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李坤全 (长江大学地球科学学院,

湖北荆州434023) 翟群芳 (长江大学电子信息学院,湖北荆州434023)






[中图分类号]T P 273

[文献标识码]A [文章编号]16731409(2006)02057902

在产品质量管理中,工件现场的识别很重要,这就要求在零部件的表面上有标识,以便对其进行跟踪管理。气动打标机是近年来出现的满足标识的机电一体化产品。最近几年内得到了较大范围的应用和普及。目前,打标机主要分为气动打标机和激光打标机2种。气动打标机是利用空气压缩机和一个气阀控制打印头上下振动,在工件上打下标记。上世纪90年代以来,基于计算机的数控系统已成为控制系统发展的主流。现在的打标机采用微机(PC 机)控制,但每台标记机需配备PC ,成本高。笔者将讨论用AT89C52单片机作为控制器,研制便携式打标机,提高了打标机的性价比[1]。

图1 打示系统示意图1 便携式打标机的组成

图1为打标系统的示意图。V 形台架用来放置待打标

的钢管,由几个支柱组成;V 形面上固定有橡胶垫,减少





2 控制系统硬件设计

图2为打标控制系统硬件框图,系统采用A T 89C52单片机做控制器。键盘显示部分主要采用8279和EA -D20040[2]。电机驱动用UN2003R 。钢管到达打标工位时,气缸下降,撑脚压在钢管上,调节打


3 打标工作程序设计


579 长江大学学报(自科版) 2006年6月第3卷第2期理工卷

Journal of Y angtze University (Nat Sci Edit ) Jun .2006,V ol .3N o .2Sci &Eng V



图3 打标程序流程图 在打标过程中,X ,Y 轴的运动实际上就是控制步进电机


应的4个函数(即X 电机的正反转,Y 电机的正反转),控制单

片机的I /O 输出脉冲逻辑。

4 打标结果测试


冲。以左上角为起点,X 电机正转走“-”,停;Y 电机正转

走“︱”,停;X 电机反转走“-”,停;Y 电机正转走

“︱”,停;X 电机正转走“-”,停。完成打标“2”的运


示。对于打标“2”字符,只要再运动:X 电机正转走

“-”,停;Y 电机正转走两个时间段的“︱”(这里打标信号

是不作用的,气缸不运动)。粗黑线段代表运动轨迹(在有打标信号作用下的),细线段仅仅是X ,Y 电

机作用运动。打标“2”字符对应的I /O 口输出脉冲时序如图5所示

。 图4 打标“2”的时序图 图5 运动轨迹逻辑图


[1]徐爱钧.智能化测量仪表原理与设计[M ].北京:北京航天航空大学出版社,1995.

[2]吴正民.图形液晶显器和单片机接口应用技术[J ].今日电子,2003,(6):24~26.

[3]原明亭,胡青.单片机应用系统专用汉字库的建立方法[J ].工业仪表与自动化装置,1995,(6):21~22.

[4]戴佳.51单片机应用系统开发典型实例[M ].北京:中国电力出版社,2005.

[编辑] 易国华

580 长江大学学报(自科版)2006年6月

 Jo u rna l o f Ya n gtze U nive rsity(N atu ral Scie n ce Edit io n)N o.2 2006

Abstract:Pipes are w idely used in industry and play a quite important ro le.So me recent research de-velopment on nonlinear FSI vibration of fluid convey ing pipes is review ed in this paper.It fo cuses o n nonlinear dynamic m odeling theories,mo dern analy tical methods for so lving these dy namic prob-lems and stability of fluid convey ing pipes.Finally the future trends and adv ances in this area are dis-cussed.

Key words:fluid conveying pipes;nonlinear;FS I;stability

577Research on Vibration Characteristics of Fluid-filled Pipelines

ZEN G Guo-hua,KONG Jian-yi,LI Gong-fa,YAN G Jin-tang,XION G He-gen,J IAN G Guo-zhang (W uhan Univ e rsity o f S c ience and Tec hnolog y,W uhan430081)

Abstract:There are bro ad applicatio ns for the research on vibration characteristics of fluid-filled pipeline fluid,w hich has very impor tant function fo r the prog ress o f basic science theo ries and the development of national economy,fluid-structure interaction,the research on vibration characteris-tics in fluid-filled pipelines are studied,research methods and their application sco pe are ana-ly zed.Then the ty pical models of fluid-filled pipelines studied are explored.These have certain refer-ence value with further research in the future.

Key words:fluid-filled pipeline;vibratio n characteristics;fluid-structure interaction;m odel

579Design of Control S ystem for Potable Oil Pipe Mark Printer Based on Micro-computer LI Kun-quan,ZHAI Qun-fang (Y ang tz e Un iv er sity,J ing z hou434023)

Abstract:A pneumatic m ark printer based o n micro-com uter is discussed.The overall desig n o f the printer sy stem and the implem entatio n of the control sy stem are introduced in detail.The m odulus fo r inform ation input and the implementatio n of co rrespo nding m otion are introduced em phatically, the open and close of solenoid valve are co ntro lled by pulse to co ntro l the printing pin.Its co st is re-duced through the development of hardw are circuit,by w hich the vo lume of printe r is reduced and its stability is improved.

Key words:micro-computer;step m otor;hardw are sy stem;m ark printe r

591Detection of Single-pile Vertical Bearing C apacity with Steady Mechanic Impedance Method

MAO Bin (S henz he n East Constr uction S u per v ision Co.,S hen zhe n518034)

LU O R ui-ping (Yang tz e Univ e rsity,J in gz hou434023)

Abstract:The pile-soil m odel is simplified to mass-spring elastic sy stem w hich is under mechanical impedance fo rce impulse.The key for load-bearing capacity calculation is accurat for dy namic stiff-ness testing.When the calculatio n is m ade,accurate calculating fo rmulae should be used for obtai-ning rapid and m ore accurate results on the basis of testing da ta.

Key words:static stiffness;dynamic rigidity;m echanical impedance method;vertical bearing ca-pacity;limit settlement value

Translated&Edited by SU Kai-ke(苏开科)
