名词解释1.Accounting: An information and measurement system that identifies, records, and municatesrelevant, reliable, and parable information about an organization’s business activities.(P2)2.Double-entry bookkeeping: each transaction affect, and are recorded in, at least two accounts. It alsomeans the total amount debited must equal the total amount credited for each transaction.(P32) 3.Business entity assumption: a business is accounted for separately from other business entities,including its owner.(P7)4.Going-concern assumption: accounting information reflects a presumption that the business willcontinue operating instead of being closed or sold.(P7)5.Moary unit assumption: we can express transactions and events in moary, or money, units.(P7)6.Time period assumption: the life of pany can be divided into time periods, such as month and years,and that useful reports can be prepared for those periods.(P7)7.Revenue recognition principle: provides guidance on when a pany must recognize revenue.(1.Revenue is recognized when earned. 2. Proceeds from selling products and services need not be incash. 3. revenue is measured by the cash received plus the cash value of any other items received.) (P7)8.Matching principle: a pany must record its expenses incurred to generate the revenue reported. (P7)9.Full-disclosure principle: a pany to report the details behind financial statements that would impactusers’ decisions.(P7)10.Consistency concept: a pany use the same accounting methods period after period so that financialstatements are parable across periods-----the only exception is when a change from one method to another will improver its financial statements.(P152)11.Conservatism constraint: the use of the less optimistic amoun t when more than one estimate of theamount to be received or paid exists and these estimates are about equally likely.(P153)12.Materiality constraint: an amount can be ignored if its effect on the financial statements isunimportant to users’ business decisions.(P232)13.Asset: resources owned or controlled by a pany and that have expected future benefits.(P29)14.Current Asset: cash and other resources that are expected to be sold, collected or used within oneyear or the pany’s operating cycle, whichever is longer(P97)15.Liability: a probable future payment of assets or services that a pany is presently obligated to makeas a result of past transactions or events. (P281)16.Current liability: also called short-term liabilities, are obligations due within one year or the pany’scycle, whichever is longer.(P282)17.Long-term liability: a pany’s obligations not expected to be paid within the longer of one year or thepany’s operating cycle.(P282)18.Equity: the owner’s claim on a pany’s assets. (P31)19.Retained Earning: the cumulative ine (and loss) not distributed as dividends to itsstockholders.(P348)20.Gross Profit: also called gross margin, which equals sales less cost of goods sold.(P113)sales = Sales – Sales discounts – Sales returned and allowances简答1.Steps involved in Accounting cycle (P95)Step 1 analyze transactionsStep 2 JournalizeStep 3 postStep 4 prepare unadjusted trial balanceStep 5 adjustStep 6 prepare adjusted trial balanceStep 7 prepare statementsStep 8 closeStep 9 prepare post-closing trail balance(step 10 reverse)2.Introduce basic financial statement(P14)1.ine statement——describes a pany’s revenues and expenses along with the resulting ine or lossover a period of time due to earning activities.2.statement of owner’s equity——explains changes in equity from ine ( or loss) and from anyowner investments and withdrawals over a period of time.3.balance sheet——describes a pany’s financial position (types and amounts of assets, liabilitiesand equity) at a point of time.3.Accrual basis VS cash basis (P60)Accrual basis accounting uses the adjusting process to recognize revenues when earned and expenses when incurred ( matched with revenues) .Matching principleCash basis accounting recognizes revenues when cash is received and records expenses when cash is paid.4.Principles of internal control (P202)1.Establish responsibilities2.maintain adequate records3.separate recordkeeping from custody of assets4.divide responsibility for related transactions5.perform regular and independent reviews5.Principles of cash control (P205)1.handling cash is separate from recordkeeping of cash2.cash receipts are promptly deposited in a bank3.cash disbursements are made by check..6.Capital expenditures VS revenue expenditures (P252)Capital expenditures are additional costs of plant assets that provide benefits extending beyond the current period. They are debited to asset accounts and reported on the balance sheet. Capital expenditures increase or improve the type or amount of service an asset provides.Revenue expenditures are additional costs of plant assets that do not materially increase the asset’s life or productive capabilities. They are recorded as expenses and deducted from revenues in the current period’s ine statement.7.advantages and disadvantages of corporation (P345)Advantages: 1.separate legal entity2. limited liability of stockholders3. transferable ownership rights4. continuous life5. lack of mutual agency for stockholders6. ease of capital accumulationDisadvantages: 1. government regulation2.corporate taxation------------------------- 赠予------------------------【幸遇•书屋】你来,或者不来我都在这里,等你、盼你等你婉转而至盼你邂逅而遇你想,或者不想我都在这里,忆你、惜你忆你来时莞尔惜你别时依依你忘,或者不忘我都在这里,念你、羡你念你袅娜身姿羡你悠然书气人生若只如初见任你方便时来随你心性而去却为何,有人为一眼而愁肠百转为一见而不远千里晨起凭栏眺但见云卷云舒风月乍起春寒已淡忘如今秋凉甚好几度眼迷离感谢喧嚣把你高高卷起砸向这一处静逸惊翻了我的万卷和其中的一字一句幸遇只因这一次被你拥抱过,览了被你默诵过,懂了被你翻开又合起被你动了奶酪和心思不舍你的过往和过往的你记挂你的现今和现今的你遐想你的将来和将来的你难了难了相思可以这一世。
一、会计基础术语1. Assets(资产):在会计中,资产指的是公司拥有的具有现金价值的资源,包括现金、存货、房地产等。
2. Liabilities(负债):负债是指公司对外的债务或应付款项,在会计中包括借款、应付账款等。
3. Equity(所有者权益):也被称为净资产或股东权益,表示公司的所有者对于其资产净值的权益。
4. Revenue(收入):收入是指公司通过销售产品或提供服务而获得的资金流入。
5. Expenses(费用):费用是指公司为经营活动而发生的支出,包括租金、工资、税金等。
6. Balance Sheet(资产负债表):资产负债表是一份会计报表,以资产、负债和所有者权益的形式显示公司的财务状况。
二、会计报表1. Income Statement(利润表):利润表显示了公司在一定期间内的收入、费用和净利润。
2. Cash Flow Statement(现金流量表):现金流量表反映了公司在一定期间内现金收入、现金支出以及现金净增加额。
3. Statement of Retained Earnings(留存收益表):留存收益表展示了公司在一定期间内的净利润和分红情况。
4. Statement of Changes in Equity(权益变动表):权益变动表展示了公司在一段时间内所有者权益的变化情况,包括净利润、股东投资等。
三、审计和税务1. Audit(审计):审计是对公司财务报表和财务记录的全面审核和检查。
2. Taxation(税务):税务是指涉及支付税款和申报纳税义务的活动,包括个人所得税、企业所得税等。
3. Tax Return(纳税申报表):纳税申报表是个人或企业向税务机关报告收入和纳税情况的文件。
1、assets(资产):economicresources owned by the business that will benefit futureoperation,GAAP requires theyare valued at cost,notmarketvalue.2、Liabilities(负债):aredebets,the person or persons to whom they are owed are calledcreditors.3、Shareholders’equity(所有者权益):Creditors have legalpriority over theowners’claims.theshareholders’equity is theresidual amount.4、Revenues(收入):are increasesin stockholders’equityresulting from the costs ofselling goods,rending servicesor performing other businessactivities5、Expenses(费用):are decreasesin stockholders’equityresulting from the costs ofselling goods,rending serviceser performing other businessactivities.6、Balance sheet(资产负债表):is alisting of a company’s assets, liabilities and owners’ equity on a given date.it is designedto portray the financialposition of the company at aparticular time.7、Statement of owner’s equity(所有者权益表):shows the changestake place in the owner’scapital during a period of time net income or notloss.withdrawals,and owner’sinvestment for a business.8、Cash flow statement(现金流量表):reports cash receipt andpayments as well as cashinflows and actflows in threegroups:operatingactivites.investingactivites.and financingactivites.9、The income statement(利润表):reports the net income or nerless for the income: revenues-expenses.10、Accrual accounting(权责发生制):requires adjustment for prepaid unearned and accrued items thereforeit reports revenues when earnedand expenses when the expiration of benefit incurred.11、The matching rule(配比原则):states that expenses must be assigned to the accounting period in which they are used to produce revenue.12.going concern principle(持续经营):assumes that a business will continue for an indefinite period.13. time period principle(会计期间):an entity’s activities are divided into specific time periods.such as a year14. full disclosure(充分批露原则):financial statements must report all relevant information about the operations and financial position of the entity15.Consistency principle(一致性原则):an entry must use the same accounting methods period after period so that the financial statements of succeeding period will be comparable.16.materiality principle(重要性原则):an amount may be ignored if its affect on the financialstatements is not important to its users.17.conservatism principle(稳健性原则):the least optimistic estimate should be selected when two estimates of amounts to be received or paid are aboutequality likely;it is better to understate than over values.18.busniness entity principle(会计主体):each entity must keep accounting records and people reports that are distinct from those of the owner and any other entity.19.。
