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Ship Energy Efficiency Management
Plan (SEEMP)
(根据IMO. MEPC.213(63)《船舶能效管理计划(SEEMP)制订导则》和Circ.684《船舶能效营运指数(EEOI)自愿使用指南》等编写)
Based on IMO. MEPC.213(63) "Guidance For The Development Of A Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan" and Circ.684 "Guide For Using Energy Efficiency Operational Indicator (EEOI)"
船名Ship Name: ***
船型Ship Type: ***
总吨Gross Tonnage: ***
IMO 识别号Identification No:***
**** CORP.
Table of Contents
Part One Basic Contents of the Ship Energy Efficiency
Management Plan
第一章总则 (14)
ChapterⅠGeneral Rules (14)
1.1 目的Purpose
1.2 定义和缩写Definition and Abbreviation
1.3 依据Basis
1.4 参考资料Reference Data
1.5 SEEMP的使用和管理Use and Management of the SEEMP (18)
第二章船舶能效管理要求 (19)
ChapterⅡShip Energy Efficiency Management Requirements (19)
2.1公司能效方针和实现目标Energy Efficiency Policies and Objectives of the Company (19)
2.2 职能与职责Functions and Duties . 21 2.3计划Plan (31)
2.4实施Implementation (32)
2.5监测Monitoring (35)
2.6评估与改进Assessment and Improvement (39)
第三章船舶能效管理最佳实践 (41)
ChapterⅢBest Practices of Ship Energy Efficiency Management (41)
3.1公司对船舶的营运管理Company's Operation Management on Ships (41)
3.1.1租船合同管理Management of Charter Contract (41)
3.1.2船队管理Fleet Management (41)
3.2航次优化计划Voyage Optimization Plan
3.2.1航次计划 (42)
3.2.2船速优化Ship Speed Optimization 43 3.2.3 船舶吃水差和压载水操作优化及最佳
纵倾Ship Draft Difference and Ballast Water Operation Optimization and Optimum Trim (46)
3.2.4 舵和航向控制系统(自动操舵仪)的最佳使用Best Operation of the Rudder and Direction Control System (Automatic Pilot) 47
3.3相关方的及时沟通Timely Communication between Interested Parties (47)
3.3.1与承租人的沟通Communication with the Charterer (47)
3.3.2与码头方的沟通Communication with the Wharf Side (48)
3.3.3公司船岸沟通Communication between Ship and Shore of the Company 48
3.3.4船舶内部沟通Internal Communication of the Ship (49)
3.4螺旋桨和船体检查Propeller and Hull Inspection (50)
3.4.1螺旋桨的检查和保养The Inspection
and Maintenance of the Propeller (50)
3.4.2船体的检查Hull Inspection (50)
3.5机械设备优化计划Optimization Plan of Mechanical Equipment (53)
3.5.1主机的监控和优化Monitoring and Optimization of the Main Engine (53)
3.5.2副机的监控和优化Monitoring and Optimization of the Auxiliary Engine (54)
3.5.3 吹灰系统维护保养Maintenance of the Soot Blowing System (55)
3.5.4 供油、供水、供泥浆系统的使用和管理Use and Management of the Oil, Water and Slurry Supply System (56)
3.5.5 船舶燃料管理Fuel Management of the Ship (57)
3.6节能意识和新技术Energy-Saving Awareness and New Technology (59)
3.6.1特定公共区域能源保护程序(生活区)Energy Conservation Procedure within Specific Public Area (Living Quarters) . 59 3.6.2新技术、新能源的利用Utilization of New Technology and Energy (60)
3.7船员责任心和工作技能Sense of Responsibility and Working Skills of the Crew (60)
3.7.1船员节能责任心的培养Cultivation of Crew’s Sense of Responsibility for Energy Saving (60)
3.7.2船员的工作技能Working Skills of the Crew (60)
附录1:船舶能效措施实施计划 (62)
Annex 1: Ship Energy Efficiency Measures Implementation Plan (62)
附录2:综合能耗报告 (62)
Annex 2: Report of Comprehensive Energy Consumption (62)
附录3:船舶万元产值综合能耗记录 (62)
Annex 3: Record of Ship Comprehensive Energy Consumption Per 10,000 Yuan Output Value (62)
附录4:SEEMP自评估记录 (62)
Annex 4: Self Assessment Record of the SEEMP (62)



