
律政俏佳人英文作文英文,As a legal secretary, I have watched the movie "Legally Blonde" multiple times and I cannot help but admire the main character, Elle Woods. She may come across as a stereotypical blonde, but she proves that she is more than just a pretty face. Elle is a determined andintelligent woman who works hard to achieve her goals.One of the things I admire about Elle is her ability to use her charm and wit to her advantage. In the movie, sheis able to win over a difficult professor by using her knowledge of hair care products to help him with a legal case. This shows that she is not afraid to use her femininity to get what she wants.Another trait that makes Elle a great role model is her perseverance. Despite facing numerous obstacles, she never gives up on her dream of becoming a lawyer. She works hard to get into Harvard Law School and proves that she is just as capable as her classmates, if not more so.Overall, Elle Woods is a great example of a strong and determined woman who is not afraid to use her strengths to achieve her goals.中文,作为一名法律秘书,我已经看过电影《律政俏佳人》多次,我不禁佩服主角艾尔·伍兹。
Leagally Blonde..律政俏佳人

The leading actress of the movie is Elle Woods who leads a happy life without botheration . She’s the president of her sorority(女学生联谊会), a natural Blonde , Miss June in her campus calendarner who comes from an East-Coast blue blood family . He is the most handsome boy on campus. Elle wants nothing more than to be Warner’s bride. 1.mp4
To against such discrimination about women, some people launched a feminist movement aimed at defining, establishing, and defending equal political, economic and social rights and equal opportunities for women.
Background Information
The story of Legally Blonde happened in the context of the patriarchal society which men controlled everything and women were not treated as equals In the then society, women had become commodities who were treated as objects to sell goods and services. Sexist advertising is rife, with the implicit message being that women were pieces of meat who defined themselves in terms of the male sexual reaction to them, and existed only for the consumption of men.

律政俏佳人观后感英语English:After watching "Legally Blonde," I couldn't help but be inspired by the protagonist, Elle Woods. The movie is not just a typical romantic comedy, but it also carries a powerful message about not judging a book by its cover and the importance of staying true to oneself. Elle's journey from a seemingly superficial and underestimated girl to a successful lawyer is both entertaining and empowering. Her determination, resilience, and intelligence are truly admirable. The way she maintains her positive attitude despite facing discrimination and challenges is truly inspiring. I also appreciate the emphasis on the value of friendship and support from others. Overall, "Legally Blonde" is not just a fun movie, but it also delivers important life lessons about perseverance, confidence, and the power of believing in oneself.中文翻译:看完《律政俏佳人》后,我不禁被女主角埃尔伍兹所感染。

律政俏佳⼈观后感英语律政俏佳⼈观后感英语 《律政俏佳⼈》这是⼀部典型的好莱坞青春校园影⽚,我们⼤家看看下⾯的英⽂版的律政俏佳⼈观后感吧! 律政俏佳⼈观后感英语1 A very pretty, smart and sweet young woman who decides to completely change her life and go to Harvard law School, in order to follow her boyfriend, who has decided to break up with her. Warner Huntington the 3rd Elle’s boyfriend, who is snobby, who decides to leave her because he feels he needs to find a more serious looking girlfriend that will help him with his future career in politics. Paulette A woman working class hairdresser who becomes Elle’s best friend. Vivian Warner’s new girlfriend at Harvard, who treats Elle very poorly at first. Brooke Taylor Windham A successful business woman who makes well known exercise videos, who is charged with the murder of her rich husband. Professor Callahan A lawyer and Professor at Harvard, who is hired to defend Brooke. Emmett A young lawyer and Professor Callahan’s assistant. This is the story of Elle Woods, a very cute and friendly student who is also the most popular girl in her Los Angeles sorority (A house and club for female students). Elle has just finished her studies in Fashion, and is getting prepared to marry her boyfriend, Warner, who will soon be going to Harvard Law School, in Boston. Unfortunately, Warner decides to break up with Elle, because he wants to find a more serious looking girlfriend who will help his career in politics after he gets out of law school (Elle, unfortunately looks like the dumb blonde) 律政俏佳⼈观后感英语2 This movie is about a girl that thought she was going to propose but found out that she got dumped by her boyfriend Warner. Supposely She wasnt smart eough for his parents to except her. To prove him wrong she tries to get into Harvard Law School. She studies for the LSATs, submits a video essay--in which she appears in a sequined bikini--and, miraculously, is accepted. At first, Elle is rebuked by Professor Stromwell and is the target of snide comments from other students. 律政俏佳⼈观后感英语3 Ditsy but kind Elle Woods (Witherspoon) lives in a practically perfect life, surrrounded by frivolous and sweet girls, hair and nail salons, and above all pink, pink and more pink. She is convinced that her boyfriend Warner (Davis,) will propose to her that night at dinner. Instead he dumps her, saying that he needs someone more serious if he's going to go to Harvard law school, and be a senater by the time he's thirty. Heartbroken, Elle decides the only way she can win him back is to go to Harvard as well. The first few classes don't go very well, but she trys hard to prove she can be a serious and intelligent law student. But the challenge to get Warner back just got bigger. He's proposed to another more serious law student named Vivian (Blair) who as well as Elle and Warner gets into a law internship. 律政俏佳⼈观后感英语4 Breezy blonde Elle Woods (Witherspoon) is about to graduate from a small California college and fully expects her boyfriend Warner Huntington III (Davis) to propose marriage before he takes off to Harvard Law School. But citing his ambitions in law and politics, and saying he needs a more "serious" partner, Warner dumps her. Plucky Elle decides to follow him to Harvard (she manages to get herself admitted after majoring in fashion), and win her man back. Eventually, she finds herself a law firm intern on a heavy murder case, still hoping to win her guy back from snooty Eastern preppie gal Vivian Kensington (Blair). This fluffy comedy is rather obvious, silly, implausible, not that funny, and has a weak ending -- but it's a wonderfully charming piece of work anyway, mostly due to Witherspoon's terrific performance and a couple of mildly surprising plot turns. Raquel Welch has a cute cameo as the murdered man's ex-wife. 律政俏佳⼈观后感英语5 At one point of time or another we all have faced stereotypyed prejudices in our daily lives.This is the story of a leggy blonde who decides to take on the world & show that blondes do have more fun,but they can also prove their smarts in any field they desire.How is it different from any other movie?The blonde does this in a non-sensical & comical way. Elle Woods(Reese Witherspoon) has it all-loving par ents,cool friends,a rich lifestyle,pink stuff,a fashion designing degree,immense popularity,oggling guys everywhere she goes & a fashion conscious chihuahua.She’s madly in love with her boyfriend,Warner(Matthew Davis) & iswaiting eagerly for him to propose.On her ’special night’ he ends breaking up with her.He explains to Elle that he still does love & care for her a lot.But since he’s got ambitions to join Harvard Law school & later on take up a career in politics,he tells Elle that he would need a smarter life partner.Heartbroken,Elle decides to win Warnerback.She studies day & night to end up with an excellent LSAT score & enrolls herself at Harvard Law school.But this is just the beginning for poor Elle as she finds out that Warner has proposed to their Harvard Lawclassmate,Vivian(Selma Blair).From then on Elle has to constantly struggle to prove herself to herclassmates,professors & the general public.At first,Elle & Vivian are totally vicious to each other.But as time goeson & they begin to warm up to each other,Elle realises that she & Vivian would be great friends if it were not for the issue of Warner.Emmett Richmond(Luke Wilson) is one of Elle’s professors who keeps supporting her,no matter what.He’s genuinely impressed by her colourful character who’s got an attitude to succeed & win people’s hearts. The movie is light & funny.The cast are very definite in their roles,as tiny & comical as it may be.ReeseWitherspoon stands out in playing the dumb blonde who wants to be taken seriously.This is a totally girly filmwhich would be nice for a girl’s night out.Don’t even make the mistake of taking a guy for this movie.Go out there & embrace your feminine power! 律政俏佳⼈观后感英语6 Have you heard the one about the blonde that goes to Harvard Law School? She gets to the top of her class, is put in charge of a high-profile murder trial during her first year, and graduates with honors. No, really. This, in a nutshell, is the premise of Legally Blonde, the new film starring blonde-au-natural Reese Witherspoon as Elle Woods, a So Cal sorority girl who follows her one-and-only, an East Coast blue blood by the name of Warner Huntington III (Matt Davis), to Harvard Law in order to win back his affections after he royally dumps her, citing that he needs someone more upscale on his arm, "a Jackie, not a Marilyn." The resulting film is cute and charming, but also diabetically sweet and with a plot that is as implausible as Dude,Where's My Car? picking up an Oscar for Best Picture. Natural comparisons would be to Amy Heckerling's Clueless, though Legally Blonde lacks the sharp satire that made that film as clever as it was. In its place are loud stereotypes and completely over-the-top sets and costumes. Regardless, the film does work, and that's due almost entirely to its star, Reese Witherspoon. Witherspoon plays Elle with such consistent perkiness that the audience can't help but play along and get swept up into her ice-cream-and-candy world. She adds just enough parody to her character to give us the feeling that it's ok to get lost in the fluffiness of the film, and not to take it too literally.> 0 0 E l l e W o o d s i s a n i n t e r e s t i n g c r e a t u r e t o b e h o l d . S h e ' s a H a w a i i a n T r o p i c s g i r l , h e a d o f h e r s o r o r i t y , h a s a p e r f e c t G P A i n F a s h i o n M e r c h a n d i s i n g , a n d s h e w e a r s a n a w f u l l o t o f p i n k . S h e ' s t h e k i n d o f g i r l w h o p r o b a b l y d o t s h e r I ' s w i t h l i t t l e h e a r t s a n d p r a c t i c e s s m i l i n g i n f r o n t o f t h e m i r r o r . / p > p b d s f i d = " 9 0 " > 0 0 B u t b a l a n c i n g t h e s e b l o n d e - g i r l s t e r e o t y p e s a r e E l l e ' s f e i s t i n e s s a n d h e r g e n u i n e n e s s . S h e i s g e n u i n e l y d i t z y , f o r s u r e , b u t a l s o g e n u i n e l y c h a r m i n g a n d g o o d - h u m o r e d . / p > p b d s f i d = " 9 1 " > 0 0 W i t h e r s p o o n e m b o d i e s t h e s e c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s p e r f e c t l y , a n d i s l o v a b l e a n d b e l i e v a b l e , b l o n d e h e a d t o p i n k m a n i c u r e d t o e . / p > p b d s f i d = " 9 2 " > 0 0 T h e s c r e e n p l a y , c o - w r i t t e n b y K a r e n M c C u l l a h L u t z a n d K i r s t e n S m i t h a n d b a s e d o n t h e A m a n d a B r o w n ' s b o o k o f t h e s a m e n a m e , i s p u r e c o t t o n c a n d y d e l i c i o u s f r o m s t a r t t o f i n i s h , b u t n o t r e a l l y s a t i s f y i n g o r f u l f i l l i n g . T h a t ' s o k a y , s i n c e t h e p u r p o s e o f t h e f i l m i s n ' t t o g i v e y o u a n i n t e l l e c t u a l h e a d a c h e , b u t r a t h e r l i g h t l y j a b a t s o m e t y p i c a l y o u t h s t e r e o t y p e s a n d i m m e r s e t h e m i n c o m e d y a n d c h a r m . / p > p b d s f i d = " 9 3 " > 0 0 S u p p o r t i n g c h a r a c t e r s a r e a l s o v i v i d a n d c o m m e n d a b l e . S e l m a B l a i r i s a p p r o p r i a t e l y c a s t a s a p r e p - s c h o o l s n o b , J a c k i e O t o W i t h e r s p o o n ' s M a r i l y n , a n d b a l a n c e s E l l e ' s s y r u p y d i s p o s i t i o n w i t h a p e r s o n a l i t y m a d e o f v i n e g a r . / p > p b d s f i d = " 9 4 " > 0 0 M a t t D a v i s , a s W a r n e r H u n t i n g t o n I I I , a n d L u k e W i l s o n , a s a p a r t n e r a t t h e l a w f i r m f o r w h i c h E l l e w o r k s , a r e i n t e r e s t i n g e n o u g h a s W i t h e r s p o o n ' s t w o l o v e i n t e r e s t s , t h o u g h t h e i r c o m b i n e d s c r e e n p r e s e n c e i s s o m e w h a t l i m i t e d a n d t h e i r c h a r a c t e r s a r e d i s p l a y e d m o r e a s s u b j e c t s o f c o n v e r s a t i o n a n d l a m e n t b e t w e e n E l l e a n d h e r g i r l f r i e n d s . T h e y d o m a k e t h e i r t i m e o n s c r e e n c o u n t , t h o u g h , w i t h s t r o n g p e r f o r m a n c e s a n d l o o k s t h a t w o u l d m e l t t h e h e a r t s o f t h e f i l m ' s t a r g e t f e m a l e a u d i e n c e . / p > p b d s f i d = " 9 5 " > 0 0 J e n n i f e r C o o l i d g e a n d O z P e r k i n s a l s o s t a n d o u t a s E l l e ' s B o s t o n b u d d i e s , t h e f o r m e r a m a n i c u r i s t a t a l o c a l b e a u t y p a r l o r a n d t h e l a t t e r a s o n e o f E l l e ' s c l a s s m a t e s .C o o l i d g e , w h o m y o u m a y r e m e m b e r a s t h e M I L F f r o m A m e r i c a n P i e , i s e s p e c i a l l y e n d e a r i n g a s a f a s h i o n - c h a l l e n g e d d i s h w a t e r b l o n d e w h o m E l l e t a k e s u n d e r h e r w i n g . / p > p b d s f i d = " 9 6 " > 0 0 I n t h e e n d , L e g a l l y B l o n d e i s l i t t l e m o r e t h a n C l u e l e s s G o e s t o C o l l e g e , b u t W i t h e r s p o o n a n d h e r s u p p o r t i n g c a s t o f o d d b a l l s a n d s t e r e o t y p e s m a k e t h i s f i l m s t a n d o u t a s a f u n a n d c h e e r y s u m m e r f l i c k w o r t h y o f m o r e t h a n a f e w l a u g h s . / p >。

