



外文原文翻译: C#版ASP(动态服务器主页)是一种较新的技术,它已经过几个阶段的发展(进化).它是怎么诞生的呢?在七年前,它作为一种简单的方法来往普通网页里添加动态内容。


2.0 是ASP的最新版本,而且拥有最让人激动的更新。


你可以完全使用代码和工具(Visual Studio 2005)来创建网页程序。


你要学一些高级开发工具(Visual Studio)和工具包(the .NET Framework),而且你需要精通一门编程语言,如C#。










第一代的网页看起来更像小册子:主要由固定的H TML页面构成,这些也都需要手动修改。




这些标记很容易辨认,因为它们总是出现在< 和 >之间。







主要功能包括:1. 学生选课:学生通过系统浏览课程目录,选择感兴趣的课程,并提交选课申请。

2. 课程管理:教务处和教师可以在系统中管理课程信息,包括添加、修改和删除课程,设置课程容量和时间安排等。

3. 选课审核:教务处对学生的选课申请进行审核,根据课程的容量和学生的学分要求等进行筛选和调整。

4. 学生管理:系统可以记录学生的选课历史和成绩情况,并生成学生的学分绩点和学业报告。

5. 教师管理:教师可以查看自己所教授的课程信息和学生名单,并进行成绩录入和评价等操作。

6. 系统管理:系统管理员负责系统的维护和管理,包括用户权限管理、系统设置和日志记录等。



系统的架构包括三层:1. 表现层:通过HTML、CSS和JavaScript等技术实现用户界面的设计和交互。

2. 业务逻辑层:实现系统的核心业务逻辑,包括选课、审核、管理等功能。

3. 数据访问层:负责与数据库交互,实现数据的读写操作。

四、关键技术选课管理系统的实现涉及多种关键技术,包括:1. 前端技术:HTML、CSS和JavaScript等技术实现用户界面的设计和交互。

2. 后端技术:使用Java、Python等编程语言实现系统的业务逻辑和数据访问功能。

3. 数据库技术:使用MySQL、Oracle等数据库管理系统存储和管理系统数据。

4. 网络技术:使用HTTP、TCP/IP等网络协议实现前后端的通信和数据传输。

5. 安全技术:使用加密算法、身份认证和访问控制等技术保护系统的安全性和用户的隐私。



基于的网络选课系统的设计与实现于海;马冬香【期刊名称】《信息技术》【年(卷),期】2011(000)007【摘要】Based on the design of network technology development Dotnet elective system, the credit system and the concept of competing sub-system are introduced, providing students, teachers, administrator the role of the three landing system. Students achieve course, back classes, bidder selection, view results, view the course results, view personal information, course information, class information; teachers view the teaching programs, recording results; administrators to safeguard students, teachers, curriculum, classroom information, set up the system state functions. Courses conducted in a smaller classification, divided into professional elective courses, professional courses, optional courses, public courses. The system is simple, powerful, and good scalability characteristics. For students, teachers, administrators, it provides quick and easy working environment.%本设计为基于Dotnet技术开发的网络选课系统,引入学分制和竞分制的概念.提供学生、教师、管理员三个角色登陆系统.实现了学生选课、退课、竞买选课、查看成绩,查看选课结果,查看个人信息、课程信息、教室信息;教师查看教学计划,录入成绩;管理员维护学生、教师、课程、教室信息,设置系统状态等功能.在课程上进行了较细的分类,主要分为专业选修课、专业必修课、公共选修课、公共必修课.该系统具有操作简便,功能强大,可扩展性好等特点.为学生,教师,管理员提供简单快捷的选课工作环境.【总页数】3页(P163-165)【作者】于海;马冬香【作者单位】黑龙江省社会信用办公室,哈尔滨150090;黑龙江大学建筑工程学院,哈尔滨150080【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP393.09【相关文献】1.基于学生选课系统的设计与实现 [J], 雷丽;;2.基于的高校选课系统的设计与实现 [J], 董梁3.基于的B/S架构下的高校选课r系统的设计与实现 [J], 甘霖;臧辉;成俊4.基于ASP.NET学生选课系统的设计与实现 [J], 雷丽5.基于的选课管理系统的设计与实现 [J], 卜俊龙因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。

基于 Web Service 开发技术的网上选课系统的设计与实现

基于 Web Service 开发技术的网上选课系统的设计与实现

基于 Web Service 开发技术的网上选课系统的设计与实现赵坤灿;周绍景;王俊英【摘要】With the continuous development and expansion of colleges and universities,especially the expansion of the student scale and the use of the new campus,a new challenge has been raised to the o-riginal teaching management model.It requires the use of sophisticated network management to improve management efficiency.Online course selection system is an important part.The paper is based on the research on the characteristics of higher education course,carries on the requirement analysis of online curricula-variable system,using technology combines with SQL Server database technology to solve the problem of the integrated Web application with using the Web Service technology,and then gives a new online curricula-variable method.The system can effectively realize all curricula-variable functions under different network environment.%随着高校的发展和扩张,在校生规模不断扩大和新校区的投入使用对原有的教学管理模式提出了挑战,需要采用网络精细化管理来提高管理效率,网上选课系统是其中重要的部分。

英语网络课堂系统构建设计论文 精品

英语网络课堂系统构建设计论文 精品




本系统采用三级模式的B/S体系结构,即浏览器、Web服务器、数据库结构,应用ASP 与SQL Server 2000相结合加以实现。

其实现的基本原理是利用SQL Server 2000 作为数据库服务器,使用ASP创建的动态、交互的 Web 服务器应用程序在前台运行。


关键词:英语网络课堂 ASP SQL Server 2000 B/S体系结构AbstractThis English Network Class system is a website which deals with English teaching and learning. It is supposed to provide a convenient and prompt service of English teaching for those students who are willing to learn English online. By using this system, teachers and students can communicate with each other in both real time and unreal time, improve students’ English learning effectively and perfect teachers’ English teaching, making the process of learning more convenient and flexible comparing with the traditional. This English Network Class consists of three main modules, Teaching System, Learning System and Administrant System which connect and work together composing an integrated network system for English teaching and learning. The primary functions of this system are as follows: Course Learning, Question and Answer, BBS, Bulletin, Short Message, Personnel Administer, Course Administer, Information Administer, etc. This system is developed with ASP and SQL Server 2000 according to B/S framework of three layers, namely, Browser, Web Server and Database structure. And the basic solution is that SQL Server 2000 serves as Database server, and dynamic and interactive Web server applications created by ASP runs on foreground. The entire procedure of designing and developing this system firmly conforms to the software engineering principles, that is, carry on feasibility study first;secondly, investigate and analyze the needs of the users of this system;thirdly, design the database needed for the system and contrive the system architecture in general;fourthly, design the system each module in specific;finally, perform coding and testing for the system.Key words: English Network Class ASP SQL Server 2000 B/S framework前言21世纪是知识经济和信息时代,社会和国家的进步比以往任何时代都更加依赖于科学技术的发展和创新,Internet技术的快速发展为信息的传播提供了最为广泛、快捷的手段。



