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The Bulb turbine runner is of the same design as for the Kaplan turbine, and it may also have different numbers of
blades depending on the head and water flow.
9.2.2 Runner chamber 2、转轮扫膛
体下沉变形,这样造成静态下调整好各部间隙和受力发生变化, 加上机组运行后,桨叶在水力作用下会带动整个转动部分轴向“ 窜动”,这样,桨叶就容易与转轮室发生扫膛。
转轮室分瓣结合面采用法兰连接,并应有可靠的止漏措施。混 凝土仅浇灌到水轮机的水平分半面处,使水轮机室上部可拆卸, 以供装拆转轮之用。 为了观察转轮和转轮室,在后部锥形环带上开有进人孔。
小,收效快,淹没移民少,电站靠近城镇,有利于发挥地区兴建电 站的积极性。
9.1 General arrangement
A general arrangement of a Bulb turbine plant is shown in
Fig. 9.1.
9.1 General arrangement
9.3.3 Guide vane mechanism For guide vane mechanism with individual vane servomotors
on bulb turbines it should be checked that the vanes have an identical movement.
9.5 Assembly and dismantling
Among the large main parts of the bulb turbine it is only the
runner which is normally needed to dismantle. The runner chamber is split axially horizontal in two halves. By removing the upper half access to the runner is obtained. The guide vanes cannot be dismantled without extensive work. Repairs of these and the guide surfaces should be performed at the plant.
9.3 Condition control
9.3.2 Runner chamber
The narrow gap between runner and the runner chamber should be checked if foreign objects may have passed the gap and made scratches in the chamber.
接力器作为操作架,它通过耳柄、连杆和固定在叶片枢轴上的 转臂传递作用在叶片上的驱动力矩。 用承受轴向力的螺栓将转轮体固定在主轴上,用压入螺钉精加 工孔内的受剪套筒承受扭矩。
9.3 Condition control
The general principles for condition control are the same as for the Francis turbines. Further considerations are therefore connected only to a few specific details.
9.4 Monitoring instruments
The turbine is normally equipped with the following
• A manometer connected to the upstream end of the generator bulb
9.4 Monitoring instruments
• A contact thermometer for reading of oil temperature in the bearing housing. The thermometer has two adjustable contacts, one for alarm at high temperature and one for disconnection for the unit on further temperature rise
Fig. 9.2 shows the turbine in
more detail.
9.2 Main components
The Bulb turbine consists of the following main components:
Fra Baidu bibliotek
- stay cone
- runner chamber - draft tube cone - generator hatch - rotating parts - turbine bearing - shaft seal box
CHAPTER 9 Bulb Turbines
Introduction 9.1 General arrangement 9.2 Main components 9.3 Condition control 9.4 Monitoring instruments 9.5 Assembly and dismantling
9.3 Condition control
9.3.4 Shaft seal box
For Bulb turbines at standstill it should be checked that the water does not flow out of the box along the shaft into the turbine bearing. 9.3.5 Generally for Bulb turbines Special attention should be paid to changes in the sound when the unit is in operation.
The Bulb turbine is a reaction turbine which is used for the lowest heads. It is characterized by having the essential turbine components as well as the generator inside a bulb, from which the name is developed. A main difference from the Kaplan turbine is moreover that the water flows with a mixed axial-radial direction into the guide vane cascade and not through a scroll casing. The guide vane spindles are inclined in relation to the turbine shaft. Contrary to other turbine types this results in a conical guide vane cascade.