会计英语术语解释第一章Account payable 应付账款Account receivable 应收账款Accounting 会计Accounting equation 会计等式Asset 资产Audit 审计Balance sheet 平衡表(资产负债表)Capital 资本Certified management accountant (CMA) 注册管理会计Certified public accountant (CPA) 注册会计师Corporation 公司Entity 主体Expense 费用Financial accounting 财务会计Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) 财务会计准则委员会Financial statements 财务报告Generally accepted accounting principles(GAAP)公认接受会计准则Income statement 收入表(利润损益表)Liability 负债Management accounting 管理会计Net earnings 净收益Net income 净收入Net loss 净损失Net profit 净利润Note payable 应付票据Note receivable 应收票据Owner's equity 所有者权益Owner withdrawals 实收资本Partnership 合伙制Proprietorship 个体制Revenue 收入Shareholder 股东Statement of cash flows 现金流量表Statement of earnings 净盈余报表Statement of financial position 财务状况报表Statement of operations 运营表Statement of owner's equity 所有者权益报表Stockholder 股东Transaction 交易第二章Account 账簿、账户Chart of accounts会计科目表把……记入贷方CreditDebit把……记入借方Journal日记账Ledger总账、分类账Normal balance 正常余额、平衡Posting登帐、过账Trial balance 试算平衡第三章Accrual accounting 权责发生制book value(of a plant asset) 账面价值plant asset 固定资产Accrued expense 应计费用cash-basis accounting 收付实现制prepaid expense 预付费用Accrued revenue 应计收入contra account 抵消账户revenue principle 收入确认准则Accumulated depreciation累计折旧deferred revenue 递延收入time-period concept会计期间Adjusted trial balance 调整试算平衡depreciation折旧unearned revenue递延收入Adjusting entry 调整分录matching principle 配比原则第四章Accounting cycle 会计循环fixed asset固定资产plant asset 固定资产Closing the accounts 结账income summary 损益汇总账户postclosing trial balance 试算平衡Closing entries 结账分录liquidity 流动性reversing entries 转回分录Current asset 流动资产long-term asset 长期资产temporary accounts 临时性账户Current liability 流动负债long-term liability 长期负债work sheet 工作表Current ratio 流动比率operating cycle 营业周期Debt ratio 资产负债率永久性账户permanent accounts第五章Cost of goods sold 销售成本sales 销货成本of Costmargin边际收入Grosspencentage毛利润率margin Gross毛利润Gross profit 毛利率profit pencentageGross运营收入Income from operations 存货inventory 存货周转inventory turnover发票,收据,单证Invoice多步式利润表Multi-step income statement 净销售Net purchases 净销售收入Net sales revenue 运营成本Operatingexpenses 运营收入income Operating其他费用expenseOther其他收入revenueOther定期盘存制system Periodic inventorysystem永续盘存制inventory Perpetualsales销售Sales discount销售折扣allowances销售返还补贴Sales returns and销售收入revenue Salessingle-step income statement单步式利润表第六章平均成本法Average-cost method谨慎性原则Conservatism 持续经营principle Consistency充分性披露(原则)Disclosure principle先进先出法Firsr-in first-out(FIFO) inventory costing method 加权平均法inventory costing methodWeighted average毛利润法method Gross profitlast-in first-out(FIFO) inventory costing method后进先出法Lower-of -cost-or-market(LCM)rule成本与市价孰低法Materiality concept重要性原则个别确认法indentifiction methodSpecific 个别成本法Specific -unit-cost method 第七章system会计信息系统information accounting processing 分批加工、成批处理batch journal disbursements cash现金支出日记账支票登记簿journal payment cashcash receipts journal 现金收入日记账check register 支票登记簿control account 统驭账户credit memorandum or credit memo 贷方备忘录data warehouse 数据仓库database 数据库debit memorandum or debit memo 借方备忘录、借记卡备忘录Enterprise Resource Planning 企业文化、企业资源规划general journal 普通日记账general ledger 总账hardware 硬件menu 菜单module 模板network 网络online processing 在线处理、联机处理purchases journal 购货日记账sales journal 销售日记账server 服务器software 软件special journal 特种日记账、专用日记账spreadsheet 试算表subsidiary ledger 明细分类账、辅助分类账第八章audit 审计、审核bank collection 银行托收bank reconciliation 银行往来对账单、银行存款余额调节表bank statement 银行对账单、银行结算清单check 支票computer virus 计算机病毒controller 财务主管deposit in transit 在途存款electronic funds transfer 电子资金调拨系统encryption 加密firewalls 防火墙imprest system 定额备用金制度internal control 内部控制nonsufficient funds(NSF)check 空头支票outstanding check 在途支票、未兑付支票petty cash 零用现金、零用金、小额现款Trojan horse 木马、特洛伊木马voucher 付款凭证、传票、凭单第九章Acid-test ratio酸性测试比率账龄分析法Aging-of-accounts method Allowance of Doubtful Accounts坏账准备Allowance for uncollectible accounts坏账准备Allowance method备抵法Bad-debt expense坏账损失Balance-sheet approach决算表平衡法Collection period收账日期Creditor债权人Day's sales in receivables应收账款周转天数Debtor债务人Default on a note不履行付款义务Direct write-off method直接注销法Discounting a note receivable应收票据折价Dishonor of a note 没有追索权Doubtful-account expense呆账费用Due date到期日Income-statement approach损益表方法Interest利息Interest period计息期Interest rate利率Maker of a note出票人Maturity date到期日Maturity value到期价值Note term票据条款Payee of a note持票人(收款票据)Percent-of-sales method销货百分比法Principal本金Principal amount本金金额Promissory note本票Quick ratio速动比率Receivables应收账款Time时间Uncollectible-account expense坏账损失第十章Accelerated depreciation method快速折旧法Amortization摊销Brand names商标名Capital expenditure资本支出Copyright版权Depletion expense折耗费Depreciable cost折旧成本Double-declining-balance(DDB)depreciation method双倍余额递减法Estimated residual value估计残值Estimated useful life估计使用年限非常维修Extraordinary repairFranchises特许权Goodwill商誉Intangibles无形资产Licenses授权Ordinary repair普通修理Patent专利Plant assets固定资产Salvage value残值Straight-line (SL)depreciation method直线法折旧Trademark商标Trade name商标名Units-of-production (UOP)depreciation method单位产量法第十一章accrued expense 应计费用、预提费用accrued liability 应计负债current portion of long-term debt 长期负债中一年内到期的部分current maturity 本期或一年内到期employee compensation 雇员薪酬FICA tax 联邦保险捐助税gross pay 工资的毛收入net pay 净支出payroll 工薪、工资short-term note payable 短期应付票据Social Security tax 社会保险税unemployment compensation tax 事业补偿税withheld income tax 预扣收入税第十三章additional paid-in capital 股本溢价authorization of stock 授权股票board of directors 董事book value 账面价值bylaws 规章、章程chairperson 主席charter 特许权、授权common stock 普通股contributed capital 已投股本cumulative preferred stock 累计优先股deficit 赤字、亏空dividends 股利double taxation 双重税收legal capital 法定资本limited liability 有限责任market value 市场价值发行在外股票outstanding stockpaid-in capital 实收资本par value 票面价值、面值preferred stock 优先股president 总裁、董事长rate of return on common stockholders'equity普通股收益率rate of return on total assets 资产回报率retained earnings 留存收益return on assets 资产回报return on equity 所有者权益回报shareholder 股东stated value设定价值、宣称价值、无票面值股票stock 股票stockholder 股东、股票持有者stockholders' equity 所有者权益第十四章Appropriation of retained earnings 分类盈余Comprehensive income 毛利润,综合收入Earnings per share (EPS)每股收益Extraordinary gains and losses 营业外收入/支出Extraordinary item 异常项目Prior-period adjustment 先期调整Segment of the business 经营部门Statement of stockholders' equity 所有者权益状况变动表Stock dividend 股票股利Stock split 股票分割(折分)Treasury stock 库藏股第十五章Bond discount 债券折价Bond premium 债券溢价Bonds payable 应付债券Callable bonds 可回购债券Capital lease 融资租赁Convertible bonds 可转换债券Debentures 信用债券(无担保债券)Discount(on a bond)折价Effective interest rate 有效利(息)率Lease 租赁Lessee 承租人Lessor 出租人Leverage 杠杆Market interest rate 投资者实际回报率Mortgage 抵押Operating lease 经营性租赁溢价PremiumPresent value 现值Serial bonds 系列债券Stated interest rate 票面利息率Term bonds 定期债券第十六章available-for-sale investments 可供出售投资(不以控制为目的)consolidated statements 合并会计报表controlling interest 主权益equity method 权益法foreign-currency exchange rate 汇率hedging 套期保值held-to-maturity investments 持有至到期投资long-term investment 长期投资majority interest 主权益marketable security 短期投资market-value method 市场法。
《会计学原理》慕课模块术语中英文对照表 (1)
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王德宏《会计学原理》慕课英汉对照会计术语表模块一Accounting 会计/会计学Accounting equation 会计等式,即资产=负债+所有者权益American Accounting Association (AAA) 美国会计协会(本课程讲授者就是AAA的会员) Assets 资产,与负债相对Auditors 审计师/核数师Balance sheet 资产负债表,即综合反映企业中资产、负债和所有者权益的会计报表Bookkeeping 记账Business entity assumption 会计主体假设Code of Ethics 职业道德守则Common stock 普通股,与优先股相对Connected transaction 关联交易,也称related party transactionCorporation 公司制企业Cost principle 成本原则Equity 权益Ethics 职业道德Events 事项Expanded accounting equation 扩展会计等式,即将所有者权益再进行细分后的会计等式Expenses 费用,与收入相对External transactions 外部交易,与内部交易相对External users 外部使用者,与内部使用者相对Financial accounting 财务会计,主要用于外部使用者Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) (美国)财务会计准则委员会Full disclosure principle 充分披露原则Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) 公认会计准则Going concern assumption 持续经营假设Income statement 利润表,也称损益表,主要用于报告企业的收入、费用以及利润或损失Internal transactions 内部交易,与外部交易相对Internal users 内部使用者,与外部使用者相对International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) 国际会计准则委员会International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) 国际财务报告准则Liabilities 负债,与资产相对Managerial accounting 管理会计,主要用于内部使用者Matching principles 配比原则Monetary unit assumption 货币计量假设Net income 净利润,出现在收入大于费用时Net loss 净损失,出现在收入小于费用时Owner, Capital 所有者资本Owner investment 所有者投资Owner withdrawal 所有者提取,例如所有者撤资和发给所有者的红利(dividends)等Partnership 合伙制企业Proprietorship 独资企业Recordkeeping 记账Related party transaction 关联交易,也称connected transactionRevenue recognition principle 收入确认原则Revenues 收入,与费用相对Sarbanes-Oxley Act 萨班斯-奥克斯利法案,美国安然事件后颁布的要求企业进行更加严格的财务报告的法案Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) (美国)证券交易委员会Shareholders 股东Shares 股份Sole proprietorship 独资企业,本课程中专指一人制独资企业Statement of cash flows 现金流量表,用于报告企业的现金流入流出状况Statement of owner’s equity所有者权益表,也称所有者权益变动表,用于报告企业中所有者权益的变动情况,是资产负债表中所有者权益项目的深入说明Stock 股票Stockholders 股东Time period assumption 会计分期假设Withdrawals 提取模块二Account 账户Account balance 账户余额Balance column account 三栏式账户,主要特点是能够反映账户余额Chart of accounts 会计科目表Compound journal entry 复式日记账分录Credit 贷方Creditors 债权人Debit 借方Debtors 债务人Double entry accounting 复式记账General journal 普通日记账General ledger 总分类账,简称总账Journal 日记账,也称流水账Journalizing 登记日记账,即将会计原始凭证分录到日记账中Ledger 分类账Posting 过账,本课程中指将日记账登记到三栏式账户Posting reference (PR) 过账索引,本课程中指将三栏式账户与日记账相互关联的编号Source documents 会计原始凭证T-account T型账户Trial balance 试算平衡表,即统一列出各个分类账的余额,主要用于查找记账差错和后续会计处理(例如账务调整、期末关账和制作会计报表等)模块三Accounting period 会计期间,例如一个会计季度或会计年度Accrual basis accounting 权责发生制会计,也称应计制会计,是现代企业会计制度的基础Accrued expenses 预提费用,是权责发生制的一种体现Accrued revenues 应计收入,是权责发生制的一种体现Accumulated depreciation 累计折旧,是各个会计期间发生的折旧的累加Adjusted trial balance 经过账务调整后的试算平衡表,是权责发生制的一种体现Adjusting entry 调整分录,用于账务调整Annual financial statements 年度财务报表Book value 账面价值,与市场价值相对Cash basis accounting 收付实现制会计,也称现金制会计,与权责发生制会计相对Contra account 备抵账户,一类特殊账户Depreciation 折旧Fiscal year 会计年度,既可能与日历年度一致(中国等多数国家)也可能不一致(例如部分美国企业)Interim financial statements 中期财务报表,简称中报,指上半年的财务报表Natural business year 自然营业年度,大多数情况下与日历年度一致Plant assets 厂房设备资产,也称固定资产(fixed assets)Prepaid expenses 待摊费用,属于资产科目(将来会转变为费用) ,是权责发生制的一种体现Straight line depreciation method 直线折旧法,最常用和最简单的一种折旧方法Unadjusted trial balance 未经账务调整的试算平衡表Unearned revenue 预收账款,也称递延收入,属于负债科目(将来会转变为收入) ,是权责发生制的一种体现模块四Accounting cycle 会计循环,指一个会计期间内的各个会计处理过程Classified balance sheet 分类资产负债表,指将会计科目按照某种特点分组后列出的资产负债表,便于会计报表使用者阅读和分析。