本科生毕业设计(论文)外文翻译毕业设计(论文)题目:基于JSP的高校选排课系统的设计与实现外文题目:Overview of JSP Technology译文题目:JSP技术概述学院:软件学院专业:软件工程学生姓名:学生班级:软件工程1102班学生学号:指导教师:Overview of JSP TechnologyAutor: Zambon Giulio/ Sekler MichaelSource: Springer-Verlag New York Inc1.Benefits of JSPJSP pages are translated into servlets. So, fundamentally, any task JSP pages can perform could also be accomplished by servlets. However, this underlying equivalence does not mean that servlets and JSP pages are equally appropriate in all scenarios. The issue is not the power of the technology, it is the convenience, productivity, and maintainability of one or the other. After all, anything you can do on a particular computer platform in the Java programming language you could also do in assembly language. But it still matters which you choose.JSP provides the following benefits over servlets alone: It is easier to write and maintain the HTML. Your static code is ordinary HTML: no extra backslashes, no double quotes, and no lurking Java syntax.You can use standard Web-site development tools. Even HTML tools that know nothing about JSP can be used because they simply ignore the JSP tags.You can divide up your development team. The Java programmers can work on the dynamic code. The Web developers can concentrate on the presentation layer. On large projects, this division is very important. Depending on the size of your team and the complexity of your project, you can enforce a weaker or stronger separation between the static HTML and the dynamic content.Now, this discussion is not to say that you should stop using servlets and use only JSP instead. By no means. Almost all projects will use both. For some requests in your project, you will use servlets. For others, you will use JSP. For still others, you will combine them with the MVC architecture . You want the appropriate tool for the job, and servlets, by themselves, do not complete your toolkit.2. Advantages of JSP Over Competing TechnologiesA number of years ago, Marty was invited to attend a small 20-person industry roundtable discussion on software technology. Sitting in the seat next to Marty was James Gosling, inventor of the Java programming language. Sitting several seats away was a high-level manager from a very large software company in Redmond, Washington. During the discussion, the moderator brought up the subject of Jini, which at that time was a new Java technology. The moderator asked the manager what he thought of it, and the manager responded that it was too early to tell, but that it seemed to be an excellent idea. He went on to say that they would keep an eye on it, and if it seemed to be catching on, they would follow his company's usual "embrace and extend" strategy. At this point, Gosling lightheartedly interjected "You mean disgrace and distend."Now, the grievance that Gosling was airing was that he felt that this company would take technology from other companies and suborn it for their own purposes. But guess what? The shoe is on the other foot here. The Java community did not invent the idea of designing pages as a mixture of static HTML and dynamic code marked with special tags. For example, ColdFusion did it years earlier. Even ASP (a product from the very software company of the aforementioned manager) popularized this approach before JSP came along and decided to jump on the bandwagon. In fact, JSP not only adopted the general idea, it even used many of the same special tags as ASP did..So, the question becomes: why use JSP instead of one of these other technologies? Our first response is that we are not arguing that everyone should. Several of those other technologies are quite good and are reasonable options in some situations. In other situations, however, JSP is clearly better. Here are a few of the reasons.2.1Versus .NET and Active Server Pages (ASP)NET is well-designed technology from Microsoft. is the part that directly competes with servlets and JSP. The advantages of JSP are two fold.First, JSP is portable to multiple operating systems and Web servers; you aren't locked into deploying on Windows and IIS. Although the core .NET platform runs on a few non-Windows platforms, the ASP part does not. You cannot expect to deploy serious applications on multiple servers and operating systems. For some applications, this difference does not matter. Forothers, it matters greatly.Second, for some applications the choice of the underlying language matters greatly. For example, although .NET's C# language is very well designed and is similar to Java, fewer programmers are familiar with either the core C# syntax or the many auxiliary libraries. In addition, many developers still use the original version of ASP. With this version, JSP has a clear advantage for the dynamic code. With JSP, the dynamic part is written in Java, not VBScript or another ASP-specific language, so JSP is more powerful and better suited to complex applications that require reusable components.You could make the same argument when comparing JSP to the previous version of ColdFusion; with JSP you can use Java for the "real code" and are not tied to a particular server product. However, the current release of ColdFusion is within the context of a J2EE server, allowing developers to easily mix ColdFusion and servlet/JSP code.2.2 Versus PHPPHP (a recursive acronym for "PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor") is a free, open-source, HTML-embedded scripting language that is somewhat similar to both ASP and JSP. One advantage of JSP is that the dynamic part is written in Java, which already has an extensive API for networking, database access, distributed objects, and the like, whereas PHP requires learning an entirely new, less widely used language. A second advantage is that JSP is much more widely supported by tool and server vendors than is PHP.2.3 Versus Pure ServletsJSP doesn't provide any capabilities that couldn't, in principle, be accomplished with servlets. In fact, JSP documents are automatically translated into servlets behind the scenes. But it is more convenient to write (and to modify!) regular HTML than to use a zillion println statements to generate the HTML. Plus, by separating the presentation from the content, you can put different people on different tasks: your Web page design experts can build the HTML by using familiar tools and either leave places for your servlet programmers to insert the dynamic content or invoke the dynamic content indirectly by means of XML tags.Does this mean that you can just learn JSP and forget about servlets? Absolutely not! JSPdevelopers need to know servlets for four reasons:JSP pages get translated into servlets. You can't understand how JSP works without understanding servlets.JSP consists of static HTML, special-purpose JSP tags, and Java code. What kind of Java code? Servlet code! You can't write that code if you don't understand servlet programming.Some tasks are better accomplished by servlets than by JSP. JSP is good at generating pages that consist of large sections of fairly well structured HTML or other character data. Servlets are better for generating binary data, building pages with highly variable structure, and performing tasks (such as redirection) that involve little or no output.Some tasks are better accomplished by a combination of servlets and JSP than by either servlets or JSP alone.2.4 ersus JavaScriptJavaScript, which is completely distinct from the Java programming language, is normally used to dynamically generate HTML on the client, building parts of the Web page as the browser loads the document. This is a useful capability and does not normally overlap with the capabilities of JSP (which runs only on the server). JSP pages still include SCRIPT tags for JavaScript, just as normal HTML pages do. In fact, JSP can even be used to dynamically generate the JavaScript that will be sent to the client. So, JavaScript is not a competing technology; it is a complementary one.It is also possible to use JavaScript on the server, most notably on Sun ONE (formerly iPlanet), IIS, and BroadVision servers. However, Java is more powerful, flexible, reliable, and portable.3. Misconceptions About JSPForgetting JSP Is Server-Side Technology,Here are some typical questions Marty has received (most of them repeatedly).Our server is running JDK 1.4. So, how do I put a Swing component in a JSP page?How do I put an image into a JSP page? I do not know the proper Java I/O commands to read image files.Since Tomcat does not support JavaScript,how do I make images that are highlighted when the user moves the mouse over them?Our clients use older browsers that do not understand JSP. What should we do?When our clients use "View Source" in a browser, how can I prevent them from seeing the JSP tags?All of these questions are based upon the assumption that browsers know something about the server-side process. But they do not. Thus:For putting applets with Swing components into Web pages, what matters is the browser's Java version—the server's version is irrelevant. If the browser supports the Java 2 platform, you use the normal APPLET (or Java plug-in) tag and would do so even if you were using non-Java technology on the server.You do not need Java I/O to read image files; you just put the image in the directory for Web resources (i.e., two levels up from WEB-INF/classes) and output a normal IMG tag.You create images that change under the mouse by using client-side JavaScript, referenced with the SCRIPT tag; this does not change just because the server is using JSP.Browsers do not "support" JSP at all—they merely see the output of the JSP page. So, make sure your JSP outputs HTML compatible with the browser, just as you would do with static HTML pages.And, of course you need not do anything to prevent clients from seeing JSP tags; those tags are processed on the server and are not part of the output that is sent to the client.Confusing Translation Time with Request Time,A JSP page is converted into a servlet. The servlet is compiled, loaded into the server's memory, initialized, and executed. But which step happens when? To answer that question, remember two points: The JSP page is translated into a servlet and compiled only the first time it is accessed after having been modified.Loading into memory, initialization, and execution follow the normal rules for servlets.The most frequently misunderstood entries are highlighted. When referring to the table, note that servlets resulting from JSP pages use the _jspService method (called for both GET and POST requests), not doGet or doPost. Also, for initialization, they use the jspInit method, not the init method.JSP page translated into servlet Servlet compiled Servlet loaded into server's memory jspInit called _jspService called.JSP技术概述作者:赞邦.朱利奥/赛克勒.迈克尔出处: 施普林格出版社(纽约公司)1.JSP的好处JSP页面最终会转换成服务程序。