According to the study of relevant professional organizations, the shipping industry has an annual consumption of 2 billion barrels of fuel oil, and produces 6% of the overall global carbon dioxide emissions. Industry insiders predict that by 2020 the global shipping industry will need more fuel, which will cause greenhouse gas emissions increase by 75% on the current base. As the climate warming has become a major environmental problem capturing worldwide attention, governments and industries are taking all possible measures to reduce the emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases.
为有效控制船舶营运对环境造成的污染,IMO海环会第59届会议提出了新造船舶能效设计指数(EEDI)(MEPC.1 Circ.681 EEDI calculation)、营运船舶能效营运指数(EEOI)(MEPC.1 Circ.682 verification of EEDI)和船舶能效管理计划(SEEMP)(MEPC.1 Circ.683 SEEMP),要求各航运企业将须逐步制定能效管理计划。


For the purpose of controlling the environment pollution caused by ship operation, the IMO Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) has put forward the new ship Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) (MEPC.1 Circ.681 EEDI calculation), operational ship Energy Efficiency Operational Indicator (EEOI) (MEPC.1 Circ.682 verification of EEDI), and Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) (MEPC.1 Circ.683 SEEMP) on the 59th meeting, requiring all shipping enterprises
to make energy efficiency management plan step by step. On the 63rd meeting, the MEPC modified the Circ.683 and published a new MEPC.1/Circ.213 (Guidance For The Development Of A Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan).
国际海事组织(IMO)于2008年10月10日在第58届海上环境保护委员会上,以MPPC.176(58)决议通过了的MARPOL73/78公约附则VI 2008修正案,将于2010年7月1日起强制生效。

根据该公约第14条要求:2015年1月1日及以后在Sox排放控制区(简称SECA区域)船舶使用燃油的含硫量为0.10% 。



The International Maritime Organization (IMO) passed, by resolution MPPC.176(58), 2008 amendment to the MARPOL73/78 Convention Annex VI on the 58th maritime environment protection committee hold on October 10, 2008, which shall be effected on July 1, 2010. According to the requirements of the Article 14 of the Convention: the sulphur content of the fuel oil used by ships in Sox Emission Control Area (hereinafter referred to as SECA) shall be 0.10% for January 1, 2015 and after. A new section named “regulations on energy efficiency for ships” shall be included in MARPOL Annex VI, and the EEDI and SEEMP shall be enforced on January 1, 2013. Therefore, global shipping enterprises will face stricter enforcement requirements for energy conservation and emission reduction.
欧盟2005/33/EC法令,从2010 年1 月1 日起,所有停靠(包括锚泊)欧盟港口二小时以上的船舶,将执行其使用的燃油含硫量不得超过0.10% 的规定。




用于评估船舶Nox、Sox 、CO2的排放情况,根据评估结果采取对船舶进行奖励或在港口使费上给予减免等激励措施。


According to the EU 2005/33/EC Act, since January 1, 2010, all ships berthing (including anchoring) on EU ports for more than two hours shall perform the provision of its use of fuel sulfur content shall not exceed 0.10%. And mandatory requirements of low carbon emissions will be raised to ships abutting the EU area. The IMO MEPC is studying the seven market mechanism measu res based on the “carbon emissions trading” and "carbon tax" of ocean shipping. EU may take unilateral action, following the air transport industry, to include shipping carbon emissions into the ETS (carbon trading system), to charge shipping carbon emission fees. The IAPH (International Association of Ports and Harbors) developed the "Environmental Ship Index (ESI)" to assess ships’ Nox, Sox, CO2 emissions, and took incentives such as rewarding or giving relief on port charges according to the results of the assessment. Relying on their own strong influence in the bulk, tanker and container market, RIGHTSHIP, OCIMF, BSR (Business for Social Responsibility) launched their energy efficiency assessment and rating systems in their respective fields, causing significant influence in chartering market in respects of bulk, tanker and container.