(转轮室) (尾水管锥形管) (发电机舱门) (旋转部件) (水轮机轴承) (主轴密封盒)
- guide vane mechanism
9.2.1 Stay cone
9.2.1 Stay cone
• A vacuum meter connected to the runner chamber downstream of the runner
• A contact manometer for reading of the pressure in the shaft seal box water pressure pipe, which triggers alarm or alternatively stop signal at too low pressure • A contact manometer giving alarm: Pressurized water in the shaft seal box upon start of the unit
9.2.3 Guide vane mechanism
灯泡贯流式机组的导水机构由内、外配水环、导叶、导叶轴 承、导叶操作环、重锤、连杆拐臂及保护、限位装置等组成。
9.2.3 Guide vane mechanism
9.2.3 Guide vane mechanism 2、导叶
导叶下轴颈依靠套在它上面的并用销子固紧的转臂通过连杆 与控制环连接。传动导叶的传动机构安置在灯泡体的水轮机部分 内。
9.2.4 Runner
灯泡贯流式机组转轮与轴流转桨式水轮机转轮相似,同样分为 两类:
1)贯流定桨式(GD) 2)贯流转桨式(GZ)
9.2.4 Runner 特点:
1)转轮叶片数一般为奇数,没有绝对对称,这样要求安装精 度就高,而且不容易满足转动平衡和重心落在旋转轴线上;
9.2.1 Stay cone
与支墩连接,两者的内腔相通,从而形成了灯泡体的水轮机部分经 过该支柱的支墩内腔而通向灯泡体头部的通道。在这个支柱内还设 有水管和油管。上支柱内腔装有水管和其他设备,该内腔还是由电 站厂房进入机组灯泡体的通道。
9.2.2 Runner chamber 1、结构:转轮室由三个环带组成
Introduction 贯流式电站优点:
(3)贯流式水电站的机组结构紧凑,与同一规格的转桨式机组相 比其尺寸较小,可布置在坝体内,取消了复杂的引水系统
(4)贯流式水轮机适合作可逆式水泵水轮机运行,进出水流道没 有急转弯,使水泵工况和水轮机工况均能获得较好的水力性能。 (5)贯流式水电站一般比立轴的轴流式水电站建设周期短,投资
2)转轮体内充满油,转动体外充满水,而且桨叶角度可调, 所以对密封要求十分高; 3)流道充满水后,转轮体和桨叶会上浮,而转轮室会下沉,
这样如果安装精度或水导轴承间隙调整不当,极易造成转轮扫膛 或桨叶卡阻现象,影响机组的正常运行。
9.2.4 Runner 2、转轮接力器
• A remote indication thermometer with two temperature sensors for reading of temperature in lower bearing pad • A level float for alarm on low oil level
9.3.1 Runner The runner should be inspected both from above and below.
Particular attention should be given to possible cavitation erosion and scratches on the blades as well as leaks around the blade flange against the hub.
blades depending on the head and water flow.
9.2.2 Runner chamber 2、转轮扫膛
体下沉变形,这样造成静态下调整好各部间隙和受力发生变化, 加上机组运行后,桨叶在水力作用下会带动整个转动部分轴向“ 窜动”,这样,桨叶就容易与转轮室发生扫膛。
转轮室分瓣结合面采用法兰连接,并应有可靠的止漏措施。混 凝土仅浇灌到水轮机的水平分半面处,使水轮机室上部可拆卸, 以供装拆转轮之用。 为了观察转轮和转轮室,在后部锥形环带上开有进人孔。
小,收效快,淹没移民少,电站靠近城镇,有利于发挥地区兴建电 站的积极性。
9.1 General arrangement
A general arrangement of a Bulb turbine plant is shown in
Fig. 9.1.
9.1 General arrangement
9.3.3 Guide vane mechanism For guide vane mechanism with individual vane servomotors
on bulb turbines it should be checked that the vanes have an identical movement.
9.5 Assembly and dismantling
Among the large main parts of the bulb turbine it is only the
runner which is normally needed to dismantle. The runner chamber is split axially horizontal in two halves. By removing the upper half access to the runner is obtained. The guide vanes cannot be dismantled without extensive work. Repairs of these and the guide surfaces should be performed at the plant.
9.3 Condition control
9.3.2 Runner chamber
The narrow gap between runner and the runner chamber should be checked if foreign objects may have passed the gap and made scratches in the chamber.
接力器作为操作架,它通过耳柄、连杆和固定在叶片枢轴上的 转臂传递作用在叶片上的驱动力矩。 用承受轴向力的螺栓将转轮体固定在主轴上,用压入螺钉精加 工孔内的受剪套筒承受扭矩。
9.3 Condition control
The general principles for condition control are the same as for the Francis turbines. Further considerations are therefore connected only to a few specific details.