网络教学系统外文翻译文献(文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译)原文:SQL serverSQLSQL is Structured Query Language English acronym, which means for the Structured Query Language. SQL language is the main function of establishing ties with the various databases, for communication. In accordance with ANSI (American Nationa l Standards Institute) requirements,SQL as a relational database management system standard language. SQL statements can be used to implement a wide range of operations, such as updating the data in the database, extract data from the database and so on. At present, the vast majority of the popular relational database ma nagement systems suchas Oracle, Sybase, Microsoft SQL Server , Access, adopted the standard SQL language. Although many databases on the SQL statement for the redevelopment and expansion, but including the Select, Insert, Update, Delete, Create, and Drop, including the standard SQL commands can be used to complete almost all the database operations.SQL ServerSQL Server is a relational database management system. It was originally proposed by Microsoft Sybase and Ashton-T ate three companies jointly developed in 1988 with the introduction of the first OS / 2 version. After the introduction of Windows NT in, Microsoft and Sybase in the development of SQL Server on the split,Microsoft will migrate to SQL Server on Windows NT system, focusing on promoting the development of SQL Server version of Windows NT . Sybase is more focused on SQL Server in the UNIX operating system applications. SQL Server 2000 is Microsoft Launches the SQL Server data base management system, the inherited version of SQL Server 7.0 version of the merits, at the same time it increases than many of the more advanced features. Good scalability with ease of use and related high degree of software integration, across from the running Microsoft Windows 98 laptop running Microsoft Windows 2000 large-scale multi- processor servers such as the use of multiple platforms.SQL Server 2005SQL Server 2005 is a comprehensive database platform, the use of integrated business intelligence (BI) tools to provide enterprise-class data management. SQL Server 2005 relational database engine for data and structured data to provide a more secure and reliable storage function that allows you to build and manage high availability for business an d high-performance data applications.SQL Server 2005 data engine is the enterprise data management solutions for the core. The SQL Server 2005 combines the analysis, reporting, integration and notifications. This makes your business can build and deploy cost-effective BI solutionsthat help your team through the Scorecard, Dashboard, Web services and data applications to mobile devices to all areas of business. With Microsoft Visual Studio, Microsoft Office System and the new development kit (including the Business Intelligence Development Studio) to enable the close integration of SQL Server 2005 unique. Whether you're a developer , database administrator , information worker or decision-makers, SQL Server 2005 that can provide you with innovative solutions to help you benefit from more data.Microsoft SQL Server 2008SQL Server 2008 is a major product version, it introduced many new features and Key improvements made to date it has become the strongest and most comprehensive version of SQL Server. The article described in detail in Microsoft SQL Server 2008's new features, advantages and features ……Microsoft's data platform to meet these data explosion and the next generation of data –driven applications that demand and support the data platform vision: mission-critical enterprise data platform, dynamic development, relational data and business intelligence.Microsoft data platform visionSQL Server's visionMany factors have led to an explosion of information storage. A new type of information, such as pictures and digital video, and RFID tags obtained from the sensor information, the company's digital information in the rapid growth of the number .Compliance with the norms and requirements of the development of globalization, the security of information storage and are available at any time. At the same time, the cost of disk storage significantly reduced so that every dollar invested can store more data. Users to move quickly in a large amount of data to find relevant information. In addition, on any device they want to use this information, and plan to use every day , such as the Microsoft Office system applications. The explosion of dataand user expectations for an increase in the management of the company has created many challenges. Microsoft? data platform vision to provide a solution to meet these needs, this solution is companies can store and manage the use of many data types, including XML, e-mail, time /calendar , files, documents, geographic, etc., at the same time provide a rich set of services to interact with the data: search, query , data analysis, reporting, data integration, synchronization and powerful. Users can access from the creation to archive to any device, from desktop to mobile devicesThe platform has the following characteristics:Trusted - allows the company can be a very high security , reliability and scalability to run their most mission-critical applications.Efficient - allows the company to reduce development and management of their data infrastructure of the time and cost.Intelligence - provides a comprehensive platform for users in your time of need to send him to observe and information.A trusted(A) the protection of your informationIn the past the basis of SQL Server 2005 on, SQL Server 2008 made the following enhancements to expand its security:* Simple data encryptionSQL Server 2008 can be the entire database, data files and log files for encryption, without requiring changes to applications. Encrypt enable companies to meet compliance with the norms and their concern about data privacy requirements. Simple and the benefits of data encryption including the use of any scope or ambiguous search query data encryption to enhance data security to prevent unauthorized user access, as well as data encryption. These can change the applications have been conducted.* Foreign key managementSQL Server 2008 for the encryption and key management provides a comprehensivesolution. In order to meet evolving data center for more information on the needs of security , to the supplier's investment company to manage the security key . SQL Server 2008 by supporting third-party key management and hardware security module (HSM) products to provide for the needs of a very good support.* Enhanced the reviewSQL Server 2008 allows you to review the operation of your data, resulting in improved compliance and security . Review of more than modification of data, including all of the information, but also on the data when reading the information. SQL Server 2008 as server with enhanced configuration and management review of such a function, which allows the company to meet the needs of a variety of norms. SQL Server 2008 can also define a database review of each specification, so the review can be configured for each separate database for the development. For a specific configuration object for the review so that review of the implementation of better performance, higher flexibility in configuration.(Ii) to ensure business sustainability* Improved database mirroringSQL Server 2008 on SQL Server 2005, and provides a more reliable database mirroring to enhance the platform. The new features include: Automatic page repair . SQL Server 2008 through a request for cooperation from the mirror to be the wrong machine to copy pages to the main computer and the image can be transparent to repair the data page 823 and 824 errors. To improve performance. SQL Server 2008 reduced the output of the log stream in order to enable database mirroring the network bandwidth required to achieve the minimum.————lubenv Access2000 FORTUEN [J].卷次:14刊期:5 September 2007 .译文:SQLSQL是英文 Structured Query Language 的缩写,意思为结构化查询语言。



毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译2017届文献、资料题目:网上选课系统设计的关键技术及系统的构建文献、资料来源:文献、资料发表(出版)日期:院(部):专业:计算机科学与技术班级:姓名:学号:指导教师:翻译日期: 2017.02.14网上选课系统设计的关键技术及系统的构建Key Techniques for Web Course-Choosing System Design andConstructionEric T. Freeman / Elisabeth RobsonO'Reilly Media,Nanyang 473004,China 2008-05, TP311.52.摘要学生选课是学分制管理制度改革的核心。