The 211 files make clear the transportation energy saving "12th Five-Year Plan" requirements, requiring operational ships, by 2015, to decrease “energy intensity” by 15% and “CO2 emission intensity” by 16% compared to 2005.



Ship energy efficiency management refers to make strict control and management on ship energy consumption and energy use efficiency and CO2 emissions. The energy efficiency management plan for operational ships is an indispensable part for the shipping enterprises to implement energy management system. In recent years, as the world energy situation is worsening, oil price is soaring, the proportion of fuel costs in the operating costs of shipping enterprises is continuously increasing, and under the trend of international and domestic energy conservation and emission reduction, the guarantee for reducing EEOI value is that all shipping enterprises to pay more attention to energy management, take ship energy consumption factors into consideration, continue to improve ship fuel utilization efficiency and make efforts to reduce ship fuel consumption per unit of cargo operations. In addition, when making response to the intense competition of the shipping market, rising fuel costs and more stringent emission reduction requirements, controlling and improving ship energy efficiency is the key for shipping enterprises to reduce operating costs and improve fleet competitiveness from the long term.

Corporation to honor its commitment to track and analyze the energy
consumption of the ship to protect humans and the environment, to take advantage of the lessons learned and best practices, improve energy efficiency and reduce emissions

t Corp is to carry on ship operations and offshore operations with high energy efficiency to the best of its ability under the premise of safe and reliable operation.
总经理General Manager:
第一部分船舶能效管理计划基本内容Part One Basic Contents of the Ship Energy Efficiency
Management Plan
ChapterⅠGeneral Rules
1.1 目的Purpose
1.1.1 积极承担对人类环境保护的社会责任,打造绿色航运企业,按照国际组
Energy Efficiency Management Plan,以下简称SEEMP),能效管

To actively take social responsibility for
environmental protection and create green shipping enterprises,
the company has established the "Ship Energy Efficiency
Management Plan (hereinafter referred to as SEEMP) in
accordance with the relevant requirements of the international
organizations, flag states and industry organizations. As a part of
the company’s integrated management system, the SEEMP aims
to focus on the systems and procedures with the highest
energy-saving potential, improve the process of shipping
operation, achieve maximum energy efficiency in three aspects of
management measures, technical measures and operational
measures, and increase social and corporate benefits by
adopting and continuously improving effective energy-saving
and consumption-reducing measures, fulfilling the company's
energy efficiency policies systematically, improving the ship's
energy efficiency and reducing carbon emissions.
1.1.2 SEEMP遵循计划-实施-检查(监测)-改进(PDCA)的运行模式,

The SEEMP complies
with the operational mode of plan–do –check (supervision) –
action and maintains its effectiveness by improving
1.2 定义和缩写Definition and Abbreviation
1.2.1 定义Definition 能效:能源利用效率,即得到的结果与所使用的能源之间的关系。

efficiency: efficiency of energy use, means the relation between
gained results and used energy. 能效因素:在船舶运输/作业服务中,影响船舶能源消耗、能源利用效率

Energy efficiency factor: factors influencing
ship energy consumption, energy use efficiency and CO2
emissions during the ship transportation/operation. 能效方针:由公司的最高管理者正式发布的船舶能效管理的宗旨和方

Energy efficiency policy: purpose and direction of ship energy
efficiency management officially released by the company's top
management. 能效目标:降低船舶能耗、提高能源利用效率、减少CO2排放。

efficiency objective: to reduce ship energy consumption, improve
energy use efficiency, and reduce CO2 emissions. 能效指标:由能效目标产生的,为实现能效目标所需规定的具体要求。

Energy efficiency index: specific requirements prescribed for
achieving energy efficiency objective. 万元产值综合能耗:每万元生产产值所消耗的能源量(吨标准煤/万元)。

Comprehensive Energy Consumption Per 10,000 Yuan Output
Value: the amount of energy consumed per 10,000 yuan output
value. 能效营运指数(EEOI):为船舶单位运输作业所排放的CO2量,即消耗