律政俏佳人Legally Blonde 中英文剧本Here it is!就是这!Thanks.谢谢Did you guys sign it?你看过吗Did you sign the card?你看过这张卡片吗And five and four and...四,五,跟着Hey, girls, sign!嘿,姑娘们,签了它All right! Here you go!好,你可以走了- Elle's gonna love it! - Thanks.艾尔会喜欢的,谢谢Y ou go, girl!孩子,你们可以走了Hi, girls! Here, sign!嘿,女孩们,签了它Thanks!谢谢There she is.她在那Thank you.多谢I love that restaurant!我喜欢那家餐馆I heard Madonna went into laborthere.我听说麦当娜在那里公作Oh, gosh! I have to go shopping!哦,时间,我要去购物了!I'll see you tonight. Bye.晚上见Bruiser, what's this?布塞尔,这是什么"Good luck tonight. Elle and Warnerforever." 今晚幸运,永恒的凯利Oh, that's so cute.欧,那真可爱Oh, my gosh! Y ou guys are so sweet!你也不错But I'm not positive it'll happen tonight.我今晚没空Hello! He just had lunch with his grandmother. 你好,他刚和他的祖母共进午餐Y ou know he got the rock.他的事你知道吗Why else would she have flown in from Newport? 怎么这么快就有人知道了It's not like she'd Fed Ex a six-carat diamond.这事什么人都知道了Do you really think?你说是吗I can't believe you're getting engaged!想不道你也是这样Oh, my gosh...我的天啊you guys have to help me pick out the perfect outfit. 你要帮我把这些器材配套齐全Come on!来I think you should go with the red.我认为你应该穿红色It's the color of confidence.那是自信的表现I don't understand why you're disregarding...我不明白你为什么那么冷漠your signature color.你的签名也是He's proposing. I can't look like I would on any other date. 他正计划着,我不能看着别人约会This is the date... the night I'll always remember.这个约会的夜晚我永远都记得I want to look special.我想看看有什么不同Bridal.那个婚礼But not like I expect anything.不是我希望的那样There's nothing I love more...其他我没什么兴趣than a dumb blonde with daddy's plastic.不过是普通货色罢了Did you see this one? We just got it in yesterday.看到这个吗,我们曾经昨天拿过的Is this low-viscosity rayon?是低胸尼龙吗Y es. Of course.对With a half-loop top-stitching on the hem?肩上只有这么一点挂着的东西Absolutely. It's one of a kind.是的,是那样的It's impossible to use a half-loop top-stitching...太少了on low-viscosity rayon. Itwould snag the fabric.低粘性人造丝是不可能用的,它会给纺织品试市场带来冲击的And you didn't just get it in.你还不明白吗I saw it in the June V ogue a year ago.一年前我在简维哥看过So if you're trying to sell it forfull price...你打算原价卖出吗you picked the wrong girl.你选错人了Girls, this is it.女孩们就这样In afew hours...在几个小时后I'll be the future Mrs. Warner Huntington III.我将要决定华纳先生的将来Wow. Y ou look so beautiful.哦,你看起很美So do you.你也是Let's get out of here.我们离开这里Must be strange having such perfect eyes.有这么漂亮的眼睛一定很奇怪God, you're so wonderful. Elle, thank you.我的天啊,你太英俊了艾尔,谢谢你Here's to us.来,为我们干杯To us.为我们干杯One of the reasons I wanted to come here tonight... 今晚我来的原因是was to discuss ourfuture.谈谈我们的将来And I am fully amenable to that discussion.我们也确实需要谈谈Good. Y ou know how we've been having...好,你知道我们在all kinds of fun lately?玩后来的游戏吗Well, Harvard is gonna be different.哈佛大学果然是不一样Law school is a completely different world...法学院是个完全不同的世界…and I need to be serious.我要认真点Of course.当然My family expects a lot from me.我家对我期望很大- Right. - I expect a lot from me.我也是I plan on running for office someday.总有一天我会逃出去的I fully support that. Y ou know that.完全同意Absolutely. But the thing is...但是if I'm going to be a senator by the time I'm thirty... 如果我三十岁当上参议员I need to stop dicking around.我就不会那么放荡Warner, I completely agree.华纳,你说的对That's why I think it's time for us...那就是我想是时候…Elle, pooh bear...艾尔,宝贝- I do. - I think we should break up.我愿意,我想我们应该分手What?什么?I've been thinking, and it's the right thing to do. 我在想,分手是对的Y ou're breaking up with me?你和我分手?I thought you were proposing.我以为你是想想罢了Proposing?想想?Elle, if I'm going to be a senator...艾尔,如果我要当议员的话I need to marry a Jackie, not a Marilyn.我要娶的是杰姬,而不是玛里安Y ou're breaking up with me because I'm too blonde? 你打断我就因为我是金发No. That's not entirely true.不全对Then what? My boobs are too big?那是什么,难道我的波太大Elle, your boobs are fine.艾尔,不关你的波的事So when you said that you would always love me... 你不是说会爱我一直到永远you were just dicking around?现在你又变了Elle, I do love you.艾尔,我真的爱你I just can't marry you.不过我不能娶你Y ou have no idea of the pressure that I am under.你不明白我的处境My family has five generations of senators.我的世家五代都是议员My brother's in the top three at Y ale Law.我的兄弟都是耶鲁大学的高材生He just got engaged to a V anderbilt, for Christ's sake. 他刚刚才取法学学位Bad salad.糟糕的色拉Sweetie...甜心Pooh bear?我不想听,宝贝It's not like I have a choice here, sweetheart!我根本没有选择Y ou get the car, I'll get the check.你拿车,我结帐I won't be having the salad.我不会这样算的Let me take you home.让我送你回家Elle, believe me. I never expected to do this...艾尔,相信我这是事非得已but I think it's the right thing.我有苦处的How can it be the right thing when we're not together? 我们分开可能是对的I have to think of my future...我要为将来打算and what my family expects of me.我的父母也是So you're breaking up with me...所以你和我分手because you're afraid yourfamily won't like me?因为你怕你的家人不会接受我Everybody likes me.人人都喜欢我East Coast people are different.东岸人是不一样的Because I'm not a V anderbilt, suddenly I'm white trash? 因为我不是范德莱特,我也不知道?I grew up in Bel Air!我在比尔航空长大!Across the street from Aaron Spelling!从这里穿过大街!Most people would agree that's a lot better...很多人都认为这是对德than some stinky old V anderbilt!而那些老顽固就不是I told you. I need someone serious.告诉你我需要的是认真的人But I'm seriously in love with you.但我是认真的和你谈恋爱Isn't that enough?说够了吗Pooh bear, just get in the car.上车吧Y ou'll ruin your shoes.你会弄脏我的鞋Morning, Amy.早上好,艾米Elle, it's Amy.艾尔,艾米来了I'm having trouble with this whole lip-linerthing. 我正在搞我的唇膏- Sweetie, didn't you hear? - Hearwhat?亲爱的,你没听见吗?听到什么?It's terrible. He dumped her.太可怕了,他把她甩了Why me?为什么是我Because you're not gonna remember anything aftertonight. 从今以后你就什么都不记得了Oh, you're wrong.你错了I will remember, no matterwhat.无论什么,我都会记住And I'm never gonna lose you again.我不会再失去你Y ou couldn't.你不可以Y ou're a part of me.你是我生命的一部份I love you.我爱你Liar!骗子Honey, you have to leave this room.亲爱的,你要离开这间房子It's been, like, a week.你这样已经一个星期- So? - Drink this.喝了它What always makes us feel better...什么使我们感觉更好…no matterwhat?不管是什么She had eight grilled cheese sandwiches.她有八份芝士三文治She stuffed them in her mouth all at once.她一口就把它们吞下去了Itwas so sad.太可悲了We thought she'd be the first to walk down the aisle... 我想她肯定是第一个and now she's totally adrift.她正在到处走Totally.到处She hasn't conditioned her hair in a week.她一个星期没有打理头发了Maybe she's going forthe grunge look.可能她想显德颓费一点And her nails are full-on chipped.她的指甲很久没剪了So trailer park.对Oh, my God! Do you know who this is?哦,你知道那是谁吗- That's Warner's older brother! - Who?那就是华纳的兄弟"Third year Y ale Law student Putnam Bowes Huntington III... 夏宁顿"and his fiancee Layne Walker V anderbilt...他是耶鲁大学法学系三年级的学生和她的未婚妻…"first year Y ale Law."法学系一年级的学生雷沃克This is the type of girl that Warnerwants to marry!这是华纳心目中的想要娶的女孩This is what I need to become to be serious!这是我想认真变成的类型What? Practically deformed?什么?No. A law student.法学学生Law school?法学系?It's a perfectly respectable place, daddy. 令人向往的地方Honey, you were first runner up...亲爱地,我是第一个变成at the Miss Hawaiian Tropics contest.夏威夷小姐类型的人Why are you gonna throw that all away? 为什么你把那些都扔了Going to Harvard is the only way...上哈佛大学是唯一找回我生活的方法I'll get the love of my life back. Sweetheart, you don't need law school.你不必要上法学院Law school is for people...法学院是给那些…who are boring and ugly and serious.既麻烦又丑陋又认真的人上的And you, Button, are none of those things. 可是你,巴顿,你的性格一点都不符合Harvard Law School?哈佛法学系?That's right.对But that's a top three school.那是名校Oh, I have a 4.0.哦Y es, but your major is fashion merchandising.但你的专业是广告Harvard won't be impressed that you aced History of Polka Dots. 哈佛不会记得你设计过的内衣的What are your back-ups?你需要支持吗I don't need back-ups. I'm going to Harvard.我不需要帮助,我要去哈佛Well, then, you'll need...你需要…excellent recommendations from your professors.从你教授那里得到良好的评价And a heck of an admissions essay.然后有一篇优秀的论文Right.好的And at least a 175 on your LSA Ts.你说总分至少175分I once had to judge a tighty-whitey contest... 我有一次通过了for Lambda Kappa Pi.拉姆丹卡皮的综合能力测试Trust me, I can handle anything.相信我,我能应付所有的事Thanks!谢谢Y ou're welcome.不用Because I have a metrabolism...因为这是我该做的- I have a really high metrab... - It's metabol... 无论如何Oh, my God.我的天啊What are you doing?你在干什么?Reading about the LSA Ts.看新闻My cousin had that.我表弟也是Apparently, you get a really bad rash on your... 你脸色不太好The LSA Ts are an exam.LSA T是一种考试Girls, I'm going to Harvard!我要去哈佛了- Y ou mean like on vay-kay? - Let's all go!你的意思是你通过了,我们都去吧Road trip!我们去旅行!No. I'm going to Harvard Law School.不,我是去哈佛法学院Why?为什么?Elle, now, I know you're upset about all this... 艾尔,我知道你很难过but can't you just take a Percoset?请原谅我,但你能应付过来吗?Once Warner sees me as a serious law student...我一旦华纳看到我是一个认真的法学院的学生he'll totally want me back.It's a completely brilliant plan!他回到我身边来的这是一个完全无缺的计划!But isn't it hard to get into law school?进法学院难吗I had the highest GPA in Delta Nu.我有信心Oh, well. Here, you're gonna need this.你需要这些Y our scrunchy?你的幸运符?My lucky scrunchy. It helped me pass Spanish.对,它使我通过了西班牙语考试Y ou passed Spanish because you gave Professor Montoya... 你通过是因为你跟教授…a lap dance afterthe final.跳了一支舞Y eah... luckily.是的,很幸运My name is Elle Woods, andfor my admissions essay... 我的名字是艾尔,这是我的演讲词I'm gonna tell all of you at Harvard...我要告诉你们哈佛的一切why I'm gonna make an amazing lawyer.和我为什么成为As president of my sorority...妇女会主席I'm skilled at commanding the attention of a room...我平时喜欢打扫房间and discussing very important issues.和谈论事务It has come to my attention that the maintenance staff... 我还要注意生活开支的问题is switching ourtoilet paper from Charmin...例如卫生巾等等的问题to generic.等等All those opposed to chafing please say "aye."有皮肤发炎的请发一下声A... neithertype of opera...这不是另一类的歌剧or neithertype of rap is on sale.也不是废话B... neithertype of jazz...也不是爵士乐and neithertype of opera is on sale.也不是话剧C... neithertype of opera and neithertype of soul...也不是一件小事Party! Delta Nu, we love you!我们爱你,德尔塔奴I'm able to recall hundreds of important details...我回想起很多事情at the drop of a hat.在以前Hey, Elle, do you know what happened...艾尔,知道发生什么事了吗on Days of Our Lives yesterday?我们的节日Why, yes, Margot, I do.我记得Once again, we join Hope in the search for her identity.我们么了解一下她得身份As you know, she's been brainwashed by the evil Stefano. 她以前曾经错过Get set and go!继续One forty-three.一百四十三Lfeel comfortable using legal jargon in everyday life.我喜欢每天用俚语I object!我反对It's here!在这- What? - It's here!什么在这The LSA T scores! It's here!这是LSA T的分数!在这Open the scores!打开看看What's the score?多少分?- This is so exciting. - Tell us!真令人兴奋,告诉我们What is it?什么One seventy-nine!一百七十九One seventy-nine!一百七十九And that's why you should vote for me...这是你投我票的原因Elle Woods, future lawyer forthe class of 2004. 艾尔,2004年的大律师She does have a 4.0 from CULA...她从CULA那里得了一个4.0…and she got a 179 on her LSA Ts.她在LSA T考试中得了179分Afashion major?很热门的专业吗?Well, sir, we've never had one before...我们以前从来没有过…and aren'twe always lookingfor diversity?也不会总是去寻找差别吗?Her list of extracurricular activities is impressive.她的课外活动很多She was in a Ricky Martin video.她在马丁的MTV里面客串Clearly, she's interested in music.她很爱音乐She also designed a line of faux fur panties...的确是她设计过一种毛裤for her sorority's charity project.她曾经独奏过She's afriend to the animals as well as a philanthropist. 她对动物也很友善Elle Woods...艾尔.伍兹…welcome to Harvard.欢迎来到哈佛Bruiser, it's so exciting! Look! Harvard!布鲁塞尔,看,太令人兴奋了,这就是哈佛Are you excited?你开心吗This is our new house forthe next three years.