obsolescence 会计学原理
![obsolescence 会计学原理](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/4062781676232f60ddccda38376baf1ffc4fe302.png)
题目:obsolescence 会计学原理正文:一、 obsolescence 的定义obsolescence 是指对象、主题或者原理因为时代的变迁或者新技术的出现而变得过时或者无效的现象。
在会计学中,obsolescence 主要指的是资产的陈旧、老化或者过时所带来的价值减损或者不再具有产生经济效益的能力。
二、obsolescence 会计学原理的背景在现代经济生活中,由于科技的不断进步和社会发展的需求,各种生产资产和生产工具都会随着时间的推移而逐渐出现陈旧和失效的问题。
这些资产和工具的陈旧和失效对企业的财务状况和经营业绩都会带来一定的影响,obsolescence 会计学原理就是针对这一问题而提出的。
三、obsolescence 会计学原理的应用1. 资产减值测试根据 obsolescence 会计学原理,企业应当定期对其资产进行减值测试,以反映资产的实际价值。
2. 资产折旧核算obsolescence 会计学原理还要求企业在资产折旧核算中,考虑资产的过时性因素。
3. 财务报告披露obsolescence 会计学原理还要求企业在财务报告中披露资产的过时性情况,以便投资者和利益相关方更好地了解企业资产的实际价值和状况。
四、obsolescence 会计学原理的优劣势1. 优势obsolescence 会计学原理的最大优势在于它能够更加准确地反映资产的实际价值和状况。
会计学原理专业英语词汇对照第一章:必知词汇accounting会计recordkeeping or bookkeeping簿记shareholders股东board of directors董事会auditors审计suppliers供应商creditor债权人ethics职业道德GAAP公认会计原则(美国)SEC证券交易委员会(美国)FASB财务会计准则委员会(美国)IASB国际会计准则理事会(国际)IFRS国际财务报告准则(国际)Relevant相关Reliable可靠Comparable可比Principles原则The measurement principle/ the cost principle计量原则/ 成本原则The revenue recognition principle收入确认原则The expense recognition principle/ the matching principle支出确认原则/配比原则Sale on credit/ on account 赊销Purchase on credit/on account赊购The full disclosure principle充分披露原则Assumptions假设The going-concern assumption持续经验假设The monetary unit assumption货币计量假设The time period assumption会计分期假设The business entity assumption会计主体假设Sole proprietorship独资企业Unlimited liability无限责任Partnership合伙企业Corporation公司Double taxation双重课税Expanded accounting equation扩展会计等式Assets资产Liabilities负债Owners, equity 所有者权益Net assets净资产Owners, capital所有者资本Owners, withdrawals所有者提取/所有者抽回投资Expenses费用Revenue收入Net income净利润Net loss净损失Income statement利润表Statement of owners, equity所有者权益表/所有者权益变动表Balance sheet资产负债表Statement of cash flows现金流量表第二章:必知词汇(上文有的不再重复)Accounting books/books会计帐簿Source documents原始凭证Account账户General ledger总分类账Ledger分类账Account receivable应收账款Note receivable应收票据Prepaid accounts/ prepaid expenses预付账款/待摊费用Account payable应付账款Note payable应付票据Unearned revenue预收账款Accrued liabilities应计负债Increase增加Decrease减少Chart of accounts会计科目表T-account T形账户Debit借方(Dr.)Credit贷方(Cr.)Account balance账户余额Normal balance正常余额Double entry accounting 复式记账法Journalizing登记日记账Journal日记账General journal普通日记账Journal entry日记账分录Posting过账Balance column account三栏式账户PR(posting reference)过账索引Trial balance试算平衡表Unadjusted statements调整前的财务报表必记口诀:有借必有贷,借贷必相等。
会计名词解释大全以下是一些常见的会计名词解释:1. 会计(Accounting):记录、报告和分析财务信息的过程。
2. 账户(Account):记录和分类企业的财务交易和活动的记录。
3. 科目(Accounting Equation):一个基本的会计方程式,即资产 = 负债 + 资本。
4. 现金流量表(Cash Flow Statement):显示企业现金流入和流出的财务报表。
5. 资产(Assets):企业所拥有的具有经济价值的资源。
6. 负债(Liabilities):企业所欠的债务和负债。
7. 所有者权益(Owner's Equity):企业的净资产,即资产减去负债。
8. 收入(Revenue):企业从销售产品或提供服务中获得的资金。
9. 费用(Expenses):企业为生产产品或提供服务所发生的成本。
10. 成本(Cost):购买或生产产品所发生的费用。
11. 财务报表(Financial Statements):记录和展示企业财务状况和业绩的文件,包括资产负债表、利润表和现金流量表等。
12. 会计周期(Accounting Period):会计记录和报告财务信息的特定时间段,通常是一年。
13. 资产负债表(Balance Sheet):显示企业在特定日期的资产、负债和所有者权益的财务报表。
14. 利润表(Income Statement):显示企业在特定时间段内的收入、费用和净利润的财务报表。
15. 财务分析(Financial Analysis):对企业财务信息进行评估和解释的过程,以评估企业的健康状况和业绩。
16. 净利润(Net Income):扣除所有费用后,企业在特定时间段内所剩余的收入。
17. 会计政策(Accounting Policies):用于记录和报告财务信息的规定和准则。
18. 审计(Audit):对企业财务信息进行独立检查和评估,以确定其准确性和合规性。
1. Accounting: is an informa on and measurement system that iden fies records and communicates relevant reliable and comparable informa on about an organiza on’s business ac vi es.(P2)
4. External use:r of accoun ng informa on are not directly involved in running the organiza on.(P3)
5. Internal use:r of accoun ng informa on are those directly efficiency and effec veness of an organiza on.(P4)
expenses incurred to generate the revenue reported.(P7) 10. Going-concerning assumption: means that accoun ng informa on
reflects a presump on that the business will con nue opera ng instead of being closed or sold.(P7) 11. Audit: through review of an organiza on’s accoun ng records and accoun ng reports and return make by the analysis. 12. Net income: amount a business earns a er paying all expenses and costs associated with its sales and revenues.(P15) 13. Income statement: describes a company’s revenues and expenses along with the resul ng net income or loss over a period me due to earnings ac vi es.(P14) 14. Statement of owner’s equity: explains changes in equity from net income (or loss) and from any owner investments and withdrawals over a period of me.(P14) 15. Balance sheet: describes a company’s financial posi on (types and amounts of assets liabili es and equity) at a point in me.(P15) 16. Statement of cash flow: siden fies cash inflows (receipts) and cash
1. Assets(资产)资产是指任何有经济价值的资源,可以是现金、股票、债券、房产等,用来支持企业运营。
2. Liabilities(负债)负债是指企业所欠的债务或义务,包括应付账款、贷款、未付工资等。
3. Equity(所有者权益)所有者权益是指企业拥有者对其资产净值的权利。
4. Revenue(收入)收入是企业在正常经营活动中产生的经济利益,如销售商品、提供服务等所获得的钱款。
5. Expenses(费用)费用是企业为了开展正常经营活动而发生的支出,如工资、租金、采购成本等。
6. Depreciation(折旧)折旧是指某种固定资产按照一定的标准逐年减少其价值的过程。
7. Amortization(摊销)摊销是指对某类资产进行逐年分配的过程,以反映其价值随时间的减少。
8. Audit(审计)审计是一项独立的、客观的评估,用于确定企业的财务报表是否符合会计准则和法律法规的规定。
会计专业英语名词解释Chapter 11. Accounting: Accounting is the process of identifying, measuring, recording, andcommunicating economic information to permit informed judgments and decisions by users of the information.2. Accrual basis accounting: Accrual basis accounting refers to an accounting methodthat records financial events based on economic activity rather than financial activity.Under accrual accounting, revenue is recorded when it is earned and realized, regardless of when actual payment is received. Similarly, expenses are matched with revenue regardless of when they are actually paid.3. Balance sheet: Balance sheet is the financial statement showing the financial positionof an entity by summarizing its assets, liabilities, and owner’s equity at one sp ecific date.4. Business entity: Business entity refers to an economic unit that controls resources,incurs obligations, and engages in business activities.5. CAS: Chinese Accounting Standards refer to the accounting concepts, measurementtechniques, and standards of presentation used in financial statements made by the PRC Financial Apartment.6. Cash basis accounting: Cash basis accounting is a method of bookkeeping thatrecords financial events based on cash flows and cash position. Revenue is recognized when cash is received and expense is recognized when cash is paid out.7. Conservatism: Conservatism states that when alternative accounting valuations areequally possible, the accountant should select the one that is least likely to overstate assets and income in the current period.8. Consistency: Consistency means that a company uses the same accountingprinciples and methods from year to year.9. Continuity: Continuity refers to an accounting assumption, also known as thegoing-concern assumption, that the company will continue to operate in the near future, unless substantial evidence to the contrary exists.10. Corporation: Corporation is a business organized as a separate legal entity understate corporation law and having ownership divided into transferable shares of stock.11. Cost principle: Cost principle is a widely used principle of accounting for assets at theiroriginal cost to the current owner.12. Financial accounting: Financial accounting refers to the development and use ofaccounting information describing the financial position of an entity and the results of its operations.13. Financial position: Financial position refers to the financial resources and obligationsof an organization, as described in a balance sheet.14. Financial reporting: Financial reporting refers to the process of periodically providing“general-purpose”financial information (such as financial statements) to persons outside the business organization.15. Financial statements: Financial statements refer to the four related accounting reportsthe summarize the current financial position of an entity and the results of its operations for the preceding year ( or other time period).16. Full disclosure principle: Full disclosure principle requires that circumstances andevents that make a difference to financial statement users be disclosed.17. Going-concern assumption: Go-concern assumption is an assumption by accountantsthat a business will operate indefinitely unless specific evidence to the contrary, such as impending bankruptcy, exists.18. Historical cost: The historical cost of an asset is the exchange price in the transactionin which the asset was acquired.19. Matching principle: Matching principle is an accounting principle that dictates thatexpenses be matched with revenue in the period in which efforts are made to generate revenue.20. Materiality: Materiality refers to the magnitude of an omission or misstatement ofaccounting information that, considering the circumstances, makes it likely that the judgment of a reasonable person relying on the information would have been influenced by the omission or misstatement.21. Market value: Market value is the estimated amount for which a property shouldexchange on the date of valuation between a willing buyer and a willing seller in an arm’s-length transaction