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Episode146 Linden Street林登大街46号
1 May I take a picture of you and your little boy?
2 It's an album of pictures of the United States
0 表示同意,欣然接受:It's fine to take our picture.
1 比 thanks 更诚挚的感谢:I appreciate your help.
It was very nice of you.
thanks a lot
2描述住处的简洁说法: They are in Thessaloniki
3不得不的另一种表达: I've got to go.
4失陪的表达: Will you excuse me?
5那是干嘛的? What's it for?
Hispanic 西班牙的
46 Linden Street林登大街46号
1 ..... and dinner's at six thirty.
2lost-and-find office 弱读 ,d 不发音
1原指望: I was expecting him here at five forty-five.
2 现在的另一种说法:at this hour
3试穿: try it on
4棒极了: Terrific !
5请问 .....:The number, please, of lost-and-found office
officer 警官uptown 住宅区downtown 商业区
platform 月台 canvas 帆布 sweater 毛衣
lost-and-find office 失物招领处
提示: of 几乎全部弱读,注意分辨
1 And give her a teaspoon of the medicineafter every meal. (超快的, after every meal 全连一块了 )
2 Marilyn and Richard called.They'll be here soon,and then we'll eat. 注意节奏和连读
3 Well, she'll be here later. Shehas to work late tonight.注意连读
4 I hope it's pasta. 注意连读
5 Oh, it was no trouble. 注意弱读
6 I'm late for dinner at my house. 注意节奏
7Where does she live? 注意弱读
8 With a family in the Bronx.注意弱读
9 The train is just up the street. It won't take me long at all. 速读,注意节奏
10 It might be a little cold.注意弱读
1 冰淇淋的量词: Scoop of
2 胶卷的量词: 8 Rolls of film
3 不辞辛劳的: Took the time and trouble to......
4 好的,谢谢(接受对方的建议): I'd appreciate that.
5 只能(以前偶用 just 比较多): I can only stay a few minutes.
6地铁就在前面:The train is just up the street. eg: Two miles up the road.路的前方两英里处
7 花时间: take sb long eg: It won't take me long at all.
pasta 通心粉
Episode 2 The Blind Date相亲
1Don't worry about being late. It's fine. 弱读加连读
2Are we too late for our dinner reservation? 连读
1距离的简洁描述: Wooster Streetis two blocks...... 还有两个街区
The 83is about two house
2左转: make a left turn
make left at green street
turn to the left
3靠左的: The 83 is to the left
4(口语)对妇女的礼貌称呼 (夫人 , 太太 , 女士 , 小姐 ):ma'am
5为某一状况而抱歉的简洁表示: Excuse the mass.....
6和某人很熟: I know the owner very well.
手边的电话是: Hi, Betty. I'll be at 555-1720
I am on the top floor <----> I am on the top four
红绿灯:Traffic light停车:Parking
1Any friend of Miss Stewart's is welcome at Somsak's.连读,弱读2It's our first date. 弱读
3I'll phone you..连读
1 nice to meet you 的另一种说法: Please to meet you.
2 表示赞同(我也是 ):I do too.
3点菜 (我要 ):# I'd like a glass of tea
#I'll have .....
4推荐某物: # would you like....
#May I bring you....
5我去准备了: I'll take care of everything.
6饿的另一种说法: Starving.
I know europe CPA.<--------->I know you 're a CPA.
姜: ginger蒜garlic葱:shallot
淡啤酒,麦芽酒: ale
酥炸,煎: Crispy fried
花瓣: petal
会计: cpa =certified public accountant.注册会计
肚痛: stomachache
1 You orderedenough for three or four people, 连读
2 Your downstairs neighbor let me in
3 It's a bonsai tree for your new apartment.
4 Does that mean that I can see you again?连读
5 we'll go out to dinner. 弱读连读
6 I won't leave early./ 注意语气和节奏
1 什么都没吃#Didn't get a thing to eat .
# Didn't eat anything. 语气略有不同
2 表示原因的另一种说法: I think it's important for me to be there since(因为)her mother died. 因为她妈妈去世了。

3 老实说 ... #As a matter of fact.. # To be frank
# To be honest # Frankly
4 失陪: Excuse myself.
5 不介意: #Not at all #I'm not complaining
6 关系好: You two must be close.