这是我们的宿舍Are you thirsty?你渴吗Let's get you some water.我拿点水给你Sweetheart, you just look parched.你看起来很热Hey, Brad, check out Malibu Barbie!检查一下Where's the beach, honey?沙滩在哪?Here you go.喝Good boy. Warner's gonna be so excited to see you. 华纳会很高兴见到你Guys, this way.这一边- This ain't L. A! - Come on, Bruiser.这不是洛杉矶Check her out. Look at the way she walks.看她走路的样子It's gonna be so exciting.我很兴奋Now, don't be scared. Everyone will love you.别怕,没事的,大家都会喜欢的Hi. Woods, comma, Elle.嗨,伍兹嗨艾尔Class schedule, map, book list.课程表,地图,书Wait a second. My social events calendar is missing. 等等,我的日程表不见了Y ourwhat?什么Social events... you know, mixers, formals...我的日程表clambakes, trips to the Cape.烧烤,旅游Has Warner Huntington III checked in yet?请问华纳搬进了吗?不Maybe you should check with the cruise director... 你应该去那找主任吧on the Lido deck.在海边Welcome to law school.欢迎来到法学院This is the partwhere we go around in a circle... 我们围成一圈and everyone says a little bit about themselves. 每一个人都介绍一下自己Let's startwith you.你先My name is David Kidney.我名叫大卫I have a masters in Russian literature...我曾经拿过俄罗斯文学学位a Ph. D in biochemistry...和生物学学位andforthe last eighteen months...在这最近十八个月I've been deworming orphans in Somalia.我在索马里慰问孤儿A wesome. What about you?利害,那你怎么样Hey. How you doin'? I'm Enid Wexler.你好,我是韦斯勒I got a Ph.D. From Berkeley in women's studies...我已经取得妇女学学位emphasis in the history of combat...重点是讨论妇女的历史地位and last year, I single-handedly organized...上一年,我组织了the march for Lesbians Against Drunk Driving. 反同性恋的游行- Killer. - Thanks. Good times.谢谢祝有好时光Aaron Mitchell.米切尔I graduatedfirst in my class from Princeton.我先从普林斯顿大学毕业I have an I.Q. Of 187...我智商是187and it's been suggested that Stephen Hawking... 已经讲过史提芬stole his Brief History of Time...偷了他的历史简介from my fourth grade paper.在四年级的考试试卷中Cool.酷- Me? - Y eah.到我了吗Hi. I'm Elle Woods and this is Bruiser Woods...我是艾尔,这是布鲁塞尔and we're both Gemini vegetarians.我们都是素食主义者I have a bachelor's degree in fashion merchandising...我有一个服装设计的学士学位from CULA, and I was a Zeta Lambda Nu sweetheart...我在选美中得过奖president of my sorority, Delta Nu...我曾是妇女会主席and last year, I was homecoming queen.上一年,我是加州之星Two weeks ago I saw Cameron Diaz at Fred Segal...两星期前我见到卡梅隆and I talked her out of buying...我跟她谈话this truly heinous angora sweater.讲到恶心的安哥拉兔子牌衣服Whoever said orange was the new pink was seriously disturbed.谁说桔子是粉红色的就是有病Wish me luck, Bruiser.祝你好运,布鲁塞尔This is my first class as a serious law student. 这是我第一次在法学系I totally look the part.我周围看了一下There is no way she got in here on her own. 她不可以打扮随便上学艾尔I totally forgot you go here.我不记的你来这了What are you talking about?你在说什么I'm sorry. Are you here to see me?对不起,你来看我的吗No, silly. I go here.不,我只是路过Y ou go where?你去哪Harvard. Law school.哈佛法学院Y ou got into Harvard Law?你进了法学系What, like it's hard?想不到吧Oh, my gosh, Warner, it'll be so great.哦,华纳,太好了I'm planning this great mixer. Y ou have to help me. 我有一个计划,你要帮帮我I'm thinking like a luau or casino night.我想开一个晚会It'll be just like senior year exceptfunner.我是个新人Time to go. I have to go to class...时间到了,我要上课了but meet me after on the benches.沙滩见All right, bye!好,再见A legal education means you will learn...义务教育意味着to speak in a new language.另外一个意思Y ou will be taught to achieve insight...你会加强你的洞察力into the world around you...看看周围的世界and to sharply question what you know.尖锐化你知道的问题The seat you have picked will be yours...你们坐着的位置forthe next nine months of your life.属于你以后九个月中的生命And those of you in the front row...你,坐在前排的那个beware.注意一点"The law is reason free from passion."法是从激情中解放出来的Does anyone know who spoke those immortal words? 知道这是谁说的吗- Y es? - Aristotle.阿里斯多德Are you sure?肯定吗?Would you be willing to stake your life on it?你可以为此贡献一生吗?I think so.是What about his life?他的生命是怎样的?I don't know.不知道Well, I recommend knowing before speaking. 好,三思而后行The law leaves much room for interpretation... 法给我们很多空间去联想but very little for self-doubt.但很少自我反省And you were right.你是对的And you were right.Itwas Aristotle.这就是阿里斯多德Good job.做得好Now, I assume all of you have read pages 1-48...好,现在从第一页看到四十八页and are now well-versed in subject matter jurisdiction.先熟悉一下Who can tell us about Gordon vs. Steele?谁能告诉我高更和史蒂勒Let's call on someone from the hot zone.让我们谈论一下这个话题Elle Woods?艾尔Actually, I wasn't aware thatwe had an assignment.实际上,我不知道我有功课要做Vivian Kensington.韦韦安Do you think it's acceptable that Ms. Woods is not prepared? 你说艾尔小姐的不作预习理由充分吗I don't.不知道Would you support my decision to ask herto leave class...你支持我要她离开这个课室吗and to return only when she is prepared?然后等她准备好后才来上课Absolutely.当然Now, Ms. Kensington...现在did diversity jurisdiction exist in this case?说有意见吗你觉得你有在教室随便穿衣服的权利吗?No, it did not.没有Good. How about in the case of Owens vs. McCullogh? 那欧文斯和海格勒的案件怎么样I can't believe that girl.我不相信那个女孩So stupid!笨蛋Who does she think she is?她以为她是什么东西Excuse me. Are you OK?你没事吧Do they put you on the spot like that all the time?为什么总是见到你The professors?教授?They tend to do that. Socratic method.他们一直都是那样苏格拉底方式If you don't know the answers, they just kick you out? 如果你不知道,他们就把你踢出去Y ou have Stromwell, huh?你也会发火的,对吗Y es! Did she do that to you, too?她那样做是为了你吗No. But she did make me cry once.不,但她曾使我流泪Not in class. I waited till I got back to my room...我要等下去but she'll kick you right in the ball...但他会把你当球踢Orwherever, you know.你知道的She's really tough.她做得到Great.好Don'tworry, it gets better. Who else do you have?别担心,会好起来的,你还做什么?I have Callahan, Royalton, and Levinthal.我有古儿汗Let's see, speak up in Callahan's class.让我们去他们班看看He really likes people that are opinionated.他喜欢武断的人And in Royalton's class...在礼顿的班try to get a seat in the back.在后边找个位置He spits when he talks about products liability.他的课讲得很生动And for Levinthal, make sure you read the footnotes. 如果上利文夫尔的课,你要看注释That's where he gets a lot of his exam questions.他在那里出很多考试问题Right.对Wow. I'm really glad I met you.很高兴见到你Are you a third year?- Well... - Hey, Elle.你是三年级学生吗艾尔Hi! Thanks for all your help.多谢Good luck.祝你好运So...但how was your first class?你第一节课怎么样Ltwas good, exceptfor this horrible preppy girl... 不错,除了那些疯狂的女孩who made me look bad in front of the professor. 为什么教授对我的印像那么差But no biggie.不知道Y ou're here now. So, how was your summer?好了,暑假怎么过Good. It was good.不知道Did you do anything exciting?去找乐子吧Have you met V ivian?见到韦韦安了吗Hi. Vivian Kensington.嗨你好,韦韦安Do you know her?你认识她吗- She's... - I'm his fiancee.我是她的未婚妻I'm sorry. I just hallucinated. What?对不起我只是有些幻觉什么?She was my girlfriend in prep school.她以前是我女朋友And, well, we got back together this summer... 暑假一起回去吧at my grandmother's birthday party.参加我祖母的生日晚会Warnertold me all about you.华纳告诉我关于你的一切Y ou're famous at our club.你很有名But he didn't tell me you'd be here.但他没有告诉我你在这Pooh bear, I didn't know she would be here.我也是我不知道他在这里Excuse me.对不起Oh, thank God!感谢上帝Are youfree? It's an emergency.你有空吗?这是很紧急的事Bad day?几天不顺心?Y ou can't even imagine.难以想像坏到极点Spill.一团糟I worked so hard to get into law school.我努力考进大学I blew off Greek week to study forthe LSA Ts.我放弃到捷克度假应付各种考试I even hired a Coppola to direct my admissions video. 我还请了家庭教师All to get my boyfriend Warner back.只是想华纳回来And now he's engaged to this awful girl Vivian... 现在他给那韦韦安迷住so itwas allfor nothing, and I...什么都完了I justwish...我只想…I justwish I had never gone to Harvard.只想从来没来过哈佛大学After you went to all that trouble.大你遇到这些麻烦以后He's engaged!他给迷住了She's got the six-carat Harry Winston...他给她送了6卡拉的钻石on her bony, unpolishedfinger.在她又瘦,又没剪指甲的指头上What am I supposed to do?我在干什么Y ou're asking the wrong girl.你找错人了I mean, I'm with my guy eight years...我跟男友一起8年了and then one day, it's...有一天"I met someone else. Move out."我碰见别人了,我要搬了Oh, no. That's awful.太可怕了Dewey kept the trailer and my precious baby Rufus. 迪尼就接管了我的车跟要了我的女儿纽斯I didn't even get to throw him a birthday party.我没有出席他的生日晚会What's a girl to do?那怎么办He's a guy who followed his pecker...他跟他的鸟在一起to greener pastures...到牧场去and I'm a middle-aged high-school dropout...我是中学逃学生who's got stretch marks and afat ass.一无是处That's terrible.真糟透了Y ep. Happens every day.这事每天都发生So what's this Vivian got that you don't have?韦韦安有什么你没有的东西Three tits?三个乳房?She's from Connecticut.她来自康莱狄格She belongs to his stupid country club.她只是个乡下妹Is she as pretty as you?她有你漂亮吗She could use some mascara and some serious highlights... 她只会化妆but she's not completely unfortunate looking.她的样子还过得去Hello, ladies.你们好,小姐Hello, ladies.- Hey, there. - How you doing? Sign here.在这签Oh, jeez.欧Look what I did.看我做了些什么- See you later. - Bye-bye, sugar.再见A w, shit.见鬼Could I have been any more goddamn spastic?不要再抽筋了It's OK.别发火Are you sure this Warner guy is, like, the one?你觉得你的华纳像这个吗?Definitely. I love him.是的Well, if a girl like you can't hold on to her man...如果一个像你这样的女孩都不能绑着他的心then there sure as hell isn't any hope forthe rest of us. 那么我们还有希望吗What are you waitingfor?你还等什么?Steal the bastard back.把他抢回来I should warn you...I should warn you...我警告你that in addition to competing against each other... 为了我们之间的斗争forthe top grade in this class...高年级的学生you will also be competing for one of my firm's... 你们也要跟自己的同学作斗争highly covetedfour internship spots next year... 很想得到明年的病院实习补助金where you will get to assist on actual cases.你要作出实际行动Let the bloodbath begin.血˙开始Now, let's commence with our usual torture.让我们开始进行盘问Ms. Woods...沃斯小姐would you rather have a client who committed a crime... 你愿意请个委托人承认罪状吗malum in se or malum prohibitum?就是在这个疾病案中吗?Neither.两者都不是And why is that?为什么I would rather have a client who's innocent.我情愿有一个无辜的当事人Dare to dream, Ms. Woods.亏你想的到,伍丝小姐Ms. Kensington, which would you prefer?肯斯顿太太,你选哪个?Malum prohibitum.疾病案Because then the client would have committed...因为当事人一定会犯普通罪a regulatory infraction as opposed to a dangerous crime. 而不是危险罪Well done, Ms. Kensington.不错,肯丝顿小姐Y ou've obviously done your homework.你肯定有作功课Now let us look at malum prohibitum...让我们看看这个疾病案a little more closely.仔细一点It has been said... Y es, Ms. Woods?听说,什么事,伍丝小姐?I changed my mind. I'd pick the dangerous one... 我已经改变主意,我选择那个危险案'cause I'm not afraid of a challenge.因为我不怕挑战Who is that?那是谁?Wow.Guys.伙计们- Can she play? - Hi!她能打玩吗Get outta here.滚- Hi, everybody. - Elle, what are you doing here? 各位,艾尔,你在这干啥?I've come to join your study group.我来参加你的学习小组Look, I brought sustenance. Who's first?我带了食物来,谁先来?Our group is full.我们小组满员了Is this like an RSVPthing?这像RSVP的事吗?No. It's like a smart people thing.这是聪明人的事And as Viv said, we're full.就像韦威说的一样,我们满员了Come on, we can make room for one more. 来,我们让点位置We've already assigned the outlines.大纲我已经发下来了The answer is no.答案是不可能的Oh, OK. I'll just leave, then.好吧,那我就走了Hey, maybe there's, like, a sorority...也许像一个妇女联谊会you could, like, join instead, like?想参加吗If you had come to a rush party...如果你参加限时晚会的话I would have at least been nice to you.我至少会对你好一点Is that before you voted against me...那是在你投票反对我之前and then called me a dyke behind my back?并且在我背后说我是同性恋I don't use thatword.我没用那个字眼Y ou must have heard it from V ivian.你肯定是从韦韦安那里听来的- Hello? - Hey, it's me.你好,是我It's Elle! Guess what I'm doing right this second! 是艾尔,你猜我在干什么I don't know. What?我不知道,在干什么?I'm picking out my wedding dress!我在挑选我的婚纱。
Legally and Blonde律政俏佳人

