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题目:IT Professional Development in Hong Kong: the MSc(Computer Science) at the University of Hong Kong
Dr. K. P. Chow is the Associate Professor of Department of Computer Science and the Associate Director of the Center for Information Security and Cryptography at The University of Hong Kong. Dr. Chow’s areas of research interest are computer forensics, cryptography, computer security, Internet surveillance and privacy. Dr. Chow has been working on the Internet piracy monitoring system Lineament I, and Internet auction site monitoring system Lineament II. Both Lineament I and Lineament II were adopted by HKSAR Customs and Excise Department. Dr. Chow has analyzed various data leakage cases in Hong Kong, which includes the IPCC case in 2006 and the Foxy/Edison cases 2008. Findings and results were presented in local seminars and international conferences with participants from legal and IT professions. In 2009, Dr. Chow was the honoree in the category of Senior IT Security Professional of the 3rd Annual Asia-Pacific Information Security Leadership Achievements Program for his achievement in digital forensics. Dr. Chow has served as a member of the Program Committee of the international computer forensic workshop SADFE (Systematic Approaches to Digital Forensic Engineering) in 2005, 2007 and 2011. He was the conference chairman of the Sixth IFIP WG 11.9 International Conference on Digital Forensics held in January 2010 in Hong Kong. From 2010, Dr. Chow is the Chairman of the Information Security and Forensics Society (ISFS). In the past years, Dr. Chow has been invited to be a computer forensic expert to assist the Court and the HK law enforcement agencies, and to give advice to counsels on understanding and interpreting digital evidence for both criminal and civil proceedings in Hong Kong.
Dr. C. L. Wang is the Associate Professor of the Department of Computer Science at the University of Hong Kong. Dr. Wang’s areas of research interest are parallel architecture, software systems for Cluster computing, and virtualization techniques for Cloud computing. His recent research projects are related to the development of parallel software systems for multicore/GPU clusters and multi-kernel operating systems for future single-chip manycore processor. Dr. Wang has published more than 140 papers in peer reviewed journals and conference proceedings. He is/was on the editorial boards of 8 scholarly journals, including IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing (TCC), IEEE Transactions on Computers (TC), Multiagent and Grid Systems (MGS), International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications (JPCC). He was the programme chair for numerous conferences such as Cluster’03, CCGrid'09, InfoScale’09, and ICPADS’09, ISPA’11, FCST’11, FutureTech’12, and Cluster’12; and the General Chair for IPDPS2012. Heis the primary investigator of China's 863 project "Hong Kong Grid Point'' (2006-2011). The HK Grid point offers parallel computing services for the China National Grid (中国国家网格) and a
testbed for Cloud-related software development. Dr. Wang has been invited to give keynotes and plenary talks related to Distributed Java Virtual Machine and Cloud Computing at various international conferences.
Dr. S. M. Yiu is an Associate Professor of the Department of Computer Science at the University of Hong Kong. Dr. Yiu’s areas of research interest are bioinformatics, cryptography, and computer security. He is currently the deputy executive director of the HKU-BGI BAL (Bioinformatics Algorithms and Core Technology Research Laboratory) and the leader of the Applied Cryptography Research Group of the Center for Information Security and Cryptography. Dr. Yiu published extensively in both areas of bioinformatics and computer security and has given many invited talks in research groups of these two areas in various universities and international conferences. He is the principal investigator of a number of research projects funded by the Hong Kong Government and the University of Hong Kong. He has been the programme committee members and programme co-chairs of a number ofinternational conferences in these two areas. He also received many awards in both teaching and research from the University of Hong Kong. He was one of the recipients for the Research Output Prize of the University of Hong Kong, twice for the Faculty Best Teacher award from the Faculty of Engineering, and 6 times for the Teaching Excellence Award from the Department of Computer Science of the University of Hong Kong.
The primary role of the Department of ComputerScience at the University of Hong Kong is teaching and research. We committedto high-quality education and training of computingprofessionals at both the undergraduate and postgraduatelevels. At the postgraduate level, weoffer two taught programmes based on coursework,the MSc(CS) and the MSc(ECom&IComp), as well asthe research-based MPhil and PhD programmes. Values of our MSc(CS) programme can be summed up using our own co ined slogan“A 3-D programme”. By this we mean the following:
Personal Development. By studying the MSc(CS) programme at HKU, you come into contact with subjectexperts and interact with students in a free and open environment, to identify your strength, weaknesses,interest, and develop your own potentials.
Professional Development. On graduation, you can undertake research or to join the work force andbegin your professional development in Information Technology.
Career Development. Many of our graduates will forge a clear career path for themselves in a Hong Kongor an international company.
In this talk, we shall discuss the unique features of our MSc(CS) programme with respect to the above “3D” characteristics and our different areas of specialization: D ata and Software Engineering, Computer Systems and Networking, Human-Computer Interaction, Mobile and Embedded Systems, Information Security and Forensics, Computational Technologies and Finance Computing. The subject area experts Dr. Wang will give an overview on Cloud Computing R&D in Hong Kong, Dr. Chow will highlight the latest development in Dig ital Forensics in Hong Kong, and Dr. Yiu will provide an overview of computer security research in Hong Kong.