Energy efficiency operational indicator (EEOI):
the mass of CO2 emitted per unit of ship transport work, equal to
the ratio of mass of CO2 emitted from consuming fuel oil to the
amount and transport distance of cargoes, which is used to
measure the ship energy efficiency during a staged period. 平均EEOI:为船舶某段时间或多个航次运输作业所排放的CO2量,即消

Average EEOI: the mass of CO2 emitted for a
period or for a number of voyages, equal to the ratio of mass of
CO2 emitted from consuming fuel oil to the amount and transport
distance of cargoes, which is used to measure the ship energy
efficiency during a staged period. CO2排放强度指标:营运船舶单位运输周转量的CO2排放量。


)CO2 emission intensity index:
the mass of CO2 emitted per unit of transport turn-round volume
for operational ships. (“the 12th Five Year Plan" emission index of
Ministry of Transportation, the same as EEOI.) 能源强度指标:营运船舶主机运行每小时耗油量。

Energy intensity
index: the amount of oil consumed for the operational ship to run
its main engine for an hour. 航段:指从一个石油基地港口出发至某一海上油田装置或海上装置出发

Route segment: refers
to the time segment between starting off from a petroleum
production base to an offshore oilfield plant or starting off from
an offshore installation to another offshore installation or
petroleum production base.
1.2.2 缩写Abbreviation IMO ——国际海事组织International Maritime Organization; MEPC ——国际海事组织海上环境保护委员会IMO Maritime
Environment Protection Committee; EEOI ——能效营运指标Energy Efficiency Operational Indicator; SEEMP ——船舶能效管理计划Ship Energy Efficiency
Management Plan; IEEC——国际能效证书International Energy Efficiency Certificate 1.3 依据Basis
1.3.1 IMO. MEPC.213(63)《船舶能效管理计划(SEEMP)制订导则》IMO.
MEPC.213(63)"Guidance For The Development Of A Ship Energy
Efficiency Management Plan(SEEMP) "
1.3.2 IMO.MEPC.1/Circ.684《船舶能效营运指数(EEOI)自愿使用指南》
IMO.MEPC.1/Circ.684 "Guide For Using Energy Efficiency
Operational Indicator (EEOI)"
1.3.3 ISO8217 船用燃油国际标准ISO8217 International Standard For
Bunker Fuel Oil
1.3.4 中国船级社《船舶能效管理计划制定与核查指南》CCS Guidance for
Establishing and Verifying SEEMP
1.3.5 GB/T2589-2008《综合能耗计算通则》GB/T2589-2008 General Rules
for Calculating Comprehensive Energy Consumption
1.4 参考资料Reference Data
1.4.1 石油公司国际海事论坛组织(OCIMF)《能源效率和燃油管理(Energy
Efficiency and Fuel Management)》OCIMF Energy Efficiency and
Fuel Management
1.4.2 INTERTANKO 《船舶能效管理计划指南》INTERTANKO Guidance for
1.5 SEEMP的使用和管理Use and Management of the
1.5.1 SEEMP由公司安全环保部负责编制、更新和发放。

The SEEMP is
established, updated and released by the company's safety &
environment protection department.
1.5.2 SEEMP由所标明的船舶使用和保管,船长负责保存。

The SEEMP is
used and kept by the indicated ship and preserved by the captain.
1.5.3 船舶实施SEEMP而产生的相关记录由船舶保存,保存2年。

records generated by implementing the SEEMP are preserved by the
ship for 2 years.
1.5.4 岸上对船舶实施SEEMP的监控和评估产生的记录由公司保存,保存2

Records generated by monitoring and assessing the ship's
implementation of SEEMP shall be preserved by the company for 2
ChapterⅡShip Energy Efficiency Management
2.1公司能效方针和实现目标Energy Efficiency Policies and Objectives of the Company
1) 能效方针:

Energy efficiency policies
Cherishing energy, saving energy and reducing
emission, protecting environment, and developing
2) 实现目标:
i. 提供必需的资源,共享最佳方案和措施;
ii. 制定船舶能效管理计划,建立能效管理机制;
iii. 培训船岸员工,提高能效管理意识和技能;
iv. 定期评估能效管理措施的有效性,不断改进和完善能效管理计划。

