电涌保护器 说明书


德力西电气 CDYN浪涌保护器产品样本 产品说明书

德力西电气 CDYN浪涌保护器产品样本 产品说明书

CDYN系列电涌保护器CDYNSCB系列电涌保护器专用保护装置产品样本北京办事处北区中区地址:北京市丰台区枫竹苑一区(未来假日花园)18-10 邮编:100076天津办公点地址:天津市西青区凯安道凯信佳园9-3-401邮编:300100沈阳办公点地址:辽宁省沈阳市于洪区细河南路碧桂园银河城钻石郡148-3邮编:110000长沙办公点地址:湖南长沙市芙蓉区万象企业公馆5栋2709邮编:410000郑州办公点地址:河南郑州金水区青年路145号6号楼17层1706号邮编:450000武汉办公点地址:湖北武汉市江汉区新华路186号福星国际商会大厦2516、2517室邮编:430000温州办公点地址:浙江省乐清市柳市镇德力西工业园邮编:325604成都办公点地址:成都市金牛区人民北路二段118号金牛万达广场甲级C座 16楼1603号邮编:610000南京办公点地址:江苏省南京市秦淮区洪武路23号隆盛大厦1505、1506室邮编:210000重庆办公点地址:重庆市九龙坡区渝洲路4号18-9号邮编:400039广州办事处地址:广州市荔湾区南岸路63号城启大厦1905室 邮编:510160南宁办公点地址:南宁市西乡塘区北大路中梦泽园小区岳阳阁5单元202室邮编:530003昆明办公点地址:昆明市西山区棕树营街道办事处土堆村碧鸡名城C地块9幢2802室邮编:650000贵阳办公点地址:贵阳市观山湖区石林东路中天帝景传说B区B4栋1单元1302室西安办事处地址:陕西西安市莲湖区大庆路三号蔚蓝国际A705 邮编:710082新疆办公点地址:新疆乌鲁木齐市米东区米东南路红光雅居D区6号楼3单元602室邮编:830000青岛办公点地址:青岛市城阳区正阳路177号15号楼2单元903室邮编:214000福建办公点地址:福州市晋安区东二环泰禾广场7号楼1117单元邮编:350024济南办公点地址:山东省济南市历下区工业南路55号未来城商务中心13#楼608室邮编:250000杭州办公点地址:杭州市江干区蓝桥景苑11幢2单元1002室邮编:310016南昌办公点地址:江西南昌市西湖区广场东路恒茂国际华城23幢2907邮编:330002深圳办公点地址:深圳市龙华新区民丰路1号碧水龙庭7栋4单元14D 邮编:518109兰州办公点地址:兰州市城关区瑞德摩尔万国港E座2208邮编:730020电话:153****1522合肥办公点地址:安徽省合肥市瑶海区武里山路五里山天街3A-1402室邮编:230000吉林办公点地址:吉林省长春市经开区浦东路与深圳街交汇处虹湾国际A座706室邮编:130031黑龙江办公点地址:黑龙江省哈尔滨市道外区润达国际D座2单807室邮编:150050石家庄办公点地址:石家庄市裕华区华兴生活小区41-1-102邮编:050011太原办公点地址:山西太原市万柏林区西矿街70号红星小区五单元1402邮编:030024石家庄物流地址:河北省石家庄市元氏县殷村石武铁路东国达物流园内电话:155****1257辽宁物流地址:沈阳市苏家屯区雪莲街188号(雪莲街与四环路交叉口)华翔东北亚贸城 D1 德力西陕西物流地址:陕西省西安市六村堡丰产路西段陕西商储物流园南区B1号德力西仓库山东物流地址:山东省临沂市经济技术开发区翔宇路23号华派克物流园内 重庆物流地址:重庆市江津区珞璜工业园B区重庆西部诚通物流有限公司5号库成都物流地址:四川省成都市青白江区国际集装箱物流园区德汇路9号4栋4-4号广东物流地址:广东省佛山市南海区里水镇怡和二路银裕木业制品厂直入100米河南物流地址:河南省郑州市经济开发区国际物流园喜达路宇培物流园(礼通路)东北W4-A区4B 58-59号湖北物流地址:湖北省武汉市东西湖区临空港大道23号捷利物流园3号库温州物流地址:浙江省乐清市柳市镇德力西高科技生态工业园新疆物流地址:乌鲁木齐市友谊路230号(新疆诚通国际物流园内德力西仓库)芜湖物流地址:安徽省芜湖市芜湖县新芜经济开发区朝阳路德力西物流中心产品介绍电涌保护器基础知识产品介绍技术参数SPD 常用名词解释怎样看电涌保护器的好坏?它有些什么主要技术参数,各有什么重要性?为什么电涌保护器需要后备保护装置?电涌保护器的后备保护装置需要满足那些要求?不同接地系统SPD 极数的选择Ⅰ类实验 (Class I test)用标称放电电流In 、1.2/50冲击电压和最大冲击电流Iimp 做的试验。

TSY1-D 电涌保护器 TSY1-C 级电涌保护器 TSY1-B 级电涌保护器 说明书

TSY1-D 电涌保护器 TSY1-C 级电涌保护器 TSY1-B 级电涌保护器 说明书

电涌保护器总述TSY1-D 电涌保护器TSY1-C 级电涌保护器TSY1-B 级电涌保护器单、三相电源共差模电源保护器系列声、光报警器AS、遥信远程控制FS、遥信电压监控FS-SU TSY2 电涌保护器1 2 3 4 5 5 6~7G电涌保护器(SPD)<<中国 . 森泰电器有限公司我 们 是 专 业 的 ... ...电涌保护器的作用TSY1-D 、TSY1-C外形及安装尺寸雷电的破坏力极大,仅靠外部的防雷(避雷针等)是不够的。










注:组合方式代号说明1-单极:Uc=275V 、320V ,用于TN-C 、IT 、TN-S 系统的单相系统。

Uc=385V 、420V ,用于TT 系统的单相系统;2-二极组合:Uc=275V 、320V ,用于TN-C 、IT 、TN-S 系统的单相系统。

Uc=385V 、420V ,用于TT 系统的单相系统;2+1—2+1组合:由2级保护器加一极放电间隙组合而成,适合用于由TT 系统供电的单相电路。




产品类别HALO PS-D220 用于220V直流/交流电源设备HALO PS-D48 用于48V直流/交流电源设备HALO PS-D24 用于24V及以下直流/交流电源设备技术参数型号Type PS-D220 PS-D48 PS-D24货号No. 516 121 516 122 516 123最大连续运行电压U C250V-/~50V-/~25V-/~最大连续工作电流I L10A标称放电电流(8/20μs)I n3kA 1kA最大放电电流(8/20μs)I max6kA 2kA混合波冲击电压U OC6kV 2kV保护级别(I n时)线/线线/地U P≤1300 ≤350 ≤200≤1500 ≤800 ≤700响应时间线/线线/地t A≤25ns≤100ns工作指示绿色指示灯亮接线方式串联工作温区-40℃~+80℃接线规格0.5mm2~6mm2外壳材料阻燃塑料外壳防护等级IP20尺寸4/3开关位(厚度23.3mm)安装支架35mm电气导轨电路原理图安装示意图安装说明●电涌保护器可以固定在35mm电气导轨上;●“IN”端连接引线,“OUT”端连接设备;●电涌保护器串联电源线路,“L/+”连接电源相线或电源正线,“N/-”连接电源零线或电源负线;●电涌保护器“IN”端线路与“OUT”端线路必须分开敷设,不可捆扎在一起;●电涌保护器“PE”连接防雷地线;●电涌保护器与防雷地线之间的连线,应尽量短、粗、直。