after proper marketing wherein the parties had each acted knowledgeably, prudently, and without compulsion,22. Net realizable value: The net realizable value of an asset is the amount of cash (or theequivalent) that could be obtained on the date of the balance sheet by selling the asset in its present condition, in an orderly liquidation.23. Income statement: Income statement is a financial statement indicating theprofitability of a business over a preceding time period.24. Partnership: Partnership is a business owned by two or more persons associated aspartners.25. Present value: The present value of an asset is the net amount of discounted futurecash inflows less the discounted future cash outflows relating to the asset.26. Proprietorship: Partnership is a business owned by one person.27. Relevance: Accounting information is relevant if it can make a difference in a decisionby helping users predict the outcomes of past, present, and future events or confirm or correct prior expectations. To be relevant, accounting information should have either predictive or feedback value, or both. In addition, it should be timely,28. Reliability: Reliable information is reasonably free from error and bias, and faithfullyrepresents what it is intended to represent. That is, to be reliable, information should be verifiable, neutral, and possess representational faithfulness,29. Revenue recognition principle: An accounting principle that dictates that revenue berecognized in the accounting period in which it is earned.30. Statement of cash flow: A financial statement summarizing the cash receipts and cashpayments of the business over the same time period covered by the income statement.31. Statement of owner’s equity: A financial statement explaining certain changes in theamount of the owner’s equity (investment) in the business.1. Asset: Assets mean the entire property of a person, association, corporation, or estateapplicable or subject to the payment of debts.2. Operating cycle: The operating cycle is the time span from when cash is used toacquire goods and service and until cash is received from the sale of goods and service.3. Cash: cash refers to an exchange medium launched into circulation which is availablefor any ordinary use and can be used to purchase goods or services or repay debts.4. Cash equivalents: Cash equivalents are short-term, highly liquid investments or otherassets that readily convertible to cash and sufficiently close to their due date.5. Internal control: Internal control means all policies and procedures used to protectassets, ensure reliable accounting, promote efficient operations, and urge adherence to company policies.Chapter 31. Receivables: Receivables refer to the monetary claims against business, individualsand other debtors.2. Accounts receivable: Accounts receivables are amounts due from customers for creditsales. This section begins by describing how accounts receivables occur. It includes receivables that occur when customers use credit cards issued by third parties and when a company gives credit directly to customers.3. Installment accounts receivables: Installment accounts receivables are amounts overan extended time period.4. Commercial discounts: Commercial discounts refer to a certain sum of moneydeducted from listed prices.5. Cash discounts: Cash discounts refer to a deduction from gross invoice price, whichare an inducement offered to the buyer to encourage the payments of goods within a specific period of time.6. The percentage-of-sale method: The percentage-of-sale method estimates somepercentage of credit sales would turn out to be uncollectible, in which the percentage of bad debts to credit sales should be properly estimated with the past experience. 7. The percentage-of-receivable method: The percentage-of-receivable methodestimates the uncollectible with a percentage of the ending balance of accounts receivables rather than credit sales.8. The aging method: The aging method analyzes the age structure of the accountbalance. In this method, an aging schedule is prepared, classifying the length of time that has passes since the sale that gave rise to them.9. The allowance method: The allowance method is the most usual way that companiesuse to record uncollectible accounts. In calculating uncollectible accounts, an account allowances for uncollectible receivable is set up.10. Promissory note: A promissory note is a written promise to pay a certain sum ofmoney on demand or at a fixed and determinable future time, generally over 30 or 60 days.1. Inventory: Inventory is the total amount if goods and/or materials contained in a storeor factory at any given.2. Product costs: Product costs are those costs that “attach”to the inventory. Suchcharges include freight charges on goods purchased, other direct costs of acquisition, and labor and other production costs incurred in processing the goods up to the time of sale.3. The perpetual inventory system: The perpetual inventory system requires thatseparate inventory ledger be maintained for each goods.4. The periodic inventory system: The periodic inventory system requires a companydetermines the quantity of inventory on hand only periodically, under which the cost of ending inventory is subtracted from the cost of goods available for sale, then the cost of goods sold are determined.5. The specific identification method: The specific identification method can be usedwhen units in the ending inventory can be identified as coming from specific purchases.6. The weighted average cost method: The weighted average cost method assumes thatthe goods available for sale have the same cost per unit. Under this method, the cost of goods available for sale is allocated on the basis of the weighted-average unit c0st.7. The first-in, first-out (FIFO) method: The first-in, first-out (FIFO) method is base on theassumption that the costs of the first items acquired should be assigned to the first item sold.Chapter 51. Accelerated depreciation: Accelerated depreciation is a method of depreciation thatcall for recognition of relatively large amounts if depreciation in the early years of an asset’s useful life and relatively small amounts in the later years.2. Depreciable value: Depreciable value is the amount of the acquisition cost to beallocated as depreciation over the total useful life of an asset. It is the difference between the total acquisition cost and the estimated residual value.3. Depreciation: Depreciation is the systematic allocation of the cost of an asset toexpress over the years of its estimated useful life.4. Fair market value: Fair market value is the value of an asset based on the price forwhich a company could sell the asset to an independent third party.5. Impairment: Impairment is a change in economic conditions which reduces theeconomic usefulness of an asset.6. Residual value: Residual value is the amount a company expects to receive fromdisposal of an asset at the end of its useful life.7. Useful life: Useful life refers to the shorter of the physical life or the economic life of anasset.1. Amortization: The systematic write-off to expense of the cost of an intangible assetover the period of its economic usefulness.2. Copyright: A grant by the state government covering the right to publish, sell, orotherwise control literary or artistic products for the life of the author plus 50 years. 3. Franchises: Agreements entered into by two parties in which, for a fee, one party (thefranchisor) gives the other party (the franchisee) rights to perform certain functions or sell certain products or services.4. Goodwill: The present value of expected future earnings of a business in excess of theearnings normally realized in the industry.5. Identifiable intangible asset: Intangibles that can be purchased or sold separately fromthe other assets of the company.6. Intangible assets: Those assets which are used in the operation of a business butwhich have no physical substance and are not current.7. Leases (or leaseholds): Intangible assets because a right to use the property is heldby the lessee.8. Patent: An exclusive right granted by the state government giving the owner control ofthe manufacturing, sale, or other use of an invention for a period of years from the date of filling.9. Research and development costs: Expenditures that may lead to patent, copy rights,new processes and new products.10. Trademarks: Distinctive identifications of a manufactured product or of a service,taking the form of a name, a sign, a slogan, a logo, or an emblem.Chapter 71. Available-for-sale securities: Securities that may be sold in the future.2. Consolidated financial statements: Financial statements that present the assets andliabilities controlled by the parent company and the aggregate profitability of the affiliated companies.3. Cost method: An accounting method in which the investment in common stock isrecorded at cost and revenue is recognized only when cash dividends are received.4. Debt investments: Investments in government and corporation bonds.5. Equity method: An accounting method in which the investment in common stock isinitially recorded at cost and the investment account is then adjusted annually to show the investor’s equity in the investee.6. Fair value: Amount for which a security could be sold in a normal market.7. Held-to-maturity securities: Debt securities that investor has the intent