Legally and BlondeB:Girls, this is it, In a few hours... I’ll be the future Mrs.Warner. Huntington lll.A: Wow, you look so beautiful.B: So do you!A:let’s get out of here.B:Must be strange having such perfect eyes.A: God, you’re so wonderful. Elle, thank you!Here’s to use.B:To us.A: Elle, one of reason I want to come here tonight...... was to discuss our futureB:And I am fully amenable to that discussionA:Good, you know how we’ve been having all kinds of fun lately? Well, Harvard is gonna be different. Law school is a completely different world, and I need to be serious.B:of courseA:My family expects a lot from me.B:rightA:I expect a lot from me. I plan on running for office somedayB:I fully support that. You know thatB:Absolutely, But the thing is...if I’m going to be a senator by thetime I’m thirty... I need to stop dicking around.A:Warner, I completely agree.B: That’s why I think it’s time for us... Elle, pooh bear...A:I doB: I think we should break up. I’ve being thinking, and it’s right thing to do.A: You’re breaking up with me?I thought you were proposing. B:proposing? Haha... Elle, if I’m going to be a senator... I need to marry a Jackie, not a Marilyn.A: You’re breaking up with me because I’m too blonde?B:No, That’s not entirely true.A:Then what? My boobs are too big?B:Elle, your boobs are fine.A:So when you said that you would always love me...you were just dicking around?B:Elle, I do love you. enh...I just can’t marry you. You have no idea of the pressure that I am under. My family has five generations of senators. My brother’s in the top three Yale Law. He just got engaged to a Vanderbilt, for Christ’s sake.(crying loudly=screaming) Bad salad. Sweetie...pooh bear? It’s not like I have a choice here, sweetheart! Ok, you get the car, I’ll get the check.(I won’t be having the salad.)Come on, let me take you homeA:No!B:Elle, believe me, I never expect to do this...but I think it’s the right thing.A:How can it be the right thing when we’re not together?B:I have to think of my future, and what family expects of meA:Because you’re afraid your family won’t like me? Everybody likes me!B: Wow, East Coast people are different.A:Because I ‘m not a Vanderbilt. Suddenly I’m white trash? I grew up Bel Air. Across the street from Aaron Spelling! I think most people would agree that’s a lot better...than some stinky old Vanderbilt!B:I told you I need someone serious.A:But I’m seriously in love with you. Isn’t that enough?B:Pooh bear, just get in the car.A:NoB:You’ll ruin your shoes.A:Ok。

