第42课 鸦片战争The First Opium War

第一次鸦片战争是什么时候对中国有什么影响第一次鸦片战争(英语:FirstOpiumWar;1840 年6 月28 日-1842 年8 月,清朝道光二十年至二十二年)是满清和英国就英国向满清走私鸦片引发的一场战争,战争的导火线是英国商人在中国广东海域走私鸦片二十多年不止日盛,林则徐于1839 年在广东强行销烟,中英矛盾逐次升级,而战争以中国失败并赔款割地告终。
1 第一次鸦片战争简介第一次鸦片战争是英国向清政府走私鸦片,引发鸦片战争,而战争以中国失败并赔款割地告终。
1838 年,道光帝派湖广总督林则徐为钦差大臣,奔赴广东查禁鸦片。
1840 年6 月,英军舰船47 艘、陆军4000 人在海军少将懿律、驻华商务监督义律率领下,陆续抵达广东珠江口外,封锁海口,鸦片战争开始。
1 第一次鸦片战争多中国的影响1842 年,清政府被迫在南京的静海寺。

4.1 鸦片战争的历史地位
4.2 鸦片战争的启示
- 签订《天津条约》和《北京条约》:中国再次割让领土,并进一步开放港口和 城市。
3.1 政治影响
- 中英关系的变化:中国 沦为半殖民地,英国在中 国取得更多特权。
- 中国政治体制的变革: 清朝王朝进一步衰落,中 国的现代化改革开始。
《中英鸦片战争》PPT课 件
# 中英鸦片战争
The "Opium War" between China and England was a significant event in history that had far-reaching consequences.
1.1 什么是鸦片战争
2.1 第一次鸦片战争(1839-1842)
- 鸦片战争的起因:中国反对鸦片贸易,毁毒品,并禁止进口鸦片。
- 中英战争的过程:英军进攻中国沿海城市,中国军队不敌。
- 签订《南京条约》:中国割让香港,开放多个港口给英国贸易。
2.2 第二次鸦片战争(1856-1860)
- 鸦片战争的导火线:中国军队扣押英商赴北京途中战船“大沽号”的官员。
The Opium War was a series of arm ed conflicts that occurred between China and England in the 19th century.

中国近代战争故事-第⼀次鸦⽚战争的故事 第⼀次鸦⽚战争(First Opium War)英国经常称第⼀次英中战争(First Anglo-Chinese War)或“通商战争”,是1840年⾄1842年英国对中国发动的⼀场战争,也是中国近代史的开端。
第⼀次鸦⽚战争 林则徐虎门销烟,⼤长了中国⼈民的志⽓,却使英国政府恼羞成怒。

鸦片战争-第一次鸦片战争编辑词条第一次鸦片战争(英语:First Opium War;1840年6月28日-1842年8月,清朝道光二十年至二十二年)是满清和英国就英国向满清走私鸦片引发的一场战争,战争的导火线是英国商人在中国广东海域走私鸦片二十多年不止日盛,林则徐于1839年在广东强行销烟,中英矛盾逐次升级,而战争以中国失败并赔款割地告终。
基本信息名称鸦片战争伤亡情况英国伤亡523人(阵亡69人)、中国伤亡22790人地点中国东南沿海主要指挥官帕默斯顿,查理·埃利奥特时间1840年6月~1842年8月参战方英国,中国清朝结果英军获胜,签订《南京条约》参战方兵力英国军队19000人、清朝军队91680-200000人影片名称鸦片战争类型战争外文名称The Opium War主演鲍国安,林连昆,片长150分钟出品时间1997制片地区大陆对白语言普通话导演谢晋色彩彩色编剧朱苏进;倪震;宗福先;麦天枢制片人许鞍华监制张炜;成志谷目录基本简介事件背景1.清廷闭关政策1.两国贸易逆差1.外交挫败1.鸦片输入中国1.虎门销烟战争过程1.战前情况1.英军首次北犯1.民众抗击英国1.虎门广州之战1.英军再次北犯1.清军溃退历史影响1.政治及外交1.经济民生1.日本幕末战争评价南京条约展开编辑本段基本简介第一次鸦片战争(英语:First Opium War;1839年11月-1842年8月,清朝道光二十年至二十二年)是满清和英国就英国向满清走私鸦片引发的一场战争,战争的导火线是英国商人在中国广东海域走私鸦片二十多年不止日盛,林则徐于1839年在广东强行销烟,中英矛盾逐次升级,而战争以中国失败并赔款割地告终。