7偶尔: Oh, I date occasionally
8忙于某事的另一种说法: my work keepsme busy
9时光流逝: With time....
10早起: I have an early start tomorrow
11时间过得好快: Where did the time go?
12路上小心: Have a safe trip home.
13试探人家是否有异性朋友: Is there anyone else in your life?
盆景 bonsai tree 肚子疼(不严重的) tummy ache
Episode3 grandpa's Trunk 祖父的行李箱
ACT 1 速读句子:
1 At six o'clock this evening.连读
2 Are we picking him
up at the station?连读
3 It just takes time to feel comfortable in a new place连.读
4 Won't he miss being in Florida? 弱读
5 But I think he'll like being here with the family. 弱读
6 I'll put together somephotos of Grandpa 连读,失音
7 Grandpa is tells us he'll get here by himself.粘连
8 But I'm sure he has (his) a few bagswith him(withinm) on the train.连读
9 I want to put some of my good hangers in Grandpa's closet.弱读
10 how's everything here? 连读
0咖啡好了: There's coffee ready
1去接某人: pick sb. up at somewhere
2收拾房间: set the room
3说的也是: That's for sure.
4 好主意的另一种说法:neat idea. 绝妙
5 他了不起: He is something 汤姆真是个了不起的人物。

【口语要素 1】 Tom is really something.
6 can't leavetill tonight 口语用 till 较多
单词 trunk 大衣箱,用扣的大行李箱
grandpa's Trunk祖父的行李箱
速读句子 :
1 A man next to me was smoking, 连读
2I'm from
Titusville, too. 连读, m 不发音
3 Some peopledon't mind being alone. 连读, t 不发音
theater --------Seattle
表达方式 :
1 这个座位有人吗? Is this seat taken
2 帮人做某事, help with
eg:let me help you with this
3 我比较喜欢某物一些: I like sth better
4 受不了某事: sth really bothers sb
4 问候的另一种说法:pleased to meet you
5抽空: take time off...eg:he couldn't take time off to go to Beijing with me 6准确地说 : to be exact
7在某处作了多久 He started with them almost forty years ago.
8慢慢来 Take your time.
9在这呢 : here it is
10 表示没错,确实如此,确实indeed
11 现在确定为时尚早it's too early to know for sure.
单词 :
大工程 : big stuff 女用小包 Purse 传教士: preacher
grandpa's Trunk 祖父的行李箱
速读句子 :
1 let's give him our presents 连读, h 弱读 our 发单音
2 she call to say the plan was delayed.注意节奏
3 she looks just like grandma that age 弱读
4 unpack---back注意 p 和 b 的区别
5after a good nightsleep,i'l l enjoy breakfa st even more 注意连读及节奏6 i researched it for over the year...确证
表达方式 :
1别遗忘随身用品: please check to be sure you have your belonging. 2在某处玩的开心点: have a good stay in big apple
3请和我联系,请来看我们: please look us up.
4温馨家庭: caring family
5定日子: you name the day
6记起往事: bring back memories
7好梦 :pleasant dreams
单词 :
全美铁路客运公司: Amtrack休假:day off
难以置信: Fabulous
A Piece of Cake 小菜一碟
速读句子 :
1 Aren't you going to the
aerobics class this morning ?弱读(the)连读
2 The advancedclass starts at ten o'clock . 粘连
表达方式 :
1 小事一幢: a snap,
2 不费事的:no sweat
3 一点事没有,没感觉: not feel a thing
4 说定了 : it's a bet
5 马上就来I'm on my way over
6 很累:It's tough
7 很艰难:It's rough
单词 :
有氧运动: aerobics 举重:lift weight
A Piece of Cake 小菜一碟
速读句子 :
1 when was you last complete physical
2 do you have any back and knee problems? 连读
3 I am in perfect health 连读 h 弱读 ,粘连注意 th 的发音
4 I can't remember taking picturesof people in exercising 弱读 t 弱读 of
5.And don't forget to invite Susan for dinner粘.连
6.Lift your arms up like this.