优倍电气 电涌保护器产品样本及技术手册(2022)说明书

优倍电气 电涌保护器产品样本及技术手册(2022)说明书

德国EPCOS 等进口元器件泄放大雷电流能力强、残压低专利插拔不断线技术双接触保证插拔过程中信号的连续性专利可靠性接地技术全包围式紧固型导轨接触面色标识别模式(指示)信号类型快速识别核心技术-信号电涌可靠的温控脱扣技术过载响应能力进一步提升高质量外壳可靠的模块鉴别锁及释放按钮全胶封内芯保证器件结构稳定支持热插拔便于产品更换及检查核心技术-电源电涌故障指示,遥信触点便于产品更换及检查特有电弧隔断技术提升电气性能关于优倍安全栅国家标准主编单位中石化安全栅框架协议单位工信部两化融合贯标单位工信部智能工厂标准化示范验证单位江苏省电涌保护器工程技术研究中心南京优倍电气有限公司成立于2002年,江苏省高新技术企业。






SILIEC 61508I目录Contents雷电电涌防护知识新能源石油石化电网建设智能安防176通信系统电涌保护T 系列通信系统电涌保护器55电源系统电涌保护P 系列电源系统电涌保护器测量、控制系统电涌保护S-FLT 系列热插拔信号电涌保护器S-FLS 系列超薄型信号电涌保护器S-FLP 系列现场管式信号电涌保护器73147附录测量、控制系统应用指南83III V VII型号代码的含义交流电源类产品保护系统:2P :单相TN-S 系统 ; 3P :TN-C 、IT 系统 P+N :单相TT 系统 ; 3P+N :TN-S 、TT 系统工作电压/电涌电流:385/40:385VAC/40kA ; 255/40:255VAC/40kA 385/60:385VAC/60kA ; 255/60:255VAC/60kA 385/80:385VAC/80kA ; 260/25:260VAC/25kA 440/25:440VAC/25kA ; 760/25:760VAC/25kA . . . . . .产品类型:FL 防雷产品系列:P :P 系列PFLx xxx--例:型号为P-FL-385/40×2P 的产品为优倍电气的P 系列的电源T 2类防雷产品,产品的最大工作电压为385V ,产品的泄放电流能力为40kA ,是由2片S P D 保护模块组成,适用于单相220VAC 交流电源TN-S 系统。

德力西 DZ47vY电涌保护器 使用说明书

德力西 DZ47vY电涌保护器 使用说明书





目录1主要用途及适用范围 (1)2产品面板介绍 (1)3正常使用、安装及运输条件 (3)3.1正常使用、安装条件 (3)3.2正常贮存和运输条件 (3)4技术特性 (3)4.1主要技术参数 (3)5外形及安装尺寸 (4)6安装和使用(维护) (6)6.1安装 (6)6.2维护与保养 (7)7开箱检查 (7)8公司承诺 (7)1主要用途及适用范围DZ47vY系列电涌保护器(以下简称SPD)主要用于交流50Hz/60Hz、额定电压230V/400V的单相/三相配电系统,用于抑制瞬态过电压,泄放电涌能量,防止或减轻因雷击或操作引起的瞬态过电压对设备造成的损害。

2产品面板介绍DZ47vY-IIIDZ47vY-II/20、DZ47vY-II/40、DZ47vY-II/65DZ47vY-II/80、DZ47vY-II/120说明:1接线符号 2进线端子 3德力西品牌 4产品型号5主要技术参数:In-标称放电电流,Imax-最大放电电流,Up-电压保护水平,Uc-最大持续工作电压,Uoc-开路电压,Iimp-冲击电流6出线端子 7遥信端子接线图 8遥信端子工作状态指示窗口:A:绿灯亮表示防雷功能正常,绿灯灭表示防雷功能失效。



c) DK-nDCp 24C 信号 SPD 的产品底部标有“ ”标志的为 SPD 接地端,接地端 的镙杆上配有接线叉,用于接地汇集排与信号 SPD 地线的连接,接好地线后,务 必要旋紧镙钉。接地线选用 4mm2 以上的铜线,地线长度应小于 1m 且尽量粗短,且 接地电阻应小于 10Ω;
二、工作原理: DK-nDCp 24C 信号 SPD,采用泄流、限流、钳位、稳压的原理精心设计制造。当信号线
八、订货须知: d) 用户在订货时,必须清楚设备的工作电压等要求。 e) 如有特殊要求(如工作电压等),在技术参数规格表上没有相应的产品可以选择 的话,请与我公司联系,我公司将根据您所提出的要求进行专项开发。 f) 有疑问,请与我公司联系,本公司将竭诚为您服务。
网址:http: //
地址:广西南宁高新区工业园科园东十二路 1 号
DK-nDCp 24C 信号 SPD 不需要特别维护。当系统工作出现故障时,可拆除信号 SPD 后再 检查,若系统恢复正常,则应更换信号 SPD。
DK-nDCp 24C 信号 SPD 一般用于流量计、液位仪等仪器仪表的传输线路的防雷保护。
DK-nDCp 24C 信号 SPD 具有:多级保护、残压极低、低电容设计、传输性能优异、响应 速度快、寿命长等特点。
广西地凯科技有限公司 b) DK-nDCp 24C 信号 SPD 的输入、输出端为接线叉,输入端分别与信号通道、电 源通道,另一端直接与被保护设备接口相连,应旋紧螺钉,输入、输出端不能接反;
DK-nDCp 24C 信号电涌保护器使用说明书
DK-nDCp 24C 信号电涌保护器(简称:信号 SPD)外形美观,安装接线方便,维护简单, 能在较恶劣环境下长期稳定工作。信号 SPD 使用于用于流量计、液位仪等仪器仪表设备的防 雷保护,能防止以上各类系统设备被雷击或工业噪声等产生的感应过电压、过电流现象和其 它瞬间浪涌电压对系统或设备造成的永久性损坏或瞬间中断等危害。






