End of the War
British took Canton and sailed up the Yangtze River Took Tax Barges, cut revenue of imperial court of Beijing 1842 Qing sued for peace Ended with Treaty of Nanjing
First Opium War
Lin demanded British merchants to sign a bond promising not to deal opium under penalty of death Lin disposed of the opium – dissolving it in the ocean Did not realize the impact of this action!
Napier Affair
Lord Napier tried to circumvent the Canton Trade laws to reinstitute East India’s monopoly Governor of Macao closed trade with Britain September 2, 1834 British resumed trade under old restrictions
English East India Company
Held monopoly on production and export of opium in India Peasant cultivators often coerced and paid in advance for cultivation of poppies Sold in Calcutta for a profit of 400%

描述鸦片战争英文介绍作文英文,The Opium War, also known as the First Opium War, was a conflict between China and Great Britain from 1839 to 1842. As a result of the war, China ceded the island of Hong Kong to the British and opened up five ports toforeign trade. The war was primarily caused by the British trade of opium to China, which was illegal but highly profitable. 。
The British had been trading opium in China for many years, despite the Chinese government's attempts to ban the drug. The trade imbalance caused by the opium trade led to a shortage of silver in China, as the Chinese were using silver to pay for the opium. This imbalance angered the Chinese government and led to the destruction of British opium stocks in 1839, sparking the conflict.The war itself was fought primarily at sea, with the British navy easily overpowering the Chinese forces. The Treaty of Nanking, signed in 1842, marked the end of thewar and imposed a series of unequal treaties on China. These treaties not only forced China to cede Hong Kong to the British, but also opened up several other ports to British trade and granted extraterritorial rights toBritish citizens in China.The Opium War had a profound impact on China, leading to a period of humiliation and weakness known as the "Century of Humiliation." It also marked the beginning of a series of unequal treaties and foreign interventions in China, which would continue for over a century.中文,鸦片战争,也称第一次鸦片战争,是中国和英国在1839年至1842年之间的一场冲突。
The Opium Wars鸦片战争

The Opium WarsThe first opium war broke out on 28th June, 1840.the English invaders fought with Qing dynasty in order to force Qing dynasty to open china’s market for industrial products, such as the cloth.As we know, at that time the economy of china is natural economy, people can feed themselves with their own plants. They even never bought anything. Therefore English businessmen can only sell quite few products. In order to get huge amount of revenue, the selfish English invaders sold opium to Chinese in Guangdong china. In 20 years, more and more Chinese was addicted to opium, their bodies was becoming worse and worse. What’s worse, the number of opium’s import was increased form 4ooo boxes to over 40000 boxes. The Qing dynasty became aware of the great harm of opium .in 1839, the official, linzexu burned more than 20000 boxes of opium in humen, and meanwhile the government took policy to ban opium. What the Qing dynasty did made the English invaders very angry. That’s the reason why the war broke out..During the war, Only 523 English soldiers were badly hurt or dead, by contrast, the number of china was 22790, abo ut 44 times of English. obviously, and the war was ended with Qing’s failure and the treaty of Nanjing, which is the fir st unequal treaty of china.The treaty of Nanjing included that Qing dynasty gave t he island of Hong Kong to England and open the five ports of Guangzhou, Xiamen, Fuzhou, Ningbo, shanghai for commer ce to England. There were many another unequal issues in t he treaty of Nanjing,.Form then on, china became a Semi-colonial and semi-f eudal society. In short, the opium war was the begin of chi na’s modern history.。

第一次鸦片战争发生的原因是什么第一次鸦片战争(First Opium War)英国经常称第一次英中战争(First Anglo-Chinese War)或“通商战争”,是1840年至1842年英国对中国发动的一场战争,也是中国近代史的开端。
The Opium War(鸦片战争)