关键词:Web course-choosing / system design / key techniques / construction引言网上选课是学分制教学管理的重要组成部分,其特点可以概括为培养模式的多样性、学习内容的选择性、学习进程的自主性、学习时间与空间的灵活性等。





本科生外文译文课程设计一、课程目标知识目标:1. 学生能够理解并掌握外文课文中的主要知识点,包括专业词汇、语法结构和文章组织。

2. 学生能够准确翻译外文课文,理解其深层含义,并能进行相关领域的知识拓展。

3. 学生能够对外文课文进行批判性阅读,分析文章的论证方式和逻辑结构。

技能目标:1. 学生能够运用所学翻译技巧,对外文课文进行准确、流畅的翻译。

2. 学生能够通过小组讨论、课堂展示等形式,提高自己的表达能力和团队合作能力。

3. 学生能够运用批判性思维,对外文课文进行深入分析,提高自己的思辨能力。

情感态度价值观目标:1. 学生能够增强对所学专业的兴趣和热情,培养自主学习的能力。

2. 学生能够尊重不同文化背景,培养跨文化交际的意识。

3. 学生能够通过外文译文的学习,拓宽国际视野,增强国家意识和责任感。






二、教学内容本课程教学内容主要包括以下几部分:1. 外文课文翻译基本技巧:包括词汇、语法、句型结构等方面的翻译方法,以及翻译过程中的常见问题与对策。

2. 外文课文分析与解读:对教材中的精选文章进行深度剖析,理解文章的论证方式、逻辑结构和作者观点。

3. 批判性阅读与思考:培养学生对外文课文进行批判性思考,分析文章的优点和不足,提高学生的思辨能力。

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US-China Education Review, ISSN 1548-6613February 2011, Vol. 8, No. 2, 220-232220Potential Use of Course Management Systems in HigherEducation Institutions in JordanMuhannad Al-Shboul The University of Jordan, Amman, JordanGiven the increased adoption of the CMS (course management systems) as an instructional tool, it is important toaddress the potential use of this technology in Jordanian higher education institutions. This study investigates thepotential to use CMS tools in instruction in the academic institutions in Jordan. This study does not seek to evaluatethe current use of computer mediated tools or their features in instruction. Its purpose is to investigate what iscurrently taking place with CMS in higher education settings. Therefore, the study does not seek to determine thevalue that the use of the CMS tools may have contributed to instruction, however, it identifies the level oftechnology integration as well as the level of the technology use in higher education and problems associated withits use among the faculty. This study identifies prevalent faculty attitudes and perceptions toward the potential useof CMS tools in higher education institutions, in general, and in Jordan, in particular.Keywords: course management systems, e-learning, Web-based learning, authoring toolsIntroductionCMS (course management systems) are fairly new software tools that have been used in an educational setting for around a decade. CMS are Internet-based software that manage student enrollment, track student performance, and create and distribute course content electronically. In this way, the CMS allow faculty members to manage their courses and use technology tools in their teaching, as well as enable them to extend the classroom beyond its traditional boundaries of time and space (Warner, 2003). The main purpose of CMS packages is to enable faculty to create course Web sites, that is to place course materials online and manage course activities (Kuriloff, 2001). In short, CMS are tools that faculty can use to create online course content (without knowing programming languages), communicate electronically with students and conduct assessments (Dabbagh, 2001).CMS became widely available in 1997, and their popularity and use have increased dramatically ever since (Rabinowitz & Ullman, 2004). CMS tools (such as blackboard, WebCT, Webboard, moodle and LiveText) have become invaluable tools for teaching with technology and have been widely adopted by many colleges and universities all over the world. In addition, courses that use CMS tools to deliver content are currently being integrated into instruction at a rapid pace (Green, 2002; Nelson, 2003). Three aspects of CMS make them extraordinary tools for ordinary instructors. First, the files are all kept on CMS servers. Second, it is invaluable to instructors that the entire course can be archived for future use. Third, they have the convenience that theMuhannad Al-Shboul, Ph.D., assistant researcher, Computer Center, The University of Jordan.POTENTIAL USE OF COURSE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS 221users can access the course materials from anywhere at any time (Caplan-Carbin, 2003).One of the main advantages of CMS is that faculty can design asynchronous course activities and communication outside the face-to-face class (Widmayer, 2000). According to Rabinowitz and Ullman (2004), faculty have much to teach and explain to their students, but there is never enough time during a semester to cover all of what they want to cover. For this reason, they indicated that CMS were developed to help the faculty solve the time issue that they encountered during their lectures and assist them in course development and overall management using the Internet.However, “Effective use of CMS tools does not result from the use of the tools but rather from the integration of the tools in teaching” (Nelson, 2003, p. 3). If we are to understand and realize the potential use of such CMS tools in higher education in Jordan from a learning perspective, we must understand the perceptions of both faculty users and non-users of the CMS authoring tools. Consequently, as more courses require the use of CMS tools, as more funding is required to implement and support these classes, and as more time is required to develop and facilitate these courses, it becomes critical to understand why faculty choose to use or not to use these tools for their course support. In other words, we should examine the motivating factors for using CMS tools as well as the inhibiting factors from using CMS tools as perceived by the faculty members.Given the increased adoption of the CMS as instructional tools, it is important to address the potential use of this technology in Jordanian higher education institutions. This study investigates the potential to use CMS tools in instruction in the academic institutions in Jordan. In this regard, it is very important to point out that this study is just a direct reflection of the literature on the level of faculty involvement and the challenges that are associated with using CMS tools in higher education in general. Specifically, this study is considered as a cornerstone for another study, which will be conducted at the mid of September 2010 in one of the public universities in Jordan by the researcher to verify the findings of the reviewed literature as they revealed in this paper.In addition, because Jordan has almost the same academic atmosphere comparing to that of the international one; also, because Jordan is utilizing almost the same CMS and authoring tools, it is important to point out that the findings of this study are not only applied to the international academic institutions, but also applied to the academic institutions in Jordan as well.This study is organized into four parts. Part one introduces the significance of the study and describes the purpose of the study. Part two provides a literature review about the use of CMS in instruction and addresses a brief history of CMS in higher education and the related faculty perspectives. Part three describes what is currently taking place with CMS integration at higher education institutions and discusses what higher education administrations could do to improve the utilization of CMS tools at their campuses. And part four provides the findings of the study, conclusions and recommendations for future studies.Significance of the StudyA major thrust of education is integration of technology into teaching (Nelson, 2003). Technology by itself cannot be effective. Providing the latest technology to learners does not necessarily ensure improved learners’ participation or achievement. Additionally, technology does not necessarily improve instruction. Faculty’s attitude toward technology was found to be an important element in a successful integration of technology (Mitra, Steffensmeier, Lenzmeier, & Massoni, 1999; Nelson, 2003). It is important to investigate the level of technology integration in education, in general, and in Jordan, in particular; specifically, the faculty’s attitudesPOTENTIAL USE OF COURSE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS222toward the utilization of CMS in their classrooms.In a recent study of technology innovations, Lynch (2002) found that, while 80% of colleges in his study have course management systems available, faculty only use these tools in 20% of courses offered. Why is such a low percentage of faculty members making use of CMS tools in educational settings? “Despite its potential benefits, the effectiveness of computer mediated communication when used to support learning in higher education is very variable, making it important to identify those factors which best predict successful implementations” (Tolmie & Boyle, 2000, p. 138). However, research indicates that one of the problems hindering the use of distance education tools (technology) in higher education is faculty resistance (Berge, 1998). Research is needed to explore the faculty perceptions about the use of CMS tools in instruction in higher education institutions.This study is valuable for the instructional technology leadership, because it establishes a cornerstone for any development training program for faculty technology integration at higher education institutions. Also this study is beneficial to instructional technologists in understanding faculty reluctance when diffusing new instructions or educational packages.The purpose of this study is to identify the issues and concerns of the use of CMS and similar tools in higher education. Specifically, the study, based on the reviewed literature, identifies the faculty’s perceptions about their use of CMS tools, identifies the factors that might be related to faculty use of CMS and investigates what higher education institutions can do to improve the utilization of CMS at their campuses.Research on faculty’s uses of technology in instruction is important, because educators who are comfortable about using technology model positive uses of technology to learners (Chiero, 1997; Kagima, 2001; Taylor, Torrie, Hausafus, & Strasser, 1999). Conducting research on faculty attitudes toward the use of CMS tools in teaching is important, because the findings will help understand technology integration.The importance of the obtained information can assist higher education institutions in determining the educational costs and value in terms of CMS effectiveness regarding the technology integration, because academic institutions spend millions of dollars per year on technology. Also, the obtained data can help in determining what academic institutions can do to improve technology integration (such as CMS) at their campuses. The obtained data can provide information about what academic institutions can do to reduce, minimize or overcome the obstacles to technology integration (such as CMS), because the level of technology integration has become a source of data