7 几个常用连读发音# waddaya = what do you do
# dijia = did you
# dontcha = don't you
表达方式 :
1 你是做什么职业的?: what do you do for a living
2 身体很好: I am in wonderful condition
3 排好位置 : let's get in our lines
4 坐到地板上: hit the floor
5 表达完美的,理想的,不错的另一个方法: Ideal blood pressure 发音
单词 :
体检: physical景象:Scene senario
A Piece of Cake 小菜一碟
速读句子 :
0 How much broccoli do I need for the seven people
1 Don't forget to breath 蓝色弱读
2 The advanced exercise class is not easy, huh?
3 Very few people last in this class for the full hour at very first time
4 Skip, hop , front
5the advanced exercise class 连读,蓝色失
音表达方式 :
1 某项约定仍然有效: sth is still on
2 身体状态很好 :In great shape
3 加快节奏 :pick up the pace
4几乎不 : I can barely move;I can hardly move,以及 We scarcely used the reserve generator 我们几乎没用过这台备用发动机
5 坚持下来 : last The war lasted four years
6 买菜 : Shop for the groceries
7结束,吃完,完成 : Finish off
*She finish off her education at the Sorbonne
*Finish off by jogging in place
单词 :
scissors:夺命剪刀脚 ...呵呵 ..就是交叉双腿的跳法
jogging: 慢跑jog: 晃动,摇晃,颠簸
broccoli: 花椰菜,甘蓝,源于意大利语
The right magic
速读句子 :
1 you going to the basball game today? 连读为: gonna
2 It's perfect day for it..弱读I
3I have a new math program ,I want to learn how to use it. 连读 Ivenue 4Take him to the game today 连读弱读,重读
5I am really feel bad about it. 连读,升调
6 they need me at thehospital today速读连读hospitalday
7 may be we can spendsome time together next weekend 速读
8 I've got to run... 连读
9 You're working pretty hard these days?连读,弱读
10 We didn't catch anything 弱读,失音
11 fell out of the boat 速读连读
12 don't you have to work 速读
13 It'll be like old time for you and me 连读
14 What's the weather going to be like..... 速读
15 though out the midwest this afternoon....速读
16 It's going t o snow some more= It'sgonna snow some more连.读
表达方式 :
正需要,的确需要:Yes ,indeed.
[ 俚语 ] 多到可以劳军 : Enough for an army.
宜人而温暖 : nice and warm
不过,话说回来: she is not a pretty girl,anyway
“改天”的表达方式 :may be you can teach
mesomeday work on 和 work at:使用和练习钻研
工作如何?还那样: How's work? oh, the usual problems.
没啥事 : Nothing much.( Wahat's up )
我要走了的表达方式 : I've got to run...
暂缓,推迟某项工作 : my paper work will wait...
天气如何 : what's the weather going to be like.....速读
勇敢者的家园 [ 即美国 ]: home of the brave
自由女神的家园 [ 即纽约 ]:home of the statue of
liberty 熊猫的家乡 : home of the panda
度假胜地: a popular vacation spot
....却不是这样 : not so in St.Louis....
单词 :
冰箱:refrigerator ---refrigerate 制冷辞源: frig 冷
松脆的: crispy ~ fragile
病房: ward--children's ward
激动异常的 : thrilled
宜人的(天气) : mild--a mild spring day
华氏: Fahrenheit Fah-ren-heit 华伦海特 -德国物理学家
摄氏 : Celsius
The right magic
速读句子 :
1 How do you know "so much" about fishing? 连读
2 I see some fish "right under us", Dad. 连读
3 Does he know you're here?速读
4 Yes, "but" you did, and we've got our lunch弱.读 B
5 Come on, Albert, "you can help us!" 连读 help 中 h,p 弱读
6 Bring a blanket and my medical bag这.句超快的 ...完全没有听清的说
表达方式 :
1风景太棒了的表达 (驴友经常会用到 ): It was really neat!
2 一个人 ,独自的 (形容词词组 ): all long
我在门後假装你人还没走 ........
All alone in wait by the window,
Stands a sad lamp in parting sorrow..........
3 我去买点吃的 ..(常用哦 ,):I can go up to there for some hotdog and brabrabra.....
因为地势原因所以加了up,当然也可以加 down,比如: Go down to the harbour 4起作用了 !真有效 !: It works!
5生火 : build a fire
6 顺序表达法 (斜体的两个俺用得相对少,以后注意 ): First, next, after that, later on(..之后 ), finally.