My Favorite Movie: Legally Blonde"Legally Blonde" is my all-time favorite movie, a delightful blend of comedy and drama. The film stars Reese Witherspoon as Elle Woods, a fashion-forward sorority girl who decides to pursue a law degree to win back her ex-boyfriend. What starts as a seemingly frivolous endeavor transforms into a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Elle's transition from a pampered socialite to a determined law student is both hilarious and inspiring. Her bubbly personality and unwavering determination in the face of adversity make her an endearing protagonist. The movie showcases the importance of not judging a book by its cover, as Elle's unconventional approach to legal cases oftenleads to surprising victories.The film's message of female empowerment and the celebration of individuality resonates strongly with me. It reminds us that regardless of our backgrounds or perceived limitations, we have the power to pursue our dreams and make a positive impact on the world. The vibrant costumes, catchy soundtrack, and charming performances add to the movie's charm, making it a timeless classic.**我最喜欢的电影:律政俏佳人**《律政俏佳人》是我最喜欢的电影,它巧妙地将喜剧和剧情融合在一起。

律政俏佳人1观后感英文After watching "Legally Blonde 1", I couldn't help but be captivated by its storyline and the charming character of Elle Woods. The movie presents a refreshing take on the life of a young woman venturing into the world of law, defying stereotypes and proving that determination and intelligence can break any barrier. "Legally Blonde 1" is an inspiring story that emphasizes the importance of staying true to oneself and challenging societal expectations.The movie starts by introducing us to Elle Woods, a beautiful and fashionable sorority girl who appears to have it all. With her pink outfits and bubbly personality, she exemplifies the stereotype of the "dumb blonde." However, as the story progresses, we learn that there is much more to Elle than meets the eye.When Elle's boyfriend, Warner Huntington III, breaks up with her before leaving for Harvard Law School, Elle decides to prove her worth by getting accepted into the same prestigious institution. Despite facing skepticism from everyone around her, including her own family, she works tirelessly to prepare for the LSAT exam and eventually gains admission to Harvard.Once at Harvard, Elle faces numerous challenges. Her peers and professors initially underestimate her due to her appearance and background. However, Elle's unwavering determination and exceptional legal knowledge start to earn her respect and admiration from those who doubted her. Elle's journey in the movie teaches us the importance of not judging others based on superficial elements but rather recognizing one's potential and capabilities.One of the key themes in "Legally Blonde 1" is the empowerment of women. Throughout the movie, Elle consistently proves that intelligence and femininity are not mutually exclusive. She challenges the notion that a woman can only excel in traditionally "female" fields and breaks through the gender barriers in the legal profession.Another significant aspect of the movie is the importance of friendship and support. Elle forms unexpected alliances with classmates who initially view her as an outsider. Together, they navigate the competitive world of law school, providing each other with encouragement and strength. This highlights the significance of building connections and uplifting one another to achieve common goals."Legally Blonde 1" also addresses the issue of stereotypes and the importance of breaking free from them. Elle's journey forces those around her to question their own biases and preconceived notions about success and capability. Through her unwavering confidence and determination, she challenges the belief that someone's appearance or background defines their intelligence or worthiness.Additionally, the movie offers a subtle critique of societal expectations placed on women. Throughout the film, Elle is repeatedly faced with pressures to conform and change herself to fit into the mold of what is considered "appropriate" behavior for a future lawyer. However, she stays true to herself and embraces her individuality, ultimately proving that success comes from being authentic and genuine.In conclusion, "Legally Blonde 1" is a heartwarming and empowering film that encourages viewers to challenge stereotypes, pursue their dreams,and believe in their abilities. Elle Woods' journey from a fashion-conscious sorority girl to a successful law student serves as a reminder that resilience and determination can overcome any obstacle. The movie reminds us of the importance of staying true to ourselves, embracing our individuality, and supporting others in their pursuits. "Legally Blonde 1" is more than just a feel-good romantic comedy; it is a powerful message of empowerment and liberation.。

一、教育板块(一)入学要求的严苛1. LSAT成绩门槛:“First, you'll need an LSAT score of more than 174.”(首先你的LSAT成绩必须高于174。
)LSAT(Law School Admission Test)作为申请美国法学院的重要标准化考试,其分数在很大程度上决定了申请者能否踏入顶尖法学院的大门。
2. 论文的关键作用:“You'll need a killer essay, or do not even hope.”(其次你需要一篇惊艳的论文,否则想都别想。
3. 推荐信的分量:“And glowing letters from your betters, any chance you know the pope?”(并且你还需要长辈写的表扬推荐信,或许你认识教皇吗?)这虽然是一种略带夸张的表述,但却深刻体现了推荐信在申请过程中的重要性。
(二)课堂竞争的激烈1. 实习机会的争夺:“I run a billion - dollar law firm and I hire 4 new interns every year. From this class I will select 4 young sharks whom I respect and those four will have a guaranteed career.”(我经营着一家价值十亿美元的律所,每年都雇佣4名新实习生。

最喜欢的电影英语作文100字律政俏佳人My favorite movie is Legally Blonde, a classic comedy that never fails to make me laugh and feel inspired. The film follows the journey of Elle Woods, a fashionable and seemingly shallow sorority girl who decides to attend Harvard Law School to win back her ex-boyfriend. However, as the story progresses, Elle discovers her true potential and proves herself to be a brilliant and capable lawyer.One of the reasons why Legally Blonde is my favorite movie is because of its empowering message. Elle Woods defies stereotypes and expectations, showing that a woman can be both fashionable and intelligent. Her determination to succeed in a male-dominated field is truly inspiring, and it reminds me to never underestimate myself or others based on appearances.Furthermore, the movie's humor is another aspect that I love. The witty dialogue and hilarious situations never fail to make me burst out laughing, no matter how many times I've watched it. From Elle's iconic bend and snap move to her unconventional approach to legal studies, the movie is filled with memorable and entertaining moments.In addition, Legally Blonde also touches on important themes such asfriendship and staying true to oneself. Elle's unwavering loyalty to her friends and her refusal to compromise her values are admirable qualities that I strive to embody in my own life. The movie serves as a reminder to always be authentic and to surround myself with supportive and genuine people.Moreover, the character development in Legally Blonde is exceptional. Elle's transformation from a heartbroken girl chasing after a man to a confident and successful lawyer is both heartwarming and empowering. Her growth throughout the film is a testament to the power of self-belief and hard work, and it never fails to leave me feeling motivated and uplifted.Another reason why Legally Blonde holds a special place in my heart is because of its iconic fashion moments. Elle's stylish wardrobe and impeccable taste in fashion never fail to impress me, and it's always a delight to see her rocking pink outfits and accessorizing with her beloved chihuahua, Bruiser.In conclusion, Legally Blonde is my favorite movie for its empowering message, humor, important themes, character development, and iconic fashion moments. It never fails to lift my spirits and remind me of the importance of self-belief, authenticity, and staying true to oneself. Watching Elle Woods conquer Harvard Law School with her wit and determination is a truly inspiring and heartwarming experience that I will always cherish.。

正文1. 英语学习的重要性《律政俏佳人》主要以法庭交涉和律师之间的对话为主线,这就给英语学习者提供了一个很好的学习机会。
2. 职业发展的启示女主角在电影中展现了聪明、机智和勇气,面对困境从不退缩。
3. 女性力量的展示电影中的女主角是一个典型的强烈女性形象,她勇敢、坚定、聪明,并且非常有能力。

律政俏佳人读后感英文Title: Reflections on "Legally Blonde"After watching the movie "Legally Blonde," I was incredibly impressed and inspired by the storyline and the portrayal of the main character, Elle Woods, an ambitious fashionista who defies all stereotypes. The film follows Elle's journey as she goes from being a seemingly naïve and superficial blonde to proving her worth as a talented lawyer.The movie begins with Elle's life revolving around her sorority, parties, and her equally fashion-forward friends. She dreams of marrying her boyfriend, Warner, who believes that she is not serious enough to be his future wife and a successful lawyer. Determined to prove him wrong, Elle decides to enroll in Harvard Law School, much to the surprise of everyone around her.Elle's transformation throughout the movie is not only physical but also emotional. Initially motivated by a desire to win back Warner, Elle soon discovers her true passion for law. She excels academically, surprises her classmates and professors with her intelligent and creative arguments, and even manages to secure a prestigious internship. Elle's success is not just a result of her looks or relentless ambition, but alsoher determination, resilience, and ability to think outside the box.One of the most compelling aspects of the movie is the underlying message about female empowerment. Elle breaks free from societal expectations of what a successful lawyer should look and act like. She proves that intelligence and beauty are not mutually exclusive and that one should never judge a book by its cover. Elle's unapologetic embrace of her identity challenges the audience to reconsider their biases and stereotypes. Her journey encourages women to pursue their dreams regardless of societal norms and expectations.Moreover, the film highlights the importance ofself-discovery and personal growth. As Elle navigates through the challenges of law school and her personal life, she learns valuable lessons about herself, her capabilities, and her values. This journey of self-discovery adds depth to her character and makes her more relatable and inspiring.In conclusion, "Legally Blonde" is more than just afeel-good movie; it's a powerful narrative about breaking stereotypes, embracing one's true self, and pursuing one's dreams against all odds. Reese Witherspoon's stellar performance as Elle Woods brings this inspiring story to life,making it a must-watch for anyone looking for a dose of inspiration and empowerment.。

==============Legally Blonde==============You have to appreciate a movie whose title essentially sums up the whole thing. In Legally Blonde, Reese Witherspoon plays a blonde who ends up at Harvard law school. If you think you’ve got the whole movie figu red out from this scenario, you may be surprised to find out your preconceptions are only half-right. This isn’t a dumb comedy; it has a certain amount of intelligence to it. It’s at least smart enough not to make Elle Woods, the Witherspoon character, stupid—just ditzy. It also has the advantage of having Witherspoon in the lead role. No matter what her character says or does, she is always charming.Elle is a student and sorority sister at CULA. She has been dating Warren Huntignton III (Matthew Davis), and the beginning of the movie has her preparing for a big night. She’s sure Warren will propose to her tonight. However, at dinner, Warren states his desire to become a Senator and dumps Elle ("I need a Jackie, not a Marilyn."). Witherspoon’s reaction is great. She tries to hide her emotions in fear of embarrassing them, but she’ll occasionally let out a loud sob that gains everyone’s attention. Warren is on his way to Harvard for law school, and during their split, Elle realizes what she needs to do to get him back. She also needs to go to Harvard. After some major studying and preparation, she actually gets accepted. Warren is, of course, shocked to discover her appearance, and after a bad first class, Elle is even more shocked to discover that Warren is engaged to an old girlfriend, Vivian Kensington (Selma Blair).Will Elle start to take law school seriously? Will she try to get Warren back? Will the opportunity for her to shine arise? Of course these things will happen, but there are actually a few sur prises along the way. Elle and Vivian’s relationship takes an unexpected turn. The girls from home don’t arrive to shake things up (at least for a while). And most importantly, Elle is actually smart. Well, at least when it comes to hair treatment and fashion. But still, Elle is never dumbed down, and she never once comes across as fake or annoying.Some of the material here is throw-away. There’s an entire subplot involving a manicurist and a delivery man that seems thrown in to extend the running time. The scenes involving the subplot range from generic and predictable (a custody battle over a dog and a nose injury from flirting) to confusing and unnecessary (particularly the "bend and snap" dance sequence). The courtroom scenes are funny, and they stay t rue to Elle’s character. I liked how she outs a witness from his observation about designer shoes (prompting thebiggest laugh in the movie). Essentially, this is Witherspoon’s movie. She’s charming and funny and stays consistent with her character while never going over the top with her shortcomings. They could have been played for easy laughs, and I appreciate the movie’s restraint.I’m surprised how much the movie grew on me. It starts off like a Clueless rehash, but then once Elle gets to Harvard, it actually gets funny in its own way. It’s harmless, amusing, and semi-smart entertainment, and that’s far better than most of the comedies around.。