德力西 DZ47sY电涌保护器 使用说明书

德力西 DZ47sY电涌保护器 使用说明书

DZ47sYNAVIGATOR Series Surge Protective DeviceUser ManualPlease carefully read this User Manual before installing andoperating the product, and keep this manual properly for futurereferenceSafety NoticePlease carefully read this manual before the installation, operation, run, maintenance, and inspection of the product, and install and operate this product properly according to the product instructions.Danger:⚫It is prohibited to operate the aux. contact and shunt contact with your wet hands;⚫It is prohibited to touch the conductive part during operation;⚫Make sure that the product is de-electrified during the maintenance and service;Caution:⚫The installation, maintenance, and service shall be carried out by the qualified professionals;⚫Please confirm that the sustainable operating voltage, nominal discharge current, and voltage protection level of the product meet the working requirements;⚫When the indicator window displays red, this indicates that the product is damaged and shall be replaced.⚫The branch of the live line shall be connected with a fuse or circuit breaker in series for backup protection, and the earthing system shall be well connected.⚫When the product is scrapped, please dispose the industrial waste properly. Thanks for your cooperation.Table of Contents1 Main Purposes and Scope of Application (1)2 Product Panel Introduction.................................... . (1)3. Normal Operation, Installation and Transportation Conditions............... ...................................................................... .33.1 Normal operation and installation conditions (3)3.2 Normal storage and transportation conditions………………………................................................................. ..34 Technical Characteristics……………………............................................................................................................... ..34.1 Main technical parameters…………………….................................................................................................... .35 Outline and Install ation Dimensions (4)6 Installation and Operation (Maintenance) (6)6.1 Installation....................... .. (6)6.2 Maintenance and Service...................... (7)7 Unpacking Inspection...................... . (7)8 Company’ commitment....................... . (7)1 Main Purposes and Scope of ApplicationDZ47sY series surge protective device (hereinafter referred to as SPD) is primarily used in AC 50Hz/60Hz single-phase/three-phase power distribution system with the rated voltage of 230V/400V to suppress transient overvoltage, discharge surge energy, and prevent or reduce the damage to the equipment due to transient overvoltage caused by lightning strike or operation.2 Product Panel IntroductionLegends:1. Wiring symbol 2 Inlet terminal 3 Delixi brand 4 Product model5 Main technical parameters: In - Nominal discharge current, Imax –Max. discharge current, Up - Voltage protection level, Uc – Max. continuous operating voltage, Uoc - Open circuit voltage, Iimp – Impulse current6. Outlet terminal7. Remote signaling terminal wiring diagram8. Remote signaling terminalWork status indicator window:A: If the green light is on, this means that the lightning protection function is normal; if the green light is off, this means that the lightning protection function is invalid.B: Green means that the lightning protection function is normal, and red means that the lightning protection function is invalid.C: Green means that the lightning protection function is normal, and red means that the lightning protection function is invalid.D: Colorless means that the lightning protection function is normal, and red means that the lightning protection function is invalid.3. Normal Operation, Installation and Transportation Conditions3.1 Normal operation and installation conditions(1) Operating temperature: -40°C~ +80°C;(2) The altitude at the installation site does not exceed 2000m;(3) The relative humidity of the atmosphere air does not exceed 50% at the max. ambient temperature of +40°C, and a higher relative humidity is allowed at lower temperatures, such as 90% at 20°C.Note: The surface of the product should be free from condensation, otherwise protective measures shall be taken;(4) Installed in a place where there is no rain or snow attack;(5) Pollution degree: Level 2, Level 3;(6) Installation category: Class II, Class III, Class IV;(7) Protection grade: IP20 (IP40 if installed in a power distribution tank, and a power distribution cabinet or box).3.2 Normal storage and transportation conditions(1) The ambient air temperature is -20°C~ +60°C, and the ultimate temperature is -40°C~ +70°C;(2) Relative humidity: 30% ~90% at room temperature;(3) Please handle the product gently during transportation, and do not upside it down and prevent severe collision.4 Technical Characteristics4.1 Main technical parametersStandard GB/T18802.11/IEC61643-11RatedvoltageU O230VAC (Phase voltage)Number ofpoles1P, 2P, 3P, 4P, 1P+N, 3P+N 1P+NModel DZ47sY-I+II DZ47sY-II DZ47sY-III TestcategoryT1+T2 T2 T3 Waveformμs10/350 8/20 1.2/50 ImpulsecurrentIimp12.5kA 15kA / / / / / / /Nominaldischargecurrent In25kA 25kA 10kA 20kA 30kA 40kA 60kA 80kA /Max.dischargecurrentImax50kA 50kA 20kA 40kA 65kA 80kA 120kA 160kA /OpencircuitvoltageUoc/ / / / / / / / 10kVMax.continuousoperatingvoltage Uc~275V/385V/440VVoltageprotection level Up kV 1.6/2.0/2.21.3/1.6/1.81.5/1.8/2.01.6/2.0/2.21.8/2.0/2.22.2/2.5/2.53.2/3.3/3.41.2Work status indicator window Colorless: NormalstateRed: Invalid andreplaceGreen: Normal stateRed: Invalid and replaceGreen lightON: NormalstateGreen lightOFF: Invalidand replace Recommendspecial backupprotection devicefor surgeprotectiondevice, SCB150kA (10/350)≥20kA(8/20)≥40kA(8/20)≥65kA(8/20)≥80kA(8/20)120kA(8/20)/ /Recommendedbackupproteciton circuitbreaker/ / 25A 40A 63A 100A 125A / /Recommendedbackupproteciotn fusegL250A 250A 50A 100A 125A 160A 200A 250ABuilt-in fusein the L pole Response time <25nsRemotesignalingaccessory(optional)11 is common terminal, 12 is normally open and 13 is normally closed; operating voltage ≤125V/switching current ≤1A; wring capacity 0.5-1.5 mm2; in the event of fault, 12 normalyopen contact is closed and 13 normally closed contact is open to issue a warnign signal./ Wiring capacityHard wire ≤ 35 mm2; soft ware 2.5-25 mm2; ultimate torque 3.5 N.mHard wire ≤16 mm2, Softwire2.5-10mm2Ultimatetorque 2N.m Protection grade IP205 Outline and Installation DimensionsDZ47sY – III outline and installation dimensionsDZ47sY-II Imax: 20kA/40 kA/65 kA outline and installation dimensions DZ47sY-II Imax: 80kA/120 kA outline and installation dimensionsDZ47sY-II Imax: 160 kA outline and installation dimensions6 Installation and Operation (Maintenance)6.1 InstallationThis series of surge protective device is of the rail mounted type, suitable for TH35-7.5 steel mounting rails;●Remote signaling function wiring diagramWiring capacity: 1.5mm2 (max)Umax: AC125V Imax: 1A●Before installation, check whether the technical parameters of the product meet the requirements and whether the product is damaged;●Please connect the wire according to the transfer printing mark;●The recommended cross-sectional area of the connecting wire is as follows: ≥ 6 mm2 for the live/neutral line; ≥ 16 mm2 for the wire from the power distribution box to the earthing bar;●Installation diagrams of the surge protective devices in the different power system:TN-S system 2P, 3P, 4P installation diagramsTT system 1P+N, 3P+N installation diagrams6.2 Maintenance and Service●Maintenance and service must be carried out by professionally qualified personnel;●Make sure that the product is not electrified during maintenance and service;●Maintenance and service are required before and after the thunderstorm season and after the lightning stroke, and the maintenance contents are listed in table below.Maintenance and ServiceItem ContentsAppearance ◆No dust, no condensation, and clean if necessary◆No damage◆The color of the housing and connecting terminal is not changed◆If the indicator window shows red (or the indicator light is off), this means that the product is damaged and shall be replaced immediately;Terminal block connection ◆Tighten it according to the torque 3.5 N.m without looseness.◆Tighten the N terminal of the DZ47sY-III L according to the torque2.0 N.m without looseness; tighten the earthing terminal according to the torque3.5 N·m without looseness.7 Unpacking InspectionAfter unpacking, please check the product for damage, the exposed metal for rust, and the product for defects caused by poor transportation or storage. If found any of above situations, please stop the product, and contact the supplier timely for solution.8 Company’ commitmentThe free repair or replacement will be provided by the company for damage or abnormal operation of the product produced by our company due to poor manufacturing quality within 36 months from the date of the production under the premise that the user conforms to the operation and storage conditions and that the product is well sealed. A paid repair is provided when the warranty period expires. However, the paid repair is provided for damage caused by one of the following situations even within the warranty period:a)Poor operation, maintenance, or storage;b)Modification without permission, or improper maintenance;c)Damage caused by falling off after purchase or occurred during the installation process;d)Irresistible nature disasters such as earthquakes, fires, lightning strikes, and abnormal voltages.Please contact the dealer or the company’s customer service department if you have any questions. Customer service hotline: 400-826-8008Certificate DELIXI ELECTRIC LTD Name: Surge protective deviceModel: DZ47sYThis product passes the inspection and is allowed to be shipped.Standard: GB/T 18802.11Inspector: Check 02Date of production: See the label on the inner boxAddress: Delixi High-Tech Industrial Park, Liush Town, Yueqing City, Zhejiang Province P.C.: 325604Tel: (86-577) 61778888Fax: (86-577) 61778000Customer service hotline: 400-826-8008The first edition of this manual was issued in Oct. 20218。