单词 :
州的北部 :upstate
小旅馆 ,小屋 ,汽车旅馆 (旅游区的 )lodge
厨师 : chef
The right magic
速读句子 :
1 he's going to be fine.还是连读 ..老生长连阿
2 He pulled him out of the water. out of 弱读加连读加失音 ,听懂不难 ,模仿起来可就 ...舌头酸啊 ..
3 One of my patients has a high fever.
One of 弱读加连读patients has 连读听成了patien test
4 i've to go the hospital: I've to 连读
5 Philip had to go back to the hospital had to go 连读 hatogo
6 well , did you do any fishing? 这句完全晕菜 ,听不出也读不出 ,都不知道是怎么给连起来的 .
表达方式 :
1征求意见的表达 ,你们说怎样 : what do you say we brabrabra.....
maybe we can...
why don't we do it again...
2就这样 ,继续这样 : that's it
3某人真不赖 ,赞的 : # You dad is quite a guy
#he is something
#you are really someone
4为什么那么早回来 : Why are you back so early? 这句吧 ,按我的习惯直接就why do you 了,后来一想不对 ,why are you 强调的是 early 而 why do you 强调的是back 来的 .
5再见的另一种表达 : So long
6 扫某人的兴 : ruin someone's day
7"我想 ,可能 "的另一种表达 : I guess
8What a day: 今天真忙 ,今天真爽 ,今天真累 ,今天真是没治了 ,反正都是 what a day
9我以前一直不怎么关心医学 :Until today, I was never really interested in medicine.
10 干某事很有意思 :is fun to play
单词 :
spoil 搞糟 spoil the game; spoil your fun
一个关于 so long 的故事
《The Hitchhiker ’s Guide to the Galaxy》银河系漫游指南 . 影片開頭有一首歌,講述在地球第二等
智慧生物海豚 (人類只是第三等 ) ,不斷向人類發出地球即將被毀滅而徒勞無功,唯有向人類講聲道別:
So long and thanks for all the fish!這首歌取名自《The Hitchhiker ’ s Guide》系列的其中同名
處 . 歌詞如下:
So long and thanks for all the fish
So long and thanks for all the fish
So sad that it should come to this
We tried to warn you all, but oh dear
You may not share our intellect
Which might explain your disrespect
For all the natural wonders that grow around you
So long, so long and thanks for all the fish
Your world’ s about to beestroyed
There ’ s no point getting all annoyed
Lie back and let the planet dissolve around you
Despite those nets of tuna fleets
We thought that most of you were sweet
Especially tiny tots and your pregnant women
So long, so long, so long, so long, so long
So long, so long, so long, so long, so long
So long, so long and thanks for all the fish
If I had just one last wish
I would like a tasty fish
If we could just change one thing
We would all have learned to sing
Come one and all
Man and mammal
Side by side
In life’ s great gene pool
So long, so long, so long, so long, so long
So long, so long, so long, so long, so long
So long, so long and thanks for all the fish
速读句子 :
1 This is your third cup of coffee. this 弱读
2 If there is any cinnamon...速读 there's 弱读 if
3 Oh, put your heavy jacket on, Robbie.这句太快了 ...完全听不出 !! 似乎是 put
4 your heavyj ackon
4 Well, do you have the phone number there?连读并注意语调
5 Try to come by later for desser有点口音这句
6 Here's your cinnamon
表达方式 :
1开始的另一种表达方式 : get to work
2最后的但并非最不重要的 : Last but not least
3我去一趟杂货店 (加了 down,也许还是因为地势的原因 ): I'll go down to Henry's grocery
4立即回电话 :I'll call her right back. 类似的 right now
5绕到这来吃点甜点 :Try to come by later for desser
6他怎么了? : What's gotten into him?
单词 :
配料 : ingredients 面粉 : Flour 核桃 : walnuts 肉桂 : Cinnamon
蒜 : garlic 亲戚 ,表兄妹等 : cousins 发牢骚 : grouchy
感恩节又叫 : Turkey day
1 Philip, would you join me in the kitchen, please?
2 It's getting late.We have vegetables to prepare.
3 I've got to start thinking about college soon
1中央公园西路 : Central Park West
2我知道 ,不过他会好的 : Yes, I know, but he'll get over it
3这是我喜欢的 .... :It's my favorite
4叫某人帮忙 : I'll get you to help serve later ...即 get s.b. to do s.th
5叫我想起某事或某人 :....reminds me so much of Grandma即 sth or sb remind sb so muchof sb or sth