●The company’s energy efficiency management
i. To provide necessary resources and share best programs and
ii. To work out ship energy efficiency management plan and establish energy efficiency management mechanism;
iii. To train ship and shore staffs and improve their energy efficiency management consciousness and skills;
iv. To periodically assess the effectiveness of the energy efficiency management measures and continuously improve
and perfect the energy efficiency management plan.
●Ships’ energy efficiency management objectives:
Index of Comprehensive Energy Consumption Per 10,000
Yuan Output Value: 1.2 (tons of standard coal/10,000
3) 承诺:公司致力于在船队推广使用降低船舶能源消耗的方法,不断提高

a) 遵守与船舶能效管理适用的国际公约、法律法规、标准及其它航业
b) 建立提高船舶营运能效的机制,通过跟踪和分析船舶的能量消耗,
Commitment:The company commits to extend the adoption
of measures could reduce ship energy consumption
throughout the fleets and continuously improve energy use
efficiency while reducing pollution caused by CO2 emissions.
The company promised to continuously improve the following measures used to achieve the above objectives:
a) To comply with international conventions, laws and
regulations and standards as well as requirements of other
organizations in shipping industry applied to ship energy
efficiency management;
b) To establish a mechanism improving EEOI and systematically
and effectively manage the ship energy efficiency by
following and analyzing the ship's energy consumption and
make efforts to improve ship energy efficiency.
2.2 职能与职责Functions and Duties
2.2.1 公司能效管理者代表:






2.2.1 Company's energy efficiency management representative:
To effectively carry out the ship’s energy efficiency management
work, the management shall specify the roles, duties and
authorities and document them, and make effective
communications. The top management has appointed Yan
Jianping, vice-general manager of the company, as the
company’s energy efficiency management representative.
Whether the company’s energy efficiency management
representative is responsible for other aspects, his roles, duties
and authorities in the energy efficiency management plan shall be
able to:
●To establish, implement and maintain the SEEMP in
accordance with the requirements of this document.
●To report the running condition of the SEEMP to the top
management for review and suggest improvements.
●Be responsible for the external contact related to the energy
efficiency management system.
●Monitor the company's ship energy efficiency management
work on the ship and shore.
●Make sure the company could provide the ship with sufficient
resources and shore-based support as required.
2.2.2 能效管理组织框架Organizational Structure of Energy Efficiency
The company shall in accordance with management
organizations to detail the responsibilities, rights and mutual
relations of each department (supervisor):
公司组织机构框架Company Organizational Structure
2.2.3 公司各部门其主要职责:Major duties of each department of the
Safety & Environment Protection Department:
• 负责监管船舶能效管理计划实施。

Responsible for supervising the ship energy efficiency management plan.
• 负责船舶能效管理相关证书的管理。

Responsible for the management of ship energy efficiency management related certificates.
• 负责船舶能效管理计划的编写、修改、发放、登记。

Responsible for the establishment, modification, release and registration of the SEEMP.
Engineering Department:
· ·船舶能效管理计划实施的监管部门,负责船舶能效管理的日常事

The SEEMP for the implementation of the supervision
department, is responsible for the SEEM of daily affairs,
the implementation of process monitoring SEEMP.

To guide the ship to complete the ship energy efficiency management in accordance with ship energy efficiency management measures, and review the energy efficiency improvement measures developed by the ship. After the review, inform the ship to implement them, and provide the ship with necessary support for adopting the energy efficiency improvement measures.



To monitor the ship's energy efficiency data and make statistics, analysis and report, check and approve the self assessment report of ship energy efficiency management and timely release it, examine and approve the indexes of the ship's annual fuel savings and Comprehensive Energy Consumption Per 10,000 Yuan Output Value. Be responsible for supervising the effectiveness measures related mechanical in the SEEMP. Make routine checks on the specific performance of energy efficiency measures, and assess the performance of ship energy efficiency management, and follow the maintenance and management of the ship energy efficiency monitoring device, and guide the ship to form ship energy efficiency management measures and timely report back to the ship.