upon which to evaluate university performance and reputation (Feeney, 2001).Identifying the level of technology integration in higher education and faculty’s attitudes and perceptions toward CMS in higher education may lead to a better understanding of the causes of reluctance to CMS use. This study helps fill in the gap in the current instructional technology knowledge base regarding faculty attitudes and perceptions concerning the use of CMS in higher education, as well as the level of technology integration in higher education.Additionally, the findings from this study assist faculty development directors when developing training programs for the faculty. Faculty training has been found to be an essential factor for successful implementation of new technology in higher education teaching and learning environments (Butler & Sellbom, 2002; Morgan, 2003; Ndahi, 1999).This study does not seek to evaluate the current use of computer mediated tools or their features in instruction. Its purpose is to investigate what is currently taking place with CMS in higher education settings.POTENTIAL USE OF COURSE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS 223Therefore, the study does not seek to determine the value that the use of the CMS tools may have contributed to instruction; however, it identifies the level of technology integration as well as the level of the technology use in higher education and problems associated with its use among the faculty.Literature ReviewCurrent research indicates that many faculty members choose to integrate CMS tools for a variety of reasons. Some are interested in the convenience factor the tools provide for communication with students, while others are motivated because of administrative pressure. Whatever the reasons, most CMS tools are currently underexploited in teaching (Nelson, 2003).Many college faculty members are using CMS tools to supplement their traditional classroom instruction (Nelson, 2003; Warner, 2003). Clifford, Earp and Reisinger (2003) indicated that data published in Market Data Retrieval’s 2002-2003 Annual Survey of Instructional Technology Trends in Higher Education showed that 91% of colleges and universities reported using some type of CMS in 2002. Most of reviewed research indicated that the primary use of CMS tools is mainly for communication and convenience purposes (Dietz-Uhler & Bishop-Clark, 2001; Grandgenett, 2001; Mitra, Hazen, LaFrance, & Rogan, 1999; Nelson, 2003; Sherry, 1999; Strudler & Wetzel, 1999).Lewallen (1998) found that 100% of faculty surveyed used CMS communication tools in their daily life activities, but only about one-third of the same faculty used these tools in their teaching. Thus, “Some faculty members are simply unable to connect technology use to their teaching” (Nelson, 2003, p. 21). However, to many faculty members, technology use is often viewed as a separate activity and does not require the same forethought as traditionally formatted course tasks (Pierson, 2001). “Attitude toward technology and prior use of technology was found to be an important element” (Nelson, p. 21); therefore, “Faculty who possess a positive attitude about CMS tools are more likely to use them in instruction” (p. 21).“The influence of technology on teaching and learning is becoming more and more evident in educational institutions” (Ndahi, 1999, p. 21). The increasing availability of effective technology justifies investigating the level of faculty involvement, and the challenges that are associated with using these technologies. Some of these technologies are new to many institutions and faculty (Ndahi, 1999). Additionally, when people within an organization plan for using new or existing technology, there are several barriers to their efforts that they are likely to encounter. A consideration of the barriers faced by organizations may help organizational leaders find solutions to reduce or minimize these obstacles (Cho & Berge, 2002).According to Cho and Berge (2002), organizational cultures, norms and strategic planning influence the adoption and deployment of technology. Hence, most of the literature found that the need for faculty development and institutional support (encouragement and incentive) are consistently identified as primary factors influencing the use of new instructional technology at higher education settings (Butler & Sellbom, 2002; Morgan, 2003; Ndahi, 1999).According to Feeney (2001), CMS have been the focus of recent scholarly attention. As integrating technology into higher education becomes an institutional imperative at schools across the US, adoption of digital courses in new CMS becomes both an organizational goal and a source of data upon which to evaluate performance. Furthermore, Feeney (2001) stated that higher education institutions face persistent challenges in the use of technology, with the CMS being the latest technology challenge.POTENTIAL USE OF COURSE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS224According to the 2003 Campus Computing project, more than 80% of universities and colleges in the US utilized CMS (Morgan, 2003). Harrington, Gordon and Schibik (2004) noted that perhaps no other innovation in higher education has resulted in such rapid and widespread use as the CMS. In the early of mid 1990s, faculty utilized a variety of Web-based tools to supplement course content and curriculum. Many faculty began using email and basic HTML (hypertext markup language) functionality in an attempt to increase interaction and enhance the teaching and learning process.Research indicated that one of the problems hindering the use of CMS in higher education is faculty resistance (Betts, 1998). Despite the expansion of distance education programs and its related technology across the US, many faculties are reluctant to participate in distance education or use its related technology, such as CMS (Olcott & Wright, 1995). Faculty’s reluctance has been linked to internal issues such as a lack of incentives and rewards systems to encourage faculty participation and a lack of an institutional framework to train distance teaching faculty (Lewis, 1985; Verduin & Clark, 1991). Betts (1998) stated that one of the primary factors that influences faculty participation in distance education and its related technology is the effect on faculty workload.According to Harrington et al. (2004), many universities, in an attempt to reduce the load on faculty, hired webmasters and instructional designers to assist faculty in creating more dynamic and learner-friendly instructional related websites. Several higher education institutions and commercial companies foresaw the need for more user-friendly approaches to put course materials on the Web and the need for increased availability to learners via the Internet. These entities began developing systems that would be relatively easy to use, requiring little or no knowledge of programming language (HTML, Java) and with the tools necessary to be useful for instruction. Between 1995 and 1997, several academic and commercial CMS applications were launched in the higher education market.These early CMS had only slight variations in available tools (Gray, 1998, 1999; Katz, 2003). Over time, a core group of tools were available with essentially all CMS. These core components included tools for synchronous and asynchronous communication, content storage and delivery; online quiz and survey tools, gradebooks, whiteboards, digital dropboxes and email communications (Harrington et al., 2004). While the majority of these tools are seen in the most commonly used CMS today, the robustness, flexibility and ease of use have generally all been refined. Furthermore, a vast array of additional components have been added, including mechanisms for just-in-time delivery and integration to front- and back-office administrative computing systems.Hannafin and Savenye (1993) examined some of the reasons why many instructors do not use, and sometimes resist, technology. They found that instructors may have felt threatened by change, so chose to resist it; they stated, “Fear is often cited as a reason for teacher resistance, even preventing some teachers from using any form of technology in the classroom” (p. 27). They also found that little formal effort was made to support instructors who tried to implement new technology. Wolski and Jackson (1999) indicated that there is a need for better representations of why some faculties adopt technology and why some faculties resist it.Katz (2003) reported that the past several years have witnessed the emergence of the CMS as an integral part of higher education’s instructional infrastructure. CMS have “become dominant elements of higher education’s system of educational delivery” (Morgan, 2003, p. 85). Green (1995) reported that 6% of all college courses used Web-based resources to support instruction; then Green (2001) found that 73.2% of the institutionsPOTENTIAL USE OF COURSE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS 225sampled used CMS. Hence, “College and university campuses have and continue to designate resources to technology integration” (Nelson, 2003, p. 32). However, given the change that is required to integrate CMS tools effectively, timely faculty development, support and learning materials are gaining importance.Ely (2002) indicated that traditional approaches to teaching and learning in postsecondary environments continue to be a dominant force for a number of reasons: (1) professors hesitate to change; (2) some faculty do not have the skills to use information technology and are not especially eager to learn; and (3) there is an institutional reluctance to provide sufficient personnel and financial assistance to facilitate the use of networking. He noted that almost every technological development that has had potential for improving instruction has been confronted with barriers regarding user skill and confidence. Ely (2002) also indicated that potential users may be convinced that the technology has potential for improving learning, but the potential users are often reluctant to acquire the skills for using the new technology.In summary, the reviewed literature identified that the problems facing higher education faculty in integrating technology into their classes need to be addressed to improve the level of technology utilization. Furthermore, the reviewed literature identified that the level of CMS use has increased as faculty perspectives toward such technology have been addressed.Technology Integration in Higher EducationThis section addresses the level of technology integration in higher education and problems associated with its use among the faculty. “Technology is