9.4 Monitoring instruments
The turbine is normally equipped with the following
• A manometer connected to the upstream end of the generator bulb
9.4 Monitoring instruments
• A contact thermometer for reading of oil temperature in the bearing housing. The thermometer has two adjustable contacts, one for alarm at high temperature and one for disconnection for the unit on further temperature rise
Fig. 9.2 shows the turbine in
more detail.
9.2 Main components
The Bulb turbine consists of the following main components:
Fra Baidu bibliotek
- stay cone
- runner chamber - draft tube cone - generator hatch - rotating parts - turbine bearing - shaft seal box
CHAPTER 9 Bulb Turbines
Introduction 9.1 General arrangement 9.2 Main components 9.3 Condition control 9.4 Monitoring instruments 9.5 Assembly and dismantling
9.3 Condition control
9.3.4 Shaft seal box
For Bulb turbines at standstill it should be checked that the water does not flow out of the box along the shaft into the turbine bearing. 9.3.5 Generally for Bulb turbines Special attention should be paid to changes in the sound when the unit is in operation.
The Bulb turbine is a reaction turbine which is used for the lowest heads. It is characterized by having the essential turbine components as well as the generator inside a bulb, from which the name is developed. A main difference from the Kaplan turbine is moreover that the water flows with a mixed axial-radial direction into the guide vane cascade and not through a scroll casing. The guide vane spindles are inclined in relation to the turbine shaft. Contrary to other turbine types this results in a conical guide vane cascade.
(转轮室) (尾水管锥形管) (发电机舱门) (旋转部件) (水轮机轴承) (主轴密封盒)
- guide vane mechanism
9.2.1 Stay cone
9.2.1 Stay cone
• A vacuum meter connected to the runner chamber downstream of the runner
• A contact manometer for reading of the pressure in the shaft seal box water pressure pipe, which triggers alarm or alternatively stop signal at too low pressure • A contact manometer giving alarm: Pressurized water in the shaft seal box upon start of the unit
9.2.3 Guide vane mechanism
灯泡贯流式机组的导水机构由内、外配水环、导叶、导叶轴 承、导叶操作环、重锤、连杆拐臂及保护、限位装置等组成。
9.2.3 Guide vane mechanism
9.2.3 Guide vane mechanism 2、导叶
导叶下轴颈依靠套在它上面的并用销子固紧的转臂通过连杆 与控制环连接。传动导叶的传动机构安置在灯泡体的水轮机部分 内。
9.2.4 Runner
灯泡贯流式机组转轮与轴流转桨式水轮机转轮相似,同样分为 两类:
1)贯流定桨式(GD) 2)贯流转桨式(GZ)
9.2.4 Runner 特点:
1)转轮叶片数一般为奇数,没有绝对对称,这样要求安装精 度就高,而且不容易满足转动平衡和重心落在旋转轴线上;
9.2.1 Stay cone
与支墩连接,两者的内腔相通,从而形成了灯泡体的水轮机部分经 过该支柱的支墩内腔而通向灯泡体头部的通道。在这个支柱内还设 有水管和油管。上支柱内腔装有水管和其他设备,该内腔还是由电 站厂房进入机组灯泡体的通道。
9.2.2 Runner chamber 1、结构:转轮室由三个环带组成
Introduction 贯流式电站优点:
(3)贯流式水电站的机组结构紧凑,与同一规格的转桨式机组相 比其尺寸较小,可布置在坝体内,取消了复杂的引水系统
(4)贯流式水轮机适合作可逆式水泵水轮机运行,进出水流道没 有急转弯,使水泵工况和水轮机工况均能获得较好的水力性能。 (5)贯流式水电站一般比立轴的轴流式水电站建设周期短,投资
2)转轮体内充满油,转动体外充满水,而且桨叶角度可调, 所以对密封要求十分高; 3)流道充满水后,转轮体和桨叶会上浮,而转轮室会下沉,
这样如果安装精度或水导轴承间隙调整不当,极易造成转轮扫膛 或桨叶卡阻现象,影响机组的正常运行。
9.2.4 Runner 2、转轮接力器
• A remote indication thermometer with two temperature sensors for reading of temperature in lower bearing pad • A level float for alarm on low oil level
9.3.1 Runner The runner should be inspected both from above and below.
Particular attention should be given to possible cavitation erosion and scratches on the blades as well as leaks around the blade flange against the hub.