To check and approve ship energy efficiency data records.
According to the features of the ship energy efficiency data, objective of energy conservation and emission reduction, Comprehensive Energy Consumption Per 10,000 Yuan Output Value and development tendency of ship energy efficiency management, to establish next year's objectives of ship energy conservation and emission reduction and index of Comprehensive Energy Consumption Per 10,000 Yuan Output Value and submit them to the general manager for examination and approval.

Supervision and management of the ship's fuel oil, lubricating oil supply, and make sure the quality of fuel oil meets the requirements of international conventions and regulations.

To supervise ships' management and use of fuel oil, and know well the consumption of ships' fuel oil and lube oil.

To timely guide and adopt corrective measures and conduct implementation and verification when irregularities occur.
生产调度室:Production Scheduling Room:

Responsible for supervising and conducting of shipping route operation.

Be responsible for supervising the effectiveness measures related marine in the SEEMP.
·与港方协调,确认泊位的情况,合理安排靠泊时间.Coordinate with the port side to confirm the berth situation and arrange proper
berthing time.

To provide the ship with sufficient resources and marine support.


Understanding their
own requirements through communication. Bring the
synergistic effect in respects of shipping date arrangement,
navigational speed control and fuel oil management into play
to improve ships' operation efficiency.

Responsible for supervising and
managing the ship's dynamic.
人力资源:Human Resources Department:

Responsible for the educational training of crew'
ship energy-saving knowledge, technology/requirements and
related professional skills.

Responsible for providing ships implementing energy efficiency
management plan with human resources support.
Marketing Department:

Responsible for signing ship leasing contract.

Responsible for the statistics of ship output value.
2.2.4 船舶Ship

The captain is fully responsible for the implementation of this SEEMP.

The ship shall record all data and
information related to the implementation of SEEMP in
accordance with the requirements of Annex 1- Ship Energy
Efficiency Measures Implementation Plan.

The ship shall regularly report the fuel oil consumption to the company.




As a member of the ship, the crew plays a very
significant role in respects of higher energy efficiency and
energy conservation. Everyone shall be familiar with the
operation of the ship's equipment and know well some
specific equipment's potential in terms of energy wastage or
conservation to manage and operate the equipment properly.
The crew shall also have good electric energy saving habits
such as turning off head lamp, television and compressor fan,
which has tremendous energy-saving potential.

To regularly organize
assessment on the completion of objectives of this SEEMP,
and report to the company in the Ship Management System
Operation and Review Report.

The captain
shall regularly organize the evaluation of Ship Energy
Efficiency Measures Implementation Plan, find out the
problems exist in its implementation and organize its modification and improvement.

Guidance, supervision of all personnel in accordance with the SEEMP.
Engine Department:
➢轮机长是机舱能源管理工作的主要负责人;The chief Engineer is the leading responsible person for energy management of the engine room.

制定本部门的能源管理措施,指导、监督大管轮、二管轮加装燃、润油的防污染措施的执行;Responsible for maintaining power equipment of the ship and ensuring the equipment are in good working condition, and establishing consumption reduction and energy conservation measures according to the actual situation of this ship, and ensuring the content and data are correct, as well as responsible for the measurement of the ship's energy consumption. To establish energy management measures of the department, to guide and supervise the second engineer and third engineer to implement anti-pollution measures in respect of fuel and lube oil refilling.

The second engineer is responsible for the refilling of lube oil and the maintenance of main engine, ensuring the main engine is running under the preset working condition.


The third engineer is responsible for refilling the ship with fuel oil. To coordinate and supervise staffs related to the refilling during the refilling work.

The marine engineer shall perform ship operation in strict accordance with the established SEEMP during sailing, mooring and berthing.
甲板部Deck Department
➢大副是甲板部能源管理工作的主要负责人;The first mate is the leading responsible person for the energy management work of the deck department.

The first mate is responsible for establishing and implementing the energy efficiency management measures related to cargo (including liquid cargo) handling and the deballast and transportation process of ballast water. To scientifically conduct the stowage, loading and discharging operation in a reasonable range.
➢二副按照公司要求科学合理制定和实施船舶航线设计和安排;The second mate shall scientifically and reasonably establish and implement the ship route planning and scheduling as the company required;

The pilot shall operate the ship in strict accordance with SEEMP during sailing, mooring and wharf handling.。