continuing to be a driving force in the delivery of education. Most college and university campuses have and continue to designate resources to technology integration. For faculty members, this is exciting and challenging” (Nelson, 2003, p. 32).While Ely (2002) indicated that “Faculty members at institutions of higher education have usually been late adopters of innovations for teaching and learning” (p. 11), Green (2000) pointed out that more college courses are using more technology resources. Green’s 2000 survey revealed that three-fifths (59.3%) of all college courses now utilize electronic mail, up from 54% in 1999, 44% in 1998 and 20.1% in 1995. Furthermore, the survey revealed that two-fifths (42.7%) of college courses in 2000 used Web resources as a component of the syllabus, up from 10.9% in 1995, 33.1% in 1998 and 38.9% in 1999. Moreover, Green’s 2000 survey revealed that almost one-third (30.7%) of all college courses had a Web page, compared to 28.1% in 1999, 22.5% in 1998 and 9.2% in 1996. Green’s 2000 Campus Computing Survey revealed that almost one-fourth (23.0%) of all college faculty had a personal Web page not linked to a specific class or course, compared to just 19% in 1999.The integration of technology in teaching in higher education has become an important issue (Nelson, 2003). Ely (2002) indicated that technology integration in instruction is one of the current trends in educational technology. In 2000, Green reported that there is a rising use of technology in instruction. The increasing availability of technology in instruction justifies investigating the level of faculty involvement, and the challenges that are associated with using these technologies (Ndahi, 1999).Green (2002) pointed out that courses use technology to deliver content are currently being integrated into instruction at a rapid pace. In the 2003 National Survey of Information Technology in US Higher Education, Green (2003) reported that a third of all college courses are using CMS tools, up from 26.5% in 2002, and 20.6% in 2001, and almost double the level in 2000 (14.7%). His survey data also revealed that over half (51.4%) of thePOTENTIAL USE OF COURSE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS226respondents’ institutions had a strategic plan for developing CMS tools, compared to 47.5% in 2002.Green also reported that more than four-fifths (82.3%) of the participating institutions in his survey had already established a single product standard for CMS software, up from roughly three-fourths (73.2%) in the 2001 survey and 57.8% in 2000. He indicated that CMS are playing an increasingly significant role in instruction across all sectors. Green concluded that CMS tools have become an important component of the institutional instructional infrastructure: Both the percentage of classes that use CMS resources and the number of institutions that have established a campus standard for a CMS product are on the rise. Hence, as more instruction includes the use of these tools, issues in effective technology use become more important (Nelson, 2003). Investigating the level of faculty involvement and the challenges that are associated with using CMS have become essential issues in higher education.In regards to the challenges to faculty use of technology, Rogers (2003) stated that “Getting a new idea adopted, even when it has obvious advantages, is difficult” (p. 1). According to Rogers, “When new ideas are invented, diffused, and are adopted or rejected” (p. 6), social change occurs with certain consequences. Accordingly, adapting new technological innovation in higher education requires faculty to change their ways of teaching. Such change does not come easily (Schifter, 2000). Walsh (1993) stated, “Implementation of an innovation often requires change in the environment where it is introduced” (p. 52). Wolski and Jackson (1999) noted that adapting new technology, such as CMS, is not that simple. Some users will resist change entirely, with resistance to change in educational organizations being a widely recognized problem in the study of higher education.In this regard, Berge (1998) indicated that one of the problems hindering the use of new technology, such as CMS and distance education technology, in higher education is faculty resistance. Betts (1998) pointed out that research indicates that one of the problems hindering the use of distance education technology in higher education is faculty reluctance. In addition, Ely (2002) indicated that professors at higher education institutions hesitate to change. Rogers (2003) pointed out that anxiety, fear and resistance to change are natural phenomena when diffusing a new innovation, and that the attitudes and perceptions of users play an important role when such diffusion occurs. Marvin et al. (1999) stated about the situation most succinctly, “Faculty attitudes about instructional technology influence the successful implementation of technology in the classroom” (p. 4).“The gap between technology adoption and technology use in teaching has been noted worldwide” (Feeney, 2001, p. 11). Therefore, “Understanding the rate of adoption in any given situation requires analyzing factors that may facilitate the adoption and those that may operate as barriers to adoption” (Butler & Sellbom, 2002, p. 22). Ndahi (1999) indicated that the reasons which faculties are uncomfortable or resistant to using interactive computer-based instruction, such as CMS, in higher education institutions, are not made clear. Morgan (2003) found that some faculties are reluctant to adopt CMS.Holden and Mitchell (1993) indicated that faculty’s attitude is one of the obstacles that higher education institutions face. They stated, “The resistant attitude of faculty to using CMC applications, such as CMS, is an obstacle that will need to be overcome in order to ensure the success of future instructional CMC applications” (p. 36). Walsh (1993) indicated that the rate of adoption of distance education technology, such as CMS, in institutions of higher education, is slow. He also stated that faculty in institutions of higher education, and in particular, the attitudes of the faculty, are critical elements in the diffusion process.On the one hand, some scholars found that: (1) Some faculty are reluctant to adopt CMS, because they believe that the systems reduce their control of instruction and the instructional environment; (2) Training ofPOTENTIAL USE OF COURSE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS 227faculty plays a key role in successful CMS adoption and use; (3) Strong leadership by campus executives and department chairs plays an important role in shaping and encouraging faculty to use CMS; and (4) The pedagogical impact of using CMS is perceived but difficult to measure.On the other hand, the findings of Ndahi’s (1999), Muilenburg and Berge’s (2001), Butler and Sellbom’s (2002), Anderson’s (2003) and Morgan’s (2003) studies showed that institutional support, encouragement and faculty training are essential factors for successful implementation of new technology in higher education teaching and learning environment. Clark (1993) found that department chairs, who will most influence future adoption and institutionalization of teaching innovations and new programs, were relatively positive in their attitudes toward the use of distance education technology and delivery tools when compared to other tenured and tenure-track university professors or other faculty at two-year colleges. Also, these studies indicated that, to successfully implement new technology in teaching and learning, educational institutions must address these barriers to faculty adoption. They also emphasized the need for further research to investigate faculty perceptions of CMS, to validate their findings and to analyze the utilization of CMS in higher education.Ndahi (1999) examined the extent to which distance learning technology is used by faculty in industrial and technical teacher education programs. He identified the variables or factors that contribute to faculty willingness or unwillingness to use interactive distance learning technology in industrial and technical teacher education programs. He also indicated that the reasons why faculty are uncomfortable or resistant to using interactive computer-based instruction (such as distance learning technology and course management systems) at higher education institutions are not made clear, thus, making it difficult to develop strategies to overcome the resistance if the reasons for instructors’ willingness or unwillingness to use these technologies are not understood. “Therefore, faculty and administration have to work together to identify, examine, and perform solutions so that the goal and mission of the institution, as well as the needs of the students, can be met” (Gammill, 2004, p. 30). However, he found that the most common reasons given by faculty for not using distance learning technology in their teaching are: (1) a lack of institutional encouragement, support and incentives; and (2) a lack of adequate training in the use of technology.Butler and Sellbom (2002) identified the factors that might affect faculty use of modern instructional technology. They identified the factors that faculty believes are important either in facilitating the use or in creating barriers that work against the use of such technology. They indicated that technology use needs more flexible and adaptive organizational cultures, norms and planning. They found that knowing how to utilize technology is the second most important factor in determining faculty use of modern instructional technology. However, they found that a lack of institutional support and a lack of time to learn new technology (workload) are the major factors affecting faculty use of technology.Rogers (2000) examined barriers to technology adoption. She found that barriers to successful technology adoption in education appear to have internal and external sources. Internal barriers may be summarized as “teacher attitude” or “perceptions” about a technology, in addition to a person’s actual competency level with any technology. External sources include the availability and accessibility of hardware and software, the presence of technical personnel and institutional support, and an appropriate and adequate program for staff development and skill building. Barriers that cross internal and external sources are lack of time, funding and the unique culture of the institution. Furthermore, Rogers found that “Attitudes and perceptions of key individuals in the academic institutions may become the major barrier to adopting any technology” (p. 467).。





