贝尔金 Conserve Switch 电涌保护器带遥控器用户指南说明书

贝尔金 Conserve Switch 电涌保护器带遥控器用户指南说明书

Conserve Switch™ Surge Protector with Remote User GuidebatteryPackage Contents. 8-Outlet Conserve Switch Surge Protector. Wireless Remote Switch(battery included). Remote Switch Wall-Mount .User Guide andWarranty Informationcabletwo (2) outlets4-foot1Plug in any of your devices that do not require constant, round-the-clock power into one of theConserve Switch Surge Protector’s Remote-Switched Outlets.Recommended devices include: .C omputers.M onitors.P rinters.C omputer Speakers.E xternal Hard Drives.P aper Shredders.L amps 2Plug in any of your devices thatrequire constant, round-the-clockpower into one of the ConserveSwitch Surge Protector’s Always-On Outlets. Recommendeddevices include:.W ireless Routers.M odems.C ordless Phones3Plug your Conserve Switch’s powercord into a wall outlet.4 Remove the clear battery tab from the back of the remote switch. The remote is now ready to use.NOte: Mounting screws are not included; see the “Wireless Remote Switch with Wall-Mount” section later in this user guide.. T he “Always-On Outlets” light shouldbe on if power is present. If this light goes out at any time, it means the circuit breaker has tripped and should be reset. . T he “Not Grounded” light should not beon. If this light turns on, you may have a ground-wiring problem in your home and you should contact an electrician to properly ground the outlet. Connecting a Belkin Surge Protector to an improperly grounded outlet will void all Belkin warranties. If your home is properly grounded and the “Not Grounded” light is on, please contact Belkin for your free replacement.. T he “Remote-Switched Outlets” lightshows the state of the Remote-Switched Outlets. When the light is on, theRemote-Switched Outlets are powered; if the light is off, the Remote-Switched Outlets are not powered.1Firmly press and release the “I” button to turn ON the Remote-Switched Outlets. As you press the button, a green light flashes on the remote switch to indicate that the remote is working. Your devices are now powered and ready for use.5W hen ready to use your equipmentagain, repeat Steps 1–5.NOte: A green LED on the wirelessremote switch will illuminate whenthe switch is pressed. This indicatesthat the signal was sent and that thebattery is OK. If you do not see thelight, it is time to replace the battery.T o replace the battery, see theTroubleshooting section.2Turn on and use your devicesas usual.3W hen you are finished using yourdevices, turn off each device as younormally would.4When your devices are turned off,firmly press and release the “O”button to turn OFF the Remote-Switched Outlets. As you press thebutton, a green light flashes on theremote switch to indicate that youhave eliminated power to ConserveSwitch’s Remote-Switched Outlets.Devices plugged into the Always-On Outlets will remain powered.wireless Remote Switch with wall-mount Use either adhesive tape or screws (notincluded) to attach the wall bracket securely to a wall. Place the wireless remote switch near existing light switches or near the entrance to a room for added convenience andaccessibility. The wireless remote switch can also be kept in any other convenient location, e.g., by a bed, on a coffee table, or on a desk.Conserve Switch Surge Protector (Optional) Use the two mounting holes on the back of the Surge Protector to secure it to the wall or baseboard. Install two screws (not included), leaving at least ¼ inch of the screw exposed. Insert the screws into the mounting holes of the Surge Protector and lock into place. Use the detachable cable-management system (included) to help route and organize cables.Syncing your Conserve Switch Surge Protector and wireless Remote Switch By default your Conserve Switch SurgeProtector and remote should be synced when purchased. However, if you need to change the sync settings for any reason, you can do this by locating and changing the channel setting switches on the back of the remote and on the back of the Surge Protector. On the back of the remote, under the battery cover, there is a series of three switches that can be set to up to eight differentconfigurations. On the bottom left corner of the back of the Surge Protector, there is a similar set of switches. The switch settings on both the remote and Surge Protector must match in order for the remote to communicate with the Surge Protector. You can use a small screwdriver to shift the switches.By adjusting these channel setting switches, you can control multiple Conserve Switch Surge Protectors with a single remote switch. Adjust the channel setting on each Conserve Surge Protector to match the setting on a single remote switch. This will enable you to easily turn off the power to multiple devices connected to multiple surge protector units within range.*. 2 Always-On OutletsSuggested use with the following devices: - W ireless Routers - M odems - C ordless Phones - D igital Video Recorders (DVRs) . 6 Remote-Switched Outlets (Switch ON and OFF in response to remote switch) Suggested use with the following devices: - C omputers - M onitors - P rinters - C omputer Speakers - E xternal Hard Drives - P aper Shredders-L amps . Resettable circuit breaker . “Not Grounded” light to indicate when a ground is not present . “Always-On Outlets” light to show when power is present . “Remote-Switched Outlets” light to show when switched outlets are active . Manual override button to control switched outlets .Conserve has a range of up to 60 feet.* Line of sight from the wireless remote switch to the Surge Protector is not required..C able-management system.R emote control to control multipleConserve Switch Surge Protectors*Actual range may vary depending on interference, building materials (e.g., masonry, metal walls), and other location-specific conditions.my device won’t turn on/off.1.C heck whether the device is pluggedinto an Always-On Outlet or a Remote-Switched Outlet. If the device needs to stayon at all times, make sure it is plugged intoone of the two outlets labeled “Always On.”2.T urn on/off the Remote-Switched Outletsusing the wireless remote switch. Ensurethe battery-life LED in the switch lights up.If it does not, replace the battery.3.M ake sure the channel switch settingson the Surge Protector and thewireless remote switch match. See the“Installation, Mounting and SyncingInstructions” section.4.T he Surge Protector may have beenoverloaded. Press the circuit-breakerbutton to reset the circuit.5.T urn on/off the Remote-Switched Outletsusing the button on the surge unit.Replacing the battery1.F unctional range may decrease as thebattery wears out.2.R emove the battery cover from the back ofthe wireless remote switch.3.R eplace the battery with an A23 (12V)alkaline battery.4.P lease recycle or dispose of the batteryresponsibly. Recycling facilities may notbe available in your area.The manual override switch on the SurgeProtector can also be used to turn theRemote-Switched Outlets on or off withoutthe wireless remote switch in the event theremote is lost or the battery needs replacing.“Not Grounded” light is on.The “Not Grounded” light indicates youmay have a ground-wiring problem inyour home, and you should contact anelectrician to properly ground the outlet.Connecting a Belkin Surge Protector toan improperly grounded outlet will void allBelkin warranties. If your home is properlygrounded and the Surge Protector’s “NotGrounded” light is on, please contact Belkinfor your free replacement.Order additional or replacementremote switchesVisit /conserve to orderadditional wireless remote switches, or toreplace lost or broken ones.Technical SpecificationsContinuous Duty Electrical Rating: 120V~/15A/60Hz/1800W Maximum Energy Dissipation: 1080 Joules.H-N: 360 Joules.H-G: 360 Joules.N-G: 360 JoulesMaximum Spike Current: 72,000A.H-N: 24,000A.H-G: 24,000A.N-G: 24,000AUL Clamping Voltage (3-line): UL 1449 400VEMI/RFI Noise Filtration: 150kHz–100MHz up to 58 dBRemote Switch Battery Type: A23 (12V) alkaline or equivalentUL Listed to U.S. and Canada Safety Standards: UL 1449, UL 1363The EMI/RFI components evaluated to the applicable requirementswith UL 1283Safety Information.To reduce the risk of electrical shock, unplug the unit and allow it to cool before cleaning..D o not “daisy-chain” this product or use it with extension cords. TheBelkin Conserve Switch’s power cord must be plugged directly intoan AC power source to ensure proper surge protection..For indoor use and in dry locations only. Not for use with aquariums or other water-related products.FCC ID: K7S-BG200001This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation issubject to the following two conditions:1.T his device may not cause harmful interference, and2.T his device must accept any interference received, includinginterference that may cause undesired operation.Warning: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to complywith the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to providereasonable protection against harmful interference in a residentialinstallation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radiofrequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordancewith the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radiocommunications. However, there is no guarantee that interferencewill not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment doescause harmful interference to radio or television reception, whichcan be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the useris encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more ofthe following measures:.R eorient or relocate the receiving antenna..I ncrease the separation between the equipment and receiver..C onnect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit differentfrom that to which the receiver is connected..Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technicianfor help.Limited One (1) Year WarrantyWhat this warranty covers.Belkin International, Inc., warrants to the original purchaser ofthis Belkin Conserve Switch, that the Conserve Switch shall befree of defects in design, assembly, material, or workmanship.What the period of coverage is.Belkin International, Inc., warrants the Belkin Conserve Switchfor one (1) year from the original date of purchase.What will we do to correct problems?Conserve Switch Warranty. Belkin will repair or replace, at itsoption, any defective Conserve Switch free of charge (exceptfor shipping charges for the Conserve Switch). Belkin reservesthe right to discontinue any of its products without notice, anddisclaims any limited warranty to repair or replace any suchdiscontinued products. In the event that Belkin isrepair or replace the Conserve Switch (for example, becauseit has been discontinued), Belkin will offer either a refund ora credit toward the purchase of another product from Belkin.com in an amount equal to the purchase price of the ConserveSwitch as evidenced on the original purchase receipt and asdiscounted by its natural use.What is not covered by this warranty?All above warranties are null and void if the Belkin ConserveSwitch is not provided to Belkin International, Inc., forinspection upon Belkin’s request at the sole expense of thepurchaser, or if Belkin International, Inc., determines that theBelkin Conserve Switch has been improperly installed, alteredin any way, or tampered with. The Belkin Conserve SwitchWarranty does not protect against acts of God (including butnot limited to flood, earthquake, war, and vandalism), theft,normal-use wear and tear, erosion, depletion, obsolescence,abuse, or alteration.How to get service.To get service for your Belkin Conserve Switch, you must takethe following steps:1.C ontact Belkin International, Inc., at 12045 E. WaterfrontDrive, Playa Vista, CA 90094, Attn: Customer Service, orcall (800)-223-5546. Be prepared to provide the followinginformation:a.T he part number of the Belkin Conserve Switch.b.W here you purchased the Conserve Switch.c.W hen you purchased the Conserve Switch.d.C opy of original receipt.2.Y our Belkin Customer Service Representative will theninstruct you on how to forward your receipt and BelkinConserve Switch and how to proceed with your claim.Belkin International, Inc., reserves the right to review thedamaged Belkin Conserve Switch. All costs of shipping theBelkin Conserve Switch to Belkin International, Inc., forunable to purchaser of any Belkin Conserve Switch for the life of the product, that the Conserve Switch shall be free of defects in design, assembly, material, or workmanship, and will repair or replace, at its option, any defective Conserve Switch free of charge. Belkin’s Connected Equipment Warranty covers equipment that is damaged by transient voltage (an “Occurrence”) while properly connected through a Belkin Conserve Switch to a properly wired AC power line.This warranty is null and void unless all wires leading into the equipment pass through an appropriate Belkin Conserve Switch as described herein below. The warranty will not cover claims for damage resulting from telephone-line/network-line or coaxial-line transients. This warranty is null and void if a power disturbance damages your equipment through a phone, network, or coaxial line. You are only covered if the disturbance entered through AC lines.This is a Limited Warranty subject to the limitations and exclusions set forth herein.Belkin will spend, to repair or replace the damaged connected equipment, at Belkin’s option, an amount equal to the fair market value of the damaged equipment or the original purchase price of the equipment, whichever is less, up to a maximum of $100,000.00.Belkin reserves the right to review the damaged BelkinConserve Switch, the damaged equipment, and the site where the damage occurred. All costs of shipping the Belkin Conserve Switch and the damaged equipment to Belkin for inspection shall be borne solely by the purchaser. Belkin reserves the right to negotiate the cost of repairs. If Belkin determines, in its sole discretion, that it is impractical to ship the damaged equipment to Belkin, Belkin may designate, in its sole discretion, an equipment repair facility to inspect and estimate the cost to repair such equipment. The cost, if any, of shipping the equipment to and from such repair facility and ofinspection shall be borne solely by the purchaser. If Belkin determines, in its sole discretion, that it is impractical to ship the damaged equipment to Belkin International, Inc., Belkin may designate, in its sole discretion, an equipment repair facility to inspect and estimate the cost to repair such equipment. The cost, if any, of shipping the equipment to and from such repair facility and of such estimate shall be borne solely by the purchaser. Damaged products must remain available for inspection until the claim is finalized. Whenever claims are settled, Belkin International, Inc., reserves the right to be subrogated under any existing insurance policies the purchaser may have.How state law relates to the warranty.This warranty contains the sole warranty of Belkin International, Inc., there are no other warranties, expressed or, except as required by law, implied,including the implied warranty or condition of quality, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, and such implied warranties, if any, are limited in duration to the term of this warranty. Some states do not allowlimitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above limitations may not apply to you.In no event shall Belkin International, Inc., be liable for incidental, special, direct, indirect, consequential, ormultiple damages such as, but not limited to, lost business or profits arising out of the sale or use of any BelkinConserve Switch, even if advised of the possibility of such damages. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights, which may vary from state to state. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental, consequential, or other damages, so the above limitations may not apply to you.Connected Equipment WarrantyBelkin International, Inc. (“Belkin”) warrants to the originalsuch estimate shall be borne solely by the purchaser. Damaged equipment must remain available for inspection until the claim is finalized. Whenever claims are settled, Belkin reserves the right to be subrogated under any existing insurance policies the claimant may have.All above warranties contained herein are null and void if: the Belkin Conserve Switch in use during the Occurrence is not provided to Belkin for inspection upon Belkin’s request at the sole expense of the purchaser; Belkin determines that theBelkin Conserve Switch has been opened, improperly installed, altered in any way, or tampered with; Belkin determines that the damage did not result from the Occurrence or that no Occurrence in fact took place; the repair or replacement of the damaged equipment is covered under a manufacturer’s warranty or seller’s extended warranty; or Belkin determines that the connected equipment was not used under normal operating conditions or in accordance with any manufacturer’s instructions for the connected devices. All Belkin Conserve Switches must be plugged directly into a properly wired AC power line. Any other installation voids this warranty. The Belkin Connected Equipment Warranty only protects against damage to properly connected equipment where Belkin has determined, in its sole discretion, that the damage resulted from an Occurrence, and does not protect against acts of God such as flood, earthquake, war, vandalism, theft, normal-use wear and tear, erosion, depletion, obsolescence, abuse, damage due to low-voltage disturbances (i.e., brownouts or sags), non-authorized program, or system equipment modification or alteration. To be used indoors only and in dry areas.This is the sole warranty of Belkin in respect to connected equipment, lost data or other damages; there are no other warranties, express or implied, except as required by law. Implied warranties required by law include the implied warranty of condition of quality, merchantability,Company Information Belkin Tech Support U.S./supportFor more information and to learn about other Belkin Conserve energy management products, please go to /conserve 8820-00455F7C01008and fitness for a particular purpose, and such implied warranties, if any, are limited in duration to the term of this warranty.Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above limitations may not apply.In no event shall Belkin be liable for incidental, special, direct, indirect, consequential, or multiple damages such as, but not limited to, lost business or profits arising out of the sale or use of any Belkin Conserve Switch, even if advised of the possibility of such damages. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights, which may vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damage, so the above limitations may not apply to you.This warranty is valid only for the original purchaser of the product. All damage claims against the product must be made within 15 days from the date of the Occurrence and must be accompanied by a receipt for the damaged equipment or the warranty is void.To file a claim against Belkin, you must take the following steps:. C ontact Belkin International, Inc., at 12045 E. Waterfront Drive, Playa Vista, CA 90094, Attn: Claims Department, or . C all (800)-223-5546, or .U se our self-service claim form at https:/// claims/claims.aspAll claims must be filed within 15 days of the Occurrence or the warranty is null and void. Be prepared to provide the following information:a. T he part number of the Belkin Conserve Switch.b. T he equipment that was connected to the Belkin Conserve Switch at the time of the occurrence.c. T he equipment that was damaged during the Occurrence and the extent of the damage.d. T he date of the Occurrence.e. W here you purchased the Belkin Conserve Switch.f. When you purchased the Belkin Conserve Switch.g. C opy of the original receipt.Your Belkin Customer Service Representative will then instruct you on how to forward your equipment, receipt, and Belkin Conserve Switch in use during the Occurrence, and how to proceed with your claim, including data recovery services.FCC ID: K7S-BG200001USe eNeRGY wiSelYUsing electricity or driving a car does have an effect on the environment, but by using energy wisely we can prevent waste and reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.CO2 is a greenhouse gas that accumulates in the Earth’s atmosphere, trapping heat from the sun and keeping the planet warm. CO2 comes, in part, from the burning of fossil fuels, such as coal and gasoline, to generate electricity for use in our homes and to power our cars.The amount of CO2 in our atmosphere has increased over the past century, and the majority of scientists questioned in a recent international study agree that global temperatures have risen dramatically compared with levels from the 1800s, with human activity being a significant contributing factor. According to the International Energy Agency, a warmer Earth may lead to changes in rainfall patterns, a rise in sea level, and a wide range of impacts on plants, wildlife, and humans.A good way to visualize CO2 is to imagine that 1 pound of CO2 would fill up 710 soda cans (12oz), or a box2-feet high, 2-feet wide, and 2-feet deep.Belkin Conserve products can help you do your part to use energy wisely.Use less, Save more, feel Good.Facts gathered from a study conducted by the Universityof Illinois, the International Energy Agency, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.。