律政俏佳人经典语录中英互译1. "律师是用证据说话的人。
" - "A lawyer speaks with evidence."2. "事实是律师的武器。
" - "Facts are a lawyer's weapon."3. "法律不问舌头长短,只看证据强弱。
" - "The law does not care about the length of one's tongue, only the strength of the evidence."4. "没证据就是没有真相。
" - "No evidence, no truth."5. "律师的职责是为正义发声。
" - "A lawyer's duty is to speak up for justice."6. "法庭上的真相永远只有一个。
" - "There is always only one truth in the courtroom."7. "法律是公平的天平。
" - "The law is a fair balance."8. "律师是为了让人们重获正义而战斗。
" - "Lawyers fight to bring justice back to people."9. "胜利来自于背后的努力和准备。
" - "Victory comes from hard work and preparation."10. "真相是潜伏在证据之中的。
" - "The truth lies within the evidence."11. "律师为了每一个被冤枉的人而战斗。

律政俏佳人台词第一篇:律政俏佳人台词At the very first day at Harvard, a very professor quoted Aristotle, “the law is reason free from passion!” Well,no offence to Aristotle,but in my three years at Harvard, I have come to find: Passion is the key ingredient to the study and practice of law, and of life.It is with passion, courage of conviction, strong sense of self that we take our next step into the world.Remembering the first impressions are not always correct, you must always have faith in people, and most importantly you must always have faith in yourself.第二篇:律政俏佳人1 台词Here it is!Thanks.Did you guys sign it?Did you sign the card?And five and four and--Hey, girls, sign!All right!Here you go!-Elle's gonna love it!-Thanks.You go, girl!Hi, girls!Here, sign!Thanks!There she is.Thank you.I love that restaurant!I heard Madonnawent into labor there.Oh, gosh!I have to go shopping!I'll see you tonight.Bye.Bruiser, what's this?“Good luck tonight.Elle and Warnerforever.”Oh, that's so cute.Oh, my gosh!You guys are so sweet!But I'm not positiveit'll happen tonight.Hello!He just had lunchwith his grandmother.You know he got the rock.Why else would she have flown infrom Newport?It's not like she'd Fed Exa six-carat diamond.Do you really think?I can't believeyou're getting engaged!Oh, my gosh...you guys have to help mepick out the perfect e on!I think you should gowith the red.It's the color of confidence.I don't understandwhy you're disregarding...your signature color.He's proposing.I can't looklike I would on any other date.This is the date--the night I'll always remember.I want tolook special.Bridal.But not like I expect anything.There's nothing I love more...than a dumb blondewith daddy's plastic.Did you see this one?We just got it in yesterday.Is this low-viscosity rayon?Yes.Of course.With a half-looptop-stitching on the hem?Absolutely.It's one of a kind.It's impossible to usea half-loop top-stitching...on low-viscosity rayon.It would snag the fabric.And you didn't just get it in.I saw it in the June Voguea year ago.So if you're trying to sell itforfull price...you picked the wrong girl.Girls, this is it.In a few hours...I'll be the futureMrs.Warner Huntington lll.Wow.You look so beautiful.So do you.Let's get out of here.Must be strangehaving such perfect eyes.God, you're so wonderful.Elle, thank you.Here's to us.To us.One of the reasons I wantedto come here tonight...was to discuss ourfuture.And I am fully amenableto that discussion.Good.You know howwe've been having...all kinds of fun lately?Well, Harvardis gonna be w school isa completely different world...and I need to be serious.Of course.My family expects a lot from me.-Right.-I expect a lot from me.I plan on runningfor office someday.I fully support that.You know that.Absolutely.But the thing is...if I'm going to be a senatorby the time I'm thirty...I need to stop dicking around.Warner, I completely agree.That's why I thinkit's time for us...Elle, pooh bear...-I do.-I think we should break up.What?I've been thinking,and it's the right thing to do.You're breaking up with me?I thought you were proposing.Proposing?Elle, if I'm going to bea senator...I need to marry a Jackie,not a Marilyn.You're breaking up with mebecause I'm too blonde?No.That's not entirely true.Then what?My boobs are too big?Elle, your boobs are fine.So when you saidthat you would always love me...you were just dicking around?Elle, I do love you.I just can't marry you.You have no ideaof the pressure that I amunder.My family hasfive generations of senators.My brother's in the top threeat Yale Law.He just got engaged toa Vanderbilt, for Christ's sake.Bad salad.Sweetie...Pooh bear?It's not like I have a choicehere, sweetheart!You get the car,I'll get the check.I won't be having the salad.Let me take you home.Elle, believe me.I never expected to do this...but I thinkit's the right thing.How can it be the right thingwhen we're not together?I have to think of my future...and what my family expectsof me.So you're breaking up with me...because you're afraidyourfamily won't like me?Everybody likes me.East Coast people are different.Because I'm not a Vanderbilt,suddenly I'm white trash?I grew up in Bel Air!Across the streetfrom Aaron Spelling!Most people would agreethat's a lot better...than some stinky old Vanderbilt!I told you.I need someone serious.But I'm seriously in lovewith you.Isn't that enough?Pooh bear, just get in the car.You'll ruin your shoes.Morning, Amy.Elle, it's Amy.I'm having troublewith this whole lip-liner thing.-Sweetie, didn't you hear?-Hear what?It's terrible.He dumped her.Why me?Because you're not gonnaremember anything after tonight.Oh, you're wrong.I will remember, no matter what.And I'm never gonna lose youagain.You couldn't.You're a part of me.I love you.Liar!Honey,you have to leave this room.It's been, like, a week.-So?-Drink this.What always makes usfeel better...no matter what?She had eightgrilled cheese sandwiches.She stuffed themin her mouth all at once.It was so sad.We thought she'd be the firstto walk down the aisle...and now she's totally adrift.Totally.She hasn't conditionedher hair in a week.Maybe she's goingfor the grunge look.And her nailsare full-on chipped.So trailer park.Oh, my God!Do you know who this is?-That's Warner's older brother!-Who?“Third year Yale LawstudentPutnam Bowes Huntington lll...”and his fianceeLayne Walker Vanderbilt...“first year Yale Law.”This is the type of girlthat Warner wants to marry!This is what I need to becometo be serious!What?Practically deformed?No.A law w school?It's a perfectlyrespectable place, daddy.Honey,you were first runner up...at the Miss Hawaiian Tropicscontest.Why are you gonnathrow that all away?Going to Harvardis the only way...I'll getthe love of my life back.Sweetheart,you don't need law w school is for people...who are boring and uglyand serious.And you, Button,are none of those things.Harvard Law School?That's right.But that's a top three school.Oh, I have a..Yes, but your majoris fashion merchandising.Harvard won't be impressed thatyou aced History of Polka Dots.What are your back-ups?I don't need back-ups.I'm going to Harvard.Well, then, you'll need...excellent recommendationsfrom your professors.And a heckof an admissions essay.Right.And at least a on your LSATs.I once had to judgea tighty-whitey contest...for Lambda Kappa Pi.Trust me, I can handle anything.Thanks!You're welcome.Because I have a metrabolism---I have a really high metrab---It's metabol...Oh, my God.What are you doing?Reading about the LSATs.My cousin had that.Apparently, you geta really bad rash on your...The LSATs are an exam.Girls, I'm going to Harvard!-You mean like on vay-kay?-Let's all go!Road trip!No.I'm goingto Harvard Law School.Why?Elle, now, I knowyou're upset about all this...but can't you just takea Percoset?Once Warner sees meas a serious law student...he'll totally want me back.It's a completely brilliantplan!But isn't it hardto get into law school?I had the highest GPAin Delta Nu.Oh, well.Here, you're gonna need this.Your scrunchy?My lucky scrunchy.It helped me pass Spanish.You passed Spanish becauseyou gave ProfessorMontoya...a lap dance after the final.Yeah...Iuckily.My name is Elle Woods,and for my admissions essay...I'm gonna tell all of youat Harvard...why I'm gonna makean amazing lawyer.As president of my sorority...I'm skilled at commandingthe attention of a room...and discussingvery important issues.It has come to my attentionthat the maintenance staff...is switching our toilet paperfrom Charmin...to generic.All those opposed to chafingplease say “aye.”A--neither type of opera...or neither type of rapis on sale.B--neither type of jazz...and neither type of operais on sale.C--neither type of operaand neither type of soul--Party!Delta Nu, we love you!I'm able to recallhundreds of important details...at the drop of a hat.Hey, Elle,do you know what happened...on Days of Our Lives yesterday?Why, yes, Margot, I do.Once again, we join Hopein the search for her identity.As you know, she's beenbrainwashed by the evil Stefano.Get set and go!One forty-three.I feel comfortable usinglegal jargon in everyday life.I object!It's here!-What?-It's here!The LSAT scores!It's here!Open the scores!What's the score?-This is so exciting.-Tell us!What is it?One seventy-nine!One seventy-nine!And that's whyyou should vote for me...Elle Woods, future lawyerfor the class of.She does have a.from CULA...and she got a on her LSATs.A fashion major?Well, sir,we've never had one before...and aren't we alwayslooking for diversity?Her list of extracurricularactivities is impressive.She was in a Ricky Martin video.Clearly,she's interested in music.She also designeda line of faux fur panties...for her sorority'scharity project.She's a friend to the animalsas well as a philanthropist.Elle Woods...welcome to Harvard.Bruiser, it's so exciting!Look!Harvard!Are you excited?This is our new housefor the next three years.Are you thirsty?Let's get you somewater.Sweetheart,you just look parched.Hey, Brad,check out Malibu Barbie!Where's the beach, honey?Here you go.Good boy.Warner's gonna beso excited to see you.Guys, this way.-This ain't L.A.!-Come on, Bruiser.Check her out.Look at the way she walks.It's gonna be so exciting.Now, don't be scared.Everyone will love you.Hi.Woods, comma, Elle.Class schedule, map, book list.Wait a second.My social eventscalendar is missing.Your what?Social events--you know, mixers, formals...clambakes, trips to the Cape.Has Warner Huntington lllchecked in yet?Maybe you should checkwith the cruise director...on the Lido deck.Welcome to law school.This is the part wherewe go around in a circle...and everyone says a little bitabout themselves.Let's start with you.My name is David Kidney.I have a mastersin Russian literature...a Ph.D in biochemistry...and for the lasteighteen months...I've been deworming orphansin Somalia.Awesome.What about you?Hey.How you doin'?I'm Enid Wexler.I got a Ph.D.from Berkeleyin women's studies...emphasisin the history of combat...and last year,I single-handedly organized...the march forLesbians Against Drunk Driving.-Killer.-Thanks.Good times.Aaron Mitchell.I graduated first in my classfrom Princeton.I have an l.Q.of...and it's been suggestedthat Stephen Hawking...stolehis Brief History of Time...from my fourth grade paper.Cool.-Me?-Yeah.Hi.I'm Elle Woodsand this is Bruiser Woods...and we're bothGemini vegetarians.I have a bachelor's degreein fashion merchandising...from CULA, and I wasa Zeta Lambda Nu sweetheart...president of my sorority,Delta Nu...and last year,I was homecoming queen.Two weeks ago I sawCameron Diaz at Fred Segal...and I talked herout of buying...this truly heinousangora sweater.Whoever said orange was the newpink was seriously disturbed.Wish me luck, Bruiser.This is my firstclassas a serious law student.I totally look the part.There is no wayshe got in here on her own.I totally forgot you go here.What are you talking about?I'm sorry.Are you here to see me?No, silly.I go here.You go where?w school.You got into Harvard Law?What, like it's hard?Oh, my gosh, Warner,it'll be so great.I'm planning this great mixer.You have to help me.I'm thinking likea luau or casino night.It'll be just like senior yearexcept funner.Time to go.I have to go to class...but meet me afteron the benches.All right, bye!A legal educationmeans you will learn...to speak in a new language.You will be taughtto achieve insight...into the world around you...and to sharply questionwhat you know.The seat you have pickedwill be yours...for the next nine monthsof your life.And those of youin the front row...beware.“The law is reasonfree from passion.”Does anyone knowwho spoke those immortal words?-Yes?-Aristotle.Are you sure?Would you be willingto stake your life on it?I think so.What about his life?I don't know.Well, I recommendknowing before speaking.The law leaves much roomfor interpretation...but very little for self-doubt.And you were right.And you were right.It was Aristotle.Good job.Now, I assume all of youhave read pages-...and are now well-versedin subject matter jurisdiction.Who can tell us aboutGordon vs.Steele?Let's call on someonefrom the hot zone.Elle Woods?Actually, I wasn't awarethat we had an assignment.Vivian Kensington.Do you think it's acceptablethat Ms.Woods is not prepared?I don't.Would you support my decisionto ask her to leave class...and to returnonly when she is prepared?Absolutely.Now, Ms.Kensington...did diversity jurisdictionexist in this case?No, it did not.Good.How about in the caseof Owens vs.McCullogh?I can't believe that girl.So stupid!Who does she think she is?Excuse me.Are you OK?Do theyput you on the spotlike that all the time?The professors?They tend to do that.Socratic method.If you don't know the answers,they just kick you out?You have Stromwell, huh?Yes!Did she do that to you, too?No.But she did make me cry once.Not in class.I waitedtill I got back to my room...but she'll kick youright in the ball--Or wherever, you know.She's really tough.Great.Don't worry, it gets better.Who else do you have?I have Callahan, Royalton,and Levinthal.Let's see, speak upin Callahan's class.He really likes peoplethat are opinionated.And in Royalton's class...try to get a seat in the back.He spits when he talksabout products liability.And for Levinthal, make sureyou read the footnotes.That's where he getsa lot of his exam questions.Right.Wow.I'm really glad I met you.Are you a third year?