病原体侵入机体,消弱机体防御机能 ,破坏 机体内 环境的 相对稳 定性, 且在一 定部位 生长繁 殖,引 起不同 程度的 病理生 理过程
三、创建系统动态模型 10、系统管理员添加学生信息工作流程
(1)系统管理员进入添加学生 信息界面AddInfoForm,并在界 面中提交查询学生的信息。 (2)界面AddInfoForm将查询 的信息传递到控制对象Control。 (3)控制对象到数据库中查询 的该学生信息对象是否已存在 并判断是否可以添加。 (4)控制对象Control将新学 生的信息添加到数据库并保存。 (4)控制对象将添加成功信息 返回到界面AddInfoForm并显示。 (5)系统管理员从 AddInfoForm界面获得添加成功 的信息。
(4)删除学生信息。将不需要再保存 (7)修改选修课程。对数据库中原
的学生个人基本信息从数据库中删除。 有的课程信息进行修改并保存到数据
(5)查询学生信息。根据学生的学号 库中。
和姓名对在校学,消弱机体防御机能 ,破坏 机体内 环境的 相对稳 定性, 且在一 定部位 生长繁 殖,引 起不同 程度的 病理生 理过程
三、创建系统动态模型 11、系统管理员修改学生信息工作流程
(1)系统管理员进入修改学生信息 界面ModifyInfoForm,并在界面中 提交修改学生的信息。 (2)界面ModifyInfoForm将查询的 信息传递到控制对象Control。 (3)控制对象到数据库中查询的该 学生信息对象是否并判断是否可以 修改。 (4)控制对象Control将该学生的 信息进行修改并保存。 (4)控制对象将修改成功的信息返 回到界面ModifyInfoForm并显示。 (5)系统管理员从ModifyInfoForm 界面获得修改成功的信息。
