Events20,000 chests of Opium seized by ChineseBattle at ChinkiangBritish and American sailors kill a chinaman British capture Bogue fortsBritish expelled and travelled to Hong Kong British occupiedheights overlooking Canton British refuse to give up culprit Chinese defeated at Ningpo and Chinhai Chinese Emperor attempts to stamp out OpiumConvention of CheunpiFailure of Chinese counter-offensiveFirst Opium WarHMS Hyacinth and Volage repell 29 war junks Shanghai was occupied without a fightThe Treaty of NankingThe Opium WarEarly in the 19th cent, British merchants began smuggling opium into China in order to balance their purchases of tea for export to Britain.The Opium War, also called the Anglo-Chinese War, was the most humiliating defeat China ever suffered. 1839–42 and 1856–60, two wars between China and Western countries.The first was between Great Britain and China. In 1839, China enforced its prohibitions on the importation of opium by destroying at Guangzhou (Canton) a large quantity of opium confiscated from British merchants. Great Britain, which had been looking to end China's restrictions on foreign trade, responded by sending gunboats to attack several Chinese coastal cities. China, unable to withstand modern arms, was defeated and forced to sign the Treaty of Nanjing (1842) . These provided that the ports of Guangzhou, Jinmen, Fuzhou, Ningbo, and Shanghai should be open to British trade and residence; in addition Hong Kong was ceded to the British.In 1856 a second war broke out following an allegedly illegal Chinese search of a British-registered ship, the Arrow,in Guangzhou. British and French troops took Guangzhou and Tianjin and compelled the Chinese to accept the treaties of Tianjin (1858), to which France, Russia, and the United States were also party.Lin Tse-hsDeeply concerned about the opium menace, Lin Tse-hs maneuverd himself into being appointed Imperial Commissioner at Canton to cut off the opium trade at its source by rooting out corrupt officials and cracking down on British trade in the drug. There was a sensational event commonded by him: Burning of Opium Stocks in Humen(beach).Of all the imperial officials, however, Lin was the first to realize the momentuous lesson of the Opium War. He was called the first person who opened eyes to see the world in Chinese history. On the website,there is a Memorial Hall of Lin Tse-hs.We can send flowers to him on the website. His famous saying is:苟利国家生死以,起因祸福必趋之。

第一次鸦片战争的经过是怎样的第一次鸦片战争(First Opium War)英国经常称第一次英中战争(First Anglo-Chinese War)或“通商战争”,是中国近代史的开端。

Contents of the Treaty of Nanjing
Hong kong was surrendered to the British
Chinese government paid 21 million dollars as war indemnity The opening of Guangzhou,Fuzhou,Xiamen, Ninbo and Shanghai ports for trade
Victor .Hugo
“…in our minds,Chinese are barbarous But you see what the civilized did to the barbarous”
The Opium War
Beautiful red flower
“Unilaterally most-favored-nation”
The British could build houses and settlements at trading ports .
In hopes of also gaining some special rights, invaders from the United States and France respectively forced the Qing government to sign the Treaty of Wangxia and the Treaty of Wangbu in July and October 1844. This was the end of the first Opium War.
The import tax of the British goods had to be agreed by compromise between China and British, and it was called“compromised tax”

第一二鸦片战争历史资料之第一次鸦片战争第一次鸦片战争(First Opium War)英国经常称第一次英中战争(First Anglo-Chinese War)或“通商战争”,是中国近代史的开端。
1840年6月,英军舰船47艘、陆军4000人在海军懿律(Anthony Blaxland Stransham)、驻华商务监督义律(Charles Elliott)率领下,陆续抵达广东珠江口外,封锁海口,鸦片战争开始。
英国与法国趁中国太平天国运动之际,以亚罗号事件及马神甫事件为借口,联手进攻清朝政府的战争,所以被英国人称为“亚罗号战争”(The Arrow War)。
又称“英法联军之役”(Anglo-French expedition to China)或“第二次中英战争”(Second Anglo-Chinese War)。