-Well---Hey, Elle.Hi!Thanks for all your help.Good luck.So...how was yourfirst class?It was good, exceptforthis horrible preppy girl...who made me look badin front of the professor.But no biggie.You're here now.So, how was your summer?Good.It was good.Did you do anything exciting?Have you met Vivian?Hi.Vivian Kensington.Do you know her?-She's---I'm his fiancee.I'm sorry.I just hallucinated.What?She was my girlfriendin prep school.And, well, we got back togetherthis summer...at my grandmother'sbirthday party.Warner told me all about you.You're famous at our club.But he didn't tell meyou'd be here.Pooh bear,I didn't know she would be here.Excuse me.Oh, thank God!Are you free?It's an emergency.Bad day?You can't even imagine.Spill.I worked so hardto get into law school.I blew off Greek weekto study for the LSATs.I even hired a Coppolato direct my admissions video.All to getmy boyfriend Warner back.And now he's engagedto this awful girl Vivian...so it was all for nothing,and l...I just wish...I just wishI had never gone toHarvard.After you wentto all that trouble.He's engaged!She's gotthe six-carat Harry Winston...on her bony, unpolished finger.What am I supposed to do?You're asking the wrong girl.I mean, I'm with my guyeight years...and then one day, it's...“l met someone else.Move out.”Oh, no.That's awful.Dewey kept the trailerand my precious baby Rufus.I didn't even get to throw hima birthday party.What's a girl to do?He's a guywho followed his pecker...to greener pastures...and I'm a middle-agedhigh-school dropout...who's got stretch marksand a fat ass.That's terrible.Yep.Happens every day.So what's this Vivian gotthat you don't have?Three tits?She's from Connecticut.She belongsto his stupid country club.Is she as pretty as you?She could use some mascaraand some serious highlights...but she's not completelyunfortunate looking.Hello, ladies.Hello, ladies.-Hey, there.-How you doing? Sign here.Oh, jeez.Look what I did.-See you later.-Bye-bye, sugar.Aw, shit.Could I have beenany more goddamn spastic?It's OK.Are you sure thisWarner guy is, like, the one?Definitely.I love him.Well, if a girl like youcan't hold on to her man...then there sure as hell isn'tany hope for the rest of us.What are you waiting for?Steal the bastard back.I should warn you (I)should warn you...that in addition to competingagainst each other...for the top gradein this class...you will also be competingfor one of my firm's...highly coveted fourinternship spots next year...where you will get to assiston actual cases.Let the bloodbath begin.Now, let's commencewith our usual torture.Ms.Woods...would you rather have a clientwho committed a crime...malum in seor malum prohibitum?Neither.And why is that?I would rather have a clientwho's innocent.Dare to dream, Ms.Woods.Ms.Kensington,which would you prefer?Malumprohibitum.Because then the clientwould have committed...a regulatory infraction asopposed to a dangerous crime.Well done, Ms.Kensington.You've obviously doneyour homework.Now let us lookat malum prohibitum...a little more closely.It has been said--Yes, Ms.Woods?I changed my mind.I'd pick the dangerous one...'cause I'm not afraidof a challenge.Who is that?Wow.Guys.-Can she play?-Hi!Get outta here.-Hi, everybody.-Elle, what are you doing here?I've come to joinyour study group.Look, I brought sustenance.Who's first?Our group is full.Is this like an RSVP thing?No.It's likea smart people thing.And as Viv said, we're e on, we can make roomfor one more.We've already assignedthe outlines.The answer is no.Oh, OK.I'll just leave, then.Hey, maybethere's, like, a sorority...you could, like,join instead, like?If you had cometo a rush party...I would have at leastbeen nice to you.Is that beforeyou voted against me...and then called me a dykebehind my back?I don't use that word.You must have heard itfrom Vivian.-Hello?-Hey, it's me.It's Elle!Guess whatI'm doing right this second!I don't know.What?I'm picking outmy wedding dress!-What?-Josh proposed!Did you get the rock yet?Almost.Well, hurry up,so you can come home!We miss you!I miss you guys, too.The people here are so vile.Hardly anybody speaks to me--Oh, my God!I almost forgot to tell you!What?I got bangs!My hair is so now.Really?OK, so just listen to me.Keep June st open,you're one of my bridesmaids...and give Warner our love...because I'm getting married!So don't forget.Eight o'clockat Dunston Street.-lt'll be a really nice party.-We'll be there.And don't forgetto bring your own merlot!No way!Is somebody at thisschool actually having a party?Yes...But it's a costume party.You probablywouldn't want to come.I love costume parties.Well, then I guesswe'll see you there.Oh, atDunston Street.Oh, my God!Thanks for inviting me, girls.This party is superfun.Nice outfit.I like your outfit, too.Except when I dress upas a frigid bitch...I try not to lookso constipated.Oh, she's horrible.You've got the ring, sweetie.-Nice ears.-How you doin'?Warner,the English language...is all aboutsubliminal domination.Take the word semester.A perfect exampleof this school's...discriminatory preferenceof semen to ovaries.That's why I'm petitioningto have next term...be referred toas the winter ovester.-Excuse me.Hey, Warner.-Wow!Don't you look likea walking felony?Thank you.You're so sweet.Are you having fun?I am now.What's with the costume?I just decided to dress up.Really.I feel like we barelyget to see each other...since we've been here.I know.I'm so busy withthese case studies and hypos.I know what you mean.I can't imagine doing...all this and Callahan'sinternship next year.That's gonna be so much.Elle, come on,you'll never get the grades...to qualifyfor one of those spots.You're not smart enough,sweetie.Wait, am I on glue...or did we not get intothe same law school?Yeah, but--But what?We took the same LSATs...and we're takingthe same classes.I know, but come on,Elle, be serious.You can do somethingmore valuable with your time.I'm never going to begood enough for you, am l?-Oh, come on.-Just forget it!I'll show you how valuableElle Woods can be!-Don't ask.-Wasn't gonna.I love that sweater.It's Chanel.Look.Was she carrying books?Thanks.So, you've filed a claim.What next?Ms.Woods?Don't you need to have evidence?Meaning?Meaning you needreasonable belief...that your claim should have,like, evidenciary support?And what kindof evidenciary support...does this case require?All sorts of things--corrupt copswho are wheeling and dealing...And the purposeof diminished capacity is?T o negate mens rea?Are youready?Yes, you are!Go.You can do this.Listen to me, Dewey.You shut your mouth.No, you shut your big mouth.I'm doing all the talking.What the hell do you want?We're eating lunch.I just thought that...You just thoughtyou could come here...and show me whatI'm definitely not missing?That's not why I came by.How many timesyou gonna come over here...begging meto take you back, huh?I was...Dewey Newcombe?Who's asking?I'm Elle Woods.Miss Bonifante's attorney.And I'm here to discussthe legal situation at e again?Do you understand whatsubject matter jurisdiction is?-No.-I didn't think so.Well, due to habeas corpus...you and Miss Bonifantehad a common law marriage...which heretoforeentitles her...to what islegally referred to...as equitable divisionof the e again?Due to the fact that you'veretained this residence...Miss Bonifante is entitled...to full canineproperty ownership...and will be enforcingsaid ownership right now.Tell him, Paulette.I'm taking the dog, dumbass!That's awesome!We did it!Come here.Oh, my gosh, did you see him?He's probably stillscratching his head.Which must be a nice vacationfor his balls.Thank you.According toSwinney vs.Neubert...Swinney, who was alsoa private sperm donor...was allowed visitation rightsas long as he came to terms...with the hoursset forth by the parents.So, if we're stickingto past timer wasn't stalking.He was clearly within his rightsto ask for visitation.But Swinney wasa one-time sperm donor...and our defendantwas an habitual sperm donor...who also happens to beharassing the parents...in his quest for visitation.But without this man's sperm...the child in questionwouldn't exist.Now you'rethinking like a lawyer.Yes, Ms.Woods?Although Mr.Huntingtonmakes an excellent point (I)have to wonderif the defendant...kept a thorough recordof everysperm emission...made throughout his life.Interesting.Why do you ask?Unless the defendantattempted to contact...every single one-night standto determine...if a child resultedin those unions...he has no parental claimover this child whatsoever.Why now? Why this sperm?I see your point.And for that matter,all masturbatory emissions...where his sperm was clearlynot seeking an egg...could be termedreckless abandonment.I believeyou've just won your case.Ms.Woods, you did well today.Really?You're applyingfor my internship, aren't you?I don't know.You should.Do you have a resume?Yes, I do.Here it is.It's pink.And it's scented.I think it givesit a little something extra.See you next class.Do you think she woke upone mor ning and said...“l think I'll goto law school today.”That lapse in judgment aside...I thinkshe's got a lot of potential.Here's the Windham file.Smell this.What's that?It's her resume.Smells good.What's going on?Callahan's firmis defending a murder trial.His case load is so big,he's taking first year interns.He picked them already?My God,I can't believe it, Warner!We got it!That only leaves one for...Me!Yes!Remember when we spentthose four amazing hours...in the hot tubafter winterformal?Yeah--No.This is so much betterthan that!Excuse me.I have some shopping to do.Four hours?You look very nice today,Vivian.Thank you.You're welcome.We're defendingBrooke Windham...whose very wealthy husbandwas found shot to death...in their Beacon Hill mansion.Gold digger?You'd think sosince the stiff was...but she was rich on her own.Some kind of fitness empire.You can buy her exercise tapeson infomercials.Are you talking aboutBrooke Taylor?Maiden name--Taylor.You know her?She's a Delta Nu!She wasn't in my pledge class.She graduatedfour years before me.But I used to take her classat the Los Angeles Sports Club.She's amazing!Amazing? How?She canmake you losethree pounds in one class.She's completely gifted.In all likelihood,she's completely guilty.She was seen standing overher husband's dead body.By who?His-year-old daughterand the pool boy.Sorry, I'm late.Excuse me.This is Emmett Richmond,another associate...top three in his class...and former editor of“Harvard Law Review.”You've probably seen him...Iurking around campusdoing my research.Thanks for the introduction.What about the murder weapon?The gun is missing.The coroner saidhe'd been dead minutes...when the cops arrived.Giving Brookeplenty of time to stash it.I just don't thinkBrooke could have done this.Exercise gives you endorphins.Endorphins make you happy.Happy peopledon't shoot their husbands.They just don't.I didn't do it.I walked in (I)saw my husbandlying on the floor...I bent down to check his heart,screamed my head off...then Enrique and Chutneyran inside.Your step-daughterand the pool boy came in...where they saw youstanding over the body...covered in his blood.Why would I kill my husband?Insurance, a love affair,pure unadulterated hatred.The D.A.will come upwith plenty of reasons.I loved him.He was years olderthan you.That doesn'tlook so good to a jury.Then show thema picture of his dick.That might cleara few things up.Brooke, I believe you...but a juryis going to want an alibi.I can't give you that...and if you put meon the stand, I'll lie.Then I guesswe're done for today.I know you.I'm a Delta Nu,and I'm a huge fan of yours.You took my class in L.A.You took my class in L.A.You had the best high-kickI've ever seen.Are you one of my lawyers?Sort of.Well, thank Godone of you has a brain.Let's go.I'm the only onethat believes her.Callahan totally thinksshe's guilty.That's because men arebig fat retards who don't--Afternoon, ladies.It's him.Paulette Bonifante.Oh, my God.He'scoming over here.I've got a package.He's got a package.How you doing today?Fine.Take it easy.See you later.That's great, Paulette.Is this the only interactionyou two have ever had?No.Sometimes I say“OK” instead of “fine.”Why don't you offer hima cold beverage...or a neck massageor something?What's the point?Trust me, Paulette.You have all the equipment...you just needto read the manual.Do you know what I'm saying?I'll show youa little maneuver...my mother taught mein junior high.In my experience,it has a % success rate...of getting a man's attention...and when used appropriately...it has an % rate of re turnon a dinner invitation.Wow!It's called “the bend and snap.”Watch this.“Oh!I think I droppedsomething on the floor.”So you bend...and snap!See?Come on.You try it.Bend...and snap!OK...a little less bend,a little more snap.Like this?Good e on.You!Come on, you can do it.Bend...and snap.Very, very good.We can all do it!-Come on, guys.-I can't do that.You're gonna bend...and snap!Now put your head into it.Bend...and snap!Bend...and snap!Good job!A little attitude, please.Now, everybody smile.That's very important.Pump!Pump!Pump!Bend...and snap!Good job, everybody!Work it out!Work it out!That's it!Wow!Come on, Paulette!Bend and snap!Oh, my God!The bend and snap!Works every time!If Brooke didn't kill the guy,then who did?My money is on the angrydaughter or the ex-wife.Chutney has a trust fund.She didn't need the insurancepayoff or the inheritance.What about the mother?Covered.She was in Aspen at the time.Vivian, get me some plum sauce.Ten people saw herdowning cosmopolitans...at the Caribou Club.All I know is it's not Brooke.That's touching,but we need an alibi.I brought yousome necessities--some Calvin Klein-count sheets...the entire。