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毕业设计外文资料翻译题目基于WEB的网上选课系统的设计与实现学院信息科学与工程学院专业网络工程班级学生学号指导教师二〇一二年二月二十五日Key Techniques for Web Course—Choosing SystemDesign and ConstructionAbstract:The Web Course—Choosing is the core that the credit system management reforms ,at present,the Web Course—Choosing system that every enterprises and colleges and universities already develop out,13o sttong or because of the diversity managing a pattern or because of system general availability,can be used being put in use directly having pretty big difficulty.Developed out the Web Course—Choosing adapting to our college credit system requires.In this paper,three key techniques of W eb Co urse~Choosing design were given:O0,system security。

Data optimized.Using JSP technology,the Web Course—Choosing system with the functions of data input,query,statistics was also given.Gave technical and methodology supports for understanding the Web Course—Choosing system structural design,making full use of current practical projects,and solving the practical problems as well as paved the way of implementation of the Web Course—Choosing system based credit support system.Key words:Web course—choosing ;system design;key techniques;construction IntroductionOnline course selection is an important part of teaching management of credit system, its characteristics can be summarized as a training model of diversity, autonomy of selective learning content, learning processes, learning flexibility of time and space. Flexible teaching management mode of a significant increase in impact of traditional, manual approach does not suit the new management mode, all colleges and universities in research to adapt to the new mode of teaching administration of network course selection system.At present, the College developed a system for close connection with the College teaching management mode, so the software versatility is not high, often only apply to colleges and universities. Software versatility of enterprise development was strong, but later maintenance and redevelopment more difficult. Based on the above reasons, Nanyang Institute of technology has developed online course selection system based on teaching management of credit system.1.Analysis of course-choosing system requirements1.1 S tudents on course selection system functional requirements analysisStudents in the courses of the requirements within the time period, log on to the systemas an optional course, by-election, in the course selection process to be able to query the professional teaching program, instructors, such as scientific research, after the end of the course to be able to browse individual curricula, while allowing students access to personal files and all subjects.1.2Teachers ' course-selecting system functional requirements analysisTeachers can use the system, maintain their own research and archival information, other teachers have access to part of the research, to be able to query your course schedule, can query the courses students, to entry the students, to on course score for statistical analysis, inspection under the teaching plan and teaching schedule, and so on.1.3Manager course-selecting system functional requirements analysisManagers use the system to develop the teaching plan, have access to teachingschedule tasks, have access to all courses, students and teachers have access to basic information, to carry out all kinds of statistics, and so on.2. Key technologies for design of network course selection system andmethod2.1 System design process2.1.1 Database designDatabase design is reasonable, is the key to the smooth running of the Office software system. Online course selection through to serious research, teaching and foreign colleges and universities in the province runs the entire process means of tracking the implementation of requirements analysis, design of the e-r model, associate system functions and data structures, and are reflected in the database design process. The system database reference 《education management information standard under》, combination I school actual of Senate teaching management mode for design, while meet relationship database of entity integrity, and reference integrity, and user defined integrity requirements, using main key and outside key implementation data of integrity, using since defined of constraints conditions to reduced entry of complex of and errors rate, using trigger mechanism enhanced reference integrity and control database of changes, using storage process reduced database development personnel workload, improve database implementation speed. Foreground and background common to access a database server systems, taking into account the large amounts of data the system itself (such as students ' basic information basic information basic information, courses, teachers and more than more than 40) and therelationships between data, in accordance with the relational database paradigm of 3NF, as much as possible but without redundant data interdependence.2.1.2Server configurationServer configuration requirements (with PC Server as an example):Operating system: Windows 2003, Linux, and UnixJava runtime environment-Jdk1. 3. 1Application server: Tomcat 4. 0 percentDatabase server: SQL Server 2000, Oracle 8i& Oracle 9i、Mysql3.23 PCServer hardware requirements:CPU: Intel PIII 800 or more (recommended P4 1. 6G)Memory: 512M (recommend 1G)Hard disk: 40G (reference 80G)Problem to focus on addressing the Security Server with the server configuration: (1) using the security features of the operating system, the operating system, such as users, user groups and access rights for strict rules, turn off services that may lead to security vulnerabilities, such as Telnet, FTP, SendMail, etc;(2) in respect of hardware disk array technology, guarantee the security of server-side data.2.1.3 Client developmentDevelopment tools use the most popular Web programming language of JSP and JavaBean and Servlet technologies used in conjunction. Its advantage program page once compiled, dramatically improves program speed, followed by its good cross-platform.2.1.4Commissioning and publishingOnline course selection in three stages, namely normal course, lessons confirmed election results, and a by-election. Trial operation of the System 2003-level undergraduate students, students in the school to fill out course selection form within the required time, selected courses, which lasted a week. Normal course after the end of Dean's Office in the normal course results to remove are not eligible for classes teaching 8 classes in, while another 4 course class class. Students can be viewed on the course-choosing system Web site was removed, fill out the course teaching class list information, confirm the election results. After withdrawal, combined classes allow re-election of the same category of students in other courses. Normal course results when processing is complete, 143 people have a by-election. Dean's Office Manager for by-election results are processed, are still not eligible classes of the class withdrawn(that is no longer offering the course next semester). Students on the course to confirm the results, you can log in course selection system to print their own curricula. Through the trial operation of the system and achieve the goal of college book, since 2004 in the hospital.2.2Design of key technologies and methods2.2.1Object-oriented programming technologyMethod of object-oriented programming is a kind of support software reuse and modular design method of practical programming, its basic idea is to encapsulate and scalability. Packaging to bring software modularity, security, and so on, because there is no data coupling, objects with no action taken as a result of boundary effects, therefore, easier to maintain and modify [. Scalability to leave system interfaces for easy integration with other systems, this system to work with the library, personnel management system management system, scientific management system, theInstitute of financial management systems, Office OA system integration, people of the smooth realization of data export.2.2.2System security technologyInformation security system construction of the first issue, of course-choosingsystem key information (such as student achievement, student information, and so on) safety is essential, must be developed at the design stage of the systemconstruction of reliable security policy. This system from network traffic, serversecurity, database management systems, systems, procedures, computer virusprevention and cure of the five regard provide security:(1) network communications: virtual local area network (VI, AN) services andfirewall technologies. Your WEB server and database server system on Collegecampus virtual subnet, only allow internal users to access, shielded external user access. For network protocol for qualifying, cute as h, p Protocol allows you toaccess, such as FrP, TeNet Protocol implementation.(2) Server security.(3) the database account permissions and database, database view, accountoperations record operating information, concurrency control, trigger actions, such as time tracking, in addition, enables automatic data backup data, and so on.(4) system. a.Designed to dynamically set the user information in your application,access information, illegal may be effective in preventing the program from thesystem the client logs on to the system, and b. Application security control fordatabase operations, will not cause half of the data submitted, or submitted error; c.Data encryption technology, the system user (such as students, teachers, and so on) registered passwords are encrypted to eliminate user Session such as technologygets the password.(5) computer virus prevention: install legitimate antivirus on the server side Withanti-virus and firewall software, ensure that the functioning of the system.2.2.3 Database optimization techniques.(1) SQL statement optimization: SQL statement into the same purpose to be poorperformance the performance of SQL statements. Using artificial intelligence,automatically overriding SQL statements, so as to find the best performance of anequivalent SQL statement.(2) indexed: improving query speed of the system.(3) create views and stored procedures3. Online course system construction3.1 Construction of management systemSystems using Microsoft SQLServer2000 database in the background, foreground mining technology of JSP+JavaBean+Servlet and B/S mode Tomcat5. 0 as a WEB server, Internet course-selecting system features such as data entry, modification, querying, and statistics. Figure 1 is a system function module3.2System function(1) data maintenance functions: you can add, delete or modify data in a database operation, such as, and to deal with emergencies in the course selection process.(2) search function: can be based on user needs, such as students, teachers, and retrieve compliance data in a library.(3) data and statistics: statistical data in the database, and displayed as an icon, which found laws, provide reference for managers.(4) help: to provide users with timely, easy online help service. Figure 2 gives the student the normal course Interface, Figure 3 shows the student's schedule.4. Concluding remark s(1) after the course-choosing system, inputs to leap up in the students first, after four students ' course selection action, constantly modifying system functions, the currentsystem has been improved, and user more human.(2) policy, system security. Throughout the development phase of the system, had a number of discussions around the policy of credit system in College, due to prior implementation and to develop policies, resulting in wide range adjustment system modules, the progress made in the development of the system. (3) course-choosing system data processing algorithms that require further study and discussion. Current system is used in the optimization level and first-come, first-served approach, courses are not guaranteed a fair and just.References:[1] Hu Shijun, Wei-Chun yan, Rui Zhiyuan. Study on the current situation of credit system and its [j]. Gansu technology, 2004,20 (2): 151-153.[2]-SA divisions warmth, Wang Shan. An introduction to database systems [m]. Beijing: higher education press, 2002.[3] Tang Yang, Wei Xiong, Chen Hongcheng. , And so on. Mechanism design and implementation of database triggers [j]. Application of electronic technology. 2005 (2):16-18.[4] Liu De Chung Hom Kok. Principle and application of database system [m]. Wuhan: Hubei people s press. 2003.[5] Guo Haifeng. Yang Guogui. Oracle database performance tuning techniques and implementation [j]. Computer engineering. 2006. 32 (19): 82-94.网上选课系统设计的关键技术及系统的构建摘要:学生选课是学分制管理制度改革的核心。