5SD74系列电涌保护器44/2简介4/7电涌保护器产品一览4/8I级(B) 5SD74 T14/10I/II级(B/C)级5SD74 T1/T2级4/12II级(C) 5SD74 T24/20III级(D) 5SD74 T34/24SPD专用后备保护装置 5SD74..CB4/26附录5SD74系列电涌保护器避雷和过电压保护概述过电压会对电气和电子设备和装置造成破坏。










即使一台电气或电子设备已通过获得 CE 标识所需的、符合 IEC61004-5 标准的耐电压测试,它也无法安然无恙地免受电磁兼容性方面 (EMC) 的所有环境影响。















GB2099.1—1996家用和类似用途插头插座第1部分:通用要求(eqvIEC60884-l:1994)GB/T4207-1984固体绝缘材料在潮湿条件下相比漏电器痕指数和耐漏电起痕指数的测定方法(eqvIEC60112:1979)GB4208—1993外壳防护等级(IP代码)(evqIEC60529:1989)GB5013—1997(全部)额定电压450/750V及以下橡皮绝缘电缆(idtIEC620245)GB5203—1997(全部)额定电压450/750V及以下聚氯乙烯绝缘电缆(idtIEC620227)GB/T5169.10—1997电工电子产品着火危险试验试验方法灼热丝试验方法总则(ldtIEC60695-2-1/0:1994)GB10963—1999家用及类似场所涌过电流保护断路器(idi!EC60947-l:1999)GB/T14048.1—2000低压开关设备和控制设备总则(eqvIEC60947-1:1999)GB14048.5-1993低压开关设备和控制设备控制电路电器和开关元件第1部分:机电式控制电路电器(eqvEC609947-5-1:1990)GB/T16927.1—1997高电压试验技术第一部分:一般试验要求:(eqvEEC60060-1:1989)GB/T16935.1—1997低压系统内设备的绝缘配合第一部分:原理、要求和试验(idtIEV60664-1:1992)GB/T17627.1-1998低压电气设备的高电压试验技术第一部分:定义和试验要求(eqvIEC61180-1:1992)IEC60364-4-442:1993建筑物的电气装置第4部分:安全性保护第44章:防过电压保护第442节:防高压系统对地之间故障的低压装置保护IEC60364-4-442::1993建筑物的电气装置第5部分:电气设备的使选用第534节:过电压保护装置IEC60999(全部)连接设备与铜导线电气连接的螺钉和无螺钉夹紧器的安全要求IEC61643-12连接低压配电系统的电涌保护器第12部分:选择和使用原则2使用条件2. 1.1频率:电源的交流频率在48HZ和62HZ之间2. 1.2电压:持续施加在SPD的连接线端子之间的电压不应超过其最大持续工作的电压。

帕特森535 536型二次令牌环电涌保护器使用说明书

帕特森535 536型二次令牌环电涌保护器使用说明书

Operating Bandwidth: 60MHZ Max. (535); 130MHZ (536)
Note: The Model 535 shunts surge current to chassis ground through the connector shells on both ends. If you have any questions as to whether your hardware is grounded properly, consult the manufacturer's user manual(s).
Thank you for your purchase of this Patton Electronics product. This product has been thoroughly inspected and tested and is warranted for One Year parts and labor. If any questions or problems arise during installation or use of this product, please do not hesitate to contact Patton Electronics Technical Support at (301) 975-1007.
802.5 Toeken Ring Surge Protector (UTP)
S/N 1009
3.0 INSTALLATION The Patton Model 535 and 536 are very easy to install: no special cables or batteries are needed. Simply unplug the cable from the AUI port and insert the unit between the cable and the port as shown in the appropriate diagram below.