律政俏佳人观后感英语In the world of legal dramas, "Legally Blonde" stands out as a unique blend of comedy, drama, and female empowerment. Directed by Robert Luketic and written by Karen McCullah Lutz and Kirsten Smith, the film stars Reese Witherspoon as Elle Woods, a sorority girl who chases her dreams of becoming a lawyer despite the doubts and challenges she faces.Upon watching "Legally Blonde," I was immediately captivated by the protagonist's unwavering determination and her journey of self-discovery. Elle's transformation from a fashion-obsessed college student to a confident and competent attorney was not only visually appealing but also inspiring. The film's message of perseverance and the importance of pursuing one's passion, regardless of others' opinions, resonated deeply with me.One of the most striking aspects of the film was its portrayal of female empowerment. In a predominantly male-dominated field, Elle's rise to the top challenges the stereotype that women cannot excel in the legal profession. Her success not only depends on her intelligence and hardwork but also on her unique perspective and ability to connect with people. This aspect of the film isparticularly relevant in today's society, where women continue to face barriers and discrimination in various fields.Another noteworthy aspect of "Legally Blonde" is its humorous and light-hearted approach to a serious subject. The film manages to strike a balance between comedy and drama, keeping the audience engaged throughout. The dialogues are witty and relatable, and the characters are well-developed and three-dimensional. Reese Witherspoon's performance as Elle is particularly noteworthy, as she manages to pull off both the comedy and the drama with ease. The film also raises important questions about the role of appearance and social status in society.Elle's initial obsession with fashion and her pursuit of a perfect life partner reflect the shallow values promoted by society. However, as she embarks on her journey to become a lawyer, she learns to value inner qualities and finds truehappiness and fulfillment. This aspect of the film is particularly relevant today, where social media andmaterial possessions often overshadow true values and meaning.In conclusion, "Legally Blonde" is not just a light-hearted comedy; it's also a powerful story of female empowerment and self-discovery. The film encourages us to pursue our passions, challenges stereotypes, and reminds us of the importance of inner growth and true values. Whether you're a fan of legal dramas or just looking for a feel-good movie, "Legally Blonde" is sure to leave you with a smile and a renewed sense of optimism.**《律政俏佳人》观后感**在法律题材影视作品中,《律政俏佳人》以其独特的喜剧、剧情和女性励志元素脱颖而出。

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• 据说,金发美女也是社会偏见的受害人群,洛杉矶姑娘艾丽(瑞茜· 威瑟斯彭) 就是个活生生的例子。她是个人见人爱的俏佳人,女生联谊会的主席,活泼 健康的阳光女孩,大学的校花,一个女孩想要的,她全都有了,照理说不该 再有烦恼。可就因为她是天生的金发美女,麻烦就来了。 本来艾丽和学校里最酷的帅哥沃纳(马修· 戴维斯)拍拖拍得好好的,一心巴 望着嫁给他,作沃纳· 亨廷顿三世夫人,做梦也想不到沃纳压根就不想娶她, 理由竟然是艾丽长得太漂亮,太金发美女。沃纳来自东海岸一个精英家庭, 从小受的教育就是:头发黄,见识短,金发美女个个头脑空空。所以,沃纳 在进哈佛法学院之后,不但把艾丽甩了,还和过去预科时的旧女友重修旧好。 艾丽实在是不甘心,使出贴身追击的绝招,跟着沃纳也去了哈佛法学院。她 要做给沃纳看,她不但有美貌,而且有智慧。不过,哈佛可不是个好玩的地 方,艾丽在行的所有流行玩意这儿都没有,在那些高深莫测的学生精英堆里, 开朗外向的艾丽是个不折不扣的另类,到处碰壁,不断遭人奚落。在沃纳现 任女友的“刺激”下,艾丽开始发愤苦读。在一系列啼笑皆非的事情发生后, 艾丽最后还是有机会证明自己,为一桩谋杀案的嫌疑犯辩护成功,获得爱情 与事业的双重幸福。
Director: Robert Luketic
Starring: Reese Witherspoon….Elle Woods Luke Wilson…….....Emmett Richmond Selma Blair………...Vivian Kensington Matthew Davis........Warner Huntington
• heroine英[ˈherə ʊɪn]美[ˈh ɛroɪn]n.女主角; 女英雄;女杰出人物 • chagrined英[‘ʃæ ɡrɪnd]美[ʃəˈ ɡrɪnd]adj.懊 恼的,苦恼的v.使懊恼,使懊丧,使悔恨
• 法律是没有激情的理性。
• ———亚里士多德
• “The legal interpretation of the space, but can not tolerate self doubt 。” • 法律有诠释的空间,但容不下自我怀疑。
• “修读法律意味着你们会学会说新的语言,你们会受训对 身边的世界有洞察力,并尖锐的质疑你们所知道的事。以 后你们的位置会不变,尤其是第一排的学生,你们得注意 了。。。。。。。法律是没有激情的理性。你们有人知道 这句话是谁说的吗?”有一男生回答。 “我知道。亚里士多德!” “你确定吗?” “确定” “你敢以你的性命作赌注吗?” “敢。” “那他的呢?” “我不知道。” “我建议知道了再回答。法律有诠释的空间,但容不下自 我怀疑。”
Elle Woods的毕业演讲:
• "On our very first day at Harvard, a very wise professor quoted Aristotle 'The law is reason free from passion'. Well, no offense to Aristotle but in my three years at Harvard, I have come to find that passion is a key ingredient to the study and practice of law and of life. It is with passion, courage of conviction and strong sense of self that we take our next step into the world. • Remembering that first impressions are not always correct, you must always have faith in people, and most importantly, you must always have faith in yourself. • Congratulations, Class of 2004, we did it! "
Genre: Adaptation, Romantic Comedy Release Date: July 13, 2001 (USA)
Main Characters
Elle Woods
Matthew Davis
Warner Huntington Ⅲ
• The law is reason free from passion.
• I love this everything about this movie including its storyline, actors, actresses and so on. I think this movie is very sweet. Why do I think so? There are some reasons. First of all, Reese Witherspoon who is acting the heroine "Elle Woods" is very cute, not only cute but also her fashions are so charming. Secondly, I like Elle's character. She is always positive with everything, even if she faces serious or difficult situations. My favorite scene is that where Law School students including Elle, Elle's old boyfriend, Warner and his girlfriend Vivian are taking a class. As Elle's opinion is praised by professor, and her opinion is better than Warner's, Warner and Vivian look each other with chagrined face. When I saw the scene, I felt refreshed, and I wanted to say to Elle that "You did it, Elle!" I really like this movie! The storyline, all of fashions are cute, and actors as well as actresses are suitable for their characters. This movie is not only sweet, charming and delightful, but also Elle Woods told us that a lot of important things for human's beings. In particular I want many ladies to see this movie, but I recommend this movie to to everyone including young boys!
• “我们到哈佛的第一天,一位英明的教授引 用亚里士多德的话‘法律是没有激情的理 性’,恕我得罪了亚里士多德,可我在哈 佛多年,发现激情是学习法律和生命的关 键因素。要有敢于按自己的信念以及坚强 的自我意识,才能令我们面向世界。记住 第一印象并不一定正确,要相信他人,更 要相信自己。 • 恭喜2004年的毕业班,我们毕业了!”
• quote:英[kwəʊt]美[kwot] • vt.& vi.引述,引用vt.报价;引述vi.引用 • no offense: 无意冒犯 • Ingredient:英[ɪnˈgri:diənt] 美[ɪnˈ ɡridiənt]n. (混合物的)组成部分;(烹调的)原料; (构成)要素;因素 • conviction:英[kən'vɪkʃn]美[kənˈv ɪkʃən] • n.定罪;说服;确信;信念