# 心仪 : be fond of
# 狂热的 : be wild about... # 受不了 :can't stand sth # 热爱 : be crazy about..
# 喜欢的 :favorite
# 不喜欢 : hate doing sth or hate sth
1小丑 : clowns
2花车 ,浮舟 : float
3调料 :dressing 相关词汇 ingredient 配料 , accessory配件
4诀窍 ,配方 ,处方 : recipe
5一餐 , 一顿饭 : meal
6甜点 :dessert
7John Philip Sousa: 苏萨 ,这是美国的进行曲之王 ,游行时伴奏的曲子十有八九是他的作品
速读句子 :
1 Then in that spirit let each of us give thanks. Each in his own way.
2 I'd like to thank Marilyn for being so patient. for being 较为含糊 ,但也牵涉到
语法不够熟悉 .
3 We should all take a little break before dessert.
4 I invited her to come by for dessert.
5 Lots to be thankful for
表达方式 :
1准备好做某事 : get ready to do sth..
2活的健康 : being well
3享受和大家在一起 (简洁表述法 ): I enjoy you all.
4及格的分数 : a passing grade
不及格的分数 : A failing grade.
Flunking Math 数学不及格
刚刚及格 :Scrape through an examination
Squeaked through the examination.
5幸运 : lucky to...
providential(神奇的 ,上天眷顾的 )
6赞同 ,支持 ,顶: go along with s.b.
7邀请 : invite sb to do sth
8上菜 ,分菜 ,在某人面前放 : serve
coffe 9 倒咖啡 : pour coffee
10 晚饭如何 : How was your dinner?
11 绕道过来 : I'm glad you came by.
单词 :
清教徒 :pilgrim 收获 : harvest
Man's Best Friend 19-21集
1 If they come home and they're on ... 速度
2 It sounded like a dog barking right here. 注意 right 的发音
1考虑周到的 :They're so thoughtful.
2别隐瞒了 ,你有事情 ,我能感觉到 :yes,there is , I can tell 3询问什么状况的表达式 :
What's the matter?
What's up?
What happens here?
What's wrong?
what's happening?
What go on?
4待某人很好 : The Molinas treat me so nicely
I know I must seem silly.
This is ridiculous! 可笑的
It is enough to make a horse laugh极.其可笑。

cheer you up
Chirk up!
He finally bestirred himself. 他让自己振作了起来Come, bestir yourself!
You must try to pull yourself together.
Gather oneself together.
be up and doing.
he roused himself to talk to Christine.他打起精神来与克里斯廷谈话。

Spunk up before the public at least.至少你要在公众面前打起精神来。

7 否则的另一种表达方式 : or else
I have to turn off the lights, or else my father will get really angry.我得关掉灯 ,不然我爸会生气 .
8 别客气 : Make yourself at home.
Do not stand on ceremony.
9无家可归 :
You've lost your family.
He was left completely on the pavement.
She was with no real roof over her head.
10 电话停机 ,空号 :The number's no longer in service.
1傻,可笑 : silly
2起士汉堡 : cheeseburger
3炸薯条 :french fries
4使某人高兴的 :Chirk
5激励 :bestir
6Springer Spaniel 斯宾格猎犬 ,激飞猎犬 ,
AKC) 认证的Spaniel 有12 种之多Spaniel 是一个庞大的犬家族,全舍俱乐部(
7 Beagle 小猎犬猎兔犬
Man's Best Friend 19-21集
速读句子 :
1 With a little help from the ASPCA
2 I'd like to bring to you. d k 失音
3 They're still open ?are 弱读
4 They're open until nine o'clock.
实际分解读音为They're openun til nine o'clock.
5 I'll adopt her. 速读句子实际分解读音为I'll la dopt her
表达方式 :
1找他们没错 :They're the ones.
2 就是那个,没错 :that's it!
3 被树卡住 :was caught in the branches of our tree
4 你们开到多晚 :how late are you open?
5 九点之前 : by nine
6把...带来 ,进口 : bring over sth. or bring sth.
over 7 把...带去 : take sth. by there
8 无法抗拒 ,人见人爱 :She's hard to resist.
9 出门在外都不容易 :It's not easy being away from home.