(2.泄露电流I ie(1)泄露电流的实测值I ie应不超过生产厂标称的I ie最大值;如生产厂未声称泄露电流I ie时,实测值应不大于20μA。

多片MOV并联的SPD,其泄露电流的实测值I ie应不超过生产厂标称的I ie最大值;如生产厂未声称泄露电流I ie时,实测值应不大于20μA乘以MOV阀片的数量。

不能确定阀片数量时,SPD的实测值不大于20μA;(2)后续测量I1mA时,单片MOV和多片MOV构成的SPD,其泄露电流I ie的实测值应不大于首次测量值的1倍。



4.两端引线长度:SPD两端的引线长度之和宜不大于0.5m,电源SPD的有效电压保护水平U p/f(SPD两端引线上产生的电压)应低于被保护的耐冲击过电压额定值Uw户外线进入建筑物处可按1KV/m计算(8/20μs、20KA 时)5.连接导线截面:检测方法:量测、绝缘电阻测试仪、压敏电压测试仪、万用表。



VAL-MS230 ST 和F-MS 12 ST 德国菲尼克斯浪涌保护器防雷器防雷器的工作原理:防雷器内部结构其实就是巨功率电压敏感器件,当雷击进入电源进户线路时:防雷器将过高的电压吸收和泄放到大地上,所以地线是很重要的,没有地线就没有防雷效果,只能吸收浪涌效果,当遇到过于强大的雷击时需要空气开关或熔断器(保险丝)来保护,所以空气开关和熔断器的电流要选择合适,不然烧了防雷器还与电网未断开,在空气开关后面再接熔断器是为了更保险,因为空气开关是机械动作的,不会100%可靠。



本防雷器属于快速更换结构,当过强雷击被击穿后可以快速更换防雷器芯,不用任何工具,只从防雷器座上拔下和插上,购买时也以多买几个防雷器芯备用,防雷器芯购买请看:德国菲尼克斯 PHOENIX CONTACT VAL-MS230 防雷器芯下图是:简单的浪涌保护接线图,本图不能实现防雷保护,只有浪涌保护,空气开关和溶断器大于32A时用两只防雷器并联。




下图是: 三相五线防雷浪涌保护接线图,电流大的要用多只并联。

VALVETRAB -MS是一个单通道、导轨安装式的Ⅱ类(C级)电涌保护器。


VAL MS...VF产品在保护插头中特殊设计了压敏电阻和气体放电管,可以有效限制漏电流。

上海良信电器股份有限公司 NDUH1电涌后备保护断路器产品说明书

上海良信电器股份有限公司 NDUH1电涌后备保护断路器产品说明书

10、主要事项 ●因私自拆开产品引起的产品质量问题,自行负责; ●在工作通电状态下手勿触及断路器非绝缘件裸露部分; ●请不要随意对断路器的特性进行调试,由此引起的产品质量问题厂方不予负责; ●接线可靠,防止因接线端出现异常热引起断路器误动作或造成接线端烧毁; ●拼装附件时必须先拆开封盖,撬开封盖处,应无毛刺及凹陷,以免产品出现滑扣异常;
额定工作电压 Ue/V
额定绝缘电压 Ui/V 额定工作频率 f/Hz
500V 2020.04.24
额定冲击耐受电压 Uimp/kV
T1 级耐压:6;T2 级耐压:4
最小延时动作电流 Id/A
3±1A ,脱扣时间≤5s
NDUH1 系列电涌后备保护断路器适用于隔离。
I — 25 100 / 2 / F
序号 名称
20200424 张井阳 张阳
2020.04.24 文件控制
地址:上海市浦东新区申江南路 2000 号

德力西 CDYE电涌保护器 使用说明书

德力西 CDYE电涌保护器 使用说明书

CDYE Surge Protective Device User ManualPlease carefully read this manual before the installation and operation of this product, and keep it well for future reference.Safety PrecautionPlease carefully read this manual before the installation, operation, run, maintenance, and inspection of the product, and install and operate this product properly according to this User Manual.Danger:●It is prohibited to operate the surge protective device with wet hands;●Do not touch the conductive part during operation;●Make sure that the product is de-electrified during the maintenance and service;Caution:●The installation, maintenance, and service shall be carried out by the qualified professional;●Confirm that the sustainable operating current, nominal discharge current, and voltageprotection level of the product meet the working requirements before use;● A red indicator window indicates that the product is damaged and shall be replaced.●The live wire branch of SPD shall be connected in series with SCB, fuse or circuit breaker forbackup protection, and the grounding system shall be well connected.●When scrapping the product, please dispose the product waste properly; thanks for yourcooperation.Table of Contents1 Main Usage and Scope of Application (1)2 Introduction to Product Panel (1)3 Normal Operation, Installation and Transport Conditions (2)3.1 Normal Operation and Installation Conditions (2)3.2 Normal Storage and Transport Conditions (2)4 Technical Characteristics (3)4.1 Main Technical Parameters (3)5 Outline and Installation Dimensions (4)6 Installation and Operation (Maintenance) (5)6.1 Installation (5)6.2 Maintenance and Service (6)7 Unpacking Inspection (6)8 Company’s Commitment (6)1 Main Usage and Scope of ApplicationCDYE series surge protective device is mainly used in AC 50Hz/60Hz single-phase/three-phase power distribution system with a rated voltage 230V/400V to suppress transient overvoltage, discharge surge energy, and prevent or reduce the damage to the equipment due to transient overvoltage caused by lightning strikes or operation.2 Introduction to Product PanelCDYE-II/20, CDYE-II/40, CDYE-II/65CDYE-II/80, CDYE-II/120, CDYE-I+II/12.5Legends:1 Inlet terminal2 Wiring symbol3 Delixi brand4 Working status indicator window;CDYE-II/20(/40/65): Green indicates that the lightning protection function is normal, and the red indicates that the lightning protection function is invalid.CDYE-II/80(/120), CDYE-I+II/12.5: No color indicates that the lightning protection function is normal, and the red indicates that the lightning protection function is invalid.5 Max. discharge current Imax/impulse current Iimp6 Module model7 Main technical parameters: In-Nominal discharge current, Imax-Max. discharge current, Up-Voltage protection level, U C– Max. continuous operating voltage, Iimp – Impulse current8 Certification mark 9 Product model 10 Remote signaling terminal wiring diagram 11 Outlet terminal 12 Remote signaling terminal 13 Installation snap3 Normal Operation, Installation and Transport Conditions3.1 Normal Operation and Installation Conditions(1) Working environment temperature: -40℃ ~ +80℃;(2) The altitude of the installation site does not exceed 2000m;(3) The relative humidity of the atmosphere air does not exceed 50% at the maximum ambient temperatureof +40℃, and a higher relative humidity is allowed at lower temperatures, such as 90% at 20℃.Note: There shall be no condensation on the surface of the product, otherwise protective measures shall be taken;(4) Installed in a place free from rain or snow erosion;(5) Pollution level: Level 2, Level 3;(6) Installation category: Class II, Class III, Class IV;(7) Protection grade: IP20 (installed in power distribution box, distribution cabinet or box IP40).3.2 Normal Storage and Transport Conditions(1) Ambient air temperature: -20℃ ~ +60℃; limit temperature: -40℃ ~ +70℃;(2) Relative humidity: 30%~90% at room temperature;(3) The product should be handled gently during transportation to avoid severe collision;4 Technical Characteristics 4.1 Main Technical Parameters5 Outline and Installation DimensionsCDYE-II/20(/40/65) outline and installation dimensionsCDYE-I+II/12.5kACDYE-II/80(/120) outline and installation dimensions6 Installation and Operation (Maintenance)6.1 InstallationThis series of surge protective device is of the rail mounted type, and can be installed on the TH35-7.5 steel mounting rail;●Remote signaling function wiring diagramStripping length: 4mmWiring capacity: 0.5-1.5mm2●Before installation, check whether the technical parameters of the product meet the requirements, andcheck the product for damage;●Connect the wire according to the wiring mark;●The cross-sectional area of the recommended connecting wire is as follows: Live/zero line≥ 6mm2; wirefrom the distribution box to the earth bar: 16mm2;●SPD is connected with the power supply branch in parallel, the total length of the live wire or zero line+ earth wire connected to SPD for 2P, 3P and 4P products should be ≤ 0.5m, the total length of live line + zero line connected to SPD for 1P + N and 3P+N products should be ≤ 0.5m, and the total length of zero line + earth wire should be ≤ 0.5m.●Surge protective device installation diagram:2P,3P,4P installation diagram1P+N,3P+N installation diagram6.2 Maintenance and Service●Maintenance and service must be carried out by the qualified professional;●Make sure that the product is de-energized;●Maintenance and service are required before the thunderstorm season and after lightning strikes, and themaintenance contents are listed in table below.Maintenance and ServiceCheck the product for damage, check the exposed metal for rust, and check the product for any defect caused by poor transport or storage after unpacking the product; if found the above phenomenon, do not operate the product, and contact the supplier timely.8 Company’s CommitmentUnder the premise that users follow the use and storage conditions and the product are well sealed, within 36 months from the production date, our company will provide repair and replacement service free of charge for any damage or abnormal operation due to poor manufacture quality. A paid repair will be provided if the warranty period expires. For any damage due to one of the following situations, a paid repair will be given even if within the warranty period:a) Improper operation, maintenance, or storage;b) Modified and inappropriate repair without permission;c) Damage due to falling off or during installation after purchase;d) Force majeure such as earthquakes, fires, lightning strikes, abnormal voltages, and secondary disasters;If you have any question, please contact our dealer or our company’s customer service department. Customer service hotline:400-826-8008CertificateThis product passes the factory inspection and is allowed to be shipped.Standard: GB/T18802.11/IEC61643-11Inspector: Check 1Production date: See box labelAddress: Delixi High-Tech Industrial Park, Liushi Town, Yueqing City, ZhejiangZip: 325604Tel: (86-577)61778888Fax: (86-577)61778000Customer hotline: 400-826-8008The first edition of this user manual was issued in Jan., 2023。




