关于鸦片战争的英语作文In the annals of history, few events have cast as long a shadow as the Opium Wars, a pivotal moment that marked the collision of two worlds and the beginning of a painful chapter for China. The mid-19th century saw the British Empire, driven by the insatiable appetite for trade and the opium trade in particular, wage war against the Qing Dynasty. The first Opium War, which erupted in 1839, was a conflict not just over a narcotic but also over the very fabric of international relations and sovereignty. It was a war that would set the stage for the 'Century of Humiliation,' a period of foreign domination that would shape China's modern identity.The catalyst for this war was the Qing government's efforts to halt the opium trade, which was ravaging the Chinese economy and society. The British, however, viewedthis as an infringement on their economic interests and responded with military force. The British navy, equipped with superior technology and firepower, steamrolled through Chinese defenses, demonstrating a stark power disparity. The Treaty of Nanking that followed was a harsh pill for China to swallow, ceding Hong Kong to Britain and opening up five treaty ports to foreign trade, effectively embedding the'unequal treaty' system that would plague China for decades to come.The Opium Wars were not just battles; they were a starkreminder of the consequences of the global power dynamics and the imperative for nations to modernize. For China, it was a wake-up call to the urgent need for reform and the dangers of isolationism. The wars sparked a period of introspection and resistance, leading to the rise of various movements aimed at strengthening China against foreign encroachment.The legacy of the Opium Wars is complex and multifaceted. It represents a dark period of exploitation but also a catalyst for change. It is a testament to the resilience of the Chinese people and their enduring spirit in the face of adversity. As we reflect on this historical episode, it serves as a poignant reminder of the interconnectedness of our world and the enduring quest for justice and equality in international relations.。

Pattern identification: What‘s in common between these two events? Juxtaposition 并列 Statecraft: ―Governing a large state is like boiling small fish‖ (Daodejing 60). 治大国, 若烹小鲜 【zhì dàguó ruòpēngxiǎoxiān】
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
1. Sociology . the belief in the inherent superiority of one‗s own ethnic group or culture. 民族优越感 2. a tendency to view alien groups or cultures from the perspective of one's own. 我族中心 主义 本族中心主义 中国【Zhōngguó】 China—the central kingdom—from whose point of view? 远东【yuǎndōng】 the Far East—from whose point of view?
Internal struggle against eunuchs—Wei Zhongxian 魏忠贤; Role of Wu Sangui 吴三桂: 引狼入室【 yǐnlángrùshì】 invite a wolf into a house. Catalyst 催化剂 Ebrey 224-225

鸦片战争英语作文The Opium Wars were two armed conflicts in China in the mid-19th century between the forces of Western countries and the Qing dynasty, which ruled China from 1644 to 1911/12. The first Opium War (1839–42) was fought between China and Britain, and the second Opium War (1856–60), also known as the Arrow War or the Anglo-French War in China, was fought by Britain and France against China. In each case, the foreign powers were victorious and gained commercial privileges and legal and territorial concessions in China. The conflicts marked the start of the era of unequal treaties and other inroads on Qing sovereignty that helped weaken and ultimately topple the dynasty in favor of republican China in the early 20th century.The wars and events between them weakened the Qing dynasty and forced China to trade with the rest of the world. The societal damage included the reversal of the Qing dynasty's policies of isolationism, the start of shared European influence, the rise of the newly established treaty ports, the establishment of Shanghai as a trade city, and the end of the Canton System. The two wars are generally considered the starting points of modern Chinese history.The wars are named after opium, the primary commodity exchanged by the British traders in China in the 19th century. The British used the profits from the sale of opium to purchase such Chinese luxury goods as porcelain, silk, and tea, which were in great demand in the West. Opium was illegal in England, but it was traded in China against the wishes of the Chinese emperor, leading to conflict.The Qing government, under the Qianlong Emperor, had banned the opium trade, but British traders had been smuggling opium into China since the beginning of the 18th century. By the 1830s, the trade had grown to the point where the amount of opium trafficked into China exceeded the amount of tea exported to Britain. The Chinese government, in an effort to stem the tide of opium and enforce its ban, confiscated and destroyed a large quantity of opium warehoused in Guangzhou by British merchants.The destruction of the opium by the Chinese authorities in Guangzhou prompted Britain to act to protect its illegal drug-smuggling operations, its merchants' profits, and its own economic interests. In 1839, the First Opium War broke out. The Chinese military, which was significantly outdated, was no match for the British forces. The war ended in 1842 with the signing of the Treaty of Nanking, which included provisions for the opening of five treaty ports at Shanghai, Canton, Ningpo, Foochow, and Amoy; the cession of Hong Kong Island to Britain; and the payment of a large indemnity to Britain.The Second Opium War saw the Chinese government again attempt to enforce its sovereignty and curb the opium trade. However, the British and French forces, now allied against China, were once again victorious. The war ended with the Treaty of Tientsin in 1860, which opened more Chinese ports to foreign trade, allowed foreign missionaries to reside in China, and legalized the importation of opium.The Opium Wars had profound effects on China. They demonstrated the military superiority of the Western powers, led to the imposition of the first of the unequal treaties, and signaled the beginning of a long period of Western influence in China. The wars also had significant impacts on the British Empire; the acquisition of Hong Kong, for example, provided Britain with a valuable base from which to expand its trade with China.In conclusion, the Opium Wars were a significant turning point in Chinese history. They exposed the weaknesses of the Qing dynasty, led to increased Western influence in China, and opened the country to international trade. The wars also had lasting effects on the global balance of power and the economy of the British Empire. The legacy of the Opium Wars continues to influence China's foreign relations and its view of its own past.。

