弯矩图……….30 图4.1 驱动桥桥壳的有限元模型………:..………………………………36 图5.1 第一阶模态振型…………………………………………………………………40 图5.2 第二阶模态振型…………………………………………………………………40 图5.3 第三阶模态振型…………………………………………………………….40 图5。4 第四阶模态振型……………………………………………………………….40 图5.5 第五阶模态振型………………………………………………………………一40 图5-6 第六阶模态振型………………………………………………………………一40 图6.1 板簧座处载荷简图化示意图…………………………………………………42 图6.2 车轮轮毂轴承半轴套管处受约束情况的示意图…………………42 图6.3 最大铅垂力工况位移变形云纹图……………………………………….43 图6,4 最大位移处云纹图…………………………………………………43 图6.5 最大铅垂力工况Mises应力分布图……………………………一44 图6-6 内外轴承应力分布图……………………………………………………44 图6.7 不同视角下桥壳后盖附近应力分布图……………………………….44 图6.8 内、外轴承处半轴套管垂向负荷简化示意图………………………45 图6-9 最大铅垂力工况下桥壳的受力分析简图…………………………45 图6.10位移变形云纹图………………………………………………………………46 图6.11 Mises应力分布图…………………j………………………………46 图6.12法兰附近应力分布图…………………………………………………………..47 图6.13内轴承附近应力分布图……………………………………………………….47 图6.14钢板弹簧座附近应力分布图……………………………………………..47 图6.15桥壳本体中部应力分布图……………………………………………….47 图6.16位移交形云纹图…………………………………………………………..48 图6.1 7 Mises应力分布图……………………………………………………………..48 图6.18约束处应力分布图…………“…………………………………………………48
minimum natural frequency calculated by FEM is far bigger than the frequency from road
excitation.The resonance of the axle housing won’t happen when this truek is traveling on
合肥工业大学 硕士学位论文 汽车驱动桥桥壳结构强度与模态的有限元法分析 姓名:王斌 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:固体力学 指导教师:牛忠荣
作为汽车的主要承载件和传力件,驱动桥桥壳支撑着汽车的荷重,并将载荷传给 车轮。作用在驱动车轮上的牵引力、制动力和侧向力,也是经过桥壳传到悬挂及车架 或者车厢上。根据经验和理论研究,引起桥壳破坏的主要原因是作用在桥壳上的、由 路面不平度引起的冲击力和各种复杂工况下的作用力。
road.The anMyzed results tell us that the axle housing is safe and reliable under all kinds of
driving conditions.
According to the stress distribution and deformation character of the axle housing,
6-l 9 钢板弹簧座附近应力分布图………………………………………48 6-2 O 板簧座处垂向力、切向力载荷施加示意图……………………….49 6-2 l 板簧座处转矩简化示意图………………………………………….50 6-2 2 最大牵引力工况位移变形云纹图…………………………………………..5l 6 -23 最大变形处位移分布图……………………………………...……………5l 6 I2 4 最大牵引力工况Mises应力分布图………………………………51 6 .2 5 内、外轴承处应力分布图……………………………………………………51 6 .2 6 钢板弹簧座附近应力分布图………………………………………51 6 - 2 7 月牙口附近应力分布图……………………………………………………51 6-2 8 最大制动力工况位移变形云纹图…………………………………….53 6-2 9 最大变形处位移云纹图……………..…………………………………….53 6-3 O 最大制动力工况Mises应力分布图…………………………………….53 6。 3 l 内轴承附近应力分布图………………………………:…………~53 6-32 桥壳本体中部应力分布图…………………………………………一53 6. 3 3 钢板弹簧座处应力分布图…………………………………………….53 6I3 4 最大侧向力工况下桥壳的受力分析简图…………………………..….54 6-3 5 最大侧向力工况位移变形云纹图…………………………………………55
automotive drive axle housing bears the weight of vehicle and transfers the force to the
wheel.By the drive axle housing,the traction force,braking force and lateral force acted on
对某样车后桥壳的有限元分析结果显示,桥壳内的最大Mises应力小于许用应力 值,该桥壳满足强度要求;桥壳的每米轮距最大变形量小于国标规定的1.5rnm/m,满 足刚度要求;计算得到的最低阶固有频率远大于路面激励频率,路面行驶不会引起桥 壳共振。计算结果表明,在汽车各种行驶条件下该桥壳是安全可靠。
针对桥壳的应力分布和变形特点,建议该桥壳适当地减小局部尺寸,以提高材料 的利用率,达到轻量化要求。
dynamic performance of the drive axle housing affect the operation safety of the vehicle。
The reasonable design of the drive housing is one of the importance ways to improve the
of one medium duty truck is analyzed by the FEM software MSC.Patran/Nastran in this
paper.Firstly,the 3-D model of axle housing is established in MSC.Patran.Then,the model is analyzed by MSC.Nastran.The stress distribution and deformation in four typical
braking force and the
பைடு நூலகம்
maximum lateral force.The first twelve natural frequencies and modes under the free
constraint are obtained in the modal analysis.
dymnic ride comfort.Thus,it is necessary to analyze the strength,rigidity and
performance of the drive axle housing.
Based on the static and dynamic theory of the finite element method,the axle housing
由于汽车的行驶工况比较复杂,驱动桥桥壳的强度和动态性能直接影响汽车运行 安全,合理地设计桥壳也是提高汽车平顺性和舒适性的重要措施之一。因此,必须对 桥壳强度、刚度和动态特性进行力学分析。
本文以有限元法静、动态分析理论为基础,使用有限元软件MSC.Patran/Nastran, 对某中型货车的驱动桥壳进行力学性能分析。完成了从三维几何建模到有限元分析的 整个过程,得出桥壳在最大铅垂力工况、最大牵引力工况、最大制动力工况和最大侧 向力工况四种典型工况下的应力分布和变形结果以及在自由状态下的前12阶固有频 率和振型。
maximum strength requirement.The
deformation per meter of the wheel-center—distance is
less than 1,5mm/m,which meets the stiffness requirements in national standards.The
maximum The analysis results of the finite element method show that the
Mises stress
of the axle housing is less than the allowable stress value.So the axle housing meets the
some weight of the axle housing could be reduced properly to improve the utilization of the materials and meet the requiremem of the tight-weight design.
the wheel are transferred to the suspension system,frame or carriage.According to the
experience and the vibration theory,the crash of the axle housing is induced by the pulse of
loading cases are evaluated in the static analysis,in which the drive axle housing bears the
maximum maximum vertical force,the maximum traction force,the
the road surface roughness and the complex forces from the different hard work condition.
Because the driving condition of the vehicle is very complex,the strength and