10 出发去某地 :We're off to the animal shelter.
11 要你的名字 (你的证件 )就够了 :Your name(ID) will do.
单词 :
1the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.
2学期 :semester
3爱和关怀 love and affection
4 (美俚 )豿: poochie.
Man's Best Friend 19-21集
速读句子 :
1 With a little help from the ASPCA 弱读 with
2 I'd like to bring to you. d k 失音
3 They're still open ? are 弱读
4 They're open until nine o'clock. 实际分解读音为 They're openun til nine o'clock.
5 I'll adopt her. 速读句子实际分解读音为 I'll la dopt her
表达方式 :
1 找他们没错 :They're the ones.
2 就是那个没错 :that's it!
3被树卡住 :was caught in the branches of our tree
4你们开到多晚 :how late are you open?
5九点之前 : by nine
6把...带来 ,进口 : bring over sth. or bring sth.
over 7 把...带去 : take sth. by there
8 无法抗拒 ,人见人爱 :She's hard to resist.
9 出门在外都不容易 :It's not easy being away from home.
10 出发去某地 :We're off to the animal shelter.
11要你的名字 (你的证件 )就够了 :Your name(ID) will do.
单词 :
1the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.
2学期 :semester
3爱和关怀 love and affection
4 (美俚 )豿: poochie.
Man's Best Friend 19-21 集
速读句子 :
1 We want to be surethat you're(tha ture) responsible 连读
2 and that you can take good(弱读 ) care of an animal. 连读
3 Then you have to fill out this form about your(连读 )
4 your reasons for wantingan animal. an animal(连读 )实际发音 a na nimal
5 Just to haveas a pet (注意 as 速读 )
6 Then an adultmust sign for you. must 弱读
7 Her eyes look so sad. her弱读
8 I see you're both animal lovers. I弱读
9 We'll call in a couple of days. We'll 连读
10 Even if they are kind to Gemma, 连读速读 Even if-- 实际发音为 E-venif
11 Ginger ale with lots of ice for me 速读
12 The ownersclaimed Gemma 注意熟悉 claimed 的使用
13 And somewill even come when you call. 连读粘连 wil leven
14We like to think of them as our friends 速读
15Some live under water. Some live in a cage. live 弱读
表达方式 :
1填表 : fill out this form
2就这样么 ? Is that it?
3还有一些 : No, there's(连读 ) more.
4还有什么 :anything else?
5抱抱 ,搂抱 ,依偎 : cuddle with it
6热心的 ,主动的 ,帮忙的 ,殷勤的 : being so helpful
麥兜說 :I want to help you to wash the dishes.
麥太說 :How come you being so helpful?
麥兜說 :I failed in the test.
麥太說 :Oh!How come!
7 How come 约等于 Why
区别是 : “How comeyou didn't call me last night? 你为”什么昨晚没打电话给我呢?这句话如果换成用“why”就须要用一般的问句形式“Why didn't you call me last night? 。

8行了么 ?伙计们 ? 可以点菜了 ? Ready,folks?
9半熟的 : medium rare
10生洋葱 : raw onion
11什么时候来一趟 : come by someday
单词 :
1介绍人 : references
2好伙伴 : a pal
3索取 ,声称 : claim
4Folks,父母 ,家人 ,亲戚 ,人们 ,很不正式的说法 ,但没有任何不敬的含义 .
5调味酱 :Salad dressing
6 droopy 下垂,无精打采的
7 floppy 松软的,懒散邋遢的
ou're Going to Be Fine
速读句子 : droop eyes floppy ears
1 and we should remove them as soon as possible速.(读 )
2 I'll try to arrange the schedule连读,弱读Dr. Stewart(速读 ,其中 t 弱读 )
3 after we remove his tonsils. 连(读 )
4 When you come out(重读 ) of the hospital.
4 does your throat hurt?(连读 )
5 It's a problem, isn't it?(速读 )
6 you won't get so many colds anymore(速读 )
1 Thank you for your reassurance
2sore throats 喉咙疼
3put it off 拖延 ,推迟
4talk it over 好好商量一下
5Let me try to work something out 让我想个办法
6She has a special way with kids 有一套办法
7 Everything will be just fine. 一切都会好的
pajama and robe 睡裤睡袍
eg:A good doctor combines reassurance with fellow feelings for his or her patients.