3、判定方法1、电源避雷器 (SPD) 直流参考电压 (U1mA) 的测试:用仪器测出的SPD实测压敏电压与生产厂标称值比较,当误差大于±20%时,可判定SPD失效。








安全操作1. 电涌保护器的安装(1)电涌保护器的安装应符合国家相关规定,并应由专业人员进行安装。




2. 电涌保护器的挂壁式安装(1)挂壁式安装必须使用标准化通用型电涌保护器。



3. 电路接线(1)任何直接或间接引入的信号线、电源线必须经过电涌保护器保护。


4. 操作(1)在安装电涌保护器时,操作人员必须先分析被保护设备的性能和安全保护顺序要求,将其合理连接,方可实现全面保护。


保养规程1. 输入电源保护(1)电涌保护器的输入电源保护器保养周期为2年。




2. 信号线防护(1)信号线的防护保养周期为1年。





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SDX系列电涌保护器使用说明书江苏斯菲尔电气股份有限公司JIANGSU SFERE ELECTRIC CO.,LTD目录1.用途 (1)2.使用条件 (1)3.常用名词定义 (1)4产品命名意义 (2)5主要技术参数 (2)6主要结构特点 (2)7外形尺寸 (3)8安装与使用 (3)9运输和保管 (4)10保修 (4)11订货须知 (4)12附表一 (5)1.用途感谢您选用SDX系列电涌保护器!本产品适用对间接雷电和直接雷电或其他瞬时过电压的电涌进行保护。










3.2标称放电电流In流过SDX系列电涌保护器具有8/20波形的电流峰值,用于II级试验的SDX系列电涌保护器分级以及I 级﹑II级试验的SDX系列电涌保护器的预处理试验。



这是用于I级试验的SDX 系列电涌保护器分类试验(一般用10/350波形)。










4产品命名意义5主要技术参数6主要结构特点该保护器由过电压保护模块、芯片劣化(热敏)保护、过流保护、指示装置及外壳等五部分组成,符合《GB18802.1-2002;IEC61643-1:1998低压配电系统的SDX 系列电涌保护器第一部分:性能要求和试验方法》的要求,其主要部件为压敏元件(或气体间隙),正常工作时处于高阻状态,当电气线路中出现瞬态过电压时,压敏元件电阻非线性大幅度变小(或电气间隙击穿),使流过其中的电流急剧增大,而将保护器两端电压钳制在安全范围之内。

该保护器具有保护范围全;安装、维护方便(模块化、标准化设计);动作时间短(小于20ns );限制电压低(1kV 以下);工作状态一目了然(带劣化指示窗口)等特点。


试验分级型号外形尺寸标称放电电流In(8/20μs)最大放电电流Imax(8/20μs)最大持续工作电压Uc 电压保护水平UpⅠ级分类SDX DG5390×36×6660kA 140kA AC420V 2.4kV SDX DG5490×27×6660kA 120kA AC 420V 2.4kV Ⅱ级分类SDX DG5590×27×6640kA 80kA AC 420V 2.4kV SDX D5690×18×6630kA 60kA AC 420V 2.2kV SDX D5790×18×6620kA 40kA AC 420V 2.0kV SDX D5890×18×6610kA20kAAC 420V1.6kV电涌保护器用户使用手册7外形尺寸型号a(mm)b(mm)c(mm)SDX DG53903666SDX DG54902766SDX DG55902766SDX D5*******SDX D5*******SDX D5*******8安装与使用8.1对新建工程,电涌保护器宜装在有隔仓或隔板的配电柜内,对后续或改建工程,如配电箱内有位置而且可与其他电器保持一定的距离,接线只会有个别交叉,电涌保护器宜在配电箱内安装,如配电箱内安装有困难,可在配电箱近旁设置电涌保护箱。

















产品型号推荐后备保护上引线下引线第一级SDX DG53NT0-160A/50kA 16mm 225mm 2SDX DG54NT0-120A/50kA 16mm 225mm 2第二级SDX DG55MCB-40A/10kA 10mm 216mm 2SDX D56MCB-32A/10kA 10mm 216mm 2第三级SDX D57MCB-20A/6.5kA 6mm 210mm 2SDX D58MCB-10A/6.5kA6mm 210mm 2技术说明,如有变更恕不另行通知。

江苏斯菲尔电气股份有限公司JIANGSU SFERE ELECTRIC CO.,LTD地址:江苏江阴市澄江东路99号Add:99Chengjiang R.(E),Jiangyin,Jiangsu,China.邮编:214434P.C:214434电话:(0510)86199088Tel:(0510)86199088传真:(0510)86199058Fax:(0510)86199058http://。