and ability tohold to maturity.8. Investment portfolio: A group of stocks in different corporations held for investmentpurposes.9. Long-term investments: Investments that are not readily marketable and thatmanagement does not intend to convert into cash within the next year or operating cycle, whichever is longer.10. Parent company: A company that owns more than 50% of the common stock ofanother entity.11. Short-term investments: Investments that are readily marketable and intend to convertinto cash within the next year or operating cycle, whichever is longer.12. Stock investments: Investments in the capital stock of corporations.13. Subsidiary (affiliated) company: A company in which more than 50% of its stock isowned by another company.14. Trading securities: Securities bought and held primarily for sale in the near term togenerate income on short-term price differences.Chapter 81. Amortization table: A schedule that indicates how installment payments are allocatedbetween interest expense and repayments of principal.2. Capital lease: A lease contract which, in essence, finances the eventual purchase bythe lessee of leased property. The lessor accounts for a capital lease as a sale of property; the lessee records an asset and a liability equal to the present value of the future lease payments. A capital lease is also called a financing lease.3. Commercial paper: Very short-term notes payable issued by financially strongcorporations. They are highly liquid from the investor’s point of view.4. Commitments: Contracts for the future transactions.5. Contra-liability account: A ledger account which is deducted from or offset against arelated liability account in the balance sheet; for example, Discount on Notes Payable.6. Convertible bond: One which may be changed at the option of the bondholder for aspecific number of shares of common stock.7. Deferred income taxes: Income taxes upon income which already has been reportedfor financial reporting purposes, but which will not be reported in income tax returns until future periods.8. Discount on notes payable: A contra-liability account representing any interestcharges applicable to future periods included in the face amount of a note payable.Over the life of the note, the balance of the Discount on Notes Payable account is amortized into Interest Expense.9. Deducted bond: Debenture bonds refer to an unsecured bond.10. Estimated liabilities: Liabilities which appear in financial statements at estimatedamounts.11. Long-term liabilities: Obligations that are not due for at least a year.12. Loss contingency: A possible loss, or expense, stemming from past events, that willbe resolved as to existence and amount by some future event.13. Mortgage bonds: Bonds secured by the pledge of specific assets.14. Operating lease: A lease contract which is in essence a rental agreement. The lesseehas the use of the leased property, but the lessor retains the usual risks and rewards of ownership. The periodic lease payments are accounted for as rent expense by the lessee and as rental revenue by the lessor.Chapter 91. Income: Income is defined as increases in economic benefits during the reportingperiod in the form of inflows or enhancements of assets or decreases of liabilities that result in increases in equity, other than those relating to contributions from equity participants. Income encompasses both revenue and gains.2. Revenue: Revenue is income that arises in the course of ordinary activities of anentity and is referred to by a variety of different names including sales, fees, interest, dividends and royalties.3. Gains: Gains represent other items that meet the definition of income and may, or maynot arise in the course of the ordinary activities of an entity.4. Accrued revenue: Accrued revenue is the revenue that has been earned but not yetcollected.5. Trade discounts: Trade discounts depend on the volume of the business or size oforder from the customer.6. Cash discounts: Cash discounts are offered to customers by some companies toencourage prompt payment of bills.7. Expenses: Expenses are outflows or using up of assets as part of operations of abusiness to generate sales.8. Employee expenses: Employee expenses are the entitlements which employeesaccumulate as a result of rendering their services to an employer.9. Depreciation (amortization): Depreciation is a periodic expense of operations and isassociated with the consumption or loss of service potential of non-current assets. 10. Bad (doubtful) debts expense: Bad debts expense is, in effect, a reduction of the“receivables” asset.11. Income taxes expense: Income taxes expense is the expense recognized in theaccounting records on an accrual basis that applies to income from continuing operations.12. Profit: Profit is the ultimate result of various operating activities of the enterprise in areporting period.13. Accounting policies: Accounting policies are the specific principles, bases,conventions, rules and practices adopted by an entity in preparing and presenting financial statements.14. Applicable profit: Applicable profit is assets that can be distributed to all kinds ofbeneficiaries.Chapter 101. Owner’s equity: Owner’s equity refers to the sources invested by owners or formed inthe course of the production and operation or other sourced shared by owners.2. Par value: The par value is an arbitrary dollar amount assigned to each share.3. Treasury stock: Treasury stock may be defined as shares of a corporation’s owncapital stock that have been issued and later reacquired by the issuing company but that have not been canceled or permanently retired.4. Capital reserve: Capital reserve refers to the capital which isn’t viewed as the paid-incapital or capital stock.5. Undistributed profit: Undistributed profit is the profit that is not distributed toshareholders but retained to the later years.Journal entries1. A company had the following transactions during January: Using the net method ofrecording purchases, prepare the journal entries to record these January transactions.Jan.2 Purchased merchandise, invoice price of $20 000, with terms 2/10, n/30.4 Received a credit memorandum for $4 000, the invoice price on merchandisereturned from the purchase of January 2.12 Purchased merchandise, invoice price of $15 000, with terms 3/15, n/30.26 Paid for the merchandise purchased on January 12.30 paid for the merchandise purchased on January 2.Answer:Jan.2 Merchandise …………………………………………………….19 600Accounts payable………………………………………………………19 6004 Accounts payable…………………………………………………3 920Merchandise………………………………………………………………3 92012 Merchandise……………………………………………………..14 550Accounts payable………………………………………………………14 55026 Accounts payable………………………………………………..14 550Cash……………………………………………………………………..14 55030 Accounts payable………………………………………………..15 680Expense (400)Cash………………………………………………………………………16 0802. The following series of transactions occurred during 2010 and 2011, when LinwoodCo. sold merchandise to John Moore. Linwood’s annual accounting period ends on December 31.10/01/2010 Sold $12 000 of merchandise to John Moore, terms 2/10, n/3011/15/2010 Moore reports that he cannot pay the account until the early next year. He agrees to exchange the account for a 120-day, 12% note receivable.12/31/2010 Prepared the adjusting journal entry to record accrued interest on the note.03/15/2011 Linwood receives a check from Moore for the maturity value (with interest) of the note.03/22/2011 Linwood receives notification that Moore’s check is being returned for nonsufficient funds (NSF).12/31/2011 Linwood writes off Moore’s account as uncollectible.Prepared Linwood Co.‘s journal entries to record the above transactions.The company uses the allowance method to account for its bad debt expenses.Answer:Oct.1, 2010 Accounts receivable—Moore……………………………..12 000Sales……………………………………………………………..12 000 Nov.15, 2010 Notes receivable……………………………………………12 000Accounts receivable—Moore........................................12 000 Dec.31,2010 Interest receivable (184)Interest revenue (184)($12 000 x 0.12 x 46/360 = $184)Mar.15, 2011 Cash…………………………………………………………..12 480Notes receivable………………………………………………...12 000Interest receivable (184)Interest earned (296)($12 000 x 0.12 x 74/360 = $296)Mar.22, 2011 Accounts receivable—Moore……………………………….12 480Cash…………………………………………………………….12 480 Dec.31, 2011 Allowance for doubtful accounts……………………………12 480Accounts receivable—Moore…………………………………12 4803. (a) A company purchased a patent on January 1, 2006, for $2 500 000. The patent’slegal life is 20 years but the company estimates that the patent’s useful life will only be5 years from the date of acquisition. On June 30, 2006, the company paid legal costsof $162 000 in successfully defending the patent in an infringement suit. Prepare the journal entry to amortize the patent at year end on December 31, 2006.(b) Suxia Company purchased a franchise from Yanyan Food Company for $400 000on January 1, 2006. The franchise is for an indefinite time period and gives Suxia Company the exclusive rights to sell Yanyan Wings in a particular territory. Prepare the journal entry to record the acquisition of the franchise and any necessary adjusting entry at year end on December 31, 2006.(c) Chenghe Company incurred research and development costs of $500 000 in 2006in developing a new product. Prepare the necessary journal entries during 2006 to record these events and any adjustments at year end on December 31, 2006.Answer:JOURNAL ENTRIES(a) December 31, 20×6Amortization Expense …………………………………………..518 000Patent………………………………………………………………… 518 000 (To record patent amortization.)$2 500 000 ÷ 5 years ……………………..$500 000$162 000 ÷ 54 months = …………………….$3 000$3 000×6……………………………………. $18 000$518 000(b) January 1, 20×6Franchise ………………………………………………………..400 000Cash………………………………………………………………. 400 000(To record acquisition of T astee Food franchise.)December 31, 20×6No amortization of the franchise is required since its life is indefinite.(c) 20×6Research and Development Expense……………………….. 500 000Cash………………………………………………………………. 500 000 (To record research and development expense for the Current year.)December 31—no entry.4. Suxia Company had the following transactions pertaining to short-term investments inequity securities.Jan.1 Purchased 900 shares of Chenghe Company stock for $9 450 cash plus brokerage fees of $ 270June.1 Received cash dividends of $0.50 per share on Chenghe Company stock.Sept.15 Sold 400 shares of Chenghe Company stock for $ 4 300 less brokerage fees of $100Dec.1 Received cash dividends of $0.50 per share on Chenghe Company stock.(a) Journalize the transactions.(b) Indicate the income statement effects of the transactions.Answer:(a) Jan. 1 Stock Investments……………………………………….. 9 720Cash..................................................................... 9 720 June 1 Cash (900 × $0.50) .. (450)Dividend Revenue (450)Sept. 15 Cash ($4 300 – $100)…………………………………. 4 200Loss on Sale of Stock Investments (120)Stock Investments (400 × ($9 720 ÷ 900)) ......................4 320 Dec. 1 Cash (500 × $0.50). (250)Dividend Revenue (250)(b) Dividend Revenue is reported under Other Revenues and Gains on theincome statement. Loss on Sale of Stock Investments is reported under Other Expenses and Losses on the income statement.5. Presented below are the three independent situations:(a) Henry Corporation purchased $ 400 000 of its bonds on June 30, 2005 at 102 andimmediately retired them. The carrying value of the bonds on the retirement date was $ 367 200. The bonds pay semiannual interest and the interest payment due on June 30, 2005 has been made and recorded.(b) Rose, Inc., purchased $600 000 of its bonds at 96 on June 30, 2005 andimmediately retired them. The carrying value of the bonds on the retirement date was $ 590 000. The bonds pay semiannual interest and the interest payment due on June 30, 2005 has been made and recorded.(c) Sealy Company has $200 000, 10%, 12-year convertible bonds outstanding.These bonds were sold at face value and pay semiannual interest on June 30 and December 31 of each year. The bonds are convertible into 80 shares of Sealy $ 5 par value common stock for each $ 1 000 par value bond. On December 31, 2005 after the bond interest has been paid, $ 50 000 par value of bonds were converted.The market value of Sealy’s common stock was $ 48 per share on December 31, 2005.Instruction: For each of the independent situations, prepare the journal entry to record the retirement or conversion of the bonds.Answer:(a) June 30 Bonds Payable……………………………………………. 400 000Loss on Bond Redemption……………………………….. 40 800Discount on Bonds Payable ………………………………………...32 800Cash …………………………………………………………………408 000($400 000 – $367 200 = $32 800)($400 000 × 102% = $408 000)(b) June 30 Bonds Payable……………………………………………. 600 000Discount on Bonds Payable………………………………………... 10 000Gain on Bond Redemption ………………………………………….14 000Cash………………………………………………………………… 576 000($600 000 – $590 000 =$10 000)($600 000 × 96% =$576 000)(c) Dec. 31 Bonds Payable………………………………………………. 50 000Common Stock…………………………………………………….. 20 000Paid-in Capital in Excess of Par …………………………………..30 000($5 × 80 × 50 =$20 000)6. Maia’s Bike Shop uses the perpetual inventory system and had the followingtransactions during the month of May:May 3 Sold merchandise to a customer on credit for $ 600, terms 2/10, n/30. The cost of the merchandise sold was $ 350.May 4 Sold merchandise to a customer for cash of $ 425. The cost of themerchandise was $ 250.May 6 Sold merchandise to a customer on credit for $ 1 300, terms 2/10, n/30. The cost of the merchandise sold was $ 750.May 8 The customer from May 3 returned merchandise with a selling price of $ 100.The cost of the merchandise returned was $ 55.May 15 The customer from May 6 paid the full amount due, less any appropriate discounts earned.May 31 The customer from May 3 paid the full amount due, less any appropriate discounts earned.Prepare the required journal entries that Maia’s Bike Shop must make to record these transactions.。
会计学原理英文名称解释1.Accounting: An information and measurement system that identifies, records, and communicates relevant, reliable, and comparable information about an organization’s business activities.(P2)2. Double-entry accounting: each transaction affect, and are recorded in, at least two accounts. It also means the total amount debited must equal the total amount credited for each transaction.(P32)3. business entity principle: a business is accounted for separately from other business entities, including its owner.(P7)4. going-concern principle:accounting information reflects a presumption that the business will continue operating instead of being closed or sold.(P7)5. time period principle: the life of company can be divided into time periods, such as month and years, and that useful reports can be prepared for those periods.(P7)6. matching principle: a company must record its expenses incurred to generate the revenue reported. (P7)7. revenue recognition principle provides guidance on when a company must recognize revenue.(1.Revenue is recognized when earned. 2. Proceeds from selling products and services need not be in cash. 3. revenue is measured by the cash received plus the cash value of any other items received.) (P7) 8. consistency principle: a company use the same accounting methods period after period so that financial statements are comparable across periods-----the only exception is when a change from one method to another will improver its financial statements.(P152)9. balance sheet descri bes a company’s financial position( types and amounts of assets, liabilities, and equity) at a point in time(p14)10. income statement describes a company’s revenues and expenses along with the resulting net income or loss over a period of time due to earings activities(p15)11. Asset: resources owned or controlled by a company and that have expected future benefits.(P29)12. Liability: a probable future payment of assets or services that a company is presently obligated to make as a result of past transactions or events. (P281)13. Equity:the owner’s claim on a company’s assets.14. current asset cash and other resources that are expected to be sold, collected or used within one year or the company’s operating cycle, whichever is longer(P97)15. current liabilities also called short-term liabilities, are obligations due within one year or thecompany’s cycle, whichever is longer.(P282)16. depreciation is the process of allocating the cost of a plant asset to expense in the accounting periods benefiting from its use17. comprehensive income: the term comprehensive income refers to all changes in equity for a period except those due to investments and distributions to owners.18. cash discount sellers can grant a cash discount to encourage buyers to pay earlier.19. Bond: a bond is its issuer’s written promise to pay an amount identified as the par value of the bond with interest.20. equity method: the equity method of accounting and reporting is used for long-term investments in equity securities with significant influence.21. net realizable value is sales price minus the cost of making the sale22. account an account is a record of increases and decreases in a specific asset, liability, equity, revenue, or expense item。
会计学原理英文版Accounting Principles。
Accounting is the language of business. It is a system of recording, analyzing, and summarizing financial transactions for the purpose of providing financial information to external users for decision making. In this document, we will discuss the fundamental principles of accounting, which form the foundation of the accounting process.1. Entity Concept。
The entity concept states that a business is separate and distinct from its owners. This means that the business's financial transactions should be recorded and reported separately from the personal transactions of its owners. This concept is important because it ensures that the financial position and performance of the business are accurately reflected without any personal bias or influence.2. Going Concern Concept。
The going concern concept assumes that a business will continue to operate indefinitely. This means that the financial statements are prepared under the assumption that the business will not be liquidated in the near future. This concept is important because it allows for the proper valuation of assets and liabilities, as well as the preparation of accurate financial statements.3. Monetary Unit Concept。
会计学原理(英文) principle of accounting
![会计学原理(英文) principle of accounting](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/22f1504dcf84b9d528ea7af5.png)
Short-term investments:
are securities that management intends to convert to cash with one year or the operating cycle, whichever is longer. are readily convertible to cash.
© The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2010
Basics of Investments
Motivation for Investments
panies transfer excess cash into investments to produce higher income. 2.Some companies (e.g. mutual funds etc.) are set up to produce income from investments. panies make investments for strategic reasons (control).
Jan. 1
Cash Long-Term Investment - HTM
1,000,000 1,000,000
Cash received at bond maturity.
© The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2010
Matrix Inc. Example: Cont’
Jun. 30 Cash Interest Revenue 30,000 30,000
《会计学原理》名词解释1.Accounting: is an information and measurement system thatidentifies records and communicates relevant reliable and comparable information about an organization’s business activities.(P2)2.Managerial accounting: is the area of accounting that servesthe decision-marking needs of internal users.(P4)3.Events: refer to happenings that affect an entity’saccounting equation and can be reliably measured.(P11) 4.External user: of accounting information are not directlyinvolved in running the organization.(P3)5.Internal user: of accounting information are those directlyefficiency and effectiveness of an organization.(P4)6.Ethics: are beliefs that distinguish right from wrong. Theyare accepted standards of good and bad behavior.(P5)7.Cost principle: means that accounting information is basedon actual cost.(P7)8.Revenue recognition principle: provides guidance on when acompany must recognize revenue.(P7)9.Matching principle: prescribes that a company must recordsits expenses incurred to generate the revenue reported.(P7) 10.Going-concerning assumption: means that accountinginformation reflects a presumption that the business will continue operating instead of being closed or sold.(P7) 11.Audit: through review of an organization’s accountingrecords and accounting reports and return make by the analysis. income:amount a business earns after paying allexpenses and costs associated with its sales and revenues.(P15)13.Income statement: describes a company’s revenues andexpenses along with the resulting net income or loss overa period time due to earnings activities.(P14)14.Statement of owner’s equity: explains changes in equityfrom net income (or loss) and from any owner investments and withdrawals over a period of time.(P14)15.Balance sheet: describes a company’s financial position(types and amounts of assets liabilities and equity) at a point in time.(P15)16.Statement of cash flows: identifies cash inflows(receipts) and cash outflows (payments) over a period of time.(P15)17.Owner’s withdrawals account: the account used to recordthe transfers of assets from a business to its owner. (P31)18.Liabilities: is what a company owes its no owners(creditors) in future payments, products, or services.(P10)19.Accounting equation: Assets=Liabilities + Equity.(P10)20.Accrued expense: refer to costs that are incurred in aperiod but are both unpaid and unrecorded.(P66)21.Operating cycle: is the time span from when cash is usedto acquire goods and services until cash is received from the sale of goods and services. (P96)22.Shareholders (investors): are the owners of acorporation. (P3)23.Current radio: a ratio used to help evaluate a company’sability to pay its debts in the near future.24.Merchandise inventory: refers to products that a companyowns and intends to sell.(P113)25.Cash discount: reduction in a receivable or payable ifit is paid within the discount period. sellers can grant a cash discount to discourage buyers to pay earlier(P137) 26.Gross profit: also called Gross margin, which equals netsales cost of goods sold.(P137)27.Credit period: the amount of time allowed before fullpayment is due.(P137)28.Acid-test ratio: a ratio used to assets a company’sability to pay its current liabilities; defined by current liabilities.29.Selling expense: include the expenses of promoting salesby displaying and advertising merchandise, making sales, and delivering goods to customers.(P124)30.General and administrative expense: support a company’soverall operations and include expenses related to accounting, human resource management, and financial management.(P124)31.Time period assumption: presumes that the life of acompany can be divided into time periods, such as months and years, and that useful reports can be prepared for those periods.(P7)32.Account receivable: are held by a seller and decreasedby customers to sellers.(P29)33.Prepaid account (also called prepaid expenses): areassets that represent prepayments of future expenses (not current expenses). (P29)34.Unearned revenue: refers to a liability that is settledin the future when a company delivers its products or services.(P30)35.Accrued liabilities: is the company’s debt owed. Forexample, salaries payable, taxes payable, and interest payable and so on.(P31)36. Purchase discount: purchaser’s description of a cashdiscount received from a supplier of goods.(P137)37.Sales discount: seller’s description of a cash discountgranted to buyers in return for early payment.(P137) 38.Trade discount: reduction below list or catalog price hatis negotiated in setting the price of goods.(P137)39.FOB shipping point (FOB factory): means the buyer acceptsownership when the goods depart the seller’s place of business.(P117)40.FOB destination: means ownership of goods transfers tothe buyer when the goods arrive at the buyer’s place of business. (P117)41.Credit terms: for a purchase include the amounts andtiming of payments from a buy to a seller.(P114)42.Current assets: are cash and other resources that areexpected to be sold, collect, or used within one year or the company’s operating cycle, whichever is longer.(P97) 43.Plant assets: refers to long-term tangible assets usedto produce and sell products and services.(P98)44.Long-term investment: notes receivable and investmentsin stocks and bonds are long-term assets when they are expected to be held for more than the longer of one year or the operating cycle.(P98)45.Intangible assets: are long-term resources that benefitbusiness operations, usually lack physical form, and have uncertain benefits. (P98)46.Current liabilities: are obligations due to be paid orsettled within one year or the operating cycle, whichever is longer.(P98)47.Long-term liabilities: are obligations not due withinone year or the operating cycle, whichever is longer.(P98) 48.Accounting cycle: refers to the steps in preparingfinancial statements.(P95)49.Temporary (or nominal) accounts: accumulate data relatedto one accounting period.(P91)50.Permanent (or real) accounts: report on activitiesrelated to one or more future accounting periods.(P91)欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习资料等等打造全网一站式需求51.。
1. Assets(资产)资产是指一个组织拥有的任何有经济价值的物品或资源。
2. Liabilities(负债)负债是指一个组织所欠的债务或义务。
3. Equity(所有者权益)所有者权益是指一个组织的净资产,即资产减去负债后的余额。
4. Revenue(收入)收入是指一个组织在特定会计期间内从经营活动中获得的货币流入。
5. Expenses(费用)费用是指一个组织在特定会计期间内为了生产和销售商品或提供服务而发生的成本。
6. Depreciation(折旧)折旧是指资产在使用过程中由于年限或使用量的变化而产生的值减少。
7. Balance Sheet(资产负债表)资产负债表是一份会计报表,展示了一个组织在特定时间点的资产、负债和所有者权益的状况。
8. Income Statement(损益表)损益表是一份会计报表,展示了一个组织在特定会计期间内的收入、费用和净收益。
会计学原理的英文名词解释IntroductionAccounting is an essential field of study that involves the process of recording, analyzing, and interpreting financial information. It provides businesses and individuals with the necessary tools to make informed decisions. In this article, we will explore some key principles of accounting and provide their corresponding English translations.1. Accrual Principle (权责发生制)The accrual principle states that economic events should be recorded in the accounting records when they occur, regardless of when the cash transaction takes place. This principle ensures that revenues and expenses are recognized in the financial statements in the period they are earned or incurred.2. Going Concern Concept (持续经营概念)The going concern concept assumes that a business will continue its operations indefinitely unless there is evidence to the contrary. Under this principle, financial statements are prepared with the belief that the business will continue to function and not be forced to liquidate its assets.3. Historical Cost Principle (历史成本原则)The historical cost principle requires assets to be recorded at their original cost when they are acquired, rather than at their current market value. This principle ensures that the financial statements reflect the actual transactions made by the business and provides a reliable basis for decision-making.4. Matching Principle (配比原则)The matching principle states that expenses should be recognized in the same period as the related revenues they help generate. By aligning expenses with the revenues theycontribute to, the matching principle ensures that financial statements accurately represent the profitability of a business during a specific period.5. Materiality Principle (重要性原则)The materiality principle emphasizes the significance of financial information. It suggests that information, whether it be an error or an omission, is material if its inclusion or correction would impact the decision-making process of users. Materiality is a relative concept and should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.6. Revenue Recognition Principle (收入确认原则)The revenue recognition principle outlines when and how revenue should be recognized in the financial statements. It states that revenue should be recognized when it is both earned and realized or realizable. This principle ensures that revenue is recorded when it is considered to be reasonably certain and can be measured reliably.7. Consistency Principle (一致性原则)The consistency principle requires businesses to apply the same accounting methods and principles consistently over time. By doing so, financial statements become more comparable, enabling users to make meaningful comparisons of performance across different periods.8. Full Disclosure Principle (充分披露原则)The full disclosure principle requires businesses to provide all necessary information in their financial statements and accompanying notes to ensure users have a complete understanding of the financial position and performance of the entity. This principle promotes transparency and helps users make informed decisions.ConclusionUnderstanding the principles of accounting is crucial for individuals and businesses to navigate the complex world of finance. The principles discussed in this article represent fundamental concepts that guide the accounting profession. By adhering tothese principles, businesses can generate reliable financial information that facilitates decision-making and promotes transparency.。
会计学原理的英文The Principles of AccountingIntroduction:Accounting is the process of recording, classifying, summarizing, and interpreting financial transactions and events of an organization. It plays a crucial role in providing relevant and reliable financial information for decision-making purposes. To ensure consistency and accuracy in accounting practices, several fundamental principles have been established. This essay aims to provide an overview of the principles of accounting.1. The Entity Concept:The entity concept states that the business entity and its owner(s) should be treated as separate entities. This principle ensures that personal transactions of the owner(s) are not mixed with those of the business. It facilitates accurate measurement and reporting of business transactions, ensuring transparency and accountability.2. The Going Concern Concept:The going concern concept assumes that a business will continue its operations indefinitely. This principle allows assets and liabilities to be recorded at their acquisition cost and allows the business to be evaluated for its long-termviability. It also supports the concept of depreciation, where the cost of fixed assets is allocated over their expected useful lives.3. The Historical Cost Principle:According to the historical cost principle, assets should be recorded at their original cost when acquired by the business. This principle provides objectivity and verifiability in financial reporting. However, it does not reflect the current market value of assets and can underestimate their true worth.4. The Matching Principle:The matching principle states that expenses should be recorded in the same accounting period as the revenue they help generate. This principle ensures that the financial statements reflect the true profitability of the business. It allows for the matching of expenses against the revenue they contribute to, providing a more accurate representation of the financial performance of the business.5. The Revenue Recognition Principle:The revenue recognition principle dictates that revenue should be recognized when it is earned, regardless of when it is collected. This principle ensures that revenue is reported in the same accounting period as the related expenses, leading to amore accurate measurement of the business's financial performance.6. The Consistency Principle:7. The Materiality Principle:The materiality principle states that financial information should be disclosed or reported if its omission or misstatement would affect the decision-making process of users of the financial statements. This principle allows for the elimination of irrelevant or immaterial information, focusing on providing useful information for decision-making.8. The Conservatism Principle:Conclusion:。
1. Assets(资产):Assets refer to something of value that a company or individual owns. This includes physical assets like cash, buildings, and equipment, as well as intangible assets like patents and trademarks. Assets represent the resources available to a company and are recorded on the balance sheet.2. Liabilities(负债):Liabilities are the obligations or debts that a company or individual owes. This includes loans, accounts payable, and other financial obligations. Liabilities represent the company's debts and are also recorded on the balance sheet.3. Equity(股权):Equity represents the ownership interest in a company. It is calculated by subtracting liabilities from assets. Equity can be in the form of stocks, retained earnings, or other forms of ownership. Equity represents the residual interest in the assets after deducting the liabilities.4. Revenue(收入):Revenue is the income generated by a company through its primary business activities. It includes sales of products or services, as well as other sources of income such as royalties or licensing fees. Revenue is recorded on the income statement and is a key measure of a company's financial performance.5. Expenses(费用):Expenses are the costs incurred by a company in the process of generating revenue. This includes salaries, rent, utilities, and other costs necessary to run the business. Expenses are deducted from revenue to calculate the company's net income.6. Profit(利润):Profit is the amount of money left over after deducting expenses from revenue. It is a key indicator of a company's financial success. Profit can be further broken down into gross profit and net profit. Gross profit is the difference between revenue and the cost of goods sold, while net profit is the remaining profit after deducting all expenses.7. Depreciation(折旧):Depreciation is the accounting method used to allocate the cost of an asset over its useful life. It is used to account for the wear and tear of long-term assets, such as buildings or equipment. Depreciation expense is recorded on the income statement and is deducted from revenue to calculate net profit.8. Accrual Basis(权责发生制):Accrual basis accounting is a method of recording financial transactions based on when they occur, rather than when the cash is exchanged. Under accrual basis accounting, revenue is recognized when it is earned, and expenses are recognized when they are incurred, regardless of when the cash is received or paid out.9. Cash Basis(现金基础):Cash basis accounting is a method of recording financial transactions based on when the cash is exchanged. Under cash basis accounting, revenue is recognized when the cash is received, and expenses are recognized when the cash is paid out. This method is simpler but may not accurately represent the financial position of a company.10. Return on Investment (ROI)(投资回报率):ROI is a measure of the profitability of an investment. It is calculated by dividing the net profit from the investment by the initial cost of the investment, and expressing theresult as a percentage. ROI is used to evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of an investment.以上仅是一些常见的英语版会计名词解释,如需了解更多会计名词,请参考相关的财务会计教材和专业词典。
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《会计学原理》名词解释1.Accounting: is an information and measurement system thatidentifies records and communicates relevant reliable and comparable information about an organization’s business activities.(P2)2.Managerial accounting: is the area of accounting that serves thedecision-marking needs of internal users.(P4)3.Events: refer to happenings that affect an entity’s accountingequation and can be reliably measured.(P11)4.External user: of accounting information are not directly involved inrunning the organization.(P3)5.Internal user: of accounting information are those directly efficiencyand effectiveness of an organization.(P4)6.Ethics: are beliefs that distinguish right from wrong. They areaccepted standards of good and bad behavior.(P5)7.Cost principle: means that accounting information is based on actualcost.(P7)8.Revenue recognition principle: provides guidance on when acompany must recognize revenue.(P7)9.Matching principle: prescribes that a company must records itsexpenses incurred to generate the revenue reported.(P7)10.Going-concerning assumption: means that accounting informationreflects a presumption that the business will continue operating instead of being closed or sold.(P7)11.Audit:through review of an organization’s accounting records andaccounting reports and return make by the analysis. income:amount a business earns after paying all expenses andcosts associated with its sales and revenues.(P15)13.Income statement: describes a company’s revenues and expensesalong with the resulting net income or loss over a period time due to earnings activities.(P14)14.Statement of owner’s equity: explains changes in equity from netincome (or loss) and from any owner investments and withdrawals over a period of time.(P14)15.Balance sheet: describ es a company’s financial position (types andamounts of assets liabilities and equity) at a point in time.(P15)16.Statement of cash flows: identifies cash inflows (receipts) and cashoutflows (payments) over a period of time.(P15)17.Owner’s withdrawals account: the account used to record thetransfers of assets from a business to its owner. (P31)18.Liabilities: is what a company owes its no owners (creditors) in futurepayments, products, or services.(P10)19.Accounting equation: Assets=Liabilities + Equity.(P10)20.Accrued expense: refer to costs that are incurred in a period but areboth unpaid and unrecorded.(P66)21.Operating cycle: is the time span from when cash is used to acquiregoods and services until cash is received from the sale of goods and services. (P96)22.Shareholders (investors): are the owners of a corporation. (P3)23.Current radio: a ratio used to help evaluate a company’s ability to payits debts in the near future.24.Merchandise inventory: refers to products that a company owns andintends to sell.(P113)25.Cash discount: reduction in a receivable or payable if it is paid withinthe discount period. sellers can grant a cash discount to discourage buyers to pay earlier(P137)26.Gross profit: also called Gross margin, which equals net sales cost ofgoods sold.(P137)27.Credit period: the amount of time allowed before full payment isdue.(P137)28.Acid-test ratio: a ratio used to assets a company’s ability to pay itscurrent liabilities; defined by current liabilities.29.Selling expense: include the expenses of promoting sales bydisplaying and advertising merchandise, making sales, and delivering goods to customers.(P124)30.General and administrative expense: support a company’s overalloperations and include expenses related to accounting, human resource management, and financial management.(P124)31.Time period assumption: presumes that the life of a company can bedivided into time periods, such as months and years, and that useful reports can be prepared for those periods.(P7)32.Account receivable: are held by a seller and decreased by customersto sellers.(P29)33.Prepaid account (also called prepaid expenses): are assets thatrepresent prepayments of future expenses (not current expenses).(P29)34.Unearned revenue: refers to a liability that is settled in the futurewhen a company delivers its products or services.(P30)35.Accrued liabilities: is the company’s debt owed. For example, salariespayable, taxes payable, and interest payable and so on.(P31)36.Purchase discount: purchaser’s description of a cash discountreceived from a supplier of goods.(P137)37.Sales discount: seller’s description of a cash discount granted tobuyers in return for early payment.(P137)38.Trade discount: reduction below list or catalog price hat is negotiatedin setting the price of goods.(P137)39.FOB shipping point (FOB factory): means the buyer acceptsownership when the goods depart the seller’s place ofbusiness.(P117)40.FOB destination: means ownership of goods transfers to the buyerwhen the goods arrive at the buyer’s place of business. (P117)41.Credit terms: for a purchase include the amounts and timing ofpayments from a buy to a seller.(P114)42.Current assets: are cash and other resources that are expected to besold, collect, or used within one year or the company’s operating cycle, whichever is longer.(P97)43.Plant assets: refers to long-term tangible assets used to produce andsell products and services.(P98)44.Long-term investment: notes receivable and investments in stocksand bonds are long-term assets when they are expected to be held for more than the longer of one year or the operating cycle.(P98) 45.Intangible assets: are long-term resources that benefit businessoperations, usually lack physical form, and have uncertain benefits.(P98)46.Current liabilities: are obligations due to be paid or settled withinone year or the operating cycle, whichever is longer.(P98)47.Long-term liabilities: are obligations not due within one year or theoperating cycle, whichever is longer.(P98)48.Accounting cycle: refers to the steps in preparing financialstatements.(P95)49.Temporary (or nominal) accounts: accumulate data related to oneaccounting period.(P91)50.Permanent (or real) accounts: report on activities related to one ormore future accounting periods.(P91)51.。