牛顿唯物主义自然世界观与工业革命造成的枪炮代替冷兵器——魏源开眼看世界 鸦片战争清军与英军100:1的阵亡比,清政府无力再战被迫求和 中国广大农村经济日益破产,国家凋敝 日本幕末
列宁指出:资本主义如果不经常扩大 其统治范围,如果不开发新的地方并 把非资本主义的古老国家卷入世界经 济的漩涡,它就不能存在与发展。
国东印度公司向中国走私鸦片 1800年嘉庆皇帝下圣旨禁烟,东印度公司与港脚商人为追求巨额 利润冒险贩运鸦片 港脚商人武装公开贩运鸦片 1820年英国女皇敕令取消东印度公司贸易特权,鸦片贸易规模全 面扩大 怡和洋行、宝顺洋行、伦敦印度中国人协会、曼彻斯特商会、美 国旗昌洋行等垄断鸦片贸易,英国议会中的鸦片贩子名单 英国为使中英贸易正常化所做出的外交努力 1832年英国首相巴麦尊派遣英国公民胡夏米以传教为名对中国沿 海的战争侦查及英国的战争准备
《南京条约》————中国近代史上与外国 签订的第一个不平等条约
道光二十二年(1842年),清朝在与英国的第一次鸦片战争中战败。清政府代 表在泊于南京下关江面的英军旗舰皋华丽号(现译作康沃利斯号)上与英国签署 《江宁条约》,又称《中英南京条约》。
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42、The First Opium WarOpium is a for m of drug extracted from the opium poppy. If a person smoked it regularly and in quantity, he would soon become an opium addict, his spirit would be destroyed, and he would be reduced to a skeleton. To reap f abulous profits, Brit-ish capitalists made opium out of opium poppies planted in India, a British colony then, and sold opium in large quantities to China through the Br itish East India Company as a way of addressing the trade imbalance. In the forty years before the Opium War, Britain exported more than four hundred thousand trunks of opium to China while taking away about three to four hundred million US dollars. The outflow of silver dollars pushed up the price of silver, resulting in financial difficul-ties for the Qing government and adding heaven burden on the ordinary people. As many bureaucrats, landowners, and soldiers were addicted to opium, the ruling classes became even more decadent, and the nation’s fighting capacity was weakened enor-mously. Opium addiction was a major tragedy for the Chinese nation.Both powerful and knowledgeable individ-uals and the ordinary Chinese people strongly demanded a ban on opium. Lin Zexu, the Gov-ernor-General of Hu-Guang wrote to Emperor Daoguang, arguing that if drugs were allowed to spread unchecked, there would be no soldiers to fight against enemies and no soldiers’ pay and provisions in a couple of years. Emperor Dao-guang was also aware of the threat of a “weak army and scarce money.” In December 1838, Emperor Daoguang appointed Lin Zexu as Im-perial Commissioner and sent him to check and ban opium in Guangdong.After arrival in Guangzhou, with the as-sistance of Deng Tingzhen, the governor-general of Guangdong and Guangxi, Lin Zexu consolidated coastal defenses and punished opium smuggling. Meanwhile, for-e ign opium traffickers were notified that they had to hand over all opium in three days and promise not to bring opium into China in the future. Charles Elliot, British Chief Superintendent of Trade tried hard to sabotage this effort, instructing British merchants to refuse to hand over opium. Lin Zexu sent soldiers to besiege the British and forced them to hand over nearly twenty thousand trunks of opium, more than 1.15 million kilograms. Lin Zexu went in person to the beach in Humen, threw the trunks of opium into a big pond, and destroyed it all with bittern and lime. This demonstrated the determination and strong will of the Chinese people to ban opium and to fight against invaders.China’s just action of banning opium became an excuse for the British to launch a war against China. In June 1840, a fleet of forty-eight warships with four thousand soldiers was sent fromBritain and stationed itself in the sea near Guangdong, where the war started. Lin Zexu, the troops, and the ordinary people were well prepared, forcing the British invaders to move to attack Xiamen in Fujian. Deng Tingzhen, who was then the governor-general of Fujian and Zhejiang, was also prepared and defeated the British invaders. They moved to Zhejiang and captured Dinghai. They continued northward to Dagukou in Tianjin and forced the government of the Qing Dynasty at gunpoint into negotiation. The timid Emperor Daoguang had Lin Zexu and Deng Tingzhen dismissed from office and prosecuted. He dispatched Qi Shan as his special envoy to Guangzhou to negotiate with the invaders for a peaceful set-tlement. Upon arrival in Guangzhou inNovember 1840, Qi Shan withdrew the defense installation and dispersed the armed masses. He signed an agreement with the British invaders, promising to cede Hong Kong and paying an indemnity of six million dollars. Humiliated, Emperor Daoguang sent his nephew Yi Shan to preside over military affairs in Guangzhou and fight with the British invaders again.Yi Shan indulged himself in various pleasures and made merry day and night after his arrival in Guangzhou. He withdrew all the Qing troops, which were twenty times more than the British to the city area, leaving no coastal defense. In 1841, be-fore the arrival of Yi Shan in Guangzhou, the British attacked Humen once again. Guan Tianpei, naval commander of Guangdong, put up an indomitable resistance with his soldiers, but Qi Shan only sued for peace and refused to send reinforcements. Under the circumstances of no relief troops, Guan Tianpei kept up the defense and even fired gun s himself at the enemy. When the British soldiers entered the fort, he fought hardwith just a knife and died heroically, while Yi Shan loitered in the city after arr iving in Guangzhou and surrendered immediately with a white flag when the British fired guns at the city. British invaders burned, killed, and looted wherever they went in Guangzhou, while the Guangzhou people fought bravely against the invaders. On May 30, 1841, some British soldiers went to the northern suburbs of Guangzhou and were surrounded by hundreds of people in Sanyuanli where they had seized the Sifang fort. Viscount Hugh Gough, Field Marshal of the British troops made a sally. The Guangzhou residents fought and retreated, luring the enemy to Niulangang. At the sound of a gong, seven to eight thousand people who had remained hidden suddenly came out and fought with the enemy with knives, spears, and spades. It was pouring quite heavily at the time, and the gunpowder of the British got drenched and the guns and canons could not fire. The Guangzhou people rallied their strength and fought on even more bravely. Some British soldiers staggering along with difficulty in their high boots in the muddy field were captured, some were killed, and some knelt down to beg for mercy. The British army asked the local authority of Guangzhou for help. Yi Shan sent his men to dismiss the people. This Sanyuanli resistance struggle against the Br itish displayed the heroic spirit of the Chinese people.In the autumn of 1841, Xiamen was seized by the British troops and Dinghai was once again under attack. Ge Yunfei, the Dinghai zongbing (military governor) staged a heroic resistance against the invaders and was shot to death. Dinghai and Ningbo were captured one afterthe other. Farmers in Ningbo organized a Hei Shui Dang and killed many British soldiers. In 1842, the British pushed their way into Wusong, gateway to the mouth of the Yangtze River. Chen Huacheng, the Jiang- nan Military Governor, aged almost seventy at the time, remained at the fort. Although severely wounded, he fought bravely and eventually died. Thereafter, the British attacked Zhenjiang where they suffered heavy losses.In August 1842, the British warships came to Nanjing along the Yangtze River. Representa-tives of the two countries negotiated for peace in Nanjing. The British invaders forced the repre-sentative of the Qing government to sign the first unequal treaty of China—the Treaty of Nanjing. The main drift of the treaty was that Hong Kong was to be ceded to Britain, twenty-one million US dollars was to be paid as indemnity to the British, the five cities of Guangzhou (Canton), Xiamen (Amoy),Fuzhou (Foochow-fu), Ningbo (Ningpo), and Shanghai were to be opened as ports to the British for the purpose of carrying on their mercantile pursuits, and tariff of export and import customs on British merchants were to be discussed